Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade III I.OBJECTIVES: At the end of 90 minute discussion, the child should be able to: a. distinguish on identity from fantasy; b. tell whether the ev…Full description
lessomFull description
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lesson plan education grade 7
A detailed lesson plan (The Last Leaf)Full description
education.Full description
This is a detailed lesson plan in Volcanism, it can be a basis in constructing lesson plan for teaching demonstration.
4a's lesson plan in biology digestive system
festival in the PhilippinesFull description
Basic Clothing - Sewing & Equipment
An example of a detailed lesson plan
Respiratory System
Detailed Lesson Plan in Physics (momentum)
Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 8
OBJECTIVES: At the end of the ! min"te session at least #$% of the st"dents are e&'e(ted to) a. Identif* Identif* the (hara( (hara(teri teristi( sti(s+at s+attit" tit"de de re,ealed re,ealed in the 'oem. 'oem. -. Anal*e the elements elements of the 'oem/ 'oem/ the title/ title/ the messa0e messa0e// mood and and tone. (. S"mmarie S"mmarie the 'oem 'oem entitled 12e 12es/ I am an Afri(an Afri(an (hild3 -ased on their o4n inter'retation of the te&t.
S5BJECT 6A 6ATTE7: To'i(: 2es/ I am an Afri(an (hild 7eferen(e: 6aterials: 6anila 'a'er Pentel 'en and o"ts
P7OCED57E+E9 +E9EC5TIO a. 6ot 6oti,a i,atio tion: As; the st"dents if the* ha,e e&'erien(ed dis(rimination or the* ha,e e&'erien(ed -ein0 dis(riminated. -. A-st A-stra ra(t (tio ion: n: As; the st"dents a-o"t their o4n "nderstandin0 of the 'ie(e that the* ha,e read. <=hat the 'oem is all a-o"t> (. Anal*sis: =h* is it entitled 12es/ I am an Afri(an (hild3. =hat do *o" thin; is the messa0e of the 'oem? As a st"dent/ ho4 do *o" deal 4ith dis(rimination? d. A''l A''li( i(at atio ion: n: Ea(h 0ro"' 4ill 0i,e their o4n inter'retation of the line 1Tea(h me me to thin; li;e the star 4ithin me3
ASSE SES SS6ET+EV +EVAL5ATIO IO =rite a refle(tion a-o"t the 'oem