hdrmwdrk iy
Yonc Zbrrmf
Horst ^tmp td
Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry Edw Jdk Nbf Embl _dur Lohm
Gdef Ibcm r
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B][EDY‟^ FD[M7 Imnbusm O ebvm poncmk up b vbromty dh qudtms bfk sldjbfs hrd` fu`mrdus rmndvmry `mmtofjs, tbpms, bfk sm`ofbrs, O ebvm fdt immf bilm td prdvokm sd`m sdurnms hdr bll dh tem `btmrobl emrm. Oh ydu hmml tebt O ebvm qudtmk ydur `btmrobl, plmbsm lmt `m cfdw bfk O woll im plmbsmk td jovm ydu tem nrmkot. WDFKMYXBF _dur Horst ^tmp td Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry Ndpyrojet © 9129 iy Gdef I bcmr [eos totlm os blsd bvbolbilm bs b Wdfkmrvbf middc. Xosot www.zdfkmrvbf.nd`/middcs. Ymqumsts hdr ofhdr`btodf sedulk im bkkrmssmk td7 Wdfkmrvbf, Jrbfk Ybpoks, @oneojbf ;?=>1 NOQ kbtb td nd`m Bll ^nropturm qudtbtodfs, uflmss dtemrwosm ofkonbtmk, ofkon btmk, brm tbcmf hrd` tem Edly Ioilm7 Ioilm7 ® ® Fmw Oftmrfbtodfbl Xmrsodf . FOX . Ndpyrojet © 2?:>, 2?:5, 2?5; iy Ioilonb, Ofn. ]smk iy pmr`ossodf. Bll rojets rmsmrvmk. ^nropturm qudtbtodfs `brcmk [LI brm tbcmf hrd` [em Lovofj Ioilm © Ioilm © 2?:2. ]smk iy pmr`ossodf dh [yfkblm Edusm Quilosemrs, Quilosemrs, Ofn., Zembtdf, OL 8125?. Bll rojets rmsmrvmk. ^nropturm qudtbtodfs `brcmk JF[ brm hrd` [em Jddk Fmws Ioilm ([dkby‟s Mfjlose Xmrsodf). Xmrsodf). Ndpyrojet © B`mronbf Ioilm ^dnomty 2?88, 2?:2, 2?:8, 2??9. ]smk iy pmr`ossodf. ^nropturm qudtbtodfs `brcmk @^J brm tbcmf hrd` [em @mssbjm. @mssbjm. Ndpyrojet © 2??>, 2??;, 2??=, 2??8, 9111, 9112, 9119. ]smk iy pmr`ossodf dh FbvQrmss Quiloseofj Jrdup. ^nropturm qudtbtodfs `brcmk FNX brm hrd` [em Edly Ioilm, Ioilm, Fmw Nmftury Xmrsodf, Xmrsodf , Ndpyrojet © 2?5:, 2?55, 2??2 iy Zdrk Quiloseofj , Kbllbs, [mxbs :=1>?. ]smk iy pmr`ossodf. Bfy Oftmrfmt bkkrmssms (wmisotms, ildjs, mtn.) bfk tmlmpedfm fu`imrs of teos iddc brm dhhmrmk bs b rmsdurnm. [emy brm fdt oftmfkmk of bfy wby td im dr o`ply bf mfkdrsm`mft iy Wdfkmrvbf, fdr kdms Wdfkmrvbf vdune hdr tem ndftmft dh temsm sotms bfk fu`imrs hdr tem lohm dh teos iddc. Bll rojets rmsmrvmk. Fd pbrt dh teos puilonbtodf `by im rmprdkunmk, stdrmk of b rmtromvbl systm`, dr trbfs`ottmk trbfs`ot tmk of bfy hdr` dr iy bfy `mbfs ‛ mlmntrdfo mlmntrdfon, n, `mnebfo`mnebfo nbl, pedtdndpy, rmndrkofj, dr bfy dtemr ‛ mxnmpt hdr iromh qudtbtodfs of proftmk rmvomws, wotedut tem prodr pmr`ossodf dh tem puilosemr. Ndvmr kmsojf7 Irbfk Fbvojbtodf Ndvmr pedtdjrbpey7 Kbvok Ydiiofs / Jmtty O`bjms Oftmrodr kmsojf7 @onemllm Mspofdsb Qroftmk of tem ]fotmk ^tbtms dh B`mronb 29 2> 2; 2= 28 2: 25 /❘ @L/ 2? 25 2: 28 2= 2; 2> 29 22 21 ? 5 : 8 = ; > 9 2
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NDF[MF[^ Oftrdkuntodf7 Zebt Os Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry4 iy Yonc Zbrrmf / UU NEBQ[MY D DFM
Zey Kok Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry Jmt ^tbrtmk4 ^tb rtmk4 / U UU U NEBQ[MY [ [ZD
Edw Kd O Cfdw C fdw Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry Zdrcs4 / U UU U NEBQ[MY [ [EYMM
Zebt Nbf N bf O Mxpmnt Mxp mnt td Ebppmf bt @y Horst Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry @mmtofj4 / U UU U NEBQ[MY H HD]Y
Edw Nbf O Jmt @drm Rumstodfs Bfswmrmk bidut Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry4 / U UU U
Nldsofj [edujets / UU Bppmfkox B7 [wmlvm ^tmps bfk [emor Ioilonbl Nd`pbrosdfs / U U Bppmfkox I7 Edw Jdk Ebs Ebs Nebfjmk @y Lohm terduje Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry / U U
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[em Ioilm nlmbrly stbtms “bll ebvm soffmk.‐ Ot os `y fbturm td sof, bfk ot os ydurs tdd. Fdfm dh us os uftboftmk. Imnbusm Imn busm dh sof, wm‟vm wm‟vm bll eurt dursmlvms, wm‟vm bll eurt dtemr pmdplm, bfk dtemrs ebvm eurt us. [eos [e os `mbfs mbne dh us u s fmmks rmndvmry of drkmr td lovm dur lovms tem wby Jdk oftmfkmk. _du‟vm _du ‟vm ufkduit ufkduitmkl mklyy emb embrk rk tem mxpr mxprmss mssodf odf “to`m emb embls ls bl blll wdufks.‐‐ ]fhdrtufbtmly wdufks. ]fhdrtufbtmly,, ot ot osf‟ osf‟t trum. Bs b pbstdr pbstdr,, O hrmqumftly tblc wote pmdplm wed brm stoll nbrryofj nbrryo fj eurts hrd` teorty dr hdrty ymbrs bjd. [em trute os, to`m to `m dhtmf `bcms teofjs te ofjs wdrsm. Zdufks Zdufks tebt brm lmht uftmfkmk hmstmr bfk sprmbk ofhmntodf terdujedut ydur mftorm idky. [o`m dfly mxtmfks tem pbof oh tem prdilm` osf‟t kmblt wote. Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry® os b ioilonbl bfk iblbfnmk prdjrb` tebt emlps us dvmrnd`m dur eurts, ebfj-ups, bfk ebiots. Ot os ibsmk df tem bntubl wdrks dh Gmsus rbtemr tebf psynedldjonbl temdry. Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry os `drm mhhmntovm of emlpofj us nebfjm tebf bfyteofj mlsm O‟vm smmf dr embrk dh. Dvmr tem ymbrs O‟vm smmf edw Jdk ebs usmk teos prdjrb` td trbfshdr` lotmrblly tedusbfks dh lovms bt ^bkklmibnc Neurne bfk td emlp pmdplm jrdw tdwbrk hull Nerostlocm `bturoty. @dst pmdplm brm hb`olobr wote tem nlbsson 29-^tmp prdjrb` dh BB B B bfk dtemr jrdups. Zeolm Z eolm ufkdui u fkduitmkly tmkly `bfy ` bfy lovms lovm s ebvm immf im mf emlpmk terduje tem 29 ^tmps, O‟vm blwbys immf ufnd`hdrtbilm wote
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tebt prdjrb`‟s vbjumfmss bidut tem fbturm dh Jdk, tem sbvofj pdwmr dh Gmsus Nerost, bfk tem `ofostry dh tem Edly ^porot. ^d O imjbf bf oftmfsm stuky dh tem ^nropturms td kosndvmr webt Jdk ebk td sby bidut “rmndvmry.‐ [d `y b`bzm`mft, O hdufk tem profnoplms dh rmndvmry ‛ of temor ldjonbl drkmr ‛ jovmf iy Nerost of Eos `dst hb`dus `mssbjm, tem ^mr`df df tem @duft. @y stuky rmsultmk of b tmf-wmmc smroms dh `mssbjms nbllmk nb llmk “[em Ydbk td Ymndvmry.‐ Kurofj tebt smroms, Qbstdr Gdef Ibcmr kmvmldpmk tem pbrtonopbft‟s juokms weone imnb`m tem embrt dh dur Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry prdjrb`. O imlomvm tebt teos prdjrb` os uflocm bfy rmndvmry prdjrb` ydu `by ebvm smmf. [emrm brm sox hmbturms tebt `bcm ot ufoqum. 2. Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry os ibsmk df Jdk‟s Zdrk , tem Ioilm . Zemf Gmsus tbujet tem ^mr`df ^mr`df df tem @duft, @duft, Em imjbf iy stbtofj mojet wbys td im im ebppy ebppy.. [dkby [dkby wm nbll tem` tem Imbtotukms. Hrd Hrd` ` b ndfvmftodfbl vomwpdoft, `dst dh temsm stbtm`mfts kdf‟t `bcm smfsm. [emy sdufk locm ndftrbkontodfs. Iut wemf ydu hully ufkmrstbfk webt Gmsus os sbyofj, sby ofj, ydu‟ll rmblozm rmb lozm tebt temsm mojet profnoplms brm b rm Jdk‟s rdbk td rmndvmry, wedlmfmss, jrdwte, bfk sporotubl `bturoty. 9. Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry os hdrwbrk-lddcofj. Ybtemr tebf wblldw wblldw-ofj of tem pbst dr krmkjofj up bfk rmembrsofj pbofhul `m`droms dvmr bfk dvmr, wm ndfhrdft dur pbst bfk `dvm df. Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry hdnusms df tem huturm. Ymjbrklmss dh webt ebs blrmbky ebppmfmk, tem sdlutodf os td stbrt `bcofj wosm nedonms fdw bfk kmpmfk df Nerost‟s pdwmr td emlp us `bcm tedsm nebfjms. >. Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry m`pebsozms pmrsdfbl rmspdfsoioloty. Ofstmbk dh plbyofj tem “bnnusm bfk mxnusm‐ jb`m dh vonto`ozbtodf, teos prdjrb` emlps us hbnm up td dur dwf pddr nedonms bfk kmbl wote webt wm nb nbf f kd sd`mte sd`mteofj ofj bidut. Zm nb nbffdt ffdt ndftrdl bl blll tebt ebppmfs td us, iut wm nbf ndftrdl edw wm rmspdfk td mvmryteofj. mvmryt eofj. [ebt os b smnrmt dh ebppofmss. Zemf wm stdp wbstofj to`m hoxofj tem ilb`m, wm ebvm `drm mfmrjy td hox tem prdilm`. Zemf wm stdp eokofj dur dwf hbults bfk stdp eurlofj bnnusbtodfs bnnu sbtodfs bt dtemrs, temf tem emblofj emblof j pdwmr dh dh Nerost nbf nb f imjof wdrcofj of dur `ofk, woll, bfk b fk m`dtodfs. 5
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;. Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry m`pebsozms sporotubl nd``ot`mft td Gmsus Nerost. [em teork profnoplm nblls hdr us td `bcm b tdtbl surrmfkmr dh dur lovms td Nerost. Lbstofj rmndvmry nbffdt ebppmf wotedut teos profnoplm. Mvmryidky fmmks Gmsus. =. Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry utolozms tem ioilonbl trute tebt wm fmmk mbne dtemr of drkmr td jrdw sporotublly bfk m`dtodfblly. Ot os iuolt brdufk s`bll jrdup oftmrbntodf bfk tem hmlldwseop dh b nbrofj nd``ufoty. [emrm brm `bfy temrbpoms, jrdwte prdjrb`s, bfk ndufsmldrs tdkby tebt te bt dpmrbtm brdufk dfm-td-dfm oftmrbntodf. Iut Iut Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry os iuolt iuo lt df tem Fmw [mstb [mstb`mft `mft profnoplm profnoplm tebt wm kdf‟t kdf‟t jmt wmll iy dursmlvms. du rsmlvms. Zm fmmk mbne dtemr. Hmlldwseop bfk bnnduftbioloty brm twd o`pdrtbft nd`pdfmfts dh sporotubl jrdwte. 8. Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry bkkrmssms bll typms dh eurts , ebfj-ups, bfk ebiots. ^d`m rmndvmry prdjrb`s kmbl dfly wote blndedl dr krujs dr bfdtemr sofjlm prdilm`. Iut Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry os b “lbrjm u`irmllb‐ prdjrb` ufkmr weone b lo`otlmss fu`imr dh ossums nbf im kmblt wote. Bt ^bkklmibnc Neurne, dfly dfm dut dh termm wed bttmfk Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry os kmblofj wote blndedl dr krujs. Zm ebvm `bfy dtemr spmnoblozmk jrdups. O‟` mxnotmk tebt ydu ebvm kmnokmk td imjof tem Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry gdurfmy. _du brm jdofj td smm ydur lohm nebfjm of krb`bton wbys. _du brm jdofj td mxpmromfnm m xpmromfnm hrmmkd` hrd` ydur lohm‟s eurts, ebfj-ups, eb fj-ups, bfk ebiots ebiots bs ydu blldw Gmsus td im Ldrk of mvmry brmb dh ydur lohm. [d Jdk im tem jldry! O‟ll im prbyofj hdr ydu.
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Nebptmr 2
JM[ ^[BY[MK4
_du _ du brm fdt bldfm. Of tem s`bll s`bl l noty dh Zmst @dfrdm, @dfrdm, Lduosobfb, Lduosobfb , `mf bfk wd`mf `mmt bt Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry td sebrm tem eurts, ebfj-ups, bfk ebiots tebt ebvm bhhmntmk temor lovms. Of jrmbtmr Btlbftb, Jmdrjob, soxty-hovm soxt y-hovm neurnems brm sbhm plbnms plbnm s wemrm pmdplm nd`m nd`m td Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry td hofk h ofk vontdry dvmr temor pbst. Mlm`mftbry Mlm`mftbr y, gufodr eoje, bfk smfodr eoje sneddl stukmfts brm `mmtofj of temor dwf jrdups td tblc bidut temor eurts. Of gbols bfk prosdfs bnrdss tem nduftry, `mf bfk wd`mf brm `mmtofj of s`bll jrdups td wdrc terduje tem pbrtonopbft‟s juokms bfk tem mojet rmndvmry profnoplms ibsmk df tem Imbtotukms hdufk of @bttemw, nebptmr =. Ymjulbrly, `mf bfk wd`mf hrd` neurnems bnrdss tem ]fotmk ^tbtms brm `bcofj trops td nduftroms sune bs Ywbfkb, Irbzol, Jrmbt Irotbof, bfk Bustrblob, td fb`m b hmw, td sebrm Gmsus Nerost bs tem dfm bfk dfly trum Eojemr Eoj emr Qdwmr Qdwmr wed nbf emlp tem` t em` df temor rdbk td rmndvmry. _du _ du brm fdt bldfm. [eos iddc woll emlp ydu ufkmrstbfk edw Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry jdt stbrtmk, webt tem t em prdjrb` os ibsmk df, bfk webt td mxpmnt tem t em horst to`m ydu nd`m td b Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry Ymndvmry `mmtofj. Of bkkotodf, wm woll bfswmr tem qumstodfs tebt ydu `by `by ebvm bs ydu ydu imjof teos mxnotofj, lohm-nebfjofj bkvmfturm. 22
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O ebvm bscmk `y wohm, Nemryl, td sebrm wote ydu dur gdurfmy terduje rmndvmry bfk edw Jdk‟s vosodf dh Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry wbs idrf.
Nemryl bfk Gdef‟s Gdef‟s ^tdry O wbs idrf of ^t. Lduos, @ossduro. @y kbk wbs bf Bor Hdrnm smrjmbft bfk `y `dtemr ldyblly hdlldwmk eo` terdujedut tem ]fotmk ^tbtms bs wmll bs dvmrsmbs. Blndedl B lndedl wbs prmvblmft of `y ed`m, iut `y pbrmfts bssurmk `m tebt ot wbs fdt b prdilm` imnbusm temy kokf‟tt krofc kokf‟ krof c bt wdrc, temy gust mfgdymk tem tbstm dh immr, bfk temy ndulk quot wemfmvmr temy wbftmk. O fdtonmk tebt t ebt `y pbrmfts wmrm kohhmrmft bhtmr temy t emy krbfc, bfk O dismrvmk tebt `y hromfks‟ pbrmfts krbfc vmry lottlm, iut O wbftmk vmry `une td imlomvm @d` bfk Kbk‟s imebvodr wbs fdr`bl. @y `d` ebk pdlod bs b neolk bfk suhhmrmk b jrmbt kmbl dh pbof. ^em spmft b ldt dh to`m of edspotbls bhtmr surjmroms bfk hmlt bibfkdfmk bfk bldfm. ^em sbok sem ndulk fdt imlomvm of b Jdk wed wdulk bl blldw ldw lottlm l ottlm neolk neolkrmf rmf td hmml sune bjdfy. Dur hb` hb`oly oly fmvmr wmft td neurne. Zemf hromfks ofvotmk `y irdtemr bfk `m, wm wmrm kosndurbjmk td bttmfk. Iy tem to`m O wbs soxtmmf, wm ebk lovmk of @ossduro, [mxbs, Cmftuncy, Fmw _drc, Qdrtujbl, Gbpbf, bfk Mfjlbfk. O lmbrfmk mbrly df edw td usm `bscs td eokm `y hmmlofjs dh ofsmnuroty, td bnnmpt mvmrydfm, bfk td usm b smfsm dh eu`dr wemf teofjs jdt ufnd`hdrtbilm. [emsm scolls emlpmk `m td `bcm hromfks iy tem mfk dh tem horst kby dh mvmry fmw sneddl trbfshmr. @y kbk rmtormk hrd` tem Bor Hdrnm of tem noty wemrm O wbs idrf, ^t. Lduos, wemrm O imjbf td bttmfk ndllmjm. Bt b hrbtmrfotysdrdroty hddtibll jb`m, O `mt Gdef. Bt tem pbrty bhtmr tem jb`m, Gdef tdlk `m tebt t ebt imnbusm imn busm em wbs wb s prmsokmft dh eos eo s hrbtmrfoty hr btmrfoty bfk b fk O wbs prmsokmft dh `y sdrdroty, ot wbs dur “kuty‐ td stbrt dhh tem kbfnofj. @dftes lbtmr, O lmbrfmk tebt Gdef ebk brrbfjmk tebt mftorm mvmfofj sd tebt t ebt em ndulk `mmt `m. (_mbrs lbtmr, of Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry, O lmbrfmk teos wbs vmry `bfopulbtovm bfk ndftrdllofj!) Bs Gdef bfk O imjbf kbtofj, kbtof j, O lmbrfmk tebt eos neolkeddk neo lkeddk wbs 29
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vmry kohhmrmft hrd` `ofm. Em ebk immf rbosmk bs bf dfly neolk bfk ebk lovmk of b s`bll tdwf, Ndllofsvollm, Ndllofsvo llm, Ollofdos, eos mftorm lohm. [wd ymbrs imhdrm Gdef wbs wb s idrf, eos pbrmfts pb rmfts ebk jovmf iorte iort e td b ibiy idy wed komk kurofj eos horst hmw kbys dh lohm. Eos `dtemr fmvmr quotm jdt dvmr tem pbof dh tem ibiy‟s kmbte, iut emr s`bll Ibptost neurne emlpmk emr kmbl kmbl wote tem t em ldss. Gdef jrmw up of tebt neurne bfk bnnmptmk Gmsus oftd eos embrt bt bjm teortmmf. Ot bppmbrmk tebt Gdef ebk `bfy sunnmssms weolm of eoje sneddl7 em wbs nlbss prmsokmft bfk lmttmrmk of ibsmibll, ibscmtibll, bfk trbnc. Iut Gdef fmvmr hmlt tebt em wbs quotm jddk mfduje. Em wbs blwbys nmrtbof tebt em wbs lmttofj sd`mdfm kdwf ‛ eos pbrmfts, tmb``btms, hromfks, bfk jorlhromfks. Zeolm smbrneofj hdr b ndllmjm td bttmfk, Gdef ebk bpplomk td smvmrbl Nerostobf Neros tobf ufovmrsotoms td pursum b pdsotodf of `ofostr `of ostryy. Edwmvmr, Edwmvmr, eos hmmlofjs hmml ofjs dh ldw smlh-mstmm` nbusmk eo` td hmml ufwdrtey td bfswmr Jdk‟s nbll, sd em kmnokmk df tem stbtm ufovmrsoty ofstmbk. Bs sddf bs Gdef brrovmk brr ovmk bt ndllmjm, n dllmjm, em gdofmk b hrbtmrfoty h rbtmrfoty bfk hdufk tem sdlutodf td bll b ll dh eos prdilm`s ‛ blndedl. Zeolm Ze olm em wbs tem lohm loh m dh tem pbrt p brtyy ‛ ot kokf‟t kokf‟t stbrt stb rt uftol u ftol em jdt temrm t emrm bfk wbsf‟t wbsf‟t dvmr uftol em lmht ‛ O bpprdbnemk tem sdrdroty lohm wote nbutodf. O ebk smmf tem mhhmnts dh blndedl bt ed`m, bfk O wbs bhrbok tebt O `ojet im sd`mdfm wed wdulk fdt im bilm td ebfklm ot wmll. O kokf‟t krofc bt bll uftol O wbs twmfty-dfm, bfk temf O krbfc vmry lottlm. O wbs bwbrm tebt Gdef krbfc b ldt of ndllmjm, iut O wbftmk td imlomvm tebt ot wbs fdr`bl imebvodr hdr sd`mdfm gust mfgdyofj mfgdyofj tem t em ndllmjm mxpmromfnm. O kok fdt wbft td smm ot bs b prdilm`. Kmspotm tem wbrfofj sojfs, wm jdt `brromk of dur smfodr ymbr dh sneddl. Zmm kok fdt wbft td wbot imnbusm wm bftonopbtmk tebt Gdef wdulk Z im nbllmk td smrvm of tem wbr of Xomtfb`. Gdef bttmfkm bttmfkmk k Dhh onmr [rbo rbofof fofjj ^neddl bfk poldt trb trbofo ofofj, fj, bfk em lmbrfmk td bnt locm bf dhhonmr bfk krofc locm b jmftlm`bf. Bjbof, Bjb of, ot ndftofumk n dftofumk td ndvmr eos eo s pbof pb of dh ldw smlh-wdrte. Em mvmf kosndvmrmk tebt tem 211 pmrnmft dxyjmf of tem plbfm ndulk nurm `drfofj ebfjdvmrs! Zemf tem wbr mfkmk, em wbs bssojfmk td b 2>
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rmsmrvm ufot bfk quoncly imjbf td pursum b iusofmss nbrmmr. Em gdofmk b pbpmr nd`pbfy bfk mbrfmk m brfmk eos `bstmrs‟ kmjrmm kmj rmm of iusofmss of fojet sneddl. Bhtmr Bh tmr imofj `brromk hdr hdur ymbrs, Gdef bfk O ebk dur hor horst st neolk, dur kbujetmr, Lburb, bfk twd ymbrs lbtmr, dur sdf, Gdeffy, wbs idr idrf. f. Gd Gdef ef ebk imm immf f pmrs pmrsostm ostmft ft of tblcofj td `m bid bidut ut bnnmp bnnmptofj tofj Nerost. Bhtmr dur kbujetmr wbs idrf, O kok bnnmpt Eo` bs `y Ldrk bfk ^bvodr. Edwmvmr, dur neurne bttmfkbfnm wbs vmry orrmjulbr. B hmw ymbrs ymb rs lbtmr, wemf dur sdf stbrtmk bttmfkofj bt tmfkofj b Neros Nero stobf prmsneddl, Gdeffy mxplbofmk td `m tebt wm ndulk jd ibnc td eos sneddl df ^ufkbys td embr `drm stdroms bidut Gmsus. [eos tujjmk bt `y embrt, bfk wm hofblly nd``ottmk td dur horst neurne ed`m. @mbfweolm, Gdef ndftofumk td im prd`dtmk bt wdrc. Em wbs bneomvofj bll dh eos lohm‟s jdbls imhdrm tem bjm dh teorty. Mbne to`m Gdef wbs prd`dtmk, dur hb`oly `dvmk. O wbs hdlldwofj of `y pbrmfts‟ p brmfts‟ hddtstmps bfk jdofj hrd` h rd` noty td noty not y. O wdrromk tebt `y neolkrmf wdulk ebvm hmmlofjs dh ofsmnuroty hrd` sd `bfy rmldnbtodfs. O blsd fdtonmk tebt wote mbne iusofmss sunnmss, Gdef smm`mk ufebppomr. Em nmrtbofly nmrtbo fly wbsf‟t wbsf‟t tem lohm l ohm dh tem t em pbrty pbrt y bfy `drm. Em krbfc krbf c `drm bfk `drm bfk jdt quomtmr bfk b fk quomtmr. O kokf‟t cfdw webt td kd dr wed` td turf td. O kokf‟t wbft `y neolkrmf rbosmk of bf blndedlon ed`m. Iy teos to`m, neurne ebk imnd`m vmry o`pdrtbft td `m. O mvmf tbujet prmsneddl bt dur neurne, iut O kokf‟t hmml locm O ndulk tmll bfydfm temrm bidut dur strujjlms. Mvmrydfm bt neurne lddcmk bfk bntmk bs oh temor lovms wmrm pmrhmnt. [em coks bfk O blrmbky hmlt kohhmrmft mfduje imnbusm Gdef wbsf‟t wbsf‟t bttmfkofj neurne wote wot e us bfy`drm. Jrbkublly, teofjs imjbf imjb f td nebfjm imtwmmf imt wmmf Gdef bfk `m. Zm Zm kokf‟t smm` td ufkmrstbfk dfm bfdtemr, bfk wm tblcmk lmss bfk lmss. Bt horst, O tedujet dur rmlbtodfseop wbs seohtofj imnbusm dh bll dh dur rmldnbtodfs ‛ wm ebk `dvmk smvmf to`ms of tem horst mlmvmf ymbrs dh `brrobjm. `br robjm. Dr `byim wm wmrm ldsofj tdune imnbusm em trbvmlmk sd `une `une wote eos gdi. Iut O ndulk smm tebt eos krofcofj krofc ofj wbs ofnrmbsofj bfk eos rmlbtodfseop wote dur dur hb`oly wbs nebfjofj. Em wbs m`dtodfblly kostbft bfk ufoftmrmstmk of dur lovms. 2;
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Mbne to`m O ndfhrdftmk Gdef bidut eos krofcofj, em bssurmk `m tebt ot wbs fdt b prdilm`, imnbusm em kok fdt krofc bt wdrc, em gust mfgdymk tem tbstm dh immr, bfk em ndulk quot wemfmvmr em wbftmk. Iut mvmf teduje O ebk jrdwf up wote tedsm wdrks, temy ebk b kohhmrmft o`pbnt df `m bs b wohm bfk `dtemr. Oh em ndulk “gust quot wemfmvmr em wbftmk,‐ temf wey kokf‟t kokf‟t em quot4 @byim temrm wbs sd`mteofj bidut `m tebt nbusmk Gdef td cmmp krofcofj. @byim oh O wmrm prmttomr prmtt omr,, dr s`brtmr s`br tmr,, dr huffomr, hu ffomr, dr oh O gust wdrcmk ebrkmr, `byim temf Gdef wdulk quot krofcofj. ^ofnm wm kokf‟t tmll bfydfm bidut temsm strujjlms, stru jjlms, td tem dutsokm wdrlk wm lddcmk lddcmk locm bf bvmrbjm, fdr`bl hb`oly. Gdef imjbf td im kmhmfsovm bidut eos krofcofj. krofc ofj. Em ebk jrdwf up of tem neurne bfk wbs stbrtofj td hmml ufnd`hdrtbilm wote sd`m dh eos nedonms7 eos rmlbtodfseops wote dur hb`oly, eos wdrc prbntonms, bfk tem stmbky ofnrmbsm of tem b`duft dh blndedl. Em cfmw tebt em ebk b nedonm ‛ td ndftofum td lovm iy tem wdrlk‟s stbfkbrks dr td rmpmft bfk turf td Jdk. Qrdvmris 2;729 ([LI) sbys, “Imhdrm mvmry `bf temrm loms b wokm bfk plmbsbft rdbk tebt smm`s rojet iut mfks of kmbte. kmbte.‐‐ Iut Gdef turfmk eos e os ibnc df Jdk, bfk tem krofcofj msnblbtmk. Dur hb`oly hb`o ly ndftofumk td td lovm bs oh tem krofcofj krofc ofj wbs fdt bhhmntbhhmn tofj us. Bhtmr bll, Gdef tdlk `m rmpmbtmkly, em ebk fmvmr ldst b gdi kum td blndedl. Em ebk fmvmr mvmf jdttmf pullmk pul lmk dvmr iy tem pdlonm hdr krufc krovofj. k rovofj. Em wbftmk sd `une td ndfvofnm us tebt em wbs b fdr`bl, sdnobl krofcmr. Edwmvmr, wemf Gdef imjbf krofcofj immr hdr irmbchbst, O cfmw tebt wm ebk td hbnm tem hb`oly smnrmt. Gdef wbs bf blndedlon. [eos to`m wemf O ndfhrdftmk eo` of bfjmr, O jbvm eo` bf ulto`btu`7 quot krofcofj dr lmbvm dur ed`m. O wbs nd`plmtmly surprosmk wemf em pbncmk eos suotnbsm bfk bffdufnmk tebt wm wmrm smpbrbtofj bhtmr bh tmr twmfty ymbrs ymb rs dh `brrobjm. `brrob jm. Hofblly, tem bttm`pt td ndvmr up Gdef‟s eurts, ebfj-ups, bfk ebiots wote blndedl wbs nbusofj tem irmbcup dh dur hb`oly. Bt horst, blndedl smm`mk td im tem sdlutodf td emlp eo` wote eos ldw smlh-mstmm`, iut fdw ot ebk imnd`m tem prdilm` of eos lohm tebt 2=
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wbs bh bhhmnt hmntofj ofj eo` m`dtodfb m`dtodfblly, lly, `mftbl `mftblly ly,, peysonb peysonblly, lly, bfk `dst o`pdrtbftly, sporotublly sporotub lly.. Zeolm Ze olm df b iusofmss iusofms s trop of o f ^blt ^b lt Lbcm Noty, Gdef Gdef nb`m n b`m td tem t em rmblozbtodf tebt em ndulk fdt tbcm bfdtemr krofc, iut em ebk fd okmb edw em wbs jdofj td lovm wotedut dfm. Blteduje em kok fdt rmblozm ot, em ebk nd`m td tem horst Nerost-nmftmrmk rmndvmry stmp7 Zmm bk`ottmk wm wmrm pdwmrlmss dvmr Z dvmr dur bkkontodfs bfk nd`pulnd`pulsovm imebvodrs, tebt dur lovms ebk imnd`m uf`bfbjmbilm. “Hdr O cfdw tebt jddk otsmlh kdms fdt kwmll of `m, tebt os, of `y sofhul fbturm. Hdr O ebvm tem kmsorm td kd webt os jddk, iut O nbffdt nbrry ot dut‐ (Yd`bfs :725). Em ebk hofblly eot eos idttd`. Em wmft ibnc ed`m bfk bttmfkmk eos horst Blndedlons Bfdfy`dus `mmtofj bfk bttmfkmk dvmr fofmty `mmtofjs of fofmty kbys. [emf em imnb`m rmbky hdr ^tmp 97 Zm nb`m td imlomvm tebt b pdwmr jrmbtmr tebf dursmlvms ndulk rmstdrm us td sbfoty. sb foty. “Hdr “Hdr ot os Jdk wed wdrcs of ydu td woll w oll bfk td bnt of drkmr td hulh hu lholl oll eos eo s jddk purpdsm‐ (Qeoloppobfs (Qeol oppobfs 972> 972>). ). Bs ot imnb`m im nb`m nlmbr nlmb r td Gdef tebt t ebt Jdk ldvmk eo` ufndfkotodfblly, em imjbf td hofk edpm. Ot wbs to`m td `bcm tem kmnosodf td turf dvmr eos lohm bfk woll td tem nbrm dh Jdk. [eos wbs b kmpbrturm hrd` tem smnulbr prdjrb` em wbs bttmfkofj wemrm b “eojemr pdwmr‐ wbs vmry vbjum. Bs b neolk, em ebk lmbrfmk wed eos Eojemr Qdwmr wbs7 Gmsus Nerost! Gdef‟ss stuiidrf wol Gdef‟ wollpdwmr lpdwmr ebk lmht eo` m`pty bfk irdcmf. [em kmhofotodf dh wollpdwmr ebk td nebfjm. Zollpdwmr fdw imnb`m tem wollofjfmss td bnnmpt Jdk‟s pdwmr hdr eos lohm. Em imjbf td bnnmpt, “O nbf‟t, Jdk nbf, bfk O kmnokm td lmt Eo`, dfm kby bt b to`m.‐ Em wbs rmbky hdr tem teork stmp7 Zm `bkm b kmnosodf td turf dur lovms bfk dur wolls dvmr td tem nbrm dh Jdk. “[emrmhdrm, O urjm ydu, irdtemrs, of o f vomw dh Jdk‟s `mrny, `mrny, td dhhmr dh hmr ydur idkoms bs lovofj sbnrohonms, edly bfk plmbsofj td Jdk ‛ teos os ydur sporotubl bnt dh wdrseop‐ (Yd`bfs 2972). 2972). Jdk prdvokmk b spdfsdr td emlp fbvojbtm fbvoj btm tem rdbk td rmndvmry rmn dvmry.. [em spdfsdr tbujet Gdef tebt t ebt rmndvmry os o s fdt `mbft td im b gdurfmy tebt t ebt os trbvmlmk bldfm ‛ wm fmmk dtemrs td emlp us. Em emlpmk 28
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Gdef stby iblbfnmk iblbfnmk bfk kokf‟ kokf‟tt gukjm gukjm eo`. Em juokmk eo` terduje tem hdurte stmp7 Zm Zm `bkm b smbrneofj smb rneofj bfk hmbrlmss hmb rlmss `drbl ofvmftdry ofvmftdry dh dursmlvms. “Lmt us mxb`ofm dur wbys bfk tmst tem`, bfk lmt us rmturf td tem L���‐ (Lb`mftbtodfs >7;1). Hofblly,, Gdef ebk td tbcm Hofblly t bcm b lddc bt tebt ydufj idy hrd` Ollofdos bfk hbnm tem eurts, eur ts, ebfj-ups, ebf j-ups, bfk ebiots ebiots tebt em ebk bttm`ptmk td krdwf wote blndedl hdr bll tedsm ymbrs. Em kosndvmrmk edw tem ldss dh eos irdtemr bs bf ofhbft ebk o`pbntmk eos hb`oly bfk bhhmntmk eos ldw smlh-mstmm`. [eos ofvmftdry `bkm ot nlmbr tebt te bt eos blndedlos` ebk kmstrdymk bll dh eos o`pdrtbft rmlbtodfseops. Of ^tmp =, em lmbrfmk7 Zm bk`ottmk td Jdk, td dursmlvms, bfk td bfdtemr eu`bf imofj tem mxbnt fbturm dh dur wrdfjs. “[emrmhdrm ndfhmss ydur sofs td mbne dtemr bfk prby hdr mbne dtemr sd tebt ydu `by im emblmk‐ (Gb`ms =728). Hofblly, Gdef wbs bilm td hbnm tem trute dh eos pbst bfk td bnnmpt tem hdrjovmfmss dh Gmsus, weone lmk eo` “dut dh kbrcfmss oftd o ftd eos wdfkmrhul lojet. l ojet.‐‐ O wbs nd`plmtmly ufbwbrm tebt Gdef wbs imjoffofj td kmbl wote eos blndedlo blndedlos`. s`. O wbs iusy puttof puttofjj bl blll dh `y mfmrjoms oftd usofj b `bsc, dfnm bjbof, td eokm `y pbof. Ot wbs o`pdrtbft td lddc bs teduje fdteofj wbs wrdfj ‛ O ebk “td edlk ot tdjmtemr.‐ tdjmtemr.‐ [eos os wemf `y kyshufntodfs rmblly imjbf imjb f td surhbnm. O ebk fmvmr tdlk bfydfm bidut tem irmbcup dh dur `brrobjm. O kokf‟t mvmf tmll `y pbrmfts uftol temy nb`m td vosot us smvmf `dftes oftd tem smpbrbtodf. O wbftmk sd `une td tmll `y nldsm Nerostobf Nerostobf hromfks bt tem neurne prmsneddl wemrm O wdrcmk, iut O gust kokf‟t hmml sbhm. O wbs bhrbok temy `ojet gukjm `m. O kokf‟t teofc temy wdulk ufkmrstbfk. Bs O lddcmk brdufk `y neurne, O wdfkmrmk oh temrm wmrm dtemrs wed wmrm blsd strujjlofj strujjlo fj wote pbof tebt temy wmrm tdd bhrbok td sebrm bfk hmmlofj sd kohhmrmft bfk bldfm. [eofcofj tebt oh wm swotnemk neurnems, wm wdulk hofk b sbhm plbnm td tmll dtemrs bidut dur pbof, tem coks bfk O imjbf bttmfkofj bt tmfkofj ^bkklmibnc Neurne. Iut wm kokf‟t kokf‟t wbft td hmml koh kohhmrmft hmrmft dr bldfm, sd wm kokf‟t kokf‟t tmll bfydfm temrm bidut tem smpbrbtodf smpb rbtodf motemr. O wbs bhrbok tebt tem neurne wemrm O wdrcmk wdulk gukjm `m oh temy lmbrfmk bidut tem smpbrbtodf, sd O bnnmptmk tem pdsotodf bs 2:
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tem kormntdr k ormntdr dh bfdtemr b fdtemr prmsneddl. [eos [eo s gdi pbok pb ok `drm ‛ bfk tem t em pbstdr wbs ufkmrstbfkofj dh `y sotubtodf. [emrm wmrm ;11 hb`oloms bt tem prmsneddl, =1 wd`mf wd`mf df stbhh, bfk bs b s O lmbrfmk `y horst kby df tem gdi, gdi, $;1,111 of kmit. [em horst ho rst teofj teo fj O wbs mxpmntmk td bnnd`plose wbs hdr h dr tem sneddl td pby ibnc tem t em `dfmy. `dfmy. ]p uftol teos pdoft, O ebk kdfm b jddk gdi dh prmtmfkofj tebt O ndulk `bfbjm bll dh tem nebfjms of `y lohm. Iut bhtmr tem horst kby dh `y fmw gdi, O hmll bpbrt. O ndulkf‟t stdp nryofj bs tem pbof dh tem krofcofj, tem hbolmk `brrobjm, bfk fdw tem o`pdssoilm gdi nb`m tdjmtemr. O ndulkf‟t imlomvm ot wemf Gdef brrovmk b rrovmk bt tem edusm td vosot tem coks bfk td hofk dut edw `y horst kby df tem gdi ebk jdfm. jdfm. O wbs m`ibrrbssmk td ebvm ldst ndftrdl, ndftrdl, iut O kokf‟ kokf‟t smm` td im bilm td kd bfyteofj bidut ot. Bs O wbs nryofj bidut tem gdi, gdi, O fdtonmk tebt Gdef Gdef ebk tmbrs of eos myms bs em tromk td nd`hdrt `m. Em bscmk webt em ndulk kd td emlp bfk dhhmrmk sujjmstodfs. O rmblozmk rmb lozmk tebt t ebt wm wmrm ebvofj b ldvofj ndfvmrsbtodf ‛ em smm`mk td im eurtofj rojet bldfjsokm `m. [eos wbs ndfhusofj td `m. Gdef wbs sedwofj sojfs dh nebfjofj, bfk O ebk fd okmb edw td ndpm. Blteduje O kokf‟ k okf‟tt cfdw ot bt tem to`m, O imjbf wdrcofj ^tmps 2 terduje >. O cfmw O wbs nd`plmtmly pdwmrlmss td jmt terduje tem smpbrbtodf iy `ysmlh. O imjbf td trust Gmsus bfk td lmbf df Eo`. Ndldssobfs 2722 (FNX) tmlls us, “Jdk woll strmfjtemf ydu wote eos dwf jrmbt pdwmr sd tebt ydu woll fdt jovm up wemf wemf trduilms nd`m.‐ O emlk dftd tebt vmrsm, iut O kokf‟t rmblozm tebt Gmsus wbs jmttofj jmtt ofj `m rmbky hdr `drm nebfjms. Gdef nd`plmtmk nd`plmtmk ^tmp ^tmp 8 ‛ Zm wmrm wmrm mftormly mftormly rmbky td ebvm Jdk rm`dvm bll temsm kmhmnts dh nebrbntmr. “Eu`ilm ydursmlvms imhdrm tem Ldrk, bfk b fk em woll loh lohtt ydu up‐ (Gb`ms ( Gb`ms ;721) ;721) ‛ bfk ^tmp : ‛ Zmm eu`ily bscmk Z b scmk Eo` td rm`dvm bll b ll dur sedrtnd`o sedrtnd`ofjs. fjs. “Oh wm ndfhmss dur sofs, em os hbotehul hboteh ul bfk gust bfk woll hdrjovm us dur sofs bfk purohy us hrd` h rd` bll ufrojetmdus ufrojetmdusfmss‐ fmss‐ (2 Gdef 27?). Em blldwmk Jdk td nebfjm mvmryteofj of eos lohm bfk rmiuolk eos smlh-wdrte ibsmk df Jdk‟s ldvm hdr eo` bldfm, fd ldfjmr tryofj td `mbsurm up td tem wdrlk‟s stbfkbrks. 25
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Jrbkublly, Gdef imjbf nd`ofj n d`ofj iy tem t em edusm `drm hrmqumftly. hrmqumftly. Em sbok em wbs nd`ofj td vosot tem coks, iut imnbusm temy wmrm tmmfbjmrs, temy wmrm dhtmf fdt bt ed`m. O imjbf td smm b ldt dh nebfjmss of eo`. Em wdulk irofj bldfj b pozzb nebfjm pozz b dr b `dvom, bfk wm imjbf spmfkofj sd`m s d`m mvmfofjs tdjmtemr. Gdef s`olmk `drm dhtmf, dhtmf, bfk sd`mto`ms em mvmf lbujemk dut lduk. O ebkf‟t ebkf‟t smmf eo` lbuje locm tebt of ymbrs. Blteduje emsotbft, Lburb bfk Gdeffy bscmk eo` td gdof us bt dur fmw neurne. Gdef ldvmk ^bkklmibnc Neurne bfk sbok em hmlt locm em wbs ed`m. Em imjbf `mmtofj us temrm mvmry wmmc df ^ufkby `drfofjs. @mbfweolm, Gdef imjbf wdrcofj df ^tmp 57 Zm Zm `bkm b lost dh bll pmrsdfs wm ebk ebr`mk bfk imnb`m wollofj td `bcm b`mfks td tem` bll. “Kd td dtemrs bs ydu wdulk ebvm tem` kd td ydu‐ (Lucm 87>2). Bhtmr imofj smpbrbtmk hdr b ymbr, Gdef lmht b fdtm df `y tbilm bscofj `m td `mmt eo` hdr lufne. O wbs surprosmk sur prosmk tebt Gdef wbftmk wb ftmk td `mmt hdr lufne df Hmirubry 2;, 2??2 ‛ Xblmftofm‟s Kby! Gdef mxplbofmk tebt em wbs of rmndvmry, bfk tebt em wmft td `mmtofjs mvmry kby. Em wbs wdrcofj df ^tmp ?7 Zm Zm `bkm kormnt kormn t b`mfks td sune pmdplm wemfmvmr pdssoilm, mxnmpt wemf td kd sd wdulk ofgurm tem` dr dtemrs. “[emrmhdrm, oh ydu brm dhhmrofj ydur joht bt tem bltbr bfk temrm rm`m`imr tebt ydur irdtemr ebs sd`mteofj sd`mteofj bjbofst b jbofst ydu, lmbvm ydur joht temrm of hrdft dh tem bltbr. Horst jd bfk im rmndfnolmk td ydur irdtemr3 temf nd`m bfk b fk dhhmr ydur joht‐ joh t‐ (@bttemw (@btt emw =79> „ 9;) 9;).. Gdef tdlk `m tebt t ebt em ebk e bk b ldt dh fb`ms df eos e os b`mfks lost, ofnlukofj hdr`mr m`pldymrs, m`pldymms, hromfks, bfk fmojeidrs, iut `dst o`pdrtbftly, em ebk vmry spmnobl b`mfks td `bcm td Gdeffy,, Lburb, bfk `m. Em sbok em wbs sdrry hdr bll Gdeffy b ll dh tem t em pbof pb of em ebk nbusmk iy eos krofcofj. Em tddc hull rmspdfsoioloty hdr eos krofcofj bfk hrmmk `m hrd` tem kduits tebt O ebk immf tem nbusm dh eos blndedlos`. Em sbok em stoll ldvmk `m, bfk bscmk oh O wdulk im wollofj td wdrc df tem `brrobjm. Jdk nebfjmk nebfj mk dur lovms wote ^tmp ?. Gdef Gdef bfk O imjbf imj bf td wdrc df tem ossums tebt t ebt ebk tdrf bpbrt bpbr t dur `brrobjm. `br robjm. Zm `bkm ^tmp 21 21 b pbrt dh dur kboly kbo ly lovms7 Zm Zm ndftofumk td tbcm pmrsdfbl ofvmftdry 2?
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bfk wemf wm wmrm wrdfj prd`ptly prd`ptly bk`ottmk ot. “^d, oh o h ydu teofc teof c ydu brm stbfkofj hor`, im nbrmhul tebt ydu kdf‟t hbll!‐ (2 NdrofNdrofteobfs teo bfs 21729) Hovm `dftes bhtmr Gdef‟s fofte stmp td `m, Jdk dpmfmk dur embrts bfk wm rmfmwmk dur wmkkofj vdws. Bs b hb`oly, wm wmrm ibptozmk tdjmtemr, bfk wm tddc bll dh tem neurne‟s `m`imrseop nlbssmss tdjmtemr. Of tem `bturoty nlbss, nlbssm nlb ss, Gdef hdufk dfm dh eos lohm‟s lohm‟s vmrsms, 2 Qmtmr 97? „ 21 ([LI)7 “_du ebvm immf nedsmf iy Jdk eo`smlh . . . ydu brm tem promst dh tem Cofj . . . ydu brm Jdk‟s vmry dwf ‛ bll teos t eos sd ydu nbf n bf sedw td dtemrs edw Jdk nbllmk n bllmk ydu dut dh tem kbrcfmss kbrcfms s oftd eos wdfkmrhu wdfkmrhull lojet. Dfnm ydu wmrm lmss tebf teb f fdteofj3 fdw ydu brm Jdk‟s vmry dwf.‐ Edwmvmr, bt Gdef‟s smnulbr `mmtofjs, sd`m dh tem `mf `bkm huf dh eo` wemfmvmr em tblcmk bidut eos eojemr pdwmr, tem dfm bfk dfly trum Eojemr Eoj emr Qdwmr Qdwmr,, Gmsus. Ot smm`mk bs teduje bfyte b fyteofj ofj ndulk im nlbo`mk nlb o`mk bs b eojemr eo jemr pdwmr, pdwmr, gust fdt Gmsus. Bt neurne, n eurne, wm tromk td hofk b s`bll jrdup wemrm wm ndulk im dpmf bfk edfmst bidut tem ossums tebt ebk tdrf dur `brrobjm `b rrobjm bpbrt. Iut wm ndulkf‟ ndulkf‟t hofk tebt sbhm plbnm3 b jrdup dh dtemr Nerostobfs Nerostobfs wed wbftmk td sebrm dpmfly bidut temor strujjlms. Zmm imjb Z imjbf f wdrcofj ^tmp 227 Zm sdujet sdu jet terdu terduje je prbymr bfk `mkotbtodf td o`prdvm dur ndfsnodus ndftbnt wote Jdk, prbyofj dfly hdr cfdwlmkjm dh Eos woll hdr us bfk b fk pdwmr td nbrry tebt t ebt dut. “Lmt tem `mssbjm `mss bjm dh Nerost Nero st kwmll of ydu ronely‐ rone ly‐ (Ndldssobfs >728). >728). Hofblly, Gdef sbok, “Zm nbf‟t im teos kohhmrmft hrd` mvmrydfm bt neurne. Zm nbf‟t im tem dfly dfms strujjlofj wote b eurt, ebfjup, dr ebiot.‐ Bt tem to`m, ^bkklmibnc Neurne ebk dvmr 8,111 `m`imrs. Gdef imjbf wrotofj kdwf kdwf bf dutlofm hdr b prdjrb` prdjrb` tebt wdulk hot dur fmmks. Ymblozofj tebt “Jdk fmvmr wbstms b eurt,‐ tem pbof bfk tem embrtbnem dh eos sof bkkontodf td blndedl wmrm hofblly imjoffofj td ebvm b purpdsm. Of Gdml 979=, Jdk prd`osms td rmstdrm “tem ymbrs tem ldnusts ebvm mbtmf.‐ Zm kosnussmk tem okmbs hdr tem prdjrb` hdr wmmcs weolm tem vosodf hrd` Jdk ndftofumk td jrdw. jrdw. Zm Zm sbw bf dppdrtufoty dppdrtuf oty td sebrm dur eurts eur ts wote dtemrs dt emrs bs 91
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wm imjbf td wdrc wdrc ^tmp 297 297 Ebvofj ebk b sporotubl sporotubl mxpmromfnm mxp mromfnm bs b rmsult dh temsm stmps, wm try td nbrry teos `mssbjm td dtemrs bfk td prbntonm temsm profnoplms of bll dur bhhbors. “Irdtemrs, oh sd`mdfm os nbujet of o f b sof, ydu wed brm sporotubl sporotub l sedulk rmstdrm eo` jmftly. Iut wbtne ydursmlh, dr ydu blsd `by im tm`ptmk‐ (Jblbtobfs 872 872). ). Gdef hofbl h ofblly ly hofosemk h ofosemk b teortmmf-pbjm, t eortmmf-pbjm, sofjlm-spbnmk lmttmr hdr h dr b vosodf dh b `ofostry nbllmk Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry ‛ b Nerost-nmftmrmk rmndvmry prdjrb`. Of su``bry, tem lmttmr sbok, “[em vosodf hdr Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry os hdr tem neurne td prdvokm b sbhm plbnm wemrm hb`oloms hb`o loms ndulk n dulk hofk h ofk emblofj emb lofj bfk rmstdrbtodf3 wemrm `d`s, kbks, bfk temor neolkrmf dh bll bjms b jms ndulk hofk hrmmkd` hrd` temor eurts, ebfj-ups, e bfj-ups, bfk ebiots.‐ ebiots.‐ Gdef jbvm tem lmttmr td Yonc Zbrrmf, Zbrrmf, tem smfodr pbstdr dh ^bkklmibnc Neurne. Zm Zm wmrm ndfhokmft tebt Yonc Y onc wdulk hofk gust tem t em rojet jdkly `bf td embk up teos fmw `ofostry. Fmotemr dh us wbs prmpbrmk hdr Yonc td nbll Gdef oftd eos dhhonm bfk sby, “Ot‟s b jrmbt okmb, Gdef, O wdulk locm ydu td kd ot!‐ [em horst `mmtofj hdr Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry stbrtmk df Fdvm`imr 92, 2??2. ^bkklmibnc Neurne kok fdt ebvm bfy prdpmrty, sd tem dfly plbnm wm ndulk hofk td edlk dur `mmtofj wbs b psyneobtron edspotbl! edspo tbl! Bfk, stoll, st oll, Jdk usmk ot ‛ hdrty-termm pmdplm pm dplm bttmfkmk! Of drkmr hdr tem wedlm hb`oly td im bilm td nd`m, wm prdvokmk neolk nbrm. Dur sdf bfk kbujetmr, Gdeffy bfk Lburb, stbrtmk tem dpmf sebrm jrdup hdr tmmfs. B s`bll jrdup dh vdluftmmrs lmk dur wdrseop, bfk tem lmssdfs wmrm tbujet of b lbrjm lb rjm jrdup hdr`bt. ^ofnm bt tebt pdoft wm kok fdt ebvm bfy rmndvmry stdroms hrd` dur prdjrb`, wm kok fdt ebvm tmsto`dfoms. Bs to`m wmft df, tmsto`dfoms tmsto `dfoms wmrm bkkmk td dur lbrjm jrdup bs pmdplm imjbf td wbft td sebrm edw Gmsus Nerost wbs nebfjofj neb fjofj temor t emor lovms. [emrm wmrm hdur jrdups7 b wd`bf‟s nem`onbl bkkontodf, b `mf‟s ndkmpmfkmft, b `mf‟s nem`onbl bkkontodf (lmk iy Gdef), bfk b wd`bf‟ wd`b f‟ss ndkmpmfkmft ndkmp mfkmft (lmk iy `m). O kokf‟t kokf‟t mvmf cfdw c fdw webt b ndkmpmfkmft wbs! Iut O wbftmk td sebrm wote dtemrs wed ndulk okmftohy okmf tohy wote dur strujjlms, sd O wbs wollofj td lmbrf. Bhtmr Bh tmr tem `mmtof `mmtofjs js wmrm dvmr, wm wmrm bl blll sd mxnotmk td tbl tblcc 92
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bidut dur rmndvmroms wote dtemr Nerostobfs Nerostobfs tebt wm wmft td b rmstburbft td cmmp sebrofj. Dhtmf wm wdulk nldsm kdwf tem rmstburbft, bfk temf jd ibnc td dur edusm sd tebt wm ndulk ndftofum dur ndfvmrsbtodfs. Ot wbs sune b rmlomh td tblc tbl c td dtemrs wed ufkmrstddk dur eurts, eurt s, ebfj-ups, bfk ebiots. Zm ebk hdufk b sbhm plbnm3 wm wmrm fd ldfjmr ldfjmr kohhmrmft dr bldfm. [eos prdjrb` wbs wdrcofj hdr dur hb`oly bfk tebt os bll wm edpmk td bnnd`plose. Zm gust fmmkmk td cmmp tem prdjrb` jdofj. Iut Jdk ebk sd `bfy dtemr plbfs! Gdef wbs bscmk td gdof tem ^bkklmibnc Neurne stbhh of 2??9. Em smrvmk bt Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry bs b vdluftmmr weolm eos gdi wbs td dvmrsmm tem s`bll `ofostroms `of ostroms dh tem neurne. Of 2??>, imnbusm lovms wmrm nebfjofj bt Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry, Yonc kmnokmk td tbcm tem mftorm neurne terduje “[em Ydbk td Ymndvmry‐ smr`df smroms dh tem mojet moj et profnoplms ibsmk df tem Imbtotukms. [eos smroms emlpmk us td mxpmromfnm bfdtemr jrdwofj pebsm. Iut `drm o`pdrtbftly, Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry pbrtonopbfts imjbf td smrvm of dtemr brmbs dh tem neurne. Zeolm hofblly mxpmromfnofj hrmmkd` bfk hdrjovmfmss, bfk wote `bfy tmbrs, Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry mvmf smrvmk nd``ufodf. ^bkklmibnc Neurne imnb`m b sbhm plbnm hdr bfydfm wote b eurt. Of drkmr td imttmr ufkmrstbfk tem nedonms tebt wm ebk `bkm of dur lovms, wm imjbf td hmml tebt wm fmmkmk sd`mteofj of bkkotodf td tem dpmf sebrm jrdups. j rdups. Zm Zm kmnokmk td try sd`m dh tem t em Nerostobf Nerostobf 29-^tmp puilosemk `btmrobls. Dhtmf wm wdulk stbrt dhh b jrdup dh twmfty-hovm `mf dr wd`mf, iut dfly twd dr termm wdulk hofose tem stuky. [em bvbolbilm, puilosemk rmsdurnms kok fdt wdrc hdr us. ^d tem smbrne imjbf hdr b Nerostobf Neros tobf stuky tebt wbs ibsmk df tem Ioilm bfk wdulk bpply td bfydfm wote b eurt, ebfj-up, dr ebiot. Zm wbftmk tem nurronulu` td im ndfnosm bfk mbsy td usm weolm emlpofj pmdplm kmbl kmb l wote temor pbst pb st of b tedrduje `bffmr. ` bffmr. Zmm stuk Z stukomk omk `bfy rmsdurn rmsdurnms, ms, iut fdfm dh tem` smm`mk td im b jddk hot hdr Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry. Bs tem smbrne ndftofumk hdr tem rojet nurronulu`, dur pbrtonopbfts wmrm ebvofj trduilm jmttofj terduje ^tmp ;. Gdef sldwmk 99
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kdwf tem lmssdfs bfk tddc termm `dftes td tmbne df tebt profnoplm. Bt tem nd`plmtodf dh tedsm lmssdfs, `bfy ebk nd`plmtmk tem stmp sunnmsshul sunnms shully ly bfk wmrm rmbky td `dvm df df of temor rmndvmry rmn dvmry.. Dfm dh tem lmbkmrs, Nbrl, wbs sd o`prmssmk wote Gdef‟s tmbneofj, tebt em sujjmstmk em put eos tmbneofj fdtms oftd b hdurte stmp wdrciddc. Fdt ebvofj `une ndfhokmfnm of eos wrotofj biolotoms, Gdef quoncly sbok em wdulk ndfsokmr tem okmb iut woteof b hmw kbys ebk hdrjdttmf bll bidut tem rmqumst. Edwmvmr, Edwmvmr, bs Gdef wdulk brrovm b rrovm bt tem fmxt Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry `mmtofj, Nbrl Nb rl wdulk jrmmt eo` bt tem kddr bfk bsc edw tem hdurte stmp wdrciddc wbs nd`ofj bldfj. Em rmpmbtmk tem sb`m snmfbrod bt tem ^bturkby fojet bfk ^ufkby neurne smrvonms. smrvonms. “Edw‟s tebt hdurte stmp wdrciddc nd`ofj4‐ Gdef ho hofbl fblly ly kmnokmk tebt Jdk wbs usofj Nbrl td mfndurb mfndurbjm jm eo` td wrotm tem wdrciddc, sd em nd`plmtmk tem pbrtonopbft‟s juokm of 2??;. [em iddc wbs wb s ibsmk df Jdk‟s Zdrk, Zdrk, sd ot wbs wb s fdt bkkontodf dr nd`pulsodf ibsmk. Zm cfmw tebt ot wdrcmk imnbusm tem lmssdfs ebk immf sd sunnmsshul bt Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry, bfk ot bpplomk td bfydfm wote b eurt, ebfj-up, dr ebiot. ^ofnm ^bkklmibnc os b tmbneofj neurne, ot wbs fdt ldfj imhdrm smvmrbl neurnems of Nblohdrfob wmrm usofj tem wdrciddc. [emf sd`m neurnems of dtemr stbtms imjbf ofndrpdrbtofj tem iddcs oftd temor prdjrb`s. @une td dur surprosm, Nbfbkb bfk Bustrblob ndftbntmk us bidut usofj teos hdurte stmp wdrciddc. [em wdrciddc wbs emlpofj pmdplm hrd` bll dvmr tem wdrlk jmt terduje temor hdurte stmp. Nbrl ebk immf rojet. Bfk temf ot wbsf‟t ldfj imhdrm Gdef imjb imjbf f jmtt jmttofj ofj rmqumsts hdr tem wdrciddcs hdr stmps dfm terduje termm bfk stmps hovm terduje twmlvm. Bll dh b sukkmf, Gdef ebk eufkrmks dh “Nbrls‐ bll dvmr tem nduftry bscofj hdr stmp stuky wdrciddcs. Em wmft ibnc td tem nd`putmr bfk tem lbtm fojets bfk nd`plmtmk bll hdur wdrciddcs ‛ tem pbrtonopbft‟s pbrtonopbft‟s juokms ‛ of 2??=. 2??=. [em wdrciddcs wdrciddcs ofnlukmk bll twmlvm stmps bfk tem mojet profnoplms. Hofblly, tem smbrne hdr b Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry nurronulu` wbs dvmr. Bs wm imjb imjbf f td usm tem pbr pbrtonopbft‟s tonopbft‟s juokms, j uokms, wm ebk b eujm 9>
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jrdwte spurt. Lmbkmrs imjbf td m`mrjm hrd` tedsm stmp stuky jrdups bfk wbftmk td stbrt fmw jrdups. Jrbkublly, jrdups hdr fmwnd`mrs, bfjmr, mbtofj kosdrkmrs, hddk bkkontodf, ldvm bfk rmlbtodfseop bkkontodf, smxubl bkkontodf, ndkmpmfkmfts of b rmlbtodfseop wote b smxublly bkkontmk `bf, jb`ilofj, smxubl/peysonbl/ m`dtodfbl biusm, bfk bkult neolkrmf dh tem nem`onblly bkkontmk wmrm bkkmk td tem drojofbl hdur s`bll s`bl l jrdups. [em pbrtonopbft‟s juokms imjbf td im seoppmk bll dvmr tem nduftry, bfk pmdplm stbrtmk nbllofj tem neurne dhhonm td hofk dut edw td stbrt Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry bt temor neurnems. [em qumstodfs wmrm mfklmss mfklmss bfk nd`plmx. nd`plmx. “Edw “Edw kd ydu stbrt tem prdjrb`4 Edw Edw kd ydu hofk lmbkmrs4 Edw nbf ydu prmpbrm lmssdfs wote hull-to`m gdis bfk hb`oly hb`o ly nd``ot`mfts4‐ Of drkmr td bfswmr tem t em hlddks h lddks dh qumstodfs, b lmbkmr‟s juokm wbs wrottmf w rottmf of 2??8. Hdr b nduplm dh ymbrs, Gdef bfk O proftmk tedsm pbrtonopbft‟s juokmss bfk lmbkmr‟s juokm lmbkmr‟s juokms bfk b fk sdlk tem` hrd` dur jbrbjm. jbrb jm. Zm Zm ebk b pdst dhhonm idx hdr tem drkmrs. Ot wbs b eojelojet dh dur wmmc td ponc up tem drkmrs bfk lmbrf wemrm Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry prdjrb`s wmrm imofj imo fj stbr stbrtmk. tmk. [eos Neros Nerost-nmftmrmk t-nmftmrmk rmndvmry rmn dvmry prdjrb` wbs imjoffofj td bppmbr bll dvmr tem ]fotmk ^tbtms, bfk dtemr nduftroms wmrm stbrtofj tem prdjrb` bs wmll! Of 2??5, of drkmr hdr tem pbrtonopbft‟s juokms bfk tem lmbkmr‟s juokm td rmnmovm wokmr kostroiutodf, Wdfkmrvbf tddc dvmr proftofj bfk kostroiutofj tem `btmrobls. [em pbrtonopbft‟s juokms bfk lmbkmr‟ss juokm ebvm fdw immf puilosemk of twmfty-termm lmbkmr‟ t wmfty-termm kohhmrmft koh hmrmft lbfjubjms bfk brm of hdrty-hovm prosdf systm`s. Lucm ;725 (@^J) sbys, “Jdk‟s sporot os df `m3 em‟s nedsmf `m td prmbne tem t em @mssbjm dh jddk fmws td tem t em pddr, pddr, smft `m td bffdufnm pbrkdf td prosdfmrs bfk rmndvmry dh sojet td tem t em ilofk, td smt tem iurkmfmk bfk tem ibttmrmk hrmm . . .‐ Bs tem prdjrb` ndftofumk, Nmlmirbtm N mlmirbtm Ymndvmry Ymndvmr y lmbkmrs hrd` h rd` bnrdss tem nduftry wbftmk td `mmt dfm bfdtemr bfk td kmvmldp b fmtwdrc. Of 2???, tem horst Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry ^u``ot wbs emlk bt ^bkklmibnc Neurne hdr tebt purpdsm bfk smvmfty-termm pmdplm bttmfkmk. [wmlvm [wmlvm ymbrs ymb rs lbtmr, b sdlk-dut nrdwk dh >,;11 pmdplm `mt 9;
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bt ^bkklmibnc Neurne td lmbrf edw td `mmt tem t em jrdwofj fu`imrs dh pmdplm wote eurts, ebfj-ups, bfk ebiots. [em fmtwdrc fdw ofnlukms rmjodfbl bfk oftmrfbtodfbl kormntdrs, b prosdf kormntdr, bfk vdluftmmr stbtm rmprmsmftbtovms wed emlp Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry prdjrb`s jmt stbrtmk bfk ndftofum td jrdw. [eos wbs imydfk dur wolkmst krmb`s! krmb `s! Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry Ymndvmry imjbf bs b `ofostry `ofost ry bt ^bkklmibnc Neurne sd tebt dur hb`oly ndulk ebvm b sbhm plbnm td sebrm tem strujjlms tebt ebk tdrf us bpbrt. Zm wbftmk td okmftohy wote dtemrs wed wdulk nlbo` Gmsus Nerost bs temor Eojemr Eoj emr Qdwmr Qdwmr bfk wmrm wmrm wollofj td turf temor lovms nd`plmtmly dvmr td Eo`. Fdw dur “Hdrmvmr Hb`oly‐ ofnlukms pmdplm hrd` bll dvmr tem wdrlk wed wbft td irmbc tem nynlm dh kysh kyshufnt ufntodf odf bfk lovm dut 9 Ndrof Ndrofteo teobfs bfs 27> „ ; wote us7 “Qrbosm im td tem Jdk bfk Hbtemr dh dur Ldrk Gmsus Nerost, tem Hbtemr dh nd`pbssodf bfk tem Jdk dh bll nd`hdrt, wed nd`hdrts us of bll dur trduilms, sd tebt wm nbf nd`hdrt tedsm of bfy trduilm wote tem nd`hdrt wm dursmlvms rmnmovm hrd` Jdk. Jdk.‐‐
Xontdry Nbf Nb f Im _durs _durs Bs Zmll O edpm ydu nbf smm hrd` Nemryl‟s tmsto`dfy edw Jdk nebfjmk twd irdcmf lovms bfk rmstdrmk dur `brrobjm sd tebt wm ndulk lovm dut Jdk‟s purpdsm of Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry. Ot os dur prbymr tebt ydu woll rmbk tem rmst dh teos iddc wote bf dpmf embrt, cfdwofj mvmrydfm ebs eurts, ebfj-ups, dr ebiots. Dfm dh tem `osndfnmptodfs bidut tem wdrk rmndvmry os os tebt ot os dfly hdr tedsm strujjlofj strujjlo fj wote kru krujs js bfk bln blndedl. dedl. Dh dvmr tem `ol `ollodf lodf pmdplm wed ebvm jdfm terduje b Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry stmp stuky, dfly dfm dut dh termm ebs immf kmblofj wote suistbfnm biusm. [em rm`bofkmr dh tem iddc os kmsojfmk td rm`dvm bfy hmbrs, kduits, dr qumstodfs ydu `ojet ebvm bidut bttmfkofj b Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry `mmtofj hdr tem horst to`m. Oh ydu brm jdofj terduje bfy typm dh eurt, ebfj-up, dr ebiot, Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry os hdr ydu. Jdk nbf jovm ydu tem sb`m vontdry Em ebs jovmf us! 9=
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Nebptmr 9
Nebfjm Os Qdssoilm7 Qdssoilm7 [em [ em Mojet Qrofnoplms dh Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry ^ofnm tem imjoffofj dh to`m, `mf bfk wd`mf ebvm smbrnemk hdr ebppofmss ebpp ofmss ‛ usublly of bll tem wrdfj plbnms, tryofj try ofj bll tem wrdfj teofjs. Iut temrm‟s dfly dfm plbnm wemrm wm nbf hofk tmstmk-bfkprdvmf, bisdlutmly-jdffb-wdrc profnoplms tebt woll lmbk td emblofj bfk ebppofmss. [emsm profnoplms nd`m of tem hdr` dh mojet stbtm`mfts hrd` h rd` tem t em trumst t rumst dh bll b ll iddcs ‛ tem Ioilm ‛ bfk hrd` tem `dst rmvmrmk [mbnemr dh bll to`m ‛ Gmsus Nerost. Gmsus lbok dut temsm profnoplms hdr ebppofmss of tem ^mr`df df tem @duft of tem jdspml dh @bttemw, nebptmr =. [dkby wm nbll tem` “tem Imbtotukms.‐ Nebfjm, Gmsus sbys, nbf im durs, iut tem pbtewby td nebfjm bfk ebppofmss `by fdt im mxbntly webt wm‟rm mxpmntofj. Hrd` b ndfvmftodfbl vomwpdoft, `dst dh tem hdlldwofj mojet stbtm`mfts kdf‟t `bcm smfsm. Bt horst temy mvmf sdufk locm ndftrbkontodfs. Iut wemf ydu hully ufkmrstbfk ufkmrstb fk webt Gmsus os sbyofj, ydu‟ll rmblozm rmbloz m temsm mojet stbtm`mfts brm Jdk‟s pbtewby td wedlmfmss, jrdwte, bfk sporotubl `bturoty. 9:
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“Ebppy brm tedsm wed cfdw temy tem y brm sporotublly sporotu blly pddr.‐ pddr.‐ “Ebppy brm tedsm wed `durf, hdr temy tem y sebll im nd`hdrtmk.‐ “Ebppy brm tem `mmc.‐ “Ebppy brm tem purm of embrt.‐ “Ebppy brm tedsm wedsm jrmbtmst kmsorm os td kd k d webt Jdk rmquorms.‐ “Ebppy brm tedsm wed brm `mrnohul ` mrnohul..‐ “Ebppy brm tedsm wed wdrc hdr pmbnm.‐ “Ebppy brm tedsm wed brm pmrsmnutmk imnbusm temy kd webt Jdk rmquorms.‐ *
@y Dwf Qmrsdfbl Gdurfmy O cfdw tebt tem mojet profnoplms wdrc. Zey4 Imnbusm temy wdrcmk of `y lohm. O ebvm fdt blwbys immf b pbstdr. Qrodr td imofj nbllmk oftd tem `ofostry, O wbs b sunnmsshul iusofmss`bf. O wbs blsd b “hufntodfbl blndedlon.‐ @y wohm Nemryl tdlk `y stdry of nebptmr dfm. O strujjlmk strujj lmk wote `y sof bkkontodf td blndedl b lndedl hdr fofmtmmf ymbrs. Mvmftublly tubl ly O nb`m td b pdoft wemrm wemrm O wbs ldsofj mvmryteofj. mvmry teofj. O nromk dut td Jdk hdr emlp, bfk Em lmk `m td Blndedlons Bfdfy`dus. Mvmf temf O cfmw tebt t ebt `y Eojemr Qdwmr Qdwmr ebk b fb`m ‛ Gmsus Nerost! Nerost ! O stbrtmk stbr tmk bttmfkofj ^bkklmibnc Neurne of Lbcm Hdrmst, Nblohdrfob. Bhtmr b ymbr dh sdiromty, Jdk jbvm `m tem vosodf hdr Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry, b Nerost-nmftmrmk rmndvmry prdjrb`. O bfswmrmk Jdk‟s nbll td stbrt Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry. ^ofnm 2??2 2??2, dvmr b `oll `ollodf odf ndurbjmdus ofkovokubls ebvm e bvm hdufk tem sb`m hrmmkd` hrd` temor lohm‟s eurts eurts,, ebfj-ups, bfk ebiots tebt O kok. Oh temsm mojet profnoplms wdrcmk hdr sd`mdfm locm `m, O prd`osm temy nbf wdrc hdr ydu tdd!
@y Qbrtfmrseop wote Qbstdr Yonc Bh tmr Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry Bhtmr Ymndvmr y ebk immf jdofj hdr b ymbr, ymb r, Qbstdr Yonc Zbrrmf, Z brrmf, `y smfodr pbstdr, pbstdr, sbw edw edw Nmlmirbtm Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry wbs emlpofj pmdplm of dur neurne hb`oly hofk Jdk‟s emblofj hrd` temor * Bll qudtbtodfs dh tem Imbtotukms terdujedut teos iddc brm tbcmf Xmrsodf ). hrd` tem Jddk Fmws [rbfslbtodf ([dkby‟s Mfjlose Xmrsodf).
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Qrofnoplms [bt Zoll Nebfjm _dur _dur Lohm [em Ydbk td Ymndvmry Ibsmk df tem Imbtotukms Qbstdr Yonc Zbrrmf Q Y O F N O Q L M
2 Q Y O F N O Q L M
9 Q Y O F N O Q L M
mblozm O‟` fdt Jdk. O bk`ot tebt O b` pdwmrlmss td ndftrdl `y tmfkmfny td kd tem wrdfj teofj bfk tebt `y lohm os uf`bfbjmbilm (^tmp 2). “Ebppy brm tedsm wed cfdw temy brm sporotublly pddr‐ (@bttemw =7>).
brfmstly imlomvm tebt Jdk mxosts, tebt O `bttmr td Eo`, bfk tebt Em ebs tem pdwmr td emlp `m rmndvmr (^tmp 9). “Ebppy brm tedsm wed `durf, hdr temy sebll im nd`hdrtmk‐ (@bttemw nd`hdrtmk‐ (@bttemw =7;).
dfsnodusly neddsm td nd``ot bll `y lohm bfk woll td Nerost‟s Nerost‟s `mm c‐ (@bttemw =7=). nbrm bfk ndftrdl (^tmp >). “Ebppy brm tem `mmc
> Q Y O F N O Q L M
; Q Y O F N O Q L M
= Q Y O F N O Q L M
8 Q Y O F N O Q L M
: Q Y O F N O Q L M
pmfly mxb`ofm bfk ndfhmss `y hbults td `ysmlh, td Jdk, bfk td sd`mdfm O trust (^tmps ; bfk =). “Ebppy brm tem purm of embrt‐ (@bttemw =75).
dluftbroly sui`ot td mvmry nebfjm Jdk wbfts td `bcm of `y lohm bfk eu`ily bsc Eo` td rm`dvm `y nebrbntmr kmhmnts (^tmps 8 bfk :). “Ebppy brm tedsm wedsm jrmbtmst kmsorm os td kd webt Jdk rmquorms‐ (@bttemw rmquorms‐ (@bttemw =78).
vblubtm bll `y rmlbtodfseops. Dfimr hdrjovmfmss td tedsm wed ebvm eurt `m bfk `bcm b`mfks hdr ebr` O‟vm kdfm td dtemrs, mxnmpt wemf wem f td td kd kd sd sd wdu wdulk lk ebr ebr` ` tem tem` ` dr dte dtemrs mrs (^ (^tmp tmpss 5 bfk ?). “Ebppy brm tem `mrnohul‐ (@bttemw =7:). “Ebppy brm tem pmbnm`bcmrs‐ (@bttemw =7?).
msmrvm b kboly to`m wote Jdk hdr smlh-mxb`ofbtodf, Ioilm rmbkofj, bfk prbymr of drkmr td cfdw Jdk bfk Eos woll hdr `y lohm bfk td jbof tem pdwmr td hdlldw Eos woll (^tmps 21 bfk 22).
omlk `ysmlh td Jdk td im usmk td irofj teos Jddk Fmws td dtemrs, idte iy `y mxb`plm bfk iy `y wdrks (^tmp 29). “Ebppy brm tedsm wed brm pmrsmnutmk imnbusm temy kd webt Jdk rmquorms‐ (@bttemw =721).
?:51>218?;::? _durHorst^tmpNmlYmndv oft N^= ofkk 9?
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eurts, ebfj-ups, e bfj-ups, bfk ebiots. Em kmnokmk td tbcm tem mftorm neurne hb`oly terduje b smr`df smroms nbllmk “[em Ydbk td Ymndvmry.‐ Qbstdr Yonc‟s Y-M-N-D-X-M-Y-_ bnrdston okmftohoms mojet profnoplms. Bs ydu rmbk tem mojet profnoplms bfk tem ndrrmspdfkofj imbtotukms (smm idx df df pbjm UU), U U), ydu‟ll ydu‟ll imjof imj of td ufkmrstbfk tem nedonms imhdrm ydu. ([erdujedut teos nebptmr, ydu blsd woll im oftrdkunmk td tem Nerost-nmftmrmk Neros t-nmftmrmk 29 29 ^tmps. [emsm ebvm immf bkbptmk hrd` tem 29 ^ujjmstmk ^tmps dh Blndedlons Bfdfy`dus, Bfdfy`dus, wote tem sojfohonbft sojfoh onbft kohhmrmfnm koh hmrmfnm tebt temy wm cfdw dur Eojemr Qdwmr Qdwmr td im Gmsus Gmsus Nerost. Ner ost. [d rmbk temsm ^tmps bfk temor ioilonbl nd`pbrosdfs of dfm ndfvmfomft spdt, plmbsm smm Bppmfkox B df pbjm UU.) Zmm woll mxpld Z mxpldrm rm mbne dh tem mojet Nmlmi Nmlmirbtm rbtm Ymndvm Ymndvmry ry profnopl profnoplms ms of tem rmst dh teos nebptmr. Lmt‟s imjof wote Qrofnoplm 2. (FD[M7 Bhtmr Bh tmr hdur dh tem mojet profnoplms ‛ ;, =, :, :, bfk b fk 5 ‛ ydu ydu‟ll ‟ll hofk b pmrsdfbl stdry, b tmsto`dfy iy b rmbl pmrsdf hrd` tem Nmlmirbtm Ymndvmry hb`oly. h b`oly. _du _du woll smm edw wote Jdk‟ Jdk ‟s pdwmr, pdwmr, bfk wdrcofj temor prdjrb`, temy brm dvmrnd`ofj temor eurts, ebfj-ups, bfk ebiots. [emsm ndurbjmdus ofkovokubls nd`m hrd` vmry kohhmrmft ibncjrdufks wote b vbromty dh prdilm`s bfk ossums. Bs ydu rmbk temor stdroms, plmbsm cmmp ydur embrt bfk `ofk dpmf. _du woll smm edw temor gdurfmys rmlbtm td ydur dwf lohm lo hm dr td sd`mdfm‟s sd`mdfm‟s nldsm td ydu.)
Qrofnoplm 2 Qrofnoplm 27 Ymblozm O‟` fdt Jdk. O bk`ot tebt O b` pdwmrlmss td ndftrdl `y tmfkmfny td kd tem wrdfj teofj bfk tebt `y lohm os uf`bfbjmbilm.
“Ebppy brm tedsm wed cfdw temy brm sporotublly pddr.‐ (@bttemw =7>)
_dur b`bzofj rmndvmry gdurfmy stbrts wote Qrofnoplm 2, wemrm ydu _dur bk`ot tebt ydu brm pdwmrlmss td ndftrdl ydur eurts, ebfj-ups, bfk ebiots bfk tebt ydur lohm ebs imnd`m uf`bfbjmbilm, dut dh ndftrdl. Iut imhdrm ydu imjof teos mxnotofj gdurfmy, ydu fmmk td bsc ydursmlh tem hdlldwofj twd qumstodfs7 >1
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B` O wmbrofj b `bsc dh kmfobl4 Dvmr webt kd O rmblly ebvm ndftrdl4 [emsm qumstodfs brm fdt gust hdr ydu, iut mvmrydfm! Lmt‟s lddc bt tem horst qumstodf7 Brm wm wmbrofj b `bsc dh kmfobl4 Imhdrm wm nbf n bf `bcm bfy prdjrmss of dur rmndvmry, wm fmmk td hbnm dur kmfobl. Bs B s sddf bs wm rm`dvm dur `bsc, dur rmndvmry imjofs imjof s ‛ dr imjofs bjbof! Ot kdmsf‟t `bttmr wemtemr sd`mdfm os fmw of rmndvmry dr temy ebvm immf of tem prdnmss bfk wdrcofj tem profnoplms bfk stmps hdr ymbrs. Kmfobl nbf rmbr ots ujly embk bfk rmturf bt bfy to`m. Zm `by trbkm bkkontodfs dr jmt oftd b fmw rmlbtodfseop tebt‟s ufembltey hdr us of b kohhmrmft wby tebf b prmvodus dfm. Jdk sbys of Gmrm`obe 872; ([LI), “_du nbf‟t embl b wdufk iy sbyofj ot‟s fdt temrm.‐ Kmfobl os smrodus. Zm nbf‟t nbf‟t embl dur eurts, eurt s, ebfj-ups, bfk ebiots iy prmtmfkofj temy‟rm fdt temrm. Kmfobl woll kosbilm dur hmmlofjs, osdlbtofj us hrd` Jdk bfk blomfbtofj us hrd` dtemrs. Bs sddf bs wm stbrt st brt wdrcofj df teos t eos profnoplm bfk bk`ot bk` ot tebt wm‟rm wm‟ rm pdwmrlmss, wm imjof td neb nebfjm. fjm. Zm smm tebt dur dlk wbys dh tryofj td ndftrdl dur eurts, ebfj-ups, bfk ebiots kokf‟t wdrc. Dur bttm`pts wmrm iuromk iy dur kmfobl, bfk dur prdilm`s wmrm emlk nldsm iy dur hblsm smfsm dh pdwmr. [eos lmbks us td tem smndfk qumstodf wm fmmk td bfswmr7 Dvmr webt kd wm rmblly rmb lly ebvm ndftrdl4 Of Qrofnoplm 2 wm rmndjfozm rmndjf ozm dur fmmk td bk`ot dur pdwmrlmssfmss. Dur lust hdr tem pdwmr td ndftrdl os rddtmk of dur wmbcfmssms, wmbcfmssm s, fdt of dur strmfjtes. strmfjt es. Zm fmmk td rmblozm dur eu`bf wmbcfmssms bfk turf dur lovms dvmr td Jdk. Gmsus cfmw teos wdulk im kohhonult. Edw kohhonult4 Em sbok teos bidut b rmlbtmk ossum, iut ot bpploms bpploms emrm bs wmll7 “Zote `bf `b f teos teo s os o`pdssoilm, soil m, iut wote Jdk bll teofjs brm pdssoilm‐ (@bttemw (@bttemw 2?798). Qrokm, wdrry, rmsmft`mft, smlhosefmss, bfk ldfmlofmss bnt locm “smrmfoty “smrm foty rdiimrs‐ of dur lovms. Zm ebvm td nd`m td b plbnm wemrm wm bk`ot tebt wm brm pdwmrlmss. [em pdwmr td nebfjm nd`ms dfly hrd` Jdk‟s jrbnm. Of Qrofnoplm 2 wm stbrt wdrcofj bfk lovofj teos prdjrb` of mbrfmst. Zemf >2
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wm bk`ot wm‟ wm‟rm rm pdwmrlmss, wm jd df td rmndjfoz rmndjfozmm tebt t ebt wm fmmk b pdwmr jrmbtmr tebf dursmlvms td rmstdrm us. [ebt pdwmr os tem dfm bfk dfly trum tr um Eojemr Qdwmr, Qdwmr, Gmsus Nerost. Ner ost. Emirmws 2972 2972 ofvotms us7 “[emrmhdrm, sofnm wm brm surrdufkmk su rrdufkmk iy sune b jrmbt nlduk nlduk dh wotfmssms, wotfmssms, lmt us terdw dhh mvmryteofj mvmry teofj tebt t ebt eofkmrs bfk tem sof tebt sd mbsoly mftbfjlms. Bfk lmt us ruf wote pmrsmvmrbfnm tem rbnm `brcmk dut hdr us.‐ [eos vmrsm spmlls dut twd o`pdrtbft ofsojets bs wm imjof dur rmndvmry gdurfmy. Horst, Jdk ebs b pbrtonulbr rbnm, b ufoqum plbf, hdr mbne dh us u s ‛ b plbf hdr jddk, jdd k, fdt b lohm ndfsu`mk wote kmpmfkmfnoms, bkkontodfs, bfk dismssodfs. [em smndfk teofj os tebt wm fmmk td im wollofj wollo fj td jmt rok dh bll tem t em uffmnmssbry uffmnmssb ry ibjjbjm ibj jbjm ‛ dur eurts, ebfj-ups, e bfj-ups, bfk ebiots ‛ of dur lovms tebt cmmp us u s stunc (“lmt us terdw dhh mvmryteofj tebt eofkmrs bfk tem sof tebt sd mbsoly mftbfjlms‐).. Zdrcofj mftbfjlms‐) Zdrcofj terduje t erduje tem mojet profnoplms profnoplms woll wol l blldw bl ldw us td kosndvmr Jdk‟s plbf bfk purpdsm hdr dur lovms. [em gdurfmy imjofs iy tbcofj tem horst h orst stmp. stmp. [em horst h orst stmp dh tem t em Nerost-nmftmrmk 29 ^tmps rmlbtms td Qrofnoplm 27 27 ^tmp 27 Zm bk`ottmk wm wmrm pdwmrlmss dvmr dur bkkontodfs bfk nd`pulsovm imebvodrs, tebt dur lovms ebk imnd`m uf`bfbjmbilm.
“O cfdw tebt fdteofj jddk lovms of `m, tebt os, of `y sofhul fbturm. Hdr O ebvm tem kmsorm td kd webt os jddk, iut O nbffdt nbrry ot dut.‐ (Yd`bfs :725)
Qrofnoplm 2 Qrbymr Kmbr Jdk, Jdk , _dur Zdrk Zdrk tmlls `m ` m tebt O nbf‟t embl `y eurts, ebfj-ups, bfk ebiots gust iy sbyofj temy‟rm fdt temrm. Emlp `m! Qbrts dh `y lohm ‛ dr bll dh `y lohm ‛ brm dut dh ndftrdl. ndftr dl. O fdw cfdw tebt t ebt O nbf nbf‟t‟t “ hox‐ `ysmlh. `ysmlh. Ot smm`s tebt tem ebrkmr O try td kd tem rojet teofj, tem `drm O strujjlm. Ldrk, O wbft td stmp dut dh `y kmfobl oftd tem trute. O prby hdr ydu td sedw `m tem wby. Of ydur ^df‟s fb`m, B `mf.
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