THREE AXIS HYDRAULIC HYDRAULIC MODERN TRAILER TRAILER Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
Under the guidance of
CERTIFICATE """"""""""""""""""""""""" "" Register numer ! """""""""""""""""""""""
T#is is t$ %erti&' t#(t t#e )r$*e%t re)$rt re)$rt tit+e, “THREE AXIS HYDRAULIC MODERN TRAILER” sumitte, ' t#e &$++$ing stu,ents &$r t#e ((r, $& t#e Di)+$m( engi engine neer erin ing g is re%$r e%$r, , $& $n( $n(., .,e e $r/ $r/ %(r %(rrie, rie, $ut $ut ' t#em D$ne ' Mr. /Ms._______________________________
In )(rti(+ &u+.++ment $& t#e re1uirement &$r t#e ((r, $& Diploma in Mechanical Eninee!in D"!in #he Yea! – $%&&'(%&&)* $%&&'(%&&)* +++++++++++++++++ Hea, o- Depa!#men#
+++++++++++++++ G"i,e
C$im(t$re – 63653 63653 D(te! S".mi##e, -o! #he "ni/e!0i#1 e2amina#ion hel, on +++++++++++
+++++++++++++++++ In#e!nal E2amine! E2amine!
++++++++++++++++ E2#e!nal
T#is is t$ %erti&' t#(t t#e )r$*e%t re)$rt re)$rt tit+e, “THREE AXIS HYDRAULIC MODERN TRAILER” sumitte, ' t#e &$++$ing stu,ents &$r t#e ((r, $& t#e Di)+$m( engi engine neer erin ing g is re%$r e%$r, , $& $n( $n(., .,e e $r/ $r/ %(r %(rrie, rie, $ut $ut ' t#em D$ne ' Mr. /Ms._______________________________
In )(rti(+ &u+.++ment $& t#e re1uirement &$r t#e ((r, $& Diploma in Mechanical Eninee!in D"!in #he Yea! – $%&&'(%&&)* $%&&'(%&&)* +++++++++++++++++ Hea, o- Depa!#men#
+++++++++++++++ G"i,e
C$im(t$re – 63653 63653 D(te! S".mi##e, -o! #he "ni/e!0i#1 e2amina#ion hel, on +++++++++++
+++++++++++++++++ In#e!nal E2amine! E2amine!
++++++++++++++++ E2#e!nal
AC3NO4LEDGEMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AC4NOLEDEMENT A# #hi0 plea0in momen# o- ha/in 0"cce00-"ll1 comple#e, o"! p!o5ec#6 7e 7i0h #o con/e1 o"! 0ince!e #han80 an, !a#i#",e #o #he manaemen# o-
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Depa!#men# "i,ance
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TITLE Synopi Introduction Literature ur#ey %omponent and &ecription (attery *icrocontroller Unit &,% *otor (loc. &iagram principle 2actor determining choice of *aterial 4d#antage and &iad#antage Lit of material %ot etimation %oncluion (ibliography 5hotography
SYNO8SIS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SYNOPSIS Thi pro6ect wor. titled “ THREE AXIS HYDRAULIC MODERN TRAILER” ha been concei#ed ha#ing tudied the difficulty in unloading the material, 7ur ur#ey in the regard in e#eral automobile garage8 re#ealed the fact that motly ome difficult method were adopted in unloading the material from the trailer,
9ow the pro6ect ha mainly concentrated on thi difficulty8 and hence a uitable arrangement ha been deigned, Such that the #ehicle can be unloaded from the trailer in three a:e without application of any impact force, (y preing the &irection control #al#e acti#ated, The oil from the hydraulic oil i goe to the hydraulic cylinder through #al#e, The ram of the hydraulic cylinder act a a lifting the trailer cabin,
C#()ter-3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4utomation can be achie#ed through computer8 hydraulic8 hydraulic8 robotic8 etc,8 of thee ource8 hydraulic form an attracti#e medium, 4utomation play an important role in automobile, 9owaday almot all the automobile #ehicle i being atomi;ed in order to product the human being, The automobile #ehicle i being atomi;ed for the following reaon,
To achie#e high afety
To reduce man power
To increae the efficiency of the #ehicle
To reduce the wor. load
To reduce the fatigue of
To high reponibility
Le *aintenance cot
C#()ter-2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LITERATURE SUR9EY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In the de#elopment of the ubmarine from pre-war clae8 many change and impro#ement ha#e occurred, 7ne of the outtanding difference i the large #ariety of ubmarine de#ice which are now operated by hydraulic power, In early clae8 there wa no hydraulic ytem8 and power requirement were met by mean of air or electricity, 4long with contantly impro#ing ubmarine deign ha gone a contant e:tenion and di#erification of the ue of hydraulic power,
%omparati#e ad#antage of hydraulic power
Therefore8 in pite of the preence of the two power ource 6ut decribed8 hydraulic power ma.e it appearance on the ubmarine becaue of the fact that it operational ad#antage8 when weighed againt the diad#antage enumerated for electricity and air in the preceding paragraph8 fully 6utify the addition of thi third ource of power to thoe a#ailable in the modern ubmarine,
%ontrol *echanim @al#e *aintenance
Switche and olenoid @al#e
%ontant attention neceary&ifficult8 requiring
.illed peronnel @ulnerability
Safe= bro.en
dangerou= bro.en line
line caue
caue failure and danger to
peronnel and equipment >epone
Slow for both tarting and
>apid tarting8 low
Intant tarting
and topping
Auietne of
2amiliarity of hydraulic principle 2or many centurie8 man ha utili;ed hydraulic principle to atify common8 e#eryday need8 7pening a faucet to fill a in. with water a practical application of
hydraulic, 0ater mo#e through a dam in accordance with well-.nown principle of fluid motion, There are hydraulic principle that e:plain the action of fluid in motion and other for fluid at ret,
0e are chiefly concerned8 howe#er= with that branch of hydromechanic which i called imply
E:ample of hydraulically operated equipment are familiar to all, (arber or dentit chair are raied and lowered hydraulically= o i an automobile when placed on a hydraulic rac. for a greae 6ob, Stepping on the bra.e pedal in an automobile create the hydraulic power which top the rotation of the four wheel and bring the car to a halt,
2or an undertanding of how a hydraulic ytem wor.8 we mut .now the baic principle8 or law8 of hydraulic8 that i8 of confined liquid under preure,
4 thin bottle i filled to the top with a liquid and tightly cor.ed, 4 le#er i preed againt the cor. to apply a downward force, If ufficient preure i e:erted8 the bottle will uddenly hatter into a number of piece8 howing thatB
Figu! 1 A""#i!$ "!%%u! i% !&!'!$ !(u)##* i+ )## $i!,'i+%
Liquid are practically incompreible, The applied preure i tranmitted equally in all direction at once,
2igure " illutrate the application of thee principle to a cloed hydraulic ytem, Two cylinder each are ha#ing a bae whoe area i ! quare inch8 are connected by a tube, The cylinder are filled with liquid to the le#el hown8 and a piton with a bae of the ame area C! quare inchD i placed on top of each column of liquid, Then a downward force of ! pound i applied to one of the piton, Since thi piton ha an area of ! quare inch8 the pressure upon it i ! pound per quare inch= and ince the other piton i of equal area8 the ame preure8 ! pound per quare inch8 will be impoed upward upon it,
2igure " Tranmiion of equal preure to equal area
Mu#'i"#! u+i'% It i not neceary to confine our ytem to a ingle line from the ource of hydraulic power,
to do multiple 6ob,
Let u connect one cylinder to four other a in 2igure $,
2igure $ multiple unit from a ingle ource of power
Thi i actually the method of operation of an automobile hydraulic-bra.e ytem Cee 2igure 'D, The foot preure on the bra.e pedal C!D depree a piton C"D in the mater cylinder C$D,
2luid i forced through the line C'D into each of the bra.e cylinder C)D, 4t the bra.e cylinder8 two oppoed piton C+D attached to the bra.e hoe are forced outward8 preing the bra.e band CD againt the inide of the wheel C/D to top their rotation by friction, >emo#al of the foot preure allow pring C1D at each wheel to retore the piton to their original poition and return the fluid to the mater cylinder where it i tored in preparation for the ne:t operation,
2igure ' 4utomobile hydraulic-bra.e ytem !D (ra.e pedal= "D piton= $D mater cylinder= 'D hydraulic line= )D bra.e cylinder= +D bra.e piton= D bra.e band= /D wheel= 1D return pring,
4 imple hydraulic ytem
7n the bai of the e:planation of baic hydraulic principle 6ut gi#en8 it i
poible to contruct a imple8 hydraulic ytem which will operate ome mechanical de#ice, 2or e:ample8 uch a ytem might open and cloe a door8 and hold it in either poition for any deired inter#al,
(aic unit of a hydraulic ytem
Such a ytem i illutrated in 2igure ), It necearily include the following baic equipment8 which8 in one form or another8 will be found in e#ery hydraulic ytemB 4 reer#oir8 or upply tan.8 containing oil which i upplied to the ytem a needed and into which the oil from the return line flow,
Figu! ./ A %i0"#! *$)u#i, %*%'!0
4 pump8 which upplie the neceary preure,
4 hydrauli hydraulicc cylind cylinder er88 or actuat actuating ing cylind cylinder er88 which which ue ue the the hydrau hydraulic lic energy de#eloped in the pump to mo#e the door, 4 cut-out #al#e8 by mean of which the preure in the actuating cylinder may be maintained or releaed a deired, 4 chec. #al#e8 placed in the return line to permit fluid to mo#e in only one direction,
The upply tan. mut ha#e a capacity large enough to .eep the entire ytem filled with oil and furnih additional oil to ma.e good the ine#itable loe from lea.age, The tan. i #ented to the atmophere= thu atmopheric preure C!', pound per quare inchD force the oil into the inlet8 or uction8 ide of the pump8 in accordance with the principle e:plained in connection with 2igure $, The tan. i generally placed at a higher le#el than the other unit in the ytem8 o that gra#ity ait in feeding oil into other unit,
Single 4cting
The Single 4cting hydraulic cylinder Cee 2igure +D8 which i the implet type of hydraulic motor 8 contain a pring-loaded piton8 with a piton >od that e:tend through one end of the cylinder, In our pro6ect8 thi ingle acting hydraulic cylinder i ued,
Figu! / Si+g#! ),'i+g *$)u#i, ,*#i+$!
Thi piton rod8 when connected to the door8 upplie the mechanical motion which open and cloe the door, The urface of the piton in contact with the hydraulic fluid ha an area of " quare inche,
The cut-out #al#e i hand-operated, 0hen cloed8 it hut off the line between the actuating cylinder and the upply tan.8 pre#enting the oil under preure in the cylinder from ecaping into the return line= when opened8 it releae thi preure8 allowing the loading pring inide the cylinder to e:pand8 and the oil in the cylinder to ecape bac. into the upply tan.,
4 power-dri#en hydraulic ytem
The door-operating ytem illutrated in 2igure ) i far impler than i uually found in actual er#ice, It ha the ob#iou diad#antage that intantaneou opening of the door i not poible becaue preure i built up lowly by hand pumping,
Unit of a power-dri#en hydraulic ytem
2igure illutrate a ytem in which a motor-dri#en pump i ubtituted for the hand hand pump8 pump8 a double double actin acting g actuat actuating ing cylind cylinder er for the pring pring-lo -loade aded d ingle ingle acting acting cylinder in 2igure )8 and including a control #al#e8 an unloading #al#e8 and an automatic relief #al#e8 in addition to the upply tan.8 or reer#oir8 and the return line chec. #al#e8 which are the ame a in the firt ytem,
2igure , 5ower-dri#en hydraulic ytem
4utomatic pumping will gi#e immediate preure for ue at the actuating cylinder whene#er it i needed,
&ouble 4cting
In the implified ytem8 the door wa actuated by a ingle acting cylinder, 7il wa .ept in or releaed from the cylinder by a imple on-and-off #al#e, 2or more efficient and poiti#e actuation8 thi will be replaced by a double acting cylinder Cee 2igure /D, In uch a cylinder8 the piton can mo#e in either direction to open or cloe the door,
2igure /, &ouble acting hydraulic ytem The piton i loc.ed in the deired poition by the hydraulic fluid8 which enter either ide of the piton a required and remain there until forced out, Since the flow of the fluid mut be directed to either of two ide8 a #al#e8 which elect the direction of flow8 i intalled in the line, Thi i called a control valve, %ontrol #al#e #ary with the pecific application8 but generally they are equipped with four port, Two are connected to the actuating cylinder at either ide of the piton, 4 third port i the preure port and recei#e fluid from the pump, The fourth port return urplu fluid either bac. to the reer#oir or elewhere in the ytem,
The reciprocating pump
The implet practical application of thi principle i een in the hand-operated reciprocating pump8 a implified #erion of which i illutrated in 2igure !-!),
4ume that the inta.e ide of the pump i connected to a upply of liquid, 0hen we mo#e the piton to the right8 lower preure i created in the chamber formed by the piton,
The chec. #al#e at the dicharge port pre#ent the entrance of fluid into the pump on the ubequent uction tro.e, The bac.-and-forth mo#ement of the piton in the pump i referred to a reciprocating motion and thi type of pump i generally .nown a a reciprocating-type piston pump, It may ha#e a ingle piton or be multi-pitoned, It may be hand-actuated or power-dri#en, The reciprocating piton principle i conceded to be the mot effecti#e for de#eloping high fluid preure,
C#()ter-: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
COM8ONENTS AND DESCRI8TION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!, Single acting 49& %799E%T7> /, (E4>I9? 0IT< (E4>I9? %45 1, 0>49?*E9T !3, T>4ILE> (7&F
The piton i a cylindrical member of certain length which reciprocate inide the cylinder, The diameter of the piton i lightly le than that of the cylinder bore diameter
and it i fitted to the top of the piton rod, It i one of the important part which con#ert the preure energy into mechanical power,
The piton i equipped with a ring uitably proportioned and it i relati#ely oft rubber which i capable of pro#iding good ealing with low friction at the operating preure, The purpoe of piton i to pro#ide mean of con#eying the preure of air inide the cylinder to the piton of the oil cylinder,
?enerally piton i made up of
4luminium alloy-light and medium wor.,
(ra or bron;e or %I-
The piton i ingle acting pring returned type, The piton mo#e forward when the high-preure air i turned from the right ide of cylinder, The piton mo#e bac.ward when the olenoid #al#e i in 722 condition, The piton hould be a trong and rigid a poible, The efficiency and economy of the machine primarily depend on the of the piton, It mut operate in the cylinder with a minimum of friction and hould be able to withtand the high compreor force de#eloped in the cylinder and alo the hoc. load during operation, The piton hould poe the following qualitie, a, The mo#ement of the piton not create much noie,
b, It hould be frictionle, c, It hould withtand high preure,
Pi%'+ R$
The piton rod i circular in cro ection, It connect piton with piton of other cylinder, The piton rod i made of mild teel ground and polihed, 4 high finih i eential on the outer rod urface to minimi;e wear on the rod eal, The piton rod i connected to the piton by mechanical fatening, The piton and the piton rod can be eparated if neceary,
7ne end of the piton rod i connected to the bottom of the piton, The other end of the piton rod i connected to the other piton rod by mean of coupling, The piton tranmit the force to the oil cylinder through the piton rod, The piton rod i deigned to withtand the high comprei#e force, It hould a#oid bending and withtand hoc. load caued by the cutting force, The piton mo#e inide the rod eal fi:ed in the bottom co#er plate of the cylinder, The ealing arrangement pre#ent the lea.age of air from the bottom of the cylinder while the rod reciprocate through it, C*#i+$! C4! P#)'!%
The cylinder hould be encloed to get the applied preure from the compreor and act on the pinion, The cylinder i thu cloed by the co#er plate on both the end uch that there i no lea.age of air, 4n inlet port i pro#ided on the top co#er plate and an
outlet port on the bottom co#er plate, There i alo a hole drilled for the mo#ement of the piton,
The cylinder co#er plate protect the cylinder from dut and other particle and maintain the ame preure that i ta.en from the compreor, The flange ha to hold the piton in both of it e:treme poition, The piton hit the top plat during the return tro.e and hit the bottom plate during end of forward tro.e, So the co#er plate mut be trong enough to withtand the load, C*#i+$! Mu+'i+g P#)'!%:
It i attached to the cylinder co#er plate and alo to the carriage with the help of GLH bend and bolt, C*#i+$! Tu5! M)'!i)#%: LIGHT DUTY
!, 5latic
4luminium tube ',
hard drawn bra tube,
E+$ C4! M)'!i)#%:
!, 4luminium toc. C2abricatedD ", (ra toc.
4luminium toc.
(ra toc.
$, 4luminium
4luminium8 (ra8
iron or teel %ating,
Pi%'+ M)'!i)#%: LIGHT DUTY !,4luminium
MEDIUM DUTY 4luminium %ating
HEAVY DUTY 4luminium 2orging8
%ating ", $,
(ra C2abricatedD (ron;e C2abricatedD Iron and Steel
4luminium %ating, (ron;e C2abricatedD (ra8 (ron;e8 Iron or
Steel %ating,
Mu+' M)'!i)#%: LIGHT DUTY !, 4luminium
MEDIUM DUTY 4luminium8 (ra
%ating ", Light ght 4ll 4lloy oy
4nd Steel %ating
Steel %ating
Steel 2abrication
Pi%'+ R$ M)'!i)#%: MATERIAL *IL& STEEL
FINISH ?round and polihed hardened8
REMAR6S ?enerally preferred chrome
ground and polihed, ?round and 5olihed
plated Le cratch reitant than chrome plated piton rod
2/ OIL TAN6:
The hydraulic ytem require the oil to wor. the ytem, So we ha#e to pro#ide the oil tan.,
4lmot any free-flowing liquid i uitable a a hydraulic fluid8 a long a it will not chemically in6ure the hydraulic equipment, 2or e:ample8 an acid8 although freeflowing8 would ob#iouly be unuitable becaue it would corrode the metallic part of the ytem,
0ater8 ater8 e:cept for it uni#eral uni#eral a#ailabil a#ailability ity88 uffer uffer from a number number of eriou eriou defect a a poible hydraulic fluid, 7ne uch defect i that it free;e at a relati#ely high temperature8 and8 in free;ing8 e:pand with tremendou force8 detroying pipe and other equipment, 4lo8 it rut teel part= and it i rather hea#y8 creating coniderable amount of inertia in a ytem of any i;e,
The hydraulic fluid ued in ubmarine hydraulic ytem i a light8 fat-flowing lubricating oil8 which doe not free;e or e#en loe it fluidity to any mar.ed degree e#en at low temperature8 and which poee the additional ad#antage of lubricating the internal mo#ing part of the hydraulic unit through which it circulate,
Since thi oil8 a petroleum deri#ati#e8 caue rapid deterioration of natural rubber8 ynthetic rubber i pecified for ue in thee ytem a and oil eal,
In our pro6ect8 the rotary #acuum pump with motor i ued,
The >otary #acuum pump
The widely ued type of pump i the rotary #acuum pump whoe operating principle i illutrated bellow,
The oil i trapped by the pump and carried by them around the inide channel of the pump body, Thi uc. in oil at the inlet port Cthe left-hand portD8 and dicharge it at the outlet port Cthe right-hand portD, The oil cannot get bac. through the outer channel to the inlet ide of the pump becaue the #acuum pump i rotating by gi#ing "$3@olt 4,% upply
Therefore a continuou flow of oil i et up in the direction, Thi flow continue a long a the #acuum pump continue to rotate, 5ump uing the #acuum principle are popular becaue of their quiet performance and becaue their implicity of deign reult in relati#e freedom from er#ice trouble,
The Solenoid control #al#e i ued to control the flow direction i called cut off #al#e or olenoid #al#e, Thi olenoid cut off #al#e i controlled by the electronic control unit which i attached in the dah pad itelf,
In our pro6ect eparate olenoid #al#e i ued for flow direction, 7ne i ued to control the oil direction from oil tan. to the hydraulic cylinder, 4nother one i ued to return the oil from the hydraulic cylinder to the reer#oir,
The &ah pad contain the Electronic control circuit8 and (utton, The button i acti#ated at the time of we required8 the control circuit gi#e the control ignal to the olenoid #al#e8 o that the olenoid #al#e operate,
In our ytem there are two type of connector ued= one i the hoe connector and the other i the reducer,
>educer are ued to pro#ide inter connection between two pipe or hoe of different i;e, They may be fitted traight8 tee8 “@” or other configuration, Thee reducer are made up of gunmetal or other material li.e hardened teel etc,
The bearing are preed moothly to fit into the haft becaue if hammered the bearing may de#elop crac., (earing i made upof teel material and bearing cap i mild teel,
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C+%'u,'i+ )+$ T*"!% ? <)##
4 ball bearing uually conit of four partB an inner ring8 an outer ring8 the ball and the cage or eparator, To increae the contact area and permit larger load to be carried8 the ball run in cur#ilinear groo#e in the ring, The radiu of the groo#e i lightly larger than the radiu of the ball8 and a #ery light amount of radial play mut be pro#ided, The bearing i thu permitted to ad6ut itelf to mall amount of angular mialignment between the aembled haft and mounting, The eparator .eep the ball e#enly paced and pre#ent them from touching each other on the ide where their relati#e #elocitie are the greatet, (all bearing are made in a wide #ariety of type and i;e, Single-row radial bearing are made in four erie8 e:tra light8 light8 medium8 and hea#y8 for each bore8 a illutrated in 2ig, !-$CaD8 CbD8 and CcD,
100 Series
200 Series
300 Series
Axial Thrust
Angular Contact Self-aligning
The hea#y erie of bearing i deignated by '33,
*ot8 but not all8
manufacturer ue a numbering ytem o de#ied that if the lat two digit are multiplied by )8 the reult will be the bore in millimeter, The digit in the third place from the right indicate the erie number, Thu8 bearing $3 ignifie a medium-erie bearing of $)mm bore, 2or additional digit8 which may be preent in the catalog number of a bearing8 refer to manufacturerH detail,
Some lit deep groo#e bearing and bearing with two row of ball,
2or bearing
deignation of Auality (earing %omponent CA(%D8 ee pecial page de#oted to thi purpoe, The radial bearing i able to carry a coniderable amount of a:ial thrut,
adial bearing are di#ided into two general clae8 depending on the method of aembly, Thee are the %onrad8 or nonfilling-notch type8 and the ma:imum8 or filling-notch type, In the %onrad bearing8 the ball are placed between the ring a hown in 2ig, !-'CaD, Then they are e#enly paced and the eparator i ri#eted in place,
In the ma:imum-type bearing8 the
ball are a CaD CbD CcD CdD CeD CfD !33 Serie E:tra Light "33 Serie Light $33 Serie *edium 4:ial Thrut (earing 4ngular %ontact (earing Self-aligning (earing 2ig, !-$ Type of (all (earing 2ig, !-' *ethod of 4embly
for (all (earing CaD %onrad
or non-filling notch type CbD *a:imum or filling notch type
The wheel are fitted to the body of the #ehicle with the help of end bearing and bearing cap, The wheel are made up of fiber material,
The trailer body i made up of mild teel heet metal, Thi frame i loo. li.e a mall model trailer,
C#()ter- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;ATTERY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In iolated ytem away from the grid8 batterie are ued for torage of e:ce olar energy con#erted into electrical energy, The only e:ception are iolated unhine load uch a irrigation pump or water upplie for torage, In fact for mall unit with output le than one .ilowatt, (atterie eem to be the only technically and economically a#ailable torage mean, Since both the photo-#oltaic ytem and batterie are high in capital cot, It i neceary that the o#erall ytem be optimi;ed with repect to a#ailable energy and local demand pattern, To be economically attracti#e the torage of olar electricity require a battery with a particular combination of propertieB
Low cot
Long life
Low dicharge
*inimum maintenance C4D
4mpere hour efficiency
0att hour efficiency
0e ue lead acid battery for toring the electrical energy from the olar panel for lighting the treet and o about the lead acid cell are e:plained below,
0here high #alue of load current are neceary8 the lead-acid cell i the type mot commonly ued, The electrolyte i a dilute olution of ulfuric acid C<
The lead acid cell type i a econdary cell or torage cell8 which can be recharged, The charge and dicharge cycle can be repeated many time to retore the output #oltage8 a long a the cell i in good phyical condition,
Inide a lead-acid battery8 the poiti#e and negati#e electrode conit of a group of plate welded to a connecting trap, The plate are immered in the electrolyte8 coniting of / part of water to $ part of concentrated ulfuric acid, Each plate i a grid or framewor.8 made of a lead-antimony alloy, Thi contruction enable the acti#e material8 which i lead o:ide8 to be pated into the grid, In manufacture of the cell8 a forming charge produce the poiti#e and negati#e electrode, In the forming proce8 the acti#e material in the poiti#e plate i changed to lead pero:ide Cpbo
4utomobile batterie are uually hipped dry from the manufacturer,
electrolyte i put in at the time of intallation8 and then the battery i charged to from the plate, 0ith maintenance-free batterie8 little or no water need be added in normal er#ice, Some type are ealed8 e:cept for a preure #ent8 without pro#iion for adding water, The contruction part of battery are hown in figure C+D,
4utomobile batterie are uually hipped dry from the manufacturer,
electrolyte i put in at the time of intallation8 and then the battery i charged to from the plate, 0ith maintenance-free batterie8 little or no water need be added in normal er#ice, Some type are ealed8 e:cept for a preure #ent8 without pro#iion for adding water, The contruction part of battery are hown in figure C+D,
Sulfuric acid i a combination of hydrogen and ulfate ion,
0hen the cell
dicharge8 lead pero:ide from the poiti#e electrode combine with hydrogen ion to form water and with ulfate ion to form lead ulfate, %ombining lead on the negati#e plate with ulfate ion alo produce he ulfate, There fore8 the net reult of dicharge i to produce more water8 which dilute the electrolyte8 and to form lead ulfate on the plate,
4 the dicharge continue8 the ulfate fill the pore of the grid8 retarding circulation of acid in the acti#e material, Lead ulfate i the powder often een on the outide terminal of old batterie,
0hen the combination of wea. electrolyte and
ulfating on the plate lower the output of the battery8 charging i neceary,
7n charge8 the e:ternal &,%, ource re#ere the current in the battery,
re#ered direction of ion flow in the electrolyte reult in a re#eral of the chemical reaction, 9ow the lead ulfate on the poiti#e plate reacti#e with the water and ulfate ion to produce lead pero:ide and ulfuric acid, Thi action re-form the poiti#e plate and ma.e the electrolyte tronger by adding ulfuric acid,
4t the ame time8 charging enable the lead ulfate on the negati#e plate to react with hydrogen ion= thi alo form ulfuric acid while reforming lead on the negati#e plate to react with hydrogen ion= thi alo form current can retore the cell to full output8 with lead pero:ide on the poiti#e plate8 pongy lead on the negati#e plate8 and the required concentration of ulfuric acid in the electrolyte,
The chemical equation for the lead-acid cell i
5b J pb7< J "<
"pbS7 = J "<<7
7n dicharge8 the pb and pbo < combine with the S7= ion at the left ide of the equation to form lead ulfate CpbS7 =D and water C<<7D at the right ide of the equation, 7ne battery conit of + cell8 each ha#e an output #oltage of ",!@8 which are connected in erie to get an #oltage of !"@ and the ame !"@ battery i connected in erie8 to get an "' @ battery, They are placed in the water proof iron caing bo:,
7n dicharge8 the pb and pbo < combine with the S7= ion at the left ide of the equation to form lead ulfate CpbS7 =D and water C<<7D at the right ide of the equation, 7ne battery conit of + cell8 each ha#e an output #oltage of ",!@8 which are connected in erie to get an #oltage of !"@ and the ame !"@ battery i connected in erie8 to get an "' @ battery, They are placed in the water proof iron caing bo:,
4lway ue e:treme caution when handling batterie and electrolyte, 0ear glo#e8 goggle and old clothe, “(attery acid” will burn .in and eye and detroy cotton and wool clothing,
The way of ruin lead-acid batterie i to dicharge them deeply and lea#e them tand “dead” for an e:tended period of time, 0hen they dicharge8 there i a chemical change in the poiti#e plate of the battery, They change from lead o:ide when charge out lead ulfate when dicharged, If they remain in the lead Sulfate State for a few day8 ome part of the plate doe not return to lead o:ide when the battery i recharged, If the battery remain dicharge longer8 a greater amount of the poiti#e plate will remain lead ulfate,
The part of the plate that become “ulfate” no longer tore energy,
(atterie that are deeply dicharged8 and then charged partially on a regular bai can fail in le then one year, %hec. your batterie on a regular bai to be ure they are getting
charged, Ue a hydrometer to chec. the pecific gra#ity of your lead acid batterie, If batterie are cycled #ery deeply and then recharged quic.ly8 the pecific gra#ity reading will be lower than it hould becaue the electrolyte at the top of the battery may not ha#e mi:ed with the “charged” electrolyte,
%hec. the electrolyte le#el in the wet-cell batterie at the leat four time a year and top each cell of with ditilled water, &o not add water to dicharged batterie, Electrolyte i aborbed when batterie are #ery dicharged, If you add water at thi time8 and then recharge the battery8 electrolyte will o#erflow and ma.e a me,
Keep the top of your batterie clean and chec. that cable are tight, &o not tighten or remo#e cable while charging or dicharging, 4ny par. around batterie can caue a hydrogen e:ploion inide8 and ruin one of the cell8 and you,
7n charge8 with re#ere current through the electrolyte8 the chemical action i re#ered, Then the pb ion from the lead ulfate on the right ide of the equation re-form the lead and lead pero:ide electrode, 4lo the S7= ion combine with << ion from the water to produce more ulfuric acid at the left ide of the equation,
Lead-acid batterie are generally rated in term of how much dicharge current they can upply for a pecified period of time= the output #oltage mut be maintained abo#e a minimum le#el8 which i !,) to !,/@ per cell, 4 common rating i ampere-hour C4,h,D baed on a pecific dicharge time8 which i often /h,
Typical #alue for
automobile batterie are !33 to $33 4,h,
4 an e:ample8 a "33 4,h battery can upply a load current of "33/ or ")48 ued on /h dicharge, The battery can upply le current for a longer time or more current for a horter time, 4utomobile batterie may be rated for “cold power”8 which i related to the 6ob of tarting the engine, 4 typical rating i ')34 for $3 at a temperature of 3 degree 2,
9ote that the ampere-hour unit pecifie coulomb of charge, 2or intance8 "33 4,h, correpond to "334M$+33 C!hN$+33D, the equal "38333 4,S8 or coulomb, 7ne ampere-econd i equal to one coulomb, Then the charge equal "38333 or ,"M!3O)P%, To put thi much charge bac. into the battery would require "3 hour with a charging current of !34,
The rating for lead-acid batterie are gi#en for a temperature range of to /3P2,
Low temperature reduce the current capacity and #oltage output, The amperehour capacity i reduced appro:imately 3,)Q for each decreae of !P 2 below normal temperature rating, 4t 3P2 the a#ailable output i only +3 Q of the ampere-hour battery rating, In cold weather8 therefore8 it i #ery important to ha#e an automobile battery unto full charge, In addition8 the electrolyte free;e more eaily when diluted by water in the dicharged condition,
*eauring the pecific gra#ity of the electrolyte generally chec. the tate of dicharge for a lead-acid cell, Specific gra#ity i a ratio comparing the weight of a ubtance with the weight of a ubtance with the weight of water,
2or intance8
concentrated ulfuric acid i !,/$) time a hea#y a water for the ame #olume, Therefore8 it pecific gra#ity equal !,/$), The pecific gra#ity of water i !8 ince it i the reference,
In a fully charged automoti#e cell8 mi:ture of ulfuric acid and water reult in a pecific gra#ity of !,"/3 at room temperature of 3 to /3P2, 4 the cell dicharge8 more
water i formed8 lowering the pecific gra#ity, 0hen it i down to about !,!)38 the cell i completely dicharged,
Specific-gra#ity reading are ta.en with a battery hydrometer,
9ote that the
calibrated float with the pecific gra#ity mar. will ret higher in an electrolyte of higher pecific gra#ity,
The decimal point i often omitted for con#enience, 2or e:ample8 the #alue of !,""3 i imply read “twel#e twenty”, 4 hydrometer reading of !"+3 to !"/3 indicate full charge8 appro:imately !",)3 are half charge8 and !!)3 to !"33 indicate complete dicharge,
The importance of the pecific gra#ity can be een from the fact that the opencircuit #oltage of the lead-acid cell i appro:imately equal to
Specific gra#ity J 3,/'
2or the pecific gra#ity of !,"/38 the #oltage i !,"/3 N 3,/' N ",!"@8 a an e:ample, Thee #alue are for a fully charged battery,
The requirement are illutrated in figure, 4n e:ternal &,%, #oltage ource i neceary to produce current in one direction, 4lo8 the charging #oltage mut be more than the battery e,m,f,
4ppro:imately ",) per cell are enough to o#er the cell e,m,f, o that the charging #oltage can produce current oppoite to the direction of dicharge current, 9ote that the re#eral of current i obtained 6ut by connecting the battery @( and charging ource @? with J to J and –to-8 a hown in figure, The charging current i re#ered becaue the battery effecti#ely become a load reitance for @? when it higher than @(, In thi e:ample8 the net #oltage a#ailable to produce charging current i !)-!"N$@, 4 commercial charger for automobile batterie i eentially a &,%, power upply8 rectifying input from the 4% power line to pro#ide &,%, output for charging batterie,
2loat charging refer to a method in which the charger and the battery are alway connected to each other for upplying current to the load, In figure the charger pro#ide current for the load and the current neceary to .eep the battery fully charged, The battery here i an au:iliary ource for &,%, power,
It may be of interet to note that an automobile battery i in a floating-charge circuit, The battery charger i an 4% generator or alternator with rectifier diode8 dri#er by a belt from the engine, 0hen you tart the car8 the battery upplie the
power, 7nce the engine i running8 the alternator charge he battery, It i not neceary for the car to be mo#ing, 4 #oltage regulator i ued in thi ytem to maintain the output at appro:imately !$ to !) @,
The contant #oltage of "'@ come from the olar panel controlled by the charge controller o for toring thi energy we need a "'@ battery o two !"@ battery are connected in erie, It i a good idea to do an equali;ing charge when ome cell how a #ariation of 3,3) pecific gra#ity from each other, Thi i a long teady o#ercharge8 bringing the battery to a gaing or bubbling tate, &o not equali;e ealed or gel type batterie, 0ith proper care8 lead-acid batterie will ha#e a long er#ice life and wor. #ery well in almot any power ytem, Unfortunately8 with poor treatment lead-acid battery life will be #ery hort,
MICRO CONTROLLER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 *icro controller conit of a powerful %5U tightly coupled with memory C>4*8 >7* or E5>7*D8 #ariou I7 feature uch a erial port8 parallel port8 Timer %ounter8 Interrupt %ontroller8 &ata 4cquiition interface-4nalog to &igital %on#erter C4&%D8 &igital to 4nalog %on#erter C&4%D8 e#erything integrated into a ingle ilicon chip,
It doe not mean that any micro controller hould ha#e all the abo#e aid feature on chip8 &epending on the need and area of application for which it i deigned8 the on chip feature preent in it may or may not include all the indi#idual ection aid abo#e,
4ny *icrocomputer ytem require memory to tore a equence of intruction up a program8 parallel port or erial port for communicating with an e:ternal ytem8 timer counter for control purpoe li.e generating time delay8 (aud rate for the erial port8 apart from the controlling unit called the %entral 5roceing Unit,
---- Supply #oltage,
---- ?round,
5ort 3 i an /-bit open-drain bi-directional I7 port, 0hen ! are written to port 3 pin8 the pin can be ued a high impedance input/
P' 1
5ort ! i an /-bit bi-directional I7 port with internal pull-up, 0hen ! are written to 5ort ! pin they are pulled high by the internal pull-up and can be ued a input, 5ort ! alo recei#e the low-order addre byte during flah programming and #erification,
P' 2
5ort " i an /-bit bi-directional I7 port with internal pull-up, 5ort " emit the high-order addre byte during fetche from e:ternal program memory and during accee to e:ternal data memory that ue !+-bit addree C*7@R &5T>D,
P' 3
5ort $ i an /-bit bi-directional I7 port with internal pull-up, The 5ort $ output buffer can in.ource four TTL input, 0hen ! are written to 5ort $ pin they are pulled high by the internal pull-up and can be ued a input, Thee port can be ued a following #ariou feature,
P' Pi+
A#'!+)'! Fu+,'i+%
RXD 9%!i)# i+"u' "'
TXD 9%!i)# u'"u' "'
INT 9!&'!+)# i+'!u"'
INT1 9!&'!+)# i+'!u"' 1
T 9'i0! !&'!+)# i+"u'
T1 9'i0! 1 !&'!+)# i+"u'
7R 9!&'!+)# $)') 0!0* 7i'! %'5!
RD 9!&'!+)# $)') 0!0* R!)$ %'5! RST
>eet input, 4 high on thi pin for two machine cycle while the ocillator i running reet the de#ice,
C5>7?D during 2lah programming, 4ddre Latch Enable output pule for latching the low byte of the addre during accee to e:ternal memory, Thi pin i alo the program pule input
5rogram Store Enable i the read trobe to e:ternal program memory, 0hen the 4T/1%)! i e:ecuting code from e:ternal program memory8 5SE9 i acti#ated twice each machine cycle8 e:cept that two 5SE9 acti#ationH are .ipped during each acce to e:ternal data memory,
E:ternal 4cce Enable, E4 mut be trapped to ?9& in order to enable the de#ice to fetch code from e:ternal program memory location tarting at 3333< up to 2222<, 9ote8 howe#er8 that if loc. bit ! i programmed8 E4 will be internally latched on reet, E4 hould be trapped to @%% for internal program e:ecution, Thi pin alo recei#e the !"-#olt programming enable #oltage C@55D during 2lah programming8 for part that require !"-#olt @55,
Input to the in#erting ocillator amplifier and input to the internal cloc. operating circuit,
-7utput from the in#erting 7cillator amplifier,
The programming model of the /1%)! of the /1%)! a a collection of / and !+-bit regiter and /-bit memory location, Thee regiter and memory location can be made to operate uing the oftware intruction that are incorporated a part of the deign, The program intruction ha#e to do with the control of the regiter and digital data path that are phyically located outide the /1%)!,
The number of pecial-purpoe regiter that mut be preent to ma.e a microcomputer a micro controller complicate the model, 4 curory inpection of the model i recommended for the firt time #iewer8 return to the model a needed while progreing through the remainder of the te:t,
*ot of the regiter ha#e a pecific function8 thoe that do occupy an indi#idual bloc. with a ymbolic name8 uch a 4 or T<3 or 5%8 other8 which are generally inditinguihable from each other8 are grouped in a larger bloc.8 uch a internal >7* or >4* memory,
Each regiter8 with the e:ception of the program counter8 ha an internal !-byte addre aigned to it,
Some regiter mar.ed with an ateri. are both byte and bit addreable, That i8 the entire byte of data at uch regiter addre may be read or altered8 or indi#idual bit may be read or altered, Software intruction are generally able to pecify a regiter by it addre8 it ymbolic name8 or both,
4 pin out of the /1%)! pac.aged in a '3-pin &I5, It i important to note that many of the pin are ued for more than one function, 9ot all of the poible /1%)! feature may be ued at the ame time,
5rogramming intruction or phyical pin connection determine the ue of any multifunction pin, 2or e:ample8 port $ bit 3 may be ued a a general-purpoe I7 pin8 or a an input C>R&D to S(U28 the erial data recei#er regiter,
The ytem deigner decide which of thee two function i to be ued and deign the hardware and oftware affecting that pin accordingly,
The heart of the /1%)! i the circuitry that generate the cloc. pule by which all internal operation are ynchroni;ed,
5in RT4L! and RT4L" are pro#ided for
connecting reonant networ. to form an ocillator,
Typically8 a quart; crytal and capacitor are employed, The crytal frequency i the baic internal cloc. frequency of the micro controller, The manufacturer ma.e a#ailable /1%)! deign that can run at pecified ma:imum and minimum frequencie8 typically ! *<; to !+ *h;, *inimum frequencie imply that ome internal memorie are dynamic and mut alway operate abo#e a minimum frequency or data will be lot,
Serial data communication need often dictate the frequency of the ocillator becaue of the requirement that internal counter mut di#ide the baic cloc. rate to yield tandard communication bit per econd rate, If the baic cloc. frequency i not di#iible without a remainder8 then the reulting communication frequency i not tandard,
%eramic reonator may be ued a a low cot alternati#e to crytal reonator,
The ocillator formed by the crytal8 capacitor8 and an on-chip in#erter generate a pule train at the frequency of the crytal, The cloc. frequency8 f8 etablihe the mallet inter#al of time within the micro controller8 called the pule8 p8 time,
The mallet inter#al of time within the complie any imple intruction8 or part of a comple: intruction8 howe#er8 i the machine cycle, The machine cycle i itelf made up of micro controller uch a fetching an output code byte8 decoding an output code8 e:ecuting an output code8 or writing a data byte, Two ocillator pule define each tate,
5rogram intruction may require one8 two or four machine cycle to be e:ecuted8 depending on the type of intruction will ta.e to be e:ecuted find the number of cycle8 %8 from the lit in 4ppendi: 4, The time to e:ecute that intruction i then found by multiplying % by !" and di#iding the product by the crytal frequency,
Tint N % : !"d %rytal frequency
2or e:ample8 if the crytal frequency i !+*<;8 then the time to e:ecute an 4&& 48 >! one cycle intruction i ) microecond, 4 !"*<; crytal yield the con#enient time of ! microecond per cycle, 4n !!,3)1"*<; crytal8 although eemingly an odd #alue8 yield a cycle frequency of 1"!,+ K<;8 which can be di#ided e#enly by the tandard communication baud rate of !1"338 1+338 '/338 "'33 and $33<;,
9ote8 there are two 4LE pule per machine cycle, The 4LE pule8 which i primarily ued a a timing pule for e:ternal memory acce8 indicate when e#ery intruction byte i fetched, Two byte of a ingle intruction may thu be fetched8 and e:ecuted8 in one machine cycle, Single byte intruction are not e:ecuted in a half cycle8 howe#er, Single byte intruction “throw away” the econd byte, The ne:t intruction i then fetched in the following cycle,
The /1%)! contain two !+-bit regiterB the program counter C5%D and the data pointer C&5T>D, Each i ued to hold the addre of a bute in memory,
5rogram intruction byte are fetched from location in memory that are addreed by the 5%, 5rogram >7* may be on the chip at addree 3333h to 3222h8 e:ternal to the chip for addree that e:ceed 3222h8 or totally e:ternal by certain intruction, The 5% i the only regiter that doe not ha#e an internal addre,
The &5T> regiter i made up of two /-bit regiter8 named &5< and &5L8 which are ued to furnih memory addree for internal and e:ternal code acce and e:ternal data acce,
The &5T> i under the control of program intruction and can be pecified by it !+-bit name8 &5T>8 or by each indi#idual byte name8 &5< and &5T> doe not ha#e a ingle internal addre8 &5< and &5L are each aigned an addre,
!, If a ytem i de#eloped with a microproceor8 the deigner ha to go for e:ternal memory uch a >4*8 >7*8 or E5>7* and peripheral and hence the i;e of the 5%( will be large enough to hold all the peripheral facilitie on a ingle chip o de#elopment of a imilar ytem with a micro controller reduce 5%( i;e and cot of the deign,
", 7ne of the ma6or difference between a *icro controller and a *icro controller and a *icro proceor i that a controller often deal with bit8 not byte a in the real world application8 for e:ample witch contact can only be open or cloe8 indicator hould be lit or dar. and motor can be either turned on or off and o forth, $, The *icro controller ha two !+ bit timer counter built within it8 which ma.e it more uitable to thi application ince we need to produce ome accurate timer delay, It i e#en ad#antageou that the timer alo act a interrupt,
T! M) F!)'u!% ? -5i' Mi, C+'##! ATMEL C.1
!, / bit %5U optimi;ed for control application ", E:teni#e (oolean proceing Cingle-bit logicD capabilitie, $, 7n-chip flah program memory, ', 7n-chip data >4* ), (i-directional and indi#idually addreable I7 Line +, *ultiple !+-bit timercounter , 7n-chip 7cillator and cloc. circuitry /, 7n-chip EE5>7* 1, S5I erial bu interface !3, 0atch &og Timer
To e:ploit the power a#ing a#ailable in %*7S circuitry, 4tmelH 2lah micro controller ha#e two oftware-in#ited reduced power mode,
The %5U i turned off while the >4* and other on-chip peripheral continue operating, In thi mode current draw i reduced to about !) percent of the current drawn when the de#ice i fully acti#e,
4ll on-chip acti#itie are upended while the on-chip >4* continue to hold it data, In thi mode8 the de#ice typically draw le than !) 4 and can be a low a 3,+ 4,
0hen power i turned on8 the circuit hold the >ST pin high for an amount of time that depend on the capacitor #alue and the rate at which it charge,
To enure a #alid reet8 the >ST pin mut be held high long enough to allow the ocillator to tart up plu two machine cycle,
The map of the lower part of the program memory8 after reet8 the %5U begin e:ecution from location 3333h,
4 hown each interrupt i aigned a fi:ed location in program memory, The interrupt caue the %5U to 6ump to that location8 where it e:ecute the er#ice routine, E:ternal interrupt 3 for e:ample aigned to location 3333$h, If the interrupt in not ued it er#ice location i a#ailable a general-purpoe program memory,
The interrupt er#ice location are paced at / byte inter#al 3333$h for e:ternal interrupt 38 333(h for Timer 38 33!$h for e:ternal interrupt !833!(h for Timer !8 and o on,
If an interrupt er#ice routine i hort enough Ca i often the cae in control
applicationD it can reide entirely within that /-byte inter#al, Longer er#ice routine can ue a 6ump intruction to .ip o#er ubequent interrupt location if other interrupt are in ue,
The lowet addree of program memory can be either in the on-chip flah or in an e:ternal memory, To ma.e thi election8 trap the E:ternal 4cce CE4D pin to either @%% or ?9&,
2or e:ample8 in the 4T/1%)! with 'K byte of on-chip 2lah8 if the E4 pin i trapped to @cc8 program fetche to addree 3333h through 3222h are directed to internal flah program fetche to addree 3333h through 32222h are directed to internal
The lowet addree of program memory can be either in the on-chip flah or in an e:ternal memory, To ma.e thi election8 trap the E:ternal 4cce CE4D pin to either @%% or ?9&,
2or e:ample8 in the 4T/1%)! with 'K byte of on-chip 2lah8 if the E4 pin i trapped to @cc8 program fetche to addree 3333h through 3222h are directed to internal flah program fetche to addree 3333h through 32222h are directed to internal flah program fetche to addree !3333h through 2222h are directed to e:ternal memory,
The internal data memory i di#ided into three bloc. namely8 !, The lower !"/ byte of internal >4* ", The upper !"/ byte of internal >4* $, Special function regiter,
Internal data memory addree are alway ! byte wide8 which implie an addre pace of only ")+ byte, 4* can in fact accommodate $/'byte, &irect addree higher than 2< acce one memory pace and indirect addree higher 2< acce a different memory pace,
The lowet $" byte are grouped into ' ban. of / regiter, 5rogram intruction call out thee regiter a >3 through >, Two bit in the program tatu word C5S0D elect8 which regiter ban.8 i in ue, Thi architecture allow more efficient ue of code pace8 ince regiter intruction are horter than intruction that ue direct addreing,
The ne:t !+-byte abo#e the regiter ban. form a bloc. of bit addreable memory pace, The micro controller intruction et include a wide election of ingle bit intruction et include a wide election of ingle-bit intruction and thi intruction can directly addre the !"/ byte in thi area, Thee bit addree are 33h through 2h,
5rogram tatu word regiter in 4T*EL /1%)! i gi#en below
%F S
4% 5S0+ PSW5
5 PS7
5riority of accumulator i et by hard ware to ! if it contain and odd number of !H= otherwie it i reet to ;ero,
Uer definable flag,
7#er flow flag et by arithmetic operation
PS4 < PS4 ?
>egiter ban. elect
?eneral purpoe flag
PS4)? 4u:iliary carrie flag
PS4? 5arity bit,
C#()ter-6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DC MOTOR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The electrical motor i an intrument8 which con#ert electrical energy into mechanical energy, 4ccording to faradayH law of Electro magnetic induction8 when a current carrying conductor i placed in a magnetic field8 it e:perience a mechanical force whoe direction i gi#en by 2lemingH left hand rule,
%ontructional a dc generator and a dc motor are identical, The ame dc machine can be ued a a generator or a a motor, 0hen a generator i in operation8 it i dri#en mechanically and de#elop a #oltage, The #oltage i capable of ending current through the load reitance, 0hile motor action a torque i de#eloped,
The torque can produce mechanical rotation, *otor are claified a erie wound8 hunt wound motor,
Pi+,i"#!% ? "!)'i+:
The baic principle of *otor action lie in a ample .etch,
*o#ement of Conductor
M)g+!'i, ?#u&
Cu!+' ,)*i+g C+$u,'
The motor runH according to the principle of 2lemingH left hand rule, 0hen a current carrying conductor i placed in a magnetic field i produced to mo#e the conductor away from the magnetic field,
The conductor carrying current to 9orth and South pole i being remo#ed, In the abo#e tated two condition there i no mo#ement of the conductor, 0hene#er a current carrying conductor i placed in a magnetic field, The field due to the current in the conductor but oppoe the main field below the conductor, 4 a reult the flu: denity
below the conductor, It i found that a force act on the conductor to puh the conductor downward,
If the current in the conductor i re#ered8 the trengthening of the flu: line occur below the conductor8 and the conductor will be puhed upward,
4 tated abo#e the coil ide 4 will be forced to mo#e downward8 where a the coil ide ( will be forced to mo#e upward, The force acting on the coil ide 4 and ( will be the ame coil magnitude8 but their direction will be oppoite to one another, In &% machine coil are wound on the armature core8 which i upported by the bearing8 enhance rotation of the armature, The commutator periodically re#ere the direction of current flow through the armature, Thu the armature rotate continuouly,
4n electric motor i all about magnet and magnetimB a motor ue magnet to create motion, If you ha#e e#er played with magnet you .now about the fundamental law of all magnetB 7ppoite attract and li.e repel,
So if you ha#e " bar magnet with their end mar.ed north and outh8 then the 9orth end of one magnet will attract the South end of the other, 7n the other hand8 the 9orth end of one magnet will repel the 9orth end of the other Cand imilarly outh will repel outhD, Inide an electric motor thee attracting and repelling force create rotational motion,
In the diagram abo#e and below you can ee two magnet in the motor8 the armature Cor rotorD i an electromagnet8 while the field magnet i a permanent magnet
Cthe field magnet could be an electromagnet a well8 but in mot mall motor it i not to a#e powerD,
E#!,'0)g+!'% E#!,'0)g+!'% )+$ M'%:
To undertand how an electric motor wor.8 the .ey i to undertand how the electr electroma omagne gnett wor., wor., 4n electr electroma omagne gnett i the bai bai of an electr electric ic motor motor,, Fou can undertand how thing wor. in the motor by imagining the following cenario,
Say that you created a imple electromagnet by wrapping !33 loop of wire around a nail and connecting it to a battery, The nail would become a magnet and ha#e a 9orth and South pole while the battery i connected, 9ow ay that you ta.e your nail electromagnet8 run an a:le through the middle of it8 and you upended it in the middle of a horehoe magnet a hown in the figure below,
If you were to attach a battery to the electromagnet o that the 9orth end of the nail appeared a hown8 the baic law of magnetim tell you what would happenB The 9orth end of the electromagnet would be repelled from the north end of the horehoe magnet and attracted to the outh end of the horehoe magnet, The South end of the electromagnet would be repelled in a imilar way, The nail would mo#e about half a turn and then top in the poition hown,
Fou can ee that thi half-turn of motion i imple and ob#iou becaue of the way way magnet magnet natura naturally lly attrac attractt and repel one another, The .ey to an electric motor i to then go one tep further o that8 at the moment that thi half-turn of motio otion n compl omplet etee8 the the field ield of the the electromagnet flip,
The flip caue the electromagnet to complete another half-turn of motion, Fou flip the magnetic field imply by changing the direction of the electron flowing in the wire Cyou do that by flipping the battery o#erD, If the field of the electromagnet flipped at 6ut the right moment at the end of each half-turn of motion8 the electric motor would pin freely, T! A0)'u!:
The armature ta.e the place of the nail in an electric motor, The The arma armatu ture re i an elec electr trom omag agne nett made made by coil coilin ing g thin thin wire wire around two or more pole of a metal core, The armature ha an a:le8 and the commutator i attached to the a:le, In the diagram abo#e you can ee three different #iew of the ame armatureB fron front8 t8 ide ide and and endend-on on,, In the the endend-on on #iew #iew the the wind windin ing g i eliminated to ma.e the commutator more ob#iou, Fou can ee that the commutator i
imply a pair of plate attached to the a:le, Thee plate pro#ide the two connection for the coil of the electromagnet, T! C00u')' )+$ 5u%!%:
The flipping the electric field part of an electric motor i accomplihed by two partB the ,00u')' and the 5u%!%,
The diagram at the right how how the commutator and bruhe wor. together to let current flow to the electromagnet8 and alo to flip the direction that the electron are flowing at 6ut the right moment,
The contact of the commutator are attached to the a:le of the electromagnet8 o they pin with the magnet, The bruhe are 6ut two piece of pringy metal or carbon that ma.e contact with the contact of the commutator,
Pu''i+g I' A## Tg!'!:
0hen you put all of thee part together8 what you ha#e i a complete electric motorB
In thi figure8 the armature winding ha been left out o that it i eaier to ee the commutator in action, The .ey thing to notice i that a the armature pae through the hori;ontal poition8 the pole of the electromagnet flip,
(ecaue of the flip8 the 9orth pole of the electromagnet i alway abo#e the a:le o it can repel the field magnet 9orth pole and attract the field magnet South pole,
If you e#er ta.e apart an electric motor you will find that it contain the ame piece decribed abo#eB two mall permanent magnet8 a commutator8 two bruhe and an electromagnet made by winding wire around a piece of metal, 4lmot alway8 howe#er8 the rotor will ha#e three pole rather than the two pole a hown in thi article, There are two good reaon for a motor to ha#e three poleB It caue the motor to ha#e better dynamic, In a two-pole motor8 if the electromagnet i at the balance point8 perfectly hori;ontal between the two pole of
the field magnet when the motor tart= you can imagine the armature getting tuc. there, That ne#er happen in a three-pole motor,
Each time the commutator hit the point where it flip the field in a two-pole motor8 the commutator hort out the battery Cdirectly connect the poiti#e and negati#e terminalD for a moment, Thi horting wate energy and drain the battery needlely, 4 three-pole motor ol#e thi problem a well, It i poible to ha#e any number of pole8 depending on the i;e of the motor and the pecific application it i being ued in,
C#()ter-> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;LOC4 DIARAM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C#()ter-? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C#()ter-? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OR4IN 8RINCI8LE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Some of the general propertie of liquid in open container ha#e been decribed, It remain to dicu how a liquid will beha#e when confined, for, eample, in an enclosed hydraulic system!
"i#uids are practically incompressi$le! The following two baic principle will help to e:plain the beha#ior of liquid when encloedB
Liquid are practically incompreible in the preure range being conidered, Stated imply8 thi mean that a liquid cannot be quee;ed into a maller pace than it already occupie, Therefore8 an increae in preure on any part of a confined liquid i tranmitted undiminihed in all direction throughout the liquid C P)%,)#% "i+,i"#!D, 2or e:ample8 if preure i applied at one end of a long pipe8 the
liquid8 being practically incompreible8 will tranmit the preure equally to e#ery portion of the pipe,
The dah pad witch wa acti#ated at the time of any unloading condition, The control ignal i gi#en to the olenoid #al#e8 when the button i acti#ated, The ame time8 the motor i tarted which i coupled with rotary hydraulic pump, The oil i uctioned from the oil tan. and compreed oil goe to the olenoid #al#e,
The olenoid #al#e i acti#ated at the time of dah pad button “79”, The compreed fluid CoilD goe to the hydraulic cylinder, The compreed oil pue the hydraulic cylinder piton and mo#e forward, The >4* i fi:ed at the end of the ingle acting hydraulic cylinder, The piton mo#e toward upward and the ram i lifting the tray,
The olenoid #al#e i deacti#ated at the time of dah pad button “722”, The hydraulic cylinder fluid CoilD goe to the olenoid #al#e, Then the oil return bac. to the oil tan.8 by the time of deacti#ating the olenoid #al#e, Thu the e:tra oil not required to maintain the oil le#el in the oil tan.,
C#()ter-@ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACTORS DETERMININ THE CHOICE O MATERIALS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The #ariou factor which determine the choice of material are dicued below,
1/ P"!'i!%:
The material elected mut poe the neceary propertie for the propoed application,
The #ariou requirement to be atified can be weight8 urface finih8
rigidity8 ability to withtand en#ironmental attac. from chemical8 er#ice life8 reliability etc,
The following four type of principle propertie of material decii#ely affect their election
a, 5hyical b, *echanical c, 2rom manufacturing point of #iew d, %hemical
The #ariou phyical propertie concerned are melting point8 Thermal %onducti#ity8 Specific heat8 coefficient of thermal e:panion8 pecific gra#ity8 electrical %onducti#ity8 *agnetic purpoe etc,
The #ariou *echanical propertie %oncerned are trength in tenile8 comprei#e hear8 bending8 torional and buc.ling load8 fatigue reitance8 impact reitance8 elatic limit8 endurance limit8 and modulu of elaticity8 hardne8 wear reitance and liding propertie,
The #ariou propertie concerned from the manufacturing point of #iew are,
%at ability8 weld ability8 (ra;ability8 forge ability8 merchantability8 urface propertie8 hrin.age8 &eep drawing etc,
2/ M)+u?),'ui+g C)%!:
Sometime the demand for lowet poible manufacturing cot or urface qualitie obtainable by the application of uitable coating ubtance may demand the ue of pecial material,
3/ Ju)#i'* R!(ui!$:
Thi generally affect the manufacturing proce and ultimately the material, 2or e:ample8 it would ne#er be deirable to go for cating of a le number of component which can be fabricated much more economically by welding or hand forging the teel,
8/ A4)i#)5i#i'* ? M)'!i)#:
Some material may be carce or in hort upply, It then become obligatory for the deigner to ue ome other material which though may not be a perfect ubtitute for the material deigned,
The deli#ery of material and the deli#ery date of product hould alo be .ept in mind,
./ S"),! C+%i$!)'i+:
Sometime high trength material ha#e to be elected becaue the force in#ol#ed are high and the pace limitation are there,
/ C%':
4 in any other problem8 in election of material the cot of material play an important part and hould not be ignored,
Some time factor li.e crap utili;ation8 appearance8 and non-maintenance of the deigned part are in#ol#ed in the election of proper material,
C#()ter-30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AD9ANTAES 7 DISAD9ANTAES AND A88LICATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It require imple maintenance care and cleaning are eay8 becaue of the main part are crewed,
*anual power not required
>epairing i eay,
>eplacement of part i eay,
Initial cot i high,
Separate air tan. or compreor i required,
4ll hydraulic trailer
C#()ter-33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LIST O MATERIALS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHAPTER-11 LIST OF MATERIALS S#/ N/ i, ii, iii, i#, #, #i, #ii, #iii I: R Ri
educer Stand C2rameD &ah 5ad &,% *otor (attery
J'*/ " " ! ' ' ! ! ! !
M)'!i)# *,S 4luminium Electronic >ubber 2iber 5olyurethene (ra *ild teel 5latic 4luminum Lead-4cid
COST ESTIMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iii, i#, #, #i, #ii, @iii I: R Ri
%ylinder $" olenoid &irection %ontrol @al#e *icrocontroller Unit 0heel (earing with (earing %ap 5olyethylene Tube educer Stand C2rameD &ah 5ad &,% *otor (attery TOTAL
J'*/ "
M)'!i)# *,S
! ' ' ! ! ! !
Electronic >ubber 2iber 5olyurethene (ra *ild teel 5latic 4luminum Lead-4cid K
A0u+' 9R%
2/ LA
L4TILLI9?8 0EL&I9?8 ?>I9&I9?8 570E> <4%KS408 ?4S %UTTI9?B %ot N
The o#erhead charge are arri#ed by “*anufacturing cot”
*anufacturing %ot N
*aterial %ot J Labour cot
7#erhead %harge N
"3Q of the manufacturing cot
Total cot
*aterial %ot J Labour cot J 7#erhead %harge
Total cot for thi pro6ect
C#()ter-3: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CONCLUSION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thi pro6ect wor. ha pro#ided u an e:cellent opportunity and e:perience8 to ue our limited .nowledge, 0e gained a lot of practical .nowledge regarding8 planning8
purchaing8 aembling and machining while doing thi pro6ect wor., 0e feel that the pro6ect wor. i a good olution to bridge the gate between intitution and indutrie,
0e are proud that we ha#e completed the wor. with the limited time uccefully, The “THREE AXIS HYDRAULIC MODERN TRAILER” i with atifactory condition, 0e are able to undertand the difficultie in maintaining the tolerance and alo quality, 0e ha#e done to our ability and .ill ma:imum ue of a#ailable facilitie, In concluion remar. of our pro6ect wor.8 let u add a few more line about our impreion pro6ect wor.,
Thu we ha#e de#eloped a “ THREE AXIS HYDRAULIC MODERN TRAILER % which help to .now how to achie#e low cot automation, The operating procedure of thi ytem i #ery imple8 o any peron can operate, (y uing more technique8 they can be modified and de#eloped according to the application,
;I;LIORA8HY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
?,(,S, 9arang8 “Au'05i#! E+gi+!!i+g”8 Khanna 5ubliher8 &elhi8 !11!8 pp +!,
", $,
0illiam <, %rowe8 “Au'05i#! E+gi+!!i+g”, *E%<49IS*S I9 *7&E>9 E9?I9EE>I9? &ESI?9 @ol, @, 54>T I
', ELE*E9TS 72 07>KS<75 TE%<97L7?F – @7L II -S,K, <4V>4 %<7U&F -S,K, (7SE -4,K, <4V>4 %<7U&F ),
ST>E9?T< 72 *4TE>I4LS
0eb iteB www,maritime,org
-I,(, 5>4S4&
8HOTORA8HY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 00
S'@! L!+g'
1 00
S)?' Di)
12 00
%ylinder bore
!+ %m
B : C!+"D
"3!,3+!1$ cmW
*a:, 5reure
!$3 .gcm
4rea : preure
"3!,3+!1$ : !$3
"+!$/,3)! .g
Internal diameter
!+ %m
*a:, Internal 5reure
!$3 .gcm
$+3 .gcm
XLet the e:ternal radiu be r %m, Let the radial preure and
Cb :D – a --------------------- CaD
Cb :
$+3 .gcm<
Cb /D J a ------------------ CbD
5: 4nd 2:
4t : N / %m
Subtracting Equation CaD from Equation CbD
$+3 – !$3
Cb+'D J a – Cb+'D J a
Subtituting GaH to Equation CaD
Cb+'D – !!)
"') : +'
Cb X rD – 1
!)+/3 !$3
!3,1/")3' %m
= 5: N 3X0e alo .now that : N r
!"3,+!)$/ of metal8 t
!3,1/")3' – /
3 C0% 9%)*
(earing 9o, +"3" 7uter &iameter of (earing C&D
$) mm of (earing C(D
!" mm
Inner &iameter of the (earing CdD
!) mm
r F
%orner radii on haft and houing
r F
*a:imum Speed
!'8333 rpm C2rom deign data boo.D
*ean &iameter CdmD
C& J dD "
C$) J !)D "
C2rom deign data boo.D
") mm
'% – ! J '% – '
3,+) %
C' R ",$D -! J 3,+) C' R ",$ D-' ",$
(earing 9o, +"3' 7uter &iameter of (earing C&D
' mm of (earing C(D
!' mm
Inner &iameter of the (earing CdD
"3 mm
r F
%orner radii on haft and houing
r F
*a:imum Speed
!'8333 rpm C2rom deign data boo.D
*ean &iameter CdmD
C& J dD "
C' J "3D "
$$,) mm
Spring inde: C%D
C & d D
!" "
C2rom deign data boo.D
'% – ! J '% – '
3,+) %
C' R +D -! J 3,+) C' R + D-' +
T(u! i+ ) 0':
(y the term torque8 it i meant the turning or twiting moment of a force about an a:i, It i meaured by the product of the force and the radiu at which thi force act,
2or an armature of a motor8 to rotate about it centre8 a tangential force i neceary, Thi force i de#eloped with in the motor itelf,
Torque CTD
G C Ia 4 D (&% Y 9ewton meter
C Z & 5 D
: 5 C Z & D
Uing the relation8 (
G : CIa 4D : Y : : [5 CZ&D \ : &
Y 5 Ia C "Z4 D 9ewton meter
3,!)1 : : Y : Ia R C54D 9ewton meter
3,!+" : : Y : Ia : C54D Kg-m
The torque gi#en by the abo#e equation i the de#eloped torque in the machine, (ut the output torque i le than the de#eloped torque due to friction and windage loe,
]include ^reg)",<_ #oid lcd`initC#oidD= #oid readCunigned charD= #oid writeCunigned charD= #oid lcd`diCunigned char Mdi8unigned char rrD= #oid delayCunigned intD= #oid delCD= #oid del!CD= #oid er`initCD= #oid er`outCunigned charD= #oid er`conoutCunigned charMdat8unigned char D= #oid delayCunigned int delD= bit r N 5!O3= bit rw N 5!O!= bit en N 5!O"= #oid delCD= unigned char :8acc8KK88!= bit forward N 5!O$= bit re# N 5!O)= bit lft N 5!O+= bit rit N5!O= bit en N 5!O'= bit output!N5"O3= bit output"N5"O!= bit output$N5"O"= bit output'N5"O$=
bit output)N5"O'= #oid mainC#oidD [ N3= !N3= KKN3= forwardN!= re#N!= lftN!= ritN!= output!N3= output"N3= output$N3= output'N3= output)N3= accN3= lcd`initCD= readC3:3!D= readC3:/3D= lcd`diC 2I9?E> (4SE& readC3:c3D= lcd`diC 0 delCD= output!N3= output"N3= output$N3= output'N3= output)N3= whileC!D [
ifCforwardNN3 NN3D [ N!= output!N!= delCD= output!N3= \ ifCenNN3 NN!D [ N3= output"N!= del!CD= output"N3=
8!+D= 8!+D=
\ ifCenNN3 !NN!D [ !N3= output!N!=
delCD= output!N3= \ ifCre#NN3 !NN3D [
!N!= output"N!= del!CD= output"N3= \
\ \
#oid delCD [ delayC+3333D= delayC+3333D= delayC)3333D= \ #oid del!CD [ delayC+3333D= delayC+3333D= delayC+3333D= \ #oid lcd`initCD [ readC3:$/D= readC3:3+D=
readC3:3cD= \ #oid readCunigned char yD [ 53Ny= rNrwN3= enN!= delayC"")D= enN3= \ #oid writeCunigned char yD [ 53Ny= rNenN!= rwN3= delayC"")D= enN3= \
#oid lcd`diCunigned char Mdi8unigned char rrD [ unigned char m= for CmN3=m^rr=mJJD [ writeCdimD= \ \ #oid delayCunigned int countD [ whileCcount--D= \