I have spent many hours, many days and weeks studying the concepts of Shen and Wuji, as well as a lot of time actually practicing Xingyiquan. Xingyiquan. I have learned that that Wuji isn't a state, state, it is something we all have, have, just as the universe universe had it from the creation of the ao. We have always always had this, it is something that is of permanence. permanence. Wuji is of our Shen, it is a state of !eing, a state of "astery, a state of #ung $u, the highest state of #ung $u. %he Shen has many aspects to it, many of which are not positive for our !eing. Such as, our ego, the preconceptions that are !ound to it. &ooking down upon others, thinking !ad of others, or thinking yourself to !e !etter then another person. %hese are all preconceptions that we hold that limit us from our true potential. ur ego isn't the only limiting factor, there are others. %he idea of dualism is one of the largest. Seeing !lack and white, good and !ad, concepts like this are all dualistic and e(tremely limiting. %he old saying that )"ind, "indless. *ction, *ction+less. $orm, formless. %his is very true, through not acting, you already act. *nother prover! )%hrough knowing nothing, nothing, you know everything, everything, through doing nothing, nothing, everythi everything ng is done. done. %hough %hough these these concepts concepts are difficul difficultt to understand understand without a lot of thought and practice put !ehind it, it is still very possi!le. $irst we must figure out what Wuji is. Wuji is the state of emptiness, of the supreme emptiness. -ot the type of emptiness as there is nothing, the type of emptiness where the Shen Spirit/ has !een refined to the point that the conceptions change. I call this a form of "astery, "astery, and in truth it is, it is a state that you must achieve, though you already have this. 0ou only have to refine aspects of your Shen to achieve this. So how is Wuji different from how we are normally1 %hink of someone who has mastered what it is they do, such as a 2hief. %hey act without thinking, the mind is empty of conscious effort. %hey simply act without giving form to the act. %hey don't think to lift the spatula to this angle to move the chicken from the hotplate, then to add this or that. It simply happens, they do not give form to it, the form stems from the thought. %he instant that you give true thought to it, you will think of what you are doing, thus giving form to it. %his is much like when in meditation and you quiet the mind, you will eventually !egin to think of nothing, this is Wuji. It is a state of stillness, though you are still alert. 0ou don't focus on not thinking, this will never achieve Wuji, !ecause you are thinking a!out not thinking. When I picture Wuji when it comes to Xingyiquan, I picture having reached level to where I don't think or see concepts of time anymore, or space, or speed, nothing like this. 0ou ignore these preconceptions, !ecause then they wont allow for you to see the true concept, what it truly is. 0ou no longer see things as !eing dualistic, you see everything as one. *ll ideas, concepts, theories, they are all one, they have one side to them rather then two. Wuji is action and stillness at the same time. 3ow is this possi!le1 %hink of doing a form, one of the five elements or the 45 animals. 0ou 0ou would !e doing it, !ut you wouldn't !e thinking a!out it, there is no conscious effort. 0ou 0ou are performing the actions as a artist would, though you are not thinking a!out it when performing performing it, it flows naturally and freely from having repeated it so many times. $rom not thinking, there is no shape, no preconceptions. So the inside of the !ody is Wuji. -ow, let us define Wuji more so, the direct definition is !elow. %he %raditional %raditional 2hinese #anji is 無極 , !eing a compound word. %he first part to this is )Wu, meaning )Without. %he second part to this is ) 6i. "eaning )7(treme, )8idgepole. 9ltimateless, or )Without 9ltimate is the !est 7nglish translation availa!le. $or me, I have developed a technique that helped me greatly in achieving this state and level of mastery. mastery. I would visuali:e the #anji of Wuji into my head until it is perfect, there is nothing more clear. %he #anji is a preconception of Wuji for me, when I see the 2alligraphy it is the first thing that I think of. So I used this as a focus, until eventually it happened. %hough through the use of this and many years of Xingyiquan practice practice added with it, I did achieve the level of "astery, "astery, Wuji. I call the technique that I used to do it )Wuji ;ong. %he idea !ehind it is simple, you use a sym!ol that represents something, that is connected to something preconception/, and you give it though, focus upon it, think a!out it, contemplate it, striving toward it in general.
4. #anji for Wuji is