Test for Project 4. Third ed. Unit 1.Full description
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PET-SBFull description
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English PET Cambridge TestFull description
Progress test for unit 1. Listening evaluation.
Progress test for unit 1. Listening evaluation.
Ikt Ix Odd Pet Buster
Ingles 2Descripción completa
Surprise 4 - Unit 1
Engl i shLanguage TE ST
- Uni t1-4 (9th gr ade)
Name: __________________________ Number: ______
1) Complete the text text with the the correct correct form form of the the verbs verbs in brakets brakets .Use Present Simple or Simple or Present Continuous.
My cousin Mike comes from Australia Australia.. He __________ ___________( _( live) in Sidney. Sidney. He ________ ____________ ____ (speak) (speak) English and German. My German is horrile so he __________________ (not speak) German to me. !o" he is in England# he he ___________ (stay) for a year. $ut the "eather isn%t very good# it ________(rain) every day so "e___________( spend) most of the days days at home. home. & ________ ____________ ____("atch ("atch)) a movie on '# '# ut Mike ___________ _______________ ______(no __(nott "atch) ecause he _______________ _______________ (not like) movies. Australians ___________(enoy) ___________(enoy) "atching sport.
2) Correct the sentences. Put the frequenc the frequencyy adverb in adverb in the right place . place . a) $ear $earss eat eat fish fish ( ofte often n) ___________________________________
) *olphins live in groups. ( al"ays) al"ays) ____________________________________
c) Giraffes Giraffes clean clean their their ears ears "ith "ith their their tongue tongue.( .( sometim sometimes es ) _______________________ ___________________________________ _______________________ ____________ _
d) 'arantul 'arantulas as don%t don%t attack people.( people.( often ) __________________________________________ e) 'he event eventss at Eistedd Eisteddfod fod are are in Engli English. sh. ( never never ) _______________________ __________________________________ ___________________ ________ 2 3) Comple Complete te tthe he sent sentenc ences es with with : must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to
+. ,ou ,ou ________ _________ _ forget forget the results. results. 'hey%re 'hey%re very very importan importantt -. & ve got an appointmen appointmentt at /pm /pm tomorro" tomorro" so & _____ _________ ____ get up up early early. 0. &%m trying trying to lose "eight "eight.. & _____ _________ ____ eat that that chocolate chocolate.. 1. ,ou ,ou ______________ stand on the plane. 'here are seats for everyone. 2. ,ou ,ou ________ __________ __ leave leave your ags ags "ith someone someone you you don3t kno". kno". 4. ,ou ,ou _______ _________ __ have have a passport passport if you you "ant to travel travel aroad. aroad. 4
Engl i shLanguage TE ST
- Uni t1-4 (9th gr ade)
) !nswer the "uestions
+) 6here are you from7 ______________________ __________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________ ___ -) 6hat%s your name7 _______________________ ___________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________ ___ 0) 6here do you go to school7 ______________________ _________________________________ _______________________ ______________________ __________ 1) 6hat%s your favourite suect7 _______________________ __________________________________ _______________________ ___________________ _______ 2) 6hat do you do in your free time7 _______________________ ___________________________________ _______________________ _______________ ____ 4) Have you got any pets7 _______________________ ___________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ ____________ 8) Ho" many rooms are there in your house7 ____________________________ ________________________________________ _______________ ___ /) 6hat%s your friends%s name7 _______________________ ___________________________________ _______________________ ____________________ _________ 9) Ho" do you go to school7 s chool7 _______________________________ __________________________________________ _______________________ ______________ __ 9 #) $atch the the wor%s with with %efinitions. %efinitions.
A. choir _____ B. display ____ C. fab ____ . druid ____ $. "arm% up ____ '. burn out _____ ). e*idence ____ ,. in danger __ _____ . enormous _____ 0. tragic _____
1. gentle exercise before doing sport 2. exhaustion exhaustion 3. group of singers !.a table sho"ing di#erent things &. pagan priest (. fabulous +. huge -. dramatic /.proof 1. at ris ris