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Test Bank for Modern Database Management 12th Edition by Hoffer Complete downloadable file at: https://testbanku.eu/Test-Bank-for-Modern-Database-Management-12th-dition-b!-"offer 1) A database is an organized collection of ________ ____ ____ related data. A) logically B) physically C) loosely D) badly Answer: A LO: .1: Define Define !ey ter"s. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
() Older syste"s that often contain data of poo r #ality are called ________ syste"s. A) controlled B) legacy C) database D) "ainfra"e Answer: B LO: .1: Define Define !ey ter"s. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology ) +rogra",data dependence is ca#sed by: A) file descriptions being stored in each database application. B) data descriptions being stored on a ser-er. ser-er. C) data descriptions being written into progra""ing code. D) data cohabiting with progra"s. Answer: A LO: 1.(: a"e se-eral li"itations li"itations of con-entional file processing processing syste"s. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology /) Beca#se applications are often de-eloped independently in file processing syste"s: A) the data is always non,red#ndant. B) #nplanned d#plicate data files are the r#le rather than the e0ception. C) data can always be shared with others. D) there is a large -ol#"e of file &O. Answer: B LO: 1.(: a"e se-eral li"itations li"itations of con-entional file processing processing syste"s. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 1 Copyright 2 (314 +earson $d#cation5 &nc.
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6) 7elational databases establish the relationships between entities by "eans of co ""on fields incl#ded in a file called a8n): A) entity. B) relationship. C) relation. D) association. Answer: C LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 4) A8n) ________ is often de-eloped by identifying a for" or report that a #ser needs on a reg#lar basis. A) enterprise -iew B) reporting doc#"ent C) #ser -iew D) #ser snapshot Answer: C LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 9) A graphical syste" #sed to capt#re the nat#re and relationships a"ong data is called a8n): A) *L data "odel. B) hyperte0t graphic. C) relational database D) data "odel. Answer: D LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept
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;) Data that describe the properties of other data are: A) relationships. B) logical. C) physical. D) "etadata. Answer: D LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept <) All of the following are properties of "etadata $C$+': A) data definitions. B) processing logic. C) r#les or constraints. D) data str#ct#res. Answer: B LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept 13) A person5 place5 ob=ect5 e-ent5 or concept abo#t which the organization wishes to "aintain data is called a8n): A) relationship. B) ob=ect. C) attrib#te. D) entity. Answer: D LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 11) ________ are established between entities in a well,str#ct#red database so that the desired infor"ation can be retrie-ed. A) $ntities B) 7elationships C) Lines D) 'ies Answer: B LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 3 Copyright 2 (314 +earson $d#cation5 &nc.
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1() All of the following are pri"ary p#rposes of a database "anage"ent syste" 8DB*%) $C$+': A) creating data. B) #pdating data. C) storing data. D) pro-iding an integrated de-elop"ent en-iron"ent. en- iron"ent. Answer: D LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: Diffic#lt Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 1) >ith >ith the database approach5 data descriptions are stored in a central location !nown as a: A) ser-er. B) "ainfra"e. C) +C. D) repository. Answer: D LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 1/) A #ser -iew is: A) what a #ser sees when he or she loo!s o#t the window. B) a table or set of tables. C) a logical description of so"e portion of the database. D) a proced#re stored on the ser-er. ser-er. Answer: C LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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16) >hich organizational f#nction sho#ld set database standards? A) *anage"ent B) Application de-elop"ent C) 'echnical ser-ices D) Database Ad"inistration Answer: D LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 14) ________ is a tool e-en non,progra""ers can #se to access infor"ation fro" a database. A) ODBC B) %tr#ct#red #ery lang#age C) A%+ D) Data "anip#lation #ery lang#age Answer: B LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 19) >hich of the following is O' an ad-antage of database syste"s? A) 7ed#ndant data B) +rogra",data independence C) Better data #ality D) 7ed#ced progra" "aintenance Answer: A LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 1;) 'he "ost co""on so#rce of database fail#res in organizations is: A) lac! of planning. B) inade#ate b#dget. C) inade#ate hardware. D) fail#re to i"ple"ent a strong database ad"inistration f#nction. Answer: D LO: 1./: &dentify se-eral costs costs and ris!s of the database approach. Diffic#lty: Diffic#lt Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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1<) A r#le that CAO' be -iolated by database #sers is called a: A) password. B) constraint. C) progra". D) -iew. Answer: B LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology (3) &n a file processing en-iron"ent5 descriptions for data and the logic for accessing the data are b#ilt into: A) application progra"s. B) database descriptors. C) fields. D) records. Answer: A LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology (1) $. @. Codd de-eloped the relational "odel in the: A) 1<43s. B) 1<93s. C) 1<;3s. D) 1<<3s. Answer: B LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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(() >hich of the following is O' an ob=ecti-e that dro-e the de-elop"ent and e-ol#tion of database technology? A) 'he need to pro-ide greater independence between progra"s and data B) 'he desire to "anage increasing co"ple0 data d ata types and str#ct#res C) 'he desire to re#ire progra""ers to write all file handling f#nctionality D) 'he need to pro-ide e-er "ore powerf#l platfor"s for decision s#pport applications Answer: C LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: Diffic#lt Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology () 'he period that can be considered a proof of concept ti"e was the: A) 1<63s. B) 1<43s. C) 1<93s. D) 1<<3s. Answer: B LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology (/) A relati-ely s"all tea" of people who collaborate on the sa"e pro=ect is called a: A) ser-er gro#p. B) wor!gro#p. C) data collaborati-e. D) typical arrange"ent. Answer: B LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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(6) A wor!gro#p database is stored on a central de-ice called a: A) client. B) ser-er. C) re"ote +C. D) networ!. Answer: B LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology (4) Organizations that #tilize the file processing approach spend as "#ch as ________ of their &% de-elop"ent b#dget on "aintenance. A) /3 percent B) (6 percent C) 43 percent D) ;3 percent Answer: D LO: 1./: &dentify se-eral costs costs and ris!s of the database approach. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology (9) >hich of the following is O' a cost andor ris! of the database approach? A) %pecialized personnel B) Cost of con-ersion C) &"pro-ed responsi-eness D) Organizational conflict Answer: C LO: 1./: &dentify se-eral costs costs and ris!s of the database approach. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology (;) 'he need for consens#s on data definitions is an e0a"ple of which type of ris! in the database en-iron"ent? A) %pecialized personnel needs B) Organizational conflict C) Con-ersion costs D) Legacy syste"s Answer: B LO: 1./: &dentify se-eral costs costs and ris!s of the database approach. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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(<) A !nowledge base of infor"ation or facts abo#t an enterprise is called a8n): A) enterprise infor"ation syste". B) repository. C) syste"s infor"ation #nit. D) database process. Answer: B LO: 1.6: List and briefly briefly describe nine co"ponents of a typical typical database en-iron"ent. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 3) >hich of the following is software #sed to create5 "aintain5 and pro-ide controlled access to databases? A) etwor! operating syste" B) ser -iew C) Database "anage"ent syste" 8DB*%) D) Attrib#te Answer: C LO: 1.6: List and briefly briefly describe nine co"ponents of a typical typical database en-iron"ent. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 1) A centralized !nowledge base of all a ll data definitions5 data relationships5 screen and report for"ats5 and other syste" co"ponents is called a8n): A) inde0. B) data wareho#se. C) repository. D) database "anage"ent syste". Answer: C LO: 1.6: List and briefly briefly describe nine co"ponents of a typical typical database en-iron"ent. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology () Lang#ages5 "en#s5 and other facilities by which #sers interact with the database are collecti-ely called a8n): A) client. B) #ser interface. C) icon. D) de-elop"ent en-iron"ent. Answer: B LO: 1.4: &dentify fo#r categories categories of applications that #se databases and their !ey characteristics. characteristics. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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) Database de-elop"ent begins with ________5 which establishes the range and general contents of organizational databases. A) database design B) cross,f#nctional analysis C) depart"ental data "odeling D) enterprise data "odeling Answer: D LO: 1.4: &dentify fo#r categories categories of applications that #se databases and their !ey characteristics. characteristics. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology /) 'he traditional "ethodology #sed to de-elop5 "aintain and replace infor"ation syste"s is called the: A) $nterprise 7eso#rce *odel. B) %yste"s De-elop"ent Life Cycle. C) nified *odel. D) %yste"s Deploy"ent Life Cycle. Answer: B LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 6) 'he %DLC phase in which e-ery data attrib#te is defined5 e-ery category of data is listed and e-ery b#siness relationship between data entities is defined is called the ________ phase. A) planning B) design C) analysis D) i"ple"entation Answer: C LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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4) 'he %DLC phase in which database processing progra"s are created is the ________ ______ __ phase. A) planning B) design C) analysis D) i"ple"entation Answer: D LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 9) 'he %DLC phase in which the detailed concept#al data "odel is created is the ________ phase. A) planning B) design C) analysis D) i"ple"entation Answer: C LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology ;) Organizing the database in co"p#ter dis! storage is done in the ________ phase. A) design B) "aintenance C) analysis D) i"ple"entation Answer: A LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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<) An iterati-e "ethodology that rapidly repeats the analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation phases of the %DLC is called: A) CA%$. B) CAD. C) 7AD. D) *%'. Answer: C LO: 1.;: $0plain the prototyping and agile,de-elop"ent approaches to database and application de-elop"ent. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology /3) One of the "ost pop#lar 7AD "ethods is: A) a#to"ated design. B) str#ct#red wal!thro#gh. C) prototyping. D) crafting. Answer: C LO: 1.;: $0plain the prototyping and agile,de-elop"ent approaches to database and application de-elop"ent. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology /1) ________ analyze the b#siness sit#ation and identify the need for infor"ation and infor"ation ser-ices to "eet the proble"s or opport#nities of the b#siness. A) +rogra""ers B) sers C) %yste"s analysts D) Database analysts Answer: C LO: 1.<: $0plain the roles of indi-id#als who design5 i"ple"ent5 #se5 and ad"inister databases. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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/() ________ do O' concentrate on deter"ining the re#ire"ents for the database co"ponent of an infor"ation syste". A) Database analysts B) %yste"s analysts C) +rogra""ers D) $nd sers Answer: D LO: 1.<: $0plain the roles of indi-id#als who design5 i"ple"ent5 #se5 and ad"inister databases. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology /) 'he three,sche"a approach incl#des which of the following sche"as? A) &nternal B) Logical C) Cross,f#nctional D) Dissecting Answer: A LO: 1.13: $0plain the differences differences a"ong e0ternal5 concept#al5 and internal sche"as and the reasons for the three,sche"a architect#re for databases. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology //) A data wareho#se deri-es its data fro": A) on,line transactions. B) -ario#s operational data so#rces. C) reports. D) a data"art. Answer: B LO: 1.13: $0plain the differences differences a"ong e0ternal5 concept#al5 and internal sche"as and the reasons for the three,sche"a architect#re for databases. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology /6) ________ is the "ost pop#lar 7D*% data "odel notation. A) $7D B) $D C) D7$ D) 7$D Answer: A LO: 1.13: $0plain the differences differences a"ong e0ternal5 concept#al5 and internal sche"as and the reasons for the three,sche"a architect#re for databases. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 13 Copyright 2 (314 +earson $d#cation5 &nc.
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/4) &nfor"ation is processed data. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.1: Define Define !ey ter"s. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology /9) *etadata are data that describe the properties of other data. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.1: Define Define !ey ter"s. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology /;) Databases were de-eloped as the first application of co"p#ters to data processing. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.(: a"e se-eral li"itations li"itations of con-entional file processing processing syste"s. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology /<) @ile processing syste"s ha-e been replaced by database syste"s in "ost critical b#siness applications today. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.(: a"e se-eral li"itations li"itations of con-entional file processing processing syste"s. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 63) nplanned d#plicate data files are the r#le rather than the e0ception in file processing syste"s. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.(: a"e se-eral li"itations li"itations of con-entional file processing processing syste"s. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 61) Organizations that #tilize the file processing approach spend only (3 percent of de-elop"ent ti"e on "aintenance. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.(: a"e se-eral li"itations li"itations of con-entional file processing processing syste"s. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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6() *any of the disad-antages of o f file processing syste"s can also be li"itations of databases. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.(: a"e se-eral li"itations li"itations of con-entional file processing processing syste"s. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 6) >ith >ith the traditional file processing approach5 each application shares data files5 th#s enabling "#ch data sharing. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 6/) De-elop"ent starts fro" scratch with the traditional file processing approach beca#se new file for"ats5 descriptions5 and file access logic "#st be designed for each new progra". Answer: '7$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 66) A data "odel is a graphical syste" #sed to capt#re the nat#re and relationships a"ong data. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 64) A well,str#ct#red database establishes the entities between relationships in order to deri-e de ri-e the desired infor"ation. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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69) A person is an e0a"ple of an entity. entity. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 6;) 'he data that yo# are interested in capt#ring abo#t an entity is called a n instance. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 6<) A relational database establishes the relationships between entities by "eans of a co""on field. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: Diffic#lt Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 43) %eparation of "etadata fro" application progra"s that # se the data is called data independence. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 41) Data red#ndancy is #sed to establish relationships between data b#t is ne-er #sed to i"pro-e database perfor"ance. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: Diffic#lt Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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4() 7ed#ndancy increases the ris! of inconsistent data. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 4) A #ser -iew is how the #ser sees the data d ata when it is prod#ced. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 4/) One reason for i"pro-ed application de-elop"ent prod#cti-ity with the database approach is that file design and low,le-el i"ple"entation details do not nee d to be handled by the application progra""er. progra""er. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 46) 'he data repository assists database ad"inistrators in enforcing standards. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 44) 'he fail#re to i"ple"ent a strong database ad"inistrati-e f#nction is the "ost co""on so#rce of database fail#res in organizations. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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49) A constraint is a r#le in a database syste" that can be -iolated by #sers. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 4;) 7ed#ced progra" "aintenance is an ad-antage of file processing syste"s. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 4<) Cost and co"ple0ity are =#st two of the disad-antages of database processing. Answer: '7$ LO: 1./: &dentify se-eral costs costs and ris!s of the database approach. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 93) 'he ter" legacy system refers to a newly installed database "anage"ent syste". Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1./: &dentify se-eral costs costs and ris!s of the database approach. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 91) A "odern database "anage"ent syste" a#to"ates "ore of the bac!#p and reco-ery tas!s than a file syste". Answer: '7$ LO: 1./: &dentify se-eral costs costs and ris!s of the database approach. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 9() Organizational co""it"ent to a database pro=ect is not necessary for its s#ccess. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1./: &dentify se-eral costs costs and ris!s of the database approach. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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9) 7epositories are always #sed in file processing syste"s. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.6: List and briefly briefly describe nine co"ponents of a typical typical database en-iron"ent. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 9/) 'he #ser interface incl#des lang#ages5 "en#s5 and other facilities by which #sers interact with -ario#s syste" co"ponents. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.6: List and briefly briefly describe nine co"ponents of a typical typical database en-iron"ent. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 96) +ersonal databases are designed to s#pport a s"all gro#p of indi-id#als wor!ing together on a pro=ect. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.4: &dentify fo#r categories categories of applications that #se databases and their !ey characteristics. characteristics. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 94) Database de-elop"ent begins with the design of the database. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.4: &dentify fo#r categories categories of applications that #se databases and their !ey characteristics. characteristics. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 99) An enterprise data "odel describes the scope of data for only on e infor"ation syste". Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.4: &dentify fo#r categories categories of applications that #se databases and their !ey characteristics. characteristics. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 9;) Database de-elop"ent pro=ects are ne-er done in a botto",#p fashion. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.4: &dentify fo#r categories categories of applications that #se databases and their !ey characteristics. characteristics. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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9<) 'he syste"s de-elop"ent life cycle is the traditional "ethodology #sed to de-elop5 "aintain5 and replace infor"ation syste"s. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology ;3) 'he steps of the syste"s de-elop"ent life cycle can only be -iewed as a linear process. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology ;1) $nterprise "odeling sets the range and general contents of organizational databases. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology ;() All pro=ects "o-e fro" the planning,enterprise "odeling step to the planning,concept#al data "odeling step of the syste"s de-elop"ent life cycle. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology ;) 'he repository is pop#lated d#ring the analysis phase o f the syste"s de-elop"ent life cycle. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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;/) 'he physical str#ct#re and storage organization of the database is d ecided #pon d#ring the i"ple"entation phase of the syste"s de-elop"ent life cycle. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology ;6) Database processing progra"s are coded an d tested d#ring the design stage of the syste"s de-elop"ent life cycle. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology ;4) Data fro" prior syste"s is con-erted to the new syste" d#ring the i"ple"entation phase of the syste"s de-elop"ent life cycle. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology ;9) Database "aintenance is typically the longest step of the database de-elop"ent process. p rocess. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology ;;) Characteristics of the str#ct#re of the database are gene rally changed d#ring the i"ple"entation phase of the database de-elop"ent process. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.9: Describe the life life cycle of a syste"s de-elop"ent pro=ect5 with an e"phasis on the p#rpose of database analysis5 design5 and i"ple"entation acti-ities. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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;<) +rototyping is a type of rapid application de-elop"ent. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.;: $0plain the prototyping and agile,de-elop"ent approaches to database and application de-elop"ent. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology <3) &n prototyping5 i"ple"entation and "aintenance acti-ities are repeated as necessary #ntil the prod#ct is correct. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.;: $0plain the prototyping and agile,de-elop"ent approaches to database and application de-elop"ent. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology <1) is#al is#al progra""ing tools s#ch as is#al is#al Basic ha-e "ade prototyping "ore diffic#lt. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.<: $0plain the roles of indi-id#als who design5 i"ple"ent5 #se5 and ad"inister databases. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology <() %yste"s analysts wor! directly with both "anage"ent an d #sers to analyze the b#siness sit#ation and de-elop detailed pro=ect specifications. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.<: $0plain the roles of indi-id#als who design5 i"ple"ent5 #se5 and ad"inister databases. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology <) Database architects establish standards for data in b#siness #nits. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.<: $0plain the roles of indi-id#als who design5 i"ple"ent5 #se5 and ad"inister databases. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology ) &n 1<<;5 A%&%+A7C A%&%+A7C p#blished an i"port doc#"ent describing the three,sche"a architect#re. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.13: $0plain the differences differences a"ong e0ternal5 concept#al5 and internal sche"as and the reasons for the three,sche"a architect#re for databases. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 22 Copyright 2 (314 +earson $d#cation5 &nc.
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<6) 'he concept#al sche"a is always technology specific. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.13: $0plain the differences differences a"ong e0ternal5 concept#al5 and internal sche"as and the reasons for the three,sche"a architect#re for databases. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology <4) 'he e0ternal sche"a contains a s#bset of the concept#al sche"a rele-ant to a partic#lar gro#p of #sers. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.13: $0plain the differences differences a"ong e0ternal5 concept#al5 and internal sche"as and the reasons for the three,sche"a architect#re for databases. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology <9) A physical sche"a contains the specifications for how data fro" a concept#al sche"a are stored in a co"p#ters co "p#ters secondary "e"ory. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.13: $0plain the differences differences a"ong e0ternal5 concept#al5 and internal sche"as and the reasons for the three,sche"a architect#re for databases. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology <;) 'he internal sche"a consists of the physical sche"a and the enterprise data "odel. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.13: $0plain the differences differences a"ong e0ternal5 concept#al5 and internal sche"as and the reasons for the three,sche"a architect#re for databases. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology <<) $. @. Codd de-eloped the relational data "odel d#ring the 1<93s. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.11: $-ol#tion of database syste"s. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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133) 'he relational data "odel is no longer pop#lar in the (1st cent#ry. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.11: $-ol#tion of database syste"s. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 131) Altho#gh personal databases i"pro-e prod#cti-ity5 prod#cti-ity5 one ris! is that data cannot be shared with other #sers. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.1(: 'he 7ange of Database Applications. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 13() 'he "ost co""on way to s#pport a gro#p of indi-id#als who wor! together on a pro=ect or gro#p of si"ilar pro=ects is with a two,tier clientser-er database. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.1(: 'he 7ange of Database Applications. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 13) $ach "e"ber of a wor!gro#p accesses data located on a database ser-er. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.1(: 'he 7ange of Database Applications. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 13/) &n two,tier database architect#res5 little f#nctionality needs to be progra""ed into the client application. Answer: @AL%$ LO: 1.1(: 'he 7ange of Database Applications. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 136) *#ltitier clientser-er database applications contain a b#siness logic layer. layer. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.1(: 'he 7ange of Database Applications. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology
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134) An enterprise reso#rce planning syste" integrates all f#nctions of the enterprise. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.1(: 'he 7ange of Database Applications. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 139) A data data wareho#se contains con tains s#""arized and historical infor"ation. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.1(: 'he 7ange of Database Applications. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 13;) An e0tranet #ses &nternet protocols to establish li"ited access to co"pany data by the co"panys c#sto"ers and s#ppliers. Answer: '7$ LO: 1.1(: 'he 7ange of Database Applications. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: Concept AAC%B: &nfor"ation 'echnology 13<) Disc#ss the differences between data and infor"ation. Answer: Data consists of raw facts5 s#ch as fig#res5 fig#res5 strings5 i"ages5 etc. *ost of the ti"e5 data itself is not -ery "eaningf#l #ntil we add so"e additional infor"ation5 s#ch as descripti-e fields as well as so"e str#ct#re. @or e0a"ple5 if one were loo!ing at set of st#dent grades with =#st co#rse n#"bers and a se"ester !ey5 this "ight not be -ery #sef#l. &f we were to add in so"e additional infor"ation5 s#ch as co#rse title5 se"ester and year5 then we wo#ld ha-e infor"ation. LO: 1.1: Define Define !ey ter"s. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: %ynthesis AAC%B: 7eflecti-e 'hin!ing
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113) Disc#ss so"e of the disad-antages of file processing syste"s. Answer: @ile processing syste"s ha-e se-eral se-eral disad-antages5 incl#ding: 1. +rogra",data dependenceE'he progra" is tied to the #nderlying data. >hene-er the data changes5 8in the sense of str#ct#rally)5 then the progra" "#st be "odified. (. D#plication of dataEApplications are often de-eloped separately5 separately5 res#lting in d#plicate data. . Li"ited data sharingE'his is closely related to disad-antage (5 since often applications are de-eloped in a silo. %o5 for e0a"ple5 the acco#nting depart"ent "ight de-elop an application which #ses so"e of the sa"e data as another depart"ent. Fowe-er5 there is no data sharing5 so two sets of data are "aintained. /. $0cessi-e progra" "aintenance and lengthy de-elop"ent ti"esE%ince the progra""er has to write all of the low,le-el file &O for the application5 this adds to the co"ple0ity of the application. Also5 Also5 since the progra" "ight need "aintenance whene-er there is a change to the attrib#tes of the data5 there is a need for a lot of progra" "aintenance. LO: 1.(: a"e se-eral li"itations li"itations of con-entional file processing processing syste"s. Diffic#lty: $asy Classification: %ynthesis AAC%B: 7eflecti-e 'hin!ing 111) Disc#ss so"e of the ad-antages to the database approach. Answer: 'he database approach has se-eral ad-antages incl#ding: 1. +rogra",data independenceE%ince the "etadata is stored in a repository5 the #nderlying data can change and e-ol-e witho#t the need for "aintenance to the applications. (. &"pro-ed data consistencyE%ince there is less red#ndant data5 the data is "#ch "ore consistent. . &"pro-ed data sharingEA database can be created once5 and then se-eral different applications for organization #nits can access the #nderlying tables. /. &ncreased application de-elop"ent prod#cti-ityE&ncreased prod#cti-ity since database "anage"ent syste"s contain tools for de-elop"ent which aid in prod#cti-ity. prod#cti-ity. &n addition5 the de-eloper does not ha-e to worry abo#t writing low,le-el file &O. 6. &"pro-ed data #alityEData #ality i"pro-es beca#se of integrity constraints and range controls that can be b#ilt into the database. LO: 1.: $0plain at least 13 ad-antages of the database approach5 co"pared to traditional traditional file processing. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: %ynthesis AAC%B: 7eflecti-e 'hin!ing
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11() Disc#ss so"e of the costs associated with the database approach. Answer: 'he database approach does not co"e witho#t additional additional costs. 'hese are specifically tied to the following: 1. ew specialized personnel (. Cost of installation and "anage"ent . Con-ersion costs /. eed for e0plicit bac!#p and reco-ery LO: 1./: &dentify se-eral costs costs and ris!s of the database approach. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: %ynthesis AAC%B: 7eflecti-e 'hin!ing 11) +ro-ide a brief o-er-iew of the -ario#s co"ponents of the database en-iron"ent. Answer: Co"ponents of the database en-iron"ent incl#de: incl#de: CA%$ tools5 a repository repository55 the database "anage"ent syste"5 the database itself5 application progra"s and the #ser interface. &n addition5 there are people s#ch as the end #sers5 syste" de-elopers5 data and database ad"inistrators. All of this is an integrated en-iron"ent which i"pro-es the prod#cti-ity of the organization. LO: 1.6: List and briefly briefly describe nine co"ponents of a typical typical database en-iron"ent. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: %ynthesis AAC%B: 7eflecti-e 'hin!ing 11/) Disc#ss why alternati-e &% de-elop"ent approaches ha-e e-ol-ed5 and pro-ide an o-er-iew of a co#ple of these "ethodologies. Answer: 'he %DLC is often criticized for being too long fro" the ti"e of syste" start start #ntil a finished prod#ct is deli-ered. As s#ch5 organizations ha-e beg#n to adopt rapid app lication de-elop"ent techni#es. One techni#e is prototyping5 where a syste" is designed as a prototype5 gi-en to the #ser for testing and then corrected as needed. 'his is an iterati-e iterati-e process. Another "ethodology is Agile software de-elop"ent5 which foc#ses "ore on people than processes. LO: 1.6: List and briefly briefly describe nine co"ponents of a typical typical database en-iron"ent. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: %ynthesis AAC%B: Analytical 'hin!ing 116) Disc#ss who is in-ol-ed in the database de-elop"ent process. Answer: 'here are "any different different types of indi-id#als in-ol-ed in-ol-ed in the database de-elop"ent process. @irst there are the #sers5 ne0t the b#siness analysts analysts who wor! with the #sers to de-elop b#siness specifications. %yste"s analysts t#rn the specifications into technical specifications. Database analysts and "odelers de-elop the act#al database design. +rogra""ers write the application. +ro=ect "anagers "anage the entire pro=ect fro" start to finish. LO: 1.<: $0plain the roles of indi-id#als who design5 i"ple"ent5 #se5 and ad"inister databases. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: %ynthesis AAC%B: 7eflecti-e 'hin!ing
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114) Disc#ss $nterprise 7eso#rce +lanning %yste"s5 and contrast these to data wareho#ses. Answer: An $7+ syste" integrates integrates all f#nctions of the enterprise. $7+ syste"s pro-ide the data necessary for an organization to "anage all of its data. >hile $7+ syste"s rely on operational data5 data wareho#ses are designed to #se s#""arized5 historical data and are #sed "ore in the role of decision s#pport. LO: 1.1(: 'he 7ange of Database Applications. Diffic#lty: *oderate Classification: %ynthesis AAC%B: Analytical 'hin!ing
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