Think Big Unleashing your Potential for excellence
Ben Carson MD Reviewed by Onyemenam T.C.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Think Big, written by Dr. Ben Carson, is a boo k of two parts, each containing 9 chapte rs that are all centered on one theme ± Inspiration for su ccess. In this book, Dr. Ben Carson reveals his secrets of success a nd coins them under the famous acronym
T = Talent H = Honesty I = Insight N = Nice K = Knowledge
B = Books I = In-depth Knowledge G = God
He exposes the relationship between this abbreviation (i.e. T.H.I.N.K B.I.G) with reality, a he shows, how they practically apply to his attained attained excellence, he draws most of his illustrations from the events that occur in his work place.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #1: DO IT BETTER
This chapter is actually ba sed on the role of a mothe r in the success of a child, as the Bible sa ys µ¶train up a child in the way he should go..¶¶ The duty of reforming the way Ben responded to the education he wa s priviledged to get, and further ensuring that he improved in this education rested on the role his mother, Sonya, was will ing to play. But after reaching her wits end, in all effort to step up the disgraceful nature of Ben¶s grade, she resulted into seeking the will and mind of God. This goes a long way to show, something that I feel that was submerged in all the message, that the way to do it better is the way God has pre-destined*, and, in God holds every secret and every unique role, a pa rent can play in training up their child in every aspect of life. With one instruction from God to Sonya, concerning h er children¶s academic, the academic lives of the Carsons. The circumstances su rrounding the re velation of this instruction, is also worth noting, but would be left out in this review. After receiving the instruction from God ± which was to read and review at least 2 books weekly ± Sonya Carson immediately started acting on it, and in no time, the Carsons¶ started doing it better. In terms of their education. Following the improvements in the academics of Ben Carson, he ha d other factors, wars and struggles to overcome, most of which we re as a result of childhood traumas and his ne wly attained success. These struggles in clude: clude: 1. Overbearing and Obnoxiousness: This followed his incredible rise, from the least to the best, and this was his petty way of revenging and p roving to everyone that he w as not dumb, as they earlier earlier thought, but was smart, and in fact, smarter than they were. Following an encounter with Bob, his classmate, he was forced to re-think and mildly re-adjust this unconscious attitude he wa s revealing, as he grew, he grew realizing the stance of God to this new alien attitude, and this helped his readjustment. But, not until he entered Yale University did a significant attitude re-adjustment occur, as he was in the midst of students as smart as he was.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
2. Anger Control: Probably due to the divorce of his parents at a tender age of 8, Ben de veloped a hot temper, which seem dangerous until he almost killed his friend, Bob, with a camping knife. Soon after that, he knew that this attitude must be mastered, and he found this perfect mastering skills from the Bible, this was how he further fell in love with the Bible, and with the book of Prover bs. 3. Pride: With the nature of his profession, Ben Carson reveals that his regularl y tempted with the sin of Pride, and is regularly an d consciously win ning this battle of Pride.
Lesson: The role of a mother in the success of her children cann ot be over-emphasized, but without the leading of God¶s uniqu e instruction, these efforts are in vain and amount to little. There are wars an d battle to be fought ± both physically, emotionally and spiritually ± as one doe s things better, it¶s the outcome of these wars that determines the duration of this new g reat path.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #2: My mother, Sonya Carson
Having this chapter d edicated to the revelation of the life, struggles, struggles, victories and the trials of Sonya Carson, his mother, Ben Carson tells the story of his young life, from his mother¶s perspe ctive (amongst other issues) and tries to not only en courage but to inspire wom en of all status (especially the single parents) parents) that it is possible to raise a great C hild, irrespective of your past and present state. The Chapter starts with Sonya revealing the bitter experiences she had to go through in her childhood, all due to her orphan status. She faced challenge s from her her siblings in every foster home she stayed at, because she was different, and as these challenges grew she was forced to adapt and be able to i gnore the comments of people about her, this ability which proved e ssential in her marriage and raising of her children. After being carried away, by her lon g-admired-Baptist-minister, g-admired-Baptist-minister, Robert Carson, Sonya bega n living a totally different life ± a life of acceptance, affection and laziness, all which have b een alien to her, all her life. The lifestyle, the after-service-parties, after-service-parties, the immoral associations of Robert Carson were e asily taken in by Sonya, as she wanted to be found as a good wife, she had earlier taken Christianity seriously (b ut even more seriously, her husband), but was forced to re-think, after an ugly incident with Robert Ca rson¶s friend under Robert¶s permission, after that, Christianity became just another religion to her. Following years of purpo seful childlessness on the part of Robe rt Carson, Sonya felt alone in the midst of this extravagant lifestyle Robert Carson broug ht her into. After much persuasion, Robert Carson finally gave in to the thought of children, first came Curtis, in 1949, then came Benjamin Carson, in 1951. Things seemed perfect for Sonya, until she discovered the secret behind Robert¶s seemingly-never-ending seemingly-never-ending funds, and wo rse, the secret marriage Rob ert had. But in all these, she never revealed these events to her children*, but these event derail her m ental, psychological and social welfare, until she couldn¶t take any more. With no proper divorce protocols done, Sonya l eft with her children, to Boston, where her sister, Jean Avery, lived. As the challenges grew, the pressure were surmou nted, pressure for school funds (as those she earlier saved were illegally withdrawn by Robert¶s first wife), wife), pressure for welfare etc, a point rea ched were she felt and attempted suicide, that was the turning poin t for her ± that was the day, she died to the pressures and was reborn into a God-led life, thanks to Mary Thomas, the faithful Evangelist wouldn¶t give up on her.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Following to whole incident, the fire and life in Christianity was awakened in her Spirit, she bgan taking Christianity, and God very seriously ± by taking them in reality* ± she learned to trust and to be fully depende nt on God, after that event. Sonya then begins to tell the story of how she felt and got her children to improve on their g rades, she ascribes this academic victory to the revelation she got from God. Her prayer, as given, was ³God, You¶re my partner a nd friend, I don¶t know what to do about Curtis and Be n, They are both failing everything«..´ She also reveals the subseq uent intensive steps she took to improve the grades of Children, which all involves her getting involved in their academics, giving seemingly impo ssible tasks and constantly reminding them of the role their individual relationship with God plays in their success.
Discipline: The method adopted by Sonya, in the disciplining of her children was talking and rea soning with them, this was how she disciplined her children.
Lesson: The past can be bad, the present, worse, but involve God, an d the future future would be the Best.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #3 Mentors,, Inspirers and Influencers Mentors
³There¶s no such person as a self-made self-made person*«´ - Ben Carso Ben Carson n Ben Carso Ben Carson n dde dicates dicates thi this s Chapt Chapter er to to the the ack ackno no wle wl e dge dg e men t o f the the s s pe cial cial peo peo ple ple ±± r ight ight f ro ro m his hi s mo men t o f chan cha n ge (i. e (i.e e hi his s fifth fifth gra gra de ) do d o wn t n to hi o his s ppresen t a cco cco mplis mplis hmen hmen ts an s an d a chie chie ve m en t s , Ben C Ben Carson re vea ls th s the e ppeo ple ple bbe hin hin d the the s s cene who who m ma de him e him who who hhe i e is . Willia Willia m Jae Jae ck: ck: Occupa ccupa tion tion : Fifth Gra G ra de Sci e Scien en ce T e Tea cher cher Impa Imp a ct: ct: Was Was th the e fifirs rs t tea t ea cher cher tto no o no tice tice an an d e xpose xpose th the e s s p e cia cia l s cien cien tific tific a bilities bilities o o f Ben f Ben . He He hhe lpe lpe d en h an ce , e xcite xcite an an d s timula timula te th e these ese a a bilities bilities , by in in vo lvin lvi n g Ben i Ben in i n in teres tin tin g tas tas ks e s e .g. .g. the the ir ro r ro ck ck co co lle lle ctions ctions . He H e in tro duce duce d Ben i Ben in to th o the e w wor ld ld o f Scien Scien ce an e an d he h e lpe lpe d him gro gro w; w; he he w was th as the e fifirs rs t men m en tor Ben or Ben hha d. d. Fran k McCo McCo tter tter Occupa ccupa tion tion : High Schoo Schoo l B io lo gy gy Tea T ea cher cher Impa Imp a ct: ct: He He bbe lie li e ve d in in Ben Ben an an d be be lie li e ve d tha tha t he he hha d a g a grea t inna inna te a e a bility, bility, an d he he so so ught ught o ppor ppor tun tun ities iti es tto re in f f or or ce an e an d e xpose xpose th these ese a a bilities biliti es . He H e hhe lpe lp e d build up the the se se lf-es lf-es tee m o f Ben f Ben an an d no t on ly ly in i n vo lve lve d him a t the the s s lightes lightes t o ppor ppor tun tun ity ity but a lso b so b e g an a an a r r ich ich so u r ce o e o f guidan guidan ce an e an d s uppor upp or t to t o th the e dde ve lo pmen pm en t o f Ben f Ben . Ben¶s se Ben¶s se con d men men tor . Le mue mu e l Doa D oa kes Occupa ccupa tion tion : Ban d Dire Di re ctor ctor Impa Imp a ct: ct: With his his qu qua a lities lities an an d zea zea l,l, he h e eas eas ily ily ins ins pire pire d a llll o ther ther s s tuden tud en ts i s in to a o a ction ction an an d s uccess ucc ess . Be in g har dwor dwor kin kin g, g, he he tta ught ught Ben th Ben the e f f r ruits u it s o o f har har d wor wor k. k. He H e hhe lpe lpe d Ben f Ben f o o cus cus on on wh wha a t was was rea rea lly lly impor impor tan t:t: the the r ight ight ins ins tr umen um en t f or him, or him, an d, d, his his s s cien ci en ce -re la te d future future by by re fus fu s in g his his en en tr y in in to th o the e ppres tigio tigio us I s In ter l o chen ch en Mus Mus ic ic Ca C a mp mp s cho cho lars hip hip pro pro gra m, m, with this this , Ben w Ben was a as a ble ble tto f o f o o cus cus on on hi his s s s cien cien ce -in -in cline cline d future future . T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
³ so if so if it is is not not pperfe ct, it ¶ ¶ s not s not ggood enough ´ ± Le Le mue l Do D o akes ak es . Au Au b re y To To mpkins mpkins Occup ccup ation : Musi M usi c Dire Dire ctor of tor of the S the Se venth -Day -Day Ad Ad ventist C entist Chur ch Imp Imp act act : He, H e, alongside alongside the the rest rest of of the c the choir of hoir of the S the Se venth -Day -Day Ad Ad ventist C entist Chur ch, be came came the the f f ami ami ly ly Ben Ben h h ad whi le away e away fro m ho m e, in Yal in Yale e U Uni versit y. y. He He h h ad a d a genuine interest genuine interest in in the the gener gener al al we w e lf are of re of Ben, and wa nd was s always always there there w whene ver B er Ben needed en needed so so m eone to eone to t t alk alk to .
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #4 Medical Mentors This chapter reveals the list and ways few people motivated and pushed Ben into doing his best, in various special ways. Dr. James Taren Occupation: A Dean in the Univer sity of Michigan Impact: He excited the thought and interest of diversity-in-course in Ben, through his eloque nt presentations. With various real-life illustrations, Ben was inspire to think outside-the-box and to be further interest in other unorthodox methods of treatment. He inspired Ben, into doing the unknown. He also, indirectly, helped Ben in settling for Neurosurgery ± as he was earlier confused on which field to settle in. He exerted a kind of referent power over Ben, which not only captivated him, but helped reinforce his stance in the Neu rosurgery field. George Udvarhelyi Occupation: Head of John Hopkins¶ Hopkins¶ Training Program, Professor of Neosurgery (RTD), and Director of Cultural Cultural Affairs for the Hopkins Medical Ce nter. Impact: He introduced an interest in the patient in Ben, which helped his worked. He devel oped the humanitarian aspect of work to Ben, he served as the complement of the whole Medical study of Ben and the other residents, as they all had received noteworthy medical trainings but were in lack lack of patient-affection. He also served as the reason for the enrollment of Ben in the John Hop kins Medical Institution ± through his recommendation. Jim Anderson Ph.D. Occupation: Radiology Lecturer Impact: With a vast network of ever-inspiring medical authorities, he served as the best encou ragement of Ben, during his Laboratory project experience. Being genuinely interested in the authencity and the outstanding nature of the laboratory projects, upon which Ben was working on, he was e ver ready to listen, direct and to introduce Ben, to any medical` authority who would prove helpful to the project. His integrity also
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
inspired Ben. He also introduce Ben to more effective and efficient methods of medical procedures, this instilled the joy for investigative medicine in Ben.
Bryant Stokes - Australia Occupation: Senior Neurosurge on, Perth Impact: He had a strong sense for perfection and further inspired Ben to search for variou s ways in which he can do his best, he was an expert in effective and efficient ways of performing performing medical procedure s and was very much able to teach these procedures. His competence and pressure rubbed off on Ben.
Richard Vaughan - Australia Occupation: Senior Medical Doctor, Sir Charles Ga rdiner Hospital, Australia Impact: He inspired a daring and dogg ed nature in Ben, as, he was ever ready to handle the seemingly hopeless cases presented to him. He inspired medical courage in Ben, therefore further developing and reinforcing his passion for investigative medicine. Michael Lee ± Australia Occupation: Neurosurgeon Impact: Taught Ben, the various methods of approaching the temporal lobe Wayne Thoma s ± Australia Occupation: Neurosurgeon Impact: He revealed to Ben, how to effortlessly and flawlessly pass n eedles through the ventricles at their localized spots.
Donling Long Occupation: Chief of Pediatric Neosurgery Impact: He was the true medical mentor of Ben, he personally took ca re of inevitable prejudice Ben was to face in his job in Hopkins, and out rightly addressed the situation effectively, and his support and fairness encouraged the self-confidence of Ben, and helped him in his procedures T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Lesson: B e Ni Ni ce ce To All p eopl eopl e -A -All ll p p eopl eopl eeEven wh wh en en you you d d on¶ on¶ t hav t hav e t o be. Ev e ryb o dy i dy i s imp orta nt .
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #5 Other Significant People Ben Carson dedicates this chapter, complimenting on people ho ha ve shared in inspiring him, one way or the other, due to their various working attitudes. He doesn¶t refer ti them as mentors as he didn¶ didn¶t work under their guidance, but, however, is still challenged challenged by them, as he works with them*. Some of these inspirations includ es ± the dogge dness in task completion of Mike Johns (the then Head of Otolaryngology), the intensive study and the extensive willingness to teach and be properly und erstood, and the his remarkable go odwill which Mark Rogers frequently displayed (the Chairman of Anesthesiology), The courage and abilities of Art Wong (Chief Resident), and the creativity of Al Johnson (An Entrepren eur). Lesson: Everybody is important, and here is something, something, that can be lea rnt, from the lifestyle lifestyle and habits of other people. Life, has various methods of teaching us, we just have to discover the various methods of Learning*.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #6 Builders for Eternity This chaper is yet another, dedicated in celebrating people ± peopl e whom who m ake ake each day r u u n sm sm oothly oothly and su ccessfu ccessfu lly, lly, at the John Hopkin Medical Center- these grou grou p of of people, people, f all u nder nder the grou grou p of of the the special people, bu bu t are m ore ore related to eff eff ective daily fu nctioning nctioning of of the the whole Institu Institu tion. tion. Su Su ch ch people (the bu bu ilders) ilders) inclu inclu des des Georgia Sim Sim pson pson Who has the rare ability to commu commu nicate nicate with and eff eff ectively soothe the attitu attitu de de m ost ost patients reveal at the reception. She represents and m aintains aintains an excellent social andm and m edical edical statu statu s of of the the John Hop kins Institu Institu tion. tion. Pat Brothers The u niqu niq u e secretary, she easily stepped u p the state and natu natu re re of o f Ben¶ Ben¶s Off ice, not only m aking aking the clients at hom hom e, e, or keeping them them u u p to date, bu bu t also, was m ore ore like Georgia Sim Sim pson, pson, bu bu t now, as Ben¶ Ben¶s Secretary. Carol Jam Jam es es (Physician¶ (Physician¶ s Assistant) Her people-centered natu natu re re m akes akes her genu genu inely inely interested in the welf welf are of of Ben, Ben, thu thu s, s, m aking aking his working condition m ore ore encou encou raging. raging. She is an accu accu rate rate representative of of Ben, Ben, and m ostly ostly is the sou so u rce rce person du du ring ring the events of of article article writing by Ben. She, alongside Pat Brothers def def end Ben and his working events. Mary Kay Conover (NP) Aside f rom rom her her deep interest in learning and u nderstanding nderstanding h er f er f ield, Mary also sets an exam exam ple ple of of discipline, discipline, hard work and excellence, whi ch greatly su su pports pports the fu rther rther work of of Ben. Ben. Carolyn Childs Her dedication and participation in the Binder Twins operations proved invalu able as, she acted as the chief chief u able f orce that worked on the su su ccess ccess of of the the operation. Being the Neu Neu rosu ros u rgery rgery OR Head Nu Nu rse, rse, she participated in the com com pletion pletion of of the the essential m anu anu als als f or other O other OR Nu N u rses rses who wou wou ld ld be involved in the op eration. The extensive natu natu re re of o f Childs Childs participation indeed is invalu invalu able. able. Lesson: Learn to appreciate the people behind the scene, as withou withou t them them , there wou wou ld ld be no scene.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
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Chapter #7 Parents and Patients Ben speaks on the 2 different families (amongst others) that he had a bond to and connected with them, in a sharing and caring relationship. Even though the operational results of these 2 families were totally different, a relationship (doctor-parent-patient relationship) was developed, all which challenged him in different ways ± at one point, in his relationship with God. Lesson: ³The man in bed isn¶t ³just a patient´, but a human b eing, with a life Outside of the hospital´ - G eorge U eorge Udvarhelyi
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #8 Taking Risks Ben gives various practical illustrations of the product of thinking Big and putting one¶ one¶s best into medical attention, amongst al is the remarkable case of David Troutman, whose courage and optimism alongside the various risky operations, proved positive, to his seemingly hopeless condition. This chapter goes a long way of identifying the importance of risk-taking, in the event of doing one¶ one¶ s best and T.H.I.N.KING B.I.G. Lesson: Risks are the spice of success.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #9 Not Enough ³If ³If I shot at shot at the the S Sun, I might land might land on on the the M Moon .´ .´ - P.T. Barnum
Ben illustratively goes through operations, specifically the Pressman¶ Pressman¶ s operation, that force him into recognizing the essential involvement of God in the healing of patients. Ben, shows that the efforts of man is not enough to attain success, but, the inclusion of God m akes it enough.
Lesson: Its never enough no r better, until God, is involved*.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Part 2 You can Give Your Best And Think Big
Ben starts this part and dedicates this part to discussing the practical illustration of the THINK BIG formula.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #10 Thinking Big This chapter begins the THINK BIG study series, and, not only bears the origin of this formula, but also intensively studies the first acronym. Following the operation on the teenag er, Tony, the role of Positive Mental Attitude, Attitude, and other positive mindset supports, was reinforced in Ben. Following the incident, Ben tried to describe his formula for success under the famous statement ± Think Big- that was w hen, he came up with this acrostic T- Talent H ± Honesty I ± Insight N ± Nice K ± Knowledge
B ± Books I ± In-depth Knowledge G ± God
T ± TALENT Following a discussion with A.G Gaston, the author of Green Power, Ben found that just having a talent, was not enough but discovering and developing talents is what makes it actually useful to others and beneficial to you. Ben also reveals the futility of talent possession if it is without a correspondi ng ability to invest time in, with practical examples, Ben discusses various situations where he taught and revealed the essence of talent discovery and enhancement, in youths. Lesson: Talent is not enough, development an d time makes it better and useful*. T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #11 Honesty Shows The fruits of honesty and the nee d for honesty in the success of a man, is thoroughly thoroughly discussed here, and Ben reveals examples and consequences of both honest and dishonest peopl e. He points out at various hidden and infamous futuristic consequen ces that dishonest people face, and strongly condemn s dishonesty in a path of success ± he also draws further support, from the Bible.
Lesson: Dishonesty and true success* do not go together.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
CHAPTER #12 Insightful Thoughts Ben bases on the 3rd acrostic ± I ± which stands for insig insig ht. ht. Ben reveals that, having having an an insig insig ht ht is not only limited to one mag mag ical ical moment of inspiration/saturation, but actually, can be a nature nurtured and developed. Further explaining explaining the the term Insig Insig ht, ht, he g ives ives 4 ways throug throug h which insig insig ht ht enters and is developed in a pe rson (g iven iven from a doctor point-of-view)( ± all are paraph rased) -
Listening to those who have achieved feats and believing the y can do likewise Understanding that achievements are not selective in nature, but can hap pen to every person. Taking advantage of every opportunity from from which a source can teach us something new/unheard of. Learning from the mistakes and achievements of others.
These are his concise version of the form insight takes
Lesson: Insight is a product of knowledge and a developed nature, and not a magical moment*.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #13 Nice Guys Finish Ben groups the term, Nice, into various meanings, which help portray the real nature a nd importance of being nice. Nice
Ben gives series of nice p eople who go ag ainst the old saying ± nice guys finish last ± among this examples are the already di scussed Dr. Donling Long, Dr. Mike John s etc. At the end of the analysis, Ben reaches a conclusion ± being ni ce always comes back to repay us, in the long run.
Lesson: If we are nice to people, others re spond to us in the same way, and thus, we a successfully give our best to each other.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #14 Knowledge Counts
K ± Knowledge Ben attacks the famous misconception that the brain can be ov ov erloaded, erloaded, thus, re-inspiring the need to know more. He also explain s that the brain retains ev ev er er y ything, t hing, but, due to our random nature of storing bits of information to ev ev ents ents of especially especially little little significance, we often get confused. Ben, giv giv es es 4 reasons why why he he believ believ es es that knowledge is power, because -
It helps overcome the past Helps change our situation Helps fight new obstacles Helps make better decisions
In all, wisdom is actually the power, as, it is the application of knowle dge, and in all these reason s, knowledge was alwa ys being applied.
Lesson: Knowledge in the form of Wi sdom, is power.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #15 Books are for Reading Ben places emphasi s on the role of books in success. He conne cts it, in this chapter, to the source of knowledge neede d for various events. He gives 3 reasons for reading (pag e 218), and descriptively exposes the profits of reading in this chapter.
Lesson: ³Is we commit ourselves to reading«. Only God can limit where we would go´ ± Ben Carson M.D.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #16 In-depth Learning
Ben gives a real life fatal situation, which is positively handled, as a result of an ea rlier in-depth learning or in-b in-b etween etween the line study on his part. This proves to him that some case s canb can b e solved b y learning some, b y Insight and others b y In-depth Learning. He also discovers that giving our possib b le le b est est lies in the form of our learning.
Lesson: ³ O ur limit is the limit of how much of something w e really know´ ± Chinodeb Chinodeb em em Onyemenam.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #17 Caution ± God At Work
With various situation and events where Ben ha d reached his wits end, he falls back on God and discovers 2 aspects of God: -
God cares ab out ev ev er er y area y area of our life, and, God wants us to ask for help.
Ben recalls sev sev eral eral situations where the inter v vention e ntion of God was real and was the only only factor factor that brought success to the operations, with this in mind, he learns to consistently lean y lean on the guida nce of God, and therefore, not accrediting any any form form of operational success to himself, this way way , he remains humble an d Godconfident. He also prescribes a 3 nugget formula for humility humility , as, recognizing that: -
God created the Univ Univ erse. erse. God shows that He is more powerful than us, by by what what He does, and has done in our world. God gav gav e us the a bilities, bilities, of which we cannot supply supply to to ourselv ourselv es es or either, explain the worthiness of.
Ben also giv giv es es 3 different people (Wintley (Wintley Phipps, Phipps, George Vand erman and Ro bert Schuller) whose whose liv ves e s hav hav e inspired his Christian walk with God, most of whom he had had a n earlier encounter with.
Lesson: ³If we acknowledge or n eed for God, He will help us´ ± Ben Carson M.D.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D
Chapter #18 Reaching For Success
Ben reveals, in this 8-paged chapter, the true meanin g of success, as the continuous improvement of a person, and the ability to replicate what one ha s. All these are his views on the concept of success. He also give other factors and qualities that are involved in reaching for success, success, such factors as ± Co urage, determination and zeal. He also highlights the role of discipline in reaching for success, as he illustratively discusses them, in this chapter of the book.
Lesson: G od ³ G od expects us to do our best in every situation´ ± Ben Carson M.D.
Therefore, these laws stated, must be observed as we reach for success in everything we do.
T.H.I.N.K B.I.G. Ben Carson M.D