The criminal complaint against Preston Alexander McWaters.Full description
Descripción: Aircraft
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In this modern civilization, the society is running through a so called fast life style. Under the mask of fast life style we are continuously struggling to hide our faults in daily lives. As a result of which the entire society have become submerged
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Advanced persistent threats (APTs) continue to enjoy the spotlight in the wake of their successful use to launch several high-profile data breaches. This, the fourth in a series of ISACA stu…Full description
US Army correspondence course materials for threat vehicle recognition. Includes a number of Soviet-made vehicles.
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This document authored by me shows how Hinduism is being threatened by various sources.
Task: Visually Identify Threat Aircraft Conditions: !"ect threat aircraft in your sector of resonsi$ility or over unit convoy% Visi$ility is in e"cess of &'000 (eters% )inoculars are availa$le% Standards: Identify the threat aircraft $y *AT+ na(e and,or alhanu(eric desination and reort the aircraft to the co((ander .ithin 1/ seconds after detection%
!AS+*S + VISAL AI3AT !3+*ITI+* Following World War II, the emphasis on visual aircraft recognition declined as a required skill for ground-ased weapons crew memers! Causes of the decline were"
5 The su$stitution of uided (issiles for lare antiaircraft uns% 5 The assu(tion that S forces .ould continue to (aintain air sueriority% 5 The reliance on electronic e6ui(ent for aircraft identification as hostile or friendly%
!AS+*S + VISAL AI3AT !3+*ITI+*
The need for visual aircraft recognition skills has ecome more critical since"
5 An analysis of ast (ilitary actions sho.s aircraft losses to air defense uns and s(all ar(s% It has reesta$lished that the soldier on the round is caa$le of inflictin heavy losses on aircraft oeratin at lo. altitudes% 5 3ontinued air sueriority over every $attlefield is not ossi$le% !lectronic identification has li(itations and s(all units or individual soldiers do not al.ays have access to these devices%
!AS+*S + VISAL AI3AT !3+*ITI+*
5 Visual reconition and identification of secific aircraft tyes and ti(ely reortin rovide the S2 and 2 additional infor(ation of an air threat' or infor(ation on suly dros' defoliation' or hotorahic reconnaissance% 5 The rovision of lare nu($ers of A8 .eaon syste(s to all divisional and so(e nondivisional round co($at forces enerates additional e(hasis on the need for visual aircraft reconition% 3re. and tea( (e($ers of these .eaon syste(s deend on visual reconition and identification of aircraft .hen (akin enae(ent decisions%
actors That Affect 8etection' econition' and Identification 5 !very atte(t (ade at visual aircraft reconition involves t.o events% irst' an aircraft (ust $e detected% Second' the aircraft (ust $e insected to distinuish the characteristics or shae that (akes it reconia$le as a articular aircraft% 5 Since detection' identification' and reconition are all visual rocesses' an aircraft (ust $e detected' and then reconied at the farthest rane ossi$le' to (ake a ti(ely enae(ent decision and or to reort the aircraft% The task re6uires ood' corrected if necessary' eyesiht%
!AL: AI3AT !3+*ITI+* A*8 I8!*TII3ATI+* 5 The farther out an aircraft can $e detected' reconied' and identified' the (ore ti(e a unner has to (ake an enae(ent decision% If the unner is not oin to enae the aircraft' then early reconition and identification .ill allo. ti(e to seek cover and or reort the aircraft% The i(ortance of early identification is de(onstrated in the illustration%
AI3AT !3+*ITI+* A*8 I8!*TII3ATI+* !AT!S 5 All aircraft are $uilt .ith the sa(e $asic ele(ents .ins to rovide lift' enine;s< to rovide (otive' a fuselae to carry the ayload and controls' and a tail asse($ly .hich usually controls the direction of fliht% The differences distinuish one aircraft tye fro( another% The =!T eatures illustration sho.s wings' engine#s$' fuselage' and tail features of aircraft%
round-Attack' 3lose Air Suort' and ihter-)o($er Aircraft
=ins% Bih-(ounted' varia$le' s.e#t-$ack' and ta#ered .ith $lunt ti#s% !nine;s<% +ne inside the $ody% ectanular $o"-like air i ntakes for.ard of the .in roots% Sinle e"haust% uselae% Lon and tu$ular' e"ce#t .here air intakes ive a $o"-like a##earance% Lon' do.n.ard-slo#in' shar#ly #ointed nose% Ste##ed cano#y% Lare' s.e#t-$ack' and ta#ered $elly fin under the rear section% Tail% S.e#t-$ack and ta#ered tail fin .ith curved dorsal in leadin ede and anular ti#% S.e#t-$ack and ta#ered flats hih-(ounted on the fuselae .ith anular ti#s% .S&( C-.'T(I&S
)elarus' 3IS' India' Caakhstan%
>i-21 ISB)!8
>i-21 ISB)!8 %&'&()* +)T)
3ountry of +riin% 3IS ;for(erly SS<% Si(ilar Aircraft% itters' all (odels' >irae III,/' A-4 Skyha.k% 3re.% +neD >i-21 >onol--t.o% ole% round-attack' interce#tor' trainer% Ar(a(ent% 3annon' (issiles' rockets' $o($s% 8i(ensions% Lenth /1 ft' E in ;1/'?E (<% S#an 2& ft' / in ;?%1 (<% W&FT +&SC(I,TI-'
=ins% >id-(ounted delta .in .ith s(all s6uare ti#s% !nine;s<% +ne tur$oFet inside the $ody% S(all round air intake in the nose% Sinle e"haust% uselae% Lon' tu$ular $ody .ith a $lunt nose and $u$$le cano#y% +ne $elly fin under the rear section% Lare dorsal s#ine flush .ith the cano#y% Tail% in s.e#t-$ack and ta#ered .ith a s6uare ti#% lats are (id-(ounted on the $ody' s.e#t-$ack' and ta#ered .ith s6uare ti#s% .S&( C-.'T(I&S
=ins% S.e#t-$ack and ta#ered .ith s6uare ti#s% L!Js are .ide and curved do.n to the front% L!J $eins on the nose $elo. the (id-(ount #oint' and the .insH trailin edes end at a hih-(ounted #oint% !nine;s<% Fets are (ounted lo. and to the sides of the fuselae% 8iaonal-sha#ed air intakes ive a $o"-like a##earance% Lare e"hausts% uselae% Lon' thin' slender $ody .ith lon' #ointed droo#in nose% Bih-(ounted $u$$le cano#y% Tail% ins have shar#ly ta#ered leadin edes' canted out.ard .ith anular' cutoff ti #s% lats are hih-(ounted on the fuselae' (ova$le' s.e#t-$ack' and ta#ered .ith a neative slant% .S&( C-.'T(I&S
=ins% Bih-(ounted' varia$le' s.e#t-$ack' and ta#ered% !nine;s<% tur$ofans% Air intakes are ta#ered a.ay fro( the $ody' rectanular-sha#ed' and (ounted on the $ody for.ard of the .insH leadin edes% e"hausts% uselae% Lon' slender' .ith #ointed' solid nose' and rectanular-sha#ed $ody fro( the air int akes to the e"hausts% T.o $elly finsD four #ylons% )u$$le cano#y% 8orsal s#ine e"tends fro( the cock#it to the tail% Tail% in s.e#t-$ack and ta#ered .ith s6uare ti#% lats are hi h-(ounted on the fuselae' s.e#t-$ack' and ta#ered .ith anular ti#s% .S&( C-.'T(I&S
=ins% >id- to lo.-(ounted ;.ins are (ounted $elo. the center<' varia$le' s.e#t-$ack' and ta#ered .ith $lunt ti#s% =ide .in roots% !nine;s<% +ne tur$oFet in the fuselae% 3ircular air intake in the nose% Lare' sinle e"haust% uselae% Lon' tu$ular .ith $lunt nose and rear section% Lare $u$$le cano#y% Gro(inent dorsal s#ine on to# of the $ody fro( the cock#it to the tail fin% Tail% S.e#t-$ack and ta#ered fin .ith a s6uare ti#% lats (id- to lo.-(ounted on the fuselae s.e#t-$ack and ta#ered% .S&( C-.'T(I&S
=ins% ive-$lade (ain rotor (ounted a$ove the $ody (idsection% Short' .ide ' ta#ered' .ea#on-carryin .ins (ounted to the rear of $ody (idsection% !nine;s<% T.o tur$oshafts in #ods (ounted alonsi de the to# of the fuselae% 8o.nturned e"hausts% uselae% Slender and ta#ers to the tail $oo( and nose% Tande( ' ste##ed-u# cock#its% 3annon (ounted $eneath the $elly% i"ed landin ear% Tail% Ta#erin tail $oo( to s.e#t-$ack fin% lat hih-(ounted on the fin% otor (ounted on riht% .S&( C-.'T(/
=ins% !iht-$lade (ain rotor (ounted a$ove the fuselae (idsection on a hu(#% !nine;s<% T.o tur$oshafts (ounted on to# of the ca$in% ound air intakes a$ove and $ehind the cock#it% !"haust #orts at sides of enines% uselae% Lon' $us-like $ody ta#ers to the nose and rear% #s.e#t rear section% ounded nose and ste##ed-u# cock#it% i"ed tricycle landin ear% Tail% S.e#t-$ack' slihtly ta#ered fin .ith lare rotor on riht side% lats are for.ard-ta#ered and lo.(ounted on leadin ede of the fin% .S&( C-.'T(I&S