Teks Contoh Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris Dear Lucy, Hai Lucy, how are you, there? ell, another year has !assed" I #ust can$t belie%e that it went so &uickly" I$%e been studying 'or my e(ams and grate'uly I 'inished high school" )ow I start my studies at medical college and I really miss the time that we s!ent together" I am so sorry because I didn$t send letters 'or you" *ctually *ctually I lost your address and I was lucky to 'ind it again" *nd how are you? I ho!e that that you and your 'amily are all right" right" Did you #oin the Interior Design College as you always wished? I really want to know your latest news and know e%erything about your studies" I$m writing to tell you that I ha%e been to +uro!e and it was great" Do you belie%e that I met our 'riend ara ara in -rance? It was by accident" She has been there 'or 'i%e years" She got married and she is waiting 'or her baby now" ell that$s all about me and we$re all doing 'ine here" Take Take care. our best 'riend, Sandra
CONTOH SURAT UNDANGAN RAPAT RAPAT Sinclair /ictoria, British Colombia, Canada Sa%e and Shine Cor!" /ictoria, British Colombia, Canada Dear 0s" 10r" Scoot *dam, I am writing to re&uest a meeting to discuss the issue o' global !o%erty !o%erty,, an issue I think is crucial in this new !arliament" ould it be !ossible to meet with you be'ore the S!eech 'rom the Throne, or at least be'ore the 'ederal budget is !resented? orldwide, !o%erty kills more than 23,333 !eo!le e%ery day 4 one third o' all deaths" These deaths are %irtually !re%entable" Canada has !ledged to address !o%erty reduction both domestically and internationally, but is 'ailing to im!lement its !romises" ou o u will 'ind attached a brie'ing note 'rom the 0ake Po%erty History Cam!aign that outlines how Canada can meaning'ully address !o%erty at home and globally" I ho!e you will consider su!!orting these measures, and #oining with the many thousands o' celebrities and ordinary 'olks who su!!ort this issue in Canada and internationally" *s a constituent in your your riding I would a!!reciate the o!!ortunity o!!ortunity to discuss this issue with with you in !erson" Please contact me at your earliest con%enience, at 35267892:;5<" Sincerely, Smith Sinclair
1. Contoh pertama
May 28, 2010
THE HUMAN RESOURCES & ADMINISTRATION HEAD Inara !"ht!n"#, t$. A% Dha%! Un!te$ Ara% Em!rate#
Dear S!r or Ma$am'
I am (r!t!n" to e)p*ore the po##!%!*!ty o+ emp*oyment a# Doment Contro**er !n yor repta%*e +!rm. I am a Compter S!ene "ra$ate o+ the Un!-er#!ty o+ the h!*!pp!ne#, D!*!man, /eon C!ty. I %r!n" (!th me #e-era* year# o+ e)per!ene a# !n+ormat!on #y#tem# ana*y#t o+ *ea$!n" ompan!e# that !n*$e N!##an Motor h!*!pp!ne#, In.
My #tron" ompter #!**#, no(*e$"e o+ mo$ern (or$ proe##!n" #o+t(are, an$ proet mana"ement too*# are %t #ome o+ the th!n"# that mae me an a##et to yor ompany.
Attahe$ !# my re#me +or yor per#a*. Sho*$ yo re3!re any +rther !n+ormat!on, I an %e reahe$ at 45267776125 9$r!n" re"*ar %#!ne## hor#:, or at 452677764;8< 9$r!n" re"*ar %#!ne## hor#:.
S!nere*y, 9#!"ne$: RINI ROS=IDAH
2. Contoh >e$a
Apr!* 2010
MS. ASSANA ON? The A$m!n!#trat!-e O++!er The Roya* Tha! Em%a##y !n Man!*a
Dear M#. on"'
I am a Commn!at!on# "ra$ate o+ the Un!-er#!ty o+ the h!*!pp!ne#6D!*!man (!th #e-era* year# o+ (or!n" e)per!ene "a!ne$ +rom #ome o+ the h!*!pp!ne#@ repta%*e pr!-ate +!rm#, a non6"o-ernmenta* or"an!at!on, an$ "o-ernment.
I am (r!t!n" to app*y +or the po#!t!on o+ E)et!-e A##!#tant a$-ert!#e$ on o%#treet.om.ph on 10 May 2010. Th!# po#!t!on part!*ar*y !ntere#t# me %ea#e !t (o*$ ena%*e me to mae +** #e o+ my a$m!n!#trat!-e an$ or"an!at!ona* #!**#. I ha-e (e**6$e-e*ope$ (r!tten an$ ora* ommn!at!on #!**# that an %e -ery #e+* !n arry!n" ot the $t!e# +or the a%o-e6 ment!one$ po#!t!on.
On top o+ the#e ompeten!e#, I a$here to a (or eth! an$ an e++et!-e*y !nterat (!th peop*e aro## a** *e-e*# o+ the or"an!at!ona* #trtre. I %e*!e-e I an % e an a##et to yor or"an!at!on.
My re#me !# en*o#e$ (!th th!# o-er *etter. It #ho(# my o-era** e)pert!#e an$ e)per!ene !n the +!e*$. I (o*$ (e*ome the opportn!ty to $!### my #!ta%!*!ty +or the po#!t!on an$ omp*y (!th yor other re3!rement#. I an %e ontate$ $r!n" (or!n" hor# at 9452: 87;6 0100 *oa* 1101.
Than yo -ery mh.
S!nere*y, ADE IAN App*!ant
5. Contoh et!"a
Marh 27, 2007
M#. Ro#emar!e Nor%e er#onne* Mana"er M!*e#tone Company Don epe, Ba*an"a C!ty
Dear M#. Nor%e'
=or a$-ert!#ement !n the Marh 22 !##e o+ the Man!*a B**et!n a**# +or an e)et!-e #eretary (ho !# pro+!!ent !n ommn!at!on #!**#, ompter *!terate, an$ (!th p*ea#!n" per#ona*!ty. I #!nere*y %e*!e-e that I meet yor re3!rement# +or the po#!t!on.
I am Er!a . Na-arro, a "ra$ate o+ Bahe*or o+ S!ene, maor !n #yho*o"y at a Sa**e Un!-er#!ty, Man!*a th!# Marh, 28, 2007 a# a m *a$e.
I on#!$er a# my a##et#' my pro+!!eny !n %oth (r!tten an$ #poen En"*!#h an$ !*!p!no, my ompter #!**#, an$ my *ea$er#h!p #!**# (h!h ( ere hone$ !n my apa!ty a# the e$!tor !n h!e+ o+ my #hoo*@# #t$ent p%*!at!on an$ a# a San""n!an" >a%ataan Cha!rman o+ or Baran"ay. I am har$(or!n", e++!!ent, an$ h!"h*y $r!-en, an$ I am (!**!n" to n$er"o tra!n!n" to +rther !mpro-e my apa%!*!t!e#.
or yor per#a* an$ e-a*at!on, I ha-e en*o#e$ my re#me (h!h !n*$e# my #pe!a* #!**#, tra!n!n" an$ aomp*!#hment# an$ a(ar$# a# a #t$ent, an$ a photoopy o+ my o++!!a* tran#r!pt o+ reor$# +or yor e-a*at!on. Sho*$ yo (!#h to a# a%ot my per#ona* tra!t# an$ apa%!*!t!e#, I ha-e a*#o !n*$e$ a *!#t o+ re+erene# +or yo.
I am -ery mh (!**!n" to ome o-er +or a per#ona* !nter-!e( (!th yo anyt!me $r!n" o++!e hor#.
Re#pet+**y yor#,
Er!a . Na-arro
. Contoh >eempat
Septem%er 15, 2008
AE?IS INTE?RATED STRUCTURE COR. Cmp$. 4 Feteran# Roa$, F In$#tr!a* Area, Feteran# Center, Ta"!" C!ty
Dear S!rGMa$am'
I (!#h to app*y +or the po#!t!on, a# a proet en"!neer %a#e on the 3a*!+!at!on yo p%*!#he$ on (e% #!te tra%aho.om.
I +!n!#he$ my Bahe*or o+ S!ene !n C!-!* En"!neer!n" at Un!-er#!ty o+ the h!*!pp!ne#. Crrent*y, I am enro**e$ !n Ma#ter o+ En"!neer!n" maor !n C!-!* En"!neer!n", (here!n I ha-e earne$ 55 n!t# at Tehno*o"!a* Un!-er#!ty o+ the h!*!pp!ne#.
At pre#ent, I am (or!n" a# a ** T!me Co**e"e a*ty !n the ar Ea#tern Un!-er#!ty. I am pro+!!ent !n #!n" MS O++!e #h a# or$, E)e* an$ o(ero!nt an$ Compter A!$e$ De#!"n 9AtoCA$:
I (!#h I (o*$ %e a%*e to !mpart my #!**# an$ to "a!n a$$!t!ona* no(*e$"e +or pro+e##!ona* "ro(th !n yor ompany. I@m -ery ( !**!n" to ome !n yor "oo$ o++!e pon ree!pt o+ yor re#pon#e to no( more $eta!*# a%ot the on$!t!on an$ po*!!e#.
Re#pet+**y yor#,
o#e Fer"ara
7. Contoh >e*!ma
e%rary 28, 2005
En"r. R!"or Ben-!nna Sam#n" ro$t# In. 157 St. Bernar$ Dr!-e a#!" C!ty
Dear En"r. Ben-!nna'
In Marh 2005, I (!** %e "ra$at!n" +rom the Un!-er#!ty o+ the h!*!pp!ne# (!th a Bahe*or@# De"ree !n E*etr!a* En"!neer!n". I am (r!t!n" to e)p*ore the po##!%!*!ty o+ emp*oyment a# a Contro* Sy#tem# En"!neer at yor a#!" +a!*!ty.
Ear*y !n my or#e(or at U, I #er!o#*y %e"an on#!$er!n" +tre emp*oyment (!th Sam#n" ro$t# In. e #e a nm%er o+ yor pro$t# !n or *a%oratory (or, an$ the!r $e#!"n, pre!#!on an$ re*!a%!*!ty are !mpre##!-e. More reent*y, ho(e-er, I note$ !n a pro+e##!ona* ompt!n" orna* that yo are n$erta!n" a ne( proet to app*y m!roompter# !n atomat! ontro* #y#tem#. Many o+ my e*et!-e# (ere !n the +!e*$# o+ ontro* #y#tem# an$ ompter#, an$ I ha-e (ore$ +or t(o #mmer# !n m!roompter# app*!at!on#. I %e*!e-e that I am (e** 3a*!+!e$ to %e"!n (or!n" on yor ne( proet I no( that !t !# $!ret*y re*ate$ to my !ntere#t#.
The en*o#e$ re#me $eta!*# my e$at!ona* %a"ron$ an$ e)per!ene. I (!** %e !n the a#!" area on the +!r#t (ee o+ anary an$ I o*$ %e a-a!*a%*e +or an !nter-!e(, !+ on-en!ent. In the meant!me, !+ yo nee$ any +rther !n+ormat!on, yo may ontat me at 0;.;<1.2<<1. I *oo +or(ar$ to hear!n" +rom yo #oon.
S!nere*y yor#,
ay#on An$aya
4. Contoh >eenam
anary 28, 2012 Mr. ?eor"e ?!*hoo*ey
=J Company 8; De*a(are Roa$ Hat+!e*$, CA 08047 9<0<: 77767777 "eor"e."!**hoo*eyKema!*.om Dear Mr. ?!*hoo*ey, I am (r!t!n" to app*y +or the pro"rammer po#!t!on a$-ert!#e$ !n the Times Union. A# re3e#te$, I am en*o#!n" a omp*ete$ o% app*!at!on, my ert!+!at!on, my re#me an$ three re+erene#.
• •
The opportn!ty pre#ente$ !n th!# *!#t!n" !# -ery !ntere#t!n", an$ I %e*!e-e that my #tron" tehn!a* e)per!ene an$ e$at!on (!** mae me a -ery ompet!t!-e an$!$ate +or th!# po#!t!on. The ey #tren"th# that I po##e## +or #e## !n th!# po#!t!on !n*$e' I ha-e #e##+**y $e#!"ne$, $e-e*ope$, an$ #pporte$ *!-e #e app*!at!on# I #tr!-e +or ont!ne$ e)e**ene I pro-!$e e)ept!ona* ontr!%t!on# to #tomer #er-!e +or a** #tomer# !th a BS $e"ree !n Compter ro"ramm!n", I ha-e a +** n$er#tan$!n" o+ the +** *!+e y*e o+ a #o+t(are $e-e*opment proet. I a*#o ha-e e)per!ene !n *earn!n" an$ e)e**!n" at ne( tehno*o"!e# a# nee$e$. *ea#e #ee my re#me +or a$$!t!ona* !n+ormat!on on my e)per!ene. I an %e reahe$ anyt!me -!a ema!* at "eor"e."!**hoo*eyKema!*.om or my e** phone, <0<677767777. Than yo +or yor t!me an$ on#!$erat!on. I *oo +or(ar$ to #pea!n" (!th yo a%ot th!# emp*oyment opportn!ty. S!nere*y, AI BABA contoh percakapan tentang "agreement and disagreement" Posted by Almaida A. Ade Ninggar Selasa, 26 Maret 20130 koe!tar
O!e day, Rara "as #o$!%#ated "%t& '%(a %! a )ark* Rara "as &er !e" +r%e!d %! a s#&ool* T&ey "ere talk%! abo$t t&e%r &obb%es* Rara - H% '%(a, ay . ask abo$t yo$r &obby / '%(a - o+ #o$rse, y &obby %s "at#&%! o%e* Rara - "&at %s yo$r +aor%te o%e / '%(a - . "o$ld rat&er s)o!ebob s$are)a!ts o%e* Rara - "&at / S)o!ebob s$are)a!ts o%e / &y yo$ l%ke t&at / '%(a - &******. t&%!k, %t %s so +$!!y* s)e#%ally s)o!ebob %s ery #&%ld%s&*
Rara - ya, . aree "%t& yo$* '%(a - &o" abo$t yo$ / do yo$ l%ke s)o!ebob s$are)a!ts o%e l%ke e / Rara - o& !o 4 - . do !ot l%ke t&at* 5e#a$se, . "o$ld rat&er s)e!d y +ree t%e to read t&e book or l%ste! to t&e $s%#* '%(a - "o"*****t&at %s a ood %dea* 5$t, yo$ l%ke "at#&%! t&e o%e are !ot yo$ / Rara - ya, . l%ke t&at b$t . a !ot de)e!de!#e l%ke yo$* '%(a - . bel%ee %t* %ll yo$ #oe to y &o$se %+ . %!%te yo$ to "at#& t&e o%e / Do !ot "orry, . &ae seeral o%e %! y #olle#t%o!* o$ #a! #&oose a!yt&%! "&at yo$ l%ke* Rara - . t&%!k so* . "%ll #oe to yo$r &o$se* '%(a - t&a!k yo$* Rara - yo$ are "el#oe, A+ter t&at, t&ey #ae ba#k to t&e%r &oe, be#a$se t&e ra%! "%ll #ae do"!* 7 See ore at- &tt)-88ala%da%sa!%ta*blos)ot*#o820138038#o!to&7)er#aka)a!7 te!ta!7areee!t7a!d*&tl9st&as&*3P1$"N*d)$+ Class Vacation
oga = So, class" )ow we are going to deliberate our concern about where we are going to head 'or our class %acation" So, who comes u! with the idea 'irst? Habibi = I will %ote 'or *nyer Beach" *nyer Beach is one o' the nearest beaches we can %isit" oga = So, class" Is there anyone who disagrees with *nyer Beach? >enny = m, I am not sure about that" Last %acation our class had gone to *nyer Beach" I
think we should see other o!tions" Habibi = @h yeah. ou$re right, I 'orgot about that" >e'ri = ell, I$m suggesting Aebun aya Bogor Aania = I agree with you, >e'ri" I ha%e ne%er been there mysel'" eri = 0e too, I am with you, Aania" Seeing great trees and !lants must be e(citing" Aebun aya Bogor is like a great #ungle in the middle o' town" Sarah = I$m sorry guys" I think I will disagree with that" It$s rainy season now" *nd as you know, Aebun aya Bogor is located in Bogor which is the city o' rain" *nd seeing the intensity o' rain'all throughout Indonesia lately, I think we might not be able to e(!lore the whole Aebun aya Bogor due to the rain" Tio = I think what Sarah said is right" Aebun aya Bogor is not the best !lace to %isit during this hea%y rainy season oga = ell, are there any other o!tions? -aui = How about Bali? Habibi = )o way. I don$t ha%e enough money to go to Bali Sarah = Habibi is right, -aui" It$s really costly to !ick Bali as an o!tion" oga = @kay, class" To sa%e the time, now let$s #ust write your idea into a !iece o' !a!er and we will deliberate in the ne(t occasion" Thank you"
/ocabularies +(!ression o' *greement and Disagreement *d#" E ad#ecti%e 1 kata si'at %" E %erb1 kata ker#a n" E noun 1 kata benda ad%rb" E ad%erb 1 keterangan deliberate E bermusyawarah %" Concern E !erhatian, masalah, urusan n" head E menu#u %" /acation E liburan n" come u! E muncul %" %ote 'or E memberi suara %" disagree E tidak setu#u %" @!tion E !ilihan n" suggest E menyarankan %" +(citing E menyenangkan ad#" >ungle E hutan n" In the middle o' E di tengah ad%rb" Intensity E intensitas n" Lately E belakangan ini ad%rb"
+(!lore E men#ela#ahi %" Costly E mahal ad#" !ick E memilih %"
Basic Sentences +(!ression o' *greement and Disagreement Ungkapan setuju dan tidak setuju F I agree E saya setu#u F I agree with you E saya setu#u dengan *nda F I couldn$t agree with you more E saya sangat setu#u dengan *nda F That$s so sure E Benar sekali F *besolutely. E Benar sekali. F ou$re absolutely right. E *nda benar sekali. F That$s e(actly what I think E Hal itu te!at se!erti yang saya !ikirkan F +(actly. E Te!at sekali. F I$m a'raid I agree with him E Saya rasa saya setu#u dengan dia F I ha%e to side with you on this one E Saya harus ber!ihak !ada *nda untuk yang satu ini F )o doubt about it E Tidak ada keraguan mengenai hal itu F Tell me about it. GBahasa Slang, bermakna setu#u F I guess so, I su!!ose so E Saya kira begitu GSetu#u ta!i tidak terlalu yakin F I was going to say that E Saya tadi ingin bilang begitu F I am with you E Saya se!enda!at dengan *nda Ungkapan tidak setuju F I don$t think so E Saya rasa tidak F )o way. E Tidak setu#u. Gngka!an tidak setu#u yang kuat F I$m a'raid I disagree with that E Saya rasa saya tidak setu#u dengan hal itu F I totally disagree E Saya sangat tidak setu#u F I beg to di''er E Saya ingin ber!enda!at berbeda F I$d say the e(act o!!osite E Saya ingin ber!enda!at sebaliknya Gngka!an tidak setu#u yang kuat F That$s not always true E Itu tak selalu benar F )ot necessarily E Itu tidak !enting F That$s not always the case E itu bukan selalu masalahnya F )o, I$m not sure about that E Tidak, saya tidak yakin dengan hal itu