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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region Oce No. VIII Division of Northern Samar F. DOMINICE DOMINI CE NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL ug!o" #ondragon" Northern Samar SECOND QUAR Q UARTER TER EXAMINA EXAMI NATION TION in ENGLISH GRADE 9
I( IDEN)I*I+,)ION. -NO/ED&E 012 30(45 DIRE+)ION$ Pic! out the adverbs in the sentences and 6rite it on the space provided before the number. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0. )he bistro bistro seldom closes. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7. 8e is 6al!ing 6al!ing too fast. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 9. 8e arrived this morning. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :. #om and Dad are 6atching television television upstairs. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1. )he decision decision 6as made toda;. toda;. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% <. It is important important to 6or! seriousl; on tas!s assigned to ;ou. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =. )he train has alread; alread; left. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4. +ome here>
II(+O#P/E)ION . PRO+ESS?S-I//S 712 3@(705 DIRE+)ION$ /oo! into the pool of 6ords. )here are 09 adverbs in the pool of 6ords. Identif; 6hat t;pe of adverb are the;. the;. )he ans6ers can be interchanged. Adverb o Ti!e
Adverb o "#a$e
/ater slo6l; neJt door sometimes a6a; again
al6a;s hard
Adverb o Manner
there inside
Guic!l; carefull;
III(EAP/,N,)ION. III(EA P/,N,)ION. BNDERS),NDIN& 9C2 377(9<5 77(7<. hat does greatness mean to ;ouF Does it need GualiHcations to be called greatF ustif; ;our ans6er. 7=(90. 8o6 do 6e celebrate the greatness of the people 6e !no6F +ite an eJample?situation. 97(9<. 8o6 do ;ou vie6 other peopleKs circumstancesF +ite an eJample?situation. eJample?situation. Teacher’s Discretion) III( PRODB+)?PER*OR# PRODB+)?PER*OR#,N+E ,N+E 9C2 39=(1C5 ( Teacher’s
&OD /ESS>>> Prepared ;$ RICHELLE C. CRISTI%CANTONG Subject-Teacher 10/16-17/2014
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region Oce No. VIII Division of Northern Samar F. DOMINICE NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL ug!o" #ondragon" Northern Samar SECOND QUARTER EXAMINATION in ARTS EDUCATION GRADE 9
Name$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Score$%%%%%%%%
I( IDEN)I*I+,)ION. -NO/ED&E 012 30(45 DIRE+)ION$ Identif; the artists in the follo6ing statements. rite the ans6er on the space provided before the number. #ichaelangelo +aravaggio
/eonardo Da Vinci ernini Rubens
Raphael Rembrandt
Donatello VelasGueL
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0. 8e 6as an Italian sculptor" painter" architect" and poet. 8e 6as considered the greatest living artist in his lifetime" and ever since then he 6as considered as one of the greatest artists of all time. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7. 8e 6as a painter" architect" scientist" and mathematician. 8e 6as populariLed in present times through the novel and movie" Da Vinci +ode. 8e is !no6n as the ultimate Renaissance man because of his intellect" interest" talent and his eJpression of humanist and classical values. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 9. 8e 6as an Italian painter and architect of the 8igh Renaissance period. 8is 6or! 6as admired for its clarit; of form and ease of composition and for its visual achievement of the interpreting the Divine and incorporating +hristian doctrines. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :. 8e 6as one of the Italian great artists of the period. 8e 6as an earl; Renaissance Italian sculptor from *lorence. 8e is !no6n for his 6or! in bas- relief " a form of shallo6 relief sculpture. _______________ 5. 8e 6as an Italian artist 6ho 6anted to deviate from the classical masters of the Renaissance. 8e 6as an outcast in his societ;" because of his o6n actions and the lac! of modest; and reverence for religious subMects in his o6n paintings. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% <. 8e 6as an Italian artist and the Hrst aroGue artist. 8e practiced architecture" and sculpture" painting" stage design" and 6as also a pla;6right. 8e 6as also the last in the list of the daLLling universal geniuses. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%=. 8e 6as a *lemish aroGue painter. 8e 6as 6ell !no6n for his paintings of m;thical and Hgurative subMects" landscapes" portraits" and +ounter( Reformation altarpieces. 8is commissioned 6or!s 6ere mostl; religious subMects" histor; paintings of magical creatures" and hunt scenes. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4. 8e 6as a brilliant Dutch realist" painter and etcher. 8e is generall; considered as one of the greatest painters and printma!ers in European art. 8e follo6ed no particular faith" but 6as interested in spiritual values and often chooses religious subMects.
II( PRO+ESS?S-I//S 712 3@(705 DIRE+)ION$ Paste ;our ID Picture for a Ro&a# Se#'e(.
III(EAP/,N,)ION. BNDERS),NDIN& 9C2 377(9<5 77(74. +ompare the characteristics of art6or!s produced in Renaissance and aroGue periods. 7@(9<. Sho6 the inuences of the Renaissance and aroGue art traditions to Philippine art forms. +ite some eJamples. III( PRODB+)?PER*OR#,N+E 9C2 39=(1C5 ( Teacher’s Discretion) &OD /ESS>>>
Prepared ;$ RICHELLE C. CRISTI%CANTONG Subject-Teacher
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region Oce No. VIII Division of Northern Samar F. DOMINICE NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL ug!o" #ondragon" Northern Samar SECOND QUARTER EXAMINATION in "H)SICAL EDUCATION GRADE *
Name$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Score$%%%%%%%%
I( IDEN)I*I+,)ION. -NO/ED&E 012 30(45 DIRE+)ION$ Identif; the follo6ing statements and 6rite the correct ans6er on the space provided before the number. bas!etball hitting?batting
dribble rebounding catching pitching
running 6ind(up
thro6ing deliver;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0. It is a team sport, wherein the objective is to shoot a ball through a basket horizontally positioned to score points while following a set of rules. _______________ 2. In basketball, it is a skill that you should master. It allows you to move around the court while youre in possession of the ball. _______________ !. It is your ability to jump with power to gain possession of the ball as it bounces to the rim after a failed shot before it touches the floor. _______________ ".It is one of the basic skills that a basketball player should possess. #ecause in this sport, speed defines the best. _______________ 5. It is the most basic s!ill in baseball and softball. It allo6s the team to prevent their opponents from touching bases or even earning points or runs. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% <. )his is an oensive s!ill used to stri!e the pitched ball using a bat done to advance to the bases and eventuall; leading to earning a run or point. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =. )his is a defensive s!ill used to receive a thro6n ball and hold a base runner or batter from proceeding or preventing them from earning a point or a run. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4. It is a s!ill that puts the game to pla;. It is performed b; a pitcher" one of the !e; pla;ers in baseball?softball 6ho sta;s at the center of the pla;ing Held called diamond.