FDD LTE Key Performance Indicator s Description Guide
Learning Objectives After aving !earned tis tis training course" you sou!d sou!d be ab!e to understand#
$asic %no&!edge of FDD LTE KPIs
'ategories of FDD LTE KPIs
Formu!as of FDD LTE KPIs
Basic Knowledge of FDD LTE KPIs FDD LTE e(ode$ KPIs FDD LTE (et&or% KPIs Oter FDD LTE KPIs
Counters, Definitions, and Numbering Conventions
For more information" refer to te NetNumen M31(LTE) NE Management System eNod eB Performance Counter Reference at te fo!!o&ing *)L: *)L : ttp#++tsm,-te,com,cn+tsm+Fi!e'enter+Fi!e,asp./0ode1read2Fi!eID134356785
For more information" refer to te NetNumen M31(LTE) NE Management System eNod eB Key Performance nd!cator Reference at te fo!!o&ing *)L# ttp#++tsm,-te,com,cn+tsm+Fi!e'enter+Fi!e,asp./0ode1read2Fi!eID134356789
'ounter E.amp!e
easurement !b"ect
easurement Number
easurement T#$e
Counter Name
Counter %e&uence Number
'e!! Type
;tatistics of ))' 'onnection Estab!isment
(umber of ;uccessfu! mt< Access ))' 'onnection Estab!isment
'ounter ;tructure easurement !b"ect
easurement T#$e
ID# 8=4<8>> • • • •
'e!! Type e(ode$ Type e(ode$ IP Lin% Type 'e!! Pair Type
ID# 3833:4<3833>> •
• • • •
;tatistics of ))' connection estab!isment ;tatistics of E<)A$ ;tatistics of time Type of a ce!! pair Oter
ID# ' ? 0easurement Type (umber ? @@@
KPI(PI KPI ID# 364744<3648>> •
(umber of successfu! mt< Access ))' connection estab!isment • (umber of unsuccessfu! mt< Access ))' connection estab!isment timer timeoutB • Oter
))' connection estab!isment success rate Oter
PI ID# 364744<3648>> • •
Paging congestion rate Oter
)eporting Procedure
Tis reporting procedure is described as fo!!o&s# ;tep 6 Te )(L' subsystem reports data to te OA0 using te event
KPI Overvie& Descri$tion 0obi!e subscriber ;erviceabi!ity ? )e!iabi!ityB# An FDD LTE can provide a mobi!e subscriber &it ig
$asic Kno&!edge of FDD LTE KPIs FDD LTE eNodeB KPIs FDD LTE (et&or% KPIs Oter FDD LTE KPIs
FDD LTE e(ode$ KPIs
T)roug)$ut *ono+E
Pea% *E Data )ate Average *E Data )ate 'e!! Edge *E Data )ate
Cell Ca$acit# *ulti+E
Pea% 'e!! Trougput Average 'e!! Trougput 'e!!
.ound Tri$ Time 'ombined EP' App!ication ;erver e(ode$ *E
p i n g
easured .ound Tri$ Time
)adio freCuency# *nder ce!!" mid
(eigbor ce!! !oading# *n!oaded and !oaded
;cedu!ing a!goritm# Pre
Ping si-e# 3: $" 6444 $" and 6744 $
%tate Transition Time
Trougput 0ono<*EB
Pea/ E Data .ate
E.g. Gateways, Routers, irewalls
Application Server at NGMN network edge
Loading# ;ing!e ce!!" un!oaded
*E speed# ;tationary mode
Location# *nder ce!! good )F conditionsB
0I0O configuration# DL :: 0I0O" *L 6: ;I0O
Operating band&idt
*E category
*E *L+DL )$ !imitation
Trougput 0ono<*EB
0verage E Data .ate
0I0O configuration# DL :: 0I0O" *L 6: ;I0O
Loading# 6 *E in te serving ce!!" neigbor ce!! !oaded
*E speed# ;tationary mode
Location# *niform!y
Operating band&idt
*E category
*E *L+DL )$ !imitation
*E distribution in eac signa! range
Trougput 0ono<*EB
Cell+Edge E Data .ate
0I0O configuration# DL :: 0I0O" *L 6: ;I0O
Loading# 6 *E in te serving ce!!" neigbor ce!! !oaded
*E speed# ;tationary mode
Location# 'e!! edge
Operating band&idt
*E category
*E *L+DL )$ !imitation
*E ;I() at te ce!! edge
Trougput 0u!ti<*EB
Pea/ Cell T)roug)$ut
0I0O configuration# DL :: 0I0O" *L 6: ;I0O
Loading# 0u!tip!e ce!!s" !oaded 84B
*E ;peed# ;tationary mode
Location# Good )F conditions
*E category# T$; !imitation" 95A0 in *L
*E *L+DL )$ !imitation
Environment# Dense urban" urban" suburban" and rura!
;cedu!ing a!goritm
Trougput 0u!ti<*EB
0verage Cell T)roug)$ut T#$ical E Distribution odel
0I0O configuration# DL :: 0I0O" *L 6: ;I0O
Loading# 0u!tip!e ce!!s" !oaded
*E speed# ;tationary 0ode
Location# *niform!y
*E category T$; !imitation" 95A0 in *LB
*E *L+DL )$ !imitation
*E distribution in eac signa! range" scedu!ing a!goritm
Trougput 0u!ti<*EB
Cell+Edge E T)roug)$ut
0I0O configuration# DL :: 0I0O" *L 6: ;I0O
Loading# 0u!tip!e ce!!s" !oaded 84B
*E speed# ;tationary mode
Location# 'e!! edge
*E category T$; !imitation" 95A0 in *LB
*E *L+DL )$ !imitation
Environment# Dense urban" urban" suburban" and rura!
;cedu!ing a!goritm
*E ;I() at te ce!! edge
$asic Kno&!edge of FDD LTE KPIs FDD LTE e(ode$ KPIs FDD LTE Networ/ KPIs Oter FDD LTE KPIs
FDD LTE (et&or% KPIs
0ccessibilit# ))' Estab!isment ;uccess )ate E<)A$ ;etup ;uccess )ate
.etainabilit# E<)A$ Drop )ate
obilit# andover ;uccess )ate
0vailabilit# 'e!! Avai!abi!ity
Integrit# Pac%et Loss )ate DL PD'P ;D* Latency
Accessibi!ity Teoretica! !imit# 644 Idea! va!ue in a commercia! net&or%# H >=
Accessibi!ity 'ategoryB
Initia! E<)A$ Accessibi!ity
))' 'onnection ;etup ;uccess )ate
;6<;IG Estab!is ;uccess )ate
Initia! E<)A$ ;etup ;uccess )ate
Added E<)A$ Accessibi!ity
Attac ;uccess )ate
Detac ;uccess )ate
))' )e
Paging ;uccess )ate
Air Interface
))' 'onnection ;etup ;uccess )ate
;6<;IG Estab!is ;uccess )ate
*E 'onte.t ;etup ;uccess )ate
Added E<)A$ ;etup ;uccess )ate
E<)A$ ;etup ;uccess )ate
E<)A$ $!oc% )ate per 'IB
、 'a!! ;etup ;uccess )ate" 'a!! $arring )ate
'ontention<$ased P)A' Performance
))' Estab!isment ;uccess )ate
Tis KPI so&s te probabi!ity for a subscriber to be provided &it an ))' connection upon reCuest,
%ignaling Procedure UE
))' Estab!isment ;uccess )ate 1 (umber of successfu! ))' connection estab!isment + (umber of successfu! ))' connection estab!isment ? (umber of fai!ed ))' connection estab!ismentB 644
E<)A$ ;etup ;uccess )ate
Tis KPI so&s te probabi!ity for a subscriber to be provided &it an E<)A$ reCuest inc!uding initia! and added conte.t setup procedures,
%ignaling Procedure e($
E<)A$ ;ET*P )EF*E;T
E<)A$ ;ET*P )E;PO(;E
3 5
E<)A$ ;etup ;uccess )ate 1 (umber of successfu! initia! E<)A$ ? (umber of successfu! added E<)A$ estab!ismentB + (umber of successfu! initia! E<)A$ estab!isment ? (umber of fai!ed initia! E<) A$ estab!isment ? (umber of successfu! added E<)A$ estab!isment ? (umber of fai!ed added E<)A$ estab!ismentB 644
)etainabi!ity Teoretica! !imit# 4 Idea! va!ue in a commercia! net&or%# :
)etainabi!ity 'ategoryB
KPI *E E<)A$ )etainabi!ity Per 'I
*E E<)A$ )etainabi!ity
))' Drop )ate
E<)A$ Drop )ate Per 'IB
o& Often
E<)A$ Duration Time per 'I Drop
E<)A$ *L Data Jo!ume Per 'I Drop o; $efore Drop
E<)A$ DL Data Jo!ume Per 'I Drop
Active E<)A$ Drop )ate
E<)A$ Drop )ate
Tis KPI so&s te probabi!ity for an a subscriber to !oss te E<)A$" suc as an event b eing re!eased by te e(ode$ due to over!oad contro!,
%ignaling Procedure E+.0B .eleased b# t)e eNodeB-e($
E<)A$ Drop )ate 1 (umber of Abnorma!!y )e!eased E<)A$ + (umber of ;uccessfu!!y Estab!ised E<)A$ 644
%uccessful 1andover Categories
LTE to *0T;
*0T; to LTE
LTE to G;0
Inter<)AT O ;uccess )ate @: $ased O
'ontention $ased O
;6 $ased O
A!! Incoming O Per 'e!!
A!! Outgoing O Per 'e!!
A!! Incoming O Per 'e!! Pair
A!! Outgoing O Per 'e!! Pair
'ontention Free O
Intra<)AT O ;uccess )ate
G;0 to LTE
1andover Pre$aration %uccess .ate
Teoretica! !imit# 644
Idea! va!ue in a commercia! net&or% 、 >>
;tep 5 ;tep 9B
1andover E'ecution %uccess .ate
Teoretica! !imit# 644
Idea! va!ue in a commercia! net&or%# >=
O In# ;tep 9 ;tep 66
O Out# ;tep 8 ;tep 68
obilit# %uccess .ate
Teoretica! !imit# 644
Idea! va!ue in a commercia! net&or%# >8
MobilitySR= HO. Pr eparationS R × HO. ExecutionS R
andover Preparation and E.ecution Handover
Start Point
Outgoing handover preparation
The source eNodeB decides to perform a handover.
Stop Point
The source eNodeB sends the RRC Connection Reconfiguration message to the UE.
Outgoing handover execution
The source eNodeB sends the RRC Connection Reconfiguration message to the UE.
The source eNodeB receives the UE Context Release message from the destination eNodeB.
ncoming handover preparation
The destination eNodeB receives the !andover Re"uest message from the source eNodeB.
The destination eNodeB returns the !andover Response message to the source eNodeB.
ncoming handover execution
The destination eNodeB receives the RRC Connection Reconfiguration Complete message from the UE.
The destination eNodeB sends the UE Context Release message to the source eNodeB.
'e!! andover and 'e!! Pair andover
Te outgoing andover preparation success rate for eac andover pair measures te ando ver preparation from te serving ce!! to a certain neigbor ce!!, ere are t&o typica! e.amp!es#
In te event of te andover from ce!! A to ce!! $" te Intra+eNodeB Intra+fre& !utgoing 1andover Pre$aration %uccess .ate $er Cell $air is measured in ce!! A,
In te event of te andover from ce!! $ to ce!! A" te Intra+eNodeB Intra+fre& !utgoing 1andover Pre$aration %uccess .ate $er Cell $air is measured in ce!! $,
Te outgoing andover success rate contains a!! outgoing andover preparation successes fr om te serving ce!! to a!! neigbor ce!!s,
Te measurement of tese t&o KPIs can faci!itate us in sifting t&o ce!!s tat s uffer most ando ver preparation fai!ures" performing neigbor ce!! optimi-ation" and even de!eting unusab!e nei gbor ce!!s,
Te intra
If te e(ode$ receives te ))' 'onnection )econfiguration 'omp!ete message in step 5" it i ndicates tat te andover is successfu!,
If te e(ode$ receives te ))' 'onnection )eestab!isment )eCuest message in step 9" it i ndicates tat te andover is unsuccessfu!,
Descri$tion Te inter
Outgoing intra
Incoming intra
Outgoing inter
Incoming inter
Descri$tion en te e(ode$ decides to perform a andover according to te *E measurement report and me an&i!e te destination ce!! is not connected to te e(ode$ troug te @: interface" te inter
Outgoing intra
Incoming intra
Outgoing inter
Incoming inter
Inter<;ystem andover ;uccess )ate Te inter
Im$ortant and Demanding
Cell availabilit#
Teoretica! !imit# 644
Idea! va!ue in a commercia! net&or%# H >>,>>7
measurement%period) ∑ RRU.CellUnavaila(leTime.'cause& CellAvailability =
measurement % period
;oft&are ? ard&are
*navai!ab!e Time 1 *np!anned do&ntime on!y e.c!uding p!anned do&ntimeB
P)#sical meaning 397 :5 94 6<>>,>>7B 1 :9,:= min ce!! out
'e!! Avai!abi!ity
Descri$tion Te ce!! avai!abi!ity measures te ratio of in
%ignaling Procedure
Formulas 'e!! Avai!abi!ity 1 In<;ervice Time + 0easurement Granu!arity Time 'e!! Avai!abi!ity 1 '383:34844 + 0easurement Granu!arity Time 644
*L+DL Pac%et Loss )ate
DL PD'P ;D* Latency
.esour Priorit# ce T#$e
Pac/et Latenc# Budget *N!TE 4-
Pac/et Error Loss .ate *N!TE 5-
644 ms
'onversationa! Joice
674 ms
'onversationa! Jideo Live ;treamingB
3 (OTE 3B
74 ms
)ea! Time Gaming
5 (OTE 3B
344 ms
(on<'onversationa! Jideo $uffered ;treamingB
7 (OTE 3B
644 ms
I0; ;igna!!ing
344 ms
Jideo $uffered ;treamingB T'P
644 ms
Joice" Jideo Live ;treamingB Interactive Gaming
344 ms
6 (OTE 3B : (OTE 3B
9 (OTE 5B
8 (OTE 3B
= (OTE 7B
> (OTE 9B
(on< G$)
E'am$le %ervices
Jideo $uffered ;treamingB T'P
Do&n!in% PD'P ;D* Latency
Descri$tion Tis KPI indicates average do&n!in% PD'P ;D* !atency based on te 'I type" from te time &en a PD'P ;D* reaces te e(ode$" to te time &en te *E receives tis PD'P ;D*" t at is to say" a!! fragments of tis PD'P ;D* receives a successfu! A) response,
%ignaling Procedure
Formula Average Do&n!in% PD'P ;D* Latency 1 Tota! Latency of A!! PD'P ;D*s + (umber of A!! PD'P ;D*s
Do&n!in% IP Pac%et Latency
Descri$tion Tis KPI indicates average do&n!in% IP pac%et !atency" from te time &en te e(ode$ receives te IP pac%et troug te ;6 or @: interface" to te time &en te first fragment of tis IP pac%et is transmitted by te e(ode$ troug te air interface, It measures te time i nterva! at &ic te service is processed by te e(ode$" &ic forms a strong foundation for net&or% optimi-ation,
%ignaling Procedure
Formula Average Do&n!in% IP Pac%et Latency 'I 6 >B 1 Tota! Do&n!in% IP Pac%et Latency 'I 6 > B + ( umber of A!! PD'P ;D*s Do&n!in% 'I 6 >B
*p!in%+Do&n!in% Pac%et Loss )ate
Descri$tion Tis KPI measures te ratio of discarded PD'P ;D*s to received PD'P ;D*s due to te timeout of te TimeDis'ard timer" &en no" partia!" or a!! fragments are transmitted troug te e(ode$ or air interface, It sou!d be noted tat PD'P ;D*s vary from 'I to 'I 6 >B" from up!in% to do&n!in%,
Counters Number of 0ll PDCP %Ds *p!in%# en te PD'P !ayer of te e(ode$ receives te PD'P ;D* from te *E" tis counter is incremented by 6, Do&n!in%# en te PD'P !ayer of te e(ode$ sends te PD'P ;D* to te )L' !ayer" tis counter is incremented by 6, Number of Discarded PDCP %Ds *p!in%# en te PD'P !ayer of te e(ode$ receives te PD'P ;D* from te *E" te ;( is not consecutive, Do&n!in%# en te PD'P !ayer of te e(ode$ sends te PD'P ;D* to te )L' !ayer" te ;( is not consecutive,
Formula Air Interface or e(ode$ Pac%et Loss )ate 1 (umber of Discarded Pac%ets over te Air Interface or e(ode$ + (umber of A!! Pac%ets over te Air Interface or e(ode$
$asic Kno&!edge of FDD LTE KPIs FDD LTE e(ode$ KPIs FDD LTE (et&or% KPIs !t)er FDD LTE KPIs
Traffic Type < (umber of ))' 'onnections
Descri$tion Tis KPI counts te number of ))' connections" &ic is used to measure te *E access to te system for ca!! o!d, It invo!ves te fo!!o&ing t&o counters#
Average number of ))' connections 0a.imum number of ))' connections,
%ignaling Procedure
en te e(ode$ receives te ))' Estab!isment 'omp!ete message" te number of ))' connections is in cremented by 6,
en te e(ode$ triggers te ))' estab!isment successfu!!y due to te andover" te number of ))' con nections is incremented by 6,
en te e(ode$ re!eases te ))' connection" te number of ))' connections is decremented by 6,
en te e(ode$ reestab!ises te ))' connection in anoter ce!!" te number of ))' connections is decre mented by 6,
en te e(ode$ reestab!ises te ))' connection bac% to te serving ce!!" te number of ))' connection s is incremented by 6,
0a.imum (umber of ))' 'onnections ;amp!ing 'ounterB Average (umber of ))' 'onnections ;amp!ing 'ounterB
Traffic Type Average (umber of 'I<$ased *Es
Descri$tion Tis KPI measures te average number of E<)A$ connections" &ic eva!uates net&or% traffic, It s ou!d be noted tat tis KPI varies from 'I to 'I,
%ignaling Procedure *%am$ling Counter
Initia! E<)A$ estab!isment success Added E<)A$ estab!isment success
Incoming E<)A$ andover success
Incoming E<)A$ modification success canging te ne& 'I to te o!d 'IB
Outgoing E<)A$ andover success
Outgoing E<)A$ modification success canging te o!d 'I to te ne& 'IB
E<)A$ re!ease
Tis KPI is counted by averaging te measured va!ues of a!! samp!ing points &itin a specific meas urement cyc!e,
Traffic Type (umber of Activated 'I<$ased *Es
Descri$tion Tis KPI counts te number of *Es in te cace during a specified time period, It can be m easured based on a specific 'I" up!in% or do&n!in%" average number or ma.imum number ,
Tis KPI indicates te number of in
%ignaling Procedure (+A
Tis KPI is counted &en any data is present in te E<)A$ cace of 'I i every samp!ing cyc!e 644 msB" as defined in te 3GPP T;,
)esource A!!ocation 'e!! 2 ;ystem 'ate gor yB )esources
*L < ' P)$ *sage
DL <' P)$ *sage
Tota! *L P)$ *sage
PD'' *sage
*L < * P)$ *sage
P)A' *sage
*L P)$ *sage per 'I
Paging 'ongestion )ate
Tota! DL P)$ *sage
Avg 'P* Load
DL <* P)$ *sage
Avg DL Transmission Po&er
DL P)$ *sage per 'I
Avg *L Interference Per P)$
P)A' Propagation De!ay
Avg D;P Load
P)A' 0essage Load