New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 5 Test Name Gabriela Stephanie Ramírez Arce
Score ______/50
Part A Vocabulary uessin! "rom conte#t $
%epl %eplac ace e t&e t&e p&r p&ras ases es in bold bold wit& wit& t&e t&e word words s in t&e t&e bo# bo#''
He is is co convinced th that hi his ne neighbor pu put a curse on him.
I can’t stay in this this room because it’s it’s number thirteen thirteen — I’m very superstitious.
Ever Every ythin thing g I touc touch h has has been been brea breaki king ng toda today y I mus mustt be be jinxed.
I! sh she do doesn’t per!orm her mo morning ritual in exactly the right "ay# she "on’t leave the house that day.
$hey kept chanting# %&o 'ight (in
(hat are you doing* +re you crazy*
,- points)
New American Inside Out Upper intermediate intermedia te Unit 5 Test Test Phtcpiable !"R" # $acmillan Publishers% S"A" de &"'" ()1)
(eddin!s )
*omplete t&e te#t wit& t&e words in t&e bo#' T&ere are two e#tra words'
best man
/oanna and 0live just got married 1 in /amaica. It "as a really great "edding. $he "edding took place in a little "hite ,2) church near the beach. $heir ,3) best man "as 0live’s best !riend# 4aniel. I "as the ,5) bridesmaid 1 I had to "ear a very silly pink dress. +!ter the "edding# "e thre" ,6) confetti over the
ne"ly"eds# and /oanna thre" her ,7) bouquet !or one o! the single "omen to catch. I caught it 'or the ,-) reception # "e "ent to a restaurant on the beach. 4aniel made a very !unny ,8) speech # and /oanna and 0live cut their ,9) cake . I danced "ith 4aniel. $hen "e "atched the sun set over the ocean. It "as so romantic ,9 points)
rammar Present and past &abits +
Underline t&e correct ,erb "orm'
(hen I "as a child# I will / used to love playing %school "ith my stu!!ed animals.
It’s the same every morning. :he’ll / would get up late and miss the bus.
+s children# "e will / would al"ays eat ice cream "ith my grandparents on the beach.
He would / used to be a very small child. $hen he gre" and gre".
;y cat will / would meo" and meo" every morning# until I get up and !eed it.
(e would / will o!ten go !or long "alks in the "oods "hen "e had the dog.
$hese days# &randma wouldn’t / won’t go out much anymore.
,9 points)
New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 5 Test Phtcpiable !"R" # $acmillan Publishers% S"A" de &"'" ()1)
Verb patterns -
*omplete wit& t&e"initi,e
or a !erund "orm o" t&e ,erbs in parent&eses'
%4id you remember to buy ,buy) some milk* %=o# I didn’t. :orry.
0ould you please stop tapping ,tap) your !oot* It’s noisy.
I think I !orgot to lock ,lock) the !ront door. 0an "e go back*
He couldn’t remember meeting ,meet) her be!ore.
I’m trying to quit ,uit) smoking.
+t the top o! the mountain# they stopped to admire ,admire) the vie".
I tried giving up ,give up) co!!ee !or t"o "eeks once# but it didn’t "ork.
$hey "ill never !orget meeting ,meet) Elvis. It "as an incredible moment.
,9 points)
Use"ul p&rases 5
*omplete t&e con,ersation wit& t&e words in t&e bo#' T&ere are two e#tra words'
can’t stand
4on’t do that It’s so ,2) annoying.
?evin> (hat* /ane>
Hum along to the music. It ,3) drives me crazy.
?evin> @?. /ane>
+nd could you stop tapping your !inger on the steering "heel* I ,5) find it really irritating.
?evin> (hat’s the problem* +m I getting on your ,6) nerves* /ane>
:orry. I ,7) can’t stand long car trips.
?evin> ;e neither. ,7 points)
New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 5 Test Phtcpiable !"R" # $acmillan Publishers% S"A" de &"'" ()1)
Part %eadin!
%ead t&e te#t' Are t&e sentences true 1T2 or "alse 1324
Aeople "ho "ork in the theater are very superstitious. BB T BB
:ir Ian ;c?ellen had bad luck in the play# Macbeth. BB F
:ome actors think that "histling on the stage "ill bring bad luck. BB T
I! you "ish an actor %good luck# you have to leave the theater. BB F
:ome experts think that i! an actor doesn’t do a ritual# they "ill have bad luck. BB F
The use of rituals and superstitions to ensure opening night goes smoothly has long been a part of theater tradition. Many actors perform their own private rituals, such as sleeping with the script under their pillows, or always whispering the same word before going on stage. But other superstitions are more widespread. One of the most well-known superstitions concerns Shakespeares play, Macbeth. Many actors wont say the name of the play inside the theater. !nstead theyll call it "The Scottish play.# Saying the name of the play is supposed to bring bad luck, and curse the performance. !n one episode of The Simpsons, the Simpson family meets the famous British Shakespearean actor, Sir !an Mc$ellen, outside a theater. %very time one of them says "Macbeth,# something bad happens to Mc$ellen. &e is even struck by lightning. 'nother custom is that you wont wish an actor "good luck# before a performance( youll say "break a leg.# !t is thought that saying "good luck# will bring bad luck. 'nd many people who work in the theater wont whistle on the stage or in the dressing rooms( in fact, anywhere inside the theater. The people who do say the name "Macbeth,# or break any other rules, are forced to perform a cleansing ritual in which they go outside, turn around three times, spit, swear, then knock on the door and ask to be let back in. This belief in superstitions and rituals has its roots many centuries ago, but why do many of these beliefs still continue today) Some e*perts think this is because a lot of the actors livelihood depends on luck. But maybe its +ust a habit thats hard to break. 's one actor put it, "The problem is that when you dont do the ritual, it weighs on your mind, and you get nervous. Thats when you make mistakes.#
,7 points)
New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 5 Test Phtcpiable !"R" # $acmillan Publishers% S"A" de &"'" ()1)
Pronunciation Sentence stress [Track 10]
6isten and underline t&e stressed words in eac& sentence'
Cou’re al"ays asking me too many uestions.
He’s !orever leaving his clothes on the bedroom !loor.
:he’s al"ays bragging about her rich boy!riend.
$hey insist on bringing that horrible dog.
He’s al"ays telling me ho" "ell he did in school.
,7 points)
6istenin! [Track 11] 7
6isten to *aitlin and %ani tal8in! about Indian weddin!s' *&oose t&e best words to complete t&e sentences'
Indian "eddings BBBBB . a) are usually !or close !riends and !amily
b) can last !or many days
c) are intimate a!!airs 3)
$he groom at this "edding is arriving BBBBB . a) on a horse
b) on an elephant
c) in a carriage "ith his !amily and !riends
$he priest BBBBB . a) goes around the !ire seven times
b) gives the bride and groom !lo"er garlands
c) puts red po"der on the bride’s head 6)
0aitlin BBBBB . a) doesn’t "ant to give the couple a present
b) doesn’t "ant to give them cash
c) "ants to give them some crockery 7)
It’s a good idea to "ear com!ortable clothes because BBBBB . a) the ceremony is very long
b) everyone else "ill be "earing them too
c) you can sit do"n on the !loor more easily ,7 points)
New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 5 Test Phtcpiable !"R" # $acmillan Publishers% S"A" de &"'" ()1)