WITSML Project Functional Requirements v1.06 – 5 Fe !001
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Project Team Team & Revision History............... History......................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... .......... .2 Overview.............. Overview........................ ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ...................................... ........................... .2 2.1 Project Deliverables........... Deliverables..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ................. ...... .2 2.2 Project Goals............... Goals.......................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ........................................... ................................. .3 Use Cases................ Cases.......................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ............... ..... .3 3.1 Real Time ee! to O"erators O"erators## Data $ases.... $ases........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........... ........... .... .3 3.2 Real Time Data %c'an(e %c'an(e $etween $etween )*""liers... )*""liers....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ......... ............ ............ ..... .3 3.3 %n! User +ccesse +ccessess ile o, -T)/0 -T)/0 Data..... Data......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .......... ............. ....... .3 3. %n! User User +cces +ccesses ses -T)/0 -T)/0 Data ile iles s on -eb -eb )erve )erverr Hostin( Hostin( -illo -illow w or4 Data.. Data...... ........... ............ ......3 .3 3.5 User (ets Real6Time Real6Time U"!ates U"!ates o, Data ,rom Ri(....... Ri(........... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ... .3 3.7 )o,tware )o,tware Pro(ram Pro(ram +ccesse +ccessess -T)/0 -T)/0 )erver )erver *sin( *sin( +P... +P....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...... . 3.8 )o,tware )o,tware Pro(ram Pro(ram Rea!s an! -rites -rites -T)/0 -T)/0 Data ile...... ile.......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...... . 3.9 %am"les %am"les o, Use Cases... Cases....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........... ............. ............. ........... .... . *nctional Re:*irements............ Re:*irements...................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... .......................... ................ .5 .1 Trans, Trans,er er o, !ata between between !i,,erent !i,,erent so,tware so,tware systems..... systems......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........... ............. .......... .... .5 .2 )tan!ar! )tan!ar! !e,initi !e,initions ons o, oil,iel! oil,iel! !ata objects.. objects...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .......... .......... .... .7 .2.1 -T) $ac4(ro*n!....... $ac4(ro*n!.................. ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................. ....... .8 .3 )tan!ar! )tan!ar! !ata mo!elin( mo!elin( tec'ni:*e tec'ni:*es.... s........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .......... ............. ....... .8 . Data )c'ema )c'ema an! Objects Objects /*st $e %tensibl %tensible... e....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........... ............. ............. ....... .9 .5 Trans, Trans,er er Data in Real6Ti Real6Time me or non Real6Ti Real6Time... me....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ......... ......... .... .9 .7 )ervice 0evels............... 0evels......................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ......................................... ............................... .9 .8 %ase o, m"lementation............ m"lementation...................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .......... .9 Constraints............ Constraints...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ........................... ................. .9 5.1 )o,tware Constraints.............. Constraints........................ .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ........................................... ................................. .9 5.2 Har!ware Constraints........... Constraints..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ................................... ........................ .; 5.3 Per,orma Per,ormance nce Constrain Constraints.. ts...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........... ............. ............. .......... ... .; 5. Project Timin( Timin( Constraints............ Constraints...................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... .......................... ............... .; )*((estions............. )*((estions........................ ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ......................... .............. .; +""en!i + 6 )tan!ar! Data Objects %am"les.............. %am"les........................ ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ............................ ................. .; 8.1 Data Objects............... Objects......................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ................................ ...................... .1< +""en!i +""en!i $ = )*((estion )*((estionss ,or t'e +""lica +""lications tions Pro(ra Pro(rammin mmin( ( nter,ace nter,ace +P..... +P......... ........ .......... ............. .............. .......... ... 11 +""en!i C = Catalo(s %am"les............ %am"les...................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ...................................... ............................ .12
Project Team " Revision #istor$
T'e ,ollowin( team members 'ave been involve! in t'e "ro!*ction o, t'is *nctional Re:*irements Doc*ment> ?ajib +b*salbi R*sty oreman Oivin! $er((ra, @o'n @ames @o'n 0in $ill )anstrom Do*( )eiler @o'n )'iel!s /elissa )ymmon!s
A1.<< A1.<1 A1.<2 A1.<3 A1.<
)c'l*mber(er $P )tatoil )c'l*mber(er )c'l*mber(er 0an!mar4 Hallib*rton $a4er H*('es )c'l*mber(er
nitial Dra,t +!!e! Use CasesB nitial list o, Objects an! +P met'o!s +!!e! 'eirarc'y !ia(ram o, !ata objects U"!ate! at meetin( in Ho*ston U"!ate! a,ter meetin( in Ho*ston on 27t' @an. ?ew *se cases. Ti!ie! *" list o, b*siness objects. C'an(e! "roject name to -T)/0. U"!ate a,ter meetin( in Ho*ston on 1st eb. +!!e! 'i('er level Overview. +!!e! object )tr*ct*re (ran*larity to section .3. Re"lace! *sa(e o, recor! terminolo(y wit' object as a""ro"riate. +!! "riority !e,initions. U"!ate base! on !isc*ssion ,rom t'e 5t' eb vi!eo con,erence. Raise! E a!!e! "riorities ,or remote 'an! s'a4in( an! +P.
Dec 2<<< 7 Dec 2<<<
@o'n )'iel!s @o'n )'iel!s
11 Dec 2<<<
@o'n )'iel!s
@an 2<<1 2; @an 2<<1
-T)/0 Team -T)/0 Team
3 eb 2<<1
-T)/0 Team
5 eb 2<<1
-T)/0 Team
%&P com"anies are now "*ttin( more ,oc*s on collaborative asset teamwor4 to s"ee! an! im"rove !ecision6ma4in( involve! wit' !evelo"in( oil an! (as ,iel!s. To ,acilitate s*c' collaborationB %&P com"anies are a!o"tin( s'are!B inte(rate!B T tec'nolo(y to enable m*lti6!isci"linary teams to en(a(e in im"rove! wor4,low "rocesses across all "'ases o, t'e oil ,iel! li,e cycle. /*c' o, t'e !ata nee!e! to ,ee! t'ese wor4,low "rocesses can be s'are! between )ervice Com"anies an! %&P com"anies !*rin( t'e "lannin( an! eec*tion "'ases o, t'e wellbore constr*ction "rocess. T'e ri('t time seamless ,low o, t'is !ata between o"erators an! service com"anies will s"ee! an! en'ance !ecision6ma4in(. or t'is to become viableB a new !ata ec'an(e stan!ar! nee!s to be !e,ine! an! a!o"te! by t'e oil an! (as in!*stry. T'e (oal o, t'e -T)/0 initiative is to !e,ineB !oc*mentB an! "romote t'e im"lementation o, s*c' a stan!ar!.
T'is !oc*ment !escribes t'e ,*nctional re:*irements ,or t'e -T)/0 Data %c'an(e system. D*rin( t'e wellbore constr*ction "rocessB a n*mber o, !i,,erent service com"anies "rovi!e !ata monitorin( an! ac:*isition services at t'e wellsiteB collectin( en(ineerin( !ataB (eolo(ical !ataB well lo( !ata ,rom 0-DE/-D tools an! !aily re"ortin( !ata. Oil com"any "roject (ro*"s 'ave a nee! to analyFe t'is !ata in a timely ,as'ion *sin( a variety o, !i,,erent "rocessin( so,tware r*nnin( on PC -in!ows an! U? com"*ters in wi!ely !istrib*te! networ4 environments. T'e aim o, t'e -T)/0 "roject is to "rovi!e an im"rove! oil in!*stry stan!ar! to enable !ata ec'an(e between !i,,erent service com"any an! oil com"any so,tware systems !*rin( "lannin( an! eec*tion "'ases. T'e sco"e o, t'e "roject is to cover t'e re:*irements o, wellbore constr*ction "rocessesB initially ,oc*ssin( on !rillin( an! later incl*!in( com"letionsB well servicin(B well testin( an! well "ro!*ction monitorin(. T'e stan!ar! will cover bot' t'e !e,inition o, stan!ar! !ata items an! also t'e inter,aces ,or access to t'e !ata items. -T)/0 is inten!e! ,or t'e trans,er o, !ata in bot' real time an! non real time mo!es. T'e name -T)/0 was c'osen to ac4nowle!(e evol*tion ,rom t'e eistin( -T) stan!ar! b*t incor"oratin( t'e mo!ern !ata re"resentation stan!ar! /0. -'ere "ossibleB eistin( an! emer(in( in!*stry stan!ar!s s'o*l! be ac4nowle!(e! an! incor"orate!B i, a""ro"riate.
!.1 • • • • • • • • •
Project 'eliverales P1> De,inition o, Data Objects an! catalo(s P1> %am"le -T)/0 ,iles P1> Aali!ation tool ,or -T)/0 ,iles P1> %am"le co!e to rea! an! write sim"le -T)/0 !ata ,iles P1> Doc*mentation P1> nvesti(ate remote 'an! s'a4in( ca"abilities P2> )im"le style s'eets to allow ,ormatte! viewin( o, -T)/0 !ata ,iles P2> De,inition o, +P to re:*est !ata objects P3> +P tester ?ote> T'e "riority o, eac' re:*irement is s"eci,ie! wit' P1IB P2IB an! P3I. + P1I "riority item is one t'at is re(ar!e! as critical an! essential to t'e s*ccess,*l commercial release o, t'is version o, t'e "ro!*ct. HGHI + P2I "riority item is one t'at is re(ar!e! as im"ortantB b*t not critical "ro!*ct ,*nctionality ,or t'is release. P2I "riority items areB 'oweverB consi!ere! critical ,or t'e lon(er6term viability o, t'e "ro!*ct. /%DU/I + P3I "riority item is one t'at is re(ar!e! as a *se,*l ,eat*re t'at wo*l! a!! val*e to t'is releaseB b*t !oes not constit*te a necessary com"onent. tems can also be !esi(nate! P3I i, it 'as been a(ree! in!e"en!ent o, t'e critically t'at t'e re:*ire! ,*nctionality wo*l! not be in t'is release. )*c' re:*irements are incl*!e! ,or com"leteness. 0O-I
To(et'erB P1I an! P2I items re"resent t'e core ,*nctionality re:*ire! ,or t'is release. ?o re:*irement wit' a "riority o, P1I or P2I will be ! ro""e! ,rom t'e sc'e!*le wit'o*t review an! a(reement between members o, t'e PDT. P3I items will be im"lemente! s'o*l! t'ere be s*,,icient time an! reso*rces available.
!.! • •
Project (oals Prototy"e available in @*ly 2<<1 Commercial system available in @an 2<<2
*se +ases
T'is section o, t'e !oc*ment !escribes t'e re:*ire! be'avior o, t'e system as a set o, !iscrete scenarios w'ic' t'e system s'o*l! s*""ort.
Real Time Fee, to %-erators 'ata /ases
-'ile !rillin(B real time !ata streams ,rom ri( site to !ata bases s*c' as O"en-or4sB D/)B an! Georame. O"erators *se t'is !ata to *"!ate "re!ictions abo*t t'e s*bs*r,ace an! in t*rn ma4e !ecisions w'ile !rillin(. O"erators "*rc'ase commercial so,tware to comm*nicate wit' -T)/0 servers an! loa! t'e !ata into O"en-or4sB D/)B GeorameB etc.
Real Time 'ata c2an3e /et&een Su--liers
/*lti"le s*""liers o, well site !ata s*c' as /-DB m*! lo((in(B !irectionalB etc. s'are !ata at t'e ri( site. %ac' s*""lier *ses t'e in,ormation to ma4e more in,orme! recommen!ations an! t'e !*"lication o, in,ormation is re!*ce!. T'is enables a sin(le s*""lier to a((re(ate t'e !ata ,or a (iven well an! transmit a sin(le -T)/0 stream to t'e o"erator. %.(. /*!lo((in( com"any receives real6time !ata streams ,rom ri( instr*mentation com"any an! 0-D com"any at t'e ri( t'en ma4es t'e !ata available in -T)/0 ,ormat to t'e oil com"any. %.(. 2 Real6time sensor !ata are transmitte! to a Pore Press*re eval*ation com"any w'o t'en ret*rns calc*late! "ress*re "arameters.
n, *ser 4ccesses File o WITSML 'ata
)*""liers an! o"erators all s'are in,ormation s*c' as well 'ea!erB mornin( re"ortB casin(B cementin(B etc. to re!*ce !*"lication o, !ata in"*t an! associate! errors. +n en! *ser o, t'e system co*l! be any cons*mer o, oil,iel! in,ormation b*t is most li4ely to be a service com"any or oil com"any em"loyee involve! in t'e analysis o, wellsite (enerate! in,ormation. iles o, -T)/0 !ata may be ma!e available on any !i(ital me!ia or transmitte! via e6mail. -'en a ,ile is receive! it is rea! *sin( a commonly available a""lication s*c' as a web browser or tet e!itor %.(. /ornin( re"ort !ata ,ile is e6maile! to oil com"any o,,ice in town an! is viewe! in a browser *sin( a style s'eet ,or ,ormattin( or t'e ,ile o, !ata can be im"orte! into an a""lication ,or ,*rt'er "rocessin(. E.g. Update a well plan from the office to the wellsite.
n, *ser 4ccesses WITSML 'ata File7s8 on We Server #ostin3 Willo& For9 'ata
User accesses web server at t'e wellsite an! views -T)/0 !ata ,iles via style s'eets to "rovi!e ,ormatte! re"orts o, !rillin( "arametersB 0-D !ata or re"orts.
*ser 3ets Real:Time *-,ates o 'ata rom Ri3
User sees real time !ata *"!ates o, bit !e"t' an! !rillin( "arameters in a web browser or ot'er viewer.
Sot&are Pro3ram 4ccesses WITSML Server usin3 4PI
+n en(ineerin( "ro(ram e.(. "ore "ress*re eval*ation contin*o*sly rea!s real time !ata ,rom a -T)/0 server *sin( +P calls. T'e com"*te! res*lts are sent bac4 to t'e -T)/0 server *sin( +P calls or t'e -T)/0 server com"*ter re:*ests t'e calc*late! res*lts via +P calls.
Sot&are Pro3ram Rea,s an, Writes WITSML 'ata File
Reservoir en(ineerin( so,tware "ro(ram im"orts !ata ,rom a -T)/0 !ata ,ile. Calc*late! res*lts are e"orte! as a -T)/0 !ata ,ile.
am-les o *se +ases
T'is eam"le s'ows a ty"ical scenario w'ere instr*mentation com"anies at t'e ri( "rovi!e raw !ata as -T)/0 streams on R)232 serial or TCPEP networ4 lines to a service com"any s*c' as a m*!llo((in( or /-DE0-D com"any. T'e service com"any acts as an acc*m*lator o, -T)/0 !ata at t'e ri(site an! a!!s its own !ata ,rom m*!lo((in( or !own'ole tools. T'e service com"any *"!ates !ata to a -T)/0 server an! also trans,ers -T)/0 !ata to t'e oil com"any o,,ice *sin( e6mailB TP ,ile trans,er or ,lo""y !is4 trans,er. %n(ineers in t'e o,,ice can also view -T)/0 ,iles *sin( a web browser to browse t'e server at t'e ri(. +""lications s*c' as O"en-or4s an! Georame can *se t'e -T)/0 +P to etract !ata ,rom t'e -T)/0 server.
n t'is eam"leB t'e service com"any at t'e ri( collects !ata ,rom vario*s so*rces an! "o"*lates a -T)/0 server w'ic' is locate! in t'e oil com"any o,,ice. O,,ice base! en(ineers can t'en access t'e !ata *sin( a web browser to view an! !ownloa! ,iles. -T)/0 com"liant a""lications can loa! -T)/0 !ata !irectly ,rom t'e -T)/0 server *sin( t'e +P or can im"ort an! e"ort -T)/0 ,iles.
Functional Requirements
HereJs t'e basic list o, i!enti,ie! re:*irements. T'ese are e"an!e! in more !etail below. +bility to trans,er oil,iel! !ata ,rom t'e wellbore constr*ction "'ase between !i,,erent so,tware systems )tan!ar! !e,initions o, oil,iel! !ata objects. Objects m*st be etensible )tan!ar! !ata mo!elin( tec'ni:*es +ble to trans,er !ata in real6time an! batc' mo!e %ase o, im"lementation P2. )tan!ar! inter,aces to remotely access -T)/0 !ata objects +P Data layer in!e"en!ent o, access layer •
• • • • • • •
Transer o ,ata et&een ,ierent sot&are s$stems
T'is is t'e basic re:*irement ,or t'e s ystemB to trans,er !ata re"resentin( oil,iel! b*siness objects between !i,,erent so,tware "ac4a(es r*nnin( on !i,,erent systems. /inimiFe t'e *se o, binary !ata ,ormats to avoi! "lat,orm !e"en!ence an! to assist '*man rea!ability. -T)/0 !ata will be ec'an(e! !*rin( t'e entire li,ecycle o, t'e wellbore ,rom "lannin( to aban!onment. Data objects will incl*!e in,ormation o, t'e ,ollowin( ty"esB wit' "riority ratin(s> •
P1> General -ell an! Ri( n,ormation ri( !etailsB well !at*mB well 'ea!er …
• • • • •
• • • • •
P1> /-DE0-D lo((in( o, !own'ole "arameters P1> /*!lo((in( !ata !rillin( "arametersB (as meas*rementsB c*ttin(s (eolo(y … P1> )*rvey P1> T*b*lars $H+B casin( … P1> Daily Re"ortin( eam"les incl*!e> $it Recor!sB To*r s'eetB O"erations s*mmaryB l*i!sB Costs… P1> Ri( nstr*mentation )ystems P1> Press*re Pro,ile P2> Cementin(B stim*lation P2> H)% !ata P3> -ireline 0o((in( sin(le val*e !ata c*rves only)ee -ell 0o( C'aracteriFation Consorti*m
t is a re:*irement o, t'e -T)/0 "roject t'at t'ese b*siness objects be !e,ine! in a consistent an! stan!ar! way.
Stan,ar, ,einitions o oiliel, ,ata ojects
n or!er to trans,er !ata objects between systems t'e !ata objects m*st be "resente! in a stan!ar! ,ormat or in a way w'ic' is sel,6!escribin(. T'e ,ile o, -T)/0 !ata incl*!es in,ormation on t'e ori(in o, t'e !ata an! meta !ata w'ic' (ives in,ormation abo*t t'e act*al !ata containe! in t'e ,ile. )ome stan!ar!s ,or !ata trans,er 'ave been establis'e! over t'e last 2< years b*t most o, t'ese are limite! in sco"e an!Eor ,*nctionality. T'e best 4nown o, t'ese are> ?ame -T)
0+) D0) -ell0o(/0 D% 0an!mar4
Descri"tion -ellsite n,ormation Trans,er )tan!ar!. + well establis'e! stan!ar! !e,inin( 25 !i,,erent !ata recor!s in sim"le +)C an! binary ,ormats an! t'e met'o! ,or trans,errin( t'e !ata on a "oint to "oint comm*nications lin4 *sin( serial inter,aces or TCPEP networ4in(. User !e,ine! recor!s are also "ossible. Provi!es ,or m*lti"le levels o, so"'istication !e,ine! by levels < t'ro*(' 3 o, t'e trans"ort "rotocol. -i!ely s*""orte! by service com"anies *" to level 1. nconsistent s*""ort ,or t'e 'i('erB more com"licate! levels. -T) level 'as been "ro"ose! to a!!ress s'ortcomin(s in t'e ot'er -T) levelsB base! on RP77 D0) an! allowin( t'e ability to 'ave sel,6!e,inin( recor!s. ?ot c*rrently "*blis'e! or im"lemente!. )tan!ar! ,ile ,ormat ,or trans,er o, !e"t' an! time base! lo( !ata !e,ine! by )c'l*mber(er. Revise! in 1;;< wit' e"an!e! ca"abilities. -ell s*""orte! by well lo( "rocessin( so,tware. 0o( +)C )tan!ar!. +)C version o, 0) !e,ine! by t'e Cana!ian -ell 0o((in( )ociety. -i!ely s*""orte! by "rocessin( so,tware. + more so"'isticate! ,ile ,ormat ,or lo( !ata allowin( ,or m*lti6sam"le c*rves an! lo( ima(e !ata. +n /0 base! lo( !ata stora(e system "ro"ose! an! maintaine! by PO)C. ?ot c*rrently im"lemente! by !ata "rovi!ers. Provi!es a !e ,acto stan!ar! !e,ine! as /0 recor!s ,or some o, t'e en(ineerin( !ata ty"es b*t is c*rrently only s*""orte! by 0an!mar4 so,tware an! a n*mber o, ot'er ven!ors s*c' as Knowle!(e )ystems
/ost o, t'ese stan!ar!s are concerne! wit' !e,inin( recor!s o, !e"t' or time base! se:*ential lo( !ata. T'e -T) stan!ar! incl*!es recor!s ,or well 'ea!er in,ormationB !rill strin(sB casin( strin(s an! (eolo(ical !ata b*t t'ese are not wi!ely *se! an! !o not allow t'e level o, !etail re:*ire! by mo!ern en(ineerin( analysis "ro(rams. T'e -T) stan!ar! re"resents t'e closest matc' wit' t'e wellbore constr*ction !ata w'ic' t'is "roject is concerne! wit'.
4.2.1 WITS Background -T) 'as been *se! ,or aro*n! 2< years to move "re6!e,ine! !ata objects ,rom "oint to "oint via serial lines or TCPEP networ4 connections. t s"eci,ies 25 stan!ar! !ata recor!s w'ic' 'an!le time an! !e"t' se:*ential !rillin( an! ,ormation eval*ation !ata as well as !ata w'ic' is not lo((e! at intervals o, time an! !e"t' s*c' as !rillstrin( an! casin( con,i(*rationB !rillin( ,l*i! !etailsB well an! ri( in,ormation an! environmental !ata. /ost service com"anies s*""ort t'e (eneration o, -T) !ata recor!s an! also *s*ally "rovi!e a -T) receivin( station w'ic' can collect t'e !ata in an oil com"any o,,ice an! "rovi!e access to it in t'e ,orm o, real time !is"lays or lo(s. +s well as !e,inin( t'e str*ct*re an! content o, t'e !ata objectsB t'e -T) s"eci,ication also "rovi!es a n*mber o, !i,,erent ways o, trans,errin( t'e !ata ,rom a sen!in( system to a receivin( system. T'e most commonly *se! -T) transmission system is -T) level < w'ic' trans,ers real time !ata val*es as sim"le +)C !ata streams. T'ese streams can contain any items ,rom any o, t'e -T) !ata recor!s an! !o not 'ave to contain w'ole recor!s.
-T) recor!s all contain a well an! si!etrac4 i!enti,ier an! t'ese i!enti,iers are *se! to relate !ata ,rom t'e !i,,erent -T) recor!s. T'e reco(niFe! limitations o, t'e c*rrent -T) s"eci,ication are> O*t!ate! /-D !ata recor!s Data is recor! !rivenB not object oriente! Restrictions on n*mber o, !rill strin( an! casin( sections n,leibility ,or 'an!lin( !ata in !i,,erent *nits o, meas*rement 0imite! ca"acity ,or 'an!lin( static well in,ormation -T) recor!s are etensible b*t not sel,6!escribin( Use o, binary !ata ,ormats is not "lat,orm in!e"en!ent • • • • • • •
Stan,ar, ,ata mo,elin3 tec2niques
-T)/0 !ata objects are b*ilt *" ,rom a set o, sim"le !ata objects. +ll o, t'e object "ro"erties are !e,ine! in a sc'ema. + sim"le !ata object is ma!e *" o, a name an! a val*e an! can 'ave a set o, meas*rement *nits associate! wit' it. T'e val*e is eit'er a n*mber wit' associate! *nit ty"es or an +)C strin( or an +)C strin( w'ic' is a member o, a "re6!e,ine! list o, vali! val*es. or eam"le a !rill bit co*l! be b*ilt *" ,rom t'e ,ollowin(> +tomic !ata objects. De,initions o, t'e lowest level o, !ata ty"es. Object Name +LD+/%T%R +L0%?GTH +L$TLTNP%
Type 0O+T 0O+T 0)TCatalo(
Unit inBmmBcmBmMI mB,tMI
0ist o, PDCB Roller Cone...I
Drill $it object. +n object b*ilt *" ,rom a collection o, atomic !ata ty"es. T'is is t'e sc'ema !e,inition o, a bit object Name Diameter 0en(t' Ty"e )erial?*mber
Type +LD+/%T%R +L0%?GTH +L$TLTNP% )TR?G
T'is is an instance o, a bit object w'ic' contains t'e act*al !ata val*es ,or t'at !rill bit> Name
Diameter 0en(t' Ty"e )erial?*mber
n t
9.5 1.823 PDC +)D23GH55
Com"le objects can be b*ilt *" ,rom collections o, atomic an! ot'er !ata objects. or eam"leB a !rill strin( can be b*ilt *" as an array o, TU$U0+RL%0%/%?T objectsB w'ere a TU$U0+RL%0%/%?T may be one o, a list o, !e,ine! !rill strin( elements s*c' as $TB CO00+RB @+RB )T+$0%RB DR00 PP% etc. T'e object str*ct*re will be 'ierarc'ical. Objects can be transmitte! wit' minimal eternal re,erencin( e(. t'e well an!Eor t'e !irect "arent object T'e object str*ct*re m*st be (ran*lar eno*(' to minimiFe t'e !ata re:*ire! to transmit a val*e o, interest. e(B it m*st be "ossible to *"!ate t'e "*m" liner siFes wit'o*t transmittin( t'e w'ole ri( objectB "er'a"s wit'o*t transmittin( a "*m" objectB j*st a re,erence to it. T'e sc'ema will be *se! to veri,y t'at in,ormation in !ata recor!s is vali! an! well6,orme! -T)/0 recor!s. T'e sc'ema m*st be versione! an! t'e version in,ormation m*st be re,erence! in t'e (enerate! !ata ,iles.
'ata Sc2ema an, %jects Must /e tensile
-T)/0 !ata objects can be a!!e! to t'e system wit'o*t a,,ectin( eistin( !ata !e,initions or t'e +P. t is also "ossible to eten! eistin( !ata objects. %tensions may be a!!e! to t'e sc'ema to enable s'arin( o, t'e !ata object etensions between !i,,erent com"anies. )en!er an! receiver m*st *se t'e same sc'ema to ens*re t'at all items can be i!enti,ie! an! !eco!e!. Uni!enti,ie! receive! !ata items will be i(nore!. T'e -T)/0 committee a""roves "ro"osals ,or etensions to t'e stan!ar!.
Transer 'ata in Real:Time or non Real:Time
t s'o*l! be "ossible to receive -T)/0 !ata as sim"le !is4 ,iles as well as !ata streams via comm*nications c'annels. n t'is way it will be "ossible at t'e en! o, a well or well section to !eliver a set o, !ata on any !i(ital me!ia. or access to !ata ,rom interactive systems it is also necessary to !e,ine a !ata access layer +P w'ic' allows so,tware to :*ery a -T)/0 !ata server to !iscover its contents an! etract s*b6sets o, !ata. Data transmission m*st be able to 'an!le intermittent sen!in( wit' minim*m over'ea! involve! on re6 connection.
Service Levels
0evel 1> P1> )im"le ,ile ec'an(e via ,lo""yB e6mailB ,t"B web server etc. 0evel 2> P1> Data streams via serial "ort or TCPEP networ4 soc4et or ot'er trans"ort mec'anisms. 0evel 3> P2> +ccess ,or "ro(rams via +P to retrieve -T)/0 !ata objects ,rom !i,,erent servers
ase o Im-lementation
n or!er to be a!o"te! as a stan!ar!B it m*st be easy *sin( common c*rrent so,tware tools ,or !ata "rovi!ers to be able to im"lement -T)/0 sen! an! receive ,*nctionality. T'e core +P can be consi!ere! as t'e center o, t'e onion. Ot'er layers may be wra""e! aro*n! t'e core "rovi!in( inter,aces s"eci,ic to a variety o, so,tware arc'itect*re an! "ro(rammin( lan(*a(es.
5 5.1 • •
• • •
5.! •
5.) • •
5. • •
+onstraints Sot&are +onstraints Data s'o*l! be able to be ec'an(e! between !i,,erent o"eratin( systems +ccess to -T)/0 !ata s'o*l! not rely on t'e "resence o, any ot'er "ro"rietary so,tware s*c' as !atabase systems. Policy ree = !oes not !ictate a s"eci,ic so,tware arc'itect*re or "ara!i(m 0an(*a(e ?e*tral = callable ,rom mo!ern an! classic "ro(rammin( lan(*a(es -T)/0 !ata objects will be re"resente! in /0 etensible /ar4*" 0an(*a(e an! !e,ine! *sin( /0 sc'emas Data trans,er s'o*l! wor4 t'ro*(' ,irewalls
#ar,&are +onstraints -T)/0 !ata s'o*l! be accessible on any mo!ern com"*tin( "lat,orm. T'ese incl*!e -in!ows PCsB U? wor4stations an! any web enable! !evices ca"able o, r*nnin( web browser so,tware.
Perormance +onstraints Data trans,er s'o*l! be as e,,icient as "ossible minimiFin( ban!wi!t' *tiliFation. T'e overall "er,ormance s'o*l! be com"arable to or better t'an t'e c*rrent -T) system.
Project Timin3 +onstraints Prototy"e available in @*ly 2<<1 Commercial system available in @an 2<<2
-'ile not strictly a "art o, t'e *nctional Re:*irementsB a n*mber o, s*((estions 'ave been ma!e abo*t can!i!ates ,or !esi(n an! im"lementation o, t'e system. T'ese are o*tline! below> Use +)C an!Eor U?COD% ,or "lat,orm an! lan(*a(e in!e"en!ence Use /0 as a way o, !e,inin( t'e b*siness objects Use -eb servers as a way o, "rovi!in( access to t'e !ata. T'is s'o*l! enable access ,rom most 'ar!ware an! so,tware "lat,orms. Use a "*blis'e! s"eci,ication ,or :*eryin( an! retrievin( !ata ,rom a !ata "rovi!er system. Can!i!ates incl*!e /0RPCE)O+P an! @?. Use eistin( oil,iel! stan!ar!s s*c' as -ell0o(/0 as a way o, "rovi!in( similar !ata in -T)/0 )*bmit stan!ar! to an eistin( stan!ar!s bo!yB s*c' as +P PDB PO)CB -3C ,or names"ace T'ere s'o*l! be a committee ,orme! to maintain t'e stan!ar!. s*((est -T) committee PO)C com"atibility is a !esire! ,eat*re. , "ossibleB ma4e *se o, wor4 alrea!y !one in PO)C in t'e -ell0o(/0 an! ot'er stan!ar!s !e,ine! ,or !rillin( an! com"letions activities. -T)/0 !ata can be ma!e accessible to en! *sers via a web server. T'e most basic level o, access is sim"ly to "rovi!e lin4s allowin( !ata ,iles to be !ownloa!e! t'en t'ey may be treate! in t'e same way as !escribe! above. +!!itionallyB t'e -T)/0 web server can also *se ,ormattin( "a(es s*c' as style s'eets to ,ormat an! en'ance t'e "resentation o, t'e in,ormation in t'e -T)/0 !ata ,iles. T'e -T)/0 web server may be accesse! by so,tware r*nnin( on anot'er or t'e same com"*ter. n t'is caseB t'e so,tware will ma4e calls to t'e -T)/0 web server com"*ter to retrieve !ata. T'e str*ct*re o, t'e calls will be com"liant wit' t'e -T)/0 +""lications Pro(rammin( nter,ace +P. Data ret*rne! ,rom t'e calls will consist o, -T)/0 !ata objects. T'e -T)/0 !ata "rovi!er s*""lies so,tware w'ic' im"lements "art or all o, t'e -T)/0 +P. T'e -T)/0 !ata ,iles will be a new stan!ar! in t'e oil in!*stry so it is antici"ate! t'at !evelo"ers o, a""lications w'ic' s*""ort t'e -T)/0 stan!ar! will be able to loa! ,iles o, !ata (enerate! by a • • •
• • • •
-T)/0 !ata "rovi!er. T'is is similar to t'e c*rrent sit*ation w'ere "etro"'ysical "rocessin( so,tware can loa! !ata ,rom t'e c*rrent in!*stry stan!ar! ,iles s*c' as 0) an! 0+). %"lore t'e *se o, com"ression tec'ni:*e
4--en,i 4 : Stan,ar, 'ata %jects 7am-les8
T'e -T)/0 system !e,ines a set o, stan!ar! objects w'ic' !escribe real worl! oil,iel! objects. T'ese objects ,orm t'e content o, -T)/0 !ata ,iles an! are ret*rne! ,rom calls to t'e -T)/0 +P. Objects may contain !ata items w'ic' are ot'er objects. T'e re:*irements ,or t'e objects !etaile! below is base! on c*rrent systems s*c' as D+RT an! -T) an! a 4nowle!(e o, t'e re:*irements o, c*rrent !rillin( en(ineerin( "rocessin( a""lications. T'e !ata objects can be t'o*(' o, in a 'ierarc'y loo4in( somet'in( li4e t'is>
'ata %jects
T'e ,ollowin( is a "ro"osal ,or -T)/0 !ata objects> Name -ell -ellbore )*rveyHea!er )*rveyData De,initive)*rveyData
0o(Hea!er 0o(Data
$itRecor! Casin()c'eme Casin()eats Cement Drillin(l*i!s DailyO"erations T*b*lar)trin( Press*reGra!ients Drillin(Tar(et -ellPat' ormationTo"s Per,orations Tem"erat*re Pac4er
!e"cription n,ormation abo*t a well incl*!in( its nameB !at*ms an! location -ellbore or si!etrac4 in,ormationB incl*!in( 4ic46o,, "oint Directional s*rvey 'ea!er wit' in,ormation abo*t t'e ty"e o, s*rvey r*n Data "oints ,rom a !irectional s*rvey incl*!in( inclinationB aFim*t' an! tool,ace Calc*late! !ata "oints ,rom a !irectional s*rvey incl*!in( vertical !e"t'B ?6) an! %6- "ositions n,ormation abo*t t'e contents o, a lo(B w'ic' is a collection o, traces Data "oints ,rom a lo(. Contains one or more !ata items at intervals o, !e"t' an!Eor time. + set o, "re6!e,ine! 0o(Data recor!s are *se! to store t'e se:*ential !ata recor!s w'ic' were *se! in t'e -T) s"eci,ication. n,ormation abo*t a bit r*nB corres"on!s to t'e +P bit recor!. Com"lete casin( sc'eme in,ormation incl*!in( strin( section "ro"ertie!B connectionsB an! lan!in( in,ormation )im"li,ie! casin( sc'eme Com"lete cement jobB sta(eB sl*rryB an! a!!itive in,ormation Drillin( ,l*i!s r'eolo(yB s*,,icient to "ro!*ce an +P /*! Re"ort Daily O"erations in,ormationB s*,,icient to "rovi!e an +P !aily re"ort. Ty"ically a !rill strin( incl*!in( $H+B ot'er com"onents an! o"erations !ata PoreB ract*re Press*re (ra!ients Drillin( Tar(et !escri"tion -ell "at' "lan Geolo(ical ,ormation !e"t's an! in,ormation Recor! o, "er,oratin( r*n -ellbore tem"erat*re !ata n,ormation abo*t "ac4er "lacements
4--en,i / – Su33estions or t2e 4--lications Pro3rammin3 Interace 74PI8
T'e lowest level +P ,or accessin( !ataB ass*min( a ,ile meta"'or !isc*sse! in "rior meetin(sB s'o*l! be as o"en an! sim"le as "ossible. -'at !oes o"en an! sim"le mean •
• • • •
%tensible 6 new !ata objects an! eistin( !ata object etensions can be ma!e wit'o*t c'an(in( t'e root +P Policy ree = !oes not !ictate a s"eci,ic so,tware arc'itect*re or "ara!i(m 0an(*a(e ?e*tral = callable ,rom mo!ern an! classic "ro(rammin( lan(*a(es /inimiFe t'e n*mber o, +P calls to interact wit' -T)/0 Data )el, Aeri,yin( = veri,ies -T)/0 objects are well ,orme!
T'e core +P can be consi!ere! as t'e center o, t'e onion. Ot'er layers may be wra""e! aro*n! t'e core "rovi!in( inter,aces s"eci,ic to a variety o, so,tware arc'itect*re an! "ro(rammin( lan(*a(es. t is
s*((este! t'at t'e -T)/0 Team ,oc*s on t'e core +P ,or t'e time bein(. #ropo"ed core $#I
T'e core +P is se(mente! into 3 "arts> Root 0evel ,*nctions. or eam"le attac' to an! o"enEclose a !ata store Object 0evel ,*nctions. %.(. rea! an! write -T)/0 objects an! t'eir "ro"erties Utility ,*nctions. %.(. ,ormattin( an! list navi(ation ,*nctions. • • •
T'e content an! !etail o, t'e +P will be !e,ine! by t'e -T)/0 tec'nical team.
4--en,i + – +atalo3s 7am-les8
n or!er to re"ort in,ormation in stan!ar! waysB -T)/0 co*l! !e,ine a n*mber o, catalo(s w'ic' "rovi!e *ni:*e !e,initions o, vario*s ty"es o, items. /any o, t'e catalo(s are !erive! ,rom eistin( in!*stry stan!ar! so*rces incl*!in( PO)CB -T) an! t'e ?PD. or im"lementation wit'in -T)/0B t'ese catalo(s may be incor"orate! into t'e sc'ema w'ic' !escribes t'e available !ata objects. •
Data Dictionary 6 n or!er to i!enti,y t'e !ata wit'in -T)/0B eac' o, t'e Qstan!ar!Q !ata items m*st be *ni:*ely i!enti,ie!. T'e Data Dictionary is a catalo( o, all o, t'e !ata items w'ic' are ,o*n! in t'e "re6!e,ine! -T)/0 !ata objects an! stan!ar! 0o(s. ?ote t'at some !ata items may 'ave t'e same names in !i,,erent objects. n or!er to *ni:*ely i!enti,y an item it is necessary to s"eci,y t'e object an! item name. or eam"le ?+/% ,rom t'e -ell object wo*l! be i!enti,ie! as -%00.?+/% to !istin(*is' it ,rom TU$U0+RRU?.?+/%. ?ormally t'is wo*l! not be an iss*e as t'e !ata item wo*l! only a""ear in t'e contet o, its object. n t'e case o, real6time !ataB as in t'e c*rrent -T) level < transmissionB it will be necessary to in!icate t'e lo( name ,rom w'ic' t'e !ata is to be obtaine!. or eam"leB 0OG.DR00LD%PTH.ROP+ wo*l! in!icate t'e !e"t' avera(e! !rill rate ,rom t'e !rillin( !e"t' base! lo( w'ereas 0OG.G%?LT/%.ROP+ wo*l! be t'e time avera(e! !rill rate ,rom t'e (eneral time6base! lo(. or e,,iciencyB it may be wort' loo4in( at abbreviatin( t'e stan!ar! lo( names to two c'aracters so t'at t'e above eam"les wo*l! become 0OG.DD.ROP+ an! 0OG.GT.ROP+. t may also be necessaryB as in -T)B to !e,ine an a!!itional c'aracter mnemonic ,or bac4war! com"atibility wit' t'e 0) ,ile s"eci,ication. or !ata ,rom /-DE0-D lo(sB stan!ar! !ictionaries alrea!y eist in PO)C an! t'ese names s'o*l! be *se!.
Drill )trin( %lements 6 DR00LPP%B H%+ANL-%GHTLDR00LPP%B CO00+RB /O?%0B )T+$0%RB @+RB CRO))OA%RB /-DLTOO0B THRU)T%RB @U?KL$+)K%TB RO00%RLCO?%L$TB PDCL$TB D+/O?DL$TB COR%L$T an! many more...
HoleECasin( Ty"es 6 R)%RB CO?DUCTORB C+)?GB 0?%RB OP%?LHO0%
Drillin( l*i! Ty"es 6 -+T%RL$+)%B O0L$+)%B )N?TH%TC
Ri( Ty"es 6 0+?DB @+CKLUPB $+RG%B )%/L)U$/%R)$0%B P0+TOR/B T0PB -ORKOA%R
ormation l*i! Ty"es 6 R%)HL-+T%RB )+0TL-+T%R
%levation Dat*m Ty"es 6 Describes t'e elevatiion o, t'e well'ea! re,erence "oint. $ase! on t'e PO)C classi,ications. DR00?GL0OORB GROU?DL0%A%0B K%00NL$U)H?GB /%+?L)%+L0%A%0B ROT+RNLT+$0%.
-ell Ty"es 6 Uses t'e PO)C %"icenter !e,initions> -0DC+TB ?%-6%0DL-0DC+TB ?%-6 POO0L-0DC+TB )H+00O-%R6POO0L-0DC+TB D%%P%R6POO0L-0DC+TB
OUTPO)TL-0DC+TB )TR+TGR+PHCLT%)TB D%0?%+TO?B +PPR+)+0B D%A%0OP/%?T etc. •
Ri( +ctivity Co!es 6 $ase! on eistin( -T) or "ossibly PO)C -/% co!es.
Coor!inate )ystem 6 0OC+0 relative to well'ea!B PRO@%CT%D UT/ or similar "rojectionB G%OGR+PHC 0atit*!eE0on(it*!e
)*rvey )tat*s 6 P0+??%DB R+-B PR%0/?+RNB /%/ORNB ?+0
)*rvey Tool Ty"es 6 /+G?%TCB GNROB ?%RT+0
Data Classi,ication Ty"es 6 T'is s'o*l! ,ollow t'e PO)C !e,initions ,or !i,,erent ty"es o, !ata meas*rements e.(. G+//+B R%))TATNB 0/%)TO?%LD%?)TNB PORO)TNB +U0+RN etc.
0it'olo(y Ty"es 6 $ase! on ?orwe(ian Petrole*m Directorate ?PD Ty"es.
-ell )tat*s ty"es 6 $ase! on t'e PO)C ty"es. +$+?DO?%DB +CTA%B DR00?GB DR00?GL)U)P%?D%DB P+RT+00NLP0UGG%DB P%R/TT%DB P0UGG%DB P0UGG%DL+?DL+$+?DO?%DB PROPO)%DB )T+TU)LU?K?O-?B )U)P%?D%DB T%/POR+R0NL+$+?DO?%DB -P?G.
T*b*lar R*n Reasons 6 T'e reason ,or r*nnin( t*b*lars into t'e 'ole> DR00?GB DR%CTO?+0LDR00?GB )H?GB CO?DTO?L/UDB TU$?GLCO?A%N%DL0OGG?G
T*b*lar P*llin( Reasons 6 T'e reason ,or removin( a t*b*lar strin( ,rom t'e 'ole> CO/P0%T%DLDR00%DL)%CTO?B CH+?G%L$TB -+)HOUTB DO-?HO0%LTOO0L+0UR%B PR%))UR%LPRO$0%/)
-ellbore Ty"es 6 rom t'e PO)C !e,initions> ?T+0B R%6)PUDB R%/%D+0L)D%TR+CKB )D%TR+CKB
Ot'er Possible Catalo(s 6 n or!er to "rovi!e consistent !e,initions o, !ata items it is also "ossible to !e,ine catalo(s ,or many ot'er !ata ty"es w'ic' are normally re"resente! as ,ree ,orm c'aracter strin(sB e.(. iel! ?amesB Com"any ?amesB Co*ntry ?ames