1. Not eno enough ugh det detail ail 2. Not filling in all sections of the lesson plan template (including the top and timings, interaction etc) 3. Lesso Lesson n plans in the the wrong format format (i.e. (i.e. not E – S – ) !. Not co"ering co"ering the correct correct grammar#lan grammar#language guage point point $. %e %eaching aching in the Engag Engage e stage stage &. No teaching teaching in the Stud' stage . a"ing the students wor* indi"iduall' or using written wor*sheets wor*sheets in the cti"ate stage +. %e %eaching aching in in the cti"ate cti"ate stage stage . a"ing unrelated acti"ities in an' stage stage of the lesson i.e. ha"ing a lesson to teach food "oca-ular' with an cti"ate stage de-ate on on the political landscape in merica. merica. 1./sing contentious su-0ect matter such as politics, religion, matters of a personal nature etc.
%he lesson plan form ma' ta*e some time to complete, so if 'our internet connection isnt sta-le we would suggest wor*ing on the contents offline. %his would mean using the headers in the -lan* lesson plan in the c ontrol panel as a guide and wor*ing on 'our lesson plan in something li*e a ord document. nce 'ou"e finished, 'ou should then cop' and paste the contents into the online form. %hat wa', if the su-mission is unsuccessful, 'ou ha"e a cop' to wor* from to su-mit again. Write a straight-arrow ESA lesson plan for a pre-intermediate level class where the focus of the lesson is to practice a single usage of the present continuous tense and for the students to be able to use it effectively. Provide as much detail as possible for each stage of the lesson and activities used. The lesson should be one hour long. ithin 'our lesson plan procedure, also include full details of all wor*sheets or e4ercises that the students are e4pected to complete during the lesson, with e4amples of 5uestions as*ed and the t'pes of answers 'ou would e4pect them to produce.
Teacher donna 7autist
Date and time
Expected number of students
Class level re9intermedia
Language points ntinuous tens
Teaching aids and pens.
Learner objectives processes using present continu
Anticipated problems for students 1. Students ma' conf use the us 2. Students ma' ha"e dif ficult' 3. Students ma' ha"e dif ficult'
Personal aims ding -' conducting a sample acti"
Anticipated problems for teacher ticipate and ha"e fun w hile learnin
olutions pare the uses -ut for this lesson =et students to repeat the sound ec*ing, e4amples and demonstart
olutions 8ro"ide fun acti"ities.
Procedure ent possi-le answers ; ? thin* this
+ mins.
$ mins
%9S and S9S
1$ mins
cher as*s students w hat the' all h ent; %he' are all sea creatures.
1 $. 6SS?@E . A?SSL@E
Aefinition of w ords in the cros 2. %o go -adB to -e decomposed
students w or* in pairs or small gr s students answ er to the 5uestio
3 into goo. hemsel"es all the time.
! e and more animals are -ecoming ers are s truggling to produce eno ees are decreasing dail'.) llution is increas ing in an alarming
Phase cti"ate
1+ mins
3 mins
d other errors for later -ut for now ps ta*ing turns adding new statem
ple doing diff erent acti"ities using 8resent :ontinuous sentenc es co