SMD Codes. SMD devices are, by their very nature, too small to carry conventional semiconductor type numbers. Instead, a somewhat arbitrary coding system has grown up, where the device package carries a simple two- or three-character ID code. Identifying the manufacturers' type number of an SMD device from the package code can be a difficult task, involving combing through many different databooks. This HTML book is designed to provide an easy means of device identification. It lists well over 3,400 device codes in alphabetical order, together with type numbers, device characteristics or equivalents and pinout information. How to use the SMD Codebook To identify a particular SMD device, first identify the package style and note the ID code printed on the device. Now look up the code in the alphanumeric listing which forms the main part of this book by clicking on the first character shown in the left-menu. Unfortunately, each device code is not necessarily unique. For example a device coded 1A might be either a BC846A or a FMMT3904. Even the same manufacturer may use the same code for different devices!
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If there is more than one entry, use the package style to differentiate between devices with the same ID code. This compilation has been collected from R P Blackwell G4PMK, manufacturers' data and other sources of SMD device ID codes, pinout and leaded device equivalent information. The entries under the Manufacturer column are not intended to be comprehensive; rather they are intended to provide help on locating sources of more detailed information if you require it.
ID Code Variations Many manufacturers use an extra letter as their own identification code. If the device is from Philips it will sometimes have a lower case 'p' (or sometimes 't') added to the code; Siemens devices usually have a lower case 's'. For example, if the code is 1A, according to the table there are a number of possibilities: • • • •
1A BC846A Phi ITT N BC546A 1A FMMT3904 Zet N 2N3904 1A MMBT3904 Mot N 2N3904 1A IRLML2402 IR F n-ch mosfet 20V 0.9A
This has been a problem in the past, however recently manufacturers have been adding lower case letters which clarify the code. C
Many recent Motorola devices have a small superscript letter after the device code, such as SA . (This smaller letter is merely a month of manufacture code.) Many devices from Rohm Semiconductors which start with G have direct equivalents found in the rest of the number. For example GD1 is the same as D1 which is a BCW31. Some devices have a single coloured letter (usually on extremely small diode packages). Colour, if significant, is shown in small type after the code letter.
An 'L' suffix usually indicates a low-profile package, such as an SOT323 or SC70.
Reverse joggle devices do present a few problems. They oftern have an 'R' in the type number. A reverse package is one where the lead have been bent up instead of down. So it's a mirror image of a conventional device. Identification is usually possible from the code number, but some manufacturers use the same code. In these cases, it's a case of looking at the device with a magnifying glass. The leads of most normal packages come out closer to the circuit board side of the device; conversely a reverse joggle package will have them coming out closer to the 'top' of the device. Sometimes a series of devices, derived from the same die, have related type (not code) numbers. Often an 'R' will indicate a reverse joggle package, and/or a 'W' indicate a smaller package variant, such as SOT343. Sometimes similarities are also found in the code numbers. For example:
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• • •
'67' is the code for a BFP67 (SOT143 package) , '67R' is the code for the reverse joggle variant BFP67R (SOT143R), 'W67' is the code for a SOT343 package version. version.
'Z-S' and 'ZtS ' are both 2PC4081Q devices made by Philips; the first made in Hong Kong ZS. and the second in Malaysia; this appears in the codebook classified under ZS. Leaded equivalent device and information Where possible, the listing gives the part number of a conventional wire-leaded device with equivalent characteristics. If the leaded device is well-known then no more information is given. If the device is less common, some additional information will sometimes be given. Where no exact leaded equivalent exists, a brief device description is given, which may be sufficient to allow substitution with another device. When describing device characteristics, some terms are implied from the type of device. For example, a voltage specified for a rectifier diode is usually the maximum PIV (peak inverse voltage) of the diode, but for a zener diode the operating (zener voltage) will be given. Normally, where a voltage, current or power is specified, specified, these will be limiting values. For example, a device specified as NPN 20V 0.1A 1W is a NPN transistor with a Vce (max) of 20V, maximum collector current of 100mA and a maximum total power dissipation of 1W. Some of the transistors are types with integrated resistors; in the list, a base resistor means a resistor connected in series with the base. When two resistor values are given, the first is the series base resistor, and the second the resistor between base and emitter.
Digital Transistors (dtr) These are transistors with built-in resistors. Some have one resistor between base and emitter, others in series with the base. Many others have both. To keep things simple, the series resistor is called R1 and the base emitter resistor is called R2. If both are present, then two values are given, R1 first. So 4k7 + 10k means that R1 (the base resistor) is 4k7 and R2 (the resistor between base and emitter) is 10k.
Conclusion Identifying the manufacturers' type number of an SMD device from the package code can be a difficult task, involving combing through many different databooks. This HTML book is designed to provide an easy means of
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Abbreviations amp
common anode
common cathode
dual gate
digital transistor (see codebook introduction)
enhancement (mode - FETs)
field effect transistor
transition frequency
Gallium Arsenide field effect transistor
general purpose
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junction field effect transistor
maximum available gain
microwave minature integrated circuit
modular amplifier - an mmic amplifier
metal oxide insulated gate fet
n-channel fet (any type)
npn bipolar transistor
p-channel fet (any type)
pin diode
pnp bipolar transistor
protection, protected (as in mosfet gate)
switch or switching
collector - emitter voltage (maximum)
collector supply voltage
Manufacturer abbreviations Agi
Agilent (was HP)
Hewlett-Packard (Now Agilent)
Infineon (was Siemens)
ITT Semiconductors
Motorola (now ON Semiconductors)
National Semiconductor
New Japan Radio Co
ON Semiconductors (was Motorola)
Siemens (now Infineon)
Siliconix (Vishay-Silliconix)
Temic Semiconductors
Telefunken (Vishay-Telefunken)
Toko Inc.
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Codes beginning with '0' Code 0
Device 2SC3603
Manufacturer Nec
Base CX
Package SOT173
Leaded Equivalent/Data Npn RF fT 7GHz
005 p01 t01 01 010 011 02 02 02 02 p02 t02 03 03 03 03 04
Sil Phi Phi MC Sil SGS Phi Mot Roh MC Phi Phi MC Roh Roh Roh Roh
SOT23 SOT23 SOT89 SOT23R SOT143 SOT89 SOT23 SOT23 SOT89 EMT3 SC70 SC59 SOT23
PAD-5 5pA leakage diode pnp dtr 4k7+4k7 pnp dtr 4k7+4k7 DC-8GHz MMIC amp 12dB gain PAD-10 10pA leakage diode 2N2369 n-ch mosfet 80V 175mA npn RF MRF571 50V 100mA npn sw + 10k base res DC-8GHz MMIC amp 16dB gain npn 4k7+4k7 bias res npn 4k7+4k7 bias res DC-3GHz MMIC amp 22dB gain npn dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA npn dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA npn dtr R1 4k7 50V 100mA npn dtr R1 10k 50V 100mA
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t04 05 05 05 05 05F 06 06 06 06 -06 t06 020 050 081 09 09 0A 0A 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 0G 0H 0J 0K 0L 0M
PMBS3904 Gali-4 DTC124TE DTC124TUA DTC124TKA TSDF1205R Gali-6 DTC144TE DTC144TUA DTC144TKA PMSS3906 PMBS3906 SSTPAD20 SSTPAD50 SO2369AR DTC115TUA DTC115TKA MUN5111DW1 DTC125TUA DTC125TKA MUN5112DW1 MUN5113DW1 MUN5114DW1 MUN5115DW1 MUN5116DW1 MUN5130DW1 MUN5131DW1 MUN5132DW1 MUN5133DW1 MUN5134DW1 MUN5135DW1
Phi MC Roh Roh Roh Tfk MC Roh Roh Roh Phi Phi Sil Sil SGS Roh Roh Mot Roh Roh Mot Mot Mot Mot Mot Mot Mot Mot Mot Mot Mot
SOT23 SOT89 EMT3 SC70 SC59 SOT89 EMT3 SC70 SC59 SOT323 SOT23 SOT23R SC70 SC59 SOT363 SC70 SC59 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363
2N3904 DC-4GHz MMIC amp 18 dBm o/p npn dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA npn dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA npn dtr R1 22k 50V 100mA fT12GHz npn 4V 5mA DC-4GHz MMIC amp 115 dBm o/p npn dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA npn dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA npn dtr R1 47k 50V 100mA 2N3906 2N3906 PAD-20 20pA leakage diode PAD-50 50pA leakage diode 2N2369A npn dtr R2 100k 50V 100mA npn dtr R2 100k 50V 100mA dual pnp dtr 10k+10k npn dtr R2 100k 50V 100mA npn dtr R2 100k 50V 100mA dual pnp dtr 22k+22k dual pnp dtr 47k+47k dual pnp dtr 10k+47k dual pnp dtr R1 10k dual pnp dtr R1 4k7 dual pnp dtr 1k0+1k0 dual pnp dtr 2k2+2k2 dual pnp dtr 4k7+4k7 dual pnp dtr 4k7+47k dual pnp dtr 22k+47k dual pnp dtr 2k2+47k
Codes beginning with '1' Code 1 1 1 (red) 10 10A 10V 10Y 11 11 11 p11 t11
Device 2SC3587 BA277 BB669 MRF9411L PZM10NB2A PZM10NB BZV49-C10 MRF9511L MUN5311DW1 PDTA114EU PDTA114TT PDTA114TT
Manufacturer Nec Phi Sie Mot Phi Phi Phi Mot Mot Phi Phi Phi
Base CX I I X A C O X DP N N N
Package SOD523 SOD323 SOT143 SOT346 SOT346 SOT89 SOT143 SOT363 SOT416 SOT23 SOT23
Leaded Equivalent/Data npn RF fT10GHz VHF Tuner band switch diode 56-2.7 pF varicap npn Rf 8GHz MRF941 dual ca 10V 0.3W zener 10V 0.3W zener 10V 1W zener npn RF 8GHz MRF951 npn/pnp dtr 10k+10k pnp dtr pnp dtr dtr
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13t 13s 13s 13 13 13A 13A 13E 13V 13Y 14s 14s 14 14 14 14 14 14A 15s 15s 15 15 15 15 15 15A 15A 15V 15Y p16 t16 16s 16s 16 16 16 16V 16Y 17s 17s p17 t17 18 18 p18 t18 18V 18Y
BC846BPN BAS125 BAS125W MA4CS103A MUN5313DW1 MMBD1503A PZM13NB2A ZC2813E PZM13NB BZV49-C13 BAS125-04 BAS125-04W BAT114-099R DTA114EUA DTA114EKA MUN5314DW1 DTA114ECA MMBD1504A BAS125-05 BAS125-05W DTA124EUA DTA124EKA DTA124ECA MUN5315DW1 MMBT3960 MMBD1505A PZM15NB2A PZM15NB BZV49-C15 PDTC114ET PDTC114EU BAS125-06 BAS125-06W MUN5316DW1 DTA144EUA DTA144EKA PZM16NB BZV49-C16 BAS125-07 BAS125-07W PDTC124ET PDTC124EU BFP181T PDTC143ZK PDTC143ZT PDTC143ZT PZM18NB BZV49-C18
Phi Sie Sie M/A Mot Nat Phi Zet Phi Phi Sie Sie Sie Roh Roh Mot Roh Nat Sie Sie Roh Roh Roh Mot Mot Nat Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Sie Sie Mot Roh Roh Phi Phi Sie Sie Phi Phi Tfk Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi
SOT363 SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 SOT363 SOT23 SOT346 SOT23 SOT346 SOT89 SOT23 SOT323 SC70 SC59 SOT 363 SOT23 SOT23 SOT323 SC70 SC59 SOT23 SOT 363 SOT346 SOT346 SOT89 SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 SOT323 SOT 363 SC70 SC59 SOT346 SOT89 SOT143 SOT343 SOT23 SOT323 SOT346 SOT23 SOT23 SOT346 SOT89
BC546B Schottky sw 24V 100mA Schottky sw 24V 100mA Schottky RF 20V 100mA npn/pnp dtr 47k+47k dual Si diode 200V 100mA dual ca 13V 0.3W zener dual ca RF schottky15V 20mA 13V 0.3W zener 13V 1W zener Dual series Schottky 25V 100mA Dual series Schottky 25V 100mA Quad Schottky crossover ring pnp dtr 10k + 10k pnp dtr 10k + 10k npn/pnp dtr 10k R1 pnp dtr 10k + 10k dual cc Si diode 200V 100mA dual cc Schottky 25V 100mA dual cc Schottky 25V 100mA pnp dtr 30V 50mA 22k+22k pnp dtr 30V 50mA 22k+22k pnp dtr 30V 50mA 22k+22k npn/pnp dtr 10k R1 2N3960 dual ca Si diode 200V 100mA dual ca 15V 0.3W zener 15V 0.3W zener 15V 1W zener npn dtr npn dtr dual ca Schottky 25V 100mA dual ca Schottky 25V 100mA npn/pnp dtr 4k7 R1 pnp dtr 30V 50mA 47k+47k pnp dtr 30V 50mA 47k+47k 16V 0.3W zener 16V 1W zener dual Schottky 25V 100mA dual Schottky 25V 100mA npn dtr npn dtr npn Rf fT 7.8GHz 10V 20mA npn dtr 4k7+47k npn dtr 4k7+47k npn dtr 4k7+47k 18V 0.3W zener 18V 1W
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123 123 131 132 132 133 142 151 152 153 156 161 162 163 166 179 181 182 183 1A 1A 1Ap 1At 1At 1A1A 1A 1A p1A p1A t1A t1A -1A 1AM 1B 1B 1Bp 1Bt 1Bt 1B1B 1B 1B p1B t1B t1B -1B 1Bs
Phi Roh Phi Phi Roh Phi Roh Phi Phi Phi Roh Phi Phi Phi Roh Zet Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Zet Mot IR Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Mot Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Zet Mot IR Phi Phi Phi Phi Sie
SOT346 SC70 SOT346 SOT346 SC70 SOT346 SC70 SOT346 SOT346 SOT346 SC70 SOT346 SOT346 SOT346 SC70 SOT346 SOT346 SOT346 SOT23 SOT416 SOT23 SOT23 SOT323 SOT323 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT89 SOT23 SOT323 SOT323 SOT23 SOT23 SOT416 SOT23 SOT23 SOT323 SOT323 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT233 SOT323 SC74
12V 0.3W zener npn dtr 4k7+47k 50V 100mA 13V 0.3W zener 13V 0.3W zener pnp dtr 2k2+47k 50V 100mA 13V 0.3W zener npn dtr 2k2+47k 50V 100mA 15V 0.3W zener 15V 0.3W zener 15V 0.3W zener pnp dtr 47k+10k 50V 100mA 16V 0.3W zener 16V 0.3W zener 16V 0.3W zener npn dtr 47k+10k 50V 100mA 2N5179 18V 0.3W zener 18V 0.3W zener 18V 0.3W zener BC546A BC546A BC546A BC546A BC546A BC546A 2N3904 2N3904 n-ch mosfet 20V 0.9A 2N3904 2N3904 2N3904 2N3904 2N3904 2N3904 BC546B BC546B BC546B BC546B BC546B BC546B 2N2222 2N2222 n-ch mosfet 30V 0.9A 2N2222 2N2222 2N2222 2N2222
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1Wp 1Wt 1W t 1W 1X 1Xp 1Xt 1Y 1Yp 1Yt 1Z 1Z
BF821 BF821 BF822W BF822W MMBT930L BF822 BF822 MMBT3903 BF823 BF823 BAS70-06 MMBT6517
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Codes beginning with '2' Code 2 2 (blue) 2 2 (white) 20 -20 20F 20V 20Y 21 22 22 22 22V 22Y 23 23 23 -23
Device BAT62-02W BAR64-03W 2SC3604 BB439 MRF5811 PDTC114WU TSDF1220 PZM20NB BZV49-C20 Gali-21 MMBT4209 DTC123EUA DTC123EKA PZM22NB BZV49-C22 MMBT3646 DTC143EUA DTC143EKA PDTA114TU
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Package SCD80 SOD323 SOD323 SOT143 SOT323 SOT143 SOT346 SOT89 SOT89 SOT23 SC70 SC59 SOT346 SOT89 SOT23 SC70 SC59 SOT323
Leaded Equivalent/Data BAT16 schottky diode pin diode npn RF fT8GHz 12dB@2GHz 29-5 pF varicap npn Rf fT 5GHz 0.2A npn dtr fT 12GHz npn 6V 20mA 20V 300mW zener 20V 1W zener DC-8GHz MMIC amp 14 dB gain pnp sw 850MHz 2N4209 npn dtr 2k2+2k2 50V 100ma npn dtr 2k2+2k2 50V 100ma 22V 300mW zener 22V 1W zener npn sw 350MHz 2N3646 pnp dtr 50V 100mA 4k7+ 4k7 pnp dtr 50V 100mA 4k7+ 4k7 pnp dtr R1 10k
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202 203 221 222 223 241 242 243 271 272 2A 2A 2A t2A t2A p2A p2A 2A4 2A7 2B 2Bs 2Bs 2Bp 2Bt 2B2B 2B p2B t2B 2BR 2BZ 2C 2Cs 2Cs 2Cp 2Ct
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2G 2Gs 2Gp 2Gt 2Gt 2G2G 2G p2G t2G t2G 2GM 2GR 2GT 2H 2HT 2H t2H t2H 2J 2K 2K 2L 2L p2L t2L t2L 2M 2M 2N 2N0 2P 2P 2Q 2R 2T
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Code 3 3 30 30V 30Y 301 302 303 304 31 31 p31 t31 32 32 32 p32 t32 33 33 33 33 33
33 33V 33Y 34 34 331 331 332 332 335 336 337
Device BAT60A BAT62-02W MUN5330DW1 PZM30NB1 BZV49-C30 FDV301N FDV302P FDV303N FDV304P MUN5331DW1 MMBD1402 PDTA143XT PDTA143XT MUN5332DW1 MMBD1403 BAT32 PDTC143XT PDTC143XT MUN5333DW1 DTA143XE DTA143XUA DTA143XKA MMBD1404 Gali-33 PZM33NB1 BZV49-C33 MUN5334DW1 MMBD1405 NDS331N PZM3.3NB1 PZM3.3NB2 NDS332N NDS335N NDS336N NDS337N
Manufacturer Sie Sie Mot Phi Phi Fch Fch Fch Fch Mot Nat Phi Phi Mot Nat Sie Phi Phi Mot Roh Roh Roh Nat MC Phi Phi Mot Nat Fch Phi Phi Fch Fch Fch Fch
Package SOD323 SCD80 SOT363 SOT346 SOT89 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT363 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT363 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT363 EMT3 SC70 SC59 SOT23 SOT89 SOT346 SOT89 SOT363 SOT23 SOT23 SOT346 SOT346 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23
Leaded Equivalent/Data 10V 3A sw schottky npn/pnp dtr 1k0+1k0 30V 300mW zener 30V 1W zener n-ch 'digital' fet 25V 0.22A p-ch 'digital' fet 25V 0.13A n-ch 'digital' fet 25V 0.68A p-ch 'digital' fet 25V 0.46A npn/pnp dtr 2k2+2k2 Si diode 200V 100mA pnp dtr 4k7+10k pnp dtr4k7+10k npn/pnp dtr 4k7+4k7 dual Si diode 200V 100mA 18GHz zero-bias schottky pnp dtr 4k7+10k pnp dtr 4k7+10ks npn/pnp dtr 4k7+47k pnp dtr 4k7+10k 50V 100mA pnp sw 4k7+10k bias res 50V 100mA pnp sw 4k7+10k bias res 50V 100mA dual cc Si diode 200V 100mA DC-4GHz MMIC amp 19dB gain 33 300mW zener 33V 1W zener npn/pnp dtr 22k+47k dual ca Si diode 200V 100mA n-ch mosfet 1.3A 20V 3.3V 300mW zener 3.3V 300mW zener p-ch mosfet 0.4A, 1A pk, 20V n-ch mosfet 70 mA, 1.7A pk, 20V p-ch mosfet 0.27A, 1.2A pk, 20V n-ch mosfet 50 mA, 2.5A pk 20V
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3A3A 3A0 3A3 3A6 3A9 3AR 3B 3B 3Bp 3Bs 3Bt 3Bt 3B3B 3B 3BR 3C 3C 3D 3Dp 3Dt 3Dt 3D3D 3D 3E 3E 3Ep 3Et 3Et 3E3E 3E 3EM 3ER
BC856AW MMBTH24 PZM3.0NB2A PZM3.3NB2A PZM3.6NB2A PZM3.9NB2A BC856AR BC856B BC856BT BC856B BC856B BC856B BC856BW BC856BW FMMT918 MMBT918 BC856BR FMMTA20R BC857 BC856 BC856 BC856 BC856W BC856W MMBTH81L BC856S BC857A BC857AT BC857A BC857A BC857A BC857A MMBTH10 FMMT-A42 MMBTH10L BC857AR
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BC556A VHF mixer npn fT 600MHz dual 3.0V Zener dual 3.3V Zener dual 3.6V Zener dual 3.9V Zener BC556A BC556B BC556B BC556B BC556B BC556B BC556B BC556B 2N918 2N918 BC556B MPSA20 pnp separate pair gp AF BC556 hfe 75 min BC556 hfe 75 min BC556 hfe 75 min BC556 hfe 75 min BC556 hfe 75 min UHF pnp fT 600MHz pnp separate pair gp AF BC557A BC557A BC557A BC557A BC557A BC557A MPSH10 fT 650MHz MPSA42 VHF amp 650MHz fT BC557A
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3Js 3Jp 3K 3Ks 3Kp 3KR 3L 3LR 3Ls 3Lp 3M 3M 3Ms 3Mp 3N 3P 3R 3S 3T 3V0 3V3 3V6 3V9 3W
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74 75s 75s 75p 75t 75t 7575 75Y 76s 76p 76t 76t
2SC5005 BAS70-05 BAS70-05W BAS70-05 BAS70-05W BAS70-05 BAS70-05W BFQ75 BZV49-C75 BAS70-06 BAS70-06 BAS70-06 BAS70-06W
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7P 7R 7T 7V5 7X 7Y 7Y5 7Z
Mot Mot Zet Phi Mot Mot Phi Mot
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Codes beginning with 'Y' Code Y0s Y1 Y1p Y1 Y2 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y4 Y5s Y5 Y5 Y6s Y6 Y7 Y7 Y8 Y8 Y8 Y9s Y9 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16 Y17 Y18 Y19 Y20 Y21 Y36 Y50 Y51 Y52 Y53 Y54 Y55
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Codes beginning with 'Z' Code Z0 Z0 Z08 Z09 Z10 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z2 Z2 Z2
Device SST310 PDZ2.4B SST308 SST309 SST310 BZX84-C4V7 SSTJ211 PDZ2.7B IMZ1A BZV49C4V7 BZX84-C5V1 SSTJ212 IMZ2A
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Leaded Equivalent/Data J310 n-ch jfet 2.4V 0.4W zener J308 n-ch jfet J309 n-ch jfet J310 n-ch jfet 0.3W zener 4.7V J211 n-ch jfet 2.7V 0.4W zener 2SC2414 npn,2SA1037AK pnp 1W ±5% zener 4.7V 0.3W zener 4.7V J212 n-ch jfet 2SC2414 npn,2SA1037AK pnp
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PACKAGE EQUIVALENTS Here is a table t able of more-or-less equivalents for many SMD packages. Package
SC75 SC90
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SMD electrolytic capacitors are often marked with their capacitance and working voltage, e.g. 10 6V is 10 µF 6V . Sometimes a code is used instead, which normally consists of a letter and 3 digits. The letter indicates the working voltage and the 3 digits (2 digits and multiplier) give the capacitance in pF. Letter Voltage e
The band or stripe indicates the positive terminal. For example, a capacitor marked A475 is a 4.7µ F 10V unit. 475 = 47 x 10 5 pF = 4.7 x 10 6 pF = 4.7µ F
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Colour-coded SOD-123 diodes. Devices marked with letter/number codes will be found in the main list. CATHODE BAND
Devices Devices
BA620, BB620
BA619, BB619
BA582, 583, 584
BA512, 515, BB515, 811
HP diode coding
HP diodes appear to follow a regular coding scheme. Although this is not always followed, it may help in identifying diodes and package styles if used with caution. Not all HP diodes follow this scheme, so beware!
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The SOD-80 package, also known as a MELF, is a small glass cylinder with metal ends.
Code marked devices Marked 2Y4 to 75Y (E24 series) BZV49 series 1W zener diodes (2.4 - 75V) Marked C2V4 TO C75 (E24 series) BZV55 series 500mW zener diodes (2.4 - 75V) The cathode end is indicated by a coloured band.
Coloured band marked devices CATHODE BAND(S)
Device BAS32, BAS45, BAV105 LL4148, 50,