The Theory Of Magic by Al Schneider
CHAPTER ONE THE TECHN TECHNOLOG OLOGY Y OF MAGIC MAGIC Thi! cha"#er i! abo$# %agic a! a #echnology& I do no# belie'e %agic i! an ar# or !o%e#hing #ha# yo$ are born (i#h& I belie'e i# i! !o%e#hing #ha# i! learned and can be acco%"li!hed by follo(ing a !erie! of (ell $nder!#ood !#e"!& Tha# i!) #here are !"ecific "rinci"le! #ha# one can *no( and learn& The !"ecific #a!* of #hi! cha"#er i! #o li!# #he ele%en#! of #hi! #echnology& A! #hi! boo* de'elo"! I in#end #o !ho( #ha# #here are !e'eral a!"ec#! in'ol'ed (i#h %agic a! en#er#ain%en#& Thi! range! fro% h$%or) #ragedy) %agic and %aybe e'en dancing and !inging& Of#en (hen %agician! di!c$!! %agic and en#er#ain%en# #hey conf$!e #he!e (i#h each o#her& Th$!) %y goal i! #o addre!! a fe( of #he!e a!"ec#! in an effor# #o !e"ara#e %agic a! a !e"ara#e en#i#y& In !o doing I ho"e yo$ (ill !ee #ha# #he e+ec$#ion of a %agic effec# can be a #echnology %$ch #he !a%e a! a che%i!# "o$ring #(o che%ical! in#o a bea*er #ha# crea#e! a glo(ing gold ligh#& To ge# in#o #hi! di!c$!!ion I (o$ld li*e #o dra( fro% %y e+"erience fro% area! o#her #han %agic& One e+"erience i! an e'en# #ha# occ$rred (hile going #o college& Mo!# "eo"le #ha# go #o college are re,$ired #o #a*e an Engli!h (ri#ing co$r!e& I (a! no differen#& Ho(e'er) d$ring #he co$r!e I beca%e 'ery conf$!ed beca$!e #he co$r!e did no# !ee% #o be abo$# (ri#ing& The in!#r$c#or! in!#r$c#or! al(ay! #al*ed abo$# "oli#ic! or religion or ar#!y craf#y #hing!& The cla!!e! !ee%ed #o ha'e no#hing #o do (i#h (ri#ing& My %a-or (a! "hy!ic!& Mo!# of #he Engli!h "rofe!!or! !ee%ed #o be $!ing !cience #o "ro'e or di!"ro'e #he e+i!#ence of God& A! a !cien#i!#) or a !#$den# #rying #o beco%e one) I didn./# #hin* abo$# God a# all& So) (hy did #he Engli!h "rofe!!or! #ha# didn./# !#$dy !cience concern #he%!el'e! !o %$ch (i#h i#& Thi! conf$!ion i! li*e %agician! #al*ing abo$# doing %agic ar#i!#ically b$# ne'er really #al*ing abo$# (ha# i! i%"or#an#& For#$na#ely) one of #he a!!ign%en#! gi'en #o $! in Engli!h cla!! #o read (a! abo$# ho( #o learn #o (ri#e& I fo$nd #he infor%a#ion in #ha# ar#icle co$ld be a""lied #o o#her area!) !$ch a! %agic& Th$!) #he !$b-ec# of #ha# ar#icle I (a! re,$ired #o read i! a fi##ing beginning for (ha# I a% #o !ay here& The "oin# of #he ar#icle (a! #ha# #o beco%e a !$cce!!f$l (ri#er one had #o %a!#er #he #echnical !*ill! of (ri#ing& In #he beginning one need no# (orry abo$# "$##ing fire in#o #he hear#! of #he reader& 0$# one needed #o %a!#er #he ba!ic! of (ri#ing& For e+a%"le) one needed #o %a!#er de'elo"%en# of "aragra"h!& There !ho$ld be one !en#ence in a "aragra"h #ha# "reci!ely !#a#e! #he #o"ic of i#& Paragra"h! ha'e fi'e ba!ic (ay! #o de'elo" and each "aragra"h !ho$ld $!e one of #he% #o do !o& Then #here !ho$ld be a (ay #o allo( #he "aragra"h #o end off and allo( #he ne+# "aragra"h #o begin in !o%e !%oo#h (ay& All of #hi! i! fi##ing for I feel #he !a%e (ay abo$# %agic& To be a good or e'en grea# %agician) one need! #o %a!#er #he ba!ic #echnology of %agic& Le#./! loo* a# an e+a%"le o$#!ide of #he %agic real% #ha# %ay "or#ray #hi! idea& Ho( abo$# car'ing !,$irrel! A %an learn! ho( #o car'e !,$irrel!& He %erely #rie! #o %a*e a "iece of (ood loo* li*e a !,$irrel& He "rac#ice! i# o'er and o'er again& He !ee! a !,$irrel o$#!ide hi! (indo(& The !,$irrel i! !i##ing $"& The %an %a*e! a fig$re of a !,$irrel 1 inche! #all !i##ing $"& He !#ri'e! #o %a*e #he !,$irrel 'ery acc$ra#e in e'ery de#ail #o #he !,$irrel he !a( !i##ing o$#!ide hi! (indo(& And he i! !$cce!!f$l& He o"en! a !#and in a %all !o%e(here and "$#! #he !,$irrel! o$# for !ale& Peo"le b$y #he% beca$!e #hey in!#an#ly lo'e #he%& He #hin*! he -$!# co"ied !o%e#hing #ha# occ$r! na#$rally& Ho(e'er) #he "eo"le #ha# b$y #he% !ee #he% a! a "iece of (ood #ha# ha! been %agically #ran!for%ed in#o a crea#$re fro2en in #i%e& To #hi! %an) co"ying a !,$irrel i! a #echnology& He did i# (ell and for !o%e "eo"le a li##le "iece of (ood beco%e! a fond "o!!e!!ion& So%e of #he% con!ider
The Theory Of Magic by Al Schneider
CHAPTER ONE THE TECHN TECHNOLOG OLOGY Y OF MAGIC MAGIC Thi! cha"#er i! abo$# %agic a! a #echnology& I do no# belie'e %agic i! an ar# or !o%e#hing #ha# yo$ are born (i#h& I belie'e i# i! !o%e#hing #ha# i! learned and can be acco%"li!hed by follo(ing a !erie! of (ell $nder!#ood !#e"!& Tha# i!) #here are !"ecific "rinci"le! #ha# one can *no( and learn& The !"ecific #a!* of #hi! cha"#er i! #o li!# #he ele%en#! of #hi! #echnology& A! #hi! boo* de'elo"! I in#end #o !ho( #ha# #here are !e'eral a!"ec#! in'ol'ed (i#h %agic a! en#er#ain%en#& Thi! range! fro% h$%or) #ragedy) %agic and %aybe e'en dancing and !inging& Of#en (hen %agician! di!c$!! %agic and en#er#ain%en# #hey conf$!e #he!e (i#h each o#her& Th$!) %y goal i! #o addre!! a fe( of #he!e a!"ec#! in an effor# #o !e"ara#e %agic a! a !e"ara#e en#i#y& In !o doing I ho"e yo$ (ill !ee #ha# #he e+ec$#ion of a %agic effec# can be a #echnology %$ch #he !a%e a! a che%i!# "o$ring #(o che%ical! in#o a bea*er #ha# crea#e! a glo(ing gold ligh#& To ge# in#o #hi! di!c$!!ion I (o$ld li*e #o dra( fro% %y e+"erience fro% area! o#her #han %agic& One e+"erience i! an e'en# #ha# occ$rred (hile going #o college& Mo!# "eo"le #ha# go #o college are re,$ired #o #a*e an Engli!h (ri#ing co$r!e& I (a! no differen#& Ho(e'er) d$ring #he co$r!e I beca%e 'ery conf$!ed beca$!e #he co$r!e did no# !ee% #o be abo$# (ri#ing& The in!#r$c#or! in!#r$c#or! al(ay! #al*ed abo$# "oli#ic! or religion or ar#!y craf#y #hing!& The cla!!e! !ee%ed #o ha'e no#hing #o do (i#h (ri#ing& My %a-or (a! "hy!ic!& Mo!# of #he Engli!h "rofe!!or! !ee%ed #o be $!ing !cience #o "ro'e or di!"ro'e #he e+i!#ence of God& A! a !cien#i!#) or a !#$den# #rying #o beco%e one) I didn./# #hin* abo$# God a# all& So) (hy did #he Engli!h "rofe!!or! #ha# didn./# !#$dy !cience concern #he%!el'e! !o %$ch (i#h i#& Thi! conf$!ion i! li*e %agician! #al*ing abo$# doing %agic ar#i!#ically b$# ne'er really #al*ing abo$# (ha# i! i%"or#an#& For#$na#ely) one of #he a!!ign%en#! gi'en #o $! in Engli!h cla!! #o read (a! abo$# ho( #o learn #o (ri#e& I fo$nd #he infor%a#ion in #ha# ar#icle co$ld be a""lied #o o#her area!) !$ch a! %agic& Th$!) #he !$b-ec# of #ha# ar#icle I (a! re,$ired #o read i! a fi##ing beginning for (ha# I a% #o !ay here& The "oin# of #he ar#icle (a! #ha# #o beco%e a !$cce!!f$l (ri#er one had #o %a!#er #he #echnical !*ill! of (ri#ing& In #he beginning one need no# (orry abo$# "$##ing fire in#o #he hear#! of #he reader& 0$# one needed #o %a!#er #he ba!ic! of (ri#ing& For e+a%"le) one needed #o %a!#er de'elo"%en# of "aragra"h!& There !ho$ld be one !en#ence in a "aragra"h #ha# "reci!ely !#a#e! #he #o"ic of i#& Paragra"h! ha'e fi'e ba!ic (ay! #o de'elo" and each "aragra"h !ho$ld $!e one of #he% #o do !o& Then #here !ho$ld be a (ay #o allo( #he "aragra"h #o end off and allo( #he ne+# "aragra"h #o begin in !o%e !%oo#h (ay& All of #hi! i! fi##ing for I feel #he !a%e (ay abo$# %agic& To be a good or e'en grea# %agician) one need! #o %a!#er #he ba!ic #echnology of %agic& Le#./! loo* a# an e+a%"le o$#!ide of #he %agic real% #ha# %ay "or#ray #hi! idea& Ho( abo$# car'ing !,$irrel! A %an learn! ho( #o car'e !,$irrel!& He %erely #rie! #o %a*e a "iece of (ood loo* li*e a !,$irrel& He "rac#ice! i# o'er and o'er again& He !ee! a !,$irrel o$#!ide hi! (indo(& The !,$irrel i! !i##ing $"& The %an %a*e! a fig$re of a !,$irrel 1 inche! #all !i##ing $"& He !#ri'e! #o %a*e #he !,$irrel 'ery acc$ra#e in e'ery de#ail #o #he !,$irrel he !a( !i##ing o$#!ide hi! (indo(& And he i! !$cce!!f$l& He o"en! a !#and in a %all !o%e(here and "$#! #he !,$irrel! o$# for !ale& Peo"le b$y #he% beca$!e #hey in!#an#ly lo'e #he%& He #hin*! he -$!# co"ied !o%e#hing #ha# occ$r! na#$rally& Ho(e'er) #he "eo"le #ha# b$y #he% !ee #he% a! a "iece of (ood #ha# ha! been %agically #ran!for%ed in#o a crea#$re fro2en in #i%e& To #hi! %an) co"ying a !,$irrel i! a #echnology& He did i# (ell and for !o%e "eo"le a li##le "iece of (ood beco%e! a fond "o!!e!!ion& So%e of #he% con!ider
i# ar#& Ano#her e+a%"le& I (a! a car"en#er "ar# #i%e (hen I (a! in college& Each %an on o$r cre( had !"ecific #a!*!& One (a! a !a( %an& He c$# e'ery "iece of (ood #ha# (en# in#o a ho$!e& One day (e (ere a li##le behind and (e needed !o%e hel" nailing do(n #he Celo#e+ 3in!$la#ion nailed #o #he o$#!ide (all! of a ho$!e4& The (all! are b$il# lying fla# on #he ne( floor of a ho$!e and #hen #i""ed $" in#o "o!i#ion& 5hen nailing do(n #he Celo#e+) one %$!# "$# a nail abo$# e'ery 6 inche! in#o #he fra%e of #he (all& Thi! !a( %an reached in#o a bo+ of nail!) e+#rac#ed a handf$l) -$%"ed $" on#o a (all and !#ar#ed nailing& I (a#ched in a%a2e%en#& He (a! !o fa!# I (a! e%o#ionally affec#ed& Fro% hi! "oin# of 'ie( he (a! -$!# nailing do(n Celo#e+& Le# %e e+"lain (ha# I !a(& Fir!# of all) he -$!# grabbed a handf$l of nail!& Tho!e #hing! are !har" and he grabbed a handf$ll (i#ho$# ano#her #ho$gh#& He (a! no# (earing a glo'e& Second) he cro$ched lo( on #he (all& He !#ood on #he (all (hile i# (a! lying on #he ne( floor of #he ho$!e& He had #o !#and on #he !#$d! in #he (all) o#her(i!e he (o$ld "$# a hole in #he Celo#e+ beca$!e i# (a!n./# !#rong& He (al*ed on #he !#$d! #ha# he co$ldn./# !ee b$# acco%"li!hed #hi! by feeling #he% (i#h hi! fee#& He cro$ched lo( (al*ing $" and do(n #he (all& Th$!) he (a! lo( and co$ld ha%%er nail! in#o #he Celo#e+ and #he !#$d!& He (al*ed $" and do(n #hi! (all fa!#& Hi! fir!# finger and #h$%b of #he lef# hand (o$ld find a nail in #ha# hand./! fi!#f$ll of nail!& The "oin# of #he nail (o$ld be "$# in#o #he correc# "o!i#ion& Then #he righ# hand (o$ld !(ing a ha%%er hi##ing #he nail dri'ing i# in#o "lace& No#e) #ha# i! one !(ing) no #a" #o !e# #he nail and one #o dri'e i# in& Then he (o$ld !#e" for(ard) #he lef# already "$##ing a nail in#o "o!i#ion and #he righ# hand (o$ld (hac* i#& I# (a! nailed in#o "lace a! he !#e""ed for(ard& He (a! a %achine (al*ing $" and do(n #he (all!& 5ha%) (ha%) (ha%) (ha%) nail! (en# in fa!#er #han yo$ co$ld blin*& I (a! %o'ed by (a#ching hi%) "erfor%& To %e he (a! on !#age %o'ing (i#h incredible !*ill and ar#i!#ry& 5ha# he did (a! a%a2ing& To hi%) he (a! -$!# nailing (all!& So) (i#h #he!e ob!er'a#ion! I (o$ld li*e #o %a*e %y fir!# %a-or "oin#7 Fir!# %a*e yo$r %agic #echnically !o$nd) e'en#$ally #he a$dience (ill !ee #he %agic& 5hen I !ay #echnically !o$nd I don./# -$!# %ean a good "al% or good do$ble lif#& There are %any a!"ec#! #o %agic) %any of #he% ha'ing no#hing #o do (i#h %echanic!& Co%%$nica#ion "lay! a 'i#al role a! doe! yo$r %anneri!%!& The "$r"o!e of #he doc$%en# yo$ are reading i! #o co'er #he!e a!"ec#!& So) a cri#ical "ar# of #hi! in#rod$c#ion i! #o "oin# o$# #he 'a!#ne!! of i!!$e! in'ol'ed (i#h #he #echnology of %agic& One of #ho!e a!"ec#! i! $nder!#anding yo$r a$dience& Ano#her i! for%ing an idea of ho( yo$ e+"ec# yo$r!elf #o a""ear in #he eye! of #he a$dience& Ho( do yo$ (an# #he a$dience #o "ercei'e yo$ I did no# ha'e all of #hi! do(n (hen I began "rac#icing %agic& In #he beginning I (re!#led (i#h #hi! ,$e!#ion of ho( I (an#ed #o a""ear& I) li*e all of $! #ha# ge# in#o %agic) #al*ed #o o#her %agician! and read boo*! on #he !$b-ec#& I (a! conf$!ed abo$# #hi! #a!* (hen I heard o#her! and read (ha# #hey had #o !ay& I heard #hing! li*e being en#er#aining or co%%ercial& O#her! !ay #ha# I %$!# "lay !o%e role and carry "eo"le a(ay #o ano#her (orld& 5ord! !$ch a!) 8S$!"en!ion of di!belief8 cro!!ed %y ear!& In %y conf$!ion I grabbed on#o !o%e#hing I $nder!#ood and !o%e#hing I co$ld do& And !o I #ho$gh# abo$# one of %y "hy!ic! "rofe!!or! !ho(ing %y cla!! an e+"eri%en#& The e+"eri%en# I ha'e in %ind i! one abo$# !#anding (a'e!& The "rofe!!or had !#r$ng $" a !#ring acro!! #he lab de!* #ha# !i#! in fron# of #he cla!!& The !#ring i! abo$# 6 fee# long& He "l$c*! #he !#ring and i# 'ibra#e!& E'en#$ally #here i! a !#anding (a'e in #he !#ring& The !#ring i! con!#an#ly %o'ing& Ho(e'er) a# !o%e area! #he !#ring i! no# %o'ing a# all& The!e loca#ion! are #he %ain "oin# of hi! di!c$!!ion& He indica#e! #ha# if a fly (ere !i##ing a# !o%e loca#ion! on #he !#ring i# (o$ld i%%edia#ely be *noc*ed off& Then he "oin#! o$# #ha# if #he fly (ere on #he non9%o'ing area! #he fly (o$ld be !afe& :$ring #he di!c$!!ion #he "rofe!!or i! %a*ing noi!e! li*e a fly and "oin#! (i#h hi! finger a# a "a#h of !o%e fly #ha# %ay ha'e en#ered #he e+"eri%en#& I (a! #o#ally en#er#ained& Thi! i! ho( I 'ie( #he %agic "erfor%er& He i! a #echnician de%on!#ra#ing de%on!#ra#ing !o%e "hy!ical "heno%ena& I canno# hel" b$# offer ano#her #(o e+a%"le! of #he (ay %echanical #echnology
a""eal! #o an a$dience& Since (e ha'e %ade a #ran!i#ion #o a ne( cen#$ry #here ha! been %$ch "re!! on (ha# ha""ened a# #he beginning of #hi! cen#$ry& T(o 'ery a""licable !#orie! ca%e #o ligh#& 5hen #he "honogra"h (a! in'en#ed) !o%e en#er"ri!ing "eo"le #$rned i# in#o a !ho("iece& They (o$ld #a*e one of #he!e de'ice! in#o a #hea#er and !ell #ic*e#! #o !ee i# (or*& They (o$ld ge# #he #o(n %ayor $" on !#age and ha'e hi% !"ea* in#o #he recording de'ice& Then #hey (o$ld "lay #ha# recording for all #o hear& Thi! !i%"le di!"lay of #echnology (a! 'ery) 'ery en#er#aining #o #he a$dience& They "aid %oney for #he e+"erience& Ano#her e+a%"le (a! #he in'en#ion of %o'ing "ic#$re!& Again) !o%e en#er"ri!ing indi'id$al carried #he e,$i"%en# in#o #hea#er! and !old #ic*e#! #o !ee i#& One (a! a cli" of #(o "aren#! feeding #heir baby& Ano#her (a! a cli" of an older %an *i!!ing an older (o%an& They (ere !ilen# of co$r!e& They (ere -$!# !i%"le di!"lay! of #echnology& All of #he!e e+a%"le! are !i%"le di!"lay! of #echnology #ha# are 'ery en#er#aining& Peo"le (an#ed #o !ee #he%& Thi! lead! in#o %y ne+# "ri%ary #ho$gh#) #he !$cce!! of a %agician) a! a %agician) i! direc#ly "ro"or#ional "ro"or#ional #o hi! abili#y #o "rod$ce !ignifican# "heno%ena& Therefore7 The "heno%ena i! (ha# #he a$dience ca%e #o !ee& Thi! i! #he corner!#one of %y !#yle of doing %agic& I do no# belie'e #he a$dience ha! co%e #o %e #o be en#er#ained& I do no# belie'e #he a$dience ca%e #o %e #o ha'e f$n& I do no# belie'e #he a$dience ca%e #o %e #o la$gh& I belie'e #he a$dience ca%e #o %e #o !ee %agic& They (ill be en#er#ained) #hey (ill ha'e f$n and #hey (ill la$gh& All #hi! beca$!e I a% a""lying a *no(n and !#$died %agic #echnology& So) (ha# i! #he #echnology of %agic In #he forgoing I ha'e !$gge!#ed #ha# #here i! #hi! #hing called #echnology of %agic and #ha# i#! %a!#ery i! #he "a#h #o being a grea#) or a# lea!# good) %agician& Here I (ill a##e%"# #o li!#) (i#ho$# e+"lana#ion) (ha# #he "ar#! of #hi! #hing are& Thi! li!#) #hen) (ill be (ha# #he re%ainder of (ha# #hi! doc$%en# (ill #al* abo$#& The #echnology of %agic incl$de!7 ;& Mo'e! or #he abili#y #o %o'e yo$r hand! in a na#$ral (ay (hile doing !o%e#hing $n*no(n #o #he a$dience& 1& Mi!direc#ion <& :irec#ion =& >no(ing ho( #o co%%$nica#e #o #he a$dience ?& >no(ing (ha# a%a2e! #he a$dience @& >no(ing ho( #he a$dience "ercei'e! reali#y & Bnder!#anding "eo"le 6& Crea#ion of a "er!onal !#yle& & >no(ing ho( #o rela#e #o "eo"le& I a% #rying #o indica#e #ha# #echnology i! no# !i%"ly %a!#ering %o'e!& I# doe! incl$de dre!!ing a""ro"ria#ely& a""ro"ria#ely& I# doe! incl$de yo$r %anner of !"eech& I# doe! incl$de being "oli#e& I# doe! incl$de re!"ec#ing yo$r a$dience& And i# doe! %ean (or*ing hard a# doing #hing! (ell& I ha'e !"en# %any year! of %y life !#$dying #he!e !$b-ec#!& Of#en d$ring #ho!e year! I ha'e been challenged by !enior %agician! abo$# #he a%o$n# of effor# I de'o#e #o #hi! !#$dy& I ha'e been $nable $n#il recen#ly #o e+"lain (hy I #hin* #hi! le'el of !#$dy i! i%"or#an#& My e+"lana#ion #a*e! #he for% of le'el! of %agic %agic dece"# dece"#ion& ion& Tha# i! #he #he !$b-e !$b-ec# c# of of #he #he ne+# ne+# cha"# cha"#er& er& CHAPTER T5O LEDELS OF MAGIC :ECEPTION I belie'e #ha# %agic can be cla!!ified in#o #he follo(ing le'el!7 Clo(n %agic Thea#er %agic Dir#$al %agic Clo(n Magic Clo(n %agic i! a *ind of %agic #ha# ge#! a reac#ion or a la$gh o$# of an a$dience b$# i! no# "ar#ic$larly dece"#i'e& P$lling a ribbon of card! o$# of
yo$r %o$#h i! an e+a%"le& I# loo*! 'ery good& I# al(ay! ge#! a la$gh fro% #he a$dience& 0$# do #hey belie'e #he card! co%e o$# of yo$r %o$#h No# for a !econd& Pa"er ha# coil! are #he !a%e& 5hen "eo"le !ee #ha# !#rea%er co%ing o$# of a ha# do #hey !ay) 85here in #he (orld doe! all #ha# co%e fro%8 No) #hey !ay) 80oy) he !$re can "ac* a lo# of #ha# !#$ff in#o #ha# ha#&8 I a% no# !aying #ha# #hi! i! bad %agic& I# ha! i#! "lace& I do #hi! *ind of %agic %y!elf& I need #o ge# a la$gh !o%e#i%e!& My goal here i! #o label #he *ind of %agic i# i!& My "oin# i! #ha# #here i! a #y"e of %agic #ha# ha! a "$nch b$# no one i! (orried abo$# ho( i# i! done for if #hey #hin* abo$# i# for a !econd #hey (o$ld $nder!#and i#& I# i! !o ob'io$! #he a$dience !i%"ly la$gh! and ignore! i#& I# can be !olid en#er#ain%en#& Thea#er %agic Thea#er %agic i! %ore !erio$! and i! %ore "$22le li*e& The a$dience doe!n./# *no( ho( i# (or*! b$# #hey co$ld #hin* of a (ay i# co$ld (or* or #hey *no() if #hey co$ld ge# #heir hand! on #ha# bo+) #hey co$ld find a %irror or !o%e#hing& Thi! *ind of %agic genera#e! !#a#e%en#! fro% #he a$dience !$ch a!7 8I (o$ld ca#ch hi% if he did i# again&8 8If I go# $" clo!er I (o$ld !ee ho( i# (or*ed&8 80oy #ha# g$y ha! fa!# hand!&8 The!e co%%en#! !$gge!# #ha# #he a$dience can !ee "o!!ible (ay! of acco%"li!hing #he effec#& They are no# !$re (hich one i# co$ld be& Thea#er %agic i! %agic #ha# loo*! li*e %agic b$# i! no# co%"le#ely dece"#i'e& I ha'e $!ed #he #ag 8#hea#er %agic8 beca$!e for i# #o be #r$ly effec#i'e #here %$!# be a 8!$!"en!ion of di!belief8& S"ellbo$nd i! !$ch an effec#& I ha'e "erfor%ed #hi! #ric* for a long #i%e& I ha'e ,$e!#ioned "eo"le abo$# (ha# #hey #hin* goe! on& They are defini#ely i%"re!!ed (i#h i#& Ho(e'er) #hey $!$ally co%e $" (i#h #(o !ol$#ion!& ;& The "erfor%er i! 'ery !*illed in al(ay! hiding one coin& 1& The coin ha! #(o !ide!& To de!#roy #he o"inion of #he !econd) one coin I $!ed (a! a Chine!e coin (i#h a hole in i#& I did #he #ric* and chec*ed bac* la#er #o de#er%ine (ha# #hey #ho$gh#& A "er!on !aid I $!ed one coin (i#h #(o !ide!& I "oin#ed o$# #ha# one coin had a hole in i#& The "er!on loo*ed a# %e and !aid) 8Oh) I ne'er #ho$gh# of #ha#&8 The "oin# i! #ha# #hea#er %agic loo*! %agical b$# doe! no# co%e acro!! a! %agic& Ho(e'er) i# i! of#en en#er#aining& Mo!# of #he 'a!# body of %agic fall! in#o #hi! ca#egory& The "erfor%er %$!# be an ac#or a! (ell a! a %agician for he i! re,$ired #o no# only do #he %agic b$# 8ac#8 a! if i# i! %agic& Thi! enable! #he a$dience #o 8!$!"end #heir di!belief&8 Dir#$al %agic Dir#$al %agic i! a *ind of %agic) #ha# (hen ob!er'ed) #he a$dience canno# de#er%ine any %e#hod of ho( i# (a! acco%"li!hed& Dir#$al %agic differ! fro% Thea#er Magic in #ha# 8!$!"en!ion of di!belief8 i! no# re,$ired for #he a$dience #o reac# !#rongly #o (ha# ha! occ$rred& 0rain(a'e or In'i!ible :ec* i! an e+a%"le of #hi! #y"e of effec#& The a$dience na%e! any card and #ha# card i! $"!ide do(n in #he dec*& Ma#ri+ fall! in#o #hi! ca#egory a! (ell& Thi! %a*e! %e #hin* of an e'en# #ha# (ill bring #hi! "oin# ho%e& I had been a!*ed #o "erfor% a# a !ingle! %ee#ing one S$nday& I did a li##le !#and $") #hen go# a #able and in'i#ed anyone #ha# (i!hed #o ge# clo!er #o !i# do(n a# #he #able& I %$!# "oin# o$# #ha# %y !#yle of "erfor%ing ha! changed o'er #he year!& No( I a##e%"# #o beco%e a "ar# of #he a$dience& Tha# i!) I #ry no# #o "erfor% for #he%& In!#ead) I ac# li*e I a% le##ing #he% in #he bac* door of #he #hea#er and !i%"ly !ho(ing #he% (ha# goe! on) on !#age& So any(ay) #he!e "eo"le ga#her aro$nd %y #able #o (a#ch& One of #he #ric*! I do i! Ma#ri+) of co$r!e& Yo$ %$!# "ic#$re !e'eral "eo"le (i#h #heir elbo(! on #he #able) chin! on hand! and eye! loo*ing do(n a# %y "ad inche! a(ay& Af#er I did Ma#ri+ one of #he% !aid) 8I ha'e no idea ho( #ha# co$ld be done&8 I !aid no#hing for a bi# and ano#her !aid) 8Ya *no() #ha# i! a good #ric*) co$ld yo$ do i# again8 So I did i# again& They (a#ched e+"re!!ionle!!& Then one !aid) 8I ha'e no idea ho( #ha# (or*!&8 Then ano#her !aid) 8Co$ld yo$ do i# again8 And I did& And #hen again& Each #i%e #hey cal%ly (a#ched and reac#ed a! if i# (ere really %agic& 0efore I ,$i# doing i# one "er!on !aid) 8Ya *no() I co$ld (a#ch #ha# o'er and o'er and ne'er ha'e a cl$e ho( #ha# ha""en!&8
My "oin# i! #ha# 'ir#$al %agic no# only loo*! li*e %agic b$# a""ear! a! real %agic for #he a$dience canno# co%e $" (i#h a "o!!ible !ol$#ion& The %ain rea!on I #ho$gh# of #he #hree le'el! of %agic (a! #o e+"lain (hy I de'o#e #he energy in#o #he !$b-ec# a! %$ch a! I do& The an!(er i! #ha# 'ir#$al %agic re,$ire! #hi! de'o#ion #o de#ail #o beco%e a! "o(erf$l a! i# i!& I feel I a% really on#o !o%e#hing here& I 'al$e #he !e"ara#ion of one *ind of %agic fro% ano#her *ind of %agic& Thi! can %o'e $! for(ard #o de'elo" an e'en be##er #echnology& To clarify %y feeling! abo$# #hi!) I !ee #ha# ano#her defini#ion of 'ir#$al %agic co$ld be 8Magic #ha# doe! no# re,$ire !$!"en!ion of di!belief #o a""ear a! %agic&8 5i#h #hi! yo$ can $nder!#and be##er !o%e of %y in#rod$c#ory re%ar*!& Dir#$al %agic re,$ire! a "$re and effec#i'e #echnology& Thea#er %agic re,$ire! #he ac#or! 8ar#8 #o 8!$!"end di!belief8 enabling #he a$dience #o !ee #he %agic& CHAPTER THREE 0ASIS OF MAGIC A! (e #hin* of doing %agic (e #hin* of doing %o'e! or #hin* of !o%e gi%%ic* #ha# (ill achie'e !o%e "heno%ena& 5e b$y #ric*! a# #he %agic !ho" or off of #he In#erne#& 5e do #he!e #ric*! for "eo"le and (e di!co'er a fe( #hing! abo$# i# all& Fir!#) (e find #ha# "eo"le can be fooled& Ano#her i! #ha# (e find !o%e #ric*! are be##er #han o#her!& 5hy i! #ha# In fac#) (hy doe! a %agic #ric* fool anyone in #he fir!# "lace Then (e enco$n#er !o%e#hing el!e& In #he beginning (e (ill no# con!ider doing a #ric* $nle!! (e o$r!el'e! are fooled (i#h i#& Thi! fac# enable! %agic !ho"! #o e+i!#& 5e go in#o a !ho" and a!* (ha# #hey ha'e for !ale& The !ale!%an !ho(! $! a #ric* and) ho"ef$lly) fool! $!& Then (e b$y an effec# #ha# (e belie'e (e can do and li*e(i!e fool o$r a$dience!& If #he o(ner of #he !ho" !ho(! $! #he #ric* fir!#) #ha# i!) ho( i# (or*!) (e are le!! li*ely #o b$y& 5e don./# *no( if i# (ill fool anyone or no#& 5e a! beginner!) ha'e no (ay #o de#er%ine #he effec#i'ene!! of a co%%ercial #ric*& A! (e gain e+"erience (e ge# %ore confidence a# de#er%ining #he 'al$e of an effec#& Ho(e'er) in general) (e really don./# *no( (hy !o%e (or* and !o%e don./#& The "$r"o!e of #hi! !ec#ion i! #o #ry and de#er%ine (ha# %a*e! %agic) %agic& If (e co$ld $nder!#and #ha#) #hen (e co$ld e'al$a#e a #ric* and de#er%ine if i# (o$ld be good or bad& E'en be##er) (e co$ld crea#e be##er #ric*!& So) le#./! #a*e a !#ab a# $nder!#anding (ha# %a*e! %agic) %agic& :$ring %y !#$dy of (hy %agic (or*!) I ca%e $" (i#h a conce"# I refer #o a! #he 8Fi'e S#e"! Of :ece"#ion8& Here are #he fi'e !#e"!& ;& Sho( !o%e condi#ion 1& Perfor% !o%e ac#ion <& Sho( #ha# #he re!$l#ing condi#ion i! differen# #han #he a$dience e+"ec#ed& =& The a$dience re'ie(! #he fir!# #hree !#e"! ?& The a$dience co%e! #o #he concl$!ion #ha# #hey are fooled& To ill$!#ra#e #hi! le#./! $!e a ball $nder #he c$" 'ani!h& ;& Sho( !o%e condi#ion& The a$dience !ee! a ball re!#ing in fron# of a %o$#h do(n c$"& 1& Perfor% !o%e ac#ion The "erfor%er roll! #he ball $nder #he c$"& <& Sho( #ha# #he re!$l#ing condi#ion i! differen# #han #he a$dience e+"ec#ed& The "erfor%er rai!e! #he c$" !ho(ing #ha# #here i! no ball $nder #he c$"& =& The a$dience re'ie(! !#e"! ;) 1) and <& 5hen #he a$dience !ee! no#hing $nder #he c$" #hey go #o #heir %e%ory and recall (ha# had ha""ened& They re%e%ber !eeing a ball in fron# of a c$") #hey re%e%ber !eeing #he ball rolled $nder #he c$" and #hen !eeing #he c$" rai!ed #o !ho( #he ball gone& ?& The a$dience co%e! #o #he concl$!ion #ha# #hey are fooled& The a$dience #hen decide! #here !ho$ld ha'e been a ball #here) #here (a!n./#) !o #herefore) #hey are fooled& To be a li##le co%"le#e (e %$!# ob!er'e #ha# #hi! !cenario doe! no# co'er all %agical !i#$a#ion!& I# doe! no# co'er #hing! #ha# floa#& I# doe! no# co'er #he #ric* in (hich #he "erfor%er !ay!) 8Thin* of a card8) and #hen na%e! #he card
#he "er!on i! #hin*ing of& A !i%ilar analy!i! of #he!e effec#! co$ld be %ade and (o$ld incl$de !o%e !#a#e%en# #ha# #here i! one "o!!ibili#y of an e'en# occ$rring b$# ano#her e'en# occ$r!& A# #hi! "oin# in life I (o$ld ra#her no# ge# in#o #hi! and I a% "re!en#ly !a#i!fied #o deal only (i#h #he fi'e !#e"! abo'e& Ge##ing bac* #o #he %ain "oin#) #he e!!ence of #hi! i! #ha# #he a$dience e+"ec#!"redic#! one e'en# b$# !ee! ano#her& Hence) %agic %$!# ha'e occ$rred) or a# lea!# #hey canno# e+"lain (hy #heir "redic#ion de'ia#e! fro% ob!er'a#ion& If a "erfor%er i! "re!en# #ha# i! #al*ing (hile #he ob!er'a#ion i! going on) #he a$dience can be #old #ha# i# i! %agic& The ini#ial rea!on I ca%e $" (i#h #he fi'e !#e"! (a! no# #o e+"lain %agic) b$# #o a!cer#ain (ha# %igh# go (rong (i#h #he "roce!!& For e+a%"le7 5ha# if #he "er!on #hin*! #he ball (en# !o%e(here el!e 5ha# if #he "er!on can./# re%e%ber #he fir!# #hree !#e"! 5ha# if #he "er!on doe!n./# care 5ha# if #hey don./# ha'e a chance #o %a*e a deci!ion 5hy !ho$ld #hey belie'e #he "erfor%er rolled #he ball $nder #he c$" Ac#$ally %y fir!# concern (a! abo$# %agician! #ha# r$!h #hro$gh a "erfor%ance and ne'er allo( !#e"! fo$r and fi'e #o ha""en& They %ay be doing good %agic b$# #hey are %o'ing !o fa!# #he a$dience canno# decide #ha# %agic ha""ened& Ho(e'er) #he!e fi'e !#e"! accelera#e o$r $nder!#anding of #he %agic "roce!!& Le#./! recollec# (ha# o$r i%%edia#e "$r"o!e i!& O$r "$r"o!e i! #o $nder!#and #he ba!i! of %agic& I belie'e #he fi'e !#e"! are clo!e b$# I do no# #hin* #hey are (ha# I a% really af#er& Ho(e'er) #he fi'e !#e"! !ee% #o be 'ery clo!e #o #he correc# an!(er! or a# lea!# "oin# #he (ay in (hich (e can effec#i'ely di!c$!! #he real i!!$e!& Af#er #hin*ing and !or#ing all of #hi! o$# #here !ee%! #o be a ba!ic a%ong!# all of #hi!& The ba!ic concern! !#e" #(o& In #hi! !#e" #he "erfor%er did !o%e#hing #ha# "rod$ced a differen# re!$l# #han #he a$dience a!!$%ed (o$ld ha""en& I# occ$r! #o %e #ha# h$%an being! e+i!# in #heir daily life by %a*ing a!!$%"#ion! abo$# #he #hing! #ha# go on aro$nd #he%& Le#./! !hor#en #hi! and %a*e i# a cri#ical "oin#7 Peo"le %a*e a!!$%"#ion!& In !#e" #(o of o$r "re'io$! e+a%"le #he "erfor%er "re#ended #o roll #he ball $nder #he c$"& The %o#ion (a! !o%e#hing #ha# #he a$dience (a! acc$!#o%ed #o !eeing& So) #he a$dience a!!$%ed #he "erfor%er) in fac#) did roll #he ball $nder #he c$" (hen in fac# #he "erfor%er did no#& The !#$dy of %agic #hen i! a !#$dy of #he a!!$%"#ion! #ha# "eo"le %a*e& Thi! i! really a #(i!# aro$nd fro% nor%al #hin*ing& Nor%ally (e #hin*& 85ell I can do #hi! %o'e #o 'ani!h a coin) and I can $!e #hi! gi%%ic* #o ha'e i# a""ear&8 5e do no# #hin*) 8O>) (ha# (ill #he a$dience #hin* if I hold %y hand in a "ar#ic$lar "o!i#ion d$ring #he #ric*&8 Or) 85ha# (ill #he a$dience a!!$%e I a% doing (hen I lif# #he gla!! !lo(ly a# !o%e "ar#ic$lar "oin#&8 5hile learning ho( #o fal!ely roll #he ball $nder #he c$" one %$!# !#$dy (ha# #he a$dience (ill a!!$%e (hile #ha# i! going on& For %e) a (hole ne( $ni'er!e of $nder!#anding ha! been o"ened $"& 5herea! before) I foc$!ed on %i!direc#ion #echni,$e!) I no( !ee #ha# %ani"$la#ing a!!$%"#ion! can be far %ore "rod$c#i'e and %i!direc#ion fall! #o #he role of !$""or#ing a!!$%"#ion!& 5e (ill !ee #hi! a! #hi! doc$%en# $nfold!& No( (e (ill go #o a ne( cha"#er #o deal (i#h a!!$%"#ion! in %ore de#ail& Ho(e'er) (e (ill no# forge# #he Fi'e S#e"! Of :ece"#ion for #here are !#ill 'al$able in!igh#! #here (e ha'e no# #o$ched $"on ye#& 5e (ill re#$rn #o i#&
CHAPTER FOBR ASSBMPTIONS In #he "receding cha"#er (e ha'e !#$%bled $"on #he ba!i! of %agic dece"#ion& Le#./! highligh# (ha# (e di!co'ered and #hen con#in$e #o di!c$!! i#7
Peo"le %a*e a!!$%"#ion!& Fro% #he foregoing (e ha'e !een #ha# #here are #(o ac#ion!) an a!!$%ed ac#ion and a real ac#ion "rod$cing a differen# re!$l#& In !#e" one of #he Fi'e S#e"! Of :ece"#ion #he "erfor%er e!#abli!he! an ini#ial condi#ion& Then in !#e" #(o #he "erfor%er e+ec$#e! !o%e ac#ion& :$ring #hi! ac#ion #he a$dience a!!$%e! !o%e o$#co%e& The "erfor%er ha! con!#r$c#ed #hi! ac#ion #o "rod$ce !o%e o$#co%e o#her #han (ha# #he a$dience e+"ec#!& Tha# i!) #he a!!$%"#ion #he a$dience %a*e! i! fal!e& Then) in !#e" #hree) #he "erfor%er re'eal! #he o$#co%e or re!$l#ing condi#ion of #he ac#ion e+ec$#ed in !#e" #(o& Here #he a$dience !ee! #heir a!!$%ed o$#co%e (a! (rong& In !#e" fo$r #hey re'ie( #he e'en#! and in !#e" fi'e #hey concl$de #ha# #hey ha'e been decei'ed& The *ey i! #ha#7 Peo"le %a*e fal!e a!!$%"#ion!& I# i! in#ere!#ing #o no#e #ha# #he!e a!!$%"#ion! can be 'ery !#rong& Con!ider #he follo(ing& Thi! e'en# occ$rred (hile I (a! in college& T(o cla!!%a#e! (ere 'i!i#ing %e one day& I (a! li'ing in one of #ho!e one roo% a"ar#%en#! in #he !l$%! of :e#roi# #ha# ha'e barely eno$gh !"ace for one bed& The #(o cla!!%a#e! (ere in %y "hy!ic! cla!! (i#h %e& 5e (ere #al*ing abo$# !chool of co$r!e) b$# for !o%e rea!on #he !$b-ec# !(i#ched #o %agic and I a##e%"#ed #o !ho( #he% a #ric*& 5e) a! !#$den#! of Phy!ic!) (ere acc$!#o%ed #o $!ing #he !cien#ific %e#hod& Tha# i!) (e ran e+"eri%en#! (here (e li!#ed gi'en!) e'en#! and recorded re!$l#!& A# #he #i%e I did no# reali2e I (a! abo$# #o "$# #he!e #(o g$y! in a "o!i#ion #o $!e #ho!e !*ill!& I (a! !i##ing on %y bed and #hey (ere !i##ing in fron# of %e in #(o chair!& I "$# a "enny #o %y righ# on #he bed& Then I "$# %y righ# hand o'er #he "enny in a "o!i#ion #o "ic* i# $"& I rai!ed %y lef# hand "al% $" #o a##rac# #heir a##en#ion #o i# and rai!ed %y righ# hand a! if i# held a "enny& I dro""ed #he "re#end coin in#o %y lef# and clo!ed i#& Then I o"ened i# #o !ho( #he coin no# #here& My #(o friend! loo*ed a# %y e%"#y hand and #hen loo*ed a# #he coin #o %y righ# #ha# I had no# "ic*ed $"& I #ho$gh# #hey !i%"ly ca$gh# %e& 0$# #hen) #here eye! o"ened (ide and #he bo#h e+clai%ed) 8Ho( did yo$ do #ha#8 I (a! conf$!ed b$# a! #hey cha##ered on I ga#hered #ha# #hey !a( %e "$# #he coin in#o %y hand) o"en i# and #he coin -$%"ed in!#an#ly on#o #he bed be!ide %e& Then #hey !#ar#ed #o co%"o!e #he%!el'e! and #heir !cien#ific #raining !#ar#ed #o #$rn on& One !aid) 8O>) le#./! li!# #he gi'en!&8 The o#her !aid) 8Righ#) #he fir!# gi'en i! #ha# he had a coin&8 The o#her !aid) 8Righ#8& And one !aid) 8I# (a! lying on hi! hand&8 The o#her !aid) 8Righ#&8 Then one !aid) 8I# (a! #ail! !ide $"&8 Then #he o#her !aid) 8No) i# (a! head! !ide $"8 They loo*ed a# each o#her d$%bfo$nded& Then) #heir di!c$!!ion fell a"ar#& They decided #ha# I had a half a "enny in %y lef# hand #ha# I !o%eho( hid in %y hand& They co$ld no# re!ol'e ho( one !a( a head and #he o#her !a( a #ail& 5ha# i! %y %ain "oin# in #hi! !#ory The (ay I %o'ed %y hand and ho( I dro""ed #he "re#end coin in#o %y lef# hand) ca$!ed #he% #o a!!$%e #here (a! a coin #here& The a!!$%"#ion (a! !o !#rong #ha# #hey ac#$ally "$# a coin in %y hand in #heir %e%ory& Thi! lead! #o ano#her in#ere!#ing ba!ic "oin# #o highligh#& Fal!e a!!$%"#ion! can be !o !#rong #hey beco%e reali#y& The %o#ion I $!ed d$ring #ha# e"i!ode (a! one I ha'e !"en# a grea# deal of #i%e (i#h and $#ili2e i#! "rinci"le! in #he 'ani!he! #ha# I ha'e de'elo"ed& Once (e reali2e #he i%"or#ance of #he a$dience./! a!!$%"#ion! abo$# (ha# (e are doing) #he 8ar#8 of %agic ra"idly di!a""ear! and (e begin #o con!ider a!!$%"#ion! #he a$dience can %a*e and ho( (e can do !o%e#hing o#her #han #he a!!$%ed o$#co%e& Th$!) (e gain %ore "o(er #o do %agic& 5e can al!o !ee #he need #o $nder!#and #he h$%an a!!$%"#i'e "roce!!& No( #ha# (e $nder!#and #he!e ba!ic conce"#! (e can %o'e for(ard by a!*ing #he ,$e!#ion) 8Ho( do (e ge# "eo"le #o %a*e fal!e a!!$%"#ion!8 A! I #hin* abo$# #hi! no() I !ee #(o "o!!ible (ay!& ;& Perfor% a nor%al real %o#ion doing ano#her $n!een ac#ion& 1& Perfor% a nor%al %o#ion #ha# ac#$ally doe! !o%e#hing differen# #han i# $!$ally doe!& To e+"lain #he fir!#) le#./! $!e a real e+a%"le& The %agician need! an e+#rahidden coin for !o%e rea!on& The "erfor%er can "ic* $" a "en fro% #he #able and "$# i# in#o hi! "oc*e#& :$ring #he "roce!! #he "erfor%er "al%! a coin o$# of #he "oc*e#& The fal!e a!!$%"#ion i! #ha# #he "erfor%er bro$gh# hi! hand o$# of #he "oc*e# e%"#y& In #hi! (ay of crea#ing a fal!e a!!$%"#ion) #here i! an
ob!er'ed ac#ion #ha# i! real and in fac# "rod$ce! #he e+"ec#ed o$#co%e& An e+#ra ac#ion i! done ho(e'er& The ac#ion #he a$dience ob!er'e! i! #ha# yo$ re%o'ed yo$r hand fro% yo$r "oc*e# e%"#y& Tha# a!!$%"#ion (o$ld be fal!e& Thi! a!!$%"#ion can be enforced by a 'arie#y of fac#or!& If yo$ ha'e a 'ery "re!!ing need #o "$# #he "en in#o yo$r "oc*e# #he a$dience (ill ,$e!#ion #he ac# le!!& For e+a%"le) if yo$ are !#anding (hile "erfor%ing) #here are no #able! aro$nd) yo$ are al!o holding a dec* of card! and an en'elo"e and yo$ -$!# had a %e%ber fro% #he a$dience "$# a %ar* on a coin) #he a$dience (ill $nder!#and #o#ally #ha# yo$ %$!# "$# #he "en in#o yo$r "oc*e#& Al!o #he !"eed (i#h (hich yo$r hand %o'e! in and o$# of yo$r "oc*e# enhance! #he fal!e a!!$%"#ion& Here yo$ %$!# !o%eho( !$!"end #he hidden coin near #he #o" of yo$r "oc*e# !o i# a""ear! #ha# (hen yo$r hand en#er! #he "oc*e# #he "en i! relea!ed #o fall in#o #he "oc*e# and #he hand i! (i#hdra(n i%%edia#ely& Tha# i! 'ery good& If yo$ "$!h yo$r hand all #he (ay in#o yo$r "oc*e#) f$%ble for #he hidden coin and #hen (i#hdra( yo$r hand) yo$ ha'e (ea*ened #he a$dience./! a!!$%"#ion yo$r hand i! e%"#y& Then ano#her i!!$e i! #he "o!i#ion of yo$r hand af#er lea'ing #he "oc*e#& If #he finger! are loo!e a! if #he hand con#ained no#hing yo$ are (inning& The 0a!ic Tran!fer Dani!h i! an e+a%"le of #he !econd %e#hod of crea#ing a fal!e a!!$%"#ion& In #hi! 'ani!h yo$ "re#end #o %o'e a coin fro% yo$r righ# hand #o yo$r lef#& The finger! and hand! !i%"ly go #hro$gh #he %o#ion!& Ho(e'er) #he coin re%ain! in yo$r righ# hand& The %o#ion of #he hand! and finger! nor%ally %o'e a coin fro% one hand #o #he o#her& Here ho(e'er) #he re!$l# i! #ha# #he coin re%ain! in #he righ# hand& There are !e'eral #hing! #he "erfor%er can do #o reinforce #he fal!e a!!$%"#ion #ha# #he coin changed hand!& One i! !i%ilar #o #he fir!# %e#hod (hich i! #he !#ronger #he rea!on #o do !o%e ac#ion) #he %ore li*ely #he a$dience (ill a!!$%e #ha# yo$ did no#hing el!e& For #ha# rea!on ro$#ine! #ha# $!e a #ran!fer 'ani!h are !#r$c#$red !o #here i! %o#i'a#ion for #ran!ferring a coin& For e+a%"le) #he coin i! on #he #able on yo$r righ# and !o i! yo$r %agic (and& Yo$ "ic* $" #he coin (i#h yo$r righ# #o %o'e i# #o yo$r lef# hand and free $" yo$r righ# hand !o i# can "ic* $" #he %agic (and yo$ a""aren#ly need #o %a*e #he coin di!a""ear& Ho(e'er) #he !#ronge!# enforcer of #he fal!e a!!$%"#ion i! !i%ilari#y be#(een a real %o'e and a %o'e of dece"#ion& Le#./! highligh# #hi! "oin#7 The %ore !i%ilar a !leigh#9of9hand %o'e i! #o a nor%al ac#ion #he %ore #he a$dience (ill be li*ely #o %a*e a fal!e a!!$%"#ion& My 'i!$ali2a#ion of #hi! "rinci"le i! li*e "ain#ing a "ic#$re of reali#y b$# lea'ing o$# one li##le i#e%& 5hile doing a coin #ran!fer) I "$# e'ery#hing in#o #he "ic#$re I can) e+ce"# #he coin& The !"eed of %o#ion of #he hand!) #he c$r'a#$re of #he finger!) #he #en!ion in #he !ho$lder!) #he #one of %y 'oice and !e'eral %ore de#ail! are all in #hi! "ic#$re& Ho(e'er) #he coin doe! no# fall fro% hand #o hand& In fac# #here i! a !"ace #here #he a$dience can !ee in#o #ha# doe! no# con#ain a coin& If all o#her "ar#! of #he "ic#$re are in "lace) #he a$dience crea#e! a coin #here #o co%"le#e #he "ic#$re& Le#./! bac* $" a %o%en# and con!ider (ha# fal!e a!!$%"#ion! (e (an# #he a$dience #o %a*e& In #he #(o e+a%"le! abo'e (e (an#ed #he a$dience #o %a*e #he fal!e a!!$%"#ion! #ha# (e re%o'ed an e%"#y hand fro% a "oc*e# and #ha# a coin (a! #ran!ferred fro% hand #o hand& Ho(e'er) #here i! a !#ronger fal!e a!!$%"#ion (e can !hoo# for& Le#./! highligh# #hi! one7 The %o!# effec#i'e fal!e a!!$%"#ion #he a$dience can %a*e i! #ha# yo$ are doing no#hing& In general #he a$dience (ill no# or canno# ,$e!#ion no#hing& For e+a%"le) if yo$ "al% a card (hile yo$ do a fancy card c$#) #he a$dience %igh# !ay) 8I (onder if he did !o%e#hing (hen he did #ha# fancy card #hingy8 If) ho(e'er) yo$ can "al% a card d$ring #he nor%al !e,$ence of ac#ion! of ha'ing a card !elec#ed) re#$rn #he card #o #he dec* and !i%"ly "lace #he card! on#o #he #able) #he a$dience (ill "ercei'e yo$ did no#hing& In fac#) yo$ did %any no#hing!& 5hich one (ill #hey ,$e!#ion Le#./! %o'e on #o ano#her in#ere!#ing bi# of infor%a#ion& B" #o #hi! "oin# (e ha'e been ra#her ca'alier abo$# o$r abili#y #o crea#e a !i#$a#ion in (hich #he a$dience %a*e! a fal!e a!!$%"#ion& 5hen a "er!on begin! #he "a#h of beco%ing a %agician he ,$ic*ly learn! #ha# ge##ing a !"ec#a#or #o %a*e a fal!e a!!$%"#ion i! diffic$l#& 5e can al!o !ee #ha# #here %igh# be a loo* of !$r"ri!e in #he !"ec#a#or./! eye #elling $! #ha# (e ha'e been !$cce!!f$l& S$ddenly) ho(e'er) #ha# loo* in #heir eye can a""ear #hrea#ening (hen yo$ reali2e #ha# #hey -$!#
fig$red o$# (ha# ac#$ally ha""ened& Th$!) (e ha'e ano#her i%"or#an# i#e% #o highligh#7 Peo"le can re'ie( fal!e a!!$%"#ion! and $n(ind #he%& The a$dience) d$ring !#e" = of #he Fi'e S#e"! Of :ece"#ion can re'ie( #he e'en#! of #he fir!# #hree !#e"! and reali2e #ha# #hey ha'e %ade a fal!e a!!$%"#ion& They can correc# #ha#) reali2ing #ha# yo$ %ade a fal!e a##e%"# #o decei'e #he%& Hence) #o decei'e) (e %$!# no# only ge# #he% #o %a*e a fal!e a!!$%"#ion) yo$ %$!# "re'en# #he% fro% re'ie(ing i#& The "ri%ary (ay of doing #hi! i! #o "erfor% !e'eral ac#ion!& In #hi! !e,$ence of e'en#! #he a$dience %a*e! !e'eral a!!$%"#ion! or e'en !e'eral fal!e a!!$%"#ion!& The re!$l#! of #he!e ac#ion! are #hen re'ealed& An e+a%"le i! in order& Fir!# le#./! "re!en# #he !i%"le ac# of 'ani!hing a coin (i#h a #ran!fer 'ani!h& Mo!# %agician./! $nder!#and #ha# !i%"ly doing a 'ani!h for a !"ec#a#or i! 'ery bad& 5hen yo$ !ho( a coin in yo$r righ# hand) e+ec$#e a #ran!fer 'ani!h in#o yo$r lef# and #hen o"en yo$r lef# hand) #he a$dience (ill be !$r"ri!ed for a %o%en# b$# ,$ic*ly "oin# o$# #ha# #he coin i! in yo$r righ# hand& Fro% #he "er!"ec#i'e of #he Fi'e S#e"! Of :ece"#ion) #he !"ec#a#or (i#ne!!ed #he fir!# #hree !#e"!) and $"on re'ie( of #he%) reali2ed #ha#) #ho$gh yo$ a""aren#ly #o!!ed #he coin in#o yo$r lef# hand) yo$ "robably did no#) for #he coin i! no# #here& Reali2ing #ha# %agician! are ,$ic* (i#h #heir hand!) #he !"ec#a#or fig$re! o$# #ha# yo$ did no# really #o!! i# and #he coin %$!# !#ill be in #he righ# hand& They really don./# $nder!#and ho( yo$ did (ha# yo$ did b$# #hey do reali2e #ha# #hey %ade a fal!e a!!$%"#ion& Yo$ can fi+ #hi! by doing a bi# %ore #ha# re,$ire! #he a$dience #o %a*e %ore fal!e a!!$%"#ion! #ha# (ill #ri" $" #heir re'ie(& For e+a%"le) !$""o!e yo$ ha'e a dollar bill rolled $" a! a !%all ball in yo$r lef# hand& No( yo$ e+ec$#e yo$r 'ani!h of #he coin fro% yo$r righ# #o yo$r lef#) #hen o"en #he lef# !ho(ing #he rolled $" dollar bill& Yo$ can $nroll #he bill !ho(ing #he "al%! of bo#h hand! e%"#y by hiding #he coin $nder #he finger! (hile i# i! in a finger "al% gri"& Thi! can be a 'ery good #ric*& 0efore yo$ e'en begin #he #ric* #he a$dience ha! %ade !e'eral fal!e a!!$%"#ion!& One i! #ha# yo$ (ere no# "erfor%ing a #ric*& Ac#$ally yo$ (ere for yo$ (ere !#anding #here (i#h #hi! ball "al%ed #he en#ire #i%e& Ano#her fal!e a!!$%"#ion "robably %ade i! #ha# yo$r lef# hand (a! e%"#y& :$ring #he "al%ing of #he rolled $" dollar bill yo$r hand (a! in a na#$ral "o!i#ion and yo$ "robably $!ed i# (hile yo$ (ere #al*ing& Ne+#) yo$ e+ec$#ed #he #ran!fer 'ani!h& A fal!e a!!$%"#ion (a! %ade #ha# yo$ #o!!ed #he coin in#o yo$r lef# hand& Yo$ ,$ic*ly !#ar#ed #o $nroll #he bill (hile #hey (ere re'ie(ing #he fir!# #hree !#e"! of #he #ran!fer 'ani!h !e,$ence& They !ee #he "al% of #he righ# hand and %a*e ano#her fal!e a!!$%"#ion #ha# #ha# hand i! e%"#y& Thi! i! a %$ch be##er #ric*& The !"ec#a#or doe! no# *no( (hich a!!$%"#ion! #hey !ho$ld re'ie(& Bnder!#and) #ha# #he ro$#ine of #o!!ing a coin in#o yo$r lef# hand and changing i# #o a dollar bill a! "re!en#ed no( i! no# #he $l#i%a#e& The a$dience (ill reali2e #ha# #hey ha'e %ade fal!e a!!$%"#ion! and reali2e #ha# !o%e#hing (a! a(ry& If #he "erfor%er #ell! a c$#e !#ory (i#h #he ro$#ine or in !o%e o#her fa!hion !$!"end! #he di!belief of #he !"ec#a#or) #he !"ec#a#or (ill !ee #he %agic in i# and find i# fa!cina#ing& The #ric* co$ld be #ran!ferred in#o 'ir#$al %agic if (e "aid %ore a##en#ion #o #he !e,$ence of e'en#! and did a li##le %ore& Tha# i!) b$ild %ore ac#ion in#o #he li##le ro$#ine #ha# ca$!e! #he !"ec#a#or #o %a*e %ore fal!e a!!$%"#ion!& In o#her (ord! (e co$ld do %ore #o !ho( #he lef# hand a""aren#ly e%"#y before #he #ran!fer of #he coin& 5e co$ld al!o do %ore #o !ho( #he righ# hand e%"#y i%%edia#ely af#er #he #ran!fer 'ani!h& 5e co$ld b$ild a ro$#ine #ha# a""ear! #o #he !"ec#a#or a! follo(!& 5e begin #o do #he #ric* by !ho(ing #he !"ec#a#or a coin and !ho(ing #ha# o$r hand! are o#her(i!e e%"#y& Then #he coin i! !,$ee2ed and #he coin beco%e! a dollar bill& Af#er #ha# #he !"ec#a#or i! ab!ol$#ely !$re #here i! no#hing el!e in o$r hand!& In e!!ence (e co$ld be a""lying !e'eral #echni,$e! #o !#o" #he !"ec#a#or fro% re'ie(ing a!!$%"#ion!& One i! #o ha'e one fal!e a!!$%"#ion co'er ano#her fal!e a!!$%"#ion& Ano#her i! #o !#r$c#$re #he !e,$ence of e'en#! !o #he a$dience re(ind! #o a "oin# af#er a fal!e a!!$%"#ion (a! %ade& And ano#her i! #o %i!label !o%e ac#ion !o a! #o hide #he fal!e a!!$%"#ion& Le#./! i!ola#e #he!e and #a*e #he% $" one a# a #i%e& Con!ider #he ca!e of ca$!ing #he a$dience #o re(ind #o a "oin# af#er a fal!e a!!$%"#ion (a! %ade& For
an e+a%"le) le#./! $!e #he #ran!fer 'ani!h& A! (e ha'e re'ie(ed) doing a ba!ic #ran!fer 'ani!h i! dangero$! for #he a$dience can ,$ic*ly re'ie( #he fir!# #hree !#e"! of #he 'ani!h and co%e #o a concl$!ion #ha# a coin (a! no# really #ran!ferred& Le#./! add one %ore ac#ion #o #he 'ani!h !e,$ence& I%%edia#ely af#er #he ac#ion i! e+ec$#ed) #ha# i! af#er !#e" #(o and before !#e" #hree (here (e re'eal #he coin no# in #he lef# hand) (e %a*e a %agical ge!#$re (i#h #he lef# hand& Tha# i!) (e %a*e a cr$%bling %o#ion (i#h #he finger! of #he lef# hand& The a$dience belie'e! #here i! a coin in #ha# hand& They ha'e no rea!on #o #hin* o#her(i!e a# #hi! "oin#& Then #he hand i! held (ide o"en b$# "al% do(n) ho(e'er yo$ hold yo$r #h$%b #igh# again!# yo$r hand& To #he a$dience i# a""ear! #ha# #he coin co$ld be cli""ed $nder #he #h$%b& $!# a! ,$ic*ly yo$ o"en yo$r #h$%b& The !"ec#a#or) #hin*ing a coin i! #here) (ill re!ol'e #hi! by #hin*ing yo$ can *ee" #he coin !#$c* #o yo$r hand& Then -$!# a! ,$ic*ly yo$ #$rn yo$r hand "al% $" !ho(ing no coin& No() #he !"ec#a#or (ill re(ind #he "re'io$! e'en#! #o de#er%ine (here #he coin !li""ed a(ay fro% #he%& If #hey re(ind #o #he "oin# (here yo$ !ho(ed a coin in yo$r righ# hand) #hey %ay challenge #heir a!!$%"#ion #ha# yo$ ac#$ally "$# #he coin in#o yo$r lef# hand& If !o yo$r dece"#ion ha! been di!co'ered& If ho(e'er) #hey re(ind #o a "oin# -$!# af#er yo$ a""aren#ly #o!!ed #he coin in#o yo$r lef# hand) #hey begin (i#h #heir a!!$%"#ion! abo$# (ha# yo$ (ere doing (hen yo$ (ere %a*ing cr$%bling %o#ion! (i#h yo$r finger!& The only concl$!ion #hey can co%e #o i! #ha# #hey ha'e !een %agic& No( le#./! #a*e $" ano#her (ay #o "re'en# #he a$dience fro% re'ie(ing an a!!$%"#ion& Thi! #echni,$e re,$ire! #ha# yo$ do !o%e#hing (i#h yo$r body (hile yo$ do #he %o'e yo$ (i!h #o be ignored& Tony Slydini "o"$lari2ed #he #echni,$e of leaning bac*(ard! (hile la""ing an ob-ec# #o co'er #he fac# #he ob-ec# (a! dro""ed& 5hile dro""ing yo$r hand #o #he #able i! a 'ery na#$ral ac#ion) if yo$ lean bac* (hen yo$ do i# yo$ are al!o co%%$nica#ing #o #he a$dience #ha# yo$ are no# doing any#hing& I# i! an acce"#ed %e!!age #ha# yo$ are !i%"ly rela+ing& Th$!) (hen #he a$dience re'ie(! #he e'en#!) #hey regard #ha# %o#ion a! !o%e#hing e'eryone doe! (i#ho$# #ho$gh#& Th$!) i# e!ca"e! re'ie(& In o#her "ar#! of #hi! doc$%en# #hi! i! referred #o a! %i!labeling !o%e a!!$%"#ion& The la!# de'ice) li!#ed before) #o "re'en# fal!e a!!$%"#ion! fro% being re'ie(ed) i! #o $!e !e'eral fal!e a!!$%"#ion! #o hide each o#her& The b$!ine!! of "re#ending #o "ic* $" a "enny and "re#ending #o "$# i# in#o %y hand i! an e+a%"le of #hi!& The fir!# ac#ion re,$iring a fal!e a!!$%"#ion #o be %ade (a! "re#ending #o "ic* $" #he "enny& The !"ec#a#or! %ade #he fal!e a!!$%"#ion a coin (a! "ic*ed $"& 0efore re'ealing #he o$#co%e of #ha# ac#ion) #he "re#end "enny (a! dro""ed in#o %y hand& Then #hey for%ed a !econd fal!e a!!$%"#ion& Thi! d$o of fal!e a!!$%"#ion! (a! !o !#rong #hey crea#ed a "enny in #heir %ind./! eye& Probably a !e,$ence of fal!e a!!$%"#ion! i! one co%%on fac#or of all !olid %agic effec#!& No() af#er re'ie(ing #he!e #hree #echni,$e!) (e can highligh# a co$"le %a-or "oin#!& Effec#i'e dece"#ion de"end! on !e'eral fal!e a!!$%"#ion! (or*ing #oge#her& The "roce!! of di'er#ing #he a$dience./! a##en#ion a(ay fro% a fal!e a!!$%"#ion i! called %i!direc#ion& I con!ider #he b$!ine!! of re(inding #o a "oin# af#er a fal!e a!!$%"#ion and relabeling an a!!$%"#ion a! %i!direc#ion& A (ord abo$# %i!direc#ion i! in order and ho( i# affec#! #he organi2a#ion of #he!e cha"#er!& There i! a "roble% in #ha# fal!e a!!$%"#ion! and %i!direc#ion are 'ery clo!e #o each o#her& Fal!e a!!$%"#ion! con#ain an ele%en# of %i!direc#ion& Then) a# #he !a%e #i%e) %i!direc#ion con#ain! an ele%en# of fal!e a!!$%"#ion!& For !i%"lici#y #hi! boo* a!!$%e! #he #(o can be !e"ara#ed& Thi! boo* #rea#! an a!!$%"#ion a! an ac# #ha# i! #he ba!i! of %agic dece"#ion& Thi! boo* #rea#! %i!direc#ion a! a de'ice #o "re'en# a fal!e a!!$%"#ion fro% being de#ec#ed& Thi! cha"#er ha! been de'o#ed #o fal!e a!!$%"#ion!& O$# of nece!!i#y (e ha'e di!c$!!ed %i!direc#ion a! (ell& Ho(e'er) (e (ill be co'ering direc#ion and %i!direc#ion %ore in #he ne+# cha"#er a! a !e"ara#e !$b-ec#& Le#./! end #hi! cha"#er (i#h an an!(er #o (ha# %igh# be a 'ery !#rong ,$e!#ion in yo$r %ind righ# no(& Ho( do (e ge# #he a$dience #o %a*e fal!e a!!$%"#ion! Si%"le) (e a!!$%e #hey (ill& 5e ge# #he a$dience #o %a*e fal!e a!!$%"#ion! by doing #hing! #hey are acc$!#o%ed #o a!!$%ing& Peo"le li'e #heir li'e! by %a*ing a!!$%"#ion! all of #he #i%e& Con!ider (ha#
ha""en! (hen %o!# "eo"le gi'e a coin #o !o%eone el!e& They reach in#o #heir "oc*e# #o ge# a handf$l of change& The o#her hand "ic*! $" #he a""ro"ria#e coin!& Yo$ (ill no#ice #he "er!on doe! no# hold #he coin! by #heir edge! a# #he finger #i"!& The coin! (ell be held dee"er in #he hand) al#ho$gh #he edge! of #he coin! %ay be !ho(ing& Then #he gi'er e+#end! #heir hand #o(ard #he recei'er e+"ec#ing #he% #o #a*e i#& The recei'er e+#end! #heir hand and acce"#! #he change& The "oin# i! #ha# "eo"le a!!$%e #ha# o#her "eo"le are offering change (hen #hey !ay #hey are going #o do !o& Con!ider #he la!# #i%e yo$ ga'e !o%e coin! #o a ca!hier in a grocery !#ore& Yo$ e+"ec#ed #he ca!hier #o a!!$%e yo$ (ere gi'ing #he% change& For #he% no# #o do !o (o$ld be 'ery an#i9!ocial beha'ior& A! an e+"eri%en#) af#er en#ering #he abo'e in#o #he co%"$#er) I (en# #o a grocery !#ore and bo$gh# !o%e bacon and a !e%i9!(ee# dar* chocola#e candy bar and "aid for i# (i#h a #(en#y dollar bill& The ca!hier (a! #hen re,$ired #o gi'e %e !o%e change& She fir!# co$n#ed !o%e bill! o$# of #he ca!h dra(er and #hen !he !lid #he coin! o$# of #he li##le c$r'ed bo##o% bo+e! in #ha# dra(er& She co$n#ed #he change a! !he !lid #he coin! o$# of #ho!e li##le co%"ar#%en#!& Then !he ga'e %e #he bill! (i#h one hand and e+#ended #he o#her hand #o offer %e #he coin!& The coin! (ere #o#ally co'ered in her finger #i"!& The change (a! for#y fi'e cen#!& The "oin# here i! #ha# "eo"le %$!# a!!$%e h$ndred! of ac#ion! e'ery day& Thi! i! done !o of#en i# beco%e! a$#o%a#ic& Thi! !ocial #raining "ro'ide! %agician! (i#h a lo# of "eo"le #ha# can be decei'ed& Ne( %agician!) no# $nder!#anding or no# #r$!#ing #he "o(er of a!!$%"#ion) (an# #o do !o%e#hing !#ronger #han a!!$%e an a!!$%"#ion (ill be %ade& The beginner %igh# (an# #o !ay) 8I "$# #he coin in#o #ha# hand&8 I ha'e a##ended %agic %ee#ing! (here !o%e of #he "erfor%er! ac#$ally !aid !o%e#hing #o #ha# effec#& Or) %ore co%%only) ne( %agician! (ill e+aggera#e #he %o#ion of %o'ing a coin fro% one hand #o ano#her in an effor# #o co%%$nica#e #he !a%e #ho$gh#& They (ill hold #heir hand high in #he air) hold #he coin a# #he finger #i"! of #he o#her hand) #hen #hey do a fal!e #ran!fer %o'e !#aring in#en#ly a# #heir hand!& Then) af#er #he %o'e) #hey "oin# a# #he hand #ha# recei'ed #he coin a! if #o !ay) 8I "$# #he coin in#o #ha# hand&8 Clearly #he *ey i! #o ca"i#ali2e on #he %o#ion! "eo"le !ee in #heir e'eryday life& 5e %$!# a!!$%e #hey a!!$%e fal!ely&
CHAPTER FIDE MIS:IRECTION AN: :IRECTION Thi! cha"#er "re!en#! !e'eral "oin#! of 'ie( on direc#ion and %i!direc#ion& A fe( (ord! are !"en# di!c$!!ing !o%e idea! fro% o#her !o$rce! abo$# #hi! !$b-ec#& Then !o%e #i%e i! !"en# #al*ing abo$# (ha# *ind of %i!direc#ion i! no# di!c$!!ed here& Af#er all #hi! i! *ic*ed aro$nd) a defini#ion of %i!direc#ion i! "re!en#ed #ha# i! $!ed in #hi! doc$%en#& Thi! defini#ion de"end! $"on !o%e #hing! #ha# (ere di!co'ered in #he earlier cha"#er!& Finally) !o%e *ind! of %i!direc#ion and direc#ion are li!#ed (hich are con!idered one a# a #i%e& So #o begin) I (o$ld li*e #o "oin# o$# a fe( #hing! o#her "eo"le ha'e !aid& There ha! been a grea# deal "$bli!hed in #he %agic ind$!#ry abo$# #he (ord %i!direc#ion& So%e of #hi! %a#erial i! clai%ing #he (ord %i!direc# i! no# a""ro"ria#e& A""aren#ly #he "eo"le "$bli!hing #hi! infor%a#ion !i%"ly do no# $nder!#and (ha# #he (ord %ean!& The (ord %i!direc#ion i! 'ery a""ro"ria#e #o (ha# (e do in %agic& A! (e "roceed #hi! (ill beco%e clear& The "ri%ary "oin# i! #ha# yo$ reali2e #ha# (ha# !o%e o#her! call %i!direc#ion and (ha# I call %i!direc#ion are no# #he !a%e& I ho"e %y %eaning co%e! fro% #he dic#ionarie! of
#he (orld and i! $ni'er!ally acce"#able& Ano#her i!!$e) #here are #(o *ind! of %i!direc#ion #ha# are no# co'ered in #hi! doc$%en#& The fir!# i! #(o "oin# %i!direc#ion) and #he o#her 8Oh) I./% !#$"id8 %i!direc#ion& The #(o "oin# %i!direc#ion call! for ca$!ing #he a$dience #o loo* o'er #here (hen I do !o%e#hing !nea*y o'er here& O#her lec#$rer! and o#her %a#erial I ha'e read) de'o#e a lo# of energy #o ge##ing an a$dience #o loo* a(ay fro% yo$r hand! (hen a %o'e i! e+ec$#ed& 5hile I (ill no# #ell yo$ #ha# #hi! i! (rong) I (ill #ell yo$ #ha# #hi! i! defini#ely no# %y !#yle& My goal in "re!en#ing %agic i! #o do Dir#$al Magic& In #hi! !#yle of %agic #he a$dience %$!# be loo*ing direc#ly a# #he dir#y (or* #he 'ery %o%en# i# i! occ$rring& To re,$ire #ha# #he a$dience loo* el!e(here) #o do a dir#y %o'e) i! #o red$ce #he i%"ac# of #he effec#& The o#her *ind of %i!direc#ion I a% 'ery %$ch again!# a! (ell& I call i#) 8Oh) I./% !#$"id8 %i!direc#ion) for i# occ$r! (hen #he %agician doe! !o%e#hing and #hen #ell! hi! a$dience he did #he (rong #hing and %$!# do !o%e#hing en#irely differen#& All of #hi! i! $!ed a! a %i!direc#i'e de'ice #o acco%"li!h !o%e hidden e'en#& For e+a%"le) a card co$ld be !elec#ed) %ar*ed and !h$ffled in#o #he dec*& The card i! ac#$ally con#rolled #o #he #o"& Then #he "erfor%er "$#! #he dec* in#o hi! "oc*e#& Then he !ay!) 8Oh) I./% !#$"id) ac#$ally) yo$ are !$""o!ed #o hold i#&8 He #hen re#rie'e! #he dec* fro% hi! "oc*e# and gi'e! #he dec* #o a %e%ber of #he a$dience #o hold& In #he "roce!! of re#rie'ing #he dec* fro% #he "oc*e#) #he "erfor%er "$!he! #he #o" card) #he !elec#ed card) off of #he dec* in#o #he "oc*e# ne+# #o a gi%%ic*ed (alle#& Again) I a% no# !aying #hi! i! bad %agic or bad en#er#ain%en#& I a% !aying #ha# #hi! #y"e of ac#ion %o!# cer#ainly doe! no# "ro%o#e Dir#$al Magic& No() le#./! clarify (ha# direc#ion and %i!direc#ion are& Fir!# le#./! !ee (ha# a dic#ionary ha! #o !ay abo$# direc#& 8To ai% or g$ide !o%e#hing or !o%eone #o(ard a re!$l#) goal or "$r"o!e&8 Then %i!direc#ion7 8To ai% or g$ide !o%e#hing or !o%eone #o(ard a (rong re!$l#) goal or "$r"o!e&8 Re'ie(ing #hi! I can !ee (hy %y %agical "ar#ner! do no# li*e #he (ord %i!direc#ion& They a""aren#ly feel #hey are direc#ing #he a##en#ion of #he a$dience #o) for #he "erfor%er) a "o!i#i'e "lace& Ho(e'er) #he goal of #he a$dience i! #o di!cern ho( #he effec# i! achie'ed& Th$!) a %e%ber of #he a$dience (o$ld !ay #he "erfor%er ca$!ed #he %e%ber of #he a$dience #o loo* a# #he (rong "lace& Tha# i!) #he a$dience %e%ber (a! %i!direc#ed& Ho(e'er) fro% #he "erfor%er./! "er!"ec#i'e #he %e%ber (a! direc#ed& 5e a! %agician! %$!# no# forge# #he d$ali#y of o$r b$!ine!!& 5e li'e in #(o $ni'er!e!) one (e !ee and one #he a$dience !ee!& 5ha# i! good for $! i! 8%i!8 for #he o#her& 5E HADE A PRO0LEM HERE So) in concl$!ion) #(o "oin# %i!direc#ion and #he 8Oh) I./% !#$"id)8 *ind of %i!direc#ion./! are in fac# %i!direc#ion& Long ago) af#er re'ie(ing #he defini#ion of direc# and %i!direc# I al!o concl$ded #ha# direc#ion and %i!direc#ion are no# nece!!arily abo$# loca#ion! in !"ace& Long ago I decided #ha# good %i!direc#ion i! %ore of a %en#al "roce!! #han a !"a#ial one& I (o$ld "refer #o define %i!direc#ion a! ca$!ing a "er!on #o con!ider !o%e#hing and dra( a (rong concl$!ion& Thi! doc$%en# (ill con#in$e (i#h #hi! "oin# of 'ie(& And) a! I a% #hin*ing abo$# #hi! !$b-ec# #o (ri#e #hi! doc$%en#) I ha'e co%e #o !ee #he i%"or#ance of direc#ion& :irec#ion i! #he ac# of ca$!ing a "er!on #o con!ider !o%e#hing and dra( a de!ired 3fro% #he %agician./! "oin# of 'ie(4 concl$!ion& For #hi! I %$!# #han* #ho!e indi'id$al! #ha# (ro#e and !"o*e abo$# #heir o"inion./! of direc#ion and %i!direc#ion& Le#./! lea'e #he!e i!!$e! no( and %o'e for(ard a bi#& I (o$ld li*e #o do !o by "oin#ing o$# #ha# I did no# clearly $nder!#and #he role of %i!direc#ion $n#il I "$# #he!e #ho$gh#! in#o #hi! doc$%en#& I had #ho$gh# %i!direc#ion (a! #he (hole of %agic dece"#ion& A! I "rod$ced #hi! doc$%en# I reali2ed #ha# #hi! i! no# #he ca!e& Ac#$ally %i!direc#ion !er'e! a !econdary role& Thi! i! a !ignifican# "oin# !o le#./! %a*e i# an i!!$e7 The "$r"o!e of %i!direc#ion i! #o direc# #he a##en#ion of #he a$dience a(ay fro% or hide #he fal!e a!!$%"#ion! #hey ha'e %ade& In #he "a!# I #ho$gh# I (a! decei'ing #he a$dience by %i!direc#ing #he%& No( I belie'e I a% crea#ing an en'iron%en# in (hich #he a$dience %a*e! a fal!e a!!$%"#ion abo$# a f$#$re o$#co%e& Then I $!e %i!direc#ion #o ca$!e #he a$dience #o no# !ee #ha# a fal!e a!!$%"#ion (a! %ade& Thi! i! a 'ery big de"ar#$re for %e& In con'er!a#ion! (i#h %agician! in #he
"a!#) I no( reali2e #he role of %i!direc#ion (a! no# clear #o %e& No() (i#h #hi! ne( "oin# of 'ie() I !ee #here are #hree #hing! (or*ing #oge#her #o "rod$ce dece"#ion& The!e (o$ld be na#$ral %o#ion!) a!!$%"#ion! and %i!direc#ion& In #he "a!# %i!direc#ion and dece"#ion (ere 'ery !i%ilar (ord! #o %e& Recen#ly I had a con'er!a#ion (i#h Pa$l Cri#elli fro% Grand Ra"id!) Michigan& :$ring #hi! con'er!a#ion Pa$l e+"re!!ed #he idea #ha# Ma#ri+ did no# need %i!direc#ion for #he %o'e! (ere !o !#rong& I #old hi% #ha# Ma#ri+ (a! !o 'ery !#rong beca$!e of #he a""lica#ion of good %i!direc#ion& A! I #hin* abo$# #hi! I a% ha'ing a grea# deal of #ro$ble) for in #he "a!# I ha'e "$# !o %$ch #ho$gh# in#o 8%i!direc#ing8 #he a$dience d$ring #he "erfor%ance of Ma#ri+ #ha# I can./# !ee (ha# i! really going on rela#i'e #o #hi! ne( "oin# of 'ie(& A! I #hin* abo$# #hi!) (i#h !o%e diffic$l#y) I can !ee #ha# %y effor# (a! really b$ilding (ay! #o ca$!e #he a$dience #o %a*e fal!e a!!$%"#ion!& In fac#) one of #he "o(erf$l #hing! of Ma#ri+ i! #ha# one fal!e a!!$%"#ion i! ba!ed on ano#her fal!e a!!$%"#ion& Thi! %a*e! i# 'ery diffic$l# for #he a$dience #o $n(ind #he a!!$%"#ion! e'en d$ring re'ie(& 0e a(are #ho$gh) I a% !#ill a""lying !#rong %i!direc#ion #echni,$e! #o "re'en# #he a$dience fro% re'ie(ing #he fal!e a!!$%"#ion! #he a$dience doe! crea#e& Ho(e'er) I !$!"ec# #hi! ne( (ay of #hin*ing (ill "$# %e a# odd! (i#h %any %agician! (hile di!c$!!ing #hi! !$b-ec#& And I (ill re"ea# #hi! again& Probably %o!# of #he conf$!ion co%e! fro% (ha# %agician! belie'e %i!direc#ion #o be& They belie'e #ha# #he e+ec$#ion of %i!direc#ion %ean! ge##ing "eo"le #o "hy!ically loo* a(ay fro% #he loca#ion #ha# #he dir#y (or* i! going on& And #o re"ea#) #hi! ne( defini#ion 3ho"ef$lly correc# defini#ion4 %ean! ge##ing #he a$dience #o ignore #he fal!e a!!$%"#ion #hey ha'e %ade& To %e %i!direc#ion %ean!) direc#ing a##en#ion a(ay fro% !o%e#hing I don./# (an# #he% #o be a(are of& Ideally) fro% %y "er!"ec#i'e) I (i!h #he a$dience #o "hy!ically loo* a# #he e+ac# loca#ion (here #he dir#y (or* i! going on) b$# no# be a(are i# i! going on& To %e #hi! #y"e of %i!direc#ion i! 'ery %en#al& No( #ha# (e ha'e gro$nd all of #hi! #o dea#h) le#./! -$!# li!# !o%e "ri%ary %i!direc#ion #echni,$e!& Derbal%en#al %i!direc#ion& Po(er of #he ,$e!#ion& Leaning bac*(ard& Loo*ing a# #he a$dience (hen doing #he %o'e& Se##ing #he re(ind "oin#& Relea!e #en!ion in body) !ho$lder! and 'oice& So le#./! #a*e $" #he fir!# i#e% on #he li!#) Derbal%en#al %i!direc#ion& Le#./! e+"lain #hi! by $!ing an e+a%"le in (hich #he %i!direc#ion doe! no# e'en de"end $"on a "hy!ical ac#& In #hi! e+a%"le no#hing ac#$ally ha""en!& The "erfor%er) 'ia cle'er "a##er) direc#! #he a$dience #o belie'e #ha# !o%e %agical "heno%ena ha! occ$rred& On a TD !ho( na%ed Ma'eric* a long #i%e ago #he !#ar of #he !ho( (on a be# (i#h ano#her charac#er by ge##ing fi'e "a# hand! fro% any 1? card! deal# a# rando%& A "a# hand (o$ld be !o%e#hing li*e a f$ll ho$!e or fi'e card! of #he !a%e !$i#& He began by a!*ing (ha# are #he chance! of ge##ing one "a# hand (hen dealing fi'e card! a# rando%& The chance! are) of co$r!e) 'ery lo(& Then he a!*ed (ha# #he chance! (o$ld be of ge##ing #(o "a# hand! af#er dealing #en card!& The an!(er (a! e'en lo(er& Ac#$ally #he odd! are be##er& 0$#) (i#h a""ro"ria#e "a##er (e can con'ince an a$dience #ha# #he odd! are (or!e& On #hi! !ho( #he !#ar go# #he ano#her charac#er in #he !ho( #o agree #ha# fi'e "a# hand! fro% any 1? card! deal# (o$ld al%o!# be i%"o!!ible& In fac#) (hen "ic*ing 1? card! a# rando%) yo$ can al(ay! %a*e fi'e "a# hand!& Here #he o#her charac#er (a! %i!direc#ed #o #he re!$l# of dra(ing 1? card! a# rando%& 5hile #hi! i! a TD !ho() i# de%on!#ra#e! o$r craf# 'ery (ell& Le#./! highligh# #hi!7 Cle'er "a##er can %i!direc# #he a$dience& To con#in$e) le#! #a*e $" #he !econd i#e% on #he li!# of %i!direc#ion #echni,$e!) a!*ing a ,$e!#ion& A!*ing a ,$e!#ion i! #he %o!# "o(erf$l %i!direc#ion #echni,$e a'ailable& 5hen e+ec$#ing any %o'e #ha# can "a!! for nor%al) yo$ a!* a ,$e!#ion a# #he "reci!e %o%en# yo$ e+ec$#e #he %o'e& Yo$ can $!e o#her de'ice! #ha# ca$!e #he a$dience
#o foc$! on yo$r hand!& The a$dience can loo* direc#ly a# #he %o'e yo$ are doing) ho(e'er) #heir %ind (ill no# be a(are of (ha# yo$ are doing b$# be reaching in#o #heir %e%ory ban*! a##e%"#ing #o an!(er #he ,$e!#ion yo$ ha'e "o!ed& For !o%e rea!on (hen a "er!on i! !earching for an an!(er #o a ,$e!#ion) (ha# #hey are (a#ching i! labeled a! 8no#hing going on8& La#er (hen #hey re'ie( #he e'en#! #hey (ill re%e%ber (a#ching e'ery %o'e yo$ %ade b$# (ill #end no# #o challenge #he a!!$%"#ion #hey %ade a# #he #i%e& I recollec# a gig I had hel"ing a friend a# a #rade !ho(& My friend had a boo#h and #ho$gh# I %igh# hel" a##rac# "eo"le& I# (a! an in#ere!#ing e+"erience for i# (a! #he fir!# #i%e I did !$ch a #hing& :$ring #he !ho( a gen#le%an dre!!ed in a !$i# and 'e!# a""roached %e and a!*ed (ha# I (a! doing& He had a 'ery b$!ine!!9 li*e a""earance and a 'ery #hrea#ening de%eanor& He !aid !o%e#hing abo$# %e doing %agic and a!*ed if I co$ld fool hi%& I (a! no# !$re (ha# (a! going on& I (a! "erfor%ing !i##ing a# a #able and in'i#ed hi% #o !i# a# #he #able acro!! fro% %e& I did a card #ric* in (hich I "al%ed a card fro% #he dec* and a""aren#ly re%o'ed i# fro% a card ca!e& My fear le'el of being de#ec#ed (en# (ay $"& 5hile #hi! g$y !a# in #he chair he leaned bac* #o (a#ch& Thi! i! a 'ery bad "o!i#ion for a !"ec#a#or #o be in for i# !ee%! #o enhance #heir abili#y #o !ee #hro$gh #ric*ery& A! I %o'ed in#o #he "erfor%ance of #he #ric* I began a!*ing ,$e!#ion!& :$ring #he ac#$al "erfor%ance of #he !leigh#! I a!*ed fo$r ,$e!#ion! in a ro(& 5hen #he #ric* (a! o'er) he gr$n#ed) !#ood $" and (al*ed a(ay& My #a*e on i# (a! #ha# I fooled hi%) ho(e'er I a% no# !$re (ha# he #ho$gh# or (hy i# ha""ened& I did #hin* I did #he be!# I co$ld and fel# #he ,$e!#ioning #echni,$e !a'ed %e& There are #(o *ind! of ,$e!#ion! #ha# yo$ can a!*& They are e+#ro'er#i'e and in#ro'er#i'e& An e+#ro'er#i'e ,$e!#ion i! abo$# !o%e#hing o#her #han #he "er!on& Tha# i!) #he ,$e!#ion i! abo$# !o%e#hing e+#erior #o #he "er!on& If yo$ a!*) 85ha# color i! %y #ie8 yo$ are a!*ing an e+#ro'er#i'e ,$e!#ion& I# i! !o%e#hing o$#!ide of #he !"ec#a#or! %ind& If yo$ a!*) 85hy did yo$ !elec# #ha# card8 yo$ are a!*ing an in#ro'er#i'e ,$e!#ion for yo$ are a!*ing #he% #o loo* in#o #he%!el'e! #o co%e $" (i#h an an!(er& In#ro'er#i'e ,$e!#ion! re%o'e %ore a##en#ion fro% yo$ #han e+#ro'er#i'e ,$e!#ion!& In#ro'er#i'e ,$e!#ion! ca$!e #he a$dience #o be a bi# $nco%for#able) ho(e'er) !o #hey !ho$ld only be $!ed (hen yo$ feel one i! nece!!ary #o %i!lead a "roble% !"ec#a#or& I $!e a !ligh#ly in#ro'er#i'e ,$e!#ion (hen I "erfor% Ma#ri+& In #he fir!# "ha!e of #he #ric*) (hen #he card! and coin! are being "laced on#o #he #able) I a!* if anyone *no(! (ha# a %a#ri+ i!& Thi! ,$e!#ion !#o"! #he% fro% ,$e!#ioning (ha# I a% doing& Ac#$ally I a% "erfor%ing fif#y "ercen# of #he #ric* a! I "$# #he card! and coin! on#o #he #able& The ,$e!#ion !#o"! #he a$dience fro% ,$e!#ioning (ha# I a% doing& Af#er #ha# "oin# #hey belie'e I a% beginning #he #ric*& The %o!# co%"lica#ed "ar# of #he #ric* i! done& A!*ing a ,$e!#ion (ill ca$!e #he a$dience #o loo* in!ide of #he%!el'e! and !#o" con!cio$! %en#al "roce!!ing of (ha#e'er #hey are loo*ing a#& Leaning bac*(ard) #he ne+# #echni,$e on #he li!# (a! "o"$lari2ed by Tony Slydini& 5hen #he "erfor%er lean! bac* i# co%%$nica#e! #o #he a$dience #ha# #he "erfor%er i! no# doing any#hing& A# #ha# "oin# #he a$dience #end! #o di!regard any#hing #he "erfor%er %igh# be doing& Tony $#ili2ed #hi! a grea# deal in hi! (or*& He of#en $!ed #hi! de'ice (hen la""ing !o%e#hing& To crea#e a fra%e of reference #o di!c$!! #hi!) le#./! a!!$%e a "erfor%er ha! done a coin #ran!fer 'ani!h of !o%e !or# and (i!he! #o la" #he coin #o re%o'e i# fro% #he !$rface of #he #able& The "erfor%er doe! #he 'ani!h #hen) before re'ealing #he lef# hand e%"#y) la"! #he coin in #he righ# hand& Thi! i! done by allo(ing #he righ# hand #o co%e #o a re!# "o!i#ion a# #he edge of #he #able& 5hile #here) #he coin i! allo(ed #o fall in#o #he la"& Then #he "erfor%er can rai!e #he clo!ed lef# fi!# %a*ing a cr$%bling %o#ion (i#h #he lef# finger!& Then #he "erfor%er can !ho( #he righ# hand e%"#y& The a$dience i! fooled& Le#./! con!ider #he co%"le+i#y of #hi! !i%"le !e,$ence& A coin #ran!fer 'ani!h i! done& The a$dience a!!$%e! #he coin i! in #he lef# hand& The hand i! re!#ed on #he edge of #he #able (hen #he coin i! la""ed& The a$dience a!!$%e! #he hand (a! -$!# re!#ed on #he #able& Then #he lef# hand i! o"ened #o !ho( #he coin gone& The a$dience i! fooled for #hey (ill no# *no( (here #he coin ha! gone& They %igh# #ry re'ie( #heir a!!$%"#ion!) b$# #hey (ill ha'e diffic$l#y de#er%ining (hich one #o re'ie(& :$ring #he coin #ran!fer 'ani!h #he "erfor%er %ay ha'e a!*ed a ,$e!#ion& Tha# co$ld #end #o hide #ha# a!!$%"#ion& 5hen #he
"erfor%er re!#ed hi! righ# hand on #he #able) he co$ld ha'e al!o leaned bac* a bi#& Thi! %i!direc#i'e #echni,$e #ha# #a*e! #he hea# off of #he re!#ing of #he righ# hand on #he #able& I# ac#$ally "$#! a label on #he ac#ion #ha# !ay!) 8Thi! ac#ion i! no#hing&8 The re!$l# of #he %$l#i"le fal!e a!!$%"#ion! and %i!direc#ion #echni,$e! labeling #he fal!e a!!$%"#ion! a! no#hing) "rod$ce! a !e,$ence of ac#ion! of (hich #he a$dience ha! #ro$ble con!idering (ha# "ar#! #o re'ie(& Th$!) leaning bac* d$ring a cri#ical %o'e) !$ch a! la""ing) label! #he ac#ion a!) 8No#hing i! ha""ening here&8 5hile di!c$!!ing #he leaning bac*(ard #echni,$e (i#h o#her %agician!) I (ill do #he follo(ing in an a##e%"# #o !ho( #he real "o(er of #hi! de'ice& I (ill a!* for #he loan of a coin& So%eone (ill co%e $" (i#h a coin& 5hile #hey are fe#ching i# I (ill *ee" %y hand! on %y la"& Th$!) a! #hey co%e $" (i#h #he coin #hey (ill !e# i# on #he #able in fron# of %e& Then I rai!e %y hand! abo'e #he #able and lean for(ard a bi# a! %y righ# hand reache! for #he coin& A! !oon a! %y righ# hand #o$che! #he coin I !#ar# #o lean bac*& The ac#ion of leaning bac* and "ic*ing $" #he coin coincide !o #ha# (hen I a% leaning bac* in %y chair all #he (ay) #he righ# hand ha! "ic*ed $" #he coin and gone all #he (ay in#o %y la"& No#e #ha# I !aid all #he (ay in#o %y la"& I loo* a# #he "er!on #ha# loaned %e #he coin and !ay) 8Re%e%ber) yo$ loaned %e #he coin&8 Then I hold %y lef# hand "al% $" and rai!e %y hand fro% %y la" lea'ing #he coin behind a! I lean for(ard& I "re#end #o dro" #he coin in#o %y lef# hand& Af#er a ,$ic* !ho( of %a*ing a cr$%bling %o#ion (i#h #he lef# finger!) #he lef# i! o"ened #o !ho( #he coin gone& Of#en #he "er!on #ha# loaned %e #he coin i! 'ery !$r"ri!ed& In #hi! li##le !#$n#) I a% a##e%"#ing #o !ho( #ha# yo$ can dro" yo$r hand far#her #han #he edge of #he #able #o la" a coin $!ing #he lean bac* %i!direc#ion %o'e& In #hi! !#$n# I dro" %y hand all #he (ay on#o %y la"& The coin i! lef# #here (hen I rai!e %y hand $" for #he ne+# !e,$ence of %o#ion!& Thi! doe! no# al(ay! (or*) ho(e'er) i# (or*! %$ch %ore #han yo$ %igh# #hin*& Of#en %y #arge# (ill !ee #hro$gh #he #ric* in!#an#ly b$# be ca$gh# of g$ard eno$gh #ha# #he "o(er of #hi! %i!direc#i'e #echni,$e i! co%%$nica#ed& Le#./! end #hi! leaning bac* di!c$!!ion by "oin#ing o$# #ha# #hi! i! "robably #he !econd %o!# "o(erf$l %i!direc#i'e #echni,$e af#er a!*ing a ,$e!#ion& I# i! a #echni,$e) li*e a!*ing a ,$e!#ion) #ha# can be $!ed any #i%e yo$ (i!h #o blan* #he %ind of a !"ec#a#or (hen yo$ are doing !nea*y !#$ff& To "re'en# #he a$dience fro% foc$!ing a##en#ion on a %o'e or !leigh#) #he "erfor%er can lean bac* in hi! chair& Loo*ing a# #he a$dience a# cri#ical #i%e! i! 'ery !i%ilar #o #he lean bac* #echni,$e& Thi! #echni,$e (or*! be!# (i#h ac#ion! #ha# %o!# "eo"le do e'ery day& Tran!ferring a coin fro% one hand #o ano#her i! !$ch an ac#ion& Pic*ing $" a "encil i! ano#her -$!# a! "$##ing a coin on#o #he #able& Thi! #echni,$e i! $!ed (hen (e are doing !o%e !leigh# of hand %o#ion (hile doing one of #he!e e'eryday %o#ion!& The #echni,$e i! #o ei#her glance or loo* a# yo$r a$dience righ# (hen yo$ are "erfor%ing #he !leigh#& For e+a%"le) d$ring a #ran!fer 'ani!h) -$!# (hen yo$ re#ain #he coin in #he righ# hand) glance a# #he a$dience& Thi! ac# ha! #he #endency #o render #he %o#ion in'i!ible #o #he a$dience& I# #end! #o label #he #ran!fer a! no#hing& In #he "a!#) (hile lec#$ring before a n$%ber of %agician!) I ha'e had #he a$dience do #he follo(ing& I re,$e!# e'eryone #o ge# a coin o$# of #heir "oc*e# and hold i# abo'e #heir head (i#h #heir lef# hand& 5hen all ha'e co%"lied) I !ay) 8Oh) I./% !orry) I %ean (i#h yo$r righ# hand&8 Then I %o'e #he coin I a% holding fro% lef# #o righ# and hold #he coin abo'e %y head& 5hen e'eryone co%"lie!) I a!*) 8Ho( %any "eo"le loo*ed a# #heir hand! (hen #he coin (a! #ran!ferred fro% one hand #o #he o#her8 :$ring %any year! of doing #hi! no one ha! indica#ed #hey did #ha#& The "oin# i!) #ha# (hen nor%al "eo"le do !o%e#hing o'er and o'er #hey do no# loo* a# #heir hand! (hen #he ac#ion i! ac#$ally done& Tran!ferring a coin fro% one hand #o ano#her i! an e+a%"le& Peo"le (on./# e'en loo* a# #heir hand (hen #hey "ic* $" a gla!! of (a#er& They (ill (a#ch #heir hand $n#il i# i! clo!e #o #he gla!!& 0$# -$!# before #he gla!! i! #o$ched) #hey loo* a(ay& Thi! de'ice i! 'ery "o(erf$l (hen !e##ing a c$" bac* on#o #he #able and loading a !%all ball d$ring a c$"! and ball! ro$#ine& If yo$ do #hi! #ric* !ee if yo$ can ge# a #a"e of yo$r!elf doing #hi! %o'e on a ca%era& :o a li##le ball load (hile loo*ing a# #he c$" and (hile no# loo*ing a# #he c$"& The difference i!
!#ri*ing& No#e #ha# yo$ are no# a##e%"#ing #o ge# #he a$dience #o loo* $" in#o yo$r eye! (hen yo$ do #hi!& In fac# yo$ do no# (an# #he% #o #a*e #heir eye! off of yo$r hand! (hen yo$ loo* $" a# #he%& If #hey loo* $" a# yo$) yo$ are !#ar#ing a# #he% #o %$ch& Yo$ -$!# (an# #o #a*e yo$r eye! off of yo$r hand! a# #he %o%en# and "$# yo$r eye! bac* on#o yo$r hand!& :oing !o i! -$!# a ,$ic* flic* of #he eye!& :$ring #hi! "roce!! #he a$dience *no(! yo$ are loo*ing a# #he%& They can !ee o$# of #heir "eri"heral 'i!ion #ha# yo$ are loo*ing a# #he%& Al!o yo$r head #i"! bac* a bi# a! (ell a! yo$r body& The!e %o#ion! are 'ery !ligh#& Ho(e'er) an a$dience can de#ec# #he% (i#ho$# #heir a##en#ion being foc$!ed on #he%& Thi! #echni,$e doe! no# (or* (i#h all %o'e!) ho(e'er& Peo"le #end #o loo* a# #heir hand! (hen !o%e #edio$! ac#ion i! going on& For e+a%"le) (hen "eo"le ge# a coin fro% a fi!#f$l of change #hey are loo*ing direc#ly a# (ha# #hey are doing& 5hen #hey #ear an en'elo"e o"en) #hey (ill loo* a# #heir hand!& And (hen #hey !h$ffle card!) #hey (ill loo* a# #heir hand!& If yo$ ha'e #he ca"abili#y #o loo* a(ay fro% yo$r hand! (hen yo$ do #he!e #hing! yo$ (ill "robably a##rac# a##en#ion (hen yo$ do !o& So) again) #hi! i! a #echni,$e #ha# !ho$ld be $!ed a! any o#her gi%%ic*) caref$l !#$dy i! re,$ired #o de#er%ine (here i# !ho$ld be $!ed and if i# !ho$ld be $!ed& No( le#./! %a*e a !#and and highligh# #hi! "rinci"le7 To "re'en# #he a$dience fro% foc$!ing a##en#ion on a %o'e or !leigh#) #he "erfor%er can !i%"ly loo* a# #he%& The ne+# #echni,$e on #he li!#) (hile no# a! !#rong a! #he o#her!) blend! in (ell (i#h #he o#her!& In #hi! #echni,$e yo$ loo* a# #he "oin# of dece"#ion and #hen loo* a(ay& The "roce!! of loo*ing a# !o%e#hing ca$!e! #he a##en#ion of #he a$dience #o loo* a# #ha# !o%e#hing& Then) yo$ loo* a(ay ,$i#e ,$ic*ly& The a$dience./! eye! canno# *ee" $" (i#h yo$r %o#ion) ho(e'er) #hey are a(are #ha# yo$r eye! ha'e ra"idly !hif#ed #o !o%e#hing el!e& 5hile #heir eye! re%ain on #he "oin# yo$ -$!# %o'ed a(ay fro%) yo$r !leigh# of hand %o#ion i! e+ec$#ed& Th$!) #hey are loo*ing righ# a# yo$r hand! #he "reci!e %o%en# yo$ did #he dece"#i'e %o'e& 0$# #heir %ind i! no# #here& There %ind i! on #he ne+# loca#ion #o (here yo$ are direc#ing #heir a##en#ion& Le#./! loo* a# #hi! in ac#ion& S$""o!e a "erfor%er i! $!ing a %agic (and #o 'ani!h a coin& The coin i! in #he "erfor%er./! righ# hand and #he (and i! #o #he righ# of #he "erfor%er& The "erfor%er loo*! a# #he coin on di!"lay in #he "erfor%er./! righ# hand& The "erfor%er e+ec$#e! a #ran!fer 'ani!h %o'e a""aren#ly %o'ing #he coin fro% #he righ# hand in#o #he lef#& The righ# hand re#ain! a hidden coin& 5hile #he %o'e i! being e+ec$#ed #he "erfor%er loo*! a# #he (and #o hi! righ#& Tha# i!) #he "erfor%er loo*! a(ay) a! de!cribed abo'e) fro% #he dece"#i'e %o'e (hile #he a$dience re%ain! loo*ing a# #he %o'e d$ring #he dece"#ion& The eye! of #he "erfor%er ha'e %o'ed #o #he (and& The a##en#ion of #he a$dience ha! al!o %o'ed #o #he (and e'en #ho$gh #hey are !#ill loo*ing a# #he "erfor%er./! hand!& Once #he hand arri'e! a# #he (and #he hand gra!"! #he (and& $!# before #he hand #o$che! #he (and) #he "erfor%er./! eye! loo* bac* a# #he lef# hand& The a$dience./! a##en#ion !li"! #o #he (and and "erha"! #heir eye./! (ill a! (ell& 0$# #he "erfor%er./! eye! !li" #o hi! lef# hand& The eye! of #he a$dience are no( on #he "erfor%er./! hand "ic*ing $" #he (and& Ho"ef$lly #he a$dience !ee! #he hand "ic*ing $" #he (and and i! %a*ing an a!!$%"#ion #ha# #ha# hand i! o#her(i!e e%"#y& 0$# #he a$dience./! a##en#ion i! no# on #he hand "ic*ing $" #he (and for i# i! being %o'ed #o #he "erfor%er./! lef# hand& No() all can be foc$!ed on #he "erfor%er./! lef# hand for no#hing i! going on in!ofar a! dece"#ion i! concerned& In #hi! !e,$ence of %o#ion! #he eye! of #he "erfor%er ha'e con!#an#ly lea"ed ahead of #he a$dience./!& In !o doing #he a$dience./! a##en#ion goe! (i#h b$# #heir eye! lag behind& And (here #hey lag behind) label! are lef# behind indica#ing #ha# #ha# (hich i! being recorded i! recorded a! no#hing& Thi! de'ice can be $!ed in %any (ay!& S$""o!e yo$ ha'e a card "al%ed in yo$r hand and yo$ are al!o holding #he dec* (i#h #ha# hand& Yo$ (i!h #o "lace #he dec* on#o #he #able and in!$re #he a$dience i! $na(are of #he "al%ed card& Loo* a# #he !"o# yo$ (i!h #o "lace #he dec* and loo* a(ay a! yo$ "lace #he dec* #here& The a$dience %igh# ac#$ally be loo*ing a# yo$r hand "lacing #he dec* on#o #he #able) ho(e'er) #heir a##en#ion (ill floa# #o (ha#e'er yo$ are loo*ing a# ne+#& S$""o!e yo$ (i!h #o !(i#ch a !#ac* of real ,$ar#er! for a S#ac* Of $ar#er! 3,$ar#er! gl$ed #oge#her and hollo(ed o$#4& The real ,$ar#er! are
di!"layed in yo$r lef# hand and #he !#ac* i! "al%ed in yo$r righ#& Yo$ can do #he !(i#ch by loo*ing direc#ly a# #he ,$ar#er! in yo$r lef#) bringing yo$r righ# hand o'er #he lef# !o #he con#en#! of #he lef# hand i! hidden) and loo*ing a(ay #o #he !"o# (here yo$ are going #o "lace #he gi%%ic*ed !#ac*& A! yo$ loo* a(ay #he righ# hand bring! #he gi%%ic* #o #he finger #i"! of #he righ# hand and #he lef# hand "al%! #he real !#ac* of ,$ar#er! #$rning "al% do(n& A! #he righ# hand %o'e! #o(ard #he !"o# (here #he eye! are loo*ing) #he gi%%ic* !#ac* co%e! in#o 'ie(& Le#./! highligh# #hi! a! an i%"or#an# "oin#7 To co'er a %o'e fir!# loo* a# i# and #hen loo* a(ay& Le#J! %o'e fo(ard and di!c$!! !e##ing #he re(ind "oin#& Thi! i! ba!ed on #he idea #ha# (hen (e recollec# (ha# ha! #ran!"ired) (e do no# !can o$r %e%orie! bac*(ard& In!#ead) (e loca#e a "oin# bac* in o$r %e%ory and !can for(ard #o recollec# (ha# ha""ened& The "oin# bac* in o$r %e%ory i! referred #o here a! a re(ind "oin#& The %i!direc#ion #echni,$e i! #o !e# #he re(ind "oin# af#er a %agic %o'e (a! e+ec$#ed b$# before #he re!$l# of #he %o'e (a! !ho(n #o #he a$dinece& Th$! #he ob!er'er re'ie(! #he %agic e'en# b$# no# #he ac#ion #ha# ca$!ed #he %agic e'en# #o occ$r& To !e# #he re(ind "oin# #he "erfor%er can do !o%e#hing $n$!$al #ha# !ee%! #o ha'e %eaning #o #he a$dience b$# ac#$ally doe! no#hing& For e+a%"le) af#er "re#ending #o "$# a coin in#o #he lef# hand) #he lef# hand %igh# !,$ee2e a! if #rying #o %a*e #he coin go a(ay& The a$dience %ay la#ch on#o #hi! la#er and ge# #he idea #ha# !,$ee2e i! (ha# %ade #he coin di!a""ear& They) 8re(ind8 #o #he "oin# (here yo$ did #he !,$ee2e and %o'e for(ard in #heir %e%ory fro% #here& They do no# re'ie( #he "oin# (here yo$ "re#ended #o #o!! #he coin in#o #he o#her hand& Thi! %e#hod of %i!direc#ion i! ac#$ally S#e" = of #he Fi'e S#e"! of :ece"#ion #ha# indica#e! "eo"le re(ind #o re'ie( (ha# ha! ha""ened& In %y 'ani!hing "enny e+a%"le) #he #(o !#$den#! re(o$nd #o #he "oin# (here #he coin (a! in %y hand& Hence) #hey did no# re'ie( #he a!!$%"#ion #ha# I had "ic*ed $" #he "enny nor did #hey re'ie( #he a!!$%"#ion #ha# I dro""ed a coin in#o %y hand& Recollec# #ha# o$r goal i! #o do !o%e#hing (hich ha! a differen# o$#co%e fro% (hich #he a$dience a!!$%e! (ill ha""en& Gi'en #ha# #he a$dience (ill reali2e #ha# #heir a!!$%"#ion (a! (rong) #hey (ill of co$r!e a##e%"# #o de#er%ine (ha# #he fal!e a!!$%"#ion (a!& Then o$r #a!* i! #o) !o%eho() "re'en# #he% fro% de#ec#ing #he a!!$%"#ion #hey (ere %a*ing& One (ay (e do #hi! i! ge##ing "eo"le #o re(ind #o a "oin# af#er #he a!!$%"#ion (a! %ade& Or) "hra!ed in ano#her (ay) yo$r -ob i! #o ge# #he% #o re(ind #o a "oin# af#er #hey %ade a fal!e a!!$%"#ion& A! #hi! i! (ri##en an inciden# co%e! #o %ind abo$# #he effec#i'ene!! of #hi! 'ani!h& The inciden# i! abo$# an old friend na%ed >arrell Ho'land& A# #he #i%e he (a! (or*ing in a %agic !ho" in Ho"*in!) a !$b$rb of Minnea"oli!& One %id af#ernoon #(o yo$ng ladie! abo$# fif#een year! old en#ered #he !#ore& They (ere -$!# bro(!ing and no#iced a fe( %agic #ric*! in one of #he ca!e!& They a!*ed if he did %agic #o (hich he re!"onded ye!& Then) of co$r!e) #hey (an#ed #o !ee a #ric*& One of #he #ric*! >arrell and I (ere "laying (i#h a# #he #i%e (a! #he 0all and Da!e& 5e had e+#ended #he range of #ha# #ric* by adding !leigh#9of9hand #o #he $!e of #he !#andard !hell gi%%ic*& >arrell decided #o !ho( #he% one of #he!e ro$#ine!& The 0a!ic <: Dani!h (a! #he fir!# %o'e in #he ro$#ine he decided #o do& So) he "$# #he 0all and Da!e on #he co$n#er #o") re%o'ed #he ball fro% #he 'a!e and $!ed #he 0a!ic Dani!h #o %a*e i# di!a""ear& He co$ld do no %ore for #he girl! (ere flabberga!#ed& They !hrie*ed) 85here did #he ball go8 One girl grabbed hi! lef# ar% and began feeling aro$nd in hi! !lee'e& The o#her grabbed hi! righ# ar% and began feeling aro$nd in hi! righ# !lee'e& Then #he o#her loo*ed $nder #he clo!e $" %a# #ha# (a! lying on #he #o" of #he co$n#er& The o#her -$%"ed $" o'er #he co$n#er a bi# !o !he co$ld loo* behind #he co$n#er #o !ee if #he ball had been dro""ed on#o #he floor& :$ring all of #hi! #he ball (a! re!#ing (here i# doe! for all of $! (hen (e do !o%e !or# of #ran!fer 'ani!h) finger "al%ed in hi! righ# hand& Thi! i! #e!#i%ony #o #he !*ill of >arrell Ho'land and #he "o(er of #he 0a!ic Dani!h& The i%"or#an# "oin# here i! #ha# #he ladie! did no# ,$e!#ion #heir a!!$%"#ion #ha# #he ball (a! %o'ed fro% >arrell./! righ# hand #o hi! lef# hand& Had #hey
,$e!#ioned #ha#) #hey (o$ld ha'e i%%edia#ely grabbed hi! righ# hand& Rela+ing body #en!ion i! #he final %i!direc#i'e de'ice (e !hall #a*e $" here& 5hile doing a %o'e) yo$ (o$ld be (i!e #o rela+ yo$r en#ire body and #al* !of#er and (i#h a %ore con'er!a#ional #one& 5hile doing a !leigh# *ee" #he !ho$lder! lo( and rela+ed& The elbo(! of each ar% !ho$ld hang li%"ly a# yo$r !ide!& The body !ho$ld be !o%e(ha# rela+ed& I a% re%inded of %y %agic !#$den#! (hile #hey (ere "rac#icing #he ba!ic 'ani!h& Fro% acro!! #he roo% I co$ld !ee #he #en!ion in #heir !ho$lder! a! #hey #ran!ferred a coin fro% one hand #o ano#her& Their head (o$ld #il# a li##le #o one !ide and #heir -a( clinched a li##le bi# a# #he "oin# #hey ac#$ally cli""ed #he coin (i#h #he #h$%b& $!# (a#ching #heir head and !ho$lder! I co$ld de#er%ine (hich "ar# of #he !leigh# #hey (ere doing& I) of co$r!e) did no# "oin# #hi! o$# #o #he% for #hey (ere in #he beginning !#age! of %a!#ering #he !leigh#& Ho(e'er) a# !o%e la#er !#age I (o$ld begin correc#ing #hi! error& I a% al!o re%inded of ano#her e'en# %any year! ago a# #he 8Fo+ F$n9n9Magic8 !ho" in :e#roi#& I (a! doing !o%e *ind of #ric* for !o%ebody& I canno# re%e%ber (ha# #he #ric* (a! nor can I re%e%ber (ho I (a! doing i# for& Ho(e'er) I do re%e%ber #ha# 0arry H$rd (a! !#anding behind %e a# #he #i%e& So%e#i%e af#er I had "erfor%ed #hi! #ric* 0arry #old %e he (a! 'ery i%"re!!ed (i#h (ha# he had !een& He !aid #ha# fro% hi! "oin# of 'ie( he co$ld !ee %y finger! %o'ing) holding #hi!) cli""ing #ha# or (ha#e'er& Ho(e'er) %y body) eye! or #one of 'oice did no# reflec# #he hidden ac#ion! #ha# I (a! doing& He (a! a%a2ed a# ho( #he #(o "ar#! of #he "re!en#a#ion (ere di!connec#ed& The goal in all of #hi! i! #o label !leigh# of hand %o#ion! a! being $n(or#hy of re'ie( (hen #he #i%e co%e! #o do #ha#& A# #he #i%e of "erfor%ance of a !leigh#) a fal!e a!!$%"#ion i! %ade& If) d$ring #he "erfor%ance) yo$r body i! rela+ed #he chance! of #ha# %o'e being labeled a! no#hing #o con!ider i! increa!ed& Le#./! add #hi! #o #he li!# of %i!direc#i'e ac#ion!7 5hen doing a !leigh#) rela+ #he !ho$lder!) ar%! and body (hile !"ea*ing a li##le !of#er& No( le#./! #a*e $" #he de'ice! one $!e! #o direc# #he a$dience./! a##en#ion& Yo$ %ay a!*) af#er all of #he foregoing) (hy I a% in#ere!#ed in "re!en#ing direc#i'e #echni,$e!& Clearly I do no# belie'e in ge##ing #he a$dience #o loo* el!e(here (hen I a% "erfor%ing !o%e %o'e& So (hy a% I (orried abo$# direc#ing #he a$dience./! a##en#ion There are #(o an!(er! #o #hi! ,$e!#ion& The fir!# i! #ha# I (an# #he% #o loo* a# %y hand! (hen I do #he dir#y (or*& Thi! i! "reci!ely o""o!i#e of #he nor%al a""roach %o!# %agician! ha'e #o #he "erfor%ance of an effec#& Good Dir#$al Magic re,$ire! #ha# #he a$dience be a(are of all #ha# ha""en! d$ring a "erfor%ance& Th$!) i# i! 'i#al #ha# #he a$dience be loo*ing a# "reci!ely #he righ# "lace (hen #he %o'e i! e+ec$#ed& In #heir %ind #hey %$!# re%e%ber #hey !a( e'ery %o'e and co$ld no# de#ec# any %e#hod #o acco%"li!h !o%e "heno%ena& The !econd an!(er i! #ha# I (an# #he% (a#ching (hen #he %agic e'en# i! re'ealed& Ac#$ally each direc#i'e #echni,$e i! an o""o!i#e of !o%e #echni,$e $!ed a! %i!direc#ion& In general any#hing yo$ do #ha# i! no# !%oo#h or nor%al (ill a##rac# a##en#ion& So #here i! a bi# of a "roble% here& If yo$ are con!#an#ly forcing yo$r a$dience #o loo* here and #hen #here) yo$ (ill o'er(hel% #he% (i#h con#rol and #h$! loo!e i#& A de!irable "lan (o$ld be #o allo( #he a$dience #o be idle %o!# of #he #i%e& Tha# i!) -$!# le# #he% (a#ch (i#ho$# #he need #o foc$! on any "ar#ic$lar #hing& Then a# cri#ical #i%e!) do (ha# yo$ %$!# do #o foc$! #heir a##en#ion& Then yo$ (ill be %i!direc#ing #he% !o #ha# #hey label !o%e#hing a! no#hing or yo$ (ill be direc#ing #he% !o #hey) 8See #he %agic&8 There i! a !#range feeling #o #hi!& A! a "erfor%er a grea# deal of "re!!$re i! "$# on yo$ (hile yo$ %oni#or #he en#ire "erfor%ance& Yo$ are no# re!#ing for a %o%en#& Yo$ are on edge all of #he #i%e& Ho(e'er) #he na#$re of yo$r b$!ine!! i! #o a""ear ,$ie# a# #i%e! and #hen in#en!e a# #i%e!& 0$# #he "re!!$re yo$ are $nder i! #o *ee" yo$r a$dience co%for#able and con#en# %o!# of #he #i%e& Yo$ %$!# hold #heir ,$ie# a##en#ion on yo$r!elf& Then) beca$!e #hey are generally a# re!#) yo$ can !na" #he% o$# of #heir re!# !#a#e a! yo$ %i!direc# or direc# #heir a##en#ion& Once yo$ foc$! #heir a##en#ion) yo$ %$!# con#ri'e #o ge# #he% bac* in#o #heir re!# !#a#e !o la#er yo$ can force #he% #o foc$! on a !ingle "oin# again& Le#./! li!# !o%e ac#ion! #ha# direc# a##en#ion&
Lean for(ard Loo*ing a# #he "oin# yo$ (an# #he% #o foc$! a##en#ion on& Increa!ed body and 'oice #en!ion& Pa$!e The!e i#e%! are de'ice! #ha# enable yo$ #o foc$! #he a$dience./! a##en#ion on a !ingle "oin#& Yo$ are doing all of #he!e #hing! all #he #i%e yo$ are !i##ing in fron# of yo$r a$dience& Yo$ (ill) of co$r!e) *ee" #he% a# a lo( le'el of force $n#il yo$ really need #o force a##en#ion #o a !ingle "oin#& Then yo$ !i%"ly #$rn on #he hea# #o ge# #he -ob done& Con!ider leaning for(ard& Yo$ are of co$r!e al(ay! leaning for(ard and bac*(ard& Nor%ally #he %o#ion bac* and for#h i! !ligh# !o a! no# #o a##rac# $nd$e a##en#ion& Ho(e'er) (hen yo$ (an# %a+i%$% a##en#ion yo$ (ill lean for(ard %ore #han #hi! nor%al a%o$n#& 5hen yo$ o"en yo$r hand #o re'eal a coin no# in #hen hand) lean for(ard a! yo$ do !o& Thi! ,$e$e! #he a$dience #o loo* #here and !ee (ha# %agic i! occ$rring& 5hen yo$ rai!e #he #hree c$"! a# #he end of a c$" and ball ro$#ine #o re'eal #he #hree big final load!) lean for(ard #o ge# #he a##en#ion fi##ing for a cli%a+& The !econd ac#ion follo(! ,$ic*ly behind& A! yo$ lean for(ard) yo$ %igh# al!o loo* a# #he "oin# yo$ (i!h #he% #o ob!er'e clo!ely& Again) con!ider o"ening #he hand #o re'eal a coin gone& Si%"ly loo* a# #he e%"#y hand& 5hen yo$ re'eal #he cho!en card) loo* a# i# no# #he a$dience& E'eryone (ill loo* a# #he card& 5hen yo$ (an# #he a##en#ion of #he a$dience on a c$" (hen yo$ lif# i#) loo* a# i#& Of co$r!e) #he in#en!i#y yo$ loo* a# #ha# "oin# %$!# be higher #han (ha# (e are calling here) #he re!# !#a#e or do no#hing !#a#e& And ano#her i!!$e i! #ha# yo$ only ha'e a %o%en# i%%edia#ely af#er yo$ loo* a# #ha# "oin# #o be !$re #he a$dience./! a##en#ion i! on #ha# "oin#& The rea!on i! #ha# h$%an a(arene!! or ga2e i! a changing #hing& Try #hi!& P$# a do# on an o#her(i!e blan* "iece of "a"er& Then loo* a# #ha# do# con!#an#ly& Try and *ee" yo$r eye! foc$!ed on #ha# do#& Yo$ (ill find #ha# yo$ canno#& 5hile yo$ foc$! on #ha# do# yo$ (ill feel a force on yo$r eye! "$lling yo$ a(ay fro% i#& The do# (ill al(ay! be in yo$r 'ie( b$# #hi! force (ill "$ll yo$ a(ay fro% #he do# and yo$r in#en#ion #o foc$! on #he do# (ill "$ll yo$r eye! bac* #o i#& Yo$r eye! (ill feel a! if #hey are bo$ncing bac* and for#h a li##le a! yo$ loo* a# #he do#& Thi! force affec#! yo$r a$dience in a !i%ilar (ay) e+ce"# #hey ha'e no de!ire #o *ee" #heir eye! in one loca#ion& 5hene'er #hey foc$! on a "ar#ic$lar "oin#) yo$ *no( #heir ga2e (ill !hif# fro% #ha# "oin# a %o%en# la#er& Thi! %ean! #ha# (hen yo$ loo* a# a "oin# #o ca$!e yo$r a$dience #o loo* #here) yo$ had be##er be ready #o re'eal #he big (ha#e'er) for a %o%en# af#er #ha# #hey (ill loo* a(ay& Pa$!ing al!o ca$!e! yo$r a$dience #o foc$! a##en#ion& Ho(e'er) a "a$!e doe! no# nece!!arily ca$!e yo$r a$dience #o foc$! on a "ar#ic$lar "oin#& 5hen yo$ "a$!e i# ca$!e! #he a$dience #o !earch for a "oin# #o foc$! $"on& Th$! yo$ (o$ld be (i!e #o be loo*ing a# #he "oin# (here yo$ (an# #he% #o foc$!& Al!o yo$ (o$ld be (i!e #o be holding yo$r hand $" di!"laying !o%e#hing #h$! indica#ing (here yo$ (i!h #he foc$! #o be& A !ide i!!$e i! #ha# if yo$ do no# ob'io$!ly indica#e (ha# #he a$dience !ho$ld foc$! $"on #hey (ill "ic* #he %o!# abnor%al e'en# in #heir 'ie( #o loo* a#& For e+a%"le) !$""o!e yo$ do #he 'ani!h of a coin and "a$!e& S$""o!e yo$r righ# !ho$lder i! 'ery #igh#& If e'ery#hing el!e abo$# yo$ i! rela+ed #he a$dience./! a##en#ion (ill be on yo$r righ# !ho$lder& Thin* of ho( di!r$"#ing #hi! can be #o a de%on!#ra#ion of %agic& More #han li*ely) (hen yo$ arri'e a# #he grand finale of yo$r effec# yo$ (ill "a$!e) loo* a# #he o$#co%e (hile yo$ are leaning for(ard& Then) a long "a$!e i! al!o an a$dience ,$e$e for a""la$!e& 0$ilding #en!ion in yo$ body and in yo$r 'oice i! !i%ilar #o a "a$!e& Again #he a##en#ion of #he a$dience (ill be heigh#ened& And) again) #he a$dience (ill be loo*ing for !o%e#hing #o foc$! $"on& Bnli*e #he "a$!e ho(e'er) !i%"ly #en!ing yo$r body and rai!ing yo$r 'oice (ill no# be a ,$e$e for a""la$!e& :$ring %y "erfor%ance of Ma#ri+ I $#ili2e increa!ed body #en!ion #o foc$! #he a$dience./! a##en#ion on %y hand!& Thi! occ$r! (hen I a% 8%agically8 ca$!ing a coin #o go fro% one card #o ano#her& I hold %y hand! o'er #he card! in an $n$!$al and !#rained "o!i#ion& I %o'e %y hand! !lo(ly fro% one card #o ano#her& I *no( #hey are #hin*ing #ha# I a% 'ery !#range& Ho(e'er) #hey are "$# a bi# on edge& Then I rela+ %y body and a!* a ,$e!#ion) 8I!n./# #ha# a%a2ing8 A# #ha# "oin# I ca!$ally rai!e #he #(o card! re'ealing #ha# a coin #ra'eled fro% one
!"o# #o ano#her& A# #ha# %o%en# I ha'e done #he %o'e #o acco%"li!h #ha# #ran!"o!i#ion& B!ing body #en!ion I ha'e rai!ed #he a##en#ion of #he a$dience #o a high "oin#& :$e #o #he idea! already "re!en#ed) #he ne+# !#e" i! for #he a$dience #o dro" #ha# a##en#ion& I allo( #he% #o do !o) doing #he dir#y (or* a# #ha# e+ac# in!#an#& Then #he a$dience !ee! #he coin ha! #ra'eled #hro$gh !"ace& Fro% #heir "oin# of 'ie( #hey (ere (a#ching %e li*e a ha(* and ye# #he coin !#ill #ra'eled fro% one !"o# #o #he ne+#& 5or!e) #hey *no( I (a! forcing #he% #o (a#ch %e& A! yo$ can !ee I a% $!ing !e'eral direc#i'e and %i!direc#i'e #echni,$e! (hen I "erfor% Ma#ri+& I a% loo*ing a# a "oin#) "a$!ing and $!ing #en!e body %o#ion #o foc$! a##en#ion& I a% $!ing #he "o(er of #he ,$e!#ion) a rela+ed body) leaning bac*) glancing a# #he a$dience and !"ea*ing !of#ly #o co%%$nica#e #ha# I a% doing no#hing d$ring #he e+ec$#ion of #he cri#ical %o'e& In fac#) e'ery %i!direc#i'e #echni,$e "re!en#ed in #hi! doc$%en# i! incor"ora#ed in !"ade! in Ma#ri+& 0efore lea'ing #he !$b-ec# of %i!direc#ion) le#./! #o$ch on ho( #he!e #echni,$e! are $!ed& Fro% !o%e of #he e+a%"le! offered) yo$ can !ee #ha# each i! no# nece!!arily $!ed a! a !e"ara#e de'ice& Probably none of #he% (o$ld (or* on #heir o(n& The #echni,$e! are %i+ed and %a#ched in#o a "a##ern #ha# f$nc#ion! a! a (hole& Al!o) #hey all (ill no# (or* in all circ$%!#ance!& If yo$ are doing a !ilen# #ric*) for e+a%"le) yo$ canno# a!* a ,$e!#ion& If yo$ are doing a #ric* on TD and #he ca%era i! on yo$r hand!) yo$ canno# de"end $"on #he $!e of yo$r eye!& All of #he!e #echni,$e! are $!ed in a %anner !i%ilar #o #he (ay yo$ !elec# #he !leigh#! and "ro"! for a ro$#ine& A! yo$ "lan #he !e,$ence of e'en#! for a #ric* yo$ !elec# #he !leigh#!) #he %i!direc#ion #echni,$e!) "a##er and "ro"! yo$ (ill $!e& Indeed) #he (hole flo( of a ro$#ine can de"end $"on !o%e nece!!ary %i!direc#ion #echni,$e& So) #here i! a "roce!! of !elec#ing #he de'ice! #ha# can be $!ed and (ea'ing #he% #oge#her (i#h #he o#her ele%en#! of #he #ric*& CHAPTER SIK 0O:Y >INEMATICS In #hi! cha"#er (e e+a%ine ho( h$%an body "ar#! %o'e d$ring nor%al e'eryday ac#ion& There ha'e been #ho!e in %y "a!# #ha# ha'e a!*ed %e (hy I (an# #o do #hi!& A "ar#ic$lar e'en# cro!!e! %y %ind& The e'en# occ$rred in abo$# ;<& I (a! a# a %agic con'en#ion in 5i!con!in& The "eo"le #here are 'ery) 'ery nice "eo"le& A# #he #i%e I had beg$n !elling %agic boo*! a# %agic con'en#ion!& I ha""ened #o ha'e a boo#h a# #hi! %agic con'en#ion and) a! $!$al a# con'en#ion!) #here (a! a dealer./! !ho(& Since I (a! a dealer) I of co$r!e !#ood $" and #al*ed abo$# (ha# I (a! !elling& I #al*ed abo$# %y boo*!) a "ar#ic$lar fea#$re being #he a%o$n# of !"ace I de'o#ed #o %agic #heory& Af#er I !#e""ed off of #he !#age) I (a! a""roached by Ali 0ongo fro% England& He !aid !o%e#hing abo$# #he #heory I (a! "re!en#ing in %y boo*!& Then he loo*ed %e in #he eye and !aid) 8:o yo$ #hin* #ha# i! really nece!!ary8 I did no# *no( (ha# #o !ay and e+"re!!ed a c$rio!i#y abo$# (hy he a!*ed #he ,$e!#ion& I do no# recollec# #he an!(er& 0$# i# doe! rai!e an in#ere!#ing "oin#& 5hy are (e doing #hi! In a !en!e #hi! en#ire doc$%en# i! an a##e%"# #o an!(er Mr& 0ongo./! ,$e!#ion& So) "lea!e be a(are) I did no# br$!h off hi! ,$e!#ion ligh#ly& 0$# le#./! an!(er #he ,$e!#ion of (hy are (e doing #hi!& My $l#i%a#e an!(er i! #ha# I a% doing #hi! #o achie'e Dir#$al Magic& If yo$ a!* (hy do I (an# #o do #ha#) I./ll ha'e #ro$ble& Tha# i! li*e a!*ing %e (hy I (an# #o brea#h& 5ell) i# !o$nd! li*e *ind of a good idea& 0$#) gi'en #ha# I (an# #o do Dir#$al Magic) #he !#$dy of body *ine%a#ic! be##er enable! %e #o achie'e #ha# lof#y goal& Achie'ing Dir#$al Magic re,$ire! crea#ing effec#i'e fal!e a!!$%"#ion! in #he %ind! of #he a$dience& I need #o !#$dy na#$ral body %o#ion !o I can $nder!#and ho( #o crea#e fal!e a!!$%"#ion!& The "ri%ary goal of #hi! cha"#er i! #o "re!en# a 'arie#y of body *ine%a#ic! !$ch a! fli""ing a card $") #ran!ferring a coin fro% hand #o hand and !o on& Tha# #a!* i! 'ery large& Since I (an# #o "$# all of #hi! on #he In#erne# !oon) I do no# ha'e eno$gh #i%e #o co%"ile #hi! infor%a#ion& Therefore #hi! cha"#er (ill begin #hi! #a!* and add a! #i%e) in#ere!# and de!ire "er%i#!& In #he
"re!en#a#ion for each %o#ion #hree #hing! are #o be addre!!ed& Fir!#) "roble%! (i#h #he (ay %any %agician! "erfor% a %o#ion %igh# be con!idered& For e+a%"le) (hen !o%e %agician! "al% a card) #heir hand ha! a fi!h hoo* loo*& Ne+# (ill be a de!cri"#ion on ho( #ha# "ar#ic$lar %o#ion %igh# nor%ally be done& Then) a di!c$!!ion abo$# #he %o#ion %ay be "re!en#ed& The di!c$!!ion co$ld incl$de addi#ional #i"! on ho( #he %o#ion i! done or on al#erna#e (ay! #o do #he %o#ion enabling a !leigh#9of9hand 'er!ion #o be acco%"li!hed& 5e (ill begin) ho(e'er) (i#h a di!c$!!ion abo$# body %o#ion in general& A li!# of fac#or! co%%on #o %o!# body %o#ion! (ill be di!c$!!ed& Fa!#) !lo() "a$!e! and #ha# !or# of #hing& Ne+# (e loo* a# #he fac# #ha# !o%e dece"#i'e %o'e! are no# na#$ral and ne'er (ill be& So%e ad'ice i! offered on ho( #o %a*e #he!e %o'e! a""ear na#$ral (hen #hey really aren./#& Then (e (ill go o'er a 'arie#y of body *ine%a#ic! #ha# i! #he "ri%ary goal of #hi! cha"#er& To fini!h off #hi! cha"#er !o%e 'i#al i!!$e! abo$# !leigh#9of9hand *ine%a#ic! (ill be "re!en#ed& 0ASICS OF 0O:Y >INEMATICS So) here i! a li!# of general "ro"er#ie! of body *ine%a#ic!& ;& 0ody %o#ion in general i! ,$ic* and f$ll of !#o"! and !#ar#!& 1& 5hen bo#h hand! %o'e #hey !#ar# and !#o" a# #he !a%e #i%e& <& E%"#y hand! fall dead and #end #o re%ain a# re!#& =& Nor%al "eo"le don./# loo* a# #heir hand! (hen #ran!ferring !o%e#hing fro% one hand #o #he o#her& ?& E%"#y hand! #end #o re%ain c$""ed and clo!ed $n#il needed& I#e% ;& In general "eo"le nor%ally do no# %o'e in a !lo( %e#hodical %anner& O$r hand! are nor%ally a# re!# $n#il needed& Then #hey !#ar# ,$i#e !$ddenly #o go !o%e"lace (here #hey ,$i#e !$ddenly !#o"& So%e#hing %igh# be "ic*ed $" and carried el!e(here again (i#h #hi! ,$ic* !#ar# !#o" %o#ion $nle!! (e are %o'ing !o%e#hing li*e a f$ll gla!! of (a#er& Mo!# "eo"le %o'e #heir hand! !lo(ly) only (hen #hey are concen#ra#ing on !o%e#hing& Nor%ally "eo"le do no# "ay a##en#ion #o #heir hand %o#ion and %o'e #he% abo$# ra"idly a! #heir a##en#ion i! on !o%e #a!* a# hand& A %agician (o$ld be (i!e #o co"y #hi! #y"e of %o#ion& The %agician !ho$ld foc$! hi! or her a##en#ion on !o%e %ade $" #a!* !o #he hand! can %o'e abo$# (i#h ra"idi#y) -$!# a! a nor%al "er!on (o$ld do& For yo$r o(n ed$ca#ion) #ry #hi! #he ne+# #i%e yo$ go o$# #o l$nch (i#h yo$r friend!& 5hen yo$ "ic* $" yo$r gla!! #o #a*e a drin*) %o'e yo$r hand #o(ard yo$r gla!! (i#h a con!#an# !"eed a! yo$ reach #o "ic* i# $"& Caref$lly "ic* i# $" a# #he !a%e !"eed and %o'e i# #o(ard yo$r %o$#h a# #he !a%e !lo( !"eed& Re#$rn i# #o #he #able a# #he !a%e !"eed& Re%e%ber ho( #hey re!"ond& I#e% 1& 0o#h hand! do no# %o'e inde"enden# of each o#her& Their !hared %o#ion i! highly coordina#ed& If one %o'e! #he o#her doe!n./#& If #hey bo#h %o'e) #hey bo#h !#ar# %o'ing a# #he !a%e #i%e and !#o" %o'ing a# #he !a%e #i%e& Bnder!#and #ha# #hi! i! #he beha'ior (hen one i! no# concerned (i#h ho( #heir hand! are %o'ing& Of#en in "ar#ic$lar #a!*!) !$ch a! "laying a %$!ical in!#r$%en#) #hi! coordina#ion %ay di!a""ear& 0$# in nor%al %o#ion #hi! beha'ior r$le!& Try an e+"eri%en#& P$# #he finger#i"! of bo#h hand! on a #able in fron# of yo$& Rai!e bo#h hand! $" and for(ard #o a "oin# fi'e inche! f$r#her fro% yo$& No#ice #ha# bo#h hand! (ill !#ar# and !#o" %o'ing a# #he !a%e #i%e& Ne+# %o'e one hand and #hen #he o#her& One (ill !#ar# and co%"le#ely !#o" before #he o#her %o'e!& No( #ry and no# do #ha#& S#ar# #o %o'e one hand) #hen (hen #ha# one i! in %idair %o'e #he o#her for(ard& I# can be done b$# i# #a*e! concen#ra#ion& E'en (hen yo$ do i# !$cce!!f$lly) yo$ (ill no#ice #ha# #he !econd hand %o'e! (hen #he fir!# !#o"! %o'ing $" and begin! i#! %o#ion do(n(ard& The "oin# i! #ha# yo$ can 'iola#e #he!e beha'ior r$le! b$# yo$ (on./# if yo$ are -$!# 8ac#ing nor%ally&8 I#e% <& E%"#y hand! #end #o dro" li*e a roc* (hen #hey no longer ha'e any#hing #o do& :$ring nor%al beha'ior (hen a hand i! b$!y i# (ill dar# abo$#) doing (ha# i# need! #o do& Once a hand./! #a!* i! done) #hen #he hand fall! $n#il needed for !o%e o#her #a!*& Tha# i!) of co$r!e) $nle!! i# ha! !o%e o#her #a!* #o do li*e "ic* $" a %agic (and& If !o) #he e%"#y hand (ill dar# a(ay ,$ic*ly af#er #he (and& If #he e%"#y hand ha! no#hing #o do i# dro"! %aybe !lo(ing do(n -$!# before i# hi#! #he #able #o c$!hion i#! landing& If #he "er!on i! !i##ing a# a #able) #he hand (ill ac#$ally fall (i#h a bi# of a #h$d& The #h$d i! con#rolled ho(e'er) #he "er!on nor%ally being caref$l no# #o %a*e an a##en#ion ge##ing noi!e& The hand i! ne'er) ne'er allo(ed #o fall #o #he #able gen#ly li*e a
fea#her& Tha# !or# of %o#ion re,$ire! a grea# deal of a##en#ion #ha# nor%al "eo"le (ill no# de'o#e& I#e% =& In general) "eo"le do no# loo* a# #heir hand! (hen doing !o%e #a!* #ha# re,$ire! li##le a##en#ion& :$ring #he #ran!fer of a coin fro% hand #o hand) #he nor%al "er!on doe!n./# loo* a# #heir hand!& Th$!) if yo$ loo* a# yo$r hand! d$ring !$ch a #ran!fer) yo$ (ill a""ear a bi# odd& Thi! al!o a""lie! #o o#her %o#ion! a! (ell& 5hen "eo"le !e# a gla!! on #he #able af#er #a*ing a drin* fro% i# #hey do no# (a#ch #he gla!! go all #he (ay #o #he #able& They (ill briefly loo* a# #he !"o# on (hich #hey are going #o !e# #heir gla!!) b$# #hen #hey #a*e #heir eye! off of #he gla!! and i# find! i#! (ay $nder a$#o%a#ic "ilo#& In a !i%ilar fa!hion) one (o$ld no# "ay a##en#ion #o ho( a dec* of card! (ere "laced on#o a #able& I#e% ?& E%"#y hand! #end #o re%ain clo!ed (hen no# in $!e& A! a #e!# of #hi! go !o%e"lace and (a#ch "eo"le./! hand!& A library i! a good "lace for #here are a lo# of hand! no# b$!y (i#h "hy!ical #hing!& A! a drill) loo* a# hand! and #ry #o 'i!$ali2e #ha# "er!on "al%ing !o%e#hing& Yo$ (ill !ee #ha# %o!# of #he "eo"le aro$nd yo$ co$ld be hiding !o%e#hing fro% yo$& I do ho"e yo$ don./# !#are a# #heir hand! for long) for I (o$ld be 'ery e%barra!!ed for yo$ if #hey !ay) 85hy are yo$ !#aring a# %e8 MA>ING BNNATBRAL MOTIONS) NATBRAL The "oin# of li!#ing and re'ie(ing #he!e ba!ic fac#or! of body %o#ion i! !o #ha# (e can in#egra#e #he% in#o !leigh#9of9hand %o#ion! in #he ho"e #ha# #he a$dience (ill %a*e #he righ# fal!e a!!$%"#ion!& Bnfor#$na#ely #here are !o%e !leigh#9of9 hand %o#ion! #ha# do no# allo( $! #o follo( acc$ra#e nor%al %o#ion!& One e+a%"le i! "ic*ing $" and c$" (hile a ball i! finger "al%ed in #he hand& Thi! i! "re!en#ed in #he !ec#ion on c$" and ball %o'e!& To o'erco%e #hi! "roble% #he (ri!# (a! ben# a# an odd angle and #he c$" %ani"$la#ed in a li##le differen# (ay& Th$!) #he handling (a! no longer na#$ral& The #o!! change ha! a !i%ilar "roble%& If yo$ loo* a# "ar#! of #he %o'e !e"ara#ely) #hey loo* 'ery a(*(ard& Pal%ing a card and re!#ing yo$r hand on #he #able can "re!en# ano#her "roble%& 5i#h a coin) #he hand can rela+ na#$rally for #he hand can c$rl con'enien#ly aro$nd #he coin& A card %$!# be held fla#) !o #he rela+a#ion #echni,$e %$!# be differen#& 0eca$!e of #he!e odd re,$ire%en#! #ha# %agic "lace! on #he!e %o#ion! #here %$!# be a (ay #o %a*e #he!e ac#ion! !ee% nor%al in !"i#e of #he%!el'e!& Co'ering #he coin! in Ma#ri+ i! ano#her e+a%"le of #hi! "roble%& Nor%ally (hen one "$!he! off a card fro% a "ac*e# of card! on#o #he #able) #he hand i! ro#a#ed (hile #he #h$%b "$!he! #he card& Try #hi!& Hold fo$r card! in yo$r righ# hand& P$!h #he #o" card off of #he #o" of #he fo$r (i#h yo$r righ# #h$%b on#o #he #able& Ma*e !$re yo$r #h$%b "$!he! #he card all #he (ay #o #he #able& If yo$ do #hi!) yo$ (ill no#ice #ha# #he hand ro#a#e! !o #he #h$%b can go all #he (ay do(n& In #he "roce!! #he bac* of #he hand ro#a#e! $""er%o!# and #he finger! are e+"o!ed #o #he righ#& If #he finger! (ere cli""ing a coin i# cer#ainly (o$ld be !een& The !ol$#ion i! #o no# "$!h a card off of #he "ac*e# in #hi! (ay) ra#her #he card i! "$!hed #o #he lef# by #he #h$%b and #he hand i! %o'ed abr$"#ly #o #he righ#& Then) #he card) beca$!e of i#! iner#ia) re%ain! behind and fall! #o #he #able a! #he hand %o'e! o$# of #he (ay& Thi! i! defini#ely no# a nor%al (ay of "lacing a card on#o #he #able !o i! a "o#en#ial "roble%& There are !e'eral (ay! #o o'erco%e #he!e "roble%!& One i! #o re"ea# #he %o'e o'er and o'er !$ch #ha# i#) a""aren#ly) beco%e! "ar# of yo$r nor%al (ay of %o'ing& Thi! can be 'ery #edio$!& Ho(e'er) #ha# i! (ha# I did #o handle #he (ay I (a! re,$ired #o "ic* $" a c$" (hile "al%ing a ball& I !i%"ly !a# a# a #able and "ic*ed #he c$" $" and re"laced i# on#o #he #able& Thi! i! no# really "rac#ice b$# ra#her body #raining& The ac# (a! "erfor%ed o'er and o'er $n#il i# fel# na#$ral& I al!o re"ea#ed #he %o#ion of "lacing a card on #he #able a! -$!# de!cribed& If #here i! any he!i#a#ion (hile "erfor%ing #he!e de'ia#ion!) #he %o'e ha! no# been done eno$gh& If done correc#ly) yo$ (ill no# no#ice #he change (hen #he affec#ed %o'e! are "erfor%ed& Ano#her !ol$#ion i! #o %o'e #he hand! ,$ic*ly (hen #ho!e diffic$l# ac#ion! are "erfor%ed& A re,$i!i#e for #hi!) of co$r!e) i! #ha# #ho!e %o'e! are nor%ally done fa!#& Thi! doe! incl$de "ic*ing $" a c$" (i#h a "al%ed ball& I# incl$de! #he To!! Change and #he Po" B" %o'e& In each of #he!e %o'e! #he finger! and hand! are ac#$ally doing !e'eral ac#ion!& 5hile "rac#icing #he%) #here i! a #endency #o %o'e !lo(ly& 0eca$!e #hey are a(*(ard %o#ion!) #hey (ill a##rac# a
grea# deal of a##en#ion (hen %o'ing a# #ha# !"eed& Ho(e'er) e'en #ho$gh #he %o#ion! %ay be a(*(ard and illogical) (hen done fa!#) #hey loo* 'ery) 'ery dece"#i'e& Again #he %o#ion !ho$ld be done o'er and o'er again& Here yo$ are "rac#icing for yo$ are #rying #o ge# an a(*(ard !e,$ence of %o'e! ingrained in#o yo$r hand! !o #hey can ac# on #heir o(n& So%e#i%e! e'en #he!e #echni,$e! (ill no# acco%"li!h #he #a!*& Then yo$ %$!# #rain yo$r a$dience& Pal%ing a card i! !$ch an e+a%"le& S$""o!e yo$ (i!h #o "al% a card) "lace #he dec* on#o #he #able and #hen re!# yo$r hand "al%ing #he card on #he #able al!o& Yo$ can do #hi! b$# #he hand (ill be held 'ery fla#& Yo$ reali2e #ha# #hi! %o#ion i! $nli*e any o#her %o#ion in yo$r ac# and (ill cer#ainly a##rac# a##en#ion& The !ol$#ion i! #o #rain yo$r a$dience by "lacing yo$r hand in #ha# "o!i#ion earlier in #he #ric* or e'en d$ring #he #ric* "re'io$! #o #he one (here #he "al% i! needed& Le#./! a!!$%e yo$ (i!h #o do #he !#range %o#ion in #he !a%e #ric* a! yo$ need #o $!e i#& Here i! a (ay #o handle i#& Se# $" #he ro$#ine !o yo$ are ac#ing li*e a !nobby A%erican in France& Then gi'e #he dec* #o a !"ec#a#or #o !h$ffle& 5hile #hey are !h$ffling) yo$ !i# 'ery !#raigh# in #he chair and "$# yo$r hand! on #he #able in a fla# re!# "o!i#ion in fron# of yo$& No( yo$ are "laying a role b$# yo$ are al!o d$"lica#ing #he hand "o!i#ion #ha# (ill be $!ed d$ring #he "erfor%ance of #he #ric*& La#er (hen yo$ ha'e "al%ed a card and ha'e a!*ed #he a$dience #o !h$ffle #he card! again) no one (ill ,$e!#ion (hy yo$r hand! are lying fla# on #he #able for yo$ are ac#ing li*e a !#$ffy) "ri% and "ro"er !nob& O0ECT >INEMATICS No( le#./! li!# a 'arie#y of %o#ion! and "re!en# ho( #hey nor%ally a""ear& MODING A COIN FROM HAN: TO HAN: Thi! #a!* ha! recei'ed %o!# of %y a##en#ion o'er #he year!& 0oo*! can be (ri##en abo$# ho( i# ha! been %i!handled& Indeed %$ch of #hi! doc$%en# i! abo$# #hi! !$b-ec#& So (e (ill no# co'er #he #hing! #ha# can go (rong (i#h i# e+ce"# for one #hing& Plea!e do no# "oin# a# #he hand af#er doing #he #ran!fer& Se,$ence Righ# hand di!"lay! coin (i#h !o%e #en!ion& Eye! loo*ing a# coin& Lef# hand a# re!# on #able& Righ# hand begin! #o #$rn "al% do(n o'er lef#& Lef# ri!e! #$rning "al% $" #o recei'e coin& Eye! glance a# a$dience& Coin fall! o$# of hand& Righ# hand con#in$e! %o'ing do(n(ard a! coin fall! do(n(ard& Lef# hand i! (ai#ing for coin #o arri'e& Coin hi#! !$rface of "al% $" lef# hand& Righ# hand con#in$e! %o'ing do(n(ard& Lef# hand !na"! !h$# (i#h !o%e force #o be !$re coin i! ca"#$red& Lef# hand finger! !na" clo!ed aro$nd coin& Righ# hand !#o"! %o'ing do(n(ard #he in!#an# #he lef# finger! !#o" !na""ing aro$nd coin& Eye! reach #he "oin# (here #hey are glancing a# !"ec#a#or& The righ# hand i! !$!"ended abo'e a clo!ed lef# fi!# 3lef# finger! clo!ed $nder righ# hand4& The righ# hand i! rela+ed and #end! #o be o"en& Eye! begin #o go bac* #o #he lef# hand& Righ# hand begin! #o dro" #o #he #able& Righ# hand !#ar#! #o c$rl $" in a rela+ed "o!i#ion& Lef# hand begin! #o ri!e a bi#& Righ# hand fall! #o #he !$rface of #he #able (i#h a !%all con#rolled #h$d& Lef# hand i! held $" a! if di!"laying #he clo!ed lef# hand #o #he a$dience& Eye! are loo*ing a# #he lef# hand& :i!c$!!ion The $""er hand rela+e! (hen i# relea!e! a coin d$ring a #ran!fer& Of#en %agician! (ill #ry #o o"en #he hand (ide af#er relea!ing #he coin& Thi! loo*! $nna#$ral ca$!ing #he #ran!fer #o a##rac# $nd$e and $!$ally !$!"icio$! a##en#ion fro% #he a$dience& If #he dro""ing hand ha! #he coin #o 'ani!h "al%ed) #hi! a##en#ion (ill be 'ery bad& Nor%ally) #he $""er hand ha! carried i#! load o'er #o #he lo(er hand) and once #he load i! relea!ed #he hand !i%"ly rela+e! for i#! #a!* i! o'er&
An i%"or#an# no#e& If #here i! no coin in #he dro""ing hand) a! %igh# occ$r if #he coin (ere la""ed d$ring a #ran!fer) one can !ignifican#ly ca"i#ali2e on #hi!& In #hi! !i#$a#ion) #he hand can o"en (ide and ,$i#e ,$ic*ly (hen i# ha! a""aren#ly dro""ed a coin in#o #he o#her hand& A! %en#ioned) i# (ill a##rac# a##en#ion& No() ho(e'er) #ha# a##en#ion i! a "l$! for #he a$dience (ill !ee #he dro""ing hand o"en and #he recei'ing hand !na" !h$#& Thi! crea#e! #he 'ery !#rong ill$!ion of a real coin falling #hro$gh !"ace& Yo$ are al!o chaining fal!e a!!$%"#ion! #oge#her& An e%"#y hand enforce! #he a!!$%"#ion #ha# a coin fell #hro$gh !"ace in#o #he o#her hand& Ho(e'er) yo$ need no# o"en #he dro""ing hand) finger! (ide) #o achie'e #he de!ired effec#& Rela+ing #he dro""ing hand b$# enabling #he a$dience #o !ee all of #he in#erior of #he hand i! 'a!#ly be##er& 5hen #he coin fall! in#o #he recei'ing hand ) #ha# hand ha! a ne( d$#y& I# %$!# #a*e care of #he coin& So) i# grab! i# and !#o"! %o'ing& The hand i! clo!ed fir%ly) #he ar% and !ho$lder are a li##le bi# #en!e& Yo$r body lang$age #ell! #he a$dience #ha# #hey !ho$ld be a(are of #ha# hand for #ha# i! (here #he %agic i! going #o ha""en& The hand (ill be held a! if co%%$nica#ing #o #he a$dience #ha# i# hold! an ob-ec#& The e%"#y hand no( being e%"#y) -$!# dro"! li*e a roc* #o #he #able beca$!e i# no longer ha! any#hing #o do& Tha# i! of co$r!e $nle!! i# ha! !o%e o#her #a!* #o do li*e "ic* $" a %agic (and& If !o) #he e%"#y hand (ill dar# a(ay ,$ic*ly af#er #he (and& If #he e%"#y hand ha! no#hing #o do i# dro"! %aybe !lo(ing do(n -$!# before i# hi#! #he #able #o c$!hion i#! landing& Ho( #he finger! of #he recei'ing hand clo!e i! ano#her in#ere!#ing "oin#& 5hen a coin i! dro""ed fro% one hand #o ano#her #he finger! of #he lo(er hand clo!e $nder #he $""er hand& Thi! i! a dra!#ic difference fro% #he #radi#ional 'ani!he! #a$gh# before Al Schneider On Coin! a""eared& In %o!# 'ani!he!) fro% #ha# era) #he finger#i"! of #he hand doing #he #ran!fer en#ered #he !ligh#ly clo!ed recei'ing hand& A""aren#ly (hen (e really dro" a coin fro% one hand #o ano#her #he recei'ing hand i! !o concerned abo$# ca"#$ring #he coin i# !na#che! i# a! !oon a! i# can& The recei'ing hand doe! no# allo( any #i%e a# all for #he finger! of #he $""er hand #o ge# near #he "al% of #he lo(er hand& Thi! i#e% of beha'ior i! "robably #he %o!# "o(erf$l ele%en# in #he Al Schneider #ran!fer 'ani!he!& FLIPPING A CAR: FACE BP ON TOP OF THE :EC> Thi! i! a handling I decided #o $!e (hen doing a do$ble lif#& The card i! #$rned face $" on #he #o" of a dec* of card!& I go# #hi! en#ire conce"# fro% #he :ai Dernon 0oo* Of Magic by Le(i! Gan!on& Se,$ence dec* i! held in dealing "o!i#ion in #he lef# hand #he righ# hand i! c$rled na#$rally) re!#ing on #he #able& eye! %o'e #o loo* a# #he dec* #he lef# #h$%b begin! #o "$!h #he #o" card #o #he righ# #hree ,$ar#er! of an inch #he righ# hand !#ar#! #o ri!e fro% #he #able #he righ# hand !#ar#! #o #$rn "al% $" a! #he card %o'e! #o #he righ# #he righ# finger #i"! are "laced $nder #he righ# edge of #he card #he righ# #h$%b #o$che! #he card on #he #o" !o #h$%b on #o" and finger! are ac#$ally holding #he card& A# #hi! "oin# #he #o" card !#o"! %o'ing and #he righ# hand !#o"! %o'ing& The lef# #h$%b i! %o'ed #o #he lef# a! if #o ge# o$# of #he (ay enabling #he card #o be fli""ed& A# #he !a%e #i%e #he righ# hand %o'e! #he card a bi# %ore #o #he righ# The righ# hand %o'e! !o yo$r lef# long edge of #he card i! #o$ching #he #o" of #he dec*& No#e #ha# #he #h$%b !#o"! %o'ing #o #he lef# (hen #he righ# hand !#o"! %o'ing #o #he righ#& The righ# #h$%b rai!e! allo(ing #he card #o re!# on #he dec* and #he #i"! of #he righ# finger! a# #he !a%e #i%e& The righ# hand %o'e! $" and #o yo$r lef# ca$!ing #he card #o #$rn face do(n The %o#ion of #he righ# hand #o #he lef# !#o"! (hen #he card i! face $" on #o" of #he dec*& The righ# hand begin! #o c$rl na#$rally and begin! #o fall #o #he #able
The lef# hand clo!e! i#! gri" on #he card #o *ee" #he face $" card in "lace The lef# hand %o'e! #o(ard #he a$dience a bi# !o a! #o di!"lay #he face $" card& The eye! begin #o %o'e $" #o loo* a# #he a$dience The righ# hand hi#! #he #able (i#h a con#rolled #h$d in a re!# "o!i#ion #he lef# hand !#o"! %o'ing #o(ard #he a$dience #he eye! end #heir $"(ard %o#ion #o loo* a# #he a$dience& :i!c$!!ion The only e+#ra "oin# I (o$ld li*e #o %a*e no( i! #ha# %any "eo"le hold #he card (hile i# i! being fli""ed o'er& Tha# i! #hey are no# ac#$ally fli""ing i#) b$# holding i# on bo#h !ide! a! #he card i! #$rned o'er& Ac#$ally relea!ing #he card and allo(ing #o fly i! 'ery di!ar%ing& SHO5ING A CAR: IN A :ISPLAY POSITION Magician! do do$ble lif#! in %any $n$!$al (ay!& Here i! a handling #ha# can be done ea!ily (i#h #he do$ble lif# #ha# loo*! ,$i#e good& Here) #he righ# hand gra!"! #he card fro% #he #o") #$rn! i# face $" !o #he a$dience can !ee #he face of i# and re#$rn! #he card bac* #o #he #o" of #he dec*& Se,$ence hold dec* in lef# hand in dealing "o!i#ion righ# hand i! a# re!# on #able eye! %o'e #o loo* a# #he dec* #he lef# #h$%b begin! #o "$!h #he #o" card #o #he righ# #hree ,$ar#er! of an inch #he righ# hand !#ar#! #o ri!e fro% #he #able #he righ# hand re%ain! "al% do(n #he righ# %o'e! abo'e #he card o"ening a! if #o gra!" #he card by #he !hor# end! (hen #he righ# hand i! abo'e #he card i# !#o"! #he lef# #h$%b !#o"! "$!hing #he card #o #he righ# a# #ha# %o%en# #he righ# hand %o'e! do(n(ard& The card i! gra!"ed by #he !hor# end! of #he card& A# #hi! %o%en# #he hand! (ill %o'e a bi# !lo(er a! #he hand! are %ane$'ered #o gra!" #he card& The lef# #h$%b %o'e! #o #he lef# freeing #he card& The righ# hand #$rn! "al% $" !ho(ing #he face of #he card #o #he a$dience& The eye! loo* a# #he a$dience a! #he card i! di!"layed& The lef# hand holding #he dec* doe! no# %o'e The righ# hand ro#a#e! "al% do(n caref$lly "lacing #he card bac* on #o" of #he dec*& The hand fall! #o #he #able in#o a rela+ed "o!i#ion The lef# hand #igh#en! i#! hold on #he dec* a! if !ec$ring i#& :i!c$!!ion None ye#& PBTTING A :EC> OF CAR:S ONTO THE TA0LE The ob!er'ed "roble% i! #ha# !o%e %agician! (ill be #oo caref$l (i#h #he dec* (hile "al%ing a card and "lacing #he dec* on#o #he #able& They do #hi! in a 'ery !%oo#h (ay& Their hand %o'e! !lo(ly #o #he !"o# #he dec* i! #o be "laced) #he dec* i! lo(ered #o #he !$rface a# #he !a%e !"eed and #he hand %o'e! a(ay (i#h #he !a%e !"eed& The a$dience (ill no# he!i#a#e #o loo* direc#ly a# #hi!& They "robably (on./# *no( (ha# i! going on) b$# #heir con!cio$! #ho$gh# (ill no# allo( #he% #o a!!$%e no#hing i! going on& The dec* i! held in #he righ# hand fro% #he #o"& The eye! loca#e a !"o# on #he #able (here #he dec* i! #o be "laced& The hand %o'e! for(ard carrying #he dec* #o a "o!i#ion i%%edia#ely abo'e #ha# !"o#& Here #he dec* i! abo$# one eigh#h of an inch abo'e #he !$rface of #he #able& The eye! %o'e a(ay fro% #he dec*& The hand rela+e! allo(ing #he dec* #o !li" fro% #he hand falling on#o #he #able& The hand doe! no# o#her(i!e o"en or change "o!i#ion& The righ# hand %o'e! a(ay fro% dec* #o(ard #he "erfor%er./! body& A! #he hand %o'e! a(ay) #he hand c$rl! $" and fall! #o a re!# "o!i#ion& :i!c$!!ion None ye#& PBTTING A CAR: ONTO THE TA0LE In !o%e ro$#ine! a card i! "laced on#o #he #able #ha# ha! a coin concealed $nder i#& The ob!er'ed "roble% (i#h #hi! %o'e i! #ha# !o%e %agician! (ill "re!! #he
coin on#o #he #able along (i#h #he card& If #he a$dience doe! no# *no( #here i! a coin $nder #he card) #hi! %o#ion (ill a""ear a! if #he "erfor%er i! "re!!ing #he card in#o #he #able for no rea!on& Se,$ence A card i! held in #he hand& The eye! loo* a# a !"o# (here #he card (ill be "laced The card i! %o'ed #o #ha# loca#ion (hile #he eye! (a#ch& One edge of #he card i! "laced on#o #he #able The hand i! %o'ed a(ay fro% #he card) allo(ing #he card #o fall freely on#o #he #able& The hand i! %o'ed -$!# eno$gh #o allo( #he card #o fall& They eye! #hen loo* a(ay fro% #he card The hand %o'e! bac* #o(ard #he "erfor%er #o a re!# "o!i#ion& :i!c$!!ion In general a %e#hod for "lacing a card on#o #he #able and a hidden card) i! #o allo( #he coin #o fall on#o #he #able fir!#) #hen allo( #he card #o fall on #o" of i#& PBTTING A MOBTH :O5N CBP ONTO THE TA0LE Mo!# "erfor%er!) (hen !e##ing a c$" on#o a #able %o$#h do(n) !ee% #o hi# #he #able (i#h one edge of #he c$") #hen #he c$" le'er! do(n on#o #he #able& The hand i! holding #he c$" con!#an#ly& Thi! !i%"ly loo*! a(*(ard& Se,$ence The c$" i! held in #he righ# hand& The c$" i! no# held in a "erfec#ly $"righ# "o!i#ion b$# a# a rela+ed angle& The eye! loca#e a !"o# on #he #able (here #he c$" i! #o be "laced& The hand %o'e! for(ard carrying #he c$" #o a "o!i#ion i%%edia#ely abo'e #ha# !"o#& The %o$#h of #he c$" i! held "erfec#ly "arallel #o #he !$rface of #he #able& Here #he c$" i! abo$# one eigh#h of an inch abo'e #he !$rface of #he #able& The eye! are fi+ed on #ha# !"o# The eye! %o'e a(ay fro% #he c$"& The hand rela+e! allo(ing #he c$" #o !li" fro% #he hand falling on#o #he #able& The hand doe! no# o#her(i!e o"en or change "o!i#ion& The righ# hand %o'e! a(ay fro% c$" #o(ard #he "erfor%er./! body& A! #he hand %o'e! a(ay) #he hand c$rl! $" and fall! #o a re!# "o!i#ion& :i!c$!!ion No co%%en#! a# #he "re!en# #i%e& ROLLING A 0ALL BN:ER A CBP I don./# ha'e %$ch co%%en# here for I ha'e no# !een %any "erfor%er! do #hi! %ane$'er& Ho(e'er) in !o%e (ri#e9$"! abo$# #hi! %o'e #he hand i! $!$ally held "er"endic$lar #o #he #able d$ring #he "erfor%ance of #he !leigh# $!ing #hi! %o'e& The %a-or "roble% i! #ha#) beca$!e #he hand i! !#raigh# $" and do(n) #he a$dience on #he lef# and righ# !ide! of #he "erfor%er ha'e a chance #o !ee #he ball rolled in#o #he hand& Se,$ence 0egin (i#h a c$" %o$#h do(n on a #able& The ball i! an inch and a half on #he a$dience !ide of #he c$"& The righ# hand a""roache! #he ball a! if #o "ic* i# $"& The lef# hand a""roache! #he c$" a! if #o #i" i# bac*& The eye! loo* a# #he c$"& The ball i! gra!"ed by #he #h$%b on #he "erfor%er./! !ide of #he ball and #he %iddle #(o finger! on #he a$dience !ide of #he ball& The #o" of #he c$" i! gra!"ed by #he lef# hand !o #he c$" can be #i""ed #o(ard #he "erfor%er& The righ# hand 3#he one gra!"ing #he ball4 heel i! near #he #able #o"& Tha# i! #he hand i! in a fairly rela+ed "o!i#ion #he hand being %ore "arallel #o #he #able #o" #han 'er#ical #o i#& The c$" i! #i""ed #o(ard #he "erfor%er) #he edge of #he c$" neare!# #he "erfor%er re%aining in con#ac# (i#h #he !$rface of #he #able #o"& The righ# hand #h$%b and %iddle #(o finger #i"! gra!" #he ball and %o'e i# #o(ard #he c$"& On #he (ay #o #he c$" #he #h$%b relea!e! i#! gri" and %o'e! $" o$# of #he (ay& The %iddle #(o finger! con#in$e !liding #he ball along #he !$rface of #he #able #o" $nder #he c$"&
The lef# hand con#in$e! #i""ing #he c$" bac*(ard!& The finger! con#in$e !liding #he ball $nder #he c$" #he finger! going $nder #he c$" by abo$# an inch& 5hen #he righ# hand !#o"! %o'ing #o(ard #he "erfor%er) #he lef# hand !#o"! #i""ing #he c$" bac*(ard& The c$" i! #i""ed bac* #o #he !$rface of #he #able in an a##e%"# #o be !$re #he ball i! ca"#$red& Since #he righ# finger! (ere "$!hing i# #he ball can roll o$# of con#rol) hence #he c$" i! re%o'ed #o #he #able #o ca"#$re i#& A! #he c$" %o'e! #o(ard #he #able i# br$!he! #he finger./! of #he righ# hand a! #he finger! are %o'ed o$# of #he c$" #o(ard #he a$dience& The righ# hand !#o"! %o'ing a(ay fro% #he c$" a# #he !a%e #i%e #he c$" co%e! #o re!# on #he !$rface of #he #able& The righ# hand finger #i"! ha'e %o'ed abo$# an inch a(ay fro% #he c$" before !#o""ing& The righ# and lef# hand "a$!e for a !"li# !econd& Then bo#h hand! %o'e a(ay #o a re!# "o!i#ion& The eye! %o'e a(ay #o (ha#e'er el!e i! ne+#& :i!c$!!ion The %o#ion of #he hand bac* $nder #he c$" !ho$ld be done (i#h a bi# of a !na"& Yo$ *ind of (an# #o !%ac* #he ball $nder #he c$"& Thi! ,$ic* %o#ion i! follo(ed by #i""ing #he c$" for(ard ,$ic*ly ca"#$ring #he !%ac*ed ball& PBTTING SOMETHING INTO YOBR POC>ET Thi! i! !o%e#hing #ha# Mi*e Clo!e bro$gh# #o %y a##en#ion (hile a##ending one of hi! lec#$re!& The "roble% i! #ha# %agician! (ill of#en re#$rn !o%e#hing #o #heir "oc*e# #o !#eal !o%e o#her ob-ec# in a (ay #ha# i! !$!"icio$!& The ob-ec# #hey !#eal i! of#en lying a# #he bo##o% of #heir "oc*e#& The "erfor%er #hen reache! all #he (ay in#o #he "oc*e#) !earche! for #he ob-ec#) find! i# and co%e! o$# of #he "oc*e#& Se,$ence The ob-ec# #o be "$# in #he "oc*e# i! held in #he finger #i"!& The eye! re%ain loo*ing a# #he a$dience d$ring #he en#ire %o#ion& The hand i! %o'ed #o(ard #he "oc*e#& The hand !#o"! a# #he en#rance of #he "oc*e#& The finger! c$rl in a bi# (hile holding #he ob-ec#& Thi! i! "re"ara#ion #o o"en #he en#rance of #he "oc*e#& The bac*! of #he finger! "re!! again!# #he in!ide of #he "oc*e# a(ay fro% #he "erfor%er./! body& The finger! $nc$rl a bi# a! #hey do #hi!& The "oc*e# being o"en #he #i"! of #he finger! are in!er#ed in#o #he "oc*e# dee" eno$gh #o be !$re #he ob-ec# i! in!ide #he "oc*e#& The finger! rela+) allo(ing #he ob-ec# #o fall dee"er in#o #he "oc*e#& The hand i%%edia#ely a!!$%e! a c$rled a# re!# "o!i#ion and i! re%o'ed fro% #he "oc*e#& :i!c$!!ion The "erfor%er (o$ld be (i!e #o *ee" #he ob-ec# #o !#eal near #he en#rance of #he "oc*e#& Thi! co$ld be acco%"li!hed (i#h a cli" of !o%e !or#& Then) #he ob-ec# being "$# in#o #he "oc*e# !ho$ld be held be#(een #he fir!# finger and !econd finger& Thi! lea'e! #he #h$%b and in!ide of #he hand free #o gra!" #he ob-ec# being !#olen& :$ring "erfor%ance #he finger #i"! in!er# #he ob-ec# in#o #he "oc*e#& 5hile #he hand i! "ar# (ay in#o #he "oc*e# #he #h$%b can "re!! #he ob-ec# near #he o"ening of #he "oc*e# in a finger "al% "o!i#ion of #he hand a! #he hand lea'e! #he "oc*e#& In #hi! (ay #he hand goe! in and o$# of #he "oc*e# in blin*& 3 TO 0E :ONE IN THE FBTBRE4 PIC>ING A CBP BP FROM THE TA0LE THREA:ING A STRING INTO A RING PBTTING A RING ONTO A PENCIL A FINAL DITAL INGRE:IENT Thi! cha"#er i! dedica#ed #o #he de!cri"#ion! of nor%al body *ine%a#ic! !o #ha# (e can a##e%"# #o $#ili2e #he %o#ion! in genera#ing fal!e a!!$%"#ion!& The %o!# cri#ical of #ho!e already di!c$!!ed are #he !"eed of %o#ion and #he na#$re of "eo"le #o !#ar# and !#o" #heir hand %o#ion! ,$ic*ly& There i! one o#her i#e% no#
di!c$!!ed ye# #ha# i! 'ery cri#ical& Thi! ha! #o do (i#h #he n$%ber of real %$!cle %o#ion! 'er!$! !leigh# %$!cle %o#ion!& In %any coin 'ani!he!) a coin i! re,$ired #o be cli""ed by #he finger! d$ring #he a""aren# "roce!! of #ran!ferring #he coin fro% one hand #o #he o#her& Thi! hinder! #he abili#y of #he!e %o'e! #o in!"ire #he a$dience #o %a*e fal!e a!!$%"#ion! for #hey are !eeing %ore d$ring a fal!e #ran!fer #han an ac#$al #ran!fer& The bea$#y of #he Al Schneider 0a!ic and Cla!!ic #ran!fer 'ani!he! i! #ha# #here are no e+#ra %o#ion!& In bo#h of #he!e %o'e! #he coin begin! in #he "o!i#ion i# (ill be in af#er #he !leigh# i! "erfor%ed& If yo$ co$n# #he %$!cle %o#ion! #he hand! (ill do d$ring #he ac#$al #ran!fer of a coin and co%"are #ha# #o #he %$!cle %o#ion! done d$ring ei#her of #he!e !leigh#!) yo$ (ill !ee #he co$n# i! #he !a%e& In #ho!e 'ani!he! (herein #(o finger! %$!# cli" #he coin) #here are #(o e+#ra %o#ion!& One #o e+#end #he finger! #o cli" #he coin and ano#her #o "$ll #he coin bac* in#o #he hand& E'en (or!e) af#er #he !leigh# i! done) #he coin i! %o'ed #o "al% "o!i#ion a! #he hand %o'e! #o a re!# "o!i#ion& Then #he hand i! !een #o be %o'ing (hen #here i! no# !$""o!ed #o be any#hing in #he hand The correc# ac#ion i! #o ha'e #he !a%e n$%ber of %o#ion! in ac#$al and !leigh#9 of9hand %o#ion!& Thi! i! a cri#ical "oin# !o le#./! highligh# i#& In any %o#ion of dece"#ion #here !ho$ld be #he !a%e n$%ber of !leigh# %$!cle %o#ion! a! #here are real %$!cle %o#ion!& No( le#./! re'ie( #(o %o'e! (hich obey #hi! "rinci"le and are 'ery) 'ery !$cce!!f$l& The fir!# i! #he Al Schneider 0a!ic Tran!fer Dani!h& In #hi! 'ani!h #he #h$%b hold! #he coin in #he righ# hand d$ring #he 'ani!h %o#ion& To do #hi! #he #h$%b %$!# %o'e fro% #he !ide of #he hand #o (here #he coin i!) #o cli" i#& The #h$%b i! %o'ed a# #he !a%e #i%e #he hand i! ro#a#ed #o dro" #he coin in#o #he o#her hand& Thi! obey! !o%e of #he "rinci"le! "re!en#ed earlier& The #h$%b !#ar#! %o'ing (hen #he hand !#ar#! #$rning& The #h$%b !#o"! %o'ing (hen #he hand !#o"! #$rning& No one) ab!ol$#ely no one !ee! #he #h$%b %o'e& In fac#) (hen "eo"le learn #he 'ani!h) #hey are no# a(are #ha# #he #h$%b i! %o'ing (hen i# !ho$ld no# be& 5hen yo$ #ell #he% #ha# #he #h$%b doe! no# nor%ally %o'e li*e #ha#) #hey (ill !ay) 8Yo$ *no() I ne'er #ho$gh# of i# #ha# (ay&8 Ano#her e+a%"le i! ho( #he fir!# coin i! "ic*ed $" in Ma#ri+& I# i! "ic*ed $" (hile a card i! "laced o'er #he loca#ion (here #he coin i! lying& Mo!# "eo"le ne( #o #he #ric* (ill "$!h #he card o'er #he coin) "ic* $" #he coin by bending #he finger! and #hen allo( #he card #o fall on #ha# !"o#& Tha# loo*! 'ery bad& Ho(e'er) if #he coin i! "ic*ed $" a# #he !a%e #i%e #he hand %o'e! #o #he righ# allo(ing #he card #o fall #o #he #able) #he "ic*$" i! #o#ally in'i!ible& Thi! i! ac#$ally !cary& The %o#ion of "ic*ing $" #he coin i! done a# e+ac#ly #he !a%e #i%e #he #h$%b i! rai!ed (hen #he hand begin! #o %o'e #o #he righ#& If yo$ !ho( !o%eone #he %o'e a! #hree !e"ara#e %o'e!) (ha# yo$ are doing i! 'ery ob'io$!& If yo$ do #ho!e #(o %o'e! a# #he !a%e #i%e) #here !$ddenly i! no %o'e and yo$ a""aren#ly ha'e !i%"ly allo(ed a card #o fall #o #he #able& Thi! !ingle #echni,$e of %a#ching !leigh#9of9hand %$!cle %o#ion! #o real %$!cle %o#ion! i! "robably re!"on!ible for %y re"$#a#ion in %agic& The a""lica#ion of #hi! #echni,$e #o all of #he !#andard %o'e! of %agic #ran!for%! #he !#andard %o'e! in#o a ne( #echnology& 5ha# a""ear! a! in'en#ion i! ac#$ally reno'a#ion&
CHAPTER SEDEN CLARITY To enhance #he i%"ac# of yo$r %agic) "erfor% (i#h clari#y& An e'en# occ$rred a# #he %agic !ho" in :e#roi# long ago #ha# !#and! o$# in %y %ind (hene'er #he !$b-ec# of clari#y co%e! $"& A# #hi! "ar#ic$lar inciden# I (a! #al*ing #o a yo$ng boy and a %iddle aged %an (e (ill call 0ob& 0ob !aid he (a! a %agician and (e (ere !haring #ho$gh#! on %agic& 0ob decided #o do a %agic #ric* and bro$gh# for#h a coin) !ho(ed i# #o #he yo$ng boy and "roceeded #o %a*e i# di!a""ear& Af#er ini#ially !ho(ing #he coin) hi! en#ire body began #o %o'e 'iolen#ly& He fl$ng hi! ar%! aro$nd !o ra"idly I !#e""ed bac* and bro$gh# %y hand! $" #o "ro#ec# %y!elf& Af#er #hi! !$dden !ho( of 'iolen# ac#i'i#y) #he %an) -$!# a!
!$ddenly !#o""ed (i#h hi! hand held in fron# of hi%!elf clo!ed a! if i# held a coin& Then) (i#h a dra%a#ic flair) he ble( on hi! hand and o"ened i# #o !ho( no#hing in hi! hand& Then he loo*ed a# %e and a!*ed) 8:id yo$ !ee (here #he coin (en#8 An!(ering #r$#hf$lly I !aid) 8No&8 A !%ile !"read acro!! hi! face e+"re!!ing #ri$%"h (i#h hi! dece"#ion& 5HAT IS CLARITY 5hen I !"ea* of clari#y I a% no# !$gge!#ing #he a$dience $nder!#and (ha# yo$ are doing& I a% !$gge!#ing #ha# #he a$dience ha! a clear $nder!#anding of (ha# #he effec# i!& If a coin i! #o di!a""ear i# i! nice #o !ho( #he coin in yo$r hand) clo!e yo$r hand and o"en i# #o !ho( i# gone& I# i! no# nice #o !ho( a coin) "$# i# in#o a bo+) (ra" i# in a r$bber band) ge# a %e%ber of #he a$dience #o co%e $") !ign #he r$bber band) gi'e #ha# "er!on a %agic (and #o (a'e o'er #he bo+ #hen $n(ra" #he bo+ o"en i# and !ho( #he coin gone #hen ha'e #he bo+ e+a%ined& PRIMARY GOAL OF CLARITY The "$r"o!e of clari#y i! #o enable #he a$dience #o *no( #hey ha'e !een e'ery#hing) *no( #hey !a( an $nna#$ral re!$l# and *no( #hey canno# e+"lain #he $nna#$ral re!$l#& Yo$ %$!# allo( "eo"le #o (a#ch (ha# i! going on !o #hey *no( #hey are fooled& Ma#ri+ i! an e+a%"le of #hi!& 5hen Ma#ri+ i! "erfor%ed #here i! no# %$ch going on& Card! are "ic*ed $" and card! are "$# on#o #he #able& Tha# i! i#& There i! no do$b# in #he %ind! of #he !"ec#a#or of (ha# #he effec# i! !$""o!ed #o be& So #hey need no# #ry and fig$re o$# (ha# i! !$""o!ed #o be ha""ening& They can de'o#e #heir energy #o #rying #o fig$re ho( i# i! ha""ening& The %ore energy #hey de'o#e #o #ha#) #he %ore #hey are fooled& Ho(e'er) e'en in Ma#ri+ #hi! clari#y de"end! $"on #he !"eed (i#h (hich i# i! "erfor%ed& Tho!e "erfor%er! #ha# !na" #he card! crea#ing #he idea !o%e#hing el!e i! going on are de!#roying #he inheren# clari#y in Ma#ri+& Tho!e "erfor%er! #ha# r$!h #hro$gh each #ran!i#ion are de!#roying #he inheren# clari#y in Ma#ri+& Th$!) one of #he cri#ical co%"onen#! of clari#y i! #i%ing& TIMING IN ? STEPS OF :ECEPTION Again (e refer #o #he Fi'e S#e"! Of :ece"#ion& One of i#! "$r"o!e! of e+i!#ence (a! #o foc$! on #hi! i!!$e of #i%ing& The Fi'e S#e"! Of :ece"#ion di'ide a !ingle %agic e'en# in#o fi'e cri#ical co%"onen#!& Effec#i'e dece"#ion de"end! $"on each of #he!e fi'e co%"onen#! being clearly "erfor%ed and allo(ing a bi# of #i%e #o "a!! af#er each one #o allo( #he a$dience #o ab!orb (ha# ha! #ran!"ired& 5hile #hi! i! no# #he #o#ali#y of clari#y) i# i! a 'ery cri#ical co%"onen#& Le#./! ree+a%ine each !#e" and con!ider #he i%"or#ance of each !#e"& 5e (ill $!e #he e+a%"le of doing a coin 'ani!h& If) in #he fir!# !#e" #he a$dience doe! no# !ee a coin in yo$r hand #hey (ill no# "ercei'e #ha# !o%e#hing di!a""eared& They %ay !ee yo$ %a*e !o%e %o#ion and !ho( yo$r hand e%"#y& They (ill !ee no "oin# #o #ha#& So) (hen yo$ %a*e a coin di!a""ear yo$ %$!# fir!# !ho( #he coin& Yo$ %$!# allo( #he% a %o%en# #o ab!orb #he fac# yo$ are holding a coin& If) in #he !econd !#e") #he a$dience canno# clearly !ee #ha# yo$ 3a""aren#ly4 %o'ed #he coin fro% one hand #o #he o#her) #hey (ill !ee no %agic (hen yo$ o"en #he recei'ing hand& Yo$ %$!# "re!en# #ha# !leigh# clearly !o #hey for% an idea #ha# #he coin (a! #ran!ferred& Then) if #hey are no# gi'en #i%e #o reali2e #he coin (a! #ran!ferred) #hey (ill no# reali2e #he coin i! !$""o!ed #o be in #he o#her hand (hen i# i! o"ened& If) in #he #hird !#e") #he a$dience i! no# !ho(n #here i! no coin in #he recei'ing hand) no %agic (ill ha'e occ$rred& Yo$ %$!# o"en #he hand and allo( #he a$dience #o !ee an e%"#y hand for !o%e !"ecific a%o$n# of #i%e for #he a$dience #o ab!orb #he idea #he coin i! no( gone& Then co%e! #he cri#ical !#e"& If) in #he fo$r#h !#e") yo$ do no# allo( #he a$dience #o re'ie( #he fir!# #hree !#e"!) #he a$dience (ill no# ha'e an o""or#$ni#y #o reali2e #hey canno# e+"lain (ha# ha! #ran!"ired and (ill no# reali2e #ha# %agic ha! ha""ened& Li*e(i!e in #he fif#h !#e") #he a$dience %$!# be allo(ed a %o%en# #o decide #ha# #hey ha'e been fooled& Magician! decei'e #he%!el'e! (hen #hey #hin* #ha# #hey alone crea#e #he ill$!ion of %agic& The !"ec#a#or i! #he one #ha# ac#$ally decide! #hey are fooled& The %agician %erely !e#! #he !#age #o enable #he !"ec#a#or #o co%e #o #ha# concl$!ion& And !e##ing #he !#age re,$ire! #ha# each !#e" %$!# be clearly co%%$nica#ed& In a !en!e all of #hi! can be red$ced #o a need #o $nder!#and #he ba!ic ele%en#! of co%%$nica#ion& :ISCBSS THE IMPORTANCE OF COMMBNICATION Le#./! #a*e a clo!er loo* a# co%%$nica#ion& :$ring nor%al co%%$nica#ion be#(een "eo"le !o%eone !"ea*! and #he o#her li!#en!& The li!#ener ge#! #he %e!!age& 5hen #he !"ea*er fini!he! #he %e!!age #hey of#en rai!e or lo(er #heir 'oice a# #he
end of #ha# %e!!age& Thi! le#./! #he li!#ener *no( #he %e!!age i! co%"le#e& The li!#ener (ill #hen indica#e) in !o%e (ay) #he %e!!age (a! recei'ed& The li!#ener %ay nod) gr$n#) !ay 8O>8) or !ay) 8I go# #ha#8 A "erfor%er) #o be clear) %$!# follo( #he !a%e "a##ern (i#h #he a$dience& Bnfor#$na#ely) d$ring a "erfor%ance) #he "erfor%er %$!# acce"# "ar# of #he #a!* of #he li!#ener& The "erfor%er./! ac#ion! are #he %e!!age./! being !en# #o #he li!#ener& The "erfor%er %$!# %ar* #he end of %e!!age! for #he a$dienceli!#ener& Then #he "erfor%er %$!# allo( for #he #i%e #he a$dienceli!#ener doe! !o%e#hing #o indica#e #hey go# #he %e!!age& Thi! can be diffic$l#) for of#en #he a$dience) "laying #he role of a good a$dience (ill no# al(ay! re!"ond for #heir d$#y i! #o !i# #heir and (a#ch& None #he le!!) #he "erfor%er %$!# recogni2e #ha# #he a$dience ge#! #he %e!!age and ha! !en# a !ilen# %en#al indica#ion #ha# #hey go# #he %e!!age& Only #hen can #he "erfor%ance con#in$e& If #he "erfor%er doe! no# allo( #hi! 8%e!!age #ran!fer #i%e8 #o occ$r and doe! no# allo( #ha# #i%e #o occ$r in (hich #he a$dience indica#e! recei"# of #he %e!!age #hey (ill no# be ready #o %o'e on& They (ill no# !ee #he %agic& $!# a! (hen !o%eone #al*! in#o yo$r face #oo fa!#) yo$r ac#ion! (ill beco%e a bl$r #o #he a$dience& Ho( #hi! add! #o #he i%"ac# of yo$r !ho( i! clear& Seeing a coin and #hen no# *no(ing (here i# i! con!iderably differen# fro% !eeing a coin and !eeing i# di!a""ear& Thi! i! a %a##er of clari#y and co%%$nica#ion& ELIMINATE POSSI0ILITIES Clari#y de"end! $"on doing a! li##le a! "o!!ible #o achie'e #he de!ired effec#& In #hi! (ay #he a$dience foc$!e! on #he i%"or#an# i!!$e) (here did #he coin go And no# on all #he "o!!ible "oin#! (here #he %agician co$ld !nea* #he coin a(ay& The %ore "o!!ibili#ie! yo$ ha'e #o !li" #he coin a(ay) #he le!! clear yo$r coin 'ani!h (ill be and #he le!! i%"ac# i# (ill ha'e& In general (hile doing #he %agical %o'e!) %a*e an effor# #o beha'e in a nor%al (ay& An odd %o'e (ill no# be $nder!#ood by #he a$dience and #hey %igh# !ay) #ha# i! (hen yo$ acco%"li!hed #he dece"#ion& Perha"! #hey a$dience (ill !ee no#hing b$# !$ch ac#ion! can genera#e #he #ho$gh#) 8if I (ere (a#ching clo!er I co$ld ha'e !ee ho( he did i#&8 IN MBLTIPLE EFFECTS ONLY :O ONE EFFECT AT A TIME Le#./! %o'e on#o ano#her a!"ec# of enhancing #he clari#y of %agic& Le#./! #a*e $" !"eed of "erfor%ance& Of#en "erfor%er! (ill "erfor% effec#! 'ery ,$ic*ly "re'en#ing #he a$dience fro% follo(ing (ha# ha! #ran!"ired& An effec# #ha# !$ffer! grea#ly fro% #hi! i! #he #ran!"o!i#ion of #(o ob-ec#!& A "o"$lar one i! a co""er and !il'er coin changing "lace! or #(o "laying card! changing "lace!& One of %y fa'ori#e gag! (hen aro$nd %agician! i! #o na%e a card and "lace i# face do(n on #he #able) na%e ano#her card and "lace i# face do(n on #he #able& Then anno$nce #he #(o card! change "lace!& The #(o card! are #$rned face $" and I loo* a# #he "er!on in fron# of %e and a!*) 8:id yo$ !ee #he %o'e8 They loo* a# %e li*e I a% daf#& Ho(e'er) i# ne'er occ$r! #o #he% #ha# #hree %in$#e! "re'io$! #hey !ho(ed %e an effec# of (hich #hey e+ec$#ed !o%e %o'e! and "rod$ced #he !a%e effec#& I ha'e reali2ed af#er !e'eral year! of di!%al fail$re #ha# an a$dience canno# follo( #he ac#ion (hen #(o #hing! change "lace!& Ta*e a co""er and !il'er #ran!"o!i#ion& There i! only one (ay #o do i#& Sho( #ha# #he co""er change! #o !il'er& Then !#o" #here for a %o%en# and allo( #he a$dience #o reali2e #he co""er ha! changed #o !il'er& Once #hey gra!" #ha# #hen yo$ can !ho( #he "re'io$!ly !il'er coin ha! changed #o co""er& Once #hey gra!" #ha#) #hey can #hen reali2e #ha# #he #(o coin! ha'e changed "lace!& There i! a #ric* on #he %ar*e# in (hich chec*er!) rice and (a#er change "lace!& The "ro"! are bea$#if$l and cle'erly con!#r$c#ed& Ho(e'er) #he fe( #i%e! I ha'e !een i# I !ee #he "erfor%er !ho(! !o%e con#ainer! #ha# con#ain chec*er!) rice and (a#er& Then I !ee #he chec*er!) rice and (a#er re%o'ed fro% !o%e con#ainer!& I don./# !ee #hi! !#$ff change "lace!& I !ee each i#e% "$# in#o !o%e#hing and re%o'ed fro% !o%e#hing& Tha#./! i#& No# %$ch of an i%"ac# on %e& 5hen doing effec#! in (hich %$l#i"le #hing! occ$r) brea* #he% a"ar# a! !e"ara#e effec#!& Allo( #he a$dience #o (ea'e #he% bac* #oge#her a! a #ran!"o!i#ion or (ha#e'er& FOCBS ON ONE EFFECT OR :ON./T MIK EFFECTS A# one of #he fir!# I0M %ee#ing! I e'er (en# #o) one of #he %e%ber! did a #ric* in (hich !o%eone (ro#e !o%e#hing on a card and !#$c* i# in#o one of fi'e
en'elo"e!& The "erfor%er a!cer#ained (hich en'elo"e i# (a! in and ca$!ed i# #o di!a""ear fro% #he en'elo"e and a""ear el!e(here& >arrell Fo+ ha""ened #o be a# #he %ee#ing and offered #hi! ad'ice& :o no# %i+ effec#!& :e#ec#ing #he "o!i#ion of #he no#e (a! one effec#& Ca$!ing i# #o #ran!"or# #o ano#her loca#ion (a! ano#her effec#& They !ho$ld be *e"# !e"ara#e& :oing #he% #oge#her (o$ld conf$!e #he a$dience& :OING EKTRA MAGIC O0STIFICATES THE EFFECT OF MAGIC Recen#ly Mi*e Clo!e 'i!i#ed S#& Pa$l gi'ing a lec#$re& He "erfor%ed a #ric* in (hich a na%e (ri##en on a b$!ine!! card (a! d$"lica#ed on o#her card! held ne+# #o #he fir!#& The na%e $!ed (a! of an indi'id$al !elec#ed fro% #he a$dience by #he a$dience& No# only #ha#) #he color of #he "en $!ed #o (ri#e #he "er!on./! na%e on #he card in #he fir!# "lace (a! al!o !elec#ed by #he a$dience& I (a! #o#ally fooled by #hi! effec#& I did no# *no( ho( i# (a! acco%"li!hed& 0$# I (a! al!o "er"le+ed by one #hing) (hy (a! #he color of #he "en !elec#ed by #he a$dience My %ind (a! really !#$c* on #ha#& I co$ld no# !ee (ha# role #he color of #he in* "layed& Then Mi*e e+"lained #he ho( #he effec# (or*ed& The ro$#ine (a! and i! a (or* of geni$!& Only af#er #he effec# (a! e+"lained did I $nder!#and #he rea!on for !elec#ing #he color of #he in*& 0$# I al!o re%e%ber #rying #o $nder!#and) (hen I didn./# *no() (ha# #he role of i# (a!& I belie'e #he effec# (o$ld be cleaner if #he effec# (a! !i%"ly done (i#h blac* in*& To %e #he #ric* (a! ob!#ifica#ed by #rying #o !ho( #ha# #here (a! no !e# $"& The rea!on for allo(ing #he a$dience #o !elec# #he color (a! #o de%on!#ra#e #ha#& 0rain(a'e i! ano#her e+a%"le& In #he original 0rain(a'e a card i! na%ed and #ha# na%ed card i! fo$nd $"!ide do(n in a dec* of "laying card!& I# i! al!o fo$nd #o be of #he o""o!i#e color fro% #he o#her card!& A 'ery "o(erf$l effec#& Ho(e'er) #he #(o re!$l#! can be conf$!ing& For #he card #o be $"!ide do(n i! 'ery good& 0$# for i# #o be a differen# color !$gge!#! #ha# #here i! %ore going on #han !i%"ly fli""ing a card o'er& I# i! in#ere!#ing #o !ee #ha# a! #hi! #ric* %a#$red #he color difference ha! been dro""ed& The re!$l# i! a %$ch cleaner effec#& A na%ed card i! fo$nd $"!ide do(n in #he dec*& I# i! 'ir#$al %agic& The a$dience i! !"ared #he %en#al gy%na!#ic! #rying #o de#er%ine #he roll of a differen# colored card& :ONT :O MAGIC TO PRODE NOTHING One Sa#$rday I (a! hanging aro$nd #he Hall./! Magic Sho" in :e#roi# #al*ing #o ano#her %agician& He (a! %$ch older #han %y!elf) al#ho$gh (e (ere bo#h ne( #o %agic& He !ho(ed !o%eone #ha# (a! bro(!ing in #he !ho" a color change& 5ell #he %o'e (a! no# done real (ell and #he !"ec#a#or !aid) 8Oh) yo$ -$!# "$# one card o'er #he o#her8 5ell) le#./! face i# g$y!) (e -$!# go# ca$gh#& Ho(e'er) af#er #he !"ec#a#or (a! gone) %y friend !aid #ha# he !ho$ld do a do$ble lif# #o !ho( #ha# #he "re'io$! card ac#$ally did change& Then I reali2ed) if yo$ need #o do a %o'e #o "ro'e ano#her %o'e) yo$ are really lo!ing& There are !e'eral "roble%! (i#h doing !o%e#hing li*e #ha#& In #he fir!# "lace #here i! !o%e conf$!ion (i#h #he fir!# effec#& Tha# conf$!ion i! #here beca$!e yo$ are doing a %o'e& If yo$ are going #o do a !econd %o'e) yo$ are no# going #o clear any#hing $") yo$ are going #o ca$!e %ore conf$!ion& In #he !econd "lace if #hey #hin* #hey ha'e yo$) chance! are #hey (ill ha'e yo$ on #he !econd %o'e a! (ell& Then) finally) if yo$ are ge##ing ca$gh# in #he fir!# "lace) (hy are yo$ !#ill doing #he #ric* $!# a! #he doc#or !aid (hen hi! "a#ien# co%"lained abo$# hi! ar% h$r#ing (hen he held i# !#raigh# $") 8:on./# do #ha#8 Of co$r!e #he be##er an!(er (o$ld be #o do #he #ric* righ#& Find o$# (ha# i! (rong and fi+ i#& Bnfor#$na#ely #here are %any ro$#ine! in #he (orld #ha# do !o%e %o'e and #hen $!e !o%e o#her de'ice #o "ro'e #he %o'e (a! ac#$ally done& The gi%%ic*! #ha# "eo"le a##ach #o #heir ar%! #o ca$!e a !o$nd li*e ra##ling coin! i! !$ch a de'ice& I a% no# !aying #ha# #hi! i! a bad de'ice& In i#! o(n righ# i# i! a brillian# de'ice& Ho(e'er) #he (ay I ha'e !een i# $!ed i! di!a""oin#ing& 5hen a %agician #o!!e! !e'eral coin! in#o one hand and #hen $!e! #he ra##ler #o "ro'e #he coin! are #here) I ge# e%barra!!ed for #he %agician& Clearly #he "erfor%er (an#! #o #ell #he a$dience #he coin! are ac#$ally in #he hand& So) he ra##le! #he coin! and grin! a! if he i! really "$lling !o%e#hing off& 5ell) if #he "erfor%er really (i!he! #o "ro'e #he coin! are in hi! hand) (hy doe!n./# he -$!# o"en hi! hand and !ho( #he coin! :$h No) #he "erfor%er *ee"! hi! hand! clo!ed ra##ling a(ay (i#h #hi! grin on hi! face #ha# i%"lie!) 8See #he coin! are really #here8 No( #he a$dience %igh# #hin* abo$# #hi! in !e'eral (ay!& 8Oh) #hi! %$!# be an ar#i!# for (ha# he i! doing !i%"ly doe!n./# %a*e !en!e& I# %$!# be dee"&8 Or #hey %igh#
#hin*) 8H%%%) he can./# !ho( #he coin!) o#her(i!e he (o$ld& I (onder ho( he %a*e! #ha# noi!e8 No( I !o$nd 'ery ca'alier in cri#ici2ing #ho!e ra##le lo'er!& Ho(e'er) I ha'e a bad %e%ory of %y o(n abo$# #hi!& Long ago (hile learning abo$# all of #hi!) I (a! de'o#ed #o Modern Coin Magic and (a! doing a coin! acro!! ro$#ine& I (a! $!ing #he clic* "a!! #o ge# one of #he coin! #o go acro!!& I did i# a# (or* one day for one of #he !ecre#arie!& I did #he 'ani!h %o'e and #hen did #he clic* "a!!& Then #he coin %agically #ra'eled fro% one hand #o #he o#her& Then !he loo*ed a# %e and !aid) 8Oh #ha#./! really c$#e& Ho( did yo$ ge# #he coin #o clin* li*e #ha#8 Tha#) %y friend!) i! (ha# "$# %e on #he road #o co%ing $" (i#h #he Po" B" %o'e& 5i#h #ha# %o'e yo$ can "$# #(o coin! in#o one hand) #he a$dience (ill no# do$b# #ha# yo$ ha'e done !o and yo$ don./# need #o ge# a clin* #o "ro'e i# ha""ened& Ge##ing bac* #o #he ra##le lo'er!& If #he de'ice i! $!ed #o !$b#ly 8"ro'e8 #he coin! are in #he hand af#er an effec#i'e fal!e "a!!) #hen I a""ro'e& For e+a%"le) af#er #he "erfor%er "$#! a !#ac* of coin! in#o #he lef# hand and #hen reache! for a %agic (and) #he coin! clan* a! #he "erfor%er ge#! #he (and o$# fro% $nder hi! coa#& Thi! i! a differen# !cenario& Or #he "erfor%er can do a fal!e "a!! #o #he lef# hand and #hen -$!# before #he coin! 'ani!h #hey ra##le a li##le bi# d$ring #he "roce!! of di!a""earing& Tha# can be a!#o$nding& Ho(e'er) %y concern i! #ha# ra##le lo'er! are $!ing i# #o co%"en!a#e for a bad or (ea* fal!e "a!! of !e'eral coin!& 5ell) I g$e!! I bea# #hi! one #o dea#h& In concl$!ion) don./# do a %o'e #o !ho( no#hing ha""ened& GOO: 0EHADIOR Ti%ing) co%%$nica#ion and effec# !#r$c#$re are !o%e(ha# el$!i'e& They are 'ery i%"or#an# b$# doing #he% (ell %$ch le!! $nder!#anding #he% re,$ire! !*ill and "rac#ice& The are !o%e %echanical #hing!) ho(e'er) #ha# grea#ly affec# #he clari#y of a "erfor%ance& The!e are 'ery ba!ic i#e%! !$ch a! (here yo$ hold yo$r hand& There are a n$%ber of #he%& The fir!# (e (ill #a*e $" i! #he "o!i#ioning of yo$r hand! on #he clo!e9$" "ad& Yo$r "ad i! yo$r !#age& There are !o%e ba!ic r$le! #o follo(& Try and !#ay on #he "ad& :on./# go off #he lef# or #o #he righ#& Al!o a##e%"# #o !#ay in #he %iddle of #he "ad a! yo$ "erfor%& A! #he a$dience i! in fron# of yo$) #he cen#er of #he "ad for #he% (ill be near #heir !ide of #he "ad (ell a(ay fro% yo$r body& The %o!# cri#ical r$le abo$# "ad "o!i#ioning i! #ha# yo$ !ho$ld no# %o'e yo$r hand! fro% !ide #o !ide (hile "erfor%ing& Thi! bear! !o%e %ore e+"lana#ion& The follo(ing (o$ld be an ina""ro"ria#e "a##ern of beha'ior& The "erfor%er co$ld !ho( a coin a# #he finger #i"! of #he righ# hand on #he "erfor%er./! righ# !ide of #he "ad& Then #he hand co$ld carry #he coin #o #he cen#er (here i# i! a""aren#ly #ran!ferred #o #he lef# hand& The lef# hand con#in$e! #o carry #he coin 3no( a "re#end coin4 #o #he "erfor%er./! lef# !ide of #he "ad (here #he lef# hand i! o"ened !ho(ing #he coin gone& Then in a dra%a#ic !(ee") #he hand i! %o'ed fro% "erfor%er./! lef# #o righ# !ho(ing bo#h !ide! of #he a$dience #ha# #he coin i! gone& The "roble% i! #ha# #hi! !or# of %o'ing beha'ior di!"er!e! #he a$dience./! a##en#ion& Their #a!* !ho$ld be #o #ry and fig$re o$# ho( !o%e %iracle ha""ened& 5i#h #he beha'ior -$!# de!cribed #he a$dience i! !"ending a %a-ori#y of #heir a##en#ion -$!# *ee"ing $" (i#h #he %o#ion of #he hand! fro% !ide #o !ide& A %ore a""ro"ria#e (ay (o$ld be #o *ee" bo#h hand! in #he %iddle of #he "ad& Then one hand (o$ld !ho( a coin and "lace i# in#o #he o#her hand& Tha# hand o"en! !ho(ing #he hand e%"#y& A# #ha# "oin# #he hand (o$ld no# %o'e b$# re%ain fi+ed in !"ace allo(ing #he a$dience #i%e #o con!ider (ha# ha""ened& Con!ider a %ade $" #ric* #o f$r#her ill$!#ra#e #hi! "oin#& S$""o!e #he "erfor%er c$"! hi! righ# hand and "lace! i# "al% do(n on #he "erfor%er./! righ# !ide of #he "ad& Then #he "erfor%er c$"! hi! lef# hand and "$#! i# "al% do(n on #he lef# !ide of #he "ad& Then #he righ# hand i! rai!ed #o re'eal a ball& Then #he lef# hand i! rai!ed #o re'eal ano#her ball& Thi! (o$ld be a 'ery good #ric*& Ho(e'er) #he a$dience (o$ld #end #o feel chea#ed& Fir!# #heir eye! are "$lled #o one !ide& The %agic ha""en! a# #he o#her !ide !o #heir eye! are "$lled o'er #o #here& Then %agic ha""en! on #he o#her !ide& The a$dience (o$ld feel li*e #hey (ere being "$lled a(ay in order for !o%e dece"#ion #o occ$r& Side #o !ide ac#ion can be conf$!ing and irri#a#ing& Con!ider a be##er #ric*& The "erfor%er "$#! bo#h hand! #oge#her in #he %iddle of #he "ad& The hand! are held "al% $"& 0o#h hand! are c$""ed #oge#her "al% do(n
righ# in #he %iddle of #he "ad& Then bo#h hand! are #$rned "al% $" re'ealing a golf ball !i##ing on #he "ad& Thi! -$!# !o$nd! %$ch cleaner and %ore a""ealing& There i! no conf$!ion of (here one !ho$ld be loo*ing& There i! no o#her "lace #o loo*& The hand! (ere in #he %iddle) #he hand! clo!ed do(n in #he %iddle and #he ball a""eared in #he %iddle& The "oin# of all #hi! :on./# %o'e yo$r hand! abo$# (hen yo$ "erfor%& Allo( #he a$dience #o foc$! on one "oin# (here #he %agic i! occ$rring& Se'eral of #he #hing! in #hi! #o9do li!# are abo$# *ee"ing a !a%e "o!i#ion before and af#er a %o'e of !o%e *ind& Ne+# (e are addre!!ing S"ellbo$nd and "rod$cing a coin fro% behind yo$ ar%& The effor# i! no# #o !"ecifically addre!! #he!e i!!$e! b$#) ra#her) #o addre!! a cla!! of %o#ion!& The idea i! #o "re!en# !o%e co%%onali#y be#(een e'en#! !o #he a$dience doe! no# need #o in'e!# %en#al energy #o eli%ina#e #ho!e e'en#! fro% #he %agic "roce!!& S"ellbo$nd i! an e+a%"le& In #hi! effec# a coin i! held by #he #i"! of #he finger! and #he #i" of a #h$%b& The o#her hand co'er! #he coin& 5hen #he coin i! $nco'ered #he coin i! !een #o be differen#& The "oin# here i! #ha# #he "o!i#ion of #he finger! and #h$%b !ho$ld be e+ac#ly #he !a%e af#er a! before& If #he finger! are !#raigh# before #he change and c$r'ed af#er #he change a !"ec#a#or (ill ,$ic*ly con!ider #ha# (hile ,$e!#ioning (ha# ha""ened& Of#en #he finger! are c$r'ed af#er beca$!e #hey had #o change "o!i#ion #o ca#ch one coin a! i# fell& If ho(e'er) #he finger! are held c$r'ed before a! (ell a! af#er) #he a$dience (ill no# be a! a"# #o ,$e!#ion #he "o!i#ion of #he finger!& They (ill !ee #ha# #he coin (a! co'ered and $nco'ered (i#ho$# any o#her change& The only e+"lana#ion can be #ha# %agic ha! ha""ened& 35ell) le#./! -$!# !ay #he ill$!ion of %agic i! enhanced&4 The !a%e #echni,$e can be $!ed (hen "rod$cing a coin fro% behind yo$r ar% or fro% behind a !carf& If yo$r finger! are c$r'ed a! yo$r hand goe! behind yo$r ar% and co%e! o$# holding a coin a# #he finger #i"! and no( yo$r finger! are !#raigh#) #he i%"re!!ion i! #ha# #he coin (a! in yo$r c$rled $" finger! and (a! bro$gh# #o yo$r finger #i"! !o #ha# yo$ no longer need #o *ee" yo$r finger! c$rled& Yo$ (o$ld be (i!e #o *ee" yo$r finger! c$rled before and af#er& Thi! grea#ly enhance! #he ill$!ion of %agic& No( I a% no# !$gge!#ing #ha# #hi! li##le change (ill con'er# (ha# i! e!!en#ially Clo(n Magic in#o Dir#$al Magic& 5ha# I a% !$gge!#ing i! #ha# yo$ can in-ec# !o%e !$!"en!ion of di!belief and !ell #he idea #ha# i# a""ear! li*e %agic& In fac#) if yo$ are able #o !ho( yo$r hand #o#ally e%"#y and reach behind yo$r ar% and bring for#h a coin) i# co$ld a""ear a! Dir#$al Magic& If ho(e'er) #he !ha"e of #he hand i! differen# before and af#er yo$ %igh# con'er# Dir#$al Magic #o Thea#er Magic for #he a$dience (ill no#ice #he difference and a!!$%e yo$ !o%eho( go# a coin #o yo$r hand fro% (hich yo$ go# i# #o yo$r finger #i"!& No( le#./! di!c$!! #a*ing and "$##ing& I ha'e heard and read !o%e#hing abo$# #ran!fer 'ani!he! #ha# !ay #a*ing i! be##er #han "$##ing or "$##ing i! be##er #han #a*ing& I can./# re%e%ber (hich& I ha'e no# no#iced %$ch difference be#(een #he #(o& In general %o!# of %y %o#ion! are "$##ing %o#ion!& So) ha'ing a 'e!#ed in#ere!# in #ha# for%) I a% "re-$diced and lean #o(ard #ha# for%& Ho(e'er) I ha'e fo$nd !o%e#hing #ha# i! !$"erior #o #a*e or "$#& Tha# i! !#ay& In general #he idea i! #ha# #he ob-ec# being #ran!ferred no# be %o'ed a# all& Or) don./# #a*e or "$#& I a% no# nece!!arily ad'oca#ing #hi! "o!i#ion& Ho(e'er) I a% indica#ing #ha# (hen #hi! "rinci"le i! $#ili2ed) #he re!$l#! are ,$i#e !#$nning& For !a*e of clari#y le#./! a""ly a na%e #o #hi! (hen i# i! $!ed #o 'ani!h a coin& Le#./! call i# #he Men#al Re#en#ion Dani!h& Thi! i! of co$r!e a #a*e off on #he Di!$al Re#en#ion Dani!h na%e& In #he Men#al Re#en#ion Dani!h #he coin i! held in one loca#ion in !"ace& Thi! incl$de! #he "re#end coin #ha# i! a "ar# of #he 'ani!hing %o#ion& A! an e+a%"le of #he Men#al Re#en#ion Dani!h le#./! a!!$%e (e are $!ing a Sna" 0ac* Dani!h %o#ion& In #hi! %o#ion a coin i! held a# #he righ# finger #i"!& The lef# hand co'er! #he coin and #he righ# hand finger #i"! !na" #he coin in#o #he righ# hand& The lef# clo!e! aro$nd a "re#end coin #hen o"en! a %o%en# la#er #o !ho( #he coin gone& Thi! i! ba!ic !#$ff& No() le#./! %a*e i# a Men#al Re#en#ion Dani!h& S#ar# o$# by holding #he coin "reci!ely in fron# of yo$r!elf a# yo$r righ# hand finger #i"!& The lef# hand i! a# re!# "o!i#ion& The lef# hand a""roache! #he coin& The coin doe! no# %o'e& The lef# hand co'er! #he coin& The righ# hand finger! !na" #he coin bac*& Ho(e'er) #he "re#end coin or #he !"o# (here #he a$dience #hin*! #he coin #o be) re%ain! fi+ed in e+ac#ly #ha# one !"o#& Then #he righ# hand dro"! #o a rela+ed "o!i#ion& The lef# hand clo!e! aro$nd #he "re#end coin& Ho(e'er) #he lef# hand doe! no# change
"o!i#ion b$# *ee"! #he "re#end coin in #ha# one !a%e loca#ion in !"ace& Then #he hand i! o"ened re'ealing #he !"o# (here #he "re#end coin i! !$""o!ed #o be& No( #here i! no# a coin #here The "o(er of #hi! i! ,$i#e e+#raordinary& Thi! i! one of #ho!e #hing! yo$ can en#er#ain yo$r!elf (i#h (hile !#anding in fron# of a %irror for ho$r!& I# al!o !ee%! #o (or* (i#h any *ind of 'ani!h #echni,$e& The #ric* i! #o *ee" #he coin and i#! "re#end co$n#er"ar# in #he !a%e "hy!ical loca#ion& The #er% Men#al Re#en#ion Dani!h i! a""lied for #he a$dience doe! no# !ee #he "hy!ical coin a# all d$ring #he %o'e& They %$!# %en#ally loca#e (here #he coin i! d$ring #he brief #i%e "eriod #he %o'e i! done& Try i# yo$./ll li*e i#& No( le#./! !(i#ch #o a "roble% (i#h card!& To !ee e+a%"le! of #hi! "roble% yo$ can go #o any %agic %ee#ing and !i%"ly (a#ch #he !ho(& Chance! are #ha# fif#y "ercen# of #he "erfor%er! #ha# do card #ric*! (ill no# allo( yo$ #o !ee #he face! of #he card!& They (ill hold #he card! !o #ha# #hey) #he "erfor%er) can !ee #he card! -$!# fine& Ho(e'er) #hey (ill be $na(are #ha# #he a$dience canno# !ee #he face! b$# (ill be loo*ing a# #he edge! of #he card!& To !ol'e #hi! "roble% #he "erfor%er %$!# #(i!# hi! (ri!#! !o #he face! #$rn #o(ard #he a$dience& There are #(o "roble%! (i#h #hi!& Fir!#) #hi! ac#ion "$#! !#rain on #he "erfor%er./! (ri!#! and #herefore i! a'oided& Second) !o%e card %o'e! canno# be "erfor%ed (hen #he card! are #il#ed& The !ol$#ion i! #o "rac#ice "erfor%ing for an a$dience #ha# %igh# be !i##ing in fron# of yo$& :$ring #he "rac#ice yo$ #rain yo$r!elf #o *ee" #ho!e hand! #il#ed for(ard& Yo$ al!o learn #o %odify #he card %o'e! !ligh#ly !o #hey can be "erfor%ed (hile #he card! are #il#ed for(ard& Thi! can be 'ery diffic$l#& Ho(e'er) if yo$ (i!h #o "erfor% %agic a! o""o!ed #o di!"laying #he fancy edge! of yo$r card! yo$ %igh# (an# #o #a*e #hi! $nder ad'i!e%en#& 5ell) #ha# i! #he i#e%! #ha# are fairly %echanical in na#$re& :oing #he% i! a %a##er of "rac#icing #he%& One canno# #hin* of doing all of #he!e #hing! (hile one i! "erfor%ing& They are ac#$ally li*e !leigh#! and %i!direc#i'e #echni,$e!& They !ho$ld be con!idered a! a cla!! of i#e%! #o be incor"ora#ed in#o yo$r ac#& Then a! yo$ b$ild yo$r ac#) yo$ !elec# a gi%%ic*) a !leigh#) a %i!direc#ion #echni,$e and an a""ro"ria#e (ay #o hold or %o'e yo$r hand! on #he clo!e9$" "ad& All of #he!e are (o'en #oge#her and "rac#iced a! a $ni#& APPLICATION OF CLARITY ENHANCING AN EFFECT I canno# hel" b$# offer one %ore e+a%"le of #he i%"or#ance of clari#y& Thi! one concern! #he R$bric./! C$be& There i! an effec# on #he %ar*e# in (hich a c$be i! !ho(n #o be no# ordered& Then #he "erfor%er #o!!e! #he c$be in#o #he air and i# %agically beco%e! ordered& A# !o%e "oin# I had !een #he #ric* "erfor%ed and (a! no# #old #he %e#hod& I (a! no# i%"re!!ed (i#h #he #ric*& To %e #he c$be (a! !i%"ly clo!e #o being !ol'ed& The "erfor%er) $nder #he g$i!e of !ho(ing #he c$be (a! nor%al and 8!h$ffled8) #(i!#ed #he c$be a bi#& To %e #he "erfor%er !i%"ly #(i!#ed #he c$be in#o i#! final order and *e"# i# co'ered #o conceal #he fac# i# (a! !ol'ed& Then #he "erfor%er #o!!ed #he c$be in#o #he air co%ing do(n !ol'ed& I (a! no# i%"re!!ed& Year! la#er !o%eone co%ing #hro$gh #o(n de%on!#ra#ed #he #ric* and !ho(ed ho( i# (or*ed& No( I #hin* #he #ric* i! brillian#& Ho(e'er) #he "erfor%ance !$ffer! grea#ly fro% lac* of clari#y& The "erfor%er!) d$e #o a fear of being di!co'ered) co'er #he c$be (i#h #heir hand! and de!#roy #he effec#& In %y %ind #he effec# !ho$ld a""ear a! follo(!& The c$be can be !ho(n a# #he finger #i"! #o be 8!h$ffled8& The "erfor%er #(i!#! #he c$be a bi# #o !ho( i# i! a nor%al c$be (hile cha##ing& Then #he "erfor%er hold! #he c$be a# hi! eye le'el and !ho(! #he c$be on all !ide! a! !h$ffled& The "erfor%er hold! hi! o#her hand "al% $" (ai!# le'el& The c$be i! allo(ed #o fall #o #he "al% $" hand& A! i# fall! #he c$be !ol'e! i#!elf for (hen i# hi#! #he lo(er hand) one !ide of #he c$be i! bl$e) one i! (hi#e and !o on& Thi! can be a 'ery !ignifican# #ric*& I %ean really !ignifican#& I# all de"end! $"on clari#y& 5ha# (o$ld I do differen# Fir!# of all I (o$ld (or* o$# a "addle %o'e (i#h #he c$be& One can hold e'en a large c$be !$ch a! #hi! a# #he finger #i"! and ro#a#e #he (ri!# and #he c$be in #he finger #i"! a# #he !a%e #i%e& :oing #hi! (o$ld "re!en# #he !a%e !ide #o #he a$dience al#ho$gh i# (o$ld a""ear #he c$be i! !ho(n on !e'eral !ide!& 5i#h #hi! #he ro$#ine (o$ld "roceed a bi# differen#& The ro$#ine (o$ld begin by !ho(ing #he c$be a# #he finger #i"! (i#h #he "addle li*e %o'e& The c$be a""ear! 'ery !h$ffled any(ay !o e'en doing a bad "addle %o'e (ill a""ear 'ery nor%al and no#hing (ill be re'ealed& Ho(e'er) doing #he "addle %o'e
a# #hi! "oin# !e#! $" #he a$dience #o no# challenge #he %o#ion a %o%en# la#er& Then #he "erfor%er co$ld #(i!# #he c$be "ar#! !ho(ing #he c$be nor%al and !#ill !h$ffled& In reali#y ? !ide! beco%e ordered (hile one !ide) d$e #o !"ecial con!#r$c#ion) !ho(! rando% color!& A# #hi! "oin# %o!# "erfor%er! co'er #he !olid color! (i#h #heir hand! in "re"ara#ion for #he %agic& The a$dience here belie'e! #he "erfor%er ha! lined !o%e#hing $" and i! co'ering i#& In!#ead #he "erfor%er co$ld hold #he c$be a# #he finger #i"! and do #he "addle %o'e !ho(ing #he !h$ffled color !ide !e'eral #i%e! a! differen# !ide!& The a$dience (ill !ee lo#! of !h$ffled color! and) beca$!e #he "erfor%er i! holding #he c$be in a 'ery o"en %anner (ill no# %en#ally foc$! on #he !olid color! #hey %igh# ha""en #o !ee& In fac# #hey (ill no# no#ice #he !olid color! e'en if #hey !ee #he%& Then #he "erfor%er can allo( #he c$be #o fall in#o #he o#her hand) #he !ingle !h$ffled !ide again!# #he hand& All !ide! (ill no( !ee% ordered& Tha#) %y friend!) (ill a""ear a! real %agic& CONCLBSION The "oin# of all #hi! i! #o ge# yo$ #o #hin* abo$# clari#y (hile doing %agic& Se'eral i!!$e! ha'e been #o$ched $"on& They only !er'e a! e+a%"le! of #he infini#e #hing! #ha# can be done& Yo$r goal !ho$ld be #o enable yo$r a$dience #o clearly $nder!#and (ha# effec# yo$ are #rying #o "rod$ce (i#ho$# $nder!#anding ho( i# i! acco%"li!hed& A! i! "oin#ed o$# el!e(here in #hi! ar#icle) #he bigge!# %o#i'a#ion (o$ld co%e fro% #a*ing #he "oin# of 'ie( #he a$dience d$ring one of yo$r "erfor%ance!& CHAPTER EIGHT THE PEOPLE PART One (in#er I (en# (i#h a gro$" of "eo"le #o Sal# La*e Ci#y #o !*i& There i! a 'ery nice !*i re!or# in #he %o$n#ain! #here& There i! a li##le #o(n in #he %o$n#ain! #ha# i! e!!en#ially "ar# of #he !*i area& Yo$ can lea'e yo$r ho#el roo%) go do(n #o #he end of #he bloc* and ge# on a !*i lif#& Fro% #ha# !*i lif# yo$ can ge# on an en#ire %o$n#ain range on !*i!& Thi! li##le #o(n i! f$ll of !%all !ho"! and !#ore!& Af#er !*iing yo$ can (al* $" and do(n #he %ain !#ree# loo*ing in (indo(!) !ho""ing and !nac*ing a# !%all cafe!& Af#er !*iing one e'ening one of #he %e%ber! of #he gro$") Anne) and I (al*ed aro$nd #he !%all !ho"!& The rea!on I bring Anne in#o #hi! "ic#$re i! #ha# !he i! a ca#aly!# for con'er!a#ion& Anne i! o""o!i#e fro% %e& 5here'er !he goe!) !he #al*! #o "eo"le& She i! 'ery !*illed a# i#& A! (e (al*ed $" and do(n #he !#ree#) !#o""ing in !ho"! here and #here) !he (o$ld !#ri*e $" con'er!a#ion! (i#h !ale! "eo"le in #he !#ore!& 5e !#o""ed in one !ho" #ha# had 'ery a##rac#i'e "ho#o!) blo(n $" and fra%ed& For !o%e rea!on Anne and #he "eo"le #ha# ran #hi! !ho" really hi# i# off and (e !"en# !o%e #i%e #here& 5hile #here) an e'en# occ$rred #ha# I (i!h #o !hare (i#h yo$ a! an in#rod$c#ion #o #hi! cha"#er& I did !o%e 'ery bad %agic #ha# (en# o'er 'ery) 'ery (ell& A! I !aid) Anne i! a 'ery good con'er!a#ionali!#& So) (hile in #hi! !#ore) !he #al*ed and I !#ood aro$nd li!#ening& A! #i%e (ore on) Anne #old #he #hree ladie! in #he !ho" #ha# I did %agic& Of co$r!e #hey (an#ed #o !ee !o%e& I #ho$gh# of (ha# #o do& I !canned %y %e%ory and recalled #ha# %o!# #i%e! I a% in #hi! "o!i#ion) I do !o%e li##le #hing #ha# ne'er really goe! o'er #ha# (ell beca$!e I really don./# ha'e any#hing #o do in #he!e !i#$a#ion!& Thi! *ind of en'iron%en# i! !i%"ly no# %y #$rf& I $!$ally #ry #o i%"re!! e'eryone any(ay and i# #end! #o go fla#& Thi! #i%e I decided #o be differen#& I did !o%e d$%b li##le #ric*!& Any#hing I did #ha# (a! !or# of !erio$! %agic) I did "oorly& The re!"on!e (a! a%a2ing& E'eryone (a! la$ghing a# (ha# I (a! doing and e'eryone en-oyed %y li##le !ho(& I (a! a%a2ed& I (a!n./# #rying #o fool anyone& I (a! -$!# #rying #o ha'e f$n& They !ee%ed #o li*e ME& Fro% #hi! "oin# for(ard) %y !#yle of %agic changed& I did no# !#o" #rying #o fool "eo"le& My (hole goal in doing %agic i! #o fry "eo"le./! brain& I (an# "eo"le #o belie'e #ha#) for a %o%en#) #he "hy!ical la(! of na#$re ha'e been changed& I (an# #he% #o feel li*e #heir %ind i! #il#ed #(en#y degree! o$# of (hac*& Ho(e'er) I !#o""ed being a "erfor%er& A# !o%e "oin# I reali2ed #ha#
"eo"le (an# #o be bac*!#age& They (an# #o be "ar# of !ho(bi2 !o%eho( and #hey (an# #heir friend! #o #hin* #hey are on #he in!ide& So I !#o""ed being a "erfor%er and beca%e a "er!on (illing #o be 'ery friendly #o !o%eone and in'i#e #he% behind #he c$r#ain and !ho( #he% (ha# goe! on& To "$# #hi! in ano#her (ay) I fig$red o$# #ha# yo$ %$!# be a h$%an being before yo$ are a %agician& Thi! i! 'ery i%"or#an#) !o le#./! %a*e i# bold and highligh# i#7 Yo$ %$!# be a h$%an being before yo$ can be a %agician& The cri#ical i!!$e here i!7 doe! #he a$dience li*e yo$ or di!li*e yo$ I! #he a$dience co%for#able (a#ching yo$r ac# :o #hey (an# #o !ee %ore Are #hey (illing #o ad%i# #hey are fooled Are #hey (illing #o ad%i# #o #he%!el'e! #hey are fooled Are #hey (illing #o ad%i# #o yo$ #hey are fooled Are #hey (illing #o ad%i# #o #he "er!on #ha# hired yo$ #ha# #hey are fooled STEP ? Le#./! 'i!i# #he Fi'e S#e"! Of :ece"#ion once again& O$r goal in doing %agic i! #o crea#e an ill$!ion for #he a$dience (e ha'e done %agic& The Fi'e S#e"! Of :ece"#ion de!cribe #he ele%en#! of achie'ing #hi!& The fir!# #hree !#e"! o$#line #he "erfor%er./! "ar# of #he #a!*& The la!# #(o "ar#! o$#line #he a$dience./! "ar# of #he #a!*& The "erfor%er ha! con#rol o'er #he fir!# #hree !#e"! and %$!# do #ho!e in !$ch a (ay #ha# (hen #he a$dience (or*! on #heir "ar#) #he la!# #(o !#e"!) #hey reach #he goal (e (i!h #o achie'e& If #he a$dience in !#e" fi'e) FOR ANY REASON) doe! no# %a*e #he deci!ion #ha# #hey are fooled) THE PERFORMER HAS NOT REACHE: THE GOAL& If #he "erfor%er doe! a "erfec# "a!! and #he a$dience decide! #hey are no# fooled in !#e" fi'e #hen #he "erfor%er ha! failed& If #he "erfor%er doe! a "erfec# do$ble lif# and #he a$dience decide! #hey are no# fooled in !#e" fi'e #hen #he "erfor%er ha! failed& If #he "erfor%er ha! #hir#y year! of #hea#er e+"erience and #he a$dience decide! #hey are no# fooled in !#e" fi'e #hen #he "erfor%er ha! failed& If #he "erfor%er doe! a *iller ac# and #he a$dience decide! #hey are no# fooled in !#e" fi'e #hen #he "erfor%er ha! failed& :oing one #hing doe! no# %ean #he o#her follo(!& Ge##ing an a$dience #o %a*e a fal!e a!!$%"#ion i! 'ery diffic$l# #o do& Ge##ing an a$dience #o decide #ha# #hey are fooled i! e'en %ore diffic$l#& 0eca$!e yo$ can do one) doe! no# %ean yo$ can do #he o#her& If !$b#le #hing! affec# a!!$%"#ion! in !#e" #(o #hen !$b#le #hing! affec# #he concl$!ion in !#e" fi'e& The "ri%ary goal here i! ho( #o deal (i#h #he !i#$a#ion in !#e" ? (hen #he a$dience %$!# dra( a concl$!ion abo$# (he#her #hey are fooled or no#& If #he a$dience i! co%for#able (i#h yo$) #hey can %a*e a deci!ion #hey are fooled& If #hey li*e yo$) #hey (an# #o %a*e a deci!ion #hey are fooled& If #hey don./# li*e yo$ #hey (ill no# (an# #o %a*e a deci!ion #hey are fooled& Yo$ are a(are #ha# an a$dience %a*e! a!!$%"#ion! (hile #hey (a#ch yo$& Yo$ $nder!#and ho( !$b#le #he rela#ion!hi" i! be#(een a li##le %o'e yo$ %a*e and #he a!!$%"#ion or fal!e a!!$%"#ion #he a$dience (ill %a*e& In a !i%ilar (ay) #he o"inion of #he a$dience ha! a !$b#le effec# on ho( #he a$dience %a*e! deci!ion! on (ha# #hey ha'e ob!er'ed& Mo!# %agician! $nder!#and #ha# a gi%%ic* or !leigh# can affec# (ha# #he a$dience ob!er'e!& Mo!# %agician! *no( #ha# a gi%%ic* or !leigh# can ca$!e #he a$dience #o in#er"re# reali#y in a (rong (ay& Ho(e'er) %o!# %agician! do no# $nder!#and #ha# (ha# #he a$dience #hin*! of #he "erfor%er can al!o affec# (ha# #he a$dience ob!er'e!& Al!o) %o!# %agician! do no# $nder!#and #ha# (ha# #he a$dience #hin*! of #he "erfor%er can affec# ho( #he a$dience reac#!& Magician! of#en %a*e a fal!e a!!$%"#ion& If #he a$dience canno# e+"lain !o%e#hing) %agician! a!!$%e #he a$dience (ill concl$de #ha# %agic ha! ha""ened& Thi! %igh# be a fal!e a!!$%"#ion& Peo"le !ee "ic#$re! on TD of far a(ay "lace!& They canno# e+"lain ho( #ha# (or*!& Ye#) #hey do no# call i# %agic& There are "eo"le #ha# do no# *no( #ha# #he engine in a car %a*e! #he bac* (heel! go ro$nd (hich "ro"el! #he car for(ard& Fro% #heir "er!"ec#i'e) #he car %o'e! for(ard (hen one "re!!e! do(n on #he ga! "edal& They ha'e no cl$e abo$# #he rela#ion!hi" be#(een #he ga! "edal and #he rear (heel!& Ye#) #hey do no# call i# %agic& SOME EKAMPLES OF SPECTATORS NOT :RA5ING A CONCLBSION THEY SA5 MAGIC& A co$"le of e+a%"le! co%e #o %ind of "eo"le #ha# ob!er'ed a %agical e'en#) b$#
did no# !ee #he %agic& Long ago I decided #o #ry doing %agic on o"en !#age! a# local co%edy cl$b!& A# one I did o%bie& A# one !ho( a (o%an d$c*ed behind a chair #o a'oid being a##ac*ed by #he flying ball& She (a! #(o !ea#! bac* fro% #he fron# ro( of chair!& The ball really loo*! li*e i# floa#!& Af#er a !ho( a# one of #he!e co%edy cl$b! #he %anager of #he cl$b e+"re!!ed hi! o"inion abo$# #he o%bie ro$#ine& He !aid) 8I really don./# care abo$# #ric*! #ha# anyone can go do(n #o #he %agic !ho" and b$y8 I al!o had done Tro$ble 5i# d$ring #he !ho(& He lo'ed #ha#& He (an#ed #o ge# #oge#her (i#h %e and (ri#e "a##er and %a*e a really 8#hea#rical8 ro$#ine o$# of #hi! 8(onderf$l idea8& Ano#her e'en# occ$rred (hen I (a! 'i!i#ing rela#i'e! in #he %iddle of Ohio& Tha# i! (here %y %o#her gre( $" on a far%& My fa%ily (a! o'er a# one of o$r rela#i'e./! far%! on a !$nny af#ernoon& I did an a%bi#io$! card ro$#ine for #he %a!#er of #he ho$!e& He did no# !ee% #he lea!# bi# !$r"ri!ed a# a card con!#an#ly -$%"ing #o #he #o" of #he dec*& I !#o""ed "erfor%ing) for I co$ld !ee I (a! ge##ing no(here) and a!*ed ho( he #ho$gh# all of #hi! (a! occ$rring& He !aid) 8Tha#./! ho( "laying card! (or*8 Larry enning! co$ld !$ffer fro% #he !a%e "roble%& Long ago in :e#roi#) he had a "ar#y a# hi! ho$!e one e'ening incl$ding a fe( %agician!& So%e of $! (ere #rying o$# a fe( #ric*!& Larry did a card #ric* for #hi! a##rac#i'e yo$ng lady& The effec# (a! #ha# !he c$# a dec* in#o fo$r "ac*e#!& 5hen #he #o" card of each "ac*e# (a! #$rned face $") each (a! an ace& I re%e%ber !#anding be!ide Larry) loo*ing do(n a# #he card!) fo$r ace! face $" and #hi! blond loo*ing e+"re!!ionle!! a# #he%& Larry !aid) 85ell) (ha# do yo$ #hin*8 She !aid) 8Abo$# (ha#8 He !aid) 8I!n./# i# odd #ha# yo$ c$# #o #he fo$r ace!8 She !aid) 8No) #ha#./! -$!# (ha# #hey ha""ened #o be8 30oo%) cra!h) b$rn4 5ha# e+ac#ly (a! going on in #he!e "eo"le! %ind!) I canno# !ay& They) ho(e'er) !a( !o%e#hing #hey co$ld no# e+"lain& Ye#) for !o%e rea!on) #hey did no# $nder!#and #ha# !o%e#hing !ignifican# occ$rred& I belie'e #he g$y #ha# %anaged #he co%edy cl$b (a! in#ere!#ed in hi! "er!onal agenda and had no in#ere!# in (ha# %y ca"abili#ie! (ere& Then) %y rela#i'e "robably #ho$gh# I (a! no# !$""o!ed #o be ca"able of !o%e#hing !ignifican# or I (a! a ci#y !lic*er and no# #o be #r$!#ed& The i!!$e i! #hi!) -$!# beca$!e yo$ can do %iracle! doe! no# %ean o#her "eo"le (ill recogni2e #he% a! %iracle!& Le#./! highligh# #hi!& Miracle! are in #he eye of #he beholder& Then #he ne+# follo(!& If #hey don./# behold yo$) #hey (on./# behold %iracle!& Thi! i! "ar#ic$larly de'a!#a#ing in #hea#er %agic in (hich "ar# of #he dece"#ion de"end! $"on yo$r "ar# #o be an ac#or& Thea#er %agic re,$ire! #he !$!"en!ion of di!belief& If yo$ canno# ac# a! if yo$r a$dience li*e! yo$) all i! lo!#& THE 0EST YOB CAN :O I a##ended a 'ery nice %agic ge#9#oge#her in Chicago !o%e #i%e ago& One of #he lec#$rer! (a! Al >oran& Li!#ening #o a "ro #al* abo$# hi! b$!ine!! i! 'ery in#ere!#ing& He re'ealed #o $! hi! a!"ira#ion! in %en#ali!%& He !aid (hen he !#ar#ed he (an#ed #o con'ince hi! a$dience #ha# he co$ld ac#$ally read %ind!& He (or*ed fe'eri!hly #o achie'e #hi! end& He beca%e a "ro and did %any !ho(!& 5hile doing #he!e !ho(! he ob!er'ed a 'ery co%%on #hing& Af#er he did !o%e "ar#ic$larly de'a!#a#ing %iracle) he co$ld !ee all #he (i'e! in #he cl$b #$rn #o #heir h$!band! and a!*) 8Ho( doe! he do #ha#8 To #hi! ,$e!#ion #he h$!band (o$ld re!"ond) 8There./! a #ric* #o i#8 Af#er year! of "erfor%ing he decided #ha# if #hey !aid) 8Tha# Al >oran i! a "re##y nice g$y)8 (hen he (al*ed off !#age he had done #he be!# he co$ld do& SO) 5HAT IS NEKT All of #he foregoing i! an a##e%"# #o con'ince yo$ #ha# yo$ !ho$ld !#r$ggle #o ge# yo$r a$dience #o li*e yo$& If I a% !$cce!!f$l in ge##ing yo$ #o #hin* #ha# i! an ad%irable goal) #hen I (o$ld con!ider %y!elf 'ery !$cce!!f$l& Then) #he cha"#er co$ld end here for I canno# really #ell yo$ ho( #o ge# "eo"le #o li*e yo$& Ho(e'er) I ha'e !"en# a lo# of #i%e #rying #o an!(er #hi! ,$e!#ion for %y!elf& So) I (ill !hare !o%e of %y concl$!ion! (i#h yo$& My fir!# big !#e" in #hi! "$r!$i# (a! #o reali2e #ha# e'eryone el!e i! no# li*e %e&
PEOPLE TYPES So%e(here on %y #ra'el! #hro$gh life I ca%e $"on a 'ery good #ool e+"re!!ing #he difference be#(een "eo"le& I# ha! #he label of Meyer! 0rigg! Per!onali#y Profile!& 0efore enco$n#ering #hi! #ool I had grea# do$b#! abo$# !$ch ca#egori2a#ion! of "eo"le& Ho(e'er) af#er #a*ing a !%all #e!# and re'ie(ing #he re!$l#! of i#) I (a! #horo$ghly i%"re!!ed& I# i! no# !o%e#hing #ha# %a*e! a -$dg%en# abo$# "eo"le& Ra#her i# a##e%"#! #o a!cer#ain ho( indi'id$al! %a*e deci!ion! abo$# #he (orld aro$nd #he%!el'e!& To gi'e a real fla'or abo$# (ha# #hi! i! all abo$# I (ill !$%%ari2e #he !y!#e%& Bnder!#anding !o%e of #hi! i! 'al$able in #hi! cha"#er for i# co$ld enable yo$ #o be##er a""recia#e yo$r a$dience& The !y!#e% ca#egori2e! "eo"le./! a##i#$de! in fo$r ca#egorie!& Each ca#egory ha! #(o !ide!& An indi'id$al (ill #end #o one !ide or #he o#her& So%e#i%e! an indi'id$al can be in #he %iddle !o #here i! no#hing ac#$ally ab!ol$#e abo$# i#& There ha'e been boo*! and boo*! (ri##en on #hi! !$b-ec#) ho(e'er) "erha"! I can offer a 'ery) 'ery !hor# !$%%ary of i#& To do all #hi! ,$ic*ly I (ill label each ca#egory A) 0) C and :& Then each !ide of each ca#egory (ill be ; and 1& I %$!# "oin# o$# #ha# #he follo(ing i! no# ho( #hi! %a#erial i! "re!en#ed in #he!e boo*!& The follo(ing i! %y brief in#er"re#a#ion& A; So%e "eo"le li*e #o #hin* in!ide #heir head before 'oicing an o"inion& A1 O#her! li*e #o 'oice #heir "oin# of 'ie( #o hear ho( i# !o$nd! #o o#her!& 0; So%e "eo"le li*e #o belie'e #ha# e'ery#hing in #he (orld i! real& 01 O#her! li*e #o #hin* #ha# e'ery#hing in #he (orld i! a "oin# of 'ie(& C; So%e "eo"le (an# #o do #he righ# #hing e'en if i# %ay h$r# !o%eone& C1 O#her "eo"le (an# do #he #hing #ha# hel"! "eo"le& :; So%e "eo"le belie'e #ha# no( i! #he %o!# i%"or#an# #i%e in life& :1 O#her! belie'e #ha# each indi'id$al i! a re!$l# of "a!# e+"erience! and #ha# de#er%ine! (ha# i! i%"or#an#& I "er!onally a% A;) 01) C;) :1& 5ha# #hi! %ean! i! #ha# I #hin* %o!#ly in!ide %y head and nor%ally only #ell "eo"le (ha# I a% #hin*ing once I ha'e clearly #ho$gh# !o%e#hing #hro$gh& I belie'e #he (orld i! con!#r$c#ed fro% %any "oin#! of 'ie( and) a! !$ch) #he (orld can be changed for #he be##er& I a% %ore concerned (i#h #he #r$#h #han (he#her or no# anyone di!agree! (i#h %e& Finally) I belie'e each of $! i! a co%bina#ion of o$r "a!# e+"erience! #ha# (e $!e #o %a*e deci!ion! in #he f$#$re& Only abo$# ;&? of #he "o"$la#ion ha'e #hi! "ar#ic$lar co%bina#ion of charac#eri!#ic!& Thi! %ean! #ha# (ha# I !ee and #he concl$!ion! I dra( are differen# #han 6&? of #he "eo"le aro$nd %e& No( here are !o%e in#ere!#ing "oin#!& Abo$# ? of "eo"le are #y"e 0;& Thi! %ean! #ha# %o!# "eo"le belie'e #ha# #he (orld i! 'ery fi+ed and $nchangeable& The!e "eo"le #end #o belie'e (ha# #hey read in #he ne(!"a"er& Thi! i! o""o!i#e fro% (ha# I belie'e& The!e "eo"le al!o #end #o belie'e yo$ (hen yo$ #ell #he% yo$ "laced a coin in#o yo$r o#her hand& They al!o #end #o belie'e %ore in %agic for #hey are ea!ier #o decei'e& Af#er all) (ha# #hey !ee i! real& They #end no# #o do$b# (ha# #hey !ee (i#h #heir o(n eye!& Al!o) abo$# ? of #he (orld are C1./! (hich %ean! #ha# %o!# "eo"le are %ore in#ere!#ed in "ro#ec#ing #he feeling! of o#her! ra#her #han e+"o!ing #he% #o #he #r$#h& Th$!) #hey (o$ld ra#her belie'e #ha# yo$ do %agic ra#her #han !$gge!#ing #ha# yo$ are chea#ing #he%& They (an# yo$ #o feel good abo$# yo$r!elf& Con!ider #he A1) 0;) C1) :; #y"e& Thi! "er!on i! e+ac#ly %y o""o!i#e& Thi! "er!onali#y #y"e (an#! e'eryone #o be ha""y and (ill ne'er find fa$l# (i#h anyone./! beha'ior& Thi! "er!on./! goal in life i! #o $!e #heir #alen#! #o crea#e -oy righ# no( (i#ho$# concern for (ha# ha! ha""ened in #he "a!# or (ha# (ill ha""en in #he f$#$re& Thi! "er!on #end! #o be #he life of #he "ar#y& E'ery#hing yo$ do (ill "lea!e #hi! "er!on& 5hen yo$ do %agic for #hi! "er!on) #hey (ill no# re'ie( any fal!e a!!$%"#ion! #hey ha'e %ade& They) ho(e'er) (ill no# re!"ond #o !ignifican# %agic for e'ery#hing yo$ do (ill !ee% %agic #o #he%& They (ill re!"ond #o "lo#! #ha# e%o#ionally affec# "eo"le or #hing! #ha# a""ear "re##y and !ho(y& Changing a "a"er na"*in in#o a "a"er flo(er (ill !#$n #hi! "er!on& Yo$ (ill find yo$r!elf #rying #o "lea!e #hi! "er!on b$# yo$ (ill find #ha# yo$ are in co%"e#i#ion (i#h e'eryone el!e in #he roo%& 5ha# i! %y "oin# in "re!en#ing #hi! "er!onali#y #y"e ca!#ing I a% #rying #o indica#e #ha# #here i! a 'ol$%e of infor%a#ion abo$# #he difference! be#(een "eo"le& Thi! indica#e! ho( differen# (e really are& 5ha# yo$ !ee and (ha# ano#her !ee! i! !i%"ly no# #he !a%e& So%e#i%e! #he difference i! no# !$b#le&
5hen one "er!on !ee! a deadly %on!#er) ano#her %ay !ee a c$#e f$rry crea#$re& The goal of "oin#ing #hi! o$# i! #o con'ince yo$ #ha# yo$ !ho$ld con!ider #he "oin# of 'ie( of o#her! (hile yo$ "erfor%& 5hen (e began in %agic (e a!!$%ed (e (o$ld be doing %agic for "eo"le #ha# (o$ld all be #he !a%e& 5e "robably a!!$%ed #hey all (o$ld be -$!# li*e o$r!el'e!& To be !$cce!!f$l yo$ %$!# loo* a# yo$r ac# fro% #he a$dience "oin# of 'ie() no# yo$r o(n& START 0Y MA>ING THEM FEEL COMFORTA0LE 5ITH YOB An ad%irable beginning in all of #hi! i! #o !#r$c#$re yo$r ac# !o #he a$dience i! !i%"ly co%for#able (i#h yo$& 5hen I began %agic) I (a! #a$gh# #ha# I !ho$ld begin (i#h a fla!hy #ric* #ha# go# a##en#ion righ# a(ay& The #ric* !ho$ld con'ince #he a$dience yo$ are a %agician and yo$ *no( (ha# yo$ are doing& I !#r$ggled (i#h #hi! for !o%e #i%e& One day i# occ$rred #o %e #ha# I !ho$ld ob!er'e !o%e !$cce!!f$l "ro! and !ee ho( #hey !#ar#& There are #hree "eo"le in #he (orld #ha# I ha'e loo*ed $" #o %o!# of %y %agic life& They are or ha'e been acco%"li!hed "erfor%er!& They are >arrell Fo+) ay Mar!hal and Pa$l Ho(ard 0aha%an& >arrell and Pa$l are no longer (i#h $! a# #hi! (ri#ing& 5hen #he!e gen#le%en (al*ed o$# on#o #he !#age #hey do%ina#ed i#& 0$# #hey did no# begin (i#h a fla!hy !#$nning #ric*& They !i%"ly (al*ed o$# on#o #he !#age) a""roached #he %icro"hone and !aid hello #o #he a$dience& To %e #he!e gen#le%en (ere gi'ing #he a$dience a chance #o decide (ha# #hey #ho$gh# of #hi! %an !#anding on !#age& Tha# i!) each "erfor%er ga'e #he a$dience a chance #o beco%e co%for#able (i#h #he "erfor%er& Each "erfor%er labeled #he beginning of #he !ho( (i#h #heir o(n !i%"le h$%an "re!ence& The "oin# here Yo$ o"en (i#h yo$& O'er #he year! I fo$nd ano#her #echni,$e #o hel" #he a$dience be co%for#able d$ring a "erfor%ance& Thi! (a! ac#$ally de'elo"ed (hen I (or*ed in a %agic !ho"& I fo$nd I co$ld !ell a #ric* %$ch fa!#er if I "erfor%ed a #ric* for a "o#en#ial c$!#o%er and #$rned aro$nd i%%edia#ely& 5hen I re%o'ed #he #ric* fro% #he bo+) I (o$ld !e# #he bo+ behind %e on a !helf& Then I (o$ld do #he #ric*& A# #he concl$!ion of #he #ric* I (o$ld no# loo* a# #he !"ec#a#or b$# "$# #he "ro"! on #he co$n#er in fron# of #he c$!#o%er and #$rn #o loca#e #he bo+& So%e#i%e! I (o$ld "re#end #o be ha'ing #ro$ble finding #he bo+& Af#er a bi# I 8loca#ed8 #he bo+ and #$rned aro$nd facing #he c$!#o%er& I "$# #he bo+ on #he co$n#er in fron# of #he c$!#o%er and #old #he% ho( %$ch #he #ric* !old for& Of#en #hey !i%"ly !aid) 8I./ll #a*e i#&8 My di!co'ery (a!) #ha# (hen "eo"le are fooled #hey feel e+"o!ed& Af#er all) (e all feel (e are in#elligen#& 5hen (e are fooled by anyone (e feel #ha# o$r in#elligence i! lac*ing& Fro% ano#her "er!"ec#i'e) (e feel o$r !#$"idi#y i! !ho(ing& 0y #$rning aro$nd I (a! no# loo*ing a# #he c$!#o%er (hen #heir) 8!#$"idi#y (a! !ho(ing&8 Hence) #hey fel# %ore co%for#able and co$ld #hin* abo$# (ha# (a! going on& In!#ead of (orrying abo$# being !#$"id #hey co$ld %a*e $" #heir %ind abo$# b$ying #he #ric*& I ha'e ado"#ed #hi! #echni,$e d$ring all of %y "re!en#a#ion! of %agic& 5hene'er a %agic %o%en# occ$r! I %anage #o loo* a(ay fro% #he a$dience& 5hen a coin di!a""ear!) I loo* a# #he e%"#y hand or !"o# on #he #able (here #he coin !ho$ld be& 5hen #he !elec#ed card i! re'ealed I loo* a# #he card& In general I do no# *no( ho( %y a$dience i! re!"onding beca$!e I canno# !ee #he% (hen I do %agic& If I really (an# #o *no( (ha# i! going on in an a$dience I (ill "lan# a friend ahead of #i%e #ha# (ill #ell %e la#er ho( #hing! (en#& 5hen I a% di!c$!!ing #hi! #echni,$e (i#h o#her %agician!) I ha'e a li##le canned "re!en#a#ion #ha# I $!e #o bring #hi! "oin# ho%e& I a% able #o $!e #he Sna" 0ac* Dani!h #o ca$!e a coin #o di!a""ear ,$i#e !$ddenly& E!!en#ially) I hold a !il'er dollar in fron# of %y face and clo!e one hand aro$nd i# and #hen i%%edia#ely o"en #he hand !ho(ing #he coin gone& E'en if yo$ *no( #he %o'e i# loo*! 'ery !#$nning& I# ha! a *ind of 'i!$al re#en#ion ,$ali#y #o i#& I# i! one of #ho!e %o'e! #ha# yo$ can en#er#ain yo$r!elf in fron# of #he %irror (i#h& To de%on!#ra#e #he #echni,$e abo$# no# loo*ing a# #he a$dience I do #hi! 'ani!h and loo* a# %y hand!& Then) I do #he 'ani!h again and a# #he "oin# #he coin i! !ho(n #o be gone I a% !#aring a# #he ob!er'er& The difference i! !#aggering& 5hen a %e%ber of #he a$dience i! loo*ing a# an e%"#y hand only) #he %e%ber of #he a$dience !ee! only an e%"#y hand and feel! a #ho$gh# in #heir %ind (hich i!) 85here i! #ha# coin8 5hen #he %e%ber of #he a$dience !ee! an e%"#y hand and !o%eone !#aring a# #he% #here !ee%! #o be no "lace #o foc$!& The %e%ber of #he a$dience feel! e+"o!ed& Their #hin*ing "roce!! i! re'ealed& And if #he "erfor%er
i! !#aring) (ho el!e i! !#aring 0y no# loo*ing a# #he a$dience a# #he %o%en# #he %agic occ$r! #he a$dience can feel %ore co%for#able and #hin* abo$# (ha# i! going on) in #here #i%e& A# #he %agic %o%en#) do no# loo* a# #he a$dience& INTERESTE:INTERESTING Le#./! %o'e all of #hi! $" a no#ch by di!c$!!ing a (ay yo$ can ge# yo$r a$dience #o li*e yo$& Thi! #ric* i! #o beco%e in#ere!#ed in #he% and !#o" #rying #o in#ere!#ing #o #he%& The difference be#(een #he #(o i! !$b#le& If yo$ are in#ere!#ed in !eeing yo$r a$dience being a%a2ed yo$r %agic (ill ha'e %ore i%"ac#& If yo$ are #rying #o be in#ere!#ing #o yo$r a$dience yo$r %agic (ill ha'e le!! i%"ac#& In an effor# #o de!cribe (ha# #hi! %ean! le#./! loo* a# each ac#ion !e"ara#ely& If yo$ are #rying #o be in#ere!#ing yo$ are a!*ing #he a$dience #o loo* a# yo$& In a !en!e yo$ are !aying) 8I./% doing #hi! %agic !o yo$ #hin* I./% a cool g$y&8 Going bac* #o one of #he earlier "rinci"le! "re!en#ed) 8The a$dience ca%e #o !ee "heno%ena&8 5hen yo$ a##e%"# #o %a*e #he% loo* a# yo$) yo$ are a!*ing #he% #o ignore #he "heno%ena& On #he o#her hand being in#ere!#ed #ha# #hey are a%a2ed) foc$!e! #heir a##en#ion %ore on #he "heno%ena& In a !en!e yo$ are a!*ing #he% #o loo* a(ay fro% yo$ and loo* a# a "heno%ena& In a !en!e yo$ are relea!ing #he% fro% yo$r con#rol and allo(ing #he% #he freedo% #o dra( #heir o(n concl$!ion!& Then #hey !ee #he "heno%ena a! a "heno%ena and no# !o%e#hing yo$ ha'e con#ri'ed #o ha""en #o enhance yo$r o(n "o(er& All of #hi! can be ,$i#e diffic$l# #o gra!"& A! yo$ #hin* of bo#h a!"ec#! yo$ can *ind of ge# #ied $" in a !e%an#ic! logic loo"& Tho!e #ha# are dedica#ed 8#rying #o be in#ere!#ing #y"e!8 (ill !ay) 85ell) don./# yo$ need #o be in#ere!#ing #o ge# "eo"le #o (a#ch yo$ in #he fir!# "lace8 8And (on./# #hey con#in$e #o (a#ch yo$ only if yo$ are in#ere!#ing8 I ha'e a diffic$l# #i%e re!"onding #o #hi!& Perha"! #he (ord in#ere!#ing ha! #(o %eaning! here& Ho(e'er) #o #ry and re!ol'e #hi! (i#h an analogy) con!ider #he follo(ing7 5o$ld yo$ ra#her b$y a "rod$c# fro% a !ale!%an #ha# needed #he co%%i!!ion or (o$ld yo$ ra#her b$y a "rod$c# fro% a !ale!%an #ha# (a! an a##e%"#ing #o f$lfill !o%e need yo$ had& In bo#h !i#$a#ion! #here i! a !ale!%an) co%%i!!ion) "rod$c# and !o on& 5i#h one ) ho(e'er) yo$ feel 'ery good abo$#) (i#h #he o#her yo$ don./# feel !o good& The fir!# !ale!%an i! in#ere!#ing& He (an#! #he !ale for hi%!elf& In #he !econd #he !ale!%an i! in#ere!#ed #o !ee #ha# yo$ ge# (ha# yo$ need& 5hile all of #hi! i! 'ery ill$!i'e) i#! effec# $"on #he i%"ac# on #he a$dience i! !ignifican#& Thi! bring! #o %ind an inciden# in %y ho%e #o(n& There (a! a gig $" for grab! and #(o ac,$ain#ance! (ere a$di#ioning for i#& One "erfor%er (a! highly !*illed in #hea#er) dra%a#ic "re!ence and ob'io$!ly (a! (ell 'er!ed in all %a##er! !#age& He $!e all of hi! !*ill! #o !ell hi%!elf and %a*e hi%!elf in#ere!#ing& The o#her "er!on) a lady) (a! !*illed in a #ro$"er !en!e& She had "erfor%ed a lo# and (a! in#ere!#ed in !eeing #ha# her a$dience go# (ha# #hey ca%e #o !ee& She go# #he gig& She did no# #hin* !he (o$ld ge# i# for #he o#her ac# (a! %$ch !#ronger on !#age& She a!*ed #he clien# (hy #hey !elec#ed her& The clien# #old here #ha# #hey fel# #he a$dience (o$ld acce"# her %ore and (o$ld be %ore in#ere!#ed in (ha# he (a! #rying #o !ell for #he% C$rio$!ly) #he g$y) !hor#ly af#er #he e'en#) go# a 'ery large con#rac# doing a TD ad& In #hi! ad #he clien# (an#ed !o%eone #ha# #ha# a""eared arrogan# and di!in#ere!#ed in !er'ing "eo"le& He fi# #he bill& Le#./! highligh# #hi! "oin# and %o'e on 0e in#ere!#ed in yo$r a$dience& :on./# #ry #o be in#ere!#ing& HAN:LING HEC>LERS 0efore (e lea'e #he !$b-ec# of #he "eo"le "ar# of %agic (e %$!# di!c$!! ho( #o deal (i#h hec*ler!& Ho(e'er) #hi! i! !#range) for if yo$ are !$cce!!f$l abo$# a""lying #he "rinci"le! in #hi! cha"#er yo$ "robably (ill no# need #o deal (i#h hec*ler! for) ho"ef$lly) all of yo$r c$!#o%er./! (ill be on yo$r !ide& I ha'e fo$nd #hi! #o be #r$e& The longer I ha'e "erfor%ed and #he be##er I ha'e beco%e #he hec*ler "roble% ha! di!a""eared& I canno# re%e%ber #he la!# #i%e I ha'e had a hec*ler bo#her %e d$ring %y !ho(& Ac#$ally) #here co$ld be !e'eral rea!on! for #hi!& One i! #ha# I a% !$ch a grea# g$y) no one bo#her! %e any%ore& Ano#her co$ld be #ha# %y %anner of dealing (i#h #he !i#$a#ion i! !ea%le!! !o #ha# no one incl$ding %y!elf no#ice! #ha# I a%
being hec*led& Perha"! %y "hilo!o"hy of ge##ing %y a$dience #o be on %y !ide %ean! #ha# #here i! no "oin# #o hec*ling& Or #hen) %aybe) I !i%"ly don./# "erfor% eno$gh #o enco$n#er #he "roble%& Ho(e'er) #here are "reca$#ion! I #a*e #o !#o" hec*ler!& The fir!# one i! #ha# #he a$dience %$!# en#er %y do%ain #o !ee #he %agic& A! I ha'e !aid el!e(here) I ge# #he ho!# of any "erfor%ance I do #o !e# $" a !"ace a(ay fro% #he area (here "eo"le nor%ally are& Of#en #hi! i! in #he *i#chen or off in #he fa%ily roo%& Then) I con #he ho!# #o in'i#e "eo"le in#o #hi! area #o (a#ch #he !ho(& The fac# #ha# "eo"le ha'e %ade a con!cio$! deci!ion #o en#er %y area #o (a#ch) "rogra%! #he "eo"le #o be "oli#e& They are #here #o !ee #he !ho( no# hara!!& Ano#her fac#or i! #he (ay I !e# $" #he area in (hich I "erfor%& Mr& 0ob S#encil fro% :e#roi#) Michigan ga'e %e a #i" a long #i%e ago abo$# #he !i##ing "o!i#ion of "eo"le in #he a$dience& He !aid #ha# "eo"le leaning bac*(ard in #heir chair! #end #o o""o!e or challenge any#hing yo$ !ay& He al!o !aid) #hey #end #o "ene#ra#e #he dece"#ion yo$ are a##e%"#ing #o acco%"li!h& I 'al$e #hi! infor%a#ion) !o (hen I !e# $" #he !ea#! for #he a$dience I !elec# hard !ea#! #ha# force #he a$dience #o lean for(ard& So%e#i%e! I a% !e##ing $" in #he end of a li'ing roo% #ha# ha! o'er!#$ffed !ofa! and chair!& I #$rn #he !of# chair! aro$nd !o no one (ill !i# in #he% #o (a#ch #he !ho(& If #here i! a !ofa or !o%e o#her !ea# I canno# #$rn) I (ill a!* a clo!e friend or o#her %agician #o !i# #here !o no one el!e doe!& Yo$ %ay (onder if #hi! really ha! an effec# on #he a$dience& An e'en# ha""ened 'ery early in %y %agic career #ha# con'inced %e of #he "o(er of #hi!& Bnfor#$na#ely) for %e) i# (a! no# a "lea!an# e+"erience& I (a! (i#h !o%e friend! a# a dance or foo#ball ga%e or !o%e#hing& 5e %e# !o%e ladie!& My #(o friend! hi# i# off (i#h a co$"le of #he ladie!& Tha# lef# one for %e& Ho(e'er) !he did no# li*e %e& To her I !ee%ed #o be ra( %ea#& 5e all (en# o$# #o G$!!e"i./! for "i22a& Af#er (e fini!hed ea#ing and (hile (e (ere cha##ing) %y friend! !$gge!#ed I do !o%e %agic& The lady #ha# (a! !or# of %a#ched (i#h %e (a! leaning bac* in her chair and (a! loo*ing 'ery !o$r abo$# all of #hi!& I !#ar#ed doing !o%e#hing and !he (o$ld ha'e no#hing #o do (i#h i#& I re%e%bered %y con'er!a#ion! (i#h 0ob S#encil abo$# "eo"le leaning bac*& He did !ay #ha# if yo$ can ge# #he% #o lean for(ard yo$ (ill change #heir "oin# of 'ie(& So) I #oo* a bra'e and daring !#e"& I "$# %y hand on #hi! lady./! !ho$lder and "$lled her for(ard !o !he (a! leaning #o(ard #he #able in!#ead of a(ay& In!#an#ly her de%eanor changed& She !aid) 8Oh) O>8 I did #he %agic and i# (en# ,$i#e (ell& She !#ill #rea#ed %e li*e ra( %ea#) b$# a# lea!# I gained !o%e#hing& Fro% #ha# "oin# for(ard I ha'e been 'ery caref$l abo$# ho( #he a$dience i! !i##ing& I do no# belie'e I a% i%%$ne #o #he "roble% ho(e'er) and ha'e a (ay #o handle hec*ler! !ho$ld #he need ari!e& I ha'e $!ed #he!e #echni,$e! in #he "a!#& The #echni,$e i! #o belie'e #ha# a "er!on i! hec*ling beca$!e #hey (an# a##en#ion& My !ol$#ion i! #o gi'e i# #o #he%& 5hen !o%eone ha%%er! %e I !#o" "erfor%ing and foc$! all of %y a##en#ion on #he%& I (ai# for a %o%en# #o !ee (ha# ha""en!& Of#en I (o$ld !ee #heir !ho$lder! dro") #heir head #i" for(ard a bi# and) a""aren#ly) decide #o !ay no#hing %ore& If #hey are %ore "er!i!#en#) #hey !ay !o%e#hing& The ne+# ac#ion #ha# I e+"ec# i! #ha# !o%eone el!e in #he a$dience (ill #ell #he "er!on #o be ,$ie#& Tha# no# occ$rring I go in#o #he ne+# !#e" (hich i! #o !ay !o%e#hing abo$# ho( ob!er'an# #hey are& I %igh# !ay) 8I !ee #ha# yo$ are no# ea!ily decei'ed&8 In really bad !i#$a#ion! #hi! $!$ally doe! #he #ric* and #heir #hrea#ening body "o!i#ion %el#! and I con#in$e& 0$# !o%e#i%e! #ha# did no# (or*& Then of co$r!e I (en# #o ano#her le'el& I (o$ld !ay) 8Yo$ a""aren#ly ha'e e+"erience and *no(ledge abo$# %agic&8 If #ha# doe!n./# change #he !i#$a#ion) I (ill a!*) 85here did yo$ !#$dy %agic8 A# #hi! "oin# #hey (ill !ay !o%e#hing& Of#en i# i! !o%e#hing abo$# reading a boo*& 5ha#e'er #hen !ay I ac*no(ledge (ha# #hey !ay 'ery !#rongly& I lean %y head bac* and !ay) 8Ohhhhh)8 They #hen offer one %ore co%%en# and rela+& Then I con#in$e %y !ho(& I ha'e ne'er had #o go "a!# #hi! "oin#& The "ri%ary "oin# I (i!h #o %a*e abo$# hec*ler! here ho(e'er) i! #ha# a! yo$ gain !*ill and abili#y a! a "erfor%er) #he "roble% !ee%! #o di!a""ear& I ha'e !"o*en abo$# #hi! #o !e'eral "ro! and #hey) in general) conc$r&
CHAPTER NINE A::ING IMPACT TO YOBR MAGIC In #hi! !ec#ion (e di!c$!! ho( #o add %ore i%"ac# #o yo$r "erfor%ance& 5e begin here (i#h #he idea #ha# yo$ are ge##ing yo$r a$dience #o %a*e a!!$%"#ion! correc#ly and yo$ are direc#ing #he% a(ay fro% reali2ing #hey are a!!$%"#ion!& Yo$ are al!o co%%$nica#ing (i#h yo$r a$dience effec#i'ely and #hey li*e yo$ !o #hey are (illing #o ad%i# #o yo$ #hey are fooled& And yo$ ha'e done (ha#e'er yo$ need #o do #o %a*e yo$r "re!en#a#ion clear& In !hor#) yo$r "re!en#a#ion i! #echnologically acc$ra#e& If all of #hi! i! #r$e yo$ are "robably *noc*ing #he% dead& 0$# yo$ (an# #o be be##er& A (or*ing "rofe!!ional %agician *no(! #here i! !o%e#hing e+#ra #he "erfor%er can do #o add i%"ac# #o a #ric*& There i! %ore #han one (ay #o do a #ric* (i#ho$# changing any of #he %o'e! or gi%%ic*!& Tha# i! (ha# #hi! !ec#ion i! abo$#& 5ha# can #ha# e+#ra %ore be Li!#ening #o "rofe!!ional! #al* abo$# #heir "erfor%ance! i! 'ery in#ere!#ing& Yo$ %igh# #hin* #hey di!c$!! %o'e! and #echni,$e& Ac#$ally #hey di!c$!! 'ery %$ndane #hing!& For e+a%"le S$2anne and I !a# aro$nd one af#ernoon #rying #o co%e $" (i#h c$#e co%ebac*! for #hing! #ha# "eo"le !ay d$ring her ac#& She had a li!# of #hing! #ha# "eo"le (o$ld !ay o'er and o'er again (hen !he "erfor%ed #able ho""ing& The li!# incl$ded #hing! li*e) 8Can yo$ %a*e #he bill di!a""ear8 8Can yo$ %a*e %y (ife di!a""ear8 8Are yo$ !#anding in a hole8 Her li!# con#ained ;1 i#e%!& Mo!# !he had good co%ebac*! for) b$# #here (ere !o%e for (hich !he did no# ha'e an a""ro"ria#e re!"on!e& 5e (ill #al* %ore abo$# S$e la#er& The "oin# i! #ha# "ro! (ill di!c$!! 'ery li##le #hing! #o !har"en #heir ac#& Thi! cha"#er recogni2e! #he 8ar#8 of %agic %ore #han any o#her !ec#ion in #hi! en#ire "re!en#a#ion& 5hile I do belie'e %agic i! a #echnology) I al!o belie'e i# can gro( in#o an ar#& I canno# #ell yo$ ho( #o do #ha#& Each indi'id$al %$!# (or* on #hi! #he%!el'e!& 0$# (hile I canno# #ell yo$ ho( #o do i#) I can "re!en# e+a%"le! of #hing! #ha# can add #ha# e+#ra !o%e#hing #ha# (ill add i%"ac# #o a "erfor%ance& 5e (ill !#ar# off (i#h !o%e ob'io$! i%"ac# adder! and la#er ge# in#o !o%e #ha# are "rac#ical& Con!ider a "er!on doing %agic #ha# ha! only one ar%& Yo$ can do a fo$r ace collec#ion and #hi! "er!on can do #he !a%e #ric*& Yo$ (o$ld no# be !$r"ri!ed #ha# #he reac#ion of #he a$dience #o #he one ar% "erfor%er (ill be !#ronger #han #o yo$r "erfor%ance& 5hile #hi! i! a 'ery ob'io$! i%"ac# enhancer yo$ (ill "robably no# (an# #o c$# off an ar% #o #a*e ad'an#age of #hi!) ho(e'er) yo$ ge# #he "oin#& Ano#her a$#o%a#ic enhancer i! #he "erfor%ance of %agic in (hich #he a$dience i! ab!ol$#ely !$re #ha# yo$ are no# "re"ared #o do any#hing& Thi! re%ind! %e of one of %y fa'ori#e #ric*! (i#h a "a"er #able na"*in& The na"*in i! #he *ind yo$ !e# drin*! on in a bar& In #hi! effec# I roll #(o in#o !%all ball! and do a !"onge ball ro$#ine& :one i%"ro%"#$) #he effec# al(ay! ge#! a !#rong reac#ion& The effec# (a! !o good I added i# #o %y reg$lar clo!e9$" !ho(& There i# died) !o I re%o'ed i#& Clearly) doing i# (hen #he a$dience *ne( #ha# #here (a! no ad'ance "re"ara#ion %ade i# a (inner& Yo$ can $!e #hi! "oin# #o enhance yo$r i%"ro%"#$ %agic& Al(ay! carry yo$r fa'ori#e "o(er gi%%ic*& Then (hen #ha# %o%en# occ$r! #o do %agic in (hich yo$ are 8#o#ally8 $n"re"ared yo$ are !e# $" for a %iracle cla!! effec#& :$e #o #hi! !e##ing) ho(e'er) yo$ %$!# be caref$l #o li%i# gi%%ic*! or "ro"! #o #hing! ab!ol$#ely na#$ral& P$ll o$# a half dollar and yo$ ha'e lo!# i#& They (ill *no( yo$ (ere "re"ared in !o%e (ay& S(i#ching #heir ,$ar#er for a %agne#ic one can !e# #he !#age for %iracle!& Le#./! %o'e on #o o#her (ay! #o crea#e i%"ac#& 5hen I (a! in college a na#$ral e'en# of#en occ$rred (hich %ade %y %agic #(ice a! !#$nning& Then) I (a! of#en doing %agic a# !chool "ar#ie!& I had been doing %y !hare of drin*ing and) no# being a !erio$! drin*er) I (a! ob'io$!ly o$# of con#rol af#er one beer& Ho(e'er) %y %agic (a! no# o$# of con#rol& The effec# on %y fello( !#$den#! (a! !#rong& They *ne( I (a! half h$ng o'er& I dro""ed coin!) %i!!ed card! (hen I !h$ffled #he% and !o on& The ho$r! of "rac#ice I had done) ho(e'er) enabled %y hand! #o %o'e (i#ho$# #ho$gh#& So) #he %agic I did !ee%ed
%ore i%"re!!i'e for i# !ee%ed #o ha""en by i#!elf& In #he!e #hree !i#$a#ion! #he condi#ion! of "erfor%ance added e+#ra i%"ac#& The!e e+a%"le! !er'e #o !ho() (ha#) o$#!ide of !#andard %agic "erfor%ance) can add i%"ac#& Thi! cha"#er (ill con#in$e (i#h !$gge!#ion! on (ha# can be done #o increa!e #he i%"ac# of yo$r %agic "erfor%ance& I al!o ca$#ion yo$ #ha# #he!e are %y #ho$gh#! on #hi! !$b-ec#& So%e of #hi! I ha'e heard el!e(here and I a% !i%"ly "a!!ing i# along #o yo$& A# #i%e! I %igh# "re!en# !o%e#hing (i#h a ca'iler and fli""an# a##i#$de& Yo$ ha'e a re!"on!ibili#y) a! (i#h all of #hi! %a#erial) #o %a*e i# yo$r o(n and decide (ha# i! righ# for yo$& 5e (ill begin #he !$gge!#ion! (i#h !o%e #hing! #ha# -$!# !ee% #o %a*e !en!e& E!!en#ially (e (ill !#ar# (i#h (ay! #o b$ild i%"ac# in#o yo$r ac# (hile con!#r$c#ing i#& A! (e near #he end of #he li!# (e (ill foc$! on #hing! #ha# are added or done af#er yo$r ac# i! e!#abli!hed and yo$ are !$cce!!f$lly "erfor%ing i#& SOME COMMON SENSE THINGS TO NOT :O Fro% #he 'ery beginning yo$ (o$ld be (i!e #o a'oid !o%e #hing! #ha# are !i%"ly ob-ec#ionable& There are #ho!e #ha# (ill (an# #o do !o%e of #hi! beca$!e i# i! a !#yle #ha# (ill (in for #he%& Ho(e'er) for %o!# of $!) #hi! *ind of %a#erial !ho$ld be !i%"ly a'oided& 5e already ha'e an $"hill figh#) !o don./# #hro( $" $nnece!!ary barrier! #ha# yo$ need #o o'erco%e& The li!# i! 'ery %echanical& Fir!# ne'er $!e bl$e %a#erial& And don./# $!e !$gge!#i'e %a#erial no %a##er ho( c$#e& If a (o%an i! holding #he end of a "iece of ro"e) do no# #ell her #o) 8Hold yo$r end $" high !o e'eryone can !ee i#&8 Ne'er e%barra!! anyone& I ha'e !een "erfor%er! #ha# #rea# #heir hel"er! in a 'ery abr$"# %anner& Thi! bo#her! %e a grea# deal& 5hene'er I find %y!elf in a roo% (i#h #he!e "erfor%er! I lea'e i%%edia#ely& I a% afraid #hey %igh# #rea# %e #ha# (ay in a !i%"le !ocial !i#$a#ion& Ac#$ally I./% afraid I./ll "$!h #heir face in if #hey #al* #o %e #he (ay #hey #al* #o "eo"le (hen #hey are on !#age& :on./# "ic* on (o%en& A# %agic con'en#ion! I ha'e heard ladie! !hare no#e! abo$# cer#ain "erfor%er!& They (ill (arn each o#her no# #o !i# in #he fron# of #he a$dience for 8!o9and9!o8 (ill ge# yo$ $" #o do #ric*!& 5o$ldn./# yo$ ra#her be re%e%bered for #he %agic yo$ do ra#her #han being re%e%bered a! #he g$y #ha# $!e! (o%en a! hel"er!& If yo$ %$!#) ge# a g$y and a lady #o hel"& And #ry #o fig$re o$# ho( #o #rea# #he% !o i# i! a "lea!$re #o hel" yo$) no# #or#$re& :on./# in!$l# yo$r hel"er! or "eo"le in yo$r a$dience& So%e %en#ali!#! (ill 8acciden#ally8 in!$l# %e%ber! of #he a$dience #o !$gge!# #here (a! no !e#$" be#(een #he% before #he !ho(& I recollec# a %en#al ac# #ha# $!ed #hi! de'ice #o con'ince #he a$dience #here (a! no rela#ion!hi" be#(een #he lady #ha# hel"ed and #he effec# he "rod$ced& I canno# re%e%ber #he effec#& Ho(e'er) I re%e%ber hi% in!$l#ing her& And finally) don./# $!e gro!! %a#erial& 5hile doing any of #he!e %igh# ge# a reac#ion fro% #he a$dience) yo$ are no# ge##ing an a""ro"ria#e reac#ion& If yo$ feel i# i! yo$r !#yle #o "re!en# #hi! #y"e of beha'ior) #hen I (ill !ay) O> #ha# i! yo$r !#yle& Ho(e'er) "lea!e do no# ad'er#i!e yo$r ac# a! a %agic ac#& Plea!e ad'er#i!e yo$r ac# a! a 8H$%an in!$l# !"ec#acle8& 0$# #hen yo$ (o$ldn./# ge# %$ch b$!ine!!) (o$ld yo$& Ne+# $" on #he 8:o no# do8) li!# i!) don./# do bad %agic& Thi! i! !o ob'io$! i# h$r#!& I# i! al!o an i#e% #ha# I ha'e a lo# of "er!onal e+"erience (i#h& For #hi! rea!on I (ill no# be offering "er!onal e+a%"le! of bad %agic #ric*!& All %agician! are beginner! a# !o%e "oin#& 5e ga#her !o%e #ric*! #oge#her and do a !ho(& So%e of i# really !#in*!& The !ecre# i! #o #ra!h #he bad !#$ff and loo* for be##er !#$ff& 5e all (an# #o be !"ec#ac$lar !o (e con#ri'e !o%e#hing #ha# i! differen# and no'el& 0eca$!e (e are beginner!) (e (ill "robably no# hi# #he %ar* #he fir!# #i%e& 0$# (e %$!# #ry i# o$# and !ee ho( i# flie!& Ho(e'er) if i# die!) re#ire #he ne( %iracle& If yo$ are h$r#ing for %a#erial) go (i#h he #ried and #r$e #hing! #ha# %o!# %agician! *no( (ill (or*& For e+a%"le) do #he Si+ 0ill Re"ea#& I "er!onally do no# li*e #hi! #ric*& Ho(e'er) I ha'e heard fro% %any %agician! #ha# i# i! 'ery !#rong& If yo$ are ha'ing #ro$ble (i#h a clo!e9$" ac# do #he!e #hree #ric*!& In'i!ible dec* (i#h :on Alan./! "a##er #he%e& B!e a #h$%b #i" #o %a*e a folding half di!a""ear& :o Card 5ar"& If yo$ do #he!e %arginally (ell) yo$ canno# hel" b$# be a !$cce!!& Yo$ can al!o $!e #hi! conce"#) 8:on./# do bad %agic8) #o con!#an#ly i%"ro'e yo$r ac#& If yo$ do fi'e #ric*! one (ill be (or!e #han all of #he o#her!& S(i#ch
ano#her #ric* in#o i#! "lace& If i# re%ain! #he (or!#) !(i#ch i# $n#il ano#her one i!& Then !(i#ch #ha# one& BSING TECHNOLOGY TO A:: IMPACT No() le#./! a!!$%e #ha# yo$ ha'e been doing %agic for a(hile and yo$ are able #o "$# on a fairly decen# !ho(& Yo$r goal no( i! #o b$ild a good ac#& Or) "erha"! yo$ are doing re!earch #o co%e $" (i#h a ne( effec# #o re"lace #he (ea*e!# #ric* in yo$r !ho(& The ne+# fe( i#e%! are #hing! #o con!ider (hen b$ilding an effec#& The fir!# of #he!e follo(! fro% %$ch of #he "re'io$! %a#erial abo$# #he a$dience %a*ing a!!$%"#ion!& Recollec# #ha# #he a$dience %a*e! a fal!e a!!$%"#ion (hen #hey a!!$%e an o$#co%e of a "ar#ic$lar ac#ion b$# #ha# ac#ion) #hro$gh !o%e dece"#i'e %o'e) "rod$ce! a differen# o$#co%e& In #he cha"#er on a!!$%"#ion! (e (ere al!o in#rod$ced #o #he idea #ha# #he a$dience can %a*e fal!e a!!$%"#ion! (i#h !$ch !#reng#h #ha# #hey "ercei'e #he fal!e a!!$%"#ion a! reali#y& Here (e (an# #o rela#e #he!e i!!$e! #o #he !#reng#h of i%"ac# of an effec#& So le#./! in#rod$ce #(o i%"or#an# "oin#!& The !#ronger #he a!!$%"#ion i!) #he %ore "o(erf$l #he effec#& and The bigger #he difference be#(een #he a!!$%ed o$#co%e and #he ac#$al o$#co%e) #he %ore "o(erf$l #he effec#& Le#./! !e# $" a !i#$a#ion #o "re!en# an e+a%"le for #he fir!#& In #hi! e+a%"le (e (an# #o ge# #he a$dience #o a!!$%e a coin (a! "laced in yo$r lef# hand& To do #hi! le#./! a##ach a coin #o a "$ll #ha# r$n! $" yo$r !lee'e& No( d$ring #hi! %o'e yo$ hold #he coin in !$ch a (ay #ha# #he coin i! held a# #he finger #i"! b$# #he "$ll i! hidden along #he $nder!ide of yo$r #h$%b& The o#her hand a""roache! and co'er! #he coin& Then #he coin i! allo(ed #o !li" in#o yo$r !lee'e d$e #o #he force of #he "$ll& Yo$ are caref$l #o *ee" #he coin! #ra'el ,$ie# and $n!een& The o#her hand clo!e! aro$nd #he !"o# (here #he coin (a!& The hand #ha# (a! holding #he coin i! !ho(n #o#ally e%"#y& A# #hi! "oin# #he a$dience (ill ha'e %ade a 'ery !#rong a!!$%"#ion #ha# #he coin i! in #he clo!ed hand& 5hen yo$ o"en #ha# hand #hey (ill be 'ery !$r"ri!ed& Thi! reac#ion i! 'ery %$ch !#ronger #han (hen yo$ $!e a finger cli" 'ani!h #o "re#end #o "$# #he coin in#o #he o#her hand& The "oin# i! #ha# $!ing a "$ll #o do #he !a%e #hing can de'elo" a !#ronger a!!$%"#ion and a %ore "o(erf$l effec#& Con!ider an e+a%"le for #he !econd "oin# abo'e& Le#./! a!!$%e yo$ can do an effec#i'e !ide !#eal& Yo$ can ha'e a card !elec#ed and a""aren#ly re"laced in#o #he %iddle of #he dec*& Ac#$ally yo$ !li" #he card o$# (i#h yo$r finger #i"! and in#o #he "al% of #he o#her hand& Then) yo$ can do one of #(o #hing!& Yo$ can de"o!i# #he card on #o" of #he dec* or yo$ can reach in#o yo$r "oc*e# and find #he card #here& No( #he a$dience a!!$%e! #he card (a! "laced in#o #he %iddle of #he dec*& If #he re!$l# i! #ha# #he card i! on #o" of #he dec*) #he a$dience (ill be a%a2ed #o find i# #here& If) ho(e'er) #he re!$l# i! #ha# #he card i! in yo$r "oc*e#) #he a$dience (ill be e'en %ore a%a2ed& Yo$ can a""ly #he #echnology of dece"#ion in ar#f$l co%bina#ion! #o %a+i%i2e #he i%"ac# of an effec#& Le#./! %o'e on& There are a 'arie#y of config$ra#ion! or (ay! of "erfor%ing #ha# "rod$ce a range of i%"ac#& Thi! ha! #o do (i#h doing %agic in yo$r hand!) on #he #able and !o on& Le#./! -$!# li!# #he!e& Magic in yo$r hand!& Magic on #he #able& Magic $#ili2ing co'er!& Magic in #he !"ec#a#or./! hand!& In general) %agic in yo$r hand! ha! #he lea!# i%"ac#& Magic on #he #able ha! %ore of an i%"ac# beca$!e i# i! ha""ening and yo$ are no# #o$ching i#& Ho(e'er) %agic on #he #able $!$ally re,$ire! !o%e !or# of a co'er) !o %agic on #he #able al!o %ean! %agic (i#h co'er!& Ho(e'er) #hi! i! no# al(ay! #r$e& Con!ider #ha# %o!# card #ric*! are done on #he #able b$# do no# re,$ire co'er!& Finally) %agic in #he !"ec#a#or./! hand! generally ha! #he %o!# i%"ac#& No#e #ha# #he!e are general r$le! and #here are %any e+ce"#ion!& The in'i!ible dec* i! one of #he %o!# "o(erf$l #ric*! of #he day and i# all ha""en! in #he "erfor%er./! hand!& Al!o doing %agic in #he !"ec#a#or./! hand! can li%i# #he 'ie( of (ha# i! going on& If #here i! a n$%ber of "eo"le (a#ching) #ho!e #y"e of effec#! can be 'ery bad&
In general) I "refer #o do %y %agic on #he !$rface of #he #able& Thi! !$b-ec# re%ind! %e of #he de'elo"%en# of a cone and coin effec#& The effec# i! 'ery !i%"le& A !il'er dollar and a !il'er dollar !i2ed orien#al coin are "laced on#o #he #able& The !il'er dollar i! co'ered (i#h a cone& The orien#al coin i! held in #he finger #i"! of #he lef# hand& The orien#al coin change! #o a !il'er dollar in #he hand (hile #he !il'er dollar coin $nder #he cone change! #o an orien#al coin& The effec# i! 'ery !#$nning& I had de'elo"ed i# !i%"ly a! a #e!# of %y %agic !*ill!& One day I !aid #o %y!elf) 8If yo$ #hin* yo$ *no( #ha# %$ch abo$# %agic) le#./! !ee yo$ !i# do(n righ# no( and co%e $" (i#h a ne( #ric* #ha# (ill be 'ery) 'ery good&8 I challenged %y!elf and #he cone and coin #ric* (a! #he re!$l#& I began by going o'er a n$%ber of ro$#ine! I (a! "re!en#ly doing and con!idered #ho!e #ha# had "o#en#ial b$# (ere no# going any(here& S"ellbo$nd fi# #ha# ca#egory& I# i! good b$# ne'er really "rod$ce! a !#rong re!"on!e& I al!o #ho$gh# abo$# $!ing co'er! on #he !$rface of #he #able& My "erce"#ion (a! #ha# %agic ha""ening $nder co'er! "rod$ce! a good !#rong re!"on!e fro% #he a$dience& Ma#ri+ of co$r!e (a! %y %odel for #hi!& So I "layed (i#h co%bina#ion! of #hing! (i#h coin!) changing coin! and #hing! ha""ening (i#h co'er!& Cone and coin (a! #he !ol$#ion& I b$il# one and decided #o #e!# i# o$#& I had a friend o'er #o %y a"ar#%en# one day for #he !"ecific #a!* of doing a #e!#& Thi! "er!on (a! ,$i#e in#elligen#& He al!o had no e+"o!$re #o %agic and had ne'er !een %e do %agic& In fac#) he did no# *no( #ha# I (a! in'ol'ed (i#h i#& I #old hi% I (a! going #o !ho( hi% a #ric*& I #old hi% #ha# af#er I did #he #ric*) I (o$ld a!* hi% ho( I did i#& Then I (o$ld #ell hi% if he (a! righ# or (rong& 5i#h #ha#) I "erfor%ed #he cone and coin effec#& He !aid #ha# he co$ld $nder!#and ho( I co$ld !(i#ch one coin for ano#her in %y hand!& Ho(e'er) he had no idea ho( I did #ha#& He had no cl$e) ho(e'er) ho( #he coin $nder #he cone co$ld change fro% one coin #o #he o#her and bac*& I fel# I (a! !$cce!!f$l& I "er!onally feel #ha# %agic in #he hand! of #he !"ec#a#or can be (ea* beca$!e %o!# of #he #i%e #he !"ec#a#or %$!# be !$b-ec#ed #o a !ignifican# a%o$n# of "re"ara#ion #o ge# #he% #o hold or grab in #he correc# (ay& Al!o) %any "erfor%er! I ha'e !een #ha# $#ili2e #he !"ec#a#or./! hand! in !o%e (ay) #end #o be 'ery ro$gh (i#h #he !"ec#a#or ge##ing #he% #o do #he de!ired %o#ion& I #end #o feel %agic on #he #able i! be!#& I a'oid ha'ing #he %agic ha""en in #heir hand!& Ho(e'er) I feel ,$i#e !#rongly #ha# #he !"ec#a#or! !ho$ld be gi'en !o%e chance #o con#rol (ha# i! going on& Thi! con#rol need no# be holding !o%e#hing a# #he "oin# #he %agic occ$r!& They are !i%"le (ay! in (hich a !"ec#a#or can "ar#ici"a#e& Again le#./! %a*e a li!# of #he!e for !i%"le clari#y& B!e #heir ob-ec#! a! "ro"! !$ch a! borro(ing a coin or ring& Ha'e #he% %ar* a card or coin& Allo( #he% #o ri" o"en #he en'elo"e& Allo( #he% #o rai!e #he c$"& Ha'e #he% hold #he end! of #he ro"e& Le# #he% loo* a# #he ring!& The!e #y"e! of ac#ion! grea#ly enhance #he i%"ac# of #he %agic and do no# generally re,$ire !ignifican# #raining or coaching& 5hen I #able ho" I li*e #o (al* $" #o a #able and gi'e !o%eone a dec* of card! and a!* #he% #o !h$ffle i#& Then I !#e" bac* a bi#& I feel 'ery co%for#able (i#h #hi!& I do no# need #o (orry abo$# ha'ing #heir a##en#ion for e'eryone a# #he #able i! (a#ching #heir friend !h$ffle #he card!& They of#en gi'e ad'ice on ho( #o do i# #o really #ri" %e $"& 5hile #he "er!on i! !h$ffling #he card! I a!* #he% #o find #heir fa'ori#e one and gi'e #he o#her card! #o %e& They ha'e a !#ranger a# #heir #able b$# #hey al!o ha'e !o%e con#rol o'er (ha# i! ha""ening& Le#./! %o'e on& IMPACT 5ILL 0E HIGHTENE: IF THE AB:IENCE >NO5S 5HAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN The %o!# "o(erf$l %agic occ$r! (hen #he a$dience *no(! (ha# i! going #o ha""en) ha! #he o""or#$ni#y #o ob!er'e i# (i#ho$# di!#rac#ion and #he %agic ha""en! in !"i#e of #heir in#en!e ob!er'a#ion& Thi! i! one of #he "ro"er#ie! of Ma#ri+ #ha# %a*e! i# !o !#rong& In #he ro$#ine) #hree coin! #ra'el fro% $nder one card #o $nder ano#her card& The a$dience doe! no# *no( (ha# (ill ha""en before #he fir!# coin goe!& So) #he fir!# #ran!"o!i#ion !er'e! #o le# #he a$dience *no( (ha# i! ha""ening& A! #he "erfor%er con#in$e! #he #ric* #he a$dience *no(! #ha# #he
%agician i! going #o do #hi! again& No() fore(arned) #he a$dience (a#che! clo!ely& In !"i#e of #ha#) #he %agic ha""en! any(ay& Then #he #hird #i%e i# ha""en! again& The re"e#i#ion enable! #he a$dience #o for%$la#e o"inion! of ho( #he effec# (or*! and gi'e! #he% a chance #o !ee #ha# (ha#e'er idea #hey ha'e) i! no# #he !ol$#ion& Of#en I ha'e heard #ha# #he bea$#y of %agic i! #he !$r"ri!e i# con#ain!& Ho(e'er) #here i! a co!# #o #hi! !$r"ri!e& There i! #he chance #ha# #he a$dience %igh# !ay) 85ell if I *ne( i# (a! going #o ha""en) I (o$ld *no( (here #o loo* -$!# before i# ha""ened&8 Thi! i! #r$e& :oe! #hi! %ean I o""o!e !$r"ri!e& :efini#ely no#& S$r"ri!e %$!# be a "ar# of e'ery !ho(& Ho(e'er) if yo$ (i!h #ha# dee" i%"ac# %agic can "re!en#) yo$ are 'a!#ly be##er #o le# #he a$dience *no( ahead of #i%e (ha# #o e+"ec#& A "oin# #ha# i! 'ery hard #o reali2e i! ho( !$r"ri!ed #he a$dience i! (hen #hey *no( e+ac#ly (ha# i! !$""o!ed #o ha""en and i# ha""en! (i#ho$# a cl$e any(ay& Tha# !$r"ri!e i! 'ery chilling& I# re%ind! %e of a #i%e I (a! cha##ing (i#h a Mel S#o'er fro% Canada& I (a! "laying (i#h a 'arie#y of coin 'ani!he! a# #he #i%e& I (a! !ho(ing hi% a fe(& One (a! an a##e%"# #o loo* li*e I held a coin in #he finger #i"! and allo(ed i# #o fall in#o #he o#her hand !ligh#ly c$""ed belo(& The $""er hand -$!# di""ed a bi# and e+ec$#ed #he Sna" 0ac* Dani!h& The idea (a! #o crea#e #he ill$!ion #he coin (a! dro""ed fro% hand #o hand& Mel loo*ed a# i# and ga!"ed& Then he "$# hi! hand on %y ar% and !aid) 8Yo$ *no( #ha# loo*ed !o good I #hin* %y hear# !*i""ed a bea#&8 Thi! -$!# %a*e! %e #hin* #ha# really "o(erf$l %agic doe! no# need #o be a !$r"ri!e& Good %agic i! inheren#ly (ondro$!& GAIN IMPACT 0Y INECTING AN EMOTIONAL SLANT INTO THE TRIC> :oing #ric*! (i#h *id! on !#age i! al(ay! a !$re fire (inner& The *id! are c$#e and e'ery %o#her i! char%ed by #heir re!"on!e #o %agic& The !"onge b$nnie! i! ano#her a$#o%a#ic (inner& I (ill ne'er forge# #he fir!# #i%e I !a( !o%eone do #he b$nnie! for a lady& She o"ened her hand and loo*ed a# all #he li##le b$nnie! in her hand and !aid) 8Oh loo*) #hey had babie!&8 I #hin* I (a! in lo'e& If yo$ can in-ec# an e%o#ional !lan# in#o a #ric* yo$ can #ri"le i#! effec#& >arrell Fo+ !ho(ed %e a 'ery in#ere!#ing #ric* one day #ha# !ell! 'ery) 'ery (ell& I# i! a #ric*y #ric* #o do ho(e'er& Yo$ %$!# !e# $" #he dec* !o #ha# (hen yo$ deal !o%e card! o$# yo$ deal #he da#e) #i%e and a -ac*) ,$een and #(o of hear#!& Yo$ (ill be "erfor%ing #hi! for a lady& If !he i! a blond #he ,$een i! red& If #he lady ha! dar* hair #he ,$een i! blac*& If yo$ ha'e dar* hair #he -ac* i! blac*& No( *ee" #hi! !#ac* !o%e"lace o#her #han #he dec* if yo$ (i!h& The handling i! i%%a#erial& So%eho( ha'e her !h$ffle #he card! or -$!# c$# #he%& 5ha#e'er yo$ do) ge# #hi! !#ac* on#o #he #o" of #he dec*& Ne+# yo$ #ell #he lady yo$ are #elling her for#$ne& Ha'e her deal fo$r card! here) #(o o'er #here) ano#her #(o o'er #here and !o on& 5ha# yo$ are doing i! ha'ing her deal #he card! in a "a##ern !o #he da#e i! laid o$# on#o #he #able& So yo$ "oin# a# fo$r card! and i# indica#e! #he year& Ano#her #(o card! indica#e #he %on#h) ano#her #(o #he day and ano#her fo$r #he #i%e& Then yo$ "oin# a# #he -ac* and ,$een& There i! a #(o of hear#! be#(een #he% !o yo$ !ay) 8A# ; a# 17? a dar* haired %an *i!!e! a ligh# haired (o%an&8 Then loo* a# her& She (ill lean o'er !o yo$ can gi'e her a *i!!& The #ric*y "ar# i! #i%ing i# all !o #he righ# da#e and #i%e co%e o$#& >arrell had ano#her grea# !$gge!#ion for a 'ery !i%"le b$# "o(erf$l #ric*& Ge# #he 0$ddha Pa"er! #ric*& I# i! one of #ho!e !i%"le #ric*! #ha# !(i#che! !o%e !%all i#e% for ano#her& In one !ide "$# a (hi#e "iece of "a"er abo$# #he !i2e of a dollar bill& In #he o#her !ide "$# a #ho$!and dollar bill& No( (hen yo$ "erfor% bring o$# #he (hi#e "iece of "a"er and anno$nce yo$ are going #o "rin# a dollar bill& :ra( a %an! "ic#$re in #he %iddle of #he "a"er) "$# ;./! and 2ero! in #he corner! and in general a##e%"# #o dra( a dollar bill& :o i# ,$ic*ly and !lo""ily& P$# i# in#o #he 0$ddha Pa"er!) %a*e #he %agic "a!! and o"en #he #ric* $" !ho(ing #he #ho$!and dollar bill& Then !ay #he line I lo'e #o hear Mr& Fo+ !ay) 8O""!) I "$# #he deci%al "oin# in #he (rong "lace8 A lo# of %en#al effec#! can $#ili2e e%o#ional fac#or! ,$i#e (ell& One !$ch ro$#ine i! (here #he "erfor%er %a*e! a "redic#ion abo$# a car !o%eone %igh# (an# #o b$y& Ho"ef$lly #he %e%ber of #he a$dience (an#! #o b$y a ag$ar or !o%e o#her fancy car& The "erfor%er can ge# a lo# of %ileage o$# #hi!& I ha'e !een i# done #(ice& A# one #i%e #he !"ec#a#or (an#ed a Mercede! 0en2& The o#her #i%e #he "er!on (an#ed #o order a Che'role#& Oh (ell) yo$ can./# (in #he% all&
If yo$ can !o%eho( "er!onali2e a #ric* or !o%eho( do !o%e#hing #ha# really affec#! "eo"le! li'e! yo$ can add a grea# deal of i%"ac#& INCREASE IMPACT 0Y ALTERNATING 0ET5EEN TENSION AN: RELAKATION 5hen (e #hin* of "rod$cing a !ho( (i#h a lo# of i%"ac# (e drea% of !#ar#ing off a# a high le'el and "$!hing i# #o #he %a+& Bnfor#$na#ely h$%an being! do no# (or* #ha# (ay& So%e(here el!e in #hi! doc$%en# I "oin#ed o$# #ha# yo$ canno# foc$! yo$r eye! on one "oin# con!#an#ly& Li*e(i!e) #he a$dience canno# be held a# a high "i#ch con!#an#ly& Ra#her #han "re!! for high i%"ac# d$ring yo$r en#ire ac#) a##e%"# #o cycle #he i%"ac# $" and do(n& Con!ider #he (hole of yo$r !ho( a! a ,$ie# !ea& The ,$ie# #i%e! are !oo#hing and "lea!an#& Then) d$ring yo$r "erfor%ance yo$ rai!e #he a$dience #o a high "oin# a! !o%e %iracle occ$r!& Af#er #ha# yo$ le# #he% dro" bac* in#o #he ,$ie# !ea& Th$! yo$ crea#e a roller coa!#er ride& The i%"ac# of yo$r "erfor%ance de"end! $"on #he difference in heigh# of #he le'el of #he !ea and #he high "oin# of each dece"#ion& Yo$r ac# i! "rogra%%ed !o #ha# each ride $" i! higher #han #he "re'io$!& To(ard #he end of yo$r ac# yo$ a##e%"# #o dri'e i# #o #he %a+ (i#h a !ingle b$r!# of energy& PERFORMING AGAIN AN: AGAIN MA>ES IT 0ETTER The "re'io$! "oin#! (ere con!idered a! yo$ b$il# yo$r ac# or crea#ed a ne( effec#& Yo$ ha'e "$# i# #oge#her and yo$ are doing i#& No( yo$ !or# of !(i#ch gear! and #(ea* (ha# yo$ ha'e #o %a*e i# be##er& The fir!# le!!on i! #ha# con!#an# "erfor%ance i#!elf add! i%"ac#& Thi! i! one of #he ele%en#! #ha# !e"ara#e! #he "ro for% #he a%a#e$r& The "ro i! doing a #ric* again and again& 5he#her by choice or by acciden#) change! (ill be %ade d$ring each "erfor%ance& 5hen a change) (ha#e'er i# %ay be) i%"ro'e! #he i%"ac#) #ha# change re%ain! in #he ac#& For e+a%"le) d$ring one "erfor%ance an a$dience %e%ber %ay !ay !o%e#hing #ha# ge#! a big la$gh& Tha# line (ill beco%e a "ar# of #he ac#& Of co$r!e #he!e i#e%! are diffic$l# #o de!cribe b$# I do ha'e a fe( e+a%"le! on %y %ind& I began "erfor%ing a coin! acro!! ro$#ine abo$# ;@?& I do no# #hin* i# (a! a "ar#ic$larly !#rong ro$#ine& I# ha! been $nder de'elo"%en# !ince I began doing i# and re%ain! $nder de'elo"%en# #oday& Ho(e'er) I (ill al(ay! "erfor% i#) (ha#e'er 'er!ion I a% doing& And i# ge#! be##er and be##er& And no# beca$!e #he %o'e! are ge##ing be##er& Each #i%e I "erfor% i# I %a*e i# a bi# %ore clear& Each #i%e I "erfor% i# I add a li##le differen# (ay of !ho(ing !o%e#hing #o #he a$dience& For e+a%"le) a# one #i%e I !i%"ly le# a coin #o !li" in#o %y hand& I# ha""ened !lo(ly !o e'eryone co$ld !ee e+ac#ly (ha# ha""ened& One day I loo*ed a# a !"ec#a#or and !aid) 8I! #ha# fair&8 They re!"onded (i#h a 'ery "o!i#i'e) 8Ye!&8 I# (a! %ore #han !i%"ly a "o!i#i'e ye!& I# (a! %ore li*e) 8Ye!) are yo$ really going #o %a*e #ha# coin di!a""ear fro% #ha# hand8 In o#her (ord!) #he %o'e (a! !o clean and #he !"ec#a#or had an idea of (ha# (a! going #o ha""en) #hey co$ld no# belie'e I co$ld be !o o"en& I e'en#$ally !#ar#ed a!*ing #he ,$e!#ion for each coin #ha# !li""ed in#o %y hand& I# beca%e a *ind of r$nning gag& I# !ee%ed #o add a lo# #o #he "erfor%ance& I# al!o !ee%ed #o clarify (ha# (a! going on d$ring #he "erfor%ance& Tha# li##le bi# of b$!ine!! beca%e a %a-or "ar# of #he !ho(& The o#her e+a%"le ha! #o do (i#h #he "erfor%ance of an a%bi#ion! card ro$#ine& The 'er!ion I do i! fro% 0er# Aller#on./! boo*le#) 8The Clo!e B" Magician8& He called i# #he Eye Po""er& I began "erfor%ing #hi! ro$#ine d$ring #he ;@./! & A# #ha# #i%e #he effec# ne'er !ee%ed #o go (ell& For !o%e rea!on I con#in$ed "erfor%ing #he effec#& The ro$#ine re,$ired a #ri"le lif#) a do$ble lif# and a #$rn o'er %o'e (hich %o'ed a card fro% #he %iddle of #he dec* #o !econd card fro% #he #o"& For !o%e rea!on) a! I "erfor%ed #hi! effec# o'er #he year!) i# go# be##er& No( I con!ider i# a !$re9fire lay%an "lea!er& A# #i%e! #he effec# on #he a$dience i! !o "rono$nced #ha# I canno# con#in$e "erfor%ing& The a$dience i! !o !hoc*ed and reac#ing a%ong!# #he%!el'e! #hey are no# "aying a##en#ion #o (ha# I !ay or do& Al#ho$gh %agician! do no# re!"ond (i#h !$ch !#reng#h #o #he "erfor%ance of #hi! ro$#ine I a% con!#an#ly #old by %agician! #ha# (hen #hey read Aller#on./! ro$#ine #hey did no# #hin* i# (o$ld (or* a# all and e+"re!! !$r"ri!e #ha# #he %o'e loo*! !o good& I do no# *no( (hy #he ro$#ine i%"ro'ed o'er #he year!& So #he only le!!on here i! #ha# con!#an# "erfor%ance i! a grea# i%"ac# enhancer& A !al# !ha*er #hro$gh #he #able ro$#ine i! ano#her #ric* #ha# did no# !ee% #o ge# an a""ro"ria#e re!"on!e& I !#ar#ed doing #he #hic* (hen I heard Larry Ander!on !ay) 8I./'e go# #o do #ha# #ric* e'ery !ho(&8 Tha# *ind of a !#a#e%en#
a##rac#! %y a##en#ion& So I decided #o "$# !o%e energy in#o i#& My ro$#ine i! a li##le differen# b$# for o$r "$r"o!e! here i# co$ld be #he !#andard ro$#ine in (hich a !al# !ha*er i! co'ered (i#h a na"*in and la""ed& Then I (o$ld cr$!h #he na"*in !ho(ing #he !al# !ha*er (a! gone& I# i! a 'ery good #ric* b$# for !o%e rea!on #he i%"ac# on #he a$dience (a! no# a! !#rong a! i# !ho$ld ha'e been& I (ondered (ha# I !ho$ld do& :$ring one "erfor%ance I cr$!hed #he na"*in) "laced i# on #he %iddle of #he #able and hi# i# (i#h %y %iddle finger !ending i# flying #o(ard #he a$dience& Tha# ac#ion go# a 'ery !#rong re!"on!e fro% #he a$dience& For !o%e rea!on i# relea!ed a #en!ion #ha# (a! b$il# $" in #he a$dience& 5hy) I do no# *no(& Ho(e'er) #ha# ac#ion !#ayed in %y ac#& Ano#her #hing !ee%! #o e%erge a! ac#! de'elo"& I ha'e no#iced #hi! abo$# %y o(n and !een !i%ilar #hing! in o#her "eo"le./! ac#!& I don./# *no( if #hey "laned i# or no#& A# !o%e "oin# (e ha'e acco%"li!hed !o%e %agical e'en# #ha# i! no# ,$i#e re'ealed #o #he a$dience& Then !o%e li##le #hing can be done gi'ing a cl$e #o #he a$dience #ha# #he %agic ha! occ$rred& Thi! li##le #hing b$ild! a grea# deal of an#ici"a#ion in #he a$dience -$!# before re'ealing #he f$ll force of #he effec#& S$ch a #hing occ$r! in %y coin! acro!! ro$#ine& The fir!# coin i! #ra'eling fro% one hand #o ano#her& I %a*e #he %y!#ical "a!! and a clin* i! heard fro% %y righ# hand& Thi! i! !#range for #he a$dience belie'e! #ha# #here i! only one coin #here& The clin* ge#! a !ignifican# reac#ion fro% #he a$dience& I%%edia#ely af#er #ha# I !ho( a coin ha! arri'ed #o #ha# hand& Pa$l Green doe! a !i%ilar #hing& He force! a card on !o%eone in #he a$dience an #$rn! hi! bac* on #he a$dience (hile #hey !ho( #he !elec#ed card #o #heir friend!& Then he #$rn! aro$nd holding a gian# card face again!# hi! che!# (i#h a broad !%ile acro!! hi! face& The !$!"en!e and i%"ac# #ha# b$ild! i! 'ery) 'ery good& Richard Ro#h doe! a coin #ric* (i#h !o%e coin! and a !%all globe of #he (orld& Af#er 'ani!hing !e'eral coin! he !ay!) 85here in #he (orld do yo$ #hin* #ho!e coin! (en#8 Tha# i! a "ricele!! line& I ha'e heard #ha# ohnny Ace Pal%er "rod$ce! a bo##le fro% $nder a !carf (i#h grea# !*ill& $!# before i# i! !ho(n #o #he a$dience he allo(! a bo##le o"ener #o clin* again!# #he bo##le $nder #he !carf& The noi!e dri'e! #he a$dience (ild and #he bo##le i! i%%edia#ely "rod$ced& 5ere each of #he!e inciden#! "lanned 5he#her or no# #he!e are #he *ind! of #hing! #ha# (ill e%erge a! yo$ "erfor%& A! #i%e "a!!e! #hey !e# yo$r ac# a"ar# fro% all o#her!& SBE./S STORY S$2anne The Magician ra#her& S$2anne i! a (al* aro$nd clo!e9$" (or*er& A# #hi! (ri#ing She ha! been doing i# for %ore #han ;? year!& A# one #i%e !he (a! one of %y !#$den#!& One day !he !aid) 8Al) I (an# #o do clo!e9$" in re!#a$ran#!& 5ha# do I do8 I #old her and !he did i#& No() (hen I need ad'ice abo$# %agic I a!* her& Yo$ %igh# be c$rio$! abo$# (ha# I #old her in #he beginning& 5ell) I !aid yo$ need #o learn #hree #ric*! really (ell& Then) call fa%ily orien#ed re!#a$ran#! and a!* for an o""or#$ni#y #o co%e in a #al* #o #he% abo$# doing %agic for #heir c$!#o%er!& I !$gge!#ed #ha# !he no# call #he% (hen #hey %igh# be 'ery b$!y& I al!o !$gge!#ed #ha# !he !ho$ld no# foc$! on any one re!#a$ran#& In!#ead) (or* on !e'eral $n#il !o%e#hing clic*!& 5e #hen (or*ed on #hree #ric*!& They (ere) E+"an!ion of Sil'er) a #ric* (i#h a #h$%b #i" and "iece of yarn and Profe!!or./! Nigh#%are& The #h$%b #i" (a! $!ed in con-$nc#ion (i#h #he hand*erchief fro% #he E+"an!ion of Sil'er #ric*& The #h$%b #i" (a! "laced in#o #he han*& A !hor# "iece of hea'y yarn (a! "$!hed in#o #he #h$%b #i") #he a$dience belie'ing #he yarn (a! #$c*ed in#o #he cen#er of #he han*& Then #he yarn (a! ca$!ed #o di!a""ear& Then S$e (o$ld ha'e a !"ec#a#or hand her a na"*in (hich !he (o$ld roll $" and e+#rac# #he yarn fro% #he %iddle& The Profe!!or./! Nigh#%are (a! #he ba!ic ro$#ine in (hich #hree differen# !i2e ro"e! are !#re#ched #o #he !a%e leng#h& I had (or*ed o$# a 'ery nice co$n# #ha# co$ld be done inche! fro% a !"ec#a#or./! face and !#ill be 'ery dece"#i'e& 3Thi! co$n# !ee%! #o be 'ery !#andard no(&4 S$e %a!#ered #he!e #ric*! and #hen !#ar#ed calling re!#a$ran#!& S$e i! a 'ery bra'e "er!on& I co$ld no# do #hi! *ind of calling& She did ho(e'er) and (a! ge##ing in#er'ie(! all o'er #he ci#y& 5i#hin abo$# a %on#h or #(o !he had !e'eral gig! aro$nd #o(n (or*ing a# fa%ily #y"e re!#a$ran#!& Righ# no( I (o$ld li*e #o #a*e a li##le de#o$r and di!c$!! (ha# I call #he big brea* #heory& In #al*ing #o "eo"le #ha# ha'e beco%e 'ery !$cce!!f$l I ha'e
no#iced a "a##ern& They began doing !o%e#hing #hey li*e& There i! no g$aran#ee #hey (ill be !$cce!!f$l& They -$!# do i# beca$!e #hey can and #hey li*e i# and #hey ha'e ho"e i# (ill !o%eday "ay off& A! #i%e "a!!e! #hey ge# good a# (ha#e'er #hey do& Then one day #hey ge# a big brea*& For e+a%"le) #here (a! a b$nch of engineer! #ha# b$il# a co%"$#er board for #he PC./! #ha# ca%e o$# a long #i%e ago& They #ho$gh# i# (a! a good idea and did no# ha'e a "ar#ic$lar %ar*e# for i#& They go# a boo#h a# a local #rade !ho( and "$# #heir board! on #he #able& So%e g$y co%e! along and !ay!) 8Yo$ *no() %y co%"any co$ld $!e #he!e& Ho( long (o$ld i# #a*e #o %a*e ;) of #he!e8 Then) o'ernigh# #hey had a !erio$! b$!ine!!& In #he big brea* #heory a "er!on !#ar#! doing !o%e#hing (ell& I# i! no# nece!!arily a grea# idea& I# i! no# nece!!arily a real %oney %a*er& They -$!# do i# (ell& Then one day !o%eone decide! #hey need i# or a lo# of "eo"le decide #hey need i#& Thi! i! #he e!!ence of #he big brea* #heory& The big brea* #heory i! ba!ed on #he idea #ha# a "er!on beco%e! co%"e#en# a# !o%e#hing #ha# !e#! #he !#age for a big change& To ge# bac* #o S$e) a big brea* ca%e along in #he na%e of E$gene 0$rger& He had b$!ine!! in #he T(in Ci#ie! abo$# #hi! #i%e and decided #o do a lec#$re& S$e %e# hi% a# #he lec#$re and %en#ioned !he (a! doing clo!e9$" (or* aro$nd #o(n& She did a #ric* for E$gene& He !aid he had a friend #ha# %anaged a cl$b in #o(n and !$gge!#ed !he call hi%& E$gene called hi! friend #hen S$e called E$gene./! friend& The re!$l# (a! #ha# S$e !#ar#ed (or*ing a# one of #he ho##e!# cl$b! in #o(n& She go# her big brea*& The cl$b (a! fre,$en#ed by #he Minnea"oli! eli#e and S$e !#ar#ed ge##ing really cla!!y ho$!e gig!& She al!o had changed her ac# ,$i#e a bi#& Ma#ri+ (a! one of her !#a"le! along (i#h coin! acro!!) #he In'i!ible :ec* and Card 5ar"& No( i# i! ea!y #o !ay #ha# !he -$!# had l$c* and *ne( #he righ# "eo"le& Ho(e'er) #here are #(o fac#or! #he (ere 'ery %$ch in her fa'or) !he (a! doing da%n good %agic and !he (a! bra'e eno$gh #o %a*e "hone call!& I %igh# be good a# one b$# I can./# do #he o#her& Year! la#er I a!*ed (hy E$gene had gi'en #ha# infor%a#ion #o S$e and noone el!e& The re!"on!e (a!) 8Noone el!e a!*ed8 No( !he i! !i%"ly an old "ro o$# #here %a*ing a li'ing a# i#& C$rio$!ly) %o!# of her #ric*! no( are card effec#!& 5e had a cha# recen#ly and !he confe!!ed) 8I./% doing #he !a%e #hing I./'e been doing for year!) ye# (hen I do !#$ff #heir -a( hi#! #he #able& 5ha# a% I doing differen#8 5e decided #o ge# #oge#her and !he (o$ld do !o%e of her #ric*! for %e #o a!cer#ain (ha# (a! going on& So) le#./! di!c$!! her and #he %agic !he doe!& S$2anne i! a li##le) !hor#) "re##y lady& Her fir!# r$le of doing b$!ine!! i! #o no# a""roach a #able #ha# doe! no# (an# #o !ee %agic& I a!*ed her ho( !he de#er%ine! #hi! and !he !aid !he doe! no# *no(& $!# doing i# for a(hile one learn! (ho can be a""roached and (ho canno#& For e+a%"le) if a g$y and gal are loo*ing in#o each o#her! eye! and #heir coffee i! cold) #ha# (o$ld be a no9no& 5hen !he doe! a""roach a #able !he e!#abli!he! a ra""or# (i#h #he a$dience righ# a(ay& I ha'e !een her do her #hing& So%e#i%e! !he (al*! righ# $") !"read! her ar%! (ide and !ay!) 8Ta :aaaaaaa&8 A 'ery bra2en a""roach& Ho(e'er) !he doe! no# !#ar# doing %agic righ# a(ay& She !%oo2e!& C$#e cha#& Ho( are yo$ Ho( i! dinner E#c& In !eeing her "erfor% yo$ canno# de#ec# an in#rod$c#ion nor can yo$ de#ec# (hen !he ac#$ally !#ar#! doing a #ric*& In fac# (hen yo$ (a#ch her 8"erfor%8 yo$ %igh# #hin* #ha# #he "eo"le !he i! #al*ing #o are old friend!& I !a( her #al*ing #o a g$y a# a #rade !ho( gig !he (a! doing& She #al*ed #o hi%) !ho(ed hi% a #ric* and he lef#& I a!*ed her (ho her friend (a! af#er he lef# and !he !aid) 8He./! no# a friend) I (a! -$!# doing %y "i#ch&8 No() le#./! ge# do(n #o b$!ine!! and re'ie( ho( !he ac#$ally "re!en#! a #ric*& Fir!# #heir i! no in#rod$c#ion or !#a#e%en# abo$# doing a #ric*& In one !econd !he i! !ch%oo2ing and #he ne+# in!#an# !he doe! !o%e#hing !illy& For e+a%"le) !he offer! #o ha'e !o%eone !elec# a card& A! #hey reach !he "$#! a card in#o #heir hand& She !ay) 8Oh) do yo$ (an# a differen# one8 Then !he #a*e! bac* #he fir!# card and gi'e! #he% ano#her& Then !he !ay!) 8Oh) %aybe yo$ (an# #o "ic* yo$r o(n8 :$ring #hi! by9"lay a card i! !igned and re#$rned #o #he dec*& Al!o d$ring #hi! by9"lay !he ha! !e# $" for a ra"id fire !e,$ence of !e'eral %agical e'en#!& S$ddenly card! go #o her "oc*e#) #o" change! occ$r) #he !"ec#a#or./! card i! !$ddenly o'er #here and !o on& So) le#./! analy2e (ha# i! going on& S$e !ay! !he i! o$# #o ha'e a good #i%e
(i#h #he "eo"le& She al!o !ay! (an#! #o do good %agic& She al!o !ay! #ha# !he doe! #he %o'e! d$ring off bea# %o%en#! !o !he i! !#r$ggling real hard #o crea#e offbea# !i#$a#ion!& She i! al(ay! !#e""ing bac* af#er an effec#) and ge##ing ready for #he ne+# hi#& I ha'e ac#$ally !een her do #hi!& A !"ec#a#or./! can be holding a card loo*ing a# i# and !he ha! !#e""ed a(ay for a %o%en# (i#h a calc$la#ed loo* in her eye& 5hile #ha# g$y i! loo*ing a# #he card !he i! !e##ing $" for !o%e#hing el!e& She i! con!#an#ly #rying ne( co%bina#ion! and ne( effec#!& Ho(e'er) !he i! no# !$re (hy !he i! !o !$cce!!f$l& No() %y analy!i!& S$e ha! #(o "ri%ary goal!) *noc* #heir !oc*! off and ge# #he% #o li*e her& 5hen !he a""roache! a #able !he i! 'ery friendly and ge#! #he a$dience #o iden#ify (i#h her& She i! a "ar#y ani%al #ha# e'eryone lo'e!& Ho(e'er) !he i! al!o a calc$la#ing ca# loo*ing for a chance #o "o$nce& :$ring her c$#e chi#9cha# !he i! loo*ing #o !ee (hen her a$dience i! #o#ally off g$ard& Then !he %o'e! in for #he *ill& :$ring #he #i%e !he i! being coy) !he i! !e##ing $" for a !e,$ence of e'en#! #ha# go bang) bang) bang& The a$dience lo'e! i#& There are #(o "ri%ary "oin#! abo$# all of #hi!& The fir!# i! #he ac#$al effec# of #he c$#e by9"lay& The !econd i! #he !olid co%%$nica#ion lin* !he e+ec$#e! (hen #he ac#$al %agic i! occ$rring& Le#./! loo* a# #he effec# of #he c$#e by9 "lay& :$ring #hi! "ha!e of #he "re!en#a#ion) no %agic i! being done& In fac# i# i! really !aying I canno# do %agic& I# i! !i%ilar #o #he %agic a child %igh# do& Sha*e a card and "re#end i# ha! changed& Mi!na%e a card) !ay a %agic (ord and #hen na%e #he card correc#ly& All of #hi! i! deli'ered $nder #he g$i!e of "lay& I# i! "lea!an# and f$n for all in'ol'ed& Ho(e'er) in a !en!e i# i! %i!direc#ion for !he i! labeling her!elf a! an $n!*illed "er!on& Ho(e'er) !he i! 'ery !*illed& 5hen !he ha! l$lled #he% in#o her fan#a!y (orld !he dro"! #he ha%%er& The !econd i!!$e i! #ha# (hen #he ha%%er i! falling again and again her co%%$nica#ion cycle i! 'ery !#rong& Tha# i!) !he i! no# r$!hing #he a$dience #hro$gh each !#e"& She i! "a$!ing a grea# deal) gi'ing #he a$dience a chance #o gra!" #he gra'i#y of (ha# -$!# occ$rred& She !#e"! bac* a bi# 3%y "oin# here i! #ha# !he "hy!ically !#e"! bac*(ard4 allo(ing #he "er!on !"ace and a chance #o brea#h& She al!o con#in$e! #o do #he %i!labeling& She ac#! !$r"ri!ed and be(ildered& Ho(e'er) !he i! doing a #o" change or !li""ing a card o$# of her "oc*e# or (ha#e'er& She i! #he ca# !la!hing #he %ind! of her a$dience& The %agic !ee%! #o ha""en by i#!elf& I# !ee%! #o be de#ached fro% her& The a$dience #hen #hin*! i# i! a%a2ing for !he ha! !$!"ended #heir di!belief& They do no# belie'e !he i! doing i#& They al!o li*e her and are 'ery (illing #o ad%i# #hey are fooled& S$e i! a(are of #he difference be#(een Dir#$al Magic and Thea#er Magic& 5e bo#h agree #ha# in (al* aro$nd one canno# do Dir#$al Magic or #ha# i# i! 'ery diffic$l# #o do& Tha# !or# of %agic re,$ire! a grea# deal of #ho$gh# in#en!i#y and i! 'ery diffic$l# in #he (al* aro$nd en'iron%en#& She doe! belie'e !he i! doing Thea#er Magic& She belie'e! #ha# if #he %agic !he i! doing (ere #o !#and alone i# (o$ld ha'e #ro$ble flying& Ho(e'er) (i#h #he c$#e ac#ing and !ch%oo2ing i# all (or*! (ell and her a$dience #hin*! !he i! an a(e!o%e %agician& 0$# #hen) !he i!& 5ell) I ho"e yo$ fo$nd #hi! di!c$!!ion abo$# S$e fa!cina#ing& I# i! a le!!on abo$# increa!ing #he i%"ac# of yo$r "erfor%ance& I# #o$che! on !e'eral fac#or!& Ac#$ally i# #o$che! on !e'eral fac#or! #hro$gh o$# #hi! en#ire ar#icle& A! I ha'e #al*ed #o !o%e leng#h abo$# %y !#yle and no( S$e./! !#yle yo$ ha'e !een #(o 'ery differen# (ay! of doing %agic& In #he ne+# cha"#er (e di!c$!! differen# !#yle! e'en %ore& CHAPTER TEN THE >IN: OF MAGIC YOB :O A! yo$ de'elo" yo$r %agic !*ill! yo$ (o$ld be (i!e #o for%$la#e a !"ecific !#yle for #he *ind of %agic #ha# yo$ do& There are !e'eral ca#egorie! in #hi! endea'or& A li!# i! a""ro"ria#e& 5here do yo$ e+"ec# #o "erfor% 5ha# *ind of "eo"le do yo$ e+"ec# #o "erfor% for
5ha# *ind of %agician do yo$ in#end #o "re!en# 5ha# !#yle of %agic do yo$ in#end #o do Ac#$ally an!(ering #he!e ,$e!#ion! i! %ore li*e for%$la#ing a %ar*e#ing "lan #han #rying #o do %agic& Yo$ are really #rying #o e!#abli!h a b$!ine!! (hich i! yo$ doing %agic& :$ring #he "roce!! of an!(ering #he!e ,$e!#ion! yo$ are e!#abli!hing #he "rod$c# yo$ are a##e%"#ing #o !ell& If yo$ are dabbling in %agic i# doe! no# %a##er if yo$ are foc$!ed or no#& If) ho(e'er) yo$ (i!h #o be !$cce!!f$l a# any le'el) an!(ering #he!e ,$e!#ion! and follo(ing a "lan (ill direc# yo$r effor#! !o yo$ can ac#$ally reach a goal& E'en if yo$ !ay yo$ !i%"ly (an# #o en#er#ain #he friend! aro$nd yo$) a "lan of ac#ion (ill hel" yo$ !i%"ly #o be #he life of #he "ar#y& Here i! %y an!(er! #o #he abo'e ,$e!#ion!& I e+"ec# #o do clo!e9$" %agic !i##ing a# a #able& The a$dience (ill be fro% = #o ;? "eo"le !i##ing in chair! in fron# of and #o #he lef# and righ# of #he #able& I canno# "erfor% (i#h "eo"le i%%edia#ely #o %y lef#) righ# or behind %e& I a!!$%e #he roll of a "er!on #ha# once (a! in !ho( b$!ine!!& 5hen I "erfor% I a% !ho(ing #he *ind of %agic I once did& I do no# "erfor% i# b$# I de%on!#ra#e (ha# I can do in a 'ery #echnical (ay& My goal i! #o ac# a! if I a% !ho(ing %y a$dience (ha# goe! on behind #he !cene! in #he en#er#ain%en# (orld& 5hile I "erfor% I !#ri'e #o e!#abli!h #(o (ay co%%$nica#ion (i#h %y a$dience& My goal i! #ha# #hey do no# "ercei'e (e are in a !#andard "erfor%era$dience rela#ion!hi"& Ra#her %y !ho( i! "ar# of a bigger con'er!a#ion in (hich (e are "re!en#ly di!c$!!ing %agic& Thi! conce"# ca%e fro% #he ob!er'a#ion #ha# "eo"le) in general) are 'ery an+io$! #o be a!!ocia#ed (i#h #he "erfor%er and go behind #he c$r#ain in !o%e (ay& Of#en #hey (i!h #o !hare a #ric* #hey %igh# *no( or #al* abo$# a %agician in #heir life #hey *no(& They (an# #o !hare %agic no# be "erfor%ed for& In %y life) #he "lace! I ac#$ally "erfor% a# are 'ery li%i#ed& They are ei#her a# !o%eone./! ho%e a# (hich I "erfor% a# #he dining roo% #able or i# i! in !o%e b$!ine!! of (hich I a% (or*ing a! a con#rac# "rogra%%er& A# %any of %y clien# !i#e! I beco%e friend! (i#h "eo"le and (hen #hey learn I do %agic #hey (an# #o !ee !o%e& So I agree #o do !o& Thi! e'en# $!$ally beco%e! a 'ery big #hing in #he co%"any for (hen #he (ord ge#! o$# e'eryone in #he co%"any (an#! #o !ee i#& Occa!ionally I a% !e# $" in a cafe#eria and (ill do ; !ho(! in an af#ernoon& One of %y re,$ire%en#! i! #ha# #he ho!# e!#abli!h a #able for %e #o "erfor% a# and #he a$dience %$!# en#er #hi! area #o !ee #he "erfor%ance& Thi! #end! #o eli%ina#e hec*ler! for only #ho!e in#ere!#ed in !eeing %agic (ill co%e& Al!o #he %agic i! ne'er a !$r"ri!e& All *no( #ha# i# i! %e and I a% going #o do %agic #ha# #hey are e+"ec#ed #o !i# and (a#ch& I do %o!#ly !leigh# of hand (i#h "ro"! #ha#) in general) are no# e+cl$!i'ely %agic "ro"!& Thi! %ean! a lo# of coin!) card!) finger ring! and !i%ilar "ro"!& I #ry #o 'ary #he "ro"! I $!e) !(i#ching fro% coin! #o card! #o !%all ball! d$ring #he !ho(& A grea# deal of effor# i! !"en# a##e%"#ing #o e!#abli!h a (ar% rela#ion!hi" (i#h #he a$dience& I do no# ha'e an o"ening #ric*& I !i# a# #he #able (hile #he a$dience fil#er! in and loca#e a chair #o !i# in& I a% "laying (i#h a dec* of card! on #he clo!e9$" "ad& I do ribbon !"read! and card flo$ri!he! (hile I cha# (i#h "eo"le en#ering #he area& :$ring #hi! #i%e I a% al!o direc#ing "eo"le #o a co%for#able "lace #o !i#& Of#en "eo"le a!* ho( I ribbon !"read #he card! and ca$!e #he% #o fli" o'er& I le# #he% #ry #o fli" o'er #he ribbon !"read card!& A! e'eryone i! !e##ling do(n I do a "lanned !erie! of card flo$ri!he! and ge# in#o #he "erfor%ance& There i! no anno$nce%en# #ha# I a% beginning& Le#./! con#in$e #hi! di!c$!!ion by con!idering #he #y"e! of %agic yo$ co$ld do& Fir!# (e (ill a!!$%e yo$ (i!h #o do clo!e9$" a! #ha# i! #he foc$! of #hi! doc$%en#& In clo!e9$" yo$ co$ld7 Si# a# a #able S#and behind a #able& S#and in fron# of a #able& 5al* aro$nd #able #o #able& Yo$ co$ld !#and a# #he !ide of #he #able (hile yo$ "erfor%& Yo$ co$ld !i# a# #he #able (i#h #he "a#ron!& Yo$ co$ld !e# $" a #able on #he !ide of #he roo% and #ho!e #ha# (an#ed #o (a#ch co$ld go #here&
Yo$ co$ld do clo!e9$" in a 'ery !%all #hea#er arrange%en#& Yo$ co$ld do clo!e9$" in a large #hea#er $!ing "ro-ec#ion TD enabling a large a$dience #o !ee yo$& Yo$ co$ld be a TD %agician al(ay! "erfor%ing only for a ca%era& Yo$ co$ld (al* aro$nd a# "ar#ie! fro% !%all gro$" #o !%all gro$" "erfor%ing (hile !#anding& Trade! !ho(! !#anding behind or in fron# of a #able& Trade !ho(! !#anding on a "la#for%& Yo$ co$ld be a bar#ender %agician& Yo$ %igh# only do i%"ro%"#$ %agic for "eo"le yo$ %ee# in yo$r daily life& If yo$ !elec# one of #he!e "erfor%ance !#yle! yo$ can e+cel a# #ha# !#yle and %a*e a big i%"ac# $"on #ho!e yo$ "erfor% for& If yo$ e+"ec# #o "erfor% in all of #he!e en'iron%en#! yo$ can e+"ec# #ha# yo$ (ill no# be o$#!#anding in any one& I offer #hi! fro% %y "er!onal e+"erience& A! indica#ed I "erfor% !i##ing a# a #able& 5hen I ha'e done (al*aro$nd %agic %o'ing fro% #able #o #able %y "erfor%ance i! 'ery (ea*& I -$!# don./# !ell (ell& Ho(e'er) in %y ele%en# behind a #able) I really *ic* b$##& 0eyond -$!# "ic*ing a !#yle #here i! a good rea!on for de#er%ining yo$r e+ac# !#yle& The *ind of %agic yo$ do (ill de"end $"on #he circ$%!#ance! yo$ "erfor% (i#hin& I !i# a# a #able and #herefore can be %ore in'ol'ed #han if I (ere (al*ing fro% gro$" #o gro$"& If I decided #o do %agic (al*ing fro% gro$" #o gro$" a# a "ar#y I #hin* I (o$ld need #o !"end < year! de'elo"ing #he righ# %a#erial& In #he gro$" #o gro$" !i#$a#ion #he #ric*! need #o be !hor# and need #o be in #heir hand!& They al!o need #o "o!!e! grea#er i%"ac#& I a% no# going #o !#and in one "lace for ; %in$#e!& I (o$ld only "erfor% for abo$# <& Then) I need #o ge# in) do an in#rod$c#ory #ric* and #hen dro" a ha%%er on #he%& Ho"ef$lly) #hey (ill all be la$ghing (hen I (al* a(ay& Tha# i! #he (ay a "ar#y !ho$ld go& In %y "re!en# !#yle of "erfor%ing one gro$" lea'e! #he area (hile ano#her one co%e! in #o !ee ano#her !ho(& 5hen one gro$" i! lea'ing #hey are !ha*ing #heir head! in conf$!ion and !aying #hing! #o each o#her !$ch a!) 8Ei#her I./'e had #o %$ch #o drin* or #ha# g$y hy"no#i2ed $! all&8 The "eo"le en#ering %y "erfor%ing area !ee #hi! conf$!ion and ge# #he idea #ha# !o%e#hing o%ino$! i! abo$# #o ha""en& Tha# i! #he be!# o"ening effec# one co$ld "o!!ibly ha'e& A !i%ilar effec# co$ld be had in a (al* aro$nd en'iron%en#& Con!ider (ha# i# co$ld be li*e& An ob!er'er (o$ld !ee yo$ (al* $" #o a !%all gro$" of "eo"le #al*ing& A %o%en# la#er #here (o$ld be an e+"lo!ion of la$gh#er fro% #ho!e fe( "eo"le a! yo$ (al* a(ay& Then) !$ch an ob!er'er (o$ld !ee yo$ a""roach ano#her gro$" fro% (hich follo(ed ano#her e+"lo!ion of la$gh#er& So$nd! grea# doe!n./# i#& If yo$ "lan a "hilo!o"hy for yo$r o'erall "erfor%ance yo$ can !hoo# for !$ch an o$#co%e and ha'e a be##er chance of achie'ing i#& No( le#./! di!c$!! goal! yo$ co$ld e!#abli!h for yo$r "erfor%ance !#yle& Again le#./! li!# !o%e& Really fool "eo"le Ge# #he% #o la$gh Ge# #he (o%en #o !crea% Fool one "er!on and le# e'eryone el!e in on #he -o*e& S#r$c#$re #he "erfor%ance !o i# a""ear! !o%eone in #he a$dience i! ac#$ally doing #he %agic& Prod$ce a !ignifican# e%o#ional re!"on!e& I ha'e !een differen# "erfor%er! #ha# ado"# each one of #he!e !#yle! of "erfor%ance& Each i! 'al$ed and co%"aring #he% i! $!ele!! for each ha! i#! o(n char%& Pic* one) or be##er) de'elo" yo$r o(n #o e!#abli!h a "o(erf$l hard hi##ing !ho(& I ha'e heard of !#ree# (or*er! #ha# !ho( a !%all f$rry ani%al and "lace i# $nder a ladie! coa# #o *ee" i# (ar%& A %o%en# la#er !he #a*e! a "ee* #o !ee ho( #he li##le crea#$re i! doing and find! a !na*e& She !hrie*! and #he cro(d goe! (ild& So%e #rade !ho( (or*er! (or* one on one (i#h a !ho( a##endee& The (or*er doe! #o" change! li*e cra2y #o#ally conf$!ing #ha# one "er!on& Peo"le all aro$nd #he% can !ee e+ac#ly (ha# i! going on& 0$# #he "eo"le cro(d aro$nd) -a%%ing #he ai!le! #o !ee #he ac#ion& Tho$gh rarely done) one of #he %o!# "o(erf$l !#yle! i! #ha# (hich "rod$ce! an e%o#ional re!"on!e& In !$ch a !#yle #he "a##er #he%e %$!# co%e fro% an
e+"erience in yo$r o(n life #ha# yo$ ha'e li'ed #hro$gh& And #ha# e+"erience %$!# be an e%o#ional one& I# need no# be #ragic b$# can be one of -oy& An e+a%"le co%e! #o %ind& I# i! no# rela#ed #o %agic b$# i! rela#ed #o "$blic !"ea*ing& The "re!en#a#ion (a! ac#$ally for a gro$" of "rofe!!ional !"ea*er! #ha# (ere #a*ing a cla!! on ho( #o i%"ro'e #heir !"ea*ing !*ill!& The "re!en#er (a! %a*ing a "oin# abo$# crea#ing an e%o#ional i%"ac#& She "re!en#ed her !#ory of being in a firing !,$ad d$ring #he old R$!!ian day!) falling do(n) "re#ending #o be dead) being car#ed a(ay (i#h dead bodie!) !#o(ing a(ay on a !hi" #o Ne( Yor*) !#ealing food off of #able! in re!#a$ran#! #o !$r'i'e) !#r$ggling #o go #o college and $l#i%a#ely beco%ing a 'ice "re!iden# in a ban* in Ne( Yor*& I# (a! her !#ory and i# ca%e fro% her li"! and I (ill ne'er forge# i#& Going #o %agic con'en#ion! i! an ideal "lace #o chec* o$# #he !#yle! #ha# "erfor%er! can ado"#& :on./# go -$!# #o ge# ne( #ric*!) go #o !ee ho( real "ro! organi2e #heir "ac*age& Ano#her a!"ec# of all of #hi! i! ho( yo$ organi2e yo$r !ho(& I !i%"ly "erfor% a #ric*) "$# i# a(ay) bring o$# !o%e o#her "ro"! and do ano#her #ric*& O#her "erfor%er! (ill ha'e no ga"! be#(een effec#!) #he "ro"! being $!ed fro% #ric* #o #ric* or 'ani!hing and a""earing a! #he !ho( roll! on& So%e (ill do !o%e#hing in #he beginning "ar# of #he !ho( #ha# re!$l#! in !o%e#hing ha""ening la#er on in #he !ho(& So%e do a #ric* for ; %in$#e!& One !$ch "erfor%ance (a! ba!ed on #he idea a hand*erchief (a! %agical and #he !ho( con!i!#ed of de%on!#ra#ing #ha#& So%e "re!en# a li##le "lay in (hich #he %agic i! $!ed #o hel" #he !#ory $nfold& All of #he!e (or*& Yo$r #a!* i! #o !elec# a !ho( "hilo!o"hy (i#h (hich #he a$dience can la#ch on#o and co%for#ably roll for(ard (i#h& The i%"or#ance of #he !#yle and "hilo!o"hy of #he !ho( i! diffic$l# for #he beginner #o !ee& S$ch a beginner (o$ld be (i!e #o ob!er'e a !ea!oned "erfor%er do #heir -ob and ob!er'e #he !#r$c#$re of #he (hole& 5hen !eeing #he effec# of !$ch direc#ed effor# #he beginner (ill ,$ic*ly !ee i#! 'al$e& CHAPTER ELEDEN PATTER AN: AB:IENCE CONTROL For #he beginning %agic #echnician) "a##er (ill be one of #he la!# #hing! of concern& Ho(e'er) if #he !#$den# "$r!$e! hi! #ech (i#h diligence he (ill find #ha# "a##er i! a! i%"or#an# a! all o#her fac#or!& The ar#i!# a##e%"#ing #o do %agic (ill !ee "a##er a! #he de'ice #ha# i! #he rea!on #o e+i!#& Thi! "er!on (ill !"end %o!# of #heir #i%e on (ha# #o !ay for #hey belie'e (ha# #hey !ay 8%o'e!8 #he a$dience in#o ano#her real% of e+i!#ence& 5hile I find #hi! "oin# of 'ie( #edio$! I %$!# ac*no(ledge #ha# #here are #ho!e #ha# feel #ha# (ay& And I %$!# al!o concl$de #ha# #here i! !o%e 'alidi#y #o #ha# belief& Cer#ainly (ha# yo$ !ay can) in and of i#!elf) be en#er#aining #o #he a$dience& Thi! #a*e! $! in#o #he real% of ac#ing (hich i! no# one of %y !#rong area!& I 'ie( "a##er a! an ele%en# #ha# !$""or#! #he %agical "re!en#a#ion& S%oo#h effec#i'e deli'ery of "a##er enable! yo$ #o con#rol #he a##en#ion of #he a$dience& If yo$ !#o" #al*ing d$ring yo$r !ho( yo$ can ea!ily loo!e yo$r a$dience& If #here i! noi!e co%ing fro% o#her "ar#! of #he roo%) #ha# noi!e (ill "$ll yo$r a$dience./! a##en#ion a(ay fro% yo$r ac#& If #here i! an e+#ro'er# in yo$r a$dience) a %o%en# of yo$r !ilence (ill be a licen!e for #ha# "er!on #o !"ea* $" and e+#ro'er# all o'er yo$r ac#& If yo$ are no# #al*ing) #(o "eo"le in yo$r a$dience (ill !#ar# #al*ing #o each o#her& They %ay be #al*ing abo$# yo$r "erfor%ance and %ay (ell be #elling each o#her ho( grea# i# i!& E'en #ho$gh #hey %ay be co%"le%en#ing yo$) #hey !#eal fro% yo$r !ho(& The only !ol$#ion i! #ha# yo$ *ee" #al*ing& For in#ro'er#! li*e %y!elf #he "a##er %$!# be %e%ori2ed !#one cold& In reali#y #he (ord! co%ing o$# of yo$r %o$#h %$!# flo( (i#h a! %$ch "reci!ion a! yo$r finger! %o'e (i#h #he card! and coin!& Yo$r (ord! and %o#ion! %$!# ha'e a %ind of #heir o(n !o #ha# yo$ can concen#ra#e on #he o'erall "re!en#a#ion& The "a##er %$!# be clo!ely !ynchroni2ed (i#h (ha# yo$r hand! are doing& Al!o yo$r eye! (ill be !ynchroni2ed (i#h all of #hi! a! (ell& 5e ha'e !een #he i%"or#ance of a ,$ic* glance a# #he a$dience& 5e ha'e al!o !een #he i%"or#ance of leaning bac* a# !o%e i%"or#an# %o%en#& The #one of 'oice a!
(ell can co%%$nica#e 8I a% doing no#hing8 a# #he "reci!e %o%en# !o%e !leigh# i! e+ec$#ed& The "oin# i! #ha# a! yo$ b$ild an effec# #he !leigh#! yo$ $!e) #he choreogra"hy of hand %o#ion d$ring #he "re!en#a#ion) #he %i!direc#ion #echni,$e! and #he $!e of yo$r 'oice %$!# all be b$il# #o (or* #oge#her #o "rod$ce a #o#al effec#& So (e can !ee #ha# #here are !e'eral i%"or#an# rea!on! for good "a##er& Fir!# (e need #o *ee" #al*ing #o *ee" #he a##en#ion of o$r a$dience& If one of #he% 'eer! a(ay fro% #he flo( (e can foc$! o$r a##en#ion on #ha# "er!on and rai!e o$r 'oice a bi# #o bring #he% bac* in#o #he fold& Second) (e need #o $!e "a##er a! an aid #o o$r %i!direc#ion and direc#ion #echni,$e!& 5e !"ea* !of#er #o co%%$nica#e #ha# no#hing i! ha""ening& 5e !"ea* (i#h %ore !#reng#h #o ca$!e #he a$dience #o be %ore a(are of !o%e i!!$e& Thi! co$ld be #o ge# #he !"ec#a#or #o be a(are of #he concl$!ion of !o%e effec# or loc* #heir a##en#ion on !o%e a!!$%"#ion #hey ha'e %ade #ha# #hey la#er %ay ,$e!#ion and ca!# a(ay a! a $!ele!! "a#h #o #he !ol$#ion #o #he effec#& Third) (e need "a##er #o hold #he in#ere!# of #he a$dience& Tha# i!) #o *ee" #he% fro% ge##ing bored& Maybe #hi! i! done (hile !o%eone i! !h$ffling card!& In #he!e !i#$a#ion! I (ill ha'e fo$r line! "re"ared& 5hile a "er!on i! !h$ffling I %igh# $!e only #(o for a# #ha# "oin# #hey are done !h$ffling& If #he #i%e #hey #a*e #o !h$ffle card! i! longer I con#in$e (i#h #he o#her line!& Fo$r#h) (e need "a##er #o infor% #he a$dience abo$# (ha# i! going on& Ti%e %$!# be "$# in#o i#! !#r$c#$re !o #ha# yo$ infor% #he a$dience (ha# #hey are going #o !ee and (ha# #hey !ho$ld do& The (ord! yo$ offer !ho$ld be conci!e !o #ha# #he de!ired infor%a#ion i! co%%$nica#ed (i#ho$# conf$!ion and (i#ho$# r$nning on and on& A! in all of #he #echni,$e! "re!en#ed in #hi! boo*) #here are 'ario$! !#yle! one can ado"# #ha# g$ide one! effor#! a# de!igning #he #al*& Pa##er can be h$%oro$!& Pa##er can be hi!#orical in na#$re& 5hen I do #he c$"! and ball! I #rea# #he "erfor%ance a! a lec#$re of #he hi!#ory of #ha# #ric*& So%e offer "oe%! a! #hey "erfor%& So%e "eo"le "re!en# #he %agic #o e+"lain #he !"iri#$al e!!ence of (ha# #hey are !aying& Pa##er i! diffic$l# #o (ri#e) ho(e'er) #he #a!* beco%e! ea!ier (hen yo$ !elec# a $ni,$e !#yle or "hilo!o"hy #o follo(& There i! one danger in #he (ay !o%e "eo"le $!e "a##er I ha'e no#iced o'er #he year!& Pa##er can be "re!en#ed (hen no %agic i! ha""ening and %agic can ha""en (i#ho$# "a##er& I fell in#o #hi! #ra" in %y early day! of %agic& B"on reali2ing #he i%"or#ance of "a##er #he ne( %agician (ill !#r$ggle (i#h i#! crea#ion and b$ild a "iece #o go along (i#h a #ric*& Then #he "a##er (ill beco%e a !"eech #ha# i! offered before doing #he %o'e! in #he #ric*& Once #ha# !"eech i! "re!en#ed #he !#$den# doe! #he #ric*& If !o%e#hing need! #o be !aid #he !#$den# (ill !#o" %o'ing hi! hand! and deli'er %ore of #he !"eech) #hen ge# bac* #o #he "erfor%ance of #he #ric*& The "a##er !ho$ld be !#r$c#$red !o i# can be deli'ered (hile yo$r hand! are %o'ing) acco%"li!hing any effec# in fron# of yo$& I# all co%e! do(n #o che(ing g$% and (al*ing a# #he !a%e #i%e& Yo$r $!e of "a##er al!o %ar*! yo$ a! a "ro& I recollec# one #i%e early in %y %agic career af#er (hich I reali2ed #he i%"or#ance of "a##er& I (a! a# !o%eone./! ho$!e "ar#y& The !$b-ec# of %agic ca%e $"& One of #he ladie! a# #he "ar#y !aid !o%e#hing abo$# ohn doing #hi! grea# #ric*& 5ell) ohn bro$gh# o$# a dec* of card! and did a #ric* #ha# %any lay%en *no( abo$#& E'eryone #ho$gh# i# (a! really c$#e& Then he ga'e #he card! #o %e a!*ing %e #o !ho( %y #ric*& I began #o do !o%e !i%"le #ric* (i#h a !olid "a##er line& ohn loo*ed a# %e and !aid) 85hoa %an) yo$ *no( (ha# yo$./re doing& 5e are no# in #he !a%e cla!!&8 In !hor#) #he deli'ery of !i%"le "a##er go# !olid a##en#ion and re!"ec# i%%edia#ely& The "a##er (a! no# "ar#ic$larly good) i# (a! !i%"ly !o%e#hing #o !ay (hile I %o'ed %y hand!& I (ill ne'er forge# #he le!!on& CHAPTER T5ELDE FIDE STEPS TO MASTERY Thi! cha"#er i! no# direc#ly rela#ed #o %agic& I# i! abo$# %a!#ering any#hing
yo$ %igh# (i!h #o do& I# a""lie! #o %agic in #ha# #o %a!#er i#) yo$ (ill #end #o be %ore !$cce!!f$l if yo$ a""ly #he "rinci"le! in #hi! cha"#er& M$ch of (ha# i! in #hi! cha"#er (a! de'elo"ed (hile I (a! !#$dying and learning %agic %y!elf and (hile I (a! #eaching %agic cla!!e!& I had a !%all cla!! I ran once a (ee* for abo$# fi'e year!& In #hi! cha"#er I (ill in#rod$ce a fe( #hing! #ha# hel" !$cce!! and #hen I (ill "re!en#) (ha# I call) Fi'e S#e"! #o Ma!#ery& The fir!# fe( #hing! are fairly ob'io$!& For #ha# rea!on #hey are of#en ignored& So I offer #he% for yo$r con!idera#ion and le# yo$ decide if #hey are 'al$able #o yo$& Fac#or One To be !$cce!!f$l yo$ %$!# ha'e a #echnology #ha# (or*!& Ob'io$! If yo$ ha'e !o%e #ech #ha# doe!n./# (or* yo$ clearly (on./# !$cceed& 5e are !$rro$nded (i#h and !old #hing! #ha# do no# (or* or) a# be!#) are %arginal& Fac#or T(o Ha'ing #he righ# #echnology) (e %$!# *no( #ha# i# (or*!& 5e ha'e been decei'ed in #he "a!#& E'en if (e ha'e #he righ# #echnology (e %ay no# a""ly i# for (e ha'e !$ffered !o %$ch in #he "a!# #rying #o a""ly o#her! #ha# failed& 5e !i%"ly don./# *no( if !o%e#hing i! righ# or (rong& To be !$cce!!f$l #hen) (e %$!# ri!* #rying ano#her one and !ee if i# (or*!& Fac#or Three 5e %$!# $nder!#and #he #echnology& 5i#ho$# $nder!#anding i#) (e canno# %a*e i# go& Thi! i! a g$iding ligh# in %y "rogra%%ing b$!ine!!& There i# i! "hra!ed differen#ly) 8If yo$ don./# $nder!#and ho( i# (or*!) i# (ill fail&8 Fac#or Fo$r The #echnology %$!# be "rac#iced and rehear!ed& Yo$ can read ho( #o !hoo# an arro() b$# yo$ (ill ne'er do i# $n#il yo$ do i#& Fac#or Fi'e The #echnology %$!# be a""lied& Yo$ (ill no# be a %agician $n#il yo$ do %agic for !o%eone& The!e do no# nece!!arily hel" yo$) b$# #hey are in#ere!#ing& Ho(e'er) #here i! a rea!on #hey are "re!en#ed here& I belie'e #ha# #he %a#erial "re!en#ed in #hi! boo* (or*!& So) Fac#or One i! !a#i!fied& I ha'e !"en# %y life co%ing $" (i#h #hi! #echnology& I# i! %y e+"erience #ha# %any o#her! ha'e #ried and ha'e no# been a! !$cce!!f$l& I "er!onally ha'e !"en# %$ch #i%e (i#h o#her conce"#! and fo$nd %any lac*ing& Bnfor#$na#ely) (ha# i! ob'io$! #o %e i! no# ob'io$! #o o#her!& So) (ha#e'er yo$ do) yo$ (ill !o%eho( co%e #o yo$r o(n concl$!ion& Ho(e'er) I belie'e if yo$ !#$dy long eno$gh yo$ (ill arri'e a# #he !a%e concl$!ion! #ha# I ha'e& If yo$ are !$cce!!f$l I *no( #ha# (ha#e'er yo$ finally !e##le on yo$ (ill7 >no( #ha# i# (or*!& Bnder!#and i#& Prac#ice i#& And a""ly i#& The fi'e !#e"! #ha# follo( are 'ery cri#ical #o ra"id !$cce!!& I ha'e ne'er heard abo$# #he!e fro% o#her!& The!e (ere #o#ally de'elo"ed by %y!elf& Ho(e'er) I a% !$re #hey e+i!# el!e(here in #he $ni'er!e for #hey !ee% #o a""ly $ni'er!ally& Here are #he Fi'e S#e"! To Ma!#ery& ;& Learn a ne( %o'e !lo(ly and (i#h conf$!ion& 1& 5i#h a##en#ion #he %o'e can be done (ell& <& 5hile doing #he %o'e o'er and o'er again b$ngle! (ill occ$r %ore and %ore& =& Grea# fr$!#ra#ion and boredo% i! e+"erienced doing #he %o'e& ?& E'en#$ally doing #he %o'e i! f$n and yo$ don./# (an# #o !#o"& To a""ly #he!e !#e"! yo$ fir!# #a*e #he #ric* yo$ are learning and c$# i# $" #o "ar#! yo$ need #o "rac#ice& Then yo$ can a""ly #he!e !#e"! #o "rac#icing a !ingle "ar#& For an e+a%"le of a !e"ara#e "ar#) con!ider #he #hree !#e"! in #he ba!ic 'ani!h& Tho!e !#e"! are7 !ho( #he coin) e+ec$#e #he fal!e #ran!fer and "al% #he coin& One can !"end !o%e #i%e "rac#icing #he ac# of !ho(ing a coin& One can !"end e'en %ore #i%e "rac#icing #he fal!e #ran!fer& In fac# i# i! de!ireable #o i!ola#e #ha# ac#ion and rehear!e i# o'er and o'er& :$ring #hi! rehear!eal #he e'en#!