CRE0ITS 0esi(n# Blake Mobley 0esi(n Resource# Tim Beach Editin(# Mike Breault Black and hite &rt# Terry 0ykstra/ >alerie >alusek Color &rt# Carol Heyer/ ,ohn and *aura *ake y/ len rbik/ Clyde Cald!ell Typo(raphy# &n(elika *okotD Production# Paul Hanchette TSR/ Inc PB @6? *ake ene1a/ I 6;5<@ "S&
TSR *td 52 Church End/ Cherry Hinton Cambrid(e CB5 ;*B "nited )in(dom
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Introduction In e1ery area and e1ery re(ion throu(hout the !orld/ tra1elin( musicians !andered throu(hout the land They mo1ed %rom to!n to to!n/ makin( a li1in( by plyin( their trade as artists o% sound and motion In the &090: (ame/ ad1enturers !ho do this are called bards Historically/ bards !ere the poet+musicians o% the Celtic peoples li1in( in the British Isles Fthe Irish/ elsh/ and ScotsG Bards composed music/ san( son(s/ and entertained their masters "sually they !orked %or noblemen a nd spent their time honorin( these noblemen and their %amilies in son( and music Bards o%ten accompanied their son(s on the crwth/ a type o% lyre Since their music !asn't !ritten do!n/ most o% it has 1anished 0urin( the early Middle &(es/ bards had considerable political po!er and in%luence in the royal houses Ho!e1er/ in 52A< &0/ Ed!ard I con.uered ales the resultin( turmoil reduced the importance o% bards -oblemen had more pressin( concerns/ and bards !ere le%t to %end %or themsel1es & %e! lin(ered on/ into the 5@th and 5Ath centuries in Ireland and Scotland as %olk sin(ers and musicians/ but they e1en tually 1anished alon( !ith their music 0urin( the 5th century/ a determined e%%ort !as made to re1i1e the bardic tradition 3olk music (atherin(s took place in and near ales These neo+bardic acti1ities cau(ht on amon( the public/ and today the annual Eistedd%od %olk %esti1al is a popular and (ro!in( e1ent in this re(ion o% the !orld Thus/ bards ha1e sho!n a cunnin( knack to sur1i1e throu(h the a(es In one %orm or another/ bards ha1e been around %or nearly 5/ years Besides the Eistedd%od %esti1al/ the bard has been immortaliDed in the (enre o% %antasy -o! you ha1e a chance to continue the bardic tradition This book co 1ers not only the traditional bard/ but e4pands the class !ith ne! and uni.ue character kits &ll o% these kits in1ol1e some %orm o% li1e entertainment/ as all bards are entertainers at heart -early hal% o% these kits entertain throu(h music in one %orm or another# poetry/ son(/ instruments/ etc But some present such di1erse ne! kits as the Blade/ !ho entertains throu(h creati1e !eapon displays/ kni%e thro!in(/ and s!ord s!allo!in( Read on and en7oy
ptional Rules ithin this book are many ne! rules/ bard kits/ su((estions on role+playin(/ details o% instruments/ and ne! pro%iciencies This in%ormation adds to the rules presented in the Player's Handbook It is important to note that this book is a supplement to the Player's Handbook &ll o% the rules presented here are optional &s a player/ you must ha1e your Dungeon Master's consent be%ore usin( any o% these ne! rules The Complete Bard's Handbook is a book o% supplemental rules %or addin( depth/ spice/ and li%e to the bard character class Ho!e1er/ e1en i% your 0un(eon Master should decide that none o% the rules !ithin this book can used in his campai(n/ you can still (ain a lot by readin( the pa(es that %ollo! Most o% the important tables %rom the Player's Handbook Fe.g., le1el ad1ancement/ bard abilities/ etcG are compressed into one con1enient section !ithin this book It is also p ossible to mimic most o% the ne! bard kits !ithin the e4istin( bard class This book ans!ers many .uestions about bardic abilities and presents an e4tensi1e list o% instruments a1ailable to medie1al bards/ alon( !ith illustrations &nd/ %inally/ this book has a lot o% (ood in%ormation to help (amers to better role+play their bard characters
The ther Complete Books The Complete Bard's Handbook is the se1enth book o% the PHBR series I% you %ind this book use%ul in your (amin(/ you may !ant to look into the other PHBRs Table 5# THE CMP*ETE PHBR *I-E 0esi(nator Topic Stock PHBR5 3i(hter's 255 PHBR2 Thie%'s 2555 PHBR; Priest's 255; PHBR< iDard's 2556 PHBR6 Psionics 255@ PHBR? 0!ar1es 252< &ll o% these books contain much in%ormation that can enhance your bard Some o% the more use%ul in%ormation is listed belo! The Complete 3i(hter's Handbook# The JCharacter CreationJ section pro1ides a n in+depth look into the armorer pro%iciency Those bard kits able to !ear non+standard armor !ill %ind this topic particularly interestin( eapon .uality and its e%%ects on combat are also discussed The JRole+Playin(J section pro1ides a list o% !arrior personalities/ some o% !hich could be adopted by bard characters Since some bards are adept !ith numerous !eapons/ the section on combat rules applies to certain bards Fparticularly the e4panded !eapon pro%iciency rules/ !hich allo! a character to learn multiple !eapons !hile e4pendin( only a %e! pro%iciency slotsG 3i(htin( styles/ martial arts/ and other odd combat rules are also presented here E1en 7oustin( tournaments are co1ered Fideal %or the allant kitG ithin the JE.uipmentJ section is a siDable collection o% ne! !eapons/ ne! armor/ and ne! ma(ical items
The Complete Thie%'s Handbook# &s you mi(ht e4pect/ this handbook has a (reat deal o% use%ul in%ormation %or the bard class ithin are more use%ul rules than can be listed here Ho!e1er/ (eneral topics you may %ind help%ul include the %ollo!in(# role+ playin( thie1es/ ne! pro%iciencies/ (uilds Fconstruction/ maintenance/ and typesG/ thie% tools/ thie% e.uipment/ ne! ma(ical items/ classic cons Fespecially (ood %or the CharlatanG/ ne! thie% rules/ and a description o% the thie%+based campai(n The Complete Priest's Handbook# There is little in%ormation in this handbook that is pertinent to the bard character class The Complete iDard's Handbook# Chapter < discusses campai(n !orlds !ith 1aryin( le1els o% ma(ic Chapter 6 co1ers !iDards and combat Chapter ? describes spell castin( under !ater/ spell %unctionin( on 1arious planes/ and impaired castin( Chapter @ presents a commentary on ne! applications %or old spells/ ad7udicatin( illusions/ spell research/ and ma(ical item research Chapter A (i1es all+ne! spells ran(in( %rom 5st to Ath le1el 3inally/ Chapter contains a number o% use%ul !iDardly lists The Complete Psionics Handbook# There are t!o use%ul elements !ithin this book Most important are the !ild talents in Chapter 5 It is possible %or a bard to ha1e a %e! !ild psionic talents Fthe process %or determinin( this is (i1en in Chapter 5G I% a !ild talent is disco1ered/ the bard player !ill %ind the rest o% this book in1aluable/ as it contains all the in%ormation needed to run a psionically endo!ed bard &lso/ note that all player character ypsy+bards are !ild talents The psionics book also contains a number o% challen(in( psionic monsters
Ho! to "se This Handbook Ho! players use this handbook depends upon their skill le1el/ seriousness about the bard character class/ and their relationship !ith their 0un(eon Master Skilled players !ho are serious about role+playin( bard characters !ill !ant to read this book closely Those !ho are not as serious !ill %ind the Fin the %ront o% this bookG and the inde4 Fin the backG to be in1aluable in locatin( topics o% interest & ne! bard character record sheet is located at the back o% this handbook It has been custom+tailored to the bard character class 8ou !ill %ind spaces to place e1ery detail o% your bard 3urthermore/ the sheet has been laid out !ith numerous help%ul notes/ comments/ and %ormats to pro1ide you !ith a plethora o% in%ormation !ithout re%errin( to the rule books 8ou may photocopy the sheet %or your o!n personal use 3or those o% you !ho !ish to create ne! bard kits/ a handy kit creation sheet is also bound into the back o% this book This may also be photo copied %or personal use It is not necessary %or you to read this book %rom co1er to co1er unless you !ish to be the ultimate bard role+player Instead/ locate the section you !ish to e4 plore in (reater detail and read it to your o!n satis%action & ma7or e%%ort has been made to make this handbook complete/ as its title states Many o% the rules speci%ic to bards in both the Player's Handbook and DU!"# M$%T"& !ude ha1e been complied and condensed !ithin this handbook &lso contained herein is the in%ormation needed to (enerate a bard and maintain him durin( le1el ad1ancements The commonly asked .uestions about standard bards ha1e been attended to/ alon( !ith rules clari%ications !here needed The bard class has also been %ully
de%ined %or all to see The %ine points o% the class ha1e been e4amined/ illuminated/ and made more accessible 3inally/ there are many added details concernin( role+playin(/ includin( the bard personality/ reputation/ and role as a per%ormer
Chapter 5# Character Creation -o! it is time to be(in creatin( your o!n bard player character Be%ore you decide !hether he is %lippant and ca1alier or stately and ponderin(/ !hether he is skilled at playin( the lyre and recitin( lyrics or spinnin( tales o% lon(+lost heroes/ %irst you must (enerate and record his %undamental character statistics This section includes the basic in%ormation needed to (enerate a bard The %ollo!in( in%ormation is a comprehensi1e summary o% the Ro(ue and Bard sections %ound in the Player's Handbook It is assumed that any player usin( this book is intimately %amiliar !ith the Player's Handbook thus/ space is not spent here upon back(round and role+playin( in%ormation 3or a (eneral discussion o% these topics/ re%er to the Ro(ue and Bard sections %ound in Chapter ; o% the Player's Handbook % course/ The Complete Bard's Handbook !ould hardly be complete !ithout discussin( such sub7ects Re%er to the JRole+Playin( BardsJ section o% this book %or a detailed e4amination o% these topics
$uali%ications eneratin( ability scores hi(h enou(h to .uali%y %or the bard class is di%%icult In %act/ it is unlikely unless your 0M allo!s one o % the alternati1e dice+rollin( methods described in Chapter 5 o% the Player's Handbook & complete discussion on (eneratin( bard player characters Falon( !ith pre+(enerated bardsG usin( all si4 dice+rollin( methods is presented at the end o% this section To be a bard or not to be a bard/ these are the .uali%ications Fsee Table 2G
F*-/ -/ -/ -E/ C-G KBards !ith a 5? or better in both 0e4terity and Charisma (ain a 5L bonus to their a!arded e4perience points Core &bilities Bards can !ear any armor pro1idin( &rmor Class 6 Fchain mailG or !orse ther %orms o% armor are simply too constrainin(/ hea1y/ and a!k!ard %or true entertainers to !ear *ike!ise/ bards cannot employ shields/ as these (et in the !ay o% acti1ities such as playin( instruments or per%ormin( slei(ht+o%+hand tricks Carryin( a lute around in the dun(eon is hard enou(h !ithout !orryin( about a lar(e metal shield ban(in( around and (ettin( in the !ay
Table ;# &RMR &**E0
Cost &rmor &C *eather &rmor Padded &rmor Studded *eather Rin( Mail @ Hide &rmor ? Bri(andine &rmor Scale Mail ? Chain Mail 6
Weight F(pG A A @ 5 56 ? 52 @6
FlbG 6 < 2 ; ; 52 < <
56 5 26
<hou(h bards %i(ht as ro(ues and calculate their TH&Cs accordin(ly/ they are allo!ed to use any !eapon Cost/ !ei(ht/ dama(e/ and other rele1ant statistics %or all !eapons are %ound in Chapter ? o% the Player's Handbook &ll ro(ues Fincludin( bardsG use Table 26 o% the Player's Handbook to determine le1el and hit dice based upon e4perience points &s noted in the e4panded reprint o% this table/ a si4+sided die is used to determine hit point increases %or bards o% le1el 5 throu(h 5 Fplus any Constitution ad7ustmentsG &%ter 5th le1el/ bards (ain 2 hit points per le1el ad1anced & hit die is no lon(er rolled and Constitution ad7ustments no lon(er apply
Pro%iciency and sa1in( thro! numbers are listed in the Table 6 to complete the in%ormation %or le1el ad1ancement I% a bard uses a !eapon !ith !hich he isn't pro%icient/ a +; attack roll penalty is incurred
Besides 7ust dabblin( in !iDardry/ 5th+le1el bards ha1e the po!er%ul ability to
use any !ritten ma(ical item/ !hether it is a scroll/ book/ map/ or other !ritten %orm This skill is not limited by normal class restrictions Thus/ bards can use clerical scrolls/ !iDard scrolls/ and e1en ma(ical books restricted to other classes Since all bards are dabblers and not de1otees o% the ma(ical arts/ their understandin( o% !ritten ma(ic is imper%ect There is a 56L chan ce that they use the !ork incorrectly The conse.uences o% incorrect use is up to the 0M/ but they are almost certain to be unpleasant FIt is common %or a bard's allies to %lee in panic !hen he be(ins to read such itemsG Bards are most reno!ned %or their communication and entertainment talents To enhance these skills/ they pick up a number o% thie% skills % course/ !hen times are lean/ many bards ply these abilities in less+than+honorable manners &ll %our o% these skills are treated as the e.ui1alent thie% skills Skill bases are listed belo! Table @# B&SE THIE3 &BI*ITIES
Pockets -oise alls *an(ua(es 5L 2L 6L 6L The player also (ets 2 points to distribute amon( the %our skills at 5st le1el and 56 additional points e1ery time the bard ad1ances in le1el I% these points are distributed so as to (radually e.ualiDe the skills/ the bard mi(ht ad1ance each le1el as indicated on Table A