Who Will Become Rich(natal chart vedic ) eastern astrology
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WHO WILL BECOME RICH? There 1) 2) 3)
Will to Intelligent planning Hard working nature
to to
set reach execute
the the
has: goals goal plan
ut these are not enough to become rich! There is one more element" that is luck! We can find thousands of people with the abo#e mentioned $ualities" %et lagging behind in life! The reason is lack of luck! What is luck& It is the effect of good deeds done pre#iousl% either in this life or in pre#ious birth! How can we astrologicall% 'udge a person has sufficient luck to become rich& (irst of all" the person should ha#e potentialit% to set goals for himself! This can be 'udged from scendant and scendant lord! *ext" the person should be intelligent enough to carr% out the planning! This can be found from +th house" and its lord! The place of wealth is 2nd house and its lord is gi#er of wealth! (inall%" whether we gain profits and amass wealth is indicated b% 11th house and its lord! (or all these things to happen" we need luck! This is ad'udged from ,th house and its lord!
-o then what are the important astrological combinations which make a man rich&
.elation between scendant and 11th lords" either b% combination or b% aspects! This is called /0akshmi oga b% Indian astrologers" which is a s%mbol of a rich man!
.ela .e lati tion on be betw twee een n +t +th h an and d ,t ,th h lo lord rds! s! If th the% e% ar are e st stro rong ng an and d in benefic places the person will be more wealth%!
.elation between 2nd lord and 11th lord b% wa% of aspects or combin comb inat atio ion! n! If th the% e% ar are e pl plac aced ed in $u $uad adra rant nts s or tr trin ines es or in exaltation" the person will be e$ual to /ubera" the god of wealth!
.elation between +th " ,th and 11th lords or bha#as!
(or example" the abo#e all combinations can be seen in the worlds richest person: ill 4ates horoscope!
scendant" 2nd 2nd and 11t 11th h houses are aspected aspected respecti#el% respecti#el% b% their owners or occupied b% their owners!
scendant lord lord ha#ing relation relation with 2nd and ,th lords!
(or example the abo#e two combinations can be seen in .ock(ellers horoscope!
scendant in 2nd house" 2nd lord in 11 11th th house" and 11 11th th lord in 2nd house 5 is called 6hana oga" means a good combination for wealth!
scendant lord lord and 2nd lord exchange exchange their places! places!
,th and 17th lords combine either in ,th house or 17th house!
,th lord and 11th lords exchange their houses!
enef e nefics ics in $ua $uadra drants nts an and d tri trine nes" s" wh where ere as mal malefi efics cs in 358 35851 511 1 houses is said to make a person a king!
scendant or or scendant scendant lord lord is aspected aspected b% se#eral se#eral benefics! benefics!
These Thes e ar are e on onl% l% so some me of th the e im impo port rtan antt co comb mbin inat atio ions ns me ment ntio ione ned d in standard texts! There are other combinations! combinations! ut an% how the places 15 +5,511 and their lords greatl% influence a person to ac$uire wealth! (or example" in the horoscope of Indian -teel king and one of the richest people in the world" 9.6 Tata" we can find the following combinations:
+th an and d ,th hou house ses s are asp aspect ected ed b% 9up 9upite iter" r" the mo most st ben benefi efic c planet!