Ye Ye Art The Bulge: In Tights Of Batman And Robin ̶ or ̶
Bulge Forward, Gut Out, Hands on His, !as" #own, $iles Hard, Tights Taut%
Budd W. Atwater M. B. Tubb G. Mandelbaum Watts Robert L. Burban
Table of &ontents Brief License......................... License...................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................4 ...........................4 Foreword.................................................. Foreword..................... .......................................................... .......................................................... .....................................5 ........5 Prolog by Morgan Blaine Tubb........................................... Tubb........................................................................ ...................................... ......... 6 Prolog by Robert Ludwig Burban.............................................. Burban........................................................................... ............................... .. 7 Prolog by Budd Wars Wars !twater................................................... !twater................................................................................ ............................. " Prolog by #abe Mandelbau Watts.............................. Watts........................................................... ............................................ ............... $ Batan% T&e 'ar( )nig&t............................ )nig&t......................................................... .......................................................... ............................... *+ Robin% T&e Boy Wonder..................................... Wonder.................................................................. ..................................................... ........................ ,$ T&e 'ynaic 'uo......................................... 'uo...................................................................... .......................................................... ............................. 5$ -t&ers.............................................. -t&ers........................................................................... .......................................................... ............................................7$ ...............7$ /ilog............................................. /ilog.......................................................................... .......................................................... ...........................................**+ ..............**+ T&e Fair 0se Law of 1o/yrig&t............................................................ 1o/yrig&t............................................................................. .................**2 **2 Full License............................................................. License......................................................................................... .............................................. .................. **, !fterword............................................. !fterword.......................................................................... .......................................................... .....................................**" ........**"
&o'right ( )*+
Budd -arms Atwater Gabe !andelbaum -atts !organ Blaine Tubb Robert .udwig Burban +)bB +)/B 0bR 0/R 1bBR +*/BR )1o
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Foreword T&e co/yrig&t license for t&is e;boo( is under t&e 1reatie 1oons License !ttribution
uc& iage en&anceent is for s&ar/ening3 reoing noise3 i/roing lig&ting3 contrast ad?ustent3 etcetera. T&e selected iages3 /&otos3 and /ictures are c&osen by t&eir uni@ueness3 eocatie nature3 stiulation3 and abience of *$6+:s Batan3 Robin3 and ot&ers in costue. ac& aut&or a(es a coentary3 and t&e ost fitting is included wit& t&e iage. =oly s&utterbugsA T&e aut&ors welcoe new /&otos3 iages3 and /ictures fro readers obiously fro t&e Batman t&e Batman and Robin teleision Robin teleision series fro t&e *$6+:sC wit& a descri/tion for t&e c&oice of /icture. We loo( forward to your Batan3 andDor Robin contributions. T&e editor would li(e to e8/ress &is delig&t and /leasure of wor(ing wit& t&e aut&ors in t&e creation3 /re/aration3 and writing of t&is e;boo(. 1oents to t&e aut&ors are welcoe3 and s&ould be sent to t&e editor as t&e /oint of contact. T&ere is no guarantee of a res/onse3 but t&e coentary will be relayed to t&e aut&ors for t&eir /erusal.
Roget York ( [email protected] )
6rolog b' !organ Blaine Tubb T&is /&oto collage is an e8/ression of Batan and Robin &ig&lig&ts t&at aerage guy as a su/er;&ero3 wit& no ebarrassent about &is body3 body3 es/ecially &is /enis3 scrotu3 ni//les3 or c&est. T&e Batman T&e Batman and Robin teleision Robin teleision series was t&e first crac( t&at a an need not &ide &is body or an&ood3 anyore t&an a woan s&ould conceal &er cleaage. For t&at3 Batan and Robin were reolutionary3 and one reason en?oy t&e iages in t&e boo( &ae co;aut&ored. co;aut&ored. n?oyA
Morgan Blaine Tubb
6rolog b' Robert .udwig Burban -ne would not t&in( a boo( of /ictures fro t&e Batman t&e Batman and Robin teleision Robin teleision s&ow of *$66 would &ae not&ing to do wit&
Robert Ludwig Burban
6rolog b' Budd -arms Atwater Atwater always loed t&e Batman t&e Batman and Robin /rogra Robin /rogra fro t&e *$6+:s. T&e ca/ &uor3 costues3 /uns of Batan3 t&e Holy... Holy...GG fro Robin3 and t&e illains were a star( contrast to t&e futuristic science fiction of Star Trek 3 t&e surreal Twilight Zone3 Zone3 or t&e frig&tening Thriller . T&e blatant cliff&angers3 as(ing t&e @uestion of Batan and Robin would surie soe ingeniously fiendis& tra/3 (e/t u/ t&e sus/ense. Batan and Robin used to fig&t t&e bad guys3 ca/turing t&eir neesis3 but t&ey also &ad to use t&eir inds to outt&in( and outwit t&e illain. T&e later Batan oies wit& ore s/ecial effects3 starring actors3 and t&e really cool tec&nological toys are inco/arable. Bot& !da West West and Burt Ward were t&e one true Batan and Robin3 introducing an entire generation to t&e su/er;&ero on t&e teleision screen. T&is boo( of iages is a tribute to t&eir best;(nown roles. Read and loo( wit& nostalgia at t&e sae Bat;tie3 in t&e sae Bat;boo(A
Budd Warms Atwater Budd Warms Atwater
6rolog b' Gabe !andelbaum -atts -atts Ties &ae c&anged since t&e e/isodes of Batman Batman and Robin aired Robin aired on teleision. was a (id watc&ing t&e dynaic duo3 and a gay anso adiring t&e e8citing and enticing eleents of bot&. Batan was ore a//ealing and intriguing3 because of t&e cowl &iding &is face3 t&e only /art of &i not in &is tig&ts was &is out& and c&in.
Gabe Mandelbaum Watts
Batman: The #ar" 7night
Batman: The #ar" 7night
T&e only t&ing stic( out of Batan is &is Bat bulge3 Batan:s /enis is &anging out to &is left fro t&e wrin(les in &is Bat;trun(s. T&e cure H;s&a/e H;s&a/e of t&e Bat bulge and tig&ts and t&e cure wrin(les aboe loo( li(e Batan:s crotc& is siling wit& Batan.
0/ close to t&e Bat;bulge you can see t&e slig&t round bulge in t&e cure3 and &ow Batan:s /enis is wedged in wit& t&e run in t&e tig&ts of &is t&ig&.
Batan is /ointing to say ea&3 &ae a nice Bat;bulge3 w&at about itIG T&e wedge in Batan:s groin is /ointing out3 alt&oug& soew&at rounded by &is satin tig&ts. Batan &as a sea or run in &is Bat;tig&ts along &is t&ig&3 /er&a/s w&ere w&ere is /enis is /us&ing u/ward.
Batan is a street crossing guard3 suc(ing in &is gut but &is Bat bulge &anging out. >oe of t&e (ids see to be seeing little BatanG in &is Bat trun(s3 and t&e sea of &is Bat underwear is isible. 'onJt ind little Batan be&ind y tig&ts and underwear c&ildren.G
Batan &as &is /enis and scrotu &anging down and out3 fro t&e creases in t&e Bat trun(s loo(s li(e &is Bat bulge is flagging down traffic or /us&ing outward.
Batan sur/rised by t&e Riddler. Riddler. T&e adrenaline rus& &as gone down below to &is nice Bat bulge. Per&a/s t&e ro/e and t&e Riddler:s tig&ts &ae Klittle BatanK flo//ing out and u/ward.
1lose;u/ on Batan:s Bat Bulge. : little BatanG tingling forward3 stretc&ing t&e Bat trun(s. Hery tasty Bat scrotu bulge in t&e Bat trun(s. Fro t&e wedge sees li(e Batan is fully loaded.
T&e Bat Bulge u/ close w&ere little BatanG is coing forward.
Batan is stretc&ing3 c&est out3 gut in. T&e nice sea along &is Bat;tig&ts3 and you can see Batan:s nice t&ig&s. T&e Bat;trun(s are nice3 you can see Batan:s sea of &is Bat;wear underneat&. underneat&. n /rofile3 Batan loo(s li(e an erect /enis wit& a slic(3 s&iney3 s&iney3 Bat;condo on tig&t.
Batan &as nice t&ig&s3 nice and soot& in &is sil(en Bat;tig&ts. T&e groin sees li(e t&e Bat;cod/iece &as deflated3 or Klittle BatanK &as fallen down. T&e Bat;c&est is well fored3 alt&oug& Batan is suc(ing in &is Bat;belly3 yet it sees to sag oer &is Bat;trun(s. Fro t&e sea line in t&e Bat;trun(s &ints at Batan:s underwear. Batan:s lower face3 c&in see a bit sweaty3 and &is Bat cowl is s&ineyaybe t&e blood is rus&ing u/strea fro &is issing Bat utlity belt. T&is iage gies a desire to Bat;/unc& Batan in &is gut.
Batan is nice and s&iny li(e an erect3 aroused /enis. >/ea(ing of /enis it sees eeryone is loo(ing at t&e docuent3 including KLittle BatanK in t&e Bat;trun(s of Batan. Batan is suc(ing in &is c&est3 and &is u//er c&est is /uffed out3 li(e KLittle BatanK below. Batan is (ee/ing &is legs close toget&er3 li(e a guy wit& a a?or &ard;on trying to conceal it. !lt&oug& if were sitting at t&e des(3 a stranger in s&iny tig&ts wit& &is scrotu and /enis wedgie stic(ing out... would be distracted. Batan ig&t &ae soe KBat;bulgingK t&oug&ts.
! close u/ of Batan:s Bat;bulge...alt&oug& Bat;bulge...alt&oug& it sees ore /uffy t&an an erection...t&e Bat;trun(s are wrin(led about Batan:s groin...soe stress. Wonder if Batan can feel Little BatanG /us&ing u/ against &is Bat;tig&ts. -r aybe Batan:s Little BatanG wants a gander at w&at t&e 1oissioner and 1&ief are loo(ing at...a dirty /ictureI
! nice side /rofile of Batan3 t&e sea of &is Bat;trun(s underneat& is noticeable. Wit& t&e /roinent cure in &is groin3 it loo(s li(e KLittle BatanK is tingling to see w&at Batan is loo(ing at.
Batan sees sug saying3 KMy crotc& is big3 round3 and s&inyAK to t&e #reen =ornet. T&e Little BatanG is flo//ing to one side in t&e Bat;stra/. !ll Batan needs on &is Bat;trun(s is an arrow wit& t&e words KT&is end is u/K /ointing to &is groin bulge below.
T&e Little BatanG fro Batan...yu3 yu3 Batan:s bulge is soe...
Batan loo(s stoned3 only a bit of t&e Bat breast uscle is isible3 ot&erwise loo(s soot&. T&ere is a &int of Bat bulge in &is Bat trun(s3 alt&oug& t&e Bat utility bet is u/side;down.
Proud Batan stance9 you can a(e out t&e sea of &is Bat;underwear in t&e dar(;blue Bat;trun(s3 alt&oug& Batan:s /enis and scrotu are not isible wit& t&e folds and wrin(les in &is Bat;trun(s. BatanJs BatanJs /enis loo(s ertical across &is Bat groin. >lig&t run in &is Bat;tig&ts around t&e t&ig&s and w&ere &is Bat;genitals are3 /ulled u/ tig&t. Batan is saying3 )ee/ bac( or will unleas& t&e little Batan belowAG
Batan is standing tall3 suc(ing in &is gut3 rib cage s&owing3 wit& a bit of a bulge s&owing in t&e dar( blue Bat; trun(s. T&e H;sea &olding u/ &is Bat;genitals is s&owing. T&e dar( blue cowl a(es !da West loo( li(e a s&iny new Bat;condo.
nteresting side iew of Batan3 you can see &is Bat;de/ends under &is Bat;trun(s. Hisible Hisible is is &ow t&e Bat;ca/e was attac&ed to Batan:s Bat;tig&ts. Batan:s ca/e3 cowl3 and trun(s are t&e s&iny dar( cerulean blue. T&e Bat;butt is a tig&t and flat3 no Bat;bubble butt.
Batan sees stoned3 calling wardrobe to find &is issing Bat trun(s. !lt&oug& seeing Batan in &is Bat briefs is wondering if Batan is &ot down t&ere. T&e tig&ts s&ow &is nice Bat abs before &is Bat gut and Bat breasts on &is c&est.
Batan all tied down. T&e sea along t&e side of &is c&est is isible3 and t&e sea in &is Bat trun(s. T&e Bat belly is full3 and t&e ro/e across &is u//er c&est along &is ni//les. T&e Bat bulge of /enis and t&e scrotu are tuc(ed in tig&t wit& t&e ro/es rubbing. Tie Batan down3 and t&en Little BatanG stands u/3 rising to t&e occasion.
! nice iew of Batan:s tig&t fir Bat;butt. T&e sea is s&owing along t&e Bat;tig&ts in t&e bac(. Batan is wearing Bat;&ose3 and t&e edges of t&e Bat;briefs are isible t&roug& t&e Bat;trun(s. T&e Bat;trun(s are wrin(led w&ere t&e edges of &is Bat;buttoc(s eet &is t&ig&s. !long t&e sea of &is Bat butt t&e /adding in t&e Bat;briefs is is creating soe soe slig&t ri//les ri//les in t&e e8ternal e8ternal tig&t Bat;trun(s. Bat;trun(s. -r Batan:s Bat;de/ends Bat;de/ends &as s&ifted under t&e load... T&e Bat;&ose on &is t&ig&s &ae a run in t&e...no doubt t&e reason for t&e Bat ca/e.
T&e Bat belly is a nice round gut to &is utility belt3 wit& &is Bat bulge neatly &anging out and oer wit& soe creases. Fro t&e curature loo(s li(e Batan &as a /rotectie cu/ in &is Bat briefs3 or else t&ere is soe fire ot&er t&an in &is &ands.
Many a bulge of Batan. Batan s&ows &is t&ree bulges of t&e Bat. =is Bat breasts bulging out fro &is c&est. T&e Bat belly stretc&ing t&e tig&ts fro t&e wrin(les along t&e side of &is Bat c&est. T&e u//er /art of &is Bat trun(s is tuc(ed in but t&e Bat bulge &as wedged out.
T&e side of Batan:s c&est is tig&t3 t&e wrin(les in &is costue are t&e early loe &andles.
Triad collage of Batan in action. Fro t&e iages Batan:s fir3 tig&t3 round Batt;butt is noticeable3 and t&e Ei//er in &is Bat;tig&ts.
Robin: The Bo' -onder
Robin: The Bo' -onder
Robin is standing by casually. =is Robin crotc& is featureless3 alt&oug& you can see &is nice3 s&iny t&ig&s in &is Robin tig&ts. T&e gloes Robin &as on loo( a bit greasy or stic(yaybe w&y &e &as no Robin bulge now.
Robin &as a new friend3 and fro t&e Robin;bulge cure in &is groin3 a really3 s/ecial friend. Robin says3 =oly /ants t&rob3 need y Boy Wonder /olis&edAG
Robin loo(s li(e a nerous (id for &is graduation /&oto3 trying to &old a /ose. &oes loo( li(e soet&ing Robin too( fro t&e /roduce section.
-ne &as to wonder w&at t&e Riddler is t&in(ing wit& Robin under restraint before &i. 0nfortunately3 0nfortunately3 t&e Riddler:s groin in &is tig&ts is be&ind t&e table. K=oly rogenous T&oug&tsAK Robin &as a faint cure in &is green Robin;trun(s3 and &is /erfectly soot& legs because of &is Robin;&ose.
Robin:s as( is down3 and so is t&e KBoy WonderK in &is Robin trun(s. Per&a/s &is Robin elastic su//ort is li(ewise down3 since Robin:s /enis is u/.
Robin is tense3 /ointing li(e K=oly tingling /enisAK Robin:s trun(s are wrin(led3 &is KBoy WonderK WonderK scrunc&ed toget&er in &is stretc&ed trun(s. !lt&oug& wit& &is legs s/read a/art you can see &is t&ig&s fle8ed t&roug& &is tig&ts.
Robin &as gotten a boner after being tied u/ wit& an older adult an in green tig&ts standing oer &i. Laying on &is side to allow roo for t&e little Boy Wonder to stretc&. T&e little Boy WonderG WonderG is fig&ting confineent in Robin:s trun(s and standing u/.
Robin is ?u/ing down3 but fro t&e bulge in &is trun(s &is little Boy WonderG WonderG is flailing about and flo//ing around. ! nice Robin frontal /enis wedgie..alt&oug& t&e trun(s are wrin(led fro t&e tig&t tension of t&e Boy WonderG below. t would be &ot to see t&e bounce in &is Boy WonderG...
Robin is reealing &is nice wa8y3 s&a/ely3 slender legs in t&e Robin;leg&ose. T&e Robin;trun(s are /inc&ed and tuc(ed in t&e groin3 but wit& Robin:s little Boy WonderG &iding or /us&ing along t&e fabric. Robin is /ointing an accusing finger &is facial e8/ression3 =oly loose trun(s3 you didn:t wa(e u/ y Boy WonderA WonderA golly gee w&iEAG
Robin is stretc&ing &is ca/e3 alt&oug& &e loo(s flat as a board3 or suc(ing in &is Robin crotc&. =oly body searc&... ain:t got not&ing under &ereAG
Robin tied u/ wit&out uc& s&owing. Robin:s legs are nicely tig&t3 wit& &is Robin;trun(s going t&roug& &is groin. T&e stra/ is s@ueeEing down on &is Robin;crotc&3 you wonder &ow tig&t &is /enis and scrotu is in t&e green trun(s.
Robin clibing3 &ard wor(3 &is Boy WonderG WonderG sees to be wor(ing &ard. T&e can on &is belt s&ould be Boy Wonder re/ellantG to (ee/ &is aroused /enis under &is Robin trun(s.
W&en t&e /icture is brig&tened3 Robin:s bulging Boy WonderG is ore isible3 a nice cured bulge. T&e Robin;&ose on t&e legs is alost inisible. T&e green Robin briefs see to e8tend u/ &ig& li(e green safety /ants to /rotect T&e Boy Wonder:s Boy WonderG and (ee/ it tig&tunder control.
Robin a//ears disoriented3 alt&oug& &is KBoy WonderK in t&e green trun(s is wor(ing well. T&e Boy Wonder Wonder in Robin:s trun(s is stretc&ing t&e fabric of t&e lower /art of Robin:s green trun(s. =oly Boy Wonder belowAG
Robin in soe tra/3 t&e rig&t corner it sees li(e &is /enis &as gone &oriEontally across under &is green Robin trun(s.
Robin tied u/3 alt&oug& &is yellow ca/e loo(s li(e a dro/ clot&3 but &is Boy WonderG WonderG sees to rise to t&e bondage and restraint. =oly tig&t fitAG
Robin loo(s li(e &e:s been caug&t in an aw(ward situation. ! ery nice /icture of Robin:s legs in &is Robin;/anty&ose3 but Robin:s KBoywonderK is not isible3 and &is yellow ca/e &ides Robin:s butt fro sig&t.
Robin sees to be bitc&ing about soet&ing...&is own Boy WonderG wedge aybe. T&e Robin trun(s &ae soe wrin(les in t&e green fabric3 w&ere t&e /enis and scrotu of Robin are in a ound between &is t&ig&s. t&ig&s.
Robin &as a run in &is Robin;/anty&ose on &is slender legs. T&e edge of Robin:s Robin;trun(s is /ee(ing out fro &is yellow ca/e3 s&owing Robin:s round butt.
The #'nami/ #uo
The #'nami/ #uo
Batan and Robin are wit& friend. Robin &as a slig&t suggestie cure downward3 in &is Robin trun(s3 w&ile Batan &as a wedge wit& &is /enis /o(ing forward in &is Bat trun(s. Batan:s loo( is one of ou ou li(e w&at you see &IG w&ile rubbing &is &ands3 and &is Bat;bulge ?iggles.
Batan &as not uc& of a bulge in &is Bat;trun(s alt&oug& &is Bat;tig&t legs are solid3 and Robin loo(s li(e &is Robin;trun(s are (nitted. Batan &as nice u//er c&est3 can see &is Bat;breast uscle no Bat;gut.
t loo(s li(e dynaic duo is considering t&eir genitals flo//ing forward forward in t&eir trun(s. Robin loo(s e8tra &eay in t&e groin3 w&ile Batan &as &is /enis stic(ing outward to greet Robin:s. =oly an&ood3 Batan3 y trun(s are full li(e yours.G 'onJt worry old c&u3 itJs ?ust your Robin;deice coing out li(e ine.G
Batan and Robin &anging around3 alt&oug& RobinJs trun(s3 not uc& is dangling. BatanJs BatanJs trun(s &is bulge is flo//ing down creating t&e cure bulge down3 and t&e s&iny creases li(e two eyebrows in &is groin w&ere t&e sea in &is Bat underwear is ri//ling. Bot& &ae nice legs3 Robin li(e a ballet dancer3 dancer3 Batan li(e a /lastic anne@uin3 only wit& sensible Bat bulge.
Batan sees wooEy3 wooEy3 ust be all t&e blood rus&ing toward &is groin and Batan:s Klittle BatanK in &is trun(s. T&e nice cure3 t&e sea under t&e Bat trun(s cures downward to t&e Bat bulge w&ic& is ore wedge fro t&e Bat scrotu. Batan:s c&est is /us&ing out alt&oug& is Bat gut is suc(ed in fro t&e folds in t&e Bat tig&ts along t&e c&est. Robin sees K=oly dee/ essageAK and t&e nice ani(in legs3 but &is Robin trun(s see tig&t and flat3 ?udging fro t&e tig&t line along &is groin. Robin:s KBoy WonderK WonderK is in tig&t3 bent restraint. want to run y inde8 finger fro t&e ta/ered /oint in &is belt buc(le straig&t down oer t&e flat tig&t Robin trun(s. K=oly straig&t linesAK
Batan and Robin are tied down. Batan &as a nice c&est /rofile3 &is Bat gut is sagging out3 and u//er c&est &is Bat breasts are faintly isible. isible. Robin &as nice nice slender legs legs in t&e stoc(ing stoc(ing &ose3 and a nice bulge /rotruding /rotruding in Robin:s trun(s. Robin:s gloes are s&iney and greasy loo(ing3 aybe t&e reason for t&e s&owing ound in Robin:s crotc&. Robin:s KBoy WonderK WonderK sees to rise to t&e t&oug&t of a tingler so is twitc&ing.
Batan is suc(ing in &is Bat;gut during t&e fig&t. T&e bad guy s&ould /unc& Batan in &is Bat;belly. Bat;belly.
Hery nice s&ot of Robin:s leg3 you can see &is fir t&ig& in &is Robin;tig&ts. Robin:s trun(s cure around to &is round Robin butt. RobinJs /enis sees to &ae slide oer in &is Robin trun(s3 offering it to Batan. Batan sees to win( at Robin3 w&ile you can see soe Bat;gut as a Bat;loe &andle in Batan:s tig&ts.! ery &ot s&ot between Batan:s legs3 alt&oug& &is Bat;trun(s are loose and wrin(led so not&ing to see between &is legs.
T&e 'ynaic 'uo see to &ae best /enis flo//ed forward in t&eir tig&ts. Batan loo(s li(e &is Bat gut &as bulged out3 t&e Bat restraint failed. T&e Bat breasts are isible as Batan suc(s in t&e Bat belly. n &is Bat trun(s3 little Batan &as &ung down3 t&en /enis down on &is Bat scrotu3 causing t&e stretc& folds in &is Bat trun(s. Little Batan is /us&ing forward. T&e Robin trun(s &ae t&e KBoy WonderK leaning oer3 all t&e blood is rus&ing down to Robin:s /enis fro t&e restraints. Maybe t&e 'ynaic 'uo &ad a bad inflatable Bat cod/iece failure failure day3 or t&e Bat su//ort cu/s are installed to one side.
Batan &as a nice Bat;bulge wit& &is /enis and scrotu /us&ing forward in &is Bat;trun(s to t&e s&iny s/ot. Batan is suc(ing in &is infaous Bat;gut3 causing &is tig&ts to wrin(le on &is c&est. Robin:s trun(s are flat3 but e8tra long u/ to &is c&est3 alt&oug& fro t&e one wrin(le sees &is Boy Wonder Wonder is in t&e green trun(s. Robin sees to be /us&ing &is tuy out. Bot& loo( li(e t&ey are c&ec(ing by wiggling if t&e Batan bulge and RobinJs boy wonder are still t&ere.
Robin is trying to get free3 w&ile you can see Batan:s /enis and scrotu cure in &is Bat;trun(s /us&ing forward. T&e s&iny lig&t on &is costue a(esBatan wit& &is glistening Bat cowl loo( li(e an erect /enis in a loose condo. ou can see t&e sea underneat& in t&e Bat;trun(s3 and t&at Batan does not &ae &is Bat;gut yet. Batan &as a tig&t3 flat butt under &is ca/e. =oly tig&t but flat butt in t&e Bat trun(sAG Wonder if Robin is feeling Batan:s butt w&ile wor(ing free3 since Robin is flat as a board &eJs not doing anyt&ing stiulatingG T&atJs it old c&uwor( itAG
Robin:s bulge is barely isible3 alt&oug& &is Boy WonderG is not so obious but /resent. Robin is /utting &is &ands toget&er to (ee/ &is Robin bulge fro &anging out3 =oly &ard not to bulgeAG Batan sees to be suc(ing in &is Bat bulge3 but &is Bat gut is /us&ing out3 wit& t&e sea along t&e sides s&owing along &is c&est3 and of course in t&e Bat trun(s. Batan:s /uts &ands on &is &i/s sees to be /us&ing &is Bat belly out.
Batan:s Bat;gut is &anging out3 wit& t&e wrin(led tig&ts across &is c&est3 aguely s&owing Batan:s Bat;/ectorals KBat breastsK but no ni//les. T&e sea on &is t&ig& is isible9 fro &is crotc& &is Bat trun(s are stretc&ed3 loo(s li(e a Bat;de/ends undergarent is stic(ing out fro &is tig&ts. Maybe Batan:s Bat;stra/ &as /o//ed under t&e strain Robin loo(s daEed and confused3 or it is &is sall3 tig&t butt s@ueeEed between t&e crossbars. crossbars. K=oly K=oly barbe@ue BatanA BatanA My Robin buttAK
Batan loo(s caug&t between Bat;s(eleton and Bat;fat in &is years. T&e Bat;belly is suc(ed inward3 and t&e Bat; bulge in Batan:s Batan:s groin is &idden &idden in &is new Bat;tig&ts. T&e /adding in Batan:s costue costue is eit&er fat /adding3 or &iding &is bulgingribs w&ere Batan is suc(ing in &is Bat;gut. Batan:s legs are t&inner t&an Robin:s bare t&ig&s. Robin &as a KBoy WonderK WonderK in &is erdant Robin;trun(s3 alt&oug& t&e Kot&er Boy WonderK &is Robin;gut is flo//ing down. T&e belt of Robin sees to ?ust &old &is Robin;belly in under &is Robin tunic. Bot& bulges are causing t&e wrin(les in &is Robin;trun(s3 alt&oug& &is nicely s&aed Robin t&ig&s are isible.
Robin &as nice t&ic( &air3 well;grooed. well;grooed. Robin &as gotten t&e Batan bat;gut after tie. T&e green Robin trun(s are stretc&ing taut wit& Robin:s Belly BoywonderG aboe &is groin wit& Robin:s utility belt &olding t&e stoac& in /lace. Batan Batan could rub Robin:s Robin:s new Boywonder Boywonder BellyG and a(e a wis&. wis&. Batan &as t&e infaous cowl a(ing &i loo( li(e &e &as a double;c&in li(e a gila onster. onster. Batan is t&ic(er but wit& &is costue tig&tening3 alt&oug& Batan:s breast uscle &as nice soft cures...t&e Batan boso. Batan &as a ore doug&y body3 but yet &is sile sees alost a deat&:s &ead grin.
Batan and Robin are &anging around w&ile in soe illain:s tra/. Robin:s gut is stretc&ed out3 but &is Klittle BoywonderK is tuc(ed in between &is legs3 wit& t&e slig&t cure s&owing w&ere &is /enis is &anging. Robin:s green trun(s go u/ under &is tunic and see stretc&ed wit& Robin:s belly &anging out. Batan:s side s&ow:s &is t&ic( c&est3 and reeals Batan:s slender ars. T&e sea of Batan:s tig&ts along &is side is isible3 and t&e e8tra /adding oer t&e side of &is utility beltt&e beginnings of Batan:s Batan:s loe &andles. &andles.
Robin:s gut is cured out3 and Robin:s fir but slender legs are s&owing3 in contrast wit& Batan:s t&ic(er3 eatier t&ig&s but sli lower leg. Batan:s Bat;belly is s&owing3 flo//ing out wit& t&e utility belt &olding it in /lace. !ll Batan needs a gun in a &olster to loo( li(e a stereoty/ical law enforceent officer. KLittle BatanK in Batan:s Bat;trun(s is isible3 Batan:s /enis flo//ing out and down. >trange contrast of t&e Bat;gut stic(ing out3 and Klittle BatanK flo//ing out3 stretc&ing Batan:s blue trun(s.
>weaty and bulging Batan3 alt&oug& it loo(s li(e Batan is consti/ated. T&is Batan &as a nice c&est3 s&iny tig&ts3 and a t&ic( t&ig&s. T&e groin &as t&e nice Bat;bulge but not so /ronounced3 t&e Bat;trun(s loo( li(e tig&t wra//ings around t&e /enis /o(ing out.
! /erfect Bat;c&est Bat;c&est in &is Bat;costue3 alt&oug& really cannot see uc& of Batan. Perfection fro eit&er Bat;i/lants3 or an insertable Bat c&est /rofile.
-t&er Batan3 but suc(ing in &is gut3 c&est out3 but t&e /enis and scrotu are flo//ing down and outt&e one finger salute of t&e ale groin.
Hery nice /enis bulge front and center.
T&is is a great close u/ of t&e /enis bulge3 wit& t&e /enis flo//ing to t&e side3 and t&e twist in t&e trun(s stretc&ing t&e tig&ts. Loo(ing at t&e /enis and scrotu bulge3 alost want to as(3 1an touc& and rub itIG
Ta(ing a rest3 and sweaty. But it is a nice subtle /enis bulge3 loo(s li(e t&e /enis is flo//ed to one side.
Hery yuy s@uat /ose for BatanA Penis and scrotu scrunc&ed u/ wit& nice bu/.
=ot ?u/3 t&e tig&ts wit& t&e /enis and scrotu bouncing underneat&9 Batan is &ot fro t&e sweat stains3 t&e taint between &is butt butt stretc&ed.
Tig&t and faintly bulged ery nicelyA
Batan ery dignified een if sweating in &is tig&ts.
! nice ac&o Batan stance9 fle8ing all &is uscles3 and &is /enis is /o(ing out of &is Bat;trun(s to t&e side stretc&ing t&e fabric. T&e Bat;trun(s are Ktuc(edK between &is legs wit& ertical wrin(les w&ere t&e /enis is /us&ing out as &e fle8es &is uscles tig&t. ! nice c&est wit& soe sweat stains3 loo(s li(e an inflatable uscular c&est /ac(.
nteresting contrast3 t&e blue Batan &as a nice /enis /o(ing forward in &is groin3 and c&est sees /uffed u/ stretc&ing &is tig&ts3 &iding &is breast uscles3 ni//les3 and nael. T&e blac( Batan &as body aror &iding all &is ale features3 and a fa(e;cu//ed bulge alost an at&letic cu/ /rotectorC in in &is groin.
!ateur nig&t Batan3 a troe of isatc&ed =alloween =alloween costues. >/ea(ing of a &ollow weenie3 nice strong t&ig&s3 not uc& of a Bat bulge3 and no Batan belt buc(le. Batan ust &ae a soot& c&est3 no ni//les3 and no Bat belly. T&e Batan cowl sees li(e &e grabbed it fro anot&er Batan wannabe.
!n early tric( or treat Batan struts &is stuff. n /rofile can see faint Bat breasts3 and a /otential Bat gut. >trong3 nice t&ig&s in t&e grey tig&ts3 but t&e Bat groin sees oers&adowed by t&e nascent Bat belly.
Batan lifts a leg...wit& a nice Bat;bulge wit& &is /enis /o(ing forward9 Batan &as a nice t&ig&3 you can see t&e sea along t&e inside. Batan:s nael and u//er c&est are s&owing &is Bat;breast. Bat;breast.
T&is is a ery /lastic costue li(e a body condo. Boots gie costue a toot&/aste Batan loo(. Hery Hery soot& and slic(3 e8ce/t for t&e slig&t bu/ in &is tig&ts. Loo(s li(e t&e /enis and scrotu are bulging fro t&e tig&t /lastic.
Fro t&e side of t&e s&iny blue Batan costue3 can see t&e /enis &anging and stretc&ing down in &is groin3 and see t&e nice cure of &is round buttoc(s. Faint outline of &is u//er c&est3 see t&e breast uscles3 alt&oug& nice u//er ar uscle.
Tasty Batan buttoc(s cure out3 alt&oug& &is trun(s are riding u/ wit& &is rig&t cleft of &is buttoc( /ee(ing out. T&ic(3 full t&ig&s3 and t&e sea w&ere &is buttoc( is s&owingery s&owingery nice.
Batan &as sensuous well;s&a/ed t&ig&s3 and a &int of a /enis bulge3 wit&out a Bat;gut3 sweat stain3 or a costue sea s&owing.
Batan is slee/ing wit& no Robin.
Robin s&ows t&e green Robin trun(s t&roug& &is Robin butt3 alt&oug& Robin:s t&ig&t are t&ic( for t&e Boy Wonder3 een wit& t&e Robin tig&ts. Batan is straining3 alt&oug& Klittle BatanK sees to tig&ten u/ in Batan:s /lastic;li(e Bat trun(s.
it&er Robin is ad?ust &is green trun(s for &is KBoy WonderK or c&ec(ing t&at &is Robin;tig&ts do not &ae a run in &is Robin;&ose. =oly leg tig&tsA Per&a/s Robin is ensuring &is own KBoy WonderK is down under.
=oly /&allus tuescenceA T&is Robin is iitating t&e true Robin wit& &is /enis bu/ in t&e green tig&ts. t is a nice long /enis bulge3 slanting erect in &is groin and green trun(s3 t&rusting u/wardin contrast to t&e stoc(ing tig&ts on t&e slender legs.
Robin &as a nice /enis bulge u/ward at an angle in &is tig&ts. T&e green under tig&ts are stic(ing out fro too uc& /ressure /us&ing outward fro &is /enis and groin. groin. Maybe t&e sea will tear. tear.
=e &as a ery curaceous good /enis flo/ oer t&e scrotu wedge forward along t&e sea on t&e trun(s.
T&e /enis is /ointing toward nort& for a nice wedge in t&e /ea green trun(s3 or Robin &as a cucuber stic(ing forward fro &is groin. Legs are nice3 eit&er a leg;s&aer or nice leg tig&ts or /anty &ose.
8ilog T&e editor3 and t&e @uadru/let of aut&ors &ae tried to select t&e iages3 /&otos3 and /ictures t&at are t&e best for t&e e;boo(. T&e aut&ors: goals &ae eac& been e8/ressed in t&e /rolog3 but t&ere is a s/ecial t&an(s to t&e /eo/le in t&e iages used for t&e e;boo(. Two reaining t&an(s3 a//reciation3 and gratitude reain fro t&e aut&ors... First to t&e reader3 for reading t&e e;boo(3 writers and aut&ors are not&ing wit&out t&eir readers. W&ile un(nown to t&e @uadru/let of aut&ors3 we (now w&o you are by your interest reading t&is e;boo(. >econd3 and lastly but not leastly are t&e now legendary /air of cultural icons !da West and Burt Ward. Wit&out t&e bot& of t&e /ortraying Batan and Robin res/ectiely3 res/ectiely3 t&e world would be a ery different /lace3 and t&is e;boo( would not e8ist. T&e last3 final sentence is a @uestion3 for w&ic& t&is e;boo( &as been t&e answer%
“What’s u with the bulge!"
“What#s u (or what#s hanging down and out$$$) with the bulge!"
The Fair 4se .aw of &o'right ages and /&otos in t&is boo( are /rotected by co/yrig&t and are used wit&in t&e guidelines of t&e 1o/yrig&t Fair 0se Law under Title *7 >ection *+7 of 0nited >tates 1ode.
PER TITLE 17 - UNITED STATES STATES CODE - SECTION 107 "Notwithstanding the po!isions o se#tions 10$ and 10$A% the ai &se o a #op'ighted wo(% in#)&ding sh &se *' epodtion in #opies o phonoe#ods o *' an' othe +eans spe#iied *' that se#tion% o p&poses sh as #iti#is+% #o++ent% news epoting% tea#hing ,in#)&ding +&)tip)e #opies o #)assoo+ &se% s#ho)aship% o esea#h% is not an ininge+ent o #op'ight. In dete+ining whethe the &se +ade o a wo( in an' pati#&)a #ase is a ai &se the a#tos to *e #onsideed sha)) in#)&de 1. The p&pose and #haa#te o the &se% in#)&ding whethe sh &se is o a #o++e#ia) nat&e o is o nonpoit edationa) p&poses/ . The nat&e o the #op'ighted wo(/ . The a+o&nt and s&*stantia)it' o the potion &sed in e)ation to the #op'ighted wo( as a who)e/ and 2. The ee#t o the &se &pon the potentia) +a(et o o !a)&e o the #op'ighted wo(. The a#t that a wo( is &np&*)ished sha)) not itse) *a a inding o ai &se i sh inding is +ade &pon #onsideation o a)) the a*o!e a#tos."
Full .i/ense
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2. Fair Use Rights. Nothing Rights. Nothing in this )i#ense is intended to ede% )i+it% o esti#t an' ights aising o+ ai &se% ist sa)e o othe )i+itations on the e?#)&si!e ights o the #op'ight owne &nde #op'ight )aw o othe app)i#a*)e )aws. . License !rant. S&*e#t !rant. S&*e#t to the te+s and #onditions o this Li#ense% Li#enso hee*' gants :o& a wo)dwide% o'a)t'-ee% non-e?#)&si!e% pepet&a) ,o the d&ation o the app)i#a*)e #op'ight )i#ense to e?e#ise the ights in the 4o( as stated *e)owB a. to epode the 4o(% 4o(% to in#opoate the 4o( 4o( into one o +oe Co))e#ti!e Co))e#ti!e 4o(s% 4o(s% and to epode the 4o( as in#opoated in the Co))e#ti!e 4o(s/ and%
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*. :o& +a' not e?e#ise an' an' o the ights ights ganted ganted to :o& :o& in Se#tion Se#tion a*o!e a*o!e in an' +anne that is pi+ai)' intended o o die#ted towad #o++e#ia) ad!antage o pi!ate +oneta' #o+pensation. #o+pensation. The e?#hange o the 4o( o othe #op'ighted wo(s *' +eans o digita) i)e-shaing o othewise sha)) not *e #onsideed to *e intended o o die#ted towad #o++e#ia) ad!antage ad!antage o pi!ate +oneta' #o+pensation% po!ided thee is no pa'+ent o an' +oneta' #o+pensation in #onne#tion with the e?#hange o #op'ighted wo(s.
#. I :o& :o& disti*&te% disti*&te% p&*)i#)' disp)a'% disp)a'% p&*)i#)' peo+% o p&*)i#)' digita))' digita))' peo+ the 4o( ,as deined in Se#tion 1 a*o!e o Co))e#ti!e 4o(s ,as deined in Se#tion 1 a*o!e% :o& :o& +&st% &n)ess a e&est has *een +ade p&s&ant to Se#tion 2,a% (eep inta#t a)) #op'ight noti#es o the 4o( and po!ide% easona*)e to the +edi&+ o +eans :o& ae &ti)i@ingB ,i the na+e o the Oigina) A&tho ,o pse&don'+% i app)i#a*)e i s&pp)ied% and
d. 6o the the a!oidan#e a!oidan#e o do&*t% do&*t% whee whee the 4o( 4o( is a +&si#a) +&si#a) #o+position #o+positionBB
a. #erfor$ance Ro%alties Un&er 'lanket Licenses. Li#enso Licenses. Li#enso ese!es the e?#)&si!e ight to #o))e#t whethe indi!id&a))' o% o% in the e!ent that Li#enso is a +e+*e o a peo+an#e ights so#iet' ,e.g. ASCAP% 9I% SESAC% !ia that so#iet'% so#iet'% o'a)ties o the p&*)i# peo+an#e o p&*)i# digita) peo+an#e ,e.g. we*#ast o the 4o( i that peo+an#e is pi+ai)' intended o o die#ted towad #o++e#ia) ad!antage o pi!ate +oneta' #o+pensation.
*. (echanical Rights an& )tatutor% Ro%alties. Li#enso ese!es the e?#)&si!e ight to #o))e#t% whethe indi!id&a))' o !ia a +&si# ights agen#' o designated agent ,e.g. 3a' 6o? Agen#'% o'a)ties o an' phonoe#od :o& #eate o+ the 4o( ,"#o!e !esion" and disti*&te% s&*e#t to the #o+p&)so' )i#ense #eated *' 17 USC Se#tion 11 o the US Cop'ight A#t ,o the e&i!a)ent in othe &isdi#tions% i :o& :o& disti*&tion o sh #o!e !esion is pi+ai)' intended o o die#ted towad #o++e#ia) ad!antage ad!antage o pi!ate +oneta' #o+pensation.
e. We*casting Rights an& )tatutor% Ro%alties. 6o the a!oidan#e o do&*t% whee the 4o( is a so&nd e#oding% Li#enso ese!es the e?#)&si!e ight to #o))e#t% whethe indi!id&a))' o !ia a peo+an#e-ights so#iet' ,e.g. So&ndE?#hange% o'a)ties o the p&*)i# digita) peo+an#e ,e.g. we*#ast o the 4o(% s&*e#t to the #o+p&)so' )i#ense #eated *' 17 USC Se#tion 112 o the US Cop'ight A#t ,o the e&i!a)ent in othe &isdi#tions% i :o& p&*)i# digita) peo+an#e is pi+ai)' intended o o die#ted towad #o++e#ia) ad!antage ad!antage o pi!ate +oneta' #o+pensation. +. Re,resentations- Warranties an& Disclai$er UNLESS OT3ER4ISE 9UTUALL: A;REED TO : T3E PARTIES IN 4RITIN;% LICENSOR O66ERS T3E 4OR5 AS-IS AND ONL: TO T3E E>TENT O6 AN: RI;3TS 3ELD IN T3E LICENSED 4OR5 : T3E LICENSOR. T3E LICENSOR 9A5ES NO REPRESENTATIONS REPRESENTATIONS OR 4ARRANTIES O6 AN: 5IND CONCERNIN; T3E 4OR5% E>PRESS% I9PLIED% STATUTOR: OR OT3ER4ISE% INCLUDIN;% 4IT3OUT LI9ITATION% 4ARRANTIES O6 TITLE% 9AR5ETAILIT:% 9ERC3ANTIILIT:% 6ITNESS 6OR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE% NONIN6RIN;E9ENT% OR T3E ASENCE O6 LATENT OR OT3ER DE6ECTS% ACCURAC:% OR T3E PRESENCE O6 ASENCE O6 ERRORS% 43ET3ER OR NOT DISCO8ERALE. SO9E FURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLO4 T3E E>CLUSION O6 I9PLIED 4ARRANTIES% SO SUC3 E>CLUSION 9A: NOT APPL: TO :OU. . Li$itation on Lia*ilit%. E>CEPT Lia*ilit%. E>CEPT TO T3E E>TENT REGUIRED : APPLICALE LA4% IN NO E8ENT 4ILL LICENSOR E LIALE TO :OU ON AN: LE;AL T3EOR: 6OR AN: SPECIAL% INCIDENTAL% INCIDENTAL% CONSEGUENTIAL% PUNITI8E OR E>E9PLAR: DA9A;ES ARISIN; OUT O6 T3IS LICENSE OR T3E USE O6 T3E 4OR5% E8EN I6 LICENSOR 3AS EEN AD8ISED O6 T3E POSSIILIT: O6 SUC3 DA9A;ES. /. 0er$ination a. This Li#ense Li#ense and the ights ganted hee&nde wi)) te+inate te+inate a&to+ati#a))' a&to+ati#a))' &pon an' *ea#h *' :o& o the te+s o this Li#ense. Indi!id&a)s o entities who ha!e e#ei!ed Co))e#ti!e 4o(s ,as deined in Se#tion 1 a*o!e o+ :o& &nde this Li#ense% howe!e% wi)) not ha!e thei )i#enses te+inated po!ided sh indi!id&a)s o entities e+ain in &)) #o+p)ian#e with those )i#enses. Se#tions 1% % % $% 7% and H wi)) s&!i!e an' te+ination o this Li#ense.
*. S&*e#t S&*e#t to the a*o!e a*o!e te+s and #ondition #onditions% s% the )i#ense )i#ense ganted ganted hee is pepet&a) pepet&a) ,o the d&ation o the app)i#a*)e #op'ight in the 4o(. Notwithstanding the a*o!e% Li#enso ese!es the ight to e)ease the 4o( &nde dieent )i#ense te+s o to stop disti*&ting the 4o( at an' ti+e/ po!ided% howe!e that an' sh e)e#tion wi)) not se!e to withdaw this Li#ense ,o an' othe )i#ense that has *een% o is e&ied to *e% ganted &nde the te+s o this Li#ense% and this Li#ense wi)) #ontin&e in &)) o#e and ee#t &n)ess te+inated as stated a*o!e. . (iscellaneous a. Ea#h ti+e ti+e :o& :o& disti*&te disti*&te o p&*)i#)' p&*)i#)' digita))' digita))' peo+ the 4o( 4o( ,as deined in Se#tion 1 a*o!e o a Co))e#ti!e 4o( ,as deined in Se#tion 1 a*o!e% the Li#enso oes to the e#ipient a )i#ense to the 4o( on the sa+e te+s and #onditions as the )i#ense ganted to :o& &nde this Li#ense.
*. I an' po!ision o this Li#ense is in!a)id in!a)id o &neno#ea*)e &nde app)i#a*)e app)i#a*)e )aw% )aw% it sha)) not ae#t the !a)idit' o eno#ea*i)it' o the e+ainde o the te+s o this Li#ense% and witho&t &the a#tion *' the paties to this agee+ent% sh po!ision sha)) *e eo+ed to the +ini+&+ e?tent ne#essa' to +a(e sh po!ision !a)id and eno#ea*)e.
#. No te+ o po!is po!ision ion o this this Li#ense Li#ense sha)) *e *e dee+ed wai!e wai!ed d and no *ea#h *ea#h #onsented to &n)ess sh wai!e o #onsent sha)) *e in witing and signed *' the pat' to *e #haged with sh wai!e o #onsent.
d. This Li#ense Li#ense #onstit #onstit&tes &tes the entie entie agee+ent agee+ent *etween *etween the the paties paties with espe#t espe#t to the 4o( )i#ensed hee. Thee ae no &ndestandings% agee+ents o epesentations with espe#t to the 4o( not spe#iied hee. Li#enso sha)) not *e *o&nd *' an' additiona) po!isions that +a' appea in an' #o++&ni#ation o+ :o&. This Li#ense +a' not *e +odiied witho&t the +&t&a) witten agee+ent o the Li#enso and :o&.
T&is is a nice bulge in t&e gleaing blac( /lastic. >oet&ing is /us&ing eit&er u/3 or falling forward you can see t&e &ead of Batan:s /enis. T&e creases and folds in t&e blac( s&iny Bat trun(s w&ere t&e /enis and scrotu are located.T&e aterial aterial &as a slig&t run in t&e tig&ts of t&e nice t&ig&s of Batan. T&e &ands see to say J Batan and &ae t&e bulge in y Bat tig&ts to /roe itAG
! nice3 &ot3 tig&t3 fir butt is in s&iny blue /lastic. >eeing t&e crease of t&e undergarent3 and t&e sea along t&e sides of t&e s&iny Bat trun(s. T&e Bat trun(s wrin(le in t&e wedge t&roug& eac& buttoc(. tyrofoa tig&ts. T&e &and on t&e belt sees to say3 Read y Bat butt3 J BatanAG
9 Finis 9