The Thought Form & The Egregore... Astral Creatures Born Deep From Inside The Mind Of The Black Magician
Hey Lucian, it's S. Ben Qayin here. What I consider to be ‘Magic’, is nothing other than science. What else can it be? he de!inition o! ‘Science’ is" The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. ~ Oxford Dictionary
Is that not #hat the study and $ractice o! ‘Magic’ is ? Magicians study the structure o! the uni%erse and #hat it is co&$osed o! in its totality, in order to use ad%anced scienti!icoccult techni(ues in e)$eri&ent, gaining e)$erience through obser%ation o! result. *ne does not generally thin+ o! Magic as being a syste& o! ad%anced scienti!ic techni(ues, but that is e)actly #hat it is #hen bro+en do#n and e)a&ined as I did in &y #or+, -he Boo+ o! S&o+eless ire/0. he only true #ay to do that is to study all the di!!erent !or&s &agic ta+es, and &a+e co&$arisons based on techni(ue and result. It is a course o! study I a& grate!ul to +no# has no end. 1nd, as Magician Magicians s are utili2ing utili2ing scienti!ic scienti!ic techni(ues techni(ues to gain insight insight into into the scienti!ic scienti!ic #orld, on occasion scientists too, utili2e occult techni(ues to understand the &ind, reality and e)istence. In 3456 a grou$ o! nine scientists !ro& *ntario 7anada decided to do a study on hought or&s, and i! they could create a consciousness they could interact #ith by gi%ing it a na&e and detailed history. 1!ter se%eral #ee+s o! trying to &a+e contact #ith the entity or thought !or& ‘8hili$’, they began to gets results. When as+ed, the created entity #ould recite its li!e and history #ith the e)act sa&e detail as the scientists assigned it. It res$onded to (uestions by ra$$ing u$on the table the scientists gathered around in their sessions. 91s 1thena #as s$rung !ro& the &ind o! :eus, so too does the blac+ &agician gi%e birth to entities through their thoughts.9 In essence this occult entity or thought !or& #as created in a lab !or the scienti!ic $ur$ose o! $ro%ing a !ictional reality, can beco&e a !actual reality. he i&$lications o! this e)$eri&ent are %ast, s$anning the (uestion o! consciousness and #here it originates !ro&, to reality and the ability to &old it to our e)$ectations. Everything you can imagine is real. ~ Pablo Picasso
his is the area #here science and &agic cannot be se$arated or di%ided.
Everything we consider real is made of things that cannot be considered real ~ Niels Bohr
;o# #e are seeing that our reality, is #hat #e &a+e o! it. hrough our thoughts and Intent, #e are gods o! our li%es and destinies. Nothing is an absolute reality; all is permitted ~ Bartol
his brings the con%ersation bac+ around to the idea o! creating an entity to our s$eci!ic designs and needs. hese hought or&s or
1s this is %ery true, I $ersonally !ind creating an egregore !or a s$eci!ic tas+ or goal that $ertains directly to &e, !ar &ore bene!icial. I %ie# egregores as !a&iliars that co&e and go, e)isting until I no longer need the&, #hen their $ur$ose has been !ul!illed. -It is %ery i&$ortant !or the blac+ &agician to &ind their thoughts, as uni%erses are created and destroyed #ith the&./ he egregore can be created $ur$ose!ully or not. Many ti&es such Intent and e&otion is $ut into a s$eci!ic ideal or goal, that one is created as a sort o! side e!!ect. he blac+ &agician not e%en being a#are o! its creation or e)istence. It is %ery i&$ortant !or the blac+ &agician to &ind their thoughts, as uni%erses are created and destroyed #ith the&. hough the $rocess to create an egregore $ur$ose!ully, o!ten is a bit o! a &ystery. Many ha%e co&e to &e and as+ed &y hel$ in their creation, or deli%ery the& the secrets o! the $rocess. here!ore, I shall indulge the curiosities and lay do#n a $ractical a$$roach !or the creation o! such an entity. 3. Be clear in #hat it is you #ish to acco&$lish. =no# your goal #ithout (uestion. 6. >isuali2e ho# the egregore #ill ta+e !or&. What does it loo+ li+e ? . List the abilities the entity #ill $ossess. What !unctions does it need to $er!or& ?
@. ;a&e it accordingly #ith the tas+ it is to !ul!ill. he na&e should be uni(ue and $ersonal. *nce these ste$s ha%e been co&$leted, the blac+ &agician #ill $ossess the +eys to co&&and the entity in the #ay they see !it, !or the reason it #as created. A. 7reate a &agical circle and triangle o! arte, &ay I suggest using the rinity o! riangles ound #ithin, -he Blac+ Boo+ o! 12athoth/0 C. 7all !orth the entity use your o#n s$eci!ic e%ocation0, %isuali2e it !or&ing #ithin the rinity o! riangles. he &ore you call !orth and #or+ #ith the egregore, the &ore $o#er!ul it beco&es. 1t !irst begin #ith s&all tas+s you assign !or it to acco&$lish, then build u$ !ro& there. 1 &onths’ ti&e is $er!ect !or the !ull reali2ation o! the created entity. I suggest creating it and calling it !orth on the ne# &oon. 1nd, as the &oon gains in $o#er night a!ter night, so #ill the strength and tangibility o! the egregore as the blac+ &agician continues to #or+ #ith it. *nce the blac+ &agician reali2es they ha%e the ability to not only sha$e their reality, but also to create intelligent beings using their Intent, %isuali2ation and energy, the #orld beco&es o$enly accessible. ;othing can sto$ a !orce that can create or destroy the boundaries o! reality. Do !orth and beco&e your o#n godE