Useful phrases to write essays level B2/C1Descripción completa
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Pet Speaking Part 3 - Useful Phrases
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Useful phrases for writing task on English examsDescripción completa
Useful phrases for writing task on English examsFull description
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From Greetings to Closing. All email phrases you need to know to make your general emails and business emails look great!Descripción completa
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Descripción: Writing - Useful Words and Phrases - FCE
Useful Phrases for Informal Letters On this page we will look at some useful phrases for informal letters (PET Writing Part 3).
Phrases The words and expressions below are often used by natie speakers when writing to friends and relaties. !sing them will help you write in an informal style and will also help you organise your letter into "lear paragraphs. Starting your letter (Paragraph 1)
Thanks for your letter. #oely to hear from you. $ow are you% $ow are things% $ope you&re well.
Commenting on something (Paragraph 1)
'&m sorry to hearlearn ... '&m so pleased to hear ... 't&s great to hear ... What wonderful news about ...
Moving the topic on (Paragraph 2)
nyway* the reason '&m writing ... ' thought '&d write to tellask you nyway* ' was wondering ...
Ending your letter (Paragraph 3)
Well* that&s all for now Write ba"k soon #ooking forward to hearing from you again ll the best +est wishes
,ee you soon Take "are -ours #oe #ots of loe
Contractions in Informal Letters for the Preliminary English Test On this page we will look at using "ontra"tions in your informal letter (PET Writing Part 3).
Contractions 'n the Part 3 Writing task you hae the "hoi"e of writing an informal le tter. !sing "ontra"tions like &'&m& instead of &' am& or &she&s& instead of &she is& will help "reate an informal style.
ontra"t the words in bra"kets in the following letter/
Dear Claire (It is)
great to hear from you. (I am)
(You are)
a very clever student!
Anyway (I have) (you would)
so pleased that you passed your exam.
got my summer holiday coming soon and I was wondering if
lie to come and stay with me for a wee. ("e will)
#e a#le to
do some travelling and hopefully en$oy some lovely weather. And as (we are) planning to tae %C& next year we can practise our &nglish! "rite #ac soon and tell me what you thin. 'y parents send their love and say (they would) love to meet you.
est wishes aren
-ou got 0 right out of 1. The "orre"t answers are/ 't&s great ...* '&m so pleased ...* -ou&re a ery "leer ...* '&e got my summer ...* you&d like to "ome ....* We&ll be able to ...* we&re planning ...* they&d loe to meet you2
Paragraphs in Informal Letters On this page we will look at using "ontra"tions and paragraphs in your informal letter (PET Writing Part 3).
Paragraphs 'n Part 3 of the Writing Paper you hae the "hoi"e of writing an informal letter of around 00 words. 'nformal letters need to be well organised and one way to show your organisation is through the use of paragraphs. letter of of 00 words "an easily be organised around 3 paragraphs. Paragraph 1 4 the introdu"tion. When we are replying to a letter we usually say something about what was in the original letter. Paragraph 2 4 the main "ontent. Paragraph 3 4 the "on"lusion whi"h usually ends with something like &Write ba"k soon&.
Practise Using Paragraphs The letter below has been written without the use of paragraphs. $ow would you organise the senten"es into paragraphs%
Dear 'iel It was nice to hear from you. *f course I will help you with your school pro$ect! You wanted to now a#out a typical morning. "ell on days when I go to college I usually get up a#out +.,, o-cloc. 'y mum always ass me to sit down and have #reafast #efore I leave. nfortunately I don-t have much time and I eat #reafast at college. I go to college #y #us. It taes a#out /, minutes #ut sometimes it-s longer if there-s a lot of traffic. As soon as I arrive I meet my friends and
get the latest news. Anyway give my love to your family. "rite #ac soon. est wishes 0teve
$ere&s the letter written with paragraphs.
Dear 'iel It was nice to hear from you. *f course I will help you with your school pro$ect! You wanted to now a#out a typical morning. "ell on days when I go to college I usually get up a#out +.,, o-cloc. 'y mum always ass me to sit down and have #reafast #efore I leave. nfortunately I don-t have much time and I eat #reafast at college. I go to college #y #us. It taes a#out /, minutes #ut sometimes it-s longer if there-s a lot of traffic. As soon as I arrive I meet my friends and get the latest news. Anyway give my love to your family. "rite #ac soon. est wishes 0teve
PET Writing Part 2
Writing Part 2 is worth 5% of your total PET mark You have around 10 minutes to comlete Part 2! You have to write a "E#Y short note$ only 5 & '5 for writing more! You +),-T lose marks for small selling and gram You *T include (( three oints in the 3uestio
se the 3uestion as your P(,! Write 10 words fo heck out the model answer 4elow! 67uess what8 start 4ecause notes are normally written in an info
Practise answering these 3uestions!
1! You recently did a homework ro9ect a4out 2! You have 9u life in :rance and your :rench friend Pierre heled you 4y sending you some Write an email information! email, you shou Write an email to Pierre. In you email, you should
tell Jane wh
say where y
thank him for his help
explain why
explain which information was most useful to you
say what your teacher thought about your project.
Write 5 & '5 words on your answer sheet.
! You are going to 4e a4sent from your ne;t maths class! Write a note to your maths teacher. In your note, you should
Write 5 & '5 w
explain why you are going to be absent
apologise to your teacher
ask your teacher for information about next weeks class.
Write 5 & '5 words on your answer sheet.
PET #eading Part 5 is ,)T voca4ulary and grammar! There is a te;t with gas! Y with otion $ =$ or +! There are 10 gas to fill! % of your final PET You have 10 & 15 minutes to 5!
T o i c s a n d 7 a E;ercises The list is in order of the most
PET Writing Part 1 is ,)T a4ou 7##! The 3uestions are T#,*:)# changing a sentence from assi ),E$ TW)$ or T?#EE words ), 1
!heir father was given his first pony
Their father-s grandmother !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ony!
There are five transformation 3 3uestion is worth 1% of the tota selling mistake in an answer 3uestion! .A You only have 5 & 10 minutes to
have to 4e 3uick!
7rammar toics y study The list is in order of the most f grammar! B1 omaratives$ as!!! as$ the same as C of these in nearly every e;amD/
B2 Past simle$ resent erfect$ never an constitute around 12% of 3uestions!/
B Passive to active and occasionally act AThese constitute around 10% of trans
B' ntonyms oositesF and *ynonyms of Part 1 3uestions/!
B5 Guantifiers. a few$ not many$ most$ all H% of Part 1 3uestions/!
BI ?aveJhas KL there isJare AThese c onsti 3uestions/!
B> *o do
BH lose toJfar fromJnear AThese constitu 3uestions/!
BM #eorted seech to direct seech ATh Part 1 3uestions/!
B1 nlessJas long as$ roviding AThese c 2 3uestions/! B1 *econd conditional AThese constitute 3uestions/! B1 What a4out N &<,7 KL*hall we!!! AThes ' 1 3uestions/! B1 )ther tyes of transformation occasio 5 ?ave versus have got +uring and While ,egative infinitives eg < decided not to )ne of my friends KL a friend of mine To 4e keen on N "er4N<,7 *he goes there in 10 minutes KL