6EE10 SMART GRID TECHNOLOGY LAB RTU Experiment List 6EE10A Smart Gri Te!"n#$#%& La'
1. Study Study differ different ent compon component entss of smart grid. grid. 2. Study Diff Different erent terminol terminology ogy used used in power power quality quality assessment assessment.. 3. Study and and measure measure certain certain parameters parameters of power power quality quality in laborator laboratory y with and without power quality improvement devices.
St,& i--erent !#mp#nents #- smart %ri*
THEORY+ Intr#,!ti#n t# Smart Gri+ A smart grid (SG), also called smart electrical power grid, intelligent grid, intelligrid, futuregrid, intergrid, or intragrid, is an enhancement of the 2th century power grid. !he traditional power grids are generally used to carry power from a few central generators to a large number of users or customers. "n contrast, the S# uses two$way flows of electricity and information to create an automated and distributed advanced energy delivery networ%. !he smart grid is a modern electric power grid infrastructure for improved efficiency, reliability and safety, with smooth integration of renewable and alternative energy sources, through automated control and modern communications technologies. &y utili'ing modern information technologies, the S# is capable of delivering power in more efficient ways and responding to wide ranging conditions and events. Di--erent !#mp#nent re.,ire -#r t"e smart %ri an nee -#r Smart %ri+
(ig. 1"n technical perspective Smart #rid can be e)plored into following ma*or systems+ 1/ Smart in-rastr,!t,re s&stem + !he smart infrastructure system is the energy, information, and communication infrastructure underlying the S#. "t supports two$ way flow of electricity and information. ote that it is straightforward to understand the concept of -two$way flow of information. -!wo$way flow of electricity implies that the electric energy delivery is not unidirectional anymore. (or e)ample, in the traditional power grid, the electricity is generated by the generation plant, then moved by the transmission grid, the distribution grid, and finally delivered to users.
"n an S#, electricity can also be put bac% into the grid by users. (or e)ample, users may be able to generate electricity using solar panels at homes and put it bac% into the grid, or electric vehicles may provide power to help balance loads by -pea% shaving /sending power bac% to the grid when demand is high0. !his bac%ward flow is important. (or e)ample, it can be e)tremely helpful in a microgrid that has been islanded due to power failures. / Smart ener%& s,'s&stem+ !he smart energy subsystem is responsible for advanced electricity generation, delivery, and consumption. / Smart in-#rmati#n s,'s&stem + !he smart information subsystem is responsible for advanced information metering, monitoring, and management in the conte)t of the S#. 2/ Smart !#mm,ni!ati#n s,'s&stem + !he smart communication subsystem is responsible for communication connectivity and information transmission among systems, devices, and applications in the conte)t of the S#. 3/ Smart mana%ement s&stem+ !he smart management system is the subsystem in S# that provides advanced management and control services and functionalities. 6/ Smart pr#te!ti#n s&stem + !he smart protection system is the subsystem in S# that provides advanced grid reliability analysis, failure protection, and security and privacy protection services.
4i%* T"e Detai$e C$assi-i!ati#n #- t"e Smart In-rastr,!t,re S&stem5 t"e Smart Mana%ement S&stem5 an t"e Smart )r#te!ti#n S&stem
Res,$t+ !he e)periment has been studied.
Practical No:- 1
St,& i--erent !#mp#nents #- smart %ri* S*N#*
9i7a :,esti#ns ;t# 'e ans
Define grid
An electrical grid /also referred to as an electricity grid or electric grid0 is an interconnected networ% for delivering electricity from s uppliers to consumers.
4hat do you mean by Smart #rid
!he smart grid is a modern electric power grid infrastructure for improved efficiency, reliability and safety, with smooth integration of renewable and alternative energy sources, through automated control and modern communications technologies.
5)plain the smart infrastructure system
!he smart infrastructure system is the energy, information, and communication infrastructure underlying the S#. "t supports two$way flow of electricity and information.
5)plain the smart energy subsystem
!he smart energy subsystem is responsible for advanced electricity generation, delivery, and consumption.
4hat is smart information subsystem
!he smart information subsystem is responsible for advanced information metering, monitoring, and management in the conte)t of the S#.
4hat is smart communication subsystem
!he smart communication subsystem is responsible for communication connectivity and information transmission among systems, devices, and applications in the conte)t of the S#.
4hat is smart management system
!he smart management system is the subsystem in S# that provides advanced management and control services and functionalities.
4hat is smart protection system
!he smart protection system is the subs ystem in S# that provides advanced grid reliability analysis, failure protection, and security and privacy protection services.
4hat do you mean by 6yber security
6yber security addresses the prevention of damage to, unauthori'ed use of, e)ploitation of, and, if needed, the restoration of electronic information and communications systems and services /and the information contained therein0 to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
4hat do you mean by Data 7anagement
Data management refers to all aspects of collecting, analy'ing, storing, and providing data to users and applications, including the issues of data identification, validation, accuracy, updating, time$tagging, consistency across databases, etc.
E()ERIMENT NO* AIM+ St,& Di--erent termin#$#%& ,se in p#
equipment. As appropriate as this description might seem, the limitation of power quality to -sensitive electronic equipment might be sub*ect to disagreement. 5lectrical equipment susceptible to power quality or more appropriately to lac% of power quality would fall within a seemingly boundless domain. -8ower quality is a set of electrical boundaries that allows a piece of equipment to function in its intended manner without significant loss of performance or life e)pectancy. !his definition embraces two things that we demand from an electrical device+ performance and life e)pectancy. Any power$related problem that compromises either attribute is a power quality concern. All electrical devices are prone to failure or malfunction when e)posed to one or more power quality problems. !he electrical device might be an electric motor, a transformer, a generator, a computer, a printer, communication equipment, or a household appliance. All of these devices and others react adversely to power quality issues, depending on the severity of problems. )#
7ore commonly used power quality terms are defined and e)plained below+ B#nin% = "ntentional electrical$interconnecting of conductive parts to ensure common
electrical potential between the bonded parts. &onding is done primarily for two reasons. 6onductive parts, when bonded using low impedance connections, would tend to be at the same electrical potential, meaning that the voltage difference between the bonded parts would be minimal or negligible. &onding also ensures that any fault current li%ely imposed on a metal part will be safely conducted to ground or other grid systems serving as ground. Capa!itan!e = 8roperty of a circuit element characteri'ed by an insulating medium
contained between two conductive parts. !he unit of capacitance is a farad /(0, named for the 5nglish scientist 7ichael (araday. 6apacitance values are more commonly e)pressed in microfarad /(0, which is 1 $9 of a farad. 6apacitance is one means by which energy or electrical noise can couple from one electrical circuit to another. 6apacitance between two conductive parts can be made infinitesimally small but may not be completely eliminated. C#,p$in% = 8rocess by which energy or electrical noise in one circuit can be transferred to
another circuit that may or may not be electrically connected to it. Crest -a!t#r = :atio between the pea% value and the root mean square /:7S0 value of a
periodic waveform. 6rest factor is one indication of the distortion of a periodic waveform from its ideal characteristics.
(ig. 1 4aveform with distortion
Dist#rti#n = ;ualitative term indicating the deviation of a periodic wave from its ideal
waveform characteristics. (igure 1 contains an ideal sinusoidal wave along with a distorted wave. !he distortion introduced in a wave can create waveform deformity as well as phase shift. Dist#rti#n -a!t#r = :atio of the :7S of the harmonic content of a periodic wave to the
:7S of the fundamental content of the wave, e)pressed as a percent. !his is also %nown as the total harmonic distortion /!
er = =ariation of input voltage sufficient in duration to allow visual observation of a
change in electric light source intensity. ;uantitatively, flic%er may be e)pressed as the change in voltage over nominal e)pressed as a percent. (or e)ample, if the voltage at a 12$= circuit increases to 12> = and then drops to 11? =, the flic%er, f , is calculated as f @ 1 /12> B 11?0C12 @ 9.99. 4#rm -a!t#r = :atio between the :7S value and the average value of a periodic waveform.
(orm factor is another indicator of the deviation of a periodic waveform from the ideal characteristics. (or e)ample, the average value of a pure sinusoidal wave averaged over a cycle is .93? times the pea% value. !he :7S value of the sinusoidal wave is .?? times the pea% value. !he form factor, FF , is calculated as FF @ .??C.93? @ 1.11.
4re.,en!& = umber of complete cycles of a periodic wave in a unit time, usually 1 sec.
!he frequency of electrical quantities such as voltage and current is e)pressed in hert' /<'0. Gr#,n e$e!tr#e = 6onductor or a body of conductors in intimate contact with earth for
the purpose of providing a connection with the ground. Gr#,n %ri E System of interconnected bare conductors arranged in a pattern over a
specified area and buried below the surface of the earth. Gr#,n $##p E 8otentially detrimental loop formed when two or more points in an
electrical system that are nominally at ground potential are connected by a conducting path such that either or both points are not at the same ground potential.
4IGURE &onding and grounding of equipment. Gr#,n rin% = :ing encircling the building or structure in direct contact with the earth.
!his ring should be at a depth below the surface of the earth of not less than 2.> ft and should consist of at least 2 ft of bare copper conductor not smaller than F2 A4#. Gr#,nin% = 6onducting connection by which an electrical circuit or equipment is
connected to the earth or to some conducting body of relatively large e)tent that serves in place of the earth. "n (igure 2, two conductive bodies are bonded and connected to ground. #rounding of metallic noncurrent$ carrying parts of equipment is done primarily for safety
reasons. #rounding the metal frame of equipment protects any person coming into contact with the equipment frame from electrical shoc% in case of a fault between an energi'ed conductor and the frame. #rounding the equipment frame also ensures prompt passage of fault current to the ground electrode or ground planeG a protective device would operate to clear the fault and isolate the faulty equipment from the electrical power source. Harm#ni! = Sinusoidal component of a periodic wave having a frequency that is an integral
multiple of the fundamental frequency. "f the fundamental frequency is 9 <', then the second harmonic is a sinusoidal wave of 12 <', the fifth harmonic is a sinusoidal wave of 3 <', and so on. Harm#ni! ist#rti#n = ;uantitative representation of the distortion from a pure sinusoidal
waveform. Imp,$se = !raditionally used to indicate a short duration overvoltage event with certain rise
and fall characteristics. Standards have moved toward including the term impulse in the category of transients. Inr,s" = Harge current that a load draws when initially turned on. Interr,pti#n = 6omplete loss of voltage or current for a time period. Is#$ati#n = 7eans by which energi'ed electrical circuits are uncoupled from each other.
!wo$winding transformers with primary and secondary windings are one e)ample of isolation between circuits. "n actuality, some coupling still e)ists in a two$winding transformer due to capacitance between the primary and the secondary windings. Linear $#as = 5lectrical load which in steady$state operation presents essentially constant
impedance to the power source throughout the cycle of applied voltage. A purely linear load has only the fundamental component of the current present. N#ise = 5lectrical noise is unwanted electrical signals that produce undesirable effects in the
circuits of control systems in which they occur. resonance. N#n$inear $#a = 5lectrical load that draws currents discontinuously or whose impedance
varies during each cycle of the input A6 voltage waveform. N#t!" = Disturbance of the normal power voltage waveform lasting less than a half cycleG
the disturbance is initially of opposite polarity than the waveform and, thus, subtracts from the waveform )eri#i! = A voltage or current is periodic if the value of the function at time t is equal to
the value at time t IT , where T is the period of the function. "n this boo%, function refers to a periodic time$varying quantity such as A6 voltage or current )#
Sa% = :7S reduction in the A6 voltage at power frequency from half of a cycle to a few
seconds duration. (igure 3 shows voltage sag characteristics.
4i%* 7#$ta%e sa% !"ara!teristi!s
S,r%e = 5lectrical transient characteri'ed by a sharp increase in voltage or current. S
to a few seconds duration. Transient = Subcycle disturbance in the A6 waveform evidenced by a sharp, brief
discontinuity of the waveform. !his may be of either polarity and may be additive or subtractive from the nominal waveform.
Res,$t+ !he e)periment has been studied
Practical No:- 2
St,& i--erent termin#$#%& ,se in )#
9i7a :,esti#ns ;t# 'e ans
4hat is =oltage Sag
:7S reduction in the A6 voltage at power frequency from half of a cycle to a few seconds duration.
4hat is =oltage Swell
:7S increase in A6 voltage at power frequency from half of a cycle to a few seconds duration
4hat do you mean by
Sinusoidal component of a periodic wave having a frequency that is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency.
4hat do you understand by on linear loads
5lectrical load that draws currents discontinuously or whose impedance varies during each cycle of the input A6 voltage waveform.
4hat is (orm (actor
:atio between the :7S value and the average value of a periodic waveform.
4hat do you mean by 8ower ;uality
!he concept of powering and grounding sensitive electronic equipment in a manner suitable for the equipment.
4hat do you mean by &onding
"ntentional electrical$interconnecting of conductive parts to ensure common electrical potential between the bonded parts
4hat is 6rest (actor
6rest factor is one indication of the distortion of a periodic waveform from its ideal characteristics.
4hat is 8ea% (actor
:atio between the pea% value and the root mean square /:7S0 value of a periodic waveform.
4hat do you mean by Surge
5lectrical transient characteri'ed by a sharp increase in voltage or current.
AIM+ Study and measure certain parameters of power quality in laboratory with and without
power quality improvement devices. T"e#r&+ 8ower ;uality is an important issue in conte)t of 8ower System.
of concern for all 8ower engineers. "n this e)periment we will study about one of the power quality problem that is Small signal stability means low frequency oscillations which in*ects negative damping to the system. !his oscillatory behavior of the system can be improved by using one of the power quality devices %nown as 8ower System Stabili'er /8SS0. Sma$$ Si%na$ Sta'i$it&+ Stability issues have already gained prominence with every passing
day. !he need of the hour is to develop a robust system, which is not li%ely to give up in the wa%e of blac%outs and different contingencies. "555C6"#:5 Joint !as% (orce committee defines the power system stability as follows -Small$disturbance /or small$signal0 rotor angle stability is concerned with the ability of the power system to maintain synchronism under
disturbances. !he disturbances are considered to be sufficiently small that lineari'ation of system equations is permissible for purposes of analysis. )#
e)citation by providing damping to the undesired low frequency oscillations. !hese are typically in the frequency range of .1to 3<', and insufficient damping of such oscillations may limit the ability of transmitting bul% power. &loc% diagram of 8SS used is shown in fig.1 is ta%en from the reference
4 a sh o u t & lo c %
8 h a s e le a d l a g c o m p e n s a t o r
V s m a ) ∆w
K sTab
sT ω
1 + sT 1
1+ sT 3
1 + sT ω
1 + sT 2
1 + sT K
V s V s m in
(ig. 1+ 8ower System Stabili'er transfer function model "n this e)periment we will see the behaviour of the 3 generator L bus system by creating 3 phase disturbance on one of the line. 4e will see the change in system behaviour without and with applying the power system stabiliser.
Dia%ram #- t"ree ma!"ine nine ',s s&stem
1 5
9 8
4i%* t"ree ma!"ine nine ',s s&stem
(ig.3 8ower flow of the system without 8ower quality device
(ig. K 8ower flow of the system with 8ower quality device Res,$t+ !he e)periment has been performed in 7A!HA&
Practical No:- 3
St,& an meas,re !ertain parameters #- p#
9i7a :,esti#ns ;t# 'e ans
4hat do you mean by Stability
!he ability of the system to regain synchronism after disturbances.
4hat do you mean by Mscillation
"t is the repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value or equilibrium, or between two or more different states .
4hat do you mean by Small signal stability
Small$disturbance /or small$signal0 rotor angle stability is concerned with the ability of the power system to maintain synchronism under disturbances.
4hat do you mean by !ransient stability
!he ability of asynchronous power system to return to stable condition and maintain its synchronism after a relatively large disturbance arising from switching -on and -off of circuit elements .
4hat is (ull form of A=:
Automatic =oltage :egulator
4hat do you mean by #ain
!he ratio of response to the e)citation of the system.
4hat do you mean by Damping
!he ability of the system to damp out the oscillation after any disturbance has occurred.
4hat do you mean by Steady state
!he normal or healthy operating condition of any system within 2 to > of its normal value.
4hat do you mean by Settling time
!otal time ta%en by the system to settle down to steady state region after any disturbance
4hat do you mean by 7a)imum Mvershoot
!he ma)imum amplitude achieved by the system after any disturbance.