TCS Pool Campus Drive: Aptitude Test-3 Test-3 1. x < 1/100, and x < 0 what is the highest range in which x can lie? A. -1/10 < x < 0 B. -1 < x< 0 C.-1/10 < x< 1/10 D. -1/10
A. Cannt be $"nd $r% the in$r%atin B. 1 1/2 C. 1 / D. ne $ these There There are 10 ste**ing stnes stnes n"%bered n"%bered 1 t 10 as shwn shwn at the side. A $l! "%*s $r% the $irst stne as 7 . $llws 5+er! %in"te it "%*s t the 4th stne $r% where it started that is $r% 1st it w"ld g t (th and $r% (th it w"ld g t 'th and $r% 'th it w"ld g t )rd etc. =here w"ld the $l! be at the &0th %in"te i$ it starts at 1? A. 1 B. ( C. 4 D. ' . =hat is the the re%ainde re%ainderr when when &1>11 &1>11& & is di+ided di+ided b! ? A. 1 B. & C. 0 D. ) '. #n base base , an"% an"%be berr is is wri writt tten en nl! nl! "sin "sing g the the digi digits ts 0, 1, 1, 2,&. 2,&. The The n"% n"%be berr 1)( 1)( inb inbas asee is is 1 x 2 > ) x > ( ; ( in base 10. =hat is the s"% $ the base n"%bers 12)4 and &(4) in base ? A. 11101 B. 11110 C. 10111 D. 11011 10. The se8"en se8"ence ce An is de$ined b! A1 ; 2 and An>1;An>2n what is the +al"e $ A 100 A. ''02 B. ''00 C. 10100 D. ''04 11. 6ind the n"%ber $ rectangles rectangles (x( s8"are s8"are %atrix 9A s8"are is als cnsidered cnsidered a rectangle: rectangle: A. 2(0 B. &2( C. 22( D. ne 12. A, B, C and D g $r a *icnic. *icnic. =hen A stands stands n a weighing weighing %achine, %achine, B als cli%bs cli%bs n and the weight shwn was 1)2 g. =hen B stands, C als cli%bs n, and the %achine shw 1)0 g. i%ilarl! the weight $ C and D is $"nd as 102 g and that $ B and D is 11& g. =hat is D@s weight A. (g B. 44 g C. g D. ne 1). ! is nw 4 !ears lder than 5ri 5ri and hal$ $ that a%"nt lder than #ris. #$ in 2 !ears, ! will will be twice as ld as 5ri, then in 2 !ears what w"ld be !@s age %"lti*lied b! #ris@s age? A. 2 B. 4 C. (0 D. (2 14. , , , and = are integers. integers. The ex*ress ex*ressin in - - is e+en and the ex*ressin ex*ressin - - = is dd. #$ is e+en what %"st be tr"e? A. = %"st be dd B. - %"st be dd C. = %"st be dd D. %"st be dd 1(. r. and rs. rs. %ith ha+e in+ited ' $ their $riends $riends and their s*"ses s*"ses $r a *art! at the =aiii =aiii Beach Beach resrt. The! stand $r a gr"* *htgra*h. #$ r. %ith ne+er stands next t rs. %ith 9as he sa!s the! are alwa!s tgether therwise:. w %an! wa!s the gr"* can be arranged in a rw $r the *htgra*h? A. 20E B.1'E >1E C. 1 x 1'E D. 2 x 1'E 1&. #n a rectang"lar crdinate crdinate s!ste%, what is the area $ a triangle triangle whse +ertices whse +ertices +ertices ha+e the crdinates 94,0:, 9&, ): and 9&, -):
A. &
. ( D .
1. A drawer drawer hlds 4 red hats and 4 bl"e hats. hats. =hat is the *rbabili *rbabilit! t! $ getting exactl! exactl! three red hats r exactl! three bl"e hats when taing "t 4 hats rand%l! "t $ the drawer and i%%ediatel! ret"rning
1. A drawer drawer hlds 4 red hats and 4 bl"e hats. hats. =hat is the *rbabili *rbabilit! t! $ getting exactl! exactl! three red hats r exactl! three bl"e hats when taing "t 4 hats rand%l! "t $ the drawer and i%%ediatel! ret"rning e+er! hat t the drawer be$re taing "t the next? A. 1/2 B. 1/ C. 1/4 D. )/ 1. #n hw %an! wa!s wa!s can we distrib"te 10 identical identical ling *encils t 4 st"dents st"dents s that each st"dent st"dent gets at least ne *encil? A. (040 B. 210 C. 4 D. ne $ these 1 9 . The *ri%e $actriFatin $ integer is A x A x B x C, where A, B and C are all distinct *ri%e integers. w %an! $actrs des ha+e? A. 12 B. 24 C. 4 D. & 20. Ti% and 5lan are '0 % $r% each each ther. The! The! start t %+e each ther si%"ltane"sl! Ti% Ti% at s*eed 10 and elan ( %*h. #$ e+er! h"r the! d"ble their s*eed what is the distance that Ti% will *ass "ntil he %eet 5lan A. 4( B. &0 C. 20 D. 0 21. A $ather $ather *"rchases *"rchases dress $r his three da"ghter. da"ghter. The The dresses are $ sa%e clr b"t $ di$$eren di$$erentt siFe. The dress is e*t in dar r% .=hat is the *rbabilit! that all the three will nt chse their wn dress. A. 2/) B. 1/' C. 1/& D. 1/) 22. is an integer and and G2, at %st hw %an! integers integers a%ng > 2, > ), > 4, > (, > &, and > are *ri%e integers? A. 1 B. ) C. 2 D. 4 2). A t"rtle t"rtle is crssing a $ield. =hat =hat is the ttal distance 9in %eters: %eters: *assed b! t"rtle? t"rtle? Cnsider the $llwing tw state%ents 9: The a+erage s*eed $ the t"rtle is 2 %eters *er %in"te 9: ad the t"rtle waled 1 %eter *er %in"te $aster than his a+erage s*eed it w"ld ha+e $inished 40 %in"tes earlier A. tate%en tate%entt alne alne is en"gh en"gh t get the answe answer r B. Bth state% state%ents ents and and are neede needed d t get the the answer answer C. tate%en tate%entt alne alne is en"gh en"gh t get the answer answer D. Data ata inad inade8 e8"a "ate te 24. 7i+en the $llwing in$r%atin, in$r%atin, wh is !"ngest? C is !"nger than A A is taller than B C is lder than B C is !"nger than D B is taller than C A is lder than D A. D B. B C. C D. A 2(. A bag cntains cntains an e8"al e8"al n"%ber $ ne r"*ee r"*ee cins, (0 *aisa cins cins and 2( *aisa cins res*ecti+e res*ecti+el!. l!. #$ the ttal +al"e is s. )(/- .w %an! cins $ each t!*e are there? A. 20 B. 2( C. 2 D. )0 2&. The water $r% ne "tlet, "tlet, $lwing at a cnstant rate, rate, can $ill the swi%%ing *l in ' h"rs. The The water $r% secnd "tlet, $lwing at a cnstant rate can $ill "* the sa%e *l in a**rxi%atel! in ( h"rs. #$ bth the "tlets are "sed at the sa%e ti%e, a**rxi%atel! what what is the n"%ber $ h"rs re8"ired re8"ired t $ill $ill the *l? *l? A. 4.21 B. ).(2 C. 2.( D. ).21 2. #$ (H $ a class answered the $irst 8"estin 8"estin n a certain test crrectl!, crrectl!, ((H answered the secnd secnd 8"estin n the test crrectl!, crrectl!, and 20H answered neither $ the 8"estins crrectl!, what what *ercentage answered bth crrectl!? #t is a *rble% belngs t sets. =e "se the $llwing $r%"la n9A I B: ; n9A: > n9B: - n9A JB: ere n9A I B: is the *e*le wh answered at least ne $ the 8"estins. A. (0 B. )0 C. 40 D. &0 2. A st"dent@ st"dent@ss a+erage a+erage 9Arith%etic 9Arith%etic %ean: %ean: test scre n 4 tests is . =hat %"st be the st"dents scre scre n a (th test $r the st"dents@ a+erage a+erage scre n the (th test t be 0? A. B. C. '2 D. (
2'. &0 %en c%*lete a wr in &0 da!s. The! starts the wr a$ter e+er! tenth da! ( %en lea+e the
wr, then the ttal wr is c%*leted in hw %an! da!s? 9a: 12( 9b: 10 9c: (
9d: '0
)0. Kse is a st"dent st"dent $ hrtic"lt" hrtic"lt"re re in the Ini+ersit! Ini+ersit! $ se. #n a hrtic"lt" hrtic"lt"ral ral ex*eri%ent ex*eri%ent in his $inal !ear, 200 seeds were *lanted in *lt # and )00 were *lanted in *lt ##. #$ (H $ the seeds in *lt # ger%inated and 42H $ the seeds in *lt ## ger%inated, what *ercent $ the ttal n"%ber $ *lanted seeds ger%inated? A. 4 B. 4 C. 4& D. 4(