The Special Program for the Arts has been one of the known banners of Sapang Palay National High School; from enhancing the innate talents of the students and winning several local and national competitions, to being seen in mall ehibits and musical shows, SPA provides !uality education for the mastery of the different artistic crafts" This year is no different, as SPA maintained its significance as a special specia l program" SPA, for this year, has continued epanding its family and resources, and also nurture the talents of the students with their new SPA coordinator, #rs" $loisa S" %rpilla, #edia Arts Special Specialist" ist" This was due to the promot promotion ion of previo previous us coordi coordinat nator or #rs" #rs" &ernad &ernadett ettee &" 'osaroso as $ducation Supervisor ( in Physical $ducation" A tribute program was held for the promotion of )The *ancing +ueen of SPNHS last August -., as she was one of the foundations of the SPA in school" As an annual program, SPA started the school year with the SPA Students/ %rientation that was conducted on the first day of &alik $skwela 01une ., -23.4" This is to orient the SPA students, specifically the 5rade 6(( artists about the school rules and regulations" (n addition, a Parents/ Parents/ %rientation %rientation program program was held last 1une 7 to have the parents be familiari8ed familiari8ed with the SPA activities throughout the year" #ore importantly, the SPA organi8ed several seminar workshops for the different fields of arts" Such workshops and training aim to enhance the students/ talents and skills in their specialty, and also to teach them new techni!ues in the creation of their masterpieces" There was the 9lute Seminar:orkshop Seminar:orkshop for SPA music students led l ed by #aestro students from the music rondalla, orchestra, drum and lyre and voice groups" 9lute then became a minor of all the students of music" Another Another workshop workshop was entitled entitled )School )School Training Training: :or orkshop kshop of SPA SPA Students Students on Theatre Arts, *ance, and #usic held last August" The said workshop aims to develop students/ talents in their chosen craft and enhance it, as well as to create a musical show in preparation for a musical show contest" This sponsored by the *epartment of ?ulture and Arts of the ?ity of San 1ose del #onte" (ndeed, all these efforts and handwork of the SPA students and specialists will come into fruition" And for the year that has passed, they now have a basket full of the fruits of their labors" Such achievements include first place in the @%n the Spot Painting ?ontest/ and @%P# Song riting ?ontest/, second place in @Short *ocumentary 9ilm/ and third place in @Shadow Puppetry/"
ith its distinctive eminence, plus the support of the school and the community, SPA will certainly be having a prosperous -23>"
The #AP$H *epartment of Sapang Palay National High School continues to act with pace in the implementation and improvement of the various programs" (n a nutshell, #AP$H *epartment has envisioned developing not ust the physical attribute but also the aspects of the students" As such, programs to reali8e the said obective were organi8ed this year" ith this, the department/s main activity, and perhaps the most awaited school event, kicked:off with ama8ing feats as epected" The (ntramurals -23., celebrated last September 33:3. had all the teachers and students amused as they watch the different sporting events participated by students from different year levels" This annual event aims to promote camaraderie among students, promote sports as part of our routine, and develop and well: rounded students" The events include Athletics, &adminton, ?hess, Sepak Takraw, Table Tennis, 6olleyball, and ?heer *ance ?ompetition, which has been a highly anticipated event" ?hampions of the said sports events are then the representatives of the school for the ?ity *ivision Athletic #eet" (t is indeed tiring to organi8e such big event and yet, the #AP$H department managed it with ease, proper arrangement, and safety" #eanwhile, one of the developments with the department is the addition of sports e!uipment worth 3B2,222 php" to the school" The e!uipment includes nets for volleyball, badminton rackets and nets, sepak takraw balls, avelin, digital chess clock, and table tennis rackets and nets" This will greatly help teachers, athletes, and students in the different sports class and events" This, together with several agenda like the plan of activities for Special Program in Sports specialists were the topics for the department meeting presided by Principal $duardo 6" ?ru8" #oreover, in celebration of the ?ityhood, music specialist and 5rade 6(( #AP$H teacher #s" #a" Sol Haban won first place in the @Cundiman/ singing contest held last September D in celebration of *ep$d *ay" Also, the #AP$H (6 teachers participated in the Alay:Eakad event last September F at San 1ose del #onte National Trade School" The SPNHS SPA %rchestra headed by #r" 'olito Nieto presented an intermission number" This was in celebration of the ?ityhood" The #AP$H department also gave its support to the 3 st Teachers and *ep$d $mployees/ Athletic #eet, by participating in the different sport events" #AP$H Teachers like #r" 1effrey Eapa8, #r" 'edentor Tanael, and #r" &ambie ?orte8 oined the 6olleyball for males" This proves that #AP$H teachers can indeed do their daily talks of P$ lessons" SPNHS will now be facing another year and it is unceasingly achieving remarkable feats and performance in the academics, sports, and the arts by competing and winning in the different contests and events, sustaining its programs and proects commendably"