Top Notch 2 – Student Book Grammar Booster Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This page is intended for p edagogical purposes only, to be used by ACBEU students and teachers.
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Exercise A 1 i!e ( climb
" be ) go
# $y * see
% go 1+ tra!el
& be 11 tour
' !isit 1" be not
Exercise B Ans-ers -ill !ary, but may include the follo-ing: 1 hat big cities ha!e you !isited /
Lesson 2 Exercise A 1 0as she nished the boo2 yet/ " Thas hey ha!en3t seen the mo!ie yet. # e3!e e3!e already tired -ild rice se!eral times. 45 e3!e tried... times already % 0as your fahter already left/ 45 0as... left already/
Exercise B 1 6 ha!en3t had dinner yet " 7he3s already been to ondon, Berlin and 5ome, 45 7he3s been... 5ome already # They ha!en3t called home yet % e3!e nished our class already. 45 e3!e already nished...
Exercise C Ans-er -ill - ill !ary. !ary.
Unit 2 Lesson 1
Exercise A 1 has been playing " has been -aiting # ha!e been -orrying about % 8!e been tal2ing about & 8!e been coming
Exercise B 9 1. The rabts ha!e been li!ing in Buenos Aires since the late se!enties. 9 #. e3!e been -aiting to see you for three years. 9 &. e3!e been eating in that great indian restaurant for years. 9 (. 0o- long ha!e you been studying Chinese/
Exercise C 1 nding " being # losing % putting & getting ' saying ( -riting ) going * ma2ing 1+ ;ing 11 2no-ing
Unit 3 Lesson 1 Exercise A Ans-er -ill !ary.
Exercise B Ans-er -ill !ary.
Lesson 2 Exercise A 1A "B #A
1" spea2ing 1# hearing 1% letting 1& coming 1' lea!ing 1( dri!ing 1) meeting 1* blo-ing "+ gi!ing "1 runing "" forgetting
"# eating "% paying "& stading "' thin2ing "( buying ") seeing "* beginning #+ telling #1 bringing #" ta2ing
%B &A
Unit Lesson 1 Exercise A Ans-ers -ill !ary.
Lesson 2 Exercise A 1 B: drop it o< " B: ll it up # B: Turn them on % B: turn o< & B: pic2 it up
Unit ! Lesson 1 Exercise A Ans-er -ill !ary but may include the follo-ing: 1 a bo; of rice " a bar of chocolate # a cartoon of mil2 % a tube of toothpaste & a bottle of shampoo ' a can of sha!ing cream ( a =ar of body lotion
Exercise B 1 enough " too much # too much % too many & enough
' to many ( Too many ) enough * too much
Lesson 2 Exercise A 1 something " something # anything % something & something ' something ( nothing ) anything
Unit " Lessom 1 Exercise A 1 B: >o, he isn3t " B: ?es, he does # B: >o, 6 ha!en3t % B: ?es, 6am & B: >o, she -asn3t
Exercise B Ans-er -ill !ary.
Unit " Lesson 2 Exercise A 1 Did you use to go running e!ery/ " Did there use to be a large tree in front os your house/ # Did @r. And @rs. almer use to go dancing e!ery -ee2end/ % Did your grandmother use to put sugar in your orange =uice/ & Did u2e use to be !ery ha!y/
Exercise B 1 ason and Trish didn3t use to get lots of e;ercise, but no- they go s-imming e!ery dy. " there used to be a mo!ie theater on 7mith 7treet, but no- there isn3t # >obody used to -orry about fatty foods, but no- most people do. % English didn3t use to be an international language, but no- e!eryone uses English to communicate around the -orld. & -omen didn3t use to -ear pants, but no- it3s !ery common.
Unit # Lesson 1 Exercise A 1 6 lo!e -atching DDs, and 6 li2e to sin$ too. " A!oiding s-eets ma2es a healthy change in your diet. # The most important thing 6 do is coo2ing dinner for my children. % hat3s the point of in!iting her to the mo!ies/ & They3re al-ays angry about our lea!ing the lights on late ' ast year 6 de!oted myself to studying English.
Exercise B 1 getting up ( reading
" running ) to stop
# going * to go
% e;ercising 1+ doing
& to =oin 11 to change
Lesson 2 Exercise A 1 be " felling # staying
% riding & not ha!ing ' not getting
Unit % Lesson 1 Exercise A 1 A ne- lm about -omen is being directed by edro Almod!ar.
' to go 1" to go
" T-o of @ichelangelo3s dra-ings ha!e been bought by a Canadian art collector. # Ed!ard @uch3s paiting The scream -as stolen in "++%. & Sunfowers -ill be sent on tour by the an ogh @useum in Amsterdam. ' 7ome ne- sculptures ha!e been bought by the Britsh @useum for its ancient 5oman collection. ( A ne- gallery -ill be opened ne;t year by the @etropolitan @useum of Art.
Exercise B 1 The @ona isa -as stolen in 1*11 " These pieces of =e-elry -ere designed by aloma icasso # reat pyramids -ere built trought Central Amrica during the height of the @ayan ci!iliFation. % The sculpture -ill be repaired -hen it gets old. & @illions of U.7. dollars ha!e been paid for an ogh3s paitings. ' This colorful cloth -as made by 0mong people from aos.
Lesson 2 Exercise A 1 is that ne- lm about families being directed by illian Armstrong/ " 0as one of Da inci3s most famous dra-ings been sold by a erman art collector/ # ill a are ceramic gure from the >ational alace @useum in Taipei be sent to the @etropolitan @useum of Art in >e- ?or2/ % is a ne- e;hibit goping to be opened at the hotography allery this -ee2/ & 0a!e some ne- paintings been bought by the rado @useum for their permanent collection/ ' Can as @eninas be seen at the rado @useum in @adrid/ ( as the Jupiter 7ymphony -ritten by @oFart/ ) as some of @ichelangelo3s -or2 being sho-n around the -orld in the 1*'+s/
Unit & Lesson 1 Exercise A clear
1 The 4rtman headset isn3t as elearer as the i2e headset. as " @y old laptop didn3t ha!e as many problems than my ne- laptop. best # 6 chec2ed out the three top brands, and the iston -as denitely the better than % @a;-ell3s -eb camera is much more e;pensi!e as their digital camera. The largest & 4f all the monitors 6 loo2ed at, the G'+ is deninitely larger .
Exercise B 1 @y @# player do-nloads as Huic2ly brother3s @# player. " @y ne- computer doesm3t log on as slo-ly as my old computer. # @y scanner -or2s as -ell as your scanner. % The rant printer doesn3t pint as Huic2ly as the 5ico printer. & The a; CD dri!e doesn3t run as Huietly as the 5ico Cd dri!e.
Lesson 2 Exercise A 1 6 =oined a chat room in order to meel ne- people. " ason surfs the internet in order to nd interesting -ebsites. # Alison is istant messaging her friend >ancy in order to in!ite her for dinner. % They al-ays print their les in order to read them. & 6 ne!er use the pullIdo-n menu in order to open a le.
Exercise B 1 to
" to
# to
% for
& to
' to
Unit 1' Lesson 2 Exercise A 1 6f the -eather is good, 6 e;ercise outside " 63m not happy if don3t get enought sleep. # 6f they -ere e;tro!erts, they -ould tal2 more.
( for
) for
%The students -ill start on @onday if they get their boo2s in time.
Exercise B 1 freeFes lo-er " see return # goes doesn3t ha!e % runs is
Exercise C 1 li2e -ill see " 8m going tal2 does # buy 8ll ma2e % see 8ll dri!e & Are you going to study o
Exercise ( Ans-er -ill !ary.
Exercise E A 1 6 e;ercise outside if the -eather is good. " 6f don3t get enought sleep, 63m not happy. # They -ould tal2 more if they -re e;tro!erts. % 6f they get their boo2s in time, the students -ill start on @onday. B 1 6f tou lo-er its temperature belo- degrees, -ater freeses. " 6 return it on the o-ner if 6 see something on the ground in the street. # 6f she doesn3t ha!e to much -or2, she goes on !acation in August. % 6f the -eather is dry. 0e runs in the par2. C 1 ?hey -ill see it again if they li2e the mo!ie. " 6f she does that again, 63m going to tal2 to her. # 63ll ma2e you an omelet tonight if you buy some eggs. % They3ll dri!e her home if they see her tomorro-. & 6f o
Describe an unusual dish you have tried. Where and when did you eat it? What did it look, smell, and taste like? Would you recommend it to someone or not? Record your statements aloud.
I used to eat a lot o atty oods, but I've been cutting back because I want to good look I used go to the restaurants, but I would like the meal o my house, because I do it. I used to shop at ood stores, but I preer the supermarket because is more economic.
(escri)e an unusua* dish +ou ha,e tried- .here and /hen did +ou eat it0 .hat did it *ook sme** and taste *ike0 .ou*d +ou recommend it to someone or not0 ne o the stran$est thin$s 45,e e,er eaten is pu*po- Lo com6 en Sa*inas e* a7o pasado en ,acaciones parec6a camar8n o*6a )ien + ue mu+ de*iciosoNo *e recomendar6a a nadie por9ue mis $ustos son extra7os pero sa)6a de*icioso-