A Stranger in Woodend On Saturday, 31st October, 1964, a man arried in t!e i""a#e$ %t &as "ate in t!e eenin#$ He &as "oo'in# (or some&!ere to stay t!e ni#!t$ He 'noc'ed at a door and a &oman o)ened it$ *+ood eenin#, madam,* t!e man said$ *%*m sorry it*s so "ate$ ut can you !e") me, )"ease- %s t!ere a !ote" in t!is i""a#e- % &ant to stay !ere toni#!t$* T!e &oman "au#!ed$ *A !ote"- Here in .oodend- No, sir, %*m a(raid t!ere isn*t$* *.!at a )ity,* said t!e man$ *%*m a stran#er !ere$ And % &ant to see your i""a#e tomorro&$* T!e stran#er &as ery )o"ite$ He &as ta"" and !ad dar' !air$ And !e !ad stran#e #reen eyes$ *Per!a)s /rs Harrison can !e") you,* t!e &oman said$ *S!e !as a room$ Per!a)s you can stay &it! !er$ .ait a minute$ %*"" #et my coat, and %*"" ta'e you t!ere$* T!e &oman too' t!e stran#er to /rs Harrison*s !ouse$ /rs Harrison #ae !im a room (or t!e ni#!t$ He &as ery #"ad$ %t &as t!e "ast ni#!t o( October and it &as co"d$ T!e ne0t day &as Sunday$ T!e man "oo'ed round t!e i""a#e$ He &as ery interested in t!e !istory o( t!e i""a#e$ He met some o( t!e i""a#ers and as'ed t!em t!eir names$ ut !e did not isit t!e c!urc!$ T!at &as unusua"$ T!e c!urc! in .oodend &as t!e most beauti(u" bui"din# in t!e i""a#e$ ut t!e stran#er &as not interested in it$ He did not #o to c!urc! t!at ni#!t &it! a"" t!e i""a#ers$ %t &as t!e (irst Sunday eenin# o( Noember$ .!en t!e i""a#ers came out o( t!e c!urc!, t!e man !ad #one$ T!ey !ad a"" "i'ed !im$ T!e "adies !ad t!ou#!t !e &as ery #ood"oo'in#$ A (e& &ee's "ater, !e came bac'$ %t &as t!e (irst Sunday in 2ecember$ T!e i""a#ers &ere comin# out o( c!urc!$ %t &as co"d and dar'$
*He""o !e said$ *%*m bac' a#ain$ %t*s nice to see you a"" once more$* His ne0t &ords sur)rised eeryone$ *Per!a)s you can !e") me,* !e said$ *%*m "oo'in# (or a !ouse$ % &ant to buy a !ouse !ere$* *Here-* someone said$ *ut &!y !ere- T!ere*s no &or' in .oodend (or a youn# man$ A"" t!e youn# )eo)"e "eae t!e i""a#e$ T!ey (ind &or' in idney, t!e nearest to&n$* *%*"" #et a ob some&!ere,* t!e stran#er said$ *Per!a)s in idney idney$*$* T!en one o( t!e i""a#ers to"d !im about o"d /r Smit!s !ouse$ /r Smit! !ad died in t!e summer$ His !ouse &as em)ty$ %t &as (or sa"e$ T!e !ouse &as on t!e corner o( /ain Street and C!urc! ane$ *%*"" as' about t!e !ouse tomorro&,* said t!e youn# man *Per!a)s %*"" be "uc'y$ +oodbye$ %*"" see you soon$* T!e i""a#ers &atc!ed !im "eae$ T!ey a"" sa& !is car$ %t &as ery bi# and "u0urious$ He "oo'ed ric!$ A (e& (e& days days "ate "aterr, /r Smit Smit!* !*ss !ous !ousee &as &as so"d so"d$$ And And in t!e t!e midd midd"e "e o( 2ecember, 2ecember, t!e youn# stran#er arried$ He moed into t!e !ouse and &or'ed ery !ard$ He (i0ed t!e roo($ He re)aired bro'en &indo&s$ He )ainted and decorated$ He c!an#ed t!e &!o"e !ouse$ ut t!ere &as a bi# sur)rise (or t!e i""a#ers$ On t!e mornin# o( /onday, 51st 2ecember, t!ey sa& a bi# si#n or t!e (ront o( t!e !ouse$ And on t!e si#n &ere t!ese &ords THE CORNER SHOP Pro)rietor 2ae S"atin
The Village Meeting T!e i""a#ers cou"d not be"iee it$ A s!o) in .oodend7 Eerybody ta"'ed about it$ T!ere &as once a s!o) in .oodend, .oodend, but it !ad c"osed t&enty years a#o$ Some )eo)"e &anted t!e s!o), but ot!ers did not$ T!e i""a#ers met in t!e eenin# in t!e i""a#e !a""$ Eerybody &as t!ere$ Eerybody &as interested in t!e ne& s!o)$ *T!e Corner S!o) is a #ood idea$* someone said$ *.e need a i""a#e s!o)$ .e &on*t need to #o to idney$* T!en /rs Harrison s)o'e$ S!e "i'ed t!e stran#er, 2ae S"atin$ *% a#ree,* s!e said$ *A i""a#e s!o) is a #ood idea$ %t*s too 8uiet !ere$ .oodend needs a s!o)$* *Nonsense,* said /iss ro&n$ S!e &as t!e i""a#e sc!oo"teac!er$ *idney is not (ar a&ay$ T!ere are "ots o( s!o)s t!ere$* Soon eerybody &as s!outin#$ T!en /r Hart s)o'e$ He &as a ery bi# man, &it! a "oud oice$ *isten, eerybody7* !e s!outed$ *.e*e neer !ad troub"e in t!is i""a#e be(ore$ .e*e .e*e a"&ays been 8uiet and and !a))y$ !a))y$ No& t!is s!o) is causin# troub"e$* troub"e$* *et /r S"atin s)ea',* someone said$ *%t*s !is s!o)$ et !im s)ea'$* *adies and #ent"emen,* said 2ae S"atin$ *% don*t &ant to cause any troub"e$ %*m sti"" a stran#er in your i""a#e$ ut % &ant to be one o( you$ % &ant to be your (riend$ % "i'e t!e )eo)"e o( .oodend7* He smi"ed and a (e& )eo)"e c"a))ed$ T!ey "i'ed !im$ *T!e Corner S!o) &i"" se"" "ots o( t!in#s,* !e &ent on$ *%t &i"" se"" (ood and t!in#s (or t!e !ouse$ Eeryt!in# &i"" be c!ea), % )romise7* Eerybody &as "istenin# care(u""y$ *And % !ae anot!er idea,* !e continued$ *%*"" se"" i""a#e )roducts$ *.!at do you mean by :i""a#e :i""a#e )roducts-* as'ed /iss ro&n$
*%*"" te"" you, /iss ro&n,* !e said$ *% 'no& t!at you ma'e beauti(u" bread and ca'es$* /iss ro&n smi"ed$ ;es, s!e did ma'e bread and ca'es$ Eeryone 'ne& t!at$ *And you, /r Hart, %*e seen your ("o&ers$ ;ou #ro& beauti(u" ("o&ers$* No& /r Hart smi"ed$ ;es, !is ("o&ers &ere beauti(u"$ Eeryone 'ne& about t!em$ *And /r Eerett ma'es )ots,* someone said$ *And /rs 2aies ma'es do""s,* said anot!er oice$ *And % do )aintin#s o( t!e i""a#e,* said o"d /iss ucy +ray$ *;es,* said 2ae$ *;ou can a"" do somet!in#$ ;ou i""a#ers are c"eer$ ;ou ma'e "ots o( t!in#s$ .e can se"" t!em to t!e tourists$ %n t!e summer, .oodend can ma'e a "ot o( money7* *ut &!at about t!e money-* said /r Hart$ *Ho& &i"" you )ay us-* *T!at*s a #ood 8uestion,* said 2ae$ *And !ere*s t!e ans&er$ ;ou*"" brin# your t!in#s to me and %*"" se"" t!em (or you$ %*"" 'ee) some o( t!e )ro(it$ ;ou*"" !ae t!e rest$* *.!at a #ood idea7* said /iss ro&n$ *;es, % a#ree7* said /r Hart$ A"" t!e i""a#ers a#reed$ Eeryone in t!e i""a#e &as !a))y &it! 2ae S"atin*s )"an$ T!e Corner S!o) o)ened on /onday, 4t!
The Corner Shop 2ae S"atin 'e)t !is )romises$ T!in#s at t!e s!o) &ere #ood and c!ea)$ *Ho& does !e do it-* as'ed /rs Harrison$ *%ts &inter, but !e*s se""in# "ots o( (ruit and e#etab"es$ And t!ey*re c!ea)$ % neer #o to idney no&$* T!e ot!er i""a#ers a#reed$ T!e Corner S!o) &as a success and 2ae seemed !a))y$ He )aid Anna #ood &a#es$ Sometimes !er (riend, Peter, !e")ed at t!e s!o) and 2ae #ae !im money too$ 2ae adertised in ne&s)a)ers and t!e i""a#e )roducts so"d &e""$ Peo)"e (rom idney came to T!e Corner S!o)$ T!ere &ere "ots o( isitors and .oodend became more interestin#$ T!e i""a#ers &ere sur)rised, but )"eased$ T!ey &ere ma'in# a "ot o( money$ 2ae "ied a"one, in a ("at aboe t!e s!o)$ He &as ery )o)u"ar in t!e i""a#e, but no one eer &ent to !is ("at$ No one eer sa& inside it$ At t!e bottom o( t!e stairs t!ere &ere t&o doors$ One "ed into t!e stoc'room$ T!e ot!er door !ad a notice on it SPEC%A OR2ERS ON; >EEP O?T T!e door &as a"&ays "oc'ed$ Anna neer &ent into t!e S)ecia" Orders room$ *.!y do you "oc' t!at room, 2ae-* Anna as'ed one day, *.!at*s in t!ere-* *%t*s (or s)ecia" orders,* !e re)"ied$ *i# orders$* *ut you &on*t #et any bi# orders in .oodend,* said Anna$ 2ae said not!in#$ He did not &ant to ta"' about t!at room$
A Beautiful Customer @or t!ree mont!s, eeryt!in# &as norma"$ T!en, one day in A)ri", an unusua" customer came into t!e s!o)$ T!e ne& customer &as a ery beauti(u" &oman$ S!e &as &earin# e0)ensie c"ot!es and arried in a "ar#e car$ *%s t!is T!e Corner S!o)-* t!e &oman as'ed$ S!e "oo'ed round and seemed a "itt"e sur)rised$ *;es,* re)"ied Anna$ T!is is T!e Comer S!o)$ %t*s t!e on"y s!o) in t!e i""a#e$* *%*m "oo'in# (or /r S"atin, t!e o&ner o( t!e s!o),* said t!e &oman$ *% t!in' !e*s u)stairs,* said Anna$ *%*"" #o and #et !im$ 2oes !e 'no& your name-* *;es, % t!in' so,* &as t!e re)"y$ Te"" !im$$$* T!e &oman sto))ed$ Te"" !im /iss +ordon is !ere$ /iss +reta +ordon$* Anna &as amaed$ *Are you +reta +ordon, t!e (i"m star-* *;es, t!at*s ri#!t$* T!e &oman smi"ed, but s!e &as nerous$ *.ait a minute,* said Anna$ *%*"" te"" /r S"atin t!at you*re !ere$* Anna ran to t!e bottom o( t!e stairs and ca""ed *2ae7 2ae7 T!ere*s someone to see you7* *.!o is it-* as'ed 2ae (rom u)stairs$ */iss +reta +ordon7* s!outed Anna$ *%t*s +reta +ordon7 T!e (i"m star7* *%*m comin#7* !e said, and !e came do&n immediate"y$ *%*m )"eased to meet you, /iss +ordon,* !e said$
*+ood mornin#,* said +reta +ordon$ S!e and 2ae s!oo' !ands$ S!e !ad beauti(u" !ands and s!e &as &earin# beauti(u" diamond rin#s7 Anna !ad neer seen so many diamonds be(ore$ /iss +ordon "oo'ed round$ *%s t!is &!ere you &or', /r S"atin-* s!e as'ed$ Once a#ain, s!e seemed nerous$ *;es,* said 2ae$ *%t*s a sma"" )"ace, but it*s bi# enou#! (or me$ P"ease (o""o& me, /iss +ordon$* Anna &as sur)rised$ 2ae and +reta +ordon did not 'no& eac! ot!er$ He did not ca"" !er *+reta*, and s!e did not ca"" !im *2ae*$ He seemed to be in a !urry, and s!e seemed to be (ri#!tened$ Anna &atc!ed t!em$ 2ae and +reta +ordon &ent to t!e bac' o( t!e s!o) and into t!e S)ecia" Orders room$ +reta +ordon &as a S)ecia" Order customer7 Anna t!ou#!t t!at &as ery stran#e$ S!e &anted to te"" someone about +reta +ordon$ Anna "oed (i"ms$ S!e &anted to te"" Peter about t!e (i"m star$ ut s!e !ad to stay in t!e s!o)$ Ten minutes "ater, +reta +ordon came out o( t!e S)ecia" Orders room$ 2ae &ent strai#!t u)stairs and +reta +ordon came to t!e (ront o( t!e s!o)$ T!e (i"m star "oo'ed terrib"e7 S!e &as )a"e$ S!e &as cryin#$ Her eyes &ere red &it! tears$ *.!at*s &ron#-* as'ed Anna$ *Can % !e") you, /iss +ordon-* *No, t!an's$ %*m a"" ri#!t,* said +reta +ordon$ *2o you &ant to sit do&n-* said Anna$ S!e #ot a c!air and t!e (i"m star sat do&n$ *S!a"" % #et t!e doctor-* said Anna$ *No7 No7* said +reta$ *P"ease te"" no one about my isit !ere$ P"ease te"" no one$* Anna &as disa))ointed$ S!e &anted to te"" eeryone about +reta +ordon$ S!e &anted to te"" eeryone about !er (amous customer$ *% &ant to #ie you somet!in#,* said +reta +ordon$ *Here*s a )!oto#ra)! o( me$ %*"" si#n it$* S!e si#ned t!e )!oto#ra)! and #ae it to Anna$
*P"ease 'ee) t!is,* said +reta$ *And )"ease 'ee) our secret$ P"ease don*t te"" anyone$* *A"" ri#!t,* said Anna$ *% )romise$* T!e (i"m star 'issed Anna$ S!e !e"d Anna*s !ands$ .!at a beauti(u" &oman, t!ou#!t Anna$ And &!at beauti(u" !ands7 T!en Anna noticed somet!in#$ T!e diamond rin#s &ere #one$
A Page in 'Film News' 2ae neer ta"'ed about +reta +ordon$ He neer ta"'ed about !er isit to T!e Corner S!o)$ One day, Anna as'ed !im about t!e (i"m star$ *Ho& do you 'no& +reta +ordon-* said Anna$ *%s s!e a (riend o( yours-* *% don*t &ant to ta"' about !er,* 2ae re)"ied$ *S!e &as a S)ecia" Order customer$ 2on*t as' any more 8uestions about !er, Anna$* So Anna did not as' any more 8uestions$ S!e did not as' about +reta +ordon*s S)ecia" Order and s!e did not as' about t!e rin#s$ Anna 'e)t !er )romise$ S!e neer to"d anyone about t!e (i"m star$ Soon it &as s)rin#$ Anna and 2ae &ere busy$ /r Hart brou#!t "ots o( ("o&ers to T!e Corner S!o) and Anna so"d t!em to t!e tourists$ T!ere &ere "ots o( tourists t!at year$ %n /ay, Peter as'ed Anna to marry !im$ S!e said yes$ T!ey became en#a#ed$ T!ey )"anned to #et married in t!e (o""o&in# year$ No& t!ey needed money, so t!ey &or'ed !ard and t!ey saed$ T!ey &ere ery muc! in "oe$ On Saturdays, Peter )"ayed (ootba"" or cric'et, and Anna o(ten &ent to t!e cinema in idney$ He enoyed s)orts and s!e "oed &atc!in# (i"ms$ One day, Anna &as readin# t!e (i"m ne&s$ T!is &as t!e ma#aine about (i"m stars$ S!e turned t!e )a#es$ T!ere &as a )icture o( +reta +ordon7 Anna &as )"eased .!at a sur)rise7 eauti(u" .oman &as #oin# to be a bi# (i"m$ And no& +reta +ordon !ad t!e star )art$ Anna &anted to te"" Peter about +reta, but s!e 'e)t !er )romise$ S!e did not te"" anyone$ ut s!e did s!o& @i"m Ne&s to 2ae S"atin$ *oo', 2ae,* s!e said$ *Here*s a story about +reta +ordon* %sn*t it #reat7 S!e*s #ot t!e bi# )art in eauti(u" .oman$* 2ae "oo'ed at t!e ma#aine$
+reta +ordon &i"" star in eauti(u" .oman T!e star o( eauti(u" .oman &as
A Qui! "iss Summer tourists &ere arriin# in .oodend$ T!e &eat!er &as beauti(u" and t!e s!o) &as doin# &e""$ ut Anna &as not ery !a))y$ S!e o(ten t!ou#!t about +reta +ordon*s isit$ .!y !ad s!e come to see 2ae- .!at !ad !a))ened to t!e diamond rin#s on !er (in#ersT!ere &as anot!er )rob"em$ Anna "oed Peter and s!e &as #oin# to marry !im$ ut s!e "i'ed 2ae too$ 2ae &as o"der, but s!e "i'ed !im$ A"" t!e &omen "i'ed !im$ ut Anna &as ery c"ose to !im a"" day$ %n t!e daytime, Anna &as &it! 2ae$ %n t!e eenin#, s!e &as &it! Peter$ Anna &as "iin# t&o "ies$ One "i(e &as &it! 2ae, t!e ot!er "i(e &it! Peter$ T!en one @riday, 2ae sur)rised Anna$ *.!at are you doin# tomorro&-* !e as'ed !er$ *.ou"d you "i'e to s)end t!e day &it! me- .e can #o any&!ere you "i'e$ .e can #o in my car$* *%*m sorry, 2ae,* said Anna$ *ut Peter &ou"dn*t "i'e it7* *2on*t be si""y,* said 2ae$ *.e &on*t #o (ar7 %*"" c"ose t!e s!o) at "unc!time and &e can #o to idney$* Anna &anted to #o &it! 2ae, but s!e &as &orried about Peter$
*2on*t &orry about Peter,* said 2ae$ *He*s a"&ays busy on Saturday$* Anna t!ou#!t (or a moment$ *A"" ri#!t,* s!e said$ *;ou ta'e me to t!e best cinema and to t!e best restaurant$ T!en %*"" come &it! you$* *O( course7* "au#!ed 2ae$ *Anyt!in# you &ant, Anna7* So t!e ne0t a(ternoon 2ae and Anna &ent to#et!er to idney$ T!ey !ad a #ood time$ 2ae bou#!t Anna a ne&, e0)ensie dress$ T!en t!ey &ent to a cinema and, a(ter&ards, to a restaurant$ Peter )"ayed cric'et t!at Saturday$ He neer 'ne& about Anna*s day &it! 2ae$ He &as )"ayin# in anot!er i""a#e and returned to .oodend ery "ate$ 2ae and Anna &ere a"so ery "ate$ 2ae sto))ed !is car near T!e Corner S!o)$ T!e ni#!t &as &arm$ T!an's, 2ae,* said Anna$ *%t &as a "oe"y day$* *% enoyed it too,* said 2ae$ He )ut !is arm round !er s!ou"ders and 'issed !er$ %t &as a 8uic' 'iss$ ut (or Anna, it &as &onder(u"$
Another Speial #rder T!e summer )assed$ T!e Corner S!o) &as a"&ays busy$ Sometimes, 2ae o)ened t!e s!o) on Sundays too$ Anna earned a "ot o( money$ Eeryone t!ou#!t t!at s!e &as !a))y$ ut "i(e &as di((icu"t (or !er$ S!e "i'ed 2ae$ He &as !er boss, and !e &as o"der t!an !er$ ut Peter &as !er (iance, and !e &as about t!e same a#e$ 2ae &as 8uite ric!, but Peter !ad no money$ 2ae bou#!t Anna c"ot!es, and !e too' !er out$ Peter did not buy !er c"ot!es and neer too' !er any&!ere$ He &as more interested in (ootba""$ Anna did not "i'e (ootba""$ No& it &as Se)tember$ Peter )"ayed (ootba"" eery Saturday$ One Saturday, t!ere &as a bi# (ootba"" matc! on te"eision$ /r Hart !ad t!e bi##est te"eision in t!e i""a#e and !e inited some )eo)"e to !is !ouse$ He inited Peter and Anna$ On @riday, t!e day be(ore t!e matc!, Anna &as &or'in# in t!e s!o) a"" day$ At (ie o*c"oc', s!e "oc'ed t!e s!o) door$ T&o minutes "ater, t!e be"" ran# and Anna &ent to t!e door$ T!ere &as a youn# man outside$ He &as carryin# a sma"" case$ *He""o,* s!e said$ *Can % !e") you-* *% !o)e so,* said t!e youn# man$ *% &ant to see /r S"atin$* *%*m a(raid t!at t!e s!o) is c"osed no&,* said Anna$ *.e are o)en tomorro& mornin#$* *ut %*e #ot an a))ointment,* said t!e youn# man$ T!en 2ae s)o'e be!ind Anna$ S!e !ad not seen !im$ *;es, %*e been &aitin# (or you,* said 2ae$ *;ou*re "ate$* *%*m ery sorry /r S"atin, said t!e youn# man$ *% &as$$$* *Neer mind$ Neer mind* said 2ae rude"y$ His rudeness sur)rised Anna$ T!e youn# man seemed a(raid$ *ut can you see me no&-* !e as'ed$
*;es,* said 2ae$ *Come in$* 2ae turned to Anna$ *Anna, it*s a(ter (ie o*c"oc'$ ;ou can #o !ome no&$* *% &on*t be "on#,* said Anna$ 2ae &as an#ry$ *Hurry u) and #o !ome,* !e said$ ut Anna &anted to stay$ S!e &anted to 'no& about t!e youn# man$ T!e youn# man (o""o&ed 2ae to t!e bac' o( t!e s!o) and into t!e S)ecia" Orders room$ Anot!er S)ecia" Order7 Anot!er S)ecia" Customer7 Anna &aited$ ut soon it &as !a"( )ast (ie$ Anna )ut !er coat on and "e(t t!e s!o)$ S!e c"osed t!e door ery "oud"y$ T!en s!e &ent round t!e corner, and &aited$ Soon, t!ere &as a noise$ T!e youn# man &as "eain# t!e s!o)$ Anna cou"d not see !im, but s!e cou"d !ear !im$ He &as s)ea'in# to 2ae$ *Are you sure-* said t!e youn# man$ *.!at do you mean-* as'ed 2ae$ *%s t!is t!e on"y &ay-* said t!e youn# man$ *;es, it is,* said 2ae$ *2on*t &orry$ Eeryt!in# &i"" be a"" ri#!t$ +oodbye$* Anna !eard t!e s!o) door c"ose$ S!e came round t!e corner and sa& t!e youn# man$ He &as &a"'in# 8uic'"y to !is car$ Anna noticed immediate"y t!at !e &as not carryin# !is case$ S!e (o""o&ed !im$ *E0cuse me,* s!e said$ *;ou*e (or#otten somet!in#$ ;ou !ae "e(t somet!in# be!ind$* T!e youn# man turned round$ Anna sto))ed$ Sudden"y s!e &as (ri#!tened$ T!e youn# man*s (ace &as &!ite$ %t &as &!ite &it! (ear$ *P"ease #o a&ay,* said t!e youn# man$ *eae me a"one$ % &ant to #o !ome$ eae me a"one$* He #ot into !is car and droe o(($ Anna stood in t!e street and &atc!ed !im$ S!e &as t!in'in#$ .!y !ad t!e youn# man come to T!e Corner S!o)- .!at &as !is S)ecia" Order- And &!y !ad !e "e(t !is sma"" case &it! 2ae S"atin-
The Foot$all Math T!e ne0t day &as t!e day o( t!e bi# (ootba"" matc!$ /r Hart !ad inited about ten )eo)"e$ Anna did not &atc! t!e #ame$ S!e &as !e")in# /rs Hart in t!e 'itc!en$ T!ey &ere ma'in# tea$ %t &as a #ood #ame and eeryone &as enoyin# it$ At !a"(time, Peter &ent into t!e 'itc!en$ *.!y don*t you come and &atc! t!e matc!, Anna-* !e said$ *%t*s rea""y #ood$ Come on7* Anna "au#!ed$ *No, t!an's,* s!e said$ *%*m !e")in# /rs Hart$ oo', !ere*s t!e tea$ Can you ta'e it in to t!e ot!ers-* *O>,* said Peter$ *%t*s a terri(ic matc!$ /i'e ai"ey scored a #reat #oa"$* Peter too' t!e tea into t!e sittin# room and t!e second !a"( o( t!e matc! started$ T!e second !a"( &as ery e0citin#$ /i'e ai"ey scored anot!er #oa" a(ter t&enty minutes$ T!e score &as 5$ T!en t!e ot!er side scored t&o 8uic' #oa"s$ %t &as 55$ T!ere &ere on"y (ie minutes o( t!e matc! "e(t$ *Come on7* s!outed Peter$ *Come on, /i'e7 et*s !ae anot!er #oa"7* %n t!e "ast seconds o( t!e matc!, /i'e ai"ey scored t!e &inner$ %t &as !is t!ird #oa" o( t!e matc!$ ut somet!in# &as &ron#7 T!e ot!er team*s #oa"'ee)er &as inured$ ai"ey !ad been ery near t!e #oa"'ee)er and !e !ad 'ic'ed t!e ba"" ery !ard$ T!e ba"" !ad !it t!e #oa"'ee)er*s nec'$ /rs Hart and Anna came in (rom t!e 'itc!en$ *.!at*s !a))ened-* said Anna$ *.!at*s &ron#-* *%t*s rian T!omas, t!e #oa"'ee)er,* said Peter$ *He*s inured$* %t &as serious$ T!e #oa"'ee)er !ad bro'en !is nec'$
ater, t!ey a"" &atc!ed t!e ne&s on T:$ T!ey sa& )ictures o( /i'e ai"ey*s t!ird #oa"$ %t &as a #reat #oa"$ T!ey sa& t!e ba"" !it t!e #oa"'ee)er$ %t &as an accident$ T!e T: announcer said, *And no& oer to our s)orts studio (or an interie& &it! /i'e ai"ey$* T!ey a"" &atc!ed t!e interie&$ T!e T: s!o&ed a )icture o( /i'e ai"ey and t!e interie&er$ */i'e,* said t!e interie&er, *t!ree #oa"s in one matc!7 Ho& do you (ee" about t!at-* ut /i'e ai"ey said not!in#$ He cou"d not s)ea'$ He tried to s)ea', but !e cou"d not$ %t &as terrib"e$ T!e interie&er tried anot!er 8uestion$ *et me as' you about t!e t!ird #oa", /i'e$ %t &as a #reat #oa"$ ut !o& do you (ee" about t!e inury to rian T!omas-* %t &as a si""y 8uestion$ T!e inured #oa"'ee)er &ou"d neer )"ay (ootba"" a#ain$ /i'e ai"ey said not!in#$ He "oo'ed ery i""$ .!en t!e interie& ended, /r Hart turned o(( t!e T: No one noticed t!at Anna !ad "e(t t!e room$ /i'e ai"ey !ad "oo'ed (ri#!tened$ Anna &as (ri#!tened too$ /i'e ai"ey and Anna !ad met be(ore$ T!e day be(ore, at T!e Corner S!o)$
A Seret Wee!end Anna did not 'no& &!at to do$ S!e &as on"y seenteen, but sometimes s!e (e"t muc! o"der$ S!e &anted to as' 2ae about /i'e ai"ey and +reta +ordon$ S!e &anted to 'no& about S)ecia" Orders$ S!e decided to &ait$ One day, 2ae and Anna &ere a"one in t!e s!o)$ *Ho&*s Peter-* as'ed 2ae$ *He*s (ine, t!an's,* said Anna$ 2ae smi"ed$ *%s !e sti"" )"ayin# (ootba""-* *O( course !e is,* said Anna$ 2ae "au#!ed$ *;ou don*t see !im ery muc!, do you, Anna-* *% see !im t!ree or (our times a &ee',* said Anna$ *.!at about &ee'ends-* 2ae as'ed$ Anna re)"ied 8uic'"y$ *% don*t see !im muc! at &ee'ends$ He )"ays (ootba"" t!en$* *.!en are you #ettin# married-* as'ed 2ae$ *% don*t 'no&,* s!e re)"ied$ *.e !aen*t decided yet$ Per!a)s ne0t year$* *T!at*s a "on# time$* 2ae smi"ed at Anna$ Anna (e"t a(raid$ S!e a"so (e"t e0cited$ S!e did not 'no& &!y$ *Sometimes you*re bored, Anna, aren*t you-* said 2ae$ He "oo'ed into !er eyes$ *;es,* said Anna$ *T!at*s true$* *.!y don*t you come a&ay &it! me (or a &ee'end,* said 2ae$ *.e can #o to ondon$* A &ee'end in ondon7 Anna !ad on"y been to ondon once, (or a day$ Anna &as e0cited, but s!e &as a"so a(raid$ *% don*t 'no&,* s!e said$ *% must t!in' o( Peter$*
*O!, (or#et !im,* said 2ae$ *He*"" neer 'no&$ Come &it! me and &e*"" #o to t!e best s!o)s$ .e*"" #o to t!e best cinema$ .i"" you come &it! me-* Anna said not!in#$ Sudden"y, s!e !ad an idea$ S!e "oo'ed at 2ae$ *Per!a)s %*"" come &it! you,* s!e said$ *+ood7* said 2ae$ *T!at*s #reat7* *ut (irst,* said Anna$ *% &ant to as' you somet!in#$* *.!at do you &ant to 'no&-* !e said 8uiet"y$ *% &ant to 'no& about your S)ecia" Orders$* *:ery c"eer,* said 2ae$ *;ou*re a i""a#e #ir", but you*re ery c"eer, Anna7* *:i""a#e #ir"s aren*t stu)id,* said Anna$ *No& te"" me about your S)ecia" Orders$ T!en %*"" come to ondon &it! you$* 2ae &as an#ry$ *One 8uestion you can as' me one 8uestion,* !e said$ Duic'"y, Anna as'ed *.!y do )eo)"e come to you- .!y$$$* *One 8uestion7 On"y one7* s!outed 2ae$ *A"" ri#!t7* said Anna$ *ut don*t s!out$ Te"" me$ .!y do )eo)"e come to see you-* 2ae t!ou#!t about !is ans&er$ He s)o'e 8uiet"y$ *T!ey come (or !e"),* !e said$ *T!ey need !e")$ And % #ie no, % se"" !e") to t!em$ T!at*s a""7* Anna did not understand$ *.!at sort o( !e")-* s!e as'ed$ *One 8uestion7* s!outed 2ae$ *%*e ans&ered your 8uestion$* Anna said no more$ S!e and 2ae !ad made an a#reement$ Anna !ad as'ed !er 8uestion$ 2ae !ad ans&ered it$ 2ae !ad inited Anna to ondon (or t!e &ee'end$ And Anna &ent &it! !im$
A Quarrel Anna enoyed t!e &ee'end$ T!ey arried in ondon "ate on @riday eenin# and stayed at a bi# !ote"$ On Saturday t!ey &ent s!o))in# and in t!e eenin# t!ey &ent to a cinema$ On Sunday t!ey &ent to a )ar'$ T!ey came bac' to .oodend on Sunday eenin#$ %t &as t!e "ast Sunday in Se)tember$ On /onday, Anna &ent to t!e s!o)$ %t &as not so busy no&$ Summer &as oer$ /ost o( t!e customers &ere i""a#ers$ %t &as a co"d autumn$ On /onday eenin#, Peter came to see Anna$ *He""o7* said Anna$ *2id you &in on Saturday-* *No,* said Peter$ *.e didn*t &in$ And % didn*t )"ay$* Anna &as sur)rised$ *;ou didn*t )"ay- .!y not- .!at &as &ron#-* *% didn*t (ee" ery &e"" on Saturday mornin#$ % stayed in .oodend$ % &as in t!e i""a#e a"" &ee'end$* Anna*s (ace &as red$ Her oice &as 8uiet$ *Are you (ee"in# better no&-* s!e as'ed$ *No,* said Peter$ *And you 'no& &!y$* Anna tried to "oo' sur)rised$ */e-* s!e said$ *O!, Anna,* said Peter$ *;ou 'no& &!at*s &ron#$ %t*s you and 2ae S"atin$* *.!at do you mean me and 2ae S"atin-* said Anna 8uic'"y$ *;ou &ent a&ay &it! !im on @riday eenin#$ Someone sa& you in 2ae*s car$* Anna tried to e0)"ain$ *O!, it*s not!in#7* s!e said$ *2ae and % &ent$$$* *S!ut u)7* said Peter$ *% don*t &ant to 'no&, Anna$ 2on*t ta"' about it$* *ut Peter7* said Anna$
Peter did not "isten$ *% 'no& !e*s #ot a "ot o( money$ He can ta'e you to )"aces$ He*s (rom a bi# city$ %*m a )oor i""a#e boy, Anna7 ut you must c!oose$ ;ou must c!oose bet&een 2ae and me$ ;ou can*t !ae bot! o( us$* *% 'no& t!at, Peter7* said Anna$ *And % don*t &ant bot! o( you$ ut "isten, Peter$ % &ant to te"" you about 2ae$ T!ere*s somet!in# ery stran#e about !im$* *2ae7 2ae7 2ae7* Peter s!outed$ *;ou ta"' about !im a"" t!e time$ % don*t &ant to !ear !is name a#ain$* Peter turned round and &a"'ed out o( t!e room$ He "e(t Anna*s !ouse$ No& Anna &as a"one$ S!e &as ery un!a))y$ S!e &anted to ta"' to Peter$ S!e &anted to te"" !im about 2ae$ S!e &anted to te"" !im about +reta +ordon and about /i'e ai"ey$ ut Peter !ad "e(t !er$
Arthur %iseman %t &as October$ %t &as co"d and &et$ Anna &as not ery busy at t!e s!o)$ S!e &as ery un!a))y$ S!e &as a di((erent #ir"$ S!e seemed o"der$ S!e did not #o out muc!$ S!e "oo'ed i""$ /ost o( t!e i""a#ers 'ne& t!at Anna !ad 8uarre""ed &it! Peter$ T!ey a"so 'ne& t!at s!e !ad been to ondon &it! 2ae$ ut no one &as ab"e to !e") Anna$ S!e did not ta"' to anyone$ e(ore, s!e !ad been a !a))y, smi"in# #ir"$ No& s!e &as sad and "one"y$ S!e &ent to t!e s!o) eery day$ S!e &as &aitin# (or anot!er S)ecia" Customer$ Anna did not &ait "on#$ %t &as t!e midd"e o( t!e mont!$ Anna &as a"one in t!e s!o)$ %t &as a"most "unc!time$ A midd"ea#ed #ent"eman came in$ He &as a bi# man &it! a ery "ar#e moustac!e$ He &as &e"" dressed and !e &as carryin# a "ar#e brie(case$ *+ood mornin#, miss,* !e said )o"ite"y$ *+ood mornin#, sir,* said Anna$ *Can % !e") you-* Anna &as ery )o"ite too$ S!e &as interested in t!is man$ *%*m "oo'in# (or /r 2aid S"atin,* said t!e man$ Anna smi"ed$ *Are you a sa"esman-* s!e as'ed$ S!e 'ne& t!at !e &as not a sa"esman$ He did not "oo' "i'e a sa"esman$ ut s!e &anted to ta"' to t!e man$ T!e man smi"ed$ *;es, % am a sa"esman,* !e said$ T!at &as not true$ Anna 'ne& t!at t!e man &as "yin#$ T!en s!e said, *Per!a)s % can !e") you, sir$ % usua""y s)ea' to t!e sa"esmen$* S!e "oo'ed at t!e man*s case$ %t !ad t!e "etters A$R$%$C$S$ )rinted on it$ *T!an' you,* said t!e man ery )o"ite"y, *but % !ae a )riate a))ointment$ %*e come (rom ondon and % must see /r S"atin$*
*%*m sorry,* said Anna$ *He*s ery busy at t!e moment$ ut %*"" te"" !im you*re !ere$ .!at*s your name, )"ease-* T!e man smi"ed$ *Roberts,* !e said$ *Art!ur Roberts$* Anna &ent to t!e bac' o( t!e s!o)$ 2ae &as comin# do&n t!e stairs$ *T!ere*s a man in t!e s!o),* said Anna$ *He &ants to s)ea' to you$* *T!an's,* said 2ae$ And !e &ent to t!e (ront o( t!e s!o)$ *+ood mornin#, /r Riseman,* said 2ae$ *%*m )"eased to meet you7* Anna "istened$ Riseman7 T!e man*s name &as Riseman, not Roberts7 .!at a "iar7 T!e man did not "oo' at Anna$ *%*m )"eased to meet you, /r S"atin,* t!e man said$ *P"ease come &it! me,* said 2ae$ /r Riseman (o""o&ed 2ae$ T!ey &ent into t!e S)ecia" Orders room$ A minute "ater, 2ae came out$ He came to t!e (ront o( t!e s!o)$ *%t*s "unc!time, Anna !e said$ *;ou can #o !ome no&$* *T!an's, 2ae,* said Anna$ *%*m #oin# in a (e& moments$* 2ae &ent bac' to t!e S)ecia" Orders room$ Anna did not "eae t!e s!o)$ S!e &aited$ Anna &rote do&n t!e "etters A$R$%$C$S$ S!e understood *A$R$* *Art!ur Riseman*$ ut s!e did not understand *%$C$S$* At !a"( )ast one Anna !eard noises$ /r Riseman &as "eain#$ 2ae &as ta"'in#$ *T!an' you, /r Riseman$* said 2ae$ *And t!an' you,* said /r Riseman$ *;ou !ae !e")ed me a "ot$* *+ood,* said 2ae$ *+oodbye, /r Riseman$ /y assistant isn*t in t!e s!o), but you can o)en t!e door$ +oodbye$* 2ae &ent u)stairs and /r Riseman came into t!e (ront o( t!e s!o)$ Anna &as sittin# 8uiet"y in a corner$ *O!7* said /r Riseman$ *% t!ou#!t you !ad #one !ome$* *No,* s!e said$ *% decided to !ae "unc! in t!e s!o) today$*
Anna and /r Riseman "oo'ed at eac! ot!er$ T!ey did not "i'e eac! ot!er$ T!ere &as si"ence$ Anna s)o'e (irst$ *.ou"d you "i'e to buy some bread, /r Roberts-* s!e said$ *Riseman, my name is Riseman,* said t!e man$ Anna smi"ed$ *%*m so sorry,* s!e said$ *.ou"d you "i'e to buy some !ome made bread, /r Riseman-* *%t "oo's de"icious,* said /r Riseman$ He &as ery )o"ite a#ain$ *;es, %*"" ta'e some, )"ease$ /y &i(e &i"" "oe it$* *Here you are,* said Anna$ S!e )ut t!e bread in a ba#$ T!en s!e said, *;ou can )ut it in your brie(case$* */y brie(case-* said /r Riseman$ *% !aen*t #ot a brie(case$* *% t!in' you*e (or#otten it,* s!e said$ *%*"" #o and #et it (or you$* Anna moed to&ards t!e bac' o( t!e s!o)$ /r Riseman ste))ed in (ront o( !er$ He !e"d !er &rists$ He &as ery stron#$ *isten to me,* !e said$ *% don*t &ant t!at brie(case$ eae it t!ere$* *A"" ri#!t,* said Anna$ *P"ease, "et me #o$ ;ou*re !urtin# me7* /r Riseman "et #o o( Anna and turned to&ards t!e door$ He "e(t t!e s!o) !urried"y$ He !ad not ta'en !is bread &it! !im$ Anna &atc!ed /r Riseman "eae$ Her !ands &ere sti"" !urtin# (ie minutes "ater$
Anna Waits for News Anna &aited (or some ne&s about /r Riseman$ S!e remembered +reta +ordon$ T!e (i"m star !ad isited T!e Corner S!o)$ ater, t!ere &as ne&s about !er in a ma#aine$ /i'e ai"ey !ad isited T!e Corner S!o) too$ ater, t!ere &as a "ot o( ne&s about !im on T:$ And no& /r Riseman !ad isited T!e Corner S!o)$ Anna &as &aitin# (or some ne&s about !im$ A"" t!ree isitors !ad been S)ecia" Customers$ T!ey !ad a"" seen 2ae$ T!ey !ad a"" been in t!e S)ecia" Orders room, and t!ey !ad a"" "e(t somet!in# &it! 2ae$ +reta +ordon !ad "e(t !er diamond rin#s$ /i'e ai"ey !ad "e(t !is case$ /r Riseman !ad "e(t !is brie(case$ Anna &anted to (ind out more about t!e t!ree *S)ecia" Customers$ S!e t!ou#!t about /r Riseman$ His case !ad t!e "etters A$R$%$C$S$ on it$ S!e understood *A$R$* ut &!at &as *%$C$S$*- Per!a)s /r Riseman &as a businessman and *%$C$S$* &as !is com)anyAnna "oo'ed in t!e ne&s)a)ers$ ut s!e did not (ind anyt!in# about *%$C$S$* S!e read t!e ma#aines$ S!e "istened to t!e radio$ S!e &atc!ed T:$ ut t!ere &as not!in# about *%$C$S$*$ Anna !eard not!in#$ S!e sa& not!in#$ T!en s!e !ad an idea$ S!e decided to #o to ondon and (ind Art!ur Riseman$ %t &as a @riday$ Ear"y in t!e mornin#, s!e "e(t a note (or 2ae$ S!e too' t!e note to t!e s!o)$ *2ear 2ae,* it said, *Sorry % can*t come in today$ %*m #oin# to idney$ %*m buyin# some t!in#s (or my &eddin#$ Anna$* T!e note did not te"" t!e trut!, but Anna did not care$ Anna too' a bus to idney and t!en cau#!t a train to ondon$ S!e #ot to Paddin#ton Station at midday$ S!e #ot o(( t!e train and "oo'ed (or a te"e)!one bo0$ T!e te"e)!ones &ere near to t!e entrance to t!e station but t!e bo0es &ere a"" (u""$
S!e stood and &aited$ T!en Anna sa& t!e "etters *%$C$S$* T!ere t!ey &ere7 T!ey &ere on a !u#e adertisement$ Anna !ad (ound t!e ans&er to !er )rob"em$ %nternationa" Com)uter Serices7 %$C$S$ Per!a)s t!at &as /r Riseman*s com)any$ Soon one o( t!e )!one bo0es &as em)ty$ Anna ran# t!e number 555 9=9$ *%$C$S$ Can % !e") you-* said a &oman*s oice$ *;es, )"ease,* said Anna$ *% &ant to s)ea' to /r Riseman$ /r Art!ur Riseman$ % t!in' !e &or's at %$C$S$* T!e &oman "au#!ed$ *.or's !ere- ;es, !e does7* s!e said$ *He*s t!e :ice C!airman o( t!e com)any$ .ait one moment, )"ease$ %*"" #et !is secretary$* T!en t!ere &as anot!er &oman*s oice on t!e )!one$ */r Riseman*s secretary$ Can % !e") you-* *;es, )"ease,* said Anna$ *%*d "i'e to s)ea' to /r Riseman$* *.!o*s ca""in#, )"ease-* said t!e secretary$ */r Riseman doesn*t 'no& my name,* Anna re)"ied$ *%s /r Riseman e0)ectin# your ca""-* t!e secretary as'ed$ *No, !e isn*t,* said Anna$ *%*m a(raid !e can*t s)ea' to you no&,* said t!e secretary$ *He*s at a meetin# no& and !e*s ("yin# to S&iter"and in an !our*s time$* *ut % must s)ea' to !im (or a (e& minutes,* said Anna$ T!e secretary became annoyed$ *T!at*s im)ossib"e,* s!e said$ *ut % can ta'e a messa#e$* *No, t!an's,* said Anna$ *%*"" ca"" a#ain ne0t &ee'$ .i"" /r Riseman be bac' t!en-* *;es, !e &i"",* re)"ied t!e secretary$ *+oodbye$* And s!e )ut t!e )!one do&n$ Anna !ad (ound /r Riseman*s com)any$ ut s!e !ad not s)o'en to !im$ Anna s)ent t!e a(ternoon in ondon$ S!e &ent to see a (i"m$ T!en s!e !ad tea in a sma"" ca(e near Paddin#ton Station$ Her train "e(t ondon at !a"( )ast si0$ S!e bou#!t an eenin# ne&s)a)er, and #ot on t!e train$
Anna &as tired, but s!e (e"t !a))y$ A(ter a (e& minutes, s!e "oo'ed at !er ne&s)a)er$ Anna &as &aitin# (or some ne&s$ T!ere it &as, on t!e (ront )a#e PR%:ATE PANE CRASH NEAR ON2ON Si0 2ead A"" (rom %CS Priate )"ane cras! near ondon$ Si0 2ead A"" (rom %CS$ Si0 )eo)"e &ere 'i""ed t!is a(ternoon in a )"ane cras! at En(ie"d, near ondon$ T!e )"ane &as ("yin# to S&iter"and$ T!e )assen#ers &ere a"" (rom %nternationa" Com)uter Serices F%CSG$ Amon# t!em &as /r$ A"(red +"uc', t!e C!airman o( %CS$ /r$ Art!ur Riseman, :ice C!airman o( %CS, to"d us, *%*m "uc'y to be a"ie$ % &as at a meetin# today$ T!e meetin# &ent on (or a "on# time and % didn*t catc! t!e )"ane$* /r$ Riseman &i"" )robab"y be t!e ne& C!airman o( %CS$
The Speial #rders %oom Anna #ot !ome about ten o*c"oc'$ S!e turned on t!e radio and "istened to t!e ne&s$ T!e C!airman o( %$C$S$ &as dead and /r Riseman &as t!e ne& C!airman$ Anna did not s"ee) t!at ni#!t$ S!e &as t!in'in# about 2ae S"atin and t!e S)ecia" Orders$ .!at &ere t!ey- .!at &as 2ae S"atin doin# in t!at roomOn Saturday mornin# s!e &ent to t!e s!o)$ 2ae said not!in# to !er$ He &as an#ry because Anna !ad not &or'ed on @riday$ He did not as' about !er day o((, and Anna did not te"" !im about it$ At e"een o*c"oc', 2ae "e(t t!e s!o)$ He #ot in !is car and droe o(($ Anna &as a"one$ T!is &as !er c!ance7 S!e &ent to t!e bac' o( t!e s!o) and turned t!e !and"e o( t!e "oc'ed door$ ut t!e S)ecia" Orders room &as not "oc'ed7 2ae !ad (or#otten to "oc' it$ Anna o)ened t!e door and &ent into t!e room$ %t &as a sma"" room, dar' and !ot$ Anna turned on t!e "i#!t, but it &as not a ery stron# "i#!t$ S!e "oo'ed round t!e room$ T!ere &as a sma"" tab"e, t&o o"d c!airs and a "ot o( bo0es$ T!at &as a""$ S)ecia" Orders- T!ere &ere no order boo's, no )a)ers, no )enci"s$ Anna &a"'ed round t!e tab"e$ %t &as di((icu"t because t!ere &ere a "ot o( bo0es on t!e ("oor$ Anna o)ened one o( t!e bo0es and "oo'ed inside$ S!e (ound some o"d ma#aines and ne&s)a)ers$ ?nderneat!, t!ere &ere some dirty, o"d c"ot!es$ ut underneat! t!e c"ot!es s!e discoered some money$ ots o( money$ ritis! money$ @renc! money$ American$ +erman$ T!ere &as money (rom a"" oer t!e &or"d$ Anna &as amaed$ S!e !ad neer seen so muc! money be(ore$
S!e "oo'ed round a#ain and (ound /i'e ai"ey*s case$ %t &as em)ty$ T!en s!e (ound Art!ur Riseman*s brie(case$ T!at &as em)ty too$ T!en Anna "oo'ed into a bi##er bo0$ %nside it &ere some do""s &it! bro'en arms and "e#s$ One o( t!e do""s &as ery beauti(u", but it !ad a bro'en arm$ Anna )ut it on t!e tab"e$ T!en Anna (ound a boo' about (ootba""$ %nside t!ere &ere some )ictures o( (ootba""ers but t!e )ictures &ere a"" torn$ Anna )ut t!e boo' on t!e tab"e$ Anna "oo'ed into t!e bo0 a#ain and (ound some "itt"e cars$ /ost o( t!em &ere bro'en$ S!e (ound a sma"" mode" aero)"ane$ %t &as bro'en too$ Anna )ut a"" t!ese t!in#s on t!e tab"e$ .!at a stran#e co""ection7 T!ere &as t!e money, t!e bro'en do"", t!e toy cars, t!e mode" aero)"ane$ And t!ere &as t!e (ootba"" boo' &it! t!e torn )ictures$ Anna "oo'ed at t!e t!in#s on t!e tab"e$ .!at &ere t!ey (or- .!y did 2ae S"atin 'ee) t!em in t!is "oc'ed roomSudden"y Anna um)ed$ T!ere &as a noise be!ind !er$ Someone &as standin# at t!e door$
The Speial Customers *.!at about t!e diamond rin#s-* said a oice$ %t &as 2ae S"atin$ He &as "au#!in#$ *% "e(t t!e door o)en (or you,* !e said$ *% &anted you to #o into t!is room t!is mornin#7* Anna &as (ri#!tened, but s!e tried not to s!o& !er (ear$ *;ou !aen*t (ound t!e diamonds,* 2ae said a#ain$ Anna remembered +reta +ordon*s diamond rin#s$ .ere t!ey in t!is room too*Here,* said 2ae$ He came into t!e room and )ic'ed u) an o"d bo0$ He too' out t!e rin#s and t!re& t!em on t!e tab"e$ *T!ey aren*t yours,* said Anna$ *T!ey be"on# to +reta +ordon$* *T!ey be"on# to me,* "au#!ed 2ae$ *S!e #ae t!em to me$* *ut &!y-* as'ed Anna$ *.!y- .!y did +reta +ordon #ie you t!ose diamonds- And a"" t!is money$ .!o #ae you t!e money-* */y S)ecia" Customers7* said 2ae$ */y S)ecia" Customers #ae me t!e money$ %t*s mine no&$* */i'e ai"ey and /r Riseman #ae you a"" t!is money-* as'ed Anna$ *;es,* said 2ae *;ou !ae seen some o( my S)ecia" Customers, not a"" o( t!em$* *ut &!y do t!ey come-* Anna as'ed a#ain$ *T!ese )eo)"e come to me (or !e"),* re)"ied 2ae S"atin$ *% !e") t!em and t!ey )ay me$* *ut !o& do you !e") t!em-* as'ed Anna$ 2ae S"atin )ic'ed u) t!e beauti(u" do"" &it! t!e bro'en arm$ *2o you remember
Anna t!ou#!t (or a moment$ *
&st #to$er .!en Anna #ot !ome, s!e (e"t terrib"e and &ent to bed$ %n t!e eenin#, Peter came to see !er$ ut Anna &as i"" in bed$ *%*"" come and see Anna tomorro&,* Peter to"d Anna*s mot!er$ A#ain Anna did not s"ee) a"" ni#!t$ T!e ne0t day, Sunday, 31st October, &as a terrib"e day (or .oodend$ Anna stayed in bed$ S!e !ad a (eer and !er mot!er )!oned t!e doctor$ T!e doctor came immediate"y$ *Anna*s ery i"",* said t!e doctor to Anna*s mot!er$ *%*m &orried$ % don*t 'no& &!at*s &ron# &it! !er$ %*"" come bac' a#ain toni#!t$* T!at a(ternoon, Peter came to Anna*s !ouse$ He tried to s)ea' to Anna, but s!e &as too i""$ He sat 8uiet"y beside !er bed$ At about seen o*c"oc', Peter !eard s!outin# in t!e street$ He &ent to t!e &indo& and "oo'ed outside$ Peo)"e &ere runnin# and s!outin#, @ire7 @ire7 @ire7 T!ere*s a (ire at T!e Corner S!o)7* Peter ran out o( Anna*s !ouse and into t!e street$ T!ere &as a bi# (ire on t!e corner$ T!e s!o) &as in ("ames$ Nobody cou"d see 2ae S"atin$ *His car*s !ere7* said /r Hart$ *2ae must be inside$* T!en t!e i""a#ers sa& !im$ He &as standin# at an u)stairs &indo&$ *