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1. Whic Which h fea featu ture re in the the 1H NMR spectrum provides information about the number of types of different protons in a compound? compound? a. numb umber of of si signals nals b. integral c. splitting d. chem chemic ical al shi shift ANS A !. Whic Which h fea featu ture re in the the 1H NMR spectrum provides information about the relative number of each type of proton in a compound? compound? a. numb umber of of si signals nals b. integral c. splitting d. chem chemic ical al shi shift ANS " #. Whic Which h fea featu ture re in the the 1H NMR spectrum provides information about the electronic environment of the protons in a compound? compound? a. numb umber of of si signals nals b. integral c. splitting d. chem chemic ical al shi shift ANS $ %. Whic Which h fea featu ture re in the the 1H NMR spectrum provides information about the number of neighboring protons of each proton in the compound? a. numb umber of of si signals nals b. integral c. multiplicity d. chem chemic ical al shi shift ANS & '. Which Which of the follo( follo(ing ing is not true true regarding 1H NMR spectroscopy? spectroscopy? a. )shielding) leads to pea*s at lo(er values of δ b. a )do(nfield) pea* appears at a higher value of δ c. δ for a particular proton depends on the magnetic field strength of the instrument used. d. on a #++ MH, instru instrument ment-- a proton that that adsorbs adsorbs irradiat irradiation ion at a freuency freuency 1!++ 1!++ H, higher higher than the adsorption of /MS appears at δ % ppm. ANS &
Test Bank
0. Which Which of the follo( follo(ing ing is not true true regarding 1H NMR spectroscopy? spectroscopy? a. a )do(nfield) pea* appears at a lo(er value of δ b. on a #++ MH, instrumentinstrument- a proton that adsorbs irradiation irradiation at a freuency ++ ++ H, higher than the adsorption of /MS appears at δ # ppm. c. δ for a particular proton is independent of the magnetic field strength of the instrument used. d. )deshielding) leads to pea*s at higher values of δ ANS A 2. Ho( many many sets sets of euiva euivalent lent proton protonss are there there in he3ane? he3ane? a. ! b. # c. 0 d. 2 ANS " 4. Ho( many many sets of of euivalent euivalent proton protonss are there there in !5methy !5methylhe3an lhe3ane? e? a. ! b. # c. 0 d. 2 ANS & . Ho( many many sets of of euivalent euivalent proton protonss are there there in #5methy #5methylhe3an lhe3ane? e? a. ! b. # c. 0 d. 2 ANS $ 1+. What is the the split splitting ting of the the signa signall in the 1H NMR spectrum for the methyl protons of ethane? a. singlet b. doublet c. triplet d. uartet ANS A 11. 11. What is the the splittin splitting g of the signa signall in the the 1H NMR spectrum for the methyl protons of propane? a. singlet b. doublet c. triplet d. uartet ANS &
Test Bank
1!. What is the splitting of the signal in the 1H NMR spectrum for the methyl protons of 15bromo5!5 methylpropane? a. singlet b. doublet c. triplet d. nonet ANS " 1#. Which of the follo(ing combinations of pea*s appears in the 1H NMR spectrum of diethyl ether&H#&H!6&H!&H#? a. a triplet and a doublet b. a uartet and a se3tet c. t(o singlets d. a triplet and a uartet ANS $ 1%. Which of the follo(ing combinations of pea*s appears in the 1H NMR spectrum of butane? a. a triplet and a doublet b. a triplet and a uartet c. a triplet and a se3tet d. t(o singlets ANS " 1'. Which of the follo(ing combinations of pea*s appears in the 1H NMR spectrum of !-#5 dimethylbutane? a. t(o doublets b. a doublet and a septet c. a singlet and t(o doublets d. a doublet and an octet ANS A 10. Which of the follo(ing combinations of pea*s appears in the 1H NMR spectrum of 1-!5 dimethyo3yethane- &H #6&H!&H!6&H#? a. t(o singlets b. a singlet and a triplet c. a singlet and t(o triplets d. a doublet and a triplet ANS A 12. Which of the follo(ing combinations of pea*s appears in the 1H NMR spectrum of 1-%5 dimethyo3yethane- &H #6&H!&H!&H!&H!6&H#? a. three singlets b. a singlet- a triplet- and a uintet c. a singlet and t(o triplets d. a doublet and a triplet ANS &
Test Bank
14. Which of the follo(ing combinations of pea*s appears in the 1H NMR spectrum of !5methylpropane? a. t(o singlets b. a singlet and a nonet c. a singlet and a decet d. a doublet and a decet ANS $ 1. What is the appearance of the signal corresponding to the &H ! protons in the 1H NMR spectrum of ethyl methyl ether- &H #&H!6&H#? a. a doublet b. a triplet c. a uartet d. a septet ANS & !+. Which &%H"r compound gives a triplet at appro3imately #.' ppm in the 1H NMR spectrum?
a. b. c. d.
1 2 3 4
ANS A !1. Which &%H"r compound gives a doublet at appro3imately #.# ppm in the 1H NMR spectrum?
a. b. c. d.
1 2 3 4
ANS & !!. What is the relative area of the si3 pea*s in a se3et in an 1H NMR spectrum? a. 1!##!1 b. 1#00#1 c. 1'1+1+'1 d. 101'1'01 ANS &
Test Bank
!#. What is the relative area of the si3 pea*s in a septet in an 1H NMR spectrum? a. 1!#%#!1 b. 1#01!0#1 c. 101'#+1'01 d. 101'!+1'01 ANS $ !%. Ho( many signals appear in proton5decoupled a. # b. % c. ' d. 0
& NMR spectrum of #-%5dimethylhe3ane?
ANS " !'. Ho( many signals appear in proton5decoupled a. # b. % c. ' d. 0
& NMR spectrum of !-'5dimethylhe3ane?
ANS A !0. Which of the protons in the follo(ing molecule appear furthest do(nfield in the 1H NMR spectrum?
a. b. c. d.
i ii iii iv
ANS $ !2. Which of the protons in the follo(ing molecule appear furthest do(nfield in the 1H NMR spectrum?
a. b. c. d.
i ii iii iv
Test Bank
!4. Which of the protons in the follo(ing molecule appear furthest do(nfield in the 1H NMR spectrum?
a. b. c. d.
i ii iii iv
ANS $ !. Which of the protons in the follo(ing molecule appear at the highest δ5value in the 1H NMR spectrum?
a. b. c. d.
i ii iii iv
ANS $ #+. Which of the protons in the follo(ing molecule appear at the highest δ5value in the 1H NMR spectrum?
a. b. c. d.
i ii iii iv
ANS A #1. Which of the protons in the follo(ing molecule appear at the highest δ5value in the 1H NMR spectrum?
Test Bank
a. b. c. d.
i ii iii iv
ANS & #!. Ho( many signals appear in the proton5decoupled a. 1 b. ! c. # d. %
& NMR spectrum of 1-%5dibromoben,ene?
ANS " ##. Ho( many signals appear in the proton5decoupled a. 1 b. ! c. # d. %
& NMR spectrum of 1-#5dibromoben,ene?
ANS $ #%. Ho( many signals appear in the proton5decoupled a. 1 b. ! c. # d. %
& NMR spectrum of 1-!5dibromoben,ene?
ANS & #'. Ho( many signals appear in the proton5decoupled a. # b. % c. ' d. 2
& NMR spectrum of %5bromotoluene?
ANS & #0. Ho( many signals appear in the proton5decoupled a. # b. % c. ' d. 2
& NMR spectrum of #5bromotoluene?
ANS $ #2. Ho( many signals appear in the proton5decoupled a. # b. % c. ' d. 2
& NMR spectrum of !5bromotoluene?
Test Bank
#4. Which &%H"r compound7s8 gives a 1#& NMR spectrum consisting of four signals?
a. only 1 b. only 1 and 2 c. only 2 and 3 d. 1- 2- 3 and 4 ANS " #. Which &%H"r compound7s8 gives a 1#& NMR spectrum consisting of t(o signals?
a. only 1 b. only 2 c. only 2 and 3 d. 1- 2- 3 and 4 ANS " %+. Which of the follo(ing compounds gives a 1H NMR spectrum consisting of t(o singlets and a NMR consisting of consisting of three signals?
a. b. c. d.
only i only iii only ii and iii only ii- iii and iv
Test Bank
%1. Which of the follo(ing compounds (ould give a 1H NMR spectrum consisting of t(o singlets and a 1# & NMR consisting of consisting of three signals?
a. b. c. d.
only i only iii only i and iii iii and iv
ANS $ %!. Ho( many signals appear in the proton5decoupled
a. b. c. d.
& NMR spectrum of the follo(ing compound?
2 4 11
ANS & %#. Ho( many signals appear in the proton5decoupled
a. b. c. d.
& NMR spectrum of the follo(ing compound?
0 2 4 11
ANS " %%. Which of the carbon atoms in the follo(ing molecule appears furthest do(nfield in the spectrum?
Test Bank
a. b. c. d.
i ii iii iv
ANS & %'. Which of the carbon atoms in the molecule appears furthest do(nfield in the
a. b. c. d.
& NMR spectrum?
i ii iii iv
ANS $ %0. /he chemical shift of the protons of acetone- &H #&6&H#- is !.1 ppm (hen the spectrum is obtained at !'+ MH,. What is the chemical shift of these protons (hen the spectrum is acuired at '++ MH,? a. 1.+' ppm b. !.1 ppm c. %.! ppm d. 4.% ppm ANS " %2. /he coupling constant- J - bet(een the protons of chloroethane is 2 H, (hen the spectrum is obtained at !'+ MH,. What is the coupling constant bet(een these protons (hen the spectrum is acuired at '++ MH,? a. #.' H, b. 2 H, c. 1% H, d. !1 H, ANS " %4. What is the hydrogen deficiency inde3 for a compound (ith a molecular formula of & 1+H106!? a. 1 b. ! c. # d. % ANS & %. What is the hydrogen deficiency inde3 for a compound (ith a molecular formula of & 1!H106? a. ! b. % c. ' d. 0 ANS &
Test Bank
'+. What is the hydrogen deficiency inde3 for a compound (ith a molecular formula of & 0H11 N? a. 1 b. ! c. # d. % ANS " '1. What is the hydrogen deficiency inde3 for a compound (ith a molecular formula of & 0H0"r !? a. 1 b. ! c. # d. % ANS & '!. Which of the follo(ing compounds gives a 1H NMR spectrum consisting of only a singlet? a. 1-15dibromopropane b. 1-!5dibromopropane c. 1-#5dibromopropane d. !-!5dibromopropane ANS $ '#. Which of the follo(ing compounds gives a 1H NMR spectrum consisting of only t(o singlets? a. &H#6&H!&H!6&H!&H# b. &H#6&H!&H!&H!&H!6H c. &H#6&7&H#8!6&H# d. &H#6&H!&H7&H#86&H# ANS & '%. Which of the follo(ing compounds gives a 1H NMR spectrum consisting of only t(o triplets and a singlet? a. &H#&H76&H#8! b. &H#6&H!&H!&H!&H!6&H# c. &H#6&H!&H!6&H# d. &H#6&H!&H76H8&H# ANS " ''. Which of the follo(ing compounds gives a 1H NMR spectrum consisting of only a singlet- triplet and uintet? a. &H#6&H!&H!&H!&H!6H b. &H#6&H!&H!6&H!&H# c. &H#6&H!&H!&H!6&H# d. &H#6&H!&H7&H#86&H# ANS &
Test Bank
'0. Which of the protons in the follo(ing molecule appear at the highest δ5value in the 1H NMR spectrum?
a. b. c. d.
i ii iii iv
ANS $ '2. Which of the follo(ing compounds have homotopic protons? 1. 2. 3.
propane butane !5methylpropane
a. only 1 b. only 2 c. only 1 and 2 d. 1- 2 and 3 ANS $ '4. Which of the follo(ing compounds have enantiotopic protons? 1. 2. 3.
propane butane !5methylpropane
a. only 1 b. only 2 c. only 1 and 2 d. 1- 2 and 3 ANS " '. Which of the follo(ing is true for pair of homotropic protons? 1. 2.
a. b. c. d.
/hey (ill appear at the same chemical shift in an achiral 7i.e.- nonchiral8 environment /hey (ill appear at the same chemical shifts in a chiral environment only 1 only 2 neither 1 nor 2 both 1 and 2
Test Bank
0+. Which of the follo(ing is true for pair of enantiotopic protons? 1. 2.
a. b. c. d.
/hey (ill appear at the same chemical shift in an achiral 7i.e.- nonchiral environment8 /hey (ill appear at the same chemical shifts in a chiral environment only 1 only 2 neither 1 nor 2 both 1 and 2
ANS A 01. Which of the follo(ing is true for pair of diastereotopic protons? 1. 2.
a. b. c. d.
/hey (ill appear at the same chemical shift in an achiral 7i.e.- nonchiral environment8 /hey (ill appear at the same chemical shifts in a chiral environment only 1 only 2 neither 1 nor 2 both 1 and 2
ANS & 0!. Which &H1+6 compound gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum?
Test Bank
a. b. c. d.
1 2 3 4
ANS " 0#. Which &H1+6 compound gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum?
a. b. c. d.
1 2 3 4
Test Bank
0%. Which &0H1!6! compound gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum?
a. b. c. d.
1 2 3 4
ANS " 0'. Which &0H1!6! compound gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum?
Test Bank
a. b. c. d.
1 2 3 4
ANS & 00. Which &4H1+ compound gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum?
a. b. c. d.
1 2 3 4
Test Bank
02. Which &4H1+ compound gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum?
a. b. c. d.
1 2 3 4
1. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy provides information about a molecule9s carbon5hydrogen frame(or*. ANS / !. All of the follo(ing (ould produce nuclear magnetic resonance !H- 1% N- 106- and 1:. ANS : #. All of the follo(ing compound produce only singlets in a 1H NMR spectrum.
Test Bank
%. /he splitting of signals in the 1H NMR spectrum provides information about the number of neighboring protons of each proton in the compound. ANS / '. &onsider the follo(ing structure.
;f the proton attached to &! in 1-1-!5tribromopropane is coupled (ith the protons on &1 7 J < #.0 H,8 and 7 J < 0.48- the tree diagram of the &! proton is sho(n belo(.
ANS / 0. /he follo(ing compound (ill have a 1H NMR spectrum that consists of
t(o triplets and a singlet- area ratio ##%. ANS : 2. &onsider the compound sho(n belo(.
/he above compound (ould produce a signal further do(nfield in a
& NMR spectrum than
Test Bank
:or each of the compounds belo( tell ho( many signals you (ould e3pect the molecule to have in its normal- broadband hydrogen5decoupled 1#& NMR spectra. =nter the numerical value in the blan* provided to the left of the structure. 1. >>>>>>>
!. >>>>>>>
#. >>>>>>>
%. >>>>>>>
'. >>>>>>>
Test Bank
redict the splitting of each of the numbered hydrogen atoms in the structure belo( in a 1H NMR spectrum. ;dentify as singlet- doublet- triplet- uartet- uintet- se3tet- septet- .... lace the correct splitting in the blan* to the left of the number.
0. >>>>>> 1 ANS singlet 2. >>>>>> 1 ANS uartet 4. >>>>>> 1 ANS triplet . ;dentify the ratio of pea* areas upon integration of the 1H NMR spectrum for A- "- and & respectively. =nter the numbers separated by colons.
ANS #10 &onsider the follo(ing structure. Ans(er the follo(ing uestions by placing the appropriate number in the blan* to the left.
1+. >>>>>/he number of noneuivalent hydrogen atoms in this compound. ANS #
11. >>>>>/he number of signals in the hydrogen5decoupled ANS #
& NMR of this compound.
1!. >>>>>/he number of nonsinglet splitting patterns in the 1H NMR of this compound. ANS +
Test Bank
/he follo(ing uestions pertain to the display of NMR spectra. Match a term to each description belo(. a. /MS b. high5field or upfield side c. MH, d. delta 7δ8 e. lo(5field or do(nfield side f. chemical shift g. intensity 1. !. #. %. '.
When loo*ing at a NMR spectrum the right5hand part of the chart is the >>>>>. /he e3act place on the spectrum at (hich a nucleus absorbs is called its >>>>>. /he calibration standard for 1H and 1#& NMR is >>>>>. NMR spectrum are calibrated using an arbitrary scale that is divided into >>>>> units. /he vertical a3is of spectrum displays the >>>>> of the signal.
1. !. #. %. '.
" : A $ @
1. ;dentify the compound 7&%H06!8 that gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum.
ANS methyl propionate- &H#&H!&6!&H#
Test Bank
!. ;dentify the compound 7&%H46!8 that gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum.
ANS ethyl acetate- &H #&6!&H!&H# #. ;dentify the compound 7H2&l8 that gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum.
ANS !5chloropropane %. ;dentify the compound 7H2&l8 that gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum.
ANS 15chloropropane
Test Bank
'. ;dentify the compound 7&%H468 that gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum.
ANS butanal 0. ;dentify the compound 7&%H468 that gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum.
ANS !5butanone 2. ;dentify the compound 7&4H1+6!8 that gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum.
ANS #5phenylpropanoic acid- h&H !&H!&6!H
Test Bank
4. ;dentify the compound 7&4H11 N8 that gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum.
ANS 15phenylethanamine- h&H7NH !8&H# . ;dentify the compound 7&4H1+8 that gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum.
ANS p53ylene 71-%5dimethylben,ene8 1+. ;dentify the compound 7&4H1+8 that gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum.
ANS m53ylene 71-#5dimethylben,ene8
Test Bank
11. ;dentify the compound 7& 4H1+8 that gives the follo(ing 1H NMR spectrum.