Elijah Muhammad (Messenger of Allah)
Nasir Hakim Editor Published by Se!retarius MEM"S "u#li!atio$s at Smash%ords
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/////// I$trodu!tio$ The history of the /od Tribe of %haba== is one of the most elusie subjects of the %upreme ,isdom as taught by Messenger &lijah Muhammad# partly because it is spread out oer so much time# on so many lectures and in so many different articles. ,hile mining through arious audio lectures by the Messenger# " came across one oer the %aiour$s ay !eekend. After listening to it !ith great joy# Allah# Master 0ard Muhammad# Muhammad# put it on my heart to do the research# mining and compilation to share this most profound reelation !ith those !ho hae ears. To that end# this book is presented to share just ho! thankful !e# the Blackman and !oman of America# should be# to be so loed that our /od# Master 0ard Muhammad# Allah in person# has appeared among us to return us to our o!n kind. " must confess# " !as just oer!helmed at the affect this reelation had on me# because regardless to ho! much of the teaching you may hae heard# read or e>perience# !hen Allah# Master 0ard Muhammad Muhammad blesses you to see# you %&&. " am not going to to put much time into describing the emotion or mindset of !hat one goes through !hen Allah allo!s you to see# but !hat " !ill share is that you !ould hae to be a belieer to understand. The Tribe of %haba== is not simply the offspring of a group of people !ho !ere the product of a disgruntled scientist !ho !ent into Africa to proe that 1e could ?make a people that could !ithstand anything#@ but a continuum of a ein of e>pression characteristic of ho! !e as black people# !ho# !hen in our natural mind did things that !ere still superior to the best minds of mankind today. ,e are so far from from !hat is actually natural for for the Blackman# that !e think that the little chance happenings of this ciili=ation today are brilliant !hen in fact# the incidental actions of the +riginal Blackman is considered %4P&2*AT4A by today$s standards. The Messenger of Allah# &lijah Muhammad# deles so far into the most profound depths of !isdom !hen sharing !ith us !hat our /od# in person# Master 0ard Muhammad# had reealed# it makes you !onder about !ho is out there dormant and simply !aiting to hear that particular !ord# sentence# paragraph or perspectie that !ill make the light in or aboe their
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This %upreme ,isdom is not cheap. ,hy !aste any time conincing those !ho are dead centered on disbelieing. "f anyone can change their hearts# it !ould !ould be by Allah$s Allah$s grace. "t$s not your job to force belief. 3ou can lead a horse to !aterC but !ho !ants to (dah)9 "t$s too late in the day. Allah and his Messenger only !ant !illing souls at this point so do !e. "t !ould be premature to ask you to reclaim something of !hich you hae no kno!ledge. Therefore# after you read this book and if you are blessed !ith the spirit of inspiration and a !illingness to be enlightened# you can enroll to learn more as a student. Minister *asir 1akim 0ounder# Messenger &lijah Muhammad Propagation %ociety
/////// 1NO2-EDGE OF HISTOR3 IS 1E3 Allah# /od Almighty# in the person of Master 0ard Muhammad# has reealed to us and has gien to me the understanding of DaE particular teaching that " am no! teaching you and others. D"t is to teach youE ho! to to understand it and ho! to understand the history of the prophets and their sayings as recorded recorded in the Bible and 1oly pect after KLHH years or or KLHH years after after his death. 1e gae us that or rather Allah reealed reealed it to him and !e hae it here in the pect today. today. "t leads us up to the resurrection of of the so-called American *egroes. They are the ones to be resurrected. The entire darker peoples of the earth are in in the time of a resurrection for their future# because itFs the end of a !orld that has ruled for the past G#HHH years. These things that "Fm saying are ery# ery important DforE you DtoE hear# and ery important DforE you DtoE beliee. Dike!ise# they areE ery important important that you understand them and DtakeE them to heart# because as " first said# !ithout the kno!ledge of history# !e are lost
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Almighty /od# the religion of peace# "slam# Mathematics. They are the true religion that !e hae# and it is compared !ith the true religion of "slam. Mathematics is truth. "slam is true therefore# the t!o go together. " say you must kno! yourself# as /od Almighty Almighty has reealed it to me. 3ou must gie a listening ear to Dthe kno!ledge and history ofE yourself. et us talk on the history# because it is the thing that !e should kno!. 1istory makes man. ,ithout the kno!ledge of history# ho! can !e prepare a future for ourseles !ithout the kno!ledge of history9 1o! can !e tell !here !eFre standing at present9 1istory makes us true history is our /od. ,e must kno! !hat !as before !e can kno! !hat !hat is and !hat is yet to come. This Dis !hatE Almighty /od# !hose proper name is Allah# Allah# came in the person Master 0ard Muhammad Dto teach usE. ,e can gladly gie praise foreer and teach that praise of this glorious +ne to our children DsoE that they may teach it to their children and their children$s children throughout the unending years to come. ,hat " teach is life to them. ,hat " bring them them out of is is death. My mission is the last of the %cientists# or the truth that is to come come to the !orld before the !orld !orld is destroyed. 3ou !ill not hae no other Messenger. " am the last one. Behind me comes /od /od 1imself. " don$t care if " !ill lie through it# but after after me /od !ill come come or if it pleases 1im " may may be !ith 1im. "f " am not !ith 1im# this is the ast. This truth brings you into the kno!ledge kno!ledge of yourself and of /od. There is nothing hidden DofE the /od to much much in this teaching. 3ou learn !hat /od is and learn to be /od /od yourself. This is the 2eal /od$s teaching' ,hat is /od# ho! ho! things !ere made and brought about. This is !hat it is. This is the last ,isdom to be gien to the !orld and a kno!ledge kno!ledge of ho! this !orld !as !as made.
4NDERSTANDING THE 1NO2-DEGE OF SE-F ,e hae neer had the kno!ledge of ourseles since !e !ere brought here for slae purposes. ,e didn$t kno! anything about ourseles. +ur grandparents grandparents and our parents many of !hom hae not heard the ancient history of their people don$t kno! !ho they are. ,e say !e teach them a kno!ledge of himself meaning that he doesn$t kno! himself. himself. The aerage black person don$t kno! himself# because he cannot gie any history of himself beyond the time he !as put in the cotton field of the %outh. That history he got from his slae-master. 1e doesn$t kno! anything beyond that. This teaching is to gie him a kno!ledge of his fathers and the origin of eerything e>cept himself# because you cannot get the origin of himself unless you gie him his birth record. 3ou can$t gie him the origin of himself because you can$t gie him his birth record. " asked /od !as not there a ?beginning.@ ,e often !ould !rangle oer the beginning. 1o! did the atom of life begin in the unierse9 That is such a leel of !isdom that you are bound to differ from me and " am bound to differ from you. you. There is no date for it and to say ho! it
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today are fast learning that the intelligence of the scientist can bring into being anything that !e can conceie conceie into our brains !e can make it a reality. reality. That$s the /od. /od. 3ou are learning that. The !hite race race is bearing bearing me !itness !itness that Man is /od. The ,hiteman once !as as dumb as dumb could be. There is nothing impossible so Allah told me. " uestioned 1im on this. *o!# !hat makes the /od so sure that nothing is impossible9 Because if !e say anything# D!hether it$sE this or that is impossible# DandE !e yet find ourseles !ithin the circle of something# ho! can it be impossible to produce# take a!ay or to change anything9 "t canFt be impossible# because you may think something is impossible or donFt see the possibility e>isting there some!here# but /od can still say there is no impossibility. 1ere is the point 1e takes. +nce upon a time nothing e>isted. 3ou and " couldnFt be sitting here discussing this because !e came from nothing. %o# if !e !ere made out of nothing into something then that does a!ay !ith the impossible. There canFt be the impossible# because here !e are ourseles produced out of nothing. ThatFs ery beautiful and a good ans!er.
ORIGINA- MAN E5"ERIMENTS ON SE-F :ust like people argue !ith you about !ho is /od and say that man canFt be /od. ThatFs a foolish man talking like that. 3ou canFt replace man. "f man is not /od# then try and replace him. 3ou canFt replace him# so thatFs a proof right there that heFs /od. 3our mind doesnFt e>ceed the limitation of the 0irst Man !ho is /od# because 1e came do!n through us. ,e hae been e>perimenting from ourseles. The true kno!ledge or science of the !orld that you and " are liing in today !as kept back and hidden. "t !as DkeptE a secret among among the scientist until the !orld that you and " hae kno!n had lied DoutE its time and DfulfilledE the !ork it !as DmadeE DmadeE to do. Today it$s disappearing and a ne! !orld is budding or giing birth in place of an old one. ,e# the so-called American *egroes# DareE members# " repeat# from a Tribe of ours by the th e name of %haba==. ,e# the *ation of "slam# the *ation of righteous# the *ation of peace# hae al!ays e>perimented among ourseles on this and that. ThatFs !hy !e kno! !e are are the greatest and the !isest people in the unierse because our study of the life on other planets. ,e donFt find them e>perimenting among themseles or on their planet as !e are DconseuentlyE# !e kno! that !e are the !isest people in the sun. The so-called *egro# the black man# the lost and found member of a great original nation# is the first on our our planet. " !ant you to remember that that !e are the first on our planet. ,e are first before our planet. The planet didnFt come before us !e !ere before the planet. " !ant you to pay good attention. Take notes on !hat " say. Attack me on the truth of it if you !ant to# but " donFt hae time to contend !ith you here this afternoon in this short time that " am gienC. ,e !ere before the earth. ,e could not claim ourseles as as being the 7reators of the
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" go into the past to bring you up !ith the truth to the present time# because that is the trouble !ith my people# they think they are inferior. inferior. They think they are something that /od doesnFt !ant. They think that their particular kno!ledge kno!ledge and !ay of life is like that of all all of our people# regardless to !hat !hat part of earth that they lie on. on. %ome think that they are DmoreE superior in !isdom !isdom and in education than any of their kind on the earth. DToE these " say# Dyou areE mistaken Din Din !hatE you are making yourself. yourself. "t is due to the lack of kno!ledge kno!ledge of the black man. man. " !ant you to kno! these things Before !e go into an argument argument oer# N1e is teaching hate or heFs teaching black supremacy.N supremacy.N " !ant to gie to you you the BlackmansF history. 3ou can say that heFs inferior# you you can say that heFs not superior# you you can say that heFs not the supreme people if you !ant to thatFs up to you# but " !ill gie you his history and " defy you to disproe it.
THO4GHT AND MANIFESTATION &erything that !e think is necessary. ,e then can produce it and bring it into reality. reality. "f this house is sitting in my mind# but not yet built# " can bring it out of my mind mind into reality. ThatFs the /od. 3ou can create the image that is in you that is in your mind once you can conceie out the image of it DorE of !hat you !ant. 3ou then can bring it into being. That !hich you canFt create in your mind is something you canFt DcreateE or do. D3etE# that does not mean that it (that !hich you hae not yet conceied of) is not coming in. "t may come in your sonFs mind or your sonFs sonFs mind. That same thing !hich you !ere trying to get a hold of# it !ill come up in somebody else DmindE that is# if it is necessary DorE if it is good. DA good e>ample isE our %aiour. The people had been !anting someone to conuer this deil for a long time# so Dthe ideaE kept on going from one DmindE to another then finally 1is father (Allah) produced the thing that !as necessary. That is a son that !ould be !ise enough to destroy the deil. 1e !as lucky to hae been the father. ,hereer there is a line for something# it !ill be produced. :ust like the deil !anted to learn ho! to fly# he kept trying some contraptions until he learned ho! to get up there in something heaier than air and !ent on to make the air his serant. "t !as the same thing !hen he !as on the other side of the ocean. 1e kept on looking oer the ast ocean and couldnFt see any end to it. 1e !anted to see !here the %un !as going do!n on the other side of it# so he kept on until he mastered the !aes and the storms until he got oer there.
THE 2HO-E TRIBE OF SHABAZZ ,e don$t hae the date of the beginning of 1is ciili=ation or !hereabouts# because once upon a time the moon and the earth earth !ere together. There cannot be a specific spot pointed out !here the original building of ciili=ation took place. ,e do kno!# according to the teachings of Almighty /od to me# that once upon a time !e had nothing in the unierse but the %un. After that %tars !ere made and from stars to stars to stars and stars. They sa! that
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3ou must kno! yourself. 3ou can$t go and lie in the midst of of your people on the planet earth no!here unless you first hae a kno!ledge of yourself. " am here !ith that kno!ledge kno!ledge for you if you !ill just accept it. et$s see !ho !e are. ,e !ere brought here in America LHH years ago# according to the history of our enslaement# by 7hristian ,hite people. " !ant you to remember remember they !ere 7hristians# not sinners they !ere 7hristians !ho made made our fathers slaes. And it !as 7hristians !ho did did not allo! our fathers to become 7hristians for IHH years. "t !as not sinners it !as !as 7hristians. ,hat !as our history9 1istorians# students of history' !hat !as the history our people before entering slaery here in America9 America9 ,here !ere !ere they9 they9 3ou say in Africa. Africa. 1o! long had they been in Africa9 et$s chase the history of our people and see !ho !e are. "f you don$t kno! yourself# it$s due to the fact you don$t kno! your o!n o!n history. "f you kno! your o!n o!n history# you kno! yourself. yourself. 1o! long had our fathers been in Africa before the ,hiteman !ent there and brought them into the ,estern 1emisphere as slaes9 ,here !ere they from before they got into Africa or did they originate there9 3ou are scholars and scientist# !hy don$t you kno! these things9 "f !e are a people that are to be respected and not be an outcast of the ciili=ed !orld# !hat !ere our fathers before !e eer came to America to come into the reali=ation that !e are outcast and un!anted people in the society of nations9 ,here did !e come from and !as our fathers anything9 /od has reealed these things. Almighty /od has said to me that before the ,hiteman eer brought from that particular continent# !e had been there in that particular continent OH#HHH OH#HHH years. 1e again said to me that# before going there# !e !ere in !hat !e call today Arabia# that !hole entire peninsula as they call it. Before the ,hiteman came came there# that country or peninsula !as called Arabia. DAlthoughE they hae it diided up into many other other states DtodayE# it !as called called Arabia# meaning the 0irst# or Asia. The continent of Africa at that time !as !as called the :ungles of &ast Asia. +ur people !ho are there today came from a scientist !ho !anted to make a people !ho !as capable of !ithstanding the hot sun and could get along !ith the beast and other !ild animals of the jungle. 1e !ent to the other L scientist and pleaded !ith them to allo! him to take his family into
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!hich to rotate. DActuallyE it neer stopped. "t !as too too short of a distance for the planet to slo! up its speed of rotation. rotation. "f it had slo!ed up# it !ould !ould hae affected the people# but it didn$t slo! up. The blast made and the drop the planet made due to the blast kept the planet rotating at the same rate rate of speed. The %un that causes and compels the earth to rotate on an a>is# did not lose lose any po!er of attraction attraction on either part. %he D%unE kept both parts moing around in their orbit as this other part DMoonE follo!ed us and it also is attached to the same part that it came from for po!er to continue rotating so# it DMoonE rotates in our orbit# or rotates around the same planet it came from.
THE TRIBE AFTER THE B-AST This particular Tribe from !hich our fathers came# after the &arth !as fit after the t he blast# !ere the first scientist# ?e>plorers#@ !ho e>plored of earth after that blast or &arth$s deportation from the Moon. They found the best spot on our planet planet earth to make a home. They coered De>ploredE De>ploredE the entire earth. "t !as our fathers. ,e are from that same Tribe. They are the ones !ho set up history history for us. They !rote it and and told about it. ,e hae it today in the 1oly 7ity Mecca put a!ay in a safe keeping ault !here no man is able to get to or attack it# or een look look upon it e>cept K people. There are only K people on our our planet today that has the priilege to look into that history and they keep the kno!ledge !ithin themseles among the K. The only one today !ho kno!s kno!s the secret of that book is the Kth Kth +ne !ho is ackno!ledged by the other KK to be /od "n Person. That book contains all that had happened among among us before !e made the Moon. Moon. " say !e# because it !as our our fathers !ho made it. There are !ays to proe the truth of it. "f you are a scholar# scientist or astronomer# you hae a !ay of proing this. Before !e made this moon# moon# !e had Mars turning as our Moon for this &arth. &arth. +ur &arth at that time !as appro>imately KH#HHH miles in diameter and IG#HHH in circumference !hereas# today it is appro>imately L#QRG thousand in circumference !ith the euator - appro>imately O#HHH thousand miles and straight through at the euator J#RG miles. Before the deportation of Moon the &arth !as appro>imately KH#HHH miles straight through it and about IG#HHH around around at the euator. %he has al!ays been egg -shaped !hen !hen the moon !as !ith the &arth. %he has neer been a totally round round sphere.
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the radio# but it has been improed upon. 3ou could come back KHH years from no! and and you !ouldn$t kno! your machine# because so much improement has been made upon it. Take for instance those !ho made made the 0ord motor car. car. "f 0ord !ould look look at his car today he !ould say he !as dumb dumb Dby comparisonE. Although 0ord didn$t put all the improements improements of the car# he !as the founder of the car. car. %o it is !ith !ise men in spiritual !ork and other sciences that !e !orship of the /od that that has made and created. ,e hae Them coming at interals. ,hen ones !isdom is e>hausted another one$s one$s picks up and 1e improes on !hat !hat you hae done. ike the /od that diided our planet' 1e !as !ise enough to !ant !ant to hae 1is !ord bond bond KHHS and to let eery man kno! 1e !as to speak the same language and think the same thing. This !as against nature. The heaens and the earth !ere !ere not created created like that they ary. D7onseuentlyE he failed and got angry and said that since they !on$t be like 1e !ants !ants them to be " !ill destroy myself and them too. 1e missed# because the unierse is made in such a !ay by the 7reator that you can$t destroy it yourself or you can$t destroy destroy the people of the 7reator. 2egardless to your plans# !hether !hether like 2ussia or America that has the deadliest and destructie !eapons that hae been fashioned by any scientist of !ar of the past# that can destroy human beings on this earth I or KH times if they !anted to they can$t can$t do it. 2egardless to !hat !eapons !eapons you may use to destroy all life on the earth# you !ill fail# because there is someone al!ays sitting back behind the curtain that you don$t kno!# !ho kno!s !hat you kno!. 1e kno!s an enemy that can destroy the enemy that you hae fashioned. fashioned. This is the !ay it !as in the time of the Man !ho !anted to destroy our planet.
THE 2I-- 2HI&H TRANS&ENDS TIME The present Moon is GG trillion years old itself or rather being in the present position it$s in. +riginally it D!as part of the earthE# but from an e>plosion it ble! out K#HHH miles from the earth and the earth itself dropped IG# HHH HHH miles out of it original original orbit. GG trillion years ago the !ater on the moon dropped dropped back upon this part. "t is !ithout !ater due to the e>plosion. e>plosion. That gae us ILths of our surface because !e hae the !ater from that part. The +riginal man did that. 1e !as a /od or %cientist that brought about the e>plosion due to
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DThe uestion !as asked# ?+ne of the points the &astern Muslims remark on is that# the
THE MOON GOD Allah (/od) lay hold on something (the (th e M++*) to compare !ith our history. *othing could be better than the M++* for this comparison since Allah (/od) in the Person of Master 0ard Muhammad taught me that a Black scientist# bent upon destroying us# blasted that part (Moon) a!ay from our &arth. 1e !as the /od of the M++* and his intentions intent ions !ere of eil. ,e used to say# and many of us still say# that 3akub !as the first /od of murder !hich is true of his race (the !hite race) that he made. made. *o!# the /od !ho tried to destroy us along !ith himself# his effort to do so# caused the making of our M++*. The /od of the M++* had murder and the destruction of the human family in his mind. 1e !as not successful in doing so. Allah (/od) used this history of that /od to teach us !hat is in the mind of this people (the !hite race). The M++* according to the teachings of Allah (/od) ,ho came in the Person of Master 0ard Muhammad# to ,hom Praises are due foreer# is a part of this &arth. "t is as old as the &arth. "t !as not the idea of the /od# !ho took the M++* from the &arth to make that a part a satellite for the &arth. 1is idea !as to force his rule upon the people of our planet and force all to speak the same dialect# !hich he !as not able to do. Then he decided t o destroy all# including the &arth and himself. 1e !ent to !ork by attempting to drill a tube into the &arthFs
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%ince the M++* has no !ater and graitation from the po!er of !ater life# !hich she had before she !as blasted a!ay from her o!n# (the &arth)# she is made subject to the &arth because here is the po!er of gro!th because of much !ater (life) coering the surface of the &arth. The M++* seems to be begging for her life (!ater). There is no planet !hich is !orth!hile !ithout the presence of !ater# since !ater is the base of life# as the 1oly imately one - uarter (KL) million miles for a sign too. "t !as not the idea of that /od to make a sign for us. 1e had the !icked idea to destroy us because he could not rule us. 1e destroyed himself and made for us a sign that seres as a reflection of light from the %4* to keep us in the kno!ledge of the eent and our looking at the marelous piece of !ork dying through the mistake of one of the /ods. Poor old piece of our &arth lying out there in space. ,e are to carry that dead piece because it is depried of life. The other part# our &arth# is filled !ith an abundance of life. ,e cannot say that !e robbed the M++* of its life. The enemy robbed the M++* of its life (!ater) and poured it onto this part of the planet &arth. This act of saing the !ater from the destruction of the M++* !as of Allah to sho! s ho! that regardless of !hat happens to the matter (M++*) the original !ater of life !ill be saed. %he is still going on her journey around the &arth seeking her life. ,ith her time of rotation around the &arth seeking her life# !ith her time of rotation around the &arth and her stages made# she is capable of proing her loss of life !ith her clinging to the po!er of &arthFs graitation and since she !as the ,ork and 7reation of the 1and of the same /od that created her !ith the &arth# she dra!s one of the most significant signs that she is one of us. The !ay she affects our life on &arth is in order to sho! that she is part of us.
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it is !ith our enemy today. 1e !ants us all to kneel and bo! to his !a of life and if he cannot get us to do so# he !ants to be rid of us and our &arth. %ince the MoonFs number is GG trillion years and the !hite manFs number is GG hundred years from the time of his making to the time of his end# the 2eelator of the Bible. 2e. KI'KQ says# that his number is Nthe number of a man.N The man is the Black man !ho brought about the deportation of the moon GG trillion years ago. 1e !as a /od (Black man). ,e neer had any other people on the &arth# other than the Black people until G#HHH years ago# according to the teachings to me of Allah (/od) ,ho came in the Person of Master 0ard Muhammad to ,hom praises are due foreer. All of the races and different colors of people !hich !e hae on the planet today# !ere brought from the grafting and making of the !hite man by his /od# 3akub. Many races hae been produced from the four (L) colors# black# bro!n# yello! and !hite and the intermi>ing of these colors. The &arthFs population is dominated by their four major colors (black# bro!n. yello! and !hite). The number of the !hite man is truly the same as that of the Black man !ho caused the deportation of the M++* from the &arth. , e can add another si> (G) because it !as si> (G) trillion years bet!een the creation of life out of darkness to the creation of the present day %4* !hich took G trillion years. Therefore# if !e !ould add that figure on to the time of the age of the M++*# !e !ould hae three (I) GFs there. But !e al!ays hae three (I) GFs throughout the !hole entire stages of the &arth. "t !as created in si> (G) periods of time according to the 1oly ty-si> (GG)
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!as Africa into !hich he !ent to proe it# in the jungles of Africa Dthe jungles of &ast AsiaE. 1e said he could make a people like himself and !ould bring DeerythingE to a naught# because they !ould be strong# po!erful and nothing could defeat them. them. %o the eleen said go and make your man# man# but donFt make him here. %o he !ent into the jungles of Africa fifty thousand years ago# so /od taught me# and 1e sho!ed me the signs that " could recogni=e today. 1e pointed out to me one night# t!o little stars in the %outheastern skies' a blue one and a red one. 1e said# N"tFs been fifty thousand years since !e !e hae seen these t!o stars#N 1e said# N,hen they go a!ay out of the skies from our sight this time# it !ill be fifty-thousand years before they reappear.N &ery time they reappear there !ill be a uniersal change. The !hite man recogni=es these things their scholars and scientists# but they donFt talk to you on nothing of the kind. A blue star beside a red one that that means remoal of a !orld that doesnFt correspond !ith the original !orld. 3ou say# N,ell ho! many more more times is it9N The end is up. The !isdom that this +ne brought is to bring an end to these kind of !orkings# Dalso toE sho! forth something to come after this manFs !isdom. There is no !isdom to come come after this that !ill be able to erase this !isdom# because this !isdom is brought to you from the root of !isdom from the +riginator of the 4nierse. 3ou notice that the !hole unierse is egg shaped. shaped. The planets in the unierse are also egg shaped. They are not perfectly round round spheres. ,ell# this is is leaing a little !ork for some !ise man that is# that D!hichE " am not able to perfect# then someone must perfect that thing. This is the !ay that !e look at !isdom. ,hen scholars are arguing !ith each other# other# they take one !ord - most time - they donFt take a !hole book# one !ord is sufficient for
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,hat he !as relatie to the other other is the uestion. My understanding !as# and " thought you had said that once he left the other KK# the !ork he did and !hat he !as to do# did not really allo! us to call him one of the K. Messenger' They can$t call call him one of of the K. 1e didn$t accept that place. ,as he therefore a /od outside the K. K. ,hen he disagreed# he !as no longer one one of the K9 Messenger' ,ho said he !as !as one of the K before that9 that9 My understanding !as that you did. Messenger' " did not say say that he !as one of the K like !e hae today. OH#HHH years years ago !hen this took place# he disagreed !ith !ith the scientist at that time. %ince he disagreed !ith the %cientist of that time# he cannot be considered one of the roots of the K. " hae said he !as "$ll admit that# but " am going to go back after (clarify) myself. " said he !as one of the K# because it !as natural for the K to hae had the po!er to let him come to naught if he didn$t agree agree !ith them. But actually at the root of the K# K# " don$t hae a history that puts him in the root of theK# because these fello!s al!ays kno! !hat is !hat and if you are around there as a corrupted root# OH#HHH years from no!# they !ould kno! it. %ometimes# Brother Minister# !hen you are talking !ith me and discussing the roots of the scientist back long ago - the deil calls calls his pre-historic - (" don$t use it)# it)# !e had ours. "t
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" started off !ith him on the actual noun and pronoun that !as used there that it applies to ?something@ and not to ?nothing.@ ?nothing.@ A spirit canFt be a noun and a pronoun pronoun DandE is not something Din andE of itself. "t is something that is emitted by something. 3ou donFt hae steam coming out of the kettle all by itself. 3ouFe got to hae something in that kettle for it to be producing steam. The steam is the energy of !hat you hae in there. ,ell# any!ay " !on " can tell you that. 1e came do!n !ith about J or Q olumes of books. " had one book# book# the
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+ne /od and 1e has in the
THE TRIBE OF SHABAZZ IN EAST ASIA 8AFRI&A9 This particular Tribe of %haba== !as a great people OH#HHH OH#HHH years ago. 1e !as our father. +ther tribes or families hae been produced since that time and hae spread out oer the earth. onFt get me !rong no!# and donFt make a mistake in thinking that " am telling you this !as the beginning of the man on earth OH#HHH years ago. ago. D"t !ould beE like telling you that IH days ago or KH days ago or O days ago is Dour age in comparisonE to the age of the 4nierse. ,e hae no e>act record of it# but it runs !ay into the trillions Dof Dof yearsE. 1e DAllah# Master 0ard MuhammadE took me back around JG trillion years of the 4nierse.
:OHN HA21INS AND THE MA1ING OF A S-A6E The :ohn 1a!kins history is the history of the enslaement of the seed of Abraham# the Tribe
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The 2ed man on this continent are our brothers brothers from the &ast. They D!ere drienE a!ay from from ciili=ation about KG#HHH years ago and !ere liing in e>ile on this part of the planet earth (no! called America and supposedly named after a deil# a deil named America 8espucci# KLOK-KOK he !as an adenturer and e>plorer. %ince the "ndians !ould not submit to slaery# it !as asked at the meeting if anyone kne! of a people !ho could be brought to America# and !ould submit. %ir :ohn 1a!kins said# ?3es# there is such a people# they are the greatest nation on the planet earth the strongest# the !isest and most submissie# but they hae neer been told a lie they are the people no! liing in the rich *ile 8alley of &gypt.@ 1aing lied and traded !ith the +riginal nation# %ir :ohn 1a!kins !as gien the job of kidnapping AllahFs most righteous tribe# stripping them of their kno!ledge and deliering them to a shameful yoke# he did his job.
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After traeling from the 1oly land# NThe good ship :esus#N landed at :amesto!n 8irginia in KOOO. At first the Muslims brothers (our (our 0athers) !ere not treated treated too badly (although they could not return to their o!n land) because the deils !anted the Black brothers to reproduce themseles (hae children) so that he could start NMakingN his slae race. ,heneer a child !as born to the captured Muslims it !as taken a!ay from the Black mother and father. A !hite (deil) nurse !as on on hand to take the child to another part of of the area to take care of it. The deils (!hite race) kne! that if the Black Black mother and father !ere allo!ed to rear (raise) their o!n child# they !ould teach the child kno!ledge of self and /od# and therefore# !ith such kno!ledge the child# like his father before him# !ould not submit to being a slae (not !illingly# any!ay). By using a !hite nurse# the child !ould only be taught !hat the slae-master !anted him to kno! (no kno!ledge of self). self). ,hen one of the Black children !ould cry for for his motherFs breast# the deil (!hite race) nurse !ould dip a strip of s!ine fat in molasses and gie it to
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stripped her naked# and !ith a sharp knife cut her belly open and let the unborn baby fall to the ground. The Black !oman !ould be left screaming for hours on on end until death oertook her. The Black slaes (called *egroes) !ere made to !atch this# thus putting fear into their ery nature (all kne! something could happen to them). The Black people !ere made to eat eat out of troughs like lie-stock. lie-stock. "t !as nothing to see a deil urinate or other!ise reliee themseles in the troughs that the slaes had to eat out of. *o family life !as allo!ed allo!ed to e>ist bet!een the Black people. people. +ur blood !as crossed crossed up. 0athers !ere forced to breed !ith daughters and sons !ere made to impregnate their sisters or mothers. The deils themseles !ould impregnate the Black !omen (sometimes their o!n daughters) and put the offspring (their o!n children) on the block block to be sold as slaes. This act alone
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,e !ere put into seritude slaery and !e !e sered something like IKH years. " donFt kno! !here these fello!s get this stuff about LG LG years oer here. " donFt kno! !here they get that from# but "Fm !ith /od and the scientist !ho gae Dput the historyE around LHH years here in slaery. DBased on theE actions or eents that are no! taking place# !hich corresponds !ith the prophesy of Abraham D!hereas# !e !ouldE sojourn in strange land that is no! ours and D!e D!e !ouldE sere a strange people people for LHH years. After that time the ord /od !ould judge that nation and bring DoutE again that seed# as DtheyE are called in the Bible# the people of Abraham# again into their o!n land and !ill gie them that land and put them oer the !hole entire earth. According to the Bible# Bible# in !ords# Dit Dit told Abraham toE look &ast# &ast# ,est# *orth and %outh %outh and as far as you can see. This !ill be theirs. theirs. DAlsoE to look look at the canopy Doer their headsE and if you can number the stars# there then you can count the lost and found people of /od# !ho !ill return to this land and that they !ill be multiplied !ithout numbers. D"t is also prophesiedE that if you you go to the sea shore and count count the grains of sand on the sea shore you !ould get Dsome ideaE of !hat the population of that lost and found you that " shall go after and and bring again after they hae sered LHH LHH years. DThey !ouldE sere
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the truth today and get a!ay from that slaery !orshiping of deils that you are no! doing. ,ithout kno!ledge# you are absolutely !orshiping deils and donFt kno! it. This kno!ledge has come to you DsoE you may direct your face# as the 1oly
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sometimes he actually lies. 1e actually lies sometimes in claiming claiming that he loes eerybody. "f he says that he loes his slae-master# slae-master# sometime he lies there. 1e doesnFt loe his slaemaster# but heFs afraid of his slae master. 1e doesn$t hae the kno!ledge of himself# his /od or the people of /od. 1e kno!s nothing about it. 1e kno!s nothing about the po!er of /od. 1e kno!s nothing about anyone# but his slae-master and his children. 1e kno!s that
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ashamed of themseles for taking up the th e same slang or Dbu== !ordsE of mockery used on us# since they are our brothers and hae suffered the same treatment that !e hae suffered# and if not# !hat their fathers hae suffered. suffered. ,hy should you take sides !ith people !ho you you kno!n all your life to hae been an enemy of the black man here in America# and help him to make mock of your o!n people# or help him to claim that heFs justified in saying this or doing
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&ery time that one disobeys Almighty /od that ruler is put do!n and once eery O#HHH years !e takes a ne! start according to the !ord of Almighty /od up until this present day !e use that particular number of years that brought about a change in our history. history. &ery O#HHH years there came about a total total change. Almighty /od Allah said that once upon an time they !rote history for IO#HHH IO#HHH years. ,e are the !riters 1e says# meaning the darker people of the
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The Angels kept telling him they !ould cut the number do!n if he could bring it up. 1e kept running back thinking that he had more follo!ers than that fie or ten or fifteen. 1e thought he could get that before he !ould get out of the door# but he !as not able to do it. 1e just !as able to bring before the Angels four or fie.
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DA lot of Belieers donFt reali=e that in KRJ# at the lecture gien at the +pening ay of the *e! Temple *o. in 7hicago# Messenger &lijah Muhammad stopped us from facing the &ast !hen !e pray.E Messenger &lijah MuhammadFs !ords from that lecture !ere published in the 7 issue of
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