Submitted By: Chinky Betina Reye Submitted T!: "# Annah Rey B$ C!%!n&!n
The Feaibi%ity Feaibi%ity !' Ci&a#ette Ci&a#ette Fi%te# a G%ue
A cigarette flter i a (!m)!nent !' a (i&a#ette* a%!n& +ith (i&a#ette )a)e#* (a)u%e and adhei,e$ The -%te# may be made '#!m (e%%u%!e a(etate -be# !# a(ti,ated (ha#(!a% .eithe# a a (a,ity -%te# !# embedded int! the (e%%u%!e a(etate/$ "a(#! )!#!u )hen!%0'!#ma%dehyde #ein #ein and abet! ha,e a%! been ued in (i&a#ette -%te#$ The a(etate and )a)e# m!di'y m!di'y the )a#ti(u%ate m!ke )hae by )a#ti(%e #etenti!n .-%t#ati!n/* and -ne%y di,ided (a#b!n m!di-e the &ae!u )hae .ad!#)ti!n/$ Fi%te# Fi%te# (an #edu(e 1ta#1 and ni(!tine m!ke yie%d u) t! 234* +ith a eate# #em!,a% #em!,a% #ate '!# !the# (%ae !' (!m)!und .e$&$* )hen!%/* but a#e ine5e(ti,e in -%te#in& t!6in u(h a (a#b!n m!n!6ide$ "!t 'a(t!#y0made (i&a#ette a#e e7ui))ed +ith a -%te#8 th!e +h! #!%% thei# !+n (an buy them '#!m a t!ba((!nit$ Ce%%u%!e a(etate i n!n0t!6i(* !d!#%e* tate%e* and +eak%y 9ammab%e$ It i #eitant t! +eak a(id and i %a#&e%y tab%e t! mine#a% and 'atty !i% a +e%% a )et#!%eum$ It i bi!deadab%e and the #a+ mate#ia% i a #ene+ab%e natu#a% )!%yme# e6)e(ted t! -nd a))%i(ati!n '!# !the# ue in the 'utu#e$ Sm!ked (i&a#ette (i&a#ette butt (!ntain 2; m& ni(!tine .ab!ut <24 !' the t!ta% (i&a#ette ni(!tine (!ntent/* (hi%d#en in&etin& =< +h!%e (i&a#ette* > (i&a#ette butt !# a t!ta% !' 3$2 m&?k& !' ni(!tine h!u%d be admitted t! a h!)ita%$ Ce%%u%!e a(etate i hyd#!)hi%i( and #etain the +ate#0!%ub%e m!ke m!ke (!ntituent* !' +hi(h many a#e i##itatin& .a(id* a%ka%i* a%dehyde* and )hen!%/* +hi%e %ettin& th#!u&h the %i)!)hi%i( a#!mati( (!m)!und$ Sm!ked (i&a#ette (i&a#ette butt and (i&a#ette t!ba((! a#e t!6i( t! +ate# !#&anim ! #&anim u(h "a#ine t!) me%t .Athe#in!) a@ne/ and '#eh+ate# Fathead Fathead minn!+ .ime)ha%e .ime)ha%e )#!me%a/$ Atm!)he#i( m!itu#e* m!itu#e* &at#i( a(id* a(id* %i&ht* and enyme hyd#!%ye hyd#!%ye (e%%u%!e a(etate t! a(eti( a(id and (e%%u%!e$ Ce%%u%!e may be 'u#the# hyd#!%yed t! (e%%!bi!e !# &%u(!e in an a(idi( medium* and e,entua%%y '!#m ,a%uab%e humu$ Human (ann!t di&et (e%%u%!e and e6(#ete e6(#ete the -be# in 'e(e* be(aue* un%ike #uminant anima%* te#mite* and !me ba(te#ia and 'un&i* they %a(k (e%%u%!%yti( enyme enyme u(h a (e%%u%!e$ Like +!!d* )a)e# and (!tt!n* (i&a#ette -%te# in !i% #!t %!+%y !,e# m!nth t! yea#$
Thi e6)e#iment e6)e#iment aim t! de,e%!) a )#!du(t )#!du(t that +!u%d e#,e a an a%te#nati,e a%te#nati,e t! e6)eni,e (!mme#(ia% (!mme#(ia% &%ue$ I (h!e thi t!)i( be(aue I +!u%d %ike t! kn!+ i' a(et!ne and (i&a#ette butt !# (i&a#ette -%te# +!u%d be an e5e(ti,e inedient in makin& thei# !+n a5!#dab%e &%ue$ A %!t !' )e!)%e n!+aday a#e en&a&in& int! di5e#ent ,i(e* !ne !' +hi(h i m!kin&$ The#e a#e a %!t !' )e!)%e +h! m!ke e,en teena&e# !# y!un& adu%t$ And a'te# m!kin& they ut t! aide the (i&a#ette (i&a#ette -%te# # butt e,e#y+he# e,e#y+he#e e n!t kn!+in& that it (an be #e(y(%ed and ued$ C!mme#(ia% &%ue i #e%ati,e%y e6)eni,e be(aue !' thei# b#and name and the mate#ia% ued in makin& and manu'a(tu#in& &%ue a#e tiue '#!m anima%$The !#&ani( (!m)!und .CH/
The Feaibi%ity Feaibi%ity !' uin& uin& Ci&a#ette Ci&a#ette Fi%te# Fi%te# a G%ue
The main problem in thi tudy i t! dete#mine +hi(h (!n(ent#ati!n !' uin& a(et!ne and (i&a#ette -%te# a &%ue$ Sub0)#!b%em: I the#e a i&ni-(ant di5e#en(e bet+een &%ue made by (i&a#ette -%te# and (!mme#(ia% &%ue in te#m !': a$ C!%!# b$ Od!# ($ A))ea#an(e d$ State?'!#m e$ Sti(kine
Hy)!thei: The#e i n! i&ni-(ant di5e#en(e bet+een &%ue made by (i&a#ette -%te# and (!mme#(ia% &%ue in te#m !': a$ C!%!# b$ Od!# ($ A))ea#an(e d$ State?'!#m e$ Sti(kine
Obe(ti,e !' the tudy: $ T! make &%ue uin& a(et!ne and (i&a#ette -%te#$ -%te#$ <$ T! dete#mine dete#mine the bet (!n(ent#ati!n (!n(ent#ati!n !' uin& a(et!ne a(et!ne and (i&a#ette (i&a#ette -%te#$
The Feaibi%ity Feaibi%ity !' Ci&a#ette Ci&a#ette Fi%te# a G%ue
Si&ni-(an(e !' the tudy: Th#!u&h thi tudy* G%ue i ,e#y (!mm!n ued in h!me* !@(e and (h!!%$ Sin(e I am aimin& t! minimie !u# e6)ene* +e (an ue (i&a#ette -%te# '!# makin& &%ue$ Thi tudy h!)e t! (!nt#ibute t! the '!%%!+in& '!%%!+in& )e#!n: Student the tudent a#e the t t! bene-t '#!m the tudy be(aue &%ue i ,e#y (!mm!n ued in (h!!% and it (an be #e(y(%ed$ C!mmunity (!mmunity i the < nd bene-(ia#y !' thi tudy be(aue it (an be the eye0!)ene# '!# them t! t!) m!kin& be(aue it (an be dama&e '!# !u# en,i#!nment en,i#!nment and it (an be #e(y(%ed t! be a &%ue$ "a#ket 0 Due t! the e6)eni,ene e6)eni,ene and una5!#dab%e !' !me &%ue* many )e!)%e +!u%d )#e'e# makin& h!me0made &%ue$ It (an be e%%in& in the (hea)et )#i(e and it i a5!#dab%e and eay t! make
Inde)endent a#iab%e: (i&a#ette -%te# De)endent a#iab%e: &%ue C!ntant a#iab%e:
S(!)e and Limitati!n:
Thi tudy !n%y %imited by thei# thei# ti(kine$ The#e The#e a#e many kind !' &%ue8 they a#e ti(k &%ue* )a)e# &%ue* &%itte# &%ue and et($ thi &%ue di5e# a((!#din&%y t! it 7ua%ity$ 7ua%ity$ Thi &%ue that I +i%% )#!du(e (ant be ued a ti(k &%ue be(aue the &%ue that I +i%% )#!du(e i 9uid$ Thi tudy i %imited !n%y '!# )a)e#* (%!th* and +!!d$ The Feaibi%ity Feaibi%ity !' Ci&a#ette Ci&a#ette Fi%te# Fi%te# a G%ue
De-niti!n !' te#m:
Ci&a#ette -%te#0 i a '!am0%ike '!und at the end !' the (i&a#ette$ A(et!ne 0 i a %i7uid !%,ent '!# (e#tain !i%* et($ 0 a (!%!#%e* e6t#eme%y e6t#eme%y 9ammab%e %i7uid* ued a a !%,ent$ Ni(!tine 0 a )!i!n!u %i7uid in t!ba((! 0 a )!i!n!u a%ka%!id* de#i,ed '#!m the t!ba((! )%ant ued in medi(ine and a an ine(ti(ide
Ce%%u%!e an am!#)h!u )!%yme#* the main (!ntituent !' a%% )%ant tiue and -b#e* ued in the manu'a(tu#e !' )a)e#* te6ti%e and e6)%!i,e$
G%ue 0 an adhei,e a dhei,e ubtan(e ued '!# ti(kin& !be(t !# mate#ia% t!ðe#$ t!ðe#$
The Feaibi%ity Feaibi%ity !' Ci&a#ette Ci&a#ette Fi%te# a G%ue
A#ti(%e '#!m an !n%ine !u#na%
ANEA* <33;$ The Feaibi%ity !' Uin& A(et!ne and Ci&a#ette Fi%te# a G%ue$
The Feaibi%ity Feaibi%ity !' Ci&a#ette Ci&a#ette Fi%te# Fi%te# a G%ue
RRL It i etimated that ab!ut J3 %b$ .K$< k&/ )e# yea# !' &%ue a#e ued '!# e,e#y )e#!n in Ame#i(a* and it i eay t! ee h!+ and +hy +hen !ne %!!k at the e6tent !' ue$ Fu#nitu#e* Fu#nitu#e* )%umbin&* h!e* b!!k* bui%din&* and a nd aut!m!bi%e a%% ue &%ue in !me )a#t !' thei# (!nt#u(ti!n$ .htt):??+++$en!te$(!m?h!+0)# .htt):??+++$en!te$(!m?h!+0)#!du(t0en(y(%!)edia?&%ue/ !du(t0en(y(%!)edia?&%ue/$$ G%ue a#e )a#t !' a %a#&e# %a#&e# 'ami%y (a%%ed adhei,e$ adhei,e$ G%ue a#e di5e#ent di5e#ent '!#m adhei,e in that &%ue (!me '#!m natu#a% mate#ia% and adhei,e a#e (hemi(a%0baed$ An adhei,e i a ubtan(e that (aue !methin& t! adhe#e* !# ti(k t! !methin& e%e$ "!t (h!!% &%ue i (hemi(a% baed$ They a#e made !# '!#mu%ated '#!m (hemi(a% +hi(h a#e yntheied .(#eated by "an/$ Thee (hemi(a% +e#e !#i&ina%%y !btained !# manu'a(tu#ed '#!m )et#!%eum* natu#a% &a and !the# #a+ mate#ia% '!und in natu#e$ The e6a(t '!#mu%a and )e(i-( inedient ued in makin& di5e#ent b#and !' &%ue a#e (!nide#ed )#!)#ieta#y in'!#mati!n and the (!m)anie +!nt ha#e that in'!#mati!n +ith the )ub%i($ The ue !' &%ue a an adhei,e date '#!m '#!m ea#%iet #e(!#ded #e(!#ded time$ time$ Mh!e,e# di(!,e#ed that a t#!n& adhei,e (!u%d be )#!du(ed by (!!kin& )ie(e !' anima% hide* !# )e#ha) b!ne* in +ate# ha ne,e# been -&u#ed !ut* but a#(hae!%!&i(a% di(!,e#ie di(!,e#ie indi(ate that the E&y)tian ued &%ue m!#e than J*333 yea# a&!$ The )#a(ti(a% manu'a(tu#e !' &%ue (an be t#a(ed ba(k di#e(t%y t! >3 in the Nethe#%and$ Sh!#t%y the#ea'te#* the#ea'te#* !# ab!ut ;33* the En&%ih be&an makin& &%ue and a nd etab%ihed it manu'a(tu#e a a )e#manent indut#y$ indut#y$ E%iah U)!hn i (!nide#ed by !me !me auth!#itie t! ha,e been the -#t t! manu'a(tu#e &%ue in the United State* in K3K$ .htt):??(!!%$(!ne#,ati!nu$!#&?d!n?dt?dt2>3$htm%/ G%ue ha,e been a#!und '!# th!uand !' yea#$ Bee+a6 and ta# +e#e am!n& the ea#%iet$ C%ay )!t that a#(hae!%!&it a#(hae!%!&it ha,e ha,e '!und in bu#ia% ite '#!m a 'a# ba(k a J333 BC ha,e been #e)ai#ed +ith &%ue made '#!m t#ee
a)$ Me Me kn!+ that the an(ient G#eek G#eek de,e%!)ed de,e%!)ed adhei,e '!# ue in (a#)ent#y* and (#eated #e(i)e #e(i)e '!# &%ue that in(%uded the '!%%!+in& item a inedient: e&& +hite* b%!!d* b!ne* mi%k* (heee* ,e&etab%e and ain$ Ta# Ta# and bee+a6 +e#e +e#e ued by the R!man R!man '!# &%ue$ .Ab!ut$(!m: In,ent!#/ An(ient t#ibe -&u#ed !ut that they (!u%d &et (!%%a&en* +hi(h i the )#!tein in anima% (!nne(ti,e tiue* '#!m the b!ne* hide* kin and mu(%e '#!m anima%$ The (!%%a&en +a ti(ky ti(ky and +a &!!d '!# h!%din& thin& t!ðe#$ t!ðe#$ Othe# thin& that +e#e ued a the bai '!# &%ue +e#e mi%k !%id and d#ied e#um '#!m '#!m (!+ b%!!d$ The e#um ha a%bumin in it$ The a%bumin a%bumin (%um) t!ðe# +hen it i heated u) and then it +!nt di!%,e in +ate# anym!#e$ Ea#%y &%ue +a made '#!m the head* b!ne and kin !' -h* but it +a #ea%%y thin and n!t ,e#y ti(ky$ ti(ky$ By e6)e#imentin&* e6)e#imentin& * ea#%y ea#%y man di(!,e#ed di(!,e #ed that the ai# b%adde# !' ,a#i!u -h )#!du(ed mu(h m!#e ati'a(t!#y &%ue that +a +hite and tate%e$ It e,entua%%y +a named iin&%a !# i(hth!(!%$ .Be%%ie* <33* <33* )$ K/ %ant ha,e a%! been ued ued t! make &%ue$ They di!%,e in +ate# and a#e uua%%y made '#!m the ta#(he that a#e in many ain and ,e&etab%e$ Ca#)ente# &%ue +a made '#!m %au&hte#h!ue %e't!,e# u(h a hide and b!ne$ "!de#n manu'a(tu#ed adhei,e a##i,ed a##i,ed !n the (ene a#!und 3* +hen )hen!% '!#ma%dehyde adhei,e +e#e de,e%!)ed '!# makin& )%y+!!d$ Ne6t (ame a(#y%i( adhei,e* (yan!a(#y%ate .a%! kn!+n a 1u)e# &%ue1/* e)!6ie* and ! !n$ .et#ie* <33>/ Mhite &%ue and the imi%a# ye%%!+ &%ue ued in +!!d+!#kin& a#e made !' )!%y,iny% a(etate a(etate !# A$ A$ It i a )%ati($ Mhi%e #e&u%a# #e&u%a# (h!!% &%ue &%ue i made made u) !' man0made (hemi(a%* !the# !the# &%ue a#e made '#!m '#!m anima% )#!tein$ )#!tein$ Thi i h!+ they a#e made$ made$ The im)!#tant )#!)e#tie )#!)e#tie !' &%ue in(%ude it e%%y e%%y t#en&th !# (!niten(y .&e% t#en&th/* ,i(!ity* me%tin& )!int* adhei,e t#en&th* teni%e t#en&th !# e%ati(ity* !)ti(a% #!tati!n* +e%%in& (a)a(ity* #ate !' ettin&* '!amin& (ha#a(te#iti($ (ha#a(te#iti($ O' thee* &e% t#en&th and ,i(!ity ,i(!ity a#e m!t !'ten ued '!# dete#minin& the ade !' )a#ti(u%a# &%ue$.+++$(nie$!#&?n%e?bi!d,0$htm%/ The &%ue manu'a(tu#in& )#!(e )#!(e (!nit eentia%%y !' +ahin&* +ahin&* (#uhin& !# h#eddin& the b!ne !# hide* !akin& in a %ime !%uti!n t! e%iminate hai# and 9eh* b!i%in& t! e6t#a(t the &e%atin!u mate#ia%* &e%%in&* and* -na%%y* d#yin&$ The #eu%tin& ha#d* ha#d* b#itt%e heet !' &%ue a#e a#e then b#!ken b#!ken int! )ie(e !# 9ake* !# !und int! )!+de#$ )!+de#$ A'te# that &%y(e#ine i added t! im)#!,e it e%ati(ity e%ati(it y$ Sin(e thee &%ue a#e !#&ani( they (an &et m!u%dy ! a
)#ee#,ati,e )#ee#,ati,e ha t! be added t! e6tend the the &%ue he%' %i'e$ S!metime de!d!#ant i a%! added t! make it me%% bette#$ A%th!u&h the#e a#e many inedient ued t! make &%ue* m!t '!#mu%a (!ntain !methin& (a%%ed )!%yme#$ A )!%yme# i a %a#&e m!%e(u%e that !'ten i de(#ibed a bein& a %!n& m!%e(u%a# t#and* mu(h %ike )a&hetti$ S!me )!%yme# a#e natu#a%%y 1ti(ky1 de)endin& !n h!+ they a#e made$ Othe# #e7ui#e (e#tain inedient (a%%ed ta(ki-e# t! make them ti(ky$ The ha#d )a#t '!# &%ue make# i t! -nd the #i&ht ba%an(e !' )!%yme# and ta(ki-e# t! make a &%ue that i b!th ti(ky and t#!n&$ G%ue d!ent h!+e,e# ti(k t! the inide !' the b!tt%e$ b!tt%e$ Thi i be(aue a %!n& %!n& a it tay in in the b!tt%e* ai# (ant &et t! it and the &%ue #emain #emain a 9uid$ G%ue ha#den +hen the#e the#e i a %! !' +ate# '#!m the mi6tu#e$ mi6tu#e$ E6)!in& the &%ue t! ai# make make the +ate# e,a)!#ate and the &%ue ha#den$ A &!!d &%ue ha e6(e%%ent e6(e%%ent )#!)e#tie !' adhei!n .the abi%ity t! ti(k t! the u#'a(e t! +hi(h it a))%ied/ and (!hei!n .the abi%ity t! ti(k t! ite%'/$ Mhen y!u )u%% a)a#t !methin& that been &%ued t!ðe# and the &%ue (!me #i&ht !5 the )ie(e that a#e an adhei,e 'ai%u#e$ I' the &%ue ite%' )%it a)a#t* %ea,in& &%ue !n eithe# ide !' the !int* then that a (!hei,e 'ai%u#e$ Adhei!n and (!hei!n a#e b!th im)!#tant '!# a &%ue t! +!#k$ Thin& adhe#e at the m!%e(u%a# m!%e(u%a# %e,e%$ The '!#(e that h!%d them them t!ðe# i (a%%ed the an an de# Maa% '!#(e$ '!#(e$ Thi '!#(e ha))en +hen m!%e(u%e ha,e a )!iti,e and ne&ati,e end$ It i (a%%ed bein& )!%a#$ )!%a#$ T! make adhei!n adhei! n ha))en* t+! u#'a(e ha,e t! be #ea%%y (%!e t!ðe# and the adhei,e mut be a %itt%e +et '!# them t! ti(k )#!)e#%y$ )#!)e#%y$ The &%ue ha t! )#ead and 9!+ t! make u#e en!u&h u#'a(e i in (!nta(t and it ha t! )#ead thin en!u&h t! make a &!!d (!hei,e b!nd$ an de# Maa% '!#(e e6)%ain h!+ the %ia#d kn!+n a &e(k! (an ti(k t! ! many u#'a(e in a eemin&%y im)!ib%e manne#$ manne#$ The tiny hai# !n the &e(k! 'eet .(a%%ed etae/ a#e )%it at the mi(#!(!)i( %e,e% int! 1a many a *333 b#an(he* +h!e )atu%a0ha)ed ti) a#e !n%y <33 nan!met#e na n!met#e +ide$1 A a #eu%t* e,en th!u&h the an de# Maa% '!#(e a(tin& !n an indi,idua% ti) i ma%%* the adhei!n !' a bi%%i!n !# ! ti) add u) t! en!u&h '!#(e t! %et the &e(k! ti(k t! anythin&$ .Ben0A#i* <33/ S(ientit think the#e i m!#e t! h!+ &%ue ti(k than the an de# Maa% '!#(e$ They think !me !' the t#en&th t#en&th i be(aue !' me(hani(a% me(hani(a% b!ndin&$ Su#'a(e* e,en i' they eem )e#'e(t%y m!!th a#e #!u&h at the m!%e(u%a#
%e,e% and the &%ue &et !me !' thei# t#en&th by -%%in& in the )a(e !' the u#'a(e t! be tu(k t!ðe#$ Mhite &%ue and the imi%a# ye%%!+ &%ue ued in +!!d+!#kin& a#e made !' )!%y,iny% a(etate$ A A i )a#t !' the ,iny% 'ami%y !' )%ati(* but m!t thin& +e think !' a ,iny%* u(h a ,iny% idin& and u)h!%te#y* L #e(!#d* #ain(!at* et($* a#e made !' )!%y,iny% (h%!#ide* !# C* the ame mate#ia% ued t! make +hite )%umbin& )i)e$
The Feaibi%ity Feaibi%ity !' Ci&a#ette Ci&a#ette Fi%te# a G%ue
#e)a#ati!n #e)a#ati!n !' the mate#ia%: Get the (i&a#ette -%te#* a(et!ne* (u) (!ntaine#* and (%ean b!tt%e$ C%eanin& the (i&a#ette -%te#: Rem!,e Rem!,e the )a)e# that atta(hed in the (i&a#ette -%te#$ Mah the (i&a#ette -%te# in +ate#$ D#yin&: D#ied the (i&a#ette -%te# unde# the heat !' the un$ #e)a#ati!n #e)a#ati!n !' the (i&a#ette -%te#:
Cut the -%te# int! tiny )ie(e ut the tiny )ie(e !' -%te# in a (u) !# (!ntaine# ut a(et!ne in the -%te# and %et it di!%,ed The ubtan(e +a t#an'e##ed t#an'e##ed int! a (%ean b!tt%e C!,e# and ke)t in a (!!% )%a(e C!%%e(tin&* Ana%yin& P Inte#)#etin& data: C!%%e(tin&* ana%yin& P inte#)#etin& !' data