II"Write #uestions and short answers in $resent %ontinuous 1. 2.
$eter eter / &o / to the the cine cinema ma ' ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ (es"___________ (es"__________________ _______ the the / to pla pla / a &ame &ame ' ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ )o"___________________
she she / to list listen en /to /to the the radi radio o ' ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ (es"___________ (es"________________ _____
ou ou / to do / the the wash washin in&' &'up up ' ' ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ )o"________________
III.Circle the correct form of the verb:
1. -oo! man 0runs" is runnin&" after after ila. 2. The doctor 0is ta!in& care of" " ta!e ta!e care of m mother ri&ht now. now. 3. It 0 rains" rains" is rainin& rainin& heail at the moment. 4. other 0 is feedin&" feeds the +a+ eer ni&ht.
*. an children 0are plain&" pla in the par! eer afternoon. ,. The +os 0is plannin&" plan the trip toda.
I V.What must people do.Write sentences with must
1.5ohn can6t pla the &uitar er well.
0practice more _____________________________________
2. sister alwas &ets +ad mar!s. 0do her homewor! _______________________________________ 3. +rother6s hair is er lon& . 0cut it _________________________________________________ 4. friends aren6t #uiet in class 0stop tal!in& ___________________________________________ *.I can6t see the +oard in class 0wear &lasses ____________________________________________ ,.We6re &oin& to the wildlife par!.0+rin& cameras __________________________________________ V.Circle the correct answer.
Which one7.. 1.is an insect
a chic!en/a duc!/a +utter8
2.can6t 8
a +ud&ie/an ea&le/a dolphin
3.can 8
a &ira9e/ an ea&le / an dolphin
4.can swim
a shar!/a cow /a &oat
*.can clim+ a tree
a mon!e/an ostrich/a pi&
,.eats insects
a sheep/a &oat /a fro&
:.is a wild animal
a sheep / a lion / a duc!
;.is a farm animal
a &ira9e / a sna!e / a cow
VI. Complete the text with the words in bold fish , at night , eat , sleep , do , have , can ,ears , different, frogs
There are nearly 1,000 different species of bats Are all bats nocturnal?
Yes, bats hunt _____. In the day they __________. What do bats eat? __________ bats eat different things. Many bats ______ fruit and seeds. Others eat insects, mammals,__________ and small animals .Bats are hungry ________. ome _____ eat 1,!00 insects in a "ust one hour# Are bats blind? $o. This is the great myth about bats. Bats ________ good eyesight for daytime. But they do ha%e %ery poor night %ision. ____ bats have good hearing? Bats ha%e the best hearing of all land mammals. They often ha%e huge _______ .