Martina Ivandić
Emilija Mustapić
Modern English Practise I December 20 th 2015
Sir rthur rthur !onan Do"le# $he dventures o% Sherloc& Sherloc& 'olmes
Sir rthur !onan Do"le published nine Sherloc& 'olmes boo&s bet(een 1))* and 1+2*, Sherloc& 'olmes (as- in essence- a h"brid bet(een the .ictorian gentleman- scientist and t he police detective- he has sho(n us the brilliance o% his mind and e/traordinar" (a" o% thin&ing, 'olmes needed to be %la(ed in certain (a"s- so the author made him something o% a loner- (ith obsessive%anatical and addictive traits, s a plot devise it (as use%ul %or !onan Do"le to have 'olmes assume di%%erent guises (here necessar"- to provide inteligence so that segue bet(een elements o% the inestigation could be made, $he short s tories are partl" narrated b" b " dr, ohn atsonatson- Sherloc&s best %riend and companion- and b" Sherloc& himsel%, Stories tell us about adventures o% %ictional characters,
$he stor" is named $he man (ith a t(isted lip and in li&e an" other stor" our main characters are Sherloc& 'olmes- the %amous %a mous detective- and his %riend dr, ohn atson, atson, hile being hired to investigate a m"sterious li%e o% Mr St !lair the" are i ntroduced (ith a li%e o% beggars and homeless people, 3 4rie%l" 4rie%l "- atsonatson- I am in the midst o% a ver" remar&able re mar&able inuir"- and I hoped to %ind a
clue in the incoherent ramblungs o% these sots- as I have done be%ore no(,3 Mrs St !lair- the lad" (ho has hired them- urged them to %ind her husband declaring her belie% that he is still alive and that he (ill come bac& home, Sherloc& tries to %ind ever" clue to %it the pieces o% a pu66le together, Seeing (hat the police have %ound about about the missing person Sherloc& slo(el" begins to understand (hat is the real reason %or Mr St !lairs missing,
Sherloc& 'olmes is a brilliant detective (ho has an ama6ing mind, !are%ull" revealing all possible solutions- he %inds not onl" the reason %or crimes but also he reveales (hole bac&ground o% characters, 7ther perspective o% an investigator is provided b" dr, ohn atson, atson, 'e approaches to the victimes %rom medical point o% vie(- al(a"s tr"ing to %ind a realistic solutions, 'e is a valuable companion o% this duo- b" providing Sherloc& a di%%erent point o% vie( he o%ten gives hints that ma&es crimes easier to solve, 8amil" St !lair gives us a picture o% a (i%e in a caring position to(ards her husband(hile Mr St !lair gives us a perspective o% a man (ho (or&s hard to provide a decent li%e to his %amil" and a respect%ul position in societ ", $his stor" brings us the problematic side o% English societ" o% that time, It tells us ho( bad decisions in li%e can ma&e us desperate and b" l"ing (e can %a&e our (hole (hole lives, 9ies in the end do not bring an"thing good to this %amil" nor to an" other %amil" in di%%erent situations, $he boo& describes ho( crime %or mone" does not bring an"thing good, $he main problem is the societ" (hich places us in a position o% choosing choosing (hat &ind o% li%e (e (ant- but al(a"s giving us certain commands, It can be also re%%ered in our time because it describes resoultion o% a man regarding mone" and social status- and decisions o% a lad" (ho is tr"ing to bring bac& her %amil" bac& together, hile introducing us to the case (e are unable to give an" &ind o% resolution- so 'olmes provides us not onl" the ending o% the crime but also the main reason and all the circumstances, smart- (itt" and brilliant stor" gives us something to thin& about, It places us in a position o% being involved in the case and b" seeing (hat is going on (e also ma&e our conclusions, conclusions, It can be
read in one breath because it guides us and drags us do(n in its o(n little (orld, I (ould reccommend it %or ever"one (ho are a%ter the thrill and mind ramblings,