orkbook W orkbook
Wak in g T r an c e from the
Sounds True, Inc., Boulder, CO 80306 © 2002 Stephen Wolinsk y ll ri!hts reser"ed. #o p$rt o% this this &oo &ooklet klet '$y &e used or reproduced in $ny '$nner (ithout (ritten per'iss per'ission ion %ro' the $uthor $nd pu &lisher . )u&lished 2006. )rinted in the *nited St$tes o% 'eric$.
Stephen Wolinsk y. W$kin! %ro' the Tr $nce
+or $ %ree c$t$lo! o% (isdo' te$chin!s %or the inner li%e, ple$se cont$ct Sounds True - )O Bo 80/0 - Boulder CO 8030680/0 )hone 1800 333/84 (((.soundstrue.co'
Wak in from the g Trance
A NOTE TO THE R EAdE R This (ork&ook o%%ers supple'ent$ry '$teri$ls to the $udio le$rnin! pro!r$' Waking from the Trance. It '$y &e re$d $t $ny ti'e durin! the course o% study, &ut (ill &e 'ost use%ul $s re%erence '$teri$l upon co'pletion o% the $udio pro!r$'.
CO NT E NT S Introduction to 5u$ntu' )sycholo!y ...................................................... / edit$tion $nd the Sel%0In7uiry )r ocess .................................................... 2 8econstructin! Our Concepts o% Who We re $nd Wh$t 9e$lity Is.............................................................. 3 The +$lse Core $nd the +$lse Sel% Our Bi!!est )sycholo!ic$l &str$ction....................................................... : ;ercises %or Sel%0In7uir y ........................................................................... 8
The +ound$tion )rinciples o% 5u$ntu' )sycholo!y................................ /:
ddition$l 9esour ces ............................................................................... 20
INT R O duCT IO N TO Q uANT um PS YCHO LOgY 5u$ntu' )sycholo!y $rose %ro' the te$chin!s o% Sri #is$r!$d$tt$ $h$r$> $nd includes pr$ctices %ro' Gnana Yoga ?the p$th o% unle$rnin!. The p$th o% unle$rnin! is $ process desi!ned to deconstruct e"erythin! th$t (e %$lsely think or i'$!ine oursel"es to &e "i$ $ process o% ri!orous sel%0in7uiry. When $ student $sked #is$r!$d$tt$ 6$h$r$>, @Who $re youA he replied, @#othin! percei"$&le or concei"$&le. ccordin! to #is$r!$d$tt$, @In order to %ind out (ho you $re, you 'ust %irst %ind out (ho you $re not. When $ll th$t is percei"$&le or concei"$&le is deconstructed, (e $rri"e $t (ho (e $re. 6ost %or's o% psycholo!y $tte'pt to re%or' or tr$ns%or' the e!o, or cre$te $ he$lthier e!o. 5u$ntu' )sycholo!y uses (h$t (e h$"e le$rned %ro' the n$tur$l sciences 1i.e., 7u$ntu' physics $nd neuroscience2 $nd speci%ic sel% 0 in7uiry pr$ctices in order to deconstruct?t$ke $p$rt, dis'$ntle, or dissol"e ? (ho (e %$lsely i'$!ine oursel"es to &e. These sel%0in7uiry pr$ctices $re desi!ned to e$'ine the processes &y (hich (e co'e to &elie"e (e $re $ p$rticul$r @I?or Identity?$nd to directly eperience $nd e$'ine the processes &y (hich this @I is cre$ted out o% the $rti%$cts o% our ner"ous syste' $nd our e$rly childhood eperiences. 5u$ntu' )sycholo!y is not interested in cre$tin! $ he$lthier e!o, &ut r$ther in disco"erin! $nd reco"erin! (ho (e ~ ~
~ ~
(ere?$nd $re?prior to these n$tur$l processes $nd e$rly childhood e per iences.
~ ~
~ ~
mE dITAT IO N ANd THE S ELf - INQ uIR Y PROCESS The sel%0in7uiry process o% 5u$ntu' )sycholo!y c$n &e eperienced throu!h the series o% !uided pr$ctices included in this pro!r$'. ost o% these pr$ctices $re &$sed on so'e o% the oldest 'edit$tion pr$ctices in si$, (hich tr$in us to notice the sp$ce &et(een our inh$l$tions $nd eh$l$tions, or the !$p &et(een our thou!hts. These 'edit$tion techni7ues !ener$lly ser"e three %unctions. +irst, they !ently help us to de"elop our $&ility to dis0identi%y %ro' our thou!hts $nd intern$l st$tes. Second, throu!h the 'edit$ti"e pr$ctice (e n$tur$lly de"elop $n eperience o% oursel"es $s $n o&ser"er, r$ther th$n $ su&>ect 1or @I. +in$lly, (e &e!in to notice th$t thou!hts $rise $nd su&side, $nd $re preceded $nd %ollo(ed &y $ !$p, $n e'ptiness, $ sp$ce, or $ "oid. The %irst step o% this sel%0in7uiry process is to le$rn ho( to (itness our thou!hts $nd intern$l st$tes, $nd hence re$lie (e $re not our thou!hts. The t(entieth0century s$!e 9$'$n$ 6$h$rshi t$u!ht one o% the 'ost po(er%ul %or's o% this pr$ctice th$t (hene"er $ thou!ht $rises in 'edit$tion, (e $sk oursel"es, @To (ho' does this thou!ht $riseA The $ns(er is o&"iously, @To 'e. Then (e 'ust $sk oursel"es, @Who is this DIEA This process o% sel%0e$'in$tion n$tur$lly %orces our intern$l @(itnessin! to 'o"e %ro' the le"el o% &ein! the su&>ect?or the @I (ho is identi%ied (ith the thou!ht? to (itnessin! the thou!ht $s $n o&>ect. #is$r!$d$tt$ 6$h$r$> used to s$y, @nythin! you c$n (itness you c$nnot &e, there%ore disc$rd it.
second tr$dition$l sel%0in7uiry pr$ctice is to e$'ine the sp$ce into (hich thou!hts su&side. ;$ch ti'e $ thou!ht $rises in 'edit$tion, (e $sk
oursel"es, @To (here does th$t thou!ht su&side toA In this ($y, (e &e!in to &rin! our $ttention to the sp$ce &et(een t(o thou!hts. s t$u!ht in this pro!r$', these pr$ctices c$n $lso &e used to e$'ine not only our thou!hts, &ut $lso our e'otions, 'e'ories, i'$!es, $nd intern$l st$tes.
dECO NS T R uCT INg OuR CONCEPTS O f WHO WE ARE ANd WHAT REALITY IS O"er 0 percent o% our ner"ous syste' is not de"eloped $t &irth, $nd the ($y it de"elops is throu!h $ process o% 'odelin!. The de"elopin! ner"ous syste', l$ter to &eco'e the in%$nt, t$kes on the &ody posture, &elie% structures, $nd e"en the point o% "ie( o% its c$re!i"ers in its e%%ort to sur"i"e $nd protect itsel%. In $ddition, %ro' the &illions o% sti'uli it is eposed to, it e"entu$lly selects only $ s'$ll percent$!e o% sti'uli 1$pproi'$tely . 00004: percent $s si!ni%ic$nt. In this ($y, 'uch o% (h$t (e h$"e to co'e to &elie"e $&out oursel"es $nd our eperience is &$sed on $ process o% $&str$ction th$t eists &ene$th our le"el o% $($reness $nd th$t is directed &y our ner"ous syste' (ithout our conscious control or underst$ndin!. This n$tur$l process o% selection $nd $&str$ction per%or'ed &y our ner"ous syste' cre$tes not only our concept o% re$lity $nd our concepts o% oursel"es &ut $lso our e'otion$l $nd ideolo!ic$l re$lities, includin! our rel$tionship to $nd underst$ndin! o% ener!y, sp$ce, '$ss, $nd ti'e.
Once (e le$rn ho( to e$'ine this $&str$ction process in $ction, $nd &e!in to directly eperience the sp$ce or "oid out o% (hich $ll o% our eperience $r ises, $ll o% these constructions o% (ho $nd (h$t (e $re $nd our concepts o% ener!y, sp$ce, '$ss, ti'e, etc., into nothin!. #is$r!$d$tt$ 6$h$r$> s$id it this ($y @ # othin! is 'e is the %irst step. ;"er ythin! is 'e is the net. When this too is !i"en up, you re'$in (ho you $re, the nondu$l Sel%. D
THE f ALSE CORE ANd THE f ALSE SE Lf O uR !Igg ES T PS YCHO LOg ICAL A!S T R ACT IO N In Session Three, (e (ill in"esti!$te (h$t the %ield o% psycholo!y c$lls O&>ect 9el$tions. ccordin! to O&>ect 9el$tions, $n in%$nt $t &irth &elie"es th$t he or she is one (ith the 'other. t $pproi'$tely %i"e to t(el"e 'onths the in%$nt re$lies th$t they $re sep$r$te, (hich produces $ shock c$lled @the tr$u'$ o% the re$li$tion o% sep$r$tion. 5u$ntu' )sycholo!y t$kes this underst$ndin! one step %urther &y postul$tin! th$t due to this tr$u'$ the ner"ous syste'?lookin! %or $ ($y to underst$nd $nd or!$nie this shock?decides th$t the shock occurred %or $ re$son. The re$son 1or @conclusion2 &eco'es (h$t is c$lled $ +$lse Core? or the pri'e concept, &elie%, or ide$ th$t you h$"e $&out yoursel% $round (hich you or!$nie e"erythin! you eperience. This +$lse0Core Conclusion then '$sks or hides your essenti$l core $nd $cts $s $ dri"er o% your person$lity.
+ollo(in! the cre$tion o% $ +$lse0Core Conclusion, the ner"ous syste' produces $ +$lse0Sel% Co'pens$tor in $n $tte'pt to ensure th$t the tr$u'$ o% the re$li$tion o% sep$r$tion shock ne"er occurs $!$in, $nd $s $ ($y to hide, he$l, $nd protect itsel% %ro' the p$in o% the initi$l tr$u'$. In this ($y the +$lse0Sel% Co'pens$tor is cre$ted $s $ @solution to the pro&le' o% the +$lse Core Conclusion. +or e$'ple, the ner"ous syste' 'i!ht conclude th$t this sep$r$tion %ro' the 'other is $ punish'ent &ec$use @there 'ust &e so'ethin! (ron! (ith 'e. Then, in our desire to %ind $ re$son to epl$in our sep$r$tion, (e cre$te $ %$lse solution to protect us %ro' eperiencin! it $!$in?in this c$se, $ +$lse0Sel% Co'pens$tor th$t $tte'pts to &e per%ect in order to pro"e @there is nothin! (ron! (ith 'e. +ro' this point %or($rd, the +$lse0Core $nd +$lse Sel% Co'pens$tor $ct $s the hu& o% the (heel o% our person$lity, selectin! $nd or!$niin! %ro' our eperience (h$te"er see's to $pply to our underlyin! concerns. In e%%ect, our ner"ous syste' &e!ins to percei"e the (orld?$nd to pro>ect $nd %$nt$sie $&out the ($y th$t the (orld percei"es it ?throu!h the concerns o% this +$lse0Core lens. In this ($y, the +$lse0Core &eco'es $ pris' th$t $&str$cts out o% $ll the in%or'$tion $"$il$&le to it only those ele'ents th$t rein%orce the +$lse0Core $nd its conclusion. In the c$se o% $ +$lse Core Conclusion th$t @there 'ust &e so'ethin! (ron! (ith 'e, the +$lseSel% Co'pens$tor (ill const$ntly &e on !u$rd to de%end itsel% $!$inst &ein! @%ound out?usu$lly &y $ctin! in ($ys th$t (ill @pro"e th$t it is per%ect, $nd th$t there is @nothin! (ron! (ith 'e.
t present, 5u$ntu' )sycholo!y theories the eistence o% $pproi'$tely thirteen +$lse0Cores $nd co'pens$tory +$lse0Sel"es, &ut despite the ner"ous syste' s speci%ic conclusion, the e%%ect o% the process is the s$'e the ner"ous syste' &e!ins to or!$nie $ll eperiences?e"en those not e"en re'otely rel$ted to e$ch other?into $ssoci$tion$l net(orks throu!h the +$lse Core Conclusion. By doin! so, the ner"ous syste' rein%orces itsel% $nd st$ys %roen, $nd ine"it$&ly reeperiences the %e$rs surroundin! the initi$l sep$r$tion tr$u'$ in $n $tte'pt to re0eperience the ori!in$l sep$r$tion $nd %in$lly he$l it. Si!'und +reud c$lled this process @repetition co'pulsion It is this process th$t %ollo(s the cre$tion o% $ +$lse0Core Conclusion $nd $ +$lse0Sel% Co'pens$tor th$t 'ust &e deconstructed in order %or us to un'$sk $nd re$lie our essenti$l sel%. The sel%0in7uiry process th$t 5u$ntu' )sycholo!y &rin!s to our thou!hts $nd our sense o% sel% c$n $lso &e &rou!ht to e$'ine $nd deconstruct these +$lse0Core Conclusions $nd +$lseSel% Solutions. This process is %ully eplored on Session Three o% this pro!r$', $nd, in $ddition, there is $lso $ !uided pr$ctice t$u!ht in Session T(el"e %or unco"erin! your o(n speci%ic +$lse0Core &elie%. Once (e h$"e identi%ied the +$lse0Core Conclusion th$t dri"es our person$lity, $nd our +$lse0Sel% Solution th$t co'pens$tes %or the +$lse Core, (e c$n &e!in to in"esti!$te the process &y (hich (e c$'e to intern$lie 'uch o% our &elie%s $&out oursel"es $nd the (orld $nd to deconstruct the'. The %ollo(in! is $ list o% so'e o% the 'ost co''on +$lse Cores $nd co'pens$tory +$lse Sel"es, $s t$u!ht in this pro!r$'. E
" a#$e-C% r e C%nc#u$i%n$
" a#$e- S e#f C%m&en$a'%r$
There is so'ethin! (ron! (ith 'e.
I 'ust &e per%ect.
I $' (orthless.
I 'ust pro"e 'y (orth.
I c$nnot do.
I 'ust o"erdo.
I $' in$de7u$te.
I 'ust pro"e th$t I $'
$de7u$te. I do not eist.
I 'ust pro"e 'y
eistence. I $' $lone.
I 'ust connect.
I $' inco'plete.
I 'ust &eco'e co'plete.
I $' po(erless.
I 'ust &e o"erly
po(er%ul. I $' unlo"$&le.
I 'ust &e
o"erly lo"in!.
I $' out o% control. ch$os. I $' cr$y.
I 'ust control the I 'ust &e s$ne.
I $' tr$pped.
I 'ust !et %ree.
I $' not s$%e.
I h$"e to cre$te s$%ety.
E(ER CISES f O R SE Lf - INQ uIR Y This section o%%ers eercises to help identi%y the (itness, !o &eyond the (itness, $nd deconstruct your eperiences o% %e$r. Par' One E(erci$e$ f%r N%'icing ')e Wi'ne$$ *Ramana +a)ar$)i,$ e(erci$e$ fr%m ')e -%%k Hearts on
F ir e)
Exercise A: To Whom Does This Thought Arise?
The purpose here is to move you from subject “I” to object: to witness that the thought is not you. /. When $ thou!ht $rises in 'edit$tion, $sk yoursel% , @To (ho' does this thou!ht $riseA 2. ns(er, @To 'e. 3. Then $sk, @Who is this DIEA :. #otice th$t (hen it is in7uired into, the thou!ht su&sides $nd sp$ce r e'$ins. Exercise B: To Where Does That Thought S ubside?
The purpose is to isientify from thoughts! to eve"op the concept of the “observer!” an to notice the space prior to the emergence of a thought. /. ;$ch ti'e $ thou!ht $rises $sk, @To (here does th$t thou!ht su&sideA 2. #otice the sp$ce &et(een t(o thou!hts. 3. 9epe$t (hen the net thou!ht $rises.
Additiona Exercises for !oticing the W itness "from the book T)e Ta% %f C)a%$ ) ! oticing the Witness Exercise #$: Thoughts
/. #otice $ thou!ht. 2. Is the o&ser"er !i"in! $ttention to the thou!ht, recei"in! $ttention %ro' the thou!ht, or ech$n!in! $ttention (ith the thou!htA 3. Be the (itness o% the thou!ht. !oticing the Witness Exercise #%: E motions
/. #otice $n e'otion. 2. Is the o&ser"er !i"in! $ttention to the e'otion, t$kin! $ttention %ro' the e'otion, or ech$n!in! $ttention (ith the e'otionA 3. Be the (itness o% the e'otion. !oticing the Witness Exercise #&: ' mages
/. #otice $n i'$!e. 2. sk yoursel% i% the o&ser"er is !i"in! $ttention to the i'$!e, t$kin! $ttention %ro' the i'$!e, or ech$n!in! $ttention (ith the i'$!e. 3. Be the (itness o% the i'$!e.
Par' T.% E(erci$e$ f%r /%ing !e0%nd ')e Wi'ne$$ Be(ond the Witness Exercise #$: Thoughts
/. #otice $ thou!ht. 2. #otice the o&ser"er o% the thou!ht. 3. Is the o&ser"er !i"in! $ttention to, recei"in! $ttention %ro' the thou!ht, or ech$n!in! $ttention (ith the thou!htA :. ;perience the o&ser"er o% the thou!ht $nd the thou!ht $s &ein! '$de o% the s$'e consciousness. Be(ond the Witness Exercise #%: emories
/. #otice $ 'e'ory. 2. #otice the o&ser"er o% the 'e'ory. 3. Is the o&ser"er !i"in! $ttention to the 'e'ory, recei"in! $ttention %ro' the 'e'ory, or ech$n!in! $ttention (ith the 'e'or yA :. ;perience the o&ser"er o% the 'e'ory $nd the 'e'ory $s &ein! '$de o% the s$'e consciousness. Be(ond the Witness Exercise #&: E motions
/. #otice $n e'otion. 2. #otice the o&ser"er o% the e'otion. 1
3. #otice i% the o&ser"er is !i"in! $ttention to the e'otion, recei"in! $ttention %ro' the e'otion, or ech$n!in! $ttention (ith the e'otion. :. ;perience the o&ser"er o% the e'otion $nd the e'otion $s &ein! '$de o% the s$'e consciousness. Be(ond the Witness Exercise #*: 'nterna S tates
/. #otice $n intern$l i'$!e. 2. #otice the o&ser"er o% the intern$l i'$!e. 3. Is the o&ser"er !i"in! $ttention to the intern$l i'$!e, recei"in! $ttention %ro' the intern$l i'$!e, or ech$n!in! $ttention (ith the intern$l i'$!eA :. ;perience the o&ser"er o% the intern$l i'$!e $nd the intern$l i'$!e $s &ein! '$de o% the s$'e consciousness.
Par' T)ree E(erci$e$ 2ec%n$'ruc'ing ')e I##u$i%n %f Se&ara'i%n *fr%m ')e -%%k Hearts on F ir e3 Deconstructing E motions
/. +ocus your $ttention on the e'otion r$ther then on the story o% (hy you %eel the e'otion. 2. ;perience the e'otion $s '$de o% ener!y. ~
Deconstructing F ear
/. 9ec$ll $ ti'e you %elt $%r$id. 2. #otice (here in your &ody you %eel the %e$r. 3. T$ke your $ttention o%% the story $s to (hy you %eel %e$r $nd %ocus your $ttention on the %e$r itsel%. :. T$ke the l$&el o%% the %e$r $nd eperience it $s '$de o% ener!y or consciousness. 4. #otice you $re the o&ser"er. 6. ;perience the o&ser"er $nd the e'otion $s &ein! '$de o% the s$'e ener!y or consciousness. Deconstructing Sadness
/. 9ec$ll $ ti'e you %elt s$d. 2. #otice (here in your &ody you %eel the s$dness. 3. T$ke your $ttention o%% the story $s to (hy you %eel s$d $nd %ocus your $ttention on the s$dness itsel%. :. T$ke the l$&el o%% the s$dness $nd eperience it $s '$de o% ener!y or consciousness. 4. #otice you $re the o&ser"er. 6. ;perience the o&ser"er $nd the e'otion $s &ein! '$de o% the s$'e ener!y or consciousness.
Deconstructing S ex
/. 9ec$ll $ ti'e you %elt seu$l. 2. #otice (here in your &ody you %eel seu$l. 3. T$ke your $ttention o%% the story $s to (hy you %eel seu$l $nd %ocus your $ttention on the seu$l %eelin!s. :. T$ke the l$&el o%% the seu$l %eelin!s $nd eperience it $s '$de o% ener!y or consciousness. 4. #otice you $re the o&ser"er. 6. ;perience the o&ser"er $nd the e'otion $s &ein! '$de o% the s$'e ener!y or consciousness. Deconstructing Anger
/. 9ec$ll $ ti'e you %elt $%r$id. 2. #otice (here in your &ody you %eel the $n!er. 3. T$ke your $ttention o%% the story $s to (hy you %eel $n!ry $nd %ocus your $ttention on the $n!er itsel%. :. T$ke the l$&el o%% the $n!er $nd eperience it $s '$de o% ener!y or consciousness. 4. #otice you $re the o&ser"er. 6. ;perience the o&ser"er $nd the e'otion $s &ein! '$de o% the s$'e ener!y or consciousness.
THE f O uNdAT IO N PRINCIPLES O f Q uANT um PSYCHO LOgY #e"ow are some of the founation princip"es of $uantum % sycho"ogy iscusse in the auio "earning pr ogr am. Nine !a$ic Princie$ %f ')e Teac)ing$ %f Ni$argada''a +a)ara4
/. There is only one su&st$nce. 2. Wh$t you kno( $&out yoursel% c$'e %ro' outside o% you, there%ore disc$rd it. 3. 5uestion e"erythin!, do not &elie"e $nythin!. :. In order to %ind out (ho you $re, you 'ust %irst %ind out (ho you $re not. 4. In order to let !o o% so'ethin!, you 'ust %irst kno( (h$t it is. 6. The eperiencer is cont$ined (ithin the eperience itsel%. =. nythin! you think you $re, you $re not. 8. Fold on to the @I 6?let !o o% e"erythin! else. . nythin! you kno( $&out you c$nnot &e. T)e T.% Le5e#$ %f 6I Am7
/. The %irst le"el o% @I 6 is the non0"er&$l @I 6?(hich is (ho you $re (ithout usin! $ny thou!hts, 'e'ory, e'otions, $ssoci$tions, perceptions,
$ttention, or intentions. ccordin! to the pr$ctices o% 5u$ntu' )sycholo!y, $nythin! co'in! into consciousness $%ter the non "er&$l @I 6 should &e disc$rded $s @not this, not this. 2. The second le"el o% @I 6 is the "er&$l @I 6. The only thin! you c$n s$y $&out yoursel% is @I 6?$nythin! co'in! into consciousness $%ter th$t is 7uestion$&le. I% you c$nnot hold onto on the non0"er&$l @I th$n >ust st$y in the "er&$l @I 6 $nd disc$rd e"erythin! else. !udd)i$m ,$ T)ree Princie$ /. +or' is e'ptiness, e'ptiness is %or'?there is only one su&st$nce. 2. There is no indi"idu$l, sep$r$te, independent sel% or soul th$t tr$ns'i!r$tes or inc$rn$tes %ro' li%eti'e to li%eti'e. There is only one su&st$nce, there%ore no independent, sep$r$te, indi"idu$l sel% or soulG >ust one su&st$nce. 3. Since there is only one su&st$nce, nirvana is samsara ?$nd s$'s$r$ is nir"$n$. Thus, $nyone (ho seeks %or nir"$n$ is i!nor$ntG $nd $nyone (ho seeks s$'s$r$ is >ust $s i!nor$nt. Si( !a$ic 2ifferen' 2imen$i%n$ %f A.arene$$
/. The etern$l (orld?the (orld th$t you see, %eel, s'ell, touch, etc. 2. The thinkin! di'ension?$ll your thou!hts, &elie% syste's, $nd ide$s $nd i'$!es $&out yoursel%.
3. The e'otion$l di'ension?$n!er, s$dness, %e$r, etc. :. The &iolo!ic$l di'ension?the &ody s &$sic 'ech$nis's $re %ocused on sur"i"$l, includin! e$tin!, sleepin!, !oin! to the &$throo', h$"in! se, $nd '$kin! 'oney. There is $lso $ n$tur$l &iolo!ic$l le$rnin! response $nd $ n$tur$l 'er!in! response?the ur!e to 'er!e. E
4. ;ssence?consists o% 7u$lities such $s pe$ce, >oy, lo"e (ith no o&>ect, $nd sp$ciousness. 6. @I 6?no thou!hts, 'e'ories, e'otions, $ssoci$tions, perceptions, $ttentions, $nd intentions.
g LOSS AR Y &vaita: @One su&st$nce, not t(o. 'harana: Concentr$tion 1the %irst le"el o% 'edit$tion. In $ll ei!ht li'&ed yo!$s 1(hich ori!in$te (ith 9$>$ Ho!$, or the in! o% Ho!$s2, dh$r$n$ is kno(n $s li'& si.
'hyana: 6edit$ti"e conte'pl$tions 1the second le"el o% 'edit$tion. In $ll ei!ht0li'&ed yo!$s 1(hich ori!in$te (ith 9$>$ Ho!$, or the in! o% Ho!$s2, dhy$n$ is kno(n $s li'& se"en. (a"se )ore: The one concept, conclusion, &elie%, or ide$ th$t you h$"e $&out yoursel% th$t you use to or!$nie e"erythin! in your uni"erse, $nd throu!h (hich you "ie( the (orld $nd i'$!ine the (orld "ie(s you. This +$lse Core hides or '$sks your essenti$l core. The +$lse Core c$n $lso &e c$lled $ +$lse Core ri"er $s it dri"es the person$lity. #ote The +$lse Core $nd the +$lse Sel% $re t(o sides o% one coin 1or the +$lse Core0+$lse Sel% . +or this re$son, they $re one piece $nd (ork $s $ unit rein%orcin! e$ch other. There%ore in 5u$ntu' )sycholo!y they 'ust &e deconstructed or dis'$ntled $s one piece.
( a" se *e"f: The +$lse Sel% is $n in%$ntile solution $nd $cts $s $ co'pens$tor in $n $tte'pt to he$l, re%or', $nd tr$ns%or' the in%$ntile solution o% the +$lse0 Core conclusion to o"erco'e itsel%. #ote The +$lse Core $nd the +$lse Sel% $re t(o sides o% one coin 1or the +$lse Core0+$lse Sel% . +or this re$son they $re one piece $nd (ork $s $ unit rein%orcin! e$ch other. There%ore in
5 u$ntu' )sycholo!y they 'ust &e deconstructed or dis'$ntled $s one piece.
The +eart *utra: @+or' is none other th$n e'ptiness, e'ptiness is none other th$n %or'. “I &, ”: the essence o% essence, (hich is 7u$lityless.
,u"ti-'imensiona" &wareness: 6ulti0di'ension$l $($reness is the $&ility to &e $($re o% $s '$ny di'ensions $s you possi&ly c$n, or to %ocus on $ny di'ension or no di'ension. irvana: ;tinction, $nnihil$tion. /aja Yoga: The in! o% Ho!$s. *amahi: In $ll ei!ht0li'&ed yo!$s 1(hich ori!in$te (ith 9$>$ Ho!$, c$lled the in! o% Ho!$s2, this is considered li'& ei!ht. Si'ply st$ted, s$'$dhi 'e$ns @no 'e.
*amsara: The (orld. *e"f-/emembering: 1%ro' ie%%, $s descri&ed &y Ouspensky2 +ocusin! your $ttention in t(o directions si'ult$neously?one direction out($rd, $nd the other in($rd, in $ &$l$nced ($y.
*pana: The di"ine thro& or puls$tion.
*pana 0arikas: cl$ssic t$ntric tet. $rik$s 'e$ns @lessons in or @discussions o% ?thus, sp$nd$ k$rik$s tr$nsl$tes $s @lessons in the di"ine puls$tion or thro&. The Tantra &sana: @One rises &y th$t (hich one %$lls.
1eanta: The end o% the Jed$s, $ctu$lly Jed$nt$ c$n &e descri&ed $s@#eti neti?or @not this, not this. 1ijnana #hairava: tenthcentury tet (hich includes //2 yo!$ t$ntr$s, or pr$ctices %or concentr$tin! $nd %ocusin! your $ttention.
Add IT IO NAL R ESO uR CES !OOKS Wolinsky, Stephen F. +earts on (ire: The Tao of ,eitation. l&u7uer7ue, #e( 6eico The 5u$ntu' Institute, 200/. Wolinsky, Stephen F. The Tao of )haos. )utney, Jer'ont Br$'&le Books, 200/. Wolinsky, Stephen F. The Way of the +uman! 1o"ume 2: 'eve"oping ,u"ti- 'imensiona" &wareness. l&u7uer7ue, #e( 6eico The 5 u$ntu' Institute, /. Wolinsky, Stephen F. The Way of the +uman! 1o"ume 3: The (a"se )ore an the (a"se *e"f. l&u7uer7ue, #e( 6eico The 5u$ntu' Institute, /. Wolinsky, Stephen F. The Way of the +uman! 1o"ume 4: #eyon $uantum %sycho"ogy. l&u7uer7ue, #e( 6eico The 5u$ntu' Institute, /.
Ben$o, 6$uriio, $nd Stephen F. Wolinsky. I &m That I &m: 5 6perience the T eachings of *ri igargaatta ,aharaj. neti neti %il's 18J82. Ben$o, 6$uriio, $nd Stephen F. Wolinsky. I &m That I &m! %art 3. ~
neti neti %il's 18J82.
STEPHEN WO LINSK Y ... &e!$n his clinic$l pr$ctice in /=: $s $ ourneyed to Indi$ to study 'edit$tion %or ne$rly si ye$rs. Fe h$s tr$ined in cl$ssic$l hypnosis, psychosynthesis, $nd tr$ns$ction$l $n$lysis, $nd t$u!ht ;ricksoni$n hypnosis $nd %$'ily ther$py. Stephen Wolinsky is the %ounder o% 5u$ntu' )sycholo!y $nd the $uthor o% You &re . ot ! I &m That I &m! T r ance s %eop"e 7ive! $uantum ) on sciou sne ss ! T he Tao of ) hao s ! + ear t s on (ire! I nt imat e /e"at ion shi p s ! T he Way of t he +uman trilo!y, T he #e g inner 8 s Guie to $uantum % s ycho" o g y ! $nd '$ny other &ook s.
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