They are worksheets for my students of year 8 to revise the use of the simple past (regular verbs) and vocabulary of this unit:landscape places and places in town.Descripción completa
It's a worksheet to revise the contents of Unit 2 (1º ESO)
It's a worksheet for my students of year 8 to revise vocabulary related to appearance and the past simple of be and regular verbsDescripción completa
It's a worksheet for my students of grade 7 to revise unit 1
Descripción: set sail 3 grammar and vocabulary practice
set sail 3 grammar and vocabulary practice
Grammar Exercises Who is Who are, very, so, verb beDescripción completa
extra practice unit 4 II english in use 3 esoDescripción completa
Descripción completa
Descripción completa
Speakout 2nd edition Pre-Intermediate: Vocabulary Unit 2
inglés 1 eso planet tema 5
Speakout Vocabulary Extra Intermediate Unit 01Full description
Smart planet 2
Repaso inglés 1º eso con soluciónDescripción completa
speakout upper intermediate study booster grammar practice 2th edition
Descripción: Repaso 1º eso inglés sin solución
Repaso inglés 1º eso con solución
Descripción: It's a worksheet to revise the use of countable and uncountable nouns; how to express ability and possibility, obligation and prohibition, how to order at a restaurant
Preparation for B2 exams - EnglishFull description
1. You can can buy buy a
...... .
phone / towel / watch / meal 2. A
is a place to ...... .
travel / sleep / ski / eat . One type type of
is ...... ...... .
a shop / a hotel / a resort / an office ". When When you you cros crosss a
# you mi$ht nee! to ...... .
chan$e money / show a passport / wear warm clothin$ / vote in an election %. One type type of
is ...... .
a shoppin$ trolley / a basket / a backpack / a suitcase
1. 'ess 'ess ha! ha! to to 2. They They !ec !eci! i!e! e! to to
the contract. ((((((( ((((((((( (( the mountain. ((((((( ((((((((( ((
. )s ther theree a petrol petrol statio stationn
* (((((((((
". You You can !o !o the e+pe e+perim riment ent usin usin$$
bath soap. (((((((( ((((((((( (
%. ,conom ,conomic ic probl problems ems are are bein$ bein$ felt felt
. (((((((((
-. On my ne+t holi!ay# holi!ay# )! like like to travel travel . What What are are som somee
. ((((((((( in Chica$o* (((((((( ((((((((( (
1. The youth youth hostel hostel isnt isnt open at ni$ht. ni$ht. 0check 0check in in ................................................................................................................. 2. ) enoy enoy helpin$ helpin$ other people. people. 0satisfyi 0satisfyin$ n$ ................................................................................................................. . 'eff thinks thinks ) $ot the the best hotel hotel room# but but ) think he !i!. !i!. 0tra!e 0tra!e ................................................................................................................. ". ) want you you to feel feel at home home in my house. house. 0help 0help yourself yourself ................................................................................................................. %. The pictures pictures he takes are are hi$hly hi$hly profession professional. al. 03uality 03uality .................................................................................................................
1 . un
...... a. a. behave
2. co c o:
...... b. b. ea eat
. re
........ c. usual
" . im
...... !. possible
%. in in
...... e. re rea!
-. over
...... f. worker
. mis
...... $. secure
1. Tell Tell the chil!ren chil!ren not to to ((((((( ((((((((( (( . They They must be 3uiet. 3uiet. 2. ;uisenberry ;uisenberry is an ((((( ((((((((( (((( surname. surname.
get around • no matter • package holiday holiday • sights • waterproof waterproof • check in • long weekend • journey journey
A8 ) shoul! have brou$ht my 1. ((((((((( acket. )ts rainin$ so heavily> 98 Yes# Yes# but the the ferry ferry is the best part part of the the 2. ((((((((( . 'ust stan! back a bit. )s this your first time visitin$ the islan! of 'ersey* A8 Yes# Yes# )ve booke! a . ((((((((( that inclu!es hotel an! ferry. 98 Will Will you be stayi stayin$ n$ for the the week* week* A8 7o# ust for a ". ((((((((( . Tell me# how !o you %. ((((((((( on the islan!* Are there any ta+is* 98 Of course. course. 9ut once you $et settle!# settle!# you shoul! shoul! rent a bicycle. bicycle. )t !oesnt !oesnt cost much. much. A8 5aybe )ll !o that after ) -. ((((((((( at my hotel. Are there any special .
((((((((( ) shoul! see*
98 5y favourites favourites are ,li?abeth ,li?abeth Castle an! the @urrell @urrell Wil!life Wil!life 6ark. 9ut the whole islan! islan! is beautiful. 4. ((((((((( what you !o# youll have a won!erful time. A8 Thats $oo! to hear. Thanks Thanks for your help>
1. Call me after after " oclock. oclock. ) (((((( (((((((( (( 0arrive 0arrive home home by then. 2. The acci!ent acci!ent looke! looke! serious# serious# but no inuries inuries (((( (((((((( (((( 0repor 0report. t. . 9y the en! of the year# year# ) (((((((( (((((((( 0complet 0complete e all the e+ercises e+ercises in the book. book. ". ome planets planets ((((((( (((((((( ( 0see in the ni$ht ni$ht sky while others others are not visible. visible. %. When you see me at the party party toni$ht# toni$ht# ) (((((((( (((((((( 0wear 0wear the !ress !ress you $ave me. -. ) !i!nt want want to wash the car myself# myself# so ) ((((((( (((((((( ( it (((((((( (((((((( 0wash. 0wash. . @ont be late. late. The The film ((((( (((((((( ((( 0start 0start at e+actly e+actly B. B. toni$ht. toni$ht.
1. @o you know how how to $et bloo! bloo! stains stains out out of clothin clothin$* $* Yes. Yes. You (((((((( (((((((( 0soak the clothes in col! water. 2. houl! houl! ) brin$ brin$ a towe towell to the the pool* pool* 7o# you (((((((( 0not brin$ one E you can $et one there. . )m surprise! surprise! that Tim an! an! An!y An!y !i!nt !i!nt come to the meetin$ meetin$.. They (((((((( 0not know about it. )f someone (((((((( 0tell them# they ((((((( (((((((( ( 0come. ". ) cant cant !eci!e !eci!e what to !o !urin$ !urin$ my $ap year. year. )f ) (((((((( 0be you# ) ((((((( (((((((( ( 0travel aroun! the worl!. %. Fook Fook E its its alre alrea!y a!y mi!n mi!ni$ht i$ht>> We (((((((( (((((((( 0leave the party now or we (((((((( 0miss the last bus. -. What What a cute cute !o$> !o$> Fets Fets play play with with it. Careful> )f you (((((((( 0$et too close# it (((((((( 0$et a$$ressive.
1. ) picke! up @enny @ennyss history history book. The The book was lyin$ lyin$ on the the floor. floor. ................................................................................................................. 2. @ebra met met my brother. brother. =e =e is travellin$ travellin$ all over over Asia Asia on his bicycle. bicycle. ................................................................................................................. . Who coul! coul! for$et for$et that that !ay* !ay* That That was when we we met. met. .................................................................................................................
1. ) !ont have have a lot lot of money# money# or ) woul! woul! travel travel first:cla first:class. ss. )f ) .......................................................................................................... . 2. 5y favourite favourite TG show show is on from from . to 4. 4. this evenin$# evenin$# an! an! )m $oin$ $oin$ to watch watch it. At . this evenin$# .......................................................................... ... . . This house house is over 1 1 years ol!. ol!. 5y $ran!paren $ran!parents ts use! to live there. The house where .................................................................................. . ". 6erry !i!nt !i!nt know know you were were comin$ on on the trip# trip# so he staye! staye! home. )f 6erry .................................................................................................. . %. )m sure sure the hotel clerk knew that ) was 9ritish 9ritish.. The hotel clerk must ............................................................................. . -. Were Were not stayin$ stayin$ at a youth youth hostel# so so were not not meetin$ meetin$ other backpack backpackers. ers. )f we ...................................................................................................... . . )ts a $oo! i!ea i!ea to search search for travel bar$ains bar$ains online. online. You You ........................................................................................................ . 4. The law re3uire re3uiress all internation international al travellers travellers to carry carry a passport. passport. All international travellers ...................................................................... . B. 6eter 6eter pai! pai! someon someonee to wash wash his his !o$. !o$. 6eter ha! .............................................................................................. .
1. 5artina 5artina sai! that that she will will call call me at 4.# 4.# but she she !i!nt. !i!nt. ................................................................................................................. 2. This is the ice ice cream cream shop which ) always always use! use! to $o. ................................................................................................................. . =e will will !ance !ance with with you you if you you aske! aske! him. him. ................................................................................................................. ". ,veryone ,veryone may show their their tickets tickets at the entrance. entrance. ................................................................................................................. %. A $ol! $ol! earrin$ earrin$ fin! in the the play$roun! play$roun! by one one of the teachers. teachers. ................................................................................................................. -. At this this time ne+t year year## ) will will stu!y stu!y in