ASSIGMENT 1: BUSINESS STRATEGY STRATEGY Intr Introd oduc ucti tion on:: Esta Establ blis ishe hed d Augu August st 20, 20, 1976 1976,, far far VINA VINAMI MI! ! has has beco beco"e "e Vietna"#s Vietna"#s leading co"$anies in the $rocessing and su$$l% of dair% $roducts, $roducts, &as ran'ed in the to$ 10 strongest brands in Vietna"( VINAMI! not onl% occu$% 7)* "ar'et share of do"estic "il', but also e+$orts its $roducts to "an% countries around the &orld such as A"erica, rance, -anada(((
Task 1.1 Strategy process
Defnition .trate .trategic gic /isio /ision n is the long long ter ter" orie orient ntat atio ion n that that the the go/e go/ern rnan ance ce outli outlines nes of the the enter$rise in the future based ased on for forecas ecasts ts of the the /olatil atiliit% of the the busin siness en/iron"ent( en/iron"ent( It is a source of ins$iration and "oti/ation it e/en creates trends aecting the de/elo$"ent of the &hole societ%( 5he "ission of the co"$an% 1
INAMI!" VINAMI VINAMI! ! focus focus all resou resourc rces es to build the dair% and food co"$an% &ith &ith healt health h bene3 bene3ts( ts( 4% build buildin ing g strategic $roduct lines &ith long ter" er" co" co"$etiti titi/ /e ad/antag tage, VINAMI! has beco"e the co"$an% ra$id gro&th and "ost sustainable(
VINAMI! constantl% constantl% di/ersif%ing di/ersif%ing
is a conce$t used to deter"ine the $ur$ose of the co"$an%, the reasons that &h% the co"$an% has establish and e+istence bases, its de/elo$"ent( 5he co"$an%#s "ission is the "anifesto of the co"$an% to societ% it de"onstrates the usefulness and signi3cance of the co"$an%#s e+istence to societ%( Goa#s 5he goal is set u$ b% a co"$an% and this is also the 3nal result that the% &ant to achie/e( $%&ecti' 5o acco"$lish the 3nal goals, e &e ha/e set out the obecti/es to achie/e it( And often, the targets associated &ith the uanti3cation of ti"e, nu"ber ((( clear, and goals "ust be feasible(
$roduct lines, e+$anding the distribution territor% ((( in order to "aintain the leading $osition on the do"estic "ar'et( VINAMI! &ould li'e to beco"e the "ost fa/orite $roducts of all regions, territories(
4eco"e a dair% oint co"$an% leading in Asia(
4% 2020 the construction of 80 branches in the "aor "ar'ets of Asia such as: -hina, a$an, !orea, India, Indonesia, 5hailand 4% 202), construction of 1) factories in -hina, 5hailand, India, Indonesia( 2080 to occu$% 80* of the Asian "ar'et in the 3eld of nutritional $roducts( -onstruction of )00 thousand $oints of distribution throughout Asia(
-ore -o"$etencies: As one of the leading dair% $roducers in Vietna", VINAMI! ra$id and sustainable de/elo$"ent, holding the largest "ar'et share in Vietna" "il', liuid "il' sector &hich accounted for )1(8* "ar'et share of the out$ut ;"ore than <)* "ar'et share in the do"estic "il' "ar'et, "ore than =)* "ar'et share in %ogurt and condensed "il', in &hich 2 sta$les sector as "il' and %ogurt continuous gro&th of o/er 80* each %ear>( Task 1.( )actors in*+ence on strategic p#ans 2
a, -eop#e: are the resources to i"$le"entation the strategic $lan of VINAMI!( 4road net&or' of VINAMI! is factors leading to success in "an% acti/ities( Allo& VINAMI! occu$% bul' of gained custo"ers and ensure the introduction of ne& $roducts and eecti/e "ar'eting strategies across the countr%( ?ith the tea" of e+$erienced sales includes 1,7=7 sales sta across the countr%( 5he% ha/e the $otential to $ro"ote the success of the business strateg%( %, )inance: Net sales of VINAMI! reached 19,216 billion VN@ in 201) increased b% 18* co"$ared to 201<( -ost of sales and ad"inistration e+$enses increased co"$ared to the last %ear, in &hich cost of sales increased to 92* ;an increase of "ore than =00 billion VN@>( Mean&hile, cost of sales fell $ushing the gross $ro3t rose shar$l%, reaching <,8=7 billion, corres$onding to an increase of )0*( .ince 201), 3nancial strength of VINAMI! increased signi3cantl%, de"onstrating the feasibilit% of the goals that VINAMI! has set( c, -ysica# reso+rces/ in0oration: h%sical resources: acilities "odern techniues are one of the 'e% factors contributing to ensure $roduct ualit%( 5he co"$an% al&a%s inno/ation, in/est"ent in eui$"ent line and "odern $roduction technolog%, the "ost ad/anced at the global le/el ;fro" countries &ith technolog% and eui$"ent de/elo$ed dair% industr% as .&eden, the B., @en"ar' circuit, the Netherlands, rance, Cer"an%, .&itDerland> to ensure ualit% and food safet%( After "ore than 8= %ears of de/elo$"ent, VINAMI! has beco"e one of the leading co"$anies scale Vietna" and contributed greatl% to the $ros$erit% of the countr%( 5he subordinate units of VINAMI! including
8 subsidiaries, 1) factories, t&o &arehouses and three subsidiaries are creati/e, relentless eorts to brand to reach ne& heights( 2, Tecno#ogy: Vietna" @air% actor% is eui$$ed &ith $roduction lines steriliDed "il' &ith "odern eui$"ent and ad/anced $roduction technolog% currentl% leading( 5he $lant o$erates on an auto"ated $roduction line, closed, fro" in$ut to out$ut of $roducts( 5han's to a co"bination of factors: ad/anced $rocessing technolog%, technolog% B5 steriliDation and ase$tic 3lling technolog%, $roducts can 'ee$ fresh Fa/or for 6 "onths &ithout $reser/ati/es G$erating s%ste"based solutions lant auto"ation 5etra Master, &hich allo&s connecting and integrating the entire $lant fro" ra& "aterial to 3nished $roduct for( .o that the $lant can control all acti/ities that occur in $lants, "onitoring and ualit% control continuousl%( 5etra lant Master .%ste" also $ro/ides all the necessar% data can hel$ $lants to continuall% i"$ro/e "anufacturing o$erations and "aintenance(
In addition, &arehouse "anage"ent s%ste"s ?a"as integrated EH s%ste"s "anage"ent and auto"ation solution brings 5etra Master lant sea"lessl% s"ooth o$eration of the $lant in the $lanning acti/ities fro" $roduction and i"$ort ra& "aterials to 3nished $roducts &arehouse of the co"$an%( e, Reso+rces pro'i2e2 %y s+pp#iers an2 partners:
S+pp#iers: 4uilding longter" de/elo$"ent goals and sustainable for
large /endors at ho"e and abroad is the "ain goal of VINAMI! to ensure ra& "aterial su$$l% stabilit% not onl% of high ualit% but also in $rice /er% co"$etiti/e( In addition, the dair% far" is the strategic $artner of VINAMI! /er% i"$ortant in $ro/iding for the consu"er to highto$ $roducts( Mil' is $urchased fro" far"s to consistentl% achie/e ualit% standards &ere signed bet&een VINAMI! and local dair% far"( onterra is a "ultinational cor$oration in the &orld to$ in the 3eld of e+$ort of "il' and "il' $roducts, this grou$ held the third /olu"e of $urchases &orld&ide( 5his is a "aor su$$lier of high ualit% "il' $o&der for "an% fa"ous co"$anies in the &orld as &ell as VINAMI!( 5he &hole of VINAMI! $roducts are $roduced on the s%ste" of "odern "achiner% fro" .&eden, other Euro$ean countries the C7 and are strictl% controlled under the ualit% "anage"ent s%ste" according to international standards I.G, A-- b% the &orld#s leading 3
co"$anies certi3ed( -artners: Vietna" @air% oint .toc' -o"$an% ;VINAMI!> has ociall% signed
;.&itDerland> and the Crou$ -hr(ansen ;@en"ar'> on JInternational -oo$eration in Hesearch and A$$lication nutrition science to de/elo$ s$eci3c nutrition $roducts for children in Vietna" J, this is the to$ three Euro$ean $artners s$ecialiDed in the research, de/elo$"ent and a$$lication
co"$rehensi/e coo$eration &ith the National Institute of Nutrition to su$$ort the in/estigation of children#s nutritional status, actual dietar% and "icronutrient shortage of children, to guide the construction of the $roduct line for the de/elo$"ent of children VN toda%( Task 1.4: B5G gro6t sare atri7:
Market gro6t: sho&ing the gro&th of the "ar'et ;of $roducts> high or lo&( Market sare: re$resents the "ar'et for $roducts that %our co"$an% no& do"inate large or s"all( •
Star: $roducts and ser/ices in this fra"e &ill ha/e a high gro&th rate, &ide "ar'et share, are beco"ing "ore $ro"inent in the "ar'et( 5here are co"$etiti/e ad/antages and o$$ortunities for de/elo$"ent( roduct result lies in this fra"e is rated /er% high on $ro3tabilit%( o&e/er, it "eans that it ta'es a large a"ount of ca$ital in/est"ent in order to co"$ete for the to$ $osition( 8+estion ark: $roducts in this fra"e is often &ea' co"$etiti/e $roducts, there is not "uch "ar'et share( o&e/er, a uestion "ar' can beco"e a star if the co"$an% 'no& seiDe o$$ortunities and right ti"e in/est"ents( 5as co6: 5his fra"e corres$onds to slo&ing gro&th in "ar'et share, but the $ositi/e $ro3t is calculated "erel% on the business $erfor"ance of the $roduct( Dog: $roducts in &ea' co"$etiti/e $osition, lo&er "ar'et share, fell into recession and $oor $ro3ts( If a $roduct falls into this fra"e, enter$rises can consider co"$lete eli"ination( E7ap#e o0 INAMI!": 5here is a $roduct on the uestion "ar' fra"e and has the $otential to beco"e star( It#s 100* B5 "il' 5&in -o&s of VINAMI!( 5he reason to 6
de/elo$ this $roduct is because after a series of articles about fa'e "il', shodd% "il' ra"$ant in the "ar'et( eo$le &ill loo' for trusted co"$anies or "il' fro" the brand abroad( 5&in -o&s "eet both because ra& "il' is $roduced 100* in Ne& Kealand, besides it also carr% the leading "il' brand VINAMI!, the $rice is lo&er than other foreign $roducts( 5he in/est"ent in this $roduct is /er% a$$ro$riate at the $resent ti"e and $er"anent( 4esides, there also has a $roduct in dogs fra"e and ca$able to re"o/e is KGHG! beer( 4eer KGHG! is a $roduct of VINAMI! .-, &hen ust hit the "ar'et has been $raised for the ualit% and $rice( As %ou alread% 'no&, Vietna" is the biggest beer consu"$tion in .outheast Asia( 4ut VINAMI! has not succeeded in co"$eting &ith the oldest brands such as .aigon, eine'en ((( consideration should be re"o/ed KGHG! is /er% reasonable(
-onclusion: VINAMI! is currentl% the leading dair% co"$an% in Vietna"( 5o "aintain the to$ $osition, VIINAMI! has outlined the goals, obecti/es and $ractical strategies( 5he% are al&a%s creati/e to ar" the "ission and /ision that the% $ose for co"$an%(
HEEHEN5 .Lng, M( ;2011>( Mục Đích & Mục Tiêu | Suy Gẫm & Chia Sẻ | Tinh Thần | Muối Ánh Sáng( online Muoianhsang(co"( A/ailable at: htt$:OO"uoianhsang(co"Otinh thanOsu%ga"chiaseO"ucdich"uctieu(ht"l Accessed 28 Mar( 2016( Vina"il'(co"(/n( ;2016>( Vinamilk - V!n ca" Vi#$ %am - Vinamilk ( online A/ailable at: htt$s:OO&&&(/ina"il'(co"(/nO/i Accessed 28 Mar( 2016( Ciaoduc(net(/n( ;2016>( online A/ailable at: htt$:OOgiaoduc(net(/nO!inhteOotto$ 100@NhangdauA.EAN201<5ie"lucVina"il'londendau$ost1)028<(gd Accessed 28 Mar( 2016(