Submitted to: Dr. B.R.N. SHARMA Submitted by: Anu!ut" V#r$#
Ro%% no.&'()* VIII Se$e+ter.
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ACKNOWLEDGEENT Ap#rt ,ro$ t!e -r#ce o, #%$"-!t* $#n peop%e !#/e een pro,u+e% -enerou+ #n0 !e%p,u% to $e "n t!e cour+e o, $ re+e#rc! tenure1 I c#nnot e2ten0 $ -r#t"tu0e "n # +"n-%e 0"rect"on ut 3"%% !#/e to e+to3 $ t!#n4+* %o++o$+ %o++o$+* upon # ,e3* ", not #%% per+on+* 3!o 0o $er"t # +pec"#% 4"n0 o, tr"ute /"rtue o, t!e"r #++"+t"n- $e #%on- t!e 3#. In t!e ,"r+t p%#ce* I ,ee% tre$en0ou+% e2c"te0 "n recor0"n- $ $o+t +"ncere #n0 pro,oun0 -r#t"tu0e to $ #0ro"t +uper/"+or Dr. B.R.N.SHARMA. I 3ou%0 %"4e to $#4e +"ncere pr#er e,ore #%$"-!t ,or !"$* 3"t!out !"+
%e++"n-+* "n/#%u#%e -u"0#nce* "nte%%ectu#% "n+p"r#t"on #n0 perpetu#% encour#-e$ent1 I cou%0 not !#/e #cco$p%"+!e0 #n0 pre+ente0 t!"+ 3or4* "n t!e pre+ent ,or$. I o3e $ +"ncere t!#n4+ to L"r#r +t#,, $e$er+ o, 5n"/er+"t ,or t!e"r #++"+t#nce #n0 cooper#t"on to ,"n0 out t!e re%e/#nt $#ter"#% ,or $ re+e#rc!. Anu!ut" V#r$#
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RESEARCH ETHODOLOGY O!"ECTIVES: T!e $#"n oject+ o, $ +tu0 "+ to 0"+cu++ t!e 3r"t o, 6uo 3#rr#nto #%on- 3"t! t!e
$o0e% ,or$#t o, t!e +#$e #+ per t!e ru%e+ o, con/e#nc"n-. RESEARCH ETHODOLOGY: Doctr"n#% re+e#rc! $et!o0o%o- !#+ een u+e0. 7eep"n- t!e
oject"/e+ "n $"n0* $#ter"#% 3#+ co%%ecte0 3"t! t!e !e%p o, 0",,erent oo4+ #n0 t!en "t 3#+ co$p"%e0 to $#4e t!e t!eoret"c#% p#rt o, t!e project. Secon0#r +ource+ 3ere #%+o ut"%"8e0 "n or0er to co$p%ete t!e oject"/e. RESEARCH TOOLS: T!e re+e#rc! o, t!"+ project 3#+ c#rr"e0 3"t! t!e ! e%p o, t!e Internet #n0 L"r#r
o, C!#n#4# N#t"on#% L#3 5n"/er+"t. FOOTNOTING STYLE: In 3!o%e o, $ project un",or$ ,ootnot"n- +t%e !#+ een #0opte0.
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)9 Intro0uct"on (9 Or"-"n #n0 Concept o, r"t+ ;9 r"t o, 9 Mo0e% For$#t ,or F"%"n- o, r"t o,
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%& I#t'odu(tio# In En-%"+! co$$on %#3* # 3r"t "+ # ,or$#% 3r"tten or0er "++ue0 # o0 3"t! #0$"n"+tr#t"/e or ju0"c"#% jur"+0"ct"on1 "n $o0ern u+#-e* t!"+ o0 "+ -ener#%% # court. #rr#nt+* prero-#t"/e 3r"t+ #n0 +upoen#+ #re co$$on tpe+ o, 3r"t ut "nnu$er#%e ,or$+ e2"+t* #+ %"+te0 "n P#%-r#/e@+ P#r%"#$ent#r r"t+ )('* );=9. In "t+ e#r%"e+t ,or$ # 3r"t 3#+ +"$p% # 3r"tten or0er $#0e t!e En-%"+! $on#rc! to # +pec","e0 per+on to un0ert#4e # +pec","e0 #ct"on1 ,or e2#$p%e* "n t!e ,eu0#% er# # $"%"t#r +u$$on+ t!e 4"n- to one o, !"+ ten#nt+&"n&c!"e, to #ppe#r 0re++e0 ,or #tt%e 3"t! ret"nue #t # cert#"n p%#ce #n0 t"$e. An e#r% u+#-e +ur/"/e+ "n t!e 5n"te0 7"n-0o$ #n0 C#n#0# "n # 3r"t o, e%ect"on* 3!"c! "+ # 3r"tten or0er "++ue0 on e!#%, o, t!e $on#rc! "n C#n#0#* t!e Go/ernor Gener#%9 to %oc#% o,,"c"#%+ H"-! S!er",,+ o, e/er count "n t!e !"+tor"c#% 579 to !o%0 # -ener#% e%ect"on. r"t+ 3ere u+e0 t!e $e0"e/#% En-%"+! 4"n-+ to +u$$on per+on+ to P#r%"#$ent t!en con+"+t"n- o, t!e Hou+e o, Lor0+ #%one9 3!o+e #0/"ce 3#+ con+"0ere0 /#%u#%e or 3!o 3ere p#rt"cu%#r% "n,%uent"#%* 3!o 3ere t!ere 0ee$e0 to !#/e een cre#te0 #ron+ 3r"t.) 5n0er t!e In0"#n %e-#% ++te$* jur"+0"ct"on to "++ue @prero-#t"/e 3r"t+@ "+ -"/en to t!e Supre$e Court* #n0 to t!e H"-! Court+ o, u0"c#ture o, #%% In0"#n +t#te+. P#rt+ o, t!e %#3 re%#t"n- to 3r"t+ #re +et ,ort! "n t!e Con+t"tut"on o, In0"#. T!e Supre$e Court* t!e !"-!e+t "n t!e countr* $# "++ue 3r"t+ un0er Art"c%e ;( o, t!e Con+t"tut"on ,or en,orce$ent o, Fun0#$ent#% R"-!t+ #n0 un0er Art"c%e+ ); ,or en,orce$ent o, r"-!t+ ot!er t!#n Fun0#$ent#% R"-!t+* 3!"%e H"-! Court+* t!e +uper"or court+ o, t!e St#te+* $# "++ue 3r"t+ un0er Art"c%e+ ((?. T!e Con+t"tut"on ro#0% pro/"0e+ ,or ,"/e 4"n0+ o, prero-#t"/e 3r"t+: !#e#+ corpu+* cert"or#r"* $#n0#$u+* 6uo 3#rr#nto #n0 pro!""t"on.( •
T!e 3r"t o, pro!""t"on "+ "++ue0 # !"-!er court to # %o3er court pro!""t"n- "t ,ro$ t#4"n- up # c#+e ec#u+e "t ,#%%+ out+"0e t!e jur"+0"ct"on o, t!e %o3er court. T!u+* t!e !"-!er court tr#n+,er+ t!e c#+e to "t+e%,.
T!e 3r"t o, !#e#+ corpu+ "+ "++ue0 to # 0et#"n"n- #ut!or"t* or0er"n- t!e 0et#"ner to pro0uce t!e 0et#"ne0 per+on "n t!e "++u"n- court* #%on- 3"t! t!e c#u+e o , !"+ or !er 0etent"on. I, t!e 0etent"on "+ ,oun0 to e "%%e-#%* t!e court "++ue+ #n or0er to +et t!e per+on ,ree.
T!e 3r"t o, cert"or#r" "+ "++ue0 to # %o3er court 0"rect"n- t!#t t!e recor0 o, # c#+e e +ent up ,or re/"e3* to-et!er 3"t! #%% +upport"n- ,"%e+* e/"0ence #n0 0ocu$ent+* u+u#%% 3"t! t!e
1 2 %e-#%&0"ct"on#r.t!e,ree0"ct"$r"to,6uo3#rr#nto 5|Page
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"ntent"on o, o/erru%"n- t!e ju0-e$ent o, t!e %o3er court. It "+ one o, t!e $ec!#n"+$+ 3!"c! t!e ,un0#$ent#% r"-!t+ o, t!e c"t"8en+ #re up!e%0. •
T!e 3r"t o, $#n0#$u+ "+ "++ue0 to # +uor0"n#te court* #n o,,"cer o, -o/ern$ent* or # corpor#t"on or ot!er "n+t"tut"on co$$#n0"n- t!e per,or$#nce o, ce rt#"n #ct+ or 0ut"e+.
T!e 3r"t o, 6uo 3#rr#nto "+ "++ue0 #-#"n+t # per+on 3!o c%#"$+ or u+urp+ # pu%"c o,,"ce. T!rou-! t!"+ 3r"t t!e court "n6u"re+ @ 3!#t #ut!or"t@ t!e per+on +upport+ !"+ or !er c%#"$.
)& O'i*i# o+ t,e Co#(e-t o+ W'it$ T!e 0e/e%op$ent o, 3r"t+ #+ # $e#n+ o, co$$enc"n- # court #ct"on 3#+ # ,or$ o, o,,&t!e&+!e%, ju+t"ce 0e+"-ne0 to en#%e t!e En-%"+! %#3 court+ to r#p"0% proce++ %#3+u"t+ #%%oc#t"n- e#c! ,or$ o, co$p%#"nt "nto # +t#n0#r0 c#te-or 3!"c! cou%0 e 0e#%t 3"t! +t#n0#r0 proce0ure+. T!e co$p%#"n#nt +"$p% #pp%"e0 to t!e court ,or t!e 3r"t $o+t re%e/#nt to !"+ co$p%#"nt to e +ent to t!e 3ron-0oer* 3!"c! or0ere0 !"$ un0er ro#% #ut!or"t to #tten0 # ro#% court to #n+3er ,or !"+ #ct"on+. T!e 0e/e%op$ent 3#+ p#rt o, t!e e+t#%"+!$ent o, # Court o, Co$$on P%e#+* ,or 0e#%"n- 3"t! co$$on% $#0e co$p%#"nt+ +uject+ o, t!e cro3n* ,or e2#$p%e: +o$eone !#+ 0#$#-e0 $ propert. T!e pre/"ou+ ++te$ o, ju+t"ce #t t!e ro#% court o, C!#ncer 3#+ t#"%or& $#0e to +u"t e#c! c#+e #n0 3#+ t!u+ !"-!% t"$e&con+u$"n-. T!u+ e/entu#%% t!e ot#"n"n- o, # 3r"t ec#$e nece++#r* "n $o+t c#+e+* to !#/e # c#+e !e#r0 "n one o, t!e Ro#% Court+* +uc! #+ t!e 7"n-@+ Benc! or Co$$on P%e#+. So$e ,r#nc!"+e court+* e+pec"#%% "n t!e Count"e+ P#%#t"ne* !#0 t!e"r o3n ++te$ o, 3r"t+ 3!"c! o,ten re,%ecte0 or #nt"c"p#te0 t!e co$$on %#3 3r"t+. T!e 3r"t 3#+ +er/e0 on 0e%"/ere0 "n per+on to9 t!e 3ron-0oer #n0 #cte0 #+ # co$$#n0 t!#t !e +!ou%0 #ppe#r #t # +pec","e0 t"$e #n0 0#te e,ore t!e court +pec","e0 "n t!e 3r"t* or "t $"-!t co$$#n0 +o$e ot!er #ct on t!e p#rt o, t!e rec"p"ent.; !ere # p%#"nt",, 3"+!e0 to !#/e # c#+e !e#r0 # %oc#% court* or #n Ere ", one !#ppene0 to e /"+"t"n- t!e Count* t!ere 3ou%0 e no nee0 to ot#"n # 3r"t. Act"on+ "n %oc#% court+ cou%0 u+u#%% e +t#rte0 #n "n,or$#% co$p%#"nt. Ho3e/er* ", # p%#"nt",, 3"+!e0 to #/#"% !"$+e%, o, Ro#% #n0 "$p%"c#t"on +uper"or ju+t"ce "n one o, t!e 7"n-@+ court+* t!en !e 3ou%0 nee0 #
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3r"t* # co$$#n0 o, t!e 7"n-* to en#%e !"$ to 0o t!"+. In"t"#%% ,or co$$on %#3* recour+e to t!e 7"n-@+ court+ 3#+ unu+u#%* #n0 +o$et!"n- ,or 3!"c! # p%#"nt",, 3ou%0 !#/e to p#. For $o+t Ro#% Court+* t!e 3r"t 3ou%0 u+u#%% !#/e een purc!#+e0 ,ro$ t!e C!#ncer* #%t!ou-! t!e court o, t!e E2c!e6uer * e"n- "n e++ence #not!er -o/ern$ent 0ep#rt$ent* 3#+ #%e to "++ue "t+ o3n 3r"t+.= !"%e or"-"n#%% 3r"t+ 3ere e2cept"on#%* or #t %e#+t non&rout"ne 0e/"ce+* M#"t%#n0 +u--e+t+ t!#t t!e t"$e o, 7"n- Henr II ))>=&))9* t!e u+e o, 3r"t+ !#0 eco$e # re-u%#r p#rt o, t!e ++te$ o, ro#% ju+t"ce "n En-%#n0.> At ,"r+t* ne3 3r"t+ 3ere 0r#,te0 to ,"t e#c! ne3 +"tu#t"on* #%t!ou-! "n pr#ct"ce t!e c%er4+ o, t!e C!#ncer 3ou%0 u+e 3or0"n- ,ro$ pre/"ou+% "++ue0 3r"t+* 3"t! +u"t#%e #0ju+t$ent+* o,ten t#4en ,ro$ re,erence oo4+ cont#"n"n- co%%ect"on+ o, ,or$+ o, 3r"t* $uc! #+ "n $o0ern t"$e+ %#3er+ ,re6uent% u+e ,"2e0 prece0ent+ or o"%erp%#te* r#t!er t!#n re&"n/ent"n- t!e 3or0"n- o, # ne3 %e-#% 0ocu$ent. T!e pro%e$ 3"t! t!"+ #ppro#c! 3#+ t!#t # p%#"nt",,@+ r"-!t+ #n0 #/#"%#%e ,or$+ o, #ct"on #t !"+ 0"+po+#%* 3ou%0 e 0e,"ne0* #n0 "n $o+t c#+e+ %"$"te0* t!e %"$"te0 /#r"et o, 3r"t+ #/#"%#%e to !"$. T!u+ t!e po3er to cre#te ne3 3r"t+ 3#+ #4"n to t!e po3er to cre#te ne3 r"-!t+* # ,or$ o, e2tr#&p#r%"#$ent#r %e-"+%#t"on. Moreo/er* # 3r"t* ", one cou%0 e ,oun0 ,"tt"n- t!e p%#"nt",,@+ c#+e* pro/"0e0 t!e %e-#% $e#n+ to re$o/e t!e 0"+pute ,ro$ t!e jur"+0"ct"on o, t!e %oc#% court* o,ten contro%%e0 # %e++er no%e* #n0 "n+te#0 !#/e "t !e#r0 t!e 7"n-@+ ju0-e+. T!e no"%"t t!u+ +#3 t!e cre#t"on o, ne3 3r"t+ #+ #n ero+"on o, t!e"r "n,%uence. O/er t"$e* oppo+"t"on to t!e cre#t"on o, ne3 3r"t+ t!e C!#ncer "ncre#+e0. For e2#$p%e* "n )(>? # court 3#+ #+4e0 to 6u#+! # 3r"t #+ no/e%* un!e#r0 o,* #n0 #-#"n+t re#+on Aot o, L"%%e+!#%% / H#rcourt )(>?9 ? SS 22"2 ==9. 5%t"$#te% "n )(> t!e 7"n- 3#+ ,orce0 to #ccept t!e Pro/"+"on+ o, O2,or0* 3!"c! #$on- ot!er t!"n-+* pro!""te0 t!e cre#t"on o, ne3 ,or$+ o, 3r"t 3"t!out t!e +#nct"on o, t!e 7"n-@+ counc"%. Ne3 3r"t+ 3ere cre#te0 #,ter t!#t t"$e on% t!e
4!o"!quo!warranto!sample 5 |Page
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e2pre++ +#nct"on o, P#r%"#$ent #n0 t!e ,or$+ o, 3r"t re$#"ne0 e++ent"#%% +t#t"c* e#c! 3r"t 0e,"n"n- # p#rt"cu%#r ,or$ o, #ct"on. It 3#+ t!e ro%e #n0 e2pert"+e o, # +o%"c"tor to +e%ect on !"+ c%"ent@+ e!#%, t!e #ppropr"#te 3r"t ,or t!e propo+e0 %e-#% #ct"on. T!e+e 3ere purc!#+e0 ,ro$ t!e court p#$ent o, # ,ee. A #rr"+ter 3ou%0 t!en e !"re0 t!e +o%"c"tor to +pe#4 ,or !"+ c%"ent "n court. "t! t!e #o%"t"on o, t!e For$+ o, Act"on "n );( #n0 );;* # pro,u+"on o, 3r"t+ 3#+ no %on-er nee0e0* #n0 one un",or$ 3r"t c#$e "nto u+e. A,ter )>( t!e nee0 to +t#te t!e n#$e o, t!e ,or$ o, #ct"on 3#+ #%+o #o%"+!e0. In )'> t!e ,or$ o, 3r"t 3#+ #%tere0 +o t!#t "t con,or$e0 $ore to t!e +upoen# u+e0 "n t!e C!#ncer. A 3r"t 3#+ # +u$$on+ ,ro$ t!e Cro3n* to t!e p#rt"e+ to t!e #ct"on* 3"t! on "t+ #c4 t!e +u+t#nce o, t!e #ct"on +et out* to-et!er 3"t! # @pr#er@ re6ue+t"n- # re$e0 ,ro$ t!e court ,or e2#$p%e 0#$#-e+9. In ) t!e nee0 ,or 3r"t+ to e 3r"tten "n t!e n#$e o, t!e Cro3n 3#+ en0e0. Fro$ t!#t t"$e* # 3r"t +"$p% re6u"re0 t!e p#rt"e+ to #ppe#r. r"t+ #pp%"e0 to c%#"$+ t!#t 3ere to e !e#r0 "n one o, t!e court+ 3!"c! e/entu#%% ,or$e0 p#rt o, t!e H"-! Court o, u+t"ce. T!e proce0ure "n # Count Court* 3!"c! 3#+ e+t#%"+!e0 +t#tute* 3#+ to "++ue # @+u$$on+@.? In ) t!e oo%, Re,or$+ un","e0 $o+t o, t!e proce0ure o, t!e Supre$e Court #n0 t!e Count Court "n c"/"% $#tter+. T!e+e re,or$+ rou-!t "n t!e C"/"% Proce0ure Ru%e+. 5n0er t!e+e #%$o+t #%% c"/"% #ct"on+* ot!er t!#n t!o+e connecte0 3"t! "n+o%/enc* #re no3 co$$ence0 t!e co$p%et"on o, # @C%#"$ For$@ #+ oppo+e0 to t!e ot#"n"n- o, # @r"t@* @Or"-"n#t"n- App%"c#t"on@* or @Su$$on+@ +ee Ru%e+ ' #n0 o, t!e C"/"% Proce0ure Ru%e+9. In In0"#* r"t+ #re no3 con+t"tut"on#%% pro/"0e0 ,or.
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r"t o,
Quo warranto Me0"e/#% L#t"n ,or 3!#t 3#rr#ntJ9 "+ # prero-#t"/e 3r"t re6u"r"n- t!e per+on to 3!o$ "t "+ 0"recte0 to +!o3 3!#t #ut!or"t t!e !#/e ,or e2erc"+"n- +o$e r"-!t or po3er or ,r#nc!"+e9 t!e c%#"$ to !o%0.
3r"t o, 6uo 3#rr#nto $# e "++ue0 #-#"n+t # per+on !o%0"n- # pu%"c o,,"ce or -o/ern$ent#% pr"/"%e-e. T!e "++ue o, +u$$on "+ ,o%%o3e0 %e-#% procee0"n-+* 0ur"n- 3!"c! #n "n0"/"0u#%K+ r"-!t to !o%0 #n o,,"ce or -o/ern$ent#% pr"/"%e-e "+ c!#%%en-e0. T!e 3r"t re6u"re+ t!e concerne0 per+on to e2p%#"n to t!e Court 3!#t #ut!or"t !e !o%0+ t!e o,,"ce. I, # per+on !#+ u+urpe0 # pu%"c o,,"ce* t!e Court $# 0"rect !"$ not to c#rr out #n #ct"/"t"e+ "n t!e o,,"ce or $# #nnounce t!e o,,"ce to e /#c#nt. It "+ "++ue0 to re+tr#"n t!e #ut!or"t or c#n0"0#te ,ro$ 0"+c!#r-"n- t!e ,unct"on+ o, pu%"c o,,"ce. In University of Mysore v. Govinda Rao, t!e Supre$e Court o+er/e0 t!#t t!e proce0ure o, 6uo #rr#nto con,er+ t!e jur"+0"ct"on #n0 #ut!or"t on t!e ju0"c"#r to contro% e2ecut"/e #ct"on "n $#4"n- t!e #ppo"nt$ent+ to pu%"c o,,"ce+ #-#"n+t t!e re%e/#nt +t#tutor pro/"+"on+1 "t #%+o protect+ # c"t"8en e"n- 0epr"/e0 o, pu%"c o,,"ce to 3!"c! !e $# !#/e # r"-!t.' T!ere #re t3o (9 ,or$+ o, cr"ter"# t!#t $u+t e $et 3"t! #n Pet"t"on ,or Quo%20Waranto%20filed%203-24-1... $ %|Page
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cr"ter"# t!#t $u+t e pre+ent ,or +uc! # 3r"t to e "++ue0J <>. Do t!e Ar-u$ent+ 3"t!"n t!e Pet"t"on pro/"0e one or $ore e2!""t+ o, proo, cont#"ne0 3"t!"n t!e Appen0"2 to t!e Pet"t"onJ . I+ t!ere +u,,"c"ent e/"0ence #+e0 on t!e Ar-u$ent+ #n0 Appen0"2 o, t!e Pet"t"on to conc%u0e t!#t t!e Re+pon0ent "+ 3"t!"n t!e ur"+0"ct"on o, t!e CourtJ <'. I+ t!ere +u,,"c"ent e/"0ence #+e0 on t!e Ar-u$ent+ #n0 Appen0"2 o, t!e Pet"t"on to conc%u0e t!#t t!e Court !#+ +u,,"c"ent ur"+0"ct"on #n0 r"-!t to #ppo"nt #n0 on0 one or $ore A-ent+ 3"t! en,orc"n- t!e 3r"tJ
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.& W'it U#de' I#di/# Cou't$ 'he ma(ers o" the )onstitution ha*e a+opte+ the ,nglish reme+ies in the )onstitution un+er -rticles 32 an+ 226. 'here has een specicall0 ma+e pro*isions in the )onstitution which empowers the upreme )ourt an+ igh )ourts to issue writs in the nature o" aeas )orpus an+amus Prohiition uo arranto an+ )ertiorari. 'he "un+amental rights which are inalienale sacrosanct in nature an+ character which were concei*e+ in national an+ pulic interest coul+ e illusor0 i" there is no constitutional machiner0 pro*i+e+ "or its en"orcement. 7nless such constitutional reme+ies "or its en"orcement is not pro*i+e+ the rights guarantee+ 0 part 888 o" the )onstitution cannot e e*er implemente+ 0 the citi9ens. -rticle 32 containe+ in Part 888 is itsel" a "un+amental right gi*en to the person un+er the )onstitution. imilarl0 -rticle 226 o" the )onstitution is con"erre+ on the igh )ourts to eercise its prerogati*e writs which can e issue+ against an0 person or o+0 o" person inclu+ing the go*ernment. % 'he +istinction etween the two reme+ies is *er0 negligile. 'he reme+0 un+er -rticle 32 is conne+ to en"orcement o" "un+amental rights whereas -rticle 226 is a*ailale not onl0 against the en"orcement o" "un+amental rights ut also "or an0 other purpose. 'hus the constitution pro*i+es the +iscretionar0 reme+ies on the igh )ourt an+ the upreme )ourt. 8n the asence o" the pro*isions o" such reme+ies no one can en"orce its rights gi*en. 'hus where*er there is a right there must e a reme+0 "or it. 'hus it shoul+ satis"0 the maim ;ui ne o" the principle ma(ers o" the constitution ?r. -me+(ar has gi*en the prime importance to -rticle 32 among all other articles "rom the 8n+ian )onstitution. e has re"erre+ that @8t is the *er0 soul o" the )onstitution an+ the *er0 heart o" it .A 8n ?e*ilal *. '> it has een mar(e+ that @'here can e no +out that the Bun+amental Cights guarantee+ to the citi9ens are a signicant "eature o" our )onstitution an+ the igh )ourts un+er -rticle 226 are oun+ to protect these Bun+amental Cights.A Dustice uarao in the case o" Easheshwar Fath *. )ommissioner 8ncome 'a state+ that @- large ma
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court to protect their rights an+ interests. Bun+amental rights are there"ore transcen+ental in nature an+ create+ an+ enacte+ in national an+ pulic interest an+ there"ore the0 cannot e wai*e+.A 8n ?ar0ao *. tate o" 7.P. it was hel+ that the right to otain a writ must equall0 e a "un+amental right when a petitioner presents the case. 'hus it cannot merel0 e consi+ere+ as an in+i*i+ual=s right to mo*e the upreme )ourt ut it is also the +ut0 an+ responsiilit0 o" the upreme )ourt to protect the "un+amental rights.
Cole o" writs in a+ministrati*e actions Fow as "ar as the role o" the writs is concerne+ let us go 0 illustration o*er the cases on +iscretion. )on"erment o" +iscretionar0 powers has een accepte+ as necessar0 phenomena o" mo+ern a+ministrati*e an+ constitutional machiner0. Gaw ma(ing agenc0 legislates the law on an0 sunce the0 come into eistence it ecomes the +ut0 o" the ,ecuti*e Io*ernment to regulate the powers within limitations prescrie+ to achie*e the o
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or that the0 ma0 not appl0 their min+ to the "acts an+ circumstances o" the cases. Eesi+es this aspect the0 ma0 act in +erogation o" "un+amental principles o" natural nl0 such a +ecision will e law"ul. 'he courts ha*e power to see that the ,ecuti*e acts law"ull0. 'he0 cannot a*oi+ scrutin0 0 courts 0 "ailing to gi*e reasons. 8" the0 gi*e reasons an+ the0 are not goo+ reasons the court can +irect them to reconsi+er the matter in the light o" rele*ant matters though the propriet0 a+equac0 or satis"actor0 character o" these reasons ma0 not e open to
12 Quo%20Waranto%20filed%203-24-1... 13 | P a g e
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0& ode1 Fo'm/t +o' Fi1i#* o+ W'it o+ Quo W/''/#to 8n the igh )ourt o"NNNNNNNN atNNNNNNNN )i*il >riginal O,traMor+inar0 Duris+iction )i*il rit Petition FoNNNNNNNN o" 2&&N 8n the matter o": DQG /oNNNNNN C/oNNNNNNNN "ormer emplo0ee O8nspector Ira+eM8 in the Cespon+ent)ompan0. NPetitioner 1. RST )ompan0 Gt+. a compan0 wholl0 owne+ 0 the Io*t. o" 8n+ia an+ ha*ing its registere+ oLce atNNNNNNNN through its )hairman. 2. anaging ?irector o" the ao*e )ompan0 NCespon+ent
)i*il rit Petition against the or+er +ate+NNNNNNNN passe+ 0 the anaging ?irector respon+ent Fo. 2 herein 0 which the ser*ices o" the petitioner as an emplo0ee o" the respon+entMcompan0 ha*e een terminate+. a0 it please the onUle )hie" Dustice o" the igh )ourt o"NNNNNNNN an+ is Gor+shipUs companion Du+ges. 'he Petitioner >' C,P,)'B7GGS >,': 1. 'hat the petitioner is a citi9en o" 8n+ia an+ is there"ore entitle+ to en
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petitioner came to e relie*e+ o" his +uties the same +a0. - cop0 o" the impugne+ or+er is annee+ hereto an+ mar(e+ as ANNEXURE-1. 5. 'hat on a are rea+ing o" the impugne+ or+er it ecomes clear that the or+er has een issue+ on the asis o" some allege+ miscon+uct on the part o" petitioner ut no inquir0 un+er the rele*ant rules has een hel+ e"ore the passing o" the or+er. 6. 'hat the petitioner has not committe+ an0 act that coul+ e terme+ to e an act constituting miscon+uct. . 'he impugne+ or+er is eing assaile+ on the "ollowing amongst other GROUNDS
.1 'hat the petitioner eing a permanent emplo0ee o" the respon+entMcompan0 his ser*ices coul+ not e terminating without hol+ing an enquir0 un+er the rules applicale to the emplo0ees o" the compan0. .2 'hat the principles o" natural
8n the "acts an+ circumstances state+ ao*e the petitioner pra0s that a +irection in the "orm o" a writ o" quo warranto or an0 other appropriate writ e issue+ quashing the impugne+ or+er an+ reinstating the petitioner in ser*ice with all consequential enets inclu+ing ac( wages. 8t is "urther pra0e+ that the respon+ent e ur+ene+ with costs. P,'8'8>F,C 'C>7I ?-',?NNNNNNNN
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2& Co#(1u$io# Bro#0% +t#te0* t!e 3uo 4/''/#to procee0"n- #,,or0+ # ju0"c"#% re$e0 3!"c! #n per+on* 3!o !o%0+ #n "n0epen0ent +u+t#nt"/e pu%"c o,,"ce or ,r#nc!"+e or %"ert* "+ c#%%e0 upon to +!o3 3!#t r"-!t !e !o%0+ t!e +#"0 o,,"ce* ,r#nc!"+e or %"ert* +o t!#t !"+ t"t%e to "t $# e 0u% 0eter$"ne0* #n0 "n c#+e t!e ,"n0"n- "+ t!#t t!e !o%0er o, t!e o,,"ce !#+ not t"t%e* !e 3ou%0 e ou+te0 ,ro$ t!#t o,,"ce ju0"c"#% or0er. In ot!er 3or0+* t!e proce0ure o, 3uo 4/''/#to -"/e+ t!e u0"c"#r # 3e#pon to contro% t!e E2ecut"/e ,ro$ $#4"n- #ppo"nt$ent to pu%"c o,,"ce #-#"n+t %#3 #n0 to protect # c"t"8en ,ro$ e"n- 0epr"/e0 o, pu%"c o,,"ce to 3!"c! !e !#+ # r"-!t. T!e+e procee0"n-+ #%+o ten0 to protect t!e pu%"c ,ro$ u+urper+ o, pu%"c o,,"ce* 3!o $"-!t e #%%o3e0 to cont"nue e"t!er 3"t! t!e conn"/#nce o, t!e E2ecut"/e or re#+on o, "t+ #p#t!. It 3"%%* t!u+* e +een t!#t e,ore # per+on c#n e,,ect"/e% c%#"$ # 3r"t o, 3uo 4/''/#to * !e !#+ to +#t"+, t!e Court t!#t t!e o,,"ce "n 6ue+t"on "+ # pu%"c o,,"ce #n0 "+ !e%0 # u+urper 3"t!out %e-#% #ut!or"t* #n0 t!#t "ne/"t#% 3ou%0 %e#0 to t!e en6u"r #+ to 3!et!er t!e #ppo"nt$ent o, t!e #%%e-e0 u+urper !#+ een $#0e "n #ccor0#nce 3"t! %#3 or not. It "+ #%+o ene,"c"#% to re,er to t!e 0ec"+"on o, t!"+ Court "n G!u%#$ <#0"r /+. Spec"#% Tr"un#% #n0 Ot!er+* ((9 ) SCC ;; p#r# ; 3!"c! re#0+ t!u+:& At any event implicit in the finding of the Division Bench that the appointing authority has no right to appeal in Quo warranto proceedings is that the Court cannot probe the mind of the appointing authority in a motion for Quo Warranto . he !igh Court erred in probing the mind of the government and acted contrary to its o"n finding on the role of appointing authority inQuo Warranto proceedings. he reasons felt out by the learned #udges of the Division Bench are not sustainable in la" and the impugned $udgment is liable to be interfered "ith in these appeals. he learned #udges are not right in %uashing the appointment of the appellant as Managing Director on the misconception that he has been re& appointed to the said office, "hereas it "as a fresh appointment under the provisions of the Act and in accordance "ith the prescribed %ualification and eligibility under the Act. 'urther the appointee holds the office during the pleasure of the Government as provided under (ection )*+ of the Act. he learned #udges are not correct in holding that the Government is not affected by allo"ing the "rit of QuoWarranto against the appointee and observed that the Government ought not have filed the appeal. -t is unfortunate that the learned #udges have observed that the Government has filed the appeal at the instance of the appointee. he learned #udges, in our opinion, failed to
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appreciate that it is the duty of the Government to $ustify the appointment as such there is no "rong in filing the "rit appeal.
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