Counter Level 1
Sub Counter Level 2
VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS.RF (Number of CS RABs Abnormally Released Due to RF for Cell)
VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS (Number of CS RABs Abnormally Released for Cell)
VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS.OM VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS.Preempt VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS.UTRANgen
Counter Level 1
Sub Counter Level 2
VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.RF (Number of PS RABs Abnormally Released Due to RF for Cell)
VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS (Number of PS RABs Abnormally Released for Cell)
VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.OM VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.Preempt VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.GTPULoss VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.OLC
Sub Counter Level 3
Sub Counter Level 3 VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.RF.ULSync VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.RF.UuNoReply VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.RF.SRBReset
Number of CS RABs Abnormally Released Due to RF for Cell (Uplink Synchronization Fail)
Number of CS RABs Abnormally Released Due to RF for Cell (Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure)
Number of CS RABs Abnormally Released for Cell (Signaling RLC Reset)
Number of CS RAB Release Requests for Cell (O&M Intervention) Number of CS RAB Release Attempts for Cell (RAB Preemption) Number of CS RAB Abnormal Releases Triggered by RNC for Cell (UTRAN Cause)
Number of CS RABs Abnormally Released for Cell (Iu Interface AAL2 Link Failure)
Number of CS Domain RABs Released Due to Congestion for Cell
Number of CS RAB Abnormal Releases due to other cause
Description Number of PS RABs Abnormally Released for Cell (Uplink Synchronization Failure) Number of PS RABs Abnormally Released Due to RF for Cell (Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure) Number of PS RABs Abnormally Released Due to Signaling RLC Reset for Cell
Number of PS RABs Abnormally Released for Cell (Traffic RLC Reset)
Number of PS RAB Abnormal Released Due to O&M Intervention for Cell Number of PS RAB Abnormal Released Due to RAB Preemption for Cell Number of PS RABs Abnormally Released Due to GTPU Failure for Cell Number of PS Domain RABs Released Due to Congestion for Cell
Number of PS RAB Abnormal Releases due to other cause
CS call drop may be caused by abnormal release caused by the lost synchronization of links because of poor network coverage (including adjacent cell missing, small handover area. As a result, UE closes the transmitter abnormally or uplink demodulation is asynchronous. To solve the problem, network coverage must be improved. In the early network, call drops are mainly caused by this reason.
CS call drops may be caused by link releasing due to downlink SRB reset. This reason is mainly caused by poor network coverage (including adjacent cell missing and small handover area). To solve the problem, the network coverage must be improved. In the early network, call drops are mainly caused by this reason.
If IU CS interface (AAL2 path) is abnormal, RNC initializes the release. In practice, this reason seldom occurs. If this reason occurs, the problem may be caused by any faulty or defective equipment. In some versions of RNC, normal release is recorded as abnormal release during the RB setup process. CS call drops may be caused by other reasons. There are few call drop statistics in RNC (Version 12). Such reasons as process interaction timeout and cell update failure are recorded in CS_RAB_DROP_OTHER. In practice, many call drops are caused by process interaction timeout and cell update failure. Therefore, these call drops are recorded in CS_RAB_DROP_OTHER.
PS call drops may be caused by link releasing due to downlink TRB reset. This reason is mainly caused by poor network coverage (including adjacent cell missing and small handover area). To solve the problem, the network coverage must be improved. In the early network, call drops are mainly caused by this reason.
If IU CS interface (AAL2 path) is abnormal, RNC initializes the release. In practice, this reason seldom occurs. If this reason occurs, the problem may be caused by any faulty or defective equipment. PS call drops may be caused by other reasons. There are few call drop statistics in RNC (Version 12). Such reasons as process interaction timeout and cell update failure are recorded in PS_RAB_DROP_OTHER. In practice, many call drops are caused by process interaction timeout and cell update failure. Therefore, these call drops are recorded in PS_RAB_DROP_OTHER.
Counter Level 1
VS.RRC.Rej.Sum (Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell)
Sub Counter Level 2
VS.RRC.FailConnEstab.Cong (Number of RRC Connection Rejects Due to Network Congestion for Cell)
VS.RRC.Rej.RL.Fail VS.RRC.Rej.TNL.Fail
VS.RRC.FailConnEstab.NoReply VS.RRC.Rej.Redir.IntraRat VS.RRC.Rej.Redir.InterRat VS.RRC.Rej.Redir.Service VS.RRC.Rej.Redir.Dist Counter Level 1
Sub Counter Level 2
VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.Unsp Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (Unsupported Capabilities) VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.RNL Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (Radio Network Layer Cause) VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.UuFail Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (Radio Network Layer Cause) VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.IubFail VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.RNL.Other VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.TNL VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.other.CELL Counter Level 1
Sub Counter Level 2
VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.Unsp Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (Unsupported Capabilities) VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.RNL Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (Radio Network Layer Cause) VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.UuFail Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (Radio Network Layer Cause) VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.IubFail VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.RNL.Other VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.TNL VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.other.CELL
Sub Counter Level 3 VS.RRC.Rej.ULPower.Cong VS.RRC.Rej.DLPower.Cong VS.RRC.Rej.ULIUBBand.Cong VS.RRC.Rej.DLIUBBand.Cong VS.RRC.Rej.ULCE.Cong VS.RRC.Rej.DLCE.Cong VS.RRC.Rej.Code.Cong VS.RRC.Rej.Other.Cong
Sub Counter Level 3
VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.Cong Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (Congestion)
Sub Counter Level 4 VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.DLIUBBand.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.ULIUBBand.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.ULCE.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.DLCE.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.Code.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.ULPower.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.DLPower.Cong
VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.Unsp.Other VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.RBIncCfg VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.RBCfgUnsup VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.UuNoReply VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.PhyChFail
Sub Counter Level 3
VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.Cong Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (Congestion)
VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.Unsp.Other VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.RBIncCfg VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.RBCfgUnsup VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.UuNoReply VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.PhyChFail
Sub Counter Level 4 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.DLIUBBand.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.ULIUBBand.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.ULCE.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.DLCE.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.Code.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.ULPower.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.DLPower.Cong
Description Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (UL Power Congestion) Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (DL Power Congestion) Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (UL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (DL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (UL CE Resource Congestion) Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (DL CE Resource Congestion) Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (Code Resource Congestion) Number of RRC Connection Rejects due to other reason Number of RRC Connection Rejects Due to Radio Link Setup Failure for Cell Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (Transmission Setup Failure on Iub Interface ) Number of RRC Connection Rejects Due to Timeout of RRC CONNECT SETUP COMPLETE for Cell Number of RRC Connection Rejects during redirection between inter-frequency cells for cell Number of RRC Connection Rejects during redirection between inter-RAT cells for cell Number of RRC Connection Rejects Due to Service-based RRC Redirection for Cell Number of Distance-Based RRC Redirections for Cell
Description Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL CE Congestion) Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL CE Congestion) Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (Code Congestion) Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Power Congestion) Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Power Congestion) Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell due to other cause of insufficient capability of UTRAN Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell(Invalid configuration of UE during the RB setup procedure) Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell(Configuration unsupported of UE during the RB setup procedure) Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell(No reply of UE during the RB setup procedure) Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell(Physical channel failure of UE during the RB setup procedure) Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for cell (Radio Link Configuration Failure) Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell due to other cause of Radio Network Layer Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (Transport Network Layer Cause Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell due to other cause
Description Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL CE Congestion) Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL CE Congestion) Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (Code Congestion) Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Power Congestion) Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Power Congestion) Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell due to other cause of insufficient capability of UTRAN Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell(Invalid configuration of UE during the RB setup procedure) Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell(Configuration unsupported of UE during the RB setup procedure) Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell(No reply of UE during the RB setup procedure) Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell(Physical channel failure of UE during the RB setup procedure) Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for cell (Radio Link Configuration Failure) Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell due to other cause of Radio Network Layer Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (Transport Network Layer Cause Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell due to other cause
Power Congestion. Check RTWP and the maximum TCP.check power threshold, interference,netwrok capacity
CE Congestion
Code Congestion.To locate the problem, start Cell OVSF Code Allocation Analysis to analyze the code allocation and confirm m Other,analyze call detail logs. RL Fail.NodeB fails or NodeB resource is insufficient. AAL2 Fail.transmission resource is insufficient or any transmission equipment is faulty,
UE acknowledges the RB setup failure because of configuration unsupported compatibility problem of UE in some unknown s UE regards the configured parameters are invalid ones UE regards that the RB setup process and other processes simultaneously occur and they are incompatible.It is mainly caused UE does not acknowledge the RB setup request. This reason frequently occurs. It is mainly caused by poor coverage, so UE ca The RB setup failure may occur if FACH is migrated to DCH but downlink physical layers are not synchronized during the RB se the Cell Update process occurs. The RB setup failure is caused by process nesting
, interference,netwrok capacity
sis to analyze the code allocation and confirm major services.
ompatibility problem of UE in some unknown scenarios
r and they are incompatible.It is mainly caused by UE defects It is mainly caused by poor coverage, so UE cannot receive the RB setup request message al layers are not synchronized during the RB setup process. The rooted reason is poor coverage
Counter VS.SHO.FailRLAdd.CfgUnsupp VS.SHO.FailRLAdd.ISR VS.SHO.FailRLAdd.InvCfg VS.SHO.FailRLAdd.NoReply
Description Number of Failed Radio Link Additions in Soft Handover for Cell (Configuration Unsupported) Number of Failed Radio Link Additions in Soft Handover for Cell (Incompatible Simultaneous Reconfiguration) Number of Failed Radio Link Additions in Soft Handover for Cell (Invalid Configuration) Number of Failed Radio Link Additions in Soft Handover due to UE No Response for Cell
Counter IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.TAlExp IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.TgtFail
IRATHO CS Failure during IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.ReloNoSup Relocation Preparation IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.HigherTrafficLod IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.NoResAvail IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.UKnowRNC IRATHO CS Failure after IRATHO.FailOutCS.CfgUnsupp Relocation Preparation IRATHO.FailOutCS.PhyChFail IRATHO PS Failure
Counter VS.IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutPS.TAlExp VS.IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutPS.TgtFail VS.IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutPS.ReloUnSupp
IRATHO PS Failure during Relocation Preparation VS.IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutPS.TgtHighLoad VS.IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutPS.NoResAvail VS.IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutPS.UnKnowRNC IRATHO PS Failure after IRATHO.FailOutPSUTRAN.CfgUnsupp Relocation Preparation IRATHO.FailOutPSUTRAN.PhyChFail
Description Number of Failed Preparations for CS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover for Cell (TRELOCalloc expiry) Number of Failed Preparations for CS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover for Cell (Relocation Failure in Target CN/RNC or Target System) Number of Failed Preparations for CS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover for Cell (Relocation not supported in Target RNC or Target system) Number of Failed Preparations for CS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover for Cell (Traffic Load In The Target Cell Higher Than In The Source Cell) Number of Failed Preparations for CS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover for Cell (No Resource Available) Number of Failed Preparations for CS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover for Cell (Unknown Target RNC) Number of Failed CS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handovers for Cell (Configuration Unsupported) Number of Failed CS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handovers for Cell (Physical Channel Failure)
Description Number of Failed Preparations for Enhanced PS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover for Cell (TRELOCalloc expiry) Number of Failed Preparations for Enhanced PS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover for Cell (Relocation Failure in Target CN/RNC or Target System) Number of Failed Preparations for Enhanced PS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover for Cell (Relocation not supported in Target RNC or Target system) Number of Failed Preparations for Enhanced PS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover for Cell (Traffic Load In The Target Cell Higher Than In The Source Cell) Number of Failed Preparations for Enhanced PS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover for Cell (No Resource Available) Number of Failed Preparations for Enhanced PS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover for Cell (Unknown Target RNC) Number of Failed PS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handovers Initiated by RNC (Configuration unsupported) Number of Failed PS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handovers Initiated by RNC (Physical Channel Failure)
Stage RRC Setup Success Rate
Call Setup Success Rate RAB Setup Success Rate
Signaling Plane
Call Drop Rate
User Plane
Signaling Congestion Rate Congestion Rate
Soft & Softer Handover Success Rate
Traffic Congestion Rate
Radio Link Addition
Radio Link Deletion
Hard Handover Success Rate
InterRAT Handover to GSM Success Rate
InterRAT Handover to GPRS Success Rate
InterRAT Handover to GPRS Success Rate
CS Traffic
PS Traffic
PS Throughput
Failure Cause - Congestion - Unspecified - Parameter violation - Non supported UTRAN capabilities - Relocation triggered - Transport connection failed to establish - Unavailable resources - Protocol error
- OM intervention - User inactivity - Repeated integrity checking failure - UE generated signaling connection release - RL out-of-synchronization - OM intervention - UTRAN generated reason - RAB preempted
RRC Connection Reject (Cause: congestion) RAB Assignment Setup Failure (cause: congestion).
CN domain: - CS - PS QoS Classes: - Conversational - Streaming - Interactive - Background -CS - PS
CN domain: - CS - PS QoS Classes: - Conversational - Streaming - Interactive - Background - CS - PS
- Configuration unsupported - Incompatible simultaneous reconfiguration - Protocol error - Invalid configuration - No response from UE - Configuration unsupported - Physical channel failure - Incompatible simultaneous reconfiguration - Protocol error - Cell update occurred - Invalid configuration - No response received from UE - Configuration unacceptable - Physical channel failure - Protocol error - Inter-RAT protocol error - Unspecified - InterRAT handover to GSM no response - Configuration unacceptable
- initiated by UTRAN
- Physical channel failure - Protocol error - Unspecified - InterRAT handover to GSM no response
- initiated by UTRAN
QoS Classes: - Conversational - Streaming Bears - AMR Voice - CS 64K QoS Classes: - Conversational - Streaming - Interactive - Background QoS Classes: - Conversational - Streaming - Interactive - Background