something starts to bother you, wait as long as you can before you express frustration. Focus on someone or something that ordinarily makes you lose your patience and try to understand it. Whatever happens in life, face and accept it. Write your problems down if it makes you feel better. When you look back at your entries, you¶ll either realise that your previous problem seemed so petty now or you had finally overcame that problem you had and you¶re ready to tackle a new one. Besides that, relaxing or motivating music will definitely perk you up. Beethoven persevered despite being deaf and managed to compose many beautiful pieces like Fur Elise. Thomas Edison (inventor) had a learning problem, Stevie Wonder (musician) is blind, Terry Fox (runner) is an amputee with cancer, Helen Keller (author) was deaf and blind, Franklin D. Roosevelt (president) was paralyzed from polio and Stephen Hawking (physicist) has Lou Gehrig¶s disease. Great people always persevere no matter what.
right attitude
Many inventors were first frustrated when using the wrong resources for their inventions but when they imbibed the right information with the right attitude, their inventions became known and they became inventors. Money, wealth, riches, good quality of life, flashy cars or big houses etc. whatever is it that drives you to acquisition of anything is not the greatest achievement in life but the right attitude to everything and everyone in life. As we embark on this new journey this week, let us adopt the right attitude to our friends, neighbours, colleagues, workers, employers, businesses and to everyone we come across, every relationship or friendship we find ourselves in and more importantly our relationship to our maker, our creator, the one who moulded us out of nothing, HE has made us somebody out of nothing, record how far your positive or negative attitude takes you this week and determine to change the world around you.
³Lear ³Learn f rom yester yesterday, live for for today, hope for for tomorr tomorrow.´ ow.´