A. Kotov, M. Yudovich
A. M.
Kotov Yudovich
The Soviet Chess School
There are more than four million chess players in the Soviet Union. They include 80 international grandmasters, 112 international masters, about 800 masters, and tens of thousands of candidate masters and first-category players. The names of grandmasters Mikhail Botvinnik, Vassily Smyslov, Tigran Petrosyan, Mikhail Tal, Boris Spassky, Anatoly Karpov, Nona Gaprindashvili, Maya Chiburdanidze and other Soviet chess players are famous throughout the world. Kotov and Yudovich trace the emergence of the Soviet Union as the country of classic chess, and elaborate the special features of the Soviet chess school. The authors study the style of play and the games of the best Soviet chess players and examine the creative legacy of the great Russian masters of the past.
Raduga Publishers Moscow
A. KoToH, MC)KHYHapoJ,HbiH •·poccMeitcTep M. IO.QOBH'I, Me)K.QyHapo.QHbiH MacTep maxMaTbl B CCCP
Translated from the Russian by Lev Kurilov Designed by
Vadim Gorin
Ha aHZJIUikKOM J!3b1Ke
Raduga Publishers would be glad to have your opinion of this book, its translation and design and any suggestions you may have for future publications. Please send all your comments to 17. Zubovsky Boulevard, Moscow, USSR.
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>, 1983
English translation © Raduga Pub lishers 1982 Printed in the Union of Soviet Social ist Republics
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Chapter I. Chapter II. Chapter III. Chapter IV. Chapter V. Chapter VI. Chapter Vll. Chapter VIII. Chapter IX. Chapter X. Chapter XI. Chapter XII. Chapter XIII. Chapter XIV. Chapter XV.
The Soviet Chess School .. .. . . . OUT OF THE DEPTHS OF TIME................................. THE FIRST RUSSIAN CHESS MASTERS .............. ON THE THRESHOLD OF THE 20th CENTURY........... ORIGINS... .. ... ................. ... CHESS IN THE SOVIET UNION.............................. MIKHAIL BOTVINNIK . .. .... GENS UNA SUMUS! .......... THE SEVENTH WORLD CHAMPION . ......... .... ... ... . .. TAL YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW. .. ........ ... "IRON" TIGRAN .............. .. STALWARTS 0 F CHESS. ... . BORIS SPASSKY ................ WOMEN CHESS PLAYERS ..... .. ... . .. . . . ...... ... . ANATOLY KARPOV, 12th WORLD CHAMPION ........ .. THE SOVIET CHESS SCHOOL ............................
page 7 9 15 23 36 54 62 77 92 103 114 124 132 138 147 157
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them with an army in four parts : elephants , horses, chariots and infantry. The aim of the game was to destroy the opponents' pieces, and the pieces were moved according to the throw of the dice. The next step in the develop ment of chess was shatranj the ancient chaturanga transformed in the seventh and eighth cen turies . This game, judging by historical sources , emerged in an Arabian caliphate. In shatranj two opponents com peted , and the outcome was no longer settled by fate (a throw of the dice) but by the powers of logic and the resourcefulness of the players. It was in the form of shatranj that chess arrived in Rus from the East. Somewhat later shatranj appeared in Europe, making its way there through the Mediterra nean states . Over the l 3- 1 4th centuries shat ranj was reformed to make the play more dynamic. New rules resembling the modern ones were introduced : the Queen was given greater mobility, a Pawn could advance two squares in the open ing move , and castling became possible. For some time it was opined that the Russians became ac quainted with chess during the Tatar-Mongolian invasions, and this view was supported in a number of books on the history of chess published both in Russia and other countries . However, research in recent years has shown that chess was already known in old Rus, when the Tatar-Mongolian invasion began -
India, it is common knowledge, is the birthplace of chess. Until recently people thought that the game emerged about I ,500 years ago. This view was supported by Professor eminent scientists: Murrey (Britain), the Dutch re searcher Linde, the German his torian Bachman, and other specialists. I ,500 years is a very respecta ble age . Yet archeologists have established that chess is another four centuries older after excava tions on the site of the ancient settlement of Dalverzin-Tepeh in Central A sia. The expedition from the U zbek Academy of Sciences , headed by Professor G. Pugachenkova, found there two ivory chess pieces which archeologists think belong to a set from the time of the Kushan kingdom . The chess pieces were found next to coins minted by the Kushan king, whose rule dates back to the second century. In the first stage of its develop ment called chess was chaturanga, derived from the words chatur (four) and anga (detachment, unit). Four men took part in the game, each of
in 12.H. and there is plenty of archaeological evidence. Excavations in the old Slav cities Kiev and Vyshgorod disco vered some ivory chess pieces: a Queen, Bishop and another piece whose function it was impossible to determine since it was badly damaged. The pieces date from the lith and 1 2th centuries . An expedition to one of the centres of ancient Slav culture, Yaros lav 's Dvorishche. * also discov ered two chessmen: a Pawn and Bishop dating from the 1 2th century. Chessmen were also discovered in other old Russian citie s , in Chernigov , for instance. Excava tions of the Black Grave burial mound discovered chess pieces which specialists date back to the l Oth century. If these finds are insufficient evidence that the ancient Slavs were familiar with chess, irrefuta ble proof comes from excavations in Novgorod , one of the oldest Russian cities, where l Oth century chess pieces from ap proximately 50 different sets un questionably belonging to people of different ranks were disco vered. Simple wooden chessmen, ivory pieces, and even several gold and silver pieces were among them. Soviet scientists possess a unique archeological collection: more than 250 differ ent pieces from ancient Russian chess sets of the 1 1 th to the 1 7th centuries . How then did this game appear in old Rus? Let us try to find an explanation in chess terminology . *
The Russian name for chess (shakhmaty) is a combination of two words: shakh (shah), which comes from Iran, and mat, which comes from the Arabian mat (he is dead) or the Iranian mat (help less, hopeless). The interesting thing is that no other European language has such a composite name for the game . The names of the chessmen also corroborate the fact that chess came to Russia not from Europe but from the East. Korol (King) is a comparative ly new word for Russian chess , and materialised at the beginning of the last century. Before that the piece was called shakh, and then tsar. The use of the word tsar, however, could have the most unexpected consequences , as we see from this excerpt from N . Og loblin's article "Everyday Life in the 1 7th Century," published in the magazine Russkaya Starina ( 1 892). The excerpt is entitled "Dangerous Play of 1686". "In January 1 686 the Siberian Department sent the sovereigns a report by the Krasnoyarsk voivo da, * Stolnik Grigory Shishkov, on a 'matter of state .' "Officer Timoshka Elfimov ac Officer cused Marchko Khomyakov of a state offence: it was claimed that Marchko was playing chess with Andryushka Volynshchik, when he took a piece from the board and ex claimed: "I expected a ferz, but it's a tsar !" He began to curse the tsar. Three Krasnoyarsk officers were there to hear it. Marchko *
Head of the local army division.
was interrogated , but he denied the accusation , whereas the of ficers who were present claimed that they had heard the cursing. " The Krasnoyarsk voivoda re ported the matter to his superior, the Y eniseisk voivoda, Boyar Konstantin Shcherbatov , who or dered Marchko Khomyakov to be tortured. During torture he admitted that he had cursed without thinking of what he was saying. The unfortunate chess player was then put behind bars. Only a year later did the final decision on the Khomyakov "af fair" arrive from the capital: "Their Royal Majesties Tsars and Grand Dukes loan Alex eyevich, Pyotr Alexeyevich and Her Royal Majesty Sofia Alex eyevna have ordered that Mar chko be released . " Ferz is i n Eastern chess ferzin (learned, wise) , a vizier. In all European countries this piece is called daine or Queen. As the German historian T. Las a pointed out at the end of last century, the Russian name ferz indicates that chess was introduced directly by the Persians and Arabs, and did not come through Europe . I n Russia different periods had their own individual rules of play. The original piece "ferz of all kinds", for instance, was met in Russian chess in the 1 7th and 1 8th centuries, and even at the beginning of the 1 9th century. Dal , well-known for his studies of Russian history , noted in the dictionary he compiled that "when, by agreement, the ferz makes all moves, i . e . , moves also
as Knight, it is called 'ferz of all kinds ' . " Butrimov , in his chess guide published in 1 82 1 , mentions a ferz "capable of galloping also as a knight". The author considered the move outdated . He wrote that "such a move has been prohibited by the law-makers of chess and may be dependent on the condi tions" . Slon (elephant) comes from an eastern term which has been ex actly translated into Russian, and the name does not figure in the chess terminology of other Euro pean countries, where this piece is called Bishop , Clown or Footman . Ladia is a distinctive Russian word. "The term ladia could have derived from another language, " the Russian historian Sargin wrote, "had its Russian origin been not supported by the name of the main Slav means of con veyance, ladias being used both on rivers and the Caspian and Black seas . " The interesting thing from this aspect is the discovery by ar cheologists of two ladias carved in a realistic manner during exca vations in Grodno and Vol kovyssk. They belong to the 1 2th and 1 3th centuries. The first is made of stone, 5 . 5 centimetres long and 1 . 5 cen timetres wide . There are out riggers on the sides. There are four soldiers in the boat, with three shields on each side. On the ivory Volkovyssk ladia the sol diers located standing at the shields along the sides are better preserved. But an acquaintance with chess 11
terminology poses the researchers such problems as: how chess was played in old Rus, what the rules and customs of play were, and how they changed. Historical material shows that our forefathers were well ac quainted with the principles of shatranj , had an u p-to-date knowledge of all the changes in the rules of play, and introduced something of their own to the game . In old Rus, for instance, there was a rule by which the game could begin with the simul taneous advance of two Pawns by both White and Black. It is also typical that no foreigner describing medieval Russian chess noted that it dif fered in any way from the game as played in Europe. Let us now turn our attention to other sources dealing with chess in Russia. The first written mention of chess in old Rus is to be found in the Kormchaya kniga, a collec tion of Church rules and canons compiled by the Serbian Arch bishop Savva I at the beginning of the 1 3th century. In 1 262 the Bulgarian Duke sent a manuscript copy of the Kormchaya kniga to the Kiev Metropolitan Cyril III . The Russian copy of the Kormchaya kniga included some additions , such as the prohibition of chess, which was declared a game originating with the "law less Chaldeans" , i . e . , pagans . Several manuscript copies of the Kormchaya kniga, taken in 1 252, have been preserved in Serbia, and far from prohibiting chess, it did not even mention the game . The condemnation of chess 12
in the Russian Kormchaya kniga proves that chess was known in Kiev Rus. Church edicts censured, and at times prohibited chess up to the 1 7th century. Penalties even were fixed. The ecclesiastical Paisievs ky sbomik (Paisi' s Collection) (the 1 4th and 1 5th centuries) pre scribed for chess players a daily ritual of 200 bows in order to resist "the devil ' s temptation". The clergy of St. Sophia's Cathedral in Novgorod went even farther, threatening chess players with The excommunication. Church could not ignore the fact that chess was already widely accepted: the Cathedral Code of 1649 no longer contained any prohibition of chess. Moreover, even priests were unable to resist the attractions of the game. In 1 73 1 , for instance , the Kazan Metropolitan Silvester Kholmsky sent the Holy Synod a complaint about Metropolitan Feodosi Yanovsky, stating that Father Feodosi played chess at night and had even ordered the big bells to be taken down so that their ringing might not distract him from the game . The popularity of chess in Rus sia was commented upon by many foreign merchants, dip lomats, and travellers who visited Muscovy . I n h i s guide to chess theory , published in Western Europe in 1 6 1 6 , Gustavus Selenus stated : "Russians or Muscovites play chess very intelligently and ear nestly, and they are so skilled that, in my opinion, other nations will not be able to compete with them easily."
We can therefore conclude that already 300 years ago chess was quite widespread in Russia. Many famed people of the time enjoyed the game. The Inventory of Clothing and Property of the Times of Tsars Fyodor lvanovich, Boris Godunov and Vasili Shuis ky mentions "cut-glass and jade chess sets, two chess pieces , one fish tooth , and others of bone ; two chess boards , stone chess pieces, on silver and gilded foot ing" in the Tsars' Treasury. Chess set makers were appointed to the Tsar ' s court. Their job was to make sure that the chess sets were kept in good condition, and to make new sets. Ivan the Terrible is renowned for his love of chess . Peter I also liked to relax at the chess board . Many brief notes on chess have been preserved in his diary. H ere are two of them: "14 October 1714. I spent the whole day at home and played chess with Stepan Vytashchi . " (Stepan, nicknamed Vytashchi, served in his youth in the Preob razhensky Regiment, and after that became an official in the Tsar's court) . "21 November 1716. I played chess with Bitka the whole day" (Ivan Khrisanfov, nicknamed Bitka, Peter the First' s Court priest, was his regular chess partner). Ever since the famous assemb lies introduced by Peter I in 17 1 9 Russian chess skills had been developing at organised meetings of chess players. The assemblies marked the start of the meetings of chess players from the upper classes,
mostly those at the Tsar's court. Empress Anna Ioannovna had a special chess room equipped in the St. Petersburg Winter Palace. Empress Catherine II herself and many of her courtiers played chess. The Empress' favourite , Potemkin of Tauris, who invited the best chess players from all over Russia to St. Petersburg, was particularly fond of the game. Catherine II invited to the capi tal the Hungarian mechanic Far kas Kempelen, who had invented the machine Automaton Chess Player. He gave demonstrations of his machine both in St. Peters burg and in other Russian cities and towns. Here is a notice that appeared in Tula on 5 November 1777 : "An exhibition of the 'automaton chess player' invented and built by the mechanic Kempelen will be held in the concert hall. The machine is so well designed mechanically that the inventor invites the best players in the town to compete with it." It was subsequently discovered that a chess player so expert that he could easily beat his oppo nents was cleverly hidden in the machine. The Russian Emperor Paul I was a chess devotee from his very childhood. During his trip to Paris ( 1 78 1 - 1 782) he more than once visited the then famous chess club-the Cafe de Ia Re gence, which a quarter of a century later was frequented by Napoleon. At the end of the 1 8th century chess enthusiasts in St. Peters13
burg began to assemble in the apartments of high-ranking offi cials . These gatherings became the prototype for the future chess clubs . The Russian games of those times have unfortunately not come down to us, but the chess
enthusiasts undoubtedly included talented players. Their creative effort influenced the development of chess in Russia, and led to the appearance of outstanding mas ters who gained wide recognition in Europe at the beginning of the 1 9th century.
There are some people whom fortune seems to favour, conferr ing success and fame on them throughout their lives. Alexander Petrov ( 1 794- 1 867), the first Rus sian chess player to gain worldwide fame, was one of these people (referred to as Pet roff in the West). An offspring of a noble family he began his career with a modest post in a St. Petersburg office , and rose fast to the rank of assistant secretary to the State Administration in Warsaw. He was fascinated by chess from his childhood. According to his contemporaries, he already played well at the age of seven . His teacher was his grandfather, Senator I. Sokolov , about whom he later wrote: "My grandfather played chess every day from four o'clock in the afternoon , until I 0 in the evening . . . He was even considered the best player in St. Petersburg." Petrov learned from his grandfather and was soon a better player than him. The Senator told his friends about the boy's abili ty, and the youthful Alexander began to receive invitations to
"chess evenings". At the age of 16 he was recognised the best Russian . chess player, and re mained so for 50 years . Despite Petrov's respect for the game , he twice refused to take part in international tournaments (London, 1 85 1 , and Paris , 1 862) . Sergei Urusov , an eminent Rus sian chess player of that period, claimed that Petrov "had guarded his reputation with the Great Wall of China". In reply Petrov wrote: "Never have I sought to play against European celebrities. Chess is not my trade, and my official functions leave me no time for trips abroad, nor do I have funds for such travels . " The allusion to his official functions and lack of money merely concealed his real reasons for refusing to take part in inter national contests. In the social circles in which Petrov moved chess was regarded merely as a pleasant pastime, a not entirely serious occupation. And though Petrov wrote that "chess, with the thought and calculation it requires can be justly called a learned , serious, and fascinating game" , he was unable to break away from the traditions of his environment. Ironically, Petrov ' s administra tive affairs, which he considered so important, sank into oblivion, while his chess legacy lives on and is developed in the works of the thousands of his followers. Great credit is due to Alexan der Petrov for his work in form ing the national chess school, and he is held in high esteem abroad. His works on theory were consid ered classic, and his games and 15
chess problems were published in many countries. Of especial importance for the development of chess thought was Petrov's The Game of Chess Systematised with the Addition of Philidor's * Games with Accom panying Notes, which the author himself printed in 1 824 in an edition of 300 copies, of which 50 are available today. This book, of great historical importance for the development of chess thought, was published in facsimile in 6,000 copies by the Fizkultura i sport Publishers in 1 977. Petrov ' s book was not, how ever, the first of its kind. Chess publishing started with the De scription of the Chinese Game of Chess by A . Leontiev, secretary at the Russian Embassy in Peking ( 1 775). This work is especially significant for its enumeration of all the Russian names for the chess pieces . Chigorin noted sub sequently that "this is the most ancient record of Russian chess terminology that has come down to us". The first article on chess in the periodical press was published in 1 8 1 5 in the Almanac Russian Museum. Ivan Butrimov ' s Chess Play was published by the Senate press in St. Petersburg in 1 82 1 , and contained much that was known at the time about chess theory. In this first chess guide , its pages yellow with age, we find * Philidor, real name Fran�ois Andre Danican (1726-1795), an outstanding French master, the strongest player of the second half of the 18th century.
much interesting and instructive information on chess , its strategy and tactics. Butrimov stated that as a game "chess is not merely a pleasant pastime, it also promotes , as mathematics does, the habit of logical thought". In the time of Butrimov Rus sian chess players already under stood the importance of contacts with others for improving their game, and greatly valued the former's book. To return to Petrov's book, it contains valuable information on chess theory and practice and it was a major factor in the emergence of the Russian chess school. Published 1 50 years ago, some of the theory is still valid today. For instance, Petrov criticised Philidor for "paying more atten tion to attack than defence". Of importance also is Petrov ' s evalu ation of Philidor's theory that White, with the advantage of the first move, had to emerge vic torious . Petrov wrote: "We cannot agree with Philidor that whoever has the first move must necessar ily win. " Philidor' s point o f view intro duced a certain fatality into chess theory and impoverished the game. Petrov' s view held more promise for chess. Let us take a look at the first postal game published in Russia, played between Petrov and three chess amateurs from St. Peters burg through the municipal post office. The game started on 27 August 1 837, and lasted almost five months.
Petroff Defence A. PETROV
l . e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 This open ing system was thoroughly de veloped by A. Petrov and his companion, the Russian master Jaenisch. 3. d4 Nxe4 4. Bd3 d5 5. Nxe5 Bd6 (5 . . . Be7 is better) 6. 0-0 0-0 7. c4 A variation that seems quite modern. It was used, for exam ple, by Alekhine, a hundred years later in a game against Alexander when 1 933-1 934), (Hastings, Black continued 7... Nc6, followed by 8 . Nxd5. The consultants' move was very weak. 7 . . . f5 8. f4 c6 9. Be3 Be6 10. cxd5 cxd5 ( 1 0 . . . Bxd5 should have been played) 1 1 . Nc3 Nc6 12. Rcl Rf6 It would have been better to continue symmetrical play with 1 2. . . Rc8 . The attempt to launch an attack on White's strengthened m its King position was doomed to failure . 1 3 . Bxe4 :xe4 14. NbS! Ne7 15. Nxd6 Qxd6 16. g4! A correct appraisal of the situa tion. Although Petrov had written that the Pawns shielding the King . should only be moved from their places in extreme necessity, the move is justified here as the key point of f5 cannot be ceded to Black. 16 . . . g6 17. f5! (by sacrificing a Pawn White gains the initiative) 2-607
1 7 . . . gxf5 18. Bg5 Rff8 19. Bh6 Rfc8 (a return to f6 is preferable here) 20. Qd2 Qd8 Jaenisch pointed out that 20 . . . Ng6 is also bad because of 2 1 . Rxc8+ Rxc8 22. gxf5 Nxe5 23 . Qg5 + with a decisive attack, or 20. . . Rxc I 2 1 . Qg5 + Ng6 22. Nxg6 ! Rc7 23 . Ne7 + Kf7 24. gxf5 , etc. 21. Rxc8 Rxc8 22. gxf5 (22. Qg5 + Ng6) 22 . . . Nxf5 (22 . . . Bxf5 23 . Qg5 + Bg6 24 . Qf6 also loses) 23 . Qg2+ Kh8 24. Rxf5 Qg8 25. Rf6 Bh3 26. Qg3 Qxg3+ 27. hxg3 Black resigns. Petrov not only studied the strategy and tactics of chess ; he was also the author of a number of popular problems and endgame studies. His symbolic problem "Napoleon' s Flight from M os cow" originated in the events of the War of 1 8 1 2 . DIAGRAM 2
The Knights on e2 and f l (the Russian cavalry) chase Black's 17
King (Napoleon) from Russia to the French capital . l . Nd2 + Ka2 (Napoleon leaves Moscow, which is designated by the square b l ) 2. Nc3+ Ka3 3. Ndb1 + Kb4 4. Na2+ KbS S. Nc3+ Ka6 Here the Russians could wind up the struggle by mating Black' s King with the move 6. Qa8+ +, however they miss this opportuni ty, so that Napoleon crosses the river Berezina (this is designated by the diagonal h l -a8). 6. Nb4+ Ka7 7. NbS+ Kb8 8. Na6+ Kc8 9. Na7+ Kd7 10. NbS+ Ke7 1 1 . Nc8+ Kf8 12. Nd7+ Kg8 13. Ne7+ Kh8. The Cossacks under the com mand of the Russian General Platov force Napoleon to take cover in Paris (the h8 square). Now the game concludes: 14. Kg2+ + . Petrov, typically, asserts that the mastering of chess demands a serious attitude and deep study, and that goal players are of necessity gifted people. "A knowledge of the moves does not mean that a person can 18
consider himself a player," wrote Petrov . "In this respect chess resembles poetry. A knowledge of the rules of poetry does not make a person a real poet unless that person possesses talent . " Petrov rarely took part i n com petitions, and therefore few of his games have survived . Those games , however, which did ap pear in print, attracted the atten tion of the entire chess world by their originality and skill. Here is one of Petrov's games played in Paris in 1 863 against one of the strongest French masters.
King's Gambit A. PETROV
1. e4 eS 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 gS 4. h4 g4 S. NeS Nf6 (this move is considered the best even now) 6. Bc4 (in Petrov's time this was the main continuation . Now 6. d4 is considered stronger) 6 . . . dS 7. exdS Bd6 8. d4 NbS 9. BbS + Kf8? (the correct move is 9 . . . c6) 10. Nc3 Ng3 1 1 . Bxf4? ( 1 1 . Rg l is better) I I... Nxh1 12. Qd2 Qxh4+ 13. g3 Nxg3 14. Qf2 NfS 1S. Qxh4 Nxh4 16. Bh6+ Kg8? (Bold but risky attack by White. 1 6 . . . Ke7 led to Black' s advantage) 17. Ne4! Be7 18. Be8 Nf3 + 19. Kf2 NxeS 20. dxeS BfS 21 . Nf6 + Bxf6 22. exf6 Nd7? (Black should have played 22 . . . Na6) 23. Bxd7 Rxd7 24. Re1 (24. Rh l threatens Black even more) 24. . . ReS 2S. Rxe8+ Bxe8
Truly a fantastic posttlon. Black has an extra Rook and Pawn but his pieces are in iron cage from which there is no escape. 26. Kg3 Bd7 27. c4 aS 28. a3 a4 29. c5 Bc8 30. d6 cxd6 31. cxd6 Bd7 32. Kf4 Be6 33. Kg3 A draw. Petrov was not alone in his work on chess strategy and tac tics. A considerable contribution to the emergence of the Russian chess school was made by Karl Jaenisch ( 1 8 1 3- 1 872), professor at the St. Petersburg Institute of Communications. While Petrov was the better tournament com petitor, Jaenisch surpassed him in the art of analysis and generalisa tion . In 1 842- 1 843 Jaenisch published his two-volume work, A New Analysis of Chess Openings, which contained a number of original studies on various sys tems of play. Jaenisch indicates that many of the variations were devised by Petrov . 2*
Jaenisch' s book was translated into English and printed in Eng land in two editions (London, 1 847, and Cambridge, 1 855). It served as the basis and prototype for many subsequent opening guides , in particular the important Handbuch des Schachspiels by Paul Rudolf Bilguer. Jaenisch ' s work of more than 500 pages describes specific opening variations. The scope of the work can be judged by its length alone. Jaenisch illustrated the basic variations of every opening with games played by the best chess players of his time. We should stress that Jaenisch was the first person to analyse in detail semi-closed and closed openings. A number of the varia tions of the French and Sicilian defences now employed, and of the Queen' s Gambit, were also proved to be of value m Jaenisch' s book. Here, for instance, is a varia tion of the French Defence, studied by Jaenisch, which is still relevant today: 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. Nc3 Nc6 5. Nf3 Qb6. Jaenisch also analyses the Sicilian Gambit 1 . e4 c5 2. b4, different positions of the Queen' s Gambit and, i n particular depth, the Slav Defence ( 1 . d4 d5 2. c4 c6). A keen variation of the Ruy Lopez in which so far the last word has not been said: I. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 f5, has been named after Jaenisch. DIAGRAM 4
Like Petrov , Jaenisch paid seri ous attention to chess composi19
tion. His problems and endgame studies were well known through out the world. Here is one of them, published in 1 859. DIAGRAM 5
White is not in a good position to win. 1 . fxg6 g2+ 2. Kgl BaS 3. g7 Bxc3 4. g8B (But not 4. g8Q or g8R because of 4 . . . blQ+ 5. Bxbl Bxd4+ 6. Bxd4 stalemate) 4 . . . 20
Bd2 5. Be6 + Kg3 6. Be5+ Kf3 7 . Bd5 + endgame develops The Jaenisch's favourite theme of the promotion of a passed Pawn. If instead of 2 . . . Ba5 Black plays 2 . . . Bc7, it is possible to continue 3. Be5 Bd8 (3 . . . Ba5 4. Bf4 Bxc3 5 . Be3 Bel 6. g7 Bg3 7. g8R) 4. Bf4 Bf6 5. Bh6 Bd8. 6. g7 Bc7 7. g8Q Bh2+ 8. Kf2 Bg3+ 9. Qxg3+ hxg3 10. Kgl, etc. The publication of Jaenisch's book was not the end of his analytical work. His articles and studies were published in chess magazines in many countries for almost 25 years afterwards . The three-volume Treatise on the Application of Mathematical Analysis to Chess Play, of inter est to cybernetics specialists and mathematicians working on chess-playing computers, appeared in 1 862- 1 863 . Unfortunate ly Jaenisch was unable to com plete this work. The eminent Russian chess players in the mid- 1 850s also included the brothers Dmitri and Sergei Urusov, Shumov and Mikhailov. Colonel Sergei Urusov ( 1 8271 897), hero of the Sevastopol Defence, friend and chess partner of Leo Tolstoy, was recognised as the strongest player after Petrov. In 1 859 Sergei Urusov played a match with Petrov . The latter won the competition ( + 1 3 -7 1 ) , but declared after the match that Urusov could compete quite suc cessfully against the best foreign players. The truth of Petrov' s words =
was soon borne out by Sergei Urusov' s draw in a minor match with Hungary ' s J. Kolisch, one of the strongest chess players of the time (St. Petersburg, 1 862), and victory in his match with the German master P. Hirschfeld (Moscow, 1 866). This game is characteristic of the strength and style of the Russian master. Ruy Lopez S. URUSOV
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bd5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Be7 6. d4 exd4 7. e5 Ne4 S. Nxd4 Nxd4 9. Qxd4 Nc5 10. Nc3 0-0 DIAGRAM 6
The possibilities of this position are now being studied. The con tinuations 1 1 . Bg5 , 1 1 . Nd5, in addition to Urusov ' s move, were employed. 1 1 . Be3 d6 This is better than 1 1 . . . Nxa4 1 2 . Qxa4 d5 1 3 . exd6
e.p. Bxd6 14. Rad l with advan tage for White. (Lombardy vs. Horowitz, New York, 1955) 12. Rad1 Nxa4 (this move is faulty here; the correct line is 1 2. . . Be6 1 3 . exd6 e . p . , Qxd6 14. Qb4 Qb6) 13. Qxa4 Bd7 14. Qe4 In the Fichtl vs. Brzoska game ( 1 954) there followed 14. Qd4 Be6 1 5 . Bf4, and White ' s situation is more advantageous 14 Bc6 15. Nd5 dxe5 16. Qxe5 Bd6 17. Qh5 ReS 1S. c4 Re4 19. Rd4 ReS ( 1 9 . . . Qe8 is better) 20. Qf3 Bc5? (the Queen should have been moved to e8) 21. Rg4! Bxe3 22. fxe3 Bxd5 23. Qg3! Qe7 24. Rxg7 + KhS 25. cxd5 Rxe3 26. Rgxf7! Rxg3 27. Rxe7 Rg7 28. Rff7 RagS 29. Rxg7 Rxg7 30. ReS+ RgS 31. RxgS+ KxgS 32. Kf2 and several moves later Black resigns. Urusov was famed as the in ventor of the clever opening gam bit 1 . e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3 . d4 exd4 4. Nf4. The curious compli cations arising after 4. . . N xe4 were much analysed in the last century . Sergei Urusov ' s "Guide to the Study of Chess", published in the magazine Shakhmatny listok in 1 859- 1 86 1 , i s of great importance for chess theory. Shumov ( 1 8 1 9- 1 88 1 ) , the won derful inventor of chess prob lems , who promoted chess theory, Mikhailov ( 1 828- 1 882) , one of the organisers of the St. Petersburg Society of Chess Amateurs and chess master Dmit ( 1 830- 1903) ri Urusov are also important in the history of the development of Russian chess. .•.
chess gatherings in the house were attended by the best Russian players . A fre quent guest was the writer Ivan Turgenev , also a chess en thusiast. These first chess gatherings, the beginnings of the future chess clubs, mark a new stage in Rus sian chess development largely because the players of the time saw chess as an important factor of education. U rusov
Shumov, for instance, wrote: "The game of chess is almost not a game . In any case, it differs so radically from all other games that it cannot be categorised with them. Chess falls somewhere be tween a game and art." The efforts of the first Russian masters to promote chess pre pared the ground for new talented players to come to the fore and laid the foundations of a distinc tive Russian chess school .
The distinctive Russian chess school was further developed and improved by the prominent Rus sian master Mikhail chess Chigorin. Chigorin shared the fate of many outstanding figures i n the culture, science and the arts of those times. His innovational re search was at times considered eccentric , while his new ap proaches in chess strategy and tactics were only acclaimed after his death. Chigorin's childhood was a hard one . Orphaned at the age of nine he was handed over in July 1 859 to an orphanage , a tal l , gloomy building standing i n the centre of the small town of Gatchina. The atmosphere i n this public institution was oppressive, the children being subjected only to fear and endless punishment. Only some of the teachers treated their charges with warmth and care . The latter included the Ger man-language teacher A. Schu mann, who tried to organise the children ' s leisure and taught many of them to play chess. Chigorin made his first ac quaintance with the game at the
age of 1 6 . Now, by this age, talented young chess players are already approaching the master Botvinnik, Spas sky, class. Fischer, Karpov , Chiburdanidze and Kasparov were acclaimed masters at 1 6 . The young Chigorin was im mediately attracted by chess. He sought consolation at the chess board in order to forget the indignities he was forced to suffer. And there were many of those. The despotism of the teachers and educators was boundless . In 1868 the seniors organised pro tests demanding that whipping be stopped . The St. Petersburg authorities intervened . Several of the pupils were arrested, and many others, including Chigorin, were ex pelled. Chigorin arrived in St. Peters burg, where he searched desper ately for a job. His hunt con tinued for three years, while he led a hungry life . Finally, in August 1 87 1 , he managed to get an undistinguished office job . The difficult straits in which Chigorin found himself forced him to postpone his thoughts of chess until some distant date. For almost five years Chigorin hardly touched the chess board , and he started to occupy himself with chess seriously only in 1 874 , when he was already 24 years old . The St. Petersburg chess players of the day used to gather in the Cafe Dominique. They played exclusively for money. Handicap tournaments were ar ranged , the special feature of 23
which was that the strongest players gave the weaker ones a head start: a Pawn, Knight or even a Rook, but on condition that a tournament fee was paid. Chigorin became a regular vis itor of the Dominique. In 1 874 Chigorin's first game was pub lished-the game he lost to Mas ter Ilya Shumov, who gave the novice the start of a Pawn and a move. At the end of the same year Chigorin competed in a handicap tournament, won by Emanuil Shiffers ( 1 850- 1 904), who soon became a prominent international master. Ilya Shumov came sec ond , and Mikhail Chigorin , still being given a start by his experi enced opponents, was third . Chigorin' s bold , original play nevertheless attracted the atten tion of the experts. The magazine Vsemimaya illus tratsia reviewed the results of the tournament : "Third prize was awarded to the young, second category chess player who has made brilliant progress in a very short time ." Chigorin's style of play gradu ally took shape in his games against the leading Russian chess players, while his understanding of strategy and tactics developed. In the 1 880s Chigorin became Russia's leading player. He was one of the first Russian masters to take part in international con tests, with excellent results. Chigorin made his debut in the 1881 Berlin Tournament, in which the pick of the world's best chess players competed: Zuckertort, Blackburne , Winawer, Paulsen, Mason and other celebrities. 24
Chigorin tied for third place with the Polish master Winawer. Here is a game from the Berlin tournament.
Sicilian Defence M . CHIGORIN
I. e4 cS 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Qb6 5. Nb3 Nf6 6. Nc3 e6 7. a3 Be7 8. Be2 0-0 9. 0-0 a6 10. Qd3 Qc7 1 1 . f4 d6 12. Qg3 Bd7 13. Be3 DIAGRAM 7
A familiar position: the Scheveningen Variation of the Sicilian Defence frequently met today . 13... Rad8? (An unhappy ma noeuvre. Modern theory recom mends 1 3 . . . b5 or 1 3 . . . Rac8 to allow freedom of operation on the Q-side). 14. Nd2! (the intention is either to transfer the Knight to c4, aiming to advance it, if given the chance, to b6, or to move it to f3 ,
from where it will be able to support the attack on Black's King) 14. .. d5 15. e5 Ne8 16. Nf3 f5 17. Qf2 Qb8 18. Bb6 ReS 19. Bd3 (Black's poor planning leads him into a cramped and hopeless situ ation. Chigorin steadily piles on the pressure) 19 Nc7 20. Nce2 Nca8 21. Be3 Na5 22. b3 b5 Gradually Black now returns to the correct plan of campaign on the Q-side, but valuable time has been lost, and there are no squares on the c-file for him to invade. 23. h4 Nb7 24. b4! Now the Knight on b7 cannot achieve anything useful, and Black does not manage to take advantage of the weakened c4square. 24 Qc7 25. Ned4 Nd8 26. g4! fxg4 27. Ng5 Bxg5 (If 27 . . . g6, then 28. Qg3 with dangerous threats) 28. hxg5 g6 29. Kg2 Rb8 30. Rhl Rf7 3 1 . Rh6 Rg7 32. Rah1 Nf7 33. Rg4 Rf8 34. Qg3 Nd8 35. Qxg4 Nb6? Paulsen, who was considered the best defence expert, has firm ly strengthened his position. Only his last move is a mistake and is effectively rebuffed . It was held that Black could still retain equal ity after 35 . . . Bc8, but Grandmas ter Vasyukov and Master Nikitin, proved that in this case the move 36. Qh3 also gives White a chance for victory. Here is one of the possible variations: 36. . . Rff7 37. Rh6 Kf8 (threatened by 38. Bxg6) 38. Nf3 d4 39. Bxd4 Rxf4 40. Bc5 + Ke8 4 1 . Rxh7, etc. ..•
36. Rxh7! Rxh7 37. Rxh7 Rf7 (37. . . Kxh7 38. Qh5+ led to mate) 38. Rh6 Nc4 39. Rxg6+ Kf8 40. Bf2 Bc8 41. Qh4 Ke7 42. Rg8 Kd7 43. g6 Re7 44. Qxe7 + ! Black resigns. The then world champion was Wilhelm Steinitz, outstanding theoretician and player. An ever increasing number of reports in the press claimed that Steinitz' only rival was Chigorin. And when in 1 888 there was talk of a world championship Steinitz himself declared Chigorin to be a very worthy opponent. They had played four games in various international tourna ments, and in three games Chigo rin had emerged victorious . The Havana Chess Club under took to organise the world title contest. Chigorin had not only to train for the match, he was also faced with another problem which had nothing to do with chess. He had to find the money for the trip. Subscription sheets were distributed throughout Russia. Chess devotees collected , kopeck by kopeck , the money necessary for the trip to Cuba. In the Havana match , which lasted from 20 January to 24 February 1 889, Chigorin was de feated, winning six games and losing ten. Only one game ended in a draw , after both opponents had missed chances for victory in it. However, this match did not put an end to the contests be tween the two players. In 1 890- 1 89 1 Chigorin and Steinitz arranged to play two
simultaneous games, with the moves being exchanged by ca bles. The reason behind the match was the discussion be tween Chigorin and Steinitz on the value of two then current opening variations (one in the Evans Gambit for Black and another for White in the Two Knights' Defence) recommended by the world champion. newspapers of Hundreds throughout the world reported and commented on the match . Never before had any chess con test aroused such interest. Chigorin won both the games brilliantly . Let us recall one of these unique games, unique be cause never since have leading players competed in such a match.
pointed out, here 9 . . . Bd6 also deserves attention in order to reply to 10. d4 with 10 . . . e4) 10. d3 0-0 11 . Nc3 Nd5 12. Na4 Bd6 13. Ng1 f5 DIAGRAM 8
Two Knights' Defence W. STEINITZ
1. e4 e5 2. NfJ Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exd5 Na5 6. Bb5+ c6 7. dxc6 bxc6 8. Be2 h6 9. Nh3 It is theoretically proven that if the Knight retreats to f3 , Black is sufficiently compensated . The controversial move of Nh3 , which Steinitz defended, is still disputed. Robert Fischer revived it and made use of it in several games. Steinitz considered Nh3 the best move, but Chigorin did not agree. 9 . Bc5 (the Knight on h3 is so poorly placed that there is no sense in exchanging it, even if this weakens the position of Pawns . White's As Fischer ..
We should point out, by the way, that Fischer interprets the position after the Knight's move to h3 otherwise , in a more mod ern fashion, without placing great hopes on his wall of Pawns. This is how his game with Arthur Bisguier (Black) proceeded in the 1 963 New York Championship after 9 . . . Bc5 : 1 0. 0-0 0-0 1 1 . d3 Bxh3 1 2. gxh3 Qd7 1 3 . Bf3 (in the case of 1 3 . Bg4 Nxg4, fol lowed by f5 , Black is in a good position to attack) 1 3 . . . Qxh3 14. Nbd2 Rd8 1 5 . Bg2 Qf5 (as Fischer pointed out, by playing 1 6 . Qf3 White gains some advan tage) . 14. c3 Bd7 15. d4 e4 16. c4 Ne7! Black does not want to close
the f-file and is preparing to transfer the Knight either to f4 or f5 in case the Pawn on f5 moves to f4. 17. Nc3 Be6 18. b3 Steinitz per sistently defends his theory of the Pawn chain, whereas the situation demands decisive action. He should have played 18. f4 in an attempt to mobilise his forces. 18... Bb4 19. Bb2 f4 Black at tacks on all fronts, intending to open play by sacrificing the Pawn on f4. In opening the files Black's advantage in development should prove decisive. 20. Qc2-a disaster is imminent. but there are no longer any satis factory continuations. In the case of 20. Kfl there is the powerful reply 20. . . f3 ! 2 1 . gxf3 exf3 22. Bxf3 Ng6 and then Nh4, and in case of 20. a3 a good response is 20. . . Bxc 3 + 2 1 . Bxc3 Nf5 22. Bg4 Rb8, etc. 20 Qxd4 2 1 . Kf1 Black can attack strongly after 2 1 . a3 f3 ! 22. gxf3 e3 ! 23. fxe3 Qh4 + . White could best defend himself thus: 2 1 . Rd l Qf6 22. a3 Bxc3 + 23. Bxc3 Qg6 24. Kf l . 21... f3! 22. gxf3 exf3 23. Bxf3. 23. Nxf3 is no consolation either. C higorin saw this variation: 2 1 . . . Bh3 + 22. Ke l Rxf3 ! 23 . Bxf3 Rf8 24. Be2 Ng6. 23 . . . Bf5 24. Ne4 In the case of 24. Rd I Black still retains the attack by removing his Queen to f4 or h4. 24. Bxe4! 25. Qe2 Or 25 . Qxe4 Qxb2 26. Rb l Qxa2. Also unsatisfactory is 25 . Bxe4 Rxf2+ 26. Qxf2 Qxe4 27. Nf3 Rf8 28. Kg3 Ng6. •••
25. . . Bxf3! Excellent play. B y sacrificing h i s Queen Black can attack White' s King with all his forces . 26. Qe6 + Kh7 27. Bxd4 Bxh1 28. Qh3 Nf5 29. Be5 Rae8 30. Bf4 (White is beautifully mated after 30. f4 Rxe5 3 1 . fxe5 Ng3 + + ) 30... Nd4 31. Qxd3+ Be4 32. Qxd4 Rxf4 33. f3 Chigorin pointed out White cannot take the Pawn on a7. For instance, 3 3 . Qxa7 Rg4 34. f3 Bd3 + 35. Kf2 Rg5, and then Bc5 . 33. .. RefS 34 . Qxa7 c5 35. Qc7 Nc6! 36. a3 Rxf3 + ! 37. Nxf3 Rxf3+ 38. Kg1 Bd2! Chigorin's attack was perfect, and this is one of the most noteworthy games of the 1 9th century. Chigorin ' s victory over Steinitz made a great impact. "Steinitz's primacy in chess has been shaken for the first time in 25 years for all the world to see," claimed the Russian magazine Shashechnitsa, echoing a widely held opinion. 27
No wonder then that by the end of 1 89 1 the second world championship between Steinitz and Chigorin was already ar ranged . Again Chigorin had to traved to Havana, and once more Russian chess enthusiasts col lected money for the trip. The second Steinitz vs. Chigo rin match was one of the most dramatic in the history of chess competition. Both of the oppo nents made their favourite open ing lines and conducted a relent less, uncompromising game. People in Russia waited with excitement for news from Cuba. "I am unable to overcome my chess patriotism and I hope that the Number 1 chess player will be the Russian" , stated Leo Tolstoy. In a number of the games in the match Chigorin made success ful use of the bold Evans Gambit, which was a formidable weapon in his hands. Steinitz used closed opening systems . It is interesting that the Evans Gambit was often discarded, only to be revived, whereupon its op ponents would discover another Achilles ' heel. At the end of the 1 800s things had gone so far that a spiritualism session was held in Vienna, at which the admirers of the gambit tried to call up the spirit of the famed French chess player Louis Charles de Labour donnais to ask for his opinion on this controversial variation . The spirit, alas, was unpre pared for such consultations, and the chess spiritualists, headed by Master Kolisch , had to content themselves with an analytical check of the position. 28
Chigorin himself, without re sorting to the supernatural , disco vered truly extraordinary poten tial in the Evans Gambit and other gambit systems and was able to attack in such a way that even Steinitz was unable to parry. By the finishing game the score was 9 : 8 (with five draws) in Steinitz' s favour. In the conclu sive ( 1 8th) game Chigorin (White) quickly gained a decisive advan tage. Here is the position after Black's 3 1 st move. DIAGRAM 10
Chigorin had plenty of time for consideration. The control time had just passed (the match was played with a time control of 15 moves an hour). The simple 32. Rxb7 would have led to vic tory. Chigorin pondered for 20 minutes and made a suicidal move: 32. Bb4??, and after the obvious 32 . . . Rxh2+ he resigned. This is one of the most drama tic examples of chess blindness.
Steinitz himself called his wm a Pyrrhic victory. Chigorin was far superior to Steinitz in his understanding of correctness , strength and beauty in the art of chess. But Steinitz unquestionably had more stami na, endurance and composure, and was more able to spread his strength in the long run, and take into account the psychological aspects of the game . Just as the Steinitz vs. Chigorin matches were of epic quality, so Mikhail Chigorin's match in 1 893 with the famed German Grand master Siegbert Tarrasch, Steinitz' s follower, made chess history. This match , which took place in St. Petersburg, produced a number of excellent games . Chigorin, who competed i n many international contests, was always a worthy representative of Russian chess. He travelled to London, Paris, Prague, Berlin, New York, Budapest and Vienna, where his talent was admired. A study of the past shows us that each generation discovers Chigorin in its own way. His contemporaries saw him as the main figure in a romantic trend, a talented improviser. However, a thorough study of Chigorin' s leg acy reveals that the Russian champion was considerably ahead of his time. Although Mikhail Chigorin never became world champion, his role in the development of chess thought is difficult to over estimate. Chigorin's profound ideas, opening inventions and en dgame analyses have come down to us and are now an important part of tournament practice.
Chigorin emerged as a major chess player when Steinitz ' s theories, later developed b y Tar rasch, reigned throughout the world. While he could not deny that Steinitz had introduced much that was new in chess theory and had a very high opinion of his skill, Chigorin disagreed with him on principles of play. The chess his torian A. Narkevitch pointed out: "Steinitz's teaching in some way reminds one of the ideological trends of the second half of the 1 9th century: positivism, in rationalism mechanicism, philosophy, naturalism in litera ture. Steinitz was a true son of his time, both in his achievements and discoveries , as well as in the limitations of his doctrine. He was unaware of this limitation, and he was inclined to consider it the expression of the absolute truth in chess . " The main aim o f the "new school" led by Steinitz and Tar rasch was to lay down laws of chess strategy and tactics dictat ing correct behaviour in all foreseeable circumstances . Creativity was thus limited to applying these "laws" at the right time and place. Tarrasch, who devised his own kind of traffic regulation for the chess board , was especially intent on making chess subject to strict laws. Chigorin revolted against this narrow approach ; he thought that the progress of chess theory would inevitably refute many old conceptions. "What theory recog nises today it refutes tomorrow," he wrote i n 1 90 1 . Chigorin strove in his research for concrete, 29
exact analyses, avoiding the hazy general arguments that were so dear to the hearts of the "new school" ideologists. "General notions made their appearance in chess literature comparatively recently , some 1 0 years ago" , wrote Chigorin in with 1 893 , the "probably emergence of the so-called new school proclaimed by Steinitz, and took root for a very obvious reason: anyone, so to speak, can occupy himself with this matter if he is the least bit capable of dialectics , even when he has in sufficient knowledge of chess and experience in analysis. "We should point out that many of those who see them selves as followers of this new school interpret Steinitz' s princi ples completely inaccurately." Note Chigorin' s last comment. He always had a high opinion of Steinitz as a chess theoretician , although he disagreed with him on creative principles. "In chess books and memoirs, just as in conversation , one hears: theoretically, more theoret ically, etc. What is usually under stood by that are the generally commonly accepted, made moves, whose only advantage is to have been studied in greater depth ," wrote Chigorin and, de veloping his idea, he added: "In actual fact in almost all openings you can find moves which are not inferior to the theoretical moves if they are used as the initial point of a whole combination of moves by a good and experienced player. Chess as a game is much richer than one might suppose from the existing theory, which 30
attempts to contain it within cer tain narrow forms . " These ideas deserve some thought, for they were the basis for new opening designs and what seemed to be "incorrect" struc tures . An important feature of the Russian school was to discover not just separate moves, but sys tems in which these moves were the important link. Typical of Chigorin' s view of opening problems is his explana tion of the move. 2. Qe2 (after 1 . e4 e6) which he employed in his match with Tarrasch . For many years the critics regarded this use of the Queen in the opening as eccentric. DIAGRAM I I
Chigorin wrote: "Move 2. Qe2 in the first four games of the match with Dr. Tarrasch caused the French De fence to lose its usual character, and it gave the others a certain originality . . .
"It can, in any case, be discus sed only in connection with the entire subsequent plan and not in isolation, as the chess critics did . " Yes, indeed , Chigorin was in disputably right in asserting that the opening cannot be viewed as an isolated phase of the battle , for it is organically bound u p with the whole game. The strategic ideas behind 2. Qe2 are now accepted in the fashionable structures of the King's Indian Defence and other similar patterns. Chigorin systematised many opening patterns in which the loss of speed in developing the pieces does not detract from the posi tion, because there are other compensatory advantages. We should stress here that Chigorin' s interpretation of tempo was completely different from that of Tarrasch and some other theoreticians. Now many leading chess players share Chigorin ' s point o f view . This difference in approach to tempo can be seen in the short discussion between Chigorin and Tarrasch in 1 90 l . Here is a position from one of the variations of the Sicilian De fence after l . e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 e6 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nxd4 Nf6 6. Ndb5 Bb4 7. a3 DIAGRAM 1 :!
Tarrasch considered that since White had played his Knight on b5, he should be put in check on d6. By moving to a3 , White wastes the equivalent of no less than 3 moves. In itself the move
a3 by its worthlessness equals 2 tempos. Hence White loses the equivalent of 3 moves. "Nonetheless," added Tar rasch , "this variation, despite its erroneousness, was often met in tournament practice." C higorin wrote: "The people must not have ceased using it (the variation) because, among other things, they cannot understand the wise arguments of the hon ourable doctor about lost tempos , nor his arithmetic , for Black, by moving his Bishop to b4, and capturing with it the Knight on c3 , makes not one but two moves . " The main and serious reason why players have now begun to use the move 7. a3 more fre quently lies in the logical thinking of the player who is bold enough to realise that even with three "lost tempos" and the move 7. a3 White has better opportunities for play than in the case of 7. Nd6 + with the almost inevitable con tinuation 7 . . . Ke7 8. Bf4 e5 9. Nf5+ Kf8 10. Bg5 d5 I I . exd5 Bxf5, etc. 31
we know, modern theory the move 7. a3 as the strongest in the given position. Now , too, none of the theoreti cians consider the tempo in isola tion from the dynamics of the events taking place on the chess board . Tarrasch' s counting of tempos cannot be decisive in assessing the potential of the two side s . Another assertion by Chigorin running contrary to Tarrasch ' s main rules was of tremendous significance for modern theory . The German theoretician and his held that followers every cramped position con tains within it the embryo of defeat. Imagine , for instance, that this opinion had held sway. It would have prevented not only the de velopment of such important openings as the King's Indian Defence, the Sicilian Defence, the Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence and many others, but also completely changed the entire strategy of modern ches s . Chigorin advanced the idea that "not every cramped position is a sign of the superiority of the opponent's game" . His statement that "a cramped situation, too, sometimes conceals for a certain time its advantage, affecting the outcome of the battle" is even more definite. These words of 1 895 were Chigorin' s programme of action where opening theory was con cerned. Credit goes to him for devising and introducing into prac tice a number of versions of the King's Indian Defence, and some very important variations of the As sees
Ruy Lopez and the Sicilian Defence . Another discovery by Chigorin is also of vital significance: the possibility of putting up a suc cessful struggle against the oppo nent ' s Pawn centre by the pieces exerting pressure on the central squares . This idea was expressed in Chigorin' s defence in the Queen' s Gambit ( l . d4 d5 2. c4 Nc6). Although this particular idea was not proved to be reliable , neither the Alekhine Defence nor the Greunfeld Defence could have developed without it. In general the idea of pressure by the pieces on the Pawn centre has become one of the chief problems of Black ' s modern strategy . Let u s now examine another example of how Chigorin under took the concrete analysis of a position.
Alexander Petrov
Sergei Urusov
Karl Jaenisch
Mikhail Chigorin
Participants m the Third All-Russian Tournament in Kiev, 1 903
A group of m embers of the Organisational Committee and of participants in the All-Russian Masters Tourna ment that was held in St. Petersburg in December 1 9 1 3 and January 1 9 1 4 . First row (sitting): V . P. Vertog radov, P. A . Yevtifeyev, G. S. Salwe, Y . 0. Sosnitsky, P. Malyulin, P . A. Saburov , N. N . Cutler, G. Y. Lcvenfish , J . Taubenhaus, P . P . Saburo v , S . N . Freiman . Second row (standing): M . L . Lov ts k y , S . E . Al apin, A. I . Evenson, S . M . Levitsky, A. A. Alekhine, B. Gregori, A. D. Flamberg, Y. D. Bogol y ubov , P. P . Potyomkin, A. A. Durdin, and F. I. Duz-Khotimirsky
Leo Tolstoy at the chessboard
Lenin (left) playing chess on Capri. Among the onlookers is Maxim Gorky
V . I.
The membership card presented to V. I. Lenin by the M oscow Chess Society
Alexander Alekhine
Nikolai Krylenko
Nikolai Ryumin A lexander Ilyin-Zhenevsky
Chess, a game played in Central Asia for many centuries , is still popular
ra � �
a. H09&PI
m 1!11111 � ..
oatwu�riPotioi�a A poster announcing a chess match between the composer Sergei Pro kofiev and the violinist David Oistrakh
A scene from the Oistrakh-Prokofiev match
Chess is played everywhere in the USSR
M ikhail Botvinnik and h i s wife
Mikhail Botvinnik at a su mmer resort with his coach Vyacheslav Ragozin
Mikhail Botvinnik
( '
Mikhail Botvinnik and Jose Raul Capablanca analysing a game
Mikhail Botvinnik in Turkmenia
Sergei Dolmatov
Salo Flohr
Leonid Stein
K. Y. Voroshilov, C hairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, presenting the Order of Lenin to Vassily Smyslov in the Kremlin
Isaak Boleslavsky, David Bronstein, Mark Taimanov
Yefim Geller
Lev Polugayevsky
This was the position in the 1 7th game of the C h igorin v s . Tarrasch match after t h e moves 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. Nc3 d6 6. d4 Nd7 7. Ne2 f6 8. c3 Nb6 9. Bb3 Na5 10. Bc2 Be6. "The Knight on a5 ," the critics claim, "stands poorly." (Chigorin had in mind the Tarrasch rule that the edge of the board is a bad position for a Knight. ) "But why then in the Two Knights' Opening is the Knight in an excellent position on the same square?" Chigorin wrote. "In the opinion of the gentlemen critics the Knight stands poorly, while I saw clearly that White cannot turn this bad position to his advantage." Let us add that Chigorin' s de fence system with the move of the Knight to a5 is today the central point in such an important opening as the Ruy Lopez. It is held by some, incorrectly, that Chigorin's research was im provised, not systematic. Soviet grandmasters and masters learned to look for new methods of play and acquired the ability to de velop systems and variations from Chigorin. Take a look, for instance, at how Chigorin consistently kept on improving his system during tournaments. 1 899. Consultants vs. Chigorin: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Be7 6. d4 0-0 7. d5 NbS 8. Qe2 d6 9. Nel c5 10. c4 Bd7 1 1 . Bc2 b5. The prototype of the future system: counterplay on the Q-side with a well strengthened centre. 3-607
Four months later. An interna tional tournament in London, 1 899. Lasker vs. Chigorin: 1 . e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Be7 6. NcJ b5 7. Bb3 0-0 8. d3 d6 9. Be3 Na5 10. Ne2 c5 II. c3 Nxb3 12. axb3 Qc7. A precise sequence of moves. This line-up is typical of the Pawn chain a6, b5 , c5 , d6, e5. 1 904. International tournament in Cambridge Springs. Schlechter vs. Chigorin: 1 . e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Be7 6. Rei b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 0-0 9. b3 Be6 10. d4 exd4 II. cxd4 Bxb3 12. Qxb3 Na5 13. QdJ c5. Over many years Chigorin tested the development of the Bishop from c8 to b7, to g4, but in the game at the Ostende Inter national Tournament ( 1 905) against Taubenhaus he employed a continuation which proved to be the precedent of the famous Marshall Attack , which emerged in 1 9 1 8. Taubenhaus vs. Chigorin: I. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Be7 6. Rei b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 0-0 9. d3 Bg4 10. Nbd2 Re8 1 1 . Nfl d5 12. exd5 Nxd5 13. h3 Bh5 14. g4 Bg6 15. Nxe4 Nxe5 16. Rxe5.
In t h e encounter with 0 . Duras in the international tournament in Nuremberg ( 1 906) the Chigorin system, which is now known to 33
Vienna International Tour nament, 1898 A. BURN
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 d6 4. Nc3 g6 5. e4 Bg7 6. f4 0-0 7. Nf3 Bg4 8. h3 Bxf3 9. Qxf3 Nbd7 DIAGRAM 1 6
every chess enthusiast, took its final shape. I. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 0-0 9. h3 Na5 10. Bc2 c5 1 1 . d4 Qc7 12. Nbd2. DIAGRAM 15
Now take a look how Chigorin interpreted another of his inven tions, the King's Indian Defence. 34
S o this currently popular posi tion was first met in a game played 80 years ago . After that a keen struggle ensued: 10. g4 e6 1 1 . dxe6 fxe6 12. Bd2 Ne8 13. 0-0-0 Qf6 14. h4 Qf7 15. Qd3 Bh6 16. g5 Bg7 17. h5 gxh5 18. Be2 Bxc3 19. Qxc3? ( 1 9 . bxc3 is considerably stronger) 19 . . . Ng7 20. Rh4 d5 21. cxd5 exd5 22. exd5 Rfe8 23. Bf3 b5 24. Rdh1 Nf8 25. Bxh5 Nxh5 26. Rxh5 Re4 27. Qh3 Rc4+ 28. Kb1 Qxd5 29. Bc3 Rd8? Chigorin had manoeuvred ex cellently up to the point and was in an overwhelmingly superior position. But, as was often the case, he lost his nerve at the
crucial moment. The move 29 . . . b4 led to victory, for instance: 30. Be5 (30. Bf6 ReS) 30 . . Rd8 and , as Chigorin wrote , White lacked the time to make the move g6 with advantage . 30. g6! Qe4+ 31 . Kal hxg6 32. ReS Qxh l + 33. Qxhl b4 34. Rd5 Black resigns. This game could have had a new say in theory but for a long time it was not appreciated prop erly , evidently because Black lost. The result had its usual magical effect . Chigorin used the King's Indian Defence in other games in re sponsible contests , and the posi tions that resulted were usually excellent. Chigorin was a connoisseur of positional strategic play and a master of manoeuvre . He suc cessfully developed the founda tions of such factors in position as the blockade , restriction of movement and centralisation. His tournament games provide many excellent examples of "strangula tion" positional play. Chigorin, of course, did not shy away from bold attacks and made hundreds of beautiful com binations, but these tactical oper ations were not an aim in them selves but the best means of winding up the positional phase of the struggle. .
Chigorin taught us not to suc cumb to the self-deception of the "natural" moves, which seem to be obvious and safe . "The desire to take advantage as fast as possible of an oppo nent's move which seems at first sight erroneous may entice one to launch an attack along a false path. Only by the gradual de velopment of one' s forces and extremely discrete play, do you slowly acquire certain advan tages, and then you can deliver a decisive blow to your opponent", wrote Chigorin in 1 897. That was Mikhail Chigorin' s credo. He believed i n the creative diversity of chess, and did not accept dogmatic assertions; he sought and discovered new aspects of the inexhaustible possibilities m the ancient game. Former world champion Vasili Smyslov wrote of Chigorin: "Chigorin is the founder of the Russian chess school. Enthusiasts learn to play chess starting with Chigorin's games. No one has done so much for the develop ment and popularisation of chess in Russia as Chigorin. We , Soviet chess players follow his creative behests, revere his memory , and are profoundly grateful to him for his selfless service to the game."
Jaenisch and KushelevBezborodko, the publisher of the first Russian chess magazine and one of the richest men in Russia, undertook in the mid- 1 9th century the organisation of a real chess club . On 10 July 1 852, the St. Peters burg Governor-General sent the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire the following re port : "Baron Meendorf, aide-de camp to the Tsar, Count Kushelev-Bezborodko and Coun cillor Jaenisch presented a peti tion asking to be allowed to organise an assembly of chess enthusiasts in St. Petersburg, as is the custom in other European capitals . " The Governor-General sent the Ministry a "draft of the rules for the aforesaid assembly" and stated that "in agreement with the conclusion of the chief of the police" he did not object to the organisation of such an "as sembly. " Permission t o establish the club was received on 27 August 1 852, and despite the fact that generals, counts, princes and members of the State Council were among its members , the Ministry of Internal 36
Affairs did not fail to give confi dential instructions: "The police should maintain secret supervi sion of the club, to ensure that the members obey the rules, that there is no disturbance of the peace , particularly no prohibited games, as well as works not approved by the censorship, or inappropriate opinions expressed on religion and the government. " Even a club for the nobility and aristocracy was placed under secret police surveillance . The first Russian chess club opened on 27 March 1 853. Jaenisch , who was elected secre tary , compiled temporary rules, stating that the aim of the club was to "promote a liking for the noble and instructive game". The club existed for seven years , until 1 860. At times its membership was 1 00. Prominent figures in Russian culture and writers such as Turgenev , Tolstoy and Saltykov-Shchedrin attended the chess gatherings. The New Chess Manual, the first Russian chess code, which made many of the disputed rules more precise, and provided the main regulations for contests, was published in 1 858. In 1 860 the club lost Kushelev Bezborodko' s financial assistance and this fact put an end to its existence. Almost two years pas sed before a new chess club was organised. It was reopened on 10 January 1 862, its members being intellectuals , medium-rank offi cials, writers, journalists , critics and artists. Nikolai Chernyshevsky, a prominent Russian philosopher, democrat and chess devotee, was
largely responsible for organising the club. Dostoyevsky, Turgenev , Nekrasov, Pisaryev , Pomyalovs ky, Pisemsky, Goncharov and Saltykov-Shchedrin were also among the members. Many progressive people of Russia were aware of chess' crea tive educational value. The great Russian poet Alexan der Pushkin had in his library French chess magazines and also a book by Petrov presented to him by the author. Another Rus sian poet, Mikhail Lermontov, was also fond of chess. Leo Tolstoy played chess regu larly both in St. Petersburg and at his country estate of Yasnaya Polyana. His constant partners were Professor Goldenweizer of the Moscow Music Conservatoire · and Mood, who translated his works into English . Tolstoy also played frequently with the com poser Taneyev. Leo Tolstoy used to say that interesting combinations, not vic tory, should be valued in chess. Tolstoy also met Ivan Turgenev , a much stronger player, over the chess board . Whenever the latter was abroad he took part in tournaments , playing against well-known mas ters. Here is the close of the Machusky v s . Turgenev game in the tournament of the best Parisian chess players in 1 86 1 . DIAGRAM 1 7
The unhappy positioning of White's King decides the issue. Turgenev attacked decisively and neatly: 33 . . . Rg8 34. Bc3 Ba4! (all of Black's pieces are involved in
the offensive) 35. Qd4 Rg2+ 36. Bd2 Bd7! (now White has no defence against the doubling of Black ' s Rooks on the second rank) . 37. h4 Rff2 38. Kc3 Rxd2 39. Qh8+ Kb7 40. h5 exd5 41 . exd5 Rxd5 42. h6 Bf5 43. Qf6 Rc2+ 44. Kb4 aS+ 45. Ka4 Rc7 46. Kb3 (there threatened with mate by the Bishop on c2) 46 Rb5+ 47. Ka4 Bd7! White's King on a4 has no defence against the discovered check by the Rook on b5 . If 48 . Qf3 + , there is the simple 48 . . . Ka7. White therefore admit ted his defeat. I van Turgenev was elected vice-president of the chess con gress, held in Baden-Baden in 1 870. Prominent scientists, such as the physicist Schilling, the chemand the Mendeleyev, ist Markov mathematicians and Bugayev were attracted by chess . During Emanuel Lasker's visit to Moscow at the end of the last century Professor Bugayev of Moscow University frequently •..
played light games with the world champion, sometimes winning from him. There were also many strong chess players among Russian musicians. We have already men tioned Taneyev ' s games with Leo Tolstoy. The composers Lyadov and Rimsky-Korsakov enjoyed chess. Prokofiev was an excellent player. In 1 909 he won a game against Lasker, and in 1 9 1 0 against Jose Raul Capablanca. Let us now return to the sec ond Russian chess club, which existed for only five months. On 8 June 1 862 , an announce ment from the Military Governor General of St. Petersburg ap peared in the press, stating: "Considering it my present duty to take all measures to put a halt to the alarming state of mind among the capital ' s population and preventing talk about current events, I feel it necessary to close the chess club, in which these groundless speculations are spread, until further notice." After the announcement severe repressive actions were taken against many members of the club, who were charged with belonging to this "seditious" or ganisation. "Until further notice" , the Gov ernor-General had warned . It was not an easy matter to set up new clubs . Financial hardships compelled chess players to take refuge in different clubs for card players , cafes and restaurants. This threatened to downgrade chess to the level of gambling games and lowered its cultural importance . 38
The true connoisseurs of chess, led by Chigorin, could not recon cile themselves to such a state of affairs. The Russian master made the development of the true art of chess in his native land the aim of his life. Here is what he wrote in an article published in the Shakhmatny vestnik magazine in 1 885: "Organisation and activity ! That is the password and slogan of those who work for the future of chess in our land. It is not enough to love and study chess ; all chess enthusiasts must join together in order to achieve the common aims . Were it a matter of our personal opinion, of our desire, we would, without a mo ment's hesitation, without vacilla tion, propose a radical and much needed undertaking: the establish- · merit of an All-Russia Chess Union with annual congresses and tournaments to be held by turn in different cities . " Chigorin worked all his life to see his dream become reality, but that was to happen only many years after his death. "Chess, like any art, needs a free life and to be able to attract talented people; no art can be created by limiting access to it", wrote Chigorin in 1 885. But how could this problem be solved in Russia at the time? The first step towards an All Russia Union was the St. Peters burg Chess Admirers' Society. Its rules were approved by the au thorities on 3 1 October 1 879, but the society started functioning only on I I January 1 880. Attempts to unite chess en thusiasts were not supported, as
witnessed by a report published in the 1 880s by the Vsemimaya illustratsiya magazine, which stated that there were only four chess clubs in Russia, and then chess was played alongside card games. Here is a typical example. In 1 885 the Society of Chess Admir ers , with 295 members, including the Governor, was formed in Kazan . This seemed an impres sive figure but, as Shakhmatny vestnik magazine noted, there were only several chess players ; the others were interested only in card game s ! Of the Society ' s annual budget of 3 ,000 roubles , only 1 8 were spent o n chess. In 1 886 C higorin drew up a plan for organising an All-Russia Chess Union, and was about to ask noted provincial chess en thusiasts to start the necessary preparations. However, once again the authorities put a spoke in his wheel. At the end of 1 886 Chigorin wrote bitterly in Shakhmatny ves tnik: "It has been impossible to proceed with the organisation of an All-Russia Chess Union. We could not distribute the printed leaflet which we mentioned due to circumstances 'independent' of us. Until the statutes are ap proved we cannot act openly and freely to realise our idea." It is indicative that Chigorin put the word "independent" in quotation marks . He was well aware on whom the decision of the problem depended and why it was delayed . After all, these words, too, are his: "In the noble art of chess all the distinctions of rank and wealth are erased. Be-
fore the goddess of chess all are equal in the republic of art. Of all games, chess is the one that most unites and least divides people . " Chigorin did all i n his power to achieve his cherished aim: he travelled to different Russian cities, advocating the idea of a chess union, organised clubs, tournaments conducted and matches, and wrote for the press. Only in 1 907 , shortly before Chigorin's death, did the St. Petersburg Chess Board submit his Chess Union Statutes, sup plemented and altered in some sections, and Programme of the Constituent Assembly for approv al by the authorities. But every thing was interminably held up in various offices and police depart ments. In 1 909, at the Chigorin Memorial Congress (he died in 1 908), fresh attempts were made to solve the problem, but these, too, came to nothing. The calculations in Shakhmatny vestnik on the potential member ship of the Union are of interest. According to these calculations, which surprise modern chess players , the clubs of St. Peters burg had 80 chess players and those of Moscow 60. For comparison's sake: now in the chess section of the Likhachov Motor Works in Mos cow there are about 2 ,000 mem bers. They include 1 1 masters , 1 2 candidate masters and a hundred first category players. The works has its own chess club with two coaches. Finally , at the beginning of 1 9 1 4, the Ministry of Internal Affairs granted permission for a chess players' society. It had 39
taken eight years for the draft of the Charter sent for approval during Chigorin' s lifetime, to be finally agreed upon ! The Constituent Assembly of the All-Russia Chess Society met on 10 April 1 9 1 4, in the premises of the St. Petersburg Chess As sembly. It was announced that 65 single members and about 800 group members, forming 22 local sections, had joined the Society. Plans were outlined for the future and, in particular, it was decided that the Society would hold its Congress in 1 9 16. But the outbreak of the First World War caused these plans to be abandoned, as was the plan to organise an International Chess Union, which Russian chess players had discussed with the representatives of the British Chess League and the German Chess Society. The World Chess Federation (FIDE) was founded in 1 924. It is customary to date the history of chess tournaments in Russia from September 1 853, when the St. Petersburg society of Chess Admirers organised the first championship, culminating in the victory of Sergei Urusov . The encounter between Petrov and Urusov in St. Petersburg in 1 853 is considered the first offi cial match. As we have already mentioned, it was won by Petrov . For many years there was al most no competition between players of different Russian cities. Only at the beginning of 1 879, on Chigorin's initiative, a tournament was arranged in St. Petersburg, which became a re view of Russian chess skill . This 40
tournament, which was held at the home of Mrs . Milbert, well known for her cheap dinners, on Kirpichny Lane, attracted seven competitors from St. Petersburg and two from Moscow. C higorin and Alapin tied for first place with 6.5 points each . Chigorin won the play-off. The tournament regulations contained an unusual rule: if one of the players overstepped his time limit, play continued , but a draw was recorded if that player won and a loss if he drew . Only 20 years later, in 1 899, was the first official Russian championship held. Twenty-eight chess players from 1 2 cities gathered in Moscow. As ex pected , Chigorin won the main tournament, with Emanuel Shif fers in second place. Typically, several participants of both the main and the collater al tournaments played under pseudonyms, not wanting to at tract the attention of their emp loyers to their participation in such a "frivolous" undertaking. There were many pupils and followers of Chigorin among the competitors: Neriarokov, Levits ky and, of course, Shiffers . The Second All-Russia Tourna ment, also held in Moscow, from 26 December 1 900 to 14 January 1 90 1 , involved 1 8 players. Among them only eight had also partici pated in the first national cham pionship. Chigorin won the second tour nament, 2 . 5 points ahead of Shif fers, who came second. Interna tional Grandmaster Janovsky was third. The Kiev Chess Society organ-
ised the Third All-Russia Tourna ment in Kiev in September 1 903 . After the tournament a collection of the games played was pub lished for the first time in Russia. In this third championship 1 9 chess players from ten cities competed. They included the newcomer Akiba Rubinstein, who was soon to become one of the world' s best players, and conten der for the world title . Rubinstein repeatedly stated that Chigorin' s games greatly influenced his play. "He did away with unsound tac tics , and contributed as many new ideas to openings theory as no one else ," wrote Rubinstein. The participants also included gifted masters who subsequently competed frequently in interna tional contests : Bernstein, Duz Khotimirsky and Rabinovich. While Chigorin remained the Russian champion, he gained his victory with more difficulty: talented chess players were ap pearing in ever growing numbers. The Third All-Russia Tourna ment was, unfortunately, the last in the chess career of Emanuel Shiffers ( 1 850- 1 904) , who had competed in many domestic tour naments and played several matches against the strongest Russian masters . In 1 896 Shiffers lost, honoura bly , to Steinitz ( +4, - 6 , 1). Shiffers took part i n eight inter national tournaments, after 1 877 being the Russian representative. His best result is sixth place at one of the biggest international tournaments of the 1 9th century (Hastings, 1 895). Shiffers also did a great deal to organise chess instruction. H e =
was the first person in Russia to give, starting in January 1 889, public lectures on chess theory; his promotion work in the press is also widely known. Shiffers' game with Steinitz at the Vienna International Tourna ment in 1 898 gives a good idea of his style of play.
Giuoco piano V. STEINITZ
1 . e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 Nf6 5. d4 exd4 6. e5 The move 6 . e5 leads to com plications with no danger for Black. Usually 6. cxd4 is played here. 6 . . . d5 7. Bb5 Ne4 8. cxd4 Bb6 9. Nc3 0-0 10. Be3 f6 (10. . . f5 is also good.) 1 1 . exf6 Nxc3 12. bxc3 Qxf6 13. Qb3 Ne7 14. 0-0 h6 (necessary in view of the threat 1 5 . Bg5) 15. Ne5 c6 16. Be2? (an unhappy retreat . 16. Bd3 would have been right . Shiffers indi cated the variation 1 6 . . . Nf5 1 7 . Bxf5 Bxf5 1 8. a4 with a double-edged struggle) 16 Nf5 17. Ng4 Qe6 18. Rae1 Bc7 19. Bd3 (the Bishop on e3 should have moved to d2) 19 . . . Nxe3 (but not 19 . . . Nxd4? 20. Bxd4 Qxg4 2 1 . Re7) 20. Nxe3 Qd6 (now Black takes over the initiative and starts an energetic offensive on both flanks) 21. g3 Bh3 22. Ng2 b5 (forestalling the move c4) 23. Re3 Rae8 24. Rfe1 Rxe3 25. Rxe3 Qf6 26. Qc2 g5! 27. Qe2 Bg4! 28. Qe1 . .•
DIAGRAM 1 8 28 b4 ! (having tied his oppo nent along the entire front , Black •••
champion Flamberg. Each played three games against each of the others. Chigorin was finding it ever more difficult to play the young opponents. "This is both a joy (Russian masters are maturing) and a sorrow because my strength is failing" , wrote the champion in a letter. Rubinstein won, while Chigorin placed second.
French Defence M . CHIGORIN delivers a decisive blow. If 29. cxb4, Bb6!) 29. Be2 Bf5 30. Rf3 g4 3 1 . Rxf5 (the last at tempt) 31 . . . Q:xf5 32. Ne3 Qe4 33. Nxg4 bxc3 34. Ne3 Qxd4 35. Qb1 Qe4 36. Bd3 Qf3 37. Qc2 Bb6 38. Nf5 Bxf2+ 39. Qxf2 Qxd3 40. g4 Qd1 + White resign s . The fourth Russian champion ship was held in St. Petersburg from 22 December 1 905 to 1 5 January 1 906. There were not many good players among the entrants , International Master Salve won the title, but his vic tory, in Chigorin' s absence, was not, of course, convincing. In April 1 906 the official match for the title of Russian champion between Chigorin and Salve was held . Chigorin was already incurably ill , but he won the match after a steady fight (+7-5 = 3) , and be came Russian champion for the fourth time. I mmediately afterwaros a four mao match tournament was ar ranged in Lodz between Chigorin, Salve, Rubinstein and · Warsaw 42
1 . e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 dxe4 5. Nxe4 Be7 6. Bxf6 gxf6 (6 . . . Bxf6 is more reliable) 7. Nf3 f5 8. Ng3 c5 9. Bb5 + Nc6 10. c3 0-0 1 1 . Bxc6 bxc6 12. 0-0 cxd4? ( 1 2 . . . Bb7 should have been played) 13. Nxd4 Qc7 14. Qh5 Kh8 15. Rfe1 f4 (here, too, 1 5 . . . Bb7 would be better) 16. Ne4 f5 or 16 . . . c5 1 7 . Ng5 ! Bxg5 1 8 . Qxg5 cxd4 1 9 . Qf6+ Kg8 20. Re5 with an irresistible attack. 17. Ng5 Bxg5 18. Qxg5 e5 19. Qh6 Bd7 20. Nf3 Rfe8 or 20 . . . Rae8 2 1 . Nxe5 ! 21. Ng5 (the most decisive) 21 . .. Re7 22. Qf6 + Rg7 23. Nf7 + Kg8 24. Nh6 + Kh8 25. Rxe5 Qc8 26. Re7 Qf8 27. Rf7 Black resigns . At t h e fourth Russian cham pionship Blumenfeld, subsequent ly a famous master, who studied the theory and the psychology of chess, made his debut . In December 1907 the Lodz Chess Society held the fifth Rus sian championship. By this time Chigorin was unable to compete. Rubinstein ( 1 882- 1 96 1 ) became champion. This excellent chess
player, whose ability developed and strengthened in Russia before the Revolution , was to become one of the strongest grandmasters of our time. After the October Revolution Rubinstein lived in Poland for a long time and headed the national team. An annual Rubinstein Memorial Tournament is now held in the Polish People's Re public in his honour. Here is a game from the Fifth All-Russia Tournament, printed throughout the world at the time .
Queen's Gambit G. ROTLEWI
l. d4 d5 2. Nf3 e6 3. e3 c5 4. c4 Nc6 5. Nc3 Nf6 6. dxc4 Bxc5 7. a3 a6 8. b4 Bd6 9. Bb2 0-0 10. Qd2? (The Queen is unhappily placed here. Rotlewi should have played 1 0 . cxd4) 10 . . . Qe7 1 1 . Bd3 dxc4 12. Bxc4 b5 13. Bd3 Rd8 14. Qe2 Bb7 The eminent Soviet master Romanovsky wrote of this open ing: "It is now clear that the four moves used by White to place the Bishop on d 3 , and the Queen on e2, mean the loss of two tempos . This leads to h i s defeat." 15. 0-0 Ne5 16. Nxe5 Bxe5 17. f4 ( 1 7 . Rfd l would have been better) 17 . . . Bc7 18. e4 Rac8 19. e5 Bb6+ 20. Kh1 Ng4! 21 . Be4 Qh4 22. g3 DIAGRAM 1 9
2 2. . . Rxc3!! "One of the best ever combina tions. Black's unusually effective
next move reveals the depth of Rubinstein' s wrote idea," Romanovsky. 23. gxh4 Rd2!! DIAGRAM 20
A remarkable position ! Har mony, co-operation between pieces and precise calculation are inherent in Rubinstein' s combina tion. 43
24. Qxd2 Bxe4+ 25. Qg2 Rh3! White resigns . After the fifth championship, where talented the master Freiman ( 1 882- 1 946) made his debut, official national champion ships were not held until after the Revolution . The I 909 Chigorin Memorial Congress holds a special place in the history of Russian chess. The programme included an interna tional tournament and the First All-Russia Amateur Tournament, where the future world champion Alexander Alekhine won convinc ingly, and which we shall discuss later. The participants included many young people who revered the C higorin traditions , especially Romanovsky ( 1 892-1 964), who made a big contribution to the development of the Soviet chess school, and Verlinsky ( 1 8871 950). Poor chess organisation in Rus sia, and the lack of a single directing centre also affected chess ranking. Even in major Russian tournaments players could not be awarded the rank of master, and Russian chess players could become masters only by competing abroad . The 1 909 All-Russia Amateur Tournament at the Chigorin · Memorial Congress was the first home contest to confer the title of master on the winner, who, as we know , was Alexander Alekhine. The Chigorin Memorial Con gress produced many brilliant games , and the book published about the Congress was met with interest. The games described in 44
the book, which was published in an edition of 1 ,0 1 0 copie s , were excellently annotated by the then world champion Lasker. Many amateur games were commented on by Alekhine. This unique book (in fact, a bibliographical rarity) was pub lished in 4,000 copies in 1 980 by Fizkultura i sport Publishers to immense joy of chess enthusiasts. The second tournament in which the winner officially re ceived the title of master was the All-Russia Congress held in 1 9 1 1 by the St. Petersburg Chess As sembly. Forty chess players from 1 8 cities took part in it, showing clearly how chess had spread within Russia. The main tourna ment was won by Chigorin's pupil , Stepan Levitsky ( 1 8761 924), an original chess player with a talent for good combina' tion. In 1 9 1 2 the attention of the chess world focused on the All Russia Congress in Vilnius (Au gust-September) . Only masters who had upheld their title in international tournaments could compete in the mam tournament. Rubinstein , who at the time was world champion Lasker's chief rival, came first in a hard fight. Both Bernstein and Levits ky proved once again the high quality of their play. Nimzowich , from Riga, soon to become a grandmaster and the author of an in-depth study of chess theory and practice, made a brilliant display of original play in Chigo rin' s style. The young St. Petersburg en gineer, and the future Soviet
grandmaster Grigori Levenfish ( 1 889- 1 96 1 ) also did well. Here is a game from the main tournament :
English Opening A . ALEKHINE
1. c4 eS 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. g3 BcS (usually now 3 . . . d5 , 3 . . . Bb4 or 3 . . . c6 is played) 4. Bg2 Nc6 S. d3 (5 . e3 is better) 5 a6 6. a3 d6 7. Nf3 h6 8. NdS Be6 9. Qb3? (an unhappy choice giving Black the initiative) 9 0-0! 10. 0-0 (the Pawn on b7 cannot be taken: 10. Qxb7? Bxd5 1 1 . cxd5 N a5 , and White loses his Queen) 10 . . . Rb8 1 1 . Nd2 NxdS 12. BxdS Nd4 13. Qdl Bg4 14. Ret c6 15. Bg2 fS! 16. h3 Bh5 17. b4 Ba7 18. Nb3 f4 19. g4 Qh4! 20. c5 (if 20 . gxh5 , Nxb3 with a double blow at f2) 20. . . Nxb3 2 1 . Qxb3+ Bf7 22. Qc3 hS! 23. d4 hxg4 24. hxg4 Bd5! (depriving White's King of a real defender) 25. dxe5 Bxg2 26. Kxg2 Qxg4 + 27. Kfl dxcS 28. bxc5 .•.
28. . . Bxc5! (this move settles the issue) 29. Qxc5 Qh3+ 30. Kgl Rf5 31. Qc4 + Kh8 32. Qxf4 (neither is there any salvation in 32. Bxf4 ·because of 32. . . Qg4+ 3 3 . Kf l Rxf4 34. Qc3 Rbf8 , etc .) 32 ... Rxf4 33. Bxf4 Rf8 34 . e3 Rf5 35. f3 Qxf3 36. Ra2 g5 37. Rf2 Qe4 38. Rh2+ Kg7 39. Rg2 Rxf4 White resigns . A major Russian chess compet ition was the All-Russia Tourna ment between 1 8 masters held in St. Petersburg from 23 December 1 9 1 3 to 17 January 1 9 14. Alekhine and Nimzowich tied for first place. Here is a game that was an important one for the results of the tournament.
Caro-Kann Defence A. SMORODSK"\1. A . NIMZOWICH
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nd7 S. Nf3 Ngf6 6. Ng3 e6 7. Bd3 Qc7 (tli.e start of a dubious plan with castling the Q-side. The simple 7 . . . Be7 gives roughly an equal position. 8. Qe2 b6 9. Bd2 Bb7 10. 0-0 Bd6 ( 1 0 . . . Be7 is better) 1 1 . Nf5 0-0-0? ( 1 1 . . . 0-0 should have been played) 12. Nxd6 + Qxd6 13. a4 c5 14. aS! cxd4 15. axb6 axb6 16. Ba6 NbS ( 16. . . Nc5 is preferable) 17. Bxb7 + Kxb7 18. Ne5! Qe7 19. Ra4 Rd5 20. Rfal Nfd7 2 1 . Bb4 d3 (2 1 . . . Qxb4 22. Rxb4 Nxe5 would have been more tenacious) 22. cxd3 Qf6 DIAGRAM 22
23. Qc2! Nc5 24. Ra7 + 25. d4 Black resigns .
separate performances by emi nent foreign masters. Great interest was aroused by the lectures and simultaneous dis plays given by world champion Lasker (Moscow, 1 899) and the performances America' s by Grandmaster Henry Pillsbury (Moscow, 1 902). He gave two record displays of simultaneous blindfold play and played a seri ous game with Chigorin, who had come specially from St. Peters burg . The Russian chess Almanac Chorny korol described the game. "On Thursday, 5 December, a The last pre-revolutionary com- . rare game was played in the Noblemen's Club: the strongest petition, which drew a strong American player met the most entry , was the tournament held powerful Russian chess player. It by the Moscow Chess Circle at goes without saying that this the end of 1 9 1 5 and the beginning game aroused tremendous interest of 1 9 16. among the numerous spectators." Alekhine came first, with Nenarokov in second place. Grigoriev and Zubarev stood out Falkbeer Counter Gambit among the young set . Subse quently both of them became H. PILLSBURY M. CHIGORIN masters and eminent figures in Soviet chess . 1. e4 e5 2. f4 d5 3. exd5 e4 Let u s conclude our survey of 4. Bb5+ (an old move ; now 4. d3 the past with a brief look at the is played here) 4 . . . c6 5. dxc6 international chess competitions bxc6 (Black's potential is excel lent if he plays 5 . . . Nxc6) 6. Bc4 held in Russia before the revolu Nf6 7. d4 Bd6 ("After the game tion. Pillsbury said that his plan to The first of these was the match-tournament between four attack the Pawn on f4 had been a grandmasters: world champion mistake: he believes that 7 . . . Nbd7 would be better s o as not Lasker and his chief rivals Steinitz, Pillsbury and C higorin to give White time to move his (St. Petersburg 1 895- 1 896). Knight from g I to g3 and the April and May of 1 896 saw the Bishop to e2," the Almanac com match between Steinitz and Shif mented) 8. Ne2 Nbd7 9. Ng3! Nb6 fers in Rostov-on-Don, which we 10. Be2! Nbd5 1 1 . 0-0 Qc7 have already mentioned. 12. Nc3! ("I proposed to sacrifice a Pawn . My opponent did not For many years after that there were no representative interna take it because of the following tional contests in Russia, only variation: 1 2 . . . Nxf4 1 3 . Ncxe4 46
Nxe4 1 4 . Nxe4 Nxe2+ 1 5 . Qxe2 Bxh2+ 16. Khl 0-0! 1 7 . g3 Bxg3 1 8 . Qg2 Bd6 1 9. Bh6 and if 19 . . . f6, 20. Nxd6 , " wrote Chigorin.) 12. . . Nxc3 13. bxc3 0-0 14. c4 cS IS. dS ReS 16. Be3 Kh8 17. Rb1 Ng8 18. Qe1 fS 19. Qc3 Nf6 20. Qa3 Bd7 21. Rb3 Rab8 22. NbS NxhS 23. BxhS Rec8 24. g3 Rb4 2S. Be2 aS 26. Bd2 a4 27. Rb2 Rcb8 28. Rfb1 Rcb6 29. Kg2 Rxb2 30. Rxb2 Qb8 31. Bc3 Kg8 32. BhS! Kf8 DIAGRAM 23
defeat) 34. Qc3 Kd8 3S. QaS Black resigns. Exclusively strong players were attracted to the International C higorin Memorial Tournament (St. Petersburg, 1 909) which we have already mentioned. Twenty and grandmasters masters, headed by world champion Lasker and Russian champion Rubinstein, vied for victory. The representatives of Russia Berns tein, Znosko-Borovsky , Freiman , Duz-Khotimirsky and Salve played on the whole well, while C higorin' s successor Rubinstein tied for first place with Lasker. Duz-Khotimirsky, who beat both of the winners, caused a sensa tion . Here is the end of his game with Lasker, who was Black. DIAGRAM 24
"Pillsbury did not foresee White's combination with the sac rifice of the Bishop, but he couldn't have saved the game by playing 32 . . . g6. A general point: White will withdraw his Bishop , exchange Rooks, then move his Bishop to b2 or a l , depending on Black' s moves, and will make use of the open diagonal a l -h8," wrote Chigorin. 33. Bxg7 +! Ke7 (33 . . . Kxg7 34. Qc3 + Kg8 35. Qf6 leads to
Black's situation is difficult. Lasker tries to tie his opponent up in complex tactics. This time the world champion didn't get away with it. 47
35. g3! Bxh4 (after 35 . . . Qh3 + 36. Kg1 Nh5 , the calm 37. Rd3 would repulse all threats) 36. gxh4 ReS 37. Rd3 Rcl 38.Qf3 Qf5 39. Rd4 g5 40. e6! Qe5 41 . Re4 Qd6 42. e7! A curious ending. Black has at his disposal a discovered check, a mighty tactical weapon , but it, too, does not help him to change the fatal course of events . The world champion admitted his defeat. In November 1 9 1 3 Capablanca arrived in Russia. He gave very successful performances in a number of cities. In March 1 9 1 4 world champion Lasker visited Moscow . His encounters with Bernstein ( + 1 - 1 ) and Alekhine were arranged by the Moscow Chess Circle.
Scotch Opening A. ALEKHINE
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Bb4 6. Nxc6 bxc6 7. Bd3 d5 8. exd5 cxdS 9. 00 0-0 10. Bg5 Be6 1 1 . Qf3 ("Evi dently the best reply . 1 1 . Bxf6 Qxf6 1 2 . Qh5 g6 1 3 . Nxd5 is bad because of 13 . . . Qd4 ! , and 1 2 . Nxd5 Bxd5 1 3 . Qh5 Rfd8!" Alekhine.) 1 1 Be7 12. Rfe1 h6. •..
13. Bxh6! gxh6 14. Rxe6 fxe6 15. Qg3 + Kh8 16.Qg6 A draw . "Black cannot avoid perpetual check if 16 . . . Qe8, 1 7 . Qxh6+ Kg8 18. Qg5 + Kh8 19. Q h6 + , etc. But White lacks the material to force an attack , if Black was to play no more than 16 . . . Bd6 48
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with the threat of Qe7 ," wrote Alekhine. This short but interesting game appeared in chess theory manuals and became a distinctive standard for the entire opening. The international tournament of grandmasters held in St. Peters burg from 8 April to 9 May 1 9 1 4 marked the end o f chess activities pre-revolutionary Russia. in Lasker emerged victorious, Capablanca was second, and Alekhine third. Rubinstein was not placed. It became clear that Alekhine and Capablanca were the world champion's main rivals. Alekhine, brought up in Chigo rin's tradition, had developed in Russian contests, and was de servedly counted among the world ' s strongest chess players. "This outstanding success by the young chess player testifies to his unusual talent, which should be recognised when he achieves a real victory," stated Shakhmatny vestnik. Here is one of Alekhine's splendid games .
Falkbeer Counter Gambit A. ALEKHINE
1. f4 eS 2. e4 dS 3. exdS e4 4. d3 Nf6 5. dxe4 Nxe4 6. Nf3 BfS (correct move is 6 . . . Bc5 7 . Qe2 Bf5, and if 8 . g4?, 8 . . . 0-0 with attacking power) formidable 7. Be3 c6 S. Bc4 bS 9. Bb3 cS 10. d6! ("White causes simplifica tions in his favour, taking into account that he has an extra Pawn. Black cannot take the Pawn with his Queen because of I I . Qxd6 followed by 1 2 . Bd5 ," Alekhine) 10 . . . c4 1 1 . QdS Nd7 12. QxfS Nxd6 13. QdS Be7 14. 00 0-0 15. Nc3 Nf6 16. Qd2 cxb3 1 7 . axb3 b4 1S. NdS Nf5 19. Nxe7+ Qxe7 20. Rfel RfdS 2 1 . Bd4! Nxd4 22. Nxd4 QcS 23. Rad1 RdS 24. b3 RadS 25. c3 h6 26. Qd3 Qd6 27. Qf3 NhS 2S. Re4 Nf6 29. Re3 Nh5 30. Rfl Nf6 31. Rfe1 QcS 32. Kh2 ReS 33. Rle2 KfS 34. ReS! ("Now Black cannot play 34 . . . bxc3 35. bxc3 Qxc3 because of 36. Rc2 !" Alekhine.) 34 . . . RedS 35. NfS Qb6 36. Qg3 NhS 37. Qh4 DIAGRAM 26
A very important point. Tar rasch claimed that 37 . . . Nf6 was sufficient for a draw. Alekhine disproved this by a precise analysis. But beforehand we must note that the collection of games from the St. Petersburg tourna ment was published in German, but was never published in Russia. Here is Alekhine' s analysis: 3S. Nxh6! gxh6 39. Re6! fxe6 (or 39 . . . R5d6 40. Qxf6 Rxe6 4-607
4 1 . Rxe6, and if 39 . . . R8d6 40. Qxh6 + ) 40. Qxf6 + KgS 4 1 . Rxe6 R5d6 42. Qg6+ KhS (if 42 . . . Kf8, 43. Qf5 + Kg8 44. Re7) 43. Qxh6 + KgS 44. Qg6+ KhS 45. QhS + ! KgS 46. Re7! etc. The game actually proceeded (after 37. Qh4): 37 . . . RxeS 3S. fxeS Rd1 39. Re3 Qg6 40. Qxb4+ Black resigns. Let us in conclusion examine how Chigorin' s ideas were de veloped by Russian chess players, and how the foundations of the Russian school were con solidated. We must first stress that Chigo rin' s ideas on the cultural and social importance of chess were imbibed by the progressive rep resentatives of Russian chess. The main trend was the search for fresh ideas, the abandonment of dogmatic and cliched play, and concrete analysis. There is a bond which stretches between the ages, and it is pre served by the creators of great art. Chigorin' s discussion with Tarrasch was continued by 49
Alekhine, who wrote back in 1 9 14: "I have always believed that a single unsubstantiated, un proven assertion, even when it comes from an authority on the given question, cannot convince anyone . " He added: "There are also contradictory views , re peatedly expressed by Dr. Tar rasch . . . I t is necessary to imagine quite clearly in every case what the given position demands and to adapt oneself to this require ment . " The history o f chess thought in Russia would be incomplete with out a description of the attempts by Russian chess masters and promoters to produce special lit erature on creative play. The first such magazine pub lished in Russian was the Shakhmatny listok ( 1 859- 1 863), the editor of which was Mikhailov , an eminent figure in the Russian chess movement. The magazine did a great deal to promote chess , gathering around itself the leading Russian masters of those times, maintaining ties with many chess adherents . One of the issues in 186 1 , for in stance, consisted almost entirely of letters from the provinces. The magazine carried many in teresting problems, games and analyses. Here, for instance, is a problem devised by Petrov in 1 859 and dedicated to the great American chess player Paul M urphy . DIAGRAM 27
You will easily spot that the initial position of White' s pieces forms the letter M on the board.
Petrov stipulated that from the position on the board White forces a reverse mate in 40 moves. Later, however, shorter solutions in 35, 32, 29 and finally in 27 moves were found. This is the . Russian amateur Petrovsky ' s solution o f the problem. 1. Qf6 + Kg8 2. Rg7+ Kh8 3. Qb2 Nc2 or 3 . . Nb3 4. Rg3+ Nd4 5. Rh3+ Kg8 6. Qg2+ Kf8 7. Qg7 + Ke8 8. Qf7 + Kd8 9. Qe7 + Kc8 10. Rc3+ Nc6 Kd8 12. Qc7 + Ke8 1 1 . Qf7 13. Qc8+ Nd8 14. Rg7 Kf8 15. Rcg3 Ke8 16. Ke5 Kf8 17. Kf5 Ke8 18. Kg5 Kf8 19. Kh6 Ke8 20. Nd2 Kf8 21 . Nf3 Ke8 22. Ng5 Kf8 23. Rh3 Ke8 24. Rh5 Kf8 25. Qc5+ Ke8 26. Re7+ Kf8 27. Re6 + Kg8 28. Rg6+ Kh8 29. Nf7 + Nxf7 + + . chess Russian The first magazine closed down because there were not enough subscrib ers. C higorin revived the magazine in 1 876. He printed in it games by Russian amateurs, as well as a short Course of Opening and Course of Endgames . The magazine also worked to form an .
organisation embracing all Rus sia's chess players. Chigorin spared neither his strength nor his money for the Shakhmatny listok, but in the second half of 1 878 he was nevertheless compelled to cease publication for lack of money. The magazine was again revived in 1 879, but survived only until mid- 1 88 1 . A number of other chess magazines published in St. Petersburg and Moscow shared a similar fate. All of them encoun tered difficulties and did not last long. In general , in the 58 years from the first issue of a chess magazine to the revolution, ten attempts were made to launch chess magazines, and each time the shortage of funds proved an insoluble problem. The total number of books and pamphlets (including the charters of various chess clubs, and refer ence material) published in Russia for almost a hundred years before the October Revolution amounted to merely 203 titles. A paltry figure , especially when you recall that largest edi tion of any of these publications was 2 ,000 copies. We should single out the Teach- Yourself Chess by Shif ters, which ran to seven editions. The last two of these were issued in Soviet Russia. The guide interestingly struc tured and, dealing with problems ranging from the simple to the difficult, has brought up many a generation of Russian chess players . The sixth edition of this book appeared m 1 9 1 9 , when the civil 4•
war in Russia was at its height. The book was published on spe the cial instructions from People' s Commissariat of Educa tion. The seventh edition in 1 926 contained additions by Master Nenarokov . The 203 pre-revolutionary chess books included collections of games from several all-Russia tournaments, a collection of games from the Chigorin Interna tional Memorial Tournament ( 1 909), and a number of works on the history of chess by Savenkov, Sarghin, and Gonyaev, opening quides and chess almanacs. The difficulties involved in distribut ing chess books can be judged by the fact that Ivan Savenkov's interesting The Evolution of Chess ( 1 905) was published in an edition of 200 copies, while the monumental The Ancient History of Chess and Draughts ( 1 9 1 5) was published by the author him self, David Sarghin , in an edition of 300 copies. The collection of the games of the Third All-Russia Tournament was published in an edition of 900, while that of the Fourth Tournament was even smaller500 copies . A small booklet enti tled Some Data on the A nalysis of the Chess Played by a Russian Amateur was published in Sim birsk in 1 875 in an edition of 500 copies. It deals with the relative strength of the chessmen on the basis of mathematical calcula tions. The author was the Sim birsk chess player Ilyin (and there is evidence that Lenin' s father, Ilya Ulyanov was involved in it). Chess was a favourite pastime in Lenin' s (Ulyanov) family. His 51
father was very fond of the game , as were Lenin' s brothers and sisters. In 1 889 Lenin worked in Sam ara for the eminent lawyer Andrei Khardin * as an assistant, fre quently visiting him at home, and taking part in the tournaments Khardin organised . Later Lenin played a correspondence match with him. Unfortunately the re cord of this match has not sur vived. This is what Lenin' s brother Dmitri Ulyanov recalled : "That very winter Mark Timofeyevich Yelizarov arranged a postal match between Vladimir Ilyich and the strong Samara chess player A. N. Khardin. The moves were sent by ordinary postcards . After a certain move Vladimir llyich, waiting for the reply, set the position up on the board several times and said: ' It will be interesting to see what he does, how he is going to extricate himself from this position. I , at any rate, cannot find a satisfac tory reply . ' "Finally the long-awaited reply arrived. The chessmen were im mediately distributed on the board . I had become very In terested in their game, and thought Khardin ' s move ridicul ous . At first Vladimir llyich was puzzled, but then very quickly got to the bottom of the situation and said: ' Yes, indeed , a player of tremendous power!' " Lenin had a profound under standing of chess, though he * Andrei Khardin ( 1 842- 1 9 1 0), a Rus sian liberal lawyer, one of Russia's strongest chess players at the close of the 1 9th century.
could devote very littl e time to it. Here is a typical letter from him in Geneva to his brother Dmitri Ulyanov . The letter was written in view of the fact that the latter had published his own problem to be solved in two moves, in a magazine. "I have received your problem and got quite worked up about chess - I had forgotten literally everything. It must be a year since I played and, in general, during the past few years I have only played a few lightning or very rapid games. I solved your problem easily- R (Q8)- Q6. But I saw a problem in Rech (a Russian newspaper- A uth.) today that I could not solve at once and which I liked very much . . . Beautiful bit of work!" The diagrams show Dmitri Ulyanov' s problem and the spec tacular endgame study by the famous Russian chess problem setters- the Platov brothers . DIAGRAM 28
Here is the paradoxical solution (White begins and wins): 1. Bf6 d4 2. Ne2! a l Q 3. Nell Qa5. Unexpectedly Black is unde fended against two threats: 4. Bg5 + + and 4. Bxd4 + . 4 . Bxd4+ Kxd4 5. Nb3 + , and White wins . The next diagram shows Dmitri Ulyanov 's problem (its solution is mentioned in the letter). DIAGRAM 29
Lenin loved chess , and had read widely about the game. After the revolution he some times played with Nikolai Krylen ko, first chairman of the AII U nion Chess Section and People's Commissar of Justice. In 1 923 Lenin was elected Hon orary Chairman of the Moscow
Chess Circle . Lenin's member ship card is now kept in the Lenin Museum in Moscow . The Ulyanov family' s chess table and the chess clock which belonged to Lenin are also on display there.
The development of chess in Russia after the victorious Great October Socialist Revolution in 1 9 1 7 can be divided into several stages . The first entailed reviving chess. The young Soviet state was building a new life, while hunger and economic dislocation were rampant in the country . But even in this most difficult period the Soviet government showed concern for the development of culture, including chess. From the very first days steps were taken to support chess players , and lay the foundations f�r a chess organisation later destmed to influence world chess. The stormy period of 1 9 1 4- 1 9 1 8 had led to a reduction in the number of chess players , but there were still many chess mas ters whose enthusiasm, knowl edge and experience made it pos sible to revive the former glory of the Russian chess school. Among the leaders of that period were Grandmaster Alexan der Alekhine, masters of the older generation Grigori Leven fish, Pyotr Romanovsky, Fed�r Duz-Khotimirsky, Ilya Rabi novich, and others. 54
In the summer of 1920 the first chess tournament was organised by the chess enthusiast Alexander Ilyin-Zhenevsky. Cables were sent to all the military areas throughout the country: "A chess tournament will be held in Moscow on 1 October. I order that the area be widely notified of the tournament. Infor mation about those wishing to take part in the tournament is to be sent to the Military Training Headquarters in Moscow n ot _ later than 15 September . Permis sion to take part will be sent by cable. Deputy Chief, Military Training Headquarters, Zaks " A remarkable tournament in the years of hunger and devasta tion ! Despite the difficult condi tions in this first championship, many interesting games were played, particularly that b�tween Ilyin-Zhenevsky and Alekhme. A long fight eventually produ�ed . a most complicated Pawn endmg m which the grandmaster playing Black was in a bad position. When the time came to continue the game Alekhine handed his opponent a notebook whi� h con tained variations of the adJourned position. "Here we have a draw !" he said and proceeded to prove that he was right. This endgame is now consi dered a classic example of a good Pawn ending. DIAGRAM 30
In this position Alekhine (Black) has the move. It is easy
to see that his situation is dif ficult. If 38 . . . a5 , White places his opponent in the zugzwang, i.e. , forces him to move his King, which leads to the loss of the Pawn on h4. If 38 . . . d5 39. exd4 cxd4 40. b4 b6 4 1 . a4, and Black cannot count on surviving. The following line also leads to defeat: 38 . . . c5 39. a4 b5 40. axb5 axb5 4 1 . b3 or 38 . . . b5 39. b4 c5 40. e5 ! cxb4 4 1 . ed. Black can resign. Finally , nor can 38 . . . b6 save Black in view of 39. b3 a5 40. c4! b5 4 1 . cxb5 cxb5 42 . a3 . That is what Ilyin-Zhenevsky thought, too, but Alekhine ad vanced his Pawn on the edge of the board one square . 38 aS!! An excellent move ! No matter how White plays now , he cannot force Black's King from g5-square , while White's King stands on h3 . If 39. b4?, then Black wins, proceeding 39 . . . axb4 40. cxb4 b5. Neither does 39. a4 give White anything because of 39. . . b5 40. b3 bxa4 4 1 . bxa4 d5 ! A draw . ...
White went on to play 39. c4, but this was followed by 39 . . . b5 40. cxb5 cxb5. The opponents agreed to a draw. The 1 920 RSFSR championship was an important event, bolster ing interest in chess. Even when life was at its most difficult enthusiasts managed to revive the game. New social conditions called for new organisational forms . Soon after the tournament chess circles were set up in workers' clubs and factories . The number of chess amateurs grew at an unprecedented rate. The Supreme Council of Physical Culture took charge of centralising chess ac tivities. For the first time in chess history the development of the game was entrusted to a state organisation. An All-Union Congress , which played a tremendous role in strengthening the organisation of the chess movement, was held in Moscow in August 1 924. It pro claimed chess to be a means of promoting culture and education among the masses. Nikolai Krylenko, People's Commissar of Justice, Lenin's friend , did much to develop a chess organisation throughout the country. In 1925 the first international tournament was held in Moscow , and again for the first time, at state expense. The games of the champions, and the stirring moments were constantly re ported in the press, showing the Soviet people' s interest in chess. Of particular interest was the encounter between Capablanca, ·
then the world champion , and Ilyin-Zhenevsky. This was the position after White' s 3 1 st move. DIAGRAM 3 1
Black seems to be in a bad way: the Queen has to retreat, and White will inevitably threaten mate with Rh3 . The Soviet master discovered an unexpected way to both re pulse his opponent's threat and gain decisive superiority. He played: 31... exf4! 32. Rxe3 fxe3 Black's Queen is exchanged for a Rook and a Knight, clearly inadequate compensation, but Black' s pieces are so active that White fails to save himself. Were Capablanca to move 3 3 . Re t , then playing 33 . . . Rb2 34. Rxe3 R d l + 35 . Kh2 Rdd2, Black can launch a good attack , and threatens the Rook' s invasion of the second rank. 33. Qel Rb2 34 . Qxe3 Rd2 35. Bf3 c4 36. a3 Bd6 37. Qa7 c3 White resigns. 56
The 1 925 International Tourna ment was the culmination of the period when chess was re established and consolidated , the next problem was to train young chess players. Chigorin' s and Alekhine' s legacy served as the foundation for educating young talented chess players , who thus gained the necessary knowledge and experience. The young gener ation was helped by the state , public organisations, and espe cially the trade unions. Chess was structured and organised, the major role in this process being played by sport committees and trade union physical culture societies. Young Pioneer Palaces became the main centres for trammg chess enthusiasts and they pro duced many a talented player. The early 1920s were domi nated by the older chess masters, whereas by the end of the decade the younger players were begin ning to put pressure on their older colleagues in high-level con tests. During one of the free days at the 1925 International Tourna ment Capablanca gave a simul taneous exhibition in Leningrad . One of the games against the world champion was won by the 1 4-year-old Leningrad schoolboy Mikhail Botvinnik. After this important game, Bot vinnik competed successfully in many tournaments in Leningrad , and then took part in the next USSR championship, where he tied for fifth place with Vladimir Makagonov and was awarded the title of master. He was then only 16 years old .
In subsequent years the talented Leningrader was always at the top. He was less successful at the 1 929 national champion ship, but the Seventh USSR Championship in Moscow in 1 93 1 brought Botvinnik his reward: competing against the older mas ters and his own age group he won the national title of the Soviet Union for the first time. In the 1 933 USSR champion ship Botvinnik again led the field and became national champion for the second time in a row. There was no doubt that he would become the leading Soviet chess player. His most experi enced rivals had to make room for him, while the younger set realised that Botvinnik was a far superior player. At that time many interesting works on theory were published. V sevolod Rauzer, Vassily Panov, Vyacheslav Ragozin and others devised some new and interesting systems of development, discov ering at times unexpected moves in seemin_gly well studied varia tions. The appearance of talented young chess players, with Mikhail Botvinnik in first place, raised the question of testing the strength of Soviet masters against the best grandmasters of the West. At that time Alexander Alekhine was world champion, with Lasker and Capablanca no longer such formidable rivals . Grandmaster Salo Flohr from Czechoslovakia was doing well in international tournaments, and he was invited to the Soviet Union.
The Botvinnik vs. Flohr match took place in 1 933 in two rounds: six games were played in Mos cow and the concluding ones in Leningrad . At first Botvinnik's lack of practice in international contests was telling. In the first game he missed a tactical blow and lost ; after four draws he lost the sixth game. He left for Lenin grad , having lost two points to Flohr. The Leningrad half of the match, however, Botvinnik con ducted superbly. The seventh and eighth games were drawn, and for the ninth he prepared an original move in Flohr' s favourite Caro Kann Defence. He gained a deci sive advantage and made good use of it. Without giving Flohr a chance to collect himself, Botvin nik continued to attack in the next game . He managed to out play Flohr in the Dutch Defence and win yet again. The score was even. The last two games were drawn, and the final match result was a draw . Botvinnik had proved that the leading Soviet players could compete with the best grandmasters of the West on equal terms . This was also confirmed by contests over the next few years. In 1 934 Grandmaster Max Euwe and M aster Hans Kmoch arrived in the USSR, and Botvinnik won first prize in the tournament in which they played. The young master Nikolai Ryumin from Moscow showed his striking talent for combina tions. Unfortunately he did not live long ( 1908- 1 942). In his en counter with Euwe, an example 57
of beautiful play, this was the position after Black' s 23rd move. DIAGRAM 32
Ryumin brilliantly concludes with an attack on Black's King. 24. g6!! Qf4 (a different con tinuation would not lead to a successful defense. In the case of 24. . . hxg6 25. hxg6 Qxg6 26. Bxf3 , Black cannot repulse the attack from White's Rooks along the open g- and h-files. In the case of 24 . . . Qf5, the issue is settled by 25. Bxf3 Bf4 26. Ne7 + Kh8 27 . Bxg7 + ) 25. Nxf4 Bxf4 26. e3 fxg2 27. Rh4! BgS 28. gxh7 + Kxh7 29. Qc2+ Kg8 30. Rg4. (Black's situation is hopeless, so Euwe ' s following last moves are futile) 30. . . Ne6 31. f4 Bf3 32. Rxg2. Black resigns . By the mid- 1 930s the Soviet chess movement had grown con siderably. Players from the most 58
distant parts of the country began to attend tournaments . Chess also spread widely in the national republics. Its unprecedented scale in the USSR aroused the admira tion of the international grand masters who visited the country. They called the country , where in 1 936 more than 700,000 people had taken part in trade union tournaments , the Eldorado of Chess. Although by that time there were many strong players , Mikhail Botvinnik, Grandmaster No. 1 , surpassed them all. His outstanding successes in interna tional tournaments in the 1 930s advanced him into the ranks of the contenders for the world title. In 1 935 Alexander Alekhine unex pectedly lost the title match to Max Euwe of the Netherlands. According to the terms signed before the start of the match , Alekhine had the right t o a return match and Euwe, expecting here again he would easily outplay Alekhine, who had lost his sport ing form, readily agreed to one . Botvinnik thus had to wait to discover who would be world champion after the return match in 1 937. Alekhine won brilliantly with a score of + 1 0 -4= 1 1 . Meanwhile Botvinnik continued to win game after game . A par ticular triumph was his result in the 1 936 Nottingham Tourna ment, in which he tied for first place with Capablanca. General attention was attracted by Botvin nik' s endgame against Tar takower, in which he settled the issue of the game by a series of elegant sacrifices .
achievement was unquestionably with Capablanca-his combina tion still delights chess en thusiasts after more than 40 years. DIAGRAM 34
�· Q �· l
22. Rxf6! Kxf6 23. QhS Ng6 NfS! This move immediately places Black in a hopeless posi tion. Were Black to capture the Knight: 24 . . . Bxf5 then, by play ing 25 . exf5, White will simply take the Knight on g6. Neither does 24 . . . Rh8 save the situation because of 25. h4 Bxa2 26. R d l Rad8 27. Bg5 + hxg5 2 8 . Qxg5+ Ke6 29. Ng7 + + . The move made by Black merely delayed his defeat. 24. .. Rg8 25. Qxh6 Bxa2 26. Rdl Rad8 27. QgS+ Ke6 28. Rxd8 f6 29. Rxg8 Nf4 30. Qg7 Black resigns In 1938 the AVRO-Tournament was held in Holland, attended by the strongest grandmasters of the times headed by world champion Alekhine. Paul Keres and Reuben Fine tied for first place. Mikhail Bot vinnik was third. The Soviet champion won quite a number of games, including one against Alekhine. But his greatest 24.
The picture gives no hint of what is to come . Botvinnik, how ever, by sacrificing two pieces, places Black's King in a hopeless situation . 30. Ba3!! Qxa3 (if the Queen retreats to e8 White wins: 30 . . . Qe8 3 1 . Qc7 + Kg8 32. Be7 Ng4 33. Qd7) 31. NbS + ! gxhS (can do no better with Black 3 1 . . . Kh6 32. Nf6 Qc l + 3 3 . Kf2 Qd2+ 34. Kg3 Qxc3 + 35. Kh4 Qxd4+ 36. Ng4 + ) 32. QgS + Kf8 33. Qxf6 + Kg8 (retreat by the King to e8 would obviously lead to mate in two moves) 34. e7 (it remains now for White to get his King out of the reach of Black's Queen. Botvin nik calculated well in advance all possible checks from Black's Queen) 59
34 . . . Qcl + 35. Kf2 Qc2+ 36. Kg3 Qd3+ 37. Kh4 Qe4+ 38. Kxh5 Qe2+ 39. Kh4 Qe4+ 40. g4 Qel + 41. Kh5 Black resigns . Botvinnik's successes in the tournaments in 1 933- 1 938 unques tionably gave him the right to challenge the world champion Alekhine to a match. Botvinnik started negotiations immediately after the A VRO Tournament. Alekhine had al ways recognised the Soviet champion's right to such a match and readily accepted the chal lenge. Detailed negotiations were already under way to decide the schedule of the match that was impatiently awaited throughout the world , but the start of World War II frustrated all the plans. Soon after the rout of nazism a fight for the chess throne started in Europe. Alekhine, abandoned and sick, lived in those years in the small resort of Estoril near Lisbon. He was depressed, upset by the deci sion of the organisers of the tournaments in London and Hast ings in 1 945 , who had unjustly accused him of collaboration and revoked the invitations already sent to him. At this time Botvinnik repeated his challenge for a match for the world title. Alas ! for the second time the Alekhine-Botvinnik match was not fated to take place. On the night of 25 March 1 946, the weak heart of the world champion stop ped beating. In the morning he was found dead at his table, next to which stood chessmen on the suitcase stand. 60
Soviet chess players revere Alekhine as one of the founders of the national chess school, and study his versatile chess legacy. Collections of Alekhine' s games, and works analysing his play are always being published. Alekhine Memorial Tournaments are held regularly , attracting grandmasters from all over the world. Work never ceases to try to find forgotten games by the first Russian world champion. Alekhine left this world unde feated . After lengthy discussions FIDE decided to organise a match-tournament between the five leading grandmasters. This historic tournament took place in the spring of 1 948. The first two rounds were held in the Hag1,1e, the last three in Moscow. Five grandmasters were chosen to participate: Mikhail Botvinnik, Paul Keres and Vassily Smyslov (USSR), Max Euwe (the Nether lands) and Samuel Reshevsky (USA) . Botvinnik took the lead from the very start . He finished the first half well ahead of the rest of the participants, and in Moscow he set an even faster pace. Three days before the end of the con test, in the 22nd round, the chief referee, Yugoslav Grandmaster Milan Vidmar, stopped the clock and addressed the audience in the Hall of Columns of the Trade Union House in Moscow. "As a result of today' s game Grandmaster of the Soviet Union Mikhail Botvinnik has won first place in the match-tournament and the title of world chess champion . "
His words were met with an ovation by both the players and the audience . Botvinnik's friends and colleagues embraced him. The match-tournament left chess enthusiasts many substan tial games , and those by Botvin nik were particularly interesting. Here is one of the masterpieces from the tournament, the Botvin nik vs. Keres game. DIAGRAM 35
( 1 5 . . . ReS 1 6 . Qxd4 Na4 1 7 . B a t N c 5 would provide more resis tance . Now Botvinnik's pieces all concentrate on his opponent's K-side) 16. Qxd4 Qc7 17. cS! dxcS 18. RxcS Qf4 (Black's affairs would not improve with 1 8 . . . QdS 19. Qe3 , after which White' s threats cannot b e countered) 19. Bel Qb8 20. Rg5 Nbd7 (or 20 . . . NeS 2 1 . Nh5 f6 22. Nxf6+ with defeat for Black. Here, too , Botvinnik settles the issue with a beautiful Rook sacrifice) DIAGRAM 36
There is considerable tension in the centre , but the formidable white Bishop on b2 allows Bot vinnik to launch a powerful at tack on his opponent's K-side. 14. e4! (White leaves the al-h8diagonal open, whereas the er roneous move 1 4 . exd4 d5 would have allowed Keres to block the position) 14. .. Be6 15. Rcl Re7
21. Rxg7 + ! Kx�? 22. Nh? + Kg6 (Black's position remams hopeless wherever the King re treats to) 23. Qe3! B lack resigns . He can no longer resist the threat of mate.
knowledge of openings. This is evident to everyone now, al though thirty or forty years ago even strong chess players held different points of view. In any case, they devoted little attention to the analysis of opening varia tions. Mikhail Botvinnik , we dare say, was the first to raise the role of research and new moves in the opening. A person who is interested in the integrity of the game must prepare for it beforehand", wrote Botvinnik, and he himself always strictly observed this rule. Discoveries can only be made when you know everything disco vered before, as we all know, and Botvinnik showed himself to have a wide knowledge of the chess opening. He did not learn by rote the whole series of variations: Botvinnik was able to take every thing he saw in the games of his colleague s , and comprehend it critically, analyse it and trans form it with his imagination and resourcefulness. "A person who wants to be come an outstanding chess player must perfect himself in the sphere of chess analysis ," Botvin nik used to say. This has been his rule through out his life. Botvinnik made many opening discoveries, prompted by tourna ment games he played. At the very start of the 1 940s several games were played in the Soviet Union with such variations of the Nimzovich Defence: 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Qc2 d5 5. cxd5 exd5 6. Bg5 h6 7. Bh4 c5 8. 0-0-0 "
For almost 50 years Mikhail Botvinnik has been competing in major tournaments and matches, promoting chess, and helping to train gifted young people. His work is characterised by tremend ous knowledge and the strict criti cal approach to both his own play and that of others. From his early years Botvinnik had developed special qualities which helped him to rise rapidly to become the leading chess player in his own country and throughout the world . Botvinnik enhanced his natural talent for strategy and analysis by daily study, in which his capacity for self-criticism played a major role. The system he developed in preparing for tournaments is based on a correct assessment of his own merits and faults, strict self-control and steps taken in time to eradicate the shortcom ings in his play. This obviously demands will power and the abili ty to control one's passions and emotions. These qualities enabled Botvinnik to reach the chess summits. Success in modern tournaments deperlds to a great extent en a 62
In the Mikenas vs. Botvinnik game (USSR championship, 1 940) Black continued thus: 8 . . . 0-0 9. dxcS Bxc3 10. Qxc3 gS I I . Bg3 Ne4 12. Qa3. Next year, in an important game at the match-tournament for the title of absolute champion of the USSR Keres, playing White against Botvinnik, decided on the attack used by Mikenas . This, however, led White to immediate disaster. In reply to 8. 0-0-0 this time Botvinnik played 8. . . Bxc3! 9. Qxc3 gS 10. Bg3 cxd4! II. Qxd4 Nc6 (and Black can safely attack, which Botvinnik confidently does to bring him to victory) 12. Qa4 BfS 13. e3 ReS 14. Bd3 (hoping to hide the King on b I Botvinnik allows his opponent to do this, but prepares a new blow) 14 . . . Qd7 15. Kbl Bxd3 + 16. Rxd3 QfS! (White must sac rifice a Pawn to free himself from the pin) 17. e4 Nxe4 18. Kat
0-0 19. Rdl bS! (Now Black's Knight can move to the important square d4) 20. QxbS Nd4 21. Qd3 Nc2+ 22. Kbl Nb4 White resigns. This attack by Black prepared during analysis at home brought Botvinnik success. The following game from the international tour nament in Moscow in 1 935 was also won rapidly by Botvinnik. Spielmann related that during his trip from Warsaw to the Russian frontier a foreign journalist told him in strict confidence that he had succeeded in discovering a complete counter to Panov 's Variation in the Caro-Kann De favourite Botvinnik's fence, weapon. The journalist talked so insistently that Spielmann was almost hypnotised, and he wasn't even surprised that he was lucky enough to be told about this variation almost free of charge, merely for the price of a bottle of wine. Who could describe Spiel mann's joy when he was paired with Botvinnik in the very first round ! In his mind' s eye he already saw himself with a hefty point in the score table and played fast, without thinking. When, however, he looked care fully into his position, he noticed to his surprise that he had lost his Queen. Here are Botvinnik's thoughts: "I already knew about the move 6 . . . Qb6, and I was able to thoroughly analyse the position. The move is unsatisfactory chief ly because Black, instead of developing the pieces, tries to attack with the Queen alone . " This is the game : 63
Caro-Kann Defence M. BOTVINNIK
Moscow, 1935
1 . c4 c6 2. e4 dS 3. exdS cxdS 4. d4 Nf6 (this is one of the most popular variations of the old de fence, named after the Moscow master Panov) 5. Nc3 Nc6 6. BgS Qb6 (that is Spielmann's innova tion. The correct continuation is 6 . . . dxc4 or 6 . . . e6) 7. cxdS Qxb2 8. Rei (This simple reply coun ters his opponent's idea. Neither Spielmann nor his "consultant" had noticed this Rook move) 8 Nb4 (Other alternatives are also poor 8 . . . NbS 9. Na4 Qb4+ 1 0. Bd2 or 8 . . . Nd8 9. Bxf6 exf6 10. Bb5+ Bd7 1 1 . Rc2 Qb4 1 2 . Qe2 + ! Be7 1 3 . Bxd7 + , and Black's King cannot hold out long in the centre of the board) 9. Na4
9 . . . Qxa2 10. Bc4 Bg4 l l . Nf3 Bxf3 12. gxf3 Black resigns. "I spent only 20 minutes think ing over the entire game , and that merely in order to check my home analysis," wrote Botvinnik about this game. Here is another example of an opening variation thoroughly analysed and prepared by Botvin nik. Alekhine, too, was a con noisseur of opening variations. For his first encounter with Bot vinnik he had prepared an ex tremely sharp variation where White attacks his opponent' s de fence lines from the very start.
Black's Queen is trapped. It has to be ceded. 64
Sicilian Defence A. ALEKHINE
Nottingham, 1936
l. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be2 Bg7 7. Be3 Nc6 8. Nb3 Be6 9. f4 0-0 10. g4 This very same move was made in the Levenfish vs. Bot vinnik game at the Third Moscow International Tournament ( 1 936). It goes without saying that Alekhine knew this game and had armed himself with the system containing the move 1 0 . g4. Bot vinnik was prepared for such a continuation. 10. . . dS! (Botvinnik had made the same move against Levenfish, who continued 1 1 . e5 d4 ! N xd4 Nxd4 1 3 . Bxd4 Nxg4 with even play) Alekhine chose a new road of attack, but here again he did not catch Botvinnik unawares. l l . f5 Bc8 12. exdS Nb4 13. d6 (This move is one of Alekhine' s dis-
coveries . If 1 3 . fxg6 hxg6, then comes 1 4. Bf3 . 14 . . . Nxg4 or 14 . . . Bxg4) 13. . . Qxd6 14. Bc5 DIAGRAM 39
How many times before Bot vinnik had this variation of the Queen' s Gambit been played: 1 . d4 e6 2. c4 d5 3. Nf3 Be7 4 . Nc3 Nf6 5. Bg5 0-0 6. e3 a6 7. cxd5 exd5 8 . Bd3 c6 9. Qc2 Nbd7. DIAGRAM 40
Alekhine evidently thought that this move gave him an advantage, but Botvinnik is not unprepared. 14. . . Qf4! (by sacrificing two pieces, Botvinnik forces a draw by perpetual check) 15. Rfl Qxh2 16. Bxb4 Nxg4 (a draw is now inevitable) 17. Bxg4 Qg3+ 18. Rf2 (the unwary 1 8 . . . Kd2 would lead at once to the loss of the game after 1 8 . . . B h6 + ) 18 . . . Qg1 + 19. Rfl Qg3+ 20. Rf2 Qg1 + A draw . Botvinnik' s sudden and some times seemingly paradoxical opening inventions stunned his opponents. When players later checked the variations linked with these inventions they were convinced that Botvinnik's moves were based on a deep understand ing of the position on the board, a precise calculation of the posi tional factors. 5-607
In the Botvinnik vs. Alatortsev game played in Leningrad with the participation of Euwe and Kmoch, Botvinnik puzzled his opponent by the following unex pected move. 10. g4! (A move based on a subtle comprehension of the situa tion. White is obliged to attack as fast as possible on the K-side, even before making the necessary move of castling the Q-side) 10 . . . Nxg4 (Black threatened by 1 1 . B xf6 Nxf6 1 2. g5 , while 10 . . . h6, weakens the position on Black's K-side too much) 1 1 . Bxh7 + 'Kh8 12. Bf4 Nf6 13. Bd3 Nh5 14. h3 Nf6 15. Be5 Black is in a very difficult posi tion, and Botvinnik compels his 65
opponent to capitulate within sev eral moves. 15 .. Ng8 16. 0-0-0 Nh6 17. Rg1 Be6 18. Qe2 Bf5 19. Bxf5 Nxf5 20. Nh4 Black resigns. Botvinnik ' s tournament games include many started with well known variations embellished with unexpected moves . Let us close our account of Botvinnik ' s opening repertoire with another of his inventions .
English Opening M. BOTVINNIK
1 2th USSR Championship, Moscow 1940
1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Nf3 Nc6 4. d4 exd4 5. Nxd4 Bb4 6. Bg5 h6 7. Bh4 Bxc3 + 8. bxc3 Ne5 9. e3 Ng6 10. Bg3 Ne4 1 1 . Qc2 Nxg3 12. hxg3 d6 DIAGRAM 4 1
In one of h i s earlier games Botvinnik had played 1 3 . Rd l . On analysing this game at home, 66
he discovered an original method of countering all of Black's de signs which he had not noticed during play . 13. f4! Qe7 14. Kf2 (White ' s King o n f 2 makes Black naturally want' to move his Knight to c5) 14. . . Nf8 15. c5! (Botvinnik clears the way for the Bishop on f l , thus launching an attack on Black's King, which soon breaks up Blac k ' s entire position) 15 . . . dxc5 16. Bb5+ Nd7 (bad, too, are 16 . . . c6 1 7 . Nxc6 or 16 . . . Kd8 1 7 . Rad 1 cxd4 1 8. Rxd4, when White's attack can't be stopped. The continua tion 1 6 . . . Bd7 1 7 . Nf5 Qf6 1 8 . Qe4 + Ne6 19. Bxd7 + Kxd7 20. Rhd 1 + also loses) 17. Nf5 Qf6 18. Rad1 g6 (Or 1 8 . . . a6 1 9. Qe4+ Kd8 20. Bxd7, and White wins) 19. Nxh6 Rf8 20. g4 Black's position is hopeless, and Botvinnik precisely realises his advantage with several energetic conclusive moves . 20 . . . a6 2 1 . g5 Qe6 22. Be2 Nb6 23. Ng4 Ke7 24. Nf6 Qc6 25. Rh7 Bf5 26. e4 Be6 27. f5 Black resigns. We have dwelt only on Botvin nik' s fast moving original designs, but there are many quieter varia tions and complete development systems among his inventions. We shall now tum to some of these. Botvinnik's game with Denker from the USSR-USA radio match in 1 945 , also printed in this book, is typical of the Botvinnik Variation. Botvinnik was always dis tinguished by his mastery of the middle game. His strategic ideas are deep , and his tactical blows
unexpected. One of the most interesting examples of the tacti cal solution of a chess game is the Rauzer-Botvinnik encounter in the 1 933 USSR championship. DIAGRAM 42
moves. After 1 8 . cxe4 Nxe4 1 9 . Nxe4 Bxd5 Black is in a very strong attacking position. The re treat of the Bishop to f3 would amount to abandoning the posi tion . ) 18 exf3 1 9 . c 5 Qa5 20. Red1? (this move leads to the immediate collapse of White ' s position. 20. Qd3 defends more reliably) 20. . . Ng4! 21. Bd4 f2+ 22. Kfl (the sequel 22. Kh 1 Rxd5 23 . Nxd5 f l Q + loses the Queen. But the King's retreat to f 1 al lows Botvinnik to move his Queen to the K-side and launch a decisive attack) 22 Qa6+ 23. Qe2 Bxd4 24. Rxd4 Qf6 25. Rcd1 (if 25 . Qd3 Re8, Black wins . ) 2 5. . . Qh4 26. Qd3 Rfe8 27. Re4 f5 28. Re6 Nxh2+ 29. Ke2 Qxf4 White resigns. Mikhail Botvinnik contributed greatly to the theory of the strategic bases of the middle game . Chess theoreticians and tournament grandmasters before Botvinnik concentrated on study ing opening variations. Only some of them made half-hearted at tempts to understand thoroughly the most complicated stage of play-the middle game . Botvin nik, in his study of the most diverse aspects of chess theory, turned his attention to the middle stage. He was the first to systematise several typical middle game posi tions. Every chess player knows that in modern chess certain situations resemble each other in their strategic patterns , by their structural forms. Botvinnik set himself the task to systematise typical situations, to find in ..•
The action was concentrated in the centre of the board . White's position seems at first sight to be more active . But Botvinnik, play ing Black, counters energetically, capturing the initiative. 16. . . d5 (this advance of the Pawn is part of some very compli cated variations already worked out precisely by Botvinnik. White has no choice in his reply) 17. exd5 e4! (Another unex pected blow involving sacrifices) The possible continuations from that position were analysed by chess players throughout the world. To this day Botvinnik's manoeuvre is considered a per fect example of transition to a counter-attack using a sudden combinational blow. 18. bxc4 (White would not have benefited more from other s•
them the most effective methods of play based on an exact calcu lation of the positional factors . This is of great assistance in an actual game. If you have studied the position, if your home analysis has adequately assessed the potential of both yourself and your opponent, then all you have to do in the tournament hall is to shape these plans, to make them more exact and adapt them to the actual position on the board. Back in his youth Botvinnik played a game in which he built up an interesting central wedge position . Formidable central for mations enabled him to restrict the opposing pieces, to unhurried ly rearrange his own pieces and deliver a telling blow at the op ponent in his most vulnerable spot. He subsequently used this method in some important games . It was obviously backed up b y research, helping h i m solve the most difficult problems over the board . This is the strategic method: it is best illustrated by a concrete example.
later game, which we will nm analyse. This is the Lisitsyn vs. Botvir nik game played a year later i the 1 932 Leningrad Champior ship. DIAGRAM 44
The diagram shows the Kirillov vs. Botvinnik game in the Seventh USSR Championship in 1 93 1 , in which English Opening was used. Botvinnik skilfully ar ranged his Pawns and placed his Knight on d4, at the head of a wedge. Black's positional advan tage was so great that he won. The method of actually making use of superiority in such posi tions was best demonstrated in a 68
Take a good look at the di5 tribution of Black's pieces an' Pawns. In military strategy structure like this can be arrange' both for defence and for breakin.
through a section of the front, and it is called a wedge. All of Botvinnik' s pieces are gathered in a wedge with the spearhead on d4. Black's impenetrable cohe sion deprives White of any pos sibility of delivering a telling blow at a weak point. Black is invul nerable , but he has no intention of limiting himself to defence. H e rearranges h i s pieces in the necessary way , breaks through White' s lines and expands his attack to reach White's King. Botvinnik, in his study of simi lar positions had discovered some important strategic ideas, accom panying them with strong tactical blows. 21. Qdl Bg4 (Strategically a correct move. As 22. f3 is ex tremely bad, White is compelled to exchange on d4, after which the e-file opens up along which Black can conveniently attack the Pawn on e2) 22. Bxd4 exd4 23. Qd2 Bf8 24. Rel ReS The next link in Black's plan is to concentrate his major pieces on the open file. White will have no easy task to defend the Pawn on e2. 25. h4 Bh3 26. Bf3 Re7 27. Nh2 Rce8 28. Khl Be6 (reorientation: the Bishop moves towards d5, when it will be exchanged for the Bishop on f3 , which will com pletely weaken the Pawn on e2, and in addition will reveal the weakness of the White squares around White ' s King) 29. b3 Nb4 (Botvinnik plays precisely and systematically. It would have been bad to move 29 . . . Nc3 30. e4 ! when there
would have been no weak Pawn left on e2) 30. Bg2 Bd5 31. Nf3 Rf7 (White declines to exchange his Bishop on g2, and so Botvinnik enlists the Bishop standing on the side at f8) 32. Kh2 Bd6 33. Bh3 Qd8 34. Rabl Rfe7 35. Ngl Bc7 36. Na3 Bb7! See how well Black' s pieces are mobilised . It only remains to make the move 37. . . Qd5 , and White will be in a very bad way. So Lisitsyn himself makes haste to exchange Bishops. 37. Bg2 Bxg2 38. Kxg2 Nd5 39. Nc2 Qd6! DIAGRAM 45
'(�� ;�
l i
A triumph for Black's strate gy: there is no defence against the check from Black's Knight on e3. 40. Na3 Ne3+ 41 . Khl Ng4 42. Qf4 This is a losing move for White. Neither does 42. Kg2 save the situation because of 69
42 . . . Nxf2 ! 43 . Kxf2 Qxg3 + 44. Kfl Re3 45 . Nf3 Qh3 + 46. Kg l Bh2 + 42 . Rfl Qd5 + is completely hopeless. 42. . . Qxf4 43. gxf4 Nxf2+ 44. Kg2 NxdJ White resigns. Botvinnik made a deep study and analysis of middle game posi tions, where as a result of suc cessful opening operations he would take complete possession of some central point. The strength of the piece on that point allowed him to expand his aggres sive plans over the whole board. This plan was carried out most expressively and neatly in the Botvinnik-Kann game at the 1 1 th USSR championship in 1 939. DIAGRAM 46
20. h3 (d5 is safe for White. Were Black to play 20 . . . Bb7 now, then after an exchange of Bishops , one of White' s Rooks would take this point, supported from e4 by the Queen. So Kann makes haste to exchange his c4 Pawn, thereby weakening the sig nificance of d5) 20 Ba6! 21 . BdS bS 22. cxbS RxbS (This facilitates White ' s task. 2 2 . . . Bxb5 would have been more reliable, with 23 . c4 Bc6! Now White has an overwhelming ly superior position) 23. c4 Rb6 24. Rbl Rd8 (The following line was bad: 24 . . . Rfb8 25. Rxb6 Qxb6 26. f6! with the fatal threat of 27 . Qg6. If Black replies 25 . . . Rxb6, there follows 26. Qa4 ! and White's threats be come very serious) 25. . Rxb6 axb6 26. e4 (The Bishop on d5 is now invulnerable, and White breaks into the enemy camp through the a-file) 26. .. Bc8 27. Qa4 Bd7 28. Qa7 Be8 29. Rfbl Rd6 30. a4 (The Queen has broken through the a-file, and the Rook will penet rate the enemy camp along the b-file) 30. . . Kh7 31. aS bxaS 32. QxaS Rda6 33. QxcS Ra2 34. Qe3 (Black is minus a Pawn, but worse is still to come) 34 . . Qa6 35. Rb8 Qa4 36. Kh2! (This underlines Black's hopeless position. In the case of 36 . . . Qc2 there follows 37. Qg3 Rat 38. Rxe8 Qdl 39. Qg6 + fxg6 40. Bg8 + Kh8 4 1 . Bf7+ Kh7 42. Bxg6 + + ) 36. . . Ra3 3 7 . QcS Ra2 38. Ra8 Qxa8 39. Bxa8 Rxa8 40. QxeS Bc6 41. Qc7 Resigns. .••
Black's situation doesn't seem dubious , although there is a weakness at d5. This weakness alone, however, is sufficient for White to develop a crushing at tack. Botvinnik takes possession of the outpost on d5 and, with its strength , develops his men ac tively . 70
Botvinnik analysed also posi tions with a fixed centre when White' s and Black' s Pawns but ted into each other. For instance, a White Pawn on d4 and a Black Pawn on d5, while next to them are open files, in our case "c" and "e" . Both opponents have to realise concrete strategic plans, taking into account such a posi tion. Mikhail Botvinnik was famed for his skilful play in such situations which matched the pre cision of a computer. Botvinnik often used such cen tral designs. Let us take two examples to demonstrate Botvin nik's characteristic play in similar positions, unquestionably de veloped during home analysis. In the Stolberg-Botvinnik game at the 1 2th USSR championship ( 1940) this was the position after White ' s 1 5th move: DIAGRAM 47
these squares , after which he occupies them with his pieces. Black intensifies his pressure against the central positions so expressively that the logic and conviction of his game cannot but arouse the admiration of a true chess lover. 15 . . . Bf5! (The aim is simple: to the exchange white-squared Bishops, after which c4 and e4 would be entirely defenceless) 16. Qc2 Be4 17. b5 (This opens the way for Black's Knight to reach c4 via a5 . The move 1 7 . Rad I would be more prudent) 17 . . . Bxd3 18. Qxd3 Na5 19. Ng3 Nc4 20. Bel Rac8 The first part of the plan has been achieved: Black' s Knight is reli ably strengthened on c4. Now Botvinnik carries out the "occu pation" of e4 with the same consistency. 21 . Ra2 Bf8 22. a4 Bb4 The piece defending e4 has to be taken or forced out of action . 23. Nd1 N e4 24 . f5 Nxg3 25. Qxg3 Bd6 26. Qf3 Be7 27. Qg3 Bf6 28. Bxh6 Bxd4+ 29. Kh1 f6! Botvinnik takes advantage of any opportunity to strengthen his positions. In the course of the next few moves all of his pieces establish themselves firmly in the centre and finally make the oppo nent's forces retreat. 30. Bel Re4! 31. Qd3 Ne5 32. Qb1 Rc4! DIAGRAM 48
White' s central squares c4 and e4 are weak. With strict consis tency Botvinnik further weakens
An interesting position ! Black' s pieces, concentrated i n the central 71
4. e3 b6 5. Ne2 Ra6 6. a3 Be7 7. Nf4 d5 8. cxd5 Bxfl 9. Kxf1 exd5. DIAGRAM 49
j � ·� . · ··.
squares , are a formidable force capable both of defending them selves and attacking. No wonder that the next moves mean defeat for White. This is how Black realises his advantage: 33. aS Bc5 34. b6 a6 35.Nb2 Rc3 36. Bd2 Rb3 37. Qc2 Qb5 38. Rcl Rf8 39. Rd1 Re2 40. Qc1 Rxh3+ ! 41. gxh3 d4 White resigns . In this game Black brought home his advantage by basing his plan on the dynamic strength of his centralised pieces on the most important squares attacked by the d5 Pawn, and with a fixed centre . In some games Botvinnik, when necessary, carried out a peculiar transformation, instan taneously making his fixed centre into an open one. In the second game of the Botvinnik vs. Smyslov match for the world title in 1 954 the follow ing moves in the Nimzovich De fence were made: 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 72
-t�LJ. ..
/� .
The centre is fixed . Botvinnik knows the strength of his Knights on c3 and f4, which are attacking the opposing Pawn on d5, and carries out an unusual attack on the flank. He had unquestionably developed this new method of play in a well-known variation during his preparations for the match . 10. g4! c6 1 1 . g5 Nfd7 12. h4 Bd6 13. e4! By moving into the open space Botvinnik sharply changes the structure in the centre . The posi tion is now open and the active White pieces immediately launch an attack . 13. . . dxe4 14. Nxe4 Bxf4 15. Bxf4 0-0 16. h5! By several energetic moves , which most probably had been already anticipated by Botvinnik
before the game, White achieved a winning situation. As always , Botvinnik realises his advantage precisely and consistently. 16 . . . ReS 17. Nd6 Re6 18. d5 Rxd6 19. Bxd6 Qxg5 20. Qf3! White wins the Exchange and launches an attack. Smyslov's attempt to save himself in the endgame also fails . 20. . . Qxd5 21. Qxd5 cxd5 22. Rei! Na6 23. b4 h6 24. Rh3 Kh7 25. Rd3 Nf6 26. b5 Nc5 27. Bxc5 bxc5 28. Rxc5 Rb8 29. a4 Rb7 30 . Rdc3 Resigns . The examples here show to what extent Botvinnik's systemat isation and studies of typical po sitions occurring in the middle game were important for winning decisive encounters. That is why his followers-chess players both in the USSR and around the world-continue further studies of typical situations in the middle game . Chess players at the turn of this century did not attach special importance to their preparations for tournaments. Alekhine was the first to start practicing such preparation. But it was Mikhail Botvinnik who laid special em phasis on preparations for re sponsible contests . It was he who taught his followers to daily carry out analytical, physical and psychological training. We have already mentioned analytical preparations, and we shall deal with it more in the coming pages . As far as physical training is concerned it can be said that Botvinnik himself is an example of a chess player capa ble of playing in a most gruesome chess competition by correctly
distributing his strength , and pre serving sufficient energy for the decisive rounds. Botvinnik paid tremendous attention to his physical fitness by skiing in winter, swimming, rowing, and hiking in sum mer. But, of course, the most impor tant aspect of Botvinnik' s prep arations for tournaments was a special emphasis on psychology. He further developed the princi pal guidelines , given in their times by Lasker and Alekhine, both experts on the chess player' s psychology. Alekhine wrote about a chess player's behaviour in important tournaments: "I believe that the following three factors are neces sary for success : firstly , an awareness of one's strength and weaknesses; secondly, an exact understanding of the opponent's strength and limitations; and thirdly , an aim which is higher than just a minute's satisfaction. This aim I see in scientific and artistic achievements, which places chess among the other arts ." Botvinnik more than once proved that his aim in playing chess was to achieve the scien tific and artistic results of which Alekhine spoke. He thus con siders chess a difficult and ver satile art. We have already dealt with his ability to discern the strong and weak points of his rivals. Botvinnik ' s games include many in which he was able to force on his opponent a most unpleasant distribution of pieces. Mikhail Botvinnik is an objec tive judge of his own strengths 73
and weaknesses. He admitted , for instance , in annotations to his games: "This shows my perma nent weakness , my lack of com binational vision . " Such honesty is rare . Botvinnik often demonstrated his ability to play decisive tourna ment and match games. That is, games which demand the maxi mum energy, will power, self possession and staying power. Twice Botvinnik won the world championship in the last, the 24th game- against Bronstein in 1 95 1 , and Smyslov in 1 954. In both of them his play was perfect. Another quality also distin guished Botvinnik in the course of his chess career: he could draw conclusions from his de feats and take drastic measures to eradicate shortcomings in his play. Examples are provided by his two return matches : against Smyslov in 1 958 and against Tal in 196 1 . Neither of his opponents expected Botvinnik to be able to recover his sporting form and to repeat the match with all the power of a champion. In the world championship match in 1 960 Mikhail Tal more than once won by bold, and at times overly reckless, attacks on the enemy positions. Botvinnik made inaccurate moves, especial ly in complicated parts of the middle game. In the repeat match a year later, Tal naturally tried once again to use the same at tacking method. This time a sur prise awaited him. Botvinnik, as in the next game, for instance, confidently and precisely beat back his opponent' s attacks. 74
King's Indian Defence M . BOTVINNIK
Return Match, Moscow , l % 1
1 . d4 Nf6 2 . c4 g6 3 . Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. f3 Nbd7 6. Be3 e5 7. Nge2 0-0 8. d5 NbS A typical strategy in this inter esting variation of the King's Indian Defence. Black plays f5 , while White, shifting the King away to the Q-side, is preparing to start an offensive on the K-side, taking advantage of the weakness afforded by the move f5 . This, however, does not mean that the advance of the Pawn to f5 is a mistake, for were Black ' s Pawn be held u p o n f7 , his opportunity for defence would be even less. Such contradictions are the hallmark of complex modern chess. 9. Qd2 f5 10. 0-0-0 a6 II. Kb1 Ndf6 This move by Black is not good since it allows Botvinnik to open up the h-file, which is favourable for him . It would be more pru dent to retreat the Knight from h5 to f6, which leaves Tal more opportunity for defence. . 12. exf5 gxf5 DIAGRAM 50
13. Ng3 Simple and convincing. By launching an attack on the Pawn on f5 , White forces his opponent to exchange on g3. Black cannot now play 1 3 . f4 with advantage because of 1 4 . Nxh5 fxe3 1 5 . Nxf6 + Qxf6 16. Qc2 ! with White in an excellent position. 13. .. Qe8 14. Bd3! Nxg3
Neither does 1 4 . . . Qg6 improve Black's position, as White plays 1 5 . Nxh5 Qxh5 1 6 . h3 with the inevitable g4. Sometimes a Pawn is sacrificed in such situations: 1 4 . . . e4 !? 15. Nxh5 Nxh5 1 6 . fxe4 f4, and evidently this would have been Tal ' s best method of play. 15. hxg3 c5 16. Rh6 (immediate ly starting operations along the open file. With the exchange of the Bishop on g7 Black's chances for a successful defence are even fewer) 16 Qg6 1 7 . g4 b5 18. Bxg7 Kxg7 19. Rh4 bxc4 20. Bc2 h6! Tal defends himself in the best way . This modest Pawn move allows Black to exchange Queens and thereby somewhat weaken his opponent's offensive on the K-side. 21. Rdh1 Qg5 22. Qxg5+ hxg5 23. Rh6 fxg4 This exchange, however, J s clearly unfortunate. After the powerful move 23 . . . e4 24. fxe4 N xg4 25. Rxd6 fxe4 White would have found it much harder to bring home his advantage.
24. fxg4! (Now the Bishop on c2, the Knight on c3 and the Rook on f I are included in the attack on the Black King, and Black is soon lost although the Queens have already disappeared from the board) 24 . . . Bg4 25. Rg6 + Kf7 26. Rfl Ke7 27. Rg7+ (a decisive check . Had Black replied with 27 . . . Rf7, then the winning line would have been: 28. Rxf7 + Kxf7 29. Ne4. It would, however, have been better for the King to retreat to d8, although in this case, too , 28. Ne4 would have led to a swift victory) 27 . . . Ke8 28. Ne4 Nd7 (but not 28. Nxe4? 29. Ba4 + ) 29. Nxd6 + Kd8 30 . Rxf8 + Nxf8 31. Nxc4 Bd7 32. Rf7 Kc7 DIAGRAM 5 1
33. d6+ Resigns. In recent years Botvinnik has not competed . Professor in the sphere of electronics and cybernetics , holding a doctorate in technical sciences, Mikhail 75
Botvinnik heads a laboratory de signing an "electronic grandmas ter" , a machine capable of play ing chess. The second half of the 1 970s saw the publication of a number of scientific works and books on chess by the former world champion. Botvinnik' s book of recollections called The Achieve ment of a Goal published in a large edition aroused particular interest.
Botvinnik' s correspondence recently established, school, where he instructs young chess players, comments on their games and gives consultations on analysis , has deservedly won recognition. Many young chess enthusiasts studied under Botvin nik to become masters and gran dmasters. For example, grandma ster Garry Kasparov , the 1 980 world junior chess champion, to name but one .
At the beginning of the 20th century chess became very popu lar in many countries. Interna tional tournaments, matches, and team competitions were held in ever growing numbers. This made it necessary to establish an inter national organisation to unite chess players and promote chess in all parts of the world. A constituent congress of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) took place in Pari s in 1 924. Its main principle was the equality of all its members : the FIDE flag bears the dictum: GENS UNA SUMUS (WE ARE ALL ONE FAMILY) . In its first 25 years the Interna tional Chess Federation not only would not unite chess players, but was incapable even of or ganising matches for the world title . World champions merely ignored the decisions and the opinion of FIDE , and themselves chose their opponent (at times a weak one) and laid down the conditions and time of the championship . At the 1 948 FIDE Congress in Mikhail Botvinnik Stockholm proposed that a strict system for conducting world title matches be established.
Botvinnik thought the match for the world title should be held once in three years in accordance with the FIDE rules. The main principles of these rules are : the world is divided into zones , the victors in the zonal tournaments meet each other in interzonal tournaments . The winners of these meet in short tournament matches . The victor receives the right to play the world champion for his title. This clear-cut system was ap proved by the FIDE Congress. Since then, every third year for more than 25 years the world champion defends his title in a match with the strongest grand master among the contenders. The Soviet Chess Federation, whose representative in that period was world champion, did all in its power to protect this just principle of competition from any violation. Of all the contests in the FIDE programme, the personal and team championships are , of course, the main events for all chess players. The history of the selective trials of the last decades has a lot to tell us, and in this chapter we will deal with the struggle for the world title from 1 948 to 1 975 inclusive, and the best games played in these con tests. Several months after Mikhail Botvinnik became world cham pion, the first interzonal tourna ment opened in Salchobaden, a suburb of Stockholm. It was dis tinguished from all the rest be cause its competitors were not the winners of zonal tourna77
ments, but chess players put on the list by the votes of special ists. Seven Soviet chess players were among those invited to Sal chobaden. Sepecially worthy of mention is the outstanding suc cess of the 24-year-old master David Bronstein, who did particu larly well : in the last round he literally wrested the victory from the Hungarian champion Laszlo Szabo, himself in excellent form. Only two years later did the first challengers' tournament take place, with the beautiful island on the Danube in the centre of Budapest as the venue. Before the tournament it had been sup posed that the right to play Bot vinnik for his title would be contested by two of the particip ants in the 1 948 tournament Vassily Smyslov and Paul Keres . But these forecasts were mis. taken . From the very start the talented Soviet grandmaster Isaac Boleslavsky spurted ahead . With his knowledge of openings, he is the author of many original de velopment systems, including the famed Boleslavsky System in the Sicilian Defense. In excellent form , Boleslavsky was half a point ahead of his closest rival, David Bronstein. On the last day he met grandmaster Gideon Stahl berg of Sweden, who was playing poorly , and so thought that he could count on a victory and the right to a match with the world champion. But Boleslavsky miscalculated : thinking that Bronstein would be unable to win his last game with Keres, Boleslavsky made a quick 78
draw with Stahlberg. Bronstein, however, by sacrificing a Pawn to Keres , developed a formidable attack , won this important game and caught up with Boleslavsky. The two friends finished with the same number of points. An extra match had to decide who would challenge Botvinnik. Boleslavsky had risen rapidly from a first-category player to become a grandmaster. Boleslavs ky was distinguished by his ex traordinary speed of thought- at the end of a game his clock rarely showed more than an hour spent on thought. His outstanding natural talent happily combined with his capacity for hard work. He could retain in his memory a tremendous number of games, especially new theories. A taciturn player, he was always a very dangerous opponent. In an encounter with Boleslavsky a player with a first-class knowl edge of chess openings risked being suddenly confronted with a position which Boleslavsky had already thoroughly analysed . This is what happened when the famed Soviet grandmaster Vyacheslav Ragozin had to come up against this "knowledge" of his . In the 1 943 Moscow champion ship , where Boleslavsky played White, the following position oc curred. DIAGRAM 52
21. Bh3 Qxd4+ 22. Khl Qxe5 23. Bd2 c5 (The capture of the Pawn on b2 by Black' s Queen would be a mistake in view of 23 . . . Qxb2 24. Bf4 d4 25 . Bxg3 d3 . 26. Rad l )
33 . . . Qg7 34 . Bf4! Boleslavsky concludes the gaine in precise fashion. He at tacks the Black King, and holds up Black's Pawns in the centre by active play. . 34 . . . c3 (It would be better to play 34 . . . Rd8 35 . Rg5 Qxg5 36. Bxg5 d2 37. Bxd2) Boleslavsky now launches a spectacular attack . 35. Rg5 Rad8 36. Be6 + Kh8 37. Be5! DIAGRAM 53
Rael Qxb2 25. Bf4 Qf6? This move, as Boleslavsky con vincingly proves, loses. Subse quently Botvinnik found it neces sary to play 25 . . . d4 26. Bxg3 d 3 . Botvinnik tested this powerful continuation for Black against Boleslavsky a year later in the tournament in Sverdlovsk. The game continued thus: 27 . Be6+ Kh8 28. Be5 , after which 28 . . . Qc2 is best (instead of the made by Botvinnik move 28 . . . Qd2) and leads to a draw. 26. Bxg3 d4 27. Re6 Qg5 28. Kh2 c4 29. f4! This is the Pawn that will deal a decisive blow at Black. Rago zin' s attempt to get his Pawns moving in the centre is belated. 29. . . Qh5 30. f5 d3 31. f6 gxf6 32. Rf5 Qg6 33. Rexf6! The Pawn' s fast advance to f6 deprives Black's King of a Pawn cover, and White's pieces now conclude their attack. Boleslavs ky had obviously looked at this move in his analyses of all the possibilities of this complicated opening variation . 24.
Black resigns. After 38. Rf8 + Rxf8 39. Bxg7 mate is inevitable. I saak Boleslavsky ( 1 9 1 9- 1 977) had an exceptional knowledge of chess openings. He was admired for the depth of his strategic plans, and the beauty of his sudden tactical attacking moves . This next game shows how grace fully Boleslavsky realized his ad vantage against Smyslov in the m match-tournament 1 950 Budapest. 79
Queen's Gambit I. BOLESLAVSKY
1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nf3 dxc4 5 . . a4 c5 This continuation was previ ously considered quite satisfac tory for Black. After the ex change of Queens the ending offers ample opportunity for de fence and counterplay . Boleslavs ky's assessment of the system somewhat differed from that gen erally accepted . He proved con vincingly that the advance of the Pawn was premature , and that 5 . . . Bf5 is better play. 6. e4 cxd4 7. Qxd4 Qxd4 8. Nxd4 e6. Now the White Knight can move to the favourable position on b5. Black cannot prevent this since, in the case of 8 . . . a6, there would follow 9. e5 and 1 0 . Nd5 with a big positional advantage for White. 9. Ndb5 Na6 10. Bxc4 Bc5 1 1 . Bf4 Ke7 Smyslov considered that the endgame already started , and so he left his King in the centre. But Boleslavsky proved him wrong and discovered a method of or ganising a direct attack against Black's King. Castling the K-side would have been better for Black: 1 1 . . . 0-0. 12. 0-0 Bd7 13. e5! This is the move which proves Black's system of play wrong, now that his King is stuck on e7 . Black at once finds himself in a situation difficult after his Knight' s retreat from f6. In the case of 13 . . . Ne8 there would follow 1 4 . Bg5 + f6 1 5 . exf6+ 80
gxf6 1 6 . Bh4 Rg8 1 7 . Rfe 1 Rg4 1 8 . Re4! with a strong attack for White, and if 1 4 . . . Kf8 , 1 5 . Rad 1 Bc6 1 6 . Nd4 leaves White with a decisive positional advantage . 13 . . . Nh5 (this retreat, too, has its faults, as Boleslavsky pro ceeds to prove with his next move) DIAGRAM 54
14. Be3! shows a fine understand ing of opening strategy . It would have been weaker to play 1 4 . Bg5 + f6 1 5 . exf6 + gxf6 1 6 . Bh4 Rhg8 1 7 . Rfe 1 -Rg4 1 8 . Re4 Rag8, and Black is in a good position. Now Black is com pelled to open up the f-file , after which his King will be attacked by the Rooks. 14 . . . Rhc8 (attempting to avoid opening the file. In the case of 1 4 . . . Bxe3 1 5 . fxe3 g6 1 6 . Nd6 the two Black Pawns, on b7 and f7, are attacked) 15. Be2 g6 16. Ne4! Bxe3 (or 16 . . . Bb4 1 7 . g4! Ng7 1 8 . Bg5 +
Kf8 19. Nf6, winning a Pawn and gaining an overwhelming position al advantage) 17. fxe3 Rc2 (brings closer the disaster which could have been averted by the move 1 7 . . . Bc6) 18. Nd6! Rf8 or 1 8 . . . Rxe2 1 9. Rxf7 + Kd8 20. Rf8+ 19. Bxa6! bxa6 20. g4 Ng7 21. Nf6! DIAGRAM 55
1 948 and in the tournament of challengers for the world title in 1 950. In the 1 930s Flohr won many first prizes in international tour naments against the strongest. His play was distinguished by the depth and logic of his plans and by the precise calculation of vari ations. Flohr's filigree technique was especially evident in his endings . His victory over Szabo in the 1 950 Budapest match-tournament of claimants for the world title was won in the endgame. Flohr is playing White. DIAGRAM 56
A spectacular end to the at tack. 22. Nxh7 threatens, but the Rook cannot escape because of Rxf7 + . 21... Bc6 The last attempt at counterplay, but Boleslavsky plays precisely to the very end . 22. Rfcl! Black resigns. After 22 . . . Rxc l + 2 3 . Rxc 1 he cannot prevent invasion by White' s Rook. I f he plays 2 2 . . . Rg2+ 23 . Kfl Rxh2, he is beautifully mated: 24. Rxc6! Rh 1 + 25 . Kg2 Rxa l 26. Rc7+ Kd8 27. Rd7 + + . Andre Liliental and Salo Flohr were among the players in the first interzonal tournament in 6-607
Flohr calculates the variations exactly and brings the battle to a victorious finish. 45. g6! hxg6 46 . hxg6 Re7+ (the sequence 46 . . . Kxg6 47. Ne5+ Bxe5 48. Rxd7 Bxb2 49. Rxd5 also loses) 47. Kd1 Kxg6 (This merely brings the end nearer. The best continuation is 47 . . . Rg7 ! 48. Nb4 81
Kxg6 49. Nxd5 Be5 50. Rxg7 Kxg7 5 1 . b4 Bd4, which still leaves Black some hope of salva tion) 48. Nf4 + Kf5 49. Nxd5 Rd7 50. Rxc7 Rxd5 + 5 1 . Kc2 Ra5 52. a3 Ke5 53. Rd7 Ke6 54. Rd2 Rh5 55. Kb3 Rh4! 56. Rd8 Ke7 57. Rd5! (Flohr's technique is im maculate . The move 57 . Rb8 is weaker because of 57 . . . Rh6 58. Kb4 Kd7 59. Kb5 Kc7 60. Rg8 Rh5 + ) 5 7. . . Rg4 58. Kc3 Rh4 59. b3 Rg4 60. Rd4 Rg3 + 61. Kc4 Rg5 62. Rd5 Rg4+ 63. Kb5 Rg3 64. b4 Rg6 65. Ka6 Rh6 66. bS Resigns. After the war grandmaster Flohr did well in many important tournaments , although he never managed to equal his former achievements. We nevertheless feel it is a shame that he gave up chess competition as early as he did. Flohr was the author of witty articles and these were held in as much esteem as his tournament play. Grandmaster Liliental gained recognition in the early 1 930s , when he played successfully in international tournaments. He subsequently also did well i n nationwide tournaments . In the 1 2th USSR Championship in 1 940 he tied for first place with grand master Bondarevsky. Liliental did relatively well at the Interzonal Tournament in Stockholm in 1 948, where he played several striking combina tional games and was placed fifth . His game with Miguel Naj dorf of Argentina was particularly memorable . 82
The diagram shows a· position from this game. Black still seems to harbour the hope of destroying the White Pawn on g7 and or ganising a stubborn defence. But the Soviet grandmaster, as White, calculated all the possibilities and with the following sacrifice of a piece he demonstrated B lack's helpless position. 17. Bxh7 + ! (Black's King is now forced to leave his refuge in the corner of the board and move about under attack from White's pieces) 17... Kxh7 18. Qh5+ Kxg7 19. Rad1 (This "quiet" move em phasises the hopelessness of Black's position. Grandmaster Liliental had taken into account all the sequences of the sacrifice: Black' s King cannot escape pur suit. If, for instance, Black now plays 1 9 . . . Qc8, then 20. Rfe 1 Nf6 2 1 . Qg5 + Kf7 22. Rd6 leads White to victory. Neither is there salvation defence in the 19 . . . Qc7 , after which White con-
tinues his attack with 20. Qg4) 19. .. Qf6 20. Rd7 + Kf8 21. Rxb7 Nd8 22. Rd7 Nf7 23. Qd5 It is interesting that almost none of White's moves lead to check. This shows that Liliental' s combination was conceived and carried out not only on the basis of calculation of the variations but also on a subtle and intuitive understanding of the position. 23. . . Rb8 24. Ret f3 25. Re3 Resigns. Even if B lack makes the best move 25 . . . Ng5, 26. h4 settles the issue. Grandmaster now Liliental lives in Budapest, where his youth was spent. To return to the 1 950 match tournament. The play-off be tween Boleslavsky and Bronstein was an unusually stubborn con test. Bronstein won the first and seventh games, but those who Boleslavsky ' s underestimated fighting spirit were mistaken. H e won the eighth game and after two draws evened the score by a victory in the eleventh encounter. The twelfth game, too, was drawn. The 12 games provided for by the rules were inconclu sive, and so the first win in the additional games was to settle the issue. In the 14th game for tune smiled upon Bronstein: in a theoretical variation which he had analysed with Boleslavsky, ironi cally enough, some time ago , he on this occasion discovered a stronger move which enabled him to win. The first contender for a match with the world champion was the Moscow grandmaster David Bronstein. 6•
The Botvinnik-Bronstein match tremendous interest. aroused Bronstein was not the opponent Botvinnik would have chosen, as the world champion had twice lost to him. To compound matters, after becoming world champion Bot vinnik had not competed in tour naments for a long time, as chess had to take second place to his work on his doctoral thesis in technical sciences. Botvinnik sub sequently wrote about this period: "In my match with Brons tein the interruption in public appearances cost me very dear: I had not played then for almost three years and painfully felt my lack of the necessary training . " The Botvinnik-Bronstein match started with a series of four draws . The fifth game went to Bronstein . But by that time Bot vinnik had realised that his young opponent was not totally confi dent in the endgame. In the sixth game Bronstein made a mistake in a very simple ending, and instead of half-point he got a vexing zero . In tlie next, seventh game, Botvinnik won again. Then again came three draws , and in the 1 1th and 1 2th games the opponents inflicted defeats on each other. Another four draws followed. Towards the end of the match Bronstein managed to win three important games , but he lost the 1 9th and 23rd games, after some inaccurate moves in the endgame. The last game ended in a draw, and the score was even 1 2 : 1 2. In keeping with the rules , Mikhail Botvinnik re tained the world title. It was the first time in the 83
history of chess that representa tives from one country had com peted for the world title, and this was to happen again frequently over the next 20 years . Bronstein played many interesting games in the match , one of which we will show the reader. The tactical abilities of the young grandmaster are immediately evident in this game.
Nimzovich Defence M . BOTVINNIK
Fifth Game of the Match
1 . d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 0-0 5. Bd3 cS 6. Nf3 b6 7. 0-0 Bb7 8. Na4 One of the better known varia tions of the Nimzovich Defence, used in tournaments for almost the last 40 years . It was this variation, for instance, that was played in the Alatortsev vs. Lisit syn game at the USSR Cham pionship in 1 937. White avoids doubling his Pawns on the c-file and wants to begin encircling Black's Bishop on b4. Black ex changes on d4 to release his Bishop, this leading to the strengthening of White' s centre. 8. . . cxd4 Later, in the Taimanov-Botvinnik game (Mos cow, 1 963) Black was not flus tered by the threat and calmly played 8 . . . Qe7 . 9. a3 Be7 10. exd4 Qc7 1 1 . b4! Botvinnik pondered this move for 52 minutes . He decided to take firmer hold of the centre with his Pawns, thinking quite rightly , that he could repulse White's tactical threats on the K-side without losses. 84
11 Ng4 12. g3 It seems a dangerous move, but Botvinnik had thought out all the necessary defence moves. 12 f5 13. Nc3 a6 14. Rel Nc6 15. Bfl! This is the right defence ! The Bishop is transferred to g2, and White ' s K-side is thus reli ably protected. 15 Nd8 16. Bf4 Bd6 17. Bxd6 Qxd6 18. Bg2 Nf7 19. c5 Qc7 20. Rcl White is now preparing his Pawn's dangerous advance onto the central d5 . 20. . . ReS 21. Na4 b5 22. Nc3 f4! Since Black finds himself cramped he seeks to intensify play on the King's flank. At last he manages to do it. 23. d5 fxg3 24. fxg3 Bronstein subsequently took re sourceful advantage of the weak ness of e3, thus making it less dangerous for White to take on g3 with the Pawn from h2. 24 ... exd5 25. Qd4 Nf6 26. Nh4 ReS Bronstein does not allow White' s Knight on to f5, and with the threat 27 . . . Rfe8 he forces Botvinnik to switch play into the endgame stage. 27. Rxe5 Qxe5 28. Qxe5 Nxe5 29. Nf5 Nc4 30. Rd1? White inaccurately calculates the possible tactical variations and his position becomes critical . This may be partly the result of the big loss of time in the opening and consequent time trouble. It would be correct to play 30. Nxd5 Nxd5 3 1 . Bxd5 + B xd5 32. Ne7 + Kf7 3 3 . Nxd5. •.•
30 . . . Kh8! A clever mov e ! Bronstein makes i t impossible for the Knight to give check on e7 , and at the same time sets a trap for his opponent. Were Black now to play 3 1 . Nxd5 Bxd5 32. Bxd5 Nxd5 3 3 . Rxd5, after 33 . . . g6 ! he would lose the Knight. If it moves to any other square the issue is settled by 34 . . . N e3 ! , with the advantage o f a Rook for Black. 31. Rei Nxa3 32. Nd6 Bc6 33. Ral Nc2 34. Rxa6 d4! with a double aim: to take advantage of the far advanced passed Pawn and, exchanging the Bishop on g2 , to weaken White' s King, with a decisive influence on the final moves of the game. 35. NxbS Bxg2 36. Kxg2 Ng4 37. NfS. An interesting situation with many intricate variations possi ble . If White had played instead 37. Ne4, Bronstein would have carried out a mating attack: 37 . . . d3 38. Nbc3 Nce3 + 39. Kh3
d2 ! 40. Nxd2 Nf2 +4 1 . Kh4 Ng2 + 42. Kg5 (42 . Kh5 Rf5 + + ) 42 . . . g6 ! 43 . Rf6 (or 43 . Kh6 Ng4+ 44. Kg5 Rf5 +45. Kxg4 Ne3 + 46. Kh4 Rh5 + + ) 43 . . . Kg7 44. Rxf8 h6+ + . 37. . . d3 38. Rd6 RxfS 39. Rxd7 Ne3+ White resigns. David Bronstein 's games con tain many i nteresting ideas. The following game, played at the Alekhine M emorial Tournament in Moscow ( 1 97 1 ) is a good exam ple. Bronstein was awarded a special prize for the new theory demonstrated in this game .
Sicilian Defence D. BRONSTEIN
I. e4 cS 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 c:xd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6 . Be3 Bg7 7. f3 Nc6 8 . Qd2 0-0 9. Bc4 Bd7 10. Bb3 QaS l l . 0-0-0 Rfc8. This is one of the most compli cated variations of the Sicilian Defence, called the Dragon Vari ation . White attacks on the K-side, but Black is planning a counter-attack at the other end of the board. The moves made had frequently been met in games played in previous tournaments. Now , too, Bronstein sacrifices a Pawn and launches his attack. DIAGRAM 59
12. h4 NeS 13. hS! NxhS 14. NdS! After the compulsory exchange of Queens the threats along the opened h-file are difficult for Black to repulse. 85
14 . . . Qxd2+ 15. Rxd2 Kf8 16. g4! This is the point of the entire plan based on the sacrifice of the Pawn. Now , in case of the retreat of the Black Knight from h5 to f6, White continues 1 7 . Nxf6 Bxf6 1 8 . Rxh7 and can exert considerable pressure along the open h-file and on f7. Parma tries to save the game by sacrificing his Bishop for three Pawns, but this doesn't help. 16 . . . Bxg4. The move 16 . . . e6 is stronger, giving Black an oppor tunity for defence. 17. fxg4 Nxg4 18. Bg5 Nhf6 19. Nxf6! Bxf6 20. Nf3 Kg7 21. Bxf6 + Nxf6 22. e5! This breakthrough in the centre gives White the opportunity to win the weak Pawn on f7, after which Black' s situation is hope less. There still followed: 22.. dxe5 23. Nxe5 Ne4 24. Rdh2 h5 25. Nxf7 Rc7 26. Rg2 Rf8 27. Bd5 Nc5 28. Ne5 Rf5 29. Rxg6 + Kh7 30. Bg8+ Resigns. In subsequent years Soviet 86
chess gained in prestige. It be came common for Soviet grand masters to win at international tournaments . In 1 952, for the first time, the USSR team took part in the world team championship- the Chess Olympiad, which is some times called the Tournament of Nations. The Soviet chess team won first place in the final tour nament and returned to Moscow with the gold challenge trophy: the Hamilton-Russel Cup. For more than 30 years this honorary chal lenge trophy has stood in the Central USSR Chess Club. Once every two years the chess team takes the Cup to the next Olym piad, only to return home again with it. The Second Interzonal Tourna ment, held in Salchobaden in 1 952 , was also won by Soviet chess players, even more con vincingly than on the first occa sion. Whereas in 1 948 four of the five winners were Soviet grand masters , in the second all the five prize-winning places were taken by Soviet chess players. FIDE, in order to avoid holding an exclu sively Soviet tournament, allowed several more grandmasters who placed . sixth and lower, i . e . , Szabo (Hungary), Gligoric (Yugoslavia) and Stahlberg (Swe den) to take part , as well as former world champion Max Euwe and Samuel Reshevsky of the USA. The Second Interzonal Tourna ment was marked by another special feature . Apart from Alex ander Kotov , who finished 3 .5 points ahead of the other prize winners, the rest of Soviet chess
players were representatives of the young generation. Tigran Pet rosyan and M ark Taimanov tied for second place, while Efim Geller was fourth and Yuri Aver bakh fifth. All of them were awarded the title of international grandmaster for this achievement (only Geller won the title earlier). A year later the second chal lengers' tournament was held in Switzerland. The FIDE Cong ress overrode its former decision, and expanded the number of competitors to 15. Twenty eight games in 30 rounds: tru ly a marathon chess contest! "The winner will be the one who has enough strength , without the aid of his second, to reach the tournament hall on the last day," joked grandmaster Miguel N ajdorf. This time the struggle for first place was between four grandmasters: Vassily Smyslov, Paul Keres, David Bronstein and Samuel Reshevsky. Smyslov went into the lead almost from the very start. He played consis tently, not taking excessive risk, while not abstaining from some complicated designs. As a result Smyslov finished two points ahead . The 1 953 tournament was dis tinguished by its many interesting games which were subsequently annotated by Bronstein in his The Grandmasters ' International Tournament. We have chosen a game from the tournament which astonished the audience with its unusual final combination and was awarded a special prize for its beautiful style. This position is taken from the Averbakh vs. Kotov game:
White moved his Knight from c3 to e2, with its aim of g I , thus to reliably defend h3. His plans are upset by a sudden combina tional blow . 30 Qxh3 + ! ! The queen IS sacrificed for a mere Pawn. There had to be a reason for such a rare sacrifice. White' s King is now forced to leave the safety of h2, with every move penetrating deeper into the enemy camp, where inevitable destruction is in store for him. The exclusiveness of the position lies in the fact and Black knows this-that White's army cannot come to the aid of its King and is compelled to watch its sovereign perish. 31. Kxh3 Rh6+ 32. Kg4 Nf6 + ! 32. . . Rf8 would have been weaker because of 3 3 . N xf4 Nf6+ 34. Kf5 Ng4 + 35. Kxg4 Rg8 + 36. Ng6+ Rxg6+ 3 7 . Kf5 Rh5 + 38. Rg5 Bxg5 39. Kg4 ! , with only a small advantage for Black. 33. Kf5 Nd7. Black, seeing the possibility of merely repeating the •••
moves until the 40th (control) move is reached, decides to calm ly check the variations considered before the sacrifice of the Queen. He simply does not notice that 33 . . . Ng4! immediately settles the issue. 34. Rg5 Rf8 + 35. Kg4 Nf6 + 36. Kf5 Ng8+ 37. Kg4 Nf6 + 38. Kf5 Nxd5+ 39. Kg4 Nf6 + 40. Kf5 Ng8+ 41 . Kg4 Nf6 + 42. Kf5 Ng8+ 43. Kg4 Bxg5. DIAGRAM 6 1
Black cannot be repulsed , for instance, 44 . Ng3 Be7 45 . Nh5 (or 45 . Rh 1 Nf6 + 46. Kg5 Rg6 + 47. Kh4 N xe4+ ) 45 . . . Nf6 + 46. Nxf6 Rfxf6 with mate inevita ble: 44. Nxf4 Bxf4 and B lack wins. Neither is White saved by the sequence 44. Bg3 Nf6+ 45 . Kf5 Ne8+ 46. Kxg5 Rg8+ 47. Kxh6 Nf6 ! , with mate in two . In the case of 44. Rh l ! Rxh l 45 . Kxg5 (White cannot play 45 . Qxd6 due to 45 . . . Nh6 + and 46 . . . Nf7 + ) 45 . . . h6+ ! Black's at tack cannot be repulsed despite 88
his limited material, for m stance-46. Kg4 ! Nf6 + 47 . Kf5 Ne8+ 48. Kg6 Rg8 + 49. Kxh6 Nf6, etc. 44. Kxg5 Rf7! The concluding manoeuvre. The Rook creates the threat of mate in two: 45 . . . Rg7 + and 46 . . . Rf6 + + . 45. Bh4 Rg6+ 46. Kh5 Rfg7 47. Bg5 White cannot avoid the threat of mate and prolongs the game by continuous sacrifices . 47 . . . Rxg5 + 48. Kh4 Nf6 49. Ng3 Rxg3 50. Qxd6 Rg6 5 1 . Qb8+ Rg8 White resigns . I n the spring of 1 954 Botvin nik's second world title match took place in Moscow, and again his opponent was a formidable one . For many years Vassily Smyslov had competed with the world champion in many tourna ments and had to his credit vic tories in numerous international and USSR contests. He was in the prime of life, only 33 years old. He came to the match with an excellent knowledge of theory, and with a peerless technique, especially in the endgame . Botvinnik had learned his les son from the match with Brons tein, and realised that he had to compete in tournaments if he was to retain his sporting form. Bot vinnik had been placed only fifth in the 1 95 1 national championship and had not done very well at the Mar6czy Memorial Tournament in Budapest in 1 952. The world champion had thus made serious efforts to get back his form , competing in several major tournaments, from 1 952 to 1 954. In the 1 952 USSR Cham pionship Botvinnik tied for first
place with Mark Taimanov , and after winning a play-off was awarded the gold medal. Botvin nik thus came fully equipped for his match with Smyslov. The match was an uneven one. Botvinnik won three and tied one of the first four games , but then losing four and winning only one . The first 1 2 games, just half of the match, ended with an even score of 6:6! This was followed by another three victories for the world champion, but then, after a series of draws, he lost the 20th and 23rd games . History was repeat ing itself: as in the match with Bronstein the world title hinged on the last game . Botvinnik' s only advantage was that this time he played White. Smyslov chose the King's In dian Defence, and Botvinnik con fidently gained a big positional advantage. And again, just as with Bronstein, he agreed to a draw , although he had every chance of winning. Why take the risk? Anything can happen when under stress . The match culmi nated in a 1 2 : 1 2 draw , and so, as in the match with Bronstein, Bot vinnik retained his title. Unsuccessful attempts to win the world title usually disheart ened the contenders, so weaken ing their game. Not so Smyslov. Over the next three years he played in tournaments and Olym piads with the same confidence and strength as before the match with Botvinnik. He won first prize at the international tourna ment in Zagreb in 1 955, after which he shared first place with Botvinnik at the 1 956 Alekhine
Memorial Tournament in Mos cow , which attracted many strong players. In this next three-year period ( 1 954- 1 957) Soviet chess players further consolidated their interna tional standing. The USSR team won two Olympiads in Amster dam in 1 954 and in Moscow in 1 956, and in 1 957 won the Euro pean team championship . In the same period the Soviet student team became world champions for the first time. Another first was the winning of the world junior chess champion ship by Boris Spassky, an 1 8year-old undergraduate from Leningrad University. Leningrad has produced many gifted chess players, among them, of course, the talented grandmaster and noted pianist Mark Taimanov. He had played chess as a child, and soon developed a serious interest in the game, sharing his time between it and music. At the age of 1 9 he was awarded the title of master, and in the 1 952 interzonal tournament, tying for second place, he became a grandmaster. Twice, in 1 953 and 1 97 1 , he competed for the right to chal lenge the world champion. Taimanov did only moderately well in the challengers' tourna ment in Zurich, despite the many excellent games he played there. Taimanov ' s (White) final attack on Petrosyan is particularly re nowned. DIAGRAM 62
White gains a noticeable advan tage in space and decides to 89
launch a direct attack on the K-side. To start with he puts maximum pressure on Black, and primarily the Queen, by attacking along the diagonals and the open b-file. 24. Ba4! Rd7 25. Rbl White doesn 't win the ex change , · hoping for something more . 25 . . . Qd8 26. Bxd7! White does not risk sacrificing his Queen, since in the case of 26 . . . Qxh4 27 . Bxe6+ Kh8 28. Bxd5 Ra7 29. Rb8 Qd8 30. Be6 White will have both a material advantage and powerful Pawns in the centre . 26 Qxd7 27. Rg3 Na7 28. Be7 Bf7 29. Qg5 Bg6 30. h4 Nc6 31. Ba3 Nd8 32. h5 This nimble Pawn will be cru cial in White' s final attack. 32. . . Ne6 33. Qh4 Bf7 34. h6 g6 35. Qf6 Qd8 36. Be7 Qc7. •.•
37. Rxg6+ ! A beautiful sacrifice ! 37 . . . hxg6. No better is 90
37 . . . Bxg6 38. Qxe6+ Bf7 39. Qf6, leaving Black nothing to count on. 38. h7 + Kxh7 39. Qxf7 + Ng7 40. Kf2 Resigns. Yet another young Soviet player, grandmaster Yuri Averbakh, took part in the 1 953 challengers' tournament in Switzerland. He played a number of games with great skill, demon strating an ample grasp of chess strategy and tactics , skill in realising an advantage, and an excellent knowledge of endgame technique. Averbakh later pub lished a famous three-volume work on endgame theory. His victory in the following game was due precisely to end game play. DIAGRAM 64
The diagram shows a position from the Euwe vs. Averbakh game (the 1 953 challengers' tour nament) after White' s 32nd move. White's situation seems solid, but A verbakh correctly calculated
that he could sacrifice a piece and settle the game. 32. . . Nd6 33. Ke3 Nb5! 34. f4 Nc8 35. f5 Ncd6 36. Nf4 Nxa3! That is the decisive move! Av erbakh had for a long time been basing his game on the strength of this Knight sacrifice. Black's Pawns on the Q-side cannot now be contained . 37. Bxa3 NbS 38. Bel . The only retreat. Possibly White counted on the continua tion 38 . . . a3 39. Kd2, with a chance of retrieving the game but 38 . . . Nxc3!+ 39. Ne2 Nbl + ! White resigns . In the 1 954 match Smyslov had
not managed to wrest the world title from Botvinnik. In the sum mer of 1955 the Third Interzonal Tournament was held in Goteborg (Sweden). This time FIDE de cided to hold it according to new regulations: almost half of the participants were included in the group of contenders for the world title. First place in Goteborg went to Bronstein , the winner of the First Interzonal Tournament in Stockholm. The Soviet grandmas ters Keres , Petrosyan, Geller and Spassky, Hungary' s Szabo, Filip of Czechoslovakia, and Argenti nians Panna and Pilnik, also went forward to compete for the right to challenge the world champion . The third challengers ' tourna ment held in 1 956 was won by Vassily Smyslov, who for the second time in a row had to play Botvinnik for the world title. H e played this 1 957 match with great confidence. At the start neither of the opponents managed to gain an advantage , but Botvinnik's strength gave way , and out of the remaining games he managed to win only one. Capturing the lead ership, Smyslov went ahead , and played excellently until the end. He became the world ' s seventh champion.
In 1 935 Moscow had �osted an international tournament, at tended b y such legendary figures as Lasker and Capablanca. Soviet chess enthusiasts expected much from Botvinnik. Every round at the Museum of Fine Arts was watched b y an elderly, somewhat slow-moving man accompanied by a red headed boy . The Smyslovs, father and son, watched the more interesting games, standing most often at the table where Capab lanca played. For the Smyslovs chess was a family hobby . "I became in terested in chess in 1927," the grandmaster recalled subsequent ly. "My father, an engineer, was devoted to music and chess . He retained these interests to the end of his life and I inherited them from him in the early years of my childhood. " Smyslov Jr. was 1 4 years old when he started to play in tourna ments. At first his rivals were his classmates , and then the chess players of the Moskvoretsky House of the Young Pioneers. In the spring of 1 936 he was awarded the second sport rating in chess, and in the autumn the 92
first. In the year that Smyslov left school ( 1 938) he took first place in the USSR junior chess championship and became a can didate master. When child prodigies appear in chess, the way they play , with dashing attacks, bold combina tions, sacrifices and yet more sacrifices, inevitably attracts at tention . At this stage the en thusiasm is obvious, but it is difficult to tell whether he will achieve anything, and whether he has any real talent. But if the games of a young chess player show a predilection for the end game and the ability to play a game on a positional basi s , there can be no doubt that he has great promise. These were the kind of games played by Lasker, Capab lanca, Rubinstein, Botvinnik, Smyslov, Petrosyan, and Fischer. Smyslov worked hard at chess even as a child. He was helped and guided by older and more experienced players, at first by his father, then in children ' s clubs b y professional teachers . The year 1 935 saw the first publication of a game by Smys lov , in the 64 newspaper. It was played in the Moskvoretsky House of Young Pioneers cham pionship .
V. Smyslov
l. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. e3 e6 4. Bd3 c5 5. b3 Nc6 6. Bd2 Bd6 7. 0-0 Qc7 (7 . . . 0-0 is simpler and more reliable) 8. a3 b6 9. c4 Bb7 10. Nc3 a6 1 1 . Rel
1 1 . dxc5 bxc5 1 2. cxd5 exd5 1 3 . Re i is better. 1 1 . . . cxd4 12. exd4 0-0 13. Na4 Bf4 The move to c5 must be fore stalled . 14. c5 will now be fol lowed by 14 . . . b5 1 5 . Nb6 Rad8 16. b4 Ne4, and if 1 7 . Bxe4 dxe4 1 8 . Rxe4, then comes 18 . . . Ne7 19. Re t Bxf3 20. Qxf3 Bxh2+ 2 1 . Kh 1 Bf4, with equal oppor tunities for both sides. 14. Ne5 dxc4 15. bxc4 NxeS 16. dxe5 Qc6! 17. Bfl? The correct move is 1 7 . Qf3 , simplifying play. 17 . . . Rfd8 18. Qb3 Ng4 19. h3 DIAGRAM 65
follows 2 1 . . . Bh2+ 22. Kh 1 Nxf2 + + . 21. Bd4 Bh2+ 22. Kh1 BxeS + White is now bound to lose men and he resigns . When the participants in the 1 938 Moscow championship were told that Vassily Smyslov would also be competing, this did not make any special impression as nobody viewed the schoolboy as a serious rival. But with every new game Smyslov' s play attracted ever greater attention from both the players and the audience . The young chess player was confident in both combinational and posi tional technique, was well able to realise an advantage, and has an excellent knowledge of theory. The secondary school pupil be came a testing ground for the participants in the tournament, and many masters "failed" the test. The 1 7-year-old Smyslov finished ahead of many promi nent chess players and was awarded the title of master.
French Defence V . SMYSLOV
19 . . . Rd3! 20. Qxb6 Black's Rook cannot be taken either by the Bishop (because of mate on g2) or by the Queen (in view of 20 . . . Bh2+ 2 1 . Kh 1 Nxf2 + , etc . ) 20 Rxh3! An effective con tinuation of the attack. If 2 1 . Qxc6 is npw played, there •.•
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e5 Ng8 Retreat to d7 is more useful for Black. 5. Qg4 h5 6. Qf4 c5 6 . . . b6 7 . Nf3 Ba6 is more logical . 7 .. dxcS Bxc5 8. Nf3 Nc6 9. Bd3 Nb4 10. 0-0 "There is a great belief these days in the advantage of two Bishops", wrote Vassily Smyslov . "It is, however, interesting to recall that C higorin readily at.
tacked with two Knights and often won. There are no compul sory laws of play in chess that apply to every position, for if that were so chess would lose its appeal and fade away . " 1 1 . cxd3 Bd7 10 . . . Nxd3 12. Be3 Be7 After 1 2 . . . Bxe3 1 3 . fxe6 the f-file could become the main highway for a dangerous attack by White . 13. Qg3 g6 14. Bg5 Nh6 15. Bxe7 Qxe7 16. Racl Nf5 17. Qf4 Kf8? Black spends a lot of time on the King's manoeuvre. He should have played 1 7 . . . 0-0. 18. Ne2 Kg7 19. Rc7 Rhc8 Now a Pawn has to be ceded. If 1 9 . . . RabS, then 20. Qg5 is very strong. 20. Rxb7 Rcb8 21. Rxb8 Rxb8 22. b3 ReS 23. Ned4 Qa3 24. Nxf5 + exf5 25. Qg5! Be6 (25 . . . Qxa2 is bad because of 26. Qf6+ KgS 27 . Ng5 ReS 2S . e6) 26. Qf6 + Kg8 27. Ng5 ReS DIAGRAM 66
28. Nxe6! Few young chess players would have refrained from launching an attack here, switching the play into an ending with major pieces, but an analysis shows that the move 2S. h4 provides Black with real opportunities to save the situation. Smyslov also considered this variation : 2S . . . Qb2 29. R e t Qc3 30. Re3 Qal + 3 1 . Kh2 Qd4 but the continuation 32. Rg3 will not do because of 32 . . . Qxh4+ 3 3 . Kgl ReS . 28 . . . Rxe6 29. Qd8+ Kg7 30. Qxd5 Qxa2 31 . h3 Qb2 32. d4 Rb6 33. Qd7 a5 34. Qa7? (34. QdS ! is stronger) 34 . . . Qxb3? Black replies to a mistake with a mistake . 34 . . . Qxd4? is bad in view of 35. e6 ! , but 34 . . . Rxb3 ! would provide a defendable posi tion , and if 35. e6, then there follows 35 . . . Rb7. 35. Qxa5 f4 36. Qd2 f3 37. d5 fxg2 38. Kxg2 Qc4 39. d6! A decisive offensive. After 39 . . . Qe4 + 40. f3 Qxe5 4 1 . d7. Rb2 42. dSQ White wins. The game continued 39 . . . Rb7 40. Rdl Rd7 41 . Qd5 Qf4 42. Qd4 Qg5 + 43. Kh2 Kh7 44. Qe4 Kg7 45. Rd4 The very simple and appealing 45 . Rgl leads to unnecessary complications, i.e . , 45 . . . Qd2 46. Rg2 Ra7 47 . f4 Qdl 4S . f5 Ra t . 45 . . . Ra7 46. Qf4 Qxf4 + (or 46 . . . QdS 47. Qf6 + , and after the exchange of Queens the passed d-Pawn settles the issue) 47. Rxf4 g5 48. Rf5 Kg6 49. Rf6 + Kg7 50. h4 gxh4 5 1 . Kh3 Ra4 52. d7
Ra8 53. Rd6 Rd8 54. f4 Kf8 55. f5 Ke7 56. f6+ Resigns. This was Smyslov's first tour nament encounter with a grand master. In 1 940 the Large Hall of the Moscow Music Conservatoire was placed at the disposal of the participants in the 1 2th USSR Championship. Smyslov, now a student, was competing at such a high level for the first time. His debut brought him third place, ahead of such players as Botvin nik and Keres. "Smyslov's career is just begin ning," stated the magazine Shakh maty v SSSR, "nonetheless he plays with maturity and consum mate skill . " In 1 94 1 , shortly before the start of the war, a tournament between the strongest Soviet chess players took place in Leningrad. Smyslov came third, after Botvinnik and Keres . The title of grandmaster was conferred on Smyslov for this achievement. At that time he was the youngest grandmaster in the world . Here is the finale of a game played in this competition. DIAGRAM 67
Smyslov , playing White, car ried out a perfect attack on Boleslavsky ' s position. There followed : 19. c5! Bd5 Otherwise , after c6, Black ' s Bishop would have been blocked. 20. Racl Rde8 21 . c6 This method is one of slow strangulation. Smyslov declined combinational the solution 2 1 . Nd6+ cxd6 22. cxb7 + Kb8 23. Rc7.
21 . . . Qd8 22. Qc2 a5 23. Rcdl Bf8 24. Qd3 Be7 25. Nc3 Bb3 Good or bad, Black was ob liged to play 25 . Bxf3 . The move chosen makes matters even worse for him. 26. Rbl a4 27. Nd2 h4 28. Nxb3 hxg3 29. hxg3 axb3 30. Qc4, the aim being to move Qa4-Qa8 with mate on B7. Black has no satis factory defence. 30 . . . f5 31. Qa4 Bd6 32. Qa8 QgS 33. NdS! Now e7 is under attack and mate is inevitable. Black resigns. In June 1 94 1 Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union . The war lasted four long years , but did not put a stop to cultural activities. A number of tournaments be tween grandmasters and masters took place in Moscow, Lenin grad , Sverdlovsk, Kuibyshev and other cities in 1 94 1 - 1 944. Soviet chess lost many talented players, but nonetheless preserved its vit ality, and prestige as a sport. Competitions during the war years confirmed Smyslov's high 95
class and showed him to be Botvinnik ' s chief rival . The 1 3th U SSR Championship in 1 944 was indeed fought largely between Botvinnik and Smyslov. Scoring a victory in their personal encounter, Botvinnik won his match against Smyslov and took first place, and the latter was second. The tournament revealed Smys lov' s increased tactical skill. became His play more dynamic, decisive and precise. Smyslov never aimed purely for effect in his attacks . Smyslov himself defined his understanding of strategy and tac tics thus: "A good player must aim to combine the main strategic plan with the skilful use of tacti cal means in solving problems facing him. " The radio match between the USSR and USA teams in 1 945 aroused tremendous interest. Smyslov played in this famed match against the strongest American chess player of those times, Samuel Reshevsky. The two radio games with Re shevsky were Smyslov ' s first in ternational appearance . He coun tered the former's strength and experience with imagination, pre cise calculation and excellent technique. Smyslov won both games. The initial post-war internation al competitions marked Smyslov out as one of the challengers for the world title. The result of the tournament in Groningen (the Netherlands) held in 1 946 was indicative. Botvinnik emerged victorious , Euwe came second, and Smyslov took third place. %
Here is a game from this tour nament.
Budapest· Gambit V. SMYSLOV
I. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ne4. The American master clearly wishes to involve the game in tactical complications, but we reap as we have sown. 4. N£3 Bb4+ 5. Bd2 Nxd2 6. Nbxd2 Nc6 7. a3 Bxd2 + 8. Qxd2 Qe7 9. Qc3 0-0. Black wants to regain a Pawn after 9 . . . Re8, but this transpires to be far from simple. 10. Rd1 ReS 1 1 . Rd5! b6 12. e3 Bb7 13. Be2 RadS 14. 0-0 NbS DIAGRAM 68
15. Rcl ! White sacrifices the exchange and gains a powerful Pawn centre. 15 Bxd5 16. cxd5 d6 If 1 6 . . . c5 then, as Smyslov pointed out, 1 7 . Bb5 is very strong. .••
17. Bb5 Rf8 18. e4! a6 19. Bd3 dxe5 1 9 . . . Rfe8 is more persistent. 20. Nxe5 Rd6. After 20 . . . f6 Smyslov intended to reply 2 1 . Ng4 in order to transfer the Knight to f5 (via e3). 21. . . Nc4 Rh6 22. Ne3 Qh4 Black hopes to attack, but all his attempts are thwarted by White. 23. Qxc7 Rf6 24. g3 Qh5 25. e5 The attack by the central Pawns settles the issue. 25 . . . Rh6 26. h4 Qf3 27. Rc4! b5 28. Rf4 Qh5 29. Ng4 Rg6 30. Bxg6 Qxg6 31. e6 Qb1 + 32. Kh2 f5 33. e7 Re8 34. Qd8 Resigns. This game is clear-cut and sim ple, but this simplicity testifies to Smyslov' s mastery of the game. Smyslov also did well in the 1 5th USSR Championship ( 1 947) and two international tourna ments held in the same year in Warsaw and M oscow. In 1 948 FIDE arranged a tour nament of the world' s strongest grandmasters laying claim to the world title, and deservedly in cluded Smyslov in the list of competitors . As we know, first place went to Botvinnik and the second to Smyslov. The tournament confirmed that Smyslov possessed outstanding combinational "vision" and intui tion. The young grandmaster also proved himself an innovator as a theoretician. His system in the Grtinfeld Defence, which was a development of Chigorin' s idea of the battle for the centre with pressure exerted by the 7-607
pieces, was tested in the tourna ment. There is no need to enumerate all of Smyslov's achievements. He is, after all, to this day an indispensable participant in, and in many cases also the winner of, the biggest international competi tions. The five-year period from 1 954 to 1 958 inclusive went down in chess history as a fight between Botvinnik and Smyslov for the world title. They first met in the spring of 1 954. The 24 games of this match guide us through the intricacies of chess , and testify to the beauty of the game . Here is one of them:
French Defence V . SMYSLOV
I . e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 Ba5 6. b4 cxd4 7. Qg4 Ne7 8. bxa5 dxc3 9. Qxg7 Rg8 10. Qxh7 Nd7 1 1 . Nf3 Nf8? An unhappy move. 1 1 . . . Qc7 is better. 12. Qd3 Qxa5 13. h4 Bd7 14. Bg5! White' s plan is clear. Smyslov manages to keep Black's King in the centre , and this decisively influences the further course of the game . 14 . . . Rc8 15. Nd4 Nf5 The move 1 5 . . . Rc4 would be bad because of 16. Qe3 , and if 1 6 . . . Ra4, then 1 7 . Rb l follows . 1 6 . Rb1 ! This move is still very strong now . If, for instance, 16 . . . Qxa3 , then there follows 1 7 . Nxf5 exf5 1 8 . Rxb7 Rxg5 19. hxg5 Qc l + 20 . Q d l Qxg5 2 1 . Qxd5 Qc 1 +
22 . Qd l Qf4 23 . Rh3 ! , and Black cannot avoid defeat. In the case of 16 . . . b6 there would follow 1 7 . Nb5 with the threat of 1 8 . Qxf5 , and after 1 6 . . . Nxd4 1 7 . Qxd4 White is in a better position. 16 . . . Rc4 17. Nxf5 exf5 18. Rxb7! DIAGRAM 69
Black's King IS now under crossfire. 18 . . . Re4 + White counters this move bril liantly, but neither would 1 8 . . . Rxg5 1 9. hxg5 Re4+ with 20. Be2 save Black from losing. 19. Qxe4! A spectacular sacrifice of the Queen, which concludes White's attack. 19. . . dxe4 20. Rb8+ Bc8 2 1 . Bb5 + Qxb5 22. Rxb5 Ne6 23. Bf6 Rxg2 24. h5 Ba6 25. h6 Black resigns . In 1 957 Smyslov won the right for the second time to challenge 98
the world champion. The result of the match was 1 2 . 5 points against 9.5 in Smyslov ' s favour ( + 6 - 3 = 1 3) . It i s interesting that Smyslov won the very first game in which he played Black. By this stage Smyslov had overcome his old weakness of playing less confi dently with Black. According to the rules then existing (later revoked by FIDE) the world champion, if he was defeated, had the right to a return match the following year. Botvin nik took advantage of this rule and challenged Smyslov to a match. While Botvinnik had been the weaker player in the 1 957 match, in the repeat match Smyslov was not up to his usual standard . In the first three games he got as many zeros. The match subse quently continued according to a pattern of a win , a loss and several draws, and then again the same monotony. But the differ ence in three points remained . Although Botvinnik made some mistakes towards the end of the match , even passing the time limit when he was in the better positio n , nonetheless, all he had to do was to draw the game before the last three, and he would regain the world title. He lost the 22nd game , and in the following game "a victorious peace" was registered. Botvinnik, the longest reigning among the Soviet world chess champions, became world champion for the fourth time. The three Botvinnik vs. Smys lov matches involved a total of 69 games . The overall count of + 1 8
- 1 7 = 34 m Smyslov ' s favour speaks for itself. The world champion spells a whole era in chess. What new elements did Smyslov introduce into this an cient game? Smyslov himself answered that question thus: "The quest for truth is my main aim in chess. Chess is the constant quest for better concepts, a better plan, the most powerful moves, the discov ery of concealed , clever ways to achieve a goal . " Tigran Petrosyan, Smyslov's rival for many years, said of him: "The ability to detect and demon strate to the stunned opponent the finest nuances of the so called simple positiOns places Smyslov in the same class as the classic players . " Smyslov' s play has been com pared with Capablanca' s , and fea tures specific to Rubinstein and other great masters of the past have been discovered in his games. However, such historical comparisons are not always very convincing. Smyslov is Smyslov, a man with a strikingly individual character and views. Some critics claim that Smys lov as a theoretician is merely a follower of Chigorin. Indeed, Smyslov inherited many of C higorin's ideas. Smyslov himself noted that he found Chigorin's view of chess as a peculiar art: that cannot be encompassed or expressed through some kind of mathematical formula particularly appealing. "It seems to me , " wrote Smys lov, "that in our times a chess player has to aim for breadth of vision, for a steady search for 7•
ways and means to move chess ahead ." These precisely have always been Smyslov ' s aims during his chess career. Guided by Chigo rin ' s work he has done much to develop the theory, strategy and tactics of chess . Smyslov h a s never been a retir ing person, and he is very in volved in the activities of Soviet chess, writes books and articles for chess journals. Smyslov was awarded the Order of Lenin, the highest hon our, for his work to promote chess and pass his experience on to young people. As a child Smyslov was seriously interested in singing. He wanted to become a professional singer. His tutors were specialists in their field , and he took part in concerts. He even sang with the famed tenor Ivan en Smyslov ' s Kozlovsky. thusiasm for chess meant the Soviet stage lost a promising singer. In the 1 959 challengers' tourna ment (Bled - Zagreb-Belgrade) Smyslov took fourth place, after Tal, Keres and Petrosyan. There he played with Bobby Fischer for the first time. The four games between them produced the result 1 : 1 , with two draws. As a winner of the Interzonal Tournament in Amsterdam ( 1 %4) Smyslov was numbered among those competing to challenge the world champion. Smyslov lost to Geller in a match in 1%5, the score being 5 .5 :2.5 in Geller's favour. Time takes its toll, and Smys lov was evidently no longer cut out to be world champion. Even
now, however, he remains one of the leading grandmasters, his chess career an enviably long one. Smyslov won a total of nine gold medals as a member of the USSR team at world chess Olym piads, in which Smyslov played 1 07 games , with 69 victories, just two (sic !) defeats and 36 draws. Smyslov played in an Olympiad for the first time in 1 952 ( l Oth Olympiad , Helsinki). The game in which he defeated grandmaster Barcza of H ungary is an interest ing one.
Ruy Lopez V . SMYSLOV
I. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Bc5 A continuation which cannot equalise chances, but the Hun garian master counted on Smys Jov being unacquainted with this old variation. 4. c3 Nf6 5. d4 exd4? (5 . . Bb6 is better) 6. e5! Nd5 7. 0-0 0-0 8. cxd4 Bb6 9. Bc4! Nce7 10. Bg5! Qe8 1 1 . Qb3 .
21. Nc4 A crushing defeat. Black resigns. Twenty years later, at the 20th Jubilee Olympiad (Skoplje , 1 972) Smyslov was again a member of the USSR national team, the only one from the winning Soviet team in 1 952. Picking up 1 1 points in the 1 4 games played at the 20th Olym piad , Smyslov emerged as one of the leaders in this competition . In the following game the veteran encountered L. Ljubojevic, a very promising grandmaster from the younger generation.
Again everything is remarkably simple, but Black's strategy has been countered, and his position cracks in all directions. 11 ... c6 12. Nbd2 h6 13. Bxe7 Nxe7 14. Ne4 d5 A desperate move, but Black cannot otherwise develop his pieces. 15. exd6 e.p. Nf5 16. Rfe1 Qd8 17. Ne5! Nxd6 18. Nxd6 Qxd6 19. Bxf7 + Rxf7 20. Qxf7 + Kh7 100
Irregular Opening L. UUBOJEVIC (Yugoslavia)
1. b3 Nf6 2. Bb2 b6 3. f4 Bb7 4. e3 The young Yugoslav grandmas ter wants to deflect his experi enced opponent from elevated theory . 4 g6 5. Nf3 Bg7 6. Be2 cS •..
7. 0-0 0-0 8. a4 Nc6 9. Na3 dS 10. Qel e6 1 1 . NeS d4!? There was no compulsion to make this move, but Smyslov challenges his young rival. 12. Bf3 NdS 13. exd4 Nxd4 14. Bxd4 cxd5 1S. Qe4 Black appears to lose a Pawn without compensation, but Smys lov had foreseen all the details: 1S. . . Ba6 16. Rfe1 Qc7 17. Qxd4 Rad8 18. g3 Rfe8! Black plans to transfer his Bishop to f8 with the threat of Bc5. 19. Rad1? The most natural but, as is so frequently the case, by no means the best move. Either 1 9 . Kh 1 or 1 9. Qb2 would be correct. DIAGRAM 7 1
20. b4 Bxb4 21 . Qa1 QcS+ 22. d4 Qc3 23. Qxc3 Bxc3 The Rook on e l has no conven ient square to which to retreat. 24. NbS Bxe1 2S. Rxel BxbS 26. · axbS Nc7 27. Bc6 Neither will 27 . Nc6 Nxb5 ! 28. Nxd8 Rxd8 save the situation. 27 Re7 28. c3 a6 29. Bb7 Or 29. bxa6 Nxa6 30. Rb l f6 3 1 . Ng4 Kf7 32. Rxb6 Ra7, and Black should win. 29 ... NxbS 30. Bxa6 30. Nc6 Rxb7 3 1 . Nxd8 Rd7 32. Nc6 Nxc3 is also poor. 30 . . . Na7 31. Rb1 bS 32. BxbS Reb7 33. Bd3 Rxb1 34. Bxb1 NbS 3S. c4 Nxd4 White resigns. And now , almost 60 years old, the veteran performs successfully in competitions . H� visits differ ent countries, r�adily handing down his experience to young chess players, demonstrating his unfading skill . .•.
' /.- ' / '
1 9. . . Bf8! A knockout move. If 20. Qb2, then 20 . . . Qc5 + is decisive, and in the case of 20. Kg2 the win ning line is 20 . . . Bxa3 2 1 . Ng4 Bf8 22. Bxd5 Bg7 !, with all the ensuing consequences.
The Pacis vs. Smyslov game reached this position in the 1 980 101
tournament held in the health resort m Baguio m the Philip pines. White attacked on the Q-side, but Black's attack directed against White's King was considerably more danger ous. 26. . . h5! 27. Qc2 hxg4 28. hxg4 Rh3 29. Qc8 Qh7 30. Kf2 A vam effort to escape, for
White' s hide.
has no place to
30 . . . Nh4 31. Qe6 + Kg7 32. Net If 32. Ke2, Nxf3 ! 3 3 . Rxf3 Qxe4 + , etc. 32. Nd2 Nxf3 ! 3 3 . Nxf3 Qxe4 is also bad. 32. . . Rh2+ 33. Kgl Ng6 34. Ng2 Qh3 35. Rc2 Nh4! White resigns.
In the 1 957 USSR champion ship 20-year-old Mikhail Tal from Riga was awarded first place. Tal ' s performance with his spir ited game , combinative play, sac rifices and tactical blows came as a surprise . He made sacrifices in almost every game, and whether his opponents accepted or de clined the offer, they were over whelmed by tactical attacks. It is this dynamic creativity that prompted people to describe the Riga chess player as a trouble maker, wizard , magician , and so on. Tal ' s rise to fame was a rapid one- in 1 957 he was simply a master, in 1 958 grandmaster, and the winner of the Protoroz inter zonal, a year later he did better than the other competitors in the challengers ' elimination round and qualified for a world-title match with the reigning champion M ikhail Botvinnik. Even in the challengers' tour nament Tal' s unusual play was , indeed, astonishing. Usually par ticipants in such tournaments showed circumspection and a voided risks where possible. Tal, however, played with flair and verve, drawing only eight out of
the total of 28 games he played at the 1 959 challengers' tournament in Bled . Although Tal lost four games, he won the remaining 1 6 ! The match between the 24-year old Mikhail Tal and Mikhail Bot vinnik was therefore awaited with impatience. In the spring of 1 960 Botvinnik played his fifth world-title match as reigning champion. Mikhail Tal was so irrepressible in his on slaught that his play at times looked like sheer gambling. Perhaps Tal' s vigorous style of play put Botvinnik off his bal ance, because Tal took the initia tive at the very start of the match and exploited his success to gain an overall victory with a consid erable margin. Mikhail Tal , then 24, became the eighth player in history to win the world title. Tal is well known to and ad mired by chess connoisseurs all over the world. His clever and bold combinations seem to take us back to the jousts of the knights of the past. What kind of person is Tal , this 20th-century romanticist, who rose so swiftly to become world champion? "Chess is a specific form of creativity, the chess player being author, critic and performer simultaneously," said Mikhail Tal. "What attracts me most of all in chess is intellectual rivalry, the clash of ideas and the test of will power. "Chess mirrors the essence of man, his distinctive features . I do not think that machines will ever demonstrate individual traits of character and the clash of ideas. To gain success in chess , one ·
1 03
must have great enthusiasm and talent . Good chess players are born, great ones are made . "I am an optimist, and I re member Napoleon's words to the effect that a soldier who does not carry a marshal ' s baton in his knapsack is a bad soldier. " Mikhail Tal was born in Riga on 9 November 1 936. His father, a doctor, was a chess devotee and taught his seven-year-old son the rules of the game . Mikhail, however, developed a real inter est in chess only at the age of 1 2 . I t so happened that Misha's cousin, who was never parted from his pocket chess set, was visiting his relatives in Riga dur ing his vacation. Mikhail asked his cousin to play with him, but proved no match at all , losing one game after another. "Where have you learnt to play chess so well?" inquired Mikhail. "At the Young Pioneers' Palace . And I have a chess rating already," came the reply. It was then that Mikhail de cided to enrol at the chess club of the Riga Young Pioneers' Palace. The year was 1 948. The young Tal soon gained chess ratings. He qualified as a player of the third, second and first grades without special diffi culty. And then, quite naturally , came reverses, with his oppo nents ever stronger and more experienced . Mikhail often did well at Riga schoolboys' chess tournaments , although reverses also did occur when he became too excited , and overestimated the potential of his position. In 1 95 1 the Riga schoolboy 1 04
played against masters and candi date-masters for the first time. The entrants to the Riga cham pionship included two masters, six candidate-masters and 1 3 first-grade players, Mikhail being one of the latter. Mikhail finished far below the prize-winning places in the scoretable. Nevertheless, in some games he showed himself a very gifted player. Misha was, however, too excitable, tended to underesti mate the resources of his oppo nent's defence, and his technique was poor. It took Mikhail Tal another two years of persevering work to make his game more steadily successful. In 1 95 3 , Tal became Latvian champion . A. Koblents, master, finished runner-up, while third place went to Tal ' s rival in many junior chess competitions- Aivar Gipslis, now an international grandmaster. This was an encouraging achievement. But only when Tal competed in the 1 953 USSR team championship did he attract the attention of chess fans. The Lat vian team, made up mainly of young players, did very well . Mikhail Tal put up a splendid performance, scoring four-and-a half points out of a possible seven, and winning the right to play a match for the title of master. This match was held in Riga in 1954, with candidate master Mikhail Tal, now a student at Riga University, battling it out against master Vladimir Saigin from Byelorussia, who had more than once won Byelorussian
championships. First one player, then the other would come out on top, but in the long run Tal, supreme with the score of + 8 - 6 , qualified for the title of master. It was, perhaps, this match which for the first time showed that Tal' s play had become ver satile, the aim for combinations no longer an end in itself for the young chess player. The tournaments and matches in which Mikhail Tal appeared in 1 955, when he took part for the first time in trials for the USSR individual championship, were a decisive test of everything he had so far accomplished. The zonal of the USSR cham pionship in Vilnius involved the best players from the Baltic area, Byelorussia and the Karelian Au tonomous Republic. Of the total of the 1 7 games he played in this tournament, Tal won seven, lost two and drew eight, scoring 1 1 points and tying for third place. The magazine Shakhmaty v SSSR (Chess in the USSR) said then about the Riga player: "Tal is a gifted master of combinative play, who quickly finds his bear ings in complicated positions . At times, however, his play seems to be flimsy and he fails to show precision in making the most of an advantage . " Indeed, Tal had played too recklessly in several games of the tournament, overestimating the potential of his position, and he was still playing an unconvincing endgame . Towards the end of 1 955 Mikhail Tal scored his first major
success, emerging victorious in one of the three groups of the semi-finals of the 23rd USSR championship. In January 1 956 Mikhail Tal passed a major test in the finals of the USSR champion ship, tying for fifth place with two of the other entrants and confidently emerging as one of the country ' s leading players. Tal took part for the first time in an international competition in 1 956. A member of the Soviet students' team, he played at the world student chess champion ship. The USSR team came first. Tal, playing on Board 3, scored four points out of a possible five. And now for one of his games.
King's Indian Defence M . TAL (USSR) G . MORGEN (SWEDEN)
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. f3 0-0 6. Be3 Nbd7 7. Qd2 e5 8. d5 Ne8 9. 0-0-0 f5 10. exf5 gxf5 1 1 . g4 f4 (a naive attempt to block the K-side. The position requires vigorous counterplay, continuing 1 1.. Nc5) 12. Bf2 a5 13. Bd3 Nc5 (at this stage the move does not achieve its aim because White has gained control of the important central point e4. ) 14. Bxc5 dxc5 1 5 . Ne4 b6 1 6 . h4 .
Tal attacks simply and energeti cally. It would be most persistent for Black here to play 16 . . . Nd6; but instead: 1 05
16 . . . Nf6 17. Qc2 Nxe4 (or 1 7 . . . h6 1 8 . Ne2 , after which the Rook occupies the g-file) 18. Bxe4 Qd6 (if 1 8 . . . h6, then 1 9 . d6! Rb8 20 . d7 and so on) 19. Bxh7 + Kh8 20. Be4 a4 21. g.S Black resigns. The year 1 957 brought major competitive chess successes and wide recognition to Mikhail Tal . From 20 January to 22 February the 24th USSR Championship was held in Moscow, with Tal (nine games won, two lost and ten drawn) winning the USSR title. An appreciable rise in the stan dards of Tal ' s play was evinced, among other things, by the fact that of the eight grandmasters , who took part in the tournament, five lost their games to the new champion of the Soviet Union . And now for the end of his game with Alexander Tolush, playing Black. The swift smash ing of the Black King's position has become a classical example of attack. 1 06
Tal' s spectacular move 30. e5!, came as a surprise to all who werefollowing the game. The breakthrough in the centre i s indeed beautiful . Indeed, White strikes in a sector of the board where Black is strong. The e5Pawn is threatened with capture by four chessmen simultaneously , and the g5-Bishop is also about to perish. The game developed as fol lows: 30. . . Rxe5 (if 30. . . fxg5 then 3 1 . Bxg6 hxg6 32. Qh8+ Kf7 33. Rh7 + ) 31. Bxg6 Rb7 (if 31... hxg6; 32. Qh8 + Kf7 3 3 . Rh7 + clinches matters . 3 1 . . . Rxg5 32. Bxh7+ Kf7 3 3 . Ne4 is equally bad) 32. Ne4! fxg6 33. Rfl Rxe4 (the only possible way of forestalling a catastrophe on f6) 34. Bxe4 Rg7 35. Rf6 Bxg4 (or 35 . . . Ng6 36. Rxg6) 36. Rfl Nd7 37. Rxd6 Qe8 38. Rxa6 Kh8 39. Bxh7! (without giving Black even a moment's respite) 39. . . NbS 40 . Bf5 + Kg8 41 . Be6 + Bxe6 42. Rxe6 Black resigns .
Mikhail Tal ' s performance at the USSR championship brought him the title of grandmaster. H e was at the time a fifth-year stu dent in the Department of His tory and Philology at the Univer sity of Latvia. The next four years held a string of successes in store for Mikhail Tal . The year 1958 saw him win the USSR championship and the in terzonal tournament in Portoroz, Yugoslavia, and again the best individual results at the 1 3th Chess Olympiad in Munich; The year 1 959 brought him first place at the international tourna ment in Zurich and at the marathon challengers' tournament (Bled, Zagreb and Belgrade) ; The year 1 960 held the final stroke in this brilliant four-year period , the match with Mikhail Botvinnik and the winning of the world title. The list is, indeed, eloquent. Competition history has witnes sed but very few examples of chess players making such tre mendous progress in so short a time! I n all these tournaments and matches Tal distinguished himself by spectacular, unusual and reck less play, at times excessively risky, but always interesting and bold . Tal astonished the chess world by his attempts always to gain the initiative, to attack. Nothing would stop him from this, neither positional weaknesses, nor the consequent need to sacrifice ma terial . Mikhail Tal ' s games involve sacrifices galore. Tal was very
inventive when it came to chess combination, and this endears him to all chess connoisseurs. DIAGRAM 75
This is a position from the Tal vs. Smyslov game played at the 1 958 challengers' tournament. The game continued as follows: 14. Qh4!? The exclamation and question marks mean that even now, many years after the encounter, com mentators have not managed to determine whether Tal's sacrifice was a correct one . Yet we might ask whether it really matters much that at times over the board , and more often in subsequent analyses , some of Tal' s plans were proved incor rect. And, indeed, he never claimed to be infallible : "I did make mistakes, but these never included a statement that I never err", wrote Tal himself. "Well, just try and see through my puzzles during the battle, in the very heat of the struggle, when 1 07
delay (as a result of spending too much time on pondering one's moves) may mean death . " 1 4. . . bxc4 1 5 . Qg5 Nh5 (If 1 5 . . . g6? then 1 6. Nh6 + Kg7 1 7 . Bc3 Qxa2 1 8 . Nh4 Qal + 1 9. Kd2 Qa6 20. N4f5 + Kh8 2 1 . Ke2 ! with White's attack becoming irresisti ble) 16. Nh6 + Kh8 17. Qxh5 Qxa2 (as analysis has show n , Black should have defended him self by playing 17 . . . Bf6 !) 18. Bc3 Nf6 (a very dangerous continua tion is 1 8 . . . f6 1 9. Rhe 1 gxh6 20. Qxh6 Rg8 2 1 . Ng5 and so on) 19. Qxf7! Qa1 + ( 1 9. . . ReS 20. Qg8 + and 2 1 . Nf7 + + ) 20. Kd2 Rxf7 21 . Nxf7 + Kg8 22. Rxa1 Kxf7 23. Ne5+ Ke6 24. Nxc6 Ne4+ 25. Ke3 Bb6 + 26. Bd4 Black resigns. At that same challengers' tour nament, Mikhail Tal beat Robert Fischer in all his four games with him . What lies behind Tal ' s succes ses and what has he contributed to chess? Even connoisseurs disagree in their views on Tal 's play . There has been a persistent note of disbelief in some commentators' notes in the legitimacy of the victories gained by the Riga grandmaster, with critics pointing out the numerous instances when Tal found himself in a difficult position, the many times he could have lost, if this or that had not happened. The point is that chess means a struggle-the struggle of plans and ideas; it tests the opponents' wills. Tal's strength lies in the fact that he is not afraid of complica tions, indeed actively seeks them, 1 08
and is ready to take risks. Tal fights whether his position is good or bad, creates difficulties for his opponent, finding latent potential . Tal ' s answer to a reporter's question as to whether he had taken "unjustified risks" in his games at the challengers ' tourna ment tells us a great deal . "Everything depends on what one regards an unjustified risks . I was not sure of the correctness of the decision I took only in the game with Smyslov. Although at a certain point I should have forced a draw, I relied on the fact that my opponent was in time trouble. Analysts will, perhaps, find quite a few such points in my games. I'll add that in such company it is generally difficult to play without taking risks . " DIAGRAM 76
This position arose in game 1 7 o f the challengers ' tournament. Tal here continued 12. 14?! This is how he commented himself on
bility of a tactical struggle on this move: '"An awful, anti either side. positional, incredible move ' ,- the "Secondly, the weakness of words all commentators without White' s rear can be brought into exception have used describing play only by undermining his the move. One might conclude position in the centre , whereas that White had never read a chess such moves as c5 and e5 would text-book, because it is common knowledge that 1 2 . f4 weakens add considerably to the strength of White's Bishops. White' s black-squared periphery, immobilises the Bishop, and "And, lastly, Black will be able to mount an attack on the K-side places his King in jeopardy. "I do not think the reader will only after castling the Q-side, but hold me immodest if I say that I then White' s Pawn on the Q-side was concerned with all these will also be set in motion." considerations during the game. Logical reasoning? There can Yet, it is a fact that the horrible be no doubt that it is. The reader move, 1 2 . f4, was made. Why? will now see from the game that I 'll now try and set forth my ensued how all of Tal' s clever thoughts in brief. calculations were justified, even "First of all , I was convinced - though White was on the brink of a precipice. that there was no trace of the advantage White had possessed at 12... 0-0-0 13. a3 Qc7 14. b4 Nb6 15. Be2 Be7 16. Qd3 NfdS the opening stage. Still, by play 17. Bxe7 Qxe7 18. c4 Nf6 ing 1 2 . Qd2, White could, proba bly, secure a draw. 19. Rabl Qd7 20. Rbdl Kb8 Incidentally, White did not 21 . Qb3 Qc7 22. a4 Rh4 23. aS Nc8 24. Qe3 Ne7 25. QeS Rhh8 have much to choose from in this position: the Bishop on g5 is 26. bS cxbS 27. QxbS a6 28. Qb2 Rd7 29. c5 Ka8 30. Bf3 Nc6 under attack, and any retreat would have been inconsistent; 31. Bxc6 Qxc6 32. Rf3 Qa4 exchange on f6 is absolutely 33. Rfd3 Rc8 34. Rbl QxaS senseless ; defending the Bishop 35. Rb3 Qc7 36. Qa3 Ka7 37. Rb6 by playing Qc I is passive. The Qxf4 38. Ne2 Qe4 39. Qb3 QdS negative aspects of all these con 40. Rxa6+ Kb8 41. Qa4 tinuations are therefore the most apparent. DIAGRAM 77 "At last, my roving glance stopped at 1 2 . f4. At first, I even felt somewhat awkward, because Black has no defence against the demerits of this move were the threat of mate; Botvinnik most conspicuous. Its merits therefore resigned. Black' s error were less obvious, but they were was his 39 . . . Qd5? (he should still present, though they lay , so have played 39 . . . Ka8). to speak, not entirely on the Soon after the match with Bot chess plane. vinnik, world champion Mikhail "First, this move needs to be Tal led the USSR team at the refuted, which involves the possi14th Chess Olympiad, held in 1 09
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Leipzig, scoring 1 1 points out of 15. Tal ' s encounter with Fischer, leader of the US team, attracted the attention of both the spec tators and competitors. Larry Evans, Fischer' s coach, said that the game, the first between the rivals after Tal had won the world title , proceeded in the man ner of past masters . The aggres sive-minded Fischer quickly sec ured a winning position. He was imprudent enough, however, . to allow Tal to embark upon a senes of brilliant sacrifices . The storm lasted for seven moves and ended in perpetual check. And now for this interesting game .
French Defence M. TAL
1 . e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 BaS (the usual 5 . . . Bxc3 i s more reliable) 6 . b4 ! (this bold move was recommended by Alexander Alekhine, and that is 1 10
recommendation enough) 6. . . cxd5 (we know that 6 . . . cxb5 enables White to launch a strong attack after 7 . Nb5) 7. Qg4 Nge7 (7 . . . Kf8 would have been ans wered by 8. bxa5 dxc3 9. a4 ! , opening the way for the Bishop from c 1 to a3) 8. bxa5 dxc3 9. Qxg7 Rg8 10. Qxh7 Nbc6 1 1 . Nf3 Qc7 (but not 1 1 . . . Qxa5 , because of 1 2 . Ng5 Rf8 1 3 . f4, and his centre strengthened , Wh te would start pushing his h-Pawn squard 12. Bb5 Bd7 ( 1 2 . . . Rxg2 is ineffective, in view of 1 3 . Kfl ! Rg8 1 4 . Rg1 Rxg1 1 5 . Kxg 1 , and the way i s open again for the advance of the h-Pawn) 13. 0-0 0-0-0 (more promising is 13 . . . Nxe5, as Tigran Petrosyan suggested after the game) 14. Bg5? Fischer wrote in his notes that the correct move here would have been 1 4 . Bxc6, giving the following sequence: 14 . . . Bxc6 (if 14 . . . Qxc6, 1 5 . Bg5 d4 1 6. h4 ! , or 14 . . . Nxc6 1 5 . Re i , with the subsequent Bg5 and h4) 1 5 . Qxf7 d4 ( 15 . . . Rxg2+ 1 6 . Kxg2 d4 1 7 . Kg l Rg8+ 1 8 . Ng5 is incor rect) 1 6 . Qxe6+ Bd7 ( 1 6 . . . Kb8 1 7 . Ng5) 1 7 . Qxe7 Rxg2 1 8. Kxg2 Bh3 + 1 9 . Kxh3 Qxe7 20. Bg5 , and White is bound to win . 14 Nxe5!
The beginning of a series of spectacular moves. Fischer ad mitted that he thought Tal was just trying to complicate the game . 15. Nxe5 Fischer wrote that he had at
first intended to play 1 5 . Bxd7 + , but then noticed that after 1 5 . . . Rxd7 16. Nxe5 (if 16. Bxe7, 1 6 . . . Qxh 2 + ) Nxf3 + 1 7 . Kh1 1 6 . . . Qxe5 1 7 . Bxe7 Rh8 ! , B lack would win the piece back and gain the initiative) 15. . . Bxb5 16. Nxf7 Bxfl! 17. Nxd8 Rxg5 18. Nxe6 Rxg2+ 19. Kh1! White survives in a difficult position. 1 9. Kxf l is ineffective in view of 1 9 . . . Rxh2 ! 20. Qf7 (or 20. Nxc7 Rxh7 etc . ) 20 . . . Rhl + , and White would be in desperate need of advice. 19 . . . Qe5 (an interesting variant is 19 . . . Qc4 20. Qxe7 Rg8. White saves the game only by playing 2 1 . Nf4 ! , if 21... Qxf4?, 22. Qxe6+ Kc7 23 . Qxg8) 20. Rxf1 Qxe6 21. Kg2 Qg4+ Drawn A downward trend in Mikhail Tal's career became evident in 1 96 1 , when his short stay on the chess throne ended in the loss of a return match to Botvinnik. This return match as had been the case three years before with
Smyslov , was strikingly different from the 1 960 Botvinnik-Tal match. This time it was Botvinnik who dictated his will, calmly re pulsing Tal ' s reckless attacks . By the end of the 1 2th game , Botvin nik was three points ahead , which predetermined the outcome of the whole affair. The return match ended in a 5-point lead for Bot vinnik. In the year of his 50th Botvinnik birthday, Mikhail scored another major victory in a return match , this time over the young chess player distinguished by his outstanding talent for com binational play. This time Botvinnik countered Tal ' s impulsive performance with his scientific , analytical method of play, and by preparing for the match by thoroughly analysing his opponent's merits and de merits. "Improvisation is the great thing in Tal' s style of play ," wrote Botvinnik. "A study has shown that Tal is strong at the board in far from every posi tion . . . Tal feels good only in games with a lot of room for manoeuvre, particularly if he has the initiative. This lop-sidedness in his style somewhat detracts from his strength in practice, and this has, probably , had a substan tial impact on the outcome of the match." After his loss of the return match , Mikhail Tal still went on to do well for several years, but the standard of his play was nevertheless declining steadily , which disappointed his numerous fans and admirers. Tal was obviously living through a serious crisis. Would Ill
he manage to regain his former strength? The beginning of 1969, when he experienced quite a few reverses, was a particularly grim time for Tal. His result at the USSR championship of that year was a sad one: 10.5 points out of a possible 22. "Tal is no longer the Tal we used to know ," some critics wrote. Their conclusions were once again proved premature . Towards the end of that same year, I %9, Tal came first at an international tournament in Tbilisi. "I was perfectly aware ," wrote Tal, "that I had to back up this success, for, indeed, it had been preceded by too many failures." The grandmaster from Riga set himself to surpass the standards of the Tal of old. "I now see " , h� said, "quite a few shortcomings in the play of 'former Tal ' . And I would like, if I can to present myself not only as the 'former ' , but even, i n some respects , a s a 'new Tal' , said Tal giving the lie to the sceptics' dismal forecasts. With ever greater energy he again undertook to reach the top in class. Let us turn to the chess events of the 1972-1973 period. As a member of the USSR national team Tal took part in the 20th (jubi ee) Chess . Olympiad in _ Skoplje, Yugoslavia ( 1 972), w1th the Soviet team again, for the eleventh time, winning the gold medals . Tal ' s score was a record one: 14 wins in 16 games . Here is one of the games he played at the Olympiad:
1 12
Ufimtsev Defence TAL (USSR) J. TIM MAN (HOLLAND)
1. Nf3 g6 2. e4 d6 3. d4 Nf6 4. Nbd2 (a disputable continua tion, but Tal is fond of breaking new ground. The usual move here is 4. Nc3) 4 . . . Bg7 5. Bc4 0-0 (5 . . . Nxe4 is premature in view of 6. Bxf7+ Kxf7 7. Nxe4 with good oppor tunities for White) 6. Qe2 c6 (the extravagant 6. . . Nh5 deserved attention) 7. Bb3 Bg4 8. e5 dxe5 9. dxe5 Nd5 (9 . . . Nd7 is parried with the very unpleasant 10. e6!) 10. 0-0 Nd7 17. h3 Bf5 12. Ret Qc7 (Black has deployed his pieces well ; at this juncture he could have fully equalised by playing 1 2 . . . Nc5. The move he actually made is less effective) 13. Nfl Rad8 14. Ng3 Be6 15. Qe4 (Black's King, like a magnet, seems to attract Tal ' s thoughts. The Queen i s ready for the move to h4) 15. . . Rfe8 16. Qh4 f6 (it is dangerous to accept the offer of the Pawn, for example: 1 6 . . . Nxe5 1 7 . Ng5, or 16 . . . Bxe5 1 7 . Nxe5 Nxe5 1 8 . f4 Nd7 19. f5 , and the columns of White' s pieces approach Black ' s King) 17. Bh6! Nxe5 (The best move here is 1 7 . . . Bf7, but the Dutch master has already fallen prey to Tal's combinational play and treacherous traps) DIAGRAM 79
18. Rxe5! fxe5 19. Ng5 Bf6 20. Nxe6. Black resigns. "How do you manage to rout your opponents so quickly?"
Alexander Alekhine was once asked. "I make them think inde pendently," came the answer. Mikhail Tal shares Alexander Alekhine's stand. On the eve of 1 97 3 , Tal scored yet another outstanding success : in the 40th USSR Championship, held in Baku, he came confident ly first, winning the USSR title for the fourth time. When the championship came to an end, a correspondent from the Sovetsky sport newspaper put this question to Tal: "Many news papers speak about Tal ' s 'renais sance' . Any comment?" The quick-witted Tal answered: "I
haven't read even one decent obituary on myself to be able to speak about my 'renaissance ' . There i s a much simpler explana tion. I didn't feel well for a number of years , and I played badly. I have felt O . K. for a few years now, but, evidently, this seems hard to believe. If my success in Baku can convince the sceptics, I 'll be very pleased indeed." Unfortunately, Mikhail Tal's form has still left something to be desired in recent years. Excellent results have alternated with re verses and failures. The ' question of Tal' s "renaissance" remains unanswered. Let us quote Tigran Petrosyan, who had this to say about Mikhail Tal : "Tal is the player who has produced the most spectacular games in modern chess. In his games, perhaps modern, some what slow chess, has most fully recalled the major strategic factor of time. Even very strong players have again realised that today, too, one has to prize time. "His remarkable imagination and brilliant power of calculation have entered Tal ' s name in the list of the great chess players of all times . "
The Fifth Challengers' Tourna ment was held in Cura<;ao in 1962. As usual, it was marked by tough competition , although the play was somewhat upset by Tal ' s state of health. He had to be taken to hospital and aban doned the tournament before playing all the games . Tigran Petrosyan came first. For many years, from one chal lengers' tournament to another Petrosyan had kept occupying ever higher places and, at last, won the right to play a match with the world champion. Pet rosyan's logical plans, outstand ing level of technique, rich intui tion and singular talent enabled him, in the above tournament and ensuing match , to prove the cor rectness of his views and to manifest the advantages of his style of play. Tigran Petrosyan is a recog nised virtuoso of strategic man oeuvring and positional play . "My playing has been strongly influenced by Capablanca's and Nimzovich's games," said Pet rosyan , answering a question on the development of his style of play. "At present my favourite positions are those distinguished 1 14
by complicated strategic struggle with the elements of positional play prevailing. " Petrosyan is also akin to Capablanca in his keen ability to sense danger. Former world champion Fischer once said that Petrosyan saw danger 20 moves before it actually appeared . Petrosyan ' s strength, however, lies , of course, not only in per ceiving his opponent's designs, but primarily in his own cleverly conceived and consistently im plemented plans. To some chess critics Pet rosyan' s play appears to be com pletely devoid of emotion, exces sively rational. "Petrosyan means circumspection," they claim. Such assessments stem, evi dently, from insufficient knowl edge of the ex-world champion's versatile games, rich as they are in creative ideas. Combinative play has never been · alien to Petrosyan, nor has he ever feared complications; he does, however, dislike taking chances in venture some play. His attacks rest on a solid positional basis, and his consistent manoeuvering aims to prepare for a combinative out burst. "Some people believe", said Petrosyan, "that I am too cautious in my playing. It seems to me that they have missed the point. I try to avoid taking chances. Those who count on luck should play cards or roulette . . . Chess is something quite different. " Petrosyan has achieved much in life and in chess. A decisive role in improving his mastery of the game was played by the chess club of the Young Pioneers'
Palace in the city of Tbilisi. Here the young Petrosyan received ex cellent training and became one of the best chess players in Georgia. Tigran ' s early successes m chess, however, were marred by misfortune: both his father and, soon afterwards , his mother died. As the eldest in the family he had to shoulder difficult respon sibilities. He had to go to work, and there was little free time left. However, chess, as before , was foremost on his mind. Slowly but surely, Tigran Pet rosyan reached one stepping store after another on his way to higher standards of play. In the 1 947 semi-finals of the USSR champ ionship, Tigran, then 1 6, won the title of chess master. One of the games of that time will give the reader an idea of his style of play.
Nimzovich Defence T. PETROSYAN
1. d4 nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Qc2 dS S. cxdS exdS 6. BgS h6 7. Bxf6 (7 . Bh 4 c5 8 . 0-0-0 leads to an extremely intense game) 7 . . . Qxf6 8. a3 BaS (Black should have exchanged pieces on c3, but the experienced master V eresov did not want to simplify the position) 9. b4 Bb6 10. e3 BfS 1 1 . Bd3 (this natural move demanded precise calculation. Black could play 1 1 . . . Qg6, to which Petrosyan spotted the treacherous reply: 1 2 . Bxf5 Qxg2 1 3 . f4 ! Qxh l 14. 0-0-0 h5-there was the threat of 1 5 . Bg4 - 1 5 . Qf2, and Black I S bound to lose his Queen) s•
11 . . . Bxd3 12. Qxd3 c6 13. Nf3 0-0 14. 0-0 Nd7 1S. a4 Rfe8 16. Rfcl Qd6 17. bS Bc7 18. Ra2 By accurate and consistent manoeuvring White increases the threats on the Q-side, while Black is trying in vain to mount an attack on the K-side . The young Petrosyan saw the real extent of his opponent's threats 18 . . . Re6 19. Rac2 Qa3 20. bxc6 bxc6? (the correct move here is 20 . . . Rxc6 in order to continue, in reply to 2 1 . Qb5 , 2 1 . . . Nb6, with for example , 22. a5, a6 ! , and Black' s position is perfectly de fencible) 21 . Qa6 Nb6 22. aS "22. Qb7 is also strong here," wrote Petrosyan. "White is in no hurry to make this move, how ever, preserving it as a threat." Just note the clarity of the young chess player' s thinking and his self-control. 22. . . . Re7 23. g3 Rb8
1 15
24. Nd2! (this simple move confronts Black with insoluble problems. There is a threat of 25 . Ndb l ) 24. . . Nc4 25. Qxc6? Lack of experience makes it self felt, however. Petrosyan seems to have been carried away and fails to see the simple solu tion: 25. Nxc4 dxc4 26. Qxc6 Bxa5 27. Nd5, etc. 25. . . Nxd2 26. Nxd5 BxaS! (White has underrated the impor tance of this move. The struggle continues with fresh force) 27. Nxe7 + Qxe7 28. QdS Bb4 29. Rc7 Qf6 30. Rxa7 Nf3+ 31. Khl Ng5 32. f4 Ne6 33. Ra8 (Pet rosyan's technique, naturally, left much to be desired at the time. A more precise continuation here is, of course, 3 1 . Rb l , tying Black's hands) 33. . . Rxa8 34. Qxa8+ Kh7? (it was necessary to play 34. . . Bf8 or 34 . . . Nf8) 35. Qe4 + ! g6 (35 . . . Kg8 is equally ineffective with 36. d,5 Bd2 37. dxe6 Bxc l 38. g7) 36. d5 Bd2 31. Rdl ! DIAGRAM 8 1
1 16
White' s last move is typical of Petrosyan ' s tactical foresight. He might well have fallen into a trap . The variant given in the preced ing notes would not work with the King on h7, for example, 37. dxe6? Bxcl 38. e7 Qa6 ! , and Black draws the game). 37 . . . NcS 38. Qd4. Black overstep ped the time limit on this move. His position is in any case , hope less, for example, 38 . . . Qxd4 39. exd4 Ne4 40. Rxd2 ! Nxd2 4 1 . d6, and the passed Pawn cannot be stopped. In 1 949, Tigran Petrosyan made his debut in the finals of the USSR championship. Despite an unsuccessful start with five games lost in a row, Petrosyan displayed amazing self-control in this critical situation and scored half the possible points in the remaining encounters. It was then that the expression "iron Tigran" was first used by com mentators . Accustomed to hard, persever ing work from his adolescence, Petrosyan made great efforts to master chess during those years. He thoroughly analysed games, checking the correctness of his plans and establishing the causes of failures . It must b e said that all the best Soviet chess players have ac cepted an objective , self-critical analysis of their games as the most important method of im provement. In doing so , they follow the experience of Chigo rin, Alekhine and Botvinnik, who always strove to reveal the under current concealed in chess games. In the 1 950 USSR Champion ship, Petrosyan made a better
showing, with some of his games creating a good impression. Here is one of them, where the young master energetically repulsed his opponent' s unjustified attempt to assume command of the game.
Queen's Gambit T. P ETROSYAN
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 d5 4. d4 c6 5. cxd5 A decision typical of Pet rosyan. He generally dislikes pos itions with a "suspended centre" , situations where the strategic out lines of the battle remain indefi nite for a long time. The trading of Pawns at d5 creates a stable Pawn formation and enables White manoeuvre calmly . 5 . . . exd5 6. Qc2 Bd6 (the latter move is a premature attempt to display activity. The correct con tinuation here is 6 . . . Be7) 7. Bg5 0-0 8. e3 Bg4 (the intention is to transfer the Bishop to g6 and to strengthen the castled position. Petrosyan succeeds, however, in disrupting his opponent' s plan) 9. Ne5 Bh5 10. f4 Qa5 (the best possibility for defence was 10 . . . Qe8 so as to try and exploit the weakness of the Pawn at e3) 1 1 . Bd3 h6? (the last hope for survival was 1 1 . . . Ne4, sacrificing a Pawn. Now Black's moves are forced responses) 12. Bxf6 gxf6 DIAGRAM 82
13. g4! fxe5 14. fxeS Be7 15. 0-0-0! Excellent. White is in no hurry to win the piece back; instead, he
completes the development of his pieces first. His attack on the K-side leads to his opponent's surrender. 15 . . . Bg5 16. gxh5 Kh8 (or 1 6 . . : Bxe3 + 1 7 . Kb l Kh8 1 8 . Qe2 Bxd4 19. Qd2, and White is bound to win) 17. Qf2 f5 18. h4 Be7 19. Qf4. Black resigns . The tournament over, Pet rosyan responded somewhat in differently to the laudatory re marks of many critics, for, in deed, he was well aware of the drawbacks in his playing and knew that he had still to accom plish a great deal on the road to mastery . Work, work and more work ! Another test came in the 1 95 1 USSR Championship. Petrosyan got off to an unsuc cessful start again, losing the first two games . The tournament was, however, far from over, and "iron" Tigran continued with great enthusiasm, with a real fighting spirit. Not only did he improve his tournament standing , but he also succeeded in tying for 1 17
runner-up position with Yefim Geller, with only Paul Keres ahead of him. Here is one of the games from the end of the championship.
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be2 (a calm continuation, which creates no special difficulties for Black. 6. Bg5 or 6. f4 are more active) 6 . . . e5 7. Nb3 Be7 8. 0-0 0-0 9. f4 (9. Be3 is better) 9 Nbd7 10. Qe1 b5 1 1 . a3 Bb7 12. Bf3 ReS 13. Kh1 ReS 14. Qf2 Bf8 ..•
Just take a look at how pur posefully Black has deployed his forces . This ability to create a clear-cut strategic position in keeping with his style of play is one of Petrosyan ' s strong points. Without diverting his attention in 1 18
passing to tactical tasks, he usual ly finds the optimal variant of piece development for both at tack and defence . 15. Bd2 d5! (a timely break through , enabling Black to take the initiative) 16. Nxd5 (if 1 6 . exd5, 1 6 . . . e 4 is very unpleasant for White) 16 . . . Rxc2 17. fxe5 Nxd5 18. exd5 Nxe5 19. Nd4 (White no longer has any adequate defensive moves) 19. . . Nd3 20. Ncx2 Nxf2 + 21. Rxf2 Bxd5 22. Bxd5 QxdS 23. Bc3 Qc4 24. Raft f6 25. Rd1 Re2 26. b3 Qe4 White resigns. A simple and convincing game . The year 1 95 1 determined Tig ran Petrosyan 's leading position in modern chess. It marked the beginning of a long series of wins in international tournaments and matches. His style of play was taking its final shape. Petrosyan won the title of in ternational grandmaster at the in terzonal tournament in Stockholm in 1 952, where he lost not a single game. Chess players began to say that it was almost as hard to win from Petrosyan as to see the reverse side of the Moon. He is an expert at conducting defence in difficult positions. Petrosyan confidently finds latent defence potential , where even very strong and ex perienced chess players would not be able to repulse their oppo nent's onslaught. Tigran Petrosyan capitalises on a positional advantage , usually with the precision reminiscent of Capablanca' s and Rubinstein' s achievements in this field . But, n o matter how paradoxical
it may appear, the fact that Pet rosyan sees too much over the board is at times an impediment. The point is that Petrosyan spots not only unusual combinations for himself, but also sees the amazing ways in which they could be refuted by his opponent. At times, Petrosyan's unsuspect ing, placid opponent unwittingly passes through numerous tests and dangers , which are but a product of the grandmaster's rich imagination . This, incidentally , explains the large number of draws among Petrosyan' s games . These draws are not a result of "iron" Tigran's non-competitive spirit, or a sign of his lack of will-power; they are an expression of Petrosyan' s striving for logic, for the truth in chess, and of his dislike not only of taking unjustified risks, but even of embarking upon chess combinations without clear refer without reliable ence-points, beacons. What is particularly typical of "iron" Tigran' s game? First of all , his aim for clear-cut games, where the struggle for the initia tive does not involve complica tions that cannot be properly assessed, for a steady accumula tion of minor positional advan tages, for a methodical improve ment in the positioning of his pieces, the striving to eliminate his opponent's threats long before they start influencing the course of the game . When playing with Petrosyan, you realise at times , in amazement, that the plans you conceive are parried in advance and the attacks you contemplate are similarly disrupted.
A chess player with a style like this must possess remarkable in tuition. And intuition is, indeed, Petrosyan ' s powerful weapon , which often guards him against mistakes , enabling him to find and exploit his opponent' s un noticeable errors , to see through his calculations and designs. From 1 952 onwards , Tigran Petrosyan, after becoming a lead ing grandmaster, joined the list of likely contenders for the world title. Another feature typical of Pet rosyan was the gradual build-up of his tournament and match results. Every setback, every game lost became for him a jumping-off ground , as it were, for fresh effort, for new vic tories . This is, for instance, how Pet rosyan' s showing changed in the challengers' tournaments : fifth place in 1 95 3 ; tie for third place, with four others, in 1 956; third place in 1 959; and first place in 1 962, which gave him the right to a match with world champion Mikhail Botvinnik. Here is one of the games he played at the 1 962 Challengers' Tournament.
1. g3 d5 2. Nf3 c6 3. Bg2 Bf5 4. 0-0 e6 5. d3 Nf6 6. Nbd2 Nbd7 7. Qel h6 An interesting idea: Petrosyan seems to be inviting White to advance his central Pawns. At the same time, he takes into account the fact that Black' s lack of elbow room is temporary , while a 1 19
weakening of White ' s Pawns will continue to be felt for a very long time to come . 8. e4 Bh7 9. Qe2 Be7 10. e5 Ng8 1 1 . Nb3 Bf8! One has to have a profound understanding of the game of chess in order to play like thi s . In Tarrasch ' s lifetime, Black's man oeuvres would have seemed a gross violation of the fundamen tal principle of opening theory. 12. c4 Ne7 13. Nbd4 Nf5 14. Nxf5 Bxf5 15. cxd5 cxd5 16. d4 White has obviously failed to see through his opponent's de signs. While setting up his posi tion at the centre, Benko has opened up possibilities for B lack to operate on the flanks . 16 a5! 17. Be3 Be7 18. Rfcl 0-0 19. Qb5 a4 20. Nd2 Ra7 21. Nb1 NbSPPetrosyan' s pieces manoeuvre impressively. 22. a3 Nc6 23. Nc3 Qa5 24. Bfl f6! (A well-timed and well-placed blow . White has transferred the bulk of his forces to the Q-side, but Black's counter-attack is being started on the other side) 25. f4 fxe5 26. fxe5 Bg5! 27. Bxg5 hxg5 28. Qxa5 Rxa5 29. Rd1 Raa8! (making it possible for the Knight to move via a5 to b3 or c4. For the sake of this incursion, Black even sacrifices a Pawn) 30. Bb5 Na5 31. Bxa4 Nc4 32. b3 Nb2 33. Rdcl Nxa4 34. Nxa4 Bh3 35. Ra2 Rf3 ..•
It transpires that White has too many weak points. If he allows 1 20
�· ./(:-
( " ;/:;:, // '
Black to double Rooks on the f-file, he will be confronted with a mating attack . 36. Rfl Rxb3 37. Nc5 Rbxa3 38. Nxb7 Rd3 39. Nd6 Kh7 One -Of Petrosyan ' s famous pre ventive moves. There is no need for Black to hurry: White is bound to sustain material losses. 40. Nb5 Rb8 41. Rb2 Rf3 42. Rbbl Bf5 43. Rb2 g4! White resigns, because he has no satisfactory defence against 44 . . . Bd3 . I n the spring of 1 % 3 , chess fans all over the world waited for news from Moscow, the venue of the match between two Soviet grandmasters, Mikhail Botvinnik and Tigran Petrosyan, for the world chess title. The match against Tigran Pet rosyan was for Botvinnik the grimmest one of all his matches for the world title. Although he won the first game, the score soon changed in Petrosyan's favour. Botvinnik wrote later, explain-. ing the reasons for his defeat,
that he had failed to "program me" himself to meet the unusual manner of Petrosyan' s play, the chief quality of whose talent, in his opinion, was the amazing ability to position his pieces so that they could defend one another. He wrote further that he had been in poor form himself. It is easy to pick up the sad under tones when he says that a "chess player does not win a game when he is not very keen on winning". Mikhail Botvinnik was already 52 ; it is also symptomatic that after losing the title, he re nounced any attempt to reclaim it. Botvinnik, grandmaster number one in Soviet chess , had been world champion for 15 years (excluding two one-year intervals in 1957 and 1960). He was suc ceeded by Tigran Petrosyan . Petrosyan held the title for six years . During that period, he took part in many competitions and studied various aspects of the art of chess. In 1968, he defended his thesis on the psychology of struggle in chess, and the title of Candidate of Science (Psycholo gy) was conferred upon him. In 1 966 Tigran Petrosyan re tained the world chess title in a hard-fought match with Boris Spassky (the score of the match 12.5- 1 1 .5 in Petrosyan ' s was favour) . Spassky' s repeat-attack in 1 969 led to a change of cham pions. Spassky won with a score of 1 2 .5-10.5. The games of these three matches for the chess crown , in which Petrosyan's play is of the highest standard, have become a most valuable aid in studying
modern chess theory and prac tice. DIAGRAM 85
This posttton arose in the 1 8th game of the Botvinnik vs. Pet rosyan match. White's game seems fairly good: he has a pro tected passed Pawn, and all the squares, through which invasion by Black ' s forces is possible , are guarded. It is instructive to see how Petrosyan gradually reveals the latent defects in his oppo nent's formation. 43. . . NeS 44. Rfl? Even Botvinnik fails to sense danger here . He should have played 44. Nc4 Ncx4 45 . bxc4 Bg6 46. Ne3 , at equalisation . 44 . Bg6 45. Kel Nc8! 46. Rf2 Rf7 47. Kd2 Nd6 Although only a few moves have been played, B lack' s pieces have become noticeably more active. 48. Nf5 + 49. exfS BxfS (49. Rxf5 _ left White with better opportunities, but Botvinnik still .•
regarded his position as defensi ble) 49. . . . c4! 50. Rb1 b5! (bril liantly played. It seems as though the entire Q-side has been set into motion) 51. b4 c3 + ! (the sacrifice of a Pawn enables the Rooks, too , to start pursuing White ' s King). 52. Kxc3 Rc7+ 53. Kd2 Nec4 + 54. Kd1 Na3 55. Rb2 Ndc4 56. Ra2 axb4 57. axb5 Nxb5 58. Ra6 Nc3+ 59. Kcl Nxd5 60. Ba4 Rec8! A typical point: Black can give discovered check. Petrosyan is in no hurry to use this weapon, however. Instead, he increases pressure still further. 61. Net Nf4 White resigns (if 62. Rh2, 62 . . . Ne3 + 63 . Kb2 Rei 64. Nf3 Nd3 + , etc . ) . A splendid example of attack prepared through positional ma noeuvring.
taken is the view of Petrosyan as a dry, excessively rational chess player. The game continued as follows: 24. Rxf4! Rxf4 25. Be6 + Rf7 (or 25 . . . Kf8 26. Qh8+ Ke7 27 . Qxh7 + Ke8 28. Qh5 + ) 26. Ne4 Qh4 27. Nxd6 Qg5 + 28. Kh1 Raa7 (28 . . . Qxe3 also loses with 29. Bxf7 + Kf8 30. Qh8 + Ke7 3 1 . Nf5+ Kd7 32. Be6 + Kc7 3 3 . Qg7 + ) 29. Bxf7 + Rxf7 30. Qh8 + ! Black resigns A spectacular final move. Petrosyan did not take his loss of the world title as a major catastrophe. He remained equally active as a player and researcher.
USSR Championship, 1 %9 DIAGRAM 86
This position from the l Oth game of the first Petrosyan v s . Spassky match shows h o w mis1 22
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 g6 Great masters do not like to play according to the boo k ; they create the book themselves. The usual move here is the perfectly good 3 . . . Nf6. 4. d4 exd4 5. Nd5 Bg7 6. Bg5 Nce7 7. Nxd4 c6 8. Nc3 Although 8. Nxe7 leads to the equalisation of chances, White, naturally , wants more . 8... h6 9. Be3 Nf6 10. Bc4 0-0 1 1 . Qf3? Strange as it may seem, this "natural" move brings White close to disaster. But one has to be Petrosyan to make the hidden obvious . White should have castled instead. 11 . . . d5! 12. exd5 c5!
Two well-aimed blows, and it becomes obvious that White's pieces, instead of supporting, only hinder each other.
13. NbS (or 1 3 . Nde2 Bg4 14. Qg3 Nf4 with a formidable attack) 13 . . . a6 14. d6 Nf5 15. Nc7 Nxd6! 16. 0-0-0 Grandmaster Gufeld is trying to entangle Petrosyan in complica tions. 1 6. Nxa8 Nxc4 is bad, with the Knight on a8 doomed. 16 . . . Qxc7 17. Bf4 Bg4 18. Qd3 b5! 19. Bd5 Rad8 20. f3 b4 21 . Qxg6 Kh8 (not 2 1 . . . bxc3 , of course , in view of 22. Bxh6.) 22. Qd3 bxc3 23. fxg4 Qb6 Black conducts his offensive very forcefully . White' s position is falling to pieces. 24. b3 Qb4 White resigns. Surely any expert attacker would be willing to have this game to his credit.
Paul Keres ( 1 9 1 6- 1 975) was one of the bright stars of ches s . His first victories in the late 1 930s were particularly notable: he tied for top place with Reuben Fine at the famed AVRO-Tournament of 1 938. Chess connoisseurs have al ways admired the Estonian grand master's style, his knowledge of theory , the breadth and unusual character of his plans, as well as his tactical resourcefulness and filigree technique. The winner of the A VRO Tournament was granted the op portunity to challenge the reign ing champion Alexander Alekhine in a world-title match . Keres took his time in availing himself of this opportunity, however, for, in deed, he was then only 22 and felt sure that time was on his side. Alas, he certainly had cause to regret this later. How could the young Keres know that fate would, over the next 35 years, deny him the chance of not only winning the world title, but even of playing a world-title match? -Although Keres was regarded as the main aspirant for the world champion ship, each time the whims of the 1 24
elimination rounds barred him from taking the coveted first place in challengers'competitions. Keres won tournaments with a very strong entry, was three times champion of the USSR, and competed in interzonal tour naments, too ; when it came to direct encounters between chal lengers, however, fate, as though deliberately , somehow failed to favour him. On several occasions it seemed that he would be fortu nate enough to emerge on top, but the slightest degree of indeci sion or inaccuracy on his part, and K..:res would finish runner-up in the final score table, while another challenger played a world-title match . Fate decreed that Keres should be four times runner-up , and never once come first in the challengers' tournaments. In tournaments Paul Keres played against the strongest chess players of this century . He won games from many, demonstrating the superiority of his technique, and showing inventiveness and . combinative imagination . One memorable example is his game with Capablanca at the interna tional AVRO-Tournament in Hol land in 1 938. DIAGRAM 88
Keres (White) resorts to a clever tactical stroke, exploiting the fact that Black's pieces must defend his Pawns at a6 and c6, and starts an irresistible attack on the weak f7-point in his oppo nent's K-side. 22. Ne6! Black cannot take the Knight,
because he will then lose his Bishop on d6. 22. . . Bh2+ does not save Black, either, in view of 23 . Kh l fxe6 24. Qxe6+ Kh8 25 . Rd7 , with disaster for Black at g7. Similarly futile is 23 . . . Ne5, an attempt at counter-attack . White would then simply play: 24. Bxe5 Qxe5 25 . Nc5 , and Black's game is hopeless. 22. . . Qb8 23. Ng5! Black is unable to counter the two threats- the direct 24. Qxf7 + , and the transfer of White's Queen, via g4, to h 5 . Capablanca, o f course, parries the immediate threat first. 23. Rb7 24. Qg4 Bf4! An excellent defence. In the event of an exchange on g5, the threat to Black' s K-side would be removed. 25. Rc4 Rb5 This looks like Black's best move; but Capablanca fails to see his opponent's combinative blow. 25 . . . Bxg5 would have left him better chances for defence. 26. Nxf7! ReS Capablanca saw the Nxf7 ••
move, but he believed that it could be answered by 26 . . . Rf8. Only later did he notice that White would then play 27 . Nd6 ! , deciding the outcome of the en counter at once. 27. g3, Qc8 28. Rxf4 Qxg4 29. Rxg4 Kxf7 30. Rd7 + The culmination of White's winning manoeuvre begun with 22. Nd6 ! B lack loses the end game, and Keres wins easily . The game continued as follows : 30 . . . Re7 31 . Rxe7 + Kxe7 32. Bxg7 Ra5 33. a4 ReS 34. Rb4 Ke6 35. Kg2 h5 36. Rc4 Rxc4 37. bxc4 Kd6 38. f4 Black resigns. The following game was de cided during the opening stage. Keres employed an unusual thrust by his Bishop, involving the decisive offer of a Knight.
Sicilian Defence P. KERES
Challengers' Tournament, Budapest, 1950
1 . e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be2 Qc7 7. Bg5 Nbd7 8. 0-0 e6 9. Bh5 In this well-known theoretical position Keres plays a move which seems strange and out-of place. 10. . . Nxe6 is threatening, but it is easily parried. The Bishop thrust, however, contains a camouflaged tactical threat, with the opponent failing to see it. Black should now answer it with 9 . . . Nxh5 1 0 . Qxh5 Ne5 or even 10 . . g6, with a complicated game ; however, he believes that his Queen raid will make White's Bishop return to e2. 9 Qc4? .
1 25
10. Nxe6!! A brilliant combinative idea, the purpose of which will become clear after White's next move. The Knight is sacrificed in order to force black' s King to stay in the centre. The offer is not based on a concrete calculation of va riants; it rests on an intuitive insight into the secrets of a given position. 10 . . . Qxe6 1 1 . Nd5! This simple move throws the hopelessness of Black's game to bolder relief: if he now takes the Knight, Black will succumb to threats along the open e-file , for example, 1 1 . . . Nxd5 1 2 . exd5 Qf5 1 3 . Re 1 + Ne5 1 4 . f4 h6 1 5 . g4 Qh7 ( 1 5 . . . Qd7 16. fxe5 hxg4 1 7 . e6 !) 1 6 . Bh4 g6 1 7 . fxe5 gxh5 1 8. Qe2 ! Kd7 19. e6+ ! fxe6 20. dxe6 + , and Black loses. The following spectacular finale is also possible after 1 8 . Qe2 ! 1 8 . . . Bxg4 1 9 . Qc4 ! ReS ! 20. exd6+ Kd7 2 1 . Qxc8 + ! ! Kxc8 22. Re8 + Kd7 23 . Rd8 + + . 1 26
11 . . . Kd8 12. Bg4! The simplest move leading to victory. 1 2 . . . Qe8 will be an swered by 1 3 . Bxd7. 12 . . . Qe5 13. f4 Qxe4 (or 1 3 . . . Qxb2 - 1 4. Rb 1 Qa3 1 5 . Bxd7 Bxd7 1 6 . Nxf6, and White wins) 14. Bxd7 Bxd7 15. Nxf6 gxf6 16. Bxf6 + Kc7 17. Bxh8 As a result, ·White has won the Exchange and Black's King is in a precarious position. Keres pro ceeds to make the most of the advantage without difficulty. 17 . . . Bc6 18. Qd2 Bh6 19. Rae1 Qg6 20. Re7 + Kd8 2 1 . Rfe1 a5 22. Bd4 Ra6 23. Qf2 Bf8 24. Bb6+ Kc8 25. Re8 + Bxe8 26. Rxe8 + Kd7 27. Rxf8 Black resigns . Passions, a s usual, were run ning · high in the press centre, during the fifth game of the match between Lev Polugayevsky and Anatoly Karpov , challengers for the world title . Where had Polugayevsky made his fatal mis take? After all, Karpov ' s position had appeared critical . There were doubts expressed, questions asked and guesses made from every corner. Paul Keres said nothing for a long time, listening to everybody, and then proceeded to demon strate beautiful combinations and paradoxical variations all showing the possibilities latent in any, even seemingly simple, position. No one argued with Keres, so authoritative were his evalua tions, so great was his prestige. For forty years he had been one of the world' s strongest chess players. Forty years ! 1 934 saw the first
publication by many chess magazines of games by the 1 8year-old student Paul Keres. The name was unknown at the time, but the games , with spectacular combinations and puzzling com plications , were quick to attract the attention of connoisseurs. Games such as those could only be produced by a player of singular talent, from whom great victories would be expected in competitive chess . "I like this young man' s style of play", said champion world Alexander Alekhine. "Paul Keres has a great future before him in chess." Alekhine was not mistaken. Excellent results in major interna tional competitions quickly raised Paul Keres to the rank of one of the strongest grandmasters in the world. Keres 's theoretical investiga tions were also widely recog nised. Collections of games by this outstanding Soviet grandmas ter have been published in many countries . It is not surprising that the aggregate edition of his books on chess theory and manuals for beginners has exceeded half a million copies. These books teach one to understand and love chess . Keres was one of the few grandmasters recently to concen trate on chess composition. One hundred and eighty of his prob lems and 30 of his studies have been published, and many of them have been awarded prizes in international and Soviet contests. And now for one of his studies, which won first prize in the USSR chess composers' contest, held in 1 947 .
White to play and win. The task seems incredible , but just look at the main variant of the solution : 1 . Kc8! a 4 2 . Kd7 a 3 3. Kxe7 a2 4. Ra7! Kh8 5. h7 Kxh7 6. Ke8+ Kg6 7. e7 KhS 8. Ra3! Kh4 9. RaS Kg4 10. Kf7 Rfl + 1 1 . Kg6 Re1 Black seems to have a good defence, but, an interesting de sign for cornering the Black King is now brought into play. 12. Ra4+ Kh3 13. Kf6 Rfl + 14. KgS Rg1 + 15. Kh5 Re1 16. Ra3+ Kg2 17. Rxal + and White wins . "Chess is the most interesting game of all the games known to mankind," said Keres. "It is an art, a creative endeavour, a test of wills. Chess enriches man, widens his horizons, and makes an important contribution to de veloping friendly contacts be tween people . " This latter idea was characteris tic of his affirmation of the social 1 27
significance of chess: Keres was an untiring populariser of the art of chess, and he organised teach ing of chess to schoolchildren and young people in Estonia. Paul Keres was awarded the Order of the Red B anner of Labour for his services to the ches s move ment. This outstanding grandmaster visited many countries , and, wherever he went, he shared his knowledge and wealth of experi ence with chess devotees . He never looked down on chess players whose showing was in ferior to his ; he was a welcome guest everywhere. Paul Keres met eight world champions over the board . H e played successfully with Capab lanca, Alekhine, Botvinnik, Smyslov , Tal, Petrosyan, Spas sky and Fischer. Keres's memory is revered in his home country of Estonia. The Keres House, a chess club with thousands of members, has been opened in Tallinn, the capital of the republic. A number of monograph s have been published on the life and games of Paul Keres. Teams from factories and rural chess clubs travel from all over the Soviet Union to partici pate in the annual Keres Memori al Tournament. Yefim Geller another Soviet grandmaster, emerged considera bly after Keres. His swift rise at the 1 7th U S SR championship in 1 949 marked the start of Geller ' s career in major competitive chess, and he soon began to rank as one of the world' s strongest grandmasters . As a rule, he gained his victories in a very 1 28
complicated struggle , with combi nations galore . This is, for exam ple, how beautifully Geller won his encounter with ex-world champion Max Euwe in the 1 953 Challengers ' Tournament. DIAGRAM 91
The position seems to offer White fairly good chances for defence. The subsequent ma noeuvres of the Black Queen and Bishop, however, make White' s defeat inevitable. The Soviet grandmaster continued as follows: 52 Qcl + 53. Kf2 Bh2! White' s King is now threatened by Blac k ' s Queen, supported by the formidable black-squared Bishop. 54. Qg7 Bf4 55. Kg2 Be3 56. Rfl Qd2 57. Rf7 Black is faced with mate in one move, but the White King is the first to perish . 57. . . Qxe2+ 58. Kg3 Qel + 59. Kf3 Qhl + 60. Kg3 Qgl + .•.
Mikhail Botvinnik
Vassily Smyslov
Boris Spassky
Mikhail Tal
Tigran Pctrosyan
Anatoly Karpov at the age of mne
World Champion Anatoly Karpov
The late FIDE President and Anatoly Karpov
Two grandmasters: Olga Rubtsova and her daughter Yelena
Kira Zvorykina Bykova
E . BbiJ< OBA
Nona Gaprindashvili Bykova
Nona Gaprindashvili
Maya Chiburdanidzc
Alexander Yusupo v
Gary Kasparov --
Vitali Tseshkovsky
Oleg Romanishin
Yuri Balashov
Y elena Akhmylovskaya Rafael Vaganyan
Yuri Razuvayev
A scene in the press office during the match between Nana Alexandria and Irina Levitina
Chess players are found everywhere i 1 the Soviet U nim
A capacity audience for the Tigran Petrosyan and Boris Spassky world title match
Tigran Petrosyan gives a simultaneous exhibition for Young Pioneers
61. Kf3 Qf2+ 62. Ke4 ReS+ 63. Re7 Qh4 + White resigns. A connoisseur of opening sys tems and an energetic player, always looking for ways to attack in his inimitable style, Yefim Geller has won games against the strongest grandmasters. Special mention should be made of his wins over former world champion Robert Fischer.
Sicilian Defence R. FISCHER
Skoplje, 1967
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Nc6 6. Bc4 e6 7. Be3 Both Fischer and Geller are well versed in opening variations, particularly where the Sicilian Defence is concerned. The US grandmaster had analysed this sequence at length and often used it in his tournament games . Geller boldly accepts the challenge of complications. 7 Be7 Fischer regards this move as unsuccessful and suggests im mediately starting active opera tions on the Q-side: 7 . . . a6 8. Bb3 Qc7 9. Qe2. 8. Bb3 0-0 9. Qe2 White's idea is to castle the Q-side, but his Queen's position must be chosen with care. 9. Qd2 could be answered by the un pleasant 9 . . . Ng4! 9. .. Qa5 10. 0-0-0 Nxd4 I I . Bxd4 Bd7 12. Kb1 Bc6 13. f4 The games on the sides are obvious: Black is preparing for a .•.
Pawn attack on the Q-side, while White is thinking of an offensive on the K-side. The question now is who will be the first to seize the initiative. 13 . . . Rad8 14. Rhf1 b5 15. f5! Fischer hopes, by sacrificing a piece, to be able to deal decisive blow at his opponent at f6 in the future . This leads to complica tions with unexpected tactical strikes . 15. . . 16. fxe6! bxc3 b4 17. exf7 + Kh8 The Pawn is immune- 1 7 . . . followed by Rxf7 will be 1 8 . Bxf7 + Kxf7 1 9. Qc4+ and 20. Qxc6 18. Rf5! Qb4 19. Qfl It took Fischer 45 minutes to ponder this move. Now Black is under a threat because 20. Rxf6 Bxf6 2 1 . Qxf6 ! gxf6 22. Bxf6+ + . 19. . . Nxe4 20. aJ? The US grandmaster proves, in very intricate variants , that the unexpected 20. Qf4 ! would lead to White' s victory. The move actually made weakens b3 and enables Geller to exceptionally implement an beautiful counter-attack. 20. . . Qb7 2 1 . Qf4 White pursues his preconceived plan for attack on the K-side, threatening 22. Rh5 . He has , however, overlooked his op ponent' s stunning reply . DIAGRAM 92
21 . . . Ba4!! Fischer has been taken l{naw ares. 22. Qg4 Bf6! 23. Rxf6 Bxb3! 1 29
This forces Fischer to surren der immediately. Only 24. cxb3 can save him from the threat of 24 . . . . Ba2 + and mate (Qxb2), but then there follows 24. . . Nxf6 ! , and White i s i n dire straits. White therefore resigns . Yefim Geller's major success was the winning of the USSR title in 1 980, which shows that the veteran chess player still ranks as one of the strongest grandmasters. He also did ex tremely well at the 22nd Chess Olympiad in Malta at the end of 1980. After five three-year champion ship periods, FIDE decided to considerably amend the rules. First of all, it cancelled return matches, and then challengers ' tournaments , decreeing that in future the best eight grandmast ers , as determined by interzo nal tournaments, would play a series of short ( 1 0- 1 2 games) elimination between matches themselves. The early 1 %0s were when Bobby Fischer of the USA came 1 30
into his own . In the interzonal tournament held in Stockholm in 1962, Fischer came first, two and a half points ahead of his nearest rivals . The next four prize winners were all Soviet grand masters , but, according to the rule then existing that there could be no more than three winners from any one country in an tournament- Leonid interzonal Stein was eliminated from the subsequent challengers' tourna ment. By the mid- l 960s Soviet chess players were faced with increased competition from grandmasters of other countries. Bent Larsen was winning many first prizes in tour naments against the strongest grandmasters in the world. Svetozar Gligoric and Borislav lvkov- of Yugoslavia, Lajos For tisch of Hungary, and Wolfgang Uhlmann of the German Demo cratic Republic were also playing well. At the 1 964 interzonal in Amsterdam, four grandmasters Bent Larsen, Mikhail Tal, Vassily Smyslov and Boris Spas sky , finished at the top of the score table . In 1%5, an elimination round was held between them. In the quarter-final match Spassky beat Paul Keres 6-4, and in the semi final match defeated Yefim Gel ler - 5 . 5-2. 5 . Spassky won against Mikhail Tal- 7-4 in the finals, and thus the right to play a world-title match. The first Petrosyan vs. Spassky match was played in 1 966. Boris Spassky had not had enough time to build up a diverse opening repertoire which would enable
him to manoeuvre m the marathon match , avoid his oppo nent's well-prepared sequences, and impose his own will on him. Petrosyan won. Three years later, Boris Spas sky qualified as challenger No. I
again and faced Tigran Petrosyan yet again over the board . Boris Spassky defeated Tigran Petrosyan in this second world title match with a score of 1 2.51 0 . 5 , and became the tenth world champion.
tiona! Master was conferred upon him. In 1 955, Spassky won the world junior chess championship in Belgium which until that time had not been won by a single Soviet player. The calendar of high level chess tournaments that year was such that immediately after the junior chess championship Spas sky took part in the interzonal tournament at Goteborg as a prize-winner of the 1 955 USSR championship. The new tournament was marked by another success. By finishing as one of the nine prize winners, Boris Spassky won the right to enter a challengers ' tour nament. Indicative of Spassky' s skill was the game he played with grandmaster Pilnik of Argentina. ·
Boris Spassky's aptitude for chess was already apparent at the age of eleven . The Leningrad Chess Federation did its utmost to assist the young chess player whose mastery of the game was improving from year to year. At one time Spassky enjoyed athle tics, clearing 1 80 em in the high jump, but his gravitation towards chess prevailed, and he began to devote all his free time to the game . Boris quickly covered the ini tial stage of the road in chess, becoming a first-category player; then he qualified as candidate master. He did well at USSR chess tournaments and in Lenin grad championships: in 1 949 he won the Leningrad junior chess title, and three years later came second among the masters of his home town . Spassky soon gained the title of chess master in 1953, putting up an excellent performance at an international tournament in Budapest with a strong field of entrants from nine countries; the Leningrad schoolboy tied for fourth place with grandmasters Szabo and Boleslavsky. For this achievement the title of lnterna1 32
Sicilian Defence B . SPASSKY
Goteborg, 1955 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4 Be7 8. Qf3 h6 Chess variations and systems of development are also a matter of fashion. In the Sicilian De fence, for example, a particular system of development becomes most popular at a particular time and is then used very frequently in tournament games. Later, the new move is forgotten or an effective countermove is found, and another innovation takes its place. During the Goteborg interzonal, White's best method of attack
was considered to be Bg5 and the subsequent f4 and Qf3 . Argenti nian player had more than once analysed this sequence and, after finding good variations for Black, decided to adopt this system. 9. Bh4 g5 This counter-offensive was thought to be most effective. Black, by gaining e5 for his Knight, seems to secure an excel lent game , but grandmaster Pilnik is heading for something unex pected . 10. fxg5 Nfd7 1 1 . Nxe6! A beautiful offer of his Knight by White, the purpose of which will become clear after his 1 3th move. B y exposing the Black King, Spassky proceeds with the offensive, without giving Pilnik a minute' s respite. His attack is swift, and the involved combina tive variations are precisely cal culated . 11 . . . fxe6 12. Qh5+ Kf8 DIAGRAM 93
13. BbS! This spectacular surprise move refutes Black's defence. The Bishop on b5 cannot be taken in view of the dangerous threat of 1 4 . Rfl + . Keeping Black' s King within its sights, the Bishop helps to intensify White's attack . 13. . . Kg7 14. 0-0 Ne5 The numerous analyses, which were, naturally, made of this later, variation fashionabl!O showed that Black had had no satisfactory defence . If Black makes a different reply, White still manages to se cure a decisive edge: 14 . . . Qg8 1 5 . g6 ! Bxh4 16. Qxh4, and Black is bound to lose . For instance, 16 . . . Kxg6 1 7 . Bd3 Ne5 1 8 . Rf6+ Kg7 1 9. Raf l . Or 1 6. . . Qd8 1 7 . Rf7 + Kxg6 1 8 . Re7 ! , and White's threats cannot be re pulsed. 15. Bg3 Ng6 16. gxh6+ The simplest move. Black has to return to the centre. 16... Rxh6 17. Rf7 + Kxf7 18. Qxh6 This shows the advantageous posting of the Bishop at b5, which denies e8 to Black's King. Black must urgently take the Bishop. 18. . . axbS 19. Rfl + Ke8 20. Qxg6 + Kd7 21 . Rf7 Nc6 Pilnik fails to find the most persistent line of defence - 2 1 . . . Kc6. But even then White would have a winnable game, playing 22. Qh7. For example, 22 . . . Bg5 23 . e5 d5 24. Qd3 Qa5 25 . Nxd5 ! exd5 26. Qg6+ . If, however, Black decides to do away with the Knight on c3 by playing 22 . . . b4 (in reply to 22. Qh7), White wins by continuing 23 . Nd5 exd5 133
24. Rxe7 d4 25. Qf7 Ra6 26. ReS. 22. Nd5 If now 22 . . . exd5, 23 . Qxd6+ Ke8 24. Qq6 Kd7 25 . exd5 Rxa2 26. Qf5 + , and Black's King is doomed, for example, 26. . . Ke8 27 . Rf8+ Bxf8 28. Qg6 + Ke7 29. Bh4+ Kd7 30. dxc6+ bxc6 3 1 . Qd3 + . 22. . . Rxa2 23. h3 Qh8 24. Nxe7 Nxe7 25. Qg5 Emphasising the hopelessness of Black ' s position. 25. . . Ral + 26. Kh2 Qd8 27. Qxb5 + Kc7 28. Qc5 + Kb8 29. Bxd6 + Ka8 30. Bxe7 Ra5 31 . Qb4 Black resings. A chess player's climb to the summits of fame has its ups and downs and is not always straight. At the 1 956 Challengers' Tourna ment in Amsterdam, Spassky tied for third place with four others. This was a considerable success for the 20-year-old grandmaster, all the more so since many simi lar competitions still lay ahead. Boris Spassky did well in other tournaments, too, while at the same time preparing for new challengers ' matches. If only he had known then that he would have to wait for such an oppor tunity for almost nine years ! In 1 958 Riga was the venue of the 25th USSR Championship, the top prize-winners of which were to go on to an interzonal tournament, the next step on the path to the world title. Spassky made an excellent showing almost throughout the difficult competi tion, practically ensuring himself a place at the interzonal, but he was suddenly tempted by the prospect of winning the USSR title by scoring two victories in 1 34
the last two games . He could either play cautiously and qualify for the next stage of the trials, or, by staking his all, he could try to win the USSR championship. The young player decided to take risks-who can blame the him ? - and lost in both rounds; he therefore failed to qualify for the interzonal and lost every chance of capturing the USSR title. Spassky set about preparing for the next elimination round among challengers for the world title. The long-awaited zonal competi tions eventually arrived. Again the young grandmaster had very real chances of being among the four candidates to the subsequent interzonal . This time, however, performance was Spassky 's marked by indecision, the burden of his past reverses evidently weighing heavily upon him. He played the last game poorly, ad journed it in a bad position and as a result was excluded from the elimination round for another three years. Three years later, Spassky, al though he got off to a start that lacked confidence, proceeded to take first place in a zonal tourna ment. The way to the world title was open ! The first Petrosyan vs. Spassky match was held in the spring of 1966. The challenger mounted swift attacks, and, when playing Black, put up persistent defences, launching counter-offensives time and again. In this playing there was everything he needed for winning the world title, except one thing: he was poorly pre-
pared as regards the opening stage. As a result, "iron" Tigran retained the world title. Three years later, however, the rivals met over the board in a match again . Chess fans, recalling the inten sity of their former encounters, awaited this new world title match with impatience. In the first match, "iron" Tigran had resisted the vigorous attacks of his younger opponent, but would he manage this time to offset Spassky' s mastery at attack with his own defence abilities? In the 1 966 match Spassky ' s theoretical preparation had been inadequate, but this time he and his coach grandmaster Bon darevsky had studied in detail all recent theoretical analysis. This kind of training, as Spassky had expected, was quick to benefit him during the match. Winning a few games at the start, Spassky was in the lead. Although later Petrosyan man aged to equalise, Spassky showed high standards of play at the crucial stage of the match and scored the 1 2 . 5 points needed for victory . Boris Spassky became the tenth world champion. Spassky's best game in the second match with Petrosyan was, undoubtedly, game 1 9 .
Sicilian Defence B. SPASSKY
Moscow, 1%9
1 . e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 Ncd7 7. Bc4 Qa5
Black must be careful after moving his Knight to d7 . The immediate 7 . . . e6 can be an swered by the offer of a Bishop: 8. Bxe6! fxe6 9. Nxe6, with White starting a very dangerous attack. 8. Qd2 h6 9. Bxf6 Nxf6 10. 0-0-0 Spassky geared his opening variation to an attack on the K-side. Subsequently, however, Black would be able to position his King differently by castling on the Q-side. This is why the trading of the Bishop for the Knight was not White' s best move. 9. Bh4 would have been preferable. 10 . . . e6 1 1 . Rhe1 Be7? A serious psychological miscal culation on the part of Petrosyan. Spassky had played the preceding games of the match in a calm positional manner, avoiding swift thrusts, where one always has to burn one ' s boats. This had a calming effect upon Petrosyan, who seemed to believe that to wards the end of the match Spas sky, being in the lead, would not take risks. The situation it self, however, prompted Spas sky to embark upon sharp tactical play. 12. f4 0-0 13. Bb3 ReS 14. Kb1 Spassky carries out his last preparations for a decisive assault on the K-side. The King has to be sheltered reliably to prevent Black from using possible count er-attacks for defensive purposes. 14 ... Bf8 DIAGRAM 94
15. g4! A signal for attack. Petrosyan 135
White ' s attack cannot be re pulsed. 21. e5 dxe5 22. Ne4! NbS The only move. White threatened the simple 23 . Nxf6, because Black could not play Nxe4 in view of 23 . Rxf8+ and mate on g7. 23. Qg6! exd4 White would have won beauti fully after 23 . . . Nf4 24. Rxf4 exf4 25 . Nf3 ! Qb6 26. Rg5 ! (26. c3 is also possible). A spectacular move now follows to clinch the game . 10. Ng5! has to accept the offer of the Pawn, for otherwise White's Pawns would push forward irre pressibly . 1 5. . . Nxg4 16. Qg2 (major oper ations will now proceed along the open file) 16 . . . Nf6 17. Rg1 Bd7 ( 1 7 . . . Qc5 would have been more reliable, but even in this case 1 8 . Nf3 ! with the subsequent e5 would render White' s attack Ir resistible) 18. f5 Kh8 19. Rdfl Qd8 White threatened fxe6 and then Rxf6. The weakness of g8 is the keynote of White' s subsequent combinative play in attack. Petrosyan had planned his de fence correctly , but makes a seri ous mistake in carrying it out. A later analysis proved that Queen at e5 would have provided better protection for the Knight , at f6. 20. fxe6 fxe6 Here, too, 20 . . . Bxe6 2 1 . Nxe6 fxe6 would have left more hope for survival , although Spassky could still have carried out the same plan: 22 . e5 ! dxe5 23 . Ne4 Nh5 25. Qg6 Qh4 26. Rg4, and 1 36
Black resigns . After 24 . . . hxg5 2 5 . Qxh5 + Kg8 26. Qf7 + Kh8 27 . Rf3 , mate is inevitable. After winning the world title, Spassky , unfortunately, began to avoid major competitions, prefer ring tournaments of secondary importance where the standard of play was not so high .
As a result his form slipped somewhat, and this was already apparent at the Alekhine Memori al Tournament in Moscow in 1 97 1 . Six months later Spassky was to defend his title against Bobby Fischer, whose enthusiasm and energy were causing him to prog-
ress by leaps and bounds. After routing all his rivals on the way to the world title, Fischer won over Boris Spassky, too. Robert James Fischer became the eleventh world champion, re placing Boris Spassky who, at the age of 35 , was still in the prime of his life.
The 1 935 International Tourna ment in Moscow evoked great interest, with the excellent per formance of the veteran player Lasker, the rise of the young Botvinnik, and Vera Mencik, the only woman participant. Vera Mencik who held the women's world chess title in those years and represented Bri tain, lost all her games at the tournament. Despite this, her very presence and attempts to measure her strength against the strongest grandmasters was a very good sign for chess. On one of her days free from tournament play, Mencik gave an exhibition of simultaneous play against the strongest Soviet women chess players. While she had not done well against the men, the women's chess cham pion routed her opponents: women' s chess was not of a good standard in the Soviet Union in those days. Vera MenCik died in an air raid on London in 1 944, and women chess players were left without a leader. After the war women 's chess tournaments began to be held in many countries. The successes of 1 38
the Soviet male players could not but inspire women's chess . The death of Mencik, like the death of Alekhine, meant the absence of a world champion for several years. At the end of 1 949 and the beginning of 1 950, a tournament of the strongest women chess players from many countries was organised, with the winner to be named world champion. Soviet player Lyudmila Ruden ko made an excellent showing in that very testing competition and won the women's world chess title. A master of combinative play, Rudenko had been intro duced to chess at the age of ten. She had competed in tournaments as early as the 1 920s, taking prize-winning places in USSR and Leningrad championships, had been a participant in the USSR vs. Britain team match in 1 946, and in the matches between Leningrad and Budapest, the USSR and Czechoslovakia in 1 954, and in other major competi tions. Rudenko ' s style of play is characterised, for example, by the end of her game with Mora of Cuba, played at the world women' s chess championship in 1 950. DIAGRAM 96
Rudenko, playing Black, mounts a swift attack on the Q-side. 25 f6! A very clever move strategical ly . The centre must be strengthened before launching a flank attack. ...
26. Kh2 Ra7 27. Nel Rfa8 28. Nbl QaS 29. Nd3 Nxd3 30. Rxd3 Qa4! 31. R3d2 Qc4! Rudenko conducts her position al attack splendidly . The transfer of her Bishop at e7 to the g l -a7 diagonal causes commotion in White' s camp. 32. f3 BcS 33. Qd3 Qa2! 34. c3 White's position on the Q-side is increasingly weakened. Ruden ko will soon deal a decisive blow . 34 . . . Bc4 35. Qc2 Bb3 36. Rd8 + Bf8! An unusual way of crowning a well-conducted offensive. Black's Queen occupies an important pos ition at a2, paralysing White' s forces. The White Queen must now retreat, after which Black takes the Rook at d 1 , winning the exchange, and building up an overwhelming positional advan tage. White therefore resigns . A s world champion, Rudenko laid the ground work for Soviet women' s chess for years to .come. Rudenko held the world title for three years, ceding it to Yelizaveta B ykova, who beat her
in 1 953 with a score of 7-5 with two draw s . Bykova started taking part in tournaments in 1 935. Working hard at theory and improving her play, she won the Moscow title in 1 938. A persevering player with a strong will, she chose to improve her play still further by entering men' s chess tournaments. In 1 950 Bykova came third in the women ' s world chess champion ship, and three years later, as we have already said , became world champion. Challenged by Olga Rubtsova Bykova lost the world title but confidently regained it in 1 958 in a return match. Only 14 games were played ( 1 6 games, in all, were to be played under the rules) . Bykova defended the world title in yet another match in 1 960, this time against Kira Zvorykina from Byelorussia. Bykova won, retaining the title, which she held for seven years. Bykova's style of play is dis tinguished by precise calculation and the ability to manoeuvre on a positional level . She plays well in the endgame and efficiently makes the most of material and positional advantages . The gifted chess player also has a flair for combinative attack, which is shown by the following example. DIAGRAM 97
This position arose in the Bykova v s . Kogan game (the Moscow vs. the Ukraine match of 1 954). A few energetic moves by the world champion put Black in a crisis situation. 1 39
pionships out of a total of 23 . In 1 959 Olga Rubtsova did better than Rudenko and Bykova in a tournament involving world's strongest women players and won the world title. Everyone in the Rubtsov fami ly plays chess. Olga's husband holds the title of master, and her youngest daughter Yelena that of international grandmaster. Olga Rubtsova is at her best with swift attacks. An example of this is offered by the finale of her game with Karff from the USA at the 1 950 world championship. 22. a4! Qb8 If 22. Qb4, 23 . Nd3 , and White can play more freely. This, of course, would be a lesser evil for Black, who now comes under decisive combinative attack from White. 23. Nc6 Qc7 23 . . . Rxel + is also bad, be cause of 24. Rxel Qc7 25 . Ne7 + followed by 26. Qxa8 + . 24 . Re7! Excellent! If 24. . . Bxf4, the simple 25. Rxc7 gives White a decisive material edge . 24 . . . Rxe7 25. Bxd6 Black resigns. The third Soviet holder of the world title, Olga Rubtsova, learned to play chess from her father Professor Nikolai Rubtsov, a prominent metallurgist, and a great chess fan. Her first success came in 1 926. She came first in a large women ' s chess tournament, the first one held in the USSR . Rubtsova subsequently won the Moscow title and the USSR title more than once. She has set a record of a kind by competing in 17 USSR women' s chess cham140
Rubtsova (White) demolishes the Black King's position by smashing the Pawn shield. 30. Nde7 + Kf7 31. Nxg6! Qc5 Black cannot take the Knight, because of Qh7 + . But even with the next move, Black's King has no chance of escaping pursuit. 32. Qg3 Ke6 33. Nf4 + Kd7 34. Rdl Bxe4 35. Qg7+ Kc6 36. Rxd6 +
Black's game is hopeless . The concluding vigorous moves follow: 36. . . Qxd6 37. Nxd6 Rd8 38. Qb7+ Kxd6 39. Qxe4 Kc7 40. c3 Rd6 41. Nd5 + Kc6 42. Nf6 + Kc5 The game was adjourned at this point, and the American player resigned without resuming play. The popularisation of chess and the organisational work done among the young was bound to affect the women ' s chess move ment, Up-and-coming too. players were trained in the Young Pioneer Palaces . Nona Gaprin dashvili from Georgia was soon destined to emerge as a leading light in chess . Nona was born into the family of a teacher in a agricultural college . She had five brothers, and as the only sister invariably joined in all their activities. This is why Nona is so keen on sports, and, chess apart, her favourite game is football. Nona attended the Tbilisi Young Pioneers' Palace, con stantly improving her standard of play. She followed her success in school competitions with wins in USSR tournaments. Her mastery of chess improved from year to year. The results of tournament trials showed Nona as a chess player of rare ability . Commen tators said that here was a future world champio n , and she lived up to their forecasts. When Gaprindashvili took part in an elimination round of chal lengers for the world women' s chess title, her victories seemed only natural . She easily proved her superiority qver rivals both of
the same age and older. In the 1 96 1 challengers' tournament Nona put up a splendid perfor mance, winning the right to battle it out against world champion Bykova. The world title match in 1 962 was marked by Nona's obvious supremacy. Yelizaveta Bykova managed to draw only four games, with Gaprindashvili' s five wins bringing her the world title at the age of 2 1 . The nature of Nona Gaprin dashvili's victories, her style of play, and her successes in men' s chess tournaments prompted one to assume that she would reign long as world champion: Nona kept the honourable title for 1 6 years. Gaprindashvili's victories were convincing. She surpassed her rivals in her knowledge of theory, in strategic mastery , and in acute combinative play. In high-level competitions Nona showed strong will, endurance and the ability to muster her strength at crucial moments. Nona has done well in interna tional men ' s chess competitions, too, competing as an equal against experienced masters and grandmasters. And now for a game she played with grandmas ter B . Kuraica of Yugoslavia.
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Qc7 5. Nc3 e6 6. g3 a6 7 . Bg2 bS? A premature move. 7 . . . Nf6 should have been played. 141
8. h3 Nge7 9. Nde2 b5 10. 0-0 Bb7 1 1 . a3 1 1 . Bf4 is also good here. 11 d6 12. Be3 g6 13. Qel Bg7 14. Rad1 Na5 It is now obvious that the outwardly aggressive continuation 7 . . . h5 was but a vain show of strength. B lack has failed to grasp the initiative on the K-side; moreover, his position o n this side has been weakened as there is a threat of White' s Pawns advancing f4 and f5 . 15. Bel 0-0 16. f4 Nc4 17. Kh2 Qc5 18. Rd3 f5? Another totally unprovoked weakening. The proper move here is 1 8 . . . a5 . 19. b3! Nxa3 White would also have an ad vantage with 19 . . . Nb6 20. Be3 Qc7. .•.
25 . . . e5 26. Kxg2 Kxe7 27. fxe5 Bxe5 28. Qe4 Rac8 29. fxg6 Rxf1 30. Kxfl Qc4 Although Black has put up a resourceful defence in a difficult position, Gaprindashvili proceeds confidently and consistently to make the most of her advantage. 31. g7 Kd7 (if 3 1 . . . Kf7, 32. Qh7 Rg8 33. Nf5 is dangerous for Black) 32. Qh7 Qg8 (32. . . Rg8 would have left more chances for a successful defence, for example 3 3 . Qf5 + Kc7 34. Ne6 + Kb6 and, in reply to 35 . Qf7 , 35 . . . Rxg7 is possible) 33. Qf5 + Ke7 34. Qg5 + Kd7 35. Qf5 + Ke7 36. Qe4 Kd7 Black, in the hope of a draw, must bring the Queen back to c4, but male pride goads Kuraica to take a ruinous path. 37. Qb7 + Rc7 38. Qxa6 Bxd4 39. Qxb5+ An inaccuracy because of time trouble . A winning continuation is 39. Rxd4! Qxg7 40. Qxd6+ Kc8 4 1 . Qa6 + , etc. The next move enables Black to spin out his resistance. 39. . . Rc6 40. Qf5 + Kc7 41. Rxd4 Qxg7 ·
20. b4 Qxb4 21 . Bxa3 Qxa3 22. Nd5 Qc5 23. Nxe7 + Kf7 24. exf5! Bxg2 25. Nd4! Splendid, indeed. White threatens the decisive Qxe6.
1 42
The game was adjourned at this point. White has an extra Pawn, but many technical difficulties must be overcome. Nona carries on very confidently, however, even at the technical stage of the encounter. 42. Ra4 Qc3 43. Qf7 + Kb6 44. Qf2+ Kb5 (44 . . . Rc5 is more per sistent). 45. Rh4 ReS 46. Qe2+ Kb6 47. Qd3 Qf6 + 48 . Rf4 Qe6 49. Kg2 Kc7 50. Re4 Qf6 5 1 .
Rc4! (the trading of Rooks in creases White' s chances for vic tory) 5 1 . . . Rxc4 52. Qxc4+ Kb6 53. Qb3+ Kc7 54. Qc4+ Kb6 55. Qd5 Qg6 56. Qd3 Qf6 Now , experiencing a time trou ble, Kuraica blunders. He should have played 58 . . . Qe8 . 57. Qe3+Kc7 58. Qa7+ Kc6 59. Qa6+ Kd5 60. Qb5+ Resigns. This was a game distinguished by real mastery, with interesting plans and subtle manoeuvres , and, inevitable mistakes , without which chess would not be chess . Many other up-and-coming women chess players, Nana Alexandria, Irina Levitina, Marta Litinskaya, Yelena Akhmylovs kaya, and Nana Ioseliani, to men tion but a few , have appeared in the USSR. Soviet women chess players, as the results of the Chess Olym piads and other major competi tions have shown, hold the lead ing positions . In conclusion, let us dwell on world champion Maya Chiburdanidze. Maya's chess career began in school tournaments and at the
White Rook children's chess club championships. Her game im proved until she emerged victori ous in tournaments in Georgia, her home, and took prize-winning places in USSR competitions. Nona Gaprindashvili and Maya Chiburdanidze are the only two women to hold the title of grand master in both women's and men' s ches s . We have already given the Gaprindashvili vs. Kuraica game, where the promi nent Yugoslav player succumbed to Nona Gaprindashvili's "spell". And now for a game in which Maya Chiburdanidze routed the experienced grandmaster V. Tuk makov in the· 1 980 USSR men' s chess championship (First Divi sion).
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4 Qc7 8. Qf3 b5 9. 0-0-0 b4? The position prior to Black's last move, has more than once been seen in games at major tournaments. Everything in this acute variation is on the verge of a precipice. Any mistake either by White or Black may land one or the other in a critical situation. The b-Pawn should not have been pushed ; Black should have strengthened his defence in the centre. 10. e5! b7 1 1 . Qh3 dxe5 DIAGRAM 1 0 1
1 2 . fxe5 Qxe5 13. Bxf6 Qxf6 ( 1 3 . . . gxf6 is better) 14. NebS! BcS? 1 43
Another and decisive blunder. Black should have accepted Chiburdanidze's challenge and played 14 . . . axb5 . 15. Nxe6! (a brilliant decision: White's attack is uncounterable) 15... axb6 (if 1 5 . . . fxe5 1 6 . Qh5 + Qf7 17. Nc7+ Kf8 18. Qxc5 + , etc .) 1 6 . Bxb5 + Nc6 17. Bxc6 + Bxc6 18. Nc7+ Kf8 19. Nxa8 Of4+ 20. Kb1 Qb8 21. Rhfl Be7 22. Qe6 Resigns. Maya is a very resourcesful player; she has excellent com binative vision and is bold in attack . This is, for example, the finale of one of the games played at the 1974 USSR women' s chess championship. In this encounter Chiburdanidze played White ver sus the experienced and strong Grinfeld . DIAGRAM 102
The game continued as follows : 19. Bxc5! dxc5 20. Nxc5 Nd8 21. Nxe6 Ndxe6 22. Qb3 Pressure along the e-file and the a2-g8 diagonal clinches the game. 144
22. . . Rb6 23. Bd5 Rf6 24. Bxe6 + Nxe6 25. Rxe6 Rbxe6 26. Ret Kh8 27. Rxe6 White is two Pawns up and brings home her advantage easily. An impressive finale ! Even before the world title which Chiburdanidze match played with Gaprindashvili in 1978, Maya had set a number of amazing world records , even though records are not officially registered in chess. It will be recalled that Maya became a master at the age of 1 3 (sic !), international grandmaster at 1 6 , and world champion at 1 7 ! This i s unprecedented i n the his tory of chess. After successfully passing through the elimination round, Maya Chiburdanidze, as we have already said, had to play in 1 978 against Nona Gaprindashvili in the world-title match . The struggle was exceptionally tough , with the events developing dramatically. Nona Gaprindash vili doubtless underrated her rival . Indeed, prior to the match, she had had four encounters with
Chiburdanidze, winning all the four games. It is interesting that their first game was in a simultaneous exhibition the world title-holder gave to the best girl chess players of Tbilisi. Nona Gaprindashvili failed to take into account the fact that Maya had taken seven league strides in her development as a chess player, that she had been improving from one competition to another. Her amazing talent, great capacity for work, self-criticism and exactingness- these are the components of the success Maya Chiburdanidze deservedly gained, winning the match against Nona Gaprindashvili with a score of 8 . 5-6.5. And now for one of the games of the match .
to Black. 1 2 . d4 should have been played) 12 0-0 13. h3 Qd5 (the Queen's post at h5 was precari ous, and 1 4 . Bg5 threatened to block all routes of escape) 14. Bd2 Rfd8 15. Qc2 Rac8 16. Bc3 c5 17. Radl h6 18. Qb3 b6 19. e4? In the positional struggle, where the chances are almost equal, Gaprindashvili upsets the balance, hoping to launch a swift attack . The hope will soon be thwarted against the background of substantial defects that have arisen in the White camp. 19 Qe6 20. Nh4 It seems that the Pawn at f2 will take two leaps to reach the f5-square , after which the black King's position will be smashed. Delay would now be suicidal for Black.
Reti Opening
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 d5 3. c4 c6 4. Bg2 dxc4 5. a4 g6 6. Na3 Qd5 Violating the generally ac cepted canon s , the Queen joins in the fray earlier than other pieces. Yet, one cannot help commend ing Chiburdanidze for her specific appraisal of the situation. The Queen' s raid leads, eventually, to the trading of the white-squared Bishops, which weakens White' s K-side. 7. 0-0 Na6 8. Net (since the Knight will all the same have to return to f3 , 8 . Nh4 was a better .move.) 8... Qh5 9. Nxc4 Bh3 10. Nf3 Bxg2 l l . Kxg2 Bg7 12. d3 (a passive move ceding the initiative 10-607
20 Nb4! Many know how to play ac cording to rules, but only the chosen few can find exceptions •..
to those rules. It was until recent ly believed (and it must be frank ly stated that some hold such a view even now) that women do not play chess as well as men. Let us not start a discussion, but moves similar to Black's last are proof of a high degree of mastery ! 21. Bxb4 cxb4 22. Rfel There was a threat of 22 . . . Nxe4, while 22. Oxb4 could be answered by 22 . Rxd3 ! Yet, in the latter variation White would have some chances for counter play, whereas the text dooms her to passivity. 22.. . Nd7 23. Qc2 NcS 24. b3 a6! . .
Black's last i s a short-cut move to exploiting her positional advan tage. By ousting the Knight from the c4-square , Black opens up the way for her pieces to the numer ous weak points on White' s Q-side. 25. Nf3 bS 26. axb5 axb5 27. Ne3 Na4 28. Qa2 (any other moves open to the Queen also lead to the loss of the Exchange . White is already in dire straits) 28. . . Nc3 29. Qa5 Nxdl 30. Rxdl Qxb3 31. QxbS Rc3 32. Qb7
Rcxd3 33. Rxd3 Rxd3 34. NdS Rxf3 White overstepped the time limit. "I've already played more than and tournament match 600 games ," Maya Chiburdanidze told journalists recently. "I'll keep on playing regularly in the future, too. The world champion must be a playing champion- ! fully agree with Anatoly Karpov on this point." Answering questions about her ambitions and plans, Maya said: "My ambition is to become a good doctor," and added with a twinkle in her eye: "In chess, I aim to become world champion in men's ches s . "
Chapter XIV ANATOLY KARPOV , 1 2TH WORLD C HAMPION In April 1 975 , the International Chess Federation (FIDE) proc laimed the 24-year-old Soviet grandmaster Anatoly Karpov 1 2th world champion , a decision passed because Bobby Fischer, had for feited the title by refusing to play a title match , and approved by all . Although Anatoly Karpov's chess career is comparatively short, he is noted for his remark able understanding of the game, precise calculation, intuition, and a deep knowledge of chess strategy and tactics . In short, he has everything which disting uishes a chess player of world class . Anatoly Karpov was intro duced to chess in early childhood by his father, Yevgeny Karpov, an economist, who worked in a factory in the town of Zlatoust, in the Urals . This is what Karpov himself has to say about this time: "From my early years I watched my father playing chess . He was very fond o f sitting over the chessboard; he was said to be a good amateur. I think Dad was about equal in strength to a chess player with a second grade. At five, or to be more precise, at four-and-a-half, I learnt to make 1o•
the correct moves myself. A year later my knowledge of chess was firmly consolidated. I developed a taste for the game . I began to take part in school competitions regularly, and then I started at tending a chess circle at the Young Pioneers ' Palace in Zlatoust." Soon, the Karpovs moved to Tula, an old Russian metal working centre . There Anatoly Karpov won his first gold medal, for finishing secondary school with honours. In the summer of 1 96 1 the city of Borovichi, in Novgorod Reg ion, was the venue of the all Russia junior chess competitions; 1 0-year-old Anatoly travelled from Zlatoust to take part in the tournament. The local newspaper Krasnaya Iskra (Red Spark) said about him: "Anatoly Karpov , the youngest of the entrants cannot even see the whole board sitting on an ordinary chair. The um pires had to procure a special prop for him." To many experts' surprise, the youngster scored five points out of a possible 10 in the tourna ment. Summing up the results of the competition, a sports com mentator noted that: "There is no doubt that Anatoly Karpov has a great talent for chess. Let us wish this most gifted junior chess player all possible success . " That success was not long in coming. At the age of 1 1 , Anatoly Karpov became a candidate master, at 1 5 , a master; and at 1 9 , an international grandmaster and the world junior chess title holder. 147
Anatoly Karpov is really ex ceptionally talented, but his abilities developed so quickly be cause of a conducive environ ment. When Anatoly Karpov was 1 3 , he enrolled at Mikhail Botvin nik' s chess correspondence school. The pupils of the school are given written assignments by the former world champion. Then they send their homework to him, and he thoroughly checks and reviews it. Botvinnik'.s pupils gather for a session two or three times a year, during which they discuss and comment on moves, and consult their teacher. Karpov greatly benefited from this school, which taught him, basical ly, how to work in a planned, well-organised and considered way . When Karpov became a stu dent of economics at Leningrad University, he began to take les sons from international grandmas ter Semyon Furman , a prominent Leningrad expert, who remained his coach and true friend until the latter' s death . What then does Anatoly Kar pov think of chess? "Chess to me ," he said, "is a battle of brains and a test of wills. In every game I play to win, although each time in a different manner , depending on my opponent' s style of play. Anyone who has devoted himself to a favourite pursuit is bound to strive for perfection ." Anatoly Karpov made fast progress , learning useful lessons from tournament encounters , and studying the experience of champions both of the past and the present. 1 48
The winner of many interna tional tournaments, Anatoly Kar pov was adjudged the best chess player of 1973 and awarded the Chess Oscar Prize. In 1 974, he again won this award, given by the International Federation of Writers. Chess Connoisseurs pointed not only to the high standard of the young grandmas ter's achievements in competitive chess as such , but also his crys tal-clear strategic plans and his ability to carry out well considered plans and to decide the outcome of a game with moves unexpected , yet fully con sonant with the special features of a given position. Experts spoke highly of the game which Karpov won from grandmaster V. Hort of Czechos lovakia at the Alekhine M emorial Tournament in Moscow , where Karpov tied for first place with grandmaster Leonid Stein. In this game , Karpov's manoeuvres struck one as being unexpected and at times paradoxical , but they were actually the result of deep insight into the position, a short cut, and most correct way of making the most of White's ad vantages . The game was ac knowledged to be the best one at the tournament.
Sicilian Defence A . KARPOV
1 . e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 e6 6. g4 This move is an idea taken from Keres: to oust the oppo nent's Knight from f6 and to start an attack on the K-side.
6 . . . Nc6 (the simple 6 . . . h6 is preferable) 7. g5 Nd7 8. Be3 a6 9. f4 Be7 10. Rg1 Nxd4 l l . Qxd 4 e5 12. Qd2 exf4 13. Bxf4 Ne5 As Karpov indicated, 1 3 . . . Qb6 14. Rg3 Qxb2 is ineffective, in view of 1 5 . Rb1 Qa3 1 6. Nd5 . 14. Be2 Be6 15. Nd5 Bxd5 16. exd5 ( 1 6 Qxd5 is equally good) 16 Ng6 17. Be3 h6!? (Black's last move leads to considerable complications. 1 7 . . . 0-0 would be better) 18. gxh6 Bh4+ 19. Kd1 gxh6 20. Bxh6 Bf6 21 . c3 Be5 22. Rg4! (this forestalls the Queen's move to h4. The h2-Pawn is of no material importance under the cir cumstances )22... Of6 (a better) move is 22 . . . Bxh2, restoring material equality) 23. h4! Qf5 (23 . . . Nxh4 is bad, because of 24. Bg7) 24. Rb4 Bf6 25. h5 Ne7 26. Rf4 Qe5 27. Rf3! Nxd5 28. Rd3 Rxh6 A forced move. If 28 . . . Ne7 , 28. Bf4 will be decisive. 29. Rxd5 (but not 29. Qxh6, in view of 29 . . . Bg5 and 30 . . . Ne3 + ) 29. . . Qe4 30 . Rd3! The manoeuvres of the Rook are beautiful and interesting: it has compietely disorganised Black' s defences by its last five moves. There is a threat of 3 1 . Bf3 now , and Black has to agree to a forced sequence. 30 . . . Qh1 + 31. Kc2 Qxa1 32. Qxh6 Be5 33. Qg5 Black at this point overstepped the time limit. His game is hopeless . After h e was acclaimed world champion, Anatoly Karpov said: "I believe that the champion of the world must play, play and play." And he has done just that. Over the six years of his reign, the young chess king has played .•.
many more games and taken part in many many more competetions than any of his predecessors. Even Karpov ' s very first perPortorozthe at formance was tournament Ljubljana marked by success- and this de spite the fact that the world ' s eight stronger grandmasters were among the entrants. After another series of encounters on Board One in the USSR Games (Spar takiad), the world champion com peted in an international tourna ment, held in Milan. This was a gathering of outstanding grand masters with the highest ELO ratings- the digital indicators of their prowess. Karpov ' s loss to F. Andersen of Sweden came as a sensation at the start of the tournament, but the world champion himself viewed the set back calmly . "Don't worry, for heaven ' s sake," h e told one o f his col leagues . " I ' ll come first all the same . " And he d i d prove his suprema cy-six victories brought Karpov first place. Karpov also had the best competitive performance in 1 975, and this won him the Oscar Prize again. British publishers had already compiled a collection of the young champion's games. They wrote that they believed that the reader would enjoy going through the games as much as they themselves enjoyed working on the material for the book. Another two years brought Karpov both tournament succes ses- six first places-and new trophies. These included the USSR champion gold medal (the Soviet grandmasters regarded this 1 49
award as a particular honour) and the fourth Chess Oscar in a row. A champion's reign is never serene, for every three years he is bound to defend his title . Karpov succeeded in doing this, too: although after a brilliant start he slowed down the pace of his offensive for a number of reasons, he succeeded in scoring a decisive victory in a match held in Baguio, in the Philippines, and retained the title for another three-year period. The Chess Federation of the USSR has every right to be proud of its leading player. Not only does Anatoly Karpov enter chess competitions regularly, he also successfully combines practical play with analytical work. He has had a book of his best games with commentaries published , and he writes many articles and notes on games . Such analytical work not only enables beginners to learn from him, but also makes for higher standards for Karpov himself. The young champion devotes much of his time to the popular isation of chess. He is Editor-in Chief of the chess magazine 64. The world champion tours the USSR, delivering lectures, giving exhibitions of simultaneous play, and attracting new players to chess. The 1 2th world champion also plays a great role in the life of FIDE as a member of the Central Committee . He has done a great deal to increase the contingent of FIDE member-countries , particu larly among the developing coun tries . Gens una sumus is the idea 1 50
behind Anatoly Karpov ' s activity as a populariser of ches s . The most recent three-year period ( 1 978-8 1 ) still further strengthened Karpov's prestige as the world's strongest player, as witnessed by his outstanding vic tories and the excellent quality of his games . Chess fans have been intrigued by a change in the world champion's style of play, which came about precisely dur ing this three-year period . A thorough study o f the games of chess players of the highest rank shows that their style of play changed during their long chess careers. Capablanca, for instance, after starting with spec tacular, keenly tactical gems , sub sequently went over to employing calm, positional methods of strug gle. On the contrary , Mikhail Botvinnik, leader of the Soviet school of chess, used the calm methods at the beginning of his chess career, and then proceeded to increasingly sharpen his style of play, using combinative attacks . Anatoly _Karpov seems to be following m Botvinnik' s foot steps. From early childhood, he astonished people with his filigree technique and ability to conduct the endgame in a masterly man ner. This brought him many vic tories . Nowadays Karpov has begun to resort ever more exten sively to acute tactical methods of play, with extremely intricate combinative plans appearing in his games ever more frequently. This makes his style of play versatile and enables him to choose diverse ways of gaining a decisive advantage . And now for
examples of Anatoly "new" playing.
Karpov ' s
Sicilian Defence A . KARPOV
Bad Kissingen, 1980
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5: Nc3 a6 6. Be2 e6 7. 0-0 Be7 8. f4 0-0 9. Kh1 Nc6 The famous Scheveningen Var iation of the Sicilian Defence, which has been employed in top level tournaments for decades now . Black prepares for an attack on the Q-side, while White' s pieces are geared t o a n assault o n the K-side. 10. Be3 Bd7 1 1 . Qel Nxd4 12. Bxd4 Bc6 13. Qg3 b5 14. a3 g6 Black's last is a dubious move making it easier for White to attack and open up the files on the K-side. More cautious chess players refrain from this provoca tive advance of the g-Pawn. 15. Bf3 Qc7 16. Rad1 Qb7 17. f5 Precise calculation by the world champion. If 1 7 . . . Nxe4 1 8 . Nxe4 Bxe4 1 9. f6 Bd8 20. Qh4 Bxf3 2 1 . Qh6 Bxg2+ 22. Kg 1 , and Black cannot avoid mate . 17 . . . e5 18. Be3 b4 19. axb4 Qxb4 20. Bg5 Karpov energetically "'!oves . his pieces nearer to Black s Kmg, without sparing his Pawns. 20. . . Qxb2 21. Rd3 Qxc2 22. Bd1 Qb2 23. Bxf6 Bxf6 24. Rxd6 Bd5 25. Rf2 Qcl DIAGRAM 105
Rxf6! Before making this move, Kar26.
pov calculated a series of tactical combinative sequences . Let us take a look at these variants . I f 26. . . Rad8, which seems to be most dangerous, 27 . fxg6 Rxd 1 + 28. Nxd l Qxd 1 + 29. Rfl Bxfl 30. gxf7 + Kh8 3 1 . Qxe5 ! Bxg2+ 32. Kxg2 Qg4+ 3 3 . Kf2 Qg7 34. h4 ! , and Black cannot prevent the Pawn's advance to h6. It was really not so simple to think eight moves ahead in such a position. Nor was it easy to analyse another involved saquence arising after 27 . . . hxg6 28. h3 Rd3 29. Qxg6+ ! ! fxg6 30. Rxf8+ Kh7 3 1 . R2f7 + Kh6 32. Rh8 + Kg5 3 3 . h4+ + . An admirable example of Anatoly Karpov's calculation in combinative play ! 26 . . . Rac8 27. Rc2 Qa1 28. fxg6 hxg6 Here the reader can again ad mire a spectacular set of com binative sequences analysed by the world champion. After the seemingly strong 28. . . Rxc 3 , Black's King is beautifully mated: 151
29. gxf7 + Kh8 30. Qxe5 Qxd 1 + 3 1 . Rfl + + . No less admirable is the following vanat10n: 30. . . Re3 31. Qxa l Re1 + 32. R f l + + . 29. Rd6 Rc7 Yet another spectacular finale is: 29 . . . Rfd8 30. Qxe 5 Rxd6 3 1 . Qxd6 Rxc3 32. Qd4 Re3 3 3 . ReS+ K h 7 3 4 . Rh8 + + . 30. Qxe5 Rfc8 31. Qd5 Kg7 32. Qd4+ Kh7 33. Nxb5! Resigns . A brilliant conclusion of White's resourceful performance. Anatoly Karpov' s style of play had already changed by the time of the world-title match in Baguio in 1 978, when he employed acute variations, sacrificed pawns and sought for complication. Many explained this not only by the champion's desire to modify his style of play, but also by the influence of the grandmasters with whom he had prepared for the match and analysed the ad journed games. His friends , inter national grandmaster Igor Zait sev, and particularly former world champion Mikhail Tal, have long been known for their resourcefulness and preference for acute , complicated positions. This co-operation could not but influence the world champion, and the style of his victories and the direction of his creative en deavour in chess have changed noticeably. Karpov today willing ly agrees to extremely intricate complications , and his plans con tain many fantastic inventions, and unexpected combinative moves. It is interesting that Mikhail Tal himself fell a prey to similar inventiveness on the part of Karpov . This is their game 152
from the international tourna ment in Bugojno (Yugoslavia) in 1980.
Slav Defence A. KARPOV
1. c4 e6 2. Nc3 d5 3. d4 c6 4. e3 Nf6 5. Nf3 Nbd7 6. Bd3 The Merano Variation of the Slav Defence has long been fa mous for acute complications in volving active operations by the pieces. 6 . . . dxc4 7. Bxc4 b5 8. Bd3 a6 9. e4 c5 10. d5 Analysts the world over have spent a great deal of time on seeking new lines in the sequence with 1 0 . e5 . The world champion prefers attack in the centre through the advance of the Queen' s Pawn. 10 c4 1 1 . dxe6 cxd3 Another possibility is 1 1 . . . fxe6, because the text still allows White to retain an appreciable positional edge. 12. exd7 + Qxd7 13. 0-0 1 3 . Bg5 or 1 3 . e5 are the moves usually seen here . Karpov opts for another line of continuing attack. 13 . . . Bd7 14. Rei Bb4 15. Ne5 Qe6 This move, too, means that White retains the initiative. The Queen ' s other possible retreats do not make for equalisation. For example, 1 5 . . . Qe7 1 6 . Nxd3 Bxc3 1 7 . bxc3 0-0-0 1 8 . f3 or 1 5 . . . Qd4 1 6 . Nxd3 0-0-0 1 7 . Nxb4 Qxb4 1 8 . Qc2, and White' s initia tive become dangerous. 16. Nxd3 Bxc3 ..•
checkmating Black's King. Just analyse every variation-this will be a spectacular picture of com binative positions ! For example, 32. . . Kc5 3 3 . Nd3 + Kc4 34. Rb4+ + . Or 32. . . Ka5 3 3 . Rd2 Rc4 34. Ra2 + Ra4 35. Bc3 + and 36. Rxa4+ + . DIAGRAM 107
17. Nf4! A subtle interpolation, with ac curate calculation of possible chances for attack . Despite the trading of Queens, White finds energetic ways of continuing the attack on Black' s King. 17 Qd7 1S. bxe3 Nxe4 19. Qxd7 + Kxd7 20. Ba3 RheS 21 . Red1 + Ke7 22. f3 Nf6 23. Bd6 + ! Kb6 24 . e4! With a few energetic moves , the world champion opens up files on the Q-side and finally demolishes the position of Black's King. After this Anatoly Karpov mounts a decisive attack in typical Tal fashion. 24 RaeS 25. exb5 axb5 26. a4! RedS 27. axb5 Rd7 28. Rd4 RedS 29. Rad1 ReS 30. Be5 Re7 The continuation 30 . . . Rxd4 3 1 . Bxd4+ Kxb5 32. Bxf6 gxf6 3 3 . Rd7 would not improve Black's position either. 31. Rd6+ Kxb5 32. Rb1 + Ke4 The world title holder has cal culated all the possible ways of ..•
33. Rd4+ Ke5 Black ' s King is beautifully mated in the case of 33 . . . Kc3 , too. For instance, 34. Rd3 + Kc2 (34 . . . Kc4 35. Rc3 + +) 35. Rb2 + Kct 36. Ne2+ + . 34. Nd3+ Resigns Again, after 34 . . . Kc6 35. Re t + Kb6 36. Rb4+ Ka7 37 . Ra t + Ba6 38. Bd4+ Ka8 39. Rxa6+ + . Karpo v ' s results both in com petitive chess and in invention are considerable. Karpov is in the prime of his life; he is exacting towards himself and ready to solve the most challenging prob lems . His own words, "chess is my life, but my life is not only chess", are an accurate reflection t53
of how matters actually stand. His life is devoted to meaningful , and profound work o n chess. A n example of this i s the following game played at the World Chess Olympiad in Malta in 1 980.
Caro-Kann Defence A. KARPOV
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 cxd5 4. c4 e6 5. Nf3 Nf6 6. Nc3 Be7 7. cxd5 This variation of the Caro Kann Defence leads to an acute strategic struggle in the centre. Through subtle manoeuvring and the redeployment of his pieces, Karpov soon gains a considerable positional edge. 7 Nxd5 8. Bd3 Nc6 9. 0-0 0-0 10. Re1 Nf6 1 1 . a3 Qd6 12. Be3 Rd8 (Black' s attack is focussed on the central Pawn, but he fails to develop his Queen's Bishop suitably) 13. Qc2 Bd7 14. Rad1 Rac8 15. Bg5! h6 16. Bh4 Qb8 17. Qe2 Be8 18. Bb1 Nd5 19. Qd3! (the beginning of a series of subtle manoeuvres leading to the capture of a Pawn) 19 g6 20. Bg3 21. Nxd5 exd5 22. Ne5 Qc7 .•.
23. Qe3! A decisive blow in the struggle for a material advantage. Black is unable to protect his h6-Pawn. In reply to 23 . . . Kh7 or 23 . . . Kg7; White would play 24. Ng4 ! , with formidable threats. Black has to reconcile himself to the loss of his Pawn. 1 54
23 . . . Qb6 24. Qxh6 Nxe5 25. dxe5 Bf8 The Pawn on e5 can now become an object of attack. Black's pieces have grown active , and White ' s material advantage is so far inconspicuous because of his opponent' s very dangerous counterplay. 26. Qg5 Qe6 27. Ba2 Bb5 28. h3 Rd7 29. Qe3 b6 30. Qf4 Bc4 31. Bb1 Bb3 32. Rd2 a5 33. Bd3 Rdc7 34. Kh2 Rcl 35. Rd2 Rxa1 36. Rxe1 Bc2 Karpov methodically consoli dates his position, preparing for a decisive offensive on the K-side. 37. Ba6 ReS 38. Be2 Bf5 39. Rd1 Qc6 40. Rd2 Rc2 41 . Bf3 Be6 42. Qd4 Rxd2 43. Qxd2 Qc4 44. Be2 Qa2 Although Black's last seems to be an active move, the Queen's trip to the far comer of the board, where it has nothing to do, gives a fresh impulse to White's pieces . 45. Bf4! Bc5 46. Be3 d4 This appears to be an active move, but, in effect, leads to a
weakening of the black squares on the K-side - the Bishop on c5 is unable to guard the black squares next to its King. Karpov makes energetic and resourceful use of this circumstance. 47. Bg5 Qd5 48. Bf6 Bf8 49. Bd3 Bg7 50. Qf4 Kh7 51. f3 b5 52. Kg3 Qd7 53. Bxg7 Kxg7 54. Qf6 + Kg8 DIAGRAM 109
53. h4! The beginning of a swift com binative attack. The Pawn is pushing forward to h6, after which Black's King will be in dire straits . Karpov has skilfully pre pared for this surprise attack and conducts it confidently and energetically. 53. . . Qe8 54. h5 Bc4 (if 54 . . . gxh5 55. Qh6 !, and the threat of 56. Bh7 + is decisive. Even now Black has no defence, however) 55. h6! Qf8 56. Bxg6! finally ripping open the position of the Black King, who comes under cross-fire from all of White ' s forces. 56. . . Qxh6 (if 56. . . fxg6, 57. h7 + , and Black loses immediate ly) 57. Bsf7 + kh7 58. Qf5 + Kh8 58. Qc8 + Resigns. This is how Anatoly Karpov , the 1 2th world champion, i s play ing now: subtle positional ma noeuvres plus swift combinative tactical attacks. Finally , let us look at Anatoly Karpov ' s tournament record.
Number of Games
l%9 1 970
1 97 1
World Junior Chess Championship, Stockholm RSFSR championship, Kuibyshev International Tournament, Caracas Semi-finals of the 39th USSR championship, Daugavpils 1 8th Students' Chess Olympiad, Mayaguez USSR team championship, Rostovon-Don
17 17
12 8
0 0
1 55
Number of Games
1 972
1 974
1 975
1 976
1 56
Finals of the 39th USSR championship, Leningrad International Tournament, Moscow I nternational Tournament, Hastings USSR Olympiad, Moscow 1 9th Students' Chess Olympiad, Graz 20th World Chess Olympiad, Skoplje International Tournament, San Antonio International Tournament, Budapest USSR team tournament, Moscow Interzonal Tournament, Leningrad 5th European championship, Bath 41st USSR championship, Top Division, Moscow International Tournament , Madrid Quarter-final challengers' match with Lev Polugayevsky, Moscow Semi-final challengers' match with Boris Spas sky, Leningrad 2 1 st World Chess Olympiad, Nice Final challengers' match with Viktor Korchnoi, Moscow April 3. Anatoly Karpov proclaimed world champion Portoroz-Ljubljana, Yugoslavia USSR Games (Spartakiad), Board One, Riga Roundrobin Tournament, Milan, Italy Semi-final match with Petrosian Final match with Portisch Skoplje, Yugoslavia USSR Cup team tournament, Board One, Tbilisi Amsterdam, Holland
4 1 -2 1 -2
21 17 15 10
7 5 8 5
2 0 2
12 12 6 3
1 -3
15 4 17 6
4 2 10 4
0 0 0 0
11 2 7 2
5 7
1 0
15 8
11 14
4 10
6 4
10 4 6 15
3 0 1 10
0 0 0
6 4 5 5
6 6
2 2
0 0
4 4
Manila, the Philippines
Montilla, Spain
Number of Games
1 977
1 980
USSR championship, Top Division, Moscow Bad Lauterberg, Federal Germany European team championship, Board One, Moscow Las Palmas, Spain Tournament on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the October Revolution Tilburg, Holland Bugojno, Yugoslavia World title match, Baguio, the Philippines Munich Montreal Waddingsveen Tilburg Skara Bad Kissingen Bugojno Amsterdam Tilburg Buenos Aires World Chess Olympiad, Valletta
17 15
8 9
8 6
5 15
5 12
0 0
0 3
17 II 15
5 5 6
2 0
10 6 8
2 I 1 -2
5 18 7 II 6 6 II 14 12
2 7 4 4 0 3 5 7 4
0 I 0 0 I 0 0 0
3 10 2 7 5 3 6 6 7
13 12
4 6
2 0
7 6
I n the spring of 1 945, when World War II was still going on , it was suggested that chess radio match between the Soviet and American teams might be ar ranged. Soon after the war was over, the details of the competi tion were finalised, and the match was held in September 1 945. Prior to the opening of the match a photograph showing all the US players-ten of the strongest US grandmasters and masters-was sent from New York. Even before the war the US team had won the world title several times at World Chess Olympiads, and come out on top at other major competitions. At that time Soviet chess players were practically un known-people in the USA knew of Botvinnik, Flohr and a little about Smyslov and Liliental , while the remaining players had never competed in tournaments abroad. Only Ragozin had once (in 1 937) played at Semmering. The results of the first day of the radio match discouraged the Americans : 8 - 2 in favour of the Soviet team. No one had foreseen such a setback. On the next day, the Americans tried to 158
take revenge, but their hopes still failed to materialise: 7 . 5-2. 5 . The total score of the radio match1 5 .5-4 . 5 - created a sensation in the chess world. A year later a team of US players flew to Moscow . The match again convincingly showed the superiority of Soviet chess players: 1 2 .5-7.5. Teams from other countries, such as Britain and Czecho slovakia, also lost to Soviet chess players. It became obvious that a new chess force had appeared in the world, and was gaining strength from year to year. A special school of training and instruction had emerged, produc ing talented chess players every year. What then are the distinguish ing features of this school of chess , what has enabled it for 25 years now to hold the leading positions in the world and its representatives to gain victories in the o verwhelming majority of international chess competitions? The achievements of Soviet chess players are the result of a clear-cut formulation of methods of studying chess, of a critical approach to chess creativity, of the availability of a well-balanced system of instruction and prac tice- of everything covered by the notion "the Soviet chess school" . In the Soviet Union chess has long been recognised as an in alienable part of general culture, and this is why major chess tournaments held here are fi nanced by the state, the best theatrical and concert halls are placed at their disposal and a
network of chess clubs has ap peared in the USSR in recent years. It is no wonder that under circumstances chess these players' standards are rising. In the Soviet Union, millions of people play chess, and every game played by a grandmaster is analysed the next day by chess fans throughout the country. The support given in the Soviet Union to young players is of particularly great importance. There are chess clubs and circles at schools, in factories, at collec tive farms and in institutions, which open up boundless oppor tunities for improving the young chess devotees ' standards of play. The chess circles at the Palaces of Young Pioneers pro vide a great many of the up-and coming players. Suffice it to say that such famous chess players as Mikhail Tal, Boris Spassky, Tig ran Petrosyan , Vassily Smyslov , Anatoly Karpov, Lev Po lugayevsky, David Bronstein and others received their early chess training in Young Pioneer Palaces. The strength of play shown by these youngsters has long been known throughout the world. Soviet chess players have built up their school of chess on the basis of the creative principles of Chigorin and Alekhine. All our chess players with higher qualifi cations have, of course, studied Nimzovich' s and Rubinstein' s games , not to mention Lasker ' s and Capablanca' s , but Chigorin and Alekhine were the players who had the greatest influence on the development of chess in the Soviet Union.
Soviet chess players took from Chigorin a special approach to opening systems, which is expres sed in a number of specific varia tions even in our time. Chigorin opposed dogmatism in chess . The school of the German grandmas ter Tarrasch tried to reduce the positional teaching of Wilhelm Steinitz, founder of chess theory, to a code of rules and dogmatic canons. This was an attempt to emasculate the creative element of chess , to water down the game . Soviet chess masters learned from Alekhine how to properly prepare themselves psychological ly for games, adopting his crea tive and self-critical approach to games played. And, of course, they have tried, at least in some measure , to develop that excep tional combinative insight which brought fame to the genius of combinational play. Soviet players have studied the legacy of the two great chess masters, which was passed onto them by the older players , who had played with Alekhine and even seen Chigorin. But what really matters is , of course , the study of their games , analytical investigation s . It is no mere chance that so many books pub lished in the USSR are devoted to the chess legacy of Alekhine and Chigorin. The Soviet chess school does not negate the interesting qual ities of this ancient game as a sport, but it regards the creative essence of chess, the logic of its plans and the elegance of its combinations as elements of art and science. The scientific ap1 59
proach to chess has enabled our grandmasters to investigate open ings more closely, to gain a better grasp of the fine points of the middle game and to unravel intri cate points of the endgame . And, naturally, the entire system of preparing for tournaments rests on scientific foundations. From the early days of the existence of chess opening theory, it was accepted that in the starting position the initiative belonged to White; Black, before seizing the initiative, had, first and foremost, to secure equalisa tion. Chigorin and Alekhine adhered to an entirely different principle . Not that of equalisation, but the ensurance of equal chances for counterplay for Black. This prin ciple served as the basis for the theory of openings adopted by Soviet chess players. We all know how much effort Lasker and Capablanca expended in seeking ways and means of equalising the position in the fa mous Queen' s Gambit. Lasker invented and tested a line of defence named after him, where he traded several pieces and, therefore , took the edge off White's pressure. The same aim was pursued by Capablanca in his no less famous Exchange Varia tion of the Queen' s Gambit: in many games where the Cuban played Black, exchanges of chessmen went on until practical ly only the two Kings remained on the board. Just before the last war, Bot vinnik had begun to use a system of development for Black that differed strikingly from that em1 60
ployed by his predecessors. After the well-known moves of the Queen' s Gambit: I . d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nf3 c6 5. Bg5, he did not play 5 . . . Nbd7 or 5 . . . Be7 , as his colleagues had done many times in high-level games, but boldly took the Pawn: 5 . . . dxc4 6 . e4 b5 7 . e 5 h 6 8 . Bh4 g5 9. Nxg5 hxg5 1 0 . Bxg5 Nbd7 DIAGRAM 1 10
Black's plan is obvious: he is out to create a formidable Pawn "fist" on the Q-side, hoping in the future to bring this Pawn forma tion into active play. Black, in addition, opened up files on the K-side, intending to use them for mounting an attack on White's King. An important role in this coun ter-attack will be played by the a8-h l and b8-h2 diagonals, and also by the advance of the Pawn from c6 to c5 with a view to undermining White' s last main stays in the centre. Subsequently, a way was found
to happily forestall all these threats, but at first the sudden counter-attack in one of the most opening vanatiOns original brought a brilliant success. This is how , for example, play continued in the Denker vs. Bot vinnik game of the USSR-USA radio match : 1 1 . exf6 Bb7 12. Be2 Qb6 13. 0-0 0-0-0 14. a4 DIAGRAM I l l
Black now launches an attack in the centre , subsequently carry ing it over to the K-side. 14 b4! 15. Ne4 c5 16. Qbl ! S o far White has defended the centre in excellent fashion. I n the case of 16. Qc2, 16 . . . c3 ! ! is a decisive move with 1 7 . bxc3 Qc7 ! 1 8 . Ng3 cxd4 1 9. c4 Nc5 with a consideralj>le advantage for Black. 16 Qc7 17.Ng3 cxd4 18. Bxc4 Qc6 19. f3 d3!! .•.
. .•
The beginning of B lack's deci sive offensive on the K-side. 11-607
White can no longer repel all the threats along the open files and diagonals. This method of attack underlies the whole system of development suggested by Botvinnik and is a classic example of a modern in terpretation of opening problems, where Black's counter-attack is considered as important as White' s direct attack. 20. Qcl Black threatened mate : 20 . . . Bc5+ 2 1 . K h l Rxh2 + ! 22. Kxh2 Rh8 + ; besides, White' s Bishop on g5 is in jeopardy, since Black threatens 20 . . . Qc5 + and 2 1 . . . Qxg5 . In reply to 20. Be3 , a possible continuation is 20 . . . Bc5 2 1 . B xc5 Qxc5+ 22. Kh l Rxh2+ with a mating attack . 20 Bc5+ 21 . Kh1 Qd6 Again an excellent attack. Black plans 22 . . . Rxh2 + ; and if 23. Kxh2 Rh8+ 24. Bh6, 24 . . . d2 is decisive. 22. Of4 Rxh2+ 23. Kxh2 Rh8+ 24. Qh4 Rxh4+ 25. Bxh4 014 White resigns. A similar trend towards a ..•
counter-attack at the opening stage is typical of many systems investigated by Soviet players. Such are the Merano Variation with its numerous ramifications, and many systems of the King's Indian Defence. Soviet grandmas ters also willingly employ such openings as the Dutch Defence and Ufimtsev Defence , where Black from the very first moves works to establish counter attacking formations. Soviet theoreticians have made quite a few studies of various new methods of launching a counter-attack . Take a look at the following position. DIAGRAM 1 1 3
I t arose after Black' s 1 4th move in the Panov vs. Yudovich game at the l Oth USSR Cham pionship, held in Tbilisi in 1 937. In the well-known variation of the French Defence, after the initial moves 1 . e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Be7 5. e5 Nfd7 6. h4 f6 7. Bd3 c5 8. Qh5+ Kf8 9. Nxd5. B lack resorted to keen 1 62
counter-operations devised during home analyses . There followed: 9. . . fxg5 10. Rh3 g4 1 1 . Nf4 Nxe5 12. dxe5 gxh3 13. Bxh7 Rxh7 14. Qxh7 h2!, and Black soon gained victory. We have discussed opening systems, and the development of pieces, where more attention is paid to counter-attack. It goes without saying that even the grandmaster has at times to resort to blind, passive defence, but we are speaking of a principled ap proach: in most instances it is a counter-attack, counter-measures that the players of the Soviet school of chess aim for ; that is what they have been taught from their early steps by masters of the older generation. There is yet another feature of the way openings are interpreted by the Soviet chess school. Its best representatives have always been distinguished by their depth of insight into variations . The game on Board Two o f the 1945 radio match, that we have already mentioned, was notable because grandmaster Smyslov made his moves almost instantly : h e spent a mere six minutes on his first 25 moves, while his opponent Samuel Reshevsky had to ponder each of his moves at length . The point is that Soviet chess players, in preparing for the match, had investigated a most complex variation employed in the game, whereas it was completely unknown to the Americans. This is how the Smyslov Reshevsky game proceeded : 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Nxe4 6. d4 b5 7.
Bb3 dS 8. dxe 5 Be6 9. c3 BcS 10. Nbd2 0-0 1 1 . Bc2 fS 12. Nb3 Bb6 13. Nfd4 Nxd4 14. Nxd4 Bxd4 15. cxd4 f4 16. f3 Ng3 17. hxg3 fxg3 18. Qd3 BfS 19. QxfS RxfS 20. BxfS Qh4 2 1 . Bh3 Qxd4+ 22. Kh1 QxeS 23. Bd2 DIAGRAM 1 1 4
It is not difficult to see that every move by White and every reply by Black had to be verified by extremely precise calculations. Smyslov had done so while pre paring for the game, whereas Reshevsky had to solve every problem over the board. This match took place more than 30 years ago . In our time, there are so many such analyses that they cannot be accommo dated in chess books of a normal size. It is interesting that not only prominent grandmasters and theoreticians in the field of open ings discover new moves. At times analyses of well-known positions of astonishing profundi ty are sent to the editorial offices 11*
of our chess magazines by amateurs from all parts of the country. In the sixth game of the Alekhine-Euwe return match , held i n 1 937, the Russian cham pion stunned his opponent by the unexpected offer of a Knight: 1 . d4 d5 2 . c 4 c 6 3 . Nc3 dxc4 4. e4 eS s. Bxc4 exd4 6. Nf3!? Euwe, after pondering his next move for a long time, played 6 . . . b5? and, following the natural 7 . NxbS, had soon to resign. Was Black in a position to repulse the sudden onslaught? Chess theoreti cians spent several months on analyses, and arrived at the con clusion that Alekhine' s attack was correct and that in all varia tions Black was not in a position to repel it. Suddenly a Soviet chess news paper published a sensational arti cle. Goncharo v , an amateur player from a small town, had discovered that by playing 6 . . . dxc3 7. Bxf7 + Ke7 8 . Qb3 cxb2! ! DIAGRAM 1 1 5
1 63
Black not only repulses the attack, but is even left with a decisive edge. There and then, Goncharov offered the following varia tions: 9. Bxb2 Qb6 ! 1 0 . Ba3 + c5 1 1 . Bxg8 Rxg8 1 2 . Bxc5 + Qxc5 1 3 . 0-0 Qh5 ! ! ( 1 4 . Qxg8 i s no good because of 1 4 . . . Be6 1 5 . Qh8 Nc6 and White ' s Queen is trapped). Other continuations do not im prove White ' s position - all of them have been refuted by Gon charov . Analyses o f major variations on piece development patterns in the modern opening theory are made throughout the world, new moves are discovered, and well known sequences made more pre cise. But nowadays these inves tigations are made using all those things which the Soviet chess school has popularised for many years now, i . e . , the principle of full-fledged play by Black, of the broadest scope for creative imagi nation. A chess player's ability to spot a combination is a major quality conducive to unravelling the most complicated positions, to discov ering many things still unknown in chess. Chigorin, and particular ly Alekhine had inimitable combi national perception, and it is this quality that their followers are trying to develop. Soviet masters have discovered the methods instrumental in de veloping the requisite combina tional vision. Collective work has made these methods generally ac cessible. This has enabled Soviet chess players to attain very high standards of combinational play, 1 64
and not only o f grandmasters and masters. The Steinitz-Tarrasch school, prevalent at one time, determined some laws governing chess play, but Soviet players have invested them with new creative content. It has long been known that a backward Pawn is always a weak point. But here is what Boleslavs ky offered as a variation of the Sicilian Defence. I . e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3 . d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5 . Nc3 e5 . DIAGRAM 1 1 6
Black voluntarily creates a "backward" Pawn in his camp. According to the old canons , this is a serious mistake, a prelude to losing the game. But for several world's decades now the strongest grandmasters have been using this opening system, with White rarely managing to gain an advantage. Here is another example.
David Bronstein writes on this position: "Here, it seems to me, it is time to reveal for the reader's benefit the secret of the Pawn at d6 in the King's Indian Defence. This Pawn, although it is on the open file, is a hard nut to crack-it is not easy to get at it. It appears simple to move the Knight from d4, but the point is that White needs that Knight precisely at d4; its task is to keep its sights on the squares b5, c6, e6 and f5 and neutralise the Bishop at g7 . Only after White manages to prepare for meeting Black's attacks (a3 , Be6, f5) can the Knight leave the centre , but in the meantime, Black, too, will succeed in regrouping his forces. Therefore, the weakness of the Pawn at d6 proves imaginary. "Many weaknesses are imagi nary when modern methods of play are used in this opening variation. And , indeed, it is be cause of the 'everlasting' weak ness at d6 that the King's Indian
Defence has long been classed among the dubious sequences . " There are many similar exam ples of a modern dynamic in terpretation of chess weaknesses in opening systems. The law of chess strategy that an open file should be occupied immediately has prevailed for nearly a hundred years now. In most cases that is precisely what is done. Strategists of the Soviet chess school, however, interpret the notion "an open file" some what differently. The diagram, below, shows a position from the Keres vs. Stahl berg game played at the challeng ers' tournament in Zurich in 1 953. DIAGRAM 1 1 8
Black played here 16. cS, at once opening two files , where his Rooks soon firmly established themselves. This was a superficial assessment of the position , how ever. In this particular position the only open file controlled by •.
1 65
White is of greater importance than Black ' s two open files . Keres convincingly proved the correctness of his appraisal of the position, which had taken its specific factors into account. The game continued as follows: 17. Qe1 Be4 18. Rf4 Bg6 19. h4 cxd4 20. exd4 Rac8 21. Qe2 Rc7 22. Rdfl h5 23. Rf3 Rec8 24. Bd3 Bxd3 25. Rxd3 g6 White is in full command of the game. Blac k ' s Rooks have simply no purpose to serve at c2 or c 1 . 26. Rg3 Kh7 27. Rg5 Qf8 28. Qe4 Qh6 29. d5 (29. Rf6 is more energetic, completely blocking Black' s K-side). 29. . . exd5 30. Qxd5 Qf8 31. e6 Qc5 + (an unjus tified sally. By playing 3 1 . . . f5 , Black would have retained hopes of winning; now, however, he loses the endgame) 32. Qxc5 bxc5 33. exf7 Kg7 34. f8Q + Rxf8 35. Rxf8 Kxf8 36. Rxg6 c4 37. Rg5 Rb7 38. Rxh5 Rxb2 39. ReS Rc2 40. Kh2 Ke7 41 . h5 c3 42. Rc6 B lack resigns. The Soviet chess school, by assimilating everything valuable which the brilliant men of chess have contributed to theory , has also adopted the notion of "Pawn islets", which was rarely encoun tered earlier , a notion introduced by Capablanca. Today , the as sessment of this factor by our leading grandmasters becomes at times decisive. The diagram below shows a position from the fifth game of the 1 963 Petrosyan vs. Botvinnik match. 1. c4 g6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. e3 0-0 6. Be2 dxc4 7. Bxc4 c5 8. d5 e6 9. dxe6 Qxd1 + 10. Kxd1 Bxe6 1 1 . Bxe6 fxe6 1 66
After the game Petrosyan said that, while elaborating this varia tion, he had regarded white's game as almost winnable in view of the presence of "Pawn islets" in Black ' s camp . Earlier, one would not have paid any attention to the fact. Soviet theoreticians have made a great contribution to studying endings of different kinds. These investigations are most fully rep resented in a three-volume collec tion, Endgame, under the general editorship of Yuri Averbakh, which has been translated into many foreign languages and en joys great popularity. The collec tion gives a systematised classifi cation of endings of all types, formulates the major laws gov erning play in certain positions, and contains analyses of such very intricate endings as two Knights v s . a Pawn, Rook's Pawn plus Bishop v s . Pawn, with every analysis showing a deep insight into the position in question .
This is far and away not the only example. In the USSR the reader is offered a wide choice of literature on all stages of the game. Chess books are published in 18 languages of the peoples of the USSR. Chess books are published in the USSR, as a rule, in editions averaging 1 00,000 copies. Some books, however, are put out in massive quantities . The text-book The Chess Player's Primer (in Russian) by international master Panov was published in 1 964 in an edition of 240,000 copies . Chess for Beginners by grand master Igor Bondarevsky ( 1 966) , A Journey to the Kingdom of Chess by grandmaster A verbakh and master Beilin ( 1 972) -both in Russian-and many other books have been published in an edition of 200,000 copies each . An exhibition on chess litera ture in the USSR, was organised in Moscow by the Lenin Library and the USSR Chess Federation. The exhibition hall of one of the world ' s largest libraries accom modated numerous stands . Vis itors to the exhibition were able to see chess literature published in Russia from the end of the 1 8th century to our times. In the Visitor's Book, one's attention is attracted by the en tries made by leading officials of FIDE . Grandmaster Max Euwe of Holland, President of FIDE at the time, wrote: "I am amazed by everything I have seen during my visit to this extensive exhibition of chess literature . " Rabell Mendez o f Puerto Rico , the then Vice-President of FIDE,
wrote: "I have been very impres sed by this exhibition which shows what the USSR has achieved in the art of ches s . " In his entry, international mas ter Sajtar from Czechoslovakia, member of the FIDE Bureau, pointed out: "I have viewed with great interest the creative work of Soviet writers and chess players, which shows the mass scale of the chess movement in the USSR. The scope of publishing activity in the field of chess is amazing. " Works b y Soviet theoreticians and researchers · on the theory of openings, the middle game and endings are renowned throughout the chess world. "An inexhausti ble source of creative ideas"- is how grandmaster Svetozar Gligoric of Yugoslavia has de scribed these works . A similar opinion has been expressed by former world champion Robert Fischer, who made a special point of studying Russian to be able to read Soviet chess litera ture in the original . Many authors abroad write about Soviet chess players . Col lections of games by Mikhail Botvinnik , Vassily Smyslov, Mikhail Tal, Tigran Petrosyan, Boris Spas sky, Paul Keres and David Bronstein have been pub lished in the USA, Britain, the Federal Republic of Germany, Argentina, Spain and several other countries . Selected games by Soviet masters in two volumes have been published in the FRG. It is not easy to select the more important works from among the vast number of chess books pub lished in the USSR. We must, 1 67
however, mention the fundamen tal three-volume work Botvinnik 's Contribution to Chess, which contains an analysis of all Botvin nik has done in the field of chess. A series of books on the world ' s outstanding chess players are published in large editions, win ning extensive public recognition. Many works have been put out for the benefit of young amateurs and coaches working with chil dren. The following data on Soviet chess periodicals, too, are very impressive. The monthly Shakhmaty v SSR (Chess in the USSR) is published in the Soviet Union in an edition of 60,000 copies, and the monthly Shakhmatny byulleten (Chess Bulletin), in an edition of 25 ,000 copies; the fortnightly magazine Shakhmaty (Chess), is published in Riga in an edition of 60,000 copies ; the monthly, Byulleten tsentralnogo shakhmatnogo kluba (Bulletin of the Central Chess Club) in an edition of 30,000 copies ; and the chess magazine, Shakhmatnoye obozreniye (Chess Review) is published twice a month in an edition of 1 00 ,000 copies . This latter periodical is edited by world champion Anato ly Karpov. There are permanent chess de partments in almost 700 Soviet newspapers and magazines. The scale of the work they do is tremendous. The one contest held by the newspaper Sotsialistiches kaya industria, alone brought 36,000 letters to the editorial of fice. More than 20,000 amateurs take part in postal chess competi tions organised by the newspaper 1 68
Selskaya zhizn. A contest con ducted on a giant scale by the army newspaper Krasnaya zvez da brought in 76,869 letters from readers in 1 972. A contest to solve problems and endgame studies organised by the news paper Vechernyaya Moskva early in 1 973 resulted in 1 9,000 post cards with readers' solutions . The chess departments of newspapers arrange a number of very interesting competitions. The newspaper Vodny transport, for example, has for many years now been conducting radio matches between Moscow' s chess clubs at factories and the staffs of polar stations in the Arctic Circle. Some newspapers sponsor international chess composers' contests. A large number of books on the history of chess are published in the USSR. Recently master Mukhitdinov successfully de fended a thesis on the history of chess in Uzbekistan . A number of important studies on the his tory of chess in Russia have been published by Moscow historian Linder, while his book, Chess in Russia, edited by Academician Strumilin and put out in 1 964, was extremely popular. Similarly of great importance are the following studies of the history of chess: Shatranj by Academician Orbeli and Trever from the Leningrad Hermitage Museum, published in 1 936; The History of Chess: A Short Out line ( 1 93 1 ) and Chess in the USSR: Historical Outlines ( 1 938) by Kogan ; Chess Over 1 ,400 Years (in Georgian , 1 957) by Vadbolsky; The East-the Home
of Chess (in Uzbek, 1%4) by Mukhitdinov; and Chapters of Chess History (in Azerbaijanian, 1 %6) by Kuliyev. There are also profiles of leading Soviet women chess players , and a number of important studies on chess com position, and the psychology fac tor in chess play. Chess analysts are not the only people interested in the psycholo gy of chess. Chess can be used for important experiments in the field of general psychology. As long ago as 1 926 a book was published by a group of resear chers from the Moscow laborato ry of experimental psychology and psycho-engineering, who had examined the participants in the 1 925 International Tournament. In recent years international grandmaster Krogius has carried out important scientific investiga tions in the field of chess psychology. His book, On the Psychology of Chess Play, had a great impact on the elaboration of modern methods of training. Another book of his, Man in Chess, was published in 1 967 , where he analyses in detail the psychological factors of chess battles and gives a number of interesting recommendations . Other works by Krogius , on the psychology of conflict situa tions, have also been duly ac knowledged by scientific and chess circles . In 1 980 Assistant Professor Krogius of Saratov University s uccessfully defended his doctoral thesis on aspects of the psychology of the chess game. The Central Research Institute of Physical Culture has set up a special laboratory to study the
psychological problems of chess play, with international master Sc. Alatortsev , Cand. (Pedagogics) in charge of it. A lot of theses on the subject of chess have been written in the USSR. This keen interest in chess is, of course, determined not only by the specific problems of the game , but also, and primarily, by the fact that modern science re gards chess play as a suitable model for research on creative processes in general . At the 1 8th International Con gress of Psychology, held in Mos cow in 1 %6, five papers were read on aspects of the chess player' s thinking. Many promi nent scientists are busy studying these problems and try on this basis to work out chess program mes · for electronic computers. Nor bert Wiener, the "father of cybernetics", was the first to start working in this field . Experts believe that research into the specific features of a chess player' s thinking will help to solve problems of heuristic programming. Indeed, despite the availability of strictly defined rules, there is no practical option in chess of choosing an optimal strategy which would supply an swers to the question of which side will win or is a draw inevit able . . A chess player, in pondering over his next move, does not analyse all the possible moves , but, guided by general considera tions and intuition , limits his quests to a comparatively small number of variations. Even after making a decision, in most in stances a chess player is unable 1 69
to prove that it is the only correct one. Therefore, in situations of a problematic nature a chess player makes his choice by heuristic methods . Chess is a n especially promis ing field for a study of thought processes , because the game in volves a great deal of unclear and uncertain situations. Nearly every move calls for the creative solu tion of a problem. Professor Klaus, a prominent cybernetics expert, pointed out that the game of chess was an abstract expression of struggle in general, and could be employed for a study of conflict situations. Iri the opinion of Academician Trapeznikov the game is a good model for applying the theory of decision-making. In the last ten years or so, Mikhail Botvinnik D.Sc. (Tech nology), has accomplished a great amount of work studying the laws of chess thought and framing chess programmes for electronic computers. In 1 966, he published a paper entitled The A lgorhythm in Chess Play; and set himself the task of teaching a computer in the near future to play chess at grandmaster level. The results of this work are not yet known. Smilga, a Soviet scientist and chess player, wrote: "In theory it is possible to develop computers which would store the experience of chess play , improving at the same time its quality. In theory, although there is still a long way to go before achieving this, it is possible to make a computer memorise all the openings and endings known in chess theory. But even an ideal computer of 1 70
this kind will have to be guided by those, generally speaking, very limited criteria which can be expressed in logical form, and, therefore , it will have to be content with a very modest place in the t:1ble of tournament re sults . " Modest because i t i s not calcu lation that determines succes in chess. Strength in chess lies in the ability to evaluate a position. It is hard to say whether Bot vinnik' s idea of developing an "electronic grandmaster" will materialise. All that can be said is that the work of mathematicians and cyberneticians to understand human thought has been going on continuously. "I expect," wrote Mikhail Bot vinnik, "that a programme will be developed capable of winning from a grandmaster. But not for the sake of sensation. This will make it possible to use the intel lectual abilities of electronic com puters in many spheres of science and technology and, in the first place, in the economic field." This is what Arlazarov and Bitman, prominent mathemati cians, wrote about the pos sibilities of machine and man in a chess game. "The view has so far been current among chess players that the outcome of a game in certain positions is determined not only by the position itself, but also by the creative per sonalities of the players. And this is really so, if chess players are unable to calculate variations of a sufficient number of moves ahead . "As a matter of fact, the total number of positions that can arise
is finite . Therefore , in any posi tion, including the initial one, the result is predetermined . "The important thing is that what has been said is not a matter of a chess or philosophical credo, but a fact that can be proved mathematically . The ini tial position is therefore , a win ning one for White, a draw, or, maybe, even a winning one for Black, although we do not yet know which one of the three possibilities will , in fact, material ise . It stands to reason that should we be able to develop a machine which can calculate all possible variations any number of moves ahead, we will know the answer. "Unfortunately (or, perhaps fortunately), not only does such a machine not exist, it cannot be developed at all . " This is, indeed, a very substan tial remark, especially so , if one considers the fact that its authors are experts who worked on the programme for the Soviet compu ter which took part in a very interesting chess programme com petition, held in 1 974. A world robots' chess cham pionship seemed a fantastic idea. It nevertheless became a reality . The first tournament was held according to what is known as the Swiss system, in four rounds . Winning all the four games, the Soviet Caissa Programme , de veloped by the Moscow Institute of Economic Management Prob lems came first, taking the world electronic chess title. Chess re ports were full of familiar terms and struck one as incredible. For the first time ever, human beings
ceded their places at the chess board to machines. We must remember, however, that chess-playing robots are the creation of man. Every intelligent move by a computer is a victory for man , the triumph of his intel lect. And the world robots ' chess championship was not a struggle of thoughtless automatons, but competition rather between people who have succeeded m developing a symbiosis of mathematics and chess. Summing up the results of the competition , Trapesnikov, direc tor of an institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, wrote the following in the newspaper Prav da: "Any game means an un countable number of variations. The chess player has to limit himself to pondering merely some possibilities , the most promising ones from his point of view. "But can one not use a machine and to quickly analyse a larger number of variations and select the best ones? It is under stood that this will be meaningful only if the machine manages to go through all or nearly all the variations. What if a complete analysis is impossible, however? "It is here that method s of reducing analysis, which play a central part in chess programmes where it is necessary to calculate a vast number of variations, come into their own. "A decisive step in this direc tion has been the development of a method of 'borders and evalua tions' . . . Workers at our institute have lately advanced on this road still further, suggesting a new method of reducing analysis 171
on the basis of a productive idea of the similarity of different un identical variations." Robots' chess competitions are now held regularly , with increas ing numbers of entrants . The field of entrants at the 1 980 championship comprised 18 prog rammes. And now for a game between computers. Given below is one of the games played in the First World Championship.
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 d6 4. d4 exd4 5 . Qxd4 White' s intention is obviously fast development. 5 . . . Nge7 6. 0-0 f6 Black's last is not easily ex plained . In subsequent play , how ever, Franz proves that it is quite justified. 7. Bf4 Be6 8. Nc3 Qc8 A human would undoubtedly have played 8 . . . a6, equalising the chances. 9. Rad1 Bf7 Black' s sixth move created this refuge for the Bishop. 10. Qb4 A strange , yet by no means, pointless move. Franz intends to activate its Queen by moving it to g4. Now , however, 1 0 . . . Qg4 can be answered by 1 1 . Bxc6 + . 10. . . a6! 1 1 . Bxc6+ Nxc6 12. Qa4 The right move here is 1 2 . Qa3 . 12. b5 13. Qa3 d5! 14. b4 Bxb4 15. Qb2 dxe4 16. Rfe1 f5 Greed is the downfall not only of human beings. By defending his Pawn , Black runs into im.•
mediate difficulties . After 1 6 . . . 0-0 1 7 . Rxe4 Bc5 , White would have found it hard to defend his position . 1 7 . Ne5 A human would have played 1 7 . Nxe4, obtaining an irresistible attack here, for example, 17 . . . fxe4 1 8 . Qxg7 Rg8 1 9. Rxe4+ Ne7 20 . Qe5 , etc. But computers are programmed to stint material sacrifices. 17. . . Nxe5 18. Bxe5 Bxc3 19. Bxc3 ( 1 9. Qxc3 is, of course, much more effective) 19. . . Rg8 20. f3 Qb7 21. Bxg7 A mistake, after which Black again has a superior game . B efore taking the Pawn at g7 , White should have traded Pawns at e4. 2 1 . . . Qb6+ 22. Bd4 Qg6 23. g3 0-0-0 24. fxe 4 fxe4 25. Bf6 Rd5. 26. Rxd5 Bxd5 27. QeS Qf7 28, Rd1 Bxa2 29. Qxe4 Kb8 30. Be5 ReS Black's last is a natural move, not only for a computer. This pinning of the Bishop appears very attractive. It is a losing move, however, because of the combination spotted by Caissa, distinguished for its tactical vis ion. 30. . . Qe6 was correct.
DIAGRAM 1 20 30. Qc6! A decisive move. There is a threat of 3 1 . Qb6+ or 3 1 . Rd7 , while in reply to 30. . . Rxd5 , White mates in two moves. 30 . . . Qg6 This precipitates a defeat. 30 . . . Rf8 i s more persistent. Incidental ly, the tournament has shown
that all robots "feel at a loss" and blunder in difficult positions. 31. Qxc7 + Ka8 32. Rd7 Qf5 33. Qc6 + + . Though the standards of play by electronic computers are, of course, not yet high, they will doubtless be so in the future This will, of course, not affect the general level of play. Chess is a creative process. Chess survives as a game because it is intrinsical ly heterogeneous. The chess player' s strength lies not only in logic, knowledge and the ability not to make mistakes. His power of imagination, intuition and search-in a word, creativity are what makes man stronger than any computer. Our modern age opens up new opportunities for chess. During the flight of the Soyuz-9 space ship, in 1 970, for example , a radio game was played between cosmonauts A. Nikolayev and V. Sevastyanov and the Earth (Air Force Colonel General N . Kamanin and space pilot V. Gorbatko). The cosmonauts played White.
One of the flight controllers wrote about the purpose of this game in the newspaper Pravda: "The programme of the Soyuz-9 spaceship envisages the alterna tion of work, rest and recreation, a regimen more favourable for the space crew. Chess means actively spent leisure time. It invigorates the central nervous system, and creates a positive emotional reaction. A change in activity is always beneficial for people working hard and, particu larly, for those on such a challenging mission as a space flight. " W e present, below, the space crew vs. Earth team game :
Queen's Gambit Accepted SPACE
1. d4 d5 2. c4 dxc4 3. e3 3 . Nf3 is more often seen here, which forestal ls Black's next move. 3 .. e5 4. Bxc4 exd4 5. exd4 Nc6 The usual continuation here is 5 . . . Bb4+ 6. Nc3 Nc6 7 . Nf3 0-0, with rougly equal chances . Black's last is one of the latest recommendations by theoreti cians. 6. Be3 Bd6 7. Nc3 Nf6 8. N£3 0-0 9. 0-0 Bg4 10. h3 Bf5 (a better move is 1 0 . . . Bh5) 11. Nh4 The space crew delivers a neat blow. White prepares for moving their Queen to f3 . 11 . . . Qd7 12. Qf3 Ne6 13. g4 1 3 . Qxb7 would have been a risky move, in view of 1 3 . . . Rab8 14. Qxa7 Bxh3 ! but the next move is far from the best choice. Cor.
rect is 1 3 . Bg5, with good oppor tunities for attack. 13 . . . Bg6 14. Rae1 Kh8 15. Bg5 Neg8! Black' s last shows the purpose of the preceding move by their King. The transfer of the Knight to g8 considerably strengthens Black's defences.
25. Bxc4 It was possible to sacrifice the Bishop by taking the g6-Pawn , leading t o unforeseeable compli cations. But in their state of weightlessness the space crew seemed to be reluctant to direct the game along the road to the unknown. 25. .. bxc4 26. Bd2 Prudence again. The energe tic 26. d5 ! would have enabled White to take a formidable initia tive. 26. . . Rxel 27. Rxe1 Nd5 28. g5 Qd6 29. Nxd5 cxd5 30. Bf4 Qd8 31. Be5 + Earth's team can now breath a sigh of relief, for the space crew 's threat is over. The con tinuation 3 1 . Qg3 would still have spelled danger. 31. .. f6 ·
16. Ng2 Rae8 17. Be3 Bb4 18. a3 For a long time it was danger ous to take the Pawn on b7 , but now it is possible. Instead of 1 7 . . . Bb4, Black should have played 17 . . . c6. White could have played here 1 8 . Qxb7 . 18 Bxc3 19. bxc3 Be4 20. Qg3 c6 20 . . . Qa4 ! is more active . 21. f3 Bd5 22. Bd3 b5 23. Qh4 g6 24. Nf4 Bc4! The Bishop on d3 , occupying a formidable post, must be removed . ..•
1 74
32. gxf6 Nxf6 33. Bxf6 + Rxf6 34. ReS + Qxe8 35. Qxf6 + K.g8 Here the opponents, having
exhausted all their resources , ag reed to a draw. Symptomatically enough , chess is very popular in the Starry townlet space centre . This is what the cosmonauts have to say about the game. V. Gorbatko: It is excellent training for one's memory, par memory, visual ticularly without which no pilot can fly let alone planes, modern spaceships. Chess develops fast reactions. V. Sevastyanov: It seems to me that what really matters is the ability to make decisions under time pressure. This is a requisite quality for people of many pro fessions. On the other hand, in this age of complexities , people speak ever more frequently about the links between man and machine. Research in the sphere of chess programming can be employed for many practical pur poses, primarily, for improving functional control systems. What then do we mean by the term chess culture? This concept covers the total achievements in the sphere of chess, which in the Soviet Union is regarded as a sport, art and science. An organic component of the notion "chess culture" is the ability to make use of the knowledge that has accumulated over time and practical experi ence. We can safely say that chess culture in the USSR has taken shape on the basis of criti cally perceiving and processing the achievements of all the pre ceding epoch s . When speaking o f the develop ment of our chess culture , we
mean ; primarily , the great popu larity of chess among all sections of the population. "It would be wrong to presume that all this is due to the special talent of the Soviet people for chess. It goes without saying that we have a wealth of talent, but the chief thing is the conditions a socialist society provides for the advancement and training of people with talent," wrote Mikhail Botvinnik. Chess has come to hold a special place in the Soviet people ' s life. Currently, chess sections and clubs in the USSR have a membership of about four million chess players. Chess has become very popular even in such territories and regions where before the revolution there were very few literate people, never mind chess players. This strikes a sharp contrast with the conditions in a socialist society, where chess, combining the beauty and tension of the sporting struggle with precision and depth of calcu lation, demanding boldness and daring, has become a means of education, and acquired a social force. State support for the chess movement is supplemented to a large extent by public support from trade unions and sports societies . This ensures the popu larity of chess, a reliable material basis and truly democratic leader ship. Tournaments and matches are viewed as a means of further popularising chess. They are held in order to discover talented chil dren, to improve the mastery of the leading representatives of the 175
Soviet chess school . The existing chess ratings system not only determines a chess player's level but also provides him with pros pects for sporting and creative growth. The growth in its popularity of the game made it imperative to train instructors. For the first time in chess history, a depart ment of chess was established, in 1 966 , at the Moscow Central In stitute of Physical Culture . Sec ondary school leavers, and first grade chess players, who pass the entrance examinations, are enrol led at the department, which pro vides a four-year course in line with the syllabi of higher educa tion establishments, with special emphasis on chess. The graduates of the Institute qualify as secon dary school teachers and chess trainers. The teachers at the Department are: M . Botvinnik, D.Sc. (Tech nology), former world cham pion ; T. Petrosyan, Cand. Sc. (Psychology), also former world champion, grandmasters Yuri A verbakh and Alexei Suetin; Pro fessor A . Gulyayev , master of chess composition ; and other eminent experts . Not only has the Department of Chess given a higher education to a number of up-and-coming chess players, but also enabled them to make progress in com petitive chess. While still a stu dent of the Department, Yuri Balashov won the title of grand master, and post-graduate student Yuri Razuvayev became an inter national grandmaster . The Soviet public , and cultural and sports organisations take into 1 76
account the beneficial influence of chess on man' s psychological make-up, character and will power. It has been recognised that chess can develop certain abilities, particularly that of logi cal thought. An analysis of the nature of chess confirms thi s . The game of chess requires logical thinking, for the game depends not only on the pieces and pawns, but also on the special features of the players' psychology, their physi cal preparedness . The game of chess is a manifestation of both the will to . win and artistic creativity , the player aiming to surmount all barriers and realise his plans and ideas. Almost every chess player, in resolving problems over the chess board, strives to raise his stan dards in the spheres of theory and practice. To this end chess enthusiasts increase their theoret ical knowledge, develop their ability to analyse and calculate variations, and learn to under stand the position, a most dif ficult task. At the same time we must remember that although there are abilities specifically ap plicable to chess, the develop ment of one' s intellectual powers is of much greater importance from the social standpoint. Society is not indifferent to the fact that the game of chess dis ciplines thought, teaches one to correctly organise one's thought processes: chess demands a lengthy and constant concentra tion of attention. After all , in chess , one pays for every mo ment of slackened concentration
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, ,,
People of all ages play chess in the Soviet U n ion. Space pilot V. V. Gorbatko
Valeri Salov - a grandmasters
new generation of
with unpleasant moments and, maybe, a lost game. Chess also demands enterprise, inventiveness, and resourceful nes s ; players have to overcome many a difficulty, and to face dangerous surprises. The necessi ty of constant persistence, self control, and purposefulness, and of correctly appraising the oppo nent' s plans and intentions, deter mine the major educational value of chess. Strength at chess lies in a person's powers of thought. Intel lectual competition , the test of one ' s strength in logic and calcu lation, imagination and resource fulness -that is what attracts us in this ancient game . Chess holds a unique status among all other games, making it a cultural factor of social significance. Chess has become an intrinsic part of the work of children's sports organisations and non scholastic establishments: the Young Pioneer Houses and Palaces, and Young Pioneer camps. "Chess is an excellent way of training consistent logical thought. The game of chess should enter into primary school life as an element of intellectual culture ," wrote Academician V . Sukhomlinsky, an outstanding figure in Soviet pedagogics. The scientifically grounded forms and methods of chess in struction help to educate the modern cultured person, and at tract many young people to chess. Despite the thousand-year-old history of the game, chess pedagogics is, in effect, at its initial stage . There is still much ·
that is unclear. We have only recently discovered at what age it is most expedient to start teach ing children the ABC of chess, for there were no scientifically substantiated recommendations on this problem. One of the pioneers in the study of this theme was N. Krogius, D.Sc. (Psychology) . His book, Age Dis tinctions in Intellectual Abilities proves on the basis of an analysis of many facts that chess can be taught to children beginning from the age of five. The scientist ' s theoretical as sumptions were based, among other things, on the experience of teaching chess in Play School No. 2 of the Moscow District in Leningrad. All the children in this play school, 5-6 years of age, can play chess and enjoy the game . When the children start going to school, the teachers note their ability to think and reason inde pendently. V. Grishin, a specialist in edu cational methods at the M inistry of Education of the Russian Fed eration , has for many years now been doing special and successful work on chess in play schools. He is one of the co-authors of an illustrated book A Chess Primer, meant for children 5-7 years of age. The book came off the press in 1972 in an edition of 200,000 copies. Children' s institutions outside the school network, the Young Pioneer Palaces and Houses, have long become centres for the popularisation of chess among Soviet schoolboys and girls, and they organise wide-ranging chess competitions among youngsters .
It became imperative to consider whether it is possible and worth while to include chess in the school curriculum . Many such attempts have been made, and we can now safely say that both teachers and parents favour the inclusion of chess in school programmes . Educational ists see the chess lesson as a sort of Jesson in logic. The teaching of chess has now been introduced in a number of Moscow schools. Similar work is being done successfully in Lenin grad, Chelyabinsk, Riga, Perm and Tbilisi. Interesting results have also been achieved in school No. 80 in Voronezh, in Chuvash school No. 3 in the city of Kan ash , and in many other primary and secondary schools. The sports boarding school set up in Moscow also has a chess department. Here the schoolchil dren are taught according to the general programme for secondary schools and have lessons in chess strategy and tactics five times a week. The USSR junior chess com petitions, which are preceded by numerous selective trials in all the Union Republics, have been conducted since 1 934. Children's chess sections and clubs i n the Young Pioneer Palaces and Houses also began to be set up in the 1 930s. The popularisation of chess among children has assumed a particularly large scale in recent years . The newspaper Pioners kaya pravda, which has a circula tion of 1 0,000 ,000 , has taken to holding nationwide competitiOns of Young Pioneer teams. Such 178
teams are made u p of the pupils of one school, where an internal championship has already been held. Entrants can be chosen from among pupils aged seven to fifteen. Then the Young Pioneer teams compete on district, city and re public level and, finally, the sur vivors gather during the summer holidays for the final champion ship . These competitions, known as the White Rook tournaments, annually attract up to a million participants. Millions of young amateurs ! These are the future of Soviet chess- new masters and grand masters , people devoted , heart and soul , to the game . The Soviet school of chess has always been proud of the abun dance of talented children. Within the USSR today there is a large group of gifted masters, who will, undoubtedly, move to leading positions within the next few years. We should mention, first of all, the world junior chess champion Gary Kasparov , on whom FIDE conferred the title of grandmaster in 1 980 . Kasparov has played chess since early childhood, competed in the Young Pioneer tourna ments in his home city of Baku in Azerbaijan , and then on a nation wide scale. Kasparov' s hero i s Alexander Alekhine, and his teacher in the flesh is Mikhail Botvinnik. He himself has said that he owes everything he has achieved in chess to Botvinnik. "Way back, when the 1 0-year old Gary joined my correspon-
dence course," Botvinnik recal led, "I was surprised at his ability to figure out complicated varia tions, and also at his frank and strong desire to achieve the mas ter ' s level . " This was i n 1 972, and from 1 977 , when Gary was 1 5 , he started gaining ever greater suc cess in chess . Kasparov did excellently in the Top League of the USSR cham pionship, and came first at an in tournament international Yugoslavia, where his rivals were 14 grandmasters. He was on the USSR national team which won the European championship and the gold medals at the 22nd Chess Olympiad in Valletta, Malta. He also achieved the best result on the Soviet team: 9.5 points out of a possible 1 2 . Gary's great talent i s happily combined with a high degree of exactingness towards himself, with the ability to work hard and perseveringly . These qualities of his no doubt bear the imprint of Botvinnik's beneficial influence. A characteristic feature is that, like Botvinnik in his younger day , Kasparov was an excellent pupil at school. He finished secondary school with a gold medal and has been accepted to study at the Azerbaijan Institute of Foreign Languages. Soviet chess fans have big hopes of Gary Kasparov and look forward to his participation in the matches of challengers for the chess crown . The following two games give one an idea of the striking and unusual play of the young grand master. u•
Gruenfeld Defence G . KASPAROV
European Team Chess Championship Skara, 1 980
1 . d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. e4 Nxc3 6. bxc3 Bg7 7. Nf3 b6 The Czechoslovak master chooses a rare plan of develop ment. Usually seen here is 7 . . . Bg4. 8. Bb5+ An important check somewhat disorganising Black's forces. 8 . . . Nd7? is ineffective , i n view of 9. Bc6, while the trading of bishops after 8 . . . Bd7 renders 7 . . . b6 unconvincing. Hence the next move: 8... c6 9. Bc4 0-0 10. 0-0 Ba6 (after 1 0. . . Bb7 1 1 . Qe2 c5 1 2. Bg5 , White' s game is better). 1 1 . Bxa6 Nxa6 12. Qa4 Qc8 13. Bg5 Qb7 14. Rfel (but not 14. Bxe7, in view of 14 . . . Rfe8, taking the Pawn on e4). 14. . . e6 (a better move was 14 . . . Rfe8) 15. Rab1 c5 16. d5! This unexpected offer of a Pawn enables White to seize the initiative. 16.. . Bxc3 17. Red1 exd5 18. exd5 Bg7 It was pointless to attempt the rearrangment: 1 8 . . . Nc7 1 9 . Be7 Rfe8, because of the unpleasant incursion 20. Qd7 ! 19. d6 f6 DIAGRAM 123
Black seems to believe that by o�sting the Bishop from g5, he will render the Pawn on d6 harm179
less; he is, however, heading for an unpleasant surprise. 20. d7! fxg5 21. Qc4+ Kh8 22. Nxg5 Kasparov ' s brilliant combina tive plan is based on the fact that Black' s pieces are isolated and the Knight on a6 is completely immobilised . If now 22. . . Bd4 23 . Rxd4 ! cxd4 24. Qxd4 + Kg8 25. Ne6, demolishing all Black's fortifications. 22. . . Bf6 23. Ne6 Nc7 24. Nxf8 25. Rd6! Be7 White threatened 26. Rxf6, but the next move does not save Black from trouble.
27. Qc3+ Kg8 28. Rd7 Bf6 29. Qc4+ Kh8 30. Qf4! Qa6 Black seems to have lost his bearings confronted by an av alanche of crushing blows. More chances for survival were offered by 30. . . Bg7 ! 3 1 . Qxc7 Qxc7 32. Rxc7 Bd4 3 3 . Rfl a5 , but even in this case 34. a4 would be an indisputable proof of White's superiority. The next move loses at once. 31 . Qh6 Resigns . A n excellent victory for the young grandmaster.
English Opening A. TEMPONE
World Junior Chess Championship Dortmund, 1980
26. d8Q! Another surprise. The Pawn's fast advance is very impressive. 26 Bxd8 Similarly unconsoling is 26 . . . Rxd8, because of 27 . Rxd8 + Bxd8 28 . Qf7, and if 28 . . . Qd5 29. Qxd5 Nxd5 30. Rd l , and so on.
1 . Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 g6 3. b3 Bg7 4. Bb2 c5 5. c4 d6 6. Bg2 eS Kasparov chooses a sequence leading to complicated play. Black has no intention of ceding control of the central squares to him. 7. 0-0 Nc6 8. Nc3 0-0 9. d3 In a game at the European
1 80
Team Championship (Skara, 1 980), Master Webb of Britain played here 9. e3, but after 9 . . Bf5 1 0 . d4 e4 ! 1 1 . Ng5 Re8 1 2. dxc5 dxc5 1 3 . Nb5 Re7 , Black obtained a good game . 9 Ne8 idea. Black An interesting moves the Knight to c7, from where it will also cover d5, to open the way for the Pawn to advance to f5 . 10. Nd2 Nc7 1 1 . e3 Be6 12. Ret ( 1 2. a3 was better here. The natural 1 2 . Nd5 was wrong , be cause of 1 2 . . . Bxd5 1 3 . cxd5 Nb4) 12. . . Qd7 13. Ret Gary Kasparov indicated that White should have sought compli cations by playing 1 3 . f4. 13 . . . Rad8 14. Nde4 h6 15. f4 f5 16. Nf2 exf4 17. gxf4 Qf7 ( 1 7 . . . g5 was more energetic). 18. Qd2 g5 (even now this move is possible, but it is no longer as dangerous to White as it was before). 19. Ne2 d5 20. Bxg7 Qxg7 2 1 . Kh1 According to Kasparov , White would have had good prospects after 2 1 . Ng3 ! But what is the purpose of Kasparov 's offer of a Pawn? In case of 2 1 . cxd5 Bxd5 22. Rxc5 Bxg2 23 . Kxg2 Nd5, Black would have started a keen combinational battle with good chances for success. 2 1 . . . dxc4 22. bxc4 Ne8 Black's last is a wise preven tive move indicative of genuine grandmaster' s play. White hoped his Knight could make a swift raid : Ng3 and Nh5, but Black returns the Knight to f6, because .
the f-Pawn has already been post ed at f5. 23. Qc3 Nf6 24. d4 Bc8 The game has grown very acute. 24. . . Ne7 was more de pendable. 25. Rcd1 cxd4 26. exd4 Ne7 27. d5 Ng6 28. Nd3 It seems that White is unaware of the imminent danger to his position, for otherwise he would have played 28. a4. 28 . . . Nh4 29. Rgl b5! DIAGRAM 1 25
A preconceived strike. Now White' s centre collapses, and he has to retreat all along the line. 30. Ne5 bxc4 31. Qxc4 Bb7 32. d6+ Kh7 33. Bxb7 Qxb7+ 34. Qc6 Qxc6+ 35. Nxc6 It appears at first sight that White ' s game is quite good, but Black's next move sharply changes the picture. 35 . . . Ne4! 36. Rgfl Mate on f2 threatens . In reply t o the possible 3 6 . Rge 1 , Kasparov indicated the following 181
beautiful vanat10n: 36. . . Rc8 ! 37. d7 Rxc6 38. d8Q Rxd8 39. Rxd8 Rc2 with a decisive attack. If 40. Nd4, a very effec tive move is 40 . . . Rg2 ! . 36. .. Rxd6 37. Rxd6 Nxd6 38. fxg5 hxg5 39. Rdl ReS! 40. Nd4 Re3 41 . Kgl Ne 4 DIAGRAM 126
points of chess, but he, undoub tedly, had common sense and that natural intuition is a sure sign of talent. That competition brought Vale ry a special prize for persistence and courage in chess. The young Leningrader held every inch of his ground on the board , and even experienced opponents did not find it particularly easy to topple him. From that time on Valery be came a constant entrant at Young Pioneer tournaments. Soon , he qualified as a candidate-master; in 1979 as a master, and a year later won the world cadets' chess title, which is contested by chess players under 1 7 . The following game gives one an idea of the style of play of the youngest Soviet champion.
Even with only a few pieces left Kasparov skilfully creates a mating net around White' s King. 42. Rbl Rd3 43. a4 Rd2 Resigns. *
When in 1 973 the old Russian city of Izmail was the venue of a regular finals tournament of the Young Pioneers' White Rook Chess Club, the performance of Valery Salov, a nine-year-old pupil from school No. 1 1 in Leningrad , attracted the experts' attention . Of course, the youngster did not yet know much about the fine 1 82
World Cadets' Chess Championship Le Havre, 1980
The cadets' tournaments have been held regularly since 1 977. ' The Le H avre cham pionship gathered a field of entrants from 47 countries. The game we are now going to look at was of great importance in the struggle for first place. 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 e5 6. Ndb5 d6 7. bg5 a6 8. Na3 b5 9. Bxf6 gxf6 10. Nd5 f5 This variation , which is disting uished by a struggle of exception al tension at the opening stage has become known as the Chelyabinsk variation, as its
najor sequences were thoroughly malysed by the young grandmasters :helyabinsk {evgeny Sveshnikov and A . Pan :henko. 1 1 . Bd3 Be6 12. c4 Also seen in tournaments is 2. Qh5 Rg8. It is difficult to Lppraise the implications of the .acrifice of a piece: 1 2 . Bxb5 ! ? Lxb5 1 3 . Nxb5 ; after all, the �eningrad schoolboy believes in he reliability of Black's position. 12. . . Qa5 + 13. Kfl Bxd5 .4. exd5 ( 1 4 . cxd5 has also been ried in tournaments, which Black Lnswers by 1 4. . . Ne7, and if 5. exf5, Bg7 ; for the Pawn sac ifice Black has good chances for LCtive play). 14 . . . Nd4 15. cxb5 axb5 16. Nc2 llxc2 17. Qxc2 e4 18. Qc6+ Ke7 This is how the young play oday. Castling has been con . igned to oblivion, and the Black c.ing boldly sets out for the niddle of the board. 19. Bxb5 Ra7 DIAGRAM 1 27
Let us assess the position for both sides. Indeed, White is not only a Pawn up , but he also has two connected passed Pawns on the Q-side. Black, nevertheless, has sufficient chances for coun terplay . White will find it hard to activate his Rooks, while Black's Bishop will be excellently positioned at g7. 20. a4 Not the best, although it seems a natural continuation . Apparent ly stronger is the modest 20. a3 . The Ivanovic vs. Sveshnikov game (the USSR-Yugoslavia match, 1 976) continued as fol lows: 20. Qe8 + Kf6 2 1 . g4 Re7 22. Qb8 Ke5 , and in an acute encounter Black gained victory. 20 . . . Bg7 2 1 . Qcl Rb8 22. Rb1 (there was the threat of 22 . . . Rxb5) 22. . . Rxb5! Salov still opts for this move, which is, in effect, a subtle posi tional combination. Black relies on the fact that White's Rook on h 1 is actually out of play. 23. axb5 Qxb5+ 24. Kg1 Qxd5 25. h4 Qc5! DIAGRAM 1 28
An excellent move convincing ly showing that in the person of Valery Salov Soviet chess has a player of great potential . Only a master of high class can agree to the trading of queens in such a position. Less attractive is 25 . . . Be5 , which i n the game between grandmasters Torre and Quin teros (Amsterdam, 1977) gave an advantage to White after 26. Rh3 f4 27 . Ra3 ! Rd7 28. b4. 26. Qxc5 dxc5 27. RhJ Rb7 28. Ret? (28 . Kfl would have left 1 83
more chances for a successful defence) .
28. . . Bd4 29. b3 f4! White's Rook now feels un comfortable even on h3 . 30. Kfl f5 31. Rc2 Ra7 32. Ke2 Ral 33. Rd2 Rgl 34. Rh2 The Rook' s post is unenviable. The young Leningrader' s strategy has acquitted itself well. 34 . . . Bc3 35. Rdl f3+ 36. gxf3 exf3+ 37. Kd3 Rxdl + 38. Kxc3 Rfl 39. Kc4 Kd6 40 h5 h6 White is in dire straits . The rest of the game is a precise realisa tion of the advantage gained. 41 . Kc3 Ke5 42. Kc4 Rcl + 43. Kd3 Rbl 44. Kc3 Rgl! 45. Kc4 Rg2 46. Rhl Rxf2 47. Kxc5 Rb2 48. b4 f2 49. b5 Kf4 50. b6 Kg3 White resigns .
"The competition for the world title is the most vivid exciting and instructive period in the history of chess. This chapter deals with the struggle between styles and schools; it is a treasure store of chess art preserving the gems of the world champions' creative thought. It is precisely in this period that the general progress of chess is reflected in the more convincing and impressive exam ples . " This was written b y the out standing Soviet Grandmaster Vyacheslav Ragozin, who had been Mikhail Botvinnik' s coach for many years . In the year 1 98 1 the chess world witnessed two most inter esting contests in the struggle for the chess crown. World champion Anatoly Kar pov defended his title for the second time. His first match as chess king was played in 1 978, his opponent being Victor Korch noi . The match which was to be played until one of the opponents obtained six victories was held in Baguio, the Philippines . Anatoly Karpov won the match by a score of 6 won, 5 lost and 2 1 drawn. Victor Korchnoi emerged again
as the challenger for the world title from the elimination round of tournaments and matches held in keeping with the procedure approved by the International Chess Federation (FIDE). The match , which was played on the same terms as the previ ous one, took place in the Italian health-resort town of Merano. Anatoly Karpov made a brilliant showing in this strenuous competi tion and gained a convincing victo ry with the score of 6 won , 2 lost and 1 0 drawn games . The match has shown quite clearly that the Soviet Grandmas ter today has no equal in the strength of play and in the depth of comprehension of chess . The Soviet government asses sed the sporting and creative achievements of Anatoly Karpov highly, awarding the three-time world champion the Order of Lenin. We present here one of the games of the match in Merano.
Queen's Gambit V. KORCHNOI
1. c4 e6 2. Nc3 d5 3. d4 Be7 One of the unnoticeable and nonetheless substantial fine points that are characteristic of modern opening theory. Against the usual 3 . . Nf6, White can play 4. Bg5 , and subsequently the Knight on gl may, if given the chance, develop on e2. 4. Nf3 Nf6 5. Bg5 h6 6. Bh4 0-0 7. Rei dxc4. A continuation that is rarely met. It is common knowledge .
1 85
that the relinquishing of the centre is fraught with serious consequences, but world cham pions themselves determine the laws of strategy . Karpov has in view a plan of active counterplay on the Q-side. 8. e3 In the case of 8, e4, the interesting line is 8 . . . Nxe4 ! ? 9. Bxe7 Nxc3 1 0 . Bxd8 N x d 1 1 1 . Be7 ReS 1 2 . Ba3 Nxb2 1 3 . Bxb2 b5 . Black has three pawns for a piece. However, it can be presumed that the world champion, in answer to 8. e4, would also have replied as in the game. 8 . . . c5 9. Bxc4 cxd4 10. exd4. The move 1 0. Nxd4 a6 holds out no promise for White, and Black has a reliable defence. 10 . . . Nc6 1 1 . 0-0. Now White hopes to grasp the initiative by a breakthrough to d5 . Of course, this breakthrough should be prepared, but it is necesssry for Black to take pre ventive measures well in advance . 11 . . . Nh5! A deep understanding of the situation. The simplification of the position is favourable for Black. As a result of exchanges, the weakness of the isolated pawn on d4 may tell. 12. Bxe7 Nxe7 13. Bb3 Nf6 Black assumes control over the central square d5 . The challenger is now striving to activate his pieces. 14. Ne5 Bd7 15. Qe2 Here 1 5 . Qf3 would be better. 15 ReS 16. Ne4 A questionable decision. A s we have already noted, exchanges .•.
1 86
are in B lack's favour. White should have played 1 6 . Rfd l . 16. . . Nxe4 17. Qxe4 Bc6 18. Nxc6 Rxc6 19. Rc3 Having incorrectly appraised his possibilities, White counts on creating threats on the K-side. White should have agreed to evening up the chances after 19. Rxc6 bxc6. 19. . . Qd6 20. g3 Here, too, 20. Rdl , or even Rxc6, is preferable. 20. . . Rd8 21. Rd1 Rb6! Karpov manoeuvres with much finesse. He begins to re-group his forces, aiming at the pawn on d4. 22. Qe1 Qd7! Earlier the rook on b6 threatened to invade the b4 square , whereas now it can freely move to d6 . The aim is one and the .same: pressure on the Pawn on d4 . 23. Rcd3 Rd6 24. Qe4 Qc6 25. Qf4 The line of play 25 . Qxc6 Nxc6 26. d5 is ineffective in view of 26 . . . Nb4. Without making a sing le obvious error, White inadver tently gets himself into difficul ties. 25. . . Nd5 26. Qd2 Qb6 27. Bxd5. The move 27 . a3 would be stronger, preventing the thrust Nb4. 27 . . . Rxd5 28. Rb3 Qc6 29. Qc3 Qd7 30. f4 Ever more weaknesses appear in White's camp, but Black really threatened the breakthrough e5. 30 . . . b6 31. Rb4 b5 Restricting the mobility of White' s rook and threatening the murderous 32. . . a5 ; therefore , White' s reply is a forced one.
32. a4 bxa4 33. Qa3 Rxa4 Qb5. 35. Rd2 e5!
Splendid. Breaking �hrough White's fortifications m the centre and on the K-side, Karpov organises the invasion of the White king ' s camp with his major pieces. 36. fxe5 Rxe5 37. Qal Qe8! Black' s manoeuvres make a strong impression. He threatens 38. . . Rei + . White has to put up with the invasion of the second rank by the opponent's rook. 38. dxe5 If 38. Kf2, Rf5+ settles the issue. 38. . . Rxd2 39. Rxa5 Qc6! 40. Ra8+ Kb7 41. Qbl + g6 42. Qfl Vainly hoping for 42 . . . Qxa8? 43 . Qxf7 + , and White survives. 42 Qc5+ 43. Khl Qd5 + White resigns. If 44. Kg 1 , 44. . . Rd l . An excellent achieve ment by the world champion ! .•.
World champion Maya Chibur danidze, a student of the Tbilisi Medical Institute, had to defend her title of Chess Queen for the first time in 1 98 1 . Her rival was Nana Alexandria, a grandmaster from Tbilisi, who had already fought in world tournaments . The match took place in Bor zhomi and Tbilisi. The formula for the. duel has remained un changed for more than 20 years, with play for a majority of points in 16 games. The struggle this time was very tenacious, winding up in an 8-all tie, and Maya Chiburdanidze, being the title-holder, retained her chess crown . Here is how Grandmaster Nikolai Krogius, who heads the Chess Department of the USSR Sport Committee, characterises the results: "The match was inter esting and tense. One can safely say that, by and large, it was a struggle between equals . Nana Alexandria showed her advantage in the opening phase. She also conducted the games in which she had the initiative with confi dence. Maya Chiburdanidze, though her theoretical prepared ness proved inferior, demon strated high sporting qualities and surpassed her rival in positional manoeuvring. "In general , the match was a most intersting duel of the world ' s two strongest women chess players." The following game is charac teristic of the subtle positional play of the world women' s chess title-holder. 1 87
1. g3 d5 2. f4 h5!? The struggle assumes an unusu al and keen character at once. The natural continuations here are 2 . . . Nf6 or 2 . . . c5. 3. Bg2 h4 4. Nc3 c6 5. d3 hxg3 It did not pay to hurry with this exchange. It would have been better to play 9 . . . Qb6 in order to reply to 10. Nf3 with 1 0. h 3 . 6. hxg3 Rxh1 7. Bxh1 Qb6 8. Nf3 Bg4 9. Na4 Qa5+ 10. c3 Nd7 1 1 . Be3 Nh6 12. b4 Qc7 13. Nc5 Bxf3 This exchange is also unjus tified . It was possible to play 13 . . . Nf5 or 1 3 . . . f6, taking the e5square under protection. 14. Bxf3 Nf6 15. Qa4 Nf5 16. �f2 e5 17. g4! Bxc5 18. bxc5 Ne7 19. fxe5 Qxe5 20. Qd4 Ng6 21. Rb1 Qxd4? Black should have refrained from exchanging queens . It was necessary to play 2 1 . . 0-0-0, and if 22. Qb4, 22. . . Rd7 with both sides having good chances for vigorous play . 22. Bxd4 0-0-0 23. Kd2 Nd7 23 . . . Nh4 24. Rh l Nxf3 + 25 . exf3 Ne8 provided better chances for a successful defence. 24. Bxg7 Nxc5 25. Rh1 Nd7 26. Rh5
White' s pieces occupy the do minant heights and her bishops have acquired much strength . 26. . . ReS 27. Bd4 Kc7 28. Rf5 DIAGRAM 1 30
It is interesting to watch White limit the mobility of Black's pieces gradually and methodi cally. 28. . . Re7 29. Bf2 Nde5 30. g5! Nxf3+ 3 1 . exf3 Rd7 32. Rf6 Nf8 33. f4 b6 34. Bd4 c5 35. Be5+ Kd8 36. f5 Ke8 37. Rh6 Rd8 38. Rh8 Black has been completely im mobilised, with the threat of Bg7 hanging over her. There is no satisfactory defence any longer. 38. . . f6 39. Bxf6 Rd6 40. Bg7 Black resigns.
Time flie s , and this book, pre pared about three years ago , naturally requires a number of changes and additions . It should be pointed out, however, that these changes do not affect the fundamental positions of the Soviet chess school either in the promotion of chess in this coun try or in the presentation of creative problems. In the last few years, state and Party organisations in the Soviet Union have adopted a series of important decisions aimed at the still wider development of physi cal education and sports . Grow ing attention is being paid to encouraging the general public in town and country alike to engage in sports including chess. Every thing is being done so that physi cal education and sports may be an acknowledged necessity for every Soviet person in the inter ests of better health and heigh tened creative activity. Here are a few facts testifying to the further growth of the chess movement, which is becoming a factor of increasing significance in Soviet society. According to the figures for I January 1 983, the number of chess players in clubs and societies totalled 3 ,9 1 2 ,000. It should be mentioned that these are people who regularly take
part in competitions and are clas sified sportsmen. About a million young chess amateurs annually compete at open tournaments organised all over the Soviet Union by the popular children's "White Castle" club. The finals of these tourna ments are held during the summer holidays and are a colourful chil dren ' s festival. Dozens of new chess clubs have begun functioning recently, including big and specially de signed ones like the Palace of Chess in the city of Lvov , the Trade-Union Club in Moscow, and clubs in Minsk, Brest , Leninakan and other cities . Chess i s being publicised o n an ever-increasing scale by the press, radio and TV . For exam ple, about 70,000 chess amateurs took part in a problems competi tion organised by the editorial board of the newspaper Agricul tural Life. Another tournament, sponsored in 1 983 by the USSR Chess Federation and the news paper Soviet Sport, drew 55,000 participants. A new form of public chess instruction , universities of chess culture, has become widespread in the last few years. These unusual educational establish ments, run on a public basis, make it their objective to raise the cultural level and skill of the students. As a rule , lessons in the univer sities take place twice a month and are conducted according to a precisely worked out plan. All who wish may attend , and les sons are given by experienced players. 1 89
At these universities, hundreds of amateurs learn the methods of independent analytical work ; they study the history of chess, the problems of organising and con and competitions, ducting methods of learning the rudi ments of strategy and tactics. Such universities are function ing successfully in the Central Chess Club of the USSR, the Moscow Polytechnical Museum, the Tbilisi Palace of Chess , the Krasnodar and Riga Trade-Union Houses and in many other cities, big and small. The growing interest of the people in the art of chess can be seen from the fact that the aver age edition of a book on chess published in the USSR during the last few years has run close to 1 00 ,000 copies . In 1 982 alone, 1 6 books came out in the languages of the peoples of the USSR Georgian, Uzbek, Kirghiz, Esto nian, Lithuanian , Tatar and Tadjik. Nor is it only textbooks and guides to chess techniques that are being brought out in large editions. The general public is interested in the aesthetics, psychology and history of chess. Many publishing houses are keep ing this in mind. Nauka Pub lishers, for example, brought out a book by world champion Anatoly Karpov and Yevgeny Gik (Cand. Tech . Science), The Chess Kaleidoscope, in an edition of 300,000 copies. The same pub lishing house has brought out a book by Sergei Grodzensky (Cand. Tech Science), Chess in the Life of the Scientists, running to 250,000 copies . In this research 1 90
work, there are references to such leading modern scientists as Academicians Ivan Vinogradov (Maths) , Pyotr Kapitsa (Physics) and Iosif Orbeli (History). As early as in 1 933, the well known English reference book, Who 's Who, wrote that chess was the main relaxation of the famous Soviet physicist, Pyotr Kapitsa. Against the background of the mass development of chess , the successes of Soviet chess-players are becoming more and more impressive . Anatoly Karpov has been three times world champion, beating international grandmaster V . Kor chnoi in contests for world supre macy. The "chess crown" has been won by Maya Chiburdanidze. Women's chess in the USSR is notable for the fact that among the four claimants to the hon oured title of World Champion there were only Soviet women chess-players in 1 983 : Nana Alexandria of Tbilisi, Irina Leviti na of Leningrad , Lidia Semyono va of Kiev , and Nana Ioseliani of Tbilisi. The 1 982 World Youth Champ ion was Moscow student Andrei Sokolov, and in 1983 world supremacy among the juniors · of up to 1 6 years of age was won by a 1 4cyear-old schoolboy from Zheleznovodsk, Alexei Dreyev , who was awarded the title of Master by the International Chess Federation (FIDE). At the 1 982 World Chess Olympiad, a brilliant victory was won by the USSR team, in which, along with World Champion Anatoly Karpov ,- Were
experienced grandmasters Lev Polugaevsky , Yefim Geller, Tig ran Petrosian, and representatives of the younger generation H arry Kasparov of Baku and Artur Yusupov of Moscow. It should be noted that twenty year-old Kasparov has recently moved to the forefront as one of the world' s best chess-players. He has won a series of major international contests, and milit ant style of his brilliant and well thoughtout game is winning the sympathy of chess fans all over the world. There is now a means of evaluating the strength of a chess player. This is the system worked out by A. Elo, an American pro fessor. The highest number of points, 2,7 1 0, was won in 1 983 by Anatoly Karpov. For a long time, none of the grandmasters suc ceeded in beating the 2 ,700 bar rier except for Harry Kasparov who, after the tournament at Niksic (Jugoslavia), came very close to Karpov and is evidently going to be his main rival in the struggle for world supremacy. A team of Soviet students won a brilliant victory at the 1 983 World Youth Championship held in Chicago, USA. It is not possible to enumerate all the sports achievements of Soviet chess-players, men and women alike, but we will simply mention that in nearly all the world championships sponsored by the International Chess Feder ation, the representatives of the Soviet Union have won and are continuing to do so. One more significant fact. In the list of the world ' s best chess-
players published by the Internu tional Chess Federation in 1 9M3 , according to the Elo rating, over half were Soviet grandmasters and masters. The whole chess world is famil iar with the names o f such out standing Soviet players as 1 ,ev Polugaevsky of Moscow, Rafae l Vaganian of Erevan, Oleg Romanishin and Alexander Be lyavsky of Lvov , Vladimir Tuk makov of Odessa, and others. A steady stream of new arri vals is joining the leading ranks of the Soviet chess-players. It i s typical that i n the Higher League of the 1 98 3 Championship of the Soviet Union, the younger players should have crowded out experienced tournament warriors . Twenty-two international grand masters took part in the semifi nals of the championship and only three of them were admitted to the Higher League . The Soviet Chess Federation, which has been headed for the last few years by a dedicated chess enthusiast, Vitaly Sevas tyanov, Pilot-Cosmonaut and twice Hero of the Soviet Union, is continuing to develop fruitful cooperation with the International Chess Federation in its various spheres of activity. A wide re sponse from chess amateurs was evoked by a open letter, pub lished in 1 98 3 , from the leading Soviet grandmasters and world champions. It included the fol lowing statement: "International chess competitions in which we take part are a means of cultural of exchange , strengthening friendship and mutual relations between people of different coun191
tries . In the course of these meetings , we have many times become convinced of the sincere desire of our fellow grandmasters and masters and of all chess players for peace. Convincing testimony of this was the Appeal for Peace, unanimously adopted in November 1 98 2 by the General Assembly of the International Chess Federation, whose mem bership includes the federations of 1 20 countries .
We call on all the world's chess-players actively to join the struggle for the preservation of life on Earth , which is threate ned by a thermonuclear catas trophe . " T o these penetrating words i t can only be added that the noble motto of the International Chess Federation "Gens una Sumus" is a pledge that chess might flourish in the Soviet Union and all over the world.
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