Your fire protection solutions partner
Worldwide Fire Protection
Contents C ontents
Sprinklers Standard Response
Q uick Response
Extended C overage
Proven and dependable product quality, together with the outstanding customer service provided by our worldwide distribution network, are the keys to Viking’s success. Viking is firmly established among the world’s leading independent manufacturers and distributors of products to the fixed fire protection industry. V iking’ s ob jective is sim ple - to p rovide quality prod ucts
A PSA D in France and others,in order to satisfy the local
and profession al services to protect lives and property from
need s of ou r glob al custom er base.
the danger of fire; D ry
–qu ality sprinklers w ith p roven lon g term perform ance;
–valves and system s that are easier to installand m aintain;
A rchitecturalFinishes
ow ners peace of m ind. V iking supplied products carry m ultiple international approvals w here requ ired, includ ing U nd erw riters Lab oratories,Factory M utual,the Loss Preven tion C ou ncil
System s W et Pipe
D ry Pipe
D eluge & Preaction
H P® D ry
Foam /W ater Based
System Com ponents & Related Equipm ent
–products that give designers,installing contractors and
Board, Verband der Sachversicherer e.V.,in G erm any,
Th roug h the V iking Su pplyN et distribution and service netw ork V iking is represented in over 70 cou ntries w orldw ide providing d istribution and cu stom er supp ort to ind epen dent con tractors and com plete system solution s to m ajor engine ering firm s and ow ners. C ustom er suppo rtis w orld class at every point in the p roject process.D etailed technicaldata, han ds-on training facilities and exp ert tech nical assistance are provided in a service package you can depen d on from concept to com pletion.
W herever you need us to be
s t n e t n o c
i n t r o d u c t i o n
Approvals and Listings
Worldwide Fire Protection
All products are subject to strict quality control to ISO 9 002 standards including hydr ostatic testing. Where applicabl e Viking products have been submitted t o U L, FM, LPC and VdS and received approvals listing for use in fire prot ection applications. For details of individual pro duct approvals refer to the product and systems data sheet or contact your V iking D istributor.
While life-safety is the primary reason for installing sprinklers in a residence, aesthetics are also important to homeowners. Contractors and designers demand versatility and a choice of design options to make installation easy and affordable. Viking residential sprinklers offer all this and more —consistent quality unmatched in the industry. The Viking range of residential sprinklers can be installed in NFPA standards 13, 13R and 13D occupancies. Viking is committed to providing residential products that are state of the art and consistent with current testing and installation standards. Th e new M irage® C on cealed residen tialsprinkler
Th is low -profile sprinkler has a push-on /pull-off,or
com bines u ltim ate aesthetics w ith perform ance to m eet
friction fit,cover plate and,as w ith allof the V iking
the dem ands of sing le and m ultiple fam ily residences.
residen tial rang e, is U L an d cU L listed .
Residential sprinkler selection key A
A esthetics to m atch any lifestyle. Th e M icrofast® sprinkler range w hen used w ith V iking ’ s
Th e "W ide-Th row " M icrofast® H orizontalSidew allsprinkler can
M od el E recessed escutcheons, provides a low -profile,
be installed as m uch as 10 inch es below the ceiling .It covers
unobtrusive installation.A variety of finishes to blen d w ith
areas up to 18 feet by 18 feet.
any d écor are available.
Sp rinkler is the on ly flush sprinkler listed for u se o n slop ed
sloped -ceiling listings for p itches u p to 6 in 12 (26.6°)
ceilings w ith pitches up to 6 in 12 (26.6°),and it has the
elim inating the n eed to calculate for an addition al sprinkler.
distinction of being the firstan d only residen tial sprinkler
an y jurisdiction.
09533FB H orizon talSidew all
s r e l k n i r p s
Temp ºF/ ºC
approved by FM !
A w ide range of K factors accom m odate the requ irem ents of
V iking ’ s M od el H -3 H orizon sm allorifice R esidentialPen dent
Th e M icrofast® Penden t and H orizon talSidew allbo th h ave
Color Match
O ur residential sprinklers are also available in a C ocoo n o ption .
09458MC/W, 10741M/W Flush
10784AJ, 10786MA/SW1004 C oncealed C over tem p: 135 °F/57°C
10149MB/W, 06419AM /W Penden t Recessed
s p r i n k l e r s
While life-safety is the primary reason for installing sprinklers in a residence, aesthetics are also important to homeowners. Contractors and designers demand versatility and a choice of design options to make installation easy and affordable. Viking residential sprinklers offer all this and more —consistent quality unmatched in the industry. The Viking range of residential sprinklers can be installed in NFPA standards 13, 13R and 13D occupancies. Viking is committed to providing residential products that are state of the art and consistent with current testing and installation standards. Th e new M irage® C on cealed residen tialsprinkler
Th is low -profile sprinkler has a push-on /pull-off,or
com bines u ltim ate aesthetics w ith perform ance to m eet
friction fit,cover plate and,as w ith allof the V iking
the dem ands of sing le and m ultiple fam ily residences.
residen tial rang e, is U L an d cU L listed .
Residential sprinkler selection key A
A esthetics to m atch any lifestyle. Th e M icrofast® sprinkler range w hen used w ith V iking ’ s
Th e "W ide-Th row " M icrofast® H orizontalSidew allsprinkler can
M od el E recessed escutcheons, provides a low -profile,
be installed as m uch as 10 inch es below the ceiling .It covers
unobtrusive installation.A variety of finishes to blen d w ith
areas up to 18 feet by 18 feet.
any d écor are available.
Sp rinkler is the on ly flush sprinkler listed for u se o n slop ed
sloped -ceiling listings for p itches u p to 6 in 12 (26.6°)
ceilings w ith pitches up to 6 in 12 (26.6°),and it has the
elim inating the n eed to calculate for an addition al sprinkler.
distinction of being the firstan d only residen tial sprinkler
an y jurisdiction.
Temp ºF/ ºC
Color Match
approved by FM !
A w ide range of K factors accom m odate the requ irem ents of
V iking ’ s M od el H -3 H orizon sm allorifice R esidentialPen dent
Th e M icrofast® Penden t and H orizon talSidew allbo th h ave
O ur residential sprinklers are also available in a C ocoo n o ption .
09533FB H orizon talSidew all
s r e l k n i r p s
09458MC/W, 10741M/W Flush
10784AJ, 10786MA/SW1004 C oncealed C over tem p: 135 °F/57°C
10149MB/W, 06419AM /W Penden t Recessed
A rchitectural The finishing touch, now available in a vast range of colors to compliment any interior.
s p r i n k l e r s
finishes from V iking The ground breaking design of Viking’s Mirage® concealed sprinklers combined with a practical push on - screw off or friction fit cover plate will ensure a flush fit, By using Viking's extended range of standard finishes or our colormatch service you can make them virtually undetectable once installed.
Viking provides the ultimate solution to architects, installers and owners that
For Architects and designers looking for the perfect match Viking also provides a
combines the confidence of Viking product performance with a choice of high quality
customized service to perfectly compliment any décor and color scheme. Choose from
aesthetic finishes. Viking offers a choice of nine popular standard cover plate finishes
over 800 industrial standard color shades or send a paint sample or chip and Viking
including several attractive new décor finishes.
will provide cover plates to match.
Standard Brushed Finishes
16 s e h s i n i f l a r u t c e t i h c r a
17 Antique Brass (BRF)
Brushed Chrome (BRF)
Brushed Copper (BRF)
Brushed Brass (BRF)
Standard Finishes
Polished Chrome (PCH)
Bright Brass (BBR)
a r c h i t e c t u r a l f i n i s h e s
A rchitectural The finishing touch, now available in a vast range of colors to compliment any interior.
finishes from V iking The ground breaking design of Viking’s Mirage® concealed sprinklers combined with a practical push on - screw off or friction fit cover plate will ensure a flush fit, By using Viking's extended range of standard finishes or our colormatch service you can make them virtually undetectable once installed.
Viking provides the ultimate solution to architects, installers and owners that
For Architects and designers looking for the perfect match Viking also provides a
combines the confidence of Viking product performance with a choice of high quality
customized service to perfectly compliment any décor and color scheme. Choose from
aesthetic finishes. Viking offers a choice of nine popular standard cover plate finishes
over 800 industrial standard color shades or send a paint sample or chip and Viking
including several attractive new décor finishes.
will provide cover plates to match.
Standard Brushed Finishes
16 s e h s i n i f l a r u t c e t i h c r a
17 Antique Brass (BRF)
Brushed Chrome (BRF)
Brushed Copper (BRF)
Brushed Brass (BRF)
Standard Finishes
Polished Chrome (PCH)
Bright Brass (BBR)
a r c h i t e c t u r a l f i n i s h e s
System com ponents & related equipm ent No matter what your fire sprinkler requirements, no matter when or where you need it, Viking SupplyNet takes the panic out of the process. We assure you easy access to the world’s leading fire protection equipment.
OS & Y Gate Valve
Butterfly Valve
Viking SupplyNet Asia Headquart ers (Singapore), one of over 50 supply locations worldwide
G rooved Butterfly Valves, G ate Valves and Post Ind icators are am on g the m any quality valve products available. In order to provide a full
Alarm Bell
Tamper Switch
Water Flow Indicator
system sup ply cap ability, V iking Su pplyN et also supp lies Test and D rain assem blies providing b oth the test function and
Flow sw itches,tam per sw itches,pressure
express drain fun ction for a w et pipe sprinkler system .
sw itches –allselected for qu ality and dependable service.
Easy-Pac Riser Man ifold Assembly
For com m ercial and residential application s,the new ly introd uced Easy-Pac R iser M anifold A ssem bly design ed to save tim e and labor by
s t n e n o p m o c m e t s y s
com bining the drain ou tlet,flow sw itch, gau ge and an op tion al relief valve
O ther electrical products,such as air com pressors,
in on e p reassem bled un it.
panels and a h ost of accessories selected to provide allyour fire protection needs from a single source.
Doublecheck Backflow Assembly
You can also choo se from a w ide rang e of detector che cks and backflow preventers further underlining the w hole system sup ply cap ability available from the V iking Su pplyN et distribution netw ork. Tank-M ounted Air Compressor
Riser-M ounte d Air Compr essor
s y s t e m c o m p o n e n t s
System com ponents & related equipm ent No matter what your fire sprinkler requirements, no matter when or where you need it, Viking SupplyNet takes the panic out of the process. We assure you easy access to the world’s leading fire protection equipment.
OS & Y Gate Valve
Butterfly Valve
Viking SupplyNet Asia Headquart ers (Singapore), one of over 50 supply locations worldwide
G rooved Butterfly Valves, G ate Valves and Post Ind icators are am on g the m any quality valve products available. In order to provide a full
Alarm Bell
Tamper Switch
Water Flow Indicator
system sup ply cap ability, V iking Su pplyN et also supp lies Test and D rain assem blies providing b oth the test function and
Flow sw itches,tam per sw itches,pressure
express drain fun ction for a w et pipe sprinkler system .
sw itches –allselected for qu ality and dependable service.
Easy-Pac Riser Man ifold Assembly
For com m ercial and residential application s,the new ly introd uced Easy-Pac R iser M anifold A ssem bly design ed to save tim e and labor by
s t n e n o p m o c m e t s y s
com bining the drain ou tlet,flow sw itch, gau ge and an op tion al relief valve
O ther electrical products,such as air com pressors,
in on e p reassem bled un it.
panels and a h ost of accessories selected to provide allyour fire protection needs from a single source.
Doublecheck Backflow Assembly
You can also choo se from a w ide rang e of detector che cks and backflow preventers further underlining the w hole system sup ply cap ability available from the V iking Su pplyN et distribution netw ork. Tank-M ounted Air Compressor
Riser-M ounte d Air Compr essor
s y s t e m c o m p o n e n t s
System com ponents & related equipm ent In addition to a full range of quality fire protection products Viking SupplyNet locations also offer an extensive line of related products, accessories and equipment, so customers can choose to purchase all their fire protection needs from a single source. Customers can also take advantage of our on-line Purchase Assistant Program to place orders using th Viking SupplyNet web site.
V iking S upplyN et sup plies standard steelrolled and cu t grooved pipe. A vailability of pipe d iffers betw een location s w orldw ide so check availability w ith your local V iking SupplyN et distributor.
G rooved Pipe C ou plings an d Fittings are available from the Su pplyN et distribution netw ork w orldw ide. Q uality products specifically designed for fire p rotection they
Pipe supp orts and hangers in a variety of patterns to
are U L listed, and FM ,LPC B an d V dS approved.
cater for allinstallation requirem en ts,including Grooved pipe products
earthq uake bracing . Pipe Strap
C ast iron,m alleable iron and ductile iron fittings are p art of the com prehen sive p ipe conn ection fittings offered by V iking Su pp lyN et.
Pipe with Sway Brace and Swivel Attachm ent
Cast iron pipe fitt ings
s t n e n o p m o c m e t s y s
For installations including residen tial,hotels and office
Beam Clam p
Ban d H an ger
buildings,C PV C pipe an d fittings are an idealsolution. C on tact your localV iking Su pplyN et distribu tor for availability.
Everything do w n to p ipe sealing com po un ds, lub ricants and a rang e of pipe accessories are available. Q uality produ cts,quality custom er service and w orldw ide distribution capability.V iking Su pplyN et - w hat you need, w hen an d w here you need it.
CPVC pipe fittings
s y s t e m c o m p o n e n t s
System com ponents & related equipm ent In addition to a full range of quality fire protection products Viking SupplyNet locations also offer an extensive line of related products, accessories and equipment, so customers can choose to purchase all their fire protection needs from a single source. Customers can also take advantage of our on-line Purchase Assistant Program to place orders using th Viking SupplyNet web site.
V iking S upplyN et sup plies standard steelrolled and cu t grooved pipe. A vailability of pipe d iffers betw een location s w orldw ide so check availability w ith your local V iking SupplyN et distributor.
G rooved Pipe C ou plings an d Fittings are available from the Su pplyN et distribution netw ork w orldw ide. Q uality products specifically designed for fire p rotection they
Pipe supp orts and hangers in a variety of patterns to
are U L listed, and FM ,LPC B an d V dS approved.
cater for allinstallation requirem en ts,including Grooved pipe products
earthq uake bracing . Pipe Strap
C ast iron,m alleable iron and ductile iron fittings are p art of the com prehen sive p ipe conn ection fittings offered by V iking Su pp lyN et.
Pipe with Sway Brace and Swivel Attachm ent
Cast iron pipe fitt ings
s t n e n o p m o c m e t s y s
For installations including residen tial,hotels and office
Beam Clam p
Ban d H an ger
buildings,C PV C pipe an d fittings are an idealsolution. C on tact your localV iking Su pplyN et distribu tor for availability.
Everything do w n to p ipe sealing com po un ds, lub ricants and a rang e of pipe accessories are available. Q uality produ cts,quality custom er service and w orldw ide distribution capability.V iking Su pplyN et - w hat you need, w hen an d w here you need it.
CPVC pipe fittings
The Viking Corporation 210 N orth Industrial Park R oad H astings M ichigan U SA 490 58 Telephone: +1 - 616 - 945 95 01 Facsim ile:
+1 - 616 - 945 9599
w w w .viking
s y s t e m c o m p o n e n t s
The Viking Corporation 210 N orth Industrial Park R oad H astings M ichigan U SA 490 58 Telephone: +1 - 616 - 945 95 01 Facsim ile:
+1 - 616 - 945 9599
w w w .viking
Viking SupplyNet Head Office 300 M eadow Ru n D rive Suite F H astings M I 490 58 U SA Telephone: +1 - 616-945 -9501 Facsim ile:
+1 - 616-948 808 3
w w w .viking
Viking SupplyNet European Head Office V iking L uxem bo urg Z one Ind ustrielle H aneb oesch L-45 62 D ifferdange / N iedercorn
Lux em bo urg
Telephone: +352 58 37 37 - 1 Facsim ile:
+352 58 37 36 - 201
Viking SupplyNet Asia Head Office 69 Tuas V iew Square W estlink Techpark Singap ore 6 376 21 Telephone: +65 2 784 061 Facsim ile:
+65 2 784 609
Worldwide Fire Protection