Sentence According to structure sentence is three kinds. These are : 1) Simple sentence 2) Complex Sentence 3)Compound Sentence Simple Sentence : ‡h ev‡K¨ GKwU gvÎ Subj I GKwU gvÎ Finite Verb _v‡K, Simp. S Zv‡K e‡j| F. V : ev‡K¨i A_© m¤ú~Y© Kivi Rb¨ Subj Gi Number I person †e‡` ev‡K¨i †h Gi Verb cwieZ©b nq, Zv‡L e‡j| Ex . He wants to go. Ex . He catches fish. Complex Sentence: ‡h ev‡K¨ GKwUgvÎ principal clause ( Ges GK ev GKvwaK Subordinate Clause ( _v‡K, Zv‡K Compx. S e‡j| : ‡h ev‡K¨ GKwUgvÎ I GKwUgvÎ _v‡K wKš‘ †Kvb _v‡K bv, Zv‡K e‡j| : ‡h clause ( Gi Dci wbf©ikxj, Zv‡K e‡j| N.B. : me©`v Subj-ordinate conjunction Øviv A_©vr who, which, whom, what, where, when, whose, when, while, why, how, that, if, though, although, because, sothat, so-that BZ¨vw` Øviv hy³ _v‡K| Ex. When he came here, I saw him. Compound Sentence: ‡h evK¨ `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Øviv hy³ _v‡K Zv‡K Compound Sentence e‡j| Bnv mvaviYZ and, but, or, nor Øviv hy³ _v‡K| N.B. : mvaviYZ Compound Sentence Gi `ywU As‡ki subj I verb GK n‡j c‡ii ev‡K¨ subj I verb Gi cÖ‡qvRb nq bv| Ex. The man is poor but (he is) honest. GK ev‡K¨ †_‡K Ab¨ ev‡K¨ i“cvš—i Ki‡Z g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e| 1. principle Clause ‡K KLbI fv½v hv‡e bv| 2. Sub-ordinate clause ‡K memgq †f‡½ KvR Ki‡Z nq| Complex Sentence- Simple Sentence Rule No. (1) Sothat hy³ Compx S ‡K Simp. S Ki‡Z St. So that Gi cwie‡Z© to+P.V+......................... Ex. Nirjhor works hard sothat he can prosper in life. Ans. Nirjhor works hard to prosper in life. Rule No. (2) So-that hy³ Compx S ‡K Simp. S Ki‡Z St. Subj + verb + too + adj +..............+ to + p.v +........... Ex. Nirjhor is so poor that he can not buy a shirt. Ans. Nirjhor is too poor to buy a shirt. Rule No. (3) If hy³ kZ©g~jK Affirmative Compx S ‡K Simp. S Ki‡Z St. By + if hy³ ev‡K¨i verb Gi mv‡_ ing + euvKx Ask + Kgv (,) + Ex. If you read well, you can make a good result. Ans . By reading well, you can make a good result. Rule No. (3) If hy³ kZ©g~jK Negative Compx S ‡K Simp. S Ki‡Z St. Without + if hy³ ev‡K¨i verb Gi mv‡_ ing + euvKx Ask + Kgv (,) + Ex. If you do not read well, you will fail. Ans. Without Reading well, you will fail. Rule No. (4) Unless w`‡q ïi“ n‡jI GKB wbqg e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| Ex . Unless you read well, you can not succeed in life. Ans. Without reading well, you can not succeed in life.
Rule No. (5) When hy³ Compx S Gi Subj Øq GKB n‡j Simp. S Ki‡Z St. When hy³ ev‡K¨i verb + ing + euvKx Ask + Kgv (,) + Ex. When we came here, we began to play. Ans. Coming here, we began to play. Rule No. (6) When/as/since hy³ Comps S Gi `ywU Clause Gi subj Øq wfbœ n‡j Ges 1g evK¨wU‡Z am/is/are/was/were _vK‡j †mB RvqMvq being Ges have/has/had _vK‡j †mB RvqMvq having e¨eüZ nq| Ab¨ †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv| when/since/as D‡V hvq| Ex. When the meeting was over, we went back home. Ans. The meeting was over, we went back home. Rule No. (7) When Øviv mgq wb‡`©k Ki‡j Compx S ‡K Simp. S Ki‡Z St. (When + sunj + verb) D‡V hvq + at/in/at the age of + euvKx Ask e‡m| N.B. : ‡QvU mgq eySv‡jat/in, FZz eySv‡j in Ges eqm eySv‡j at the age of nq| Ex. When he was four, he left the town. Ans. At the age of four, he left the town. Rule No. (8) When hy³ Compx S Gi `ywU Clause Gi subj Øq wfbœ n‡j Simp. S Ki‡Z St. At the time of + Possessive (subj Gi) + Noun form + euvKx Ask (,) + Ex. When he woke up, it was raining. Ans. At that time of his waking up, it was raining. N.B. : Noun form ‰Zix Kievi wbqg t (hw` Rvbv bv _v‡K) 1. adjective Gi c~‡e© be verb _vK‡j being + adjective nq| 2. Subj Gi ci have/has/had _vK‡j having + euvKx Ask nq| 3. Subj Gi ci Action Verb _vK‡j verb + ing nq| Rule No. (9) As/since hy³ Compx S Gi `ywU Clause Gi subj Øq GK n‡j Ges 1g evK¨wU‡Z be Verb _vK‡j Simp. S Ki‡Z St. Because of + Possessive (subj Gi) – Noun form euvKx Ask + Kgv (,) + St. because of + Possessive (subj Gi) – Noun form euvKx Ask (Perfect) Ex. As he was ill, he could not go to college. Ans. Because of his illness, he could not go to college. Ans. He could not go to college because of his illness. Rule No. (10) Who/which hy³ Compx S †K Simp. S Ki‡Z (who/which hw` obj †K wb‡`©k K‡i) St. Subj+ verb + Article (hw` _v‡K)+ who/which Gi cieZ©x adjective + Noun form. Ex. I know the girl who is beautiful. Ans. I know the beautiful girl. N.B. : who/which hw` subj †K wb‡`©k K‡i| St. Article + adjective + Subj + who/which Gi cieZ©x Ask N.B. : GiKg ev‡K¨ The Gi cwie‡Z© A/An e‡m| Ex. The man who is idle can not prosper in life. Ans. An idle man cannot prosper in life. Rule No. (11) Though/Although hy³ Compx S †K Simp. S Ki‡Z St. Inspite of + Possessive (subj Gi) + Noun form + euvKx Ask + Kgv (,) + Ex. Though the man is rich, he is miser.
Inspite of his riches, the man is miser.
N.B. : Subj, n‡j, Noun G †mwU e‡m| N.B. : Dc‡ivwj−wLZ wbqg¸‡jv QvovI A‡_©i w`K j¶¨ †i‡L Compx S †K Simp. S G cwiYZ Kiv hvq| Preposition Øviv t Ex. I do not believe that I overload my stomach. Ans. I do not believe in overloading my stomach. After Øviv t Ex. When he came home, I saw hem. Ans. After his coming home, I saw hem. Noun/Noun phrase Øviv t Ex. I know where he was born. Ans. I know his birth place. Noun of apposition Øviv t Ex. Mr. Nirjhor who is a famous doctor is my brother. Ans. Mr. Nirjhor, a famous doctor is my brother. Adjective participle Øviv t Ex. The building which was constructed in 1985 collapsed last night. Ans. The building constructed in 1985 collapsed last night. Infinitive Øviv t Ex. I have no money that I can send you. Ans. I have no to send you. Present participle Øviv t Ex. The rivers that flow through Bangladesh originates in India. Ans. The river flowing through Bangladesh originates in India Prepositional phrase Øviv t Ex. The rumor that he has stolen the file is false. Ans. The rumor of his stealing is false. Practise Complex to Simple 1. The other sailors were angry with the old man who had shot the albatross. 2. The sailor’s throats were so dry that they could not speak. 3. I was saved because I had shown a true love for all living things. 4. Foyot’s is a restaurant at which the French senators eat. 5. She was not so young as I expected. 6. I made up my mind that I would put my hand in my pocket. 7. I don’t believe that I am a vindictive man. 8. I wanted quiet isolation so that I could do some troublesome writing. 9. I wanted mountain air so that I could blow out the malaria. 10. I decided that I should not leave the mountains without seeing her. 11. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated. 12. Jim and Della had two possessions in which they took pride. 13. When Della reached home, she gave into prudence and reason.