NAME: Bartolome Jessie
Architecture COURSE: Bachelor of Science in Architecture
ucillo Joseph )avarro John 0oseph PROPOSED TITLE NO. TITLE: Regional Prison Facilities: Redefining Prison Design through Restorative Justice REASONS/ JUSTIFICATIONS IN CHOOSING THE TOPIC:
This topic involves the financing, design, construction and maintenance of a modern prison facility !ith the current issue regarding on crimes and ho" the government faces it the proponent "ants to solve the follo"ing f ollo"ing pro#lems
$%& Address the urgent need to relocate the inmates to a facility "ith sufficient capacity, higher security standards and provisions for reha#ilitation programs $'& (omply "ith the provisions of Repu#lic Act )o %*++ $the Bu(or Act of '*%-& "hich provide for the moderni.ation moderni.ation program of Bu(or/ and: and: $-& Serve as pilot pro0ect for the regionali.ation of penal facilities across various regions in the Philippines(1) EXPECTED CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GROWTH OF KNOWLEDGE IN ARCHITECTURE:
Restorative 0ustice is an architectural approach to the current criminal 0ustice system of the America, America, it "as a campaign campaign #y Deanne Deanne 1anBuren, anBuren, it focuses focuses on offenders offenders reha#ilita reha#ilitating ting #ac2 into (2) community through the essence of reconciliation and understanding 3f appropriate 3t is one of the first methodological approaches for "or2ing "ith incarcerated populations to re4envision, re4appropriate, and re4create the spaces of 0ustice using the values and principles of restorative 0ustice 5Architecture and restorative 0ustice don6t immediately seem related7until you consider that our current penal system e8ists "ithin a very specific type of architecture: high4security 0ails and courthouses An alternative system system,, of course, course, "ould "ould have its o"n reinfo reinforci rcing ng architec architectur ture9 e9 4 eg iller associate editor at (3) (oDesign LIST OF RELATED LITERATURE AND RELATED STUDIES CONSULTED:
$%& https:;;pppgovph;
https:;;pppgovph;regional4prison4fac regional4prison4facilities4through ilities4through4ppp 4ppp ? pipeline of pro0ects pro0ects #y pu#lic private partnership partnership center center $'& http:;;"""archdaily http:;;"""archdailycom;@%C;restorati com;@%C;restorative40ustice4an4inte ve40ustice4an4intervie"4"ith4deanna4v rvie"4"ith4deanna4van#uren an#uren ? restorative 0ustice $-& https:;;"""fastcodesigncom;*% https:;;"""fastcodesigncom;*%'-;"hat4rest '-;"hat4restorative40ustice4can4t orative40ustice4can4teach4you4a#out4 each4you4a#out4 architecture ? contri#utions to the gro"th in architeture S!"#$$%& !':
Signature over printed name
Bulsu-OP-CAFA -03F1 Revision:0
NAME: Bartolome Jessie
COURSE: Bachelor of Science in Architecture
ucillo Joseph )avarro John 0oseph PROPOSED TITLE NO. TITLE: )e" )A3A: A oderni.ation of the )A3A (omple8 through Biomimetic Adaptation REASONS/ JUSTIFICATIONS IN CHOOSING THE TOPIC:
The pro0ect involves the financing, design, reha#ilitation, e8pansion $if necessary&, operations and maintenance of all e8isting terminals of the )inoy AEuino 3nternational Airport $)A3A& covering #oth landside and airside $e8cept air traffic services&, to meet the 3nternational (ivil Aviation rgani.ation $3(A& standards and develop the main gate"ay airport of the Philippines, the pro0ect aims to: (1) upgrade )A3A to #e compliant "ith relevant international standards/ (2) ma8imi.e overall airport capacity to accommodate increased passenger traffic/ (3) moderni.e its infrastructure to leverage efficiencies and enhance operational capa#ilities/ () provide an optimum level of service to passengers, airlines and other airport users/ and (*) improve its commercial offerings, "ith modern, aesthetically pleasing and functional facilities (1) EXPECTED CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GROWTH OF KNOWLEDGE IN ARCHITECTURE:
Several #iomimetic design strategies are availa#le for various applications, though the research on #iomimetics as a design tool in architecture is still challenging This is due to a lac2 of systematic design tools reEuired for identifying relevant organisms, or natural systems, and a#stracting the corresponding generic principles for implementation in design concept generations for #uilding envelopes this could leave to further research and less dependent on to conventional techniEues "hich in a "ay harms the environment (2) LIST OF RELATED LITERATURE AND RELATED STUDIES CONSULTED:
$%& http:;;pppgovph;naia4development4pro0ect
? pipeline of pro0ects #y pu#lic
private partnership center $'& https:;;repositorytudelftnl;islandora;o#0ect;uuidG-A@%'#C%%4#@4@cd4#+'f4-a+ad+deC+ ? pipeline of pro0ects #y pu#lic private partnership center
S!"#$$%& !':
Signature over printed name
Bulsu-OP-CAFA -03F1 Revision:0