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A Comprefieruiae'heatise on tfu, 27 Consuffntbru
?rarh,Trhnl,L tll"strationsby Venu Sagar Publications 72, Janpath,VedMansion NewDelhi-110001 Iel.: 23320648,23328245 E-mail:
[email protected]
Conunts s.
Page No.
No. 1.
Krittika Rohini
4. 5. 5. 7. 8. 9.
Mrigashira Ardra Punarvasu Pushya Ashlesha
t2. 13.
UttaraPhalguni Hasta
18. 19. 20.
Jyeshta Mula Purvashadha
UttarabhadraPada Revati
19 35 51 67 83 101
rt7 135 151 167 183 199 215 23r 247 263 279 297 315 331 347 365 383 401 419 435
. '
ExampleCharts Afterwordr Bibliography Table SexualCompatibility Table MarriageCompatibility
455 483 484 485 486
I[hstratioru 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. t7. 18. ' 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
1 19
Ashvini Bharani Krittika Rohini Mrigashira Ardra Punarvasu Pushya Ashlesha
35 51 67 83 101
r t7
Magha Purvaphalguni
135 151 167
Uttaraphalguni Hasta Chitra Swati Vishakha
183 199 2t5 23L 247
263 279 297 315 331
Jyeshta Mula Purvashadha uttarashadha Shravana Dhanishta
347 365 383 401 419
Shatabhisha Purvabhadrapada Uttarabhadrapada Revati
43s ***
Introfirction In Vedicsystemof Astrology,knownin sanskritas Jyotish,the 27 constellations and not the 12 star-signsform the coreof understanding celestialinfluenceson our planet.These27 constellabons ar-e,.f1${Ul$ the 27 Nakhatas. The term "Nakhatra",when brokendown into its constituentparts :- "na/
Nextcomesthe stageof the learningprocesswherewe learnto walk,talk etc. All this initial fearningprocesshappensunderthe influenceof Krittika.This stagecan extendup to four or five yearsof age. The processof learningto write is also paft of this stage.A senseof disciplineis of AswiniandBharani' awareness requiredat thisstageandonehasto outgrowthe purelyprimordial and enjoyingthe materialworldwith Afterthis followsRohini,whereone startsunderstanding their newfoundknowledgegatheredin the previousstage. Mrigashiraisthepointwherewe followwhereverour curiositytakesus andin Ardrait is time to our experiences. analyzeand understand purnavasuiswhere one's emotionscomeinto beingfor the fipt time. Onebeginsto understand with a senseof caring' is combined rolein familyand society.Playfulness pushyarepresentsthe stagewhen more responsibilityis taken. This is the age around 16, seemsso full of promiseandwonder' whereonefallsin lovewith life andeverything Ashteshacomesinto pictureat around 18 -20 years,where the harshrealitiesof the world as onetries dawnuponus andwe haveto wriggleour waythrough.Thereis no placefor naievete, to find one'sown way throughthe jungleof life. Thiscoincideswith Rahu'smaturityage. underthe auspicesof are established Oncewe find our way,our identityand individuality Magha.This usuallytakesplacearound21. Here,one alsobecomesawareof one'srootsand how they are relevantin the schemeof things. of onetendsto relaxandbe creativeunderthe impulses is established, Afterone'sindividuality puruaphalguni. The searchfor a partnerbegins.Somemightmarryand think of havingchildrenat this time. on havinga fix€d role in societyand on family makingone concentrate tlttaraphatgunifollows, whichoccursin individuality, ratherthanpersonal issues.It is aboutfindingone'ssocialindividuality, Magha.
In Hasta,one immersesthemselvesin worldlyresponsibilities and affairsand tries to be clever and craftyin it. This is the time for makingplansand startingprojects. Chitraiswherewe createour works,the planshavingbeingformedin Hastaare nowmanifested in reality. Swati is where we sell our creationsto the world. In other words, we relate to the world throughbusiness. After the businessis done and richesare acquired,a longingarisesfor somethingmore meaningful.Thiscatharsishappenswithin the domainof Vishakha. This longingis only fulfilledin Anuradha,throughthe wisdomgainedin understanding the secretsof nature. Oncethis is achieved,one beginsto be seen., u r"r0".,*
and responsible elder-figure,under
the energiesof Jyahta anda feelingof prideand superioritysets in. Mulacrusheswhateverwe havebuiltsofar,andshowsusthat thereis a lot moreleft to unravel and understand.In a way this is the beginningof the impersonal. lnthe Puruashadha stagewhichfollows,one feelsinvincibleas the resultsof overcomingthe trialsand transformations experienced in Mula.Onebeginsto shareits wisdomand experiencewith the world,but stillin a somewhatindividualistic way. ln Uttarashadha, one is forcedto lookat the biggerpictureand sublimateoneb individualityfor collectivepurposes. Afterone'sindividualityis zublimated, onebecomesreceptiveto the fainterbut deeperuniversal voicesunderthe auspicesof Shrauana. Whateverwe havelearntfrom our receptivityin Shrauana, is usedfor workingin tune with the rhythmof the universalmind,as symbolisedby Dhanishta.This often bestowswealth,abundance andfuffillmenton all levels.
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x there is a longingfor somethingevenmorefulfilling. After one hasenjoyedthe abundance, a placewhereone pondersoverthe questionof existence Thiscatharasis takesplacein Shatabisha, itself. underthe influence of and austerities ultimatelyleadsoneto severepenance Thisquestioning Puruabhadnpda.Oneis readyto sacrificeeverythingon a material,mentaland emotionalplane,in orderto gainthe ultimateknowledge. whichshowsthat the The reaf path to gainingthis knowledgeis shownin Uttarabhadnpada, can be gainedthrougheasier,milderand morepeacefulmeans. ultimatewisdomand knowledge comesinto being. or the middle-path of the middle-way Thisis wherethe understanding under The followingof the middleway finallyleadsto attainmentof completeenlightenment philosophies, actionsandreactions All dualities, complexjties, the careof Revati,the finalnakshatra. by Reuati,and like Vishnu,one risesabovethis oceanfree mergein the celestialoceanrepresented from all of them. It goeswithoutsaying,that for most people,the stagesrepresentedby the nakshatras,hold moremeaning,dependingon thosenakhatras whichare occupiedby the planetsor ascendantin society, the idealpathoutlinedby the in today'sout-of-balance Especially horoscope. an individual's nakhatras,as describedabove,only appliespartiallyto the majorityof us. a nativity.Forexample,if a learned Nakhatras,however,still form the coreof understanding and goesaboutmakinga character seesa chaft with Aquariusrisingon the ascendant astrologer sketchof the nativeon the basisof the generaltraitsof Aquariusas a sign,they wouldfind that their andevencompletelywrongin someaspects.Thisis because derivationsaretoo general,non-specific - all of - Dhanishta,Shatabhisha andPuruabhadrapada Aquariuscarriesenergiesof threenakshatras The sameappliesto all the and functionings. whic'hhavetotallydifferentnature,characteristics planetaryplacements. naturejust becausetheir One cannotexpecta personto havean amiableand harmonizing Moonis positedin the sign Libra.This wouldbe the caseif the Moonwas placedin the Swatiprt of
Libra,butthe scenariowouldbeentirelydifferentif Moonwasplacedin the relativelymorecomplicated nakshatra,Wshakha. In this work, the studyof eachNakhatra has beendividedinto 23 sections,whichsimplifies the processof dealingwith the multifariousaspectsof their functionings. It is the author'shope,that this work will fuel fufther researchon thesecosmictransmitters whichour forefathers andin timewe wouldbe ableto attainthe clearandcompleteunderstanding, possessed.
Thtoughout this wotlc: * Theterm 'Ketu'refersto SouthNodeof the Moon x Theterm 'Rahu'refersto the NorthNodeof the Moon
t. {shvini
o'o' - lr"zot {rfes
tLsfioini (00000'Aries- 13o20'Aries)
i6j ,lj
In tfu SkAt Ashvini,the beginningof everything,especiallyKetu'scnergies,is representedin the celestial of Aries.Theancientvedicseerssawtheconstellation firmamentbytwo brightstarsin the constellation of Ariesas forminga horse'shead,and thusthesetwo starswere seenas makinga similarpattern' (Hanall & futa-Arietes(Sheratan). Thesestarsare knownin modernastronomyas Alpha-Arietes has a visual is slightlybrighterwith a visualmagnitudeof 2.02,while Beta-Arietes Afpha-Arietes magnitudeof 2.66.Theserelativelybrightstarslie very closeto the planetaryecliptic,right below and are easyto locatein the night sky. of Andromeda, the brightconstellation
A{ame : The "Ashvini"canbe translatedinto either "Bornof a FemaleHorse"or the "Horse-Woman". first meaningis clearbut the secondone leavesone confusedas to whedterthe womanis ridinga horse,or is shea mythicalcreaturewith a horse'sheadandwoman'sbody.Aswe shalldiscoverlater. it is probablythe latter. Its alternativenameis Asvayuj,whichtranslatesinto "she who yokeshorses".Onceagaina strongemphasison the horseand a femaleis seen,the root of whichwe woulddiscoverwhen we get to its rulingdeities
Synhot: Ashvini'smainsymbolis a "horse'shead".This symbol,as we ctln see, is in keepingwith its name.A horse'sheadconveysthe ideaof "a beginning".Onecan noticehow riderspat their horse's neckbeforebeginningany journey.Fromtime immemoriala horsehas beenseenas a symbolof polver,courage,movementand vitality.A horse'sheadsignifiesan eagerness to act and a swiftness of approach.A.horseas we knowis alwaysreadyto makejoumeys,not for its own ends,but for the endsof its rideror othersin general.
..' t
If one hashadthe chanceof beingcloseto a horse,onewill realizethat a horse'sheadconveys a ceftainamountof sensitivity and alertness. SinceAshviniliesin the beginningof the signAries, whichis seenas representing the headof the kalapurusha(the eternalbeing),it makessensethat Ashvinibe relatedto a headof somekind.The headof courserelatesto the brain,the controlling organof all bodyfunctions.ThusAshviniautomaticallyrelatesto mentalimpulsesand leadership. Horsesare nervous,fidgetyand highlystrunganimals.Thereforethis nakhatra carriesall of these qualitiesin goodmeasure.
Its alternativesymbolis a 'horsecarriageconsistingof two horsescarryingtwo people'.This symbolism relatesto the presiding deitiesof this nakshatra. Thissymbolonceagainemphasizes a needfor movementand relatesto transpoftntionof all kinds.This movementcan relateto materiq[ transportation m the earthor bavellingbetweendiffierentworlds,realmsor planes.
Deity : TheAshviniKumaras, the two celestialhorsemen,are regardedas the mainpresidingdeitiesof this nakshatra.Their namesare Dashraand Nasatya,which translateinto "bringinghelp" and "truthfulness"respectively. There'sno ancientculturewhere one cannotfind storiesand legends carryingtheir symbolism. The talesoften showtwo heroicbrotherstravellingaroundsolvingthe problemsof whosoeverthey encounterin their travels. 1t
In the Vediclegendthey are twin brothers,who werebornout of the unionof Sunand his wife hnjana, whentheywerein the form of a stallionanda mare.Onecan referto the previousauthor's book "Sun' The CosmicPowerhouse"(SagarPublications,India) for the full story. Thesetwo brothersare seenas the celestialphysiciansin ancientVedictexts. This is wherethe healinoand rejuvenatingaspectof this nakhatra stemsfrom. The AshviniKumarasare supposedto haveknowledgeof all herbson the physicaland astral plane;and are supposedto possesssupernaturalpowersto cure any diseaseor fix any problem. They are pafticularlyconcernedwith frictionor obstacleswhich might come up betweenmarried couples.Thus Ashviniis a nakshatrawhich promotesmaritalharmony.AshviniKumarasare also invokedto aid childbiffi. Theyare alsoverywell knownin the ancientlegendsfor curingimpotence and othertypesof sexualdisorders. Thisnakshatrareflectsthe divinequalitiesof thesetwo beingsas bestas it can be doneon the materialplane.TheAshviniKumarasare considered so powerfulthat they can makethe old become youngandevenbringthe deadbackto life.Theythemselves havea youthfulappearance and never age. This explainsthe agelessquality of this nakshatra.The generosityand compassionof the AshviniKumarasextendsto the animalsas well. Thereare a lot of storiesof them savinggentle animalslikelambsfrom preyingcreatureslikewolves. In our view, Brahma,the creatoramongthe Trinity,can be regardedas the overseerof this nakshatra. Notmanyscholars haveshedlighton thisaspect,butthe factremainsthat thisnakshatra represents the beginningof all things,includingcreation.Brahmais the architectof the universeand is responsible for all typesof beginnings. Ganesha,the elephantheadedson of Paruatiand Shiva,is also stronglyattachedwith this asterism'Ganeshaalso representsthe beginningsof all thingsand is regardedas the removerof obstacles.It is interestingto notethat this nakshatracanbe summedup by the phrase"RLmoverof obstacles". Ganesha is alsothe mainpresiding deityof Ketu,the planetrulingthis nakshatra. His four mainqualities- puritv,auspiciousness, innocence andsupremedevotionto the UniversalMother principle,can be seenmanifesfedthroughthe functioningsof Astrvini
Afature U fwrctbnlnt
'Spontaneous'is thewordwhichsumsupthisnakhatra'snatureandfunctioning. It isa nakshatra whichis wayaheadof all the othernakshatras asfar as initiatinganythingis concerned. It is alsothe quickestamongstthe nakshatras. qualitieswith quickness All associated likeagilityand speediness form the coreof Ashvini'sfunctioning.Onecanseethat in orderto be quickone hasto be directand to the point.Thlsnakshatrahasa straightforward, no nonsenseapproachto dealingwith thingsand life in general. Thenativeswith prominentAshvinineverlosea minutein convertingtheirimpulsesintothoughts and their thoughtsinto action.This often resultsin an impulsivebehaviourpattern,whichin its negativeaspectoften leadsto rashness.All the phraseslike "Hurrycausesdelay,and hastemakes waste", seemto be aimeddirectly at Ashvininatives. Ashvininativesare usuallybrimmingwith life,navetivetyintelligence, a quickcomprehension abilityand a happygo luckydisposition. Theirappearance is usuallyyouthfuland eager.Theyseem to age lessquicklythan othernakhatra types.WhenAshviniis risingon the Ascendant, it makesthe personshoft,athletic,robustandcharmingin an innocentsoft of way.In fact nativeswith prominent Ashvinicanbesingledout by theirinnocentlooksandchildishdemeanour. SincetheAshviniKumaras - thesequalitiesare reflectedin the are knownfor their charm,elegance,styleand extravagance mentaland physicalmakeupof Ashvininatives. Ashvininativesusuallyhavea strongspiritof adventureandrevelin encountering the unknown. A spirit of adventurealwaysrequirescourageand this nakshatrahas loadsof it. It is a fearless from heroicpursuits.Forexample,a personbungyjumpingat nakshatra whichderivessatisfaction the ageof ninetycouldonlybe an Ashvinitype.In its negativeaspect,thisqualityoftencomesout and Ashvininativeshavea tendencyto suffera lot as a result.The lesserevolved as foolhardiness, amongsuchnativesshowa markedtendencynot to learnftom their mistakes,and can de seento be repeatingthe samemistakeoverandoveragain.Thereis definitelya lackof reflectionassociated with this nakshatra and the badnewsis that thingsdon'tusuallyimprovewith age.
Ttrere'sa distinctsenseof humourassociated with this nakshatra.Nativeshavea light hearted andjovialhumourand possess an abilityto laughat themselves and others.Its peculiarbnnd of humouris bestexemplified by CharlieChaplinmovies. Theconstantneedfor movementmakesthe Ashvininativescompletely useless at all activities requiring stillness andpatience. Thisisthe reasonwhytheyareveryrarelyseento bringto completion what they havebegun.Theyhaveenoughmotivatbnwhenit comesto iniUatingnew activities,but they find it hardto stick it out.
Ashvininativesare knownfor havingan eyefor the needsof othersanda helpfulnature,but in our experience they are morelikelyto be helpfulin shortterm thingsor thoserequiringquickbursb of energy.If somethingrequireslong term attention,Ashvininativesare likelyto transfertheir responsibilities to someother nakshatratype and moveonto the next thing. Theirinnateurgeto quicklymoveontothe nextthingmakesthem loseout as far as attaining enduringknowledge and wisdomis concerned. This is especially the casewith youngerand less evolvedsouls.In today'shyper-materialistic day and age,suchnativescan easiryscattertheir lives awaymovingfrom one trivialityor distractionto the nelt. 'Naivete'is the keywordwhichsumsup suchAshvinitypes.Ashvininativesusuallyhavean independent andconfidentspiritanddon,tliketo betoldwhatto do.Thisqualityis similarto thatof a wildor untamedhorse.Thisis alrightin evolved soulswho knowexactlywhichpathto follow,but for thosewho havenot reachedthat levelit makes them wantto do thingstheir own way,withoutevenknowingwhatto do. SuchAshvinitypescan be verystubbornand unyielding, and are likelyto ignoreall goodcounsel.Justlikethe wildesthorse can be tamed,all Ashvininativescan be madeto tow the line if handledwith a certaindegreeof sensitivityand caution,mixedwith aggressionand firmness. Ashvininativesusuallyliketo dresswelland can be seenspendingu .onriOera'Ule amountof time on their wardrobe.Theyare direct,straightforward peopleand appreciatethe sameQualityin others.Theyarealwaysfascinatedby all affairsrelatedto healing,rejuvenation andself-improvement practicesof all kinds.They can be easilyfound in the localhealthclub and most of the bodily improvementadvertisments seemto be directedat them,
Ashvininativesliketo be uniquein whateverthey do and howthey are seen.All Ashvininatives havea markedtendencyto feel uniquein comparisonto others.They like to think that they have somespecialgifu whichothersdo not possess.It is true that they havea pioneeringapproachto things,whichmakesthem a step aheadof the rest. In the presentday and age they are tlte ones first. that are likelyto catchon to the new trendsand happenings One peculiarityof Ashvininativesis that they are moderateeatersand are modestin any Despitetheir uniquequalities,they are not the showoff typesand are not likelyto circumstance. gloatovertheiraccomplishments. Theyhavea thingaboutbeingselfsufficientanddon'tliketo be nakshatra. Nativesunderits influencealways dependanton others.Ashviniis a very resourceful as if by magic. seemto comeup with the requiredresourcesunderthe mostadversecircumstances, Theyare competentand sincereaboutwhateverthey do, althoughthey may lackthe disciplineand endurancerequiredto achieveperfection.Ashvininatives,whohave enduranceare often very successful at whateverthey chooseto do. Thisendunncefactorusuallycomesfrom otherfactorsin a chaft ratherthan Ashviniitself.
Mo[e of functioning : In keepingwith its basicnature and disposition,ancientVedicseerssaw this as an Active asterism.Thiscomesas no surpriseas this nakshatrarelatesto the very beginningof all activities.It ls the basicprimordialforce whichintroducesactivityinto passivityof time and space.The original creativesparkcannotbe anythingbut active.
Caste: It mightsurprisesometo know that or merchantcasteof nakshatras. tt UetongJto theVaishya the originalcreativesparkis a businessman, but the ancientVedicseersdid not havethe above indicationin mind when they designatedthe Vtishyacasteto this asterism.Doingany kind of hsiness requiresa lot d initiaUveand thereis no nakshatrawith moreinitiativethanAshvini,so it
gets connectedto all kinds of businessactivitieson the materialas well as other automaUcally planesof existence.Business out herecannotjust be seenas buyingand sellinggoods,as is mostly the casenowadays. It relatesto interaction andexchangeon manydifferentlevels,andthe primordial, unconscious motivationsunderlyingall activity.In the presentcontexthorruever, Ashvininativesgn be seento be goodat doingbusinessand makingmoney.
Qendtr : It is a malenakshatra, sinceit is the first nakshatra and the number'l' relatesto the mah aspectin nature.This nakshatraprojectsthe archetypicalmasculinequalitieslike drive,ambltion, logicand initiative.It is also mainlyconnectedto maleplanetslike Sunand Mars.All its presiding deitiesare alsomale.
tsofypartsU t{umor (AyurvedicCorstitution): Kneesand the top portionof the feet are the main body parts ruled by this nakshatra.Its associationwith kneesis evidentfrom its associationwith movement.Kneesare the body parts whichprovidesus our capacityfor walking,runningandjumping.Horsescirnrun fast becausethey havestrong knees.The feet againare relatedto our ability to move. It is a primarily "Vata"(airy) nakhatra. Vataas we know carriesa very moveableenergyin tune with this nakshatra'sbasicnature.All of nature'smoveablecreahrreslike birds,havea Vata disposition.
Its rnaindirectionsare centre, east, south and nodfiwest.
eades(Qnrurs) : Thefirst padaor quafterof this asterism00" 00' - 3 20'Aries,fallsin AriesNavamsa and is ruled by Mars.This is the padawhich relatesto the most pioneering,courageousand physically activepart of this nakshaba.This padais full of initiativeand bestowsabundantenergyand drive. The secondpadaor quafterof this asterism30 20' - 6o 40' Aries,fallsin TaurusNavamsaruled by Venus'This pada relatesto the more practicaland resourcefulaspectof this nakshatra.It is connectedto the splendorous, gracefuland indulgentaspectof the AshviniKumaras. Thispadalikes to seethe materialmanifestation of its thoughtsand ideas. Thethird padaor quafterof thisasterism60 40' - 10o00' Aries,fallsin GeminiNavamsa ruled by Mercury. Thispadarelatesto the light,humorous, communicative aspectof this nakshatra. This padagivesa veryquickcomprehension and makesoneadeptat all kindsof mentalactivity.It canbe saidto be the speedyjack of the zodiac. Thefourthpadaor quarterof this asterism10o00' - 13' 2;' Aries,fallsin CancerNavamsaruled by Mmn. This padarelatesto the healingpart of Ashvini.This padahasan eyefor people'sneeds, and is usuallyveryin tunewith the pulseof the collective consciousness at anygivenpointin time. It is the birth placeof the emotionalfacultywhichmanifestsitselfas empathy.
lProfessiors : professions, Equestrian HorseTminers& Keepers andall thoseinvolvedin Equinejobs or sporls; HorseRacingEnthusiasts/Gamblers; All typesof HealingProfessions (in the presentdayand age Physicians, Therapists, Chemists, Counsellors, Physiotherapists, Druggists& Surgeons);Marriage Counsellors andChildbirthSpecialists; Thoseinvolvedin Promotional & Motivationaljobs & campaigns; Physical Arts like Dancing;Thoseinvolvedin the Transportation Industry;Athletesand all Sport relatedjobs; Herbologists; Gardeners;Teachers& Educatorsfor Beginners;All those involvedin RacingProfessions likeMotorSports;AdventureSports;Explorers; StuntMen;Researchers & pioneers; Concretors& all those involvedin layingfoundationsin the buildingindustry;Peoplein Law
Enforcement ng"n.Lq Soldiers;Generals;MechanicalEngineers& those involvedin Engineering Professions in general;JewellersespeciallyGoldsmiths; Smallbusinpssownersand Shopkeepers in general.
Q{acu :
- GrazingLands,Stables,HorseTracftsetc.; Hospitals All placesrelatedto Equineprofessions and Placesassociatedwith the MedicalProfession;Placeswhere Herbsgrow; BotanicalGardens; SportingGrounds;RaceTracksof all kinds;Roads,RailwayTrack andall othertypesof Pathsmeant for Transportation;MilitaryBases;ResearchCentres;Technological & IndustrialCentres;Health Clubs& Gymnasiums; All placeswhereInitiaUonsand Beginnings aredone;Kindergartens & prinnry Schools.
guna (T-ssenre) anil tattwa (Ebment): This is a Sattwicnakshatra.It's Sattwicquality relatesto the purity and innocenceattached with all types of beginnings,includingthe creationof our universe.What ancientVedicseersare sayingthroughthis is that - "In the beginningonly Sattwaexists,and RajasandTamasmanifsL themselvesafterwards." It belongsto the Earthelement.All beginnings includingthe beginningof our universehave one and onlyoneobjective- materialmanifestation
Qana(Typdt It is considereda godly or Devanakshatra.This comesas no surpriseas all of its presiding deitiesare predominantly godlyin nature.
Oricntation U Dispositint : " It is a Levelnakshatra.Levelnakshatrasare usefulfor levellingthings. This appliesalmost withall kindsof levellingactivitiessuchaslayingfoundations literallyto thisasterism,asit isassociated fur houses,buildingsetc. We can seethat the levellingaspectis very importantin Ashviniwhen it @mesb phces like racetracks,roadsetc. nakshatra.This meansthat it relatesto travellingand changein It is a Moveableor Ephemeral all its furms.Onedoesn'thaveto think twicebeforeassigninga moveabledispositionto this nakshatra. This is the mostrestlessamongall the nakshatras and is happyonly in movement.This movement itselfthroughthe mentaland physicalplanes. normallyexpresses
Lwnr Montfr" U Datt : This usuallyrelatesto the monthof It relatesto the first half of the lunar month of ,Ashvinl. Septemberor Octoberin the solarcalendar. Ashviniis also relatedto the Pnthma (lst Uthi or day) of the waxing phaseof the Moon's monthlycycle.
Atupicious Actiaities : Goodfor all types.of beginningsand initiations,especiallythoseinvolvinglearningnewthings; Layingfoundationstones;Takingmedicines;Goodfor all healing,rejuvenationand exercise;Good selfimprovement on otherlevels,andagepreventiontechniques; for improvingphysicalappearance, requiringquickness of thoughtandaction;Equinerelatedactivities;Favourable Goodfor all activiUes fiorbuyingor selling;Travelling;Repairingvehiclesor machineryof any kind; Puttingon clothes& goodfor jewellery;Plantingseeds;Learningastrologyand otherspiritual,occultsciences;Especially for takingup installingsacreditemssuchas altars,statues,templesetc.; Legalactivities;Favourable a new name.
**The first padaof this nakshatracan be avoided performing for activitiesin general.
Inauspi^cinus Actirtitits : Unfavourable for marriage;All kindsof endings;All kindsof activitiesrequiringpatienceand perseverence; Sexualactivity; Not good for activitieswhich are heavyon the emotionalptane; Intoxication;Not goodfor completionsof any kind.
lP{anetary Rytcr The planetaryrulerof this nakshatrais Ketu.Ketuas we knowrelatesto all typesof beginnings andthus is directlyrelatedto the initiatoryimpulseinherentin this nakshatra. Amongthe plane6, Ketuis the onlyonewhichrepresents the powerof the past,whichcanbe utilisedto h€l the person in the present.Ketu'spowerof rejuvenationand regeneration ii akin to the phoenixrisingfrom the ashes,and as mentionedeadier,this nakshatra's rulingdeitiescan evenbringthe deadbackto life. The creativityof this nakshatracorresponds to Ketu'sprimordialcreativepotentialarisingfrom the will aspectof nature.Howeverthis creativeforcecansometimesbe so strongand overwhelming that it becomesdifficultto controlor channel.Thisis wherethingsgo wrongwith this nakshatra.Its downfallusuallycomesthroughattemptingcloseto impossiblefeatswithout properconsid'eration. Howeverwhen it succeeds, it getsthe pioneerlabel.Thisnakshatrahasa strongfaith in magicand the dictum- t'anything is possible". Fora moredetailedunderstanding of its connection with Ketu, the readerscan refer to the author's previouswork, "TheRahu-KetuExperience /The Astotogy of 'The publications,India) the Lunar Nds" (hgar or Key of Llfe " (Lotus pess, usA). Marsconnectsto this nakshatra,beingthe planetaryrulerof the signAries.Marsas we knowis the planetof energy,and energyis a mustfor any kind of initiatoryimpulse.Withoutenergythere canbe no movement. In a way it can be saidthat Marsis the enginewhichdrivesAshvini,s car
with Sun,sinceSunreachesmaximumexaltation alsohasa closerelationship Thisnakshatra it is also Sunis relatedto the number'1',and sincethis is the first nakshatra, here.In numerology spiritin muchthe same hasan independent with the number'1'.Thisnakshatra directlyconnected movingentity,whichis supposed to notethat Sunis alsoa continuously wayas Sun.It is interesting arethe to rideon a chariotof sevenhorses.Thereaderscanalsorecallthatthe two AshviniKumaras sonsof our Sun. stronglywhenplacedin Ashvini.MercuryVenus,Jupiter themselves Sun,KetuandMarsexpress of Sun/Ketu;Sun/Marsand and Rahuare good here as long as Ketu is well placd. Conjunctions carryenergiessimilarto Ashvini. Mars/Ketu
iloue{s andAtpfiabe* : to "Chu"as in Chuck Thefirst padaor quafterof this asterism00" 00' - 3o 20' Ariescorresponds or Church. to "Che"as in The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism3o 20' - 60 40' Ariescorresponds Cherry. to "Cho"as in The third padaor quarterof this asterisrn6" 40' - 10o00' Ariescorresponds Chocolate. to "La" as in The fourth padaor quarterof this asterism1Oo00' - 13o20' Ariescorresponds Larryor LasVegas. its mantras to "Am","Aam"& "Im", consequently In the SanskritalphabetAshvinicorresponds are "OmAm","OmAam"& "OmIm"'
SeretaItype ond Compati1ility: Its sexualanimalis a Horse.Horsesare sensitiveand passionate creaturesand thesequalities find expression in Ashvini's sexuality. The naturalgraceof horsesgivesAshvininativesappealand sexiness, Ashviniis mostcompatible with otherhorsenakhatraslikeShatabishak. Forsexual& marriagecompatibility pleasereferto the tableson pages with othernakshatras 457 & 458 .
Tsoteric : Ashvinirepresents the primordial, initiatoryurgewhichcreatedboththe manifest andunmanifest universes. Beingthe beginning of all things,it hasthe powerto set anythingright.Thisis why in latertimes,the physicians of the gods,the AshviniKumaras,wereentertwinedwith the energiesof this nakshatra.In almostall ancientcultures,the rootsof whichbf coursearethe same,one canfind the'divinephysician'archetype. Astoundingly, all thesedivinephysician archetypes areverysimilar to the AshviniKumarasin the sensethat - theyare alwaysridinghorses,they are mostlytwins,they are born out of a water goddessor a water sourceof somesort. The AshviniKumarasare very learnedin Ayurueda,the originalhealingsystem.They revivedthe sage Dadhichi.Indra warned Dadhichinot to teachthe KumarasBrahma-Vidya (knowledgeof creation)sincetheir occupation placedthem outsidethat realm.He promisedto cut off Dadhichi's headshouldhe not heedthe warning.Dadhici relayedthisto the Kumaras. Withtheirgreatmedicalabilitieshowevertheyremoved Dadhici'sheadand replacedit with a horsehead.Dadhichithen spoketo them throughthe horses mouth.Theywerethen ableto replacethe originalhumanheadof Dadhiciafter Indracut off the horsehead. The AshviniKumarasrestoringthe youthof CyavanaMuni.Throughthis serviceto a powerful Muni,the twinsweregrantedthe rightto drinkSomaRasa,an immortalizing drink,with the other demigods.In Mahabharata, Nakul& Sahadeva the youngestamongstthe 5 Pandavabrotherswere sonsof AshviniKumaras.
An ancientWelshlegend,which still holdsrelevancetoday in the mindsof the Welshpeople, illustratesthis fact. Accordingto this legend,threesonswere bom from a ladywhichhad emerged of Myddfai", from a lake calledlannefann.Thesesemi -divinebeings,knownas the "Physicians were knownto be ableto cureeverydiseaseand wereevenableto dow downthe ageingprocess. The lake can still be visitedtoday.This story definitelysupportsthe assumption,which is gaining groundnow,thatthe ancientCelticreligionwasthe sameasthe ancientVedicreligion.It corrobrates (the SolarDiety)wife Samjna well with the puranicstoryof the birth of AshviniKumaras.Vivasvan's onceran awayfrom her husbandand in orderto hidefrom him took the bodyof a marewhileshe performedausteritieson Earth.Vivasvan,who wasserachingfor her,finallyfound her by the sideof a lakeand turnedhimselfinto a horseand out of their unionthesetwin sons,the AshviniKumaras, were born. the asterismShatabisha(we cameacrossthe fact that oceansare knownto Whilstdiscussing carryenoughherbsto cureeveryknowndisease,besidescarryingothertypesof magicalherbs.In the ancientVediclegendconcerningthe "Churningof the Ocean",(pleaserefer to the author's 'The Key of Life" Lotus previouswork - 'The Rahu-KetuExperience"SagarPublications,India or Press,USA),the AshviniKumaraswere bornout of this churningof the ocean.We canseethat the havea strongconnectiondue to the correlationbetweentheir AshviniKumarasand Shatabhishak canonly whichare causedunderthe influenceof Shatabhishak rulingdeitieq.It is saidthat diseases Ashvinihas is a kindof rejuvenation, of Ashvini.Sinceeverybeginning be curedunderthe influence the powerto overcomeany afflictionon the physical,mental,emotionaland higherplanes. 'In
the universalschemeof things,Ashvinirelatesto
'bhidravyapani shakti"or the powerto
of the universal quicklyattainone'sobjective.It is clearfromthe abovethat Ashviniis representative energywhiclr assistseveryonein needwithout hesitaUonor delay'
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This nakshatrais relatedto the SageMarichi,oneof the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the affairsof our galary,The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "light". This oomesas no surpriseas Ashviniis the lightestand swiftestamongstthe27 nakshatras.
Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfrom afflictionsto this nakshatra,the bestremedial measureis worshipof "LordGanesha". Repetitionof the rmt mantraof this nakshatra- "OmAm" and "OmImn 108timeswhenMoon transitsthis nakshatraand in its corresponding lunar month,is sureto reducesufferingand bring enfightenment into a person's life. Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof inis nakshatracan also increasethe goodetrectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor themto wearvariousshadesof red and brightvariegatedcolours,TheyshoulduseAshvini'sdirections,lunarmonthand U|gdayswhen MoontransitsAshvinito undertakeall importantactions.
E4atnp{"e: BruceLe, the famousmartialaftist,wasbornwith Ashvinirisingon hisAscendant. Hislife in its enuretyillustratesall the differentaspectsof this nakshatra.Besideshis amazingswiftnessand quickness,the eventwhichimmediatelyillustratesAshvini'senergiesrelatesto the almostmagical recoveryhe madefrom an injury whichdoctorsthoughtwouldparalyzehim for life.
Misceffaneous :
rnannersand intelligence. Accordingto Vanhamihin,"Moonin Ashvinigivesgoodappearance, The nativeis fond of dressingup and ornaments.The nativeis skilledin their chosenfield." Thesingerof the 60'smusicalgroup "Thefuorc", Jim Monison,hashis Moonin Ashvini.If we ignorehis outburstsin publicappearances, the descriptionfits him perfectly.
Z. $harani tr"Zo' -26"+0' d.ies
lBfiarari (13020'Aries- 26o40'Aries)
In tfu Skyt
a:.?:. .il
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Bharani,the heralderof Venusianenergy,is represented in the celestialfirmamentby a group of threefaint starsforminga trianglein the constellation of Aries.Theancientvedicseerssawthese stars as forming the femalesexualorgan. Thesestars are known in modernastronomyas 35-Arietes,39-Arietes& 4t-Arietes.4l-Arietes is the brightestamong the three, with a visual magnitude of 3.62,whichexplains the faintness of the starsof thisasterism. It is onlythroughbeing privyto somedirectuniversal (galactic, in thiscase)knowledge, that the ancientseerswereableto attachsuchimportanceto theserelativelyfaint groupof stars.In orderto locatethesestarsin the night sky,one has to focus in the regionbetweenthe bright star Alpha-Arietes (belongingto the previousasterism,Ashvint)and the brightgroupof starsof Pleiadesstar cluster(belongingto the next asterism,Krittika).It is easierto locate4l-Arietes,whilethe othertwo can be seenlying in a straightlineon its righthandside.
9r(rme: "Bharani" 6n be roughlytranslatedintoeither"Bearing"or "Shewho Bears".It mustbe noted, however, that it doesn'tnecessarily meanbearinga childas in the caseof pregnancy, eventhough we woulddiscoverlaterhowthisasterismis directlyrelatedto the womb.Thename,whichconveys a majorpartof thisasterism's energy,relatesprimarilyto the femininesideof natu'reand its capacity to receive,hold,nurtureand destroy.
Sym6o[: The mainsymbolof this asterismis a "vagina",the femalesexualorgan.In effectall the female reproductiveorganscan be seen as the symbolsof this nakshatra.In all ancientculturesthese $gans as symbolswereseento representthe fertilityaspectof nature.In the Egyptiancivilization, the vaginais symbolicallyrepresentedasthe Buckleof Isisandis seenas the doorwaybetween and regeneration differentworldS.TheVedicpointof viewalsoascribesbirth,death,transformation symbols.Theyare alsoseento representrestraint,caution,jealousy, to the femininereproductive struggle,sacrifice,cartharsis,sexuality,nurturingand maternallove.Bharani secrecy,forebearance, thereforecarriesall the abovementionedattributes. Sincea soulfindsits entryfrom the astralplaneto the physicalworldof the livingthroughthe with this symbolism. associated femalesexorgan,it is not veryhardto seethe'dooruvay'connotation As we shaff discoverlater, Yama,the lord of deathand one of the eight door keepersbetweenthe physical andthe otherworlds,isthe rulingdeityof thisnakshatri.Thewombas we knowcarriesthe new life in the form of a foetusfor severalmonths,beforeit finallyfinds itself manifestedin the world.In the sameway,Bharaniallowsthingsto brewon subdeplanes,beforethey suddenlytake outermaterialforms.In the caseof childbirths,it is usuallyvery hardto predictwhichdaythe water whichusuallybrewwithinthe heaftsand is goingto break.The sameis the casewith revolutions, to deathas well.This mindsof peoplefor a whilebeforesuddenlyerupting.Thesameis applicable nakshatra,whichoperatesin hiddenwaysand revelsin secrecy. makesBharanian unpredictable between transportation A "boat"is the alternativesymbolof this nakshatra.It againsymbolizes differentplanesand realmsof existence.Bharaniis thus a nakshatradirectlyrelatedto the proess at leaston the earthlyplaneof existence. of birth, deathand regeneration,
Deity : the mainpresidingdeityof this asterism.Heis supposed Yama,thelordof death,is considered who guard the eight directionaldoorwaysor exits to be one of the eight celestialgatekeepers,
throughwhich the soulstravelfrom the earthlyplaneto other planesof existence.In the Vedic texts, he is mostlyseenas the Lordof Dharma.This apparentmixingof the deitiesof Death and Dharmamay not be instantlyclearto the westernreader.Howeverwhenseenin the light of the fact it is Yama'sduty to assignthe life pathsfor the soulswho haveleft their earthlybodies,it
cfearthat he hasto be well versedin the lawsof karmaand dharma. Yama,despitebeingthe lordof death,isa veryjovialdeity.Hislightheartedness findsexpression throughBharani's playfulnessandjoyousness. It is up to Yamato weighour actionsin the present lifesothat we canbe assigned an appropriate newlife.Heis thusa benevolent deityandshouldnot be feared.Yamais onlyfearedby thosewhofeardeathandthosewhosekarmasare not good.yama is privy to manyof the secretfunctioningsof Maya.Bharanialso holdswithin itself the complete understanding of the processof life, birth and death. lali,thedarkanddestructiveformof ParuatLisoneofthethreemainfemininedeitiesupholding our universe. JustlikeYama,lGli is alsoconsidered a deityto be feared.Kali'sfunctionhoweveris just to kill the demonswithin and without. Her form has to be terriffing becausethe entitiesshe dealswith are themselves crueland fierce,Herinvolvement with this nakshatraimpliesthat
is a sort of battlefield betweenthe opposingqualitiesof nature.It is here where the distinction betweenrightandwrong,goodandbad,godlyanddemonicis made.Theprocessof uprooting the negativeside begins'Bharanidealswith extremesand in the processbecomesthe most
Afutured furrctionitrg: 'Extreme'is the onewordwhichsumsup Bharani's essential natureandfunctioning. It swrngs betweenpolaropposites likepuritanism andbohemia, naievete andwisdom,mafurityandimmaturity and lifeanddeath.Bharaniis representative of the desireaspectof nature.It is thusin a waya lust for life anda fearof death.Bharaniis a 16 yearold girl on the vergeof deflowering, a babyin the wombor a personfacingthe Yamadutas (celestial angelswhosetaskit is to guidesoulsthroughthe afterlifeprocess)after one'sdeath.Because of ib childlikequalityBharaniis one of the mosteager
Bharaninativeshavea desire all of its surroundings, nakshatras. Justlikea childwantsto experience to the fullest.Thereis a primevalinnocencein howthey experience their surroundings to experience things,peopleand places.Theymightgo throughinstinctratherthan
[email protected] their feelings that very little canbe doneto restrainor placatethem.Onceagain anddesiresare so overwhelming the evolutionarystatusof the soul in questioncomesinto picture. primevalenergy intopositive andwholesome immense wouldchanneltheir Evolved Bharanitypes universalpursuits,whilethe lessevolvedtypeswill be akinto a mothmadlyhoppingaboutfrom one light sourceto another.In the presentday and age where confusionand chaosreign supreme, Bharanican be a very difficultercrgy to handle.Thiscan be easilyunderstoodthroughthe mental whichyounggirlsandboysgo throughafterpuberty.Wthoutproperguidance dilemmasandnaievetes withoutcaution Bharaninativesare readyto jump intoanythingandeverything and understanding, or consideration. whichlife who canwith#nd the manyturbulences Bharaninativesare often strongcharacters hasto offer.They do get down and moanand cry like infantssometimes,but nothingholdsthem down for too long. They are often seen to undergohuge transformationsand radicalchanges throughouttheir lives.This comesaboutdue to their longingfor extremes.Whenthey get set on a and have path,they want to experienceeveryaspectof it until they haveexhaustedall possibilities 'Bharani no option left.hrt to tip over to somethingcompletelynew. There'sno set boundaryin universe'.
this All Bharaninativeshavea creativeurgeinsidethem.Thefemininesexusuallyexpresses creativitythroughbearingchildren,whilethe malesextriesto be creaUveon odter levels.Bharaniis a nakshatrawherethe interplaybetweenthe maleandfemaletakesplace.This makesit one of the of nature'sforce whichcreates of the zodiac.Bharaniis representative most sexualnakshatras attractionbetweenthe opposites.Bharaninativesexperience,indulgein, fall prey to and try to hadprominentBharaniplacements understand thisforce.SigmundFreud,the famouspsychoanalyst, and it wasno wonderthen that he reducedeveryactivityon the earthlyplaneto sexuality.However
the moreevolvedBharanitypesrealizethat thisforceof attractionhasmoreto do with love,harmony and consciousunity.Sexualityis just one of its manyexpressions. eyes,a prominenthead,mediumsizedlipsand Bharaninativesusuallyhavelarge,expressive feature.It encapsulates all their a spookydeathlysmih. Theirsmileis their mostdistinguishable of life anddeathitself.Justlikethe sunsetemanatesa stillness sexuality,mysteryandthe processes evenif theirinsidesare overnature,Bharaninativeshavethe abilityto put up a calmcountenance, and learning,but is quitehelpfulwhenit comesto exploration a ragingtorment.Theirchildlikeness it makesfor a distincttype of crueltyand morbidity.Everyoneknowshowchildrencan be morecruel for than grown-upson manydifferentlevels.Bharani'scrueltycomesfrom a lackof responsibility one'sown actions.It is very easyfor Bharaninativesto movefrom one actionto the next without caringaboutthe longtermimplications. Bharanitypes are usuallyenthusiasticand energeticin their approachto life. They have a strongsenseof adventurein the fieldsthey pursue.It is seenthat they can only achievetheir goals if they are underconstantguidancefrom a morematureand wisersource'
Modc of furctioning : Bharaniis in actualityan extremenakshatra, nakshatra. to be a Balanced Bharaniis considered extremeslikebifth and of its tendencyto balanceopposing as'Balanced'because but it is classified death.Bharaninativesoften leaddoublelives,touchingtwo differentextremes.Thuson a whole, their livescan be seenas balanced.Sunrise(conveyinga senseof birth) or Sunset(conveyinga (asseenin its image),is the time symbolism senseof death),whichformsa paft of thisnakshatra's whennature'senergiesare very delicatelybalanced.Thisis the reasonwhy thesetimesare seenas the best time for occulVspiritualpractices.Bharani,as we shall discover,carrbs a lot of occult potentialdueto its relationship with the planetVenus.
Castei It belongsto the mltcha (outcaste)nakshatras. It is Bharani's tendencyto go towardsextremes, whichprobablymadethe ancientVedicseersclassiffit as an outcaste.Bharanialmostalwaystries to breakthe socialnormsor taboosone way or the other.It is a highlyexplosive energy,which cannotusuallybe controlledwithin any societalstructure.
Qenfer: It is a Femalenakshatra. Thiscomesas absolutely no surpriseas Bharanistandsfor all that is
feminine.It is the secondnakshatra and the first femininenakshatra. Just like the number'2'in numerology, it is the initiatorof the feminineprincipleon all levelsof existence. It is the beginning of dualityand maya,and within it lies the essenceof the complexfunctionings of the feminine principle.
tsodyparc U t{umor (AguraedicConstitution) : The Headand BottomPartsof the Feetare the body parts relatedto this nakshatra.It is interestlng to notethat in childbirth(a Bharaniactivity),it is eitherthe heador feetwhichcomeout of the wombfirst. It is a primarily"pitta"(fiery)nakshatra. Sinceall of Bharanilieswithinthe pittasignof Aries, thisclassification comesas no surprise.Bharanirepresents the originalcreativefire,whichproduces the worldof matter.It is its pitbaqualitywhichmakesit veryactiveon the materialplane,despiteits eafthybulkiness.
Direction It is relatedprimarilyto the arc coveringthe directionseast,south-eastand south.
{Podas(@wrters): The first padaor quarterof this asterism13o20' - 16040' Ariesfalls in LeoNavamsaruledby Sun.The focushere is on creativityand self-immersion. Planetsherecan be extremelyself-centric andcanoftenoffendotherswithoutmeaningto. Thedriveandwill-powerinherentin thispadacan be usedfor positiveendsif the nativityas a wholeallowsfor it. Sun, Mars& Jupiterare especially strongin this pada. The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism16040' - 2OoOO'Ariesfallsin VirgoNavamsa ruled by Mercury.The emphasishere is on seryiceand hardwork.Planetshere functionin an altruistic way.A ceftaindegreeof organization is seenevenin typicallyextremeand chaoticBharanimode. MercuryMarsand Rahuare bettersuitedfor givinggoodresultshere. Thethird padaor quarterof thisasterism20o00' - 23o20Ariesfallsin LibraNavamsa ruledby Venus.Theabilityto relateand harmonize opposites characterizes this pada.Thereis howeverno senseof anylimitsherewhenit comesto sexandrelationships, whichcanbe eithera goodthingor a bad thing dependingupon the evolutionarylevel of the nativity in question.Beinga pushkara navamsapadait allowsfor fulfillmentof one'sdesires.MercuryVenus& Rahuare bestsuitedfor utilizingthe energiesof this pada. The foufth padaor quafterof this asterism 23o20'- 26o4l'Ariesfallsin AriesNavamsaruled by Mars,Theenergyhereis extremein everysenseof the word.Planets hereworkin an uninhibite( primevalfashion.It canbea highlyinventiveandoriginalpadaif its explosive energycanbechanneled properly.Sun, Mars& Kefuare strong here but may not alwaysgive beneficialresults.Only the naturalbenefics Jupiterand Venusare suitedfor utilizingthe energiesof this padain a wise,non self-destructive way.
ProJusions : Babysitters, Nannies,NurserySchoolTeachers; All professions involvingchildren;professions connectedwith Amusement,ThemeParks;Children'sToysIndustry;Gynaecologists; Midwives;All
professionsconnectedwith birth & death; Professionsrelatedto FertilityClinics;Motticians;All those connectedwith Morguesand Funerals;Coffin Makers;ObituaryWriters;Officialshandling EtirBvDeahRecords;HomicideDetectives;Dancersfrom all schoolsand styles;Tobacco,Coffeeand Veteranarians; connectedto Slaughterhouses; TeaIndustry;Cooks,Caterers,Hoteliers;Professions Fire Fighters;AutomobileIndustry; Motor Sports;Stuntmen;Coal& PetroleumIndustry; Heavy involving Models;All professions Indusfiy;Photographers; Film& Entertainment Industries;Surgeons; Industry;ProstituUon; Sfip teaseartists;Pomography the useof sexandglamour;Exoticprofussions; Judges;Thosein Elitepositionsrequiringextremesecrecy; Occultists &Tantricsusingsexualenergies; & Microbiologists; Seed& FeftilizerIndustry. Biologists Experts;Geophysicists; Volcanic& Earthquake
Q{acu : Areaswith VolcanicSoil;VolcanicTropicalIslandslike Volcanoes; ExtremeExoticLandscapes; Nursery Nurseiies, Schools; Children Parks; Islands;Farmlands; Kindergaftens, HawaiiandPolynesian AmusementParks;Morgues;Cemetaries;FuneralHomes;Maternity& ChildWardsin Hospitals; Studios;ExoticNightclubs;High IntensiveCareUnits;GynaeologyHospitals;Film & Photography Courts;FertilltyClinics;Streetsand roadswith busy traffic; All placesconnectedwith the above mentioneCprofessions.
guna (Essente)and tattua
(Ekment) :
from Venus'srulershipof It is supposedto be a fujask nakshatra.Thiscan be easilyassessed Bharani.Venusis seenas the mostrajasicamongplanets.Its relationto the terrestriallifu processes is very strong,In a way it can be said that it is only Venuswhich makeslife worth living.Since hereis primal,highlyclnrged andexplosive(all Bharaniheraldsthe Venusianenergy,its expression rajasicexpressions). It belongsto the Eafttrelement.Bharanican be saidto representthe point in creationwhere the fire element(spewedforth by Aswini)transmutesintothe Eafthelement.Bharanihasevefihing
n It is the force which puts a materialsheatharoundthe to do with the processof materialization. the terrestrialplane.Theearthyqualityof Bharanicanbe easily astralbody,so that it canexperience understoodby the fact that its representativeanimal,the elephant,is the largestand heaviestland animal.
Qana('TWdt It is considerd a Manushaor Humannakshatra.Bharanirelatesto the secondand seventh housesin a chart.Theseare the houseswhichsum up wlnt humanlife is aboutbr most people. are all whatthe commonmancaresabout.Thesearethe houses One'spaftner,familyand resources of both life anddeath(2ndand 7h are the maraka(killer)houses).Venusis the karakafor boththese housesand togetlrerthey conveyBharani'sinbnse involvementin humanaffairs,whe$rerit be lift or death.
Orientatint d Disposition : relatesto the hiddenaspectof Bharani, It is DownwardLookingnakshatra.Thisclassification As we havediscussedearlier,evenb brewingup under Bharani'sinfluencedm't corneto the surface until the very lastmoment,Justlikethe act of sexor a foetusdevelopingin a womb,Bharanilikesto keepits activitieshiddenfrom view of others. is clearfrom Bharani's It is a Fierceor Severenakshatra.The intent behindthis classification rulingdeities.Yamaand Kaliare both fiercedeitiesinterestedin jobs requiringfierceactionslike cuttingthe lifeforceof lifeformsagainsttheir will. Eventhe processof chihbifth (ruledby Bharani) is a painfulprocess.In fact it is consideredb be the most painfulexperienceamongstall naturd processes on the earthlyplane. __ a=.-
Lunar Montfi d Day: It relatesto the secondhalf of the lunar month of Ashwin.This periodusuallyfalls in the monthof Octoberin the solarcalendar. Bharaniis alsorelatedto the Chatwtithi(4thtithi or day)of the waxingand waningphasesof the Moon'smonthlycycle.
AuspiciousActirtitits : All CreativeActivitiesarefavoured;Goodfor Severe,Cruel,Destructive, Competitive or Warlike activities;Sexual,Amorous& Procreative Activity;FertilityRites& AgriculturalActivities;Beginnings & Endings;Gardening; Alltypeof activitieswhichrequireuseof fire; Goodfor takingcareof postponed or neglectedactivities;All activitiesrequiringspontaneity;Asceticactivitiesrequiringself-discipline; Fasting& other purificatoryrites; Dealingwith children
Inauspiri^onsActioitits : Mostunfavourable for travel(Bharanirelatesto trafficjams and accidents);Not goodforslow & gentleactivitiesrequiringcalmnessor serenity;Not goodfor Initiations;In the presentday & age it is betterfor endingsthan beginnings.
e{anetaryfot[er : The mainplanetsconnectedwith this nakshatraare Marsand Venus.Marsis rulerof the sign Aries,and Venusis the mainplanetaryrulerof this nakshatra. Venuscan be saidto be born in Bharani.As discussed in the Esoteric Section,Venusis a planetsironglyconnected with birthand renewai.Venusin Bharaniactsas a'bringerof life'.In combination with Mars,which, beingthe ruler of the signScorpiosignifiesdeath,Venussignifiesthe universalcyclicprocessof life anddeathon all levelsof existence,especially biological.
Accordingto one schoolof thought both Mars& Venusare connectedto the outer planet Pfuto. Plutohasalwaysbeenseenas the hidden,creativesourceand is equatedwith Shiua.InGreek legends,it is supposedto hide in the underbellyof the earth and is responsible for the fertility of earth.Mars& Venusare the two planetsmostconcernedwith feftility and interplaywith the sexes. Nowadays,it has becomefashionableto associatemen with Marsand womenwith Venus,but the truth is that it is the malewho createsthe sperm(Venus),whib it is womenwho createand house (Mars)the new born. Conjunctions of Marsand Venusin a nativitycarriesan energysimilarto that of Bharani. Saturnreachesits maximumdebilitation in this nakshatra. Bharaniis the warm placeof creativity andfertility,whileSaturnis a coldplanetof obstructionanddelay.It is easyto seehowthey don't go together.Otherplanetsusuallydo well in Bharani,as longas Venushasa refinedplacementin the chatt
iloutek an[ Afpfra.he*: The first padaor quafter of this asterism13o20' -16" 40' Ariescorresponds to "Lee"as in Liam. The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism16o40' - 20o00' Ariescorresponds to "Lu" as in Lulu. The third padaor quafter of this asterism20" 00' - 23o 2O'Aries corresponds to "Lay"as in Layla. The fouftfr pada or quafter of this asterisrn23" 20' - 26 40' AriescorrespondstO "Lo" as in Logan. In the Sanskit alphabetBharanicorresponGto "Eem"and consequentlyits mantrais "Om Eem", -
SeretaItype an{ Compatihi[ity: Elephants are slowmovingandsomewhatsensualcreatures. Its sexualanimalis an Elephant. elephantine appetitesin sex.It is very hardfor other The elephantas a sexualanimalrepresents na$hatras,with the exceptionof Revati(the otherelephant),to satisff Bharani.Bharaniis the most sexualamongstnakshatrasand promotessex in all its differentforms. Howeverin its extreme aspectit can ihun sexcompletelyor immerseitself in it to the point of perversion. pleasereferto the tableson pages457 with othernakshatras Forsexual& maritalcompatibility & 458.
Esoteric: can be arrivedat from the studyof the planetVenus. Mostof Bharani'sesotericunderstanding Besides the Sun(whichis a starandthuscannotbe seenasa plbnet),Venusis the onlyplanetwhich periodicallyundergoesa processof birth and death. The Mayancalendarwas basedon Venus's584 day cycle,which it makesfrom beingthe the skiesas the morningstarfor a 236day morningstarto beingthe eveningstar.Venusillumines period.After that Venusdisappears as the eveningstar for 250 days,and for 90 days.It reappe.ars of 8 daysbeforeit reappearsin the east.This thenthere is the secondrelativelybriefdisappearence makesa total of 584 days. We can seethat just likethe Sun,Venustoo risesin the in the east,to disappearin the west, it diesandis bornagain,all ancientculturessawVenusas to onedayreappearin the east.Because representing the rejuvenativeprinciple.Its connectionwith the well springof life is the reasonwhy Venusis consideredan occultplanet. the preceptorof the Daityas(celestialdemonicbeings)and the In Vedictexts Shukracharya, presidingdeity of Venus,is supposedto be an adeptat SanjiviniVidya,the knowledgeto raisethe deadto life. EvenBrihaspati,the preceptorof the Deras(celestialgodly beings)doesn'thavethis to Daityas. knowledge,a fact which rendersthe Devasweakerin comparision
All goddesses,especiallythe fertility goddesses,are connectedwith Venus.The May Day celebrationon ls of Mayformsan integralpartof the Celtictraditions.The interestingthing to note is that Sunis transiting throughBharanion ls of Mayeveryyear.Thisis whythe Celtssawthisasan opportunetimeto practicefertilityrites,just likethe Mayanschoseto do it in the 8 daydisappearance of Venus.Onemustrealizethat all cultures,whichplacedstrongimportanceon Venusaboveall else, hadrootsin the celestial Daityalineages. Theharshandcruelbehaviour of the Daityaracein Puranic legendscan alsobe understoodfrom the crueland severenatureof Bharani. Birth and deathare complementary processes, in the sensethat everydeath is a beginning and everybirth is an ending.Whena balanceis achievedbetweenbirthand deaththe soulfinds easyevolutionaryprogress.Howeverif the soul finds it hard to confrontone or the other,severe situations andturmoilarethe result.Bharaniis the nakshatra of karmaandreincamation, oneof the leastunderstoodconceptsin moderntimes,especiallyin the westernworld.Bharaniis the namefor the stagewherethe masculineand the feminine,which havecomeout of a singlegenderless source,copulate,and in doingso, carryforwardthe processof creaUon.
Qotra (Cetzstiattitwage) : This nakshatrais relatedto the Sage Vashishta, one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "possessor of wealth",which is in keepingwith this asterism.Bharanihasa tendencyto be financiallywell off, as impliedby the sage's name.On the otherhand,we can inferthat this particular sagehasa lot to do with life and death processes withinour galaxy,
\emp[ial: Onegoodway of gettingin touchwith the energiesof this nakshatrais to meditateon death. Worshipof Yama,the god of deathand dharmais alsohelpful.Howeverthe bestway to masterthe
a energiesof Bharaniis throughthe worshipof Kali,the darkgoddess.Worshipof any femininedeity, (especially for materialgains). is alsoauspicious fertilitygoddesses especially Repetitionof the root mantraof this nakshatra- "OmEem"108timeswhen Moontransitsthis lunarmonthis sureto reducesufferingand bringenlightenment and in its corresponding nakshatra into a person'slife. Personswho are benefittingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan alsoincreasethe goodeffectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor themto wearmixturesof white,red and blackand generallydarkshades.Theyshoulduseits directions,lurar monthandthe dayswhen all impoftantactions' MoontransitsBharanito undertake
Eagnpfe: ImetdaMarcos,one of the richestwomenin Asia,has her Moonplacedin Bharani.Bharani's tendencyto givematerialextremesis exemplifiedin her life.Shebecamewellknownfor her massive She has also had her shareof the harsh numberran into thousands. shoecollection,whose events,whichBharanibringsinto the livesof thoseit affectsstrongly. transforrnative
Misceffancotts: honest,healthy Moonin Bharaninativesare "resolute,resourceful, Accordingto Varahamihira, alsohas his Moonplacedin Bharani,and and happy".nob Dylan,the famoussinger-songwriter, dictatesseemto applymorein his case. Varahamihira's
l. K;*iLu
26"+0'\nes - lo"oo'faurus
In tfu SkU' Krittika,the seedof solarenergy,is representedin the celestialfirmamentby a well known groupof sevenbrightstarshuddledtogetherin the star clusterof Pleiades. The ancientVedicseers saw these sevenstars as forminga necklaceand attachedimmenseimportanceto their role in gafacticaffairs.Thesestarsareknownin modernastronomyas 27-Tauri(Atlas),Eta-Tauri(Alqone), 23-Tauri(Merope), t7-Tauri (Electra), 29-Tauri(Pleione), l9-Tauri (Taygeta)& 2l-Tauri (Maia). Alcyoneis the brightestamongthis group,with a visualmagnitudeof 2.88.Thesestarsare very easilyvisiblein the nightsky becauseof their closeproximityto eachother.In fact they standout in 'the nightsky morethan any otherobjectbecauseof this uniqueness. In orderto locatethesestars in the night sky, one has to focus in the region to the right of the the bright star Alpha-Tauri (Aldebaran,belongingto the next asterism,Rohini).
Name: "Krittika"translatessimplyinto "The OneWho Cuts"or in a pluralsense"The Cutters".This simple,directand straght forwardnameis very muchin keepingwith the essentialqualityof this asterism.'The Cutters"hererelatesto a feminineaspectratherthan a maleaspectand as we shall discoverlater,this asterismis relatedto the'sevenKrittikas'(or the sevenwives)of the sevenmain sageslookingafterthe affairsof our galaxy.
Synhot: Its main symbolis an axe, razoror any sharp edgedinstrumentlike a bladeor knife. This All sharpinstruments symbolismobviouslyrelatesto ib name,whichimpliescuttingand penetration. can be usedfor both constructiveor destructivepurposes.A knife,for example,can be usedfor cutting vegetablesor hurting someone.In the sameway, Krittika'spenetrationcan be used for On the otherhand,it can be cuttingthroughsuperficiallayersof mentalandemotionalfunctionings. usedfor causingharmout of angeror enmity.In somecases,its destructiveaspectis constuctive from a universalpointof view,especiallywhenthoseat the end of the bladeare crookedor evil. A flameof anytype is anotherwidelyusedsymbolfor Krittika.Thisas we shallseein the next with Agni,the lord of the fire element. section,relatesto its association Peacockis anotheralternativesymbolof this nakshatra.The elaboratelyornatefeathersof the male peacockrelateto the exuberantmartialnatureof the masculinepaft of this nakshatra. (pleasereferto the image). is the chosenvehicleof the malerulingdeityof thisnakshatra A peacock Krishnaalwayswore a peacockfeatheron top of his headand his early life, underthe careof his fosterparents,revealsthe essenceof this nakshatra(referto the DeitySection).
Deity : l@rttikeya,the commanderof the celestialgodly forces,is the primaryruling deity of this andwasraisedby the aforementioned asterism.Heis oneof the mostprominentamongShivaSsons Krittikas(the sevenwives of the sevencelestialsages).As we can see the name "Krittika"and impliedthat Krittikasare the fostermothers "Karttikeya"havecommonroots,and it is automatically of a boy calledKarttikeya.Thusthis nakshatrais relatedto fostercareand nurturingof all types. precedinglGrttikeyat bifth, as menUoned in Puranictexts,are as follows:Thecircumstances "At one point in time, the gods had lost all of their territoryto the demons,and in their askedLord'Shivato helpthem.Shivaexpressedhis disabilityto interyenedirectly,but despera$on
promisedthat he wouldproducea sonwhowoulddealwith their problems.Thereare manydifferent versionson how lGrttikeyawas actuallyborn (pleaserefer to the Esotericsectionfor a common version).Howeverall textsagreewith the fact that he wassentawayto the Krittikas(Pleiadesstar cluster)in orderto hide him from the demons.The demonshad cometo knowthat this child was born for destroyingthem and were searchingall over to find him, so that they coulddestroyhim first, whilehe wasstill a baby.Hiddenfrom everyone'seyes,the sevenwivesof the sevenrishistmk careof lGrttikeya,and as soonas he reachedboyhood,he fulfilledhis purposeby destroyingthe demonicforcesand restoringthe heavensto the gods." If properlyunderstood,all of Krittika'snature and functioningcan be understoodfrom the abovelegend.Krittikarelatesto a senseof imminentdanger,whichleadsto secrecy,seclusionand hidingasa result.It relatesto the careandnufturingof anythingin ib young,delicatesbateandthis is the reasonwhy Moon reachesits maximumexaltationin the secondpada of this nakshatra. Karttikeya's heroicvalorousdeedsare mirroredin its functioningis well. Agni, the god presidingover the "fire" elementin nature,is the secondaryruler of Kriftika. Fieriness isdefinitely' required for thecombative andmilitaristic natureof thisnakshatra, assuggested by the war generalpost of Karttikeya.The fire symbolismhere can be interpretedat a varietyof levels.On a physicallevelit represents the digestivefire, whichconvertsthe foodwe eat into usable energy.This makesKrittikaan energeticand physicallyactiveasterism.On a mentalplane,fire relatesto the ability of the mind to assimilatenew knowledge.The mentalfire constandyseeks knowledge andexperience in orderto keepitselfburning.Thisnakshatra thereforerelatesto curiosity and an inclination to ventureout into unknownareas. On the astraland moresubtleplanes,fire relatesto the purifoingprinciplein nature.It burns awaythe karmafrom previouslives,so that a senseof unitywith the originalcreativesourcemay be achieved. Krittika,on an esotericlevel, seryesthe functionof puriffing the soul throughthe fires of knowledgeand experience.
We must not forgetthe sevenwivesof the sevensages,as they representthe actualstarsof nakshatraand all its maternalqualitiescome from this constellation.Krittikais a semFmaternal thesesevenwomen.Thesesevenwomencanin a way be seenas the five senses,the mindandthe the limitlessperceptivityof the innocentmind' then represents TheirchildKartikeya, consciousness. with the reasonsbehindthe separationof thesewivesfrorn Thereare manylegendsassociated (thesevencelestial sages).Wewill touchupononeof theselegendsin the Esoteric theirhusbands the fact that thesesevenwivestrainedand Section.In the meantime,we just needto acknowledge educatedbaby lGrttikeyain the varioussystemsof knowledge.This fact revealsthe "educational" and "institutional"aspectof Krittika.Krittikais a sort of celestialtraininggroundor university,where to pursueone'slife purpose. one receivestrainingnecessary
A{ature A funrtioning : thisone hasits rootsin the sanskritword'Krittika'and word'critical', It is clearthatthe English wordsetsthe tonefor Krittika'sbasicnatureand functioning.Krittika'spiercingqualitylendsitselfto the criticizingandfault findingpartof humannature.Krittikaaimsto get to the rootof any actiono'r it comesacrossall the impefections,whichoftenlie betweenthe apparent situationandconsequently becauseit seesthemas obstaclesin achievingits andthe real.Krittikadoesn'ttolerateimperfections decidedlyfixed goals. planetsplacedin Krittikagive one pointedaction and fiery burstsof energy.They act in a approachand don't suddenand explosivemanner.Krittikanativeshavea directand straightforward like to beat aboutthe bush.They usuallyhavecuttingand blunt mannerswhichoften offendsor intimidatesthose aroundthem. One must howeverrememberthat Krittika nativesare good at puttingup socialgracesand do not act in a cuttingor sharpmannerall the time' Theydo so only when roused.Theyhavean extremetemper,but it doesnot lastfor morethan a few seconds' Sun'sangerratherthan Mar'sanger.Sun'sangerdoesn'tlastfor verylong, Krittikaexemplifies attitude.TheKing(Sun),doesnot needto stayangry whileMar'sangerlingerson with an avenging
for longto declarewar,whilethe Soldiers (Mars),whoactuallyfightthe battle,needsusbained anger to keepthem interestedin battles. Krittikanativesusuallyhide their caring,nurturingand maternalside beneathhard, stern exteriors'Fire,despiteits dangerousand destructivepotential,cook our food, warmsus up on a coldday and helpsmakemostof the thingswe requirefor a comfortableliving.In other wordsfire is what makesciVilization possible.Goingonestepfurther,we find that Sun'sfire makeslifiepossible on earth.Thisis the reasonwhy Krittikanativesare usuallythe life-sustaining elementwithintheir socialsphere'Theyliketo supportothersaroundthem throughtheir warmth,independence and will-power.In somecasesthis maybe excessive and the resultis similarto overcooked food. Krittika nativescan alienatethosearoundthem by theirsharptongueand natureeventhoughthey don,t haveany realmaleficintent. In the universalschemeof things,Krittikarelatesto "dahanashakti ', - the powerof the astral bodyto cut its tieswith the physicalbody.Its symbolismhasheataOoveanOtightbelow.Thisrelates Krittikato all the functionsof fire - purification,cooking,melting,mouldingetc. Firealsosuggests the creativepotencyof the nakshatraand itjs saidto havea strongassociation with ttre Moon.In this waythe Moonrepresentsa receptivefieldor channelthroughwhichthe creativepotentialof the Suncanunfold.Krittikaonlyactswhenit hassomekindof directionto go in andso individuals with the nakhatra prominentin their charts,havea peculiariystartlingandsuddenway of eruptingwhen their Krittika energy is activated.
On a spirituallevelthis nakshatracan provideintenseawareness and allowsone the abilityto undergoeltreme formsof purification.On a spirituallevelKrittikais foreverdevotedto cutting its way alonga clearpath towardsthe developmentof one'strue inner natureand thereforewill slay any obstruction, inneror outer whichblocksib path.when it is strongin a nativityit indicates suddentransformations/ups and downsin life.
Mod.eof functionirg : Krittikais consideredto be an Activenakshatra.It is sacrosanctthat the commanderof the celestialarmiesbe anythingbut active.No matterwhichway one looksat Krittika,all one finds is resgessactivity,whetherit be in the field of leadership,nurturing,educationor battle.
Caste: Onemay haveexpectedKrittikato be classified It belongsto the priestlyor brahminicalcaste. heroic,warrior-likenature.The reasonwhy the seerssaw as a khatriya, consideringKarttikeya's thjs nakshatraas brahminical,is becauseof its intenseinvolvementwith learning,knowledgeand altruisticand concernedwith purity. education.It is naturallyphilosophical,
Qendar: obviouslyrelatesto the maternalnatureof this It is a Femalenakshatra.This classification nakshatra,as exemplifiedby the sevenwivesof the sevensages'
tsodypartsd trtnnor (Ayrnrte[icConstiwtion): Hips,Loinsand the Crownof the Headare tlE bodypartsrelatedto this nakshaJra. .; It is a primarily"Kapha"(watery)nakshatra.Its kaphaqualitymustarisefrom its relationship with Venus,a primarilykaphaplanet.The fact that Moon,anotherkaphaplanet,finds maximum this. Its rulingdeity, Karttikeya,is supposedto havea exaltationin this nakshatra,re-emphasizes with the kaphahumor' lustrousbody,whichis normallyassociated
Directbn : It is relatedprimarilyto the arc coveringthe directionsfrom east,south-eastto south.
eadss (Qtarters) : The first padaor quarterof this asterism26" 40' - 30o 00' Ariesfalls in SagittariusNavamsa ruledby Jupiter.Thisis a highlymoralistic, generous andaltruisticpada.There'sa daredevil element to this pada,whichconnectsit to one type of militarypurs:it or the other.It is the explorerof the zodiac.Planetsheregive a lot of will power,strengthand stamina.Sun,Mars,Jupiterand Ketuare especiallystronghere. The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism00o00' - 3" 20' Taurusfalls in CapricornNavamsa ruled by Saturn.This padaalso has a strongsenseof ethicsbut its visionis more materialrather than mentalor spiritual.Evenits spirituality is expressed throughmatter.The emphasis hereis on arrangingmatterto createa nufturingand motherlyenvironment. The maternalaspectof Krittika's functioningisat its peakhere.Nativesundera stronginfluenceof thispadagetandprovidesustenance when it mattersthe most.Moonreachesits maximumexaltationin this pada.Marsand Saturnalso functionstronglyhere.HoweverMar'splacementhere has moreto do with receivingnourishment ratherthan providingit. Thethirdpadaor quafterof thisasterism3o20' - 6o40'Taurusfallsin AquariusNavamsa ruled by Satum.Thisis alsoa humanitarian andaltruisticpada.It combines futuristicvisionsand ancient knowledgeon a weaveof fixed principles.The emphasishere is on 10s housesignificationslike oneb collectiveduty.This padapromotesall typesof learningand canthus be calledthe university of the zodiac.Sinceno planetgetsdebilitated in Aquarius, all planetscanfunctionwellhererelating to theirown specificdomains. Thefoufthpadaor quarterof thisasterism6040' - 10" 00'Taurusfallsin PiscesNavamsa ruled by Jupiter,Thispadahasthe abilityto manifestits deepsensitivity on a materialplane.It promotes groupworkof all types in a joyful, benevolentway. Planetshere are more creativeunder group padaandso all planetsarecapable Thisis a Pushkara situations. navamsa goodresults of conferring here.Jupiter,Venusand Ketucanmakethe fullestuseof the energiesof thispada,whileMercuryis a liftle out of sortshere.
Qrofusioru: in general; Critics;Managers;Generals& Peoplein authoritypositions;Technicalprofessions Fencers; Swordsmen; Judges;Surgeons; Lawyers; relatedprofessions; University Educators; Teachers; CreativeArts involving peoplewho makeswords,knivesand othersharpinstruments;Blacksmiths; Police;Fire All MilitaryProfessions; the use of ftre basedprocesses;Jewellersand Glassmakers; connected Professions Fighters;ExplbsiveExperts;Thosewho work in FosterHomes& Orphanages; smoking,alcoholism, of Addictsof all kindswhetherit be relatedto drugaddiction, to Rehabilitation or for Self-Improvement involvedin promotingmethods& techniques weightproblems;Professions or worshipinvolving who promotestrongpurificatorymeasures SpiritualTeachers SelfAssertiveness; Dart Professional involvingfire like Fire dancersor Fire Sacrifices; the Sun or Fire; Professions Tailors;Workinvolvinguseof needleslikeEmbroiderers playersor Archers;Barbers& Hairdressers; Thosewho makeclayobjectslikebricks Golddiggers& Miners;Cook of all varieties; or Vaccinators; for buildinghousesor ceramicobjects;Furnacemakers;Thosewho makeCookingUtensilsor Trade involvinguseof fire and sharpobjects. tools; All professions
{P{acu : placeswith hot climates;Deserts& Arid lands;Agriculturallands;Cattleranches;Meadows; Buildings;Universities; Tropicalforests;Volcanicareas;MilitaryBases& testinggrounds;Government & Industrialareasusingfire in one Minesin general;Factories Centres;Orphanages; Rehabilitation Heatingdeviceswithin homes;all placesconnectedwith the form or the other; Fireplace,Furnaces, abovemenUonedProfessions'
Qu.na(Essenre)an[ tattw"s (Et"enunt)j Krittikais a Rajasicnakshatradue to its associationwith dynamicqualitieslike individuality, projection,motivation,leadershipand initiaUve.
It belongsto the Earthelement.Thisdoesn'tcomeas a surprisebecausethreefourthsof this nakshatralie in the earth sign,Taurus.The fierinessof this nakshatramanifestsitselfthroughthe all earthelement.Oneway to understandthis is to seeKrittikaas "cookedfood". Krittikarepresents matterwhich is madeusefulin someway by the actionof the fire elemengjust as food is made palatable by the processof heating.
gana EWr) t It is considered a nkhas or demonicnakshatra.Its demonicqualityrelatesto its cold-blooded, mercilessapproachto acts of violencelike killingetc. It works by the "tit for tat" dictum and is usuallyunforgiving.
OriBntatbn d Disposition : It is a Downwardnakshatra.In keepingwith its penetrativenature,Krittikais alwaysmore interestedin what is belowthe suface. Forexample,in relationto our planet,Krittikawouldrelate to the fiery core,whichkeepsthe surfacein place.On a morepersonallevel,one will find that the latentfierinessof a Krittikanativeremainshidden,unlessprovokedby someexternalagency. It is a Mixednakshatrai.e. it alternatesbetweensharpand soft. Ib sharpersideis exemplified by Karttikeya,who as the generalof the celestialarmies,indulgesin sharpactionslikeattacks,wars purposes.Its softersiderelatesto and battles.Krittikausuallyusesits sharpersidefor commanding the nurturingand maternalqualitiesof the sevenwives.(Pleasereferto the Deitysection).
Lunar Montfi U Day : It relatesto the first halfof the lunarmonthof lhrttika, whichusuallyfallsin lateOctober,early November. i;.
.r , ;.:+; t'.
Kriftikais alsorelatedtothe Shashti(6d1tithi or day) of the waxingand waningphasesof the Moon'smonthlycycle.
AttspbionsActiaitizs : andsuddenendings; rites;Givingup old habits;Makingswiftchanges Fireworship;Purification decisions; Military ability;Makingimportant leadership andexecutive Acb requiring initiative, courage, Cutting; Activitiesand Interests;Debating;Standingup for oneself;Cooking;Sewing& Embroidery; Shaving;All activitiesinvolvingthe useof fire or hea! All mothering& nurturingactivities;Goodfor startingeducationalventures;Goodfor commencingnew venturesin general;Goodfor activities Mostactivities honestyand frankness;Drumming& Percussion; requiringa senseof discrimination, are favourabh in this nalshaba.
InauspiciousActiaitics : Diplomaticactivities;Restor relaxation;Waterbasedactivities. .,socializing;
etmctotyfuter : givingit a lot of energy,independence and power. TheSunis the mainrulerof this nakshatra, whichcharacterise insight,pride,ambitionandselfmotivation indicates thepenetrating Sun'srulership Krittika.Just like the Sun,Krittikagoeson about its objectivesin a straightand relentlessfashion. Thefirst padais co-ruledby Mars.The combinedenergiesof the two militaryplanetsmakeit harsh or enemiesthat comein its conqueranyobstacles It canruthlessly andfunctioning. in its approach path.
Therestof the padasareco-ruledby Venus.SunandVenusare naturalenemiesandthusthe extremes and Dionysian the Apollonian Tauruspart of Krittikahas moreto do with harmonizing ratherthan havinga cuttingno nonsensemilitantapproach.It helpsto understandthat in Krittika
the solarenergyis strongerin comparisionto venusianenergyand this is the reasonwhy Moon getsexaltedhere.Thedynamics (Sun'sQueenin the planetary betweenSunandVenus hierarchy) (Moon's) asthe hiddenministeror the Queen's Venusis usuallydescribed arenoteasyto understand. with it is obscure.Venus ministerin the planetaryhierarchyand thus the King's(Sun's)relationship howeverbringsin love,caringand harmonyinto Krittika'shot, strictdomainmakingit a more balancednakshatra.Sunand Venusare bothcreativeplanetswhichsffivefur knowledgeand forms the coreof Krittika'sfunctioning. in a horoscope carriesenergies or exchange similarto Krittika. conjunction Sun/Venus, Sun/Mars Sun,Marsand Venususuallygivestrongresultsherebut as alwaysalot dependson the padathey occupy.
'loute{sanl Ahfrabe* : to "A' as in Arden. Thefirst padaor quafterof this asterism26o40' -30o00'Ariescorresponds to "Ee"as in The secondpadaor quafterof this asterism00o00' - 03o20' Tauruscorresponds Eagle. to "Oo" as in The third padaor quafter of this asterism3o 20' - 6o 40' Tauruscorresponds Uzbekistan. The fourth padaor quafterof this asterism6" 40' - 10" 00' Tauruscorresponds to "Ay" as in Elliott. In the SanskritalphabetKrittikacorresponds to uI", "Oouand "U" consequently its mantrasare "OmIm", "OmOo"and "OmU".
Seryat'Typeand Compatihility: Its sexualanimalis a Sheepor Goat,an animalwhich is seenas a rather passivecreature, andfighting howeverthe Ram,the animalsymbolof the signAries,is capableof muchaggression qualitieswhenroused. Forsexual& marriagecompatibilitywith other nakshatraspleasereferto the tableson pages 4s7 & 458.
'F-soterb: was Thereare manystoriesrelatingto the birthof Karttikeya.Oneof them saysthat Karttikeya bom as a resultof Shiva'sspermfallingon earth.Shivaherecan be equatedwith Sunand the by the sign principlein the form of the signAries,whilethe eafthis represented originalmasculine Taurus.This tale thereforesuggestsa minglingof theseenergies,'andKrittika,as we know,is the nakshatra whichbridgesthe signsAriesandTaurus,andis the initiatorof solarenergy.Krittikais the point in creationwherethe Fireelementconvertsitself into the Eafthelement. whichas we knowrepresentsKrittikain the skies,hasbeenan object Thestar clusterPleiades, of venerationsinceancienttimes.It is the placewherethe sevenwives(representedby the seven brighteststarsamqngthe seventeenstarsthat are part of the Pleiadesstar cluster)of the seven by the sevenstarsof the constellationGreatBear)aresupposedto reside.These sages(represented wivesare supposedto be nanniesto Shiva'syoungerson Karttikeya.lGrttikeya,as we know,is the of the andnourisher makesKrittikaa harbinger overthe planetMars.Thissymbolism deitypresiding Maftianenergy.In factit canbeseenasa cosmicuniversityof sortswherethe soulswith predominantly Martianqualitiesare trained.This associationwith Martianenergy is reinforcedby the fact that of thisasterismliesin the Krittikabeginsin Aries,a signruledby Mars.Thefactthat the remainder earth itself,connectsthis asterismstronglywith earthlyactivities. signTaurus,representing
Alotof ancienttelts pointtowardsa directconnectionbetweenPleiades and evolutionof life on eafth.This relatesto the beneficpaft of this asterisrnas the nourisherand well wisherof life on earth.This is why Moonis exaltedin the first three degreesof Taurus,whichare governedby this asterism.We can see the last three quaftersof this asterismas carryingthe feminineprinciple illustratedby the symbolism of the sevenwives.Krittikais moreor lessthe representation of the femininematrixof life. The first quarterof this asterismrelatesmoreto its martianaspect,as illustratedby its symbolivnof Karttikeya.
Qotra (CetzstiatLiruage) : Thisnakshatrais relatedto the SageAngiras,oneof the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "the fiery one".The relaUonship between Krittikaand this sageis immediatelyclearfrom the nameof the sage.
fumediat Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfromafflictionsto this nakshatra, the bestremedial measureis worshipof Karttikeya.Worshipof Sunalongwith the recitationof Gayatrimantrais also helpfulin bringingthe best out of this nakhatra. Havinga reverentialattitudetowardsthe seven wiveseverytimeone gets to seethe constellation of Pleiadesalsohelps. - "OmIm", "OmOo" and "Om U" 108times Repetition of the root mantrasof this nakshatra when Moontransitsthis nakshatraand in its corresponding lunarmonthis sureto reducesuffering and bring enlightenrnent into a person'slife. Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe goodeffectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor themto wearall brightfiery mlours like gold, orange,red, yellowand variegatedcolourslike those seenon peacockfeathers.They shoulduse its directions, lunarmonthand the dayswhen MoontransitsKrittikato undertakeall importantactions.
lE4nnpb : EuaBraun,the girlfriendof AdolfHitler,hasher Zs lord Mars,placedin Krittika,signiffingher partnerwouldbe a general.KingJames.I/of England,had his Moonplacedin Krittikain his ninth house.It is this moonwhichprotectedhim in the 16 yearsof exilein a foreignland(9thhouse signification).This exaltedMoonwas also one of the main factorswhich helpedhim regainhis kingdomwhen his Moonchartstartedworkingat the age of 32.
Misceffaneous: Moon in Krittikagives one "a bright appearance,fondnessfor Accordingto Varahamihira, is right on target as far as otherb spouses,extremeappetiteand widespreadfame".Varahamihira our exampleis concerned.
'L' fi "'**'
+. Kohini I o"oo'faurus - Z)"7g, fau*s
qefihli (10000'Taurus- 23020'Taurus)
In tfiz Sky t Rohini,the seedof lunarenqrgy,is represented in the celestialfirmamentby a very brightpale rose star in the constellationof Taurus.This star is known in modernastronomyas Alpha-Tauri (Aldebaran). Aldebaranis oneof the brighteststarsin the nightsky,with a visualmagnitudeof 0.99. In fact this uniquepale rosestar can even be spottedin the eveningsky.The ancientvedicseers reveredthis star becausethis was supposedto be the abodeof Bnhrm and the Pral1patis.
frfume : "Rohini"transfatesinto - the "ReddishOne" or the "GrowingOne".The "one" here carriesa femininetone and can be read as "celestialwoman".The colour'Red'evokesnotionsof warmth, passionand liveliness. The fact that in ancientculturesit wasseenas the colourof abundarrce and prosperity,revealssomeof the essentialcharacteristics of Rohini.Its alternativenames- Vidhiand Wnnchi,a namewhichrelates.to Brahna$he Geatoramongthe Trinity)- revealmoresidesof this fascinatingnakshatra.
Symhot: Rohini'smainsymbolis an Ox-Caftpulledby Two Oxen.Oxenhave been usedas fertility symbolsby all ancientcultures.EvenTaurus,tte signrepresenting'bounties of the earth',hasa bull,
flourished, an ox cart was ox or cow as its symbol.In countrieslikeIndia,whereVediccivilization one of the onlywaysto transportvariousearthproduceslikecropsover largedistances.Theyserve the samefunctionwhichtrucksservein the presentday and age. Justasthe ox-caftcarriesthe harvestedand readyto useproduce,Rohiniis supposedto be the with the ox caft immediatelysuggeststhat it has carrierof all the fruits of creation.Its relationship cattlerearingand all otheractivitiesinvolvingmaterial a lot to do with all aspectsof agriculture, An ox-cartis produce.The "carrier"aspectof the ox-caftrelatesRohinito all kindsof conveyances. amongstthe nakshatras. a veryearthysymbolandasa matterof fact,Rohiniisthe mostmaterialistic Thus in the presentday and age, Rohini In ancienttimesox-caftswerethe "wheelsof commerce". andfinancialdealings. relatesto all kindsof commerce fixidityand abilityto rompover with oxen likesteadiness, All the qualitiesnormallyassociated throughRohini.Asa resultof the ox caftsymbolism, anythingwhichcomesin itsway,findexpression itself.All the qualities therefore'civilization' of agriculture'and Rohinirelatesto the'development normallyascribedto the sign Taurussuchas - eafthiness,fixidity,stability,creativity,productivity, luxuryloving,indulgence, idealismin refinement, accumulating, materialsecurity,acquisitiveness, - are mostlyderivedfrom Rohini's qualities. essential love,beautyand relationships
Deity : Bmhm4the creatoramongthe governingTrinityof the universe,is the mainpresidingdeityof whichhaveone of the Trinityas its mainpresidingdeity. Rohini.Thereare onlythreenakshatras in regardsto the affairsof especially of this nakshatra, This saysa lot regardingthe impoftance (the eafthly realm). Bhutolca Themainlegendrelatesto an Brahmato thisnakshatra. connecting Therearea lot of legends whenBrahma,aftercreatinga daughternamed earlierpointof time in the historyof the universe, Rohini,fell in lovewith her.Fromthe Vedicpointof view,everyconstellationis seenas a feminine is madeclearby the fact that Moon, goddessentity.Rohini'sextraordinary charmand magnetism
whoseduty it is to spendonlya certainamountof time with eachof thesefemininefiguresin his monthlytravelthroughthe zodiac,at one point,refusedto leaveRohini'sabode.So it is not hardto seewhy Brahmafell for her and pursuedher,despitethe stigmaattachedwith engagingin "cosmic incest"!However,he wasstoppedshortin hischaseby Shiuaandhadto be satisfiedwith just having the rufershipof this nakshatra(pleasereferto the EsotericSectionof 'Ardra'). Fromthisstoryit is clearthat Rohiniis the mostalluringamongstall nakshatras. lust as money in the presentdayworldspinspeoplearound,RohinimakespeopleandevenGodschaseafterit in everywhichwaypossible. Rohinirelatesto the wish-fulfilling creativeaspectof nature,embodied by goddesses of prosperitylike Laxmi,the spouseof Vishnu.Dueto its association with Brahma,it has 'abundance'on plane theabilityto createanythingwhichconstitutes'prosperity'and any of existence. All Brahmadoesis "create,createand create"and the sameis the casewith Rohini.It is thus not hardto seethat its seruicesare muchin demandin all the lokas(planesof existence).Rohiniis that impoftantproductiveaspectof Maya,whichkeepsthe gameof lifsworth playingfor thoseinvolved.
Afature (t funrtioning : Rohiniis the harbinger of agriculture andconsequently "civilization", as we understand it. It is a very productivenakshatrawhichsupportsall type5of growth.Thegrowingof plantswhenwe put seedsinto the eafth is a Rohiniprocess.Rohinirelatesto the productionof all typesof amenities requiredfor civilizedliving.Whenworkingthroughits higherplane,Rohiniis onlyinterested in use of producLs deriveddirectlyfrom nature.In its lowaspectit indulgesin all typesof chemical,synthetic and man made products.The evolvedRohinitypes are usuallytrue environmentalists and conservationists, while the lesserevolvedones promoteunwholesome productslike thoseof the presentday cosmeticindustry. Rohininativesusuallyhavelarge,clearand expressive eyes,refinedfemininefeatures,thick lowerlip anda smilingcountenance. Theyhavea stable,eafthyandwellbalanced wayaboutthem. Theyare as unresponsive to externalstimulias a cow.Theyonly'openup in extremelyintimate situations.Theirunflinchingqualityoften comesout as stubbomness. Despitetheir calmexteriors,
rc with their voiceand gestures.Theycan act well, whenevernecessary. ttreycan be very expressive They are smoothtalkersand have gentJe,seductivemannerisms. They seekattentionand more often than not are able to get it. They are extremelypopular They often usetheir charmand socialeasefor within their socialcirclebecauseof their.charisma. manipulatingsituationsto suit their own ends.This is obviouslya goodthing if their personalends are in linewith universalends,but whenthis is not the case,they can be the mostselfteruingof all people.It is very easyfiorthem to gain the trust of others,and in the presentday and age,this is gften usedto derivesomesort of materialbenefiL at the sametime.Onthewholetheyhavesimplistic alluringandindulgent Theyarebothsexually personalities. This makesthem appeardull and boringto those nativeswho are ruled by more Rohini ln lhli-Yugatheyoftenturn out to be plainmaterialistsand sensualists. compfexnakshatras. productivein one way or the other. nativesare alwaysvery concernedabout beingconstructively Theywantto be of useto their home,communityor the worldin generaldependingupontheir level of soul functioning.The essentialfertile natureof Rohinihelpsthem achievetheir goalswithout muchfuss. of one'sthoughtsand desires.This abilityto give Rohinialwaysfacilitatesthe materialization to feelingsandthoughtsmakesit artistic.Rohiniis a true patronof the arts;andtherefore expression at any given point of time amongthe collective,definesthe level the levelof artisticsensibilities whereRohiniis workingfrom. Thesedayswhenthe standardsin arts havedeclinedto reallyputrid or abominablelevels,onecaneasilyseethat Rohiniis workingthroughits lower,baserexpressionin the majorityof the PoPulace. fixidityof purposeand persevereuntiltheir will is done'They Rohininativeshavea tremendous usuallyhavestrongfamilyvaluesandtendto supportthosewithintheir closecircle.It is not possible for those outsidetheir inner circleto hold their attentionfor long as they are very quickto spot in others.Despitetheir naturallyfixednature,they liketo quicklyflit throughpeople weaknesses when it q)mes to socialand communalinteractions.Whenworkingthroughtheir lower natures,
Rohininativesare coolandsuaveoppoftunistswho havea knackfor extractingfavoursand financial supportfrom others. Rohininativesare usuallyconseruative to a degree,but at the sametime are open to new influences. Theword'conseruative'is usedherein all its implications. part of their Theconservation nature comesout stronglywhen it comesto preservingthe body.Rohiniis very strronglyrelatedto the life force within us. Mostnativeswith a prominentRohiniare usuallyvery carefulabouttheir healthandliveup to a ripeoldage.In youngersoulsRohinicancausea fearof deathanddislikefor the ageingprocess.Th.emantraof Rohiniis to - create,createand create.Nativeswith Rohini aonnectedto the 5h housein someform like to have lots of progeny. commonenglishwordslike "robust","romantic","rom@","rosy","rose"seemto havgthe sameroot as the word "Rohini".All theseterms give us cluesto Rohini'sfunctioningat different levels,especiallyin regardsb the matter of enjoyment.Rohiniis one of the most enjoymentorientednakshatras. It believesin makingthe mostof the goodthingsin life. In the universalschemeof things,Rohinirelatesto "rohanashakti"orthe powerto makethings grow. Its symbolismhas plantsaboveand water below.This is obviouslya representation of the feritilityaspectof nature.Rohiniis the forcewhich makespossiblethe materialization of the astral impulses.
Modz,of funttUnhg : Rohiniis consideredto be a Balancednakshatra.Thosewho are involvedin any productive activitywill understand the importance of balancein achievingdesiredresults.Just as natureis creativeand productivethroughthe balanceof heatand cold,lightand dark, rainand shine,winter and summerek. , Rohiniis methodicaland balancedin its actions.In its negativeaspecthowwer; Rohini,likeotherbalancednakshatras, makesonego throughlife with the leastamountof adventure possible.It can be ultra-conservative and reluctantto try new thingswhichadd to its wisdomand experience.Onthe positive$de, it knowshowto staywithinthe assignedlife path,withor.tunneoesary strain.
Caste: It befongsto the shudracaste.It may surprisesomethat Rohiniis assignedthis lowly caste. 'salt of the earth'peoplewho are involvedin that Rohinirelatesto the One has to understand activitiesdirectlydealingwith the earth. Farmers(thosewho actuallywork in the fields)and constructionworkers,wereall seenas belongingto the shudracastein ancjenttimes'
Qen[cr : with the two feminineplanetsMoonandVenusmake It is a Femalenakshatra.Its association Rohinia primariVfeminineenergy. the motheringprinciplein nature. andthe number4 represents It is alsothe fourthnakshatra Rohiniis the asterismmost relatedto the Earth,which is seenas a feminineentity in all ancient cultures.
tsodgpatsd ,rtmor (Ayu-nedicConstitution): Ankles,ShinsandCalvesof the Legsarethe bodypartsrelatedto this nakshatra. TheForehead, with two primarily nakshatra.Thisstemsfrom its association It is a p6marily"Kapha"(watery) kaphaplanets,MoonandVenus.Amongthe threehumors,kaphais mostcloselyrelatedto the earth makesRohinia kaphanakshatra. element.Thisautomatically
Direction : It is relatedprimarilyto soutft,southeastand northwest.
eadns(Qnrters) : Thefirst padaor quafterof this asterism10o00' - 13o20' Taurusfalls in AriesNavamsaand is ruledby Mars.Pmsionsand carnalnatureare heightened here.The focusis on indulgence and extravagance. Planets herewantquick-fire materialresults.Onlya wellplacedSunandMarsdo well here.In its higheraspectthis padacanmakeonea spiritualwarriorfightingagainstexploitation on a materialplane:Onthat levelit is a puriffingenergywhichcombinesspiritualitywith matterwithout differentiation. The secondpadaor quafterof this asterism13o20' - 16" 40' Taurusfalls in TaurusNavamsa ruledby Venus.This padabestexemplifies all what Rohinistandsfor. Planetshere usuallygive abundance andabilityto conjureup requiredresources in theworstof conditions. Thenativehowever may tend to suffer from extremematerialism.This pada allowsone to give expressionto their thoughtsandfeelingsthroughmaterialmeans.Beinga Var,gottama padait givesverystrongresults. This is the strongestpada in the zodiacwhen it comesto actualiz'ation and fulfillmentof desires. Moon,MercuryVenusand Saturnare especiallystronghere. Thethirdpadaor quafterof thisasterism16040' - 20" 00'Taurusfallsin GeminiNavamsa ruled by Mercury,The focusof this padais on arts, sciences and business. It is the mostflexibleand shrewdamongstRohini'spadasand hasthe powerto accumulatewealthequivalentto the second pada.Thisis a lightheattedandjovial padaand haslesschancesof gettingstuckon purelymaterial issuesin comparisonto the previouspada.MercuryVenusand Saturngive strong resultsin this pada. The foutth padaor quarterof this asterism20o00' - 23o20'Taurusfallsin C-ancer Navamsa ruled by Moon.The focus here is on homeand materialsecurity.Moneycomesin throughshort travels.Planetsplacedherehavea maternalqualityto them but canget excessively possessive and narrowminded. A lot of the worstqualitiesof Rohinilike unnecessary hoardingare relayedthrough this pada.Onlya well placedMoonor Jupiterfunctionwell here.
lhofessions : relatingwith growing,processing andhandling of all types;All professions Farming;Agriculturists Enteftainment and LeisureIndustries;Fashion& Artists;Musicians; food; Botanists;Herbalists; SexTherapists;Jewellers;GemstoneDealers;Interior Decorators; CosmeticIndustry;Beauticians; TourismIndustry;AutomobileIndustry;Oil & Transpoftation Business; Bankersand Financiers; & Distribution PetroleumIndustry;Teltile Industry;ShippingIndustry;FoodProduction,Packaging with Aquaticproductsand Liquidsof all types. connected industry;All professions
{Ptaces: Farms,Orchards,Gardens,AgriculturalEstates,Placeswhere herbsgrow; BusStations,Train Institutions; Marketplaces; Pools;Banks& Financial Stations& ShippingYards;Ponds& Swimming wheregemstones Hotels;TouristResorG;Studiosfor creativeartsof all kinds;Places Bars,Restaurants, are founds;All placesconnectedwith the aboveprofessions.
Qurw ('Esserce)and tottuta (Ekment) : is obviousconsidering the materially Thisclassification to be a Rajasbnal
9*a $ype): with It is considereda Manushaor humannakshatra.Rohini'searthyqualityand its association earth'sbounties makesit stronglyinvolvedin humanaffairs.It represents andcivilization agriculture
whichmoststronglysuppoftshuman withoutwhichhumanbeingscannotsurive. It isthe nakshatra life.
Orientatbn 6 Disposition : of Rohini'snameis "the growing It is an Upwardnakshatra.If we recall,one of the translations We havealready one".Thusit relatesto all thingswhichgrow upwardslike cropsand buildings. growth,increaseand expansion. statedthat any activitystaftedin this nakshatraexperiences nakhatra.Its fixednatureis bestexemplified by the behaviour Itisa dhruva(fixedor permanent) patternof oxen,its mainanimalsymbol.Its permanence relatesto the definedqualityof nature, which ensuresthat the trees bear fruit everygrowingseasonand that the riversflow from their sourceto the sea. In moderntimes, naturehas becomeunreliableto an extent,only due to the destructivefunctioningsof mankind.Still, she can be more or less reliedupon to sustainthe six : billionof us.
Lunar Montfi d Datt : Rohinirelatesto the secondhalf of the lunarmonthof lGrttil@,whichusuallycorresponds to the monthof Novemberin the solarcalendar. Rohiniis alsorelatedto the Dvitiya( 2ndUthior day) of the waxingand wqqng phasesof the Moon'smonthlycycle.
AuspiciousActiaitits : : for farmingactivitieslike Extremely favourable for initiatingactivitiesof all types;Favourable planting,sowing;Trading& financialdealingsof all types;Goodfor marriage;All healing& selfNatureexploration consffuction; Romance improvement measures; andfavellingin general;Beginning of clothes,jewelleryautomobiles andsexualactivity;Puttingthe materialworldin order;Purchase etc.
Inauspitious Actiaitips : for any actionexceptthoserelatedto death,demolishingand destruction. Not unfavourable
efarutory fu.fpr: Moonand Venusare the two planetsconnectedwith Rohini.Moonis Rohini'smain planetary ruler.The lunar energy imbuesRohiniwith primordialfeminineenergy.Venusis also relatedto feminineforce.Theconfluence of two feminineplanetsmakeRohinia portalfor shakti,the universal materialexpressionof shakti. withVenusian charm,creativity Moon'snaturalgrace,nufturingabilityand maternitycombines It is the mostfeminineamongst and productivityto makeRohinione of the mostfruitful nakshatras. all the nakshatras andthereforethe mostreceptiveandproductive.JustlikeMotherEafth,it provides for all without bias.In the presenttimes however,Rohiniis exploited,just as womenand Mother Earthin generalareexploitedat the handsof darkforceswhichruleour planet.Rohini'sbountifulness hasbeenexploitedto extremelevelsthroughunboundedgreed.This is the reasonwhy mostof the eafth is pollutedand most of the womentroubledand unhappy.The ruling forcesof the planet deliberatelycorruptthe feminineprinciplethroughthe useof media. carriesenergysimilarto Rohini.Moon,MercuryVenusand Saturn Moon-Venus conjunction expressthemselvesstronglywhen placedin Rohini.
iloutek and Ahfiabets : to "O" as in The first pada or quafter of this asterism10o 00' -13o 20'Tauruscorresponds Omega. The secondpadaor quarterof this a$erism13o20' - 16o40' Tautuscorresponds to "Va"as in Value.
The third padaor quarterof this asterism16040'.- 20o 00' Tauruscorresponds to "M" as in Victor. The fourth padaor quarterof this asterism20" 00' - 23 20'Tauruscorresponds to "Vu"as in Wood. In the SanskritalphabetRohinicorresponds to "Rm"and "Lrm" consequently its mantrasare "OmRrnl'and"OmLrm".
Seryrat'Typt*d Compatihility:
: i*,
Its sexualanimalis a Cobra.This makesRohiniexhibitserpentqualitiesin sexualunion.The srpas (celestialserpentbeings)are regardedas beingadeptsat sexualactivity.In fact Rohiniis supposedto be the mostsexuallyadeptamongall nakshatras. This is probablythe reasonwhy the joddessfigurineof thisnakshatra Moongodwasnot readyto leaveRohini's abode.Therepresentative is supposedto be the masterof all thifi-two principlesof sexualunion.Rohiniis mostcompatible with Mrigashira,the other serpentnakshatra. For sexual& maritalcompatibilitywith other nakshatras,pleaserefer to the tableson pages 468 & 469.
T.soterk.i. , r, ;,..., SinceRohiniis the foutthnakshatra, all the qualitiesnormallyassociated withthe number'4'in Numerologyform the basisof this nakshatra'suniversalrole. '4' is the numberof structureand concreteness. The materialuniversetakesform underthe energiesof this nakshatra.The fire of Krittikais transformedinto the eafth element.In the languageof physicswe can say that pure energycondenses to form physicalatoms,molecules etc. Rohiniis representative of Brahma3power to tum energyinto mass(tangiblematter).
a Rohini'srole in In the modernday Tarotpc( the fourthcard called"TheEmpress"represents fertility,warmth,passionand the gameof life, as the "GreatFruitfulMotherGoddess"representing Sheis supposedto representMaiaas shecreatesan earthlyor materialparadise.Rohini abundance. thereforecan be seenas a channelthroughwhichthe divineexpressesitselfthroughmatter. It is interestingto note that "The Empress"card carriesthe symbolof Venus,a planetvery 'Tarot"is derivedfrom the with Rohini.The truth of the matteris that the word stronglyconneCted 'Tara"meaning"Star".All the 21 cardsof word 'Taro",whichin turn comesfrom the Sanskritterm the MajorArcanain this packhavebeenderivedfrom the 21 mainattributesof the great mother goddess"Tara"or "Jagdamb" in chargeof universalaffairs. .;'" Weall haveto admitthat pleasureandenjoymenton varyinglevelsis the basisof the gameof life.If it wasn'tfor Rohini,the universalmindwouldhavea hard Umesustainingthe dramaof life,as very few soulswouldbe willingto play it.
Qotra (CetzstlatLircage) : This nakshatrais relatedto the SageAtri, one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the Atri seemsto be a affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "onewho consumes". nakshatras. andtwo destructive sagewitha dualnature.Hehasrulershipovertwo creativenakshatras side.Fromanotherpointof view,Rohinicanbe seenas a relatesto his productive Rohiniobviously devouringnakshatra,in the sensethat it consumessoulsthrough its excessivematerblisrn.
futnedinl : towardscows,earth and naturein its variousforms is the best way to get on the Reverance right side of Rohini'senergy.WorshippingBrahma,its presidingdeity, is not sanctionedby Vedic texts. Brahmais underthe curseof Shiva,whichdoesn'tallowfor his worshipon the earthlyplane.
The third padaor quarterof this asterism16040' - 20o 00' Tauruscorresponds to "M" as in Victor. The foufth padaor quafterof this asterism20" 00' - 23o20'Tauruscorresponds to "Vu"as in Wood. In the Sanskit alphabetRohinicorresponds to "Rm"and "Lrm" consequently its mantrasare "Om Rm"and "Om Lrm".
: Seryat'Typean^dCompatihi[itg Its sexualanimalis a Cobra.ThismakesRohiniexhibitserpentqualitiesin sexualunion.The sarrys (celestialserpentbeings)are regardedas beingadeptsat sexualactivity.In fact Rohiniis supposedto be the mostsexuallyadeptamongall nakshatras. This is probablythe reasonwhy the joddessfigurineof thisnakshatra Moongodwasnot readyto leaveRohini's abode.Therepresentative is supposedto be the masterof all thirty-twoprinciplesof sexualunion.Rohiniis mostcompatible with Mrigashira,the other serpentnakshatra. For sexual& maritalcompatibilitywith other nakshatras,pleaserefer to the tableson pages 468 & 469.
T-sotzrk: SinceRohiniis the foutthnakshatra, all the qualitiesnormallyassociated withthe number'4'in Numerologyform the basisof this nakshatra'suniversalrole. '4' is the numberof structureand concreteness. The materialuniversetakesform underthe energiesof this nakshatra.The fire of Krittikais transformedinto the earth element.In the languageof physicswe can say that pure energycondenses to form physicalatoms,molecules etc. Rohiniis representative of Brahma3power to turn energyinto mass(tangiblematter).
- "Om Rm"and "Om Lrm" 108timeswhen Repetition of the root mantrasof this nakshatra Moontransitsthis nakshatraand in its corresponding lunar month is sure to reducesufferingand bringenlightenment into a personblife. Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this naKhatracan also increasethe gmd effectsthroughthe abovementionedways. It is helpfulfor them to wear all reds,whites, crdmesand brightpastelshades. Whitefabricswith flowerdesignsaresuitable. Theyshoulduseits directions, lunarmonthandthe dayswhenMoontransitsRohinito undertake all importantactions.
E4gntp[z : Krishna,VishnuSSh incarnation, wasbornwith bothhisAscendantand Moonin Rohini.Most personality Indiansareawareof Krishna's andlifeandcantherefore easilyrelatehislifewithRohini's functionings.Krishnawasknownfor his beautifuleyes,strongpersonalmagnetismandthe abilityto find materialmanifestation of all his thoughtsand desires. QueenVictoria,the ladywho wasseenas the crowningmonarchof 75o/oof the eafth,wasalso bornwith bothherAscendant and Moonin Rohini.In her casethe expansiveand acquisitivematerial aspectof Rohiniis broughtto light.
Misce[faneous: Accordingto Varahamihira, thosebornwith Moonin Rohiniare "honest,pure,beautiful,have steadymindsandpleasant speech." Thisappliesto Krishna totallyandto a certainextentto Victoria as well.
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5. l$rlgshira zr"zo' f.urus - 6"+0'$enini
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'The Empress"represents Rohini'srole in In the modernday TarotpcK the foufth card called fertility,warmth,passionand the gameof life, as the "GreatFruitfulMotherGoddess"representing Rohini Maiaas shecreatesan earthlyor materialparadise. to represent Sheis supposed abundance. thereforecan be seenas a channelthroughwhichthe divineexpressesitselfthroughmatter. It is interestingto note that "The Empress"card carriesthe symbolof Venus,a planetvery with Rohini.The truth of the matteris that the word "Tarot"is derivedfrom the sffionglyconneCted 'Tan"meaning"Star".All the 21 cardsof word 'Taro",whichin furn comesfrom the Sanskritterm the MajorArcanain this packhavebeenderivedfrom the 21 mainattributesof the great mother goddess"Tara"or "Jagdamb"in chargeof universalaffairs . -. .:
Weall haveto admitthat pleasureandenjoymenton varyinglevelsis the basisof the gameof life.If it wasn'tfor Rohini,the universalmindwonldhavea hard time sustainingthe dramaof life,as very few soulswouldbe willingto play it.
Qotra (CetutiatLinzage): This nakshatrais relatedto the SageAtri, one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the Atri seemsto be a affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "onewho consumes". nakshatras. andtwo destructive sagewith a dualnature.Hehasrulershipovertwo creativenakshatras side.Fromanotherpointof view,Rohinicanbe seenas a relatesto his productive Rohiniobviously devouringnakshatra,in the sensethat it consumessoulsthroughits excessivematerialism.
fumediat: towardscows,eafth and naturein its variousforms is the best way to get on the Reverance right side of Rohini'senergy.WorshippingBrahma,its presidingdeity, is not sanctionedby Vedic texts. Brahmais underthe curseof Shiva,whichdoesn'tallowfor his worshipon the earthlyplane.
gvhigasfi.iro - 6040'Gemini) (23020'Taurus
In tfie Sky , Mrigashira, the initiatorof Martianene4ry,is represented in the celestialfirmamentby a bright star and three not so bright starsin the constellationof Oion. The*, starsare knownin modern astronomyas Pi2'Orionis,Pi3-Orbnis,Pi4-Orionis&Gamma-Orionisi**t ,rl Bellatrixis the bright staramongthem,with a visualmagnitude of 1.66.It is easyto locate,as Orionis oneof the most prominentand easilynoticeableconstellations in the night sky.Bellatrixis the brightstar at the top righthandcornerof Orion,whilethe threefaintstarscanbe seenalignedin a bowlikeformationa little awayon the right handsideof Bellatrix.Theancientvedicseershoweversawthesestarsto be forminga deer'sheadand we wouldsoonknow"why".
Abnu : "Mrigashira" translates into- the "Deer'sHead",Onecanimmediately seethe correlationbetween the shapeformedby its starsand its name.The legendbehindthis nameis dealtwith laterin the EsotericSection.One can also makean obviousinferencethat this asterism'snatureand quality shouldbe akinto that of a deer.Its othernames- gumya meaning"benevolent" or relatingto Soma (DivineNectar),Arghayanimeaning "startof the year", ChandrameaningMoonand tJdup, which alsois anothernamefor Moon;eachreveala paft of Mrigashirab functioning,as will shalldiscover in the courseof our exploration.
Sym6o[: Its main symbolis a Deer.Somescholarschooseto havea deer'sheadas its symbol,as is possess all deer with a deermakesthis nakshatra literallyapparentfrom its name.Theassociation wanderingetc. The deer is seenas a fragility,fickleness, like qualitiessuchas timidity,lightness, with gentleaspectsof nature primarilylunaranimal.In all ancientVedictexts,deersare associated and often pla'ymajor rolesin romanticlores.Deersare portrayedas elusive,magical,divineand creatures. enchanting it wasa magicaldeer(actuallya demonposingas a deer),that In the Vedicepicof Ramayana, it resultedin the disruptionof her and Rama's caughtgta3 attention;and her cravingto possess with problemsin marriedlifethrough is associated maritalfelicity.Thisis the reasonwhy Mrigashira for the The readerscan referto the Ramayana illusion,unduesuspicionor plainmisunderstanding. with the deer aspectof this nakshatra.We will completestory.Thereare other legendsassociated coverthe most importantamongthem in the EsotericSection. of andseekingqualityaboutthem,whichformsthe essence Deershavea constantsearching trails.Thusthisnakshatra Asmosthuntersknow,deersoftenroamaroundpredictable thisnakshatra. is relatedto all typesof definedtravelby road,air etc. Deersmoreoftenthan not liketo be in scenic habitats.Simihr$ this nakshatrafeelscomfortableonly in scenicsurroundings. Its afternativesymbolis a'pot full of SomalSomais the preferreddrinkof the gods.It is a kind with the Moon.In fact Somais one of the sanskritnamesof the Moon' of celestialnectarassociated As we shalldiscoverlater,Moonhasa strongconnectionwith this nakshatra.
Deity : The maindeityof this nakshatrais the Moon.All the primaryqualitiesof the Moon-inconstancy, - applyto perceptivity gentleness, sensuality, persuasiveness, tenderness, changeability, fickleness, this nakshatra
Thisnakshatrarelatesthe mostto the "Soma"aspectof Moon.Moonis knownby manynames, eachreflectinga differentaspectof its functioning.As we discussedearlier,Somarepresentsthe nectaraspectof Moon.Moonis the rulerof all kindsof fluidson the materialas well as astralplane. Fluidsin turn are the essenceof life, whichwe can obseruethroughthe functioningof our own bodies.As we knowour physicalbodiesare comprisedof morethan 600/owaterand are biologically of vitaljuices.The physicalcounterpaft of mind,the brain,is aliveonly because of the circulation of fluidsfor its functioning. Moon,in its Soma alsodependant uponthe transmission andinteraction aspect,is relatedto this essentiallifeforceon the physical,mental,ethericand astralplane.This nakhatrathusrelatesto our lifeforceandvitalitythroughthe presence andcirculation of thesevital fluids. Moonrelatesto the feminineaspectof nature,a factwhichconnects this nakshatra directlyto the femininegoddessenergy.Ancientvedicseerssawthis nakshatra asa seatof Shakti(theprimordial goddessenergy).In fact, Paruati,the wife of Shivaand one of the-threemain representatives of universalGoddessenergy,is the main presidingdeity of this nakshatra.It is her own personal nakshatra, as canbe gaugedfromthe factthat ancienttextssaythat her Moonis in Mrigashira. All playfulness her qualitieslike benevolence, charm,changeability, compassion, and joyousness are relayedthroughthis nakshatra.Hertimidityandgentlenessis not to be confusedwith cowardice,as she can be very strong,unyieldingand wrathfulif necessary. Her fierceforms like Durgaand l@li illustratethisfact. Mostscholars usuallyneglectthe fixed,strongwilledandwrathfulaspectof this nakshatra. Thename"Paryati" tanslatesinto"shewhohasmanypafts".Thistranslation exemplifies the multifarious,multifacetedpersonaof Mrigashira. Moonin its Somaaspect,is an indulgentcharacterwith hundredsof romanticliaisons.He is often seengettinginto troubledue to his afhirs with other'swives.Accordingto one very famous fegend,Mercurywasproducedout of the unionof Moonwith Jupiter'swife, Tara.Ina waythis story canbe seenasthe birthof intellect(Mercury), asa resultof the unionof mindandwisdom.Intellect is a moreconscious force,whichgovernsoverthe largelyunconscious mind.In the universal scheme of things,mindcouldn'thavejust beenby itselfwithouta gorcrningfacultyfor long.
fufoaneU functbning: The essenceof the natureand functioningof Mrigashiracan be summedup by one word ruling Thissearching can haveany levelor aspectto it - it can relateto Mrigashira's "searching". for true knowledge; or for her perfectspouse;a spiritualaspirantsearching deityParvatisearching a soul searchingfor new mental,emotionalor physicalexperiences. andthusmakesoneseeknewareasof is the mostcuriousamongstall nakshatras Mrigashira This aspectof Mrigashirais very similarto that of the planetRahu(pleaserefer to the experience. 'The Key Of Life' author'spreviouswork ''fhe Rahu-KetuExperience"SagarPublication,NewDelhi; of the natureand functioning of Rahu).This understanding LotusPress,USAfor a comprehensive fulfillmentandenlightenment onlywhenit is in keepingwith one'slife seekingbringscontentment, purpose.In other cases,it only bringsabout temporarysatisfaction,which usuallygivesway to sorrowand disillusionment. nativesgoodat artisticpursuitsof all types.On Thisseekingquality,however,makesMrigashira mayallowoneto findone'slifepathor destinyandon a lowerlevel,it can a higherlevel,Mrigashira just makeone pranceaboutlikea deerfromonetransitoryexperience to the next.Thisis akinto a personin a deseftchasingonemirageafterthe other.Thisnegativequalitygivesriseto manyother Mrigashiranativesoften haveto learn and superficiality. negativetraits like fickleness,inconstancy to stickat a thing until somesort of completionis achieved. Mrigashira natives is on the mentalratherthanthe physical. of .Mrigashira Thewholeemphasis usuallyhavegreatdexterityof mind,whichgivesthem the abilityto graspvarioussubjectswith effortlessease.They have a great capacityfor all types of mentalwork, but they often stretch Theyusuallyneeda lot of and as a resultsufferfrom mentaland neruousexhaustion. themselves, types cleanair and physicalexerciselike walkingto balancetheir mentalenergy.Alot of Mrigashira makesthemsusceptible useless, areproneto physicallethargy,whichbesidesmakingthemfunctionally to physicalailments.
Mrigashira nativesare usuallythinlybuiltwith youthfuldelicatefeatures;a smiley,jovialand Theyare the restless typeand mayappearas andwarm,gentlemanners. lighthearted disposition; and flaky or fidgety to others.They usuallyconveya senseof fragilitythroughtheir appearance Theirmindis alwaysroamingabout,whichin manycasestakesthe formof daydreaming. mannerisms. typeswho enjoymeetingand relatingwith people. enthusiastic Theyare charming,spontaneous, advisorsand enjoyall vocalactivitieslike talkingand singing. They are good.conversationalists, They Theyhavea poeticsouland enjoybeautyin bothspokenandwrittenformsof communication. are naturalsatiristsand havea strongsenseof humourwhichcomesaboutdue to their varied they are naturallyshy.Theirshyness skilland sociability, experiences. Despitetheirconversational and thereforeare very cautious hasto do with their inherenttimidity.Theydon't likeconfrontations regarding whomthey minglewith. Theylovelifeand knowhowto suckdelightout of it, just likegodstakedelightout of drinking soma(celestialnectar).A honeybee buzzingabout suckingjuice from differentflowers,sumsup in theirapproach, nativesareoftenquitewhimsical Mrigashira! functioning in thisregard.Mrigashira just likea honeybeewouldchoosenot to suckjuicefroma particular flowerfor no apparentrhyme formsand is not proneto go in all its mildand benevolent cravesexcitement or reason.Mrigashira to self-destructive eltremes like cruel nakshatras. nature.Thiscomesaboutdueto theirhigh Mrigashira nativesoftendisplaya highlysuspicious alertnesslevelsandtheirabilityto sensedanger,just likedeeror stagsdo in theirforestenvironment. in regardsto maritalfelicity.Likeall the nakshatras troublesome natureis especially Thissuspicious promotesdomesticbickerings due to suspicionand an inabilityto be ruled by Mars,Mrigashira attentiveto their paftner'sneeds.Theirpartnersusuallyget moreattachedto themthanthey do. Mrigashirais a part bohemiannakshatraand doesn'tlike restrictingits affectionsto one person. maritaldisharmony in theirchafts,usuallyexperience of thisnakshatra Thosehavinga stronginfluence giveeachotherenoughspace,Mrigashira through in oneformor the other.Howeverif bothpartners promotesprofoundmaritalstabilitylikethat of Paruatiand Shiva. its lovingness and delightfulness,
energythroughbeginning the signGemini,it is signalsthe arrivalof Mercurial SinceMrigashira whereconclusions is born.It isalsothe firstnakshatra aredrawnand the placewherediscrimination Mrigashira, despiteits lightness,is a very fixed fixedopinionsareformedas a resultof experiences. nakshatrawhenit comesto attitudesandopinions.It will neverbackdownin anycivilizedargument. In its highestfunctioning,Mrigashiramakesone very consciousof their life pathand purpose. for finding The wholepoiht of this nakshatrais to makeone go througha varietyof experiences, if onewasbornto be a singer,onemaydabblearoundwitha lot one'struepathin life.Forexample, writing,orjust plainnineto fivejobsbeforetheirtruenicheisdiscovered. of otherthingslikepainting, generatedthroughthe energyof this In the caseof highlyevolvedsouls,the variedexperiences nakshatra,all fit a definiteand singularpurpose,while in the caseof youngerlessevolvedsouls, theseexperiences are an endlessmazewithouta finaldestination. In the universalschemeof things,Mrigashirarelatesto "prinanashakti"or the powerto give inis is obviously a representation Its symbolism hasextension aboveandweavingOetow. fulfillment. If wetakethisfabricto bethefabricof life,thenMrigashira the weavingprocess. of fabricundergoing is the structureand principleswhichcreatebeautyin the chaoticprocesswhichis life.
Modp of fffictioning It is a Passivenakhatra. Its passivityrelatesto a strong awarenessof others. Mrigashira on the outside.In a usuallydoesn'thavethe spotlighton itselfand has its attentionconcentrated way it is a passivenakshatrain relationto the dynamicsof the self.
Caste: It belongsto the Farmercaste.In ancienttimes Mrigashirawas often relatedto aftisans, workersand communityin general. agricultural
Qender energyand hasthe abilityto It is a Neutralnakshatra.Mrigashirais basicallya hermaphrodite functionboth as a maleor female.Thisdualfunctioningis clearfrom its rulingdeitiesMoonand Parvati.Moonis seenas a maledeity by the Vedicseerswhile Paruatiis the femalecompanionof Shiua.
tsodypartsU Hurwr (AyuruedicCorutitution): Eyesand Eyebrowsare the bodypartsrelatedto this nakshatra. It is a primarily "Pitta"(fiery) nakshatra.This stemsfrom the fact that it is the bifthplaceof Martianenergy.Marsas we knowis a primarilyPittaplanet.Onemusthoweverkeepin mindthat fiery qualityis not fierceor hurtful.It can be relatedto the fire whichcook our food,or Mrigashira's the digestivefire whichdigeststhe food in our stomach,but not thetremationpyrefire whichburns our bodies.
Directinn southwestandnorthwest. Its rangeis thearcbetween
galas (Qnrters):
fallsin Leonavamsa andis 23o20'- 26040'Taurus, of thisasterism Thefirstpadaor quarter whichhowever hasthe sideof Mrigashira, to thefixedandunyielding ruledbySun.Thispadarelates andaftisticactivities. throughcreative its experiences abilityto express fallsin VirgoNavamsa padaor quarterof thisasterism 26o40'- 30o00'Taurus, Thesecond sideof satirical andhumorous calculative, thediscriminatory Thispadarepresents ruledbyMercury. is moreevident andthestrongmentalabilityof Mrigashira acumen Mrigashira. Theconversational
here.Thefusingof the planetaryenergiesof MercuryandVenustakesplaceherein sucha waythat the moregroundedpracticalsideof Mrigashirais expressed. Thethirdpadaor quarterof this asterism00o00' - 3" 20' Gemini,fallsin LibraNavamsa ruled by Venus.Thisis the firstpadaof Mrigashira whichfallsin the signGemini.Theemphasis hereis on sociabilityand a penchantfor exploringthe mentalside of all types of relationships. Just like the previouspada,'afusingof Mercurialand Venusianenergiestakesplacehere, but on a whole,this padais moreairy in comparison to the previouspada;and thus cannotgivestrongmaterialresults. The fourth padaor quarterof this asterism30 20' - 6o 40' Gemini,falls in ScorpioNavamsa ruledby Mars.Thispadarelatesto the intellectual, argumentative, suspicious, flakyandwhimsical part of this nakshatra.This padais not as superficialas the previousLibrapada,but tendsto overintellectualize matters,ratherthan gettingto the root of anything.Mostof the negativequalitiesof Mrigashira find expression throughthis pada.It canfunctionwiselyonlyin evolvedsoulsandthereto throughproperguidance.
lProfessions: Artistsof all types;Singers& Musicians; Painters;Poets;Linguists;RomanticNovelists;Writers; Thinkersand Seekers;Gemstonedealers;Dealersin Earthrelatedproducts;Thoseinvolvedin the Textile& GarmentIndustry;Fashion professions Designers & Trendsetters; Veterinarians;All dealing with animalsas pets;Salespersons of all kinds;Adveftisingagencies;Administrators; Landscapers; Farmers Forestryworkers;RealEstatedevelopers; & Gardeners; Mapmakers& Navigators; Travellers & Explorers;Psychics and Astrologers;Teachers especiallythosedealingwith beginners;Artisans& Clerks;Commentators.
Forests,Fields& Meadows;DeerParks;Villagesand SmallTowns;Bedrooms;Playgrounds; placesof all kinds;Streets,Footpaths Nurseries;NurserySchools;Recreation rooms;Entertainment
& Roads;Lawns& Gardens; Foresttrails;Art & Musicstudios;Smallshops;Marketsandothersales places;Astrological & Psychicinstitutions;All placesconnectedwith the aboveprofessions.
and tattwa (Efcment): Quna ('Essence) It is supposedto be a Tamasic (inert) nakshatra. This howevershouldn'tbe taken in any negativesense,as it is basically (seeGana).It is associated a divinenakshatra with tamasbecause of its association with the tamasicplanetMar3.The basicsignifications of Marswereseenas tamasic by the ancientVedicseers;The "I can't get no satisfaction"aspectof Mrigashirais what makesit tamasic.Howeverthis nakshatra will behavein a predominantly tamasicwayonly if predominantly tamasicplanetslikeRahu,Marsand Saturninhabitit. It is the lastamongthe nakshatras whosedominantelementis Earth.Thisbasically relatesto this nakshatra's quickresultson the materialplane. capacityfor producing
Qorra$ype) : It is seenby the ancientseersas a Divine/Deranakshatra.It relatesmoreto the beingson the astral planethen us humans.This classificationreflectsupon the refinementorientedfocus of Mrigashira.
Orient*tion (t Disposition : It is a Levelnakshatra. Thisreiterates the fact that Mrigashira is not an extremeenergyand stayswithin limits.It is alwaystryingto achievea balancebetweenexpansionand contraction. Itis a Mridu(soft,mildandtender)nakshatra. Thisis prettyevidentfromthe factthat Mrigashira is mostsuitablefor seekingandenjoyingpleasureon all planesof existence.Its pursttitof knowledge alsotakesplacein an easygoing, enjoyable fashion.
Lunar fufontfi.d Daq : This monthusuallycorresponds It refatesto the first half of the lunarmonthof Margashircha. This monthis alsoknownas Arghayanabecauseof to the monthof Decemberin the solarcalendar. afternativenameArghayani.Itrefersto an erawhenthis monthdenotedthe startof the Mrigashira's year.In the presentage the lunarmonthof Chaita representsthe start of the year. ( 5thtithi or day)of the waxingandwaningphasesof is alsorelatedto the Panchami Mrigashira the Mmn's monthlycyde.
Auspi^ciotuActirtitit's : goodfor travel,exploringnature, activities;Especially for all lightheafted favourable Generally practices; Commencing Sexualactivity;Alltypesof artisticwork;Healingandrejuvenation sightseeing; educationalventures;Excellentfor socializing;Changingresidence;Goodfor all activitiesrequiring Good spiritualinitiations; Goodfor settingup altars,religiousitemsandperforming communication; for adveftisingand salesactivitiy;Takinga new name.
Inauspici"ousActiztitits : Unfavourablefor marriageceremonies(Vedictexts revealthat ShivamarriedParvatiwhen their marriagewentthroughmany Moonwas transittingthroughthis nakhatra,and consequently or making upheavals);Badfor hardand harshactionsof any kind; Notfavourablefor confrgntaUons longtermimpoftantdecisionsof a seriousnature.
Qfanetary fu.br : The main planetaryinfluencesaffectingthis nakshatraare Mars,Venusand Mercury.Marsis the main ruling planetof Mrigashira.In fact as we mentionedearliq martianenergycomesinto energyfor Mrigashira's "search".Mars Marsis the source,whichprovides beingthroughMrigashira.
here acts as an impulseplanet,which encapsulates all the meaningsassociatedwith the word "desire". We havealreadyseenin the discussions on previousnakshatras, howthe originalcreativefires (represented by the signAries),solidifuinto the eafth element(represented by the signTaurus).In Mrigashira, thesecreativefires,whichare nowencasedin an eafthy,materialsheath,try andmobilize matter'Onewayto understand this is to takea lookat how moderndayautomobiles function.The averagecar is a heavy,metallicobject,whichis incapableof movingon its own, and ib movement is only possibledue to the fire/sparkbasedinternalcombustionengines.In the sameway, the martianenergyhere,becomesthe forcethat drivesmatter,thus instillinga sort of life into it. Mrigashiraformsa bridgebetweenTaurusand Gemini,and consequently relatesto the fusing of Mercurialand Venusianenergies.It is interestingto notethat besidesChitn (146 nakshatra)and (23rdnakshatra), Dhanishtha Mrigashira is the onlynakshatra, whichliesequallydividedamongtwo signs'Mrigashira hasthusa strongsenseof dualityaboutit as it triesto resolvethe conflictbetween eafth and air,two naturallyincompatible elements.Venusrelatesto the moreearthy,Tauruspart of this nakshatra,while Mercuryrelatesto the airy Geminipart of this nakhatra. All the desirable qualitiesof Mrigashira like its aftisticabilitiesand zestfor life,abiilityto find the true life path or purpose,all comeaboutonly whenthe energiesof Mercuryand Venusare properlymerged. Planetary conjunctions likeMars/Mercury Mercury/Venus, Mars/Venus and Mars/Mercury/Venus carryenergiessimilarto Mrigashira. Thepresence of Marsor Saturnin this nakshatra is usuallynot auspicious for maritalfelicity.Bothof them howevercangivegoodmaterialresultsin the Tauruspart of Mrigashira. In fact barringJupiter,all other planetscan usuallygive good materialresultsin the Tauruspart.
'Iloraek an[ AIpfiabe* : Thefirst padaor quafterofthis asterism23o20'- 26o40'Tauruscorresponds to uVe"as in Vela.
to "Vo"as in Thesecondpadaor quarterof thisasterism26040' - 30" 00'Tauruscorresponds Vocal. to "Ka"as in The third padaor quarterof this asterismO0o00' - 3" 20' Geminicorresponds Katherine. to "Kee"as in The fourth padaor quarterof this asterism3o 20' - 6o 40' Geminicorresponds Keanu. its mantrais "Om to "Em"and consequently coiresponds In the SanskritalphabetMrigashira Em".
Seryat'lypeonl Cotnpatifii[ity: In all ancient is one of the expertsin lovemaking. Its sexualanimalis a Serpent.Mrigashira culturessnakesor snakelikebeingshavebeenregardedas symbolsof sexualpotencyand are seen as adeptsat the art of sexualunion.It is mostcompatiblewith the otherserpentnakshatraRohini. For sexual& marriagecompatibilitywith other nakshatraspleasereferto the tableson pages 457 & 458 .
Tsoteric : goesthus:The mostancienttale relatingto the formationof this nakshatra ,,Brahma,the with hisowndaughterRohini(Brahma creatoramongthe trinity,becameobsessed as we knowis in a veryfunnypositionaseverywomanis hisdaughter).HewaschasingRohiniin the form of a deer.1hiva,thedestroyeramongthe trinity,cut the deer'sheadoff with an arrowandthus cameinto being." the deerhead'sstarsof Mrigashira of Rohini,MrigashiraandArdra(the nakshatrawhichis If one looksat the relativeplacements makessense.The deer headof of Shiva),the story immediately supposedto be the residence facesRohiniin the nightsky. Mrigashira
Theconstellation of Orionasa wholehasalwaysbeenregardedasanArcher.Therearehundreds of talesof Parvatiwatchingon asShivausedhisarcheryskillsto killdemonsor demoniccities,or the headof Brahmaas we saw in the abovementionedstory. The fact that Mrigashirais supposedto be Parvati'sabode,makessenseas it givesParvatithe can rightvantagepointto obserueShiva'sadventuresin his Rudraform.Alsothe fact that Mrigashira be seeneitheras a deer'sheador an archedbow, revealsthe dualfunctioningof this nakshatraas boththe hunterand the hunted. In all ancientcultures,Orionwas supposedto be the abodeof Pnjipati. Prajipatisare the progenitorsof all kindsof speciesinhabitingthe universe.In this senseBrahmais the original betweenBrahma a strongconnection storyestablishes Prajipati, Thisfact in the abovementioned and that portionof the celestialsky. Brahmahoweverseemsto haveshiftedhis abodeto the neighbouringRohini.Pleasereferto the Rulirp Deitysectionof Rohini. relatesto the point wherecuriosityis born in thl processof creation.Froma Mrigashira evenon an atomiclevel materialpointof view,we canseethat all motionin the physicaluniverse, is the initiatorof Martian is dependantupona physicalquantityknownas heat.SinceMrigashira energy,it relatesto the pointin time wherethe temperatureof the universereachesthe appropriate valuefor lifeto flourish.Heatand motionarethe primaryaspectsof the planetMarsandthey have their roots in this nakshatra.
Qotra (CettstiatLineage): one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter This nakshatrais relatedto the SagePulasthya, the affairsof our galaxy.The name of this sagetranslatesinto "havingsmoothhair". One can with the soft,refinedaspectof Mrigashira. immediately hasa strongconnection seethat Pulasthya
funudiat: the bestremedial Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfrom afflictionsto this nakshatra, measureis worshipof ParvaU.Worshipof the Moonis alsofavourablein increasingthe favourable
e,ffecbof this nakshatra. Repetitionof the root mantraof this nakshaba- "Om Em" 108timeswhen Moontransitsthis andbringenlightenment is sureto reducesuffering nakshatra andin the lunarmonthof Margashirsha into a person'slife. Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe goodeffectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor them to wearcolourslike red and white, greenand light brightsparklyshades.They shoulduse its directions,lunar monthand the to undeftakeall importantactions. dayswhen MoontransitsMrigashira
lEapmp{e: Hewas in Theftmous classicalcomp*r Gorge Frderick Handelhashis Moonin Mrigashira. aroundsingers.Hismusichas hisworkspecifically of histimewhofashioned factthe onlycomposer a Mrigashiraqualityabout it. The authorof this book has his atmakarakaMercuryplacedin the seond pada of Mrigashiral
Misceffanuus: is "fickle,clever,timid,shrewd,energetic,wealthy in Mrigashira to Vanhamihir4Moon According and delightingin enjoyment."Mostof thesequalitiesseemto fit the illustratorof this workwho has her atmakarakaMoonplacedin the first padaof this nakshatra! deity of this nakshatraand consortof Shiva,is supposedto have her Paruati,the presirJing Moonplacedin the Tauruspaft of this nakshatra.Alot of her qualities,as revealedby the various goddess, she Sincesheis an archetypal puranicstoriesinvolvingher,fit Varahamihira's description. @n assumenew forms like Durgaand Kali,whichembodycompletelydifferent.characteristics.
Artro (6040'Gemini- 20000'Gemini)
In ttu Sky, Ardra,the seedof Rahu'senergy,consisbof the brightstar in the constellation of Oion, knorrrn in modernastronomyas Betelguese (Alpha-Orionis). With a visualmagnitudeof 0.57,this red giant is one of the brighteststarsin the nightsky.Betelguese is the brightstar at the top left handcorner of Orion.It is reveredin mostancientculturesas a very importantstar as it is supposedto havea stronginfluenceon our planet.The ancientvedicseerssawthis brightred star as beingthe abode of Rudra,the fierce red form of Shiva.
Mnu: ArdracanhavemanyvariedEnglishtranslations like- "green","fresh","themoistone".Its not hardto noticethat all thesetranslations are connectedand carrya feelingof renewal.Forexample, the word "moist"may referto the moisturein the air whichformsthe clouds,whichin fum cause rain' The rain in turn bringslife to the earthlyvegetationand makesthem "fresh"and "green". Tearsis one imagewhichcomesacrossinstantlyto one'smindwhen moistureis relatedwith humanfeelings.A "teardrop"in fact is oneof the mostwell-known symbolsof thisasterism. Sweat is anotherphysicalphenomenon whichcan be linkedwith moistureand the ancienttextsassociate this asterismwith the oppressiveheatof the Sun,whichas vrreknowis responsible br the sweating process.
6. \rdr^
6'10'(;emini -zo"oo' Qemini
Sym6o[: Its mainsymbolis a Diamond,eventhoughmanyscholarsseea Teardropas its primarysymbol. As we havealreadyseen,the nameof this nakshatrarelatesto moistureand wetness.The symbolismof the tear drop associatesit with all kindsof sorrow.The tear drop symbolismalso relatesto water in all its dropletforms,like the early morningdew dropson the leavesor the of dropsleft aroundafterthe rainhascomeandgone.Thesedewdrops,as we cansee, thousands symbolisefreshnessand renewal.Eventear dropsare paft of a cleansingprocessand relatemoreto the dispersalof sorrowratherthanthe actualproductionof it. Thiscatharticprocessis similarto that of a baby,whichcancry one minuteand be smilingthe nextas if nothinghappened' This is a futuristicnakshatra,which tendsto releaseone from the decayingpast througha thoughthat all thesestormsare usuallyof a very seriesof stormyevents.It must be remembered shortdurationanddon'tlastvery long.If onedoesnot try to clingto the pastonecansailthrough this phasewith easeand be rewardedwith a renewalakin to the freshnessof the leavesafter the when one losesa job, but this might providea new rain. For example,one feelsdisappointed oppoftunityfor one to pursueone'sfavouredvocationand find successthere in. This is the reason why'a diamond'is the mainsymbolof this nakshatra. R diurond, as we know,is formedafter beenactedupon by extremeheat and pressurefor after one has millionsof years.In the sameway,this asterismcan producea glowingpersonality gonethroughthe stormsthat washawaythe old. The diamondsymbolismalsorelates successfully to the hard work requiredto extractthe shiningand brilliantjewel of knowledgefrom the stormy of this nakshatra. vicissitudes symbol,with its reflectivemulti-dimensional A diamondis mainlya mentaland intellectual plane).Just as (mentaUintellectual layers,signiffingthe multifariousaspectsof Manomayakosha of the mindand on the amountof lightfallingon it, the brilliance of a diamonddepends the brilliance intellectdependsuponthe amountof lightthe soulhas.Ardra'salternativesymbol,"a man'shead", alsoconveysa similarideaof mindand mentality' .L-.
Thediamondis alsothe hardestknownsubstance on the materialplaneand this hardnessin turn relatesto the unyielding anddetermined aspectof this nakhatra.Thisnakshatra hasa sharp, piercingqualityto it and cancut throughanythingwith easein muchthe sameway as a diamond can.Gettingto the root of the matteris very importantto this nakshatra.Ardrais thereforedirectly connectedto one'sdepthof perception.
Deity : Its presiding deityis Rudra,whichtranslates into'theterrible','theruddyred','thetransformer' or the 'the howler'.The reference to red colourgainssignificance from the fact that astronomers actuallyreferto Beteleguese (the primarystarof this nakshatra) as "the RedGiant".Rudrarepresents the destructiveand transformative aspectof Shiva(the destroyeramongthe Vedictrinity). Rudrais alsoseenas the StormGodby someVedictexts,whichagainpointstowardsa sense of commotionandupheaval.Rudrarelatesto chaos,disorder,confusion,anarchyandhavoc.However mostwise men will agree,that in fact, it is theseterriblethingswhichmoreoften than not turn peoplearound.Veryfew embracechangeunlessput againstthe wall! The primaryessenceof Ardrais'change'and Rudraknowsexactlywhat is requiredto bring it about.The periodbeforethe storm,wherethe dark cloudsgatheraccompanied by li$htningand thunder,is the atmosphereRudrarevelsin and relatesto (referto the image).Ardracan be seenas an expeftat producingthesekindsof situations,bringingin suchexperiences into a person'slife. Stormis an impoftantphenomenon throughwhichnaturefindsits release. Ardracan be seen as markingthe periodjust before,duringand after a rainstorm.Rudrais intimatelyconnectedwith the constellation of Orion,lThe Hunter".Orionis supposed to be the mostimportantconstellation in terms of its effecton earth and humanity.It is reveredin all the Vedictexts as the gatewayfrom wherethe soulsdescend to begintheirearthlylifeandis thuscalledthe "Giverof Life".It aidsin the processof humanitythroughtriggeringimpoftantchanges.Someof these changes evoluUonary
levellikea violentstorm,but theyare always or collective on an individual mayappeardestructive auspiciousin the sensethat they alwaystriggernew growth. Rudrahasmanylegendsattachedto him in the ancientVedictexts.Wewill dealwith the most famousamongsttheseand other aspectsof Orion'simportancein the EsotericSection,
A@ure d functioni:ng: havean abilityto flit Thenatureof Ardrais likethe natureof a child.Nativesunderits influence from intensejoy to intensesorrow,to somewherein betweenwithin a matterof minutes.Ardrais alwaysinvolvedin a churningprocess.This makesthe nativesunder its strong influenceto be In somecases,this processproducesgoodthingslike gemsof undergoingconstanttransformation. thoughtsand confusion. negativethingslikepoisonous and in somecasesit produces knowledge planeto understand wherean attemptis madeon a mental/intellectual Ardraisthefirst nakshatra Mrigashira, gsof maya.Thisisthe placewhereintellectis born.In the previousnakshatra, thefunctionin the minddevelopsits capacityto roamand wander.In Ardraan intellectis developedto synthesize the Ardrais still prettymuchas curiousas Mrigashira, experiencegainedthroughthesewanderings. is mostly onlydifferencebeingthat Ardralikesto knowthe causebehindthe effect,whileMrigashira contentwith observingand enjoyingthe effect' Thisis probablythe reasonwhyall "enjoys"andArdra"dissects". It canbe saidthat Mrigashira nativesborn underits influencehaveresearchorientatedand probingintellects.Whenan Ardra nativeenters a room one cirn immediatelyrecognisetheir probingquality.Evensevenyear old childrenlike to observeand understandpeoplearoundthem.This obseruingis usuallywithoutany regardsfor couftesyand they can be quite upfrontaboutvoicingtheir findings In the universalschemeof things, Ardra relatesto
'yabtashaki" - the powerto makeefforts.
that the desiredgoal.Ardrathusfinishesoff the searching andreaching Its mainthemeis searching is the resultof Ardra'senergy' Achievement beganin Mrigshira.
It is easyto seethat that the englishwordslike- "arduous"and "ardent"havebeenderived from "Ardra"and thus relateto ib functionings.In fact, Englishas a languagehasa lot to do with the energiesof Ardra. Ardrais the nakshatrawhere mentalsensitivityand impressionability developsas the stormy vicissitudes of this nakshatramakethe mindactiveand reactive.ThissensitivitymakesArdranatives susceptibleto dll kindsof hurts and in somecasesgivesa strongdesireto help those who are sufferingor hurt.The underlying emotionalthirstof Ardrais baseduponempathy.EvenRudra,its rulingdeity,cameinto beingto protectRohinifromBrahma(pleaserefer to the story in the Deity sectionof Rohinipge). Evena thunderstormis nothingbut nature'sway of relievingEafth'svegetationof its misery. Ardrais the first nakshatrawhereemotionsare encounteredby the mind.Thereis a constantneed for balancing the mentaland emotionalimpulses in this nakshatra. Nativesbornwith Ardrarisingon the Ascendantusuallyhavelargefaces,curly hair and sullen ,'goingrcd expression. Theeyeshavea pafticularpiercingqualityaboutthem and the expression, with anger",literallyappliesto Ardra natives.The mad, absentmindedprofessorarchetypeis an Ardracharacter.Theyhavegood memoryand are quickto respondto factsand figures.It must be notedthbt Ardranativesdon't usuallyveriff the facGbeforethey speak.Althoughthey may appear calmoutsidethere is usuallysomeragingstormgoingon in their heads.Their livesare full of extremechangesand completeturn-arounds, Ardranativesareintenseandunrelenting observers of boththemselves andothers.Thisquality, coupledwith the factthat they usuallyput theirthoughtsintospeech,makesthem appearimpolite and critical.In somecasestheir sarcasmcancausemuchpainor agonyto others.In lesserevolved souls,Ardradisplaysits childliketendencyto serueselfishendsthroughlying,unscrupulousness etc. Theyare, however,courageouslike Rudraand don't mindany type of confrontation. Ardrapeopleare likestormsrunningaroundand the reactionsthey get from otherpeopleis as varied.They are good at scaringpeople,especiallythe softertypes.Their physicalconstitutionis
orientedjobs.Onthe materialprosperity usuallyquitestrong,whichmakesthemgoodat physically scale,they tend to fluctuatebetweenextremes.Theyare, however,usuallynot goodwith finances, as they are likelyto spendall of their earnings.Just like a sevenyear old child,Ardrais rnt very concernedabout money. of the illusionaryenergiesof Rahu,Ardracancreatea wholelot of confusionand make Because pursuits.It canalso in meaningless andmentalenergies Ardranativesscatterawaytheirintellectual In the presentdayandage,wherescienceandtechnology makethemstubborn,arrogantandreckless. Ardranativesusuallywastetheir potentialon these havea strongholdoverthe massconsciousness, which in mostcasesdon't bringaboutany evolutionon the soul level.It is seen materialscience5, latein theirlives,afterexhausting to metaphysics makethe shiftfromphysics that a lot of physicists Thisshowshowpeoplecanwastetheirwholelivesbeforecomingto anymeaningful all its possibilities. All Ardranativesget a chanceto transformtheir livesfor the better,but in today'shyper conclusion. materialisticage,whereall typesof illusionsabound,it is no easytask. In the caseof highlyevolvedsouls,Ardrafunctionsin a differentway. In suchcases,the universalmind tests them throughstormyconditionsand situations,in order to test their resolve haveundergone manystormsin Historyis the proofthat all greatpersonalities and understanding. their lives.Besidestestingour faith, thesestormsclearawaythe dust of negativekarmasfrom previouslives.Ardrais the stormwhichwakesus from our stagnatingslumberand makesus howl and cry out the most impoftantquestion"Why!"
Modc of funrtioning : to be a Balancednakshatra.Its balancednaturestemsfrom its mentaland Ardrais considered don't usuallygo to extremes.All of intellectualacumen.Thosewho thin( analyzeand contemplate, chaosand storminessis nothingbut nature'sway of restoringbalance.If we are Ardra'sdiffi.rsion, facingsometormentingsituationin the presentlife,its onlypurposeis to dissolveand balanceout of nature'swayof is alsoa typicalmanifestation our karmasfrom previouslives.Thethunderstorm restoringbalance.
Caste It belongsto the Butchercaste.It is Ardra'sjob to removeor put an end to whateverhas Ardra'spresidingdeity Rudra,is well knownfor gettingthe universerid of outlivedits usefulness. unwanteddemonicforces.As we will see in the Esotericsection,Rudradidn't think twice about a very seriousissuelike cuttingoff one of Brahma'sheads.
$endcr: Eventhoughits presiding deity,Rudrais male,all of thisnakshatra's Ardraisa Female nakshatra. background and Rudra'sfunctioning,relateto the chaotic,wrathfulstateof nature.The terms 'moistness'andfreshness'canonly be regardedas being associatedwith Ardralike'tenderness', after rainfallis alsoone of nature's feminine.The renewalwhichthe earth'svegetationexperiences femininephenomenas.
tsodyparts (t l{umor (Ayuruedir Corutitution) : The bodyorgansit relatesto, the Eyesand the Backand Frontof the Head,highlightits perceptive quality.As neurologists mostof the brain'scontrolling are nowdiscovering, andanalyzing mechanisms are locatedin the front and backof the head. It belongsto the Vata(airy) humor.This is clearfrom the fact that all of this nakshatralies withinthe vatasignof &mini. Its planetaryrulerRahuis alsoa primarilyvata planet.Therecan be no stormwithoutair!
Direction : It is relatedprimarilyto southwest,west and north.
ea{as (@nrters) The first padaor quarterof this asterism6" 40' - 10" 00' Gemini,hlls in SagittariusNavamsa and is ruledby Jupiter.This padarelatesto the exploratoryand curioussideof Ardra.Planetsplaced herehavea happygo luckydisposition,but are proneto materialexcesses. This is the beginningof the stormand thus conditionshereare not very unfavourable Thesecondpadaor quafterof thisasterism10o00' - 13"20'Gemini,fallsin Capricorn Navamsa pursuitsandfrustration ruledby Saturn.Thispadagivesa stronginterestin all typesof materialistic therein.Mostof the negativequalitiesof this nakshatraare manifestedthroughthis pada.Thestorm hasgainedmomentum hereandthusthe planetsplacedheregiveconstant troublesandmisfortunes. The third padaor quarterof this asterism13o20' - 15o40' Gemini,falls in AquariusNavamsa ruledby Saturn.This padarelatesto the electrical,scientificand researchorientedpart of Ardra's functioning.Thestormhereis at its peaklightningstageandthus the planetspositedherecangive Mentalactivityis at its peakin this pada. shortstdden burstsof inspiraUon. Thefourthpadaor quarterof this asterism16040' - 20o00' Gemini,fallsin PiscesNavamsa ruled by Jupiter.This is the PushkaraNavamsapada of Ardra. It relatesto the sensitiveand compassionate aspectof Ardra.It hasa sffiongdesireto helpthoselessfortunatethan itself in the processof evolution.The storm is endinghere and so the conditionsare miH and peacefulin to the two previouspadas.Planetspositedusuallygive beneficexpansiveresults. comparison
lProfusiors: Electronic& ComputerIndustry;ComputerSoftware ElectricalEngineersand Electricians; especially thoseinvolvedin Electronic Music; & Technicians; Musicians, Developers; SoundEngineers peoplein the FilmIndustry; SpecialEffects Experts;WeaponExpefts;Photographers; EnglishLanguage ComputerGameDesigners& Sci Fi Buffu;3D & Virtual RealityExperts;ManualLabourersof all Thinkers& Philosophers; Writers Profound Mathematicians & Researchers; Scientisbs; types;Physicists, who administerpoisonsin & Novelists,especiallyof the sciencefictiongenre;Surgeons;Physicians
smallamountsas remedieslike Homeopaths; Allopathicdoctors;Thoseinvolvedin mentalsports likeChess,Scrabble,Bridgeetc.; Morticians; Chemical& Fertilizerindustry;Pharmaceutical Industry; Professions involvinghandlingpoisonsof any type; Thoseworkingin NuclearPowerPlants;Eye& brain Specialists & Surgeons;Psychoanalysts & Psychotherapists; Thosespecializingin healingor curing Brain& Headdisorders;Investigators,Detectives& MysterySolvers;Analystsof all types; Lightingexpefts;XraySpecialists & RadarPersonnel; FoodProcessing Placeswhichproducecanned, frozen& junkfood;Thieves;Legal& Illegal Drug Dealers;Salespeopleadeptat lying and double talk; Biotechnologists; chemotherapists; Politicians & Manipulators; snipers& Hitmen.
9facu : placeswherenaturalphenomenalike thunderstorms, Geographical hurricanesand tomadoes are common;Researchlaboratories of all types; High tech studiosand shops;Hospitals; Communication centreslikeradarfacilities,radiostations,televisionstudios,telegraphoffices;Nuclear power plants;All factoriesdealingwith poisonouschemicalprocesses;Escalators;Militarybases whereweaponsarestored& maintained; All placesconnectedwith the abovementionedprofessions. In today'sday and age every home has its shareof Ardra becauseof electricalwiringsand appliance.
, Quna ('Essence) an"d,Tattzaa(Etenrcnt) It is a Tamasbnakshatra.Its tamasicqualityarisesdue to its associationwith the tamasic graha,Rahu.Ib tamasicqualitymanifestsitselfas chaos,diffi.rsion, disturbanceand fuzziness. It belongsto the Waterelement.Its waterinessis evidentfrom its symbolismand imagery.This showsthat thereare strongunderlyingemoUonsinvolvedwithin the intellectualism of Ardra.
Qana$ype) : Itisa Manushaor humannakshatra.Its associationwith Mercurythe planetwhichforms a bridgebetweenthe lowerand higherworlds,relatesit to the planeof humanitywhichliesright in the middleof the fourteenplanes(realms)of existence.This asterismcarriesthe illusoryaspectof its ruler Rahu,which is very involvedwith humanityand its struggleon the materialplaneon the ' planeteafth.
Orientatint d Disposition : Ardrais an Upwardnakshatra.Justlike Rudraaimshis arrowtowardsthe sky (referto image)' challenges and higherknowledgein all its forms. Ardrasets its goalshigh. It seeksintellectual Wheneverwe encountertroublesomesituationsin our life, we are oftenforcedto questionthe why behindit all. Thisis usuallythe time whenmanyamongus turn our gazeupwardstowardsthe sky, whereall the answerslie. Thisis evidentfrom its rulingdeity,the Storm or sharpandforcefulnakshatra. Itisa Tikshna God.It functionsin a suddensharpmannerakinto a snakebite.Rahuaswe knowis a harshplanet. Bitingsarcasmand distressfuleventsare associatedwith this asterism.Evenwhen giving good resultsit givesthem in a suddensharpmanner'
Lunar Montfi d Daq This It refatesto the secondhalf (the middle9 days) of the lunar month of Margashircha' in the solarcalendar. to the monthof December periodusuallycorresponds -'
( 1ldl Uthior day)of the waxingandwaningphasesof the Ardrais afsorelatedto the Ekadashi
Auspicbus Actiaitizs : Only auspiciousfor activitiesrelatedto its professionand places;Favourable for destructive activitieslike demolishing old buildings;Discarding old and wornouthabitsand objects;Goodfor confrontingunderlyingissuesand difficultproblemswhich havebeen lurkingaround;Goodfor researchand creativeactivitieswithin its domain;Goodfor propitiatingfiercedeitieslike Rudraand lGli.
InnuspiciousActiaitits : Unfavourable for anytypeof beginning; Generally inauspicious for all auspicious activitieslike marriage,travel,givingand receivinghonours,religiousceremonies and the like.
etarutary fotfer : EventhoughRahuis the mainplanetaryrulerof Ardra,it canbe seenas a combination of the energiesof Mercuryand Rahu.Mercuryand Rahuare both intellectual planetsdealingwith the dualityof lifeandnature.Rahu'sMercurial sideis relayedthroughthisnakshatra. Thisheightens the intellectual and thinkingcapacityof Ardranatives,and involvement in activitieswhichemphasize communication, thinkingor useof the hands.It ensuresabundantmentaland neruousenergyand mercurialqualitieslike wit versatility,quicknessof thoughtand communication ability.Just like a diamond,Ardra'sintellectualism is usuallypiercingand multifaceted. In its negativeaspectthe Rahu-Mercury influenceof this nakshatrawill makeone misusetheir skillsfor selfishendsor harmingothers.In somecasesthe intellectis distortedto an extentthat the nativedoesn'tthinktwiceaboutindulging in criminalactions.However onemustbecarefulregarding what one doesunderthe influenceof Ardra,becausethe consequences usuallyhaveto be faced withinthis lifetime.This is alsoa goodthing in the sensethat we don't haveto carryour baggage into future livesand possibilityof redemptionwithinthe presentlife itselfcannotbe ruledout. Rahu and Mercury's energycanalsoget onecaughtup in the presentday information boom,whichhas
very little to do with real knowledge.In its higheraspect,it cangivetrue knowledgeand the ability It canalsoconnectone'sintellectto the unseenrealmsandasa resultgive to lookthroughillusions. intuitiveor psychicperception. Ardrais the birthplaceof Rahu'smysteriousenergy.Herenaturedeliberatelyintroduceschaos We can seethat the and difftrsion,in orderto facilitatethe processof creationand manifestation. creativeprocesshas beenquite orderedin the previousnakshatras.Ardra is thus relatedto that thisis best In the language of physics, whichcanneverbe grasped. randomx-factorin the universe principle" and "quantumtheory",bothof whichbroadlystatethat by the "unceftainty exemplified nothing is certainand everythingis just a probability.In other words, Mayais unfathomable.It - a processwhichinvolvesall the 27 nakshatras. howeverrevealsitselfthroughtrue enlightenment
iloutek and Alpfinbe* : to "Ku" as in The first pada or quarterof this asterism6o 40' -10o 00' Geminicorresponds Kubrick. to "Khal'as in Thesecondpadaor quafterof thisasterism10o00' - 13" 20' Gemini@rresponds Khalsa. to "Nga"as in The third padaor quafterof this asterism13o20' - 16o40' Geminicorresponds Nancy. to "Chha"as The fourth padaor quafterof this asterism16040' - 20" 00' Geminicorresponds in Chhatri(hindufor umbrella). its mantrais "OmAeem". to "Aee"andconsequently In the SanskritalphabetArdracorresponds
type and Compatihi[itg: Serc^taf Its sexualanimalis a Dog.As is clearfrom the image,the dog is an aggressive howlinghound and not a friendlyScottishterrier!Dogsare supposed to be sexuallyactiveanimalsandthusArdra canbe excessively indulgentin regardsto sexualmatters.It is mostcompatiblewith Mula,the other dog asterism Forsexualand maritalcompatibilitywith other nakshatraspleasereferto the tableson pages 457 & 458
'Esoteric: presentlyknownas Orion,or the hunter,was Recentfindingshaveshownthat the constellation of specialinterestto the ancientEgyptians. It hasbeenassignedspecialstatusin Vedicmythologyas well.Thisconstellation housestwo asterisms,Mrigashira andArdra.Mrigashira is represented by the ftont threestarswhichformthe bowof the hunter.Ardra,aswe havediscussed earlier,is represented by the brightstar of Betelguese, whichis situatedat the top left part of Orion.We also knowthat Ardrais ruled by Rahu,whichconnectsRahuwith Orion. Accogding to someVedicscholars,Betelguese is supposedto be the abodeof Shiva.Orionwas supposedto comeinto beingwhenShivaassumedthe formof a hunterandtook out oneof Brahmat headswith his arrow. This makessensewhen one seesthat Brahmais the ruling deity of the neighbouring constellation Rohini.We havealreadyseenthat Vedicseersthink of Mrigashira, the neighbouring nakshatra, as Paruati's(consort of Shiva)abode.Thoughnotwellrecognized by scholars, the fact is that Mrigashira and Ardrafonn a sort of a pair like PuruaPhalguni(11h nakshatra)and UttaraPhalguni(12s nakshatra). As we havealreadydiscussed, Rudra,the fierceform of Shiva,is the presidingdeity of Ardn. This establishes a relationbetweenRahuand Shiva,the destroyeramongthe Trinity.SomeVedic texts havegoneto the extentof sayingthat Rahuresidesin the heartof Neelkantha, anothername for Shiva.Wecanseethat Rahuand Shivaare relatives,as Shivais the husbandof the sisterof the
the sign why Rahuco-rulesAquarius, with Shivais oneof the reasons motherof Rahu.Hiscloseness with a colourassociated mostrelatedto Shiva.Theyevensharethe sameelectricbluecomplexion, Aquarius. of Orionliesin the factthat it standsrightin the middleof the galacticgateway Thesignificance betweenTaurusand Gemini.It is saidthat all the soulsincarnatingon planetEarthcomethrough in the sensethat the gatewaypoints We can understandthis astronomically this galacticA'ateway. awayfrom the centreof our galaxyand canthus be seenas a doorwayinto our galaxy. This is why Vedictexts relateOrionwith the Pnjapati,the progenitorof humanrace. Even Orionis alsosituatedveryclosein sawOrionas Osiris,the fatherof all humanity. ancientEgyptians to revolve,but a detaileddiscussion the nightskyto Sirius,the stararoundwhichour Sunis supposed on the importanceof Siriuslies beyondthe scopeof this book. In the universalschemeof things,Ardrarelatesto "yatnashaKi" - the powerto makeeffort. The effort is exemplifiedby the shootingof the arrow.Its symbolismhas huntingabove,and the goal below.
This nakshatrais relatedto the SagePulahu,one of the sevencelestialsageslmking after the affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "connectorof space".Ardraas we have It makes for spaceandall spaceythingslikesci-fiadventures. before,givesa fascination discussed sensethereforethat this spaceynakshatrawouldrelateto this sage,who is knownto connectspace.
fumedia[: the bestremedial Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfromafflictionsto this nakshatra, measureis worshipof Shiva,in his terribleRudraform.
Repetitionof the root mantraof this nakshatra- "OmAeem"108timeswhenMoontransitsthis nakshatra and in its corresponding lunarmonthis sureto reducesufferingand bringenlightenment into a person'slife. Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe good effectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor them to wear colourslike red, green,shinymetalliccoloursemulatinglightning,all stormcolourslikesilvers,darkgreysandblack. Theyshoulduseits directions, lunarmonthandthe dayswhenMoontransitsArdrato undertake all importantactions.
E4arupf"e : AlbertEinstein,the famousphysicist,wasbornwith Ardrarising.Hisappearance, lifeandworks reveala lot regardingArdra'sfunctioning.
Misceffaneous : Accordingto Varahamihira, Moon'splacementin Ardramakesone "ungrateful,wicked,violent and proud". JanisJoplin,the famoussinger& musician, hasher Moonin Ardrain the 5thhouse.5b house relatesto one'screativityand mentalinclinations. Her creativeoutputand singingstyle is very Ardraish,andsomeof Varahamihira's harshopinionsdo applyto hereventhoughshewasa benevolent type relayingArdra'shigherenergies.
/. lunawasu
Zo"oo' Qemini -t"Zo' (un..,
lPttttsuasa (20000'Gemini- 3020'Cancer)
In tfu SKyt Punaruasu, the root of Jupiterianenergy,consistsof the two brightstarsin the constellation of Gemini,known in modernastronomyas hstor (Alpha-Geminorium) & Pollux(Beta-Geminorium). With visualmagnitudesof 1.58 and L.22respectively, Castor&folluxare easilyvisiblein the night sky.Theycan be locatedat the top left handcomer aboveOion withinthe constellation of Gemini. In mostancientculturesthesestarswereseenas twins(brothersor lovers).Theancientvedicseers howeversawthisasterismas a "quiver.ofarrows".
9{gtnrc : Punaruasutranslates into "GoodAgain","WealthyAgain"or the "VisibleInfinity".The Vasusare demigodscarryingall the desirablequalitieslike goodness,strength,prosperityetc. (refer to the Deitysectionof Dhanistha, the 23rdasterism).Thefact that the term "Punarvasu" literallytranslates into "BecomingVasuAgain",revealsits first two meanings.We also get an impressionof some positivetransformation fromdarkness into light.Thisdualityand interplaybetweenthe opposites is the essenceof Punarvasu. Its "visibleinfinity"meaningis moreprofoundand relatesto its ruling deity.
- 1,\{c
Sym6o[: onesinglearrow is a'quiverfull of arrows'.Sometimes The mostacceptedsymbolof Punarvasu of this is takenas its symbol,but in both casesthe arrowsymbolismdominatesthe discussion nakshatra. with everyaspectof humannatureandfunctioning associated An arrowhasbeentraditional|y Inall these -arowofdesire,arrowofambition, andnottoforgetthearrowoftime. Eros'arrow with somesort of movement,strivingor objective'The arrows casesthe arrowis alwaysassociated in the Punarvasuquiver are not normalarrows.They are supposedto be like the divine asfras (weapons), usedin ancienttimes,whichmagicallyreturnafter fulfillingtheir functionor mission. This conveysthe ideaof renewal,regenerailonand endlessbeginnings. at one'scommand'It is up to us quiverbasically energyand resources represents Punarvasu's of returningsafely thushasa distinction to choosethe purposeandtimingof their use.Punarvasu shop Thismissionmaybe as simpleas goingto the neighbourhood fromany missionit undertakes. The missioncantakeplaceon any plane- mental,physical, or as arduousas climbingMt Everest. functionto ensuresafereturnto the startingpoint' No emotional,astralor causal.It is Punarvasu's with'safety'in the eyesof the wisemen.Its alternative becamesynonymous wonderthat Punaruasu symbol,"a house",onceagainreiteratesthe ideaof safety' hasa lot to do with anykindof motion, Onecanalsoeasilyinferfromthe abovethat Punaruasu whichalso with the signSagitLarius, All the qualitiesnormallyassociated andsearching. movement as well. The fact that the journeyalways hasan arrowas its symbol,can be appliedto Punaruasu endswhereonestaftedleadsus to the ideaof a circle.Timeand realityare cyclicaland not linear, theoryof evolutionsuggests as mostin the modernworldbelieveit to be, The modernDarwinian that the humanraceis in a stateof unhinderedevolutionby the processof naturalselection'This impliesthat we, as a race,are becomingmore intelligentthan our ancestorswith each passing generation.Thetheoryfufthersuggeststhat we are in a stateof perpetualprogress,throughlinear to the view heldby all ancientcivilisations, time,whichonly movesforward.Thisis in opposition who knew that Unn is cyclical,and tiat nature renewsitself throughperpetualrepetiUon.This
repetitionhas a helical(as is the casewith DNAstrandswhich makeup the geneticcode),rather than a puiely circularnature, but for symbolicpurposesthe circle has alwaysbeen used as the (24thnakshatra)and Punarvasu imagerywhichconveysthis eternalre-rllity. Shatabhisha are the two main nakshatras whichrevealand dealwith this aspectof the universalfunctioning.
Deity : Aditi, the motherof the 12 Adityas(solardeities),is the mainrulingdeity of Punarvasu. Aditi translatesinto "unbounded".Sheis often seenas the goddessof abundance.Sheis a sky goddess who is saidto bethe motherof all the godlybeingsin the universe. In a waysherelatesto all space. Themanifestuniverse, as we know,is basically a functionof spaceandtime.Spaceliketime hasan infinitequalityto it andfor all purposescanbe takenas unbounded. The "visibleinfinity"translation of Punarvasu staftsto makesomesensewhenseenin the abovelight. The realityhoweveris that both spaceand time are finite quantitiesboundedby the circular aspectof naturediscussed earlier.Aditior spaceis the sinequanon for any motionor movement.If there is no spacethere is no motion.In iact therecan be no conceptof existenceeither.Spacehas alwaysbeenthe receptive, feminineprinciple asopposedto time,whichis seenin a moremasculine light,Goingby this lineof thinking,Aditishouldbe the motherof all that exists,if it werenot for her silter Diti. Diti,the boundedspace,is the motherof all ungodlyor demonicbeingsin the universe. Diti, like the night, can be seenas dark space,whichharboursthe dark, mysterior.rs and evil sideof nature.Aditi relatesto the space,whichlikethe day,is full of light,and is thus the harbinger of the benevolent sideof nature.Aditi'srulershipof Punaruasu impaftsit with a maternal,caring, sensitive,reasonable and accommodating approach. Just likethe spacewhichaccommodates all, Punarvasu is very accommodating of people,situations,circumstances and energies.
A{ature U functianffig
prapanashakti"- the powerto relatesto "vasfuva In the universalschemeof things,Punaruasu Its mainthemeis triumphantreturnand renewal.The arrow gainor retrieveobjectsor objectives. haswind,whichcarriesthe clouds whichhits its targetin Ardranow returnsback.Its symbolism bringsrenewal. the plantsbelow.Just like the rain, Punaruasu aboveand rain,whichrevitalizes Anotherway of seeingthis is that the windcarriesthe cloudsto wherethey needto be afterthe rain is over. natureandfunctioningliesin two words,"Nufturing"and"Harmony". Theessenceof Punaruasu's Sinceit representsthe first light after the storm, Punaryasurepresentsharmoniousmnditionsin in the periodaftera storm,whenthe chirpingof birdsand nature.Natureseemsto be at its happiest Punaruasu represents earthcreatesabuzzintheair.Consequently, thefreshsmellfromthe rejuvenated favourableconditionsfor life to thriveon all levels.The inherentcalmof this nakshatramakes nativesstronglyunderits influence,contentedpeople,who get satisfiedeasily.Theybelievein living feelingsor thoughts,which a simple,spirituallifeandstrivehardto get rid of anynegativeenergies, process. may obstructtheirevolutionary is a naKhatrawherethe interplayof the mentalwith the emotionalis at its most Punarvasu Ardra,the mental as bothhavethe sameamountof strength.In the previousnakshatra, fascinating, Thequalitywhicharises of developing. whilethe emotionalpartis in the process is muchstronger, the stagein Punaruasu represents out of this fine balanceof mentalandemotionalis "reasonability". andsettlesintoa mindsetwhichis more andnaughtiness lifewhena childoutgrowsitstempestuous '14'.Childrenat '9' awareof the needsof others.Thisusuallytakesplacebetweenthe agesof and thisagehavethe uniqueabilityto livein the momentandarefriendlyandgoodnaturedat the same time.Thisabilityis retainedby thoseunderstronginfluenceof this nakshatrathroughouttheir lives. '9'to'14'are the rightageto get a childinterested astheyare in spiritualwritingsandphilosophies, meantto is relatedto all kindsof spiritualpractices Punarvasu morelikelyto takethem seriously. The interplayof mentalandemotionalgivesriseto a andenlightenment. fosterselfunderstanding nativesth:s excelin arts like poetryand very active,profoundand inspiredimagination.Putmryasu writing.
Thosewith Punaruasu risingon the Ascendant are usuallyof shortto middlestature,havea serenecountenance and benevolentexpression. One can refer to the many imagesof Rama, incarnationof Vishnu,to understandthe appearance of this nakshatra(especially the part whichlies in Cancer).The words- quiet, patient devout,temperance, contraryviews,amiability,adaptability, self-understanding and nobilitysumup Punarvasu nativesessential natureand functioning. It must be mentionedth.atPunarvasu's generosityis conditional and work on the principleof "giveand take".This part of their natureactuallyaccountsfor their safetyin today'stumultuoustimes. .
Punaruasu nativesusuallylackthe strongmentalcapacityof Ardraand havea muchsimpler approachto life.Theylackforesight,a negativequalitywhichgetsthem into complications, but they are alwayslucky to get out of them unscathed.In fact 'safety' is one of the keywordsof this nakshatra. Onecaneasilyruleout any seriousmisfortune punarvasu in relationto the significations influences in a nativity.Forexample,havingAscendant lordplacedin Punaruasu wouldruleout any seriousdisease,accidents,bodilymalfunctions and so forth. On a whole,punarvasunativesusually leadcomfortablelivesfilled with intermittentperiodsof adventureand upheaval. Punaryasunativesare usuallyvery atbched to their homes,but at the sametime are ever readyto travelif required.In somenegativecases,Punarvasu nativesmay shuntravelcompletely. Suchnativesusuallyend up confused anddisillusioned as theyhaveavoidedfollowingtheirnatural life path' Punarvasunativesalwaysneed to guard againsta tendencyto stagnate.Their inward
orientationusuallygivesthem a lack of drive and focusrequiredto attain their goals.Manysuch Punarvasunativescan be heardsayingstatementslike, "What'sthe use?","Why bother?,'etc. In otherwords,theytendto philosophize their inactivity.In its higheraspect,Punarvasu givesa capacity to achieveits goal no matter how difficultor challengingit is. Just like an arrow fired by a good bowman,the evolvedPunarvasutypes nevermisstheir mark Onestrangequalityof Punarvasu is that evefihing happensin two goesfor the nativesunder its stronginfluence.Theyalmostalwaystendto fail or not get far in theirfirst attemptat any pursuit, but the funny paft is that they almostalwayssucceedif they try a secondtime. This relatesto the opposing naturesof the two stars,Castorand Pollux,whichmakeup the constellation of punarvasu.
astwin brothers,oneof whom(Castor)is naughtyandcruel,andthe other Thesestarsareregarded nativestendto encounterthe first one in their first try and (pollux)is generousand wise.Punarvasu the latter one in their secondtry. natives,whilePolluxbringsbackall whichcreatesall typesof lossesfor Punarvasu It is Castor, in keepingwith its namebanslation"G@dAgain",relatesto all kindsof that is lost.Thuspunaruasu, nattvesfind it hardto discardanything In its negativeaspect,Punaruasu repetitionand recycling. just becausethey think that it might seruesomepurposein somefuture time' The moreevolved soulshoweve[knowwhento let go of thingswhichhaveoutlivedtheir usefulness. "punitive","pun","puny"seemto havetheirrootin the CommonEnglishwordslike"punctual", functioningat some We can easilyseethat their meaningsrelateto Punaruasu's word "punarvasu". levelor the other.
Modc of functUning : punarvasuis consideredto be a Passivenakshatra.Spaceby itself is a very passiveentity' philosophyis very muchto "just be". It requires Unlessstirredby someexternalagency,Punarvasu's counge to stick to one's life path and finish off the task assignedto one. Punaruasuhas been blessedwith a moveablequalityfor that very purpose.Howeverin its negativeaspect,it canfail to idealismor excessive 6gmmencethe journeyof fulfillingone'slife purposethroughprocrastination, purelaziness. Thearrowusuallyhasno problemtravellingafterit hasbeenshotfroman outstretched bow, but sometimesthe archermay lackthe strengthor resolutionto evenstring his bow.This is at the very beginning d to Arjuna (characterfrom the Vedicepic "TheMahabharata'2 what happen He rdused to stringhis bow becauseof his idealistic of the epicworldwar knownas Mahabharata. towardshis kith and kin. compassion
Caste obviouslycomesaboutbecause or Merchaptcaste.Thisclassification It belongsto the Vaishya generosityandkindness with the mercantileplanet,Mercury.Allof Punarvasu's of its closeassociation In workson the principleof reciprocation' Punarvasu lie within the frameworkof reasonability. with one'sgenerosityas peopleare boundto take undue today'sworld one has to be reasonable to a reciprocaltrader'smentality,whichaccountsfor advantageof you. It is probablythis adherence is supposedto be the safest nativesrarelyget their handsburnt.Punarvasu the fact that Punarvasu amongnakshatras.
Qentur: must relateto its strongconnectionwith the male It is a Malenakshatra.This classification planetJupiter.Punarvasu has a feminineoverseerin Aditi, but its impulsesand functioningare imageof the boy shootingthe anow. masculineas illustratedin the nakshatra's
tsodyportsd t{utrwr (Ayttruedb Corutitution) : guitar player Fingersand Noseare the bodypartsrelatedto this nakshatra.The contemporary singsin one of his songslimi Hendrix,who has his Ascendantlord Jupiterplacedin Punarvasu, "Feeling,sweetfeeling,dropsfrom my fingers,my fingers.'.'' with the Vata It is a primarily"Vata"(airy) nakshatra.This definitelyrelatesto its association planetMercury.Punarvasu representsspaceand Vata is the humorwhirlr gets closestto spaceor nothingness.
Directi.on: It is relatedprimarilyto the arc madeby west, northand northeast.
ealos (@wterc) Thefirst padaor quafterof this asterism20o00' - 23 20' Gemini,fallsin AriesNavamsa and is ruled by Mars.This padarelatesto the moveable,adventurousand floneeringside of Punarvasu. goalsand groupwork. Focushereis on friendships, The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism23o 20' - 260 40'Gemini,falls in TaurusNavamsa ruled by Venus.This padarelatesto the materialistic,earthyand fixed aspectof Punaruasu. It is connectedwith hotels,restaurants, tourism,importand expoft industry. The third padaor quafterof this asterism26040' - 30o0O'Gemini,falls in GeminiNavamsa ruledby Mercury. The focushereis on mentalactivities,imagination and science.Sincethis is a pada,planetsplacedheregivestrongresults,especiallyin the mental/intellectual Vargottama realm. The fourth padaor quarterof this asterism00o 00' - 3" 20' Cancer,falls in CancerNavamsa ruledby Moon.Thispadais considered to be one of the strongestand mostbeneficentpartsof the wholezodiac.Planetsplacedhereare Vargottamaand PushkaraNavamsaboth.This is a maternal, pada,whichbringsout the motheringqualityof Punarvasu nurturingand expansive to the fullest. Jupiterfindsits maximumexaltationhere.
lProfusions: Trades& Salespeopleof all types;Artisans;FairyTaleWriters;Writersdealingwith Astrology& other EsotericSubjects;Visionaries; All professions involvingTravel& Tourism;RecyclingExperG; Hotel & RestaurantIndustry;TransportIndustry; HouseConstructionCompanies;Architects;Alt Science relatedprofessions; CivilEngineers; Teachers in Schools, Colleges & Universities; Psychologists; Philosophers; Priests,Monks& Gurus;Preachersinvolvedwith self-enhancement techniques; Importers& Expofters;Historians; AntiqueDealers;Farmerc;Cattle& SheepFarmers;All professions requiringan innovativeapproach;Communications Jobs; Radio& TelephoneIndustry;Courier Companies; PostalService;Newspaper Industry;MailOrder& HomeDeliveryBusinesses; Landlords; Keepers of Temples, Churches and otherReligious Buildings; HomeMaintenance Services; Archery
& TargetShooting;All sports involvinguse of hands;Patriots;Aviators;Astronauts& All Space/ SatelliteProfessions.
9falu : AreasnearPonds,Lakes& Rivers;Farmlands; Pilgrimage Spots;Villages& SmallTowns;Post ffices; Transportation PlaceslikeBusStations& TrainStations,Airports;SpaceStations;Renovated Buildings;PublicParks;Homes;HomeLand;Hostels;Hotels,Bed& BreakfastPlaces,Inns, Motels etc. ; Restaurants; Temples& Treasuries; Markets;Rehabilitation Centres;Missions;Educational Institutions; Public& PoliticalAssembly Places; Roads;Science Museurns; AntiqueShops;Community
juna ('Esserrce) and tsttuta (Etement) It is supposed to be a Sattwicnakshatra. The reasonbehindthis classification can be easily assessed from Punaruasu's association with Jupiter,a primarilysattwicplanet.The qualitieswhich makeit godly,arethe qualitieswhichmakeit sattwicas well,Howeverits mostsattwicquality.isthat it neverdeliberately meansharmto anyone. It belongsto the Waterelement.Its association with the wateryplanetJupiter,accountsfor its wateryquality.Punarvasu is a nakshatraakin to nourishing,nurturingand other suchqualities associated with the waterelement.
$anaEWd It is considered a Deuaor godlynakshatra, It is clearfrom its natureandfunctioning that it is a verybenign,generous, kindlyandcompassionate nakshatra. All thesequalities are seenas being godly by ancientVedictexts. The first ray of sunlightafter a storm must obviouslyrelateto the divinityaspectof natureand creation.
Orientation ond DisPosition : are neithertoo expansivenor too contracting.In It is a Levelnakshatra.The levelnakshatras natureand It is clearfrom Punarvasu's otherwords,they havea senseof balanceand reasonability. nakshatraand thus fits this classification functioningthat it is a very balancedand reasonable perfectly.Anotherway to seethis, is that the archerneedsto keepa levelpostureand levelstate of mindin orderto hit its target. Punarvasu in its Nature& Functioning, Aswe havediscussed Itisa Chanor moveablenakshatra. the kind whichendswhereit begins.It is the first is relatedwith all typesof movement,especially can be saidto be moveablein some eventhoughMrigashira amongthe moveablenakshatras, respects.
[.unarMontfr d Dag : whichusuallyfallsin the solarmonthof It relatesto the first halfof the lunarmonthof Pausha, December,i.e. late December. punarvasuis alsorelatedto the Ashtami(8h tithi or day) of the waxingand waningphasesof the Moon'smonthlycYcle.
Attspiciotu Actiaities : Goodfor & all HealingActivities; TakingMedicines MakingPilgrimages; Traveling& Exploring; ,'Starting Activities;Allactivities & Gardening etc.;AllAgricultuml OverAgain"in Projects,Relationships & Innovation;BuyingCars& Homes;Startingwork on a building;Starting requiringImagination Activities for Marriage;Goodfor dealingwith Children;Philanthropic Activities;Auspicious Educational & InstallingAltars,Meditation ActivitieslikeFasting, etc; Goodfor Spiritual Teaching likeDonations, Self Reflection;A time fo_le4joylng-life'ssimplepleasures;Very good for worshipof the.divine MotherGoddess.
Inauspitious Actiaitits : Unfavourablefor Borrowingor LendingMoney;LegalActivitiesor other activitiesrequiring pushiness or conflict.
Qfanetary fu.fzr: Jupiteris the main planetaryruler of this nakshatra.In fact, Jupiterianenergyis heraldedby this nakshatra.It is the first nakshatrawherea senseof ethicsis developedandthe focusshiftsfrom itselfthrougha senseof accommodation, well-bein.r. Jupiterian energymanifests theselfto communal As mentionedearlier, amongstthe nakshatras. a qualitywhich makesthis the most reasonable representsthe stagein life whena childoutgrowsits tempestuous and naughtiness and Punaruasu settlesinto a mindsetwhichis moreawareof the needsof others. Sincethisnakshabahlls in the signsof MercuryandMoon,boththeseplanetsarealsoassociated aspectof this nakshatra, Mercuryrelatesto the communicating and moveable with this nakshatra. qualityand its connection with the universalmother whileMoonrelatesto its nufturing,mothering principle. like Jupiter/Moon, and Jupiter/Moon/Mercury carry an energy Conjunctions Jupiter/Mercury simhr to that of Punarvasu. if Jupiteris well placedin the horoscope. especially All planetsdo well in this nakshatra,
'louek anl A[pfrabe* : to "Kay"as in The first padaor quarterof this asterism20o 00' -23o20' Geminicorresponds Katie. to "Ko"as in The secondpadaor quafterof this asterism23o20' - 26" 40' Geminicorresponds Kodak.
' to "Ha"as in The third padaor quafterof this asterism26"40 - 30o00' Geminicorresponds Haft. to "Hee"as in Thefourthpadaor quafterof this asterism00" 00' - 3" 20' Geminicorresponds Hinano. to "Om"and "Aum",consequently its mantras corresponds In the SanskritalphabetPunarvasu whichis most to notethat the beginning soundof the universe, are"Om"and"Aum".It is interesting respectd by all Vedictexts,is the root soundof this nakshatra.Thisonceagainreiteratesits strong relationwith the beginningof materialmanifestation.
Seren{ type anl Compati|i[ity : Its sexualanimal is a Cat. Catsare independentcreaturesand this attitude permeatesthe Punaruasu canbe aggressive sexually,but not to the extentof Ashlesha sexuafnatureof Punarvasu. (the othercat nakshatra), with. whichis the asterismit is mostcompatible pleasereferto the tableson pages457 withothernakshatras Forsexual& maritalcompatibility &458.
Esoterb : relatesto the balancingaspectof nature.Spaceis the Beingthe 7s nakshatra,Punarvasu Punaruasu allowsfor manifestation emptyclothon whichthe patternsof the universeareembroidered. by providinga medium.Thosefamiliarwith chemistrywill realizethat the mediumis alwaysa givessoulsa chanceto redeem balancingelementin any reaction.At anotherlevel Punarvasu fromwhatevernegativeactionsthey mighthavedonein the past.It is the mostefficient themselves with Aditi, motherof the gods, Due to its relationship karmarecycleramongstthe nakshatras. Punarvasuis a very nufturingnakshatra,whichalwaysgivesa secondchance.It harmonizes the opposingtendenciesinherentin the universalscheme.
The twins Castorand Polluxrepresenttwo extremesidesof humannatureand Punarvasu establishes a happymedium.It can be saidthat VishnuTattwabegins in Punarvasu. Thisis the first nakhatrawherea senseof harmonyandequilibrium is established betweenthe existingelemental forceson all planesof existence.Noneof the nakshatrasprior to Punaruasu engagein the above mentioned task.Rama,the 8thincarnation of Vishnu,wasbornwith Punaruasu risingand hiswhole lifewasnothingbut an effottto createan equilibrium on planetEarthin hisday and age. '
Thetwo sonsof Rama,LuvandKusharethe archetypal twin brotherswho havebeenusedto
symbolize the twin starsCastorand Polluxthroughdifferentnamesin variouscultures.Theirreign on Eafth,afterthey took overfrom their father,is regardedas one of the mostpeacefultjmesin the tumultuoushistoryof Prithvi(Mother).
Qotra (Cehst'ut Lineage): This nakhatra is relatedto the SageKratu,oneof the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "the inspirer".Punaruasu, becauseof its association with Jupiter,hasa preachyand inspiringqualityaboutit. Punarvasu inspiresby setting an examplethroughits innergentleness.
: fumedi"af Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfromafflictionsto this nakshatra, the bestremedial measureis worshipof any goddessfigurinelike Durga,Laxmi,SaraswafiiAditi etc. Repetitionof the root mantrasof this nakshatra- "Om" or "Aum" 108 times when Moon transitsthis nakshatra and in its corresponding lunarmonthis sureto reducesufferingand bring enlightenmentinto a person'slife. Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe good effectsthroughthe abovemenUoned ways.It is helpfulfor them to raleargreen,yellowand
to lunarmonthand the dayswhenMoontransitsPunaruasu white.Theyshoulduseits directions, undertakeall importantactions.
E4antph : Rama,incarnationof Vishnuin the SilverAge and widelycelebratedand hailedin the Vedic in the rising.His life,whichis documented thoughtas the perfectman,was bornwith Punarvasu Healwaysgot shedslight on the natureandfunctioningsof Punaruasu. fegendaryepic "Ramayana", everythingrightonlyin two goes(he losthiskingdomandwife and regainedthem),as suggestedby "goodagain". the expression
Misceffaneous: '
makesone "easilycontented,selfMoon'splacementin Punaruasu Accordingto Varahamihira,
OurexampleRamahashis Moonplaced fortunateand of goodcharacter". slow-witted, controlled, attributesfit him petfectly. as well and all of the above-mentioned in Punaryasu
s. lushya ,"zo' (un"., - 16"+0'(^n"",
%figo (3020'Gncer - 16o40'Cancer)
In tfu SkAt of Cancer,knownin modernastronomyas Pushyacomprises of threestarsin the constellation Eta-Cancri. Theseare not very brightstars,as the brightestamong Theta-Gncri,Gamma-Cancri& them hasa visualmagnitudeof 4.57.They,however,housethe globulerstarclusterknownas M-44. It is very clearthat the ancientVedicseerswere privyto someknowledgeaboutour neighbouring starswhich we don't ascribethe sameimportanceto. Thesestarsare hardlyvisibleto the naked thing an'udderof a cow'.Theinteresting eye.Theancientseerssawthesethreestarsas resembling to note is that they didn't choosethe relativelybright stars normallyassociatedwith the sign of Cancer.
fr{unc : the "Nufturer"or the "Yielding".This simplename Pushyatranslatesinto the "Nourisher", carrieswithin itselfthe essenceof this nakshatra.Somescholarsare of the opinionthat Pushyaalso and nourishment as the translatesinto "a flower".Theflowerconveysthe samesenseof gentleness othertranslations. which translatesinto auspicious."Sidhya"meaning Pushya'sancientname is "Tishyan, 'prosperous'is We can seethat all thesenamesare with this nakshatra. anothernameassociated drawn from a @mmonqssenceof benevolence.
Sym6o[: Pushya's mainsymbolis the 'milk yieldingudderof a cow'.We havealreadyseenthat the a cowb udder.Oncewe combinethis symbolwith ancientseerssaw its three starsas representing clearie. its propensity and abilityto of this nakshatra are immediately its name,all the indications nourish,nufture,careand givefreelyon all planesof existence.
theirowncalfunselfishly. Cowsarealso Cows,aswe know,providetheirmilkto othersbesides in the ancientVedicsociety. and werehighlyrevered,especially symbolof motherhood a universal the holiestamongstall animals.All the notionsof fertilityandproductivity In Indiait is stillconsidered In many that are relatedto the earthon a materialplanefall underthe domainof this nakshatra. ancientlegends,the earth is often equatedwith a cow. with the signTaurus.This nakshatrais intimatelyconnected Cowsare intimatelyconnected eventhoughit doesnot fall in that sign.As we shallfind later, withthe signTaurusand its qualities, Moonin Taurusplacementin a chart carriesan energysimilarto the energiesof this nakshatra. can be equatedwith the domestication the rootof all civilization, The practiceof agriculture, perspective, it represents the powerof the femininegoddess andmilkingof cows.Froma universal energyto providefor whateveris required.The milk whichcomesfrom the cow'sudderrepresents Onecanonlygive if one can produce all kinds6f variedthingslikelifeforce,vitalityand creativity. forcesoperatingwithinour universe. relatesto all kindsof productive andthis nakshatra symbolis a'wheel'.The'wheel'is an ancientsymbolsignifyingmovementin all Its alternative the movementof time. It can be seenas a motif for progressachievedin the its aspects,especially alwaysinvolvesthe passageof time. This courseof time. The ideaof progressor development nakshatrais very awareof the proper utilizationof the time principleto achieveits productive, creativeand nurturingobjectives.Fromthe modernday point of view,we can seethat the useof havemadepeople'slivesmuchsimplerthan they usedto be. This is just one of the automobiles numerousgifts from this liberalnakshatra.
Wheelisalsoanarchetypal symbolfor civilization, whichonceagainemphasizes the prosperous, courteousand refinednatureof this nakshatra.There'sno placefor brutality,savageryvulgarityor animalisticbehaviourin this nakshatra.Anotherobscuresymbolof this nakshatrais a 'circle'.This generallyreflectsthe circularessenceof this asterism.This nakshatrais relatedto curvesof all types.Breasts, the Moon,the Earthand a Cow'sUdderare all circularand rounded.Nativeswith Pushyaprominentin their chartsgsuallyshowan obssessive streakfor roundthings. Somescholarsascribea 'flower'to be one of Pushya's symbols.As we havealreadyseen, floweringis one of the translationsof Pushya.Pushyarepresentsa floweringprocessof any type. Forexample,humanbeingsare supposedto flowerat the ageof sixteen.Theterm "sweetsixteen" is usuallyusedto describe this happy,cheerful,carefreeperiodwherethe body,mindandemotions havematuredor blossomed enoughto makeus stepout of childhood. It is interesting to notethat the sixteenthyear is regardedas the maturationage of Jupiter,the planetmostcloselyassociated with this nakshatra.
Deity : Brihaspati, the guru,priestandchiefadvisorof the gods,is the presidingdeityof this nakshatra. Sincehe isthe sameasthe planetJupiterasunderstood in astrology, allthe attributesandsignifications associated with Jupiterapplyto him as well.It is not very hardto correlateJupiter'sbasicnature withthe kindandcaringdisposition of thisnakshatra. Allof Jupiter's benevolence suchasgenerosity, joyfulness compassion, andoptimismare manifested throughthisnakhatra.It is interesting to note that Jupiterrelaysall of its goodqualitiesmuchmorethroughthis nakshatrain comparison to the nakhatrasit is the planetaryrulerof. Thisis verysimilarto the caseof Moonreflectingmostof its qualitiesthroughMrigasira insteadof the nakshatras it actuallyrules. This point revealsthe fact that the rulingdeity is alwaysmoreimpoftantthan the planetary rulerwhenit comesto understanding the cruxof any nakhatra.
Afature A funrtioning : pushyais that placeon our journeywherewe can rest safelyand peacefullywithoutanything to fear.It is the most nourishingof all nakshatrasand bringsus backto that state in our infancy wherewe are safelynestledin our mother'sarms.That is why nativesstronglyruledby Pushyaare very maternal,kind,helpful,generous,protectiveand nourishing.Theyoften end up in comfoftable "Milkof human positionsin lite. Pushyarelatesto breastsand this conjuresup the expression is all about.Pushyais a blissfuland soothingnakshatra is whatthis nakshatra Kindness kindness". and the nativesthey produceare muchsoughtafter by othersfor theirfriendshipand aid. Being stalwarts,whoone canalwaysturn to ruledby Satum,Pushyanativesanevery reliable,dependable in timesof need. it Likeits neighbourPurnavasu, pushyais simplythe mostlovedand benignof all nakshatras. loveslife and expressesmuchcontentmentand senseof wellbeing,but it has the advantageof on the materialplane,thereforegivingriseto thisfullnessandexpansiveness beingableto manifest greatmaterialcomfortand prosperity.This is due to the concretenatureof its ruler Saturn. pushyain its positiveaspectis extremelynourishing andits energies,wherevertheyaredirected, producegreatexpansionand growth.Thisis true for any areaof life whetherit be in the emotional completely or on the materialplane.Asthis nakshatra realm,inone'screagvity,spiritualdevelopment residesin Cancer,a senseof family,homeand communityare strongin Pushyanatives' On a lessevolvedlevel,thesenativeswill be very generousand protectiveof kith and kin and but mayfail to seethe community, everreadyto lenda helpinghandto thosein their immediate the wholeworldas will embrace biggerpicture.On a higherlevel,evolvedsoulsunderits influence, gifu of caring.Pushya the earthuriththeir chosentalentsand ceaseless their family,nourishing soothing,generosityandrichnessmanifestthrough calmness, qualitiesof love,emotionalwholeness, suchsoulswith ease. The negativesideof this nakshatramakesone so comfortablein theirown world,that they can and orthodoxin their attitudestowardsanythingor anyoneoutsideof becomerigid,narrowminded
it, pafticularlyin mattersof religion,cultureor othersocialconventions. Pushyahasveryfew negative qualitiesattachedto it, exceptthe dangerof it becomingovertlyprejudiced,protectiveor bigoted. Suspicion andcautionarisestowardsanythingthat doesnotfit its highlystructuredviewsor opinions. Pushyaexpressds all the'square{ike'aspects of its rulerSaturnandthe number"4" (relatingto the fourth signCancer).Thereforeit alwaystriesto takea balancedand evenapproachto things.It has a senseof realismand sanityto it and will alwaysreactreasonably to most situationsand problems,which is why it is the most helpfulamongttre nakshatras.Helpfulnessis its primary concern. Nativeshereare highlyproductiveand work patientlytowardstheir goals.Thereis a senseof containmentand safetyinherentin this nakshatra,similarto the safetyand containmentinherentin the nakshatraShatabhishak. The only differenceis that Pushya'scontainment,shelterand safety arisesfrom a very trustingsituation,and Shatabhishak's arisesout of a needfor secrecy,and many a times,from a certainmistrust. This number"4" influenceis seenin Pushya's respectfor its roots,foundationsand traditions. It hasmoreto do with respectingthe conservative outertraditionsof cultureand religion,than the inneresotericaspectsof spirituality,whichis moreassociated with the latter nakshatras. Jupiteris givingthesenativesa strongsenseof ethics.Theyliketo do the rightthingand exaltedin Ptrshya abideby acceptedstandardsand laws.Theyare shiningexamplesof hospitality,decency,couftesy, etiquetteand are not likelyto behavein any vulgaror eltreme manner.However,in its negative aspect,Pushyacan makeone ledtargic,needy,dependentand proneto addictionsdue to a lackof will power.If afflicted,Pushyanativestend to get victimizedeasily. Whenthis nakshatrainfluencesthe appearance of a native,it givesfleshyfeatures,prominent chest/breasts, roundfacesand luminouslustre.Nativesunderits influence put on fat easilyandare proneto bronchialdisorders.They havea likingfor goodfood,comfortand socialenjoyment.They alsolike to surroundthemselveswith materialluxuriesof all kinds.Theyare gentle,patien! docile creatureswho are very attachedto their family,especiallythe motheror motherfigures.
shakti"- the powerto In the universalschemeof things,Pushyarelateslo 'brahmauarchasa harnessthe creativepowersof Brahma(the universalcreator),Its symbolismhassacrificialoffierings the priestlyaspectof Pushya,whereone does aboveand the worshipperbelow.Thisre-emphasizes outer rituafslike homaandyagyato get the favourof celestialentitiesand divinepowersin general.
Modz of functUning : ancientVedicseerssaw this as a Passive In keepingwith its basicnatureand disposition, asterism.If we just picturethe behaviour of a cow in our mind,we will cometo understand the passiveaspectof Pushya.Eventhough it is productive,it does not displaythe restlessness other fight nakshatraslike ,Ashviniand Hastahave.Pushyahasa muchmorestableenergyand tendsto whenoccupiedbyafflictedplanets,it canpromotelaziness, listlessness functionwithoutfuss.However, idealism. and paralyzing
Caste: It belongstothe Kshatriyaor warriorcaste.It is perplexingwhy this seeminglybrahminical (priestly) in thiscategoryby the ancientseers.It is probablybecause nakshatrashouldbe classified whichis responsible in politicsand rulership, for thisclassification. of Pushya's intenseinvolvement Pofiticsand rulershipis the dharmaof the Kshatriyacaste. EvenBrihaspati,the ruling deity of to havemasteryoverpoliticsmorethananyothersubject. Pushya,is supposed
Qend.er: a maledeity,hasthe It is a Malenakshatra.Thisis easilyderivablefromthe fact that Brihaspati, primaryrulership Pushya, however, hasa sensitive femininesideto it asexemplified of thisnakshatra. withcows.Cowsaregentle,yieldingandproductive creatures. In countries by its strongrelationship like India, cgwsare treatedwith utmostreverance.
Bodgpats (t g{umor (fuptuediL Corutitutbn) : Thebodypartsit relatesto the mostarethe MouthandFace.Pushyais supposedto be intimately connected with facialexpressions. Anyafflictionto Pushya thereforecanlimitourfacialexpressiveness or projectthe wrong image. One may inferthat becausethe Kshatriyaclassis predominantly effectedby the ,'pitta,,(fiery) humor,the ancientseersascribedthe pitta humorto Pushya.Theymight,however,havehad more directcognitionof Pusfrya's relationship with the digestivefires in the bodyand the fury pranicairs.
Direction : It is relatedto the directionalarc that rangesfrom westto north.
Ea{as (Qrcrters) Thefirst padaor quafterof this asterism30 20' - 6o 40' Cancer, fallsin LeoNavamsa ruledby Sun.Thefirst padaconcernsitselfwith achievemen!limelight,wealthand pridein one,sfamily or ancestry'The luminaries,especially, give strongpositiveresultsin this pada.They makethe native a fatheror motherfigureor the nativereceiveshelpfrom suchfigures Thesecondpadaor quafterof this asterism6040' - 10o00' Cancer, fallsin MrgoNavamsa ruled by Mercury.Thehardworking, seruiceaspectof Pushyafindsexpression here.Sincethis is a pushkara Navamsa pada,all planetsbarringVenus,givegoodresultshere,at leaston the materialplane. This padacan be calledthe Cookof the Zodiac. Thethirdpadaor quafterof thisasterism10o00' - 13o20'Cancer, fallsin LibraNavamsa ruled by Venus.Thefocushereis on home,comforts,luxuryand sociability. Superficiality and conformity is the downsideof this pada.Moon,Mercuryvenusand satum do well here. The foutth padaor quafterof this asterism13o20' - 16o40' Cancer,falls in ScorpioNavamsa ruled by Mars'This padarelatesto the esotericside of Pushya,whichseeksconnectionswith
celestialbeingsin the otherworld.It is the padaof mantrasandrituals.In its negativeaspect,most victimizationand bigotryflnd expressionthroughthis of pushyat negativetraits like dependance, pada.Only unaffiictedJupiterand Venusdo well in this pada.
grofusiotu : All thoseconnectedwith the DairyIndustry;Foodand DrinkMerchantsof all types;Politicians' Rulers& Aristocrats;Caterersand Hoteliers;All those in the RestaurantBusiness;Clergy,Nuns' Those Managers; andPsychotherapists; priests,Gurus,Spiritual Counsellors Psychologists, Teachers; Hosts& Hostesses;Riverand Lakerelated Professional associatedwith CharitableOrganizations; Mothers;All CareProfessions; Experts;ChildCareProfessionals: and Education professions; Teachers andCreativeActivitiesrequiringFinesse;RealEstate Artisans;Thoseinvolvedin all kindsof Business and Religious Traditionalism Thosemakinga livingout of Orthodoxy, & Gardeners; Agents;Farmers Bigotry.
9[aces : Pools,Canals;BoatsandHouseBoats;PublicPlaces; Fountains, Rivers,Docks,Wells,Reservoirs, in general;Aquariums; and Residences HouseQuafters,Hostels Women's Nests;Homes;Breweries; FosterHomes;ChildCareCentres;MaternityHospitals; Temples& Churches;Hotels& Restaurants; Manors& Public,Governmentbuildingslike Schools;DairyFactories& DairyFarmslLaundromats; parliamentetc.; CharityOrganizations; All placesconnectedto the aboveprofessions'
Quna ('Essenre)and Tattua (Efpment): Onecanonly saythat the ancientseersweretrying It is supposedto be a Tamasicnakhatra. It mayrelateto the involvement throughthisclassification. to highlightthe inertiaaspectof Pushya of Saturnwith this nakshatra.Pushya,just likethe demi-godsIndra andhisentourage,hasan often
side and hyperaggressive overlookedindulgent,deceptive,cowardly,overidealistic,procrastinating to it. A lot dependson the basicnatureof the planetoccupyingPushya' For example,if Saturn(a naturalmalefic)havingthe rulershipof the 6h housein a chart tamasicsidewill be in display.Howeverif Moon thenPushya's (a malefichouse)is placedin Pushya, (a naturalbenefic)havingthe rulershipof good housesis placedin Pushya,the benevolent, and nurturingsideof Pushyawill be expressed' compassionate planets It belongsto the water element.The fact that Moonand Jupiterare primarilywater portrayedas a makesPushyaa primarilywaterynakhatra. EvenBrihaspati,its rulingdeity is often fat belliedwaterytYPe'
gana Eypt) It is considereda Divinenakshatra.It is appropriatethat a nakshatrawhichis saidto harbour of divinity' qualitiesshouldbe seenas a representation all benevolent
OriBntation U DisPosition : nature.Thisisa nakshatra in keepingwith its naturalexpansive It isafi UpwardLookingnakshatra and expansion Planetsplacedin Pushyausuallysignifyincrease and expansion. signiffingincrease when relatingto the areasin the chart governedby that planet.It is saidthat any activitystarted Moonis tnnsitting this nakshatrawill neverfail'
lust likeAswini,Pushyais relatedto quickthinkingand is It is a Lightand Swiftnakshatra. probablyone of supposedto be goodfor all activigesrequiringquicknessof mindand body'This is for all kindsoftrade andbusiness. the reasonswhy pushyais regardedasoneofthe bestnakshatras
Lunqr Montfi U Day : It relatesto the secondhalf of the lunarmonthof Paushawhichusuallyfalls in January. Pushyais alsorelatedto the Dashami(10t' tithi or day)of the waxingandwaningphases of the Moon'smonthlycycle.
AuspiciousActirtit ies: The best nakshatrafor startinganything;Pafties,Celebrations, Artistic& Creativeactivities especially Musicand Dancing;Travelling; Dealingwith Enemies(enemiesare at their weakestin Pushya andcannotcausemuchharm);Seeking planning LegalAid;Financial & Transactions; Cooking & Foodpreparation; Gardening; Adoption& Purchasing Pets;All activitiesrelatedto Children;All Healing, Soothing andNourishing activities in general;Religious or Spiritual Endeavours likeInitiations; Spending timewithone'sMother;Goodfor worshipping MotherGoddess energies; LayingFoundation Stonesand StartingConstruction; Seekinghelp in general.
InauspiciousActirliti&s Marriageis just aboutthe only activitywhich is not seenfavourableunderthis nakshatra; Generallyunfavourable for harsh,crueland negativeactivities.
etarutaryfu.fer: The planetaryinfluences affectingthis nakshatraare Moonand Saturn.Saturnis its main planetaryruler.Thiscomesmoreof a surprisein comparison to the planetaryrulersof othernakshatras. Theassociation of Saturnwith Pushyarevealsthe hiddensideof Saturn'sfunctioning- ib
groundednurturingand painstaking care.Saturnnurturesthroughconseruation, perseverance and limitations.
Moonrepresents emotionsandSaturnrepresents stabilityandsothe keywordhereis "emotional stability".Moonis the mindandSaturnrepresents matter,whichmakesPushya the asterismwhich connectsmind with matter.This is the reasonwhy it can give easymaterialexpansionon the dictatesof the mind. It is importantto consider Jupiteqthe rulingdeityof Pushya, in the equationhere,because by itselfthe combining of energies of MoonandSaturnis likelyto givemelancholy anddepression more than anythingelse.It is Jupiter'senergieswhichmakePushyaa verywell balancednakhatra. In its negativeaspecthowever,the sameJupiterianenergymanifestsas dogmatism,shallowness and bigotry.On a higherlevel,Moon/Saturn/Jupiter influencetogetherallowone to shapean idyllic world. Saturnis a massplannerandso is Moon,a factwhichmakesPushya the mostmass-orientated of nakshatras. On a positivelevel,both Moonand Saturnpromotethe mindsetand valueswhich helpfosteran idealizedcivilizedsociety.Moonand Saturnin their negativeaspectmakethe masses tow the line, even in timeswhenthe rulingforcesare dark and corrupt.Thosewith strongMoonSaturnin theirchartsbecomemassleadersin today'stimes. Moon/Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in a horoscope carryenergies similarto Pushya. A wellplaced Moon,Jupiter,Sun,VenLrs and Saturngiveexcellentresultswhenplacedin Pushya.MercuryMars and the nodesdo not give goodresultsin this nakshatra.
'lloraefsand Alpfiabe* : The first padaor quarterof this asterism30 20' - 6" 40' Cancercorresponds to "Hoo"as in Hootchie. Thesecondpadaor quafterof thisasterism60 40' - 10o00' Cancercorresponds to "He"as in Helen.
to "Ho" as in The third padaor quarterof this asterism10o00' - 13o20' Cancercorresponds Hogan. to "Dah"as in Thefourtr padaor quafterofthis asterism13" 20' - 15o40' Cancercorresponds Darwin. its mantrais "Om to "lGu,and consequently In the SanskritalphabetPushyacorresponds lGm".
SeryoItype an{ Compatihility: Its sexualanimalis a Goat.Despitethe fact that its sexualanimalis not seenas an emblemof Its sexualityis andsexualactivities. to be adeptat all kindsof sensual Pushyais supposed sexuality, moreplayfulas opposedto intense. For sexual& maritalcompatibilitywith other nakshatras,pleaserefer to the tableson pages 457 & 458.
lEsoterb : Brihgspati,the priestof the gods,is the lord of mantrasandall typesof initiationslike yagyas etc. He relatesto the watersof inner life which nourishthe soul. Pushya'sspiritualityrelatesto a throughpowerful strengthfindsoutwardmanifestation Its emoiional maturity. highlevelof emotional speech.Wordsgeneratedfrom this nakshatracarry a ceftainspiritualenergy,whichtend to affect otherson a deeplevel. .
(a wishfulfillingcow),revealsalot aboutPushya An ancientVediclegendrelatedto Kamadhenu
on all levelsof its functioning:A kingalongwith hishundredbrothers a cownamedKamadhenu. "A sagenamedVashishtahad and happened to seethis hermitage washuntingin the forest,whenhe camecloseto Vashishta's wonderfulcow, whichcouldproduceanythingyou wishedfor. He immediatelywantedto havethe cow to himself,so he orderedhis soldiersto get it for him.
Thesoldiers couldn'tevenbudgethe cowandcamebackemptyhanded.Thekingthendecided to go with hiswholearmyandall of hisbrothersto get the cow.Kamadhenu, in the meantime, had returnedto hermaster,Vashishta, andhadtoldhimaboutthe king'sintentions. Seeingthe approaching army coming,Vashishtaorderedher to producea whole army. Kamadhenu's army defeatedthe king'sarmyin a veryshortspateof timeandVashishta personally killedthe king'shundredbrothers throughthe powerof his staff. Thekingwassparedhislifeandhe leftthe placebitterandrevengeful. Hewasadvisedthat the onlyway he canget strongerthanVashishta wasthroughpenance. He performedhis penanceand when he felt he had procuredenoughdivineastas (celesUal weapons)and yogic power,he went backto challengeVashishta. In the battlethat ensued,all his weaponswereeffortlesslyconsumedby Vashishta's staff and he hadto returndisappointed and bereftof power.Hevowedto himselfthat he wouldkeepon doing his penanceuntil he becameequalto or betterthan Vashishta. In the courseof his longarduous penance/ he wentthroughmanyadventures and mostimportantly, a changeof heaft,whichearnt himthe nameVishwamitraor "Friendof the World".Bythe time he hadreachedthe samebrahminical statureas Vashishta,he had alreadyforgottenabouthis revengeand it wasVashishtahimself,who conferredon him the title of Brahmarisht) (a Sagefit for Brahmaloka, the abodeof the creator a
Brahma)." Thisstoryrevealsthefascinating dynamics betweenthe Brahman(priestly)andKshatriya (warrior class).Pushya, as we haveseen,is a priestlynakshatra, whichbelongsto the Kshatriya classand is thusan idealplayingfieldfor thisdynamic.Kshatriyas aresupposed to besubservient to the Brahman class,despitetheir martialprowess.Because of the powerwhichthe true sagesand priestshave,as a resultof keepingin tune with the universal will, Pushya's strength,confidence and powerarise from its willingness to functionas per the dictatesof the universalmind.No amountof penance, hardworkor sufferingcan makeone riseabovethe smootheffoftlesspowerwhichaiisesout of the submission to the universalplan,
Qotra (Cettstint Lineage): This nakshatrais relatedto the SageMarichi,one of the sevencelestialsageslmking after the into "the light",whichis in keepingwith the affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslates light and swift aspectof this nakshatraand relatesto the finessepaft of this particularsage.
fumedinl: the bestremedial Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfromafflictionsto this nakshatra, measureis to pay reverenceto cows,priests,gurusor brahmins.One can also worshipa benign Mother goddess. Repetitionof the root mantraof this nakshatra- "OmlGm" 108timeswhen Moontransitsthis nakshatraand in the lunar monthgf Pausha,is sure to reducesufferingand bring enlightenment into a person'slife. Fersonswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe good effectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor them to wear colourslike white, lunarmonthandthe dayswhen yellow,orangeand goldenshades.Theyshoulduseits directions, Moonlrapits Pushyato undeftakeall importantactions.
E4amp[e: Jimi Hendrix,a contemporarymusicianwho relayedmessagesthrough his music,was born with his Moonin Pushya.He was able to channelthe spiritualand nourishingimpulsesof this hismusicis in songslike"MayThisBeLove".Unders[anding nakshatra throughhismusic,especially one of the bestwaysto understandthe higherenergiesof this nakshatra.Hisabilityto nourishand was madepossible throughhis overwhelmingly inspirethe ears,heaftsand mindsof his audience on fluidcreativetalents.He hada veryhighregardfor the powerof "sound"andoftencommented the "air/noisepolluUon"problemin the world.He wasconstandytryingto help puriff the vibraUons
of the planetby manifesting soundsthat wouldconveyall the Pushyaqualitiesof love,emotional wholeness, generosity calmness, soothingness, and richness.
Misceffaneow : Accordingto Varahamihira, thosewith Moonin Pushyaare "lucky,learned,wealthy,ethicaland of a peacefulnature."Thisdescriptionappliesperfectlyto our example.
9. {shlesha | 6"+c'Cun.", -ro"oo, (ur"",
Asfrttsfra (16040'Cancer- 30000'Cancer)
In tfu Skgt Ashlesha,the heralderof Mercurialenergy,is representedin the nightsky by a ring of starsin Delta-Hydne, the constelfation of Hydra,knownin modernastronomyas Epsilon-Hydrae, Rho-Hydrae, Zeta-Hydrae. Thesestarsare easilyvisiblein a darkskyfrom pollution Sigma-Hydrae& free vantagepointseven though they are not bright stars,as the brightestamongthem, ZetaHydraehasa visualmagnitudeof 3.12.In essencethe wholeof the constellation Hydraecan be seento be representative of this asterism.
Afame': withserpentimageryandcanbe translated Ashlesha is a termnormallyassociated as "coiling", "embracing" "clinging", Aswe shalldiscover, all thesetermsdirectlydefineits nature or "entwining". and functioning.The nameis probablyderivedfrom the serpentking/god "Shesha".
Sym6o[: A'coiledsnake'(pleasereferto the image)is the mainsymbolof this asterism. Alongwith its name,this symbolmakesit clearthat the essenceof Ashleshalies in the serpentimageryan imagerywhichcan be found in everysurvivingancientcivilization.
deceptive,insincere,hypnotic Mostculturesseesnakesas secretive,creepy/wily,coldblooded, Allthesequalities functioning. Onthe positive andpoisonous creatures. findtheirwayintoAshlesha's side,serpentsare seenas semi-divinecreatureswith accessto otherworlds.Theyare supposedto and havegreat primordialpowersof insigh! intuition,perception,wisdom,cunning,concentration sexuality. Ashlesha,'when functioningthroughits higheraspect,displaysthesequalities.In the present ison display, onecanusuallyexpectonlytheforementioned, timeswhenthe worstsideof everything negativequalitiesto predominate. Brainresearchers havenow beenableto locatethe mostancientpartof the brain.It is known 'R herestandsfor'reptilian'. qualities instinctual, negative Alltheabovementioned asthe'R'complex. havebeenascribedto this paft of the brain.Thusa clear,tangiblerelationbetweenreptiles,serpents and thesetypesof humanqualitiesis established. It is interestingto note that DNA,the buildingblockof our geneticcode has a helical,coiled serpentshape.ThusAshleshahasa lot to do with geneticheritage,the karmawe havebroughtfrorn previouslivesand the scopeof changeswe are allowedto makein the presentone.
Deity issupposed Ashlesha to beruledbythe celestialserpentkingdomasa whole.In Vedicmythology, creatures)andothertypel of serpentbeingsaboundthroughoutall Nagas(halfserpenVhalf-human the fourteenlolcas(realmsof existence).In someof the legends,these beingsare supposedto resideon the earthlyplaneas well as underlakes,riversor oceanbeds.Mysterybeingone of basic attributesof Ashlesha,it is no wonderthen that all of thesebeingsare shroudedin mystery.The legendshowevermake it clear that the serpentbeingsor forceswere necessaryfor the proper functioningof universalaffairs.The readerscan referto the "Churningof the OceanLegend"in the India or 'The KeyOf Life" author'spreviouswork 'TheRahu-KetuErryrien@" SagBipublications, LotusPress,USA.
EvenVishnualways incarnates on eafthwith hisserpentguardShesha.WhenVishnuincarnated as Rama,Sheshaincarnatedas Lakhmana.It is interestingto notethat Lakshmana was bornwith Ashlesharisingon his Ascendant.Hischaracterreflectsmanyof the qualiUesof Ashlesha(refer to the Vedicfegend- 'The Ramayana'). The negativetype of serpentshoweverneedto be suMuedand won over,just like the lower negativeaspecsof humannatureare won overthroughknowledge, wisdomand understanding. Krishnabkillingof the manyheadedsnakecalledKaliya(referto theVediclegend-'TheMahabharab') and in the Greeklegend,HerculeSKllingof the Delphi*rpent illustratethis poinL The only other nakshatradirectlyassociated with serpentenergyis tJttarabhadrapda. Usually it is noticedthat the higher,more refinedaspectsof serpentenergyare displayedthere, while Ashfeshaepitomizes the moreprimordialand instinctualpart of the serpentsymbolism.SincePabla Loka(the realmruledby serpentbeingslyingjust belowthe earthlyplaneof existence),is supposed to be a seethingpleasureground(baseand grossin comparison to the higherheavenlyrealm) meantfor gratification andindulgence, Ashlesha oftendisplaysan unquenchable thirstfor gnUftcation on the earthlyplaneof existenceas well.
Notuo U functioning : The EnglishwordswhichuseAshlesha's alphabets("Da","Di","Do")- "Demon","Diabolical", "Darkness", "Debauchery", "Danger","Deceit","Deception", "Devouring", "Dastardly", "Dagger", "Decadence", "Degenerate", "Delinquent", "Destitute","Defile","Destruction", "Depression", "Damned","Death","Delusion", "Desperation", "Despotic", "Doom","Devious", "Doctor"- sum up Ashlesha's natureand functioning.Muchneedn'tbe said after a thoughtis paid to eachof these lerms. Obviouslythis doesn'tpaint Ashleshain a good light, but it is very hard for Ashleshato functionin a wholesome and healthyway whenactingon a mundanelevel. Ashleshais perhapsthe mostdifficultof all nakshatraenergiesto handleand channelcorrectly, especiallyin the presentday andage. Eventhe ancientsagesand scholarshadveryfew kindwords
whichthe readercan to say in relationto this nakshatra.It hasits occultand esotericsignificance, look up in the EsotericSectionof this chapter. Ashlesharisinggivesa squarishface; parallel,straight,wide,thin lips; beadysmalleyes;a nativesborn lookand a palecomplexion. Despitelackingfacialattractiveness, naturallysuspicious generallyhavesexually aresimilarto that appealingbodies.Theirmovements underthis nakshatra of snakes,They are very consciousof how they move and how their movementarousessexual passionin others. andamiablefronts.Theyusecouftesyas a tool Theyare adeptat puttingup sociallyacceptable to flatter others.This good humourdoesn'tlast for long,for oncetheir objectiveis achieved,they Theyarealwaysscheming andplottingwhenit comesto climbing coldandruthless. areimmediately likequalityand levels,theirchameleon the socialladder.Sincetheyoftenworkfromverysuperficial levelof perceptiveness. TheAshlesha deceptionis very evidentto anyonehavingan above-average and mistrust can be easilyspottedthroughthe almostconstantsuspicion elementin a personality prevalentin the background. Worryand cautionfollowthem relentlessly. Thispowerof obseruation naturesmakethemgoodobservers. Ona positivelevel,theirsuspicious intuitiveandpsychic capabilities tend Ashlesha's witha naturalintuition.However is oftencombined wherean elementof dangeris there.Nativescansensedangerquickly in situations to function.best and reactquickly,On a negativelevel,their suspicioncan turn into paranoia.In its extremestate, is a diseasewhoserootslie in Ashlesha. paranoiacan becomean illnesss. Paranoid schizophrenia but theyalsohave and understanding, exploration nativescanaid othersin psychological Ashlesha perceptiveness to exploitothers. a tendencyto usetheir psychological energywhichmakessocietya cradleof fearandsuspicion. of Ashlesha It is the predominance It is dueto this inherentmistrust is about"lockyourdoorsand mistrustyour neighbour." Ashlesha that Ashleshanativestend to remainhiddenin regardsto their true thoughtsand feelings.Theydo and families. not form intimatebondswith othersand will mistrusttheir mostclosestconfidantes intruders towardstheirkith andkin andwill wardoff suspicious Theyare howeverhighlyprotective in the most ruthlessmanner.
Ashlesha nativescanbethe mostmeanandstingyin regards to financial affairs.Theirmiserliness neverpaysin the end as they alwaysend up havinglossesone way or the other.The presence of Ashleshain a nativityworks both ways; one deceivesothersand gets deceivedby others.Many Ashleshanativesarevictims,ratherthanthe users,especiallynativeswho haveplanetslikeSunand Jupiterplacedin Ashlesha. Ashleshais a glutton and showsgreat interestin food, especiallywhen it is not Sattwicand preparedby others'Ashleshanativesfind themselvesat homein hotels,bars,restaurantsand the like'Theyusuallycannotbearany kindof hunger.Theyare the hoardersof the zodiacand dislike throwinganythingaway.They can go to real extremesin this regardand needto learnto put the materialworldinto its properperspective. Theyhavea naturalaffinityfor poisons.Theydo not mind drugs,pharmaceuticals, allopathy, doctors,antibiotics etc. Ashleshanativesenjoybusiness activitieswhichborderon crookery.Theyneveremploystraight methodsin businessandwant sometype of cheatingor deceptionto be involved.Theyfind humour in trickingothers.Theylikementalgamesand strategy.Theydelightin hoodwinking others. If one think of the characteristics of catsand snakesit is not difficultto sum upanAshlesha personality. Cunningness, calculativeness, caution,coldbloodedness, wiliness,stealthare common traitsamongstcatsand snakes.The only way Ashleshanativescin usetheir singularlynegative traitsin a positivemanneris by aligningthemselves with universal will.Thekeyfor utilizingAshlesha in a positiveway is to overcomeone'sinnateselfishness. Havingdonethat, suspicionwill tum into discretion and wilinessinto wisdom.Ashlesha is the first stepon the pathof spiritualawakening. The underbellyof natureis encountered here.Onehasto faceall the darkdemonsof the inner psychein order to comeout shiningand purified.Ashlesha's nafuraltendencyto look under the surfacehasto be utilizedfor understanding the hiddenelementsof nature'sfunctionings. In the universalschemeof things, Ashlesharelatesto "uisasleshana shakti" - the power to inflictpoison.Its symbolism hasan approaching serpentaboveand tremblingbelow.Thisrelates Ashleshawith all kindsof sharp,venomousattacksmadeat one'senemyor prey.Onceagainthe dangerousand naturallymaleficpotentialityof this nakshatracometo light.
Modc of functioning : Ashleshais consideredto be an Activenakshatra.Ashleshaon the sudaceoften appearsto be a passivenakshatrabut that is only becauseall its activitiesare hidden.Evenif an Ashleshanative passive, onewillfindthat theyareweavingmanywebson the mentalplane. seemsto be physically of theworld.In the presentdayandagewhereall in all senses aresubterranean activities Ashlesha's the workings.ofthe elite take placein secretawayfrom the eyesof the public,one cannothelp but seba dominantrole of Ashleshain the hallsof power.
Caste: It belongsto the lowestcastewhich is calledMleccha(outcaste).In its lower functionings Ashleshais a soft of generalmenaceto societyin allthe knownformslikebandits,cheats,oppressors, exploitersetc. In its higherfunctioningit relatesto the yogi who renouncesthe world in the search for enlightenment.In both waysAshleshadoesn'tseemto fit into the societalcivilizedstructure.
Qen{er : without It is a Femalenakshatra.Sincethe ancientVedicseershave madethis classification and deceptivequalities a reason,we haveto concludethat the intuitive,perceptive enunciatihg ascribedto Ashlesharelatemoreto the femaleof the speciesratherthan the male.Onecan notice that evenmalenativesunderthe prominentinfluenceof Ashleshahavea feminineway aboutthem'
tsodyportsd %wwr (Ayurve{b Corstitution): the Nailsandthe Earsare the bodypartsrelated BoneJointslike Elbows,Knuckles,KneeC-aps; to this nakshatra. ) with the signCancer. Thisis dueto its relationship It is a primarily"Kapha"(watery)nakshatra. like stagnation,laziness,indulgence fvlostserpentdeitiesare shownas havingkaphacharacteristics etc
| ltit
Direction : It is relatedto the directionalrangewhichcoversthe nofthwestto the nortr. Likeall serpent energiesit is strongin the Southwestas well.
ea{as (@nrters) : The first padaor quafterof this asterism16" 40' - 20" 00' Cancerfalls in SagittariusNavamsa andis ruledby Jupiter.Thispadahasthe abilityto put in the mosthardwork.It hasa lot to do with dealingwith enmity,diseases and other6thhouseaffairs. Thesecondpadaor quafterof this asterism20o00' - 23oz|'Cancerfallsin CapricomNavamsa ruledby Saturn.Thispadais mostlyinvolvedin dealingwith people.It is a highlyambitiouspada whichis usuallyliableto useall of Ashlesha's negativetraitsliketrickeryand deceitto get what it wants.An inabilityto let go of possessions is anotheruniqueaspectof this pada.Beinga GandaMula pada,this padais considered badfor finances. The third padaor quarterof this asterism23o 20' - 260 40' Cancerfalls in AquariusNavamsa ruledby Saturn.Secrecyis the keywordto this pada.It howeveris mostcloselyrelatedto the occult sideof Ashlesha, discussed in the EsotericSection.Thispadausuallygoesto unusuallengthsand takeshighlyinventiveapproachesto schemingand plotting.Planetsplacedhere adverselyeffects mother'swellbeing. The fourth padaor quarterof this asterism260 40' - 30" 00' Cancerfalls in PiscesNavamsa rubd 6y Jupiter.This is the padarelatingto all kindsof illusions.The moralstruggleis at its peak here.This is the placewherethe "serpentof Ashlesha" finallygets slain,and peopleunderthe stronginfluenceof this pada,are more likelyto get trickedby others,ratherthan deceiveothers. Suchnativesare alwaysputting up fronts and hardlyever showtheir true nature.Planetsplaced hereadverselyeffectthe fatherb wellbeing.
Qrofessions: Industry;Chemical Engineers; CigaretteIndustry; Petroleum dealingwith Poisons; All professions likepresentdayPoliticians; AllSelfServingprofessions DrugPushers; LegalandIllegalDrugDealers; Pornography Industry; Psychologists; ConArtists;Thieves;Swindlers; Behindthe ScenesManipulators; involvingdealingwith Reptiles;AllopathicDoctors& Prostitutes;SnakeCharmers;Professions Surgeons;Pet Snake& Pet Cat Owners;Poachers;SecretServiceAgents; Spies;Lawyers; PhysicalYogaTeachers;Tantrics(usuallybeginnertypes); Hypnotists;Psychologists/ Pawnbrokers; etc; FalseGurusand Cult Leaders; SpiritMediums;CharlatanChannelists/Psychics Psychiatrists; BaseballPlayers.
Q{acu : (CIA,FBIetc,); Hospitals; dwell;SecretseryiceInstitituions & Reptiles All placeswhereSnakes Drug Stores;PawnShops; ChemicalProcesses; dealingwith Poisonous Law Firms;All Factories SleazyPlaceswhereIllegalProstitution& Drug Peddlingthrive; FalseCults& ReligiousInstitutions like ISKONetc. ; all placesconnectedwith the aboveprofessions.
(Essence)and Tattula (Ekment) :
might perplexthe readerbut the It is supposedto be a Sattwicnakshatra.This classification intentionof the ancientseerscan be understoodthus - Ashlesharelatesdirectlyto the kundalini all of our life,all of our previouslives'experiences. section),whichencodes shakti(seethe Esoteric She (kundalinishaKi) is our motherand our individualblueprintand so cannotbe regardedas anythingbut purelysattvic. is in It belongsto the Waterelement.There'snot mLrchto explainhere as this classification kaphahumor. keepingwith its predominant
Qana(typr) : '
It isconsidered a Rakhas or demonicnakshatra. Thiscomesas no surpriseas Hydra,Ashlesha's
representative in the sky, is saidto be the abodeof the most dangerouscelestial constellation demoniccreatures. Ashlesha aswe haveseenalreadycanbe quitecruelandwickedandveryrarely functionsfrom an unselfishperspective.
Orientation ond Dbposition : It is Downwardnakhatra.It is commonknowledge that snakesdon't live abovethe ground. Ashleshastandsfor and is interestedin all thingsundergroundboth literallyand figuratively.Planets placedin Ashleshaoften feel containedor constrainedand often haveto work in a behind-thescenesfashion. It is a Hard,SharpandDreadfulnakshatra. Thiscomesas no surprise considering the immensity of its negativepotential.The readercan referto the NatureSectionof this nakshatrafor the nitty gritty of it.
Lunar Montfi U Day : It relatesto the firsthalfof the lunarmonthof Magha,a periodwhichusuallyfallsin the month of Januaryin the solar(Gregorian) calendar. Ashlesha is alsorelatedtoNauami( 9thtithior day)of the waxingand waningphasesof the Moon'smonthlycycle.
Auspitious Actiaitits : All typesof activitiesrequiringharshmeasures like Administering Poisons, Filingof Lawsuits etc; Goodfor Scheming& PlottingagainstOne'sEnemies;Goodfor SexualActivity;Goodfor all Low RiskShortterm activities;Goodfor KundaliniYoga.
I nauspiciousActiaitics Activities;Thisis a goodtime to & Auspicious for all typesof Beginnings GenerallyunfavouraHe for doingbusiness;Badfor Borrowingor Lendingmoney. lie low; Especially unfavourable
lPfanctaryfotfcr : Moonand Mercuryare the two planetsconnectedwith this nakshatra,Mercurybeingthe main get planetaryruler.Mostlythe negativeMercurialtraits likeevasiveness, deceptionand deviousness andcalculating ability, alacrity,perceptiveness Ashlesha usesMercury's highlighted in thisnakshatra. moreoftenthan not, to fuftherits own selfishends.Thisis obviouslythe casein the presentdayand age, but the actualfunctioningof Mercuryhereis to controlthe mind (representedby the lvloon). Ashleshais supposedto be the placewhereintellectdevelopsitselfto controland directthe and instinctualworkingsof the mind.In today'sworld,Mercury'sabilityto direct vast subconscious (Moon)throughthe media(Mercury). Thisnegativeusageof the masses Moonis usedfor deceiving (presentage/cycle Mercurialenergymakesthis one of the mostdangerousnakshatrasin Kali-Yuga evidentwhenseenin lightof the factthat Mercuryis representative Thisis especially of humanity). and the naturalworld are of one of the preservingforcesin nature.As a result society/civilization throwncomfletelyout of balance.Ashleshais the battlegroundwherethe war betweenintellectand takesplace.Its turbulentenergies andprimevality reasonability andsubconscious, emotions,conscious to decadence and takingthe wrong path. rnakeit very suscepUble give simibr resultsto Ashlesha.Ketuis supposedto conjunctionin a horoscope Moon/Mercury givegoodresultsin Ashleshawhenaspectedby Jupiter.Nootherplanetcanbe saidto functionwell in this nakshatra.A well placedMercuryhowever,can makethe nativea shrewdand manipulative businessman.
Uouek anl A[pfiabe*: to "Dee"as in The first padaor quarterof this asterism16040' -20o00' Cancercorresponds Deena. to "Doo"as The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism20o00' - 23" 20' Cancercorresponds in Dupontor Dude. to "Day"as in The third padaor quarterof this asterism23o20' - 26o40' Cancercorresponds David. to "Doh"as in Thefourthpadaor quarterofthis asterism26o40' - 30o00'Cancercorresponds Dorothyor Doctor. its mantrasare to "Kha"and"Ga",consequently corresponds In the Sanskrit alphabetAshlesha "OmKham"and "OmGam",
Seryta[type and Compatifii[ity: sexualanimals.Onecaneasilyseethat even Its sexualanimalis a Cat.Catsarequiteintensely andcoilingrelateto sexualunion.In likeentwining, clinging,embracing for Ashlesha basickeywords for mostof the sexualexploitaUon. canbesaidto be responsible the presentdayandagethisnakshatra Asidefrom its own nakshatrait is mostsexuallycompatiblewith Purnavasu. pleasereferto the tableson pages457 withothernakshatras Forsexual& maritalcompatibility & 458.
'Esoteri"c. : and Hydra,the mostfearedserpent We havealreadynoticedthe connectionbetweenAshlesha to be this manyheadedserpentwhichwas in the nightsky.In GreeklegendsHydrais supposed finally subduedby Hercules.It is interestingto note that the royalnakshatraof Magha(see next
chapter)liesright nextto this serpentconstellation. Ancientlegendsare tryingto tell us that the crown and authority(representedby Magha)is only achievedafter the dark serpent(vicesand qualities)is subduedwithineachoneof us.Thelowernaturehasto be wonoverbefore undesirable we cantune.into our highernature.Ashleshais thereforea crucialfocalpointfor the battlebetween goodand bad,It is the lastamongthe firstcycleof nakhatras(a newcyclebeginsin Magha). Ashlesharelatesdirectlyto the kundalini.Kundaliniis a serpentshaped,two and a half coilsof astral/causalenergy,which lies in the MuladharaChakra(sacralroot centre) at the baseof our spines.It is the functionof Ashlesha to arouseandactivatethisenergy.Mostof Ashlesha's fieldand scopeof activitylieswithin the instjnctual,primordialdomainof the root centre. The arousalof the kundaliniis the first step on the way to enlightenment. This againreemphasizes the pointthat Ashleshais a pointwherea conscious choiceis made.This choiceof coursierelatesto lettinggo of our baser,grossmaterialistic natureso that we can beginour journey on the pathof wisdomand enlightenment. Thejourneyof the kundalini, whichbeginsin Ashlesha, (seeChapter26.) cufminatesin Uttarabhadrapada
Qotra (Cekstiat Liruage) : This ndkshatrais relatedto theSage Vashishta,one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter into "possessor the affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslates of wealth".According to Vedictexts mostof serpentdeitiesare saidto guardtreasure.Accordingto ancientVedicmytholoe'; mostof the celestialserpentdeitiesare shownas beingenormouslywealthy.Thusit is appropriate that the sagewho has mostto do with wealthpresidesoverthis nakshatra.
: funnedi"al Payingreveranceor obeisance to serpentsor doingserpentritualslikehrpa Homaisusefulfor gainingthefavourof the energies of thisnakhatra.In India,a specialdayknownas NargaPanchami
is reservedfor feedingmilk to snakesand worshipping serpentdeities.Practicing kundaliniyoga (alsoknownas Rajayoga)is the bestway of risingabovethe negativequalitiesof this nakshatra. - "OmKham"and "OmGam"108timeswhen Repetition of the root mantrasof this nakshatra Moontransitsthisnakshatra andduringthe lunarmonthof thisnakshatra is sureto reducesuffering and bringenlightenmentinto a percAnt life, Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe good effectsthroughthe above mentionedways.Ashleshanativesare usuallyattractedto dark shadesof everycolour.They are often seenwearingred and black.Howeverthey are advisedto wear moresattvicshadesevenwhen they are usingvariegatedcolours.They shouldavoidgaudy shades.
E4ampk: Indira Gandhi,the first and only womanprimeministerof India,was bornwith Ashlesharising on her Ascendant. Her extremelymanipulative and deceptivenatureis now commonknowledge, especially in India.Herlife and worksrevealall of Ashlesha's functionings in moderntimes.Greed, deceit,tragedy,treacherybetrayal,falsegurus,falsepropaganda- she had it all! MahatmaGandhiwasbornwith Moonin Ashlesha.Eventhoughhe was a deceptivetype with not cqmpletely wholesome motives,he wasableto fool the public,who raisedhim to Sainthood.
Mkceffaneous: Accordingto Varahamihira, those born with Moonin Ashleshaare false,wicked,ungrateful, craftyand gluttonous,eatingeverythingin sight.
{& ,:'%.
f O. $agha
ooO' - l)'7o'leo
tutryfro (0000' Leo - 13020'Leo)
In tfie SkUt Magha,the brightestand largestamongstnakshatras,is representedin the night sky by a groupof starsin front of the royalconstellation sickle-shaped of Leo.Thebrightestamongtheseis Regulusor Alpha-Leonts. With a visualmagnitudeof 1.41,it is one of the brighteststarsin the night sky and is alsoknownas the "LittleKing"or the "LittleSun".Its companions, whichcomprisethe restof the constellation, lie aboveit and are knownin modernastronomyas EE-Lnnis (AlJabhah), Zeb-Leonis(Adhafera),Mu-Lanis (Raalas), Epsilon-Leonis, (Alterf)& lGppa-Lonis. Lambda-Leonis AncientVedicseerssawthis constellation as a thronewhileotherculturessaw it as a lion.
A[ame: Maghatranslatesinto "mighty","the beneficent","the great", "the magnificent","the most impoftant"or "thebountiful". Thistranslation immediately evokesa varietyof meanings andfeelings and as we shallseethis nakshatrais true to its name.
Sym6o[: Magha'smainsymbolis a 'throne'.As a matterof detailone ctrnsayit is a 'royalchamberwith a throne'(please referto the image).Thissymbolism immediately conjuresup a pictureof royalty, power,status,honourand the like.Wecanseethat all theseinterpretations live up to the meanings
liesin onewordthe bottomlineof thissymbolism However evokedby the nameof this nakshatra, nakshatra), it is nowtime of Ashlesha(previous andtribulations Afterthe struggles "achievement". for reapingrewards.In the materialrealm,Maghabestowsthis rewardon nativesunderits influence throughpower,position,authority;and in the higheraspect,throughselfknowledge. In a way the bodyis nothingbut the throneof the soul.Mostof us identiff or attachour sense whichrelatesto the individualization of selfto our mindsand bodies.Maghais the first nakshatra process.It represents all that we meanwhenwe say "I". The soulusesthe bodyand mindas its identity.The mind and intellecthoweverare given the task to understandour true identitiesas with the discoveryof the "self".In its eternal,everlastingsouls.There'sno greateraccomplishment materialaspect,Maghacan bestowall kindsof worldlyhonoursand prestige,usuallythroughour on the materialplane. abilityto accomplish In manycasesMaghacan bestowall of this as a resultpurelythroughhereditarymeansor In ancienttimesit wasimplicitthat the sonof the kingwill be kingandthe somesoft of succession. sonof a barberwill be a barber.Eventhoughthingsappeardifferenttoday,they are still prettymudt the sameif one looksat the full picture. Magha'sthronedenotesall that we haveinherited,whetherit be genes,roots,propefi, wealth, whichis Maghais thereforethe nakshatra statusthroughour parentsand ancestors. knowledge'or mostcloselyrelatedto oursenseof identity.It relatesto whowe areandwherewe arecomingfrom.
. Deitg : are the mainrulingdeityof this asterism.It comesas no surprisethat Pitris,or "the ancestorsn, in earlier,we owealotto our ancestors controlsMagha.As we discussed the worldof the ancestors it, termsof our actualselfidentityand stationin life,evenwithouteverknowingor acknowledging as is the casein moderntimes.Ancestorworshipwas anotherone of the commonstrandswhich all ancientcivilizations. connected
foolslikeus and sawit as theirduty and werenot ungrateful obviously Ourancientancestors privilegeto keepalivethe knowledge and in somecasesbondingwith of theirroots,by honouring their ancestorsin the other realms.In the ruralareasof countrieslike [ndia,ancestorworshipstill remainsa seriousmatter.In fact deathritesusuallyinvolveritualsdirectlyrelatedto one'sancestry. backto the original Brahminfamilies,oftentracetheirancestries Manyfamiliesin India,especially sevensageswhp werecreatedby Brahma,at the very beginningof creation. are The modernscience of geneticshasmadeit clearthat mostof our abilitiesandcapabilities a sortof freegift from our dependant uponour geneticcodeandthat thisgeneticcodeis basically ancestors.In the sameway,Maghais knownfor bestowingliberalfavourswithoutany expectation whichdealswiththe past.Weshouldhoweverkeepin mindthat of return.It is basically a nakshatra our ancestorsare not frozenremainsof the past,but are actuallyalive in one of the universal realms. The Puranicte:rtstell us that there is a a heavenlyrealmcalledPitraLokaor "worldof the Thisis the worldwherealot amongus go to afterour physicaldeaths.It is sott of an ancestors". intermediarystationwheresoulsmeettheir ancestorsand restfor awhile,beforereturningto earth findsvividdescriptions in all for anotherlifeor movingon to otherlokas.Thisworldof the ancestors tribes. amongthe presentday nativeAmericanIndianand aboriginal ancientcultures,especially earthlyrealmandin some to overlookour affairson the physical Thisworldof the deadis supposed is experienced.Maghais a nakshatrarelating cases,somedirect interventionand communication bothto our identityin the presentlife andour afterdeathjourney.
Afature U functbning : "manor","major","mayor","master"r"magic"and Commonenglishwordslike"magnificent", Themeanings of the word"Magha". seemto havetheirrootin thefirsttwo syllables "magnanimous" of thesewordsrelateto Magha'sfunctioningat somelevelor the other.
job to shapethe presentusingthe past.Whereverthis nakshatra is placedin a It is Magha's chartonewill experience the positiveeffectsof one'spastkarmas.Thismaymanifestasopportunities or favourfrom thosein high positiors.Thesefavoursare very suddenand basedon impulsefrom thosewho bestowthem.. Its fierceness corresponds to the fierceaspectof Ketu,whichis akinto the fierceaspectof Sun. mid-afternoon Ketuis the mostfierceamongplanets.It can be as fierceas the mid-summer, desert Sun.Fierceness as we know is alsoassociated with authorityat somelevel.Authoritycan either fostermagnanimity or producethe mercilesstyrantswho are blindedby powerand authority. It is a humanasterismwhichbringsout the moreworldlyhumansideof esoterically oriented Ketu.Thisis verymucha worldlynakshatra in humanaffairs.Ketuis knownto us whichis interested planetwhichdisassociates asa separative onefromworldlyties,butthroughthisasterismit promotes involvement in mundaneaffairsfor discharging one'sworldlyduties.It bringsout the materially activesideof Ketuwhichis veryconcernedaboutsocialstatus,prominence and discharging of one's worldlyduties.This is why its pitfalllies in makingone overambitiousin one'smaterialpursuits. Howeverwhenworkingthroughits higherprincipal,this asterismhasa highdegreeof idealismeven whensurrounded by worldlyattainments. Ketuis an idealisticplanetwhenfunctioningin its solar planetandconsequently is directlyrelatedto aspect.Ketuis alsoa naturallyrebellious thisnakshatra all typesof revoltsagainstauthority. Thisis an asterismconnectedto the sustenance and maintenance aspectof nature.Its primary impulseisto maintain established traditions, andcivilizaUons. Thisis usuallythefunction organizations of thosein positionsof authoritywhomthis asterismrepresents. Nativeswith Magharisingor strongMaghainfluenceareeasyto spotbecauseof their big noses Maghapeoplehavemiddlestatureand lion{iketop heavybodies.Theyhave and regaldemeanour. in general.Theirpowerliesin coveringup arrogantmannerisms whichmakethem misunderstood weaknesses throughreservedness. Theyusuallyaligntheir selveswith their ancestrallineageand to those belowtheir derivepride througha senseof belonging.They are usuallymagnanimous
a moralandethicalcodeis impoftantfor their innerpeaceof mind.Magha stationin life.Following of theirfami[ lineagethroughprogeny. nativesusuallyhavea strongconcernfor the continuation of their progenyand want them to brlng pride and renownto the They havegreat expectations family. In the universalschemeof things,Magharelatesto "tyagashepanishakti"- the powerof the astralbodyto cut its ties with the physicalbody.Its symbolismhas mourningaboveand the death whicharise deathandnewbeginnings process below.ThisrelatesMaghato all endingslikephysical as a result.Maghaguidesthe soulsto PitraLoka(the realmof the ancestors)afterone'sdeath.Thus Maghais basicallya facilitatorin changeof state,
Moda of furrctionlnq : naturally fierynaturepromotes activity Magha's Maghais considered to be an Activenakshatra. and glorywhichmakesit pursuean and dynamism.It is Magha'sstrivingfor a senseof achievement activeway of life.
Caste i Strangelyenough,the ancientVedicseersassignedthe royalnakhatra of Maghathe Shudra (servant)caste.Their line of thinking may be partiallyunderstoodwhen one comesto the dutyto be of understanding that finallya kingis nothingbut a seruantof his people.It is Magha's seruiceno matterwhathighthroneit sitsupon.Thisis bestconveyedin the wordsof the contemporary Wet tub Dylan,"Youmightbe the devilor you mightbe the lord, but you gotta servesomebody!"
Qendcr: It has beena traditionin the Vedicliteratureto view thingslike It is a Femalenakshatra, prosperity,fame and fortuneas feminine.All thesedesiredattainmentsin the materialworld are
It is interestingto notethat eventhe word often depictedin the form of goddesses.
'vanity'is seen
femininevice. as a predominantly
Bodyparts (r 5{umar (Ayurvefic Constitutinn) : Nose,Lipsand Chinare the bodypafts relatedto this nakhatra. Readersthus can noticethat peoplewith prominentMaghainfluence in theirchartsusuallyhav_e a big nose.It is notverydifficult to seewherethe term "high nosed"camefrom! (watery)nakshatra. It canbe noticedthat Maghahastheabilityto hide It is a primarily"Kapha" its ambitions,motivesand fierinessunder a calm exterior.A calm exterioras we know is often associated with watersignsor the kaphaelement.
Directbn : It is relatedprimarilyto east,south,northwestand southwest.
. Padas (Qyorters): and is The first padaor quafterof this asterism00o00' - 3o 20' Leo,fallsin AriesNavamsa ruledby Mars.Thisisthe padarelatingto thewill poweraspectof Magha.Thisis the padawherethe throne is won after the killingof the manyheadedserpentof Ashlesha.Maghaqualitieslike self asseftion,leadership,courageand idealismare displayedhereto their fullest. The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism30 20' - 6" 40' Leo,fallsin TaurusNavamsaruled by Venus.Afterthe throning,the king hasto consolidatehis position.Thisis a veryambitiouspada, Planetsplacedhere bring organization, wherethe emphasisis on image,duty and materialistic aboutfavoursfrom superiors. ruledby 6o40' - 10o00' Leo,fallsin GeminiNavamsa Thethirdpadaor quarterof thisasterism Mercury.This padarelatesto the often ignoredintellectualsideof Magha.After the throneis safe,
the kingindulgesin moreliteraryartisticpursuitsand listensto discourses from learnedmen.The emphasishereis on mentalactivityand a questfor knowledge (knowledge of the ancientsin the presenttimes!). Planetsplacedhere makeone succeedthroughgroup activity,even though it is Magha's essential natureto go it alone. Thefoutth padaor quarterof this asterism10o(X)'- 13o20' Leo,fallsin CancerNavamsaruled by Moon.Thisis the padawhichbringsout Magha's loveof ritual,ceremonies, ancestorworshipand familypride.Thekinghereconcentrates on the wellbeingof hissubjects,hisfamilylifeandlooksfor progenyto keep his lineagegoing. Planetsplacedin this pada makeone derivepride from one's family,ancestorsand one'scharitability.Planetshereare not very conduciveto materialprosperity and createupheavals throughsomeform of selfundoing.
grofessiotu : Administrators; Managers;Royaltyand thosein directtouchwith Royalty;Thosewho bestow (or receive)honourslike"knighthood" etc. ; Thosein highplacesin Government; Peopleat the top of theirchosenprofessions; Legends;Bureaucrats; Aristocrats; Officials;Chairmen(thosein a position of authority);Lawyers;Advocates; Judges,Referees, Magistrates andthe like;Politicians; Historians; Librarians; Orators;Dramatists & Pedormers; Upholders of Traditions; Professions relatingto Museums of all types;Occultists; BlackMagicians; Astrologers; Exorcists; Dealersin Antiquesof all types; Archaeologists; GeneticEngineeringExperts;Professions relatedto usingand researchingAncient Knowledge,Monumentsetc; ThoseResearching & Documenting Lineages.
lPfacu Desefts;Forests;CapitalCities;Libraries;Museums;Palaces;AncientMonuments& Sites; Govt. Offices;Residences of Top Politicians;NationalMonuments;Stages& PedormanceHalls; Ceremonial Grounds& Buildings;Crematories; Placesof Religious,SpiritualSignificance.
Quna (Tssence)and Tattwa (Efament) It is supposedto be a Tamasicnakshatra.The primaryreasonwhy the ancientseerssaw the of the factthat it relatesmoreto by tamasicenergyis because activeMaghaas beingpredominated the past.Manya timesMaghacanretardnewgrowthas a resultof beingstuckin the past.Magha carrieswithin itself all the inertia,temptationsand trappingsthat the past more often than not to cbnjure. manages It belongsto the Waterelement.It is a waterynakshatrain the sensethat it is likean oceanand and prominence waterysideof Ketu.Oceanis againsymbolicof vastness represents the expansive elementof Ketu.It bringsout the Wateras we knowis the secondary inherentin this nakshatra. Theseare and benevolence. emotionalsideof Ketu,whichmanifestsin qualitieslikecompassion importantqualitiesfor thosein positionsof authority.
QanaEWd : the ancientseers (demonic)nakshatra. Throughthis classification a Rakshasa It is considered is not all benignand godly.Thereare many are givingus a signalthat the worldof the ancestors with this nakshatra. othertypesof negativeastralentitiesassociated bhootas,pretas,pishachasand anduseof thesenegativeentities.Mostof involvethe summoning Mostof thd blackmagicpractices areoftendonein orderto gaintypicalMaghagoals- power,status,fame, thesedarkoccultpractices - "everyactionhas fortune,prosperityetc. A statementof cautionfor the blackmagicpractitioners t a reactionand everythinghasits price".
Orientatbn and Disposition : with the past It is a DownwardLookingnakshatra.Thisbasicallyrelatesto Magha'sassociation and in the samesense,all thingsdown and under.As mentionedearlier,Maghacan be quite a and authorityplaysto the'T' in the present influence,a rolewhichthe bureaucracy constrictive
relatingto the pastinvolves diggingunderground, times.It is interesting to notethat alotof research with downwardnakshatras an activitynormallyassociated It is veryclearthat no throneis attainedwithout nakshatra. It is an Ugra(fierce or aggressive) burningprideandambitionthat enemiesandthe like.It is Magha's overcoming numerous obstacles, makesit fierceand cruel.Maghasets itself no limitsor boundarieswhen it comesto achievingits goals.
Lunar Month a Daa : It is relatedto the secondhalf of the lunar monthof Magha.This periodusuallyfalls in the In Indiathis paft of the monthof Maghais still usedfor monthof Februaryin the solarcalendar. ancestorworship. (15d1 tithi or NewMoonDay)of the waningphaseof the Maghais alsorelatedtoAmauasya Moon'smonthlycycle.
Arupitious Actirtities : thoserequiringpompand grandeur;Marriageceremonies; Ceremoriies of all kinds,especially Coronations music,oratoryor drama;Publicdisplays; whetherit involves Stage& publicperformances Researching one'slineage;Anythinginvolving Awardceremonies; andotherroyalevents;Parades; studies& research;Takingon a new name;Upgradingto higherand the pasUHistorical/classical jobs, etc. ; Undertakingcareerstrategies;Job promotions;Donating betterqualityin possessions, gifts;Studying of alltypesespecially thoseinvolving Religious activities ancientknowledge; elaborate ancestorworship;Goodfor settlingdisputesor otherwarlikeactivities;A goodtime to seekfavours from powerfulpersons,governmentand other authorityfigures.
hnrupbinw Actiaitits : Not favourablefor lendingmoney;Not good for servile,mundaneor commonactivities;Not goodfor futuristicplanningandexploration; Notveryconducive for dealingwith newtechnologies.
9fanetary\ubr : Ketuis the mainplanetaryrulerof Magha.Oneof Ketu'smainsymbolsis a Flag,whichdirectly relatesto authority,eminence,fame etc. This favouredpositionin the presentlife is earnt due to pastlifedeeds.Ketuas we knowis the guardianof our pastkarmasand it releases meritorious the onesthat are ripe enoughto be experienced in the presentlife throughthis nakshatra. The qualitiesand attributesof Ketulikedeepperception, penetrating insightand independent spirit whichare similarto that of Sun,areexhibitedby Magha.Sunas we knowis the royalplanet but mosdywe don't see Ketu in that light. This asterismbringsout the regal side of Ketu.This asterismcan be seenas a combination of Sun'sand Ketu'senergies.Sunis relatedto Maghaas a resultof beingthe rulerof Leo,the signMaghafallsin. Ketuas we havediscussed earlier,is a geneticplanetand represents the paternalgrandfather and maternalgrandmother in a chart.Our connection with our ancestors hasa lot to do with our pastliveswhichis againa Ketudomain.To sum it up, Maghahasa lot to do with the geneticand past heritageaspectof Ketu.It also relatesto the fact that Ketu is responsiblefor bringingthe wisdomof the ancientagesandcivilizations to the present. Sun-Ketuconjunctionin a nativitycarriesan energysimilarto that of Magha.Fieryroyalplanets likeSun& Marsusuallydo well in Magha.SeruantplanetslikeSaturnhoweverfeel at sea in this nakshatra.
'I/outek an[ Atpfiabe* : to "Ma"as in Magic The first padaor quafterof this asterism00" 00' - 3" 20' Leocorresponds or Marilyn. to "Mi" as in Mia. The secondpadaor quafterof this asterism30 20' - 6o 40' Leocorresponds to "Mu"as in Mt*ti. Thethird padaor quafterof this asterism6o 40' - 10o00' Leocorresponds to "Me" as in The fourth padaor quafterof this asterism10o00' - 13o20' Leo corresponds Meryl. its mantrasare to "Gha"and "Nga",consequently In the SanskritalphabetMaghacorresponds "OmGham"and "OmNgam".
Seretat'lypeand Compati|i[ity: to notethat the regalandpompousMaghabecomes Its sexualanimalis a Rat.It is interesting a rat in bed.Maghais alwayssaidto havea weaknessfor the oppositesex.Ratsare highlysexually Maghais veryfixedon activeanimalsknownto producescoresof progeny.As we havediscussed, and recreation. It couldbe propagating its lineageand its rampantsexualityis bothfor procreation isjust anothershowoff mediumfor Magha,who in realityoftendoesn'tmatchup saidthat sexuality in bed.It is mostlycompatiblewith its fellowrat PuruaPhalguni. to its paftner3expectations Forsexualand maritalcompatibilitywith other nakshatraspleasereferto the tableson pages 457 & 458 .
'Esoterb: Maghais the 10h nakshatraand thus like the 10b houseits spiritualitylies in l6rma Yoga, whichentailsfulfillingone'sduty in life. The *ar Rqulus, the principlestar of Magha,was revered of Maghalay besideHydra, in all the ancientculturesasthe celestialseatof power.Theconstellation
the constellation relatingto the demonicserpentforcesandthe previousnakshatra Ashlesha. This relatesto the factthat the crownor throneof Maghais onlyachievedafterovercoming the primordial negaUvepart of our natureexemplifiedby Asfrlestra. In the Greekculture(an offshootof the ancientVedicculture),there are referencesto many celestialbattlesbetweenthe serpentsandthe Gods.The mostfamousof thesebattlesrelatesto the kilfing of Hydrd,the seaserpentwith nineheads,by Hercules, the sonof Jupiter.Hydrais the longest constellation in the skyandalsocoversthe largestarea.Theastrological signsof Cancer, Leo,Virgo andLibracanbeseenplacedalongits northernside.Hercules, the greatwarrior,is alsoa constellation in the sky placedcloseto the star Vega. Krishna,an incarnationof Vishnu,kills a several-headed serpentcalld Kaliyain a story very reminiscent of the above-mentioned Greeklegend.It wasunderstoodthat subduingor winningover theseforceswas an impoftantpart of establishingoneselfas beingworthy of the throne,which allowedone to haveinfluenceoverthe masses.The wholepoint of Maghais to riseabovethe Cancerianpool of mass-mentality and discoverone'sown uniqueindividuality. Thefactthat ourancientancestors wholivedin the Golden,Silver& Bronzeagesweresuppposed to be morehighlyevolvedthan us, makesthe worldof the ancestors a placewherewe coulddraw wisdomand knowledgefrom. Ancientnativecultureslike the NativeAmericanIndiansand the Nordicshavealwaysknownthisfact.Anyrealchangein the presentdaysituationof hopelessness, confusion andmiserywillonlycomeaboutafterthe knowledge of the ancients is properlyunderstood.
Qotra (Cetrstiat Lineage) Thisnakshatrais relatedto the SageAngiras,one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "the fiery one".Considering Magha's essentialfiery nature,it is no wonderthat it connectsto this particularsage,whq as we recall,also presidesover the fiery nakshatraof Krittika.
fu:medinl: One straightforwardway of getting Maghaon your side is to be respectfuland reverential in the prescribed for one'sancestors Peformanceof a Shradhaceremony towardseldersandancestors. from the in the sensethat one receivesblessings tithi of the lunarmonthof Magha,is auspicious worfd of the ancestors.Worshipof tGli or Shivais the best way of masteringthe energyof this nakshatra. - "OmGham"and "OmNgam"108timeswhen Repetition of the rootmantraof this nakshatra Moontransitsthis nakshatraand in the the lunar montt of Maghais sureto reducesufferingand life. into a person's bringenlightenment Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe goodeffectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor them to wear royalcolourswhich includesdark and brightshadesof gold, redsand yellows.They shoulduse its directions,lunar monthandthe dayswhenMoontransitsMaghato undeftakeall impoftantactions.
Eag.mpfe: oneof the famousspiritualteacherswho popularizdkundaliniyoga Yogananda, Paramahamsa t
in his placedin Magha.Hislife and worksas recollected in the west,hashis MoonandAscendant of a Yogi",revealalot relatingto the lineageorientedfunctioningof Magha. book, 'Autobiography Bothhis spiritualauthorityand his spiritualteachingwerea legacyfrom a line of AscendedMasters LahiraMahashayaand the mysteriousfigure of Eabaji. like Yukteshwara,
Miscet[aneow : thosebornwith Moonin Maghahave"lotsof wealth,manyservants, Accordingto Varahamihira, All of these and devotedto godsandancestors". livea life of luxuryandenjoyment,are persevering indications applyto our example. ***
| |. furvaphalguni lf}ot
fu.rvopfi,funi (13020'Leo- 26040'Leo)
In tfu Sky t Puruaphalguni is represented in the nightskyby two brightstarsin the backof the constellation of Leo.Thesestarscanbeseenforminga paftof the lionshapeusuallyassociated withthe constellation Leo.HoweverancientVedicseerssawthesetwo starsas representing the backlegsof a cot (or the two polesof a swinginghammock).Thesestarsare knownin modernastronomyas Delta-Leonis (Zosma)& Theta-Leonis (Chertan).With a visualmagnitudeof 2.56, Zosmais the brighterone amongthem.It is very easyto locatethesestarsin the nightsky as Leois the brightestamongthe twelvezodiacalconstellations. Thesestarsare locatedto the left of the bfight slar Reguluswhere the hindlegsof the lionfigureof Leoare supposed to be, Zosmalieson top of chertan.
9t(rme : Puruaphalguni translatesinto the "formerreddishone", "the former" or "little fig tree". The colourredalwaysevokesa widevarietyof meanings andfeelingsandaswe shallsee,thisnakshatra hasa lot to do withthe nature,qualitiesandtemperament generally associated with the colourred. The"fig tree"translationb a moreobscureoneandrelatesto the procreative aspectof this asterism.
Syrnfiot: Its mainsymbolis the front legsof a couchor bed.The bed referredto hereis not the bedwe usefor sleepingon duringthe nighttime, but a divanor bed/couchusedfor a daytimesiestaor symbols. asoneof Purvaphalguni's alsousea swinginghammock loungingaround.Someastrologers It is prettyclearfrom the abovesymbolsthat'comfof is the keywordfor this nakshatra.In the cycle 'throne' in the of the 27 nakshatras,the soul looksfor comfoftand enjoymentafter attainingthe previousnakshatra. afterfulfilling purvaphalguni relatesto a time wherewe lookfor rest,relaxationandamusement of Thesymbolism (activities ruledby the previousnakshatra). our wo4dlydutiesand responsibilities the front legsof a bed/couchrelatesto the beginningpart of this relaxationprocess.Whenwe are in the verytiredand hop onto a couchor a bedwe usuallygo into a modeof completerelaxation relatesto thisbeginning Purvaphalguni to individual). (thetimeperiodvariesfromindividual beginning intentupon renewingour energy. periodwherewe feel like doingno activityand are completely purvaphalguni is thus stronglyrelatedwith the forcesof renewal,whichultimatelylink it to the processof creaUonitself. canbe creativewithoutbeingactive. howsomething It is difficultfor someof us to understand Nothingor no onecanworkall the time.It is uponperiodsOfnon-activity. All activityiSdependant periods'A lot of scientistsand the periodsof rest whichprovidethe impulsefor the creative/active havefoundthat the solutionto a problemusuallycomesto them,not whenthey are researchers actuallyworkingat the problem,but in the periodwhentheyhavetakentheirmindoff it andare in in cities,people In the fast pacedlife of moderntimes,especially a stateof completerelaxation. haveforgottenthe importanceof havingadequateperiodsof restbetweenactivities.Thisis probably traumasfaced by the fast pacedcity the root causefor most of the physicaland psychological energy,whichusuallyresults dweller.Howeverone mustbe carefulnotto ampliflithe Purvaphalguni in excessivelazinessand indulgence.
Deity i Bhaga,oneof the twelveAdityas(nlar deities),is the mainrulingdeityof this nakshatra.He is to the planetVenus.As we shall oftenreferredto asthe "morningstar",whichmightbe a reference discover later,Venus is the planetary rulerof thisnakshatra andwasseenin ancienttimesasa planet representing the solaraspectof nature.Bhaga'snametranslatesroughlyinto "delight".A similar Theterm "Bhagar'findsuse sanskritwordcalled "bhoga"translatesinto "pleasure"or "indulgence". (full of delight),one of the sanskritnamesoften usedfor gods,incarnations in "bhagavan" and evolvedsouls.In keepingwith his name,Bhagais knownfor bestowingrest,relaxation,enjoyment, pleasure,affection,sexualpasskrnand rnaritalfelicity.ThusPuruaphalguni is seento promoteall of the aboveindications. Bhaga'sstrongrelationship with enjoymentand merrimentmakesthis one of the mostcarefree nakshatras.Purvaphalguni nativesdon't like to worry as long as they are comfoftable,especlally natives froma physicalpointof view.Bhaga's with physicality oftenmakesPurvaphalguni obsession oveftlyconcerned with their bodies.Bhaga's nativesa strong amorousnaturegivesPurvaphalguni desireto appearbeautifuland be appreciated.Bhagastandsfor an easy life full of comfortand luxuryand this is what all Puruaphalguni nativesaspirefor. Bhagarelatesto that solar aspectof nature,which makeslife worth living.If one removesthe pleasureaspectfrom the universe,not manysoulswilt Oewillingto take partin the gameof life. Bhagais alwaysusuallyinvokedalongwith Aryaman,the ruling deity of Uttaraphalguni, the followingnakshatra.As we shall discoverlater,these nakshatrasform a pair in the samevein as Mrigashiraand Ardn. Purvaphalguni is directlyconnectedto the ShivaLingam,the mostcommonlyworshippedform of Shiua.Thefact that Shiva'spenisis worshippedmorethan Shivaas a whole,relatesto the penis beinga regenerative symbol,representing creationand continuationof life; while Shivaas a whole is the god of destruction. Puruaphalguni thusrelatesto the creativeand delightfulaspectof Shiva, with him. It is interesting whichcanbe easilyunderstoodthroughthe storiesand legendsassociated
to notethat the penisis the mostdelicatepaft of maleanatomy.Thisfact bringsout the essential tenderqualityof PurvaPhalguni.
Abture (r' functionlrg : Afterthe victorycrownandthroneachievedthroughintensebattlesin Magha,it is naturalthat is all about,A periodof rest rest, relaxationand enjoymentfollow.This is what Purvaphalguni followseveryperiodof activity,just like a sunnycalmfollowsa storm.Amongstall the nakshatras' It offersshelter purvaphalguni aspectof nature'sfunctionings. is the mostrelatedto the recreational of the dramaof life. from the vicissitudes reachesa peakin in Magha,self-absorption The senseof selfhavingbeenfirmlyestablished hereare Justlikea tiredpersonlookingfor someplaceandtimeto rest,the concerns thisnakshatra. Thefactthat it falls makesit dramatic. of thisnakshatra absorption me, myselfandI. Theintensive this tendency,makingit the most in the middleof the sign of dramatics,Leo,fufther encourages nativeshave a strongdesireto be noticedfor theatricalamongstthe nakshatras.Purvaphalguni nativesfall preyto whatthey are and whattheydo. Thisis the reasonwhy a lot of Purvaphalguni very hard new things,becomes anything,especially pretentious behaviourand attitudes.Learning for suchnatjvesas they don't want to look beyondtheir own little world, no matterhow superficial wouldn'texist. termslike"vanity"and "pompousness" it mightbe. If it wasn'tfor Purvaphalguni, is a socialnakhatra.It likesto function Purvaphalguni eccentricity, Despiteits self-indulgent it showsamazingflexibility within prevailingsocialstandards.Despiteits naturalfixedcharacter, socialnorms.It likesthe comfortand safetyof blendingin, whenit comesto fittingthe prevailing andnourishing canbea warm,susbaining ratherthanstandingout. In its positiveaspect,Purvaphalguni whichkeepup the pillarsof nakshatras influenceon thosearoundthen. It is oneof the cornerstone humansociety. and is a naturallycruelnakshatra that Purvaphalguni Havingsaidthis, it mustbe remembered thereforenativesunderits stronginfluencecan be expectedto be capableof carryingout ruthless
is disturbed or amusement crueltyusuallycomesout whenits rest,relaxation acts.Purvaphalguni's by an outsideagency.Nativesunderits influenceget easilyhurt and get extremelyvindictiveover the caseif they don't get the requisiteamountof attentionfrom smallissues.This is especially otherswhichtheythinktheydeservein theirown minds. thesenativesarequitedelightful of pride,jealousyandvindictiveness, Despitetheirlimitations the finer enjoymentsin life. Theycan be the mostfun to creaturesto be aroundwhenappreciating from their positionon hangaroundsocially, as they radiatetheir Leoninewarmthand beneficence nativein a crowdastheywill bethe onein the bedor couch.It is veryeasyto spota Purvaphalguni andliketo lead the mostcomfortable spot.Theyare usuallyin no hurryto beginthe dayt activities exceptin areaswherelitde livesof luxury evenif they can't affordto. Theyare not overachievers physicaldiscomfortis demandedof them.They are happyidlingaboutin the offrce,in the arts Mostof their effortsgo in tryingto studio,makingloveor enteftainingotherswith their personality. makethemselves comfoftableor exploringtheir own personalfeelings,thoughtsand emotions. They usuallyend up havinga familybut are often not very suitedfor the parentalrole.Theirsdffor theirchildren. obsessive aspectusuallymakesthem cruelor unneruing relatesto "pralanana shakti" - the powerto In the universalschemeof things,Purvaphalguni procreate.Its symbolismhas femaleaboveand male below.It is immediatelyapparentthat Its objectiveis Purvaphalguni is all aboutcreationthroughunionof the polarnaturalopposites. level. as well as microcosmic creationof a familyon the macrocosmic
Modz of functioning : with Purvaphalguni creativity nakshatra. balances Purvaphalguni is considered to be a Balanced Theaesthetically refinedaspectof this aggression with gentleness. relaxation, workwith pleasure, nakshatraarisesout of its abilityto find a delicatebalancewith objects,coloursand the like.As far as beingactiveis concerned,it is a lazynakshatra.
Caste: relaysthe brahminicalside of the brahmin It belongsto the Bnhmin caste. Puruaphalguni pfanetVenus.ShukraCharya,the.presidingdeityof Venus,is the perceptorof the demonsand has (knowledge of bringingthe deadbackto life),which of knowingSanjivinividya the uniquedistinction A brahminis someonewho is supposed the perceptorof the gods,doesnot possess. ettenBrihaspafi, with Puwaphalguni relatesit to understandthe secretfunctioningsof MayaandVenus'sassociation to all kindsof occultknowledge.
Qen[er : It is a Femalenakshatra.Eventhoughboth of its rulingdeitiesare male,the primaryimpulses like beauty,vanity,loveof ease,comfoftand luxuryare all primarilyfeminine of this nakshatra, with Venus,which is seenin strongconnection concerns. Theycomeaboutdue to this nakshatra's JyoUshas a feminineplanet.
tsodypats & l{umor (Aytnedb Corutitution) : The SexOrgans,the Lipsandthe RightHandare the bodypartsrelatedto this nakshatra. It is a primarily"Pitta"(fiery) nakshatra.Its pitta qualityarisesout of its connectionwith Leo, a pitta signand Sun,a pitbaplanet.Fireis the essenceof desire.
Directbn : arc betweensoutheastandeast. It is relatedprimarilyto the directional
eadns(@nrters) The first padaor quafterof this asterism13" 20' - 16o40' Leofalls in Leo Navamsaruled by Sun.The emphasishereis on just I, I & moreI. The srolvedsoulscan usethe warmthof their soul powerto illuminate the mindsof thosearoundthem,whereasfor youngersoulsplanetsin thispada just heightenthe ego."Dignity"and "Regality" are the keywordshere.Sun,Mars,Jupiterand Ketu can functionstronglyhereand give somesoft of executiveability. ruled Thesecondpadaor quafterof thisasterism16o40' - 20" 00' Leofallsin VirgoNavamsa by Mercury.Thisis the mostsoberand hardworking amongstall of thesenaturallypompousand lazy padas,The emphasishereis on tradeand enterprise. A well placedMercuryherecan give good commonsenseand heavygainsthroughtrade. Thethird padaor quarterof thisasterism20" 00' - 23o20' Leofallsin LibraNavamsa ruledby Venus.Thispadabringsout the indulgentaswellas creativeVenusian aspectof Purvaphalguni. The refinement, emphasis hereis on travel,harmony,relaxation, counselling, creationandappreciation of beauty.Sincethis is the PushkaraNavamshapada most planetsexceptSun give good results here.Venusis especially strongin this pada. Thefourth padaor quafterof this asterism23o20' - 26o40' Leofallsin ScorpioNavamsaruled by Mars.The emphasishere is on intensified emotions,homeand familylife, self reflectionand personalvalour.Passions are verystronghereand all thingsin life are approached with a martian strifeandcomplexity. spirit.Planetshereusuallygiveriseto a lot of unnecessary Onlya wellplaced SunandJupiterare capableof utilizingthis pada'sinnerpositivefashion.
{Profusioru: Animaltrainers;Government Diplomats;Dealersin productsrelatedto Officials;Executives; women;GemstoneIndustry; Entertainers;Beauticians;Makeup Artists; Models;Photographers; (more into EventManagers;Art GalleryManagers;Singers,mostlyromantictypes; Musicians harmonies thanotheraspectsof music);CreativeAftists;Teachingprofession in general;Dyemakers;
with Marriages' connected All professions andDesigners; FitnessTrainers;InteriorDecorators Physical and Allopaths);Sex& Childbifths;Nannies;Doctors(both Naturopaths MarriageCeremonies Thoseinvolvedin DatingAgencies;Biologists;Leisureand Therapists;SleepTherapists;Masseurs; & Distributionof Incenses,Toiletriesand related TourismIndustry;Peopleconnectedwith Production jobs. Wool,Cottonand Silkindustry;Secretarial & Jewellers; Goldsmiths Products; Venusian
!P["acu : halls;Exhibitionplaces; Beaches;Entertainment Flowerylandscapes; Hot tropicallandscapes; the especially Beautyparlours;Markets, Touristresorts;Spas;Livingrooms;Art galleries; Bedroom; kind relatedto Venusianproducts;Prettycottages,buildingsand homes;All placesconnectedwith the abovementionedprdessions.
guna (tuserce)anl tattwa (Elpttunt): is very engrossedon the material It is supposedto be a Rajasicnakshatra.Purvaphalguni plane.Its planetaryrulerVenusis supposedto be the mostr{asic amongplanets.It representsthe "desire"aspectof nature,Whichbreedslife and makesthe whole processof living excitingand ' delightful. connectionwith Venus,a wateryplanet, It belongsto the Waterelement.Purvaphalguni's Waterbreedslife (it is clearthat'allsentientlife beganin the wouldaccountfor this classification. of the creativepotentialin nature.Evenspermare is representative oceans),and Purvaphalguni caniedby a wateryfluid knownas semenand the nnting of spermwith the ova takesplacein a waterymedium.
Qana (Iype) : It is considered Puruaphalguni's with society, a tVanrchaorhumannakshatra. stronginvolvement with what can be termedas human humanrelationships and procreation makeit very concerned affairs.It is oneof the nakshatras dedicated to sustaining the dramaof life.
Orientation an[ Dispositbn :
It is an Upwardnakshatra. Purvaphalguni fostersanykindof growth.Theseedmaylie beneath is intimatelyconnected with the biological the ground,but the plantgrowsupwards.Puruaphalguni processof cell division,which is responsible for makinga tree out of a seed,or a baby out of a nativesalwayslookupwardstowardsthe sky,the godsand the creatorfor its sperm.Puruaphalguni inspiration and answers It is an Ugraor fiercenakshatra.It comesas a surprisethat a soft, pleasurelovingand comfoft This relatesto Purvaphalguni's seekingnakshatra shouldhavea fiercetemperament. tendencyto getoveftlydisgusted whenit doesnotgetwhatit wants.Aswe havediscussed earlier,Puruaphalguni nativesare preparedto go to any lengthsin orderto securethe luxuryand comfoftwhichthey think is theirright.Disturbing Puruaphalguni's comfoftzoneis akinto disturbinga sleepinglion.
Lunar Montfi d Daq : It relatesto the first half of the lunarmonthof Phalguna, whichusuallyfalls in late Februaryin the solarcalendar. PurvaPhalguniis also relatedtothe Traydashi(13thUthi or day) of tlre waxingand waning phasesof the Moon'smonthlycycle.
Auspitioru Actiaitits: Marriage,sex, romance;Goodfor dealingwith authoritiesand all kindsof persuasion; A good nakshatrafor clearingout the air in relationto longstandingdisputes;Goodfor confrontingenemies in a gentleappeasingway; Rest,relaxationand enjoyment;Artisticactivitieslike painting,singing etc. ; Goodfor usingcharismaor personalpowerfor gainingwantedends;Goodfor buyingproperty; Mattersrelatingto propertyand constructionin general.
Unfavourable for all activitieswhichrequirelesseningdownof ego; Not goodfor startingnew things;Not goodfor intellectualactivities;Not goodfor healingor curingdiseases;Illnesseswhich start at this time are hardto overcome.
9fanztary fu.br : Sun and Venusare the two planetsrelatedto this nakshatra,Venusbeingits main planetary ruler.Venus'sinvolvementwith this nakshatrais obviousfrom the fact that the mainfunctioningof Purvaphalguni. is procreation.Venusrelatesto the force which producesattractionbetweenthe oppositesexesand the mainfocusof Purvaphalguni centresaroundthis attraction.Sun,however,is connectedwith one'ssenseof self and is not very comfoftablewith the ideaof losingone'sself to whichVenusnaturallystandsfor.Purvaphalguni another,something is a battleground for the conflict betweenego,loveand harmony.It helpsto knowthat the Venusian energyis strongerin comparision to Solarenergyhere (in Krittil
Sun/Venus conjunction or exchangein a horoscope carriesenergiessimilarto purvaphalguni. Sun,Marsand Venususuallygive strongresultsherebut as alwaysa lot dependson the padathey occupy.
Uowefsan"dAlpfiaiets : The first pada or quarter of this asterism13o 20' -160 40' Leo correspondsto "Mo',as in Mohicans. The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism16040' - 20" O0'Leo correspondsb -Ia,'as in Taina. Thethird padaor quarterof this asterism20o00' - 23o20'Leocorresponds to 'Tee"as in Tina. The fourth padaor quarterof this asterism23o 20' - 26" 40' Leo corresponds to ,Too" as in Tooth. In the SanskritalphabetPuivaphalguni corresponds to "Cha'iconsequengy its manbais',Om Cham".
Seryat'lypeand Compatihility: Its sexualanimalis a Rat,thus its sexualnatureis similarto that of Magha,the previous nakshatra.As discussed earlier,ratsaie highlyreproductive animalsand producescoresof progeny. They are alwaysbusy scurryingaround,which makesPurvaphalguni quite indefatigablewhen it comesto sexualor creativeactivity.Purvaphalguni is mostcompatiblewith the other rat nakshatra, Magha. Forsexual& maritalcompatibilitywith othernakshatras pleasereferto the tableson pages457 &458.
'F-soterb creativesparkwhichtouchesuponthe passivefeminine relatesto the masculine Puruaphalguni principleand putsit into creativemotion.Thefeminineprinciplein natureis by itselfpassive(the lazy),and needsan externalforceto set it alight.The Moon' qualitywhichmakesPurvaphalguni whichrepresentsthe feminineprincipleamongplanets,alsoneedsa rnalespurcein form of the Sun in orderto furiction. andtlre reasonswhy Shivais worshippedin the relatingto Shiuabphallus Nlthe Puranicstories functioning phallicform relateto Puruaphalguni's In a famousstory the sevensageslivingin a Himalayanpineforest in Krita Yuga(the golden in a wild,nakedform andall the womenfolk age)aretormentedby Shivawho visitstheirhermitage curse narrowmindedness get seducedby his erect hangingphallus.The sagesin their puritanical As theirwishesand letshis phallusget castrated. that Shiva'sphallusshouldfall off. Shivarespects and asks soonas this happensthe wholebalanceof the universegets unsettled.Brahmainteruenes Shiva the sagesto worshipthe Linga(phallus)they had castratedin their momentof foolishness. is restored. balance pleased bytheirdevotionandworshiptakeson hisLingaagainandthusuniversal in a Lingaform to makesurethat Evenin the presentage,Shivais still primarilyworshipped principlerepresented by the Linga, puritanicalism neverstepsoverthe maleprimevalregenerative to thisimpoftantaspectof universal anduttaraphalgunirelate Purvaphalguni Amongstthe nakshatras, functioning. relatesto the Bhaktipathwherethe devoteelikesto seethe supremegoverning Purvaphalguni entity as "the Beloved".The livesof bhaktisaintfigureslike Surdasand Mera, who saw Krishnaas the eternal way of encountering illustratePurvaphalguni's a playmateand belovedrespectively, divinity.
Qotra (Cetutlat Lineage) This nakshatrais relatedto the SageAtri, one of the sevencelestialsageslmking after the Aswe havediscussed affairsof our galaxy.Thenameof thissagetranslatesinto"onewhoconsumes". Alongwith creativeanddissoluting. in Rohini,the sageAtri seemsto havetwo opposingtendencies, relatesto the creativeaspectof this sage. Rohini,Purvaphalguni
\enrc[iat relatedto creativityand prosperity;worshipof all futtility Worshipof Laxmiandothergoddesses goddesses;worshipof Shivathroughhis ShivaLingam- are all goodwaysto harnessthe creaUve potentialof this nakshatra. Repetitionof the root mantraof this nakshatra- "OmCham"108timeswhenMoontransitsthis lunarmonthis sureto reducesufferingand bringenlightenment nakshatraand in its corresponding into a person'slife. Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe goodeffectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor them to wearall light, variegated femininedesignsand yellows,pinksandwhites.Predominantly especially coloursandpastelshades, accessories are good.Theyshoulduseits directions,lunarmonthand the.dayswhenMoontransits Purvaphalguni to undeftakeall importantactions.
Eapmp[e: Madonna,the famouspopstar,hasher MoonandAscendantin this nakshatra.Eventhoughthe she has profited gaudiersideof this nakshatrais expressedthroughher musicand showmanship, from utilizingthe sexualaspectof this nakshatra.
Mbu[awous: According to Varahamihin, thosewith Moonin Purvaphalguni are "generousin bestowingliberal gifts,havesweetspeech,pleasingmanners,a habitof wanderingandoftenservethe govemmantin one way or the other".Eventhoughour exampledoesn'tseemto be directlyrelatedto government functionings,the truth is that she is one of the manypawnswho are usedby the rulingelite for directingmasstrendsand tastes.
I z. Ot+ar.ph.lgrrri ?,6"1f,[-eo - | o"oo' \f irgo
Attarapfiatgw.i (26040'Leo- 10o00'Virgo)
In tfic Sky t Uttaraphalguni is the 12hasterismand consistsof two verycontrastingstars,knownin modern astronomyas Beta-Lanisand 93-Lunis. Thesetwo starslie at the tail end of the constellation of Lef' Denebola(Beta-Leonis) is amongthe brighteststarsin the nightsky with a visualmagnitudeof 2.13.93-Leonis on the otherhandis a relatively faint starwith a visualmagnitude of 4.53.
A{ame: Uttaraphalguni translatesinto "the latter reddishone" or "the latter fig Fee". The monthof Phalgunarelatesto the springseason.We can thus immediatelyassociateUtbraphalguniwith all the feelingsevokedby the springseason.ObviouslyUttaraphalguni will relatemoreto the latterhalf of springinsteadof the beginning,whichwouldrelatemoreto the previousnakshatra.
Sgm6o[: The mainsymbolof this nakshatrais the two backlegsof a bed. LikePuruaphalguni,the bed referredto hereis notthe bedwe usefor sleepingon duringthe nighttime, but a divanor bed/couch usedfor a daytimesiestaor loungingaround.This nakshatra is similarto Puruaphalguni in many waysjust as the symbolismsuggests.In fact Purvaphalguni and Uttaraphalguni form a pair,the first
natureand qualityalthough Theysharesimilarnames,symbolism, of nakshatras. in the sequence there a slightdifferences. As we discussedin the previousnakshatra,the bed or hammockrepresentsa placefor rest, is relatedto the backlegsand notthe front legs comfortand relaxation.Thefactthat Uttaraphalguni of a bed,relatesit to the secondhalfof a siestaor loungingaround.Usuallythis secondhalf is much for work. modeand preparing moreactiveis one is mentallygettingoff the relaxation It to its counterpartPurvaphalguni. in comparison is thus lesscomfort-oriented Llttaraphalguni or involvedin somekindof relatesto someonelyingon a couchtalking,thinking,or contemplating activitylike writing,reading,sexualetc. hasthe the notionthat Uttaraphalguni Thefully grownfig tree (referto the image),represents whichis relatedto a growingfig tree,hasthe capacityto actuallyprovidefruit,whilePuruaphalguni, canthus be seen potentialfor bearingfruit but is not actuallyripeenoughto do so. Uttaraphalguni enjoymentorkntatd and indulgentenergy. as a productiveratherthan a purelyrecreational,
Deity : Aryaman,one of the 12 Adityas(solar deities),is the main ruling deity of Uttaraphalguni. Aryamanis seen as a deity presidingover patronage,favoursand kindness.Thereforethe key motivationof this nakshatrais towardshelpingor receivinghelpfrom others.Aryamanis seenas the qualitieswhichmakeUttaraphalguni a verycultured,social and congeniality, epitomeof hospitality and civilizednakshatra.tlttaraphalguni,like its presidingdeity,is very concernedabouteUquettes and socialgraces. In Vedicritualshe is on friendship. Arfamanis alsoseenasa deitywhoplacesstrongemphasis or Mitra(the afmostalwaysinvokedin a pair,eitherwith Bhaga(therulingdeityof Purvaphalguni), alongwith Anuradhais presidingdeity of Anuradha).It is no wonderthen that Uttaraphalguni howeverrelatesmoreto a Utbaraphalguni knownfor its abilityto promoteand maintainfriendships. personalone-to-onebosomfriendship,whileAnuradharelatesmoreto friendlinesswithin a group.
Aryaman, beinga solardeity,carriesalotof the naturalsignifications attachedto the Sunas an astrological entity.Heactslikea patronbut is boundto losehistemperandact harshlywhenfirmly contradicted.
Afatured futrctioning : Mostof the natureand functionings of Purvaphalguni applyto Uttaraphalguni as well.Other than that, the bestway to understandUttaraphalguni's natureand functioningis to understandthe qualitiesnormallyassociated with the kingamongthe planets,Sun. The namesassignedto Sun in Vedictexts - the illuminator;the chiefamongthe planets;the ever radiant;the shiningone; the soult significator; the crueland sharpone; the intenseone; - givea clueto its basicenergyandattributes. bestower of prosperity, wealthandultimateknowledge All theseholdtrue for Littaraphalguni as well. Sun as we know is the light. ltis a sttwic planet.Sattwaas we know is a qualityof nature path,throughbalancing whosemainobjectiveis to furtherus alongthe evolutionary the othertwo quafitiesRajasand Tamas.Itis the modeof goodnesswhichhasthe basictendencyto be helpfulto everyone. Sunshinesin the samewayon the pauperor the kingand is nevershyof giving.In the samelight Uttaraphalguni has a tendencyto be free with its sharing,charity,benevolence and philanthropy. Sunis the onlygrahawhichgenerates its ownlight.Thismakesit the mostindependent among the grahas,all of whomreflectthe lightgenerated by the Sun.Thisindependence formsa partof its natureandcan be witnessedin Uttaraphalguni. Thisindependence relatesto establishing one'sown individuality ratherthanbeingpartof the flock.Alotof ustendto imitateothersinsteadof developing our own creativity,thoughtsand opinions.The word'self-reliant', whichin today'sworld is only takenin its materialaspect,actuallyrefersto reliance on one'sown soulfor gainingknowledge and awareness. nativesarealwaysseentryingto riseabovethe seaof massconsciousness. Uttaraphalguni just to stayin syncwith whateveris happening. Theyare not the typesto changetheir individuality
is the fatherfigure.This is clearfrom the fact that all life on Sun,as is commonknowledge, hasa crueland harsh uponthe Sun.Likea typicalfatherfigure,Uttaraphalguni earthis dependant at heaft is alsoa teacherandpreacher lifegivingside.Uttaraphalguni sidealongwith its benevolent functioning. in muchthe sameWayas Sunand likeSuncanbe pompousand despoticin its negaUve fearlessness, urgeto conquer Mostof the warlikequalitiessuchas anger,valour,aggression, HoweverUttaraphalguni' spiritare commonlysharedby Sunand Ut[araphalguni. and competitive unlikeSun'sother nakshatraKrittika,hasa moreforgivingattitudeand is alwaysmoreinterestedin aspectof andnourishing harmonyandhonourratherthanthe finalvictory.Theprotective upholding It is gentlebut firm. throughUttaraphalguni' the Sunmanifests of havingits mainportionin the signVirgo,is the meetingpointof the energies Uttaraphalguni, Mercurythedivinemessenger' of theirblending. SunandMercuryandthusallowsfor the expression is the closestplanetto the Sun.The prince(Mercury)is alwaysthe closestand dearestto the king (Sun).In fact Mercuryis the only planetwhichis not afflictedby Sun'stremendousintensity,just like the princeis neverawed by the presenceof the king. Togetherthey sharethe attributesof faculty.In a way bothof them generalawareness andthe judgemental intelligence, discrimination, andlighterenergyascompared planets,but Mercurycarriesa muchmorehumorous are intellectual to the Sun.Intellect(Mercury)hasthe job of controllingthe mind (Moon)but it takesits cue from properrelaUons with the the soul(Sun).Mercurycanbecomea frivolousenergyunlessit establishes or sourceof news.Sun is the withoutany message Sun.This situationis similarto a messenger Sun howeverlacksthe communication sourcefrom which Mercuryhas to deriveits inspiration. ability of Mercuryand cannotexpressitself properlywithout its help.This is the reasonwhy the energiesis very This blendingof Sun-Mercury combination. ancientseersextolledthe Sun-Mercury presentin thosenativesbornunderUttaraphalguni' and unhesitatingin its dealings.Like Sun, like Sun, is straightforward Uttaraphalguni, is readyto servebut onlyfrom a positionof superiority.Thereis a certaindegreeof Uttaraphalguni nature.It is hardfor manyof usto imaginehowa kingcanbe inherentin Uttaraphalguni's ascetism an ascetic.An ancientVedicstoryabouta kingcalledJanaka,in whichhe provedto a venerablesage that it is perfecUypossible,is a casein point! :-
"Heaskedthe sageto carrya burninglampall aroundhispalacein sucha waythat the fire is not extinguished. Whenthe sagecamebackfrom his roundthe kingaskedhim aboutthe sightshe had seenaroundhis grand palace,The sagecouldn'trespondas all his concentrationhad been focusedon the lamp.Janakathentold him that this is the way he ruleshis kingdom." Krishnaput forwardthe samedoctrineof actionwithoutattachmentin his discourseto Arq'una in the fegendaryVedicepic 'The Mahabhanta'lBoth Krishnaand Arjunawere kingsin their own rightand didn'texactlyfit the roleof an ascetic. Uttaraphalguni, like Sun,assistsin easyexpression of the soul personality. This expression manifestsin the outerworldas self-confidence, self-assurance and creativity.In a negativesenseit pride,self-aggrandizement can rnanifestas selfishness, or megalomania. Nobilityand dignityare also primari[ solartraitswhichother planetscannotreallyimitate. There'sno equalto Sunas far as stickingto one'sword or pledgeis concerned.Just like it rarely swervesfrom its celestialpath,it alwaysholdsonto its wordor promise.Thereare numerousstories of Sun personalities whichillustratethis aspectof Sun'snature,whichis alsoexpressed through Uttaraphalguni. Anotherqualitywhichsetsit apartfrom othersis its confidenceandselfassuredness. $un alsohasa devioussideto it, whichmostastrologers ignore.It is a masterat fraudand lying.Uttaraphalguni hasa lot to do with this part of Sun'snaturebecauseof its strongconnection with the tricksterMercury.In the oldendaysthe kingsweresupposedto master64 arts; and lying, gamblingandfraudwereamongthese64 arts.Howeverit mustbe notedthat Uttaraphalgunitries to usesuchtacticsfor a noblecause.Beingthe naturalsignificator of the th and 10h houses,Sun is intimatelyconnectedwith one'sdharma.Uttaraphalguni is very concernedaboutfulfillingits duty and assignedgoal.It is alwaysvery conscious its path and followingit till the end. of establishing In a nativity,Uttaraphalguni risingmakesone generousand kind and a goodfriendtowards others.It givesone a noblereputaUon and makesone skilfulat their work. Popularityis due to the native'sreliableand helpfulnature.Their physicalcharacteristics mirrorthat of the Sun,especially when the birth is in the Leo part of Uttaraphalguni. The Sun can be describedas havinghoney
colouredeyes.It hasa squarebody,sturdybonesandsparsecurlyhair.It hasa majesticappearance is copperyreddishor and steadylook, its complexion and is not very tall. It has a courageous gol@r. It hasa prouddemeanour. humour,slenderness, agility traitslikeflexibility, addsmercurial TheVirgopartof Uttaraphalguni of the nauve.Thenauveappearsmoreprincelyasopposed andamiabilityto the Sun-likeappearance to kingly. relatesto In the universalschemeof things, Uttaraphalguni
'chayanishaki" - the powerof
& prosperity.Its symbolismhaswealthfrom onet own familybelowand wealthfrom accumulation to all typesof gainsmadethroughfamily, fami[ above.ThisrelatesUttaraphalguni one'sspouse's properly,andbegenerous partnerships dutyto uUlizetheseresources andunions.It is Uttaraphalguni's and fair in theirdistribution,
Modp of functionirg : qualityis prettyevident nakshatq Its balancing to be a Balanced is considered Uttaraphalguni to havesocial ftom the natureof its rulingdeityAryaman.Oneneedsto havea balancedpersonality In a wayUttaraphalguni towardsotherlivingcreatures. graces,kindness, andfriendliness compassion The only by the term "balance". mirrorsthe sign Librawhenit comesto all that is encompassed is morelikelyto hold onto its pivot or fixed centre,while the sign differenceis that Uttaraphalguni Librais knownto drown its essentialnaturein orderto achievebalanceand harmony.
Caste andmakesoneconcerned classof nakshatras fallsin the Kshatriya(ruling/warrior) Thisnakshatra about societyand how to directone'senergytowardsnoblecauses.It also suggestsconcernfor on the materialplaneso one c;itnoccupya positionof power or some kind of accomplishment with the Kshatriyaplanet strength.Onceagainits Kshatriyaqualitiesare derivedfrom its association Sun.
: Qentrer consideringthat both its ruling It is a Femalenakshatra.This is a perplexingclassification planetand rulingdeityare male.Whenone considers falls in the that the bulk of this nakshatra femininesignof Virgo,one can makesomesenseof the lineof thinkingbehindthis classification. as we havediscussedearlier,is connectedto predominantlyfemininearchetypes Uttaraphalguni, and receptivity. consideration like grace,kindness,benevolence,
tsodyp'arts U Ifuttror(fuule[ic Constitution): Lips,SexOrgansand the Left Handare the bodypartsrelatedto this nakshatra. It is a primarily"Vata"(airy) nakshatra.The only reason,which seemsto be behindthis liesin the predominantly vata signof Virgo. classification, is that the majorpaft of this nakshatra vata planet.We can howeverassurne Mercurythe ruler of Virgo,is alsoseenas a predominantly lyingwithin Leowould showPittaratherthan vata characteristics. that the part of Uttaraphalguni
Direction : Thetwo directionsit relatesto moststronglyare eastand south.
gadns (Qnrters)j Navamsa Thefirst padaor quarterof this asterism26040'- 30" 00' Leo,fallsin Sagittarius ruled byJupiter.Thispadarelatesto theJupiteriansideof the solarnature.It is likea Sunf upiterconjunction andgivesa stronglyethicalnaturealongwith an advisorycapacity.Planetsplacedheregivefoftunate, expansiveresulbas longas they are in goodShashtiamsha. Navamsa Thesecondpadaor quafterof thisasterism00o00' - 30 20' Virgo,fallsin Capricorn conjunction and givesa tremendous ruledby Saturn.This padais akin to a Sun/Mercury/Saturn
ability.Planetsplacedhereusuallygive very good materialresultsand a practical, organizational hardworkingnature. ruled Thethird padaor quafterof thisasterism30 20'-6o40' Virgo,fallsin AquariusNavamsa sideof Uttaraphalguni. Thekeywordhereis seruice. by Saturn.Thispadarelatesto the philanthropic The intellectualabilitiesare sharphere and are usuallyusedfor the socialgood. Planetsplacedin this padatend'to work in a RobinHoodfashion ruled Thefourthpadaor quarterof thisasterism60 40' - 10o00'Virgo,fallsin PiscesNavamsa conjunction.Out herethe intellectualabilities by Jupiter.Thispadais akinto a Sun/Mercury/Jupiter arealwaysutilizedfor seeingthe biggerpictureand relatingto others.A balancebetweenthe small and the big, matterand spirit, Virgoand Piscesis soughthere.Sincethis is a Pushkaranavamsa pada,planetsplacedheregive strong,favourableresultson a materialas well as spiritualplane.
lProfusiors: Superstars& MaleSexSymbols;Managers;Leaders CreativeAftists,Musicians,Entertainers; of all types& PublicFigureslike SportSuperstars;Thosein high positionsand held in esteemby others; Media& Enteftainmentindusty;Priests;Headsof organizations;MafiaDons;Teachers& MarriageCounsellors; SexTherapists;Professions connected Preachers; Philanthropists; Astrologers; fathersandotherPatrioticFigures;Bankers Diplomats; Founding & to UnitedNations;International Advisorsin all fields. Geditors;SocialWorkers;Professional and can be seenin a varietyof is highlyflexiblein regardsto professions Uttaraphalguni position. professions as longas it is in a commanding
Qlacu : Buildings;Stadiums;Enteftainment Government Forests;Gardens;Estates;PublicBuildings; Towers,LargeHalls;Playgrounds; Cathedrals & Halls;Residences of Rich& FamousPeople;Palaces, other magnificentbuildings;PublicAssemblies; UnitedNation'sBuildings;Libraries.
and tattula (E(tment) : Quna ('Essence) Thisnakhatra belongsto the Rajasicaroupof nakshatras. Not muchneedsto be saidhere,as tlttaraphalguniin its descriptions naturallycomesout as an active,energeticnakshatra. It belongsto the Fireelement.Thisas we can see hasa lot to do with ib planetaryruler Sun and its solardeityAryaman.
Qana(,TWd' It is considereda Manushya(human) nakshatra.Uttaraphalguni, as we havediscussed earlier, is very involvedin worldlyaffairson the terrestrialplane.All humanvalueslike family,society, friendshipetc. find expression throughthis nakshatra.Utlaraphalguni in a way is a harbingerof cultureand civilization.
OrientationU Disposition: It is a Downwardnakshatra. Uttaraphalguni, becauseof its naturalfixedcharacter,is bestfor layingfoundations. Its involvement with foundations and supportof all typesmakesit a downward nakshatra.In a building,Uttaraphalguni will alwaysrelate more to the foundationstone or the foundationitself. As mentionedpreviously, it is a Dhruua(fixedor permanent)nakshatra. Despiteits receptivity, amicability andfriendliness, Uttaraphalguni is quitefixedin its thinkings,opinionsandfunctionings. This is probablythe reasonwhy it canalwaysbe reliedupon.It tendsnot to swayawayfrom vows and pleasures,especiallythose relatingto friendship.This fixed qualityobviouslystemsfrom its solaraspect.
Lurur.rMontfr d Day : It relatesto the secondhalf of the lunarmonthof Phalguna,whichusuallyconespondsto the monthof Marchin the solarcalendar. tlttaraphafguniis also relatedta tte Duadashi(12d'U$i or day) of the waxingand waning phasesof the Moon'smonthlycycle.
AuspicioruActiuitirs : for beginningall thingsof a Favourable fur sexualactivityand marriage;Generallyauspicious societies,etc.; Goodfor marriageand sexualactivity;Goodfor lastingnature like organizations, actionsof all types;Buyingpropertyor dealingwith higherauthorities;Goodfor administrative & swearing-ins; Making ceremonies enteringa new homefor the first time; Openings/inauguration promises;Pedormingsacredceremonies& rituals; Wearingnew clothesand jewellery;Acts of charity;Careerrelatedactivities;Paternalactivities;Goodfor activitiesrequiringtact and diplomacy.
Inauspirious Actirtities : . Unfavourable retaliation for endingsof all types;Notgoodfor harshactivitieslikeconfrontation, or engagingwith enemies;Notgoodfor lendingmoneyif you areexpectingit back'
lPfanztary forkr : Sunis the planetaryrulerof this nakshatm.Thesolaraspectof naturecomesinto manifestation relatesto the processwherethe solarprinciple in the earliernakhatra, Krittika.Uttaraphalguni affectsand organizesthe materialworld,just like Sun'srayscan cookfood in a solarcooker.The primordialsolarprinciplemanifestsas willpowerin Krittika,but it takesthe form of intelligencein LJttaraphalguni, with the aid of Mercury.
Mercuryis associated with Uttaraphalguni, due to the fact that a majorpart of Uttaraphalguni lies in Virgo,a sign ruled by Mercury.Uttaraphalguni is all aboutthe linkingbetweensoul and intellect.Underthis nakshatra's influence, the solarenergyis directedtowardsactualpractical work in orderto achievecertaingoalswhichthe soulhasset for itself,and alsohelpout othersalongthe wayaswell.Justasall livinglifeon our planetisdependant uponSun'srays,all societyandcivilization is dependant uponthe guidanceof this nakshatra. Sun/Mercury conjunction in a horoscope carriesenergiessimilarto Uttaraphalguni. Friendsof Sun like Moon,MercuryMars& Jupiterdo well here;whileVenus,Saturn,Rahuand Ketufeel obstructedhere,especiallyVenus,due to its in debilitationin the Virgopart of this nakshatra.
Uouek anl A[pfia.6e*: Thefirst padaor quarterof this asterism26" 40'- 30o00' Leocorresponds to "Tay"as in Taylor. The secondpadaor quafterof this asterism00o 00' - 3o 20' Virgocorresponds to "To" as in Tohnamah. Thethirdpadaor quafterof thisasterism30 20'-6o40' Virgocorresponds to "Pa"as in Pascal. The fourth padaor quarterof this asterism6" 40' - 10oO0'Virgocorresponds to "Pee"as in Peter. In the SanskritalphabetUttaraphalguni corresponds-to "Chha"and"Ja",consequently its mangas are "OmChham"and "OmJam(Jahm)".
Sery.atTgpean[ Compatiftility: The sexualanimalassociatedwith this nakshatrais a Cow,whichsuggestsits nurturingand passivequalities.Althoughthis nakshatrahasnoblequalitiesattachedto it it is saidto givereputation or scandalthroughsexualadventures.This nakshatrahasan adventurous element,whichseemsto expressitselfmostlyin the sexualrealm.
pleasereferto the tables with other nakshatras Forsexualcompatibility& maritalcompatibility on pages457 & 458.
f-soteric : is that it relatesmostcloselyto the visiblephysical thingaboutUttaraphalguni The interesting bodyof our Sunmayhave Sunof our solarsystem,whichwe seerisingeverymorning.Thephysical startedformingaround5 billionyearsago,but the actualcausalsolarentity we knowas Vivasvan, mightnot haveentereduntila latertime,just likethe astralbodyonly entersthe physicalbodyafter the embryohasbeendevelopedup to a certainstage.Thiswill alsoexplainthe fact that not every star in the sky has a solarsystemwhich breedslifel Onlythosestarswhich havean astral/causal : entity housingthem havethe potentialto breedlife. and The namesof the Sun'selevenbrotherswho are all bornout of the unionof sageKashyapa 'infinitespace'and governsthe nakshatraPunatvasu)are' Aryaman, his wife Miti(tnnslates into Dhatra, Tuastaqpushan,Savitaf Mitra, Varuna,Amasa,Bhaa, Vishnu& Shakra.We can see that almostall of thesesolardeitiesare relatedwith nakshatras Aryamanwith UttaraPhalguni'Mitra (the withAnuradha(the17h asterism),PushanwithReuati(the 27h asterism),SavitarwithHasta (the 24b asterism)' 13h asterism), TuastarwittCltitm(the14s a$erism) andVarunawithShatabhisha Thefact that this nakshatrahasits first quarterin the signLeorelatesto the regalauthoritarian sideof this asterism.It is a doublingof solarenergy.Sinceits lastthreequarterslie in the signunder Mercuryan intellectualbent is obseruedin the workingsof this asterism.On a spirituallevel,the andsoul(Sun),whichaids of the intellect(Mercury) is the harmonization mainaimof thisnakshatra growth,alongwith bringingbenefitson the materialplane.Thisasterismrelatesto the evolutionary processas it coversthe final degreesof the sign Leo.After the culminationof the individualization processis overthe individualis expectedto be of servie to a greaterwhole.The individualization with seruice,Virgo. seruiceaspectof this asterismcomesout throughthe sign normallyassociated
The characteristics usuallyassociatedwith the number"12" in numerologyare mostlyborne formsthe bridgebetweenthe Ut[araphalguni of this nakshatra. out of the natureand functionings numbers5 & 6 and alsobetweenthe numbers11 & 12. This asterismcan be seenas the EgyptianSphinx,whichin a sensesymbolizesharmonization of the energiesof the signs Leo and Virgo.It relatesto a periodof time in history(around 10,500B.C.),wherethe springequinoxwas passingfrom the signVirgoto the sign Leo. Many as the lastgreatflood wassupposedto believeit to be a time of great upheavaland re-alignment, of this nakshatra for humanlife the importance havetakenplacearoundthat time.Thisillustrates on earth.
Lircage): Qotra (CetesUat
..:' : '.1,..,
one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter This nakshatrais relatedto the SagePulasthya, the affairsof our galary.The name of this sage translatesinto "havingsmoothhai/'. The term 'smoothhair' may relateto the hair of the sophistocated, sawy natureof the Sagein question, qualitiesof this nakshatra. whichwill thenvibewellwith the essential
fume{iat: the bestremedial Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfromafflictionsto this nakshatra, measureis worshipof the Sun. Recitationof the Gayatrimantrais very helpfulfor nativesunder influence.Peoplecan referto the author'spreviouswork, "Sun- The Cosmic strongUttaraphalguni (SagarPublications, associated with the Sun.Worshipof India)for remedialmeasures PowerHouse" Durgaand otherwarriorlikefemininedeitiesalsosuitthis nakshatra. Repetitionof the root manfas of tris nakshatra- "OmChham"and "OmJam" 108timeswhen lunarmonth,is sureto reducesufferingand and in its corresponding Moontransitsthis nakshatra into a person'slife. bringenlightenment
Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe goodeffectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor them to wearall red,white,green and goldenshades.The shadeshouldbe neithertoo bright nor too dull, but fall somewherein lunarmonthandthedayswhenMoontransitsUttaraphalguni Theyshoulduseitsdirections, between. to undeftakeall importantactions.
E4pnp[c : one of the foundingfathersof America,was born with Uttaraphalguni Gorge Washington, to notethat he fashionedthe capitalcity of Washington It is interesting risingon his ascendant. stonemusthavebeenlaid (bearinghis name)on the signVirgo.Wecanassumethat its foundation it risingfor it to becomethe centerof world powerard have the permanence with Uttaraphalguni hashad. Waren Beatty,the famousHollywoodstar, has Uttaraphalgunirising on his Ascendant.In image WarrenBeattyendedup havinga cassanova naturaltendencies, keepingwith Uttaraphalguni's and was seenas the biggestsexsymbolof his time.
Misceffaneous: "earnthroughtheir knowledge, thosewith Moonin Uttaraphalguni Accordingto Varahamihira, arewelllikedandpopularandlivea lifeof comfoftandluxury".Theauthorof thisbookhashisMoon placedin the foutth padaof Uttaraphalguni.
.:@ul ilisr'
I o"oo' \t/irgo- zr"zo'Vttgo
Y{nsn (10000'Virgo- 23020'Virgo)
In tfu SkUt Hasfaconsistsof five prominenteasilyvisiblestars of the constellationknownas Corui(the Crow),whichliesbelowthe constellation of Virgo.Thesefive stars,whosegroupingwasseenby the ancientVedicseersas resembling the top of a hand(fivefingeftips),are knownin modernastronomy as Alpha-&rui(Alchiba), Beta-Corui,Delta-Corui(Algonb),Gamma-hrui(Gienah)& Epsilon-Corui. Beta-Coli is the brightestamongthesestarswith a visualmagnitudeof 2.66.The constellation representing this asterismCorvican be locatedin the nightsky belowthe constellation Virgoto the right hand side of the zodiacalbelt. It lies very closeto the right hand side of Spica,one of the brighteststarsand canthus be easilyspotteddespiteits relativefaintness
Abme: Hasta'smaintranslationis "the hand".Aswe shallfind in the courseof thissection,thisseemingly generaland inconsequential nameconveysa major part of this asterism'snature,activitiesand approach. Its alternative translation is "laughter". Theroot "Has"in Sanskitmeans"to laugh".Theancient seersmust have pickedthis nameas a pun on a nakshatramost closelyassociatedwith pun. Its alternativenames"Bhanu"and 'Ark" translateinto"Sun"and"Sun'sRay"respectively. Theassociation of Hastawith Sunandthe solarprinciplewill becomeclearaswe discussits symbolsand rulingdeity.
Syrnfiot: Hastahas three main symbols.One symbolis "a hand with all five fingersspread-eagled". Throughthis symbol,the ancientseersare trying to emphasizeHasta'srelationwith fate. Onecan seeall the linesin the palmwhena handis spreadout. Theselinesin the palmas we know,relate to the art of palmistryandbyextrapolation, to ourdestinyin the presentlife.Hastaiscloselyconnected Rstrology.Thd handalsosimplyrelatesto all activitiesdonewith the useof the hands.Thiswill be expandedupon later.In ancienttimes the outstretchedhand was a symbolof the Sun, with the through of this nakshatrawith the Sunis established its rays.The relationship fingersrepresenting its rulingdeity . Hasta,as Thesecondsymbolis "a clenchedfist", whichexemplifiessecrecyanddetermination. we shalldiscover,is relatedto all kindsof activitieslike trickery deceitand manipulationinvolving greed,ambition the useof the abovetwo qualities.Theclenchedfist in its negativeaspectrepresents and an inabilityto let go of things.In its positiveaspect,it representsstrengthwhich is derived throughunity and harmoniousworkingof pafts. in orderto achievethe intended with cooperation Hastais the nakshatramostcloselyassociated goal.Thiscooperationhoweverhasvery littleto do with friendship,as thereis a distinctlackof trust . in all Hastabondings.It is no wonderthat shakinghandsis the mostcommonlyusedact for bonding with cooperation in the moderntimes. This immediatelyreflectsthe modernworld'sobssession without trust. The third and morerarelyusedsymbolof Hastais "a potter'swheel".A potter'swheelhas its with potterymakingand all typesof handicraftsin general.On an esotericlevel obviousassociation the passageof time. Hastais often very concernedaboutthe proper the potter'swheelsymbolizes utilizationof Ume.It is veryproneto go to o(tremesin relationto this issueandturn life into a clock. repetitionandothersuchrobotictmitsusuallyassociated withtimekeeping,punctuality, It isobssessed with the signVirgo.
Deity : lust like the previoustwo nakshatras,a solar deity presidesover Hasta.This solar deity is named"9uitar". Hisnamehastwo translations- "the impeller"and "the first nys of the risingSun". Asan "impeller",Savitaris seenasa godwhogiveslife.Hastais thereforeknownasa nakshatra whichaidschildbirth.The "first raysof the risingSun"representthe awakeningpotentialof Hastain The first raysof sunrisewerea signalfor all peopleto begin all ancientcultuiesand civilizations. theirday'sactivities, its functionbeingsimilarto an alarmclocktoday.Wecanthusinferthat Hasta hasall to do withthetermsactivityandalertness. Hastais the proverbial'wake up call',a termwhich shouldbe readfrom both a materialand spiritualperspective. Savitarhasa jovial,lighthearted typeof persona.Heis alwaysportrayedwith a laughinggesture. and games.This makesHastainterestedin He is a playfuldeity into all kindsof tricks,amusements all kindsof sporb on all planesof existence.On the terrestrialearthlyplane,Hastarelatesto botl mindgamesand physicalsports. Savitaris supposedto be extremelyskilledwith his hands.ThismakesHastadirectlyassociated with evefihing donewith the hands.The reasoning behindthe namingof Hastashouldnow be clearto us. Savitaris alsoconsidered to be a craftytrickster,takingpleasurein lying,gamblingand fraud.Thesequalitiesdon't seemlikethe kindwhichone wouldassociatewith a solardeitybut the truth is that eventhe planetSunhasthis cunning,craftysideto its nature,whichis moreoftenthan not overlookedby astrologers. In the ancienttimesall kings(represented by Sun)weresupposedto be well versedin the alts of lying,deceit,fraud,gamblingand robbery.The readerscan referto the author'spreviouswork ("Sun-TheCosmicPowqlrous" hgar Publications, India) for moredetails on this aspectof the Sun'snature. Savitaris almostmercurial in hisapproach, whichdoesnot comeas a surprisesinceall of this nakshatrafalls in Virgo,a sign ruled by Mercury.Savitarcan be seen as a deity who fusesthe energiesof Sunand Mercury.Hisqualitiesarevery similarto thoseascribedto the Budha-ditya yoga (Sun/Mercuryconjunctionin a sign or house).Again the readercan refer to "Sun-TheCosmic Powerhoure"for moreinformationon this yoga.
,;., r.. r. .
In a way the natureandfunctioningof Savitaris akinto a brightsunnyday whereeveryoneis feelinggoodand are involvedin creativeactivitiesof all kinds.This is what makesHastaone of the nrost optimisticand creativenakshatras.
fr{g.tureA func rottitrg 'haggle","have","hard", Commonenglishwordslike "hand","handy","haste","hassle", "harness","hack","harvest"- seemto havethe sameroot as the word "Hasta",Their meanings refateto Hasta'sfunctioningat somelevelor the other.The well knowngreeting "HastaManiana" jovialandeasygoingapproachand its relationship with all kindsof endings. shedslighton Hasta's the nakshatrain which a family is established.After the Hastafollows Uttaraphalguni, crop up. Thereare little and big of a family,issueslike continuityand sustenance establishment going.Hastarelatesto all the little thingsto be doneon a regularbasisto keepthe household activiueswhichmakecivilizedlivingpossible.It is no surprisethat Hastanativesare the handymen Eventhoughthey take their work seriously, of the zodiac.Theyalsomakeexcellenthouseholders. underneath.They are very good at carryingplain there is alwayssomeinternallightheartedness energies,bringout humour whichusethis nakshatra's ftces andsternexteriors.Eventhe comedians throughdeadpan,stnight, seriousfacialexpressions. WhenHastariseson the Ascendantit produceshighlyflexibleand supplebodiescapableof skill.Theyhavesmall handlinga varietyof manualjobs.Theyoftenhavesometype of acrobatic smilesand liketo squinta lot. Theyloveto laugh eyesand roundishfaces.They havemischievous and playthe joker.They havequick,sharpmindswhichconstantlyprocesswhateverthey obserue' bohemian to lookdownuponromantically linesandhavea tendency Theyliketo thinkalongpractical orderand arrangement.Hastanativeshavea tendency attitudes.Theirsis a worldof classification, aboutkeepingthemselves br overworkarisingfrom an inabilityto sit still.Theycanget obssessive tasksor complicaterelativelysimpletasks.No busy,a trait which makesthem inventunnecessary other nakshafiacomescloseto Hastawhen it comesto an eye for detail. They work at things painstakinglyand expectothersto do the same.They can be exBemelycriUcalwhen their high
standardsare not met. Hastausuallygivessomesoft of tensionwith progenyif relatedto the fifth housein any way. In the universalschemeof things, Hastarelatesto 'hastasthapaniyaagamashakti" - the powerto put one'sobjectof desirein one'shands.Its symbolismhasattainmentof the objectabove andthe processof attainmentbelow.Thesymbolism makesit clearbeyondwordsthat Hastapronrises immediate acquirbment of one'sobjectof desirethroughone'sskill.
Mod.eof functionlnq : Hastais a Passive nakshatra. Thiscomesasa surprisebut thiscanbe understoodin termsof its planetaryrulerMoon.Moonhasa strong,passive and receptive sideto its nature,whichis moreon dispfayin Hastaratherthan Moon'sother nakshatra,Rohini.Hasta'spassivitycan be seenthrough the followingexamplecharacter:"Hastacan be a timid,shy potterymakerwho just spendsall his time makingpotteryitems without any desirefor extraordinarygains.He gets paid muchlessthan he deservesby cheating (anothertype of Hastacharacter).He neverraisesa voiceagainstthe injusticeand businessmen acceptshis fate of povertyand hardwork lyingdown."
Caste: (merchant/business) It befongsto the Vaishya caste.Thiscomesas no surprisebecauseHasta is predominantly associated with production,buyingand sellingof goods.It can be saidthat Hasta hasthe most businesslike approachto life in comparisonwith all other nakshatras. In the present dayandagewherebusiness andcornmerce ruleseverythingelse,Hastahasa dominantrole.However sincecorruption,deceit and greed form the back bone of most businessin todayb world, only the negativesideof Hastais on display. All of the big,multinational corporations andthe rulingbusiness elite are nothingbut petty thievesand swindlers.
: Qentrcr It is a Male nakhatra. This classificationis directlyderivedfrom its ruling deity. We have andthus hasto havea maleessence, s:lar nakshatra alreadyseenthat this is a predominantly
tsodyparts d 5{umor (Ayurvedic Constitution) : Handsare the body partsrelatedto this nakshatra. Thisis clearfromthe factthat all of thisnakhatralies It is a primarily"Vata"(airy)nakshatra. vatasign,Virgo.Onecanalsoinferthat Hastaderivesits quick,light,agileand in a predominantly from its airy humor. disposition humourous
Direction : It is relatedprimarilyto east,south,nodft and northwest.
{Podos(@nrters) : and is The first padaor quafterof this asterism10o00' - 13"20'Virgofallsin AriesNavamsa activities. ruledby Mars.Thispadagivesabundantenergyandmakesonean expertat underhanded here.A wellplacedMarsor Sunarestrongest skillsareenhanced MilitaryandSurgical Mathematical, in this pada.
The secondpadaor quafterof this asterism13" 20' - 16" 40' Virgofallsin TaurusNavamsa ruled by Venus.The emphasishere is on down to eafth practicality.Planetshere seek material arrangementand perfectionas tl6r dharma.Honestyand moralityare more developedhere in comparisonto other padas.This padasupportsartisticactivities.A well placedMercuryVenusand Saturngive good resultshere.
Thethirdpadaor quafterof thisasterism16040' - 20" 00'Virgofallsin GeminiNavamsa ruled by Mercury.This is the padaof the merchant,traderand businessperson.Emphasis here is on cireer.Thisis the mostdexterousandcleveramongstHasta'spadas.WellplacedMercuryheregives extraordinaryperceptionand intelligence. Thefourthpadaor quafterof this asterism20o00' - 23" 20'Virgofallsin C:ncerNavamsaruled by Moon.The focushereis on familylife and communalco-existence. This padapromisesmaterial securitybut at the sametime promotessuspicion towardsanythingforeign.The bestand worstof Hastamanifests throughthis pada.Onlya wellplacedJupitergivesstrongresultshereespecially in regardsto havinggoodprogeny.
lProfessbru: Aftisans;ManualLabourers; All professions requiringdexterityof hand;Mechanics; Jewellery makers;OrigamiExpefts;Acrobats,Gymnastsand Circusperformers;FairyTaleWriters;Those involvedin the inyentionand productionof daily utility items; Inventorsin general;Publishing& PrintingIndustry;StageMagicians; Swindlers; Pickpockets; StockBrokers; Packaging Industry;paper Industry;Manicurists; All peopleworkingin shareand stockmarkets;Casinodealers;Toy Makers; Carpenters;Professional Gamblers;Bookies;SmallShopOwners,MarketSellers,SmallScaleTrade Persons, andBusiness menin allfields;Clerks;Bankers; Accountanb; Typists;Cleaners; Housekeepers; Servants;Masseurs; Doctors;Physiotherapists; Chemical& ToiletryIndustry;Textileindustry;Tarot Card Readers;Palmists;Psychics;Astrologers;Auctioneers;Pottery& Ceramicindustry;Interior decorators;Gardeners;Farmers& Agriculturalists; All professions connectedwith FoodProduction, Processing and DistributionIndustry; Barbers,Hairdressers & Stylists;Sculptors;Masons;Those connectedWjthAmusementParks;SalesPersonsin all fields;Professional Comedians; Satirical Novelists; Radio&Television Commentators; Speech Therapists; Newsreaders; MartialArtisb;Forgers; Thieves;Robbersdealingwith openingsafes;All streetsmartprofessions in general.
lPfncu Stock Art & CraftStudios;MarketPlace; HomeGardens; Fields;GrazingPastures; Agricultural Factories;In Exchange(WallStreetetc.); Casinos;BettingShops;Amusementparks;Fairgrounds; general,placesconnected with the aboveprofessions.
gurn'(ksence) and tattzua (Tlement): It is supposedto be a Rajasicnakshatra.Hasta'simmenseimmersionin worldlyactivities very repeatedly, it is a nakshatra Aswe havementioned rajasicnakshatra. makesit a predominantly activeon a materialplane. with Sun. definitelyrelatesto its association It belongsto the Fireelement.Thisclassification quickthinkingand an energetic approach to things. itselfas innovation, Its fire energymanifests a
gana Eypt) t Hasta'srulingdeitySavitaris seenas a primarif a Devaor godlynakshatra. It is considered anystrong divinequalitycanbejudgedfromthe factthat it neverharbours deity.Hasta's benevolent negativeor crueitendencies.
Oricntation an[ Disposition : aspectof Hasta.Mostlevelnakshatras Thishasto do with the business It is a Levelnakshatra. are supposedto be good for businessof all kinds.Theyare also good for patchingthingsup, an activitywhich Hastagreatlyenjoys. can be easily As mentionerJpreviously,it is a Light and Swift nakshatra.This classification with nature.We havealsoseenthat Hastais associated lighthearted derivedfrom its humourous, quickness in thoughtand action.
Lunat Montfr d Datl : It relatesto the first 9 daysof the lunarmonthof Chaitu,whidr uzuallyfalls in late March. Hastais alsorelatedto the Dvadashi( 12thtifti or day)of the waxingand waningphasesof the moon'smonthlycycle.
AuspirionsActiaitits : Goodfor mostactivitiesdone underthe Sun;Arts & Crafts;Activitiesthat stimulatelaughter; All typesof hobbiesespeciallythingslike potteryandjewellerymaking;Plantingseeds& C,ardening in general;Domestic Work;Studyingsciences & Astrology;LeamingLanguages; Allactivitiesrequiring handskillsand repetition;MagicTricks;Playinggames;All businessactivitiesrequiringtact & shrewdness; Goodfor marriage;Buying& Selling,especially itemslikegrains,textilesetc.;Goodfor gettinga good bargain;Dealingwith children;Thievery;Holistictreatmentsof diseases;Travel& Changeof Residence
InauspicionsActiaitirs : Planninglongtermgoalsandobjectives; SexualActivity; DoesnotsupportRelaxation or Inactivity; Unfavourable for all activitiesrequiringexecutiveabilityand maturity;Not goodfor mostnighttime activities.
Qfanetary fotfer : The mainplanetaryinfluences affectingthis nakshatraare Moonand Mercury.Moonis the main rulingplanetof Hasta.Moonimpartsemotions, careandsensitivity to thisnakshatra. It is this lunar influencewhichmakesHastaa doyenof homeand familylife. Whenworkingthroughits lower functioning,all the negativeaspectsof lunar energy like ultra conservatism, bigotry fickleness, excessiveattachmentand inabilityto let go takescentrestage.HoweverunlikeC-ancer, the lunar
naturehereis undersuperuision of Mercurythe planetof discrimination. Mercurybinfluence makes peoplewith prominent Hastajovial and lighthearted thus savingit from the type of depression gothrough.Hasta's poweralsoallowsit to navigate Cancerplacements discriminatory itswaythrough the watersof life more efficienUyas comparedto ib nakshatra'scounterpaftin Cancer,Ashlesha. Ashlesha wherethe energiesof Moonand Mercury and Hastaare the only two nakshatras combine, the onlydifference beingthat Moonis the kingin Ashlesha, whileMercuryhasthe flnalsay in Hasta.Thismeansthat intellectrulesoverthe mindin Hasta,whichis obviously the wayuniverse prefersit. Mooncan perceivebut not deriveconclusions, whichis Mercury's doing,It is Mercury whichguidesthe Moonwhileit is MoonwhichnufturesMercury.Hastais all aboutthis interplay betweenMoonand Mercury.
ilowefsandAfpfiabe*: Thefirstpadaor quafterof thisasterism10o00' -13o20'Virgocorresponds to "Pu"as in Putin or Pure. The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism13o20' : 16040' Virgocorresponds to "Sha"as in Shahor Sharon. Thethird padaor quarterof thisasterism16" 40' - 20o00' Virgocorresponds to "Nu"as in Nun. Thefourthpadaor quarterof this asterism20o00' - 23o20'Virgocorresponds to "Tu"as in Tuftle. In the SanskritalphabetHastacorresponds to "Jha"and "Nya"consequently its mantrasare "OmJham"and ]Om Nyam".
Serenttype an[ Compati1i[ity : Its sexualanimalis a Buffalo.Despiteits dexterityand skill with handsand fingers,its sexual tendenciesare usuallynot very refined.A lot of sexualexploitationtakesplacefor makingmoney underthe energiesof this nakshatra.It is howevernot proneto extremesexualperversionslike othercruelor fiercenakshatras. Whenit is workingthroughits ascetklevel,Hastacan be the most non-sexualamongstall nakshatras. Its sexualenergiesare mostcompatiblewith thoseof Swati. Forsexualand maritalcompatibilitywith other nakshatraspleasereferto the tableson pages 457& 458 .
Esoteric: Hastais the handymanof the Universeand evenesotericthingsare nothingbut exotericwhen one truly understands the dictum- "AsAbove,So Below" Hastatakescare of all the little things which keepthe foufteenworldsrunning.'The divide betweenthe devilandgod is a matterof detail"sumsup Hastabapproach on a macrocosmic level. Its painstakingeffortsare howeveroften overlookedon a personalas well as collectivelevel,but suchthingsdon't botherit just like it doesn'tbotherSunif its light is takenfor granted. Thoughthis fact hasnot beenbroughtup in any writtentext until now,Hastahasa connection with Rahu,the planetof Maya,magicand trickery.Hastais partlythe secretbehindthe deviously mischievous all-knowingsmileon the faceof Vishnu.Hastais one of the few nakshatras whichhas the abilityto seethe wholeof creationasa playandfindenjoyment, merriment andlaughterplaying it the rightway. Thelegendof VirginMarywhichobviously findsits parallels in all ancientculturesandcivilizations, is all aboutthe energies whichcomeunderHasta's domain.Hastais representative of the innerSun whichhasthe abilityto hold,produceandfosterthe divinesaviour(mainlyincarnations of Vishnu). 'inner The term Sun'is usedbecauseVirgois the sign of matterand the materialworld holdsand
forcewhichshapesthe materialworld hidesthe spiritualrealm.Hastathereforeis the androgynous accordingto spirituallaws. 13 is the numberwhichHastarelatesto. It is commonknowledge Beingthe 13h nakshatra, that 13 is a peculiarnumberassociatedwith the occult, endings,death, regenerationetc. The conceptof orderand renewalinherentin Hastacan be understoodbestthroughits peculiarquality, which relatesto the connectionsof eventsseparatedby time. For example,manythings which arefor a specificreason,whichwe onlycometo knowaboutmuchlater happento us in childhood in life in our adulthood.Forevolvedsouls,mosteventswhichhappenin their childhoodare silentf buildingup a foundationand preparingfor their purposeand destiny.It is usuallyvery hard to eventsuntil much disconnected of theselittle, seemingly,meaningless, understandthe significance that the secretfunctioningof the number13 and Hasbalies.The later.It is withinthis phenomenon - 'The one who understands the number13, shallhavepower fuok of SolomonstatesemphaUcally and dominion".
Ltueage): Qotra (Ce{zstiat This nakshatmis relatedto the SagePulahu,one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the affairsof our galary.The nameof this sagetrandatesinto "connectorof space".We can imagine that connectingspacemust be quite a detaibd orientedjob. It is alsointerestingto note that it is time whichis the connectorof space.Hastaas we haveseenis directlyconnectedwith the passage of time, throughits potter wheelsymbolism.'
xgnu{iaI: goodqualitiesby worshippingthe Sunas a creativeforce, Onecanstrengthenthis nakshatra's withthe Suncanbe appliedto thisnakshatra normallyassociated at sunrise.Allthe remedialmeasures (Seeauthort previouswork - "Suy TheCosmt?Powerhouse",SagarPubli@tions,India)'
213 1
Worshipof Wshnu or anyof Vishnu'sincarnations is a wayof gettingin touchwith the higher - "OmJham"and "Om energiesof this nakshatra. Repetition of the root mantrasof this nakshatra Nyam"108timeswhenMoontransitsthis nakshatraand in its corresponding lunarmonthis sureto reducesufferingand bringenlightenment intoa person'slife. Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe good effectsthniugh the abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor them to wear all lightershades green.White is alsogood.Avoidbrightshades.They shoulduse its directions,lunar especially monthand the dayswhen MoontransitsHastato undertakeall importantactims.
Eaantp{e: Vivekananda, the famousIndiansaint,who madewavesin the westby introducingtheVedanta philosophy, has his Moonplacedin Hastain the 10thhouse.This placement definitelymadehim craftywith his speech.Hecombinedwit humourand sarcasmto enthrallaudiencesacrossAmerica and Europe.Backin India,he preached a veryHastadoctrineof workinghardon a materiallevel.
Misce[faneous : Accordingto Varahamihira, "Moonin Hastamakesoneenergetic,daring,merciless,a drunkard anda thief".It is truethat someof thesequalitiesdon'tapplyto our exaltedexample,but onecan find they holdgroundin a lot of nativities.
t+. (hit ^ lr'zo'Yirg. - 6"1c,libra
Cfiitro - 6040'Libra) (23020'Virgo
In tfu Sky t by a singlestar.Its star is commonly Chitrais one of the few asterismswhichare represented Virgo.It can whichlies in the lowerbackpart of the constellation knownas Spia (Alpha-Virginis), be saidto be placedaroundthe regionwherethe 'hips of the maiden'formedby the shapeof the Virgowouldlie.It is oneof the brighteststarsin the nightskywith a visualmagnitude constellation of 1.06and can be spottedeven in the pollutedskiesover big metropolitancities.Ancientvedic seerss;:rwthis star ai Urere;iOence6 Vffiwal
A{ntu : ranging from"Glittering", "Brilliant", "Bright', in English a widevarietyof meanings Chitraconveys uAttu,uArtftJl", "Illusory","Visually Exciting"or "Magic". "Beautiful", "ManyColoured", "Variegated", In a way this nakshatraconveysmore of its inherentqualitiesthrough its namethan any other asterism.
Sym6o[: In keepingwith its name,its main symbolis a
'big, bright,shiningjewel'.Gemstones, as we
know,are formedunderconditionsof intenseheatand pressureactingover rocksand mineralsfor hasto comea longwayfromthe initialbig bang millionsof years.On a materialplane,the universe
218 I
to the stagewheregemsare producedon planetssuchas ours.A gem canthus be seento be the apexof the universe'sstrivingfor beautyand perfectionof form' We have alreadyseenthat Hasta,the previousnakshatra,is relatedto aftisansand those In Chitra,however,craftsare takento anotherleveland involvedin light crafu like handicrafts. and form of with the final appearance perfectionof form is achieved.Chitrais thereforeassociated for givingour Sunits werythingin.nature.Its rulingdeityas we shalllearn,wasevenresponsible finalpresentdayform (referto image).It is up to Chitrato finallyoverseehowa thingshouldlook, whetherit be a galaxyor a smallleaf. Its alternativesymbolis a
'pearl'.Pearls,as we know,are formed in an oyster'smomentsof
initation,in muchthe samewayaft comesout of the aftist'smomentsof irritationanddepression. of Chitrais thus relatedto the mysteriousessencebehindcreativity,usingits clearunderstanding the laws of the universe.It has the abilityto fashionnew, wonderfuland delighffulthingsout of nothingat all. In its higheraspect,Chitraallowsoneto seebeyondthe illusionof form, seemingly thusgivingaccessto the pearlof true knowledge.
Deity : Tvastar, the celestialarchitect,is the mainrulingdeityof this asterism.He is usuallyreferredto (creationworker)in mostof the Vedictexts. He is saidto be an adeptin by the nameVishwakarma of useshis knowledge Maya,the illusoryforcewhichkeepsalivethe dramaof life.Vishwakarma Mayato create,mutateand fashionnewformsout of the pre-existingones,an act whichseemslike magicto others.His workingsare often done in secretand a shroudof mysterysurroundshis aspectbetter,we haveto takeour presentday characterand persona.To understandhis mysterious unawareof how normalsoil on our planetare completely example;"mostof the humanpopulation containingsiliconis fashionedinto a computer,a devicewhichhasthe abilityto do all thesemagiclike functions".
In the sameway, most of the gods and other celestialbeingsdo not havea clue as to how Vishwakarma createsmagnificentstructuresusingthe mostbasicelements.Evenon our planetwe can seethat the most impoftantthing defininga civilizationis its architecture.There'snonebetter than Vishwakarma in materialarchitectureand consequently nonesurpasses Chitraas far as afts, oafts, design,architecture,beautyand proportionare concerned. Chitrais the grandillusionmaker creatingdelightfulthings,formsand objects,whichmakeus wantto live. Vishwakarma, eventhoughhe is friendlyto the gods,hasno particular allegiance to anyone. He createsall lokas(planesof existence)for all races(human,godly,demonic,serpentetc. ). It is Vishwakarma who fashionsthunderbolts for Indra,the king of the heavenlyhosts,but his twin (three-headed) brother Trishiras is a demonaM an enemyof Indra. This dualityfinds expression throughChitra,a nakshatra whichis veryambiguous andthushardto classiffin anyfixedcategory of good,evil, crookedor saintly. LikeVishwakarma, Chitracreateswithouta carefor the far reachingimplications of what it is creating.It wasthe palace,whichVishwakarma (referto Vediclegend"Zle builtfor the Pandauas Mahabharata Evenin ), whichin a way ledto the finalgreatwar,commonlyknownas Mahabharata. the presentday and age, all kindsof new weaponsof war are fashionedeverydayby scientists, technicians and engineers.Theyhowevercan't be held responsible for the way theseweaponsare usedby politicians andthe rulingelite.
dature U functinning : The essenceof Chitn can be summarized in the phrase"create,createand create".Chitrais a dynamic,energeticnakshatra whichhasvery littleabilityto sit still.It likesto involveibelf in one creativeactivityor another.Whenthis creativityis in harmonywith universal functionings all goes well for Chitranatives.Howeverwhen this is not the case,Chitranativescan becomeunbalanced, selfish,indulgentcreatures./
structureand form. Thereforethis with appearance,r/complexity, /Cnitranativesare obssessed a*
thingsfrom an architectural, lllustonlndglamour.Chitraapproaches ngkshatrahasto do ryggry I\----aestheticmint of view.Thereare differentlevelsof maya.It canoperateon the superficialextemal <_ levelslike a desireto projectouter beauty,and in one'sneed to createharmonyand balancein with others.On both mundaneor spirituallevelsthe point here is that Chitranatives relationships can leamto playwith universalenergiesand utiliseircscomplexlayersof perceptionand projection' by this nakshatraneverrevealthemselvesin social It is due to this aspectthat nativesinfluejnced situations.They are alwaysprojectinga front of somekind. Usuallythis is a dignifiedfront with a hiddenquality. of mayathan the Librapaft. The Libra The Virgopart of Chitrahas morecore understanding t, while
oriented.Chifa lovesadmiration detailedworkingof things.TheLibrapartof Chitrais morerelationship ---..-.-..-.--.. . Chitra and is motivatedby that in whateverit d --in the sign Sun's lnJ of doubtand .alwavshasan element of Libra.Thereforeits qualitiesand its needsto focus on structureand appreciationof form are
motivatedby this inherentdoubtand uncertainty. how thingswork and how all the patts fit together,generally Chitra'slove for understanding as a raceare and artisticfields.Japanese placenativesunderits influencein scientific,technological and their obssession governedby this nakshatra,which can easi! be seen in their technological attentionto detail.Chitralovesto create"magic".TheVirgopartof Chitrawill createthelechnological gadgetandthe Librapartwill giveit an outerform or garmg$to
the aestheticappeal.On a
higherplaneit is the Virgopart of Chitrawhich is more sincerein trying to understandthe inner workingsof the unive69,whereasthe Librapart can tend to keepone trappedin the mayaaspect nther than qoins beyandjt. suallYhavewell-ProPortioned fI nairt"o bodies(if they havehairtheyareconstantlypruningit), brightlusturouseyes,thin eyebrows I Theyalwayshavea glintin theireyes.Theyarebomwith a naturalability / andalluringmannerisms. t'
todazz|e.Chitranativeshaveaverystrongabilityto-@Theyareusua||y passionatebut also have the ability to fake passionswhen the situationdemandsit. They hold themselves with a ceftainOgrTgglgIty
whichcoversup their weaknesses. ChitranaUvesalwap
makea specialeffortto comeacrossas completelytogethertype of individuals. Sinceall of themare not afl togetherespeciallyin the presentAgeof lGli, mostof this effort is pretension. -.-_______-| Chitracancauseone a lot of frustrationand angst,[rhether it is functioning from a higheror
|ower|eve|.:,,tlircffiitationtoproduceapear|,thereisacertainamountof paininvolvedin strippingawaythe layersof illusionand goingbeyondmaya.Againthis painonly operateson the egoicplane,whichitself is an expression of ma1a.
Modc of functionitrg : Chitrais consideredto be an Activenakshatra.This doesnot comeas a surprise,as Chitra's /, mainmottois to simply"create,createand create".It i/hyperactiveand indefatigableftconstantly movesfrom onecreativeprojectto the next.In its positiveaspect,this qualitymakesit hardworking .'7 and efficient,
'gi*"-9l Caste: It belongsto the Farmercaste.EvenVishwakarma, the divinearchitect,is in a way nothingbut a "producer",in keepingwith the wishesof the gods,or whosoeverhe is workingfor at any given point in time. The ancientseersobviouslyregardedcreatingand producingthings,especiallyon a materialplane,as a workingclassactivity.In moderntimes,sculptures andarchitects are elevated to loftypositions in society,but in essence, theystill remainpuppetsin the handsof the rulingelite who financethem.
Qen[er : the ancientseersare hintingat Chitra's It ls a Femalenakshatra.Throughthis classification the playof life.It can with maya,the feminineattributeof nature,whichsustains strongconnection
predominant!_&ninirc beseenthatChitranativespossess 9reces'
tsodyparts6 ,fi"Ltnor(Ayurvedic Constitution ) : Forehead and Neckare the bodypartsrelatedto this nakshatra. with Mars,a primarily Thisis clearfromits relationship It is a primarily"Pitta'(fiery)nakshatra. pittaplanet.C
processes in the d energyproducing
Directbn : It is relatedprimari[ to the rangeor arc that goesfrom southeast,to south,to west.
eatr"as(Qnrters) : ruledby Thefirst padaor quarterof thisasterism23" 20' - 26040'Virgo,fallsin LeoNavamsa glamour, whib on a higherlevelthis pada hereis on personal Sun.On a lowerlevel,the emphasis Thispadahasa verystrongabilityto keepsecrets, strivesfor selfperfectionthroughselfabnegation. just fike the sphinx(an ancientmonumentwhichis a combinationof the signsLeoandVirgo)hides deepesotericknowledgeuntil humanityis readyfor them. Planetsherefunctionin a very hidden way.Sun,Mars,Mercuryand Rahuare especiallystronghere' non-apparent ruled 26040' - 30" 00'Virgofallsin VirgoNavamsa Thesecondpadaor quarterof thisasterism maternityand duality.This is a very by Mercury.The emphasishere is on order,arrangement, padawhichlikesto concludewhateverit begins.Saturn,Mercuryand Rahuare strong disciplined puritanicalif workingthroughits loweraspect. here,althoughSaturnmay makeone excessively
Thethird padaor quarterof thisasterism00o00' - 3o 20' Librafallsin LibraNavamsa ruledby Venus.On the materialplane,the main focusof this padais on relationships, self-absorption and equilibrium.This is a very self-centricand at the sametime socialpada,which likesto rise in life throughmanipulating its socialcircle. Ona higherlevelit likesto promoteloveandharmony,especially in relationships. Planets hereliketo flauntanddazzle.MercuryVenus& Saturnareespecially strong in this pada. Thefourthpadaor quarterof thisasterism30 20' - 60 40' Librafallsin ScorpioNavamsa ruled by Mars.Thispadarelatesto the magicaland mysterioussideof Chitra.Morepassionand secrecyis in displaythan what is usuallyassociatedwith the sign Libra.Despiteits non-acquisitive nature, planetshereusuallybringsmoothsailingin regardsto materialaffairs.Venus,Saturn,Rahu& Ketu give strongresultshere.
grofessiotu : Alltypesof Craftsmen andArtisans;Sculptors; Architects;Designers; FashionDesigners; Models; FashionIndustry;CosmeticIndustry;Plasticsurgeons;Surgeonsin General;Photographers; Graphic Artists;Composers; Orators,Comperesand Broadcasters; All professions requiringspecialabilities and versality;BusinessExperts;InteriorDesigners; Jewellerymakers;Vaastu/Fengshui Experts;All professions involvinginventionand productionof all kindsof machinery;Buildersof all kinds; Landscapers; Painters;Screenplay writers; Novelists;Productionand Set designers;Art Directors; Thoseassociatedwith Theatreor Theatregroups;StageManagers;Performersof all kinds;Jazz Musicians; Musicians withanoriginalandoutof ordinaryapproach; Herbologists; Advertising Industry.
lP[oces: CapitalCities;Phcesof Architectural Importancelike "TajMahal","EiffelTower","EmpireStaE Building"etc.; Stages,Pedormance Hallsand Theatres;Placesfrequentedby artisans,merchants, consumersand women; Markets;Tradeshows;Wardrobes,Closets;All placesconnectedto the aboveprofessions.
anf Tattraa (Ekment) : Qma ('F-ssence) nakshatra.All illusionsand delusionsare classifiedunderthe It is supposedto be a Tamasic Tamasaspectof nature.Thusthe masterof illusionitselfwouldhaveto be seenin a tamasiclight. of the universalmind,creatingjust for the sakeof creatingdoesnot reflecta Fromthe perspective very enlightenedstateof mind. with Mars.It fromits strongassociation It belongsto the Fireelement.Thisis directlyderivable is afterall fire whichcreatesa shiningjewelout of plainrocks.Thefire elementdirectlyrelatesto the creativeprinciplein nature.
Qano$ype) : the demons It is considereda rakhas or demonicnakshatra.In all the puranicmythologies, of maya,creatingillusions are seenas superiorto godsand humanswhenit comesto manipulation the indulgentaspectof or fashioningstructuresand weapons.The ancientseersare highlighting Chitrathroughthis classification.
Oricntation U Dispositbn : Anypefectionof aspectof this asterism. Thisrelatesto the balancing It is a Levelnakshatra. Chittuit un ubtolurc andproportion. balance beautyor form requiresa senseof harmony,
beautythroughbalanceand harmony ,creating its martialelement. considering Thiscomesasa surprise It is a Soft,MildandTendernakshatra. In Chitra, the maftian energy is used for constructivepurposesrather than confrontationand destruction.We can seethat half of Chitraliesin Libra,a mild,diplomaticsign.Its otherhalf liesin sign. Virgo,anothernon-violent
Lunar Montfr U Day : -:-:
It relatesto the middle9 daysof the lunarmonthof Chaitra, whichusuallyfallsin April. Chitrais alsorelatedto the Dvitiya(2noUthior day) of the waxingand waningphasesof the
Arupiriotu Actititirs j Health& body improvementmeasures;Buyingnew clothesand wearingthem; Fixingup the . home;Homedesigning;Anyactivityrelatedto Arts & Crafts,CreativeActivityin General;Any type of mechanical activities;Goodfor givingperformances; Puttingon gemstones andjewelleryfor the first time; DecorativeActivities;Goodfor spiritualpracticeslike visualizations; All issuesrelatingto the oppositesex;Goodfor collectingherbsand preparingmedicines;Goodfor all activitiesrequiring charisma, elegance & personalcharm.
InauspiciousActiztitizs : Unfavourable for directconfrontation; Marriage;Unfavounblefor activitieswhichrequiregetting
to the root of things;Badfor investigative activitiesas illusionsare strong.
etanetaryfu.fer : Marsis the mainplanetaryrulerof this nakshatra.Marsis the energyrequircdto fashionthings the way we want them to. It wouldsufficeto saythat Marsis the powerhouse whichrunsChitrat factory.The martianenergydoesn'texpressitself in its naturalconfrontational way throughChitn as it is sublimatedby Venus,the secondaryruler of this asterism.Venusis often regardedas the souleroppositeof Mars.This view is only partiallyconect as Mars& Venusare complimentary to eachother morethan anythingelse.Togetherthey are responsible for the reproductiveprocessin nature.This givesus a clue as to whereChitra'screativityoriginatesfrom. Venubrefinesthe raw
together of the soul.Mars-Venus maftianimpulses.Chitracanthus be seenas the refinement-meter plomotesexuality,makingChitraone of the mostsexuallyalluring
Mercurycomesintop|ayinthefirstha|fofChitrawhichfa|tsinVirgo'@ Mars besidespromotingtechnicalskills,promotesskillsrelaUngto speechand words.l4ercury.uses Thereis a Rahuelementto this part energyto go into the exactingdetailsof nature'sfunctionings. of the zodiacwhich makesit more complicatedthan it lookson the suface. It is obviousthat nature'ssecretscannotbe unravelledwithout Rahu'shelp. Mercuryand Rahualwaysform a team maya(the universalplay). when it comesto understanding conjunctionscarry and Mars/Mercury/Rahu Mars/Venus,Mars/MercuryMars/Mercury/Venus MercurySatutn& Rahuare especi4ly-$rolg.ilge-Yirgo an energysimilarto that of Chitra./Mars, part of Cnitta
'/owe[sanf AIpfiabets: Thefirst padaor quarterof this asterism23o20' -26040'VirgoconesponGto "Pe"as in Page. The secondpadaor quafterof this asterism26o40' - 30o00' Virgoconespondsto "Po"as in Police. to "Ra"as in Rama. Thethird padaor quarterof this asterism00o00' - 3o 20' Ubracorresponds to "Re"as in Ray. The foufth padaor quarterof this asterism3o 20' - 6o 40' Libracorresponds its mantrasare to "Ta" and "Tha" consequently In the SanskritalphabetChitracorresponds "OmTam"and"OmTham",
Serya['Iypeand Conpatihitity: attitudein sexual anddominant Its sexualanimalis a Tiger.Thispointstowardsanaggressive It putsupa highly to itssexualexpression. hasa secrecy element attached activities. Chitrahowever in between. imagewithequalease,whenthetruthisalwayssomewhere sexedor totallyrrcn-sexual pleasereferto the tableson pages457 with othernakshatras Forsexual& maritalcompatibility & 458.
Esoteric : Chitrais the architectof the Universeand thus relatescloselyto Brahma,the creatoramong directmind-bom the rulingdeityof Chitra,is oneof Brahma's the.holytrinity.In factVishwakarma, of the Universe on all planesof o
Qotra (Cettstiat Lineage) This nakshatrais relatedto the SageKratu,oneof the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "the inspirer".It is appropriate that a creativeand inspiringsageshouldpresideoverthe mostcreativeamongthe asterisms
\gmo{iat Worshipof femininedeitieswho ridea tiger like Durga,Bhauani,Jagdambaetc.is the bestway of gettingthe bestout of Chitra.On a higherlevel,worshipcf thesedeitieshelpsus seethroughthe illusionsof maya,an importantstep on the roadto enlightenment. Repetitionof the root mantrasof this nakshatra- "OmTam"and "OmTham" 108timeswhen Moonbansitsthis nakshafa and in the conespondinglunar month of Chaitrais sure to reduce sufferingand bringenlightenment into a person's life. Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergy of this nakshatracan also increasethe good effectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor them to wear all sparkly,bright variegated and glitteringcolours.Theyshoulduse its directions, lunarmonthand the dayswhen MoontransitsChaitrato undertakeall impoftantactions.
Tampfz: AnnaNicoleSmith,the famousmodelwho inheriteda foftunefrom her 90 yearold billionaire husband,has her Moonplacedin Chitra.Her huge body is very representative of Chitrat love of large,well built and proportionatestructures.The life of Anna NicoleSmith has been all about dazzling and castingillusions. MahatmaGandhi,the famousIndian politicalcrusader,was born with Chitra rising on his Ascendant.His life and worksrevealthe energetic,indefatigable aspectof Chitra.In keepingwith
Chitra'snaturaltendency,he was a highlysexedpersonin privatelife, despitehavingan almost sexlesssaintlypublicpersona.
Misce[laneous: Accordingto Varahamihira, those w$_U@Jhitra g:t|."d., *ith b".r
are found wear
Thesemeaningsmoreor lesssum up our Moonin Chitra
d-# #"
"T t 5. $wati 6"+c,libr" - zo"oo,libr^
Suoti (6040' Libra- 20o00' Libra)
In tfu SkUt Swati is once again amongthe few asterismswhich are representedby a single star. Its representative is a yellowishstar commonlyknownas Arcturus(Alpha-Bootis).Itis the centralstar of the constellation of Bootiswhichcan be saidto lie on top of the gatewayformedbetweenVirgo andLibra.However, aswe cansee,thisasterism occupies the heartof the signLibraandhasnothing to do with the signVirgo.With a visualmagnitudeof 0.16,Arcturusis the third brightestamongthe stars in the night sky and can be spottedeven in the pollutedskiesover big metropolitancities. AncientVedicseersassociateda lot of importanceto this bright star and saw it as the abodeof hnswati, the goddessof learning.
AS.me: "Swati",like other sanskritterms, evokesa wide varietyof Englishmeanings- "self-going", "goodgoer","independent", "sword","self-blowing","delicate"and"tender".Eachof thesemeanings relaya differentsideof this asterism'snatureand functionings.
Sym6o[: suggests the airy Its symbolis a'young plantshootblownby the wind'.Thewind symbolism dexteritvanda roamingdisposition. adaptability, qualityof thisasterismwhichpromotespgstlessness, Thisisthe reasonwhythisasterism+Ive9.&tstgngth Theyoungplantsymbolismsuggestsdelicacy. just like a young plant shootstrivesfqf matqty. Air is the balancingelement and independence, pivotof the zodiacin is the balancing elementsin nature.Thisnakshatra amongthe five interacting on eitherside.It represents the sensethat it is the middlemostnakshatra,with thifteennakshatras the atmosphericaspect,wherethere'sneithera lull nor a storm and a gentle breezeis blowing. Swatithus representsthe periodof our liveswheresmoodtsailingtakesplace. In ancientVedictexts, wind also suggestsan idea of force and ability to movethings, like clouds.This impliesthat eventhoughgentle,SwaUis capableof applyingforcewheneverrequired. Theyoungdelicatesaplingis alwaysgrowingto becomea strongsturdytree,whichhasvery littleto likeweatherandanimals. fearfrom nature'spressures Thecoralis a plantwhichmakesits progeny symbolof thisnakshatra. A'coral'is the alernative In the sameway, Sg1li'sqgqllyity out of its own body like bacteriasand other micro-organisms. comesout of partingwith a pieceof itself.It is commonknowledgethat coralrelatesto the planet iseStablished' withthe planetMars,butthroughcorala connection Mars.SwaUhasnodirectcorrelation betweenheatandcold,Swatigetsits Justlikewindgetsthe impetusto movethroughthe imbalance extraordinarymobility,energyand strengthfrom the heatingeffectof the planetMars. signof Libra.Thisis whY'asword'isalsoseen achievement-oriented Swatifallsin the cardinal, as a symbolof this nakshatra,to representits$ng,_nry
jualV In a way,it can be said,that in
time this asterismtransformsfrom the delicateyoungplantshootinto a hardandstrong,razorsharp sword. Thus those with prominentSwati in their chartsare late bloomersand have a stronger secondhalf of life as comparedto the first half.
Deity : Its main presidingdeity is Vayu,the god of wind. He is one of the five main godsresidingin fuuarga(heavenlyastralplane),who are responsible for takingcare of the five main elementsof nature- earth, wind, fire, water & ether.All of Vayu'squalities,especiallythose relevantto the earthlyplane,canbeseenmanifusted throughHanuman,son of Vayuandoneof the cental characters in the Vedicepic, "Ramayana", qualitieslikeerffemestength, morality,stong senseof Hanuman's ethics,moderation,fairness,resourcefulness, intelligence,wisdom,senseof propriety,loyaltyand abilityto seryewithoutlettingegocomein the way;applyto the highestaspectof Swati,sfunctioning. The"Ramayana" tellsus that Hanumanwasneverconsciously awareof hisown prowessunless remindedof it by others.Swati,in the sameway,is quite humblein its dispositionand needsto be told about its potentialfor it to be abte to expressitself.This qualitycan be associatedwith its planetaryruler Rahu'Rahuas a planetrepresentsthe potentialthat is hidden from us, which we needto discoverin the presentlife. It is Hanuman's extremeloyaltyand devotionto Rama(maincharacterfrom the "Ramayana',), whichstill remainsthe strongestexampleof unconditional and unselfishservicein the heaftsand mindsof peopleinfluencedby the Vedicway of thinking.It is no wonderthen that the planet of service,Saturn,reachesmaximumexaltationin Swati.Bhema, one of the centralcharactersin the Mahabharata is alsoa nn of Vap (one mustrememberthat in thosedaysgodswerestill copulating with humans).He is a charactersimihr to that of Hanuman,exceptthat his qualitieswere not as sterlingas that of Hanuman.This is howeverto be expectedas the ageshad changedfrqn Treta (Silver)to Dwapar(Bronze). Swati'srelationto gnswati, the goddessof musicand learning,revealsthe highernatureof this asterism,whichis conducivefor all sortsof learning- material,philosophical or spiritual.Just likeits planetaryrulerRahu,whenfunctioningthroughits higheraspect,this nakshatrais eagerand opento learning- a rarequality.
Afaane d functbnlng : "Balance"is the keywordfor nativesborn underthe stronginfluenceof this nakshatra.Balance is a doubleedgedswordand manySwatitypesare seento avoidtakingany stanceon any matter due to their extremeneedto maintainharmony.Only very evolvedSwatitypes are capableof is one of the worst traits of this nakshatra'Inconclusive decisiveaction.Extremeprocrastination to new thinkingis a featurewhichis apparentheremorethananyothernakshatra.Swati'sopenness thoughtsand ideasmakeit idealfor all typesof learning,but only a few acquiremasteryovertheir chosenfield. In its loweraspect,Swatiis the mostairy fairy amongstthe nakshatras.Swatinativesalways haveto be consciousof growingtowardsa morestablecentreand still this processusuallytakesa long time. Swatiis usuallyin no hurry to achieveits objectivesand this is the reasonwhy Saturn finds maximumexaltationhere.The emphasishereis on longtermplanning.MostSwatinativesare usuallyvery goodat sowingthe seedsfor the future,but onlya few of them stickaroundto nurture the seedinto a full growntree. Swatinativesusuallyhaveslim and elegantlyproportionedbodies.Theycan be easilyspotted fixedsmileon theirfaces.Becauseof the emphasisof Venus in groupsituationswith a continuously and Rahu,Swatinativesare borndiplomats.Theyarethe socialitesof the zodiac.Theyusuallygo to any lengthsto ft into prevalentsocialand culturalstructures.They are strongadvocatesof social etiquettes,courtesiesand civilizedbehaviour.They use their socialcharmto climb the ladderof is "Whoam I to blowagainstthe wind?".It is this qualitywhichmakes Theircatchphrase success. Swatitypesbehave themlosetheirinnercentreandblindlyfollowmasstrends.Oftenveryintelligent of tryingto please of the worthlessness in the sameway,evenafter attaininga clearunderstanding everyoneall the time. .Swati'translates asthis are selfexplanatory Thesemeanings into'independent'or'self-going'. fufthered is differentfromthe individuality thisindividuality However asterismpromotesindividuality. by Sun'sinfluence,as Sun has its maximumdebilitationin this asterism.It is not a soul level
individuality, but a morementaland materialindividualitybaseduponsomeskillor talentdeveloped on theseplanes. Manyof the world'srichestmenare bornwith eitherMoonor othersignificantplanetsplacedin this asterism.Workingthroughits lowerplane,this asterismcan be oveftlyindulgentand function form an withoutany regardfor morals.Law,sexand money- the thre majorLibransignificaUons, integralpart of the activiUesof this asterism.
Mod"eof futrctionhg : It is supposedto be a Passivenakshatra.This obviouslyrelatesto its naturallyshy and gentle quality.Swatiis moreof a "wait and watch"ratherthan a "run and get it" type of nakshatra.As we havealreadydiscussed,it is a patientenergy,which is readyto wait for thingsto fall into place put them in placeitself. together,ratherthan aggressively
Castei It belongsto the Butchercaste.It is hard to visualizewhat the ancientseerswere trying to In our opinionit mustrelateto the destructive and ruthlessside conveythroughthis classification. of Swati.Evenwind can be a highlydestructiveand unforgivingforce when it takesthe form of earlier,isquiteruthlessin its approach, tempest,cyclones andtornadoes.Swati,aswe havediscussed especiallywhen it gainsstrengthand powerover the passageof time.
Qendtr : It is a Femalenakshatra.Swatirepresentsthe femaleaspectof its planetaryruler,Rahu.It is goddessof musicand learning. directlyassociated with Saraswati,
Bodypmtsd lfutnor (fuunte[ic Cotutitution) : The body part it relatesto is the Chest,whichemphasizes its connectionwith the air element and the processof breathing.On an astral level this is related to the flow of prana (life force) throughthe body. Its constitutional type is "l(apha"(watery).Thisclassification stemsfrom the fact that all of this nakshahalies in the predominantly kaphasignof Libra.
Direction : It is onnected with tfre west, southwestand the southeast
eadas (Qnrters) : Thefirst padaor quarterof this asterism6o40' - 10o00' Librafallsin SagittariusNavamsaand is ruledby Jupiter.Thispadaepitomises the restlessand inquisitiveaspectof Swati.It givestalentin favourable and promotesall kindsof travel.All planetsgive reasonably writing,communications resultsin this padabecauseof its eagerand openmindednature. The secondpadaor quafterof this asterism10o00' - 13o20' Librafalls in CapricornNavamsa and is ruledby Saturn.Thispadaembodiesthe materialaspectof Swati'sfunctioning.It is the most rootedamongthe four padasand thus to an extent lacksSwati'sinherentftagility.The concerns here are stabilityand materialgrowth. It can be deemedas selfishwhen it comesto personal comfortsand otherformsof materiality.Planetsheregive a soundbusinesssense. ruled Thethird padaor quarterof this asterism13o20' - 16040' Librafallsin AquariusNavamsa by Satum.This is the most intellectualamongstthe four padasof Swati.The emphasishere is on learning,creativityand cooperation.Planetshere encourageany kind of group work in order to achieveoneb drosen goals.Mercury Venusand SaUm are especiallystrong in this pada.
Thefourth padaor quarterof this asterism16040' - 20o00' Libn falls in PiscesNawmsaruled by Jupiter.Thisis the mostflexibleand adaptableamongstSwati'spadas.We havealreadyseenthat Swati'skey to successlies in blowingwith the wind and this padais bestsuitedfor that. Beingthe Pushkara pada,it promises navamsa success throughhardwork,ingenuity, flexibilityandsociability. Planetshere might seemflimsy in their approachbut are serviceorientatedand hardworking.All planetsexcept.Mercury give goodresultshere. rr
Qrofusiotu : Businessmen and Tradespeople of all types; Wrestlers;All spotu, especiallythose relyingon breathcontrol;Singers;Musicians playingWind Instrumentslike Horns& Organ;Researchers; Inventors;Technology experts;IndependentEnterprises; GovemmentrelatedServiceprofessions; Aeronautical Industry;Pilots;Professions connectedwith the Aviationindustry;Transportation Industry;Socialites; Professions involvinguseof speechlike Newsreaderetc.; Computer& Softrruare Industry;Professions requiringflexibility& quickingenuity;ServingProfessions like Housekeepers & Right-hand-man types; Kite Makers;AdventureSportspeoplelike Skydivers,Balloonists etc.; Educators, Teachers;Lawyers;Judges;Politicians; Trade-Union & WorkingClassLeaders;Diplomats, Hosts,Hostesses.
lPlaces : High Clifb; Placeswhere winds blow strongly;Agriculturalland; Coralreefs; Marketplaces; BusinessC-enters; Banks;FlnancialInstitutions;Sport Complexes; Airports(both civil & military); Educationalinstitutions;Aeronauticalfacilities& testing grounds;Computer& Softnvarerelated cenbes;Research facilitiesof alltypes;DiplomaUc enclaveslikeEmbassies, Consulates etc; parliament Houses;courthouses;commuterplaceslikeTrainstations,Bus-Stations etc.
guna ('Essence) anl Tattwa (Efcment) : whichmakesthis asterismRaiasic(materially Rahu'sVenusiansideis usuallyquite materialistic active).It is the best nakshatrafor businessand other financiallyprofitableactivities,as it always keepsits own interesbaboveeverythingelse. It belongsto the Fire Element.The fact that it is fiery revealsa hithertounknownaspectof anairyandearthyplanet.Thisfierinessrelatesto the inherentmotiwtion Rahu,whichis predominantly of this asterism,which can range from learning,to acquiringfinancialgain, to getting woddly prominence,
QanaEWd t It is considerd a Deuaor godly nakshatra.Its godly nature stemsfrom the fact that this asterismis very conduciveto all types of learning.Rahu,its ruler,is the significatorof knowledge throughthis nakshatra and this aspectof its naturefindsexpression
Orientation U Disposition : It is a Levelnakshatra.Fallingin the heartof Libra,it hasa balancingquality.It thus relaysthe to achieveits eventualends.It canbe pleasing sideof Rahu.It canalwayscompromise diplomatic, This sideof Rahu'sfunctioning. VenusandRahuenergyandrelaystheVenusian seenasa combined makesit good in mostVenusianrelatedpursuitslike music' with the air It is a Moveablenakshatra.Its moveablenatureis borneout of its closeassociation earlier,its rulingdeityVayucorespondsto elernentthroughplanetsRahuand Saturn.As discussed movingelementsin nature. wind,whichis one of the constantly
Lurw Montfr U Day : It refatesto the last9 daysof the lunarmonthof "Chaitra", whichusuallyfallsin lateApril,early May. Swatiis also relatedtothe Saptami(7s tithi or day) of the waxingand waningphasesof the Moon'smonthlycycle.
Auspirious Actiaitirs: Goodfor business& tradeactivities;Recommended for startinganyeducational venture;Good for learningin general;Socialactivities& events;Dealingwiththe public;Financial All transactions; activities whichrequirea calm& flexibleapproach; Thekeyhereis to blowwith the wind;Grooming and self adornment;Buyingand Sellingin general;Actionswherediplomacyis required;Pursuing Arts & Sciences. ,'i.
Inmspiriaus Actiaitits : Notgoodfor travel;Fierceor warlikeactivities;Anytypeof aggressive behaviouris not likelyto payofFin this nakshatra.
,, ,r
efanetaryfotfer : Rahuis the primaryrulerof this asterismand its airyqualitiesare relayedthroughit. Thereis a strongurgefor comfoftand luxurywhenRahuis manifestingits energieson an earthyplane.Eafth is the secondary elementof Rahu.SinceSwatifallscompletely in the signof Libra,Venushas a strongconnectionwith this asterism.The Rahu-Venus influencetogetheris a highlyindulgent combination,whichgivesa strongurge for comfortand luxury.A loveof showand pomp is seen whenRahuis functioningthroughits loweraspect.Asdisussedearlier,Swatinativesoftenappreciate
in theirdress,mannerisms and the finerthingsin lifeand upholda ceftaindegreeof sophistocation
qa$*. in energyof RahuandVenuscombinedgivesSwatinativessuccess The primarilymaterialistic Venusianbusinesspursuits.In its negativeaspect,nativesunderthe heavyinfluenceof thisnakshatra can becomea.slaveto theirdesiresandareguidedby greedanddeceitto gaintheirends. Rahuhasa diplomaticnature,whichis very similarto that of Venus.Rahu,likeVenus,is by naturea socialplanetand enjoyscompany.Swatiin this regard,can be the mostpretentiousamong in muchthe samewayas Venus, to givean aftistictemperament Rahuis supposed the nakshatras. Rahu's Venusian sideis highlighted involved. butasalwayswithRahu,thereisa touchof unorthodoxy with Venusin a nativity,or is placedin the second/ in any horoscopewhbn it is either associated seventhhouses,or is positedin the signsTaurus/Libra. compassion In its higheraspect,SwatinativesexpresshigherVenusianqualitieslikediplomacy, highestVenusian energies of manifesting Rahuis alsoverymuchcapable anda thirstfor knowledge. and harmonywhenworkingthroughits higherprinciple. .likeuniversallove,compassion Rahu,MercuryVenusand Saturngivesstrongresultsin Swati.Sunand Marsare a little out of JupiterandMoon of thisnakshatra. withthe energies sortshere,whileKetu'senergyis incompatible are neutraland give resultsaccordingto otherfactorsin a nativity'
'Iloutek an{ Alpfrabe* : to "Ru"as in Ruth. Thefirst padaor quafterof thisasterism6o 40' -10o00' Libracorresponds to "Re"as in The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism10o00' - 13o20' Libracorresponds Rex. to "Ro"as in The third padaor quarterof this asterism13o20' - 16040' Libracorresponds Robin.
The foutth padaor quafterof this asterism16" 40' - 20o 00' Libracorresponds to "Ta"as in Tanya. In the SanskitalphabetSwaticorresponds to "Da"(pronounced as "The")andconsequently its mantrais "OmDam".
Serya[ type and Corryatihi[ity: Its sexualanimalis a Buffalo.Thismakesit fertileand it likesto playa dominantrole in sexual activity.Thisnakshatrais oftenproneto exploitmib formsof sexandsexualityfor businesspurposes. Swatican be saidto be moreof a teaseratherthan a whore. Forsexual& maritalcompatibilitywith othernakshatras pleasereferto the tableson pages457 & 458.
'Esoterir: Swatirepresentsthe equilibriumpoint of eveiything.It representsthe mid-pointof our lives, the lifeof the universeandevefihing that exists.It isthe midpointbetweenexpansion andcontraction. It is the point wherethe universestopsexpandingand beginscontracting.It lies directlyopposite Adtwini,a nakhatra whichcan be seenas the big bang,whichcreatedthe materialuniverse. In our bodies,Swatirelatesto the fivevital pranasor airs.Theseairsforman interfacebetween the astraland the corporealbody.It is theseairs whichare normallyreferredto as the life force within us' The preliminaryspiritualpracticeslike pranayamaare meantto createan equilibrium betweenthesefive vital airs,so that the mindcanremainfreefrom rippleswhenthe realmeditative processbegins.Swati relatesto the immensepotentialof these body airs, which when util2ed properly,as doneby sagesin Agesgoneby, allowedthem to meditateunhinderedfor thousands of yearsand havelifespanswhichexceededlifespansof the Ages.
powerto disperse In the universalschemeof things,Sllaf relatesto "Pndhuamsshaki" the The relationship likethe wind. Its symbolismhasroamingaroundaboveand changeof form below. in its abilityto adjust of Swatiwith the air elementis stressedhere.The mayaelementof swati lies withoutlosingits own essence.Its free, detached,obseryant itselfto any situationor circumstance ,
qualitymakesit easyfor it to scatterawayany negativebuildupon any levd of being'swaucan
seenas the uhiversalvacuumcleaner.
Qotra (CetestiatLineage) :
afterthe This nakshatrais relatedto the SageMarichi,one of the sevencelestialsageslooking (as in swiflness) affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "Light".The "lightness" that Air is a light element' aspectof this Sageseemsto connectwell with Swati,considering
\gffiedio[ : the bestremedial Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfromafflictionsto this nakshatra, measureis worshiPof Saraswati. "Om Ofthe rOOtmantrasOfthisnakShatra"OmLam","OmKsham","OmAm"and Repetition lunarmonthis sureto and in its corresponding Aam"10gtimeswhenMoontransitsthis nakshatra ieducesufferingand bringenlightenmentinto a person'slife' .-
personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe good effectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor them to wearall light,variegated dayswhen Moon coloursand pastelshades.They shoulduse its directions,lunar monthand the transitsSwatito undeftakeall importantactions'
Eaampb : his Moonplacedin Swati.In his chaft, Likemanycommercialking pins,Nelsn Rockefelterhas bothof his Moonis the lordof the eleventhhouseand is placedin hissecondhouse,thus inffuencing like Nelson,can one see the extentof financialhouses.It is only in the caseof VirgoAscendants materialpowerinherentin Moon'splacementin Swati. was bom with hisAscendant,Mercury Ma* Twain,the famousauthorand socialcommentator, It is generally andcognitivesidefindsexpression. andSaturnin Swati.In hiscaseSwati! intellectual aspectof Swatito seenthat Mercuryhasto be connectedwith Swatiin someform for the Sarasruati find expression,
Misceffaneous: thosebornwith Moonin Swatiare "pleasantin speech,havea self Accordingto Vanhamihira, ways.The personis a merchantwith principles". controllednatureand compassionate
Zo"oo'Libr -r'Zo' $corpio
'lhsfrakfro (20000'Libra- 3020'Scorpio)
In ttu Sky Vishakha consisbof four stars,whichform the left half of the hangingscaleshapeformedby
the constellationLibra.Thesestarsare knownin modernastronomyas Alpha-Librae, Beta-Librae, Gamma-Librae & Iota-Librae.Despitethe fact that all of thesestarsare part of the constellation of Libra,a paft of this asterismliesin the zodiacalsignof Scorpio.Amongthese,Alpha-Librae (Zuben el Genubior the Nofth Scale)and Beta-Librae(Zubenel Hakhrabior the South scale)are the brightest,with visualmagnitudesof 2.75and 2.61 respectively. The easiestwayto spotthesestars is to locatethem belowthe bright star Spica.AncientVedicSeerssaw thesestarsas formingthe shapeof a forkedbranchand associated them with the abodeof the godsunderthe rulershipof Indra.
Name: "Vishakha", like other Sanskritterms, evokesa wide varietyof Englishmeanings- "forked,,, "two-branched", "poisonvessel".Its alternativenameis "Radha",which translatesinto"thedelightftrl". Radha,as a name,hasgainedpopularityby virtueof beingthe nameof Krishna'sbelovedconsort.
Syn6o[ : Its mainsymbolis a
'decoratedarch'or'gateway'.In depictions thisgatewayis usuallydecorated
in India. with leaves(referto image).Suchgatewaysare still a norm in marriageceremonies one caninferthat Vishakhahasa lot to do with marriage.Mostof Vishakhaliesin the Consequently, sign govemingmarriage,Libra. In the ancientUmesthis gatewaywas symbolicof triumph. It of a newone.It wasa reminderof of a goalandthe beginning the endingor attainment symbolised don't end onceyou passthroughthe gateway,after achievingyour goal. the fact that challenges The challengesbeginwhen one entersthe gateway,just like the marriageceremonyis the always that Vishakha precursor to comein marriedlife.Thegatewayalsosuggests of the challenges hasits eyesfixeduponthe finalattainmentof a goal.Thisgoalcanrangefrom triumphingoverone's externalenemiesto triumphingoverone'sinnerdemons.In the presentdayandage,wherenegative goal-oriented predominate, Vishakha usuallyfunctionsasan obssessive, qualitiesof everynakshatra nakshatrawith completedisregardfor the natureof the meansemployedto achievethe desiredend. Vishakhacannotbe seenas a pleasantnakshatra. Despiteits associationwith celebrations, Whenstrivingtowardsa goal becomesthe only objectivein life, one is likelyto havelittle peaceof songwriter mindand will definitelymissthe true essenceof life. In the wordsof the contemporary JohnLennon,"Lifeis what happenswhib we are busymakingother plans"'
Deity : Vishakha,true to its b*ed quality,hastwo main ruling deities :- Indra andAgni (fire god). In the puranicliterature,Indra, the chief amongthe demi-gods,is often poftrayedas a very goal oriented,fixatedand offensivecharacter,who wouldgo to any lengthsto achievehis desired ends.Thefunnything is that manytimeshis desiredendsare completelyungodlyand he is getting into all sortsof troublesas a result.Thisis a primarythemeof Vishakha pursuingunwholesome goalsin questionable waysandcreatingbadkarmaas a result.Indra is alsoseenasa characterwho
drownshimselfin women,wine and other suchpleasures.This indulgentside-ofIndra also finds o(pressionjh$ughVishakha. -; '
Deceptiveness is alsoassociated with Indra,in the sensethat he doesn'tshyawayfrom putting
hisown nearand dearonesin danger,in orderto get what he wants.He is alsooften seento act in a cowardlyfashionat the first signof realdanger.It is helpfulto rememberthat "Indra"isjust a post whichis occupiedby differentsoulsin differenttimesin differentuniverses. Vishakhapeopleare alwaysin searchof a post whichgivesthem dominionand pleasureand Indra is just a soul who .makesit, Agni,the fire god, basicallyrepresentsenergyin one of its manyforms.It is becauseof Agni that Vishakhahasthe capacityto exert herculeaneffortsin orderto attain its goal. Just like fire, when harnessedproperly,can be usedin a varietyof constructiveways,Vishakha,s strongenergy can manifestas courage,determination andthe capacityfor hardworkdirectedtowardswholesome pursuits'Firein its negative aspectcanrunamokandburnindiscriminately. In thesamewayVishakha Glncauseharmto othersaroundit beforefinallygettingconsumeditself.Termslike', burninggrief", "burningdesire"and "burningpassion"are all tailor-made Vishakha expressions. Agniand Indraruleoverheatand rain,makingVishakha an agricultural nakshatra. It utilizes the forcesof natureto producecropsand then goeson to deriveintoxicantslike wine and alcohol from thesecrops. a-'
-' A{ature d furctionlng : The natureof this Nakshatracan be summedin one word - "fixation..Eventhough its singlemindedness in pursuingits goalsis unmatched, ib achillesheelliesin "whatgoalit chooses to pursue"'In the presentday and age, the likelihoodof formingunwholesome goals is intensively heightened,the presenceof this nakshatrain a nativitybecomesa causefor concern.Vishakha nativeseasilyfall prey to excessesin regardsto sex and alcohol.They are the oneswho havean overwhelming needto flockto the localbar.
Thereis a ceftainjubilationaspectto Vishakhanativeswhichshowsitself in loveof pompand who choosethe pathof the sensesend up becoming Veryoften thoseamongVishakhas ceremony. takes place,Vishakha mad party types. FollowingSwati,the nakshatrawhereactualachievement representsthe exuberantvictoriousstate after the achievement.It is commonknowledgethat a This senseof emptinessis a continousfeature senseof emptinessfollowsany accomplishment. throughoutthe livesof Vishakhanatives.Fireis neversatietedno matterhow muchor how long it Theyare alwaysconcernedaboutwhatthey don't have,ratherthan makinguseof what consumes. they have."Thegrasslooksgreeneron the otherside"mentalitybreedsa cogmireof unwholesome emotions.This emptinessand frustrationdrivessomeof the moreevolvedVishakhanativesaway from blindwoddinessin searchof higherknowledgeand truths' with prominentslantsand angleson the VishakhanaUveshave a distinctfierceappearance face even in caseof the fairer sex. They usuallyhave sharp eyes and features.Their external Vishakha nastyandobnoxious. andjovialto completely coufteous rangesfrom extremely behaviour aboutputtingup frontsto gaintheirends.Thismakesthem hidetheir nativesare veryconcerned innatenegativefeelingstowardsothersin their dealingswith them. MostVishakhanativeseasilyfall and can't help feelinguselessin comparisionto thosearound prey to envy,jealousy,viciousness them.All thesefactorsmakeVishakhanativeshardto get alongwith makingthem bereftof any real friends.Thesenegativefeelingsarisefrom the sameemptyplacewhichwas mentionedabove.The aboutthesenegativefeelingsand real problemlies in the fact that thesenativesbecomeobsessive thoughtsand can't let go of them.This is wherethe fire insidethem staftsburningtheir own selves insteadof being put to any constructiveuse.Vishakhanativesare pretty muchdefinedby their to soul-nurturingand evolutionary. whichcan rangefrom petty and soul-destroying obsessions, Thegoodthing aboutthesenativesis that oncetheir mindis madeup theyare devotedto their causeandwill go to any lengthsto fulfilltheirobjective.Howeverit is notlcedthat lifecontinuously to sbayon the presentsthem with two differentpaths,and they haveto makea consciouschoice rightone.Vishakhanativestakelife asa challengeof softs.Theyusuallymakesimplethingscomplex doesnotfollowthe lineof theirobjectives andeasythingsdifficult.Thewaytheygo aboutachieving
least resistance.They en@unter lots of oHacles, which they are able to sunnqrnt by their one pointedness,but the processis not free from moansand complaints.The final paradoxof this nakshatraliesat the point whereafter achievingwhat they set out to achieve,they are not sure if that'swhat they wantedto achieve.
Modc of funrtionhg : Vishakhais considered to be an Activenakshatra.Pursuitof anygoalrequiresconstantactivity. Vishakhais one of the most activenakshatrasbecauseof its obssessive approachto things.After attainingits desiredgoal,it setsitselfanothergoaland so on and so on....ib activityis ceaseless. This is probablythe reasonwhy a lot of Vishakhatypescannotgive a reasonfor someof the bad thingsthey havedone.It is as if someexternalforcegripsthem and makesthem act thoughtlessly withoutreflection.Theyare possessed individuals.
Caste: It belongsto the Mlucha (outcaste)caste.It is clearfrom this classlfication that the ancient seerssaw Vishakhaas a naturaltrouble makerwho could not functionwithin society.It related eitherto bandib,revolutionaries or hermitsretiringto the forestin orderto perfonmbpasto obtain their wishes.Noneof thesecharactersfit into the idealsocietyas envisionedby Manu(the grand overseer and law giver). '
*r,r Qen["'
J.: . ).2.V-'
It is a Femalenakshatra.This classification seemsto have its roots in its altemativename 'Radha'.Radhais the childhoodconsortof Krishnawho spentthe rest of her life piningfor him.
Vishakha carrieswithinitselftheprimarily feminine attributeof "longing", "separation" and"catharsis". It is the longingfor the unattainable, whichcharacterises a Vishakhamindset.Ib otherqualitieslike ir
jealousyard vindictiveness possessiveness, are also regardedas familiarlyfemininequalitiesin Vedictexts.
tsodypartsU t{umor (Ayule[ir Constitution):
The Armsand the Breastsare the bodypartsrelatedto this nakshatra. is borneout of the fact that It is a primarily "Kapha"(watery)nakshatra.This classification earlier,is very good Vishakhalies in two kaphasigns,Libraand Scorpio.Vishakha,as we discussed to put It is the kaphaelementwhichallowsVishakha at hidingits fieryqualityundera calmexterior. up a diplomaticfront evenwhena fiery stormis brewinginside'
Direction It is relatedprimarilyto west & north.
eados(qLarters): The first padaor quafterof this asterism20" 00' - 23 20' Librafalls in AriesNavamsaand is The and socialambitions. ruledby Mars.This padais all aboutenergy,impulse,one pointedness andinstinctarelikelyto dominateinsteadof commitment but passion focushereis on relationships, and depth.A well placedMarsor Venusare the mostsuitableplanetsfor this pada. The secondpadaor quafterof this asterism23" 20' - 26" 40' Libn falls in TaurusNavamsa of this pada.Planetsheretendto give and durabilityarethe hallmarks ruledby Venus.Endurance successin Venusianpursuits.Materialambitionsare strong here and sincethis is the Pushkara padatheyare fulfilledto the degreeallowedby the chartas a whole. navamsa ruled Thethird padaor quarterof thisasterism260€' - 30" 00' Librafallsin GeminiNavamsa philosophical communication, itselfthroughthoughts, channels onepointedness Vishakha's by Mercury.
and religiousattitudes.There'sa definiteconflictbetweentwo opposingfurceshere - one force demands the nativeto be lightheafted, openminded andjovial,whilethe otherpromotes selfishness, deceptionand anxiety.Only well placedMercuryand Saturncan be countedon for giving good
tff$Hln thispada.
The fourthpadaor quarterof this asterism00o00' - 30 20' Scorpiofallsin CancerNavamsa ruledby Moon.Thisis the mostone pointedof all Vishakhabpadas.Theturmoilheretakesplaceon the emotionalplane,makingthis a highlyvolatile,transformative and dangerouspart of the zodiac. In its lowestaspect,it is highlyvindictiveand revengefuland embodiesmost of the despicable humanqualities.In its higheraspect,it can give penetrating insight,strongwill power,executive abilityand the convictionnecessary to root out the darkforces.Onlya well placedJupitercap girre the widomto navigatethroughthe stormywatersof this pada. !
lProfusiotu : Bartenders;Alcohol& LiquorIndustry; ManualLabourers;FashionModels& Actresses;All professionsinvolvinguse of speechlike TV & RadioBroadcasters; Politicians;MarchingBands; SpottsPersons especially sporGrequiringHerculean efforts;Cults& othertypesof Idealogical Fanatics; Religious Fundamentalists; ProfessionalAgitators; Soldiers;Dancers; Critics;Criminals & Mafia;Custom & ImmigraUonfficials; PolicingJobs;Guards;Prostitution& MilitantRevolutionarbs. Vishakhanativescan be foundin all typesof professions but usuallyhavea tendencyto switch professions throughouttheir lives. :.. .. , , ,. .. .,
.,,. .!'
lP{atu : RockyRoughTerrains;Mountains;Big Citieslike New York; Breweries;Bars; LiquorShops; Brothels;Theatres;MilitaryBases;CeremonialHalls & Grounds;Interogation Rooms;Waring Grounds;DangerAreaseitherin the Cityor designatedby the Military;All placesconnectedwith the aboveprofessions.
Quna (%serce)anl tattwa (Ebnwnt) : intensecapacityfor hardwork It is supposed to bea httwic nakshatra. Thisrelatesto Vishakha's and penance.Vishakhais readyto sacrificea lot for the attainmentof its goals,a qualitywhich is sattwicqualityis moreliableto comeout seenas sattwicfrom the universalpointof view.Vishakha's when planetslike Sun,Moonand Jupiteroccupythis nakshaba. with Agni(the deity presidingover It belongsto the Fireelement.Dueto its closeassociation the elementfire), fire becomesthe primaryelementof Vishakha.
Qana(trye): It is considered a Rakhas or demonicnakshatra.Keepingin mindits basicnatureand traits,
A completedisregardfor othersis considereda it is not very hardto understandthis classification. whichdisplaysit to the hilt. It is becauseof demonicqualityand Vishakhais one of the nakshatras its selfishapproachthat it is classifiedas demoniceventhoughboth of its rulingdeitiesare demF gods. rii
Oicntotion d Disposition : It is a DownwardLookingnakshatra.Sincedownwardnakshatrasimply containmentand duty to containits multifariousdesires.Likeall the nakshatras tenanting contractionit is Vishakha's andthushasa lot of ambitionin relation the signsLeo,VirgoandLibra,it is a veryworldlynakshatra it goesaboutattainingthesegoalsin a to its rolein the world.Sinceit is a downwardnakshatra, secretiveand urderhandedmannerand most of its real intent and activitiesare concealedfrom others. onceagainemphasizes the duality It is a Mixed(sharpand soft) nakshatra. Thisclassification inherent'inVishakhaas exemplifiedby meaningsof its name. Its soft dispositionrelatesto its pleasureseekingsidewhile its sharpnessrelatesto its fixidityof purpose.The softerside is often
what stopsVishakhatypesfrom turning into completepsychopaths and at times it just acts as a disguisewhichletsthem get awaywith their darkeractivities.
Lunm Montfr d Da4 : It refateslo the first half of the lunarmonthof Vaishakha, whichusuallyfalls in earlyMay. Vishakhais also relatedto the Shashti& Saptani(6u'& 7u' tithis or days)of the waxingand waningphasesof the Mmn's monthlycycle.
AtupicionsActiaities Aggressiveor warlikeactivities;Any activity requiringexecutiveability; Gettingthings done whichrequirean argumentative approach;Harshactivitiesin general;Anyactivityrequiringstrong mentalfocus;Workingtowardone'sgoals;All typesof cerernonies, functionsand parties;Awardsor Decoration Dressingup,Ornamentation, Decorating Ceremonies; oneself;Romance & SexualActivity; Peformingpenance;MakingResolutions.
InauspiciousActiaitits : Notgoodfor Travel;Marriage; Initiationsof any kind;Activitiesrequiringdiplomacy or tact
Qfanetary fuitzr Venus,Mars,Pluto,Ketuand Jupiterare the threeplanetaryinfluences connectedto Vishakha. whib Venus,Mars,PlutoandKeturulethe respective Jupiteris the mainrulerof thisasterism, signs that Vishakha occupies. Jupiterconnectsto this asterismthroughIndra,whosepreceptoris Erihaspati. Jupitersupports mostof Indra'sobjectivesand ambiUons, eventhe unwholesome ones,throughthis nakshatra.Its
graceand good fortune can be usedfor pompousextravagance naturalbenevolence, underthe influenceof this nakshatra. Venus,Jupiter'scounterpaftandadversaryis connectedwith the first threepadasof Vishakha. It is the naturalantagonismbetweenthe energiesof thesetwo planetswhich makesVishakhaa turbulentnakshatra. A lot of Indra'sVenusianexcesses as enumeratedin numerouspuraniclegends are not sanctioned by Jupiter;and it goeswithoutsayingthat Indralandsintosomesortof trouble eachtime. In the foutthpada,Marsco-rulesalongwithJupiterandthusthe energyis moresoftedout but hasa militaristic toneto it. The PluWKetuinfluencein the Scorpiopartof Vishakha lendsa great deal of impulsiveness, explosivedramaand self destructiveness. Only when channelledinto more occultareascanthis energyact as a vehiclefor transformation. Venus-Jupiter, Venus-Mars, Venus-Mars-Ketu, Jupiter-Marsand Jupiter-Mars-Ketu-Venus conjunctionscarry an energysimilarto that of Vishakha.In the authorbexperienceonly Jupiter functionswell in this nakshatrain the presentday and age.
'Ilouefs and Alpfiabe* : The first pada or quarterof this asterism20o 00' -23 20' Libracorrespondsto "Ti" as in Teehan. The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism23" 2O'- 260 40'Libracorresponds to "Tu" as in Tuesday. The third padaor quarterof this asterism26" 40' - 30o 00' Libracorresponds to 'Te" as in Taylor. The fourth padaor quafterof this asterism00o00' - 3o 20' Scorpiocorresponds to "To"as in Tommy.
In the SanskritalphabetVishakhacorresponds to "Dha"and "Na" "OmDham"and "OmNam'i.,.,
consequengy its mantrasare
:.. .:
SereutTypeand Compatifiitity: Its sexualanimalis a Tiger'Thispointstowardsan aggressive and
dominantattitudein sexual activities.It is mostrycompatibre with chitra, the other tiger nakshatra. Formarital& sexualcompatibilitywith othernakshatras pleasereferto the
tableson pages457
'Esoteric: The now globallyfamousRadha-Krishna lovelegendexemplifiesVishakha,s innercore.This is the reasonwhy vishakhahas"Radha"as one of its names.Radha wasalreadymarriedto someone whenshefell in lovewith Krishnaand romanced him in his childhood years.But sinceKrishnawas Vishnu's incarnation thiswasno ordinarylove.It epitomized a desireon Radha,s partto mergewith Universal energies,notasan inferiorbutasa lover.Vishakha's longingfor perfection andenlightenment is alwaysexpressedin terms of love and relationships, which more often than not breaksocietal conventionsand moralistictaboos.Vishakhadoes not distinguish betweenfun, frolic and pain of suchrelationships andta4sya,theintensespiritualpractice leadingto knowledge andenlightenment. Aboveall else,its ultimategoalis experiencing the divinein and throughrelauonship with the divine itself. Beingthe 16h nakhatrain the nakhatrasequence, it relatesto the whichis seenas the numberof tragedy,uphearal,ruin and turmoil. The only of that whichstandsagainstthe universalwill. Nevertheless it pathis not all romanceand roses.Thisis clearfrom the fact
number,,16,,, a number
destructionand ruin hereis
becomesevidentthat vishakha,s
that Radhaspenta majorpartof her life piningfor Krishnato"t..l."J"r,,for takingcareof the purpose behindhis incarnation.This intense
tapasyaand if it can keepthe fire of love burning longingand the pain of separationis Vishakha's it achievesimmortalitylike Radhadid' regardlessof the outer circumstances, shakti" - the powerto make In the universalschemeof things,Vishakharelateslo "vyapana belowand cultivationabove'This manifestand achievevariousthings.Its symbolismhas haruest as we havejust realized'its true makesit a fruitful naKhatraon the materialplane,eventhough patient The materialresultshere usuallycomewith persistentand spiritualpath lies elsewhere. after the grainshave for consumption effort,just like the finestwine takesa longtime to be ready beenput throughthe brewingprocess'
Qotra (CetzsdatLiruage) one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter This nakshatrais relatedtothe Sagevashishta,
theaffairsofourga|axy.Thenameofthissagetranslatesinto..possessorofwea|th.. says''Those penance'As Varahamihira imaginethat Vishakhamustrelateto the sage'scapacityfor are skilledat makingmoney"' with Moonin Vishakha
fumedinl: the bestremedial this nakshatra, Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfromafflictionsto onecanworshipthe half vishnu,half shivaforn measureis worshipof the eightVasus.Alternatively involvesthe raisingof the kundalini commonfyknownas HariHara.Thepracticeof Raia Yoga,which potential' this nakshatra's throughthe sevensacredcentres,is one of the bestwaysto utilise and "om Ram"108 times when Repetitionof the root mantraof this nakshatra "om Yam" lunar month is sure to reducesufferingand Moontransitsthis nakshatraand in its corresponding life' into a person's bringenlightenment can also increasethe Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatra to wearcolourslike red, blue goodeffectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor them
to andgold.Theyshoulduseits directions, lunarmonthandthe dayswhenMoontransitsVishakha undeftakeall impoftantactions.
E4ampk: HermannGoenng,Hitlerbrighthand man,hashis Moonin Vishakha.Nothingmuchneedsto be saidabouta manwho wasoneof the mainforcesbehindthe fanaticalNazimovement.Hislife brings out the obssessive maniacalstreakof Vishakha. NicoleKidman,the Hollywoodactress,is a typicalexampleof a VishakhaAscendanttype. Her obssessive and secretivepersonalityshowsthroughin her films and interviews.Vishakhais one of the nakshatras, which is soft of a prerequisite for beingpart of the communitynow knownas Hollywood.
Misce[[aneoru: Accordingto Varahamihira, thosewith Moonin Vishakhaare "jealous,greedy,cleverwith words, skilledat earningmoney,quarrelsome and incitequarrelsamongothers".
t /. y',nuradha tozo' $corpio - | 6'10' $corpio
Anurodfio (3o20'Scorpio- 16o40'Scorpio)
In tfu Skyt Anuradhaconsistsof threestarsin a row, whichwereseenby the ancientsas forminga shape similarto a staff' Thesethree stars are knownin modemastronomyas futa-furpionis (Acnb), Delta-Scorpionis (sidi) & Pi-Scorprbnis. All of these stars lie in the beginningof the zodiacal constellation of Scorpio.Beta-scorpionis is the brightestamongthesestarswith a visualmagnitude of 2'62' All of thesestarscan be easilyspottedin the dark night sky from the countryside,if one focatesthe bright star Antaresin the constellationof Scorpio,closeto the white stretch of the milkyway.Thesethreestarslie directlyabovethis brightstar in a staff like formation(veryclose to a straightline).
A{ame: --"Anuradha"translatessimplyinto "AnotherRadha"or"AfterRadha".Its alternativemeaningis "Subsequent Success". Thisname,as we ctrnsee,hasits root in the fact that it followsthe asterism Radha( Vishakha). Eventhoughit is not apparentstraightaway, the often ignoredfact is that
these two asterisms(Vishakha& Anuradha)form a pair in the same way as puruaphatguni and ,;;! .:' Uttaraphalguni.
Sytnlot : the mainsymbolof this asterism,is directlyderivedfrom the shapeancientVedicseers AE!1 ascribedto its constituentstars.Thestaff hasalwaysbeenseenasa symbolof powerandprotection. In the puraniclore mostof the exaltedsagescarry a staff.It is in fact the only weaponthat they penance carry but it is usuallymorethan enoughas it carrls within itselfall lhe powerof their whereall SageVashishf4 challenging referto the puranicstoryof Vishwamitra The readers.can weaponsincludingthe Bnhmartra(similarto a nuclearmissile)wereuselessagainst of Vishwamitra's staff. Thesesagesnever useda staff for offensivepurposes'It is only usedfor selfVashishta,s defence.Ittypifies@dthuscanon|yactincongruencewiththeUniversa| mind.This nakshatrarelatesto learningand the retentionof learnilg=It also relatesto one's with the Universalforce.The strongerthe contact,the morepowerfulthe effectof this relationship ' ! nakshatrabecomes. ar--) 1",/ \-/
A .btus, is anothersymbolascribedby scholarsand sagesto this nakshatra,Sinceancient knowledgeand enlightenmenthavebeenassociated times,the qualitiesof purity,auspiciousness, the goddessof learningand Laxmi,the goddessof prosperity'are with the lotus.In fac'.Saraswati, often depictedas sittingatop a lotus. to the abilityof this nakshatra A lotushasthe abilityto growin muddywaters.Thisrepresents lno\^,|edse keep itse|fpqg_g1q|gatrzliin any surroundings'It a|so signifiesthe 3EllryIlg th."gh the muddyPu njriumpnant gateway
symbolof this nakshatra' is anotheralternative
The readerswill rememberthat the precedingasterism,Vishakha,alsohasthis as its mainsymbol' Vishakha, As we mentionedearlier,Vishakhais a soft of a ally or co-workerof Anuradha.Just like Alurcdna aSo rePresen in muchthe sameway as its ally,but its goalsare usually It is alsoa goalcentrednakshatra groupwork rat!sl*!!{ morein tune with universalplan.It alsolikesto attainits goalsthrough Sggj
alone.This is probablythe reasonwhy Anuradhaattainsits goalsmoresmoothlyand
effortlessly,in comparisonto Vishakha.Vishakhais often reluctantto take help or cooperatewith a||ies.Inmyexperience,IhaveseenthatVishakha,moreoftenthannot@ goals.In mostcasesthis ally is Anuradha.
Deity into IullXa,oneof the twelveAdityas(slar deities)rulesAnuradha.The name'Mitra'translates goodfaithand Yriend'. Thusit comesas no surprisethat he is the solardeityrelatedto friendships, friendliness, warmth,leadership, cgrd'a[y. Hisqualitesinfusethis nakshatrawith lightheartedness, helpfulness and a generallyoptimisticviewof life. Mitra'sconcemfor friendshipcan be seenfrom the fact that he is neverinvokedalone.He is alwaysinvokedalongwith either /erurq llthe ruling Onecan easif deducefrom deity of Shatabishallor Aryaman(the rulingdeity of Uttaraphalgunll. -4
the abovethat Anuradhais mostfriendlywith thesetwo nakshatras. placeto live in. All the If it weren'tfor Mitra,the worldwouldbe a muchmoredangerous with the signAquariuscorrelateto Mitraas well as Anundha.It naturalqualitiesusuallyassociated rising.Under liesin the 10h housefor thosebornwith Aquarius to notethat Anuradha is interesting evenenemiescanworktogetherin orderto achievea goal.The the guidanceof Mitra,sometimes 'TheRahu-Ketu readerscanreferto the "Churningof the Ocean"storyin the author'spreviouswork Experience",ggarPublications,India or "TheKey Of Life', LotusPress,USAwhere bitter enemies, godsand demonsagreedto work togetherfor attainingceftainends. of knoutpdger/hraswati,the Sinc{Anuradhais so concernedwith learningand accumulahon { Thisis the onlywayone to this nakshatra. goddess canbe saidto be stronglyconnected of learning, canexplainthe@Aswehaveseenear|ier,Sarasn'atia|wayssitson a lotus(a symbolof Anuradha)with a Vina(stringedinstrument).
Ngtuo 6 funrtionhg : The keywordfor Anuradhais'exploration'. This exploration,however,is not a lonesoneordeal, but a joyous,communalcombinaUon of peopleand energies.Anuradhabringsto life the hidden secretsof naturebfunctionings throughestablishing a bridgebetweennaturallydiscordant energies. Anuradhafosterscommunication betweenallthe extremes- the youngandthe old; the mature and immature;the moreevolvedandthe lessevolved;the differentraces,castesetc.Anuradhacan thus be seenas a universalsolvent.Mostof Anuradha's tendenciesput it outsidethe orthodox,social gambit.Thisis the reasonwhy it fallsin the heaftof Scorpio,a signwhichquestions andgrowsout of the socialsensibilities representedby the sign Libra.In a way,Anuradhais the nakshatraof the
Inthepresent times, Anuradha
ry9:!q.L"dl*yrgtnin!r1q9$j9grs. it
abilityto seethroughthe realitybehindall the fakemedia
propaganda on social,econoqrjg pnd politicallevels.
,. :. ,
ThefactthatAnuradha isopento alldoesn'tmeanthat it doesn'tdiscriminate. Evolved Anuradha nativesare in factquitediscriminative andcautiousas to who they let intotheir innercircle.In the presentdayand age,whereeverynakshairabenergyhasbeenutilizedfor negaUve ends,Anuradha falls preyto excessive opennessand frivolousfriendships. The logicorientedapproachof this nakshatra accountsfor the fact that manyAnuradhanatives aregttractedto-material-sciences like mathematics and physiF.The abilityof Anuradhato combine logic,intuitionandfreedomof thoughtproducesdeepthinkersin evervfield.Numbersaresomething whichtakesAnuradha's fancylike no otherthing. A lot of Anuradhanativeshavea stronginterest eitherin occult_Allnqldene_lu'meroLogy or statistics.Anuradhaalwaystries to broadenits horizons in relationto its areaof interest.The moreevolvedthe soul,the moreall encompassing the vision. Nativeswith stronginfluenceof Anuradhaon their ascendantare bornwith stouthairybodies. Theyhaveprominentchestand thighsand havea tendencyto developa bellywith age.Theirface conveysa senseof friendliness andwell-being. A slighthintof secrecyemanates fromthe eyesand the overalldemeanour in general.Theirsocialbehaviour fluctuatesbetweenpassivityandexuberance. Combiningfriendlinesswith aloofnessis their special$ftl
Anuradhanativesare usuallyseenmakingspecialeffoft to put peopleat easeand loveto act as a bridgebetweenpeople,groupsand organizations. Theyare very interestedin anythinoto do with >g
the occultand hiddenissuesin general.Theyare e ior. It is theirabilityto keepup solidexteriorswhichmakesthemgoodorganizers. Anuradhanqqy$ 'areoftenseentb be the foundersand leadersof organizations. Theyhaveoriginalmindswhichare meltingpotsof myriadpiecesof knowledge, understanding and experience. !:
MostAnuradha nativeschanneltheiremotional energyin the formof devotionto somehigher
deity,universalenergyor cluse. Anqradhanativesare at their most vergqtilg_when they haveto combinetheirtalentswith others.Despitetheirneedfor constantinteraction, @AlgeqEjgliyes at onb time of their lives or the other. @ c"riosity makesthem tr
to forgiEl rands.Thev
tue3'teJrgsy__lTe relatingto and adjustingto foreignenvironments in comparision to other nakshatras. In fact, living in foreignlandsis usuallyvery satisfyingand fruitful for them. In the universalschemeof things,Anuradharelatesto "radhana shakti"- the powerof worship. Its symbolism hasascension aboveanddescension below.Thissymbolism stresses uponAnuradha,s abilityto exploreand undersbndboth the lowerand higherlot
Modc of functionhtg : Anuradhais considered to be a passivenakshatra. By itsetf,Anuradhais a h1gllypassl5enlgy, just like a seesawin its stationarybalancedposition.It usuallyrequires an externalagencyin the form of co-workers/friendsto put it into action. Its passivequality often results from Saturn overpowering Mars,whileits activityresulb from the maftianand saturnineenergiesbeingin equal balance.
Caste: obviouslyrelatesto the fact that Saturn,the It befongsto the Silygln caste.Thisclassification Even Shudraplanet,is the planetaryrulerof Anuradha.Anuradhais a serviceorientatednakshatra.
a leaderis nothingbutservantto thoseheleads. (}L;
Qerdzr: . relatesto its malepresidingdeity and its association It is a Malenakshatra.Thisclassification with the male planet Mars.Anuradharepresentsthe masculineforce,whichtries to open up and lookthroughthe wheelof nature' .
tsodyparts U l{unwr (Ayutve{ic Corstitution ) : Breasts,Stomach,Bowelsand the womb are the bodypartsrelatedto this nakhatra. and astralfires Anuradharelatesto allthe electrical ry) nakshatra. within our body.The astralfires are carriedby the three channelslda, Pingalgand sushumna. It is a primarily"pE'(ft
- Directiott : It is relatedprimarilyto nodft, southand west.
tPatros(Qnrters) :
i t: i:i
The first padaor quafterof this asterism3o 20' 60 40' Scorpiofalls in LeoNavamsaruledby in the one'sinnerselfandapplyingthat understanding hereis on understanding Sun.Theemphasis prideor militancyhasto be curbed outerworldthroughcareeretc.Thetendencytowardsexcessive of the intenseenergyavailablehere.Sun,Mars,Jupiterand here if one wants posigveexpression Ketuare especiallystrongin this pada'
Thesecondpadaor quafterof this asterism6040' - 10" 00' Scorpiofallsin VirgoNavamsa ruled by Mercury.This pada is all aboutcontinouslearning,discipline, groupworkand discrimination, organization. Thispadadelvesinto the mysteriesof the Universeand in doingso takesthe mystery out of them. Numbers,calculationand classification are its domain.Beinga Pushkaranavamsha padait promisesfulfillmentof objectives.Mercury& Rahuare especiallystronghere. Thethird padaor quarterof this asterism10o(X)'- 13o20' Scorpiofallsin LibraNavamsaruled by Venus.The concernshere can rangefrom arts, music,bohemiato occult.There is alwaysa certaindegreeof self-undoing and wastefulness associatdwith this pada,Planetsheregivea highly sociablenature.Venusand Saturnsuit this pada'senergiesmorethan the other planets. a.
The fourth padaor quarterof this asterism13o20' - 16040' Scorpiofalls in ScorpioNavamsa ruledby Mars.Thereis abundantenergyavailablehereto pursueall kindsof esotericand exoteric goals.Only strugglehere lies in channelingthe energyconstructively in tune with Universal functionings.Planetsherefunctionfrom a planeof excessivepassionand emotion.Theycan give the abilityto achievemuchif the rest of the nativitysupportsit. Sun,Jupiter,and Ketuare better ,'
suitedto haMlingthe energyof this pada. - :- .+!
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lProfusioru: Hypnotisb& PsychicMediums;Occultists;Institution& Organization Heads;Astrologers; Spies; Alloccupations involvingNightDuty;Photographers; Gnemarelatedprofessions in general;Musicians; Attists;Managers;Industrialists;Promoters;Counsellers; Psychologists; Scientists;Numerologists; Statisticians; Mathematicians; Explorers;Miners;FactoryWorkers;Diplomats;All professions connected with dealingwith ForeignCountries, TravelandForeigners; All professions requiringgroup activity.
Q[ocu : Old Ruins,Castlesetc; Forests;Mountains;Caves& Caverns;Lakes;IsolatedLandscapes; Technological & Industrialareas;Study& ResearchPlaces;Temples& other Stadiums;MetropoJis; Topics;Placesof Occult placesusedfor the Practiceand Studyof Religionand OcculVSpiritual with the abovementionedprofessions. All placesconnected Headquarters; Organization Significance;
guna (T-ssence) and Tattwa (Efzment): comesabout due to its It is supposedto be a Tamasb(ineft) nakshatra.This classification
job to create relationship with Marsand Saturn,two inherentlytamasicplanets.It is Anuradha's evolutionthroughthe balancingof two opposingtamasictendencies.Evolutionon all planestakes placeby takingthe middlepath.EventhoughAnuradhais a tamasicnakshatra,it hasthe powerto '4t&'+ of opposites. and balancing bringaboutspiritualfloweringthroughinnergentleness with the fiery planetMarsis responsible for this It belongsto the Fireelement.Its relationship petrol.fire of Aries.Its fire is morelikefireoverwater,unlikethe explosive Anuradha's classification. fierinessis resporsiblefor its warmth,friendshipand associations.
QanaEWd t is clearfrom its soft, mild and It is considereda ryg.g-@y_naUshatra. This classification tender mode of functioning.Anuradhais the nakshatrawhich strivesto createharmonyand at all levelsof existence.Besidesmakinghumanswork with eachother,it has the understanding capacityto makethe gods,demons,humans,serpentsand sagesall worktogetherfor a common cause.
Oripntation d Disposition :
It is a Levelnakshatrain keepingwith its balancednature.Sincethe maintask of Anuradhais to balanceout the energiesof two contraryplanetsMarsand Saturn,it hasto work in a levelway. Itis a "Mridu" or soft,tenderand mildnakshatra. The bestwayto understand this classification is to thinkaboutAnuradha's symbol,a lotus.A lotusis a soft andtenderflowerwith a mildscent. Thisjust goesto showthat Anuradha's approachto uncoveringthe wheelof natureisn't that of a forcefulwarrior,but that of a gentle lover.
Lunar Montft d Day : It relatesto the secondhalf of the lunarmonthof, Vaishakha. This monthusuallycorresponds to middleor late Mayin the solarcalendar.
Anuradhais alsorelatedto the Duadashi(l2d'tithi or day)of the waxingand waningphasesof the Sgon's qo4fhly cycle.
16.ti:; :- .:ujt].
, Anspbiors4.*iEiti*,,;
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Grouprelatedactivities;Research & Studyin the sciences or occultsubjects;Meditation; Exploring nature;Favourable for managerial activitiesrequiringon the spot decisionmaking;Goodfor travel; Immigration& dealingwith all foreignaffairs;Healing;Spendingtime with friends;Finances & Accounting;Quiet reflection;SecretiveActivities.
Inawpiriow Actiaitits : Marriage;Not goodfor activitiesrequiringdirectconfrontation;Not goodfor inaugurations or beginnings; Unfavourable for routine,mundaneactivities.
9{arctary&[.er :
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Mars,Pluto,Sab"rmand Ketu are the planetsconnectedto this nakshatra.Saturnis the main planetaryrulerhergand ib sfong influenceis evidentin the disciplineinherentin Anuradha.Satum makesAnuradhaseriousabout life in general,It makesAnuradhanativesgo beyondsuperficial andsearchfor the answersto the mysteriesof life.It givesthem layersof regularsocialinteractions an abilityto understandand then transcendthe limitationsof the materialrealm.A well-defined senseof purposefor one'sexistenceis soughtherethroughthe influenceof the two main karmic planets- Saturnand Ketu. Ketu is responsiblefor this nakshatra'sforay into occult and the unseenhiddenrealmsof existence.Marsprovidesthe initiative,impulseand energynecessaryfor any exploration.Pluto allowingAnuradhato tap into collectiverather boundaries and sub-conscious expandsthe conscious than personalconcems. Ma6-Satumconjunctionsor mutualaspects,especiallywhen they are placedin Saturnine Ketu-Pluto,Satunr' signsor nakshatas,carryan energysimilarto that of Anuradha.Satum-Plttto, alsopartlycarryenergiessimilarto that of Anuradha. conjunctions Mars-Pluto All planetshavean abilityto functionin a beneficialway in this Nakshatra.tike atways,tleir statusof the dependsuponthe overalltone of the nativityand the evolutionary levelof beneficiality nauve'
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ilouefs andALpfrabe*: to "Na" as in The first pada or quarterof this asterism3o 20' -6o 40' Scorpiocorresponds
Nassau. to "Ni" as in The secondpadaor quafterof this asterism60 40' - 10o00' Scorpiocorresponds Nilofer.
to "Nu" as in The third padaor quarterof this asterism10o00' -13o20' Scorpiocorresponds Nutan. to "Ne"as in Thefourth padaor quarterof this asterism13o20' - 16040' Scorpiocorresponds Neha. its In the SanskritalphabetAnuradha corresponds to "Tam",'Tham"and "Dam"consequently .:,' L':,
mantrasare "OmTam","OmTham"and "OmDam".
SeryaItgpe and Compatifii[ity:
Itssexua|anima|isaDeer.qry|1:',de|icacyandficklenessarc expressed in thesexualbehaviour of thoseundertlle influence Anuradha is most of thisnakshatra. compaUble with the otherdeernakshatra Jy6ttta. pleasereferto Btetableson pages457 tor marital& sexualcompatibility withothernakshatras & 458. .
Esoteric : Anuradha, nakshatra, relatesto the number'17'. beingthe seventeenth Thisnumberis usually seenas a bringerof celestialwatersdownto the earth plane.It allowsfor a sdferefrge from the vicissitudes of life. It must be mentionedherethat Anuradhais the nakshatrapresidingover the scienceof Numerology. The Universe,in a way, is a gameof numbersand Numerology formsthe -.backboneof all esoteriggciences like Astrology,Aruradha is_adecoderof the secretfunctioningsof the universe.
The reaffunctionof Anuradha,however,relatesto the movementofkundalini(serpent energy) throughthe chakras(sevensacralcentres),The awakeningof the kundalinifrom its dormantstate in the MuladharaChakrahappensunderthe energiesof Ashlesha.After Ashlesha,Anuradhais the first nakshatrawherea full scaleexplorationof all the chakrastakesplace.Thisexplorationusually
bearsa fot of fruits withinthe samelifetime- one'sold karmasget nullifiedand one getsaccessto Thebodilyneruesbecomecapableof carryingdirect,astral,causalimpressions. universal functionings. In otherwords,one becomesfriendswith the universe. Out of this friendshipcomesharmonyand balancein one'sthoughtsand actions.If the full potentialof Anuradhais utilized,thereis no karmabeingbirthedthroughactionsandonlya seeking remains. for knowledge and enlightenment The story of how Anuradhabecomesfriendswith the universestartswith its pair nakshatra Radha(Vishakha). OnceonehasutilizedVishakhatone pointedapproachto dedicateoneselfto one of the governingenergiesof the universe,it is but naturalthat a very friendlyand intimaterapport will be established by the time Anuradhacomesalong. Moreis expectedout of Anuradhathanjust personalenlightenment. AlgtgilUjSlgPPgled to with its fellowbeings(souls).Thisspreading knowledge of and accumulated shareits experiences knowledgeis meantto be in a codedform, so that it only reachesthosewho are ripe enoughto (the nametranslatesinto "friendof the wholeworld"),who receiveit, Thestoryof SageVishwamitra (the highestpost in the hierarchyof the sages)from an ordinary went on to becomea Brahmarishi king,encompasses the variousaspectsof Anuradha'sfunctioningsfrom a universalstandpoint.
Lg9rye),: Qotra(Cetzstut Thisnakshatrais relatedto the SageAngiras,oneof the sevencelestialsageslookingafterthe affairs of our galaxy.The name of this sagetranslatesinto "the fiery one". The associationof Anuradhawith this particularrishiis not veryapparentexceptfor the fuct that Anuradhafallsin the signScorpioruledby the fiery planetsMars,Ketuand Pluto.
fumefiat i Forthosesufferingfrom badeffecb resultingfromafflictionsto this nakshaua,the bestremedial measureis worshipof the terlve Adityas,especiallyMitra.Alternativelyone can worshipthe half Vishnu,half Shivaform commonlyknownas Hari Hara.fhe practiceof Raja Yqa, whichinvolves the raisingof the kundalinithroughthe sevensaq€d centresis one of the best waysto utilisethis nakshatra'spotential. Repetitionof the root mantraof this nakhatra - "Om Yam"and "Om Ram" 108 times when Moontransitsthis nakshatraand in its corresponding lunar monthis sureto reducesufferingand bringenlightenment into a person's life. Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakhatra can also increasethe goodeffectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor them to wearcolourslike red, blue andgold.Theyshoulduseits directions,lunarmonthand the dayswhenMoontrarsits Anuradhato undertakeall importantactions.
Eagntpfc : Jim Morrison,the singer& songwriterof the fumous60's group TheDoorc,was born with Anuradharisingon hisAscendant.Hislife, personality and worksrevealthe mysteriousfunctionings of this occultnakshatra. Fridreich NieEche,the famousphilosopher, has his Moonplacedin Anuradha.Readerscan referto the birthchaftanalysisof boththesepersonalities in the author'sprcviouswork('The RahuKetuExperience"hgarPubliations, India or "TheKeyof Life"Lotuspress,IJSA).
: Misceffaneous
Moonin Anuradhamakesone "wealthy,a traveller,livingin fureign Accordingto Vanhamihira, asthey find it difficultto bearhunger". countriesandone needsto satisfytheir appetiteimmediately 'J = ' ,:.1;. ***
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7- Jyeshta,the seniormostamongthe first eighteenasterisms,consisb of \frree starsin a rowi whichwereseenby the ancientsas forminga shapesimilarto an ear-ring(or in somecasesthe top of an umbreffa). Thesethree starsare knownin modernastronomyas Atpha-fupionis (Anbre), Sigma-Scorpionisand Tau-Scorpionis. All of thesestarslie in the middleto end portionof the zodiacal constellation of Scorpio.Antares,the starwith a reddishhue,is the brightestamongthesestarswith a visualmagnitudeof L.07and was reveredby all ancientcultures.It is in fact one of the brightest objectsin the nightsky,whichmakesit easyfor one to spot this asterismin the night sky. 5P
A{ante : "Jyeshta"translatessimplyinto the "Eldest"or "Seniormost". As is the casewith someother asterisms,Jyeshta'snanreimmediatelyrevealsa lot about its natureand functioning.Jyeshtais considered the eldestamongthe first eighteennakshatras. At somepointof Umein ancienthistory onlyeighteennakshatras werein useandJyeshtawasthe final,the seniormostor eldestnakshatra. Sincethen more nakshatrashave beenadded,but the narnehas stayed
Syn6o[: and legends,onecansee In all the ancientcivilizations Its mainsymbolis a'roundtalisman'. that a roundtalismanis seenas a symbolof divineprotection.In manycases,one will find that it is position' alsoa symbolof an authoritarian earringis alsoa soft of roundtalismanandall the kingsof the pastwereexpectedto A circula.r 'earring'canalsobe seenas a symbolof this nakshatra. wearbig,roundearrings.Thusan to be relatedto the governingforcesof the A roundtalisman,ring or earringare all considered in circles. the ages,everylfiingin naturehappens As all wisemenhaveknownthroughout universe. of the higher In ancienttimes, the king was supposedto be the personwho is representative governingforceson earth.Thefactthat he usedthis circlesymbolismshowedthat he wasconnected to theseforces. Onecan automaticallyinfer that this nakshatrarelatesto all thosein authoritypositions.This authorityis usuallyconferredon one for their relativeproximityto the governinguniversalforces. This may be the result of repeatedpast life efforts in the fields of karma,occult practicesand penance. The most importantexampleof a circularoccult symbolis the Ouroboros,a coiled snake fhe swallowingits tail. The serpentsymbolismrelatesto Rahuand Ketuand the kundalinishafti' 'The Rahu-KefuEYprience", SagarPubliations' reader can refer to the author's previous work India or 'The Keyof Life", LotusPress,USA-
Themostbasicfunctionof an umbrella symbolof thisnakshatra. an alternative An.umbrella'is is to protectone from rain,sun or wind i.e. nature'sforces.In the sameway this nakshatrais and supposedto provideprotectionagainstthe universalforces.This is the reasonwhy all kings queensin oldendays neverwent out withoutan umbrellaon top of their head.It was the most visibleroyalinsignia.
Thisprotectionusuallycomesaboutthrougha detailedunderstanding of the occultknowledge of Universal functions.In a way,the priestlyclasswasthe protectiveshieldfor a king.In today'sday and age wheremostof the massesare totally ignorantof the occultand havelittle knowledgeof Universalfunctionings,the truly protectiveaspectof this nakshatrais rarely seen.Howeverthe politicians andthe rulingclassof todaydo takethe aid of occultpracticesin secret(awayfrom public view),to protecttheir powerand position.
Deity : ''
Indra, the scionof the Gods,is the maingoverningdeity of this nakhatra. It is impoftantto
mentionherethat Indra is just a post,whichdifferentsoulsoccupyat differenttimes.A soulwho hasdoneenoughpenanceis put on this post.In the sameway Jyeshtahasthe capacityto bestgw an authoritypositionhereon earthas a resultof pastlife efforts. The word "Indra"translatesinto "a celestialdrop".This meaningcan be lookedat in different ways.Indra,eventhoughhe is a kingof the gods,is a meredropasfar asthe universeis concerned. Onthe otherhand,we canseethat this meaningrelateswell to the fact that Indrawasregardedas the raingod in mostof the ancientcultures.
- iliJ*:
Aroundfive thousandyearsago, Indrawas the mostworshipped amongall the deities.The Vedas,especially the earlierones,are full of remarksabouthis splendour and glory.Hisworship suruivedeven up to a periodaround500 B. C., as cirn be inferredfrom the fact that the Greek worshippeda thundergod knownas 'Thor".Thisthundergod wassupposedto wielda thunderbolt in muchthe samewayas Indra,who is alwaysportrayed with a thunderbolt in his hand. Rainwasimportantto all civilizations becauseagriculturewasdirectlyequatedwith prosperity. It is no wonderthen,that this nakshatrais relatedto prosperityon the materialplaneof existence. In a way this nakshatraalsoconveysa certainstrongconcernfor prosperity,in muchthe sameway as peoplein the oldendayseagerlyawaitedthe rainsto fall. Whenthe rainbll is irregular,it can destroyagricultureratherthan supportit. This bringsout the fact that this nakhatra can,at many
times,bring aboutdepravityand hardUmesinsteadof prosperity.Thiscanalsobe seenfrom the fact that whenthe rulersof a nationare corruptand greedy,its subjectswill encounteradversity. of agricultureon rain diminishedaM the dependance With the inventionof newtechnologies, so did the worshipof Indra. Krishnacan be saidto be the first one who tumedthe commonpeople with the them to establishdirectcommunication awayfrom the worshipof Indra. He encouraged forcesof nafurcinstead.Afterall Indra'spoweronly relieson hisconnectionwith theseforces.Even today,the rulingelite go to greatlengthsto maintainthis connection,whilethe commonpeopletoil away mindlessly. ,
Indra comesout as a rumbustious,proud,vain,tricky and unreliablecharacterin mostof the
puranicstories.Mostof the elementsof his natureare conveyedthroughthis nakshatra.In this way the other nakshatraruled by Indra. Jyeshta,however,is much Jyeshtais very similarto Visttakha, more controlled,secretiveand deliberatingin comparisonto Vishakha.orp can say that Jyeshta functionsin a positiveor negativeway dependingon who the Indra is at anygivenpointin time. In a birthcharthowever,an afflictedJyeshtawilltendto bringout the negativequalitieslikedepravation, vainityetc.; while a well fortifiedJyeshtawill bring misuseof powerand authority,unnecessary about prosperity,genuine@ncetnand protectivenesstowardsothers' or One peculiarityof Jyeshtais that it givesprosperityonly throughsomeoccult,supernatural exgaordinarymeans.Thisarisesfrom the factthat Indraalwaysgetshis positionand powerthrough penanceand otheroccultactivities.Heevengot his thunderboltthroughthe occultpropitiationof a 'AmarChitn Katha" comicsfor puranicstories readerscanreferto sagecaffedDadhichi.Interested ;}tY
?it. :
Nnt*e d furrctioning :
rebted to Indra.
Jyeshta.Jyeshtacompletesthe secondseries "A senseof arrivingor becoming"characterizes of nine nakshatrasbeginningfrqg, Magha.This seriesis mostlyto do with involvqmentin worldly ' ')J :e. activitieson the earhly plane.
Jyeshtais a nakhatra wherekeepingup an imageis more importantthan anythingelse. Jyeshtanativesusuallydo evefihing from a point of view which caresa great deal about how othersare perceivingthem.Theywant to gain respectin societyand do whateveris necessary to adhereto the prwailingstandards. In ancienttimeswhenrealactsof charity,kindness andphilanthropy werethe steppingstonesto a respectfulposition,Jyeshtafunctionedwell. In the presentday and agewhereexcessive headless materialism is the standard,Jyeshtaenergygeb channelled in useless, self-destructive ways.The stereotypicalmob leaders,conupt and unwisepoliticans,beaurocrab and managersare all Jyeshtacharacters. Nativeswith Jyeshtarisingor havingstrongJyghta influenceconnectedto the AscendanL usuallymaturevery quicklyboth physicallyand mentally.They havewell proportionedbodiesbut are not ableto holdonto their youthfor long.Theirupperbodyis usuallystrongerthan their lower body.The easiestway to spotthem is to payattentionto their penetratingand probingeyes. ..
Jyeshtanativesare apt to magniff their troublesand woes.Thereis no beatingJyeshtawhen
it comesto unnecessaryexaggeratedmoaningand groaning.The continentof Africa is under sffonginfluenceof Jyeshtaenergy.It is no wonderthenthat tre "Blus" as a musicalart form,came from this continent. A rwengefuland vindictivetendencyis often noticedin Jyeshtanatives.Theyalsofall preyto jealousyvery easilyand are alwayson the lookoutto put othersdown.A strongcompetitivespirit ratherthan an internaldirectionis what makesthem manifestthe full extentof their abilites. t:.
Thegoodness of Jyeshtanativesliesin theirabilityto beprotective towardsthewea( subordinate, helplessand underprivileged. Theycan purgethemselvesheadlonginto dangerin orderto prctect others.Besidesstickingto their word,they havea responsible attitudeto the affairsthat fall under their domain.Howeverat timesthey can alsocarrytheir senseof responsibility and protectiveness to extremes.In todayt day andage, mostof Jyeshta'sfunctioningis confinedto the military police and similarMartianpursuits.Sinceall theseforcesare guidedand controlledby a darkel1ethereb no real sensein zealouslyllentiffing mesetr with these branches. ::t'
Modt of functionirg : '
to be an Activenakshatra.Onceagain,we will take helpfrom the policing lyeshtais considered
professionto fathomJyeshta'sactivenature.Beinga policeman,one is expectedto be readyand whichinvolvesconstant alert24 hoursa dayasthey canbe calledanytirnefor duty.It is a profession It is noticedthat Jyeshtatypes usuallyget depressedwhen their vigil, activityand responsibility. don't allowfiorconstantactivityof somekind. circumstances '
Caste: It belongsto the Servantcaste.The servantcastewas seen by the ancientseersas being why the supposedeldestamongthe involvedin differentformsof seruitude.It is hardto understand shouldbe relegatedto seruitude.The only reasonwe can think of is that first eighteennakshatras can't It is likeIndra,whoseactivities art, tradeor profession. Jyeshtais not skilledin any particular andShudra.Indrais underany of the four maincastesBrahmin,lGhatriya,Vaishya be categorised and he is no manuallabourereither.We have neithera priest,nor a soldier,nor a businessman like policeofficers,etc. alreadyseenthat Jyeshtatypesalwaysend up in serviceprofessions
' '?sriJ:'
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It is a Femalenakshatra.Jyeshtais often portrayedas the eldestand seniormostqueen.Even feminineattitudesandaftributes.Theold,seasoned, Indraasa chamcterseemsto havepredominantly jealous,sternand lonelyqueenarchetypefits Jyeshtalike a 9love. *,
tso[ypartsU 5{umor(Aytne{ic Corutitution): The neckand right side of the torso are the body parts relatedto this nakshatra'In a lot of to ancientcultures,the eldestqueenwassupposedto havethe mostelaborateneckornamentation signiff her seniormoststatus. Eventoday in some parts of Africa, huge necklingsare used for signifyingstatus.In somecasesthe neck are elongatedby usinglargerand largersizenecklings'
It is a primarily'Vab" (airy) nakshatra.Thisagainmustrelateto its relationshipwith Mercury a primarilyvataplanet.Jyeshta, aswe haveseen,belongsto the air element.Its classification under the Vatahumorre-emphasizes its airy aspect.
Direction It is relatedprimarilyto northand south.
ea[as (@nrters) : The first padaor quarterof this asterism16040' - 20" 00' Scorpiofalls in SagittariusNavamsa ruledby Jupiter'Theemphasis hereis on familyconcerns andinterests. Thispadais veryconcerned about financialaffairseventhough its prosperityin that areawill swingfrom one extreme to the other.Thelessonhereisto takea moreeasygoingattitudein regardsto finances.A certainenthusiasm towardsacquiring higherknowledge is noticeable here.Thenormallysecretive Jyeshtatendsto leak out secretsthroughSagittariancarefreeness and frankness.The nativeis a risktaker.Generosityis moreprominentin thispadain comparision to otherJyeshtapadas.Thenativeis chivalrous in terms of beingprotectivetowardskith and kin. Planetsherehavea senseof humour.Sun,Mars,Jupiter & Ketuare stronghereandJupitertendsto givethe bestresults.Planetsplacedin this padaadversety effectthe wellbeingof one'ssiblings. Thesecondpadaor quarterof this asterism20" 00' - 23 20'Scorpiofallsin CapricornNavamsa ruledby Saturn.Thispadais veryrigidin regardsto responsibility anddoingthe rightthing.Natives hereare fiercelyprotectiveand liketo challengeothers.This padaproducesauthoritytype figures. This pada can be selfish,stingy,materialisticand vengeful.The native is ruthlessin regards to gettingbackat others'A strongsenseof maturityis seenin the physicaland mental make-upof the nativefrom an earlyage.The nativehasan authoritative speaking voice.Thispadais veryserious andoverbearing andwill tendto takeits timeto achieveits goals.Thenativeusuallyonlyachieves their goalslate in life after muchhardwor( perseverance and penance.Nativesare cautious,slow
and negative and stern.They needto watcha tendencytowardstoo muchskepticism,melancholy givesomesort of position attitudesin general.Mars& saturnare strongherein the sensethat they youngersiblings. of authority.planetsplacedin this padaadverselyeffectthe wellbeingof Thethird padaor quafterof this asterism23o20' 26" 40'scorpiofallsin AquariusNavamsa instinctand allowsthe nativeto playroles ruledby Saturn.Thispadagivesa stronghumanitarian professions whichinvolve whichare beneficialor protectivetowardssociety.The naUveworksbestin Theylikeservingcauses.Thenativecanbeverysacrificing protectingthe underdogor underprivileged. scienceor mysticism.The whenit comesto protectingothers.Thispadagivesa lovefor researching their personal nativehastheir own peculiarbrandof familyvalues.The nativeenjoysespousing philosophyto others.The nativegets caught up in bizarresexualencounters'saturn, Mercury of Venus& Rahuare strongin this pada.Planetsplacedin this padaadverselyeffectthe wellbeing one'smother. The fourth padaor quarterof this asterism26o40' 30o 00' Scorpiofalls in PiscesNavamsa get carriedaway.The ruledby Jupiter.This is a veryemotionalpadaand the nativeis inclinedto in fantasy,sexual Thereis a dangerof too muchindulgence nativecan simplydrownthemselves. intrigueand intoxication.The nativemaybe ableto channeltheir emotionsinto creativeexpression. to an extremeat times. In its and protectiveness The nativecarriestheir senseof responsibility way. lowestaspect,nativesare apt to fantasizeabouttheir woesandtroublesin life in an unhealthy to In its highestaspect,this padacan give a strongsacrificingnatureand a spiritualdevotion an humanity.The nativewill be fond of children.The nativewill defendthe rightsof othersand take penanceaspect interestin occultexplorationfor liberationpurposes.The only downfallis that the 's is difficultto harnessin this pada.However for Jyestha properfunctioning whichis so necessary This lyestha,scapacityfor materialgainis strongerin this padaand its povertyaspectis decreased' poorlyin this is true when strongbeneficslike Venusand Jupiterare placedhere. Marsfunctions maybe helpfulin acquiringsomesoft of pada,howeverSaturn,althoughgivingmaterialadversity, whenworkingthroughits negative Thispadatendsto bethe mostselfdestructive, spiritualdiscipline. aspect.
{Profusiots: All PolicingProfessions; Government Officials;Administrative Postsof all types; Reporters; Radio& Television Commentators; Newsreaders; TalkShowHosb; Actors;Orators;Firemen;Trade Unionists;Occultists(mainlyBlackMagicians); Detectives; Mafia;Politicans; Beaurocrats; Naval Professions; ForestRangers;MilitaryProfessions in general;Salvation Armyand othersuch'Caring for the Aged'professions; ManualLabourers; Athletes,especiallySprinters;Telecommunication Irdustry related professions;Ar Traffic Controllersand RadarExperts;Surgeons.
9faru : HillyInaccessible Terrain;Hot TropicalJungles;Government Buildings;All placesrelatedto Telecommunications & Mediain general;Airports;Hospitals;MilitaryBases;CapitalCities;Manors, Forb & Palaces;Old-AgeHomes;All placesconnectedwith above-mentioned professions.
and tattu.ta (Ekment) : Qurw (tr-sserrce) It is supposedto be a httuic nakshatra.This classification mainlyrelatesto its elderlyand protectiveaspect.As we havediscussedearlier,Jyeshtais reverentialtowardsib elders(or those morepowedulthan itself)and is protectivetowardsits juniorsor subordinates. Jyeshtais also sattwicin the sensethat it is readyto sacrificea lot of pleasures and enjoymentsfor the sakeof its duUesand commitments It belongsto the Air element.Thisrelatesto Mercury's strongassociation with Jyeshta.Behind its fixedandsternMarsexterior,Jyeshtais prettylight floatyandairy in disposition. Jyeshtahankers for freedomand movement(whichare naturalqualitiesof the air element)but is usuallyconstrained by its outer image,responsibilities or circumstances. Forexample,a policeofficer may like to join the crowdin a rockconcertbut he cannotdo it becauseOfhisjob and position.
gora ('Typr), or Demonicnakshatra.It is a surpriseto find that the nakshatra It is considereda Rakshasa whoserulingdeityis kingof the gods,is classifiedthus.A goodlookat storiesand legendsattached as far as demonicor the demonsthemselves, with Indra revealthat Indra at times surpasses senseof rightanowrongcanget quiteflawedbecause Jyeshta's actionsareconcerned. unrighteous ofitsprimari|yse|fshandse|fcentreddisposition.'^;.':.:,}';i'|..'':'::
OriBntati"onU Dispositbn : tendencyto'get even'is the first thing whichcomesup in Jyeshta's It is a Levelnakshatra. Jyeshtais alwaysconcernedwith fair play,justice,balancingevents regardsto this classification. and people.A policemanpursuinga murdereris in essencefuelledby Jyeshta'sbasicnatureto get likethe Mafia.Theheads,donsor is foundin gangstermentalities even.This'gettingeven'tendency 'gettingeven'witheachother' eldersof Mafiasare alwaysplayingthe endlessgameof Justlikethe planetMars,Jyeshtais not averseto It is a Hard,Sharpand Dreadfulnakshatra. qualities. Jyeshtacarrieswithinitselfmostof the keywords activitiesrequiringthe abovementioned associatedwith the sign Scorpio- hardness,coldness,focus,tofture, punishment,attacKing, the hard,stonyand ferocioussideof the sign Scorpio' and biting.Jyeshtarepresents arduousness and the headsof organizations, todayby the policedepartments Its brutalityis well exemplified all aroundthe world' and institutions corporations
Lunar'M0ftfr d Dau : to late May/ This usuallycorresponds It relatesto the first halfof the lunarmonthof Jyaishtha. earlyJunein the solarcalendar. (7b & 14btithis or days)of the waxingand Jyeshtais alsorelatedto the Saptami& Chaturdashi waningphasesof the Moon'smonthlycycle.
Attsryious Actiaitiet : judgements; Passing Gettingeven;Puttingone's Harshactivities;Plotting;Spying;Scheming; foot down over impoftantissues;Takingcontrol; Expressingone'sauthoritativenatureout of a activities;Policingor monitoringsituations;Occultactivities;Acting senseof caring;Administrative givingassistance with elders,especially responsibly; Actsof concern,careor protection;Associating to the elderly;Takingcareof familymatters;Occultactivitiesrequiringa lot of penance;Holding for others; discussions over seriousissues;Grandplanning;Actingrestrainedout of conslderaUon for oneself. Settingdisciplines
Innuspiciotu Actiaitirs : Wallowingin depressionand resentmentor havinga harddone by attitude;Infidelity;Actsof Takingadvantageof others;Marriage;Healing;Too muchrest or selfishness or self-centricity; recreational and gentleness; Not good activity;Anydealingswhichrequirea lot of tact, sensitivity for travelling
efanetny fo[er : Mercuryis the mainplanetaryrulerof this nakshatra. Mercurial energyrefinesitselffrom its deceptive, cunning,childlike beginnings to a moreseriousenergy,whichtriesto controlthe scattered functionings that Moonrepresents the massmentality,Mercury's functioning of the mind.Considering here is directedto controllingthat energy.It is no wonderthen that Jyeshtanativesfeel like the policeof the world. Mars,the ruler of Scorpio,of coursesupportsthis policingmentalityand providesthe energy andinitiativerequiredfor it. TheMercury-Mars combination canturn self-seruing veryquicklyasthe partof mercurialenergy.Muchof the deceit martianenergyafflictsthe perceptiveanddiscriminative and misuseof power inherentin this nakshatracan be understoodfrcm the rnanytales about the
unruly,boisterousbehaviourof its ruling deity Indra, the scionof the demigods.Mercurymakes of things, whosevaluesare not baseduponany real understanding Jyeshtaa sort of a chameleon, uponits surroundings. but are dependent Plutoand Ketu, beingco-rulersof Scorpioalong with Mars,also conveya part of Jyestha's emotionalupheaval outerandinnertransformation, tendencies, energyin the formof self-destructive and penance. in a chart,carrysimilarenergiesto Jyeshta. conjunctions & Mercury-Mars-Ketu Mercury-Mars In the presentday and age, most planetsplacedhere needto be watchedvery carefullyby the astrologeras they usuallywork againstthe native'speaceof mind.Onlya well placedMercurycan give good resultshere.
ilowefs and A[pfiabe* : '
to "No" as in The first padaor quarterof this asterism16o40' -20o 00' Scorpiocorresponds
Nora. to "Ya"as in The secondpadaor quafterof this asterism20o00' - 23" 20'Scorpiocorresponds Yani. to "Yi" as in The third padaor quarterof this asterism23o 20' - 260 40' Scorpiocorresponds Yeast. to "Yu"as in Thefourth padaor quafterof this asterism26o40' - 30o00' Scorpiocorresponds Yul. to "Dha" and consequentlyits mantrais "Om In the SanskritalphabetJyeshtacorresponds Dham".
;3ir-r "ii::;;'
-.. r
Seryattype : to a deer,which sexualanimal,ascompared Its sexualanimalis a Stag.A stagis an aggressive to havea cold,yet Anuradha. Jyeshtais supposed is the sexualanimalfor the previousnakshatra It is passionateresponsetowardslovemakingand likesto dominatethe proceedings. aggressively, aboutsexuality. not considered a very virile nakshatraeventhoughit can get obsessive For maritaland sexualcompatibilitywith other nakhatras pleasereferto the tableson pagqt 457 & 458.
'Esoteric: Beingthe 18h nakshatra,Jyeshtareflectsthe meaningassociatedwith the number'18'.It is consideredthe culminationof Lunarenergy.The tarot imageassociatedwith the 18thcard, appropriatelycalled"TheMoon",depictsa night-timescenewith two dogshowlingat two towers, whichform a gatewayto a mysteriousregionbeyond.A full moonhangsaboveon the horizon,while darkimageryrelates a crayfishis attemptingto crawlout of a smallpoolin front.Thispredominantly with the hiddenworkingsof the subconscious. to a finalconfrontation It is Jyeshta'stask to constantlyconfrontthe mysteries,fears,illusionsand pitfallsof the dark realmsof the left handsideof nature.Jyeshtahasto bringorderintothe schemeof thingsthrough the right useof the elementalforces.The catchhere lies in knowingwhento let naturetake its courseand whento intedere.Indra, alongwith the otherelementalgodslike Agni (fire deity)and Varuna(waterdeity),is alwaystrying to keepthe balancein terrestrialaffairsthroughconfronting Thedangerhere tryingto disruptnature'sfuntionings. the darkdemonicforces,whoare repeatedly functionings. Thisis the of the Universal liesin folly,whicharisesout of an improperunderstanding pointwherethe next nakshatra,Mula,takesoverand triesto gaina root understanding of Universal functionings.
E4ampk: Td Bundy,the famousserialkiller,hashis Moonplacedin Jyeshta.Hischaracterbringsout the negativesideof Jyeshta.Al Pacino,the Hollywoodactor,who hasplayedmanycop,mafiaandfather figureroleshashisascendant lord placedin this nakshatra. J.Krishnamurthi, the celebratedphilosopher, hashis Moonplacedin this Nakshafa.Despitethe manygoodthingsin his message, Jyeshtastubbornness comesout whenhe refusesto looktowards anythingbeyondmaterial,for arrivingat a completeuniversalunderstanding. It is interestingto notethat he sufferedseriousthrobbingpainin his headfor mostpart of his life. Thiswasa resultof hisconscious effortto not payattentionto his internalpsychicprocesses happeningatthe kundalini level.
Misceffaneous: Accordingto Varahamihira, Moonin Jyeshtagives"anangrydisposition, few friends,lustfr:lness, contentmentand a senseof responsibilty".
lf. fyfula O"O' - tl"Zo'$agiftarius
fiYfuto - 13020'Sagittarius) (00000'Sagittarius
rn tfu SKy, Mula,the first amongthe last nine asterisms,consistsof a bunchof nine stars,which were seenby the ancients asforminga shapesimibrto a lion'stail.Theseninestarsareknownin modern astronomyas Lambda-Scorpionis (Shaula),Epsilon-Scorpionis, Mu-1-Scorpionis,Iota-1-Scorpionis, Theta-Scorpionis, Eta'Scorpionis,Zeta-korpionis, lGppa-Scorpionis & tJpsilon-*orpionis (Lesth). Allof thesestarslie in the end portionof the astronomical constellation of Scorpio,but astrologically theyformthe partof the signSagittarius. Theirlocationcorresponds to the centerof the MilkyWay whichcan be easilyseenstretchingacrosslikea white riverin the nightsky.Whenwe lookat these starsin the nightsky,we are basicallylookingtowardsthe centreof our galaxy.Shaulaand Lesath, havingvisualmagnitudes of 1.53& 2.68respectively, are studdedtogetherand form the brightest paft of this asterism.
Abme: "Mula"translatesinto "the Root","the Center"or "the InnermostCore".In our view, nothing reallyneedsto be saidaboutthis asterism's natureand functioning after its meaningis revealed. Mulais straight,directand doesn'tlike to beataboutthe bush.However,we nevertheless haveno option but to carry on with our dissectionof its roots.
Syrnhot: the word'roof Its mainsymbolis a'tied bunchof roots'.Bothits nameand symbolemphasize andthisasterismliterallyrelatesto the'root'ofevefihing.Thefactthatthe centreof our galaxylies in it conveysthe sameidea.Justlikeits planetaryrulerKetu,thisasterismdealswith gettingto the bottom/coreof everything.In the treesand plantsrootsare usuallyhidden,whichmeansthat this etc. The tied nakshatradealswith all kindsof hiddenthings,realms,events,motives,propensities the restrictiveaspectof this asterism' bunchof rootsalsosymbolizes alsorelatesto something Theterm'rcot'hasanothermeaningin the word'rooted'.Thisnakshatra properlyrooted.This givesa strongfoundationto the actionsof this nakshatra.Its symbolalso meanscollectingor tying up what belongsto one. Ketu,as we know,is the one who storespast karmasand releasesthe ones ripe enoughto be experienced !n the presentlife. It can help one tools from the past,whichone requiresin fulfillingone'sgoal in the present collectthe necessary of tiedroots.Mulathushelpsoneputtogetherin a meaningful bythesymbolism life.Thisissuggested way one'stalents,whichhavedevelopedin pastlives. '
Justas a tree! rootspenetrateinto the unseenrealmsbeneaththe earth'ssurface,Mulahasa
into thingsunseenor unknown.Alongwith its counterpaftArdra,(which fot to do with investigation liesdirectlyoppositein the zodiac),Mulahasthe strongestanddeepestsenseof inquiryamongstall the nakshatras. In ancientmedicinalsystemslike Ayuruda, roots of variousplantsare usedfor medicinal In the sameway,Mulaalsorelates with makingmedicines. purposes, thus Mulais directlyassociated like viruses,bacteriaetc. Just like everythingunder to the root of diseases,ie. micro-organisms are invisibleto the nakedeye. Mula'sjurisdiction,thesemicro-organisms andlimitation. Asa result, an ideaof constraint the factthat the rootsaretiedsuggests Finally, Mulaoften doesnot allowtoo muchfreedomor scatteringawayof energiesand makesone delve to the deeplywithina limitedsphere.In fact Mulais the mostpinpoinbdin approachin comparison other nakshatras. r-;
;i. lii
Deitg Its presidingdeity as per Vedictexb is the Goddessof dissolutionand destructionknownas Nritti, a name which translatesinto 'calamity'.She is supposedto be the daughterof Adharma (unrighteousness) and Hima(violence)and the motherof Mityu (death) and Bhaya(fear).Some textsalsomentionNritti as a destructivedemon,and sometextssee her as Alaxmi,the oppositeof Laxni (gddess of wealth, abundanceard prosperity). In light of the above,it is not hardto seethat this is not a very pleasantnakshatra.However, werythingis not doomandglmm with this nakshatra. Afterall, it liesin the luckiestamongthe signs Sagittarius, whichin turn is ruledby the greatestbeneficJupiter. In the author'sopinion,Mulais a very powerfulnakshatra,evenon the materialplane.It can giveworldlystatus,prosperity etc.Theonlythingis that it usuallytakesit all awayfromthe native in questionat somepoint.This, however,is not uncommonin the sensethat deathtakesawayall thesethingsfrom everyoneanyways. Nrittishouldn'tbe seenasa goddessof povefi, misfortuneandcalamity.In fact, her nakshatra representsthe peakof materialachievement and the beginningof the spiritualimpulse.Mulais the 19h nakhatra and '19' is a very luckynumberfor all typesof materialachievements, Just like lGli, the fierce form of Paruati,her destructiveaspectis alwaysconstructivein some sense.Hernakshatrapromotesnon-violence and all othersuchvirtuesaftera properunderstanding hasbeenattained.
A{ature d functioning : Mula'sprimaryapproachto life is to get to the root of things.It is a relentlessnakhatra which willstopat nothinguntilit hasexercised its will.Obviously notall nativesundera stronginfluence of Mulaarethisextreme,buttheydo try to fullyuUlizewhateverwillpowerisavailableat theircommand.
It is in Mula'snatureto quicklycut out anddestroythingsthat havelosttheirvalue.It is a very Onlywhenits will impulsive nakshatra. Muchmoreoftenthannot,it regretsits actionsin hindsight. way.Thestrugglebetween will,doesMulafunctionin a wiseJupiterian is in tunewith the Universal individualityand universalityreachesits peakhere,as individualityis at is peakexpression. in Maghaandculminates in Mula.The beginsin Aswinllionizes Theprocess of individualization Havingsaid beyondthe domainof ego and selfcentredness. completedindividualseeksexperiences this, Mula is still quite a proud and haughtynakshatra.Mula natives,however,are unableto comprehend their own powerand abilities.In somecases,this is a goodthing,as their abilityto inflictdamageuponthemselvesand othersis restrictedby their ignorance. Its dreadfulanddemoniacsidecomesfromthe negativefunctioningof Ketuin its loweraspects. breedego, It is a powerfulasterismwhichcan give dominionand lordship.This can sometimes and demoniacactions.Rauanaand vanityand arrogancewhichcanleadoneto performabominable respectively, are associated l6msa, two mainvillainicalcharactersin Ramayanaand Mahabharafa aftergaininginfluence Theystartedharassing and killingwithoutdiscrimination with thisasterism. and power.Thisasterismcangivepowerandinfluence,as it followsthe nakhatra knownas Jyeshta This asterismrelatesto the or the Eldest,which signifiesthe heightof materialaccomplishment. conqueredthe materialrealm. stateafter one hassuccessfully Amongthe body parts, it relatesto the feet, which emphasizesits capacityto take heavy just as the feet take up the loadof the body.As suggestedby the symbolismof tied responsibility, in past way one'stalents,whichhavedeveloped roots,it helpsone put togetherin a meaningful and protectsthe good.It is also lives.Althoughit maysoundbizarre,it alsopromotesnon-violence a magicalnakshatra,whicheitherconfersmagicalpowersor helpsthosein needin suddenmagical givesbothgoodor badresultsin a blazingexplosive way.It is usuallytriumphant ways.Thisasterism in all sortsof wafare, but a downfalldoestake placeat somepoint of time. haveprominentnoses,earsand thicklowerlips. Nativeswith Mularelatingto the ascendant They can't be classifiedas attractivein the generalsenseof the word, even thoughthey havea peculiarmagnetism,especiallyin the caseof highlyevolvedsouls.It is usuallyquite easyto spot
Mulatypesin a crowd.Theyusuallydisplayone form of arrogance or otherin their dealingswith others.Sarcasm, go handin handin Mula'sbehavioural boldness and reservedness patterns.There is a tendencyto overtly dramaUzeor underplaysituations.Mula nativeshave peculiarways of lookingat any givensituation,whichoften putsthem at oddswith thosearoundthem.A degreeof over-eagerness is seenwhen it comesto takingdrasticactionsor measures to resolvesituationsor problems. Theirspecial talentliesin gettingto the rootof anymatterat handwithoutanyunnecessary beatingaboutthe bush.However,this straightforward, directapproachlandsthem in tnoublewhen their judgementis skewed.
Mo[p of furctioning : Mula is consideredto be an Active nakshatra.Mula is essentiallya seekeron all planesof existence.Just like the sign Sagittarius,it is very proactivein this seeking.It is its activenature whichmakesMulamorescaryin comparisonto the otherdemonicand tamasicnakshatras. As we havediscussed earlier,Muladoesn'twastetoo muchtime in convertingthoughtsinto actions.Since rllost of Mula'sactivitieslike deathare feared,not manypeopleare able to creativelyharnessits activeenergies.
Caste It belongsto the Butchercaste.Thisobviouslyis in referenceto Mula'sdestructivequality.It is Mula'sjob to cut away anythingwhich has outlivedits usefulness.There are differenttypes of butcheryeg. a mancuttingup animalsin an abattoir,Kalicuttingoff demon'sheads(referto the image)or an asceticcuttingoff his desiresand attachments. Obviously we canseethat thereis a senseof rightandwronghereand not all butcheriesare bad.Death,whichis essentially cuttingthe cord betweenthe astraland physicalbody,is a kind of universalbutchery which in a way is a liberating process. and regenerative
Qenler: It is a Neutralnakshatra.As far as genderis concerned,Mularepresentsthe neutralaspectof Ketu.This is why its presidingdeity is sometimesseenas a goddessand sometimesas a male demon.After all, the centreof the galaxyand the root of all thingscannothavea genderbias.
tso{ypartsU trtunor (AyuruedicConstitution): Amongthe body parts it relatesto the Feet,which emphasizesits capacityto take heavy just asthe feet takeup the loadof the wholebody.It alsorelatesto the left sideof the responsibility, torso, is liketryingto It is a primarily'Vata"(airy) nakshatra.Tryingto understandthis classification the natureof a blackhole.OnewouldexpectMulato be a primarilyPitta(fiery)nakshatra understand consideringits connectionwith Ketu,Jupiterand Sagittarius.We will howevertry and give a small here: explanation TheVatahumoris directlyconnectedtothe pnna (astrallife force)in the body.Theprocessof breathingis the essentialdividingline betweenlife and death.SinceMularelatesto only the root processes, it hasto relateto the Vatahumor.
Direction : It is related primarilyto Southwest,NorthWest,Northeastand East. Howeverit is mainly connectedwith the "cenFe"or the "middh"'
estras(Qwrters): fallsin AriesNavamsaruled Thefirst padaor quarterof this asterism00o00' -3o20' Sagittarius by Mars.This pada relatesto all types of deep searchesand probes.Thesecan take placeon materialor spiritualplanesdependinguponthe evolutionarystatusof the naUvein question.The
outlookhereis hopefuland optimisticif Ketuis well placed.A certaindegreeof enatic egotismand selfcentredness canbe noticedwhenthis padais workingthroughits loweraspect.Planets,especially Moon,when placedin this padaare supposedto be harmfulfor the wellbeingof the father.Sun, Jupiter,Marsand Ketuare sfong here. The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism30 20' - 60 40' Sagittariusfalls in TaurusNavamsa ruledby Venus.This padahas both occultand materialimplications. It can makeone hardworking while pursuingmaterialobjectives.This sameresoluteness and tenacityis seenwhen planetshere concentrate on realmsbeyondmaterial.A certaincreativesparkis seenwhenit comesto arts,music andotherVenusianpursuits.Planetshereusuallycausesomesoft of strifeand obstacles.Theygive bad resultsfor the mothert well being.Jupiter,Mars,Moonand Venusdo well here. The third padaor quafterof this asterism60 40' - 10o00' Sagittariusfalls in GeminiNavamsa ruledby Mercury. Thisis the wordplaypada.In a waythisis the mostlightamongstMula'spadas. The focus here is on communication, wordplayand relationships. Mula'sneed for dominionis transferredonto an intellectualplane.At their best, planetshere can createa balancebetween materialand spiritualvalues.This padais generallyagainstmoneyand materialacquisitionof any sorts.Affiictedplanetsherecan causedire poverty'.Jupiter,MercuryRahuand Ketucan give good resultshere. Thefourth padaor quarterof this asterism10o00' - 13o20' Sagittarius fullsin CancerNavamsa ruledby Moon.Thisis the mosttumultousamongMula'spadas.There'sa constantstrugglein trying to bridgethe emotionalrealmwith other planes.The emotionalnatureis too easilydisturbedin this pada.The best optionfor the nativesunderthe stronginfluenceof this pada is to sacrificetheir emotionsfor highergoals.Accordingto ancienttexts,this padais harmfulfor the generalwellbeing of a nativeand somepropitiatoryrites are requiredto harnessits energyproperly.Jupiteris the planetwhichis mostconducive for channelling the energyof this pada.
lhofusioru : Shamen,Medicinemen,Healers;Doctorsand othersuchpeoplewho administerpoisons,shots PoliceOfficers;Detectivesand Investigators;Judges; and vaccines;Dentists;Ministers,Preachers; Astronomers; & Genetics; in the fieldsof Microbiology especially Hitmen& Soldiers;Researchers, involving Morticiansand thosewho performAutopsies;Orators& PublicSpeakers;All professions etc. ; Debators& @ntrarians;Thoseinvolvedin oratoricalabilltylike MassLeaders,RockMusicians Wrestlers;Homicide SellingHerbs,Roots& Rootvegetableslikecarrots,potatoesetc. ; Bodyguards; & Black Aghoras),Voodoopractitioners ThosepractisingTantra(especially squads;Politicians; Agitators;Golddiggers& Treasure Professional Mathematicians; Magicians;NuclearPhysicists; Ascetics; Astrologers; Hunters;HorseTrainers&allthoseinvolvedin EquineSports;Psychotherapists; of any kind;Professions involvinginvestigation Industry;All professions Mining;Coal& Petroleum involvingdestructiveactivities.
Pfaru : & othersuch Deser6;HighMountainregionswherespecialherbsarefound;Denserainforests places;FrozendeserLs likeAntaftica;Bottomof oceans,lakesetc; Hiddensubterranean inaccessible caves;Earth'score & all layersbeneaththe Earth'ssuface; Smallisolatedislands& places;Big institutionbuildings;SupremeCourts& other couttsof justice;Abattoirs;CremationGroundsand Drought Wargrounds; to Death& DeathRituals;AgriculturalWasteland; Placesconnected Cemeteries; areas;placeswheremasscalamitieshavetakenplace;All placesconnectedwith the abovementioned professions.
guno ('Esserce) on[ tattwa (Ekment): in the sensethat it relatesto the darkand passiveaspectof nature. Itis a Tamasicasterism paranoia,fearsetc. , whichfall in the domainof Ketu's Thus it can 6;tuseall softsof confusion, signific:tions.It alsodealswith all typesof smokingand intoxication.
It belongsto the Air element.Thisis againa puzzlingclassification, as Mulais moresffongly connectedto fiery planetsand signs.Sincethe air elementis directlyconnectedto the Vatahumor, the readerscan look up in the BodyPafts& Humorsectionfor an explanation.
jana $ype) : It is a Rakhas or demonicnakshatra.It is a powerfulasterismwhichcan give dominionand lordship.Thiscansometimesb'reedego,vanityandarrogance, whichcanleadoneto do aborninable and demoniacactions.The two Titan kings,who are the main charactersin the two main Vedic historicaftexts, Rauanaand l6ma, are associated with this asterism.They startedharassingand killingwithoutdiscrimination, after gaininginfluenceand power. ,;5:+
Orientation U Dbposition : It is a Downwardnakshatra.Sincerootsgrowdowninto the groundand not upwards,it makes sensethat Mulais classified as a downwardnakshatra.Mula,as we know,has energywhichis alwaystryingto movetowardsthe centreor innercore.It involvesdigging,whetherit be fur earthly beasureslikegoldor petroleum, or moreimpoftantthingslikeenlightenment. It is a Hard,Sharpand Dreadfulnakshatra.Its sharpnessrelatesto the sharpand often harsh way Ketufunctions.This relatesmoreto the destructiveaspectof Ketu.Sometimessharpnessis necessary to initiatean impoftantchangeandwakeus up from our sleep.It is an intensenakshatra whichinitiatesspiritualtransformation. For understanding its hardand dreadfulside,all one needs to do is lookat its image.
{.uaor MontfrA Daq : It relatesto the secondhalf of the lunarmonthof Jyaistha,whictrusuallyfalls in June.
Mufais also relatedto the Prathama& Chatufthi(l$ & 4s tithis or days)of the waxingand waningphasesof the Moon'smonthlycycle.
Arupiciotu Artiuitir^s: Anyactivityinvolvinggettingdownto the rootof a matter;Activitiesinvolvinggatheringtogether of knowledge,peopleetc; Singing,oratoryand all activitiesrequiringforcefulnessand dynamism; Goodfor administeringherbs& medicines;Suitablefor planting,gardeningand other agricultural activities;Suitablefor layingfoundationsfor houses,constructionwork, buyingand sellinghomes; for adventures;Goodfor getting even by cutting the Goodfor expressingsexuality;Favourable Favourable for meditationon & self-assertion; self-exploration for contemplation, chase;Favourable death and fierce deities llke lGli; Goodfor iniUaUoninto occult realms& study of scienceslike astrology.
Inruspiciaus Actirtitits : Doesnot favour any activity involvingbalance,tact, diplomacy;Not good for initiationsor unfuvourable for maritalceremony;Especially pertaining matters;Unsuitable to materialistic beginnings in general. for borrowingor lendingmoneyand financialtransactions
lPfanetaryfu.hr : Mulacombinesthe energyof Jupiterand Ketu.Ketuis the mainrulerof this nakshatra.Beinga is destructiveasterism,Mula relatesto the destructivepotentialof Ketu. Ketu'sdestructiveness Ketu or a spiritualtransformation. alwaysbenignin the sensethat it eitherinitiatesa newbeginning impulses of all thoughtsand actions.It is alsoa planet the root underlying is the planetsignifoing causesof visiblethings whichgivesaccessandinsightintothe unseenrealmsaswellasthe invisible or events.
Jupiter'sinvolvementwith this nakshatramakessurethat transformations underMulahappen for the better.Althoughit may soundbizarre,Mulaalso promotesnon-violence and protectsthe good. It is a magicalnakshatra,which either confersmagicalpowersor helpsthose in need in suddenmagicalways.Ketulosesmuchof its powerto givebad resultswhenassociated with Jupiter in any vyay.In its negativeaspecthowever,Jupiterianenergycan foster and expandthe wildly destructiveand.idiosyncratic tendenciesof Ketu.Mulais a strongenergy,whichcan eitherproduce a benevolentsageor a demonicenUtywantingto conquereverything. Mula'sfierinessrelatesto the fiery aspectof Ketu.Ketu,as we know,is a predominantly fiery planet.Throughthisasterismit givesbothgoodor badresultsin a blazingexplosiveway.Its fierinecs makesit favourable for warandothersimilaractivities. It is usuallytriumphantin all sortsof warfare but a downfalldoestake placeat somepointof time. Mostprominentgeneralsand militaryleaders haveimpoftantplanetsplacedin Mula. AdolfHitlerSchartis a glaringexampleof the negativeramifications of the combinedfunctioning of Jupiterand Ketu.He is one of the few peopleto haveJupiter-Ketu conjunction in Mula,which allowsfor a completeexpression of the tremendouspowerinherentin this nakshatra.It is Jupiter's task to guidethe Ketuenergyin a wiseand beneficialway.This is usuallyonly achievedwhenthe energiesof Jupiterand Saturnare harmonizedproperlyin a nativity(in Hitler'schaft Saturndidn't aspectthe Jupiter-Ketuconjunction,allowingfor an uninhibitedexpression of the darkerdemonic energiesof Mula). Jupiter-Ketu conjunction carriesMulaenergy.A well placedSun,Marsand Jupiterdo well in Mula.Ketualmostalwaysgivessomeeltreme idiosyncratic tinge to the naUve,despitebeingvery strongin its own nakshatra.
'Iloanfs an[ A[pftabe* : The first padaor quarterof this'asterism00o 00' -3" 20' Sagittariusconespondsto "Ye"as in Yale.
corresponds to "Yo"as in Thesecondpadaor quafterofthis asterism3o 20' - 6o40' Sagittarius Yoga. corresponds to "Bha"as in Thethirdpadaor quarterof thisasterism 6o40' - 10o00' Sagittarius Bhang. corresponds to "Bhe"as Thefourthpadaor quarterof thisasterism10o00' - 13o20' Sagittarius in Bhesh. its mantrasare alphabetMulacorresponds to "Na","Pa"and"Pha"consequently In the Sanskrit "OmNam","OmPam"and "OmPham".
: Sereuttype and Co.nryatihifity Its sexualanimalis a Dog.It is moreof a howlinghounddog, ratherthan a Scottishterrior (pfeasereferto the image).It is mostcompatiblewith Ardra,the other dog nakhatra. pleasereferto the tableson pages457 Forsexual& maritalcompatibility with othernakshatras & 458.
Esoterb : whichsymbolizes the spiritualjourneyof the soul.It Mulais the first amongthe asterisms whichis the lastamongthe secondseriesof asterismsdealing foflowsJyeshta(the 18b Nakshatra), Eventhe two Titan kings,Rauanaand lGma, with materiafinvolvementand accomplishments. of werefinallyinitiatedon a spiritualpathafterthey weredefeatedin batUeby the two incarnations Wshnu,Ramaand Krishnarespectively. in the whichMulabringsaboutis differentfromthat of the previousnakshatras, Thespirituality In spiritualterms,thismeansthat Mulasettlesfor sensethat Mulagoesfor the'root'of everything. nothingless than the absolutemergerwith Paramatman(universalsoul). Mula goes about this
processthroughmanyextremeways- sometimesit discardseverything usingthe principleof Neti Neti(not this, not this)' At othertimes,it goesfor accumulating immensepowerin the three lokas (heaven,earthandthe netherworld).It then misusesthis powerso that root deitieslike Vishnuhave to personallyintervene.In this interuentionliesthe key to its salvation. The third way relatesto the goddesslGti. on this path Mula goes after and destroys the demonsand negativitieswithin, without procrastination or mercy.Oncethis is done onlyattwa remainsand liberationis just a mereformality.Throughthis path Muladevotesitself to beinga tool of the universalmind, rather than beinga waywardrebel.The lifestoryof Anjaneya(commonly knownby hisother nameHanuman),an incarnationof Shivaand a devoteeof Rama(an incamation of Vishnu),revealsthe true spiritualityof Mula. Mufa'sassociation with the centreof the galaxyrelatesitto Bnhma, the creatoramongthe Trinity'Mulathus derivesits powerfrom this understanding of the originalprocessof creation. Beingthe 19h nakshatra, it relatesto the number19.'19'is seenas a solarnumber.which '19'has power signifies bothbeginning andcompletion. the to standbeforethespiritual.sun, because it hasgonebeyondthe mundanelunarfunctionings, whichreachtheir culmination in the number '18" It is its association with the number19 whichgivesMulapowerand prosperity on a material plane,even though its presidingdeity Nritti is supposedto be averse to materialabundanceand prosperity.
Qotra (Cettstiat Lineage): This nakhatra is relatedto the SagePulasthya, one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the affairsof our galaxy'The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "havingsmooth hair',.pulasthya appearsto be a two sidedsage.Hislightermorebenevolent sideis expressed throughhisconnection with Mrigashiraand llttaraphalguni,while his connectionwith Mula andpuruabhadrapadareveals a destructiveaspectconcealedunderneaththe benignposhexterion
fume[iat: Forthosesufferingfrom bad
the bestremedial from afflictionsto this nakshatra, resulUng
andmeditationon deathin all measureis worshipof fiercedeitieslike KaliandRudra.Contemplation of Mulaenergy' its forms leadsto constructiveuUlization - "Om Nam","Om Pam"and "Om Pham"108 Ofthe rOOtmantrasOfthis nakShatra RepetitiOn lunar month, is sure to reduce times when Moontransitsthis nakshatraand in its corresponding Jushsva"can be into a person'slife. "OmEshteNirateBhagastam zufferingand bringenlightenment recitedto cure the bad effecb associatedwith Mula'sfirst three padas. personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe It is helpfulfor them to weara milture of black, good effectsthroughthe abovementioned.ways. red & goldencoloursor earthtones.Theyshoulduseits directions,lunarmonthandthe dayswhen MoonbansitsMulato undertakeall importantactions.
E4amp[e: Rauana,the mightiestTitan king and sorcererof TretaYuga(SilverAge) was born with his he gained ascendantlordSunplacedin Mula.As narratedin the famoushistoricaltexl, "Ramayana'f aimedat pleasing$rlia. immensepowerand lordshipoverthe threeworldsthroughhardpenances with the root ThisshowsMulat abilityto gainpoweron a universallevelthrougha closeassociation forces.He howeverfell preyto the haughty,bashfuland unwiseaspectof Mulaenergyand met his end as a villianin the handsof Rama,the /
incarnationof Vishnu'
deitiespresidingoveruniversal of the llh Rudra(celestial HanumanorAnjaneya,theincarnation TretaYuga,was born with Mularising.His power afFairs)in monkeyform in the abovementioned whichin hisUme eventhat of Ravanabut he alwaysselflesslyofferedit to righteousness, surpassed was representedby abovementionedRama,
Misce[lanzous: Accordingto Vanhamihira, Moonin Mulamakesone "haughty,richand happybesidesgivinga fixed,luxurylovingand compassionate disposition".
20. furvu"h.du
I t" Zot - 26'+0' $agittaius
!fu.tvasfralfio - 26040'Sagittarius) (13020'Sagittarius
In tfu Skgt Puruashadha, the pinnacleof Venusianenergy,is representedin the celestialfirmamentby. (KausAustralis),Delta-fugittarii three bright stars,knownin modernastronomyas Epsilon-Sagittarii (KausMedia)& Epsilon-fugittarii(KausBorealis).All of thesestarslie in a line (with a slightdeviaUon) in the middleportionof the constellation Sagittarius. Thesestarscan be spottedeasily,as they are locatedcloseto the MilkyWayas it stretcheslike a white celestialriver acrossthe night sky.Kaus Australis, havinga visualmagnitude of 1.81,is the brightestamongthesestars.AncientVedicseers sawthesestarsas formingthe shapeof a handheldfan.
Afamc: "Purvashadha" translatesinto "the FormerInvincibleOne"or the "FormerUnconquered". Its name,like its successor,concentrateson the basicattribute of this asterism- invincibility. The alternativenamefor Purvashadha is 'Apanjita", whichtranslatesinto "undefeated".We can seeUEt thb namegoesalongthe samelinesas the morecommonlyusedname.
Sym6o[: In congruencewith the shapeformedby its stars,a
'hand heldfan'
is the mostfamoussymbolof this asterism.A fan can havefour uses:cultures' 1. As a decorativeitem popularin Japanese/Oriental 2. To cooloneselfdownin hot conditions' 3. To fan up a fire. 4. As a maskto hideoneself. Its first use relatesto the showy,gliEy and glamourousVenusianaspectof this nakshatra.In the ancientOrient,the type of fan onecarriedwasdirectlyrelatedto socialstatus.Thisconveysthe to all nakshatras beforeit It findsitselfsuperiorin comparison aspectof this nakshatra. superiority achievedin the Venusianrealm of perfection ones.The superiority the earlierVenusian especially will howeverdependon the soul levelof the nativein question. abilityto get throughhardtimes.Fanningis to this nakshatra's The seconduse corresponds with all kindsof againstheat.Thusthis nakshatrais oftenassociated essentiallyan act of aggression wheneverthe oppoftunityarises. aggressiveactivities.It is patientin adversityand aggressive abilityto keepa thinggoing.In its negativeaspect to this nakshatra's Thethird usecorresponds or overexpansion.In its positiveaspectit is an inspiringenergy this may manifestas exaggeration nakshatra. andexpansive howto keepthe fire burning.Asa resultit is a veryexpressive whictLKnows
feelings,personality abilityto concealfacts,informations, Thefourthuserelatesto thisnakshatra's andbubbliness whichlikesto concealits enthusiasm nakshatra, etc.It is in a waya shyandsensitive from the outsideworldas muchas possible.Onlyafter someinitialreluctanceand whenit beginsto : : gain confidencedoesit showits true colours'
;.; -r'i
A'winnowingbasketusedfor riddinggrainof husksiis an alternative symbol,whichmoreor lessconveysthe abovementionedmeaningsfor a winnowingfan. Thissymbolbringsout the aspect of this nakshatrarelatedto uncoleringhiddentalents.This nakshatrais capableof sheddingouter, unnecessary obstaclesin orderto bringout the usefulpart inside.This may relateto people,places or things.
Deity : An obscuregoddessby the nameof Apahis the rulingdeityof this nakhatra. "Apah"translates into "water".Verylittle is knownaboutthis goddess,as the survivingvedictexts don't mentionher name much. However,her obscuritymakessense,when seen in the light of the fact that this nakshatrahasa mysterious,hiding,secretiveand shy qualityaboutit. Apahcan be equatedwith the oceangoddesses of othercultureslikeAphrdite, Astaftesetc. It is interestingto notethe "Aph"similarityin the names"Apah"& "Aphrodites". Theyseemto share the samerootsas the nameof the originalcelestialocean"Apas'lEvenPurvashadha's alternative name 'Apanjita" seemsto havebeenderivedfrom the sameroot. "Apa"is still the namefor water in manylanguages aroundthe worldand manyof the ancientssawwats as the invincibleelenent. "Apah"and "Aphrodites" goddessfigurinesand can be seenas the female are bothVenusian counterpaftsof the male oceandeity "Varuna".Both of them can be seenas part reflectionsof Laxmi,the universalgoddessof prosperity.Laxmiis the spouseof Vishnu,the overseerof the celestial waterswhichsustainour universe. The imageof Vishnuand Laxmisittingon a snakebed on top of the oceanof celestialwatersis an imagewhichis directlyrelatedto this nakshatra. The 'churningof the oceanlegend'(refer to the author'spreviouswork 'The Rahu-Ketu Experience"SagarPublicationsfindia,"TheKeyOf Life" LotusPress/uSA)in whichvarioustreasures cameout, signifothe productivepotentialof Apahas a goddess.Hernegativesideis reflectedby the deadlypoisonthat cameout as a resultof the churning.Apahrelatesto the churningwhichgoeson insideeachoneof us andthe goodand badthingswhichcomeout as a result.
of enticing,invincibleapproachis reflectedin the natureand functionings Her flambouyant, puruashadha. Likeall primordialforces,Apah,though benevolent,is often cruel and harshin her personality. ways,whichagaincan be seento hold true for thosehavinga prominentPurvashadha visionis whereVenusderivesits higherqualitieslike real love all-embracing Hergrand,all-inclusive, energyandthusthe realaimof this of Venusian is the pinnacle from.Purvashadha andcompassion at leastfroma Venusianpointof view. levelof awareness, nakshatrais tq ggt to an all-encompassing Apahis closelyconnectedto the mythicalseacreaturenow commonlyknownas mermaid.The enticing, mysterious, beautiful, likevain,alluring,sensitive, withmermaids qualities usuallyassociated canbe appliedto this nakshatraas well' It is interestingto musical,fteedomlovingandadventurous wrotea songdedicated risingon hisAscendant), with Puruashadha notethat J/miHendrix(amusician to mermaidstitled "1983,A MermanI shouldturn to be", He also wrote lines like "Blueare the lifegivingwaterstakenfor granted,they quietlyunderstand." this nakhatra hasfor water'In the sameconcernand reverance A WelshfolKaleillustrates that folk tale, "a mermaidwho hadspentthreedayswith moftalson dry land,uponreturningto her kith and kin, was askedwhat she had seenamongstthoseon land. She replied,"Nothingmuch, exceptthat they are so ignorantas to throw awaythe very waterthey boil their eggsin' "
Afature 6 funttioning : apart from all other nakshatrcsis its intense which sets Purvashadha The one characteristic feelsthat it hasthe abilityto comeout on top in wherever convictionthat'it can't lose'.Puruashadha it direcbsits energies.As we haveseen,there is a strongnotionof invincibilityattachedwith this at timeslikethe famouscharacterof Don Quixote. nakshatra.Thisnotioncan howeverbe misplaced - leapsof faith,ambitiousness, with the signSagittqrius Mostof the qualitiesreadilyassociated zeal,wanderlust- usuallystemfrom the nature adventurousspirit,wild exuberance,philosophical but its optimismdoes of this nakhatra. It is oneof the mostoptimisticnakshatras, andfunctionings It is alwaysreadyto bideits time untilthe wind blowsin its favour. not havethe tingeof impatience,
It is completelyundauntedby setbacksand doesn'tponderon failure.At timesthis is a negative quality,in the sensethat it hardlyever learnsfrom its mistakes. haveunrealistic Manya timesonefindsthat nativesunderthe stronginfluenceof Puruashadha hopes,ambitions factorsin the horoscope. Forexample, andgoalsunlessthereareotherbalancing AdolfHitler,who has Moonplacedin Puruashadha, stafteda war with unrealisticaimsway beyond hasa straightfonruard the powerof hlsarmyand resources.Purvashadha driving"just do if'type of energy,whichdoesn'talwaystakeevefihing into account,especially the feelingsand concerns of thosearoundthem.Thismakesthis nakshatra an insensitive oneandevencruelin somesituations. This is why this nakshatrais associated with declarations of war and othersuchactionswhichbring aboutdeshuctionfollowedby sorrowand regret. It has a cautioussideto it in that it is dow to jump into new thingsand experiences, but once thingsare set in motion,it is the type whichalmostalwaysendsup goingoverboard.At their best Purvashadha nativesarean inspiration to thosearoundthem.In theirpresence onebeginsto realize that the universeis not sucha bad placeafter all. Purvashadha nativesusuallyhavea freshand uniqueapproachto things,whichhasthe powerto instilllife into the heart and mindsof thosewho are not as bfessed.Jyesflnis unhappybecauseit doesnot knowthe rootof things.Mulamakesone find the root andthe centre,but it is only Purvashadha whichholdsthe keyto joy and happiness, after the centrehasbeenfound. Puruashadha is the nakshatra whichcanbe mostassociated with thejoy of living.Thisdoesn't meanthat Purvashadha nativescling onto life like Ashleshanatives.It is just that they like to live eachmomentto itscompletefullnesswithouta carefor the pastor the future.Theyhavea nonchalant attitude towardsmiseryand thus are never phasedby adversecircumstances. Obviouslymuch dependson the overalltoneofthe chaftaswell,butthe basicenergyof Purvashadha is to shrugoff just likea fanshrugsoffthe miserycausedby heat.Aswe cansee,Purvashadha adversecircumstances has a strongdesireto live a good life and so the nativesunder its influenceare alwaystrying to improvetheir circumstances. It is usuallyseenthat Puruashadha nativeshavelittleformaleducation
in orderto enjoytheir and often haveto risefrom depravityor generallyunpleasantcircumstances is the mainconcernfor them. "goodlife". Improvementof circumsbances Theyare the kindswho liketo be exuberantoncethey haveachievedtheir goals.At timesthis nativesareonlyacting rlay seemlikea show-offto otherpeople,but in mostcasesthe Puruashadha out their innernature.Theyare born naturalshow-oft. Muchdependson the refinementof Jupiter and Venusin the cfrart in terms of how their exuberanceexpressesitself. hasa pleasant,artisticway of lookingat things.Theycarrya certain In general,Purvashadha proudand seriousexpressionon their faces,but are ever readyto breakinto a smileor laughter. 63nchangefromjovialto seriousin the twinklingof an eye.Youcan'talwaystell Theirdemeanour Theycan be honestat timesbut they alwayslike their innerthoughtsfrom their outer expressions. liketo havea mysterious to keepa partofthemselvessecret,just as the oceangodsand goddesses touch about them. They have a flambouyantway about themselveswhich reflectsthroughtheir is that they of Puruashadha and their work. One markedcharacteristic dressing,communication usuallydon'tfarewellat formaleducationandareoftenseendroppingout of schoolsanduniversities. shakti"- the powerto relatesto "varchograhan In the universalschemeof things,Purvashadha bring about invigoration.Its symbolismhas strengthaboveand connectionbelow.This imagery standsfor. Just as the rejuvenationpotentialof the watersof life, which Purvashadha emphasizes batheus the bathingprocesscrusesa renewalin our dailylives,the watersof cosmicconsciousness internallyso that mostof our soul levelhufts and confusionsare washedaway'
Modz of functionW purvashadha is consideredto be a Balancednakshatra.It is very unlikelyfor a Purvashadha even in their n1?sicpursuits.Jupiterand Venus,as planets,are nativeto overextendthemselves, not knownto havean extremeattituderegardingactivityin the samewaythat Sunor Marsdoes'
Caste: It befongsto the Brahmincaste.Thisis one of the mostevidentclassifications as puryashadha is onlyrelatedto the two brahminplanets,VenusandJupiter.Purvashadha hasa tendencyto go for the most cushypositionsor modesof existenceavailableat any giventime. In today'stimes, Puruashadha wouldrathertakeup the brahminical profession of beinga rockstartodaylpurvashadha likesto maintainits positionat the top of societyand havea luxuriousexistencewith the minimum of effort.
Qen[er: It is a Femalenakhatra.Thisobviously relatesto its rulingdeity,Apah,beingfeminine,andthe factthat Venusis seenas a predominantly feminineplanet.
tsodyparts(t t{umor (Ayuvedb Corutitution) : Thighsand Back(from neckto waist)are the bodypartsrelatedto this nakshatra. It is a primarily "Pitta"(fiery) nakshatra.This classification relatesto purvashadha,s location predominantly withinthe pitta signof Sagittarius. We havealreadytalkedaboutthe fiery aspectof this asterism.
Directinn : It is relatedprimarilyto the directionalarc rangingfrom noftheastto southeast,via east.
Potras(Qmrters): Thefirst padaor quarterof thisasterism13o20' - 16o40' Sagittarius fallsin LeoNavamsa and is ruledby Sun.Thispadarelatesto the proudand confidentsideof Purvashadha. Thespiritualurge
by a strongsenseof ethics.Planetsplacedhere like to bring is strong here and is accompanied limelightin the issuesrelatedto them. fallsin VirgoNavamsa Thesecondpadaor quarterof thisasterism16040' - 20" 00' Sagittarius ruledby Mercury,This padarelatesto the intellectual,alchemicalaspectof this nakshatra.A lot of hardworkis requiredhere,butthereisalsothe promiseof greatspiritualor materialaccomplishment. BarringVenus,planetsplacedhereaid one'scareerin one way or the other' The third padaor quarterof this asterism20o00' - 23" 20' Sagittariusfalls in LibraNavamsa sideof this nakshatra. ruledby Venus.Thispadarelatesto the easygoing,luxurylovingVenusian Navamsa The emphasishereis on reapingthe fruitsratherthan workinghard.Thisis a Pushkara pada and barringSun, planetspositedhere give good materialresultsand promoteall types of partnerships and group relatedactivities. fallsin ScorpioNavamsa Thefourthpadaor quafterof this asterism23" 20' - 26" 40'Sagittarius ruled by Mars.This pada relatesto the haughty,secreUve,hiddenand mysteriousaspectof this nakshatra.Hereinliesthe two extremes,greatoccultwisdomor materialperversity.Planetsposited hereare good for occultattainmentsand foreignaffairs'
{Profusioru: Industry; MarineLifeExperts;Shipping Sailors;NavyPersonnel; Mediums; & Psychic Hypnotists Industry;RockStars;Professional Entedainment Hosts& Hostesses; Professional Fishingprofessions; Managers of all types; Philosophies; of Motivational Motivatorsand Inspirers;Teachers& Preachers poets,Writers,Aftists,Painters;All industriesprocessing raw materialsespeciallyliquids;Refineries; Parajumpers; Experts;HairDressers; Fashion Designers; Experts;Costume & Weapons WarStrategists Herbalists; to civiliantranspott;Beauticians; in regards especially Flyingprofession HotAirBalfoonists; with waterand liquidsin all its forms. associated Thoseworkingin Amusementparks;All professions
Qfncu : oceans;Lakes;AquariumParks;SwimmingPools;Docks,ports;shippingyards;Temples;Boats; HighClassEstates;Air ports;LuxuryIslands& Hotels;BeautySalons;Amusement Parks;Art Galleries; MusicConceftHalls;Placeswherepompousfunctions& highsocietygatherings are held.
anf,Tattuta (Efzrunt) : Quna ('Essenre) It is supposedto be a Rajasicnakhatra. This fits well seeingits planetaryruler,Venus,is a primarilyRajasicplanet.Purvashadha is a worldlyenergyin the sensethat it cansatisffone'sdesires on a materlalplanethroughrelentlessactivity.It is a suckerfor the goodthingsin life. It belongsto the Air element.We have to go backto the fan imageryto understandthis classification. In at least two of its functions,fan requiresthe involvementof air. Whetherit is fanningthe fire or alleviatingoneselfftom the heat,the air element@mesinto play.Afterall it is air whichkeepsthe fire burningand Purvashadha is a nakshatrawhichis mostadeptat keepingthe fire burning.
$ana (Typd ' It is considered a Manusha or humannakshatra. Justlikethe humanrace,Purvashadha is a mixedup nakhatradisplaying an e)dremespectrumof goodand bad qualities.Its humanquality makesit veryinterestedin terrestrialaffairs.It is no wonderthen,that 70o/o of ourplanetis madeup of oceansand 70o/oof our bodiesare madeup of water.
Ori"entatint d Disposition : It is a DownwardLookingnakshatra.Justlike Mula,Purvashadha relatesto all thingswhichare hiddenfrom view.Whenwe lookat our bodies,we can't reallyseethe waterin them, eventhough they are 70olowater.Purvashadha's rulingdeityApahis supposedto resideunderthe surfaceof the
tendencyto hide,which makesit a downwardor underthe surface ocean.It is Purvashadha's Onehasto divedownto pickup the pearlsof Purvashadha' nakshatra. is associated Aswe havealreadyseen,Puruashadha It is an tJgra(fierceandsevere)nakshatra. naiveteof actingwithouta of war.It is Purvashadha's likedeclarations with all typesof aggressions whichmakesit a dangerousnakshatra.It is quitea volatile or repercussions, carefor consequences nakshatra,whichis very hardto controlonceit hascaughtfire. It presseson with its severeactions evenafter it hasrealizedthe futility of them'
Lunar Montfr U Da4 : '
to late Thismonthusuallycorresponds It relatesto the first halfof the lunarmonthof Ashadha.
lune in the solarcalendar. puruashadha is also relatedto the Trayodashi(13u'tithi or day) of the waxingand waning phasesof the Moon'smonthlYcYcle'
AttspicinusArtitities : enemies andopposition Takinga strongstance;Confronting whichrequirecourage; issues Facing Settlingdebts;Goingto war; Inspiringandincitingothers andforgiveness; alongwith reconciliations one'senergies,goalsand actionson the mental,spiritual, into action;Renewaland revitalizing emotionalor physicalplanes;Adventuresincludingexplorationinto natureand sportingactivities; Creativepioneering;Travellingover water,visitingwater placesand activitiesconnectedto water; femalegoddessenergies; Worshipping boostingstrategies; Sailingandotherwatersports;Confidence Showingoff; Actsof bravery;Goodfor equineactivities;Aftisticpeformances;Decoratingoneself to spiceit up; Visitingancientsites;Spiritual& occultinitiations/attainments; or one'ssurroundings for agriculturalactivities;Goodfor marriageand invigoratingsexualactivity;All activities Favourable connectedto its Professions'
Inuupitioru Actiuitits : for activitiesrequiringtact and diplomacy;Not a time for calm reflection;Not Unfavourable goodfor endingsunlessthe endingpromisesa brighterfutureor higherstep up the ladder;Not goodfor landjourneys. especially
9fanetaryfo.kr : Venusis the mainplanetary rulerof Puruashadha . Venusreachesits highestindividual energy (its peakexpression howevercomesthroughRevati,whereit reaches as a planetin this nakshatra maximumexaltation). Puruashadha is the powerand purityof the childlikemind,whichis represented by Jupiterin the form of faith and wonder.It is the child which standsbeforethe universe.It is the powerof renewedlife that nevergrowsold. That is why Mercurythe etemalyouth, is intimatelyassociated on the esotericplanewith thisnakshatra. Wherever thereis Venusto bringbacklifefromthe dead, thereis Mercurybehindit. Thecombination of MercuryVenus andJupiteris the Alchemist's secret. Alchemyfirst takesplacein this nakshatrabeforereachingits completionin Revati(27h nakshatra). Purvashadha is the initiateof the occultmysteryschools,Jupiterin this casebeingthe studentof Venusand Mercury.Everyone hasto be blessedby Venusand Purvashadha to enterthis school. ThereforeMercuryhas to functionwell with Vcnusin a horoscopefor any type of real occult attainments. In generalastrological Mercury-Venus, terms,Jupiter-Venus, Jupiter-Mercury-Venus conjunctions carryan energysimilarto that of Purvashadha. Mercury-Venus & Jupiter-Venus exchangealsocarry Purvashadha energy. BesidesSaturn,all planetsusuallydo well in Purvashadha. Unlessafflicted,evenSaturnwould do well in its 2ndand3'dpadas.
: iloank andA[pfia.hets The first padaor quarterof this asterisrnl:lo 20' -16o40' Sagittariuscorrespondsto "Bu" as in Bootis. to "Dah" Thesecondpadaor quarterof this asterism16040' - 20o00' Sagittariuscorresponds as in Dahl. Thethird padaor quarterof this asterism20o00' - 23o20' Sagittariusconespondsto "Bha"as in Bhatt. conesponds to "Dha"as Thefourtr padaor quarterof this asterism23" 20' - 26040'Sagittarius in Dharma. its mantrasare "Om corresponds to "Ba" consequently In the SanskritalphabetPurvashadha Bam".
Seryattype and Compatihi[ity: Thismakesit very playfulin regardsto sexualactivities.It is most Its sexualanimalis a Monkey. the other monkeynakshatra. compatibfewitt Shravana, pleasereferto the tableson pages457 with othernakshatras Formarital& sexualcompatibility & 458.
lEsoteric : Afl of the matterwritten belowcameto my wife Vela,in a dream.A goddess(whichwe cttn presumeto be Apahor Laxmi),revealedthe esotericsecretbehindthis Nakshatra. 'The'lifegivingwaters'ofPuruashadha soughtafter is the'elixir'oflife,the keyto immortality in the Alchemicalmysteryschools.In this nakshatra,the initiateof the ancientmysteryschools becomesthe bride of heaven.Beingttre highestexpressionof Venusianenergy,it is the ultimate
unionwith whatis above.Whenonehearsthe shadowyechoesof the ancients throughthe wallsof their ancienttemples,one is listeningto the voicesof immortalityinherentin Purvashadha, that whichliveson after death.Whensomeonelistensto the feedbackof Jimi Hendrix3guitar,(who has Purvashadha risingon hisAscendant), oneis againlisteningto the immortalityaspectof thisnakshatra. This is the 20h nakshatra.'2' representsVenusand the harmonisingof two elementsor two signs.'0' is the humberof completion and infinity.Puruashadha is thus the infinityaspectof the Venusianenergy.Purvashadha is the harmonising of Mercury/Venus and Taurus/Gemini, the two signswhich form the gatewayto the constellationof Orion.'2' relatesto the secondsign of the zodiacTaurusand'3' represents Gemini,the third signof the zodiac.Thisis why thosewho are bom on the 23h day of the monthcarrysomeof this Purvashadha energy.Mrigashin,the constellation whichliesacrosstheTaurus/Gemini axisalsocarriessomeof Purvashadha's energy.'2'isthefeminine goddessenergy,represented by the Moon.Sheis the 'Tsis"mysIery,theHigh PriestessinlheTarot deck,the revealerof secretsand possessorof thosesecretsunrevealed.Thesesecretsbelongto the high initiatesof the ancientmysteryschools.This is why Mercury'srole with Purvashadha is hidden fromview.Thishiddenroleis seenby the fact Geminiis placedoppositethe signof Sagittariusin the naturalzodiac. Theseventeenth cardof theTarotdeckknownas "TheStar",relatesmostcloselyto Puruashadha's energies.The femalefigure in the card expresseseternalyouth and beautyand she poursthe watersof life from heavenonto the earth.The motto of this card'watersof life freely'speak for itselfin regardsto its relationwith Purvashadha."
Qotra (Cetutiot Lineage): Thisnakshatrais relatedto the SagePulahu,one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "connectorof space".puruashadha,s relationship with connectivity canbe gleanedfrom the adhesive and connective rolewaterplaysin our bodies'Purvashadha relatesto the sameconnectingforcewhichholdsspacetogetherin muc6 the sameway as it holdsthe waterdropletstogetherin the form of an ocean.
fume[ial : the bestremedial Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfrom afflictionsto thisnakshatra, measureis to worshipGoddessLaxmi,andother Venusiandeitieslike Lalitaand Tripurasundari. Repetitionof the root mantraof this nakshatra- "Om Bam"108timeswhen Moontransitsthis lunarmonthis sureto reducesufferingand bringenlightenment nakhatraandin its corresponding into a person'slife. Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe goodeffectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor themto wearornateanddecorative pastelcolours.Mixturesof white,lightpinkandlightblueare garmentsandjewelleryin variegated Oneshoulduseits directions, coloursgo well with the energyof Purvashadha. ideal.All psychedelic to undertake all impoftantactions. lunarmonthandthe dayswhenMoontransitsPurvashadha
E4antp[e: The fegendaryFrenchheroineof the 15h century Joanof Arc, hasher Ascendantlord Mercury signVirgo.Mooncarriesthe placedin Puruashadha, Moonplacedin Mercury's and her atmakaraka makingher the VirginSaviourchild.The lordof Puruashadha, childlikequalitiesof this nakshatra, Venus,the 12b lord, is placedin her 8b house,ensuringher nameliveson after death.
Misce[atuous "makesone havea lovingand proudspouse Moonin Purvashadha Accordingto Varahamihira, 'a whilethe nativeis of prouddispositionand steadyin friendships".
1 fi'i
* b"
* €
zt. O*ar."h"d.
26"10' $agih+adus- lo"oo' (apficom
ilttarasfiala (2604o'Sagittarfls- 10000'Capricorn)
In tfu Skyt lJttarashada, the pinnacleof solar energy,is representedin the celestialfirmamentby four bright stars,whichthe ancientssaw as resemblingan elephantt tusk. In modemastronomythey are knownas Sigma-fugittaii('Asella), Tau-Sagittarii, Phi-Sagittarii&Zeta-Sagittarii(Nunk).The51four starslie in the end portionof the astronomical constellation of Sagittarius.Howeverit must be notedthat thisasterism's influenceextendsintothe first ten degreesof the zodiacalsignof Capricorn as weff. Nunki,havinga visualmagnitudeof 2.07,is the brightestamongthem. Accordingto the legend,thesestarscorrespond to the celestialareawherethe godlyforcesgot theirfinalvictoryover the demonicforces.
Afuitu: "Uttarashada" translatesinto the "LatterInvincibleOhe"or the "LatterUnconquered". This meaningrevealsthe crux of this asterism,whichhas moreto do with the term "final victory"than anyotherasterism.It alsorevealsthat it formsa pairwith its predecessor Rtruashadha, in the same way as Puruaphalguniand Uttaraphalguniform a pair.
Synhot: 'elephant'stusk'.The tusk is the most prizedpaft of an elephant's Its primarysymbolis an of their tusksand zealouslyguardthem.Researchers are usuallyvery conscious anatomy.Elephants havefound that the type, colourand sizeof the tusk has somethingto do with who becomesthe hasa lot to do with leadershipissues. leaderof an elephanttribe. It followsthat Uttarashadha the tusk is usefulto elephantsfor onlyone practicalpurpose- fighting' Beside ornamentation, has a lot to do with aggressiveactionslike Uttarashadha Purvashadha, lust like its predecessor, form a pair and some and Uttarashadha of war. As mentionedearlier,Purvashadha declarations as well. Theyseethe left tusk scholarsregardthe tusk of an elephantas a symbolfor Purvashadha as belongingto Rrmshadha and the right tusk to Utarashadha. In most ancientcultureswhere elephantswere known,they were usedas symbolsof royal during to rideon elephants All kings,includingIndra,the kingof the gods,weresupposed insignia. therefore,hasa directrelationship processions and sometimesevenduringwarfare,Uttarashadha, 'responsibility' is the mostimportant it entails.In a way, with kingshipand all the responsibilities keywordfor this nakshatra. Forobviousreasons,an elephant'stusk is alsoregardedas a symbolof penetration.It signifies It alsoconveysa certain penetratingmentalinsightandthe abilityto enternewfieldsof endeavour. and a go aheadspirit. senseof fearlessness
Deity : meansUniversal Vishvadevas hasten rulingdeitiesknownasthe TenVishvadevas. uttarashadha "Truth","Willpower", Gods.The namesof theseten celestialbeingstranslateinto - "Goodness", "Brightness" and "Peak".It is clearthat all these "Ancestors", "Skill",'Time","Desire","Firmness", of the primaryvirtuesof the original, ten gods are extremelybenevolentand are representative the word "good"in divine,creativespark.Theycanbe saidto be the guardiansof all that represents the universe.In the sarneway, Uttarasfndharepresentsall that is good and benignon Q9rplanel
All the qualitiesexpressed throughthe namesof the Vishvadevas find expression through Uttarashadha. This is what sets Uttarashadha apart from Purvashadha, even though most of qualities Purvashadha's andfunctionings applyto it aswell.As a resultof qualitieslikewillpowerand firmness,Uttan*radha hasfar greaterpermanence than its predecessor. It is easyto see that all thesequalitiesare borneout of honestintrospection, whichmakesUttarashadha moreintrospective in comparison to the extroverted,flambouyantPurvashadha. It is interestingto note that one of these gods is named"Ancestors".This must relate uttarashadha to traditionsaswellasonet forefathers(seeMagha).Uttarashadha isthe first nakshatra whichtries to encompass the qualitiesof all its predecessors (DhanishtaandReuattdo the same). One can associatewill power with Ardra and Krittik4 skilfulnesswith Hasta and Cltifr*4time with BharaniandAnuradha;desirewith Bharani,Rohini,MrigashiraandAshlesh4Goodnesswith Aswini Purnavasuand Pushyq,Truth with Uttaraphalguni Firmnesswith uttaraphalguni, Vishakhaand lyestha Ancestorsto Magha; Brightnesswtth Rohini, Mrigashira,Pumaphalguniand Chitr4 asfi Peakwith Mula and Puruashadha. Ganesha, the elephantheadedGod,is the final presidingdeityof this nakshatra.Ganeshais the only deity with an elephant'shead.ihe story behindhis gettingan elephant'shead revealsa lot relatingto Uttarashadha's essence(referto the EsotericSection).Ganeshais alwayspoftrayedas havinga full right tusk and a cut left tusk.Thissymbolises that Uttarashadha hasa morecomplete and coherentenergyin comparisonto its mate Purvashadha. Ganeshacan thus be seenas being stronglyconnectedto bothAshadhas. Ganeshais seenas the "Lordof Beginnings" and "Removerof Obstacles" and hisblessings aresoughtin all beginnings. Uttarashadha thereforerelatesto all kinds of beginnings.It is seenthat activitiesstartedunderthe positiveinfluenceof this nakshatraare blessedwith successand permanence.
A@tured functionirq : qualitieslikeelegance, Manyof Magha's traditionalism, authorityandrespectfor couftesies are similarto Utbarashadha. However,Uttarashadha has a more positive,introspectiveand enduring
aspect.It showsa personof verygoodqualitieswho maybe valuedfor their advice.It givesa talent It is a verypracticaland and seeingthemthroughto completion. new enterprises fur commencing orientated pioneeringtype of energyas most of its quaftersfall in the practicaland achievement It is a nakshatravery concernedwith structures,orderand makesone adhereto signof C-apricom. conformist. and sometimes whichare seenas respectable activitiesand behaviour It's assotiationwith the ancestorsshowsa deeprespectfor traditionalvaluesand a desireto advocatethesevaluesin one'sbehaviourand life. Howeverthe Saturnineinfluenceon this nakshatra It tusk suggests. can makea pe6on rigidand harsh,just as the piercingsymbolof the elephant's lines.Spiritualand can showan intolerancefor anythingwhichdoesnot follow normalrespectable philosophical motivationsare directedtowardsfindingpracticalsolutionsto life'sproblems is oneof the few animalsrvhichcandefeat the mongoose, Thesexualanimalof thisnakshatra, can be seenas the very oppositeof all that Ashleshastandsfor' a snake.In a way, Uttarashadha thereis openenmity Sincethey are placedoppositeeachother(6h / 7h / 8h houserelationship), or This nakshatrahas little tolerancefor underhanded and warfarebetweenthesetwo nakshatras. deceptiveinfluences.Howeverthe mongooseis cunningin its own way and its symbolsuggeststhat one is courageousand cleverin finding wayst0 forge aheadin difficulL dangerousor complo< tend to gravitatetowardsor attract situations.Nativesunderthe stronginfluenceof Uttarashadha Ona spirituallevelit makesoneverydetermined a lot of challenges. in lifewhichrepresent situations to piercethroughthe veil of illusionto uncoverone'strue soul nature. shakti"- the powerto relatesto "apradhrishya In the universalschemeof things,lJttarashada goalsaboveand the strengthto achievethose give permanentvictory.Its symbolismhasachievable The only thing wofth mentioningis that this strength goalsbelow.This imageryis self-explanatory. strengthwhichcomesaboutdueto an alliancewith the is not personalstrength,but the collective righteousness tryingto establish and unselfishly higherforcesof good,whenone is wholeheaftedly over unrighteousness.
Modeof ftmtioning : Uttarashadha is considered to be a Balancednakshatra.Thisselfevidentclassification doesnot requiretoo muchcommentary. A centreis neededfor anykindof balanceandUttarashadha, amongst all nakshatras, relatesmostcloselyto this centre,from botha universaland personalperspective. It is saidthat the "roadto excessleadsto the palaceof wisdom",but one must rememberthat this palaceof wisdomhas balanceas its foundation,
Caste: It belongsto the Kshatriya(warrior)caste.This nakshatrais mostlyconcernedwith attaininga placeof positionor strengthin society.As we havealreadyseen,it relatesto leadershipand the rulingcfass.According to Manu(the lawgiverfor our planet),all kingsand leaderscameunderthe khatriya caste.Uttarashadha hasbrahminicaltendencies,but they oftenseemto manifestwithina kshatriya framework, A goodkingis akinto a sage,but is still not a sage.In factJanakisthe only eafthlyking to havebeenawardeda brahminical title (referto the Vediclegend 'TlreRamayana').
Qen{tr : It is a Femalenakhatra.Thisclassification defiesall commonsenseas all of Uttarashadha's rulingdeitiesand planetaryrulersare male.Theonlyway we c:rncomprehend this is by considering the fact that all the ten goodqualitiesare seenin a femininelight in Vedictexts.Vedictexts regard all qualitiesas beingpaft of "nature",whichin the end is considered to be the feminineprincipleof the absolute.Uttarashadha is a nakshatrawhich has moreto do with the benignfunctioningsof Mayaratherthan the mab observeresspnceof the Absolute.
BodypartsU Humor (Ayulefic Constitution): Thighsand Waistare the bodypartsrelatedto this nakshatra.
with this nakshatra) It is a primarily"l6pha" (watery)nakshatra.Elephants(closelyassociated of the kaphahumor.Kaphais a constitution,which is are supposedto be the mainrepresentatives derivedfrom the combinationof earth and a little bit of the water elemenLThe earth elementis providedby the sign Capricom(which most of Uttarashadhalies in) and the little bit of water Jupiter'ssign). fallsin Sagittarius, elementis providedby Jupiter(partof Uttarashadha
Direction : It is relatedprimarilyto south,west, nofth-eastand east.
lPadas(Qurters) : Navamsa fallsin Sagitbarius Thefirst padaor quarterof thisasterism26" 40'- 30o00' Sagittarius arethe hallmarksof this pada. and o
Navamsa fallsin Capricorn 00o00'- 3o20'Capricorn Thesecondpadaor quarterof thisasterism of one'sthoughts, and materialexpression ruledby Saturn.The emphasishereis on concretization plansand desires.Planetsplacedheregive neruesof steel.Mostof the issuesof this padacircle in the outerworld.It is the goalrather andhowit is expressed aroundone'sownselfand personality to worldliness attentionor attachment importanthere.Anexaggerated thanthe meanswhichbecomes and powerstruct'trescan be noticed.Marsand Saturnhavethe abilityto bestutilizethe energiesof thispada. The third padaor quarterof this asterism30 20' - 5o 40' Capricornfalls in AquariusNavamsa whetherit be knowledgeor material ruled by Saturn.The emphasishere is on accumulation, possessions. A strongattachmentto the conceptof familycan be noticedin this pada.Planetshere
givegood resultsif one workstowardsone'sgoalsthroughinvolvingotherpeople.Groupand team workareessentialfor the properfunctioningof this pada.Rahu,MercuryandSaturnfeelcomfortable in this pada.Saturngivesthe strongestresults. The fourth padaor quarterof this asterism6o 40' - 10" 00' Capricornfalls in PiscesNavamsa ruled by Jupiter.This pada promotesphysicalprowess,short travels,courageand philanthropy. There'sa constdntconflictbetweenmaterialand spiritualvaluesas the nativestrivesto achievea balance.In the presenttimes,moreoften than not, materialitypraails. Planetsplacedhere give abundantenergyfor pursuingone'sgoals.Moon, Marsand Satumseembest equippedto handle the energiesof this pada.
lProfusinu : Preachers, Priests;Counsellors; Astrologers; Lawyers(of an ethicalnature);Judges;Government officials;Psychologists; MilitaryProfessions; Equineprofessions; Pioneers; Explorers; Wrestlers, Sword fightersand other combatsports;Athletes;Elephanttrainers;Business Executives; Organizers; DefenseIndustry;Authorityfiguresof all types;Teachers; Guards,HighclassServants;Birdwatchers & enthusiasts; BodyGuards,SecurityPersonnel; Rangers;Hunters;Construction Industry;Cricketers; HolisticPhysicians;Politicians(as good as they get in the presentday and age); All professions requiringa senseof responsibility and ethics.
gtnr.es: Prairies;Flat Savannahs; Mountainous Forests;NationalParks;WildlifeSanctuaries; Bird Sanctuaries; Reseruations; Government Buildings& Grounds;Courts;Temples,Churchesand other religiousbuildings;Universities; CollegeCampuses; MilitaryBases;Traditionalistic Towns& Citres; EliteGentlemenClubs& Societies;SportsStadiums;CricketGrounds;All professions mnnectedwith the aboveplaces.
9r* "
anf tattan (Efement): ff-ssence)
It is supposedto be a gttwicnakhatra. The sattwicand benevolentnatureof this nakshatra
canbe seencleadythroughits rulingdeity,the TenVishvadevas' It belongsto the Air element.Thisdefinitelymust relateto its connectionwith the airy planet whichhasmoreto element.Uttarashadha, ether,air is the mostall encompassing Saturn.Besides frameworkto manifust equalityandjustice,hasto havean all encompassing do with responsibility, its ten goldenqualities.
QanaEWd ' It is considereda Manushaor humannakshatra.The fact that its rulingdeitiesare knownas coupledwith the fact trat Vishuais one of the commonterms usedfor terrestrial Vishvadevas, affairson our planeqrevealsthe intensiveinvolvementof this nakshatrawiilt humanaffairson the anddevelopthe ten qualitiesassociated earthlyrealm.It is saidthat onecanonlytruly understand in a humanbirth.It is for this reasonthat a lot of astralbeingslikedemi-godsare with Uttarashadha undersuitableconditions. vyingfor earthlyincarnations
Orientotion d Dispositi"on: It is Upwardnakshatra.All upwardnakshatrasare consideredSoodfor thingswhichgrow or progressover time. We havealreadymentionedthat all activitiescommencedunderthe positive Anotherway of grow in leapsand boundsand achievepermanence. influenceof Uttarashadha takesits cuefrom up above. lookingat it is that Uttarashadha whichcanbe considered If thereis anynakshatra Itis a Dhruva(fixedor permanent)nakshatra. withthecharacter associated In factallthe qualities it is Uttarashadha. asthe.doyanof permanence', Dhruva(son of a demonking who was an ardentworshipperof Vishnu),are the sameas those In honourof this character,the pole star was knownt Dhruvatarain belongingto Uttarashadha.
Vedictexts. In the samevein, one can understandthat Uttarashadha is the pivot of good qualities aroundwhichthe gameof lifu revolves.
Lunar Montfr U Day : It relatesto the secondhalf of the lunarmonthof Ashadha,a periodwhichuzuallyfalls in late Julyin the solarcalendar. Uttarashada is alsorelatedto Purnima(15thtithi or FullMoonday) of the waxingphaseof the Mmn's monthlycycle.
Auspi^cioruActiaitizs Planning newbeginnings; Layingout plansfor anything;Initialplansfor anyactivity;Beginning thingsanew;Layingfoundations; All spiritual/religious activities& rituals;Puttingone'saffairsin order;Activitiesrequiringgreat discemmentand correctjudgement;All typesof Businessaffairs; SigningContracts;Promotions;Actingauthoritatively;ArtisticVentures;Marriage;SexualActivity; Enteringa new residence; dealingwith authority;Public,PoliticalorLegalmatters;Oneof the best nakshatras for initiatingany kind of activity.
InauspiciousActiaitits : Unfavourable for travel; Not good for concludingmatters/endings. Uttarashadha is generally goodfor evefihing exceptcommittingunlaMulactivities.Unethical,rude,impehrousand primiUve behaviouris not allowedhere.
efanetaryfr,g[cr: Sunis the mainplanetary rulerof thisnakshatra. Thesolarprinciple, whichwasbom in Krittika, reachesib zenith in this nakshatra.Theoreticallyit is sufficeto saythat the Sundoesnot exist after
reachesa peakin this this nakshatra,It meansthat the soul'sabilityto effectits surroundings will and tunedwith the universal will is completely In its highestaspect,the individual nakshatra. The of egoandselfishness' thusallthe actionson a worldlyplanearetakenwithoutthe involvement senseof right and wrong whichis requiredhere is not relatedto personalhumanlawsbut to the is sacrificed wherethe egoand individuality mind.Thisis the nakshatra divinelawsof the universal for the sakeQfthe greatergood. Jupiterand Saturnhavea and Capricorn, Sincethis nakshatralies in the signsSagittarius with it. We can notethat Jupiterand Saturnalsorule the four padasof this strongrelationship nakshatra.The combinationof expansiveJupiterand contractiveSaturnsignifiesmoderationand paft of this nakshatra, it is in the Capricorn practicality. SinceJupiterreachesmaximumdebilitation or expansiveness is not suitedfor too muchhope,idealism, impliedthat this partof the nakshatra this is the placefor action,not words.The outerreligiousdisplaysand rituals.In simplelanguage, concretepracticalaction,whichtakesplacehere,shapesthe materialworld accordingto universal laws. carryenergiessimilar & Sunfupiter/Saturnconjunctions lupiter/Saturn,Sunpupiter,Sun/Saturn PlanetsMercuryVenusandJupiter,unlessoperatingfromtheirhigheraspect,can to Uttarashadha. All planetswhenplaced partof this nakshatra. if placedin the Capricorn makeonetoo materialistic will is working unlessthe individual idealism, andmisplaced are proneto excessive in this nakshatra, is will. Everyerrorone makesunderthe influenceof this nakshatra in harmonywith the universal the materialwodd' to influence capacityof this nakshatra dueto the enormous magnified,
'lowek andAtpftabets: The first padaor quarterof this asterism26040' -30o00' Sagittarirsconespondsto "Be"as in Beth. to "Bo"as The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism00o00' - 3" 20' Capricorncorresponds in Bohemian.
The third padaor quafterof this asterism3o 20' - 60 40' Capricorn corresponds to "Ja"as in Jardine. Thefoufthpadaor quarterof thisasterism26o40' - 10o00' Capricorn corresponds to "Ji"as in Jimi. In the SanskritalphabetUttarashadha corresponds to "Bha",consequently its mantrais "Om Bham".
Serynt'lype m"dCampatiSi[ity: Thesexualanimalrelatedto thisnakshatra is the Mongoose. Uttarashadha is not verysexualin the first place,which is clearfrom the fact that the mongoosehas no compatiblesexualanimal amongstthe otlcr nakshatras. To put it simply,sexualityis not Uttarashadha's domain. Forsexual& maritalcompatibilitywith othernakshatras pleasereferto the tableon pages457 & 458.
Esoteric : Thelegendof the birthof Ganehacarrieswithinitselfallthe tragedy,valour,divinity,esotericism, enforcedsacrifice,renewaland regenerationinherentin Uttarashada. In shoft the story goes like this:"Paruati$eated a mindbornesonand instructedhimto standas a guardand not to let anyone in while she was bathing.Her husbandShiva,returninghome,was barredentry by parvati'sson. Shivahad not seenthis boy beforeand did not know who he was, and the boy in turn did not recognizeShiva.Harshwordswereexchanged and a battleerupted.Shivacouldnot defeatthis boy and had to retreat.He felt humiliatedafter beingdefeatedby a merechild and soughtthe help of Vishnuandother Godsto defeatthe child.
In the bat1ethat ensued,all of the Godstogetherwere unableto defeathim.Vishnufinally cameup with a plan that someoneshouldfight with the boy from the front, while he flew from behindto stealthilytake the maceout of the boy'shand.Vishnu'stheorywasthat the boy couldn't be defeateduntilthe macewastakenout of his hand.Theplanworked,as Shivawasableto cut the the mace' snatched vehicleGaruda(celestialeagle) boy,sheadwith histridentas soonas Vishnu's Sincehe was paruati'smind borneson she immediatelycameto know of his death and the whofestory flashedbeforeher mind'seye. She becameenragedand summonedall the Shaktis (feminineforces)of the universeto createhavocon Vishnu,Shivaand the rest of the Gods.The whole creationwent completelyhaywireand all the Godswere scaredout of their wits. Vishnu realizedthat the wholeuniversewouldcollapseif Parvatiwas not appeasedquickly.Thiscouldonly be doneif the boy was broughtbackto life. Vishnuinstructedthe Godsto descendon earthand bringbackthe headof the first thing they saw. They saw an elephantand swiftlyreturnedwith its head.Vishnuand Shivaattachedthe angersubsided him. FinallyParvati's elephant'sheadto the trunkof the boy'sbody,whichresurrected 'Ganeshaiwhichtranslatesinto'the and order was restoredin the universe.The boy was named leaderof all tibes', and was gii,enthe boonto be worshippedfirst beforeany otherGods." relatesto the number21. Accordingto the ancientsthe As the 21* asterism,Uttarashadha refersto the seventhsacral obviously number21 is called'TheCrownof theMagl.The'Crown'here see it as a centre,ghastrara, which is the final restingplaceof the kundalini.The Pythagoreans specialnumberbecauseit is a multipleof the two sacrednumbers3 and 7, We knowthat thereare threechannelslfu, PingalaandSushumn4whichcarrythe lifeforcewithinour astralbodiesthrough the sevensacralcentres.21 can be seenas a summationof the passageof thesethree channels thereforerelatesto perfectionon all levels,physical, throughthe sevensacralcentres.Uttarashadha mentalryrdspiritul. ln the TarotDeck,the 21d card is "TheWoild",whichis seento representthe wholeearthly and diversities.It alsorepresentsperfectionand finality planeof existencewith all its complexities
rulingdeities, Wecaneasi! relatethis symbolismwith Uttarashadhars from a universalperspective. of the World". "TheTenLordsor Overseers
Qotra (CettstiatLineage): This nakshatrais relatedto the SageKratu,oneof the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the into"the inspirer".In a way,inspiringothers affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslates as its own goodnesssetsexamplesfor othersto follow. is oneof the mainfunctionsof Uttarashadha, we can inferthat he hasa similar only with benignnakshatras, Sincethe SageKratuis associated rolein celestialcircles.
fume[ia[: the bestremedial Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfromafflictionsto this nakshatra, the removerof obstaclesand bestowerof wisdom. measureis worshipof Ganesha, Repetitionof the root mantrasof this nakshatra- "Om Bha"& "Om Bham"- 108timeswhen lunarmonthis sureto reducesufferingand and in its corresponding Moontransitsthis nakshatra into a person'slife. bringenlightenment Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe goodeffectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor themto wearall orange,yellowand light bluecoloursand whites.Theyshoulduseits directions,lunarmonthand the dayswhen Moon transitsUttarashadha to undeftakeall impoftantactions.
E4prnp[c: risingon his Ascendant.He exudedthe ten was born with Uttarashadha SwamiVivel
Misceffmuous: Accordingto Varahamihira, those born with Moon in this nakshatraare "modest,graceful, grateful,fortunate,abideby dharmaand havemanyfriends".
ZZ. $hravana
lO"oO'fapricom -Zr"ZO, (aprlcom
Sfiraooru - 23020'Gpricorn) (10000'C-apricorn
In tfu Sky t Shrauana, the apexof lunarenergy,is representedin the celestialfirmamentby three bright starsin the constellation knownas Aquila(the Eagle).In modernastronomythesestarsare known as Alpha-Aquilae(Altair), Beta-Aquilae(Alshain)& Gamma-Aquilae (Tarazed).Thesethree starscan be seenhuddledtogetheron top of the constellation of Capricorn. Altair,havinga visualmagnitude of 0.93,isoneof the brightestobjectsin the nightskymakingShravana a veryeasilyvisibleasterism. Accordingto the puraniclegends,thesestarscorrespondto the three stepstakenby Vishnuinhis Vamana-auatar.
9r{g:me: "Shravana" translatesinto two very unrelatedterms- "hearing"and "the one who limps".The limpingmeaningis in obviousreference to Vishnu's threesteps(pleasereferto the storybelowin the Esoteric Section); while"hearing"aswe shalldiscover, formsthe cruxof whatthisasterismis all about. Its alternativenameis "Ashvattha", a term usedfor the sacredPipattree(FicusReligioa).In vedic texts, this tree is alwaysgiven extraordinarysignificance. It is worttrwhileto mentionthat Buddhareceivedenlightenmentmeditatingunderthis tree.
Sytrtot: Thereare three main symbolsfor this nakshatra.One is a
'row of three unevenfootsteps',
which as we can see from the nakshatra'simage,are representedby its constituentstars.These the purposeof which three stepswere supposedto be taken by Vishnuin one of his incarnations, wasto establishorderin the universethroughthe restorationof the heavento the godsandearthto the humanbeings.We will discussthis storyin moredetailwhen we discussthe esotericaspectof Thesethreestepscanbeseenasthe threefoldlawthroughwhichthe cosmicintelligence thisasterism. maintainsorderin the universe.Nature,as we know,operatesin threemodesandthis threefoldlaw relatesto the three interactionsbetweenthese modes. thisasterism's whichonceagainreiterates symbolof thisasterism, A'tridenf is the alternative and knowthat'3'is the numberof communication connection to the number'3'.Mostnumerologists for establishing orderin the universe.This is why all ancientcultureshad is the energyresponsible for overlookinguniversalaffairs. three maindeitiesresponsible An'ear'is a commonlyusedsymbolfor this asterism,whidt we canseeis deriveddirectlyfrom aspectof this asterismis thereforemorefocusedon listeningthan its name.The communication thisaspect,some is the oneandonlywayonecanlearnanything.Toemphasize Listening speaking. imagethe wise men assignedthree earsas its symbol.The readercan seethat in the nakshatra's tree is'full of ears'.In the ancientIndianVedictradition,knowledgewas orallytransmittedand so becamethe mostimportantqualityan individualcould (shruti),the powerof listening,automatically that Vedicknowledgeis availabbtoday in its possess.It is becauseof theseoral transmissions pristinestate. Fromthis we can conjurethat this asterismhas a lot to do with preservation,in keepingwith the natureof the signit fallsin. Whena nativehasa strongShravanainfluencein their horoscope,the astrologercan safelyadvisethat personto learnto listenmore to others,or pay attentionto one'sinnervoicein orderto grow or progressin life.
Deity : Vlshnu,the preserveramongthe Trinity,is the main presidingdeity of this asterism.His relationship withthisnakshatra is alreadyestablished fromthe symbolism andmythology associated with this nakshatra. It is because of this strongrelationship with Vishnuthat this nakhatragets
strongorganizational ability,whichis normallyassociated with the signCapricom. In keepingwith Vishnu'snature,this nakshatralikesto bringorderthroughtact and cleverness and in manya case, throughanywhichwaypossible. It allowsoneto be ableto listen,assimilate andcontemplate on a problemto arriveat the solution.LikeVishnu,this asterismdoesnot believein hurryingwith
and is readyto sit and wait urtjl the tine is ripe. Saraswati, the goddessof learning,is alsostronglyassociated with this nakshatra,eventhough veryfew scholarsacknowledge this fact.Thisnakshatrais not all aboutlistening.It is alsorelatedto speechandthe abilityto put learninginto words.Someonehasto speakfor someoneto listenlrhis relationship with Saraswati connectsthis nakshatrato the useand studyof languages, musicand fascinationfor all mediaconnectedwith education.
Afature (t functbning : Ona positivelevelShravana is an amicable nakshatra, whichtriesto be reasonable andkeepits peacewith its surroundings. It is calculative, but in its higherexpression this calculativeness does not haveselfishmotivations'Evenits stubborn,unyieldingnatureis directedtowardsa higher cause in its positiveaspect.It is a persevering nakshatra whichdoesn'tliketo leavethingsin the middleor undone.This is probablythe reasonwhy it is saidthat any activitystarted in $j9,1,arcfratraalways reachits completion. In its negativeaspect,all its qualitieslike perseverance, shrewdness and knowledgeare
used for purelyselfishmeans.Its powerto listen,learnand teachmeaningful thingsis usuallylost in gossip,backbitingand manipulation. Sinceit is a verygoalorientednakshatra,it becomesdangerous whenits goalsare unwholesome and unethical.Narrow-mindedness is one of the strongtraitsto
352 This nakshatrarequirestoningdown of emergeout of the negativefunctioningsof this nakshatra' is the onlywayto learn'Thereis alwaysa dangerwith the ego,as listeningwithoutpreconceptions learnthe rightthings'A personborn this nakshatrathat a personunderits influencemaynot always be very carefulof the companythey keep' undera stronginfluenceof this asterismshouldalways Thenativecaneasilyfall preyto deception attachedwithShravana' Thereisalwayssomefoolhardiness and bad advice.
"1 t;'
to acquiringuniversalknowledgeand In its highestlevel of functioning,this asterismrelates It usuallybestowsvery strong powersof apptyingit to bring about order in the materialworld. comenaturallyand effortlesslyto such eruditionand sagacity.Oratoryand otherformsof lecturing abilityof this nakshatrahasbeenusedfor natives.In the presenttimes,muchof the organizational today's ends.Thisasterismis connectedto all formsof mediaand in destructiveand degenerative falsehood,liesand devolutinginfluences' world mostof the mediais usedfor propagating whichrevelsin publicdealings'It hasa very business shravanais a sociallyactivenakshatra cordialityis its primaryobjective'If this nakshatra likeapproachto things,eventhoughmaintaining well mannered the personis likelyto be maturein theirapproach,cunning, is risingon the Ascendant, is a mix of Moonysoftnessand Saturninerigidity' and receptivewith an alert look' The appearance andareskilledat puttingothersat easequickly'In the Suchpeopleare usuallycleverin conversation whole lot of time on the telephone! presentday and age, most of them can be seenspendinga will listenmoreor speakmore,dependsupon whethera nativeunderthe influenceof this nakshatra is positedin this nakshatra'one will tend the planetpositedin this asterism.Forexample,if saturn difficult,whilea personwho hasMarsplacedin thisnakshatra to listenmoreand mayfind speaking canbequiteachatterbox,butmaynotbewel|-versedintheartoflistening. and attitudeswhichrelyheavilyuponphraseslike"word is God"'" and religious Philosophical to this arOSeeverythingelse "'"' correspondS "In the beginning,there waSthe wOrd,from which was the first soundat the beginningof nakshatra'sline of thinking.It is true tlat "om" (or Aun) of the universelay in a silentstate before creation,but it is impoftantto rememberthat the seed '
that. The "word" is not "god", but just one of the many expressionsof the ultimatecausative principle,commonlyknowna5 "god". The downfallof this nakshatrausuallylies in excessivegenerositywhich leadsto debtsand poverty'.It can alsomakeenemiesthroughbigotry narrow-mindedness or extremeethicalstances. Thisnakshatra is not favourable for havingand nising children.Thisseemsto holdtrue in charts wherethis asterismfalls in the fiflfr house.WhenAscendant or Moonis placedin this asterism,or it is placedin the fifth house,or the fifth lord is placedin this asterism,it usuallydenotesfew chidren and the nativederiveslitUehappinessfrom them. On the contrary they are alwaysa sourceof anxietyfor them. In the universalschemeof things,Shravana relatesto 'apradhrishya shakti'-the powerto give permanentvictory'Its symbolismhas achievablegoalsabove,and the strengthto achievethose goalsbelow.Thisimageryis selfexplanatory. Theonlythingwofth mentioning is that this strength is not personalstrength,but the collectivestrength,whichcomesaboutdue to an alliancewith the higherforcesof good,whenone is wholeheartedly and unselfishly tryingto establishrighteousness over unrighteousness.
Mod.eof functioning : It is supposedto be a Passivenakshatra.Its passivityrelatesto the fact that it is receptiveand takestime to listento others.In fact, muchof its organizational skillcomesfrom a passiveapproach to things.It tendsto let thingsorganizethemselves ratherthan pokeits headinto the p_rocess too much.
Caste: Its casteis Mleccha(outcaste).It mightsurprisesomethat this amicableand worldlynakshatra shouldbe regardedas an outcaste.The thing to note hereis that this nakshatrawas in someway connectedwith the lowerCapricomian type workingclassin ancienttimes.It was relatedto people
whohadtobasica||y|istentoordersandcarrythemout'onthehigher|eve|sthisnakshatrar car-ingmuchfor the socialorder of to individualswho listento and follow the innervoicewithout ! their times,whichagainputsthem in an outcastecategory
Qend.er: that its primaryrulingdeity is It is a Malenakshatra.This can easilybe seenfrom the fact
Vishnu,oneofthethreebearersofthemasculineprinciple.Itcarriesasenseofobjectivity, one of the three main quality.It doeshavea soft,femininesideto it sinceSaraswati' masculine feminineprincipleagainrelatesto logic' with it. saraswati's is alsoconnected femininearchetypes, reasonand learning,but her influenceimpartssomesensitivity'
tsodypartsd lfwwr (Ayuruefit Canstitution): In our view,it canbe seenas The primarybodypartsit relatesto arethe Earsandsex organs' organs' consideringits symboland the primaryindicatorof ear and secondaryindicatorof sex beingthe organsof listening' with the earscomesas no surpfise'Besides imageryits relationship natureof thisasterism' the balanced organsfor the body.Thisagainhighlights earsarethe balancing to its connectionwith procreationas a Its relationshipwith the sexualorgansis mainlyconnected : meansof Preseruation. is the sign relatedto gait, but it shravanais alsorelatedto one'sgait. capricorn,as we know, to this nakshatracan resultin is only the shravanapart of it which relatesto gait. Any affliction if the lordsof the th, 10b, llb or 12h housesare involved' especially limpingor lameness, with the Moon' relationship It is a primarily"Kapha"(watery)nakshatradue to its strong
Direction : di{Si+s-are$rOnO nofthwesL* Its primary *"
eadns(Qnrters) : and Thefirst padaor quarterof this asterism10o00' - 13o20' Capricomfallsin AriesNavamsa an underlyingMartianqualityin is thereforeruledby Mars.Someonebornunderthis padaexpresses or ambitious as logic,initiativeanda careerconscious whichis expressed relationto the nakshatra, approach. fallsin TaurusNavamsa, Thesecondpadaor quafterof thisasterism13o20'- 16o40'Capricorn qualitiessuchas diplomacy, tactandcourtesyaredominant the Venusian ruledby Venus.Therefore to PushkaraNavamsa influencesin the way this nakshatraexpressesitself.This padacorresponds This andanyplanetpositedin thispadawillgivethe bestresultsasfar asthisasterismis concerned. the padarelatesto thoseinvolvedin organizational aspectsof the enteftainmentindustryespecially musich.siness....::
1 -. . -,ii
fallsin GeminiNavamsa, Thethird padaor quarterof thisasterism16" 40' - 20o00' Capricorn
ruled by Mercury.This pada bringsout the part of Shravanawhich is flexible,cunning,versedin and eagerto learn.This padarelatesto thoseworkingin the mass-media speechand conversation orientedoccupations. and othercommunication Thefourth padaor quarterof this asterism20o(X)'- 23o20'Capricornfallsin CancerNavamsa, and ruled by Moon.This padabringsout the part of Shravanawhich is receptive,sympathetic padaof thisasterism andthusrelatesthe mostto those It is the mostmass-oriented understanding. like hoteliersetc. holdingimportantpublk officesa thoseio lunar-occupations :*1 i.
-: i:z
;rlr:. ::1:'
lhofusiotu : Studentsand all thoseassociated in all fields;Scholars, Teachers, Preachers and Educators with universities;Linguists,LanguageTranslatorsand Interpreters;Story Tellersand Narrators; Industry(mainlyProducers and and Recording Comedians; Thoseinvolvedin the MusicBusiness Operatorsand all thoseearningtheir livelihoodby somekind of Telephone Soundtechnicians); ph9ry j9b; Thoseinvolvedin the preservationof ancienttraditionsand those pur:Eq classical
studies;Thoseinvolvedin organizational in big andsmallcorporations; capacities GossipColumnists, NewsBroadcasters, TalkShowHostsand othersinvolvedin the radio/television business;Modern day Counsellors, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysts and Psychologisb; RadioOperatorsin differentfields (even those who are involvedin catchingsignalsfrom other civilizaUons in the galary!); Travel Agentsand all those involvedin the Transportation and Tourismindustry;Thoseworkingin the Hote/Restaurant business;On a higherlevelHealersand Practitioners of holisticmedicineand on a lower level those involvedwith allopathy,hospitalsand the medicalprofessionin general;Those connectedwith Charitableorganizations, clubsand societies.
Universities; Libraries; Schools; Colleges; PublicAuditoriums andotherplacesof publicgatherings; Recording Studios;Hospitals;Telephone Companies; Basically all the placesconnectedto the above mentionedprofessions.
('Essence) an"[ tattwa (E{ement)i
It is a primarilyRajasicnaLshafa. Thismeansthat it is activeon the worldlyplane.Thisactivity can be motivatedeither by universalinterestsor purely selfish interests,dependingupon the wolutionarylevelof the soulin question.Thisis a good nakshatrafor attainingwealthand worldly accomplishments in general.If a personundera stronginfluenceof this a$erismis poor,one can inferthat this povertyis self inflicted,ratherthan beingfated. Its elementis Air, which again emphasizes the communication aspectof this nakshatra.It usuaffyrelateswell to the fire nakshatraslike Uttanphalgunietc.
QanaEype), presides ThisisevidentsinceVishnu,the harbinger It isa Godlynakshatra. of all godlyqualities, wer this asteJism.Thb rdates to its genUe,kind, amicablg liberalmirded, prosperous,reasonable
and sociablenature.Shravananativesalwaysthink twiceaboutdoing harmto othersand are not proneto take the leadin any sort of cruelty.
Orfuntation U Disposition : It is an UpwardLookingnakshatra.This relatesto its expansiveattitudein relationto life in general.After all, Vishnutook threevery expansivesteps(referto the storyin the EsotericSection) to take awaythe controlof all the three worldsfrom tuli (the demonking).This expansiveness in today'sworldtendsto boil downto ambition. Thisis a Moveablenakshatra. Thisis thusa nakshatrawhichpromotestmvel,mostlyin relation to the career.A lot of nativesunderib sffong influencego touringas part of their job whichmay involvelecturingand teaching.Nativesmay enjoy the hotel/tourismside of travellingwith this nakshatraplacement. b,.
Lunar Montfr U Day : Its energiescorrespondto the first 9 daysof the lunarmonthof Shrauan. This periodusually corresponds to the monthof Augustin the solarcalendar.
Shravanais alsorelatedto the Trittiya(3'dtithi or day)of the waxingand waningphasesof the Moon'smonthlycycle.
Atupicious Actiaitits : Religious ritualsand performances; newventures;Enteringa new houseor buying Beginning property;Medical Takingpreventive actionsandremedialmeasures; measures of all kinds;Listening to advice(listeningin general);Socialinteractions andpublicinvolvement; Leaming,studyof languages andclassical traditions;Reading andwriting;Music,philosophy & meditation;Goodfor sexualactivity; Makingpeace;Organizing in general;Makingand takingherbsand medicines; Politics;Purchasing
Initiationsin spirituallearning;Givingand for homeor business; newclothes,itemsandequipment for travel,especially towardsits ruling Importantphonecalls;Favourable receivingcounselling; actionsin general;Worshipof Vishnuor Saraswati. directions;Takinga new name;Humanitarian
for aggressive, unceftainor riskyactivitiessuchas lawsuits,warsetc.; Not good Unfavourable for creativeactivitiesinvolvingmanualwork; Notgoodfor lending,makingpromises,oathsetc.; Not goodfor puttingan erd to thingslike demolishing old structures;Not gpodfor worshippingfierce for marriageceremonies or adoptingchildren. favourable deitieslike Rudr4It is not considered
gtanetary&rhr : Moonand Satumare the two planetsgoverningthis nakshatra.Moonis the nalc$atra'smain planetaryrulerand SaturnrulesCapricorn, the signthat it fallsin. Moonrelatesto the receptiveand gentlepart of Shravana, and organizational aspect. whileSaturnrelatesto its persevering ".
Both Moonand Saturnare intimatelyconnectedwith the massesand massmentality.This is
the reasonwhya lot getsits abilityto influence massopinions. Thisis probably wherethisnakshatra The 10b house,whichhasa similar are undera stronginfluenceof this nakshatra. of politicians bestowspositionand influenceso that one mayeducatethe massesin universal energyto Shravana, rnluesandtruths.In today'sworldhowever,wherethe majorityamongthe massesare ignorantand cometo life.In its higher the leadersdumbandselfish,onlythe negativeaspectsof this nakshatra and easy of universaltruths and knowledgethroughenterbaining aspect,it relatesto dissemination to understandVedicepicslike the Mahabharaband Ramayana. t"
'2' The lunarenergyattainscompletionin Shravana.In numerology, is consideredto be the
Moon'snumber.Shravanais the 22d asterismandthe double'2's'signiffthe summationof the lunar throughthis energy.This meansthat all the bestand worstof the lunarqualitiesare expressed errorin judgementis very likelywith this nakshatra.Other nakshatra.Dueto its extremereceptivity,
negativelunartraitslikechangeability, vacillation, imaginary fearsandphobiasarealsoseenin their extremeexpression here.Onlyin evolvedsoulsdo the positivelunarqualitiesof universal@mpassion, motherlynufturing and mmplete receptivityto the universalmind are wiuressed. Moonin Capricorn,Saturnin Canceror Moon/Saturntogetherin any sign or house,are the placements ard combinations whichcarryan energysimilarto that of Shravana. Moon,Saturn,Mars,MercuryandVenusdo well in Shravana. Venushowevercan makeonetoo materialisticunlessthere are other elevaUng factors. ?B
ilowek anl AIpfiabe*: Thefirst padaor quafterof this asterism10o00' - 13o20' Capricorn, corresponds to ,,Ju"as in Jupiteror Justin. Thesecondpadaor quarterof this asterism13o20' - 16o40' Capricorn, corresponds to "Je,,as in Jenniferor Jet. Thethird padaor quarterof this asterism16040' - 20o00' Capricorn,corresponds to "Jo,,as in Joe. Thefourth padaor quarterof this asterism20o00' - 23 20'Capricorn, corresponds to "Gha"as in Ghanaor Ghastly. In the Sanskit alphabetShravanacorresponds to "Mam",and so its mantrawould be "Om Mam".
SeAtattype ani Compatihility: Its sexualanimalis a Monkey,whichindicatesmoreaffinitytowardsaftction and playfulness than the actual sexualact. Thoseunder the influenceof this nakshatracan be exhibitionistin regardsto sexualactivities.Theyare proneto talk moreaboutit ratherthan actuallyindulgein it.
pleasereferto the tableon pages457 with other nakshatras Forsexual& maritalcompatibility & 458.
f-sourb: The mainpuranicstoryconnectedwith this asterismis as follows:"A demonkingcalledBalihadtakenoverall thethreeworlds(earth,heavenandthe netherworld) gods)appealed to Vishnufor help.Vishnu Thebeatendevas(demi throughhis mightand prowess. assuredthemthat he wouldrestoretheir heavenlyabodeto them and rid the universeof the ruleof (elaboratereligiousceremony).Oneof the demons.Hewaiteduntil Baliwasperforminga big Yagya the rulesof this Yagyawasthat Balicouldnot refusethe demandof any brahmin Keepingthis in mind,Mshnuwent to this Yagyain the form of a youngbrahminboy.Likeall the otherbrahmins received by Baliandaskedwhathe coulddo for him.Vishnuin his presentthere,he washonourably hmana form (youngBrahminboy form) askedBalifor land whichhe couldcoverwithin his three strides.ThisdemandamusedBalias hethought,"WhywouldthislittleBrahminboywantsomething as littleas threefoot stridesof land,whenhe couldaskme for millionsof other.things?" couldseethroughVishnu'sact and warnedBalinot to give into Bafi'spreceptor,Shukracharya, that the innocentlookingbrahminboy'srequest.Baliwasa manof hiswordandtold his preceptor him,he couldn'tgo againsthisvow,andhadno optionbut andrespected eventhoughhe honoured to fulfil the brahminboy'swish.Shukacharyabecamefuriouswith Balifor not payingheedto his adviceand left the assembly.When Bali was pouringthe sacredwater from his pot as a ritual assumeda tiny form and stuckhimselfin the markingfor grantingthe boy'swish,Shukracharya knewwhatwasgoingon andso pot'sspoutsothat no watercouldcomeout of it. Vishnuobviously he took a sharpbladeof grassto clearthe obstruction.It is saidthat this bladeof grassdestroyed eyes,and this is the reasonwhy he is alwayspoftrayedas havingone eye one of Shukracharya's ever since.
Withthe obstacleremovedandthe ritualover,it wastime for the brahminboyto take histhree stridesworthof land.Suddenlythe boy'ssizestartedincreasing until it got so big that no one could seehis headanymore.In one stridehe took boththe netherworldandthe earth,and in the second stridehe took heaven.ThenVishnuturnedaroundto Baliand said,"Nowwheredo I put my third foot?"Baliknowingthat he had no otherplaceto give,offeredhis own headfor him to put histhird stride.Vishnusmiledand put hisfoot on Bali'shead. '.?
Bafiwas immediatelytranspoftedinto the lowestamongthe foufteenlokas.Yishnuhad now restoredthe earthto humansandthe heavensto the gods.Hewashoweververy pleasedwith Bali's magnanimityand devoUonto universallaws.He conferredon him the statusas the doorkeeperof the'outermostuniversal sheath'.He alsopromised to helphim out wheneverhe wasin need.At a laterpointin time,Vishnuactuallytookthe job of a doorkeeper in Bali'spalaceat his behest| " If onejust contemplates on this story it revealseverythingaboutthe nature,functioningand qualityof Shravana. Vishnutakingthe form of an innocentbrahminboy relatesto the amiable, innocentfront projectedby this nakshatra. Thisnakshatrais cleverin achievingits goalsin muchthe sameway as Vishnuwas aboutachievinghis.This nakshatrakeepsto its word the sameway Bali kept his word. Oneinterestingthingwhichcomesout of thisstoryis that Venusdoesn'tliketo be placedin this asterism,seeinghow this incidentwas detrimental to Shukracharya, who is intimatelyconnected withthe planetShukra(Venus). Thismightseemoddas Capricorn is a friendlysignto Venus.In our view Venusdoesbetter in other parts of Capricornin comparisonwith the $glggg
This storyalso bringsout the highestexpression of this nakshatra, which is upholdingthe universal lawat all costs.Since'2f is seenasthe numberof perfection, the number'22'isregarded as'0'or a new beginningby ancientmysteryschools.Evenin the Tarotdeclgthe 22d elrd doesnot exist.Insteadthereis a '0'card knownas 'Thefuo|". "TheFool"is a character, who is readyto jump intoany unknownor foreignsituationwithoutanyconcernfor the past,futureor ib consequences. If thischaracteris receivingits impulsesfromthe universalmind,thenall the actionsundertakenare
fruitful and necessary.On the other hand, if this characteris guided by the e99 gr other false externalinfluences,the outcomeis disaster.This characteris what Shravanais all about.
Lircage): Qotra (Cetestiat one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter This nakshatrais relatedto the SageVashishta, of wealth",sothe prosperity the affairsof our galaxy.Thenameof thissagetranslatesinto "possessor aspectof this nakshatrais reinforcedfrom this angleas well.
Xentedia[: the bestremedial Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfromafflictionsto this nakshatra, measureis worshipof Vishnu,the preserverand maintainerof all creation.Thisworshipcanbe done and aspects. throughuseof mantraand meditationon any or all of Vishnu3incarnations Repetitionof the root mantraof this nakshatra- "OmMam"108timeswhenMoontransitsthis lunarmonth,is sureto reducesufferingandbringenlightenment nakhatraandin its corresponding into a person'slife. Persons who are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracanalsoincreaseits good effectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor themto wearcolourslikewhiteand light to take blue.Theyshoulduseits directions,lunarmonthandthe dayswhenMoontransitsShravana all impoftantactions.
E4amp{z: Hewasfamousfor usingwordsto MuhammdA/, the famousboxer,hashis Moonin Shravana. his own balance.In his chart,Moon,as his whilstalwaysmaintaining his opponents, destabilize ascendantlord, is placedin the seventhhouse,houseof opponents.
Misce[laneous: Accordingto Varahamihira, Moon in Shravanamakesa person"learned,rich, famousand prosperous; andgivesthe nativea liberalmindedspouse".In our examplecase,all theseresultsfit in pefectly. MuhammedAli did in fact get liberal-minded spouses,who rebelledagainsthis own narrowminded social,religiousand politicalsemlbiliUes.
zt phanishta z1"zot (aVdcom - 6"+o'Aquarius
23. t?f
sr:; e${i!
(23020'Capricorn- 6040'Aquarius)
In tfu Sky t ;
Dhanishf4the zenithof maftianenergy,is represented in the celestialfirmamentby four stars
in the constellation knownas Delphini(theDolphin).Thesefour starsare arrangedin a rhombus shape,whichthe ancientssawas signiffinga drum.In modernastronomythesestarsare knownas Alpha-Delphini,Beta-Delphini,Delta-Delphini&Gamma-Delphini. This asterismcan be seenlying in the darkemptyspaceabovethe constellations of Capricorn and Aquarius. BetaDelphini,havinga visualmagnitude of only 3.63,is the brightestamongthesestars,makingDhanishta lessbrightin comparision to otherasterisms" Howeverit canbe easilyspottedasthereare no brightconstellations in ib vicinity. ,); 9{atne 7''
"Dhanishta" translatesinto - "the wealthiest"or "the mostbeneficient". The readercanalready
understand the basicenergyof this asterismthroughthis simplemeaning.Its alternative nameis 'Shravishtau, a sanskritterm,whichtranslatesinto "the mostheardof" or "the mostfamous".This againisa self-explanatory meaning, whichdirectlyhintsat theextremely luckyqualityof thisasterism. The nameShravishtaimpliesthat Dhanistrtaforms a pair with the previousnakshatraShrauarp.
Symhot: All scholarsagreeon the factthat a musicaldrumis the mainsymbolof this nakshatra.However thereis a differenceof opinionin regardsto the type of musicaldrum.Someequatethe drum with a bbr, somewith a tabla,somewith a mridanga,but in our view the drum is actuallya damaru. Damaruis Shiva'sfavouritedrum. The drum (damaru)conveystwo mainattributes- musicand hollowness. Hollowness here relatesto receptivityto outerinfluences. In its highestexpression this receptivityallowsoneto be an instrument of the universalmindwithoutlettingthe egointerferewiththe process. Sincethisnakshatra followsShravana, it relatesto the processwherewhat we havelistenedto is synthesized. Thisgives this nakshatra the abilityto actuallyaccomplish thingslikeplayingmusicetc.In its lowestexpression, this nakshatrais susceptible to receivinglowerlevelinfluences, and thus its outerworksare not as elevatingastheyare in its highestexpression. A drumas we knowis a rhythmicalinstrument,which canbe associated with time,andtime is the rhythmof the universe.Thisis whythis nakshatrais said to haveimmaculate timing. Ib altemativesymbolis a flute,whichagainemphasizes the factthat musicis producedthrough hollowness, in muchthe sameway as celestialmusicis createdthroughthe hollowness of universal space.
Deity : Dhanishtais presidedover by a groupof eight godscalled t'e Vasus."Vasu"translatesinto "superb","excellent or "wealthy".Theirnamesare:Apa, whichtranslates into'water'.He is a maledeityusuallyrelatedto Apah,thewatergoddess of Puruashadha. Dhruva,whichtranslatesinto 'the fixed',and is relatedto the pole star at any gNen pointin €.
ume. 2
369 t z'1. (A'o*"" '1 t \
Dhara,whichtranslatesinto 'a bearer'or 'a streamof water'.This deity is akin to 'the man pouringwaterfrom a pot' - the symbolof Aquarius. Anih, whichtranslatesinto'wind'.Thisdeityis the sameas Vayu,the wind god who is the ruler O -^of Swati. Vlr^t*('U ' \_/ '
Soma,whiqhtranslatesinto 'the Moon'.He is the sameas the Moondeity associatedwith
Mrigashin. Anala,whichtranslatesinto 'fire'.Thisdeity is anothermanifestauon of Agni,the fire god who / rulesKrittika. (a1". 5) Pratyusha,*rj,.n u.nr,utesinto'dawn'.He is the malecounterpart of lJsha,thesolargoddess who rides in front of the Sun.This might be the deity which madelimi Hendrk,a musicianwith prominentDhanishta influence, comeup with the phrase"firstraysof the new risingsun". Pnb!9s1,whichtranslates into'lightl Thisis anothersolardeityrelatedto the morningtime. ' ' t '' ' ]-'. i'! As we can see,all theseeight deitiescarrywithin them the energiesof differentnakshatras. This makesDhanishta a soft of compendium of the energiesof earliernakshatras i.e. specifically Ashwini,Krittika,Mrigashira, SwatiandPurvashadha. TheseeightVasusaresupposed to be wealthy and skilledat music.Thisconveysthis nakshatra's masteryoverthe materialplaneand relatesit withthe rhythmical, musical functionings of the universal mind.Thisis probablythe reasonwhya lot of scholarsassociated the signsof astrologywith this asterism,whichin a way is understanding the rhythmof the universe. Shiva isthe ultimatepresidingdeity of this asterism.This can be easilyunderstoodfrom the hct that part of this asterismlies in Aquarius,a sign completelyunderthe influenceof Shiva. Ancientpuranicscriptures are full of storiesof Shiva'simmensemusicalability.Shiva,evenwhile wreakinghavocanddestruction,doesso in a gracefuland rhythmicaldanceform knownas tandaua, exempf ified by hisfamousnataral?posture.In fact, two of the mainIndianclassicaldancesystems directlyoriginatefrom Shiva.
In a way,this nakshatracan be seenas a bridgebetweenVishnuband Shiva'senergy.It can form whichcanstill be foundin sometemplesin India. half-Shiva thus be relatedto the half-Vishnu, Vishnurelatesto its masteryof the materialworld,whib Shivarelatesto its musicaland bohemian aspect. '1"
AfutureU functbnlnq : Muchof the natureof this nakshatracan be derivedfrom the natureand qualitiesof the eight godspresidingover it. disposition, and a warrior-like invincibility FromApah,it derivesits musicalability,confidence, leadthis This can sometimes whichin its negativeaspectcan manifestas vanityand obstinacy. nakshatrato'beat its own drum'. FromDruva,it derivesthe fixed part of its nature,whichrelatesto its reliability,perseverance Dhanishtanatives ability.In a negativeaspectit manifestsas stubbornness. andgoodorganizational do not like to be told what to do ! ability.In its negative natureand conversational FromDhara,it derivesits wisdom,charitable aspectit makesone a chatterbox,or havinga tendencyto dispersetheir energiesin unconstrucijve, ways. unwholesome and motivationto From Anila, this nakshatraderivesits businessacumen,resourcefulness worriedabout things.In its negativeaspectthiscanmakeoneselfseekingor generally accomplish their prospecLs In its negativeaspectit FromAnala,it derivesits energy,mentalacumenand discrimination. capableof hurtingothers. badtemperedandconsequently can makethis nakshatra joy and hopefulness. Natureexpresses it derivesits radiance,happiness, FromPratyusha, through joyfulnessthroughsunrise,whichthis nakshatrausuallytries to accomplish unbounded musicand dancing.
FromPrabhasa, it derivesits lightheartedness, purity,goodnatureand wholesomeaspirations. FromSoma,it derivesits gentleness andsensitivity, whichsometimescanmanifestasfickleness, deceptiveness or extremeindulgence. The readercan easilyinferfrom the abovethat Dhanishta is all aboutlivinga goodlife.The readercanalsoinferhowit is noteasyto putthe Dhanishta personality in a box.It hasmanydiverse aspectsto its nature,makingit one of the mostexpressive amongthe nakshatras. It hasan ability to adaptitselfto any situationin whichit findsitself. Thosebornwith Dhanishta risingon theAscendant usuallycarrya rich,liberal,radiantexpression on their faces.Theyexudeconfidenceand nobility.Theyhavea peculiarlycaptivatingsmile,which conveysa feelingof deepsatisfaction at someinnerlevel.In somecasesthey can haverovingeyes. Beinggoodconversationalists, Dhanishtanativescanalwaysput the other personat easevery quickly.This will hold moretrue of thosenativeswho are born underthe Aquariuspart of this nakhatra. The Gpricorn paft has a moreworldlyorientationand thus lacksin the more refined, divineaspects All thosewho haveDhanishta happening in their chart,one way or the other,havea good senseof rhythmand enjoymusicand dance.It is very easyfor them to excelin thesefieldsif they work at it. Dhanishtanativestend to be goodat sportsbecauserhythmand timing are the key to almostall sports'Thisholdsespecially truefor trackandfieldathletics,ballgamesandgymnastics. Nativesare especiallygoodat sportslike gymnastics, wheregraceis a prerequisite. Thisis a socialnakshatra, whichlikesto be partof groups.It is not a lonerand likesto mingle with people'Sinceit is naturallyambitiousand is alwaysconscious of its'dharma,,it very rarely showsescapisttendencies. It wouldratherconfrontthings,whichcan makeit appearargumentative at times. WhenMoonoccupiesthis asterism,the personconcernedoftengoesfor matesor partnerswho areverydifferentin personality andoutlookto them.Thisobviously leadsto a lot of cbnflictin these
A partof thisasterism. the Capricorn issues.Thiscanbe seento be mosttruewhenMoonoccupies the peculiarpropertyof this asterismin promotingmarital regarding lot of scholarsare unanimous discord.Sincethis asterismcarriesso manygood qualities,sucha thing doesnot makesense for this problem' straightaway,In our viewthe martianaspectof thisasterismis responsible ptanetior maritalharmony.Onceagainthe Capricorn Marsis regardedasthe mostunfavourable paft of this asterismhas moreproblemsin this regardas comparedto the Aquariuspart.This is Thesemarital. to Capricorn, natureascompared hasa moreaccommodating Aquarius simplybecause wheneitherMars,Saturn,Rahuor Ketuareplacedin thisnakshatra, areusuallyenhanced difficulties especiallythe Capricornpart. If this placementhas someconnectionwith the seventhhouse,it mostC-ancer for sucha personto havea smoothmarriedlife.In our experience, mightbe impossible fallswithin16"40'- 30o00',havedifficultyin marriedlifeor sometimes whoseAscendant Ascendants, falls on the seventhhousecusp'Thoseunderthe don,t marryat all. This is becauseDhanishta part of Dhanishtaoften end up hatingthe oppositesex. strongnegativeinfluenceof the C-apricorn Rama, one of Vishnu'savatars,who is regardedas the epitomeof good conductand facednumerousproblemsin his marriedlife. In his chart,Marsis placedin the righteousness, Capricornpart of Dhanishtain the seventhhouse.He hadto fight a big war to rescuehis kidnapped wifeSita,and evenafter thingsreturnedto normal,he had to abandonher on somevery flimsy for the wholestory. ground.The readerscan referto the ancientVedicepicof "Ramayana" alwayshasthe abilityto tuneintosomesource.Themostimpoftantaspectof thisis Dhanishta for the sourceit tunesitselfinto,In the presentdayworldwheremediaactsasthe primaryinfluence standardsof culture,music, the masses,and providesthem with ever decliningand degenerating influences. tuningintotheseunwholesome kindsfindthemselves dance,fineartsetc., mostDhanishta whichcomeaboutby directtuning of this nakshatra, Thisis the reasonwhy the higherexpressions in with the universalmind,are a rarity nowadays' In the universalschemeof things,Dhanishtarelatesto " khyapayitrishakti" the powerto give Its symbolismhas birth aboveand prosperitybelow'This symbolismand fame and abundance. the beneficialand po$tjveaspectof this nakshatra.Dhanishtacan be seen imageryre-emphasizes
often attachedwith the sign Capricorn.It a characteristic as the zenithof woddlyachievements, goeswithoutsayingthat onlywhentheseworldlyachievements arein tunewith universalrequirements do they haveany lastingmeaning.
Modc d funrtioning : ancientVedicseerssaw this as an active In keepingwith its basicnatureand disposition, asterism.Eveninfantsborn undera stronginfluenceof this nakshatraare moreactivethan other infants.They start to respondto musicfrom a muchearlierage than others.This is a nakshatra meantfor gettingout in the worldand doingthings.
Caste: It belongsto the Farmercaste.It is puzzlingfor everyoneto understandwhy sucha wealthy to the workingcaste.Thisrelatesto the factthatthis andwellendowedasterismshouldbe assigned class.Dhanishta to theiworking nakshatra fallsin Saturn's sign,a planetwhichwasseenasbelonging is involvedin all farmerlike,creativeactivities,whichdealwith actualproductionof goodsetc.
Qendtr : Thisis oddconsidering the factthat all its presiding deitiesare male. It is a Femalenakshatra. This is becausethis nakshatrarelatesmore to the energiesof its deities,ratherthan the adual deitiesthemselves. Theseenergiesare their 'shaktis'andare alwaysfeminine.It is a feminineforce whichpresidesover all creativearts like musicand dancing.It is no wonderthen, that all male anddisposition ! formsare quitefemininein theirappearance dancersof the classical
Ro[ypartsd l{urwr (Ayurue[icConstitution): The bodypartsit relatesto the mostare the backand the anus.Thespinalcordas we knowis The kundalinienergyrisesfrom the area directfyrelatedto the planetSaturnandthe signC.apricorn. aroundthe anusand travelsupwardsthroughthe backto the top chakraon the head.Thisis the only way for humanbeingsto tune into the universalmind. As discussedearlier,this nakshatra requiresone to do that in orderto expressits qualities. It is a primarily"pitta"(fiery) nakshatradue to its strongrelationwith Mars.
Direction : It is relatedto east,southeast,south,west and southwest.
eadas (Qnrters) : Thefirst padaor quafterof this asterism23o20' - 26" 40' Capricorn,fallsin LeoNavamsa and is ruledby Sun.Thisportionrelatesto the ambitiouspartof thisasterism. It combines the energies of Sun,MarsandSaturnanddirectsonetowardswoddlyaccomplishments. SinceSunaswe knowis not a favourableplanetfor marriage,this padais not goodfor maritalharmony.It can alsobe too and oftenbringsthe nativeunder aggressive. Thispadaassureseasysuccessin one'sundeftakings, its influenceintosomekindof limelight. Thesecondpadaor quarterof thisasterism26" 40'- 30" 00' Capricorn, fallsin VirgoNavamsa paft of this nakshatra. It relatesto the skilfulandcommunicative Thisis a highly ruledby Mercury. adaptablepadawhich often givesa lot of successin one'schosenpursuits,howeveronce again Mercury'smutabilityis not goodfor maritalharmony.The rulershipof Mercurygivesthis padagood mind-hand whichpromotesmusicaland athleticskill. coordination, Thetiird padaor quafterof this asterism0o 00' - 3" 20' Aquarius,fallsin LibraNavamsaruled by Venus.This relatesto the amicable,optimistic,happy,social,musical,grouporientatedand
wealthyaspectof Dhanishta.SinceVenusis the naturalsignificatorof harmony,this padapromotes maritalharmony. Thisisthe padawhichcarriesthe mostrefinedandsubdeattributesof thisnaktratra. It relatesto thoseinvolvedin music,fine arts,divinationand astrology. The fourth padaor quaderof this asterism30 20' - 60 40' Aquarius,falls in ScorpioNavamsa ruledby Mars.This padahasexcessivemaftianenergyand relatesto the rhythmicalaspectof this asterism.It is helpfulin creativearts requiringa lot of energylike drummingetc. This pada is sympathetic to the underdog,howeverthis padais not goodfor maritalharmonydueto its excessive aggressiveness. This padahasa warrior'sattitudeand givessportingprowessand athleticability.
{Profusiotu : Musicians, Dancersand Peformers;All those involvedin the Management side of the entertainment industry;Drummers andthoseinvolvedin the rhythmsectionsof bandsandorchestras; GeativeArtistsof all types;Thoseinvolvedin militarybandsand other typesof marchingbands; Gemstones and Precious MetalDealers;AthletesandotherSportsPersons;GroupCoordinators in all fields;Thosein the RealEstateBusiness; Landscape Artists;Thosewhodealin Financial Transactions; Scientistsand Physicists;ComputerProfessions; Warriorsand Mititarypeople;Poets,Songwriters andRecitersof rhythmicalincantations; Makersof musicalinstruments; Vocalisbwith moreemphasis on deliverythan melody;Astrologers and Divinators; Psychic Channellers & Mediums;On a higher levelthose involvedin HolisticHealingthroughKundaliniYoga;On a lower levelSurgeonsand MedicalPractitioners; Professions involvinghightechdevicesand electronicequipment;professions requiringversatilityand multipletaskability;Managers in general.The immenseversatilityof this nakshatra allowsit to be involvedin all typesof professions, especially thoseinvolvinglargemonies.
tPfaces: All placesrelatedto musicand other creativearts rangingfrom Schoolsto Studiosto Dance Hallsetc; MeditationRooms;Mapagerial Offices;RealEstateAgencies;Gardens;ScienceLabs;
Factorieswith high tech equipmentor producinghigh tech equipment;AmusementCentresand SportsStadiums;All placesrelatedto sports;Financialcentresand institutionslike Banksetc. ; Safeswherewealthand valuablesare stored.
guoa ('Essence) and'Tattwa (Efzment): Thisis clearfrom the fact that two inherentlytamasic It is supposedto be a Tamasicnalshatra. is Thishoweverdoesnot meanthat thisnakshatra planets,MarsandSaturn,governthisnakshatra. thancreation averseto activity.It just meansthat this nakshatrais moregearedtowardsdissolution, or maintenance. It belongsto the Etherelement.The ether elementcan mingleand cooperatewith all the quality,just as spaceand ether its all encompassing elements.This is what givesthis nakshatra pervadeeverything.This nakshatralikesto keepits horizonsas wide as possible.
QanaEWd t Onceagain,thiscanbe attributedto its closerelationship a Demonicnakshatra. It is considered to the two naturalmalefics,Marsand Saturn.It carriesan energywhichalwaystriesto bringabout are relatedto maintainingthe statusquo, so in the changein the present.Mostgodly nakshatras negativequalityof this asterismis definitelypositivefrom a this seemingly presenttimeshowever, universalpointd view !
Orienntiott & DisPositi-on: nature.Thisis a nakshatra in keepingwith ib naturalexpansive It isan UpwardLookingnakshatra signiffingincreaseand expansion. Thismeansthat it relatesto travellingandchangein or ephlmeralnakshatra. It is a Moveable all its forms.This is probablythe reasonwhy somerholars say that this nakshatradoeswell in
foreigncountries. A personwith a stronginfluence of thisnakshatra is likelyto travela lot andattain success in a foreignland.
Lunar Montft & Dau : It relatesto the middleportion(themiddle9 days)of the lunarmonthof Shravana. Thisperiod usuallycorresponds to the monthof Augustin the solarcalendar. Dhanishta is alsorelatedtothe Ashtami(8th tithior day)of the waxingand waningphasesof the Moon'smonthlycycle.
Auspi"ciousAttiaitits : Religious ritualsandpeformances; Creative activities in general,especially musical anddancing; Groupactivitiesof all kinds;Megacelebratoryeventsinvolvinghugecrowdslike concefts,opening ceremonies etc.; All activitiesinvolvingpompand splendour;Purchasing moveableand immoveable property;Travelling- goodfor both shorttrips and longjourneys;All activitiesrequiringaggression and a pro-activeattitude;Lendingmoneyand all kindsof financialtransactions; Meditationand Yoga;Gardening;Buyingnew clothes,gemstones, jewelleryetc.; Favourable for treatingdiseases and commencingeducationalventures;Careeractivitiesinvolvingfame and recognition;Learning how to use high tech equipmentand weapons.
Inauspirious Actioities : Unfavourable for sexualactivityor marriage;Activitiesof a fixed or restrictivecharacterlike givingup old habitsetc; Not a goodtime to form new partnerships;Homelyactivitieslike cleaning etc; Dealings with peoplerequiringtact,cleverness and gentleness. "ll
r:.. ;:a
etrnretary fu.fer: The main planetaryinfluencesaffectingthis nakshatraare Mars,Saturn,Rahuand Uranus, braveryis a the pinnacleof Martianenercy.Consequently Marsbeingits primaryruler.It represents This is the reasonwhy it connectswith warriors, with this nakshatra. qualitystronglyassociated for a lot of sportsaswellsuchasadventure Courageisa prerequisite weaponsandmilitarypersonnel. spoftsor mountainclimbing,and so this nakshatrafinds its expressionthroughpeopleinvolvedin suchactivities. abilityof this nakshatra. natureand organizational Saturn'srulershiprelatesto the persevering as we know,is a key It usualrysetsitselflongtermgoals,whichit likesto fulfil at anycost.Discipline, to excellingin any of the creativeafts as well' the the difficulttask of harmonizing Dhanishtais the nakshatrawhichfinallyaccomplishes hereand divergentenergiesof Marsand Saturn.The maftianenergyis at its absoluterefinement is the pinnacleof Martianenergy.It hasthe wisdomto useenergy(Mars) this is why Dhanishta over time (Saturn),a qualitywhlch bringsabout all its other good qualitiesand ib constructively abilityto gainwealth.Wecanseehowkeepingrhythmwhileplayingdrumsis a verysimilaractivity' the rhythmof life,and its capacityto stickto the rhythm/tunemakesit reap Dhanishtaunderstands all the bestthe universehasto offer. with Rahuand Uranusconnectsit with the massmedia,andthis is the reason Its relationship why a lot of top peoplein the entertainmentindustryhavea strong Dhanishtainfluencein their chaft. It likesto makepeoplewealthyand respectedin their chosenfields,and in the presentday in anyfield' success and age Rahuand Uranusare keysto astounding '
conjunctionand terms,Marsin Capricom,Marsin Aquarius,Rahu-Mars In generalastrological
Pushya, Chitra,Anuradha Purnavasu, likeRohini,fvlrigashira, in nakshatras conjunction Mars-Saturn conjunction Rahu-Mars-Saturn carryan energysimilarto that of Dhanishtha. or Uttarabhadrapada completelycaries the energyof this nakshatra.
Moon,Mars,Saturn,MercuryVenusandRahuusuallydo wellin Dhanishta. Moonand Marsdo betterin the Capricornpaft whileMercuryVenusand Rahufare betterin the Aquariuspaft. Saturnb positioningin this nak$ratrawill makesuccessslowto comeand maytotallydenymaritalpleasures.
'I/outefsan{ Alpfiabe* : The first padaor quarterof this asterism23o20' -26" 40'C-apricorn, corresponds to ,,Ga"as in Galileo. The secondpadaor quarterof this asterism26040' - 30oO0'Capricorn,corresponds to "Gi"as in Gibsonor G. I. Joe. The third padaor quarterof this asterism0o 00' - 30 20' Aquarius,corresponds to "Gu" as in Guitarand Gustav. The fourth padaor quarterof this asterism3" 20' - 6o 40' Aquarius,corresponds to "Ge,'as in Georgeor Gertha. In the SanskritalphabetDhanishtacorresponds to "Yam"and "Ram",consequently its mantras are "OmYam"and "OmRam",
Seryat'Typeanf Compatifiility: Its sexualanimalis a Lion.As we will discoverlater in the EsotericSection,this nakshatrahas a strongconnectionwith the lion, whichgoesfar beyondits sexualpreferences. On a sexualplane this type doesnot relatewell with other nakhatras,exceptthe lion/tigernakshatras- Dhanishta, Chitra,Vishakha and Puruabhadrapada. In keepingwith its animal,it is not veryenthusiastic about sexualactivityeventhoughit mighthavemultiplepartners.
Forsexual& maritalcompatibilitywith othernakshatras pleasereferto the tableson page457
& 458.
Chapter 23: Dhanishta
Boterb : of Andromda,wherea lot of godly Thestarsof this nakshatralie verycloseto the constellation andasuric(demonic)forcesare said to reside.Howeverthe eight Vasus,which presideover the with Dolphins, is associated areall godlyin nature.Delphinus of Delphinus, starsof the constellation sharesa lot of its Thisnakshatra amongall the seacreatures. the mostintelligentand benevolent traits with dolphins.Evendolphinsare knownfor their permanentmysterioussmile! Froman betweenShiva'sandVishnu'sterritory' soft of lieson the borderline Thisconstellation 10s astrologicalpoint of view, it connectsthe signsof Capricornand Aquarius'Capricornor the to the fruits of houseas we know relatesto karma,whileAquariusor the llb housecorresponds as a result thusrelatesto the fulfilmentof one'sgoals,desiresandambitions karrlla.Thisnakshatra and of goodkarmafrom previousbirttrs.It is the balancingpointbetweenthe forcesof maintenance ,..,.:;!,; ,;..4 t,*;..:,
with the phrase,"the in numerology and'23'isa numberassociated Thisis the 23'dnakshatra the royal star of the lion". This obviouslyalludesto the star Rqulus, which forms the core of the zodiacalbelt, "Magha"liesdirectlyoppositethe Aquariuspart of this nakshatrauMaghau,In canbe seenas paftners.Magha,aswe know,is the nakshatra Thusthesetwo nakshatras nakshatra. its latterhalf,alsocarrieswithin especially relatedto royalhonoursand exaltedstatus.Dhanishta, with both of these itself thesequalities.Onecan seethat the lion is an animalstronglyassociated .23'is regardedin numerologyas a very fortunatenumbersignifyingcompletion.Both nakshatras. carrythe completionaspectof this number,whichmakesthem becomethe bestin thesenakshatras (the part their chosenfields, due to repeatedpast life efforts or having more paramatmamsha belongingto the eternalabsoluteone).
Qotra (CetzstutLineage)i
-;.. :.i
This nakshatrais relatedto theSageAngiras,oneof the sevencelestialsageslookingafterthe affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "the fiery one",whichis in keepingwith the martianaspectof this asterism'
The 27 Celestial Poftals
fumediat: the bestremedial Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfrom afflictionsto thisnakshatra, halfmeasureis worshipof the lion-ridingGoddessDurga,or Hari-Hara,a deitywith a half-Vishnu, whichinvolves onecanworshipthe eightVasus.The practiceof RalT-yoga, Shivaform.Alternatively the raisingof the kundalinithroughthe sevensacredcentres,is one of the bestwaysto utilisethis nakshatra'spotential. - "OmYam"and "OmRam"108timeswhen Repetition of the root mantrasof this nakshatra lunar month, is sure to reducesufferingand Moontransitsthis nakshatraand its corresponding into a person's life. bringenlightenment Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe goodeffectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor.themto wearcolourslike red, blue lunarmonthandthe dayswhenMoontransitsDhanishta to andgold.Theyshoulduseits directions, underbake all importantactions.
Eryrmp{z: 'i exemplifies in the Vedicepic, "Mahabharata TheLifeof Bheeshma, oneof the majorcharacters the functionings of Dhanishta. He took and observedthe vow of lifelongcelibacyand was in battle;wasgenerousevento his competitorsand showedimmaculate couragetill unconquerable hisdyingbreath. MarilynMontoe,the famousmodeland actress,has her Moonin Dhanishtain the P house. The7h houserelatesto one'spublicimageand relationship withthe masses. Shedefinitelyutilised all of Dhanishta's charmto becomea masssexsymbol.Herfamoussmileandheavyalluringeyelids characterise the peculiar,self assuredand captivatingfacialexpressionof this nakshatra.However Dhanishtaspoilt her maritallife. She had two unsuccessful marriagesand a host of unsatisfying affairs.
Misce[laruous: Accordingto Varahamihira, Moonin Dhanishtamakesa person"liberal,brave,richand adeptat musicand other fine alts". Thosewho know about Marifn Monroecan see that her life fits in perfectlywith the abovedescription. Shewas moreintelligentand learnedthan her publicimage portrayedand wassaidto haveliberalviews.Sheevenmarriedpeoplewho wereat the top of their respective fields.HerMoonis in the first padaof this nakshatrain Capricorn,which as we menUorred earlier,can makeone a star but,doesnot promotemaritalharmony.
#r.' z+. $hatabhisha 6'+0' Aqu"rius - zoooo'Aqrarius
Sfrotabf,isnn (6040'Aquarius- 20000'Aquarius)
In tfrcSky t Shatabhisha, the apexof Rahu'sfunctioning,is represented in the celestialfirmamentby a faint group of stars in the heaft of the constellationof Aquarius.The ancientsdesignateda hundred amongthesefaintgroupof starsas belonging to thisasterism. Thebrightestamongthisgroupwith a visuafmagnitudeof only3.85,isa starknownin modernastronomyas Gamma-Aquarii (Sadachbia). Despiteits faintness, the generallocationof thisasterismcanbe gaugedby its neighbouring bright (Sadalnelik).Sadachbia star,Alpha-Aquarii liesslightlyaboveon the left handsideof this brightstar.
A{ame: "Shatabhisha" (alsospeltas 'Shatabhishak'2 translatessimplyinto - "the hundredphysicians,', "the hundredmedicines",or "possessing a hundredhealers".Thoughthis bizarrenameconveysa part of this asterism's functioning,it doesn'tcompletelyconveyits vastconnotations. Its alternative nameis "Shatataraka" whichtranslatesinto "possessing a hundredstars".Thisis in obviousreference to the fact that the vedicseerssawthis asterismas a collectionof a hundredstars,with eachone of the starsrepresenting one physician/medicine.
Sym6o[: Its mainsymbolis an'emptycircle'.Thiscirclecan be seeneitheras a roundmagicalcharmor of the infinitevoid of creation.A circlecan representmanythings the circleof as a representation and dissolution' life; the circleof the zodiac;the circleof creation,maintenance The importanceof the circlecan be seenfrom the followingwordsspokenby BlackElk, an 'You havenoticedthat everythingan Indian(nativeAmericanindian)does OglataSrbuxholymanis in a circle,andthat is becausethe powerof the worldalwaysworksin circles,andeverythingtries to be round... the skyis round,and I've heardthat earthis roundlikea ball,and so areall the stars' Thewind,in its greatestpowerwhorls.Birdsmaketheirnestin circles,tor theirsis the samereligion form a greatcirclein theirchanging,and alwayscomebackagainto as ours... eventhe seasons wherethey were.The lift of a man is a circh fuornchildhoodto childhood,and so it is in everything wherepowermoves." Besidesthese universalideas,the circlealso suggestsan idea of containmentor circulation. Thereis an ideaof protectionand hidingrelatedto this asterisin.The circlecan act as a boundary A circlecanconcealandhidethingsjust andprotectonefromthe dangersoutsideits circumference. is thus relatedwith secretsandthe ability likean opaquejar hidesthe liquidinside.Thisnakshatra to concealsecrets. A shorelineseparatesthe ocean A circlealsocarriesthe ideaof identitythroughsegregation. like from landandthus allowsfor its identity.Thisasterismthus relatesto all enclosedwaterbodies lakesandoceans.It howeverdoesnot representrivers,as riversare not enclosedon all sides.In the and sameway the ideaof containmentcan be seenin our own beings,as the physicalbodyhouses offers protectionto the soul or astral body. This asterismhasa lot to do with the ideaof protection,whichcan operateon manylevelsof whereLakhmanadrew a linearoundthe hut existence.The part in the Vedicepic,the Ramayana, for Sibb *fety and askedSitanot to crossit, is a wonderfulexampleof the magicalcontainment and protectionconnotationof this asterism.
Deity : Eventhoughthis nakshatrais relatedto a hundredphysicians throughits name,its maindeity is Varuna, the lordof the oceans.In essence,Varunacan be seenas the representative deityof the waterelementin nature.Thisfactautomatically relatesthisnakshatra with all kindsof liquidsin the physicalas well as astralrealm.Varunacan be equatedwith the planetNeptune,as it is seen in modernastrology.Varunalike Neptuneis the lord of the cosmicand terrestrialwaters. In this nakshatra'simage,Varunacan be seen holdinga pot. This pot containsgma - the preferreddrink of the gods.This drink is the heavenlyambrosia,which suggeststhe idea of rejuvenation and intoxication. Wecaneasilyseethat the liquidswe consumein our dayto day life producethe sametwo effects.In the otherhandVarunais seenholdingsomemedicinalherbs.This is wherethe hundredphysicians comeinto the picture.Thisasterismhasa lot to do with healingon all levelsof existence,whereasthe herbsonly signifyhealingon a physicallevel, The ideaof magicalcuresthroughdivinewatersis commonto all cultures.Our everydayglass of wateris a vital rejuvenatorin the sensethat it keepsusalive."Bluearethe life givingwaterstaken for granted,they quietly understand..." as Jimi Hendrix,a contemporarymusicalgeniusput it. Oceanshave alwaysbeen seen in the Vedictexb as a repositorof herbswhich can cure every possibledisease'Someof theseherbscameout duringthe ctrumingof the oceanundertakenby the godsanddemonscollectively (Pleasereferto the author'spreviouswork 'TheRahu-Ketu Experience" ftgar PubliationSlndia;'TheKeyof Life' Lotus PressllJSA ). EvenAmrita,the elixirof eternallife, cameout of the oceanduringthischurning.
1 ,:
On the highestlevel,thisasterismfallsunderthejurisdiction of Shiua,the lordof the ascetics. Shiva,as we know,presidesoverthe signAquarius,and sincethis asterismfalls in the heaft of the signAquarius,it automatically fallsunderShiva'sdonrain.Consequently it canieswithin itselfShiva,s mystical,contemplative, asceticand dissolutingnature.
fr{gture(t functioning: from other nakshatras' Secrecyis the one qualitywhich immediatelyseparatesShatabishak can be secretive' even though a fot of other nakshatraslike Anuradha,Jyesthaand Puruashadha or however,is in a leagueof its own whenit comesto hidingthoughts,motives,self Shatabhishak, derivesalmostall of its powerfrom what is hidden'Whetherit be anythingelse.In fact, Shatabishak alwaystriesto gain Shatabishak the herbsin the oceanor secretformulaesof nature'sfunctionings, is notalwaysveryready to whateveris hiddenandin doingsoattainsits power.shatabhishak access just oceancoversup git"t"r#*" them to sharethe hiddensecretsit hasdiscover":,*110 "*:*t8 manya treasure. presiding overmediain all its is oneof the mainnakshatras Shatabhishak As we shalldiscover, principles electronicmedia.In today'sworld,mediaaswe know,functionson thetwin forms,especially truth regarding of secrecyand deception.The people"runningthe show"obviouslyknowaboutule is the ultimate Shatabishak get is a smokescreen. the actualseatof power,whilstall thatthe masses con artist.
. j., .:,
Nativesunderthe influence with suspicion' natureis to vieweverything essential Shatabishak's to newthings,thoughts,placesand people' of its energyusuallytaketheir time to get accustomed of shielding Their suspiciousnatureofun makesthem be on guard,thus makingthem capable nativesusually comesinto play.shatabishak from harm.onceagain,the circlesymbolism themselves whichmakesit difficultfor othersto approach drawa hardto penetrateboundaryaroundthemselves arisesdirectlyfrom its inclinationto createthesewalls them. The reclusiveaspectof Shatabishak and boundaries.
aspect are generallysolitaryeccentric,reclusive,and introvefted.The plussideto this NaUves which that'rtsreclusivitygivesit the capacityto be alone.Beingalonegivesriseto contemplation,
canonlytranslateinto cases,thisseclusion In negative wisdomandenlightenment. in turn produces secretsas it is on keepingsecrets' is as keenon unravelling pessimism and self pity.Shatabishak nativesenjoyactiviUeslikesolvingpuzzlesor thosewhichinvolvethe This is why mostShatabishak pursuitof somethinghidden'
Shatabishak lovesto get to the truth of anythingin muchthe sameway as Mutalovestoget to the root of everything.Eventhough Shatabishak nativesare usuallyquiet and undemonstrative, (whichone shouldexpectthem to be sincethey are supposedto be the mastersof serecy); they often blurt out harshtrutrs at the most inoppoftunemoments.This is in fact one of the major problemsShatabishak nativesfacein climbingthe ladderof success, especially materialsuccess. Refinement and.sensitivity is not theirfofte. '
It is noticedthat mostnativesunderthe stronginfluence of Shatabishak lackpropergrooming
and educationin theirformativeyears.Theyoften haveto maketheir own rulesfor dealingwith today'sroughworld,whichaddsto their innateroughness.They haveextremelycold,calculating headsand there is a markedtendencyto completelysuppressthe emotionalnature. Shatabishak in i way represents the culminationof the air dement.It is thus the masterof the mental,analytical and logical.In its highermode,Shatabishak just likethe air. canbe all pervasive, Thisabilityto relateto everyonewithoutpreconceptions, judgementsand prejudiceis what makes a philosopher outof Shatabishak. Theirphilosophy is usuallyheavyon intellectualism, buttheevolved soulsunderstandthat emotionaland mentalbodiesneed to be integratedin order for any true understanding to occur. Thosewith Shatabishak risinghavetheirown pafticularbrandof magnetism,eventhoughthey lackconventional charmand beauty.Theyare often unkemptin relationto their appearance and clothing. Theircountenance is usually calm,quiet,shyandreserued buttheyhoweverhavea tendency to explodeeverynow and then. Absentmindedness is one of their markedfeatures.They usually conveya senseof aloofnesseven if they are genuinelyattentivefrom the inside.Their negative traits includelaziness, perversions addictions, and vulnerability to all typesof mental/emotional/ psychological disorders.Their positivequalitiesincludeenterprise,moderation,discriminaton, philosonhical attitude,truth -seeking and unboundedvision. On a materialplane,Shatabhisha hasa tendency to makea "zero"out of the thingsit affectsin a nativity.Forexampleif someonehastheirsecondlordplacedin Shatabhisha they mightexperience a pauperstateor a completelossof familyat somestageof their lives.
relatesto "bheshajashakti"- the power of In the universalschemeof things,Shatabhisha aboveand supportbelow'This obviouslyrelatesto the healing.Its symbolismhas pervasiveness is even threeworlds- heaven,earthand the netherworld.Thissymbolismshowsthat Shatabhisha a power which it usesto heal the three worlds.The healing more peruasivethan Puruashada, and processhereis differentftomAshvini,in the sensethat it happensthroughgenuinerepentence, powerthat longerperiodsof time. The all-pervasive sustainedeffqrt is requiredovercomparatively powerand sincethis poweris in the wrong mediahas in today'sworld is basicallyShatabhisha's hands,it is not beingusedto healor teachbut to fool, chain,dumbdownand devolute'
Mo[e d furrctioning : This is an Activenakshatra.Ib activedispositionspringsdirectlyfrom its moveablenature' Aquariusas we knowis an electricsign.Thisnakshabaembodieselectricityin all its differentforms. is electronic,this asterismassumes In the presentday and age wheremostof the communication Thisnakshatrais activeand fast in muchthe sameway as the fast moving tremendousimportance. world of dectricity.
Caste :
ranging It belongsto the Butcherclassandis thusinvolvedin all butcherlikeor harshactivities, from advancedmedicaltreatmentof complicateddiseasesto just plain killing and hunting.The nativeshighlyinfluencedby this nakshatracanalsobe butcherlike in their own self mortificationor havesometwistedtendenciesin regardsto peopleand things.Sincethis nakshatrais not cruelor benevolentdespitebelongingto the butcherclass' fierceit is comparatively
Qenl.er: which meansthat it has a balanceof masculineand It is a Neutralor Eunuchnakshatra, to be genderlel:'Sinceit is a feminineattributes.Of courseone wouldexpectzeroor nothingness :w O k.3,
neutralnakshatrait doesn'tpromotechildbifthif it is connectedwith the 5s houseor Jupiterin a nativity.Thisneutralqualityalsomakesit verydextrousin regardsto its dealingswith people,which is idealfor mediarelatedactivities.
tso[ypartsd/ hfumor(Ayuwe[b Corutitution): its relationto the acts of The body part it relatesto the most is the Jaw,whichemphasizes It is alsorelatedto the RightThigh. eating,drinkingandspeaking. strongassociation isclearfromShatabisha's It belongsto the Vab(airy)humor.Thisclassification with primari[ vata planetsSaturnand Rahu.
Direction : Its directionis ftom southwestto southeast.
9a[ns : Thefirst padaor quarterof this asterism60 40' - 10o00'Aquarius,fallsin SagittariusNavamsa sideof this and is ruledby Jupiter.This relatesto the happygo lucky,optimisticand philanthropic nakshatra.This padahasa tendencyto get carriedawayand so it is importantfor thoseunderthe influenceof this padato choosethe rightthing to get carriedawaywith. Theyare the kindwho will go aboutfanaticallyespousingtheir causeor belief. The secondpadaor quafterof this asterism10o00' - 13o20' Aquarius,falls in Capricom aspectof thisasterism. ruledby Saturn.Thisconveysthe morepracticalandorganizational Navamsa Onehasto Thisis the padawhichrelatesto all materialactivitiesunderthe domainof Shatabhisha. ambitionin relationto the planeb positedin this pada. watchout for excessive Navamsa fallsin Aquarius Thethirdpadaor quafterof thisasterism13" 20' - 16040'Aquarius, sideof this nakshatra. ruledby Saturn.Thispadarelatesto the visionaryfuturisticand philosophical
In its negativeaspectit canbe too eccentricand rebellious.Planetsplacedin this padaoftendo well position. on the materialplaneas thisis a vargottama fallsin PiscesNavamsa Thefourthpadaor quarterof thisasterism16040' - 20o00' Aquarius, hallucinatory andillusorysideof thisnakshatra. ruledby Jupiter.Thispadarelatesto the expansive, Whenafflictedit can make Whenfavourableit can give great powersof healingand compassion. one too ambiguous.Planetsplacedin this padacan often makethe nativelosethemselvesin one relyingon imagination likefilm-making or other.It is howevergoodfor activities formof intoxication etc.
Qrofusiors: Experts;Radar& X-rayExpefts; andall thosewho workwith electricity;Technology Electricians Pilots;RadioOperators; SpaceResearch; 45lronurts;Astronomers & Astrologers; Chemotherapists; MartialArts Instructors& MartialArtists;Aeronautical,Rocketor SpaceEngineers;Aeronautical Industry;Thosewho work in the Film and TelevisionIndustry; MovieStars;TrendSetters; NuclearPhysicists and Physicists in general; ScienceFictionWriters& Enthusiasts; Photographers; Industry;Physicians & Surgeons;Herbologists; Thoseworkingin the Drug & Pharmaceutical & Distributionof Alcohol;DrugDealers,Pushers;Waste Professions connectedwith the Production Disposal& Rrycling Indusfry;Pimps& Prostitutes;Thosewho work in the Productionof Plastics; Industry;SeaFaringProfessions; Industries;Bikers& MotorSporG;Automobile Petroleum & associated Detectives,PuzzleExperts;Explorers,Hunters& Inventors;Yoga& Meditationgurus;Zen Experts. .iitr:F-:
Pfatu :
:, .:::*ier ,.* fo l3ApOhrxl*s*fqrs
Off ShoreDriilingStations;SpaceStations;Airports; High-techStudios& Environments; especially TechnoClubs; Physics Labs;Bars& Nightclubs & Chemistry & Planetariums; Observatories Stations;Herbal Hospitals;NuclearWasteDumpsand WasteDumpsin general;Recycling Factories; Temples,Meditation,Yoga& Zen Oceans;Sea-Side; Centers;WaterTreatmentPlants& Reservoirs;
Centres;OuterSpace;Film & Television Labs;HuntingGrounds;All places Studios;Processing professions. connectedto the abovementioned i :..
('Essence) an[ tattwa (Ekment) :
Its basicessenceis Tamas,which relatesto inertiaon all levelsof existence.The qualityof ineftiain this nakshatrarelatesto its capacityfor meditationand zen practices.It alsorelatesto its introvefted and reclusivenature and on the negativeside, a tendencytowards intoxkation with drugs,alcohol,sexetc. Its elementis Ether.Etheris the elementin naturewhichcan minglewith everyotherelement. This associates this nakshatrawith broadvisionand wide open space.It relatesto its meditative capacityandthe abilityto attuneoneselfto the omnipresent emptiness. ,.:'tt gr*3
, ), ::rr:tii
Qo* EWd It is a Rakshasa(demonic)nakshatra.This meansthat this nakshatraprimarilyseeks independence andcanbe eccentric or oveftlynegativein its outlook.It shouldnot howeverbe seen as an oveftlyevilasterismsinceit is mildb;.nature.Its demonicsideis usuallyu,Stot. breaking throughattachmentsand conventions.
Oricntation d Disposition: It is an Upwardnakshatra. Thismeansthat it is an expansive nakshatra andmostof itsactivities happenabovethe ground.Sincethisasterismrulesall telecommunications in general,onecansee how this fits in. Onejust hasto lookat the professions connectedwisr this asterismto understand its upwardand expansiveoutlook.
Lunar Montfi d Datt :
It can be seenas the co.rulerof the month Shraran,which is generallysaidto be ruled by Onecanexpectthe energiesof this asterismto be strongerduringthe last9 daysof the Shravana. to the monthof Augustin the solarcalender. funarmonthof Shrauan,a periodwhichcorresponds ,
is also relatedto the Chaturdashi(l4d'tithi or day) of the waxingand waning Shatabhisha
phasesof the Moon'smonthlycycle.
Arupicious Actittitits : or learningactivities; land& housingdeals;Education deals& contracts, Goodfor signingbusiness ventures;Meditation overwater);Bikeriding;Acquiringnewvehicles;Recreational Travel(especially & lift & yoga; Sexualactivity;Studyingastronomy& astrology;Medicine,therapies,rejuvenaUon activities;Visitingthe sea-side' enhancingactivities;Mediaevenb; Technological
.;n .
Not good for beginningsin general;Marriage;Childbirth;Fertilitytreatments;Law suits, arguments;Negativeor wrathfulaction;Not beneficialbr too muchsocializingunlessit is work related;Notgoodfor financialmatters;Notgoodfor buyingnewclothesor jewellery;Not goodfor domesticactivities.
etnutary fotfzr : is ruledby the planets- Saturn,Rahuand Uranus.Rahuis the mainrulerof this Shatabhisha is the pinnacleof Rahu'senergy. asterism.Shatabhisha side of and philosophical In its highestaspectthis nakshatrarelaysthe most knowledgeable Rahu.Rahu,beinga childof maya,carrieswithin itselfthe completeknowledgeof nature'shidden dispositionof thb asteriSm, all inclusive,philosophical The humanitarian, and complexfunctionings.
whenit is functioning throughits higheraspect,is very in tunewith Rahu'sdisposition in its higher aspect.Rahuis that forcethat attemptsto breakdownall boundaries of race,age,status,nationality and religionto usherin a feelingof onenessof humanity,whichin a senseembodiesthe spiritof Aquarius.Functioning throughits loweraspect,it relaysthe aspectof Rahu,whichis responsible for consumption andmanufacturing of all typesof alchohol,intoxicants anddrugs.All the significations of Rahudealingwith poisonous chemicals andsubstances alsofall underthedomainof thisasterism. How planetspositedin Shatabishawill functionin a nativitydependson Rahubfunctioningsand intentions. Saturnis associated with this nakshatrabeingthe rulerof Aquarius.Saturn,as we know,is a planetassociated practicality, with coldnesss, slowness, organization, melancholy, stillness,discipline, perseverance introversion, anddetachment. Allthesequalities findexpression throughthisnakshatra. Howeverthe emphasis hereis on stillness, introversion, contemplation, seclusion and philanthropy insteadof the Capricom-Satum baits likeqateriality and organizational capacity. Uranusis the co-rulerof Aquariusand is a planetwhichrelatesto suddenevents,eccentricity, electricity,scienceand hightechnology.Shatabhisha, as we haveseen,rulesmostof the electronic mediain today'sworld. Sincemost of the electronicmediais dependantupon advancements in technology, the relationship betweenUranusand Shatabhisha is immediately clear. It is interestingto notethat VedicAstrologers havechosenthe nameVarunafor Uranus.Varuna as we haveseenearlieris the rulingdeity of this nakshatra. Anotherinterestingaspectto this correfation is that the name"Uranus"is derivedfrom the Greekroot " Otlaronu!'.lustlikeVaruna, Ouaronuswas the Godof the seasand oceans.Linguistically, it is pretty evidentthat the sanskit 'Varuna' term metamorphosized into Ouaronusduringthe transference of Vedicknowledgethrough agesand civilizations. Rahu-Saturn, Rahu-Uranus and Saturn-Uranus conjunctions in a chartconveysimihrenergies to Shatabisha.
doeswell herebut it can
ilowek andAIpfinbe*: to "Go"as in The first padaor quarterof this asterism6o 40' - 10o00' Aquariuscorresponds Godwin, i::.-
to "Sa"as Thesecondpadaor quafterof thisasterism10o00' - 13o20' Aquariuscorresponds in Sally. to "Si"as in Thethird padaor quarterof this asterism13" 20' - 15" 40' Aquariuscorresponds Simon. to "Su"as in corresponds Thefourthpadaor quafterofthis asterism16o40' - 20o00'Aquarius Sun, its mantrais to "Lam"and consequently corresponds In the SanskitalphabetShatabhishak "Om Lam".
: SeryatWe U Compatihi[itY Its sexualanimalis a Mare.Thismakesit mostcompatiblewith Agtini whosesexualanimalis on manylevels.For sharea deep relationship by a horse.Aswiniand Shatabhisha represented It is the viewof the whichdealwith heatingand rejuvenation. example,they are the two nakshatras canonlybe curedin Aswini' whichbeginin Shatabhisha ancientseersthat diseases pleasereferto the tableson pages457 with othernakshatras Forsexual& maritalcompatibility & 458.
'E-soterir: Theethericaspectof this asterismrelatesto the subtleelectricforcesof the ethericor heavenly realm'It is a deeplymysticalasterismwhichcanopenone'sconciousness to the highestrealms.Its emptycirclesymbolismhighlightsthe truth that all creationarisesfrom nothingness and dissolves into nothingness. The presentday phenomenon of "cropcircles",is, in the author'sview,directlyconnectedwith this nakshatra.Thesecrop circlesremaina big mysteryto all thosewho don't want to acceptany realityotherthan material.90o/oof them are formedin the wheatfieldsof a smallagriculturalarea in Engfand,known as the Wltshire Plains.The interestingthing is that many ancientsites like StonehengeandSilburyHitt lie within this smallarea. Manyof thesecropcirclesarecomplicated geometrical patternsbasedon universalmathematical principles likethe goldenratio1.618,aka.the'goldenmean'.Someof themare verysimilarto the ancientmandalasandthe petalledsacredchakraswhich lie withinour astralbodies.Theyare called crop circlesjust becauseof the extensiveuseof circlein their complicatedpatterns.The important thing aboutthem is that they are all madewith unerringfinesseand not a singlewheatplantis damagedor out of placein the finishedpatterns. Thecropcircles,someof themspreading over300ft, areformedwithinseconds andonlyone hasever beenfilmedforming.Manypeoplewho think they are hoaxeshavefailedto makeevena simpleaccuratecirclein the fieldsin one wholenight.The film clearlyshowedfour roundishwhite lights(earthspirits)makinga circlewithin 2-3 seconds.The film's validityis confirmedby the fact that the newlyformedcropcirclewasopenfor publicviewingon the sameday. Shatabhisha, as we know,likesto baffiethroughmysteriesand puzzles,and in that way leads peopleinto discoveringthe real truths of the universe.Despiteall the hopelessness in our times, thereseemsto be hopefor the future,considering that the othersideis still communicating with us evenif in a secretiveplayfulway.The messages of thesecrop circlesanevery clearto thosewho
we have real knowledgeand the momenta ceftain numberof peoplereachthat understanding, wouldall be livingin a differentworld'
Qotra (CetzstiatLbwage): This nakshatrais relatedto the SageAtri, oneof the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the into "onewho devours",whichis in keeping affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslates with the essentialdemoniacalnatureof this nakshatra.shatabishahas a dissolutingnaulreand is sage' to this particular very muchin keepingwith the job assigned
fumedia[ :
Healingmeasurescanbe usedfor thosesufferingfrom the badeffectsof this nakshatra,which manifestas health problemsrelatedto the body parts it rules,or problemswith drug and
energyto increaseone'schancesfor alcoholaddictionetc. one canalsostrengthenthis nakshatra's fame in the mediaor progressin meditation' The bestway is to reciteits root mantra"Om Lam"108timeson Saturdayand duringits lunar potentway month.while doingthis, oneshouldsit facingsouthwestor southeast.Theother more is worshipof Lotd Shiuain any form one is attractedto' Onecan wearall shadesof bluesand neonelectriccglourswhen undeftakingactivitiesrelated to this asterism.
lEapnpft : paramahana,theleadingspirituallightin the late 19hcenturyhadhisAscendant, Ramakrishna Throughhis lifethe makinghima tripleShatabhisha. Sunas wellas Mercuryplacedin Shatabhisha foundexpression' of Shatabhisha highestindications
The famoussingerand entertainer,ElvisPresley,hashis Moonplacedin Shatabhisa. Hislife is a demonstration of the nameandfameShatabisha can bestowin today'sdayand age.Shatabisha surelymadehimmediasawy,but laterin hislifu,it alsomadehima victimof its negative,intoxhative, delusoryand self-destructive tendencies.
Misceffarcous : Accordingto Varahamihira, "thosewith Moonin Shatabisha are truthful but harshand cruelin their speech.They are alwayseagerto conquertheir enemiesand suffer muchgrief in isolation. They haveindependence of thoughtand actionbut are often seenactingwithoutthought,"Evena cursorylook at our exampleElvisPresleyand his life, will testifr that even in moderntimes Varahamihirab meaningshavesomewlidity.
25. Yuru bh"dr"p"d"
2oooo'Aguarius - j'Za,fisc"s
nurraSfrnirapa{n - 3020'Pisces) (20000'Aquarius
In tfu Skyt Puruabhadrapada, the culminationof Jupiterianenergy,is represented in the celestialfirmament by two bright stars in the constellationof Pegasus,which the ancientvedic seerssaw as being representative of the front legsof a funeralcot (or sleepingbed). Pegasusitselfwasseenas a full funerafcot (or sleepingbed). Thesetwo starc are known in modemastronomyas Alpha-@asi (Ma*ab) and Beta-Pqasi(ScheaQ. The bright constellationof Pegasuslies directlyon top of the astronomical constellations of Aquariusand Pisces. Thetwo starsof thisasterismmakea straightline(almostperpendicular to the eclipticbelt)at the junctureof the constellations Aquariusand Pisces,This is in harmonywith the fact that this asterismconnectsthe signsAquariusand Pisces.Alpha-Pegasi, whichcan be saidto representthe paft in Aquarius,liescloserto the zodiacaleclipticand hasa visualmagnitudeof 2.49,while BetaPegasi,whichcan be saidto representthe part in Pisces,liesfurther awayand is slightlybrighter with a visualmagnitude of 2.47.Bothof themcan be easi[ locatedin the nightsky.
A@me: "Purvabhadrapada" translatesinto - "theformer(onewho possesses) luckyfeet".Its alternative nameis "Puruaproshthapada'l whichtranslatesinto "the former(one who possesses) the feet of a st@I".
when translatingSanskrit clearlyhighlightthe problemsone encounters Thesetranslations anddon'tseemto conveymuch seemodd andconfusing Theabovetranslations termsintoEnglish. regardingthe natureor functioningof this a$e6ign.As we shallfind out laterthey just relateto its rulingdeity.
Sytnfiot: Its mainsymbolis the'front partof a funeralcot'.A funeralcot denotesour exit from the world. In astrology,the sign Pisces,or the 12h housein the chart signifiesthis exit. Sincethis asterism beginsthe sign of Pisces,it is appropriatethat it is ascribedthe front legsof the funeralcot. The front part of a normalsleepingbed can alsobe seenas the symbolof this asterism.Sincethe 12h houserelatesto sleep,whichcan be seenas a temporaryform of death,a sleepingbedwouldalso relateto this asterism.It signifiesthe momentin time when after doing our worldlydutiesand we preparefor retiringto bedin the night. or 11h houseactivities), minglingwith friends(Aquarian ,
Its alternativesymbolis'a manwith two faces'.As you canseein the imagefor this nakshatra,
onefacewearsa benignlookwhilethe otherone appearsmad,violentand destructive'Thisrelates to theJekyllandHydecharacterof this asterism.It canalwaysput up a normal,sociallyacceptable and cheerfulfront on the outsi& while holdingits darkerside insideat all Umes. A'sword' is also usedas its symbolby many scholars.The sword obviouslyrelatesto the of nature processof "cuttingoff". Thecuttingoff processrelatesto the destructive,dissoluting.side this nakshatrawith all kindsof pains,injuries,accidents,deathsand endings. and associates Anotheralternativesymbolfor this asterismis'a singleray of Sun'.This relatesto the gloomy' desolateaspectof this nakshatrawhereall hopeis at the minimumand the light at the end of the 'Countof MonteChristo"by tunnefis very faint. Thosereaderswho are conversantwith the novel AlexanderDumas,can easilysee how this appliesto the experienceof the leadcharacterEdmund Dantes,whife he was imprisonedon the remoteislandof Elb.
Deity : whichtranslatesinto "tle one It has an obscurerulingdeity with the nameof Aja-Ekapada, meaning,whichcarriesa cosmicpun,is "the onefootedunbomone". footedgoat".Its alternative monsterwith one leg,who formspaft of the entourageof Thismysteriouscreatureis a goatheaded Rudra(the fierce form of Shiva). can be easilyfoundon the card no. ./5 in the Aja-Ekapada, a Vediccharacter, Surprisingly, WesternTarotpack Thiscardis called 'TheDeviluand is supposedto signifythe evil and dark side of life in general.Thisgoat headedcreaturecarriesmuchof the samemeaningsfrom the Vedicpoint of view,exceptthe fact that the destructionand ruin it bringsis supposedto be divinelyordained. Wecan seethat the nameof this asterismalsorelatesdirectlyto this one footeddeity. it feet andsincethisasterismhasonlyone paft in Pisces, ThesignPiscesis seento symbolise can be saidto haveonlyone foot. It is interestingto notethat this onefooteddarkdeityhasgained enormousprominencein the presentworld age of Kali-Yuga.Itcan be seenin all major important centresof the Westerncivilization.All the secretsocietiesand brotherhoodslike the ftemasns, Clubof Romeand the llluminaticonsiderthis goat god as their main deity.In thesecircleshe is knownas Baphomet with Sinceour presentday worldis run by a secretelitegroup,whichhasstrongconnections why thereis so muchunnecessary the abovementionedsecretsocieties,it is not hardto understand can be seenas the ruling violenceand bloodshedbeingperpetuatedon our planet.Aja-Ekapada deity of all typesof blackmagicand that is why individualsCeeplyinfluencedby this asterismare attractedto or practiseblackmagic. this nakshatra,the readercanseeskullsand boneslyingall around, In the imagerepresenting Onecanseethat the skulland bonessymbolhas symbolfor thisasterism. whichforma secondary with dangeras it is displayedin dangerousplaceslikehighvoltageareasetc, alwaysbeenassociated In this light it is interestingto note that there'sa secretorder in the UnitedStatesknownas the 'Skulls& BonesSociety",of whichprominentAmericanpresidentshavebeenmembers!
Finally, the supremerulingdeityof thisasterismis Rudra,the fierceformof Shiva.Thisasterism carriesthe destructiveaspectof Shivain muchthe sameway as Ardra.fhe differenceis that here Rudrarepresentsthe final dissolutionon all planes,whib in Ardrathe chaoticdestructiveenergy only operateson the mental,emotionalplanes.As a result,this asterismcan be muchmorecruel losesits to Ardra.Thiscanbe saidto be the placewherethe Universe in comparison and merciless mind! energy,Whenthe old hasfallenintodecayit hasto be destroyed a purificatory Thisis basically for the new to take birth. The destructivefires of Rudraaim to achieveexactlythat. On a more personallevel,soulspay for their pastlife bad karmasthroughpenanceand retributionunderthe burningfiresof this nakshatra.
Afature d furrctioning : it wouldbe'diabolical'. A lot of the so If thereis one wordwhichcouldsumup this nakshatra callednegativehumantraits like paranoia,pessimism,debaucheryviolence,hedonism,thirst for to thisnakshatra. Thisnakshatra is lying,deceit,crueltyandmorbiditycanbe ascribed the macabre, Thoseunderthe stronginfluenceof this asterismhavethe with transformation. mainlyconcerned the lowerdark side of life without gettingtheir hands hugetask of witnessingand understanding dirty. Althoughmost scholarsdon't recognisethis fact, this is the most intenseamongstall the throughthe ego,humility nakshatras. Sinceall its negativeaspectscanonlyin essencebe manifested natives.Oneof the few goodqualitiesof the mostimpoftantthingfor Purvabhadrapada becomes this nakshatrais that it is devotedto thoseit respects.Thisagainhoweveris a doubleedgedsword, is not very wholesome. sincemanya Umesits objectof veneraUon (the famous 19thcentury saint), who has his Moon in RamakrishnaParamahansa wasdevotedto lGli, the fiercegoddess.Thedark deity Kali,despitebeingfierce, Purvabhadrapada, is ultimatelybenevolent.This devotionhelpedhim rise aboveall the negativePurvabhadrapada
characteristics, but manyunderthis nakshatra's influencetake to worshippingdemonicand devilish deitiesand spoiltheir karmafor manylives.Thuswe canseethat it is very impoftantfor the natives underthis nakshatrato find the right thing to get devotedto from the very beginning. Anothergood qualityof this nakshatrais that it is very sincereand hardworking,even if its goalsare not so wholesome.It hastremendousperseverance and will go to any lengthsto achieve its objective.In fact a lot of PurvaBhadrapada naUvesend up engagingin bad karmabecausethey are readyto do'just aboutanything'toobtaintheirobjectives. If a casestudyof massmurderers,homicides andgenocides wascarriedout, it wouldbe found that most of the peopleinvolvedwould havesomestrongconnectionwith Purvabhadrapada. This nakshatrarelatesboth to the persecutedand the persecutor. Moreevolvedsoulsusuallyusethis nakshatra's energyto mortifythemselvesinsteadof others. Aff the sageslike Vishwamita, whounderwentextremepenance, arebasicallyutilisingthisnakshatra's energy.Eventodayin India, one citn seea lot of sdhusinvolvedin intensepracticesinvolvingself tofture and self moftification.A Purvabhadrapada nativeis readyto standon one foot for ten years or evenmore,if they are convincedthat it is goingto bringthem their desiredresult. After readingthe abovedescription,the readermay be surprisedto know that alot of times Purvabhadrapada nativescannot be distinguishedfrom the rest, just becausethey have a very strongcapacityto fit in with the contemporary societalstructure.Theyare normalpeoplewith nine to five officejobs, who spealgeat and dresslikeeveryoneelse,and no one can suspectthe kindof things they are up to in tteir privatelives.They usuallykeep their idiosyncrasies and nebrious activitiessecret. Theonlyway of spottinga Purvabhadnpada personis their highlystrung,neruousdemeanour alongwith an overtlyseriouslook.Theyarethe oneswhoarelikelyto snapfirst in anyconfrontational situation.They howevertry to carrya happylookand act amicablyin socialgatherings. Theyare basically two facedpeople,the kindwho workon normaldayjobs,and in the nights they can be found in fetish clubs,bangingheadsat hard core heavymetalconcerts,entertaining
criminal macabrefantasies,practisingdark tantricritualsor plottingand carryingout violentor to extremeviewsand often end up being nativesare very susceptible activities...Purvabhadrapada part of e)Gremefurdannntalist groups. persongivesphysicalexpressionto their negativeenergies'The Not every purvabhadrapada mindsand more evolvedsouls learn to fight the battle betweenlight and dark within their own end padapeople,insteadof beingthe perpetrators, hearts.Alot bf commoneverydayPuruabhadra placedin their chafis' can up beingthe victims.Creativeartistswho havethis nakhatra strongly all the darksideof life in theirart, whetherit its energy,by implementing oftenbe seenchanneling be writing, musicor drama. purvabhadrapada natives,likeeverythingelse,tendto oscillatebetweenextremesin the sexual sphere.A|lkindsofsexualperversionsandphobiasareseentoori9inateinthisnakshatra. at is anotherof the prominentqualitiesof this nakshatra.Beingcontemplative Regretfulness for all the someinnerlevel,its nativesare oftenseenbroodingoverthe past,tormentingthemselves wrongstheYhavedone. peculiarity On a materialplanesuchnativesare stingyin regardsto money.Howevertheir one partner, is that they are alwaysreadyto placeall of their wealthat the disposalof their spouse, OnceagainAlexander holdsnoequalamongnakshatras' for revenge teacheror ctuse.Theircapacity ,'Countof MonteChristo",revealshow this emotioncan be takento the extreme' Dumas,snovel,
relatesto "yajamanaudyamanashakti"In the universalschemeof things,Purvabhadrapada hashumanityabove,andthe astralregions level.Its symbolism powerto raisethe evolutionary
on actsas a bridgebetweenthe consciousness below.This imagerysuggeststhat Purvabhadrapada planes.It is thisbridgewhichis blockedin majorityof the humanityin the materialandnon-material levelthroughinternal hasthe powerto raiseone'sevolutionary the presenttimes.puruabhadrapada puriftcatbnbroughtaboutby the ragingcelestialfiresof penance. I
Modt of fututioning It is supposedto be a Passivenakshatra,but this doesnot meanthat it doesnot or cannotact when required.Its passivityrelatesto the fact that it takes its Umein formingand visualizingits goalsand doesnot act in haste.It is usuallyin no hurryto achieveits ends.
Caste:' Surprisingly, this asterismis given the Brahmanacasteby ancientVedicseers.It is however easyto understandthe why of it with a closerlook. It is ruled by Jupiter,the most brahmanical amongplanets.It is relatedto the universallaw,that powerand knowledgecanbe achievedthrough penance,and this asterismis very capableof achievingboth. What it finallydoeswith that power and knowledgeis anothermatter.
Qender: It is a malenakshatrain keepingwith its maledeities.EvenJupiter,one of its planetaryrulers, is a maleplanet.
Bodypartsd l{urcr (Ayune[b Constitution): the Ribs,Abdomen andthe Sidesof the It mainlyrelatesto the Sidesof the Body.Thisincludes Legs.It is also an indicatorof the Left Thigh and Solesof the Feet.It is interestingto note that act meantto cajoleor pattingthe left thigh was consideredan invitationfor war or an aggressive Duryodhanadid a similargesturewhen he asked humiliateothers.In the VedicepicMahabharata, Draupdito comeandsit on histhigh,and Bhimatookavowto breakoff histhighin battleanddrink act!) the bloodfrom it (a very Purvabhadrapada It is a predominantlyVata(Nr) nakshatrain keepingwith its expansivenature.
Ib directionsare westandsoutheast,leaninga little closertowardseastas comparedto south.
gsdos(Qtartus) fallsin AriesNavamsa and Thefirst padaor quafterof thisasterism20o00' - 23o20'Aquarius, Theenergyhereis sideof thisnakshatra. is ruledby Mars.Thispadabringsout the mostaggressive more mental.Suchnativeswill do well to controltheir temper,aggressionand violence.It gives tremendousdeterminationto achieveone'sobjective. Thesecondpadaor quarterof this asterism23o20' - 26040'Aquarius,hlls in TaurusNavamsa ruledby Venus.This padarelatesto the moreindulgentsideof this nakshatra.The energyhere is to the aforementioned dark moreeafthyandthe nativesare likelyto givesomephysicalexpression sidesof this nakshatra fallsin GeminiNavamsa Thethird padaor quafterof this asterism26" 40' - 30o00' Aquarius, means energythroughmorecommunicative ruledby Mercury.This padae)eressesthis nakshatra's and makesthe nativecurious,This is the lightestpadaof this intensenakshatra. Thefoufth padaor quafterof this asterism0o 00' - 3o 20' Pisces,fallsin CancerNavamsaruled quality,in the sensethat it canbe extremelybenign diabolical by Moon.Thispadahasan extremely Suchnativescan be or extremelydangerous.It relatesboth to the persecutedand the persecutor. with the otherthreepadas. foundin all walksof life andare mostsociallyadeptin comparison
{Profusioru: likeCoffinMakers, Cemetary relatingto deathor thedeathprocess Morticians andall professions (basicallythosewho administer MedicalPractitioners Keepersetc.; Surgeonsand contemporary poisonsas remedies);Fundamentalists, Radicals,Fanatics,Terroristsetc.; Horror,Mysteryand (who often end up makingthingsworse);The dark sideof Sci-FiWriters;Presentday Psychiatrists
the entertainment industry;Thedarksideof the rulingelite;Pornagraphic Industry;WeaponMakers andUsers;Occultisbs dealingwiththe darkside,BlackMagicians; Perpetuators of darktechnologies; LeatherIndustry;ExtremeAsceUcs involvedin self mortification(like the famousAghoras);police Departments particularly HomicideSquads;Soldiers;MetalIndustry;All professions involvingthe useof fire andhightemperatures; Thosewhodealwith toxicsubstances andhighlypollutingwaste products;Enemiesof the environmentlike LumberJacks;Environmental Activists;pharmaceutical Industry.
lP[aces : Cemetaries, Morgues,CremationGrounds;Factories;Heavyindustriesof all types;LandFills; DarkAlleyWays;Centresfor OccultStudiesand practicesof a dark nature;OperationTheatresand TerminalIllnessWards;Asylumsand Penitentiaries; Churches;TopSecretMilitaryResearchBases; AtomicPowerPlants;Placeswherehigh technology equipmentis kept; NightClubsand all other placesassociated with dark entertainmen!The placesrelatedto the abovementionedprofessions in general.
an[ tattuta (Efement): Quna (Essence) The ancientVedicseerssaw it as a Sattwicnakshatra.Onceagain,this classification relates mainlyto its capacityfor penance,detachmentand generosity.It must be kept in mind that its generosityonly extendsto thosecloseto it by familyor association. It belongsto the Etherelement.Thisis primarilyto do with its planetaryrulerJupiter,who also hasa primarilyethericconstitution. Thiselementrelatesto the dissoluting aspectof thisasterism. In a way evenmurderinga personis nothingbut an act of separatingtheir etheric,subtlebodyfrorn their physicalbody.
Qono$ype) : nakshatra.Goingby its qualitiesone wouldexpectit to be a demonic Itis a Manusha(human) are but it is impoftantto rememberan old dictumfrom Vedicwisdomhere "Humans nakshatra, gods' " capableof moredemonkactsthan the demonsand moregodlyactsthan the
Ori.entationd DisPosition : surfaceof It is a Downwardnakshatra.This meansthat it is concernedwith what is belowthe It alsorelatesto its things.It alsosuggestsa personwhoseglanceis downwardsinsteadof upwards' are influencedby Purvabhadrapada capacityfor deep researchof all kinds.Nativespredominanuy verygoodatkeepingsecretsandcan,tbetakenontheirfacevalue. muchof a Vedicseersregardedit as an Ugn (cruel& fierce)nakshatra.Thisdoesn'tcomeas its essentialnature' surpriseafter understanding
Lunar Montfi an{ Doa :
Bhadnph' It canbeseenasthe rulerof the waningpart(firstninedays)of the monthknownas to the monthof septemberin the solar calender' periodusuallycorresponds purvabhadrapada is also related6 Chaturdashi(l4t'tithi or day) of the waxingand waning
phasesof the Moon'smonthlycycle.
Atupiciorts Actirtitits or technological All dangerous,uncertainand risky activities;All activitiesof a mechanical DeathIssues;Agricultural nature;Holdingfuneralservices;Puttingan end to things;Exploring activities;All activiUesconnectedwith water like sailingetc'
Inauspicioru : Generally unfavourable for mostactivitiesexceptthosementioned above;Especially unfavourable for beginning newthingsor initiations of all kinds;Notgoodfor travelling, sex,marriageanddealing with the government or higherauthorities. Mostof the actionscarriedout underits influenceoften end up causingpain,anxiety,regre! sorrowor e)ftremedifficulty.
Ptarutaryfo[er : The planetsassociated with this nakshatraare Saturn,Jupiter,Uranus,Neptuneand Ketu. Jupiteris its mainplanetaryruler.Saturnand Uranusare connectedto this asterismbecauseof their corulershipof Aquarius,while Neptuneand Ketuconnectto the poftionof this asterismwhichfalls in Pisces. It is importantto notethat eventhoughRahuis a corulerof Aquarius,Rahudoesnot relateto the partof Aquarius wherethisasterismlies(20" to 30o).Rahu'senergyculminates in the previous asterismshatabishak (60 42'to 20oAquarius). Saturnprimarilyrelatesto the grief causingand disciplined aspectof this asterism.It also poinbto the factthatthisasterismalwaystendsto physically carryout its darkfunctionings. Saturn also providesthe detachmentaspect,whichcan be best seenthroughthe self-tormenting ascetic standingon one foot (seethe nakshatra's image). Uranusrelatesto the futuristicand technologicalaspectof this asterism.The most famous amongthe modernsciencefictions, "Sbr Wats",displaysthe Uranianaspectof this nakshatra.It can be seenthat this nakshatrahasa tendencyto go overboardwith technology,and in its hands technologyalwaysendsup beingusedfor destructivepurposes.This is the asterismwhichfurthers anti-natureand dehumanizing technologies like microchipping, androidsand mindlessgeneuc manipulation.
It is hard for some peopleto understandhow a beneficplanet like Jupitercan rule such a In orderto explainthis mysterywe wouldliketo onceagainbringintothe picture maleficasterism. the two faced natureof this asterism.This nakshatrais very capableof putting up a Jupiterian, front. It is alsoskilledat earningmoneyand socialryacceptable,well manneredand conseryative of wealth,Howeverits meansof earningmoneyare Jupiteras we knowis the naturalsignificator It however naturaltendency. withJupiter's in keeping asterism It isanexpansive alwaysquestionable. causes.Its Jupiteriansidealsocomesout for fuftheringdarker/destructive usesits expansiveness when it is readyto placeall of its belongingsand resourcesat the disposalof its partnersor those whom it admiresand resPects. lupiter! energyculminatesin this nakshatra.Thismeansthat at somestage,Purvabhadrapada influence andpreservative goesbeyondthe Jupiterianvalueswhichupholdsociety.Oncethe moralistic of Jupiteris finished,the stageis set for destructionand dissolution.This processcan be seenas activities,whichsustainthe dramaof life,sothat Shiva'sdestructive his preservation Vishnu€topping energiesare let loosewithoutrestraint. Neptunerelatesto the fantasyaspectof this nakshatra.All its Uranianfuturisticvisionslike ,'StarWars"havebeenmadeinto hugelysuccessful movies.Neptune,aswe know,rulesthe cinematic reafm and this asterismhasa strongholdoverthe moderndayshowbizcapital,Hollywood'Onecan plainfyseethe energyof this asterismbeingrelayedthrough9}o/oof the moviesbeingchurnedout by Hollywood,especiallyin the last 20 yearsor so. Its fantasyaspectgoesinto otherareasas well, in its natureand disposition' whichwe havealreadymentioned Ketucomesin touchwith this nakshatrathroughthe "little foot" it hasin the signPisces.Ketu, as we know,is the mostdestructiveanddetachedamongall the planets,and this asterismrequires that energyto be able to inflict torture upon itself or others.When it is workingon an internal, Whenit is workingon an are destroyedwithoutanyself mortification. beneficlevel,the attachments but external,beneficlevel,this nakshatratries to controland sublimateinnerdesires individualized in a through externalmeanslike tormentingthe body throughextremepenance.Whenworking malefic,externalizedway, it reakshavocon its surroundings,and this is where we get the cold manipulator' bloodedmur&rer, serhl killer,the war generalor behind-the-scenes
In generalastrological terms,the conjunctions of Mars/Saturn/Rahu/Ketu/Uranus or Neptune in crueland harshnakshatras havean energysimilarto Purvabhadrapada. ,
Not manyplanetsfarewell in Purvabhadrapada. Onlya well aspected, wellfortifiedJupiteris
goodhere.Saturncan alsogive okayresultsin Purvabhadrapada, if Jupiteris well placedin the chart.A well placedKetu,especiallyin the Piscespa4 can generatedetrchmentin a posiUveway.
'lowelsur"{ Atpffie* : Thefirst pada(20" to 23" 20'Aquarius)relatesto "Se"as in the name"Seth". Thesecondpada(23o20'to 26040'Aquarius)relatesto "So"as in the name"Somalia". Thethird pada(26" 40'to 30"00'Aquarius)relatesto "The"as in "Then". The fourth pada(0" to 3o 20' Pisces)relatesto 'Di* as in the name"Divali". In the SanskritalphabetPurvabhadrapada corresponds to the letters"Vam"and "Stlam",and consequently its mantrasare "OmVam"and "OmSham".
Sery.atWe a Compatilitity : Its sexualanimalis a Lion,whichpointstowardsan aggressivesexualnatureand attitude.It likesto be the dominantpartnerin sexualunionand in manycasesdoesnot havea healthyrespect for its partner.One can noticein the imageof this nakshatra,the lion is a roaringlion and not a tame, gentfeone as is the casewith Dhanishtha. pleasereferto the tableson pages457 Forsexual& maritalcompatibility with othernakshatras & 458.
T-soteric: Its rulingdeity,as we haveseenearlier,is a mysteriousfigure and finds little mentionin the it is a much revereddeity in the presenttime and humansacrificesare Vedictexts. Surprisingly, carriedout underits nameby today'srulingelite.Thismaycomeas a shockto manyof the readers, but as the sayinggoes,"Factis alwaysstrangerthan fiction!" whoweresupposed to require Thisasterismrelatesto all the darkdeitiesof all ancientcultures, of the sacrificeof somelivething,in the form of an animalor humanbeing.The bloodsacrifices Mayancivilizationare notoriouslyfamous. pointof Jupiter's whichin effectmeansthatJupiter's energy, istheconsummation Thisnakshatra beneficnaturecannotintervenein the destructiveacts of this asterism.The universalfunctionof so dearto Jupiter,holdslitUemeaningfor the destructive,dissolutingenergiesof this maintenance, nakshatra.Sincethis nakshatrarelatesto the extremelydestructivetypesamongShiva'sentourage, aspectof Shiva' with the unrestrained it dealsspecifically ''
The imageryof the'two-facedman' (refer to the image),on an esotericlevel,refersto the
dyingprocess.Eachof us whenwe die get to faceall our actionsin the eafthlyrealm,and at the sameUmewe get to peerinto the astralplane,commonlyreferredto as "the worldof the dead."
Qotra (Ce{zstiatLineage): one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter is relatedto the SageVashishta, this n'akshatra of wealth".Thisseems the affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "the possessor in the fact that this nakshatraseemsto be goodat acquiringwealth;especially to be apt considering of our seemsto havetakencompletecontrolof all the resources today'sworld,as Puruabhadrapada planet.On the other hand,Vashishtais renownedfor his extremepenancesin keepingwith essentialinclinations. Puruabhadrapada's
kmedin[: Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfromafflictionsto this nakshatra, the bestremedial measureis worshipof Shiva.The practiceof lGrma Yoga,whichinvolvescarryingout one'sdivinely ordainedpath in life, is the bestway to neutralizethe bad effectsof this nakshatra. Repetitionof the root mantraof this nakshatra- "OmVam"and "Om Sham"108timeswhen Moontransitsthis nakshatra and in the waninghalf of the lunarmonthof Bhadrapada is sureto reducesufferingand bringenlightenmentinto a person'slife. Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe goodeffectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor themto wearlight colourslike light blue. Leatherapparelsand blackcoloursshouldbe avoidd as mucfras possible.
Eagntpfe: MichaelJackson,the famousenteftainer,hashis Moonplacedin this asterism.Thisnakshatra's energycanbe foundexpressed in his latermusic,especially musicvideoslike "Thriller".Hedefinitely does not seemto havea normalsexuallife and has beenaccusedof child molestation.The self moftificationof this asterismis evidentfrom his continuoussurgery which he is supposedto be undeftakingto reacha stateof physicalpefection.He is alsosaidto havesuffereda lot of abusein his earlychildhood,whichcan be seenfrom Moon'splacementin this nakshabain his fourtr house, the houseof childhoodand upbringing.
Misce[.farcous: Varahamihira statesthat "thosewho haveMoonin Puruabhadrapada aregoodat eamingmoney, are stingyand are liableto placetheir wealthat the disposalof their paftners.Theyspeakdistincily but tendto sufferfrom grief."Allthesecharacteristics seemto fit in with our example,andcuriously enoughthey wouldeasilyfit in with 90o/oof the presentday rulingelite ! ***
26. Q*at bh.drp.dr
,"zo'1i"""" - | 6"+c,1i".""
Umro6fiadrapa{4 (3020'Pisces- 16040'Pisces)
In tfu SKyt tJttarabhadrapada,the apexof Saturnineenergy,is representedin the celestialfirmamentby of fugasus,whilethe other is seenas being two brightstars,one of whichlies in the constellation partof the constellation Andromda.Theancientvedicseerssawthesestarsas beingrepresentaUve of the backlegsof a funeralcot (or sleepingbed).Alsothe ancientssawthesetwo starsforminga rectangularbed (which is now known as the "Squareof Pqasul'), alongwith the two stars of Puruabhadrapada. are knownin modern Thesetwo stars,which lie in Pegasus and Andromedarespectively, (Alphera2).They can be seen lying andAlpha-Andromedae astronomyas Gamma-Pegasi(Algenib) has a visualmagnitudeof 2.84,and lies directlyabovethe constellationof Pisces.Gamma-Pegasi is the brighterof the two with a visualmagnitude closerto the zodiacalecliptic.Alpha-Andromedae of 2.06 and lies fartherawayfrom the zodiacalecliptic.Bothof them can be easif locatedin the in the night sky. night sky throughspottingAndromeda,one of the brightestconstellations
lrtgtme: luckyfeet'. Its alternative "Uttarabhadrapada" translatesinto - "the latter(onewho possesses) the feet of a nameis "Uttaraproshthapada'i which translatesinto "the latter (one who posseses) stool". Thesenamesarrd meaningsare a direct result of this asterismforming a pair with the
and don't conveymuchregardingthe natureor functioningof previousasterismPurvabhadrapada this asterism.
Synhot: Its mainsymbolis the'backpart of a funeralcot'.A funeralcot denotesour exit fromthe world, this exit.Sincethis asterismformsthe or the 12b housein the chart,signifies andthe signPisces, heartof the signof Pisces,it is appropriatethat it is ascribedthe backlegsof the funeralcot, while ascribedthe front legs.In a way it representsour initialstate its counterpart,Purvabhadrapada,is of dying.Theback canbe seenas relatingto the actualprocess afterdeath,whilePuruabhadrapada part of a normalsleepingbedcanalsobe seenas the symbolof this asterism.Sincethe 12h house relatesto sleep,whichcan be seenas a temporaryform of death,a sleepingbed wouldalso relate signifiesthe deep sleepstate,in whichthe dreamactivityis at to this asterism.Uttarabhadrapada of It can howeverbe alsorepresentative the minimum,andwe go to the depthsof our unconscious. states., all dreamsanddreamlike In our view, its altemativesymbolis a serpentwith two and a half coils (see the image), symbofizing the kundalini,the primevallife force lying at the baseof the spine in humans.This throughthe awakeningof all the sevenvital centresthroughthe enlightenment asterismsymbolizes movementof the kundalini.This processof kundaliniawakeningis actuallystartedin Anuradha, whichcan be seenas an associateasterism,in the sensethat Satumrulesboth of theseasterisms. while is the initiatorof thisprocess, Anuradha in the sectiondealingwithAnuradha, Aswe discussed is the culminationpointof this process. uttarabhadrapada
Deity : Its deity is knownby the nameAhir Bhudhanyaand in keepingwith the basicenergyof this asterism,is a figureshroudedin mystery.Hispeculiarnameroughlytranslatesinto "Serpentof the Depths"or "Serpentthat lies beneaththe surfaceof the earth". Most of the Vedictexts don't say
muchabouthim,exceptthe mentionof him beinga serpentgod dwellingin the primevaldepths. Eventhe west hasits own shareof imaginedor othenrrisemysteriousundenalater serpentcreatures likeScotland's Lrchnss MonsterVedicmythology,however,is repletewith storiesof serpentbeings whichresideat the bottomof bodiesof waterlike lakes,riversand oceans.Thesebeingsalsoreside in all the netherworlds.Ahir Bhudhanya can be seenas a collectivecompositeof all theseserpent beings. Thereis an obviousconnectionof the serpentforces,reveredby all ancientcultures,with this asterism.The readercan refer to the author'spreviouswork, 'The Rahu-KetuExperience" Sagar 'The Publiations,Indial KeyOf Life' LotusPress,USA)for gaininga moredetailedunderstanding of howtheseforcesarecentralto the'universal plan.AhirBhudhanya wasseenasthe deityresponsible for maintaining the fertilityof the earth.Thesymbolism of a serpentlyingat the coreof
the earth,
who maintains eafth'sstructureandfertility,canbe foundin all ancientcultures.In the west,plutq the planetseenas the lord of the underworld,wasgivena simibr portfolio. AhirBhudhanya is a morewiseandcompassionate deityin comparisonwithA1?-Ekapda(please referto the sectionon Purvabhadrapada). Its essentialnatureis akinto the westernNeptuniangodfigure,which is not very interestedin revealingitself.Like Neptune,it presidesover the celestial ocean.Even Vishnu,the preserveramongthe Trinity,hasa simibr symbolismas can be seen from his lyingon a serpentbed on top of the celestialoceanimage FinallyShiua,thedestroyeramongthe cosmicTrinity,can be seenas the mainpresiding deiff of this asterism,eventhoughits symbolismrelatesto Vishnu.Thisasterismhasa dissolutionaspect to it in the guisesof death,transformation andenlightenment throughdestructionof forms- Shiva,s domain.Shivaalsocarriesa serpentaroundhis neckI ij.
A{ature U Dbposition : The first thing whichmustbe saidhere,is that it is very hardto pin downthe exactnature of this nakshatra.It can functionin a varietyof waysand fashionitself accordingto its needs and
the nativestronglyunderits influence Sincewisdomis the keywordfor this nakshatra, surroundings. instinctualarchetype' actsaccordingto the needsof the momentratherthan from any Nativesunder its strong The real motivesof this nakshatraare alwaysvery hard to know' the oceancarriesa wholedifferent influenceare as elusiveas the serpentof the deepsea.Justlike differentqualities'naturesand varietyof plantsand creatures,this nakshatrahas roomfor many expresslons. is usuallyverydeterminedto Despiteits apparentflexibility,it is quitea fixed nakshatra,which hereisjust a meansto an end'Thisis the wiseold manamongstthe achieveits setgoals.Flexibility postponeactionstoo longfor its own nakshatras.It neveracts hastily.In fact manya timesit can matters. good.In a lot of casesit canjust be p|ainlary,in both physica|and mental
A|otcanbeunderstoodaboutthisnakshatrabyunderstandingthenatureandro|eoft beengainedfrom experience'It is wisechiefarchetypeof indigenousnativetribes'Its wisdomhas try to keepthe big picturein calculativewhen it comesto achievingits ends.Thesenativesalways likesto do evefihingin a controlled andthelike.Uttarabhadrapada mindwhilemakingplans,decisions Its ambitionsare not self fashionwith care and restraint.Its intentionsare usuallybenevolent. servinganditisful|ofqua|itieslikeempathy,understandingandsympathy. has the nativesusuallymakevery good counsellors'water as we know Uttarabhadrapada of this nakshatracaneaseandcool abilityto extinguishanyfire. In the samewaythe coolingwaters in all the nativetribes of the past' out all fiery emotionslike anger,revenge,jealousyetc. Even
everyoneusedtoturntothee|derorwisemanofthetribetofindso|aceanddirectionin this nakshatracan show will obviouslydependupon the troubledtimes.The level of compassion evolutionarystatusof the soul in question' Theca|culativeaspectofthisnakshatraconnectsittoa||thesciencesconcerne Yoga,Meditauon' the functioningsof the universalmind,likeAstrology,Numerology, understanding Divinationetc.
Nativeswith Uttarabhadrapada risingon the Ascendantusuallyhave a sereneand calm countenance. Theytry their bestto remainhappyeven in difficult,disturbingand unfavourable circumstances. Uttarabhadrapada has a tendencyto give one a large body with broadshoulders. Thiscan be gaugedfrom the fact that oceansare quiteexpansive.Suchnativesare usuallyshort in height,witha tendency towardsweightgain,especially withage.Uttarabhadrapada usuallyproduces shy,reluctantandpassivepersonalities. Suchnativesare usuallyin no hurry a tendencywhichin its lowestaspectcan makethem lazyand proneto inactionin timeswhereactionis indispensable. Muchdependson the placement of Saturnin ascertaining howthis nakshatra will functionin a particularnativity.The serpentof the depthsis quitean immobileand inertcreature,and it requires someexternalagencyor forceto arouseit. This is why the presenceof fiery optimisticplanetslike Mars,SunandJupiterin this nakshatra helpit overcome its latentineftia.In fact,the placement of any planetin this nakshatra makesit dynamic. Uttarabhadrapada can initiatedestructive or seemingly evilactions,but unlikeits predecessor, Purvabhadrapada, it usuallydoes so for somewholesomereason.Uttarabhadrapada, even when causingdestruction,puts lessemphasison crueltyand depravityas comparedto its predecessor. uttarabhadrapada's angeris moresublimated andthus its actionsare not mindless. Reasonability is another key to this nakshatra.It likesto come out with the best possible solutions, whichare fair to all pafties.The interesting thingto noteaboutthis nakshatra is that it usuallyhas an eye for the needsof others,but almostalwaysends up benefittingfrom others. Nativesbornunderits stronginfluence usuallybenefitfromgifu, donations andinheritance etc.One interestingthingto noteaboutthis nakshatrais that it is usuallyfoftunatewith makingand handling money. Thisnakshatrarelatestp the VanaPrastha,thethirdstageof life accordingto the ancientVedic texts,in whichthe nativeis supposedto cut off their worldlychordsand retireto the forestin order to seekenlightenment. It hassecretive, reclusive tendencies, whichmaysometimes makethe native underthe stronginfluenceof this nakshatraprematurelyreUrefrom their worldlyduUes.No matter
nativehas,thereis alwayssomeseekingtowards whatthe evolutionarystatusan Uttarabhadrapada somehigherawareness' shakti"- the relatesto "uarchodyamana In the universalschemeof things, uttarabhadrapada hasrainingcloudsabove,and growingplantsbelow.This powerto bringaboutrain.Its symbolism The rainhereconnects imageryobviouslyhasmoreto it thanjust beinga commonfertilityreference. with the soothinguniversalvibrationswhich can flow throughour astraland causalbodiesif we to them.Thisspiritualraincomesaboutfrom the celestialoceanof consciousness openourselves whenthe hot Sun(representingourAtman)touchesuponit. The readercan referto the imageof uttarabhadrapadab understardthe whole processbetter.
Mode of fututioning : It is supposedto be a Balancednakshatra.We havealreadyseenthat this nakshatratakesits it can give one the wisdomto put thingsin their proper Umebeforeacting.Whenwell disposed, and too afraidto confrontrealityor perspective. Whenafflicted,it can makeone too @nseryative face tansformation.
Caste: or warriorcaste.It is strangethat a prudentnakshatra This nakshatrabelongsto the Kshatriya with the energies likethis shouldbe assignedthis caste.Thiscomesaboutbecauseof its association cruelsenselike is alwaysa warrior,but not in anyaggressive, of plutoandShiva.Uttarabhadrapada purvabhadrapada. It worksin the typicalKshatriyafashionof settinggoalsand its predecessor attainingthem.
Qendcr: The rulershipof Jupitergivesthis nakshatraits malequality.Alsoits It is a malenakshatra. prsiding deitiesare both male.
tso{yparr d Hurwr (Ayurue[ir Constitutim) : It mainlyrelatesto the Sidesof the Body,includingthe Sidesof the Legs,the Shinsand the Solesof the Feet. It is a primarily"Pilb" (fiery) nakshatra.This associationcomesfrom its symbolof a funeral cot. As we discussed earlier,it is relatedto the earth'score,whichas we knowis the hottestpaft of our planet.
Directinn : It coversthe rangefrom westto nofth.
lPadas(Qwrters) : Thefirst padaor quarterof this asterism3020' - 6o40' Pisces,fallsin LeoNavamsa and is ruled proudandachievement by Sun.It represents the active,illuminating, orientedsideof thisnakshatra. Justlikethe risingor settingsun on the oceanichorizon(referto the image),the functionof this padais to spreadaroundthe light of its experience. Thesecondpadaor quarterof thisasterism 6040' - 10o00' Pisces, fallsin VirgoNavamsa ruled by Mercury. Thisrelatesto the analytical, calculative and planningsideof thisnakshatra. It tendsto find wisdomin smallthings,and planeb hereare more likelyto stay irrthe background then reveal themselves. Thethird padaor quarterof thisasterism10o00' - 13o20' Pisces, fallsin LibraNavamsa ruled byVenus.Thisrelatesto the passive, balance seeking andequilibriurn-or:ented sideof thisnakshatra. Planetsplacedhereseekwisdomthroughbalanceand objectivity.Ther,:niqhthoweverbecometoo passiveand may lackthe energyto let their findingsbe known.
fallsin ScorpioNavamsa Thefoufth padaor quarterof this asterism13o20' - 16040' Pisces, ruledby Mars.This relatesto the occult,mysteriousand hiddenaspectof this nakshatra'This pada can go to extremedepthsof confusionor depthsof widom. Whicheverway it operates,it always has the ability to aggressivelyexternaliseits energy.Everythingis intensehere and things are usualrylikelyto get to fwer pitch in relationto whateverarea this pada is influencing(planetor house).
lProfusiotu : yogaandMeditation of alltypes;Shamen;Healers;Practitioners &Therapists Experts;Counsellors Monks,Hermits;Thoseworkingin of Tantraand other OccultSciences;Divinators;Renunciates; andArtists;Thoseworking Poets,Writers,Musicians Philosophers; Researchers; CharityOrganizations; abilities,whetherit be patience,insighteruditionor awareness; requiringextraordinary in professions professions involvinglittle movementlike ShopClerks,Night Watchmen,Doormen;Historians; or charity. legacies and relyingon inheritance, Thosewho are unemployed Librarians;
Pfu.es: Libraries,Temples& Museums;OccultBmk Stores;Ancientruins;HistoricalPlaces;Cremation Centres;All Caverns;Meditation Places;Caves;Mountainous Grounds;HolySitesand Pilgrimage Compounds;Forests,High placess;itable for meditationand quiet activities;CharityOrganization MountainRangesand other uninhabitedsolitaryplaces;Bottomsof Lakes,DeepSeas& Oceansl SocialWelfareCentres;Centresfor Psychicand SpiritualResearch.
an['Tattwa (Efzment): Quna ('Essence) Its basicinert qualityand the hct that it dealswith nakshatra. It is supposedto be a TamasrT madethe ancientVedicseersascribethis gunato it. We have on all levelsof existence, dissolution seenearl6r that Shiva,the overlordof TamoGuna,is the mainpresidingdeity of this nakshatra.
The Etherelementpredominates for Uttarabhadrapada, as is the casewith the last groupof nakshatrasstarting from Dhanishfa.Its relation to Ether is clear from its wisdom and all encompassingness.
Qma EWe); It is a Manusha(human)nakshatra.This goesto showthat Uttarabhadrapada has a strong involvementin humanaffairs,eventhoughit relatesto otherfiner realmsof existence.It is one of the nakshatraswhich form a bridge betweentte astnl, causaland physial realms,bringingin higher,universal truthsintothe materialhumanframeof existence.
Orientation U Dispositi^on: It is an UpwardLookingnakshatra.Thismainlyrelatesto the expansivenafureof this asterism. Activities begununderthe influence of thisnakshatra are morelikelyto growandexpandwithtime. It is a Fixednakshatrain keepingwith the natureof its rulingdeityAhirBhudanya. As mentioned earlier,he is a veryfixedsort of character, who literallyand figurativelybudgesonlywhenabsolutely necessary.
Lunar Montfr. ond Doy : It can be seenas the ruler of the middle9 days of the month knownas Bhadnpada.This usuallyfallsin the solarcalendarmonthof September. Uttarabhadrapada is alsorelatedto Nauami(gth tithi or day) of the waxingand waningphases of the Moon'smonthlycycle.
Auspicbus.Actiaitizs: Good & AstralExploration; Meditation,PsychicDevelopment Quietpeacefulactivities;Research, activities includingMarriage;Beginningconstruction for makingpromises,pledgesandcommitments - homes,officesetc; Financialdealings;Beginningactivitiesrequiringsuppoftfrom others;Artistic Sexualactivity;Enteringa newhome;Namingchildren,organizations of diseases; ventures;Treatment etc.; Planting& gardening.
InauspiciousAniaities : for travelling;Litigation;Dealingwith enemies;Activitieswhichrequirequick' Unfavourable & gambling;Badfor lendingmoney;Toomuchphysicalmovernent swiftactionin general;Speculation or exertion.
Pfanztarll &tfcr : with this nakshatraare Saturn,Jupiter,Neptuneand Ketu.Saturnis the The planetsassociated main ruler of this asterism.In fact this nakshatrarepresentsthe culminationof Saturnineenergy. This is the placewhere Saturninelessonslearnt underthe signsCapricornand Aquarius,are Saturn'srole hereis not that of a andtransformedinto true wisdomand enlightenment. synthesized and hardtask master,but that of a wise,old teacherwho teachesthroughpatience,perseverance throughthis nakshatra.At example.The mostrefinedaspectsof Saturn'sfunctioningsare expressed times this nakshatracan give abundantmaterialprosperi$ as one reapsthe fruits of hard work done in previouslives.In more evolvedsoulshowever,this prosperityis bestowedas a resultof functioningin tune with the universalwill. This is the nakshatrawhereSaturnbecomesShivaand can no morebe seenas an outcaste,slow,troublesome,painfuldeity of sorow. does not believein Jupiter lendsan expansivequalityto this nakshatra.Uttarabhadrapada caring,sensitivity virtueslikecompassion, and carrieswithinitselfall higherJupiterian boundaries, of the of the divinewill. This nakshatrahas a lot to do with the final balancing and acceptance
energiesof Jupiterand Saturn,the two planetsregardedby someastrologers as beingthe most important. Neptuneas we know is directlyrelatedto the celestialocean,which housesthe manifest universe.Uttarabhadrapada as we have seenearlier,is directlyrelatedto this oceanthrough its presidingdeityAhir bhudanya.Uttarabhadrapada is one of the few nakshatras whichsetsthe stage for the dramaof life.In a way it can be seenas a directorof the moviecalledlifu.This is the reason why nativesunderthe stronginfluence of thisnakshatra oftentakeup filmmakingin today'smedia heavysociety. Ketu relatesto the spiritual/detachment/enlightenment aspectof this asterism.On closer inspection, onefindsthat Ketuhasa strongconnection goesaboutachieving to the waythisnakshatra its spirituafgoals.Uttarabhadrapada relatesto Raja Yoga,whichinvolvesharnessing of the kundalini shaktiandopeningof the sevensacralcentres.Ketuis the planetwhichrelatesdirectlyto kundalini shakti,and the seventhand final centreknownas Sahastrara (pleasereferto the author'sprevious work "TheRahu-Ketuexperience"9garPublications, India or "TheKey Of Life" Lofus Press,I,JSA for moreinsighton lGtu's role in this regard). ActivedynamicplanetslikeSun,MarsandRahudo bestin Uttarabhadrapada. Satumalsodoes well hereif it is aspectedby activeplanetslikeMarsandJupiter.Jupiter,Mercuryand Venuscanalso do well in this nakshatrawhen associated with activeplanets. Jupiter-Saturn conjunctionand conjunctions of Ketuand Neptunewith Jupiterand Saturncarry an energysimilarto this nakshatra.Saturn-Ketuconjunctionhoweverwould relate more to Purvabhadrapada.
'I/owefsand Afpfiabets: The flrst pada(3o 20' - 60 40' Pisces)relatesto "Du" as in the name"Durga". The secondpada(6o 40' to 10o(X)'Pisces)relatesto "Tha"as in the name"Thatcter".
relatesto "Jha"as in the name"Jhanci". Thethird pada(10" 00'to 13"20'Pisces) The fourth pada(13020'to 16040' Pisces)relatesto "Na"as in the name"Natasha". to the letters"Sha","Sa"and "Ha",and corresponds In the SanskritalphabetUttarabhadrapada its mantrasare "OmSham","OmSam"and "OmHam"' consequently
: Seryat type an{ Compatihi"fity Ib sexualanimalis a Cow,whichindicatesa docib and passivesexualnature.It is not a very sexuaffyactivenakshatra.It howevercan be quite interestedin sexfrom a tantrapointof view. pleasereferto the tableon pages457 with other nakshatras Forsexual& maritalcompatibility & 458.
'Esoterb : As a meetingpoint of the energiesof Vishnu,the preseruer;and Shiva,the destroyer;this aspectof the universalmind, nakshatracarriesa very specialinfluence.It relatesto the harmonizing EvenKrishna,Vishnu'sincarnation, whichoften times usesdestructionas a meansof preservation. useddestruction(Shiva'smeans)to set thingsright. This nakshatrarelatesto the sahastraraor crown centre,the topmost amongstthe seven of the kundalini,the serpentforceresidingat the baseof the chakras.It is the final destination spine.Thusthe wholesymbolismof this nakshatrarelatesto the journeyof the kundalinifrom the baseof the spine(whichcan be equatedwith the bottomof the sea),to the crownchakra(which can be equatedwith the sudaceof the celestialocean). The left (Ida), right (Pingla)and middle(Sushumna)channelsconvergeand becomeone at the third eye centre.Thesethreechannelscan be equatedwith the trinityof Shiva,Brahmaand Thusthis nakshatrahasa specialaffinitywith the third eyechaka (Agneya)'It Vishnurespectively.
is at the third eyecentrewhereperfectequilibriumis established betweennature'sthre gunas.This allowsone to directlycomprehend the functionings of the universalmind.This is the nakhatra wherewisdomisgained,andasa resultallthe mental,intellectual andemotional thirstsarequenched. Afterthe third eyechakra,thereis onlyonechannel,the centreone,leadingup to the crownchakra, whichmeansthat this nakshatra readiesan individual for supremeenlightenment, puttingthemon path.. a singular The 'serpentof the depths'is often equatedwith 'a streamin the Milky Way'.This, besides suggestinga pathwhich leadsus throughthe darknessof space,hintsat the fact that the serpent imageryis presenton all levelsof existence- it is the kundaliniwithinour bodies,the sffeamin the MilkyWaywithinour galaxy,andAhir Budhanya in the celestial ocean. Uttarabhadrapada is the unfathomable darknessof spacein whichthe materialuniversedwells. It is the nothingness from whichevefihing is born. It is wherethe answerto the most basic questions eventually enocuntered by all thinkers,scientists, spiritualists and philosophers alikei.e. "how did creationcomeout of nothingness and what existedwhen nothingexisted",lies.
Qotra (Cettstiat Linzage) This nakshatrais relatedto the SagePulahu,one of the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "the connectorof space".This makes sensewhenwe recallthat Uttanbhadrapada presidesoverall the darkspacewhichharbourscreation.
fumedia[: Forthr:sesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfromafflictionsto this nakshatra, the bestremedial measureis worshipof Shiva,Durgaor Vishnu.The practiceof Rajayoga,whichinvolvesthe raising of the kundalinithroughthe sevensacredcentresis one of the bestwaysto utilisethis nakshatra's potential.
- "OmSham","OmSam"and "Om Ham",108 Repetitionof the rOotmantrasof this nakShatra lunarmonth'is sureto reduce and in its corresponding timeswhen Moontransitsthis nakshatra sufferingand bringenlightenmentinto a person'slife. the can alsoincrease personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatra goodeffectsthroughthe abovementionedways.It is helpfulfor them to wear shadesof blue and so everythingclassifiedunderthe term "psychedelic", yellow.It is the nakshatrawhichencompasses are goodfor conveyingthis nakshatra's with "psychedelia" imagerypatternsand coloursassociated energy.Oneshoulduseits directions,lunarmonthandthe dayswhenMoontransitsUttarabhadrapada to undertakeall impoftantactions.
Eapryfe: risingon RabindmnathTagore,the famousIndianwriter and musician,has Uttarabhadrapada earlier'Hisworks hisAscendant.Hislife, worksand imagebringout manyof the qualitiesdiscussed of thisnakshatra. qualitieswhichformthe cornerstone humanityandsensitivity, arefull of compassion, can bestowin the caseof more evolved He lackedthe occult prowesswhich Uttarabhadrapada archetypecommonlyassociated souls.He howeverfits the bearded,old wisechief/advisor/teacher with this nakshatra.
Mbce[lawow : denotes"a happydisposition. Moonplacedin Utbarabhadrapada Accordingto Varahamihira, Theyare virtuousand make usuallyend up havinglotsof childrenandgrandchildren. SuchnaUves convincingspeakers.Theyare supposedto prevailovertheir enemies".
rf wu&*#
27. ftevati | 6"+c'fisc"s - ro"oot fi"c"s
fuooti .
(16040'Pisces- 30000'Pisces)
In tfu Sky t Revati,the culminationof Mercurialenergy,in fact all zodiacalenergies,is representedin the celestialfirmamentby a groupof very faint starsin the constellation of Pisces.Theexactnumberof thesestarsis not specifiedin the ancienttexts, although27 seemslike an automaticchoice!The ancientvedicseerssaw that thesestarsmadea shapesimilarto a dhola(drumstrungacrossthe neckwith a strapand playedwith both hands,usedfor carryingin processions). The brightestamongthesefaint starsis knownin modernastronomyas Zeta-Pixium,which hasa visualmagnitudeof only 5.20.It is locatedcloseto a comparatively brighterlEar,Mu-Piscium, aroundthe fag endof the tail of the fishformedby the constellation Pisces. Thisasterismis noteasy to locatein the nightsky,but one canalwaysutilizethe fact that Zeta-Piscium liesalmostexactlyon the planetaryecliptic(the pathof the planetsaroundthe zodiac);in orderto locateit in a very clear new moonnightsky.
Abme: "Revati"hasa simpletranslation- "wealthy".As we shalldiscoverlater,this nameconveysalot aboutthisasterismon all levels,eventhoughit is not apparentstraightaway whythe finalasterism representingcompletedissolutionbe relatedto somethingas transitoryas wealth.Its alternative translaUon is "to transcend",whichis morein keepingWrlhtnis beingthe final nakstratra.
Sym6o[: Sincethis asterismhasa lot to do with duality,it hastwo and not one mainsymbol- a " fish swimmingin the sea"anda "drum".
' '*
A fish swimmingin the water is an obviouschoiceas a symbolbr this nakshatra,as it falls completelyin the sign of Pisces,whichas we know is represented by two fishesswimmingin Thesymbolism oppositedirections. of a fishswimmingin the seahasbeenusedfromtime immemorial to showthe soul'sjourneyin the watersof the univer*,. Vishnu,the preserueramongthe Trinity,is often shownsitting atop the sea of consciousness. Thefishswimmingin the seaalsosuggests a path.Thisnakshatra hasa lot to do with pathsof all kinds,whetherit is just a pathto one'shouseor the wholelife-pathitself.As declaredby all wise menandincarnations, knowingandfollowingone'spathin lifeisthe biggestpenance of all.In a way it is the oneandonly pathto liberation. Thisnakhatra,aswe know,is the lastamongnakshatras andthushasa lot to do with moksha It shouldbe notedherethat mokshadoesn'tactuallymeanliberation andfinalenlightenment. from cyclesof births and deaths,as is enunciatedby many schoolsof thought. Evenafter final enlightenment, one mighthaveto take bifth in somecycleof someuniverse.To find one'strue path in life,onehasto learnto seethe biggerpicture.Thishappens throughconnecting oneselfwith the This nakhatra represents universalmind,whichin turn is tunedto the collectiveconsciousness. collectiveconsciousness. Thishoweveris a liftle differentfrom the massconsciousness represented by the signCancer. A drum as we recallis the symbolfor Dhanishbas well. There'sa lot of similaritybetween Revatiand Dhanishta. Onesimilaritywhichstandsout immediatelyis that they are both regardedas wealthy.Pleaserefer to the symbolsectionin Dhanishtafor understanding the significationof a drumas a symbol.Revati's drum is similarto a Naggada(a type of Indiandrum playedwith two sticks),and othertypesof moderndrumsusedby marchingbands(referto the image).
It canbe seenthat Revati'sdrumsare alwaysplayedby sticksof somekindinsteadof by hand. Theyalsohavea connotation of bringingnews,whichthe Dhanishta drumdoesn'thave.In all the ancientcultures,any newsof importanceto the communitywasalwaysannounced accompanied by the soundof drums.In somecultures,drum beatswere evenusedas a way of sendingsignalsin muchthe samewayas morsecode.Wecanthus inferthat'communication' is oneof the keyaspects of this nakshatra.
Deity : Pushan,a solardeity,similarto the Sungod, is considered the mainpresidingdeityof this asterism'He is supposed to light up all paths.Thisgiveshim rulershipoveras diversea thingas streetlights,which light up the road; a lighthouse,which keepsthe ship from getting lost; to the rulershipof the innerlight of the soul,whichlightsup one'slife-path.He is alwaysportrayedas standingat the beginning of all pathsandbeginnings (referto the image).Thisis the reasonwhy he becamepopularas the deity connectedwith safetravel.Consequently this nakshatrarelatesto all kindsof travelling- physical,mental,emoUonal, astralor causal. Pushanis supposed to be a morenourishing, softerdeitythanour Sungod and is saidto give wealth,prosperityand completion.It is not hardto seeseehowfruiffuljourneysor fruitfullife-paths will bringtheseto us automatically. FinallyVishnu,thepreserveramongthe Trinity,is the overseerof this nakshatra. At the time of the finaldissolution, job to gathertogetherall of the universallifeforceandconsciousness. it isVishnu's It isthe gathering qualityof thisnakshatra whichmakesit wealthy,whetherit be in termsof material wealth,knowledgeor experience. Vishnuas we know is the husbandof taxmi, the goddessof wealthand prosperity,whichagainbringsthis nakshatrain touchwith the principleof abundance. Mercurythe planetaryruler of this nakshatrais supposedto be directlyconnectedwith Vishnu. communication is a forte of Mercuryand Vishnuand as we haveseenearlie[of this nakshatra as well' The imageof Vishnuand Laxmisittingon a snakebedon top of the oceanof celestialwaters b an imagewhirh can very muclr$Jm up this nakshatra.
Afoture(t functioning: CommonEnglishwordslike"reverie"r"reverent","revolving","reverend","revelry","represent", ,,resolution,, - seemto havethe samerootasthe word"Revati".Wecaneasilyseethat their meanings relateto Revati'sfunctioningat somelevelor other' It is an extremelyfoftunate Revatiis one of the most pleasingand benevolentof nakshatras. completely nakhatraandthishelpsit seelifein a positivelight.It isthe eternaloptimistandremains providence.It knows unflusteredeven in the lace of big setbacks.It has an innatetrust in divine how to keepthe faith but in somecasesit has a tendencyto not do anythingelseexcepthaving faith.In suchcasesthis usuallypositivequalityturnsout to its detriment.
Alot of the nativesborn underthis nakshatratend to rely too muchon beliefand their beliets groundedness is requiredto givea realistic notalwaysreal.It is seenthat someSaturninfluence
to this nakshatra.Let us taketwo cases.In one nativity,Jupiteris placedin this nakshatraaspected of Saturn. by Satumand in the other,Jupiteris placedin this nakshatrawithouthavingan aspect be The formeris morelikelyto reapall the expansivebenefitsof this nakshatra,whilethe latterwill moreproneto idlefantasies'
This is the nakshatraof the dreamer.It can createwholeworldsarounditself.This is because the drama withMala,theillusoryqualityrelatedwithVishnu,whichsustains its strongassociation
It is a of life. Alot of nativeswith prominentRevatitend to live in universesof their own creation. Revati caseof Mayawithin Maya,which is not very conducivefor enlightenment.The best thing nativescan do is to seethingsas they are. often Revatipeopleare alwayssupportiveof othersand sinceone reapswhat one sowsthey get suppofted as well.ThepeculiarthingaboutRevatinativesis that theyalwaysget supportwhen they needit most. Revaticanbe seenasthe apexof civilization.Its nativesplacespecialemphasison refinement, civilization, Theylikeall the thingswhichconstitute behaviour. groomingandcivilized sophistocation, or refined and abhor primitivebehaviour.A lot of RevatinAtivesare born into rich, aristocratic
families.Unlessthere are other conflictingfactorsin the chart, Revatipromotesgood childhood, upbringing, earlyeducationand physicalfelicity. Revatinativesseemto havepleasing socialpersonalities andare usuallywell likedwithintheir socialsphere.This is to be expectedfrom someonewho has had a good upbringing.No other nakshatracomescloseto Revatias far as beinga socialiteis concerned.Theyare very good hosts andtheirfriendships lastlongbecause of theirresponsible nature.Theyarevery understanding of other'sproblemsand liketo be as helpfulto as manypeopleas they can. However,sometimesthey taketoo manypeople'sproblemson theirshoulders, andcanexhaustthemselves mentally,emotionally or physicallyas a result.
Theyare alwayssoft and politein conversation andonlyspitefulif hurt or jealous.Revatiis one of the mosttendernakshatrasand so hasa tendencyto get huft very easily.Despitethis they are often goodcounsellors and havea knackfor solvingpeople'sproblemsor showingthem their right path. Revatinativesusuallyhavea lustrousand lusciousbodyand a smiley,lighthearteddemeanour. Onecan referto the pictureof Pushanin the nakshatra image,or lookup an imageof Mshnu,for gettinga generalideaof the appearance of Revatinatives.Revatiis a soft but indulgentasterism.It is the nakshatrawhichderivesthe npst fun andjoy out of the dramaof life. It must be saidthat whilemoreevolvedsoulslearnto keepthemselves on an observerstatus,the younger,lessevolved soulstend to immersethemselvescompletelyin the mayaof life. Thisnakshatradoesn'tactuallyhavea senseof limitsandso it is veryeasyfor it to do too much of anything'Thisnakshatra likesto exudepowerthroughits speechandotherformsof communication. It is the mostcharmingandenchanting amongstall the nakhatrasand its charmliesin completely engaginganotherperson'sattention.This engagementcan at times be so extremethat the other personmay feel that nothingbut the two of them exists.It is alsoa masterat appearingintensely engagedin things,eventhoughits attentionmight be scatteredin a milliondirections.Amongthe nakhatras, Revatihas the strongestability to cast illusions,while at the sameUme in its lower aspectit canjust as easilyget caughtup in illusionsitself.
whichcanput on It is a chameleon Revatiis the mosttrickyandcleveramongstthe nakshatras. for seruinguniversal any act at any givenpoint in time. The moreevolvedsoulsusethis ability causes,whilethe lessevolvedsoulsend up usingit for selfishmotives. Peopleoftentakethemto beveryfinancially Reva6nagvesareproverbial"RichyRiclt"characters. well off evenwhenthey are penniless. To sum it up, Revaticanbe seenas the heightof civilizationwith all its upsidesand
it is the last If there is one asterismwhich can see the biggerpicture,then this is it. Since other nakshatra' nakshatra,it hasthe abilityto understandand even mimicthe energiesof every of existence.It is the only completenakshatrain the Revatiis a completedisplayof all possibilities is beyondthe sensethat it containsall the wisdomand knowledgethere is. There'snothingwhich put its natureand scopeof Revati'sdomainand thus it is very difficultto labelit, stereotypeit, or completelydifferentjust as .activiuesin a box. It alwayssurprisesottrersby turninginto something it is beingput into a category. reasonwhy It is a nakshatradealingwith infinityof time, spaceand evefihing else.Thisis the down,as somenew lightis alwaysshiningon the horizon' it is hardto pin this nakshatra every The most significantthing about Revauis that it hasthe abilityto see and understand omqa. O|dlter other nakshatra.Its mostimportantkeywordis "summation".It is the sigmaandtlre canonlyfathomwheretheyareat, but Revaticanfathomwhereeveryoneis at. Obviously nakshatras question'The more this all seeingcapacityis restrictedby the evolutionarystate of the soul in the vision' evolvedthe soul,the moreall encompassing power to In the universalschemeof things, Revatirelatesto "khiradyapanishakti" the emphasises nourishthrough milk. Its symbolismhascowsabove,and calvesbelow.This imagery the fact that the nourishingand sustainingaspectof Revati.However,if one pays attentionto kshiraagaqa Vishnu,the sustaineramongstthe holytrinity,sits atopthe celestialoceanknownas celestial whole new interpretationopensup. Revatithen relatesto the shaki which sustainsthe oceanin whichall the fourteenlolcasplaythe gameof lifa
Modp of funrtUnlng : Revatiis consideredto be a Balancednakshatra,This relatesto its love of societyand its conservative and balarrcedapproachto fosteringcivilization.It also relatesto its wisdomaspect, whichafterseeingall sidesof a situation, takesthe middlepath.Finallyall philosophkal andreligious schoolsof thoughtconsiderthe middleway to be the best way. It is this nakshatra's task to accommodate and resolvethe dualityinherentin existence.
Caste: It belongsto the Shudracaste.This is the case becauseancientseerssaw it as a service orientatednakshatra.As mentionedearlier,Revatinativesare alwayswillingto give assistance to others.In fact this is oneof the few nakshatras whichdoesn'tmindhelpingout eventheir enemy.In a way,Vishnuis alsodoingseruice to the universe by maintaining harmonyandkeepingthe gameof lifealive.
Qendcr: It is a Femalenakshatra.It represents the sumtotal of all the feminineforcewhichsustainsthe universe.
Bodyportt d l{unor (Aguledir. Corrctitutbn) : Feet,Ankles,AMomenand Groinare the body partsrelatedto this nakshatra.Its association with the feet and anklesis clearfrom its relationship with Pisces.In our view it must relateto the aMomenbecauseof the positioningof the manipura(navel)chakra.Vishnuis the presidingdeityof this chakra.We are not very clearaboutthe reasonwhy somescholarsassociategroinswith this nakshatra.
It is a primarily"Kapha"(watery)nakshatra.This is clearfrom the fact that it fallscompletely, with wateryplanetslikeJupiterand Neptune. in a watersignand is associated
Direction : It is relatedprimarilyto northand north-east.
eo{ns (Qwrters) : The first padaor quarterof this asterism16040' - 20o00' Pisces,falls in SagittariusNavamsa sideof this and is ruledby Jupiter.Thisrelatesto the happygo lucky,optimisticand philanthropic nakshatra.This padahasa tendencyto get carriedawayand so it is importantfor thesenativesto choosethe right thing to get carriedawaywith. They are the kind who will go about fanatically espousingtheir causeor belief. Thesecondpadaor quafterof this asterism20" 00' - 23" 20' Pisces,fallsin CapricornNavamsa aspectof Revati.This is the ruled by Saturn.This conveysthe more practicaland organizational padawhichrelatesto all time-relatedscienceslikeAstrologyetc. Naturalbeneficsmaintaina sense of balancehere,whilenaturalmaleficscangivetoo muchambition.Thisis the mostrealisticpada within this nakshatnard hasa tendencyto not be swayedby blind belief. The third padaor quafterof this asterism23" 2O'- 26" 40' Pisces,falls in AquariusNavamsa asped of Revati.This padafindsit ruledby Saturn.This relatesto the bohemianand humanitarian difficultto expressits workingson a materialplane. The fourth pada or quafterof this asterism260 40' - 30o 00' Pisces,falls in PiscesNavamsa ruledby Jupiter.Thisis the eternaldreamer.It canonlygivegoodmaterialresultsif naturalmalefics like Marsand Satumoccupyit. Likethe first pada,this padahasa tendencyto get swayedeasily.
lPro{usions : Hypnotists& PsychicMediums;CreativeArtistsof all kindsincludingPainters,Musicians etc. ; Actors,Entertniners & Comedians; Linguists;Conjurors,Illusionists,Magicians; Watchmakers; Road Planners andthoseworkingin Rail& RoadConstruction Business; TimeKeepers; Calendar/Ephemeris Makers;Astrologers; Divinators;Managers;Professional Hosts& Hostesses (especially air hostesses, shipstewardsetc. ); GemstoneDealers;Thoseinvolvedin the PearlIndustry;All kindsof Shipping and MarineIndustry;Thoseinvolvedwith FosterHomes& Orphanages; Drivingor Transport Professions; Thoseinvolvedwith ReligiousInstitutions;Air TrafficControllers,TrafficCops;Light HouseWorkers;Thoseinvolvedwith RoadSafety;DrivingInstructors.
lP[aces: Roads,Railroadrracks,Airports;oceans,seas, Beaches;shippingyards;stage; cinema; Orphanages;Monasteries; Ships,Aeroplanes,Trains,Carsetc; Bus Stations,TranspoltIndustry; PublicAuditoriums; ClockTowers/Watch Towers;LightHouses;DrivingInstructionSchools;All places connectedwith the abovementionedprofessions.
('Essence) an"[ Tattwa (Ebment) :
It is supposedto be a gttwic nakshatra.This comesas no surpriseas this nakshatrahas primariVsattwicrulingdeitiesand is associatedwith beneficsatMic planetslike Jupiter,Mercury and Neptune. It belongsto the Etherelement.Thisagaincomesas no surpriseas the Etherelementhasan all encompassing quality,andcan mingleand cooperate with all the otherelements, whichis what the essenceof RevaUbfunctioningis.
QanaEWd It is considercda Dettaor godlynakhatra. Thisfact is quite apparentfrom iB generalbenefic natureand the beneficqualityof ib rulingplanetsand deities.
Oricntation ond Disposition : It is a Levelnakshatra.This relatesto the balancednatureof this asterism.We havealready discussedhow it is a soft nakshatra,whichautomaticallymeansthat it doesn'tgo to extremes,The flow of life forceon Levelaspectalsorelatesto its innatecapacityto maintaina regularequilibrilized all planesof existence. As mentionedpreviouslyit is a Soft nakshatra.This basicallyrelatesto its mild, tender,easy goingand pleasurelovingnature
Lurwr Montfi.& Dag : It relatesto the last9 daysof the lunarmonthof BhadraPada,whichusuallyfallsin September. tithi or day)of the waxingphaseof the Moon'smonthly Revatiis alsorelatedto Purnima(15u1 cycle.
Auspiciaus Altiaities
activitiesand financialdealings;Anything Initiatingall activitiesof a positivenature;Business rituals;All kindsof involvingexchangeof goods;Goodfor marriage& sexualactivity;Religious travelling;Goodfor dealingwith gemstones(puttingthem on for the first tinp etc.); Buyingcars, homesand othervaluablegoods;Creativeactivitieslikemusic,dramaetc.; Goodfor kind,charitable and soft activities;Learning,especiallyspiritualor occult; Healingand treatmentof diseases;Rest of all types(putting Goodfor completion Goodfor leisureactivitieslikegardening; and relaxation; the final touclrcsm things).
Inawpirious Actiaitits : *The lasttwo quartersof this nakshatrashouldbe avoidedfor beginningsof all kinds. All activitiesrequiringharshnessand boldnessshouldbe avoided.Not good for overcoming difficulties,obstructions, enmityor calamities;Notgoodfor negative,sharpactionslikesurgery;Not goodfor strenuous activitiesof any kindlikemountainclimbing.
tPfnnztary Xykr Mercuryis the primaryrulerof this nakshatra alongwith its signrulersJupiter,Neptuneand pointof Mercurial Ketu.As mentioned earlier,Revatirepresents the culmination energy.Sinceit is the lastamongstthe nakshatras, pointof all zodiacalenergies. it can be seenas the culmination Mercury's functionhereis not so muchanalyticalas it is discriminatory. Mercury'sfunctionhereis to categorize,classifi and give everythingits own uniqueplacein the schemeof creation.Mercury doesn'tloseits senseof humourheredespitethe fact that its task hereis enormous.Mercuryhasto evolveand becomea Buddha(enlightened one) here.It is interesting to notethat Buddhais the sanskritnameoriginallyassignedto Mercuryby the ancientVedicseers.Theyhad set and encoded its goal in its nameitself! Mercuryhasto becomeVishnu,the maintainerof universalaffairs,who, whilebeingin the gameis stillout of the game. Mercuryhowevercannotachievethis feat withoutthe helpof Jupiter,the harbingerof wisdom andcompassion. It is Jupiterwhichgivesan understanding of the basiclawsof nature,as Mercury givesno cognizance to rules- universalor otherwise.The blendingtogetherof the energiesof Jupiterand Mercurycreatesthe Neptunianfield. One ancientschoolof astrologicalthoughtsap that the three ouQr planetsact as secondarySunsand in turn controltwo of the inner planets. \ According to thisschoolof thought,Neptunepresides overthe functioning of Jupiterand Mercury. Onecan easilyseethat this line of thoughtis validatedthroughVedicMythologyand Astrology, Vishnuis in essencea Neptuniandeityand mostof the schoolsof Jyotishrelatethe planetsJupiter and Mercurywith Vishnu.
realmandsharethe responsibility JupiterandMercuryruleoverthe intellectual TogetherNeptune, consciousness. with the collectiveuniversal consciousness our individual of connecting Ketu is the planetof the beginningand the end. SinceRevatirepresentsthe end, Ketu's relationshipwith this nakshatrais not very hard to establish.Ketu is the planet most intimately connectedwith dissolutionof our pasl krmas and it achievesthat usingthe energyof Revati. Jupiter,MercuryVenusand Moonusuallydo well in Revati.Ketu'splacementhereis goodfor Jupiter/ Jupiter/Neptune; likelupiter/Mercury;Jupiter/Mercury/Ketu; spiritualpursuits.Conjunctions mirror this asterism'senergy. Ketu/Neptune; Mercury/Neptune; Ketu;Mercury/Ketu;
'/owe{sandAIpfrabe* : Thefirst padaor quarterof this asterisrn16040' -20" (X)'Piscescorespondsto
'The" as in The.
to "Tho"as in Thesecondpadaor quarterof this asterism20" 00' - 23" 20'Piscescorresponds Though. to "Cha"as in The third padaor quarterof this asterism23o 20' - 26" 40' Piscescorresponds Charlie. to "Chi"as in The fourth padaor quarterof this asterism26o40' - 30" 00' Piscescorresponds Chile.
itS tO "La", "KSha","A" and "Aa", ConseqUently In the SanSkitalphabetReVatiCOrfeSpOndS mantrasare "OmLam","OmlGham","OmAm" and "OmAam".
Sean"t'Iypean{ Compatihility: canbegaugedfrom In factmanyof thesenakshatras'qualities Its sexualanimalis an Elephant. the essentialnatureand behaviourof elephants.The fact that elephantspreferlevelgroundsrather are the than uneventerrain,onceagainreiteratesthe levelaspectof this nakhatra. Elephants
largestamongall landanimals.In the oceanstheircounterparts, the bluewhales,will alsofall under the auspicesof Revati.Onecando a studyof the sexualnatureof thesecreaturesto understandthe sexr.lalnatureof this nakshatra. Forsexual& maritalcompatibility pleasereferto the tableson pages457 with othernakshatras & 458.
Esoterir : Revaticorresponds to the universalpointin time wherethe materialas well as astralare drawn into the causalrealmand after the processis completed,the causalis drawn into the supreme eternalvoid. On a more personallevel,Revatirelatesto the assimilationof life experiences from manypreviouslives,so that a synthesiscantake placeand a stateof completeness achieved. Revatican thus be associated with the seventhsacralcentreknownas Sahastrara. A state of completeawareness is achievedafterthe kundaliniopenseverypetalof thisthousandpetalledlotus centre.Afterachievingthis,the kundalinibreaksthroughthe top paft of the headknownas Brahma Randha.At this pointthe will of the soulachievescompleteharmonywitr ttre universalwill, and the personalconsciousness is submergedinto the collectiveuniversalconsciousness. In other words, the dropjoins with the oceanand can no longerbe tracedas an individualdrop. In its highest aspect,Reyatirglates!9.thig.stateand process. In a relativelyloweraspect,Revatirelatesto the'oceanof illusion'associated with the third sacrafcentreoften knownas ManipuraChakra(or the navelcentre).Thisis the placewherethe chi (lifeforce)is supposed to resideas perZenprinciples. Thiscentreis representative of all the activities plane.Only after the masteryof this oceanicfield doesa soul gain true on a worldly/material knowledge aboutthe higherplanesof existence. Onceagainthe imageof Vishnusiftingatop the oceanof illusionbestcharacterizes this aspectof Revati.
oceanin whichthe creativeforcerests,afterMahapnlaya(universal the celestial Revatirepresents take placeon our planetas and dissolution On a smallerscale,cyclesof destruction dissolution). the oceansare engulfingall the land,Vishnuis supposedto weff.In eachsuch Pralaya,where incarnateasa fishandsavesevensagesandall the plantsandanimalsrequiredfor the recontinuation of life. This can be said to be a very Revatioperation.In fact the processof eafthly death also requiresRevati'sservices,as all the actionsof this life and all the vital pranas(life forces)are centerbeforethe dprd betweenthe materialbody and the accumulatedwithin the astral/causal astralbodyis cut. Finally,Revaticoncealsthe answerto the ultimatequestion- "Whyall of this creation,for what purpose,and for whom ?"
Qotra (Cettstiat Lineage): This nakshatrais relatedto the SageKratu,oneof the sevencelestialsageslookingafter the is in harmonywith affairsof our galaxy.The nameof this sagetranslatesinto "the inspirer",which nakshatras' the fact that Revatiis one of the mostoptimisticand inspirational
: fumedi"a[ the bestremedial Forthosesufferingfrom badeffectsresultingfromafflictionsb this nakshatra, measureis worshipof Vishnu. Repetitionof the root mantrasof this nakshatra- "OmLam","Om Ksham","OmAm" and "Om lunarmonthis sureto Aam' 108timeswhen Moontransitsthis nakshatraand in its corresponding life' intoa person's reducesufferingand bringenlightenment Personswho are benefitingfrom the positiveenergyof this nakshatracan also increasethe ways.It is helpfulfor them to wearall oceanic,light, goodeffectsthroughthe abovementioned variegatedcoloursand pastelshades,They shoulduse its directions,lunar monthand the days when MoontransitsRevatito undertakeall importantactions.
E4amp[z : DollyPafton,the well-knownsinger/enteftainer hasRevatirisingon herAscendant. Herexpansive bodyandappearance combined withsoft,friendlyfeaturescharacterise thebenevolent andexpansive natureof this nakshatra.Herlife is a goodexampleof Revati'scapacityto giveeasymoney,comforts, luxury fame,and an upbringingin benevolentzurroundings.
Misceffnneous: Accordingto Varahamihira, Moonin Revati"givesone pefect body and physicalfelicity.The nativeis supposed to be blessed with purity,luck,wealthanda heroicdisposition." Onewillgenerally find that thosehavingMoonor Ascendant in Revatiare usuallygentle,kindand piousunlessthere are other overwhelming factorsto the contraryin the chart. Rabindranath Tagore,the famousIndianwriter,musicianand thinkerwas born with his Moon placedin Revatiandall of varahamihira's preceptsapplyto his life and personality.
A6frijit Abhijit is a nakshtarawhich comesinto picturewhen a 28 Nakshahasystemis used.This systemwasdiscardedby the Vedicseersfor a varietyof reasons.Firstly,the divisionof 360 degree zodiacalarcby 28givesan incomplete fraction.Thismakesit impossible to specifothe exactdegreecal rangeof each nakshaba,which makesan unequalsize systemthe only possibility.Evenif one unwantinglyacceptsthat eachnaksahtrawouldhavea differentsize,one is facedwith the strange task of dividing28 Nakshatras among9 planets.Evenif one managesto get overthis obstacleby assigning4 nakshataras to one planetand 3 to the rest, one finds that the exceedinglyaccurate Dashasyttem hlls to pieces.In other words, it makesperfectsenseto usea 27 nakshatrasystem. All this hasa lot to do with the fact that 27 is a moreperfectnumberthan 28, but a discussion on that is beyondthe scopeof this work. The averagetime it takesMoonto completeone revolution throughthe zodiacis 27.32t7days,a figurewhich is closerto 27 than it is to 28. Thus a 27 nakshatrasystemalsofits in with the Lunarcalendermuchbetterthan a 28 nakshabasystem.It is interestingto note that the Chineseand Arabicastrologersare still usingthis borrowed28 lunar mansionsystem,which has nDsensebesidesthe fact that it fits in with the sevenday-fourweek sofarcafender (7 x4 =28). Abhfiitcan be seenas an attemptto highlightthe specialityof a ceftainportionof the zodiac. Thiscertainportionliesbetween0 and 12 degreesof the signCapricorn,whichwouldplaceAbhijit TheEnglishtranslations betweenUtbarashada & Shravana. of the term "AbhUit'can rangefrom "the undefeatable", "completevictory"& "finalvictory",but they all pointiowardsthe "ever-conquering", samegeneralareaof triumphandachievement. Nowonderthenthat Krishna saysin Bhagawadgita, "Amongst the nakshatras I amAbhrjit".It is in thispartof the celestial firmamentthat Indraandthe Codsachieveda final & lastingvictoryoverthe Demons.
Onefindsthat the triumphantaspectof Abhijitis very similarto that of Uttarashada. Also Abhijitmoreor lesslieswithinthe last l0 degreesof Uttarashada. Uttarashada is the nakshatra wherea conclusive triumphof goodoverevil takesplace.Abhijitthen canjust be seenas a specific part in Uttarashadha wherethere is absolutedominationof all that is good from the universal perspective.
E6offi?hCfrarts Asfiwini Chaft1: BruqeLee 27 Nov L940,2.45 pm, Seattle JuF Ke As SaR Ur
'7VeMa MeMo
VeMa NeRa Su Me Mc
As 09:32:15
Su 12:31:53
Sco Anuradha Noo
Mo 23:02:19
Vishakha Tee
Ma 1l:43:52
Me 22:31:33
Vishakha Tee
Ju 14:28:20
Ve 0B:42:59
Sa 16:25:56
Ra 14:56:37
Ke 14:56:37
U. Bhadra. Jya
Ur 00:37:53
Tau Krittika
Ne 04:22:28
Pl 111 : 1:36
Can Pushya
U. Phalg.
BruceLeewas knownfor his agility,speed,aleftnessand pioneering activitiesin the martialarts. Mostastrologers failto recognize that onlyAswini(thefastestof nakshatras) risingon hisascendant couldset him on a life pathwherehe receivedrecognitionfor theseparticularqualities.
tsfinrani Chart2 : India 21 Feb L972,I.20 am, BombaY, Ve
MaMo Sa
SuMe Ra JU
As 11:14:18
Sco Anuradha Noo
Su 07:48:57
Aqu Satabhi.
Mo 26:04:34
Ma L3:17:26
Ashwini - Lah
Me 10:44:52 o79o/o Aqu Satabhi. Sag Moola
Ve 18:50:38
Sa 06:29:50
Tau Krittika
Ra 10:27:57
Cap Shravana loo
Ke 10:27:57
Can Pushya
Ur 24:29:02
Ne 11:43:02
Sco Anuradha Noo
Pl 07:59:48
U. Phalg.
-, .,.*,--;.
Ju 09:00:56
Oo Hoh Pay Pee
This nativehas had suddenextremefluctuationsin his foftunesrisingfrom povertyto millionaire statusto bankuptcyin a veryshortspaceof time . HisAscendantlord Marsis conjunctthe th lord Moon(luck& fortune)in the extremenakshatraof Bharaniin the 6h house(winningand losing).
WttiLa Chart3 : 6 January2004, 2.50pm, London
MeRa Su Mo VeR MaSa
Ur Ne
Ju AsPl
As 24:39:26
Sco Jyeshtha
Su 06:15:50
Tau Krittika
Mo 24:4t:37
Tau Mrigashi
Ma 14:39:08
Gem Ardra
Me II:22:4t
lu t5:22:23
Leo P.Phalg.
Ve 02:03:00
Gem Mrigashi
Sa 16:54:58
Gem Ardra
Ra 16:19:47
Ke 16:19:47
Ur 12:42:22
Aqu Satabhi.
Ne 21:28:32
Cap Shravana Guh
Pl 27:32:41
Sco Jyeshtha
,. ".
jj.: t.
Sah Yoo
Thischildhashisfourthlordfromthe Moon,Sun,placedin the maternalnakshatra of Krittika.From birth he hashad beensurroundedby maternalenergyof 3 peopleand is aboutto add another4 to the list to completethe sevenmotheraspectof the sevensistersconstellation. It is interestingto notehowthe childhasa Marsascendant rising, bringsthe legendof the mars-deity karttikeya being raisedby the sevenkrittikasistersto life.
fufrini Chart4:BobDYlan 24May1941,11.05am, Duluth,Minnesota
Ma 11
Me UrJu SuVe
Sa Mo
Me UrJu
Ma NeRa
As 06:58:45
Leo Magha
Su 09:50:03
Tau Krittika
Mo 20:33:58
Ma 12:29:53
Aqu Satabhi.
Me 28:54:28
Tau Mrigashi
lu 06:28:26
Tau Krittika
Ye L9:07:42
Tau Rohini
Sa 26:57:27
Ra 05:32:15
U. Phalg.
Ke 05:32:15
U. Bhadra. Doo
Ur 03:33:10
Tau Krittika
Ne 01:54:42
Pl 09:19:21
Can PushYa
U. Phalg.
Oo Toh HaY
writing' His10hhouse statusin thefieldof singing/song legendary achieved Thissingersongwriter planetVenusplacedin is full with his Ascendantlord/naturalkarakafor careersun and creative beautyof materialcreation)and riches' Rohini( representing
Mrigkftira Chaft 5 : 23 October L967,7.35am, Southpo( Australb
8 PI JuVe Ma
KeSu MeR Ur Ne
As tB:24 14
Sco Jyeshtha
Su 05:23:10
Mo 24:00:20
Tau Mrigashi
Ma 06:27:11
Sag Moola
Me 23:44:48
Ju 07:09:07
Leo Magha
Ve 20:06:35
Leo P.Phalg.
Sa 14:05:51
U. Bhadra Jya
Ra 04:18:07
Ke 04:18:07
Ur 03:30:32
U. Phalg.
Ree pah
Ne 29:45:08
Vishakha Tay
Pl 28:22:55
Leo U. Phalg.
Vay yoh
Vishakha Too
Thepresence of the ninthlordMoonin the nakshatra of Mrigshira suggests a
searching disposition
in relationto religious/spiritual issues. The nativedespitebeing born in the west found vedic learningand vegetarianism at a youngage. Moon'sexaltationhelpsin findingan exaltedway. Because of the 7b houseinvolvement, the nativespaftneralsohelpedin gettingher deeperinto the Vedicrealm.
Ardra Chart6:NikolaiTesla 9 July 1856,10.50Pm,Croatia Ju Ra
MeSa Ur Ve Su
- 11-
Vo Ma Ke
As 15:42:44
Aqu Satabhi.
Su 25:52:37 Mo 21:06:14
Koh Gem Punarvasu . Tuh Vir Hasta
Ma 27:03:11
Me 06:12:48
Gem Mrigashi
Chitra Revati
Poh Kee DaY
Sa 13:41:50
Gem Punarvasu KaY Nga Gem Ardra
Ra 28:13:09
Ke 28:13:09
Ur 02:04:58
Tau Krittika
Ne 28:30:51
Aqu P.Bhadra. Dah Lee Ari Bharani
Ye 22:52:26
Pl 13:41:31
the radio, free energy and the The brilliantscientistNikolaiTeslais creditedfor the inventionof Aquariusriseson hisAscendant alternatecurrentconductorcoil. Theeccentricand inventivesignof & intellect)' Ardrain the 5h house(creativity lordSaturnplacedin intellectual with hisAscendant device, andsp|itthe earth,scorewith a highvibrationa| He c|aimedthat he cou|ddestroybui|dings findsfull expressionin his chaft' a very Ardraconcept. Ardra'sintellectualand electricalability
Purnaoasu Chart 7 i 18 July 1950,8.10am,Marehra,India
Ra PI SaMa Mo
As 01:53:33
Su 14:06:49
Mo 19:40:56
Leo P.Phalg.
Ma 03:11:49
Can Punarvasu Hee
Me 01:16:01
Sco Vishakha Toh
Ju 2t:04:36
Ve 21:34:19
Sa 01:46:01
Can Punarvasu Hee
Ra 09:39:59
Gem Ardra
Ke 09:39:59
Sag Moola
Ur 23:46:15
Tau Mrigashi
Ne 14:12:08
Pl 18:40:19
Can Ashlesha
Ju Me AsSu Ne Ve
The in the 10b house( Houseof Profession). ThenativehasSaturnand Marsplacedin Punarvasu in the IndianAir Forcefor over30 yearsanda majorpartof it wasto do with nativewasemployed with air alongwith its associaUon Air TrafficControls.Thishighlightsthe safetyaspectof Punarvasu and flight.
Qushya Chaft 8 : 30 January L967,t2 am, New York
Ma As Ke MeRSu
,7, 10
MeR Su
PI Ma MoUr Ne As Ke
As 08:33:34
Su 16:42:55
Cap Shravana Joh
Mo 09:45:20
Gem Ardra
Ma 23:45:53
Me 14:48:29 R
Cap Shravana Jay
Ju 12:28:55R
Ve 03:38:58
U. Bhadra. Doo
Sa 26:41:00
Ra 09:38:30
U. Bhadra. Tu
Ke 09:38:30
U. Phalg.
Ur 10:21:46
Ne 05:02:15
Sco Anuradha Nah
Pf OL:23:07
Vishakha Too
U. Phalg.
Poo Chee
prosperity as a in her profession Sincenative'sJupiterdasabeganshehasbeenhavingincreasing medicallawyerJupiter( planetof law)isexaltedin the 10n housein the helpful,righteousand of Pushya. institutionalconstellation
Asfufia Chart9 : 27 MayL9L7,7.37am, London,England
JuMa VeSu PlKe MeR SaAs NeMo
Ur iJu MaMeR .
As 02:41:14
Can Punarvasu Hee
Su 12:43:20
Tau Rohini
Mo 24:36:01
Can Ashlesha Day
Ma 23:53:12
Me 28:03:25R
Ju 29:45:08
Ve 20:56:47
Tau Rohini
Sa 04:12:27
Can Pushya
Ra 19:54;35
Sag P.Shad.
Ke 19:54:35
Gem Ardra
Ur 01:00:34
Aqu Dhanish. Goo
Ne 09:54:18
Can Pushya
Pl 10:30:18
Gem Ardra
': ;*: t
Theabovenative(female)hasherAscendant lordMoonplacedin Aslesha, whichputsbothherself andmindunderthe influence of the energies of thisnakshatra. Thenativechosethe medicallineas profession, something whichmanyAslesha nativestakeup. Sheremained a bachelor herwholelife in orderto avoidsharingof resources.Shewasalwaysstockingup for the fearof war or anysuch calamity.Afterfiftyyearsof tirelesswork,shehadamassed a hugefortunebut stillalwayslivedlike a pauper.Mostof Aslesha's masssignifications in the modernworldareshownthroughhercharacter. Shestillendedup as a benign,harmless typeas the realnastysideof Ashleshawaskeptin check by the presenceof Saturnin Pushya,nextto the Moon.
Mogfto Chart 10 : RajivGandhi 9.08 am, Mumbai,India 20 August 19114,
SuJu MoVe As Me
SuJu MoVe Ac lvlp
As 21:25:35
Leo P.Phalg.
Su 03:50:38
Leo Magha
Mo 17:23:37
Leo P.Phalg.
Ma 01:12:43
U. Phalg.
Me 28:34:48
Leo U, Phalg.
Ju 12:12:29
Leo Magha
Ve 18:40:55
Leo P.Phalg.
Sa 14:13:18
Gem Ardra
Ra 02:49:05
Can Punarvasu Hee
Ke 02:49:05
Cap U. Shad.
Ur 19:41:18
Tau Rohini
Ne 09:33:45
Pl 15:49:10
Can Pushya
U. Phalg.
Pee Dah
Maghacanbe clearlyseenin the TheSunis the rulingplanetin thechaft,beingthe maindispositor. of Indiafrom hismotherIndiraGandhi of the primeministership native'slifethroughhis inheritance demise, the familytraditionhe alsoinheritedan unfortunate Nehru.Following and his grandfather havingbeenblownup by a suicidebomber.
Quraapftafguni Chaft 11 : 6 May 1970,4.55am,Munich,Germany
SaSu AsMo VeMa
SaSuAsMeR Mo
Ke Ne
JuR PlUr
As 22:21:35
Su 21:46:19
Mo 28:34:58
Ma 18:24:25
Tau Rohini
Me 26:42:47 R
J u 0 5 : 5 0 : 1 2R
Ve 16:40:28
Tau Rohini
Sa 19:05:29
Ra 15:12:49
Aqu Satabhi.
Ke 15:12:49
Leo P.Phalg.
Ur LL:47:34
Ne 06:28:34
Sco Anuradha Nah
Pl 0L:27:58
Hasta U. Phalg.
Native(female)hasintensedesirefor childrenanddreamsof havingup to 9 or more. Ketu(planet of pastlifedesires andinclinations nakshatra Purvaphalguni thechib bearing& lovemaking ) occupies ln the 5 house. Theway she is goingone canseethat sheis stuckin her Ketuarea(pastlifearea). If she had movedtowardsher Rahuarea she would havedifferentmoreuniversalinterests.The readerscan refer to "The Rahu-KetuExperience" by this author to understandmore about the impoftanceof balancingRahu-lGtuenergies.
Uttarapfia[guni Chart12 : lohn Gotti NewYork,USA 27 October1940,4.30am,
Ve NeRaAs Ma
As 19:50:21
Su 10:49:41
Mo 22:09:37
Leo P.Phalg.
Ma 2L:05:44
Me 03:45:36
Sco Anuradha Nah
Ju 18:29:16
Ve 00:41:58
U. Phalg. Toh
Sa 18:52:10
Ra 16:36:48
Ke 16:36:48
U. Bhadra. lya
Ur 01:55:04
Tau Krittika
Ne 03:35:23
Pl 11:17:33
Can Pushya
U. Phalg.
Su RaAs Ma
Tee Tuh Loo
Ee Pah Hoh
madethe nativeinvolvedwith the Mafiathrough The presence of th lordVenusin Uttaraphalguni influenceof Uttaraphalguni lineagefromlathersside.9th houserelatesto fatherandtheauthoratarian He becameone of the mostwell-known showsthroughin JohnGotti'spersonalityand proJession. mafiadonsto havecomeout of NewYork.
t{asta Chaft13 : 29 Sept1959,9.20am,Belgium
Ur PI MoVe Sa
As 06:01:22
Su 12:08:02
Mo 01:06:41
Leo Magha
Ma 2t:57:52
Me 21:00:57
Ju 05:35:40
Sco Anuradha Nah
Ye 07:24:13
Leo Magha
Sa 07:38:30
Sag Moola
Ra t0:23:27
Ke 10:23:27
U. Bhadra. Jha
Ur 26:t6:I7
Can Ashlesha Day
Ne 12:15:52
Pl 11:41:30
Leo Magha
RaSu AsNe Me Ma
Ray May
Native(female)is a financialwizardandenjoysplayingwith money.Her2ndand llh lordfromthe Moon,Mercuryis placedin its exaltation signin the cleverconstellation of Hastaalongwiththe l1h lord (Gainlord) Sunand 2m tord (Wealthlord) Mars.The fact that all the 3 planeb are locatedin Hastagivesher a penchantfor book-keeping and trackingthe movementof moneyin its present currencyform.
Cftitra Chart14 : Australia 26 January1931,11 pm, Melbourne, PI JuR
UrRa Mo
7 1
Mo MeSa Ve
As 01:02:24
Su 12:43:55
Cap Shravana Joo
Mo 07:31:54
Ma 14:30:36
Can Pushya
Me 17:59:05
Sag P.Shad.
Ju 20:01:47
Gem Punarvasu KaY
Ve 26:05:17
Sco Jyeshtha
Sa 23:48:39
Sag P.Shad.
Ra 25:22:01
Ke 25:22:Ol
Ur 19:06:08
Ne 12:16:12
Leo Magha
Pl 26:34:39
Gem Punarvasu Koh
asa builder.Laying andis knownto hisacquaintances ThisnativehasChitrarisingon the ascendant with for over30 years.This provesChitrasconnection for homeswas his occupation foundations and all typesof constructionacivitigs.The fact that the 10h lord is in Ashvinimakes Vishvakarma process' him dealwith the beginningpaft of the construction
Sutati Chaft 15 : 24 Septembert970,10am, London
AsJu Ve
.7 -
Me Ke Ma Ne
As 09:34:09
Su 07:26:53
U. Phalg.
Mo 29:37:38
Gem Punarvasu Hah
Ma 19:59:46
Leo P.Phalg.
Me 20:46:52
Leo P.Phalg.
Ju 13:17:11
Ve 20:54:03
Vishakha Tee
Sa 28:49:35
Ra 07:43:46
Aqu Satabhi.
Ke O7:43:46
Leo Magha
Ur L5:12:t7
Ne 05:12:44
Sco Anuradha Nah
Pl 03:54:52
Hasta U,Phlag.
AsJu PlSu Ve U r
The native(male)has3rd(enterpriselord) and 6thlord (effort lord) presentin the suavenakshatra of Swati.Heis a buddingenterpreneur who is planningto starthisown independent company.This highlightsSwati'sindependententrepreneurial nature. It has howevertaken him a long time to developenoughself-confidence as Swatiis a nakshatrawhichdevelopsslowlyovera longperiodof time.
'/isfi"qkrtn Chart15 : TedBundy Vermont 1946, 2.30am,Burlington, 24 November "v,
MeRSuMo KeMa
PI SaR AsNe MEK Ju Su Mc VeR Kp M:
As 16:00:54
Su 08:18:39
Sco Anuradha Nee
Mo 14:41:25
Sco Anuradha Nay
Ma 19:38:28
Sco Jyeshtha
Me 02:19:07 R
Sco Vishakha Toh
Noh Tah
Ve 27:56:53 R
Vishakha Tay
Sa 15:46:01 R
Can Pushya
Ra 19:02:09
Tau Rohini
Ke 19:02:09
Sco Jyeshtha
Ur 27:24:27
Tau Mrigashi
Ne 17:01:37
Pl 20:L4:L9
Can Ashlesha
Nuh Doo
gaveTedBundy,the famousserialkiller,a completely presence in Vishakha Thefirst lordMercury's The readersmay notethroughthis examplethat Scorpiopart of Vishakhais obsessivepersonality. behaviourthan the Librapart. He usedhis Mercury compulsive muchmore proneto obsessive of imitation)to get into charctersof those he admiredand energyin Scorpioin 3d house(house presentthat face to the world" He usedVenus'scharm in Vishakhato lure people(especially scorpio and destructive females)into hisworldand in the endtheyfell victimto the overwhelming caninflictin the present energyin hischart. Thisexamplebringsout the damagewhichVishakha day and age onceit choosesthe wrong path.
Anuradfia Chaft17 : RayManzarek 12 February1939,7.10am,Chicago Sa
Ke Ur
Ne Ve MaMo Ra
As 05:43:33
Aqu Dhanish. Gay
Su 29:55:14
Cap Dhanish. Gee
Mo 15:36:50
Sco Anuradha Nay
Ma 15:33:17
Sco Anuradha Nay Me 24:54:19o640/oC-ap Dhanish. Gah Ju L6:44:49 Aqu Satabhi. See Sa 21:15:18
Sag p.Shad. pis Revati
Ra 19:37:05
Ke 19:37:05
Ur 21:01:02
Ne 29:42:46
Leo U.phatg. Can pushya
Ve 13:33:47
Pl 06:53:08
This nativegot famefor his role as organplayerand musicalcomposer/arranger in the
60,smusic group,The Doors.The presenceof Moonand Marsin the 10thhouse(house of occupation),in the nakshatra of groupwork, pointsto the same.Thereare 3 dhanishtaplacements Anuradha, in this chart makingit clearthat the nativewill be deeplyinvolvedin rhythmand music.But it
is onlythe Anuradhaplanetswhichmadehim expresshis talentswithina groupformatand made group his a worldwide phenomenon.
lyuhta Chart18 : FrankSinatra 12 Dec 1915,3.45am,NewYork PI SaR
As o
Ke Ne
Ra Ur
As 06:06:29
U. Phalg.
Su 26:25:37
Sco Jyeshtha
Mo 11:01:49
Aqu Satabhi.
Ma 04:51:36
Leo Magha
Me 24:19:01
Sco Jyeshtha
Ju 27:lL:t3
Aqu P.Bhadra. Dah Dah
Ve 19:06:33
Sag P.Si,ad.
Sa 22:10:54 R
Gem Punarvasu KaY
Ra 18:06:26
Cap Shravana Joh
Ke 18:06:26
Can Ashlesha Dee
Ur 20:06:14
Cap Shravana Guh
Ne 09:37:54
Can Pushya
Pl 09:51:05
Gem Ardra
Me Su
.J :i 7
showsingerandcrooner,FrankSinatrahashis9b lordSunand7hl10blordMercury Thesuccessful placedin Jyesthain the hidden12h house. It has becomeknownthat his rise and successwas the mafia was orchestratedby the criminalunderworld'He couldbe consideredan employeeof family'AmonghisJyestha12s houseactivities with the Kennedy and sharedhis mafiaconnections he wasfanprs for bmzing and womanising'
Mufa Chart 19 : 21 October 1936, 6am, Enadi,Haryana,India
Ur SaR RaMo
I MaNe RaMo VeJu
As 18:09:32
Su 04:24:56
Mo 04:55:40
Sag Moola
Ree yoh
Ma 22:A5:4L
Leo P.Phalg.
Me 17:18:53
Ju 28:26:03
Sco Jyeshtha
Nuh yoo
Ye 04:17:20
Sco Anuradha Nah
Sa 23:32:06 Ra 04:22:22
Aqu P.Bhadra. Soh yoh Sag Moola
Ke 04:22:22
Gem Mrigashi
Ur 15:01:18
Ne 24:58:51
Leo P.Phalg.
Pl 05:45:53
Can Pushya
Su MeAs
This Native(male)hasbeentryingto get to the root of his ancestryand lineagefor over
30 years.
Thisis very muchin keepingwith Moon'splacementin Mulain the 4h house(houseof family origin). He also is highlyinterestedin rejuvenatingherbswhichwould reverseageing.Considering ihe is undergoing hisRahuMajorperiodandRahuis positedin Mula, thisrevealsMula'srelationships with all kindof herbsespecially the onesin whichthe rootshavemoretherapeauucimportance.
lPuntasfi.otrfia Chaft 20 : 12 December 1955, 1,32Pm, Paris
12 9
PIJu Ka 5U MeVe Sa Mo NeMa
Mo O7:I4:43
U. Bhadra. Tu Sco Jyeshtha Yee Sco Anuradha Nee
Ma 15:29:23
Me 00:52:03
Sag Moola
lu 08:12:29
Leo Magha
Ve 22:08:39
Sag P.Shad.
Sa 03:33:19 Ra 23:52:35
Sco Anuradha Nah Sco Jyeshtha Vee
Ke 23:52:35
Tau Mrigashi
Ur 08:34:46
Can PushYa
Ne 06:27:51
Pl 05:20:02
Leo Magha
As 08:55:23 Su 26:27:43
yearsandshehasbeenenjoyingall ThisnativehasbeenrunningVenusmajorperiodfor the last8 PurvashadhasignificaUonslikemusic,seasideho|idays,luxuriesandcomfoftsofa|lkinds modernlife' All of it thoughcomesat a carefreespirit has kept her out of the generaldownersof personal freedom& lord, shehashadto sacrifice price- sinceVenusis inimicalwith the ascendant integrityto haveall the above
Attarasfiadfia Chart21 : 21 November 1925,8.50am,Kasganj, India
AsVe Ju q
AsVe SuMe SaMa Ju As 10:14:33
Sag Moola
Su 05:29:14
Sco Anuradha Nah
Mo 09:52:56
Cap U. Shad.
Ma 12:13:05
Me 27:20:L4
Sco Jyeshtha
Ju 27:23:36
Sag U. Shad.
Ve 22:33:L7
Sag P.Shad.
Sa 25:31:59
Ra 05:39:10
Can Pushya
Ke 05:39:10
Cap U. Shad.
Ur 28:46:57
Aqu P.Bhadra. Dah
Ne 01:57:52,'
Leo Magha
Pl 2L:40:26
Gem Punarvasu Kay
Vishakha Too
Thenativewasbornintoa seriousBrahminical lineageandkepta Thrusday fastthroughoutherlife. Jupiter'spresence in Uttarashada madeherhavean upright,piousattitudewhenit cameto baditional aspectsof VedicBrahminical practices.The self-righteous aspectof Uttarashada wasclearlyevident in the natives personality. Shewasalsothe untitledheadof thetownshelivedin andpeoplelooked upto her.Uttarashada usuallygetspeople
Sfi.raaana Chart22 : 7 AugustL942,7'OS Pm,NewYork
Ur MoJu Sa
As 10 4' PlSu Me
PlSu Me
MaRa Ne
As 03:55:41
Cap U. Shad.
Su 2l:43:47 Mo 05:44:55
Can Ashlesha Doo Gem Mrigashi Kee
Ma 11:06:31
Leo Magha
l4e 27:07:30
Can Ashlesha Doh
lu 20:00:52 Ye 25:49:45
Gem Punarvasu KaY Gem Punarvasu Koh
Sa 17:27:25
Tau Rohini
Ra 12:11:45
Leo Magha
Ke 12:11:45
Aqu Satabhi.
Ur 11:04:08
Tau Rohini
Ne 04:58:15
Pl 12:35:33
Can PushYa
Pah Hoh
constellationis Nativehas spent his life workingin the musicrecordingindustry'His Ascendant righttakes. Thejob Shravana.Hisjob is to listento the musicartistesin the studioandfinalizethe whatsoundsgood'Thisexampledefinitelymakesshravana listeninganddeciding primarilyinvolves live upto its name.
Efranisfita Chart23 : 7 NovemberL982, tl.47arn, Southport,Australia
As 10 4
Mo VeJu SaPlMeSu
NeMa Ke
As 28:03:38
Cap Dhanish
Su 20:42:26
Mo 04:59:09
Can Pushya
Ma 10:57:38
Sag Moola
Me 13:00:47
Ju 25:49:15
Vishakha Too
Ye 21:27:40
Vishakha Tee
Sa 03:52:07
Ra 13:09:25
Gem Ardra
Ke 13:09:25
Sag Moola
Ur 10:02:04
Sco Anuradha Noo
Ne 01:40:02
Sag Moola
Pl 03:56:38
As Ur
VeJu SaPl
Ma Srr
Theabovenativeis a multi-talented musician. Sheis proficient at drumsaswellasorganandpiano. lordexaltedin the chitra( the with the ascendant OnecanseeDhanishta risingon the ascendant nakshatraof form). AlsoMars,Dhanishta's lord,is in a friendlyfire signin the 12s house(houseof rhythmand dance).Onecan
SfiatahfrisfiaL Chaft 24 : 23 January 1936, 11.54am,London
As 2 11
MeR Su
8 Ju
VeRa Mo
As 06:17:31
Tau Krittika
Su 09:21:02
cap U. Shad.
Mo 28:40:00
Sa9 U. Shad.
Ma 14:00:14
Aqu Satabhi.
Me 24:37:16 R
cap Dhanish. Gah
Ju 23:10:45
Sco Jyeshtha
Ve 00:52:09
sag Moola
Sa 15:08:32
Aqu Satabhi.
Ra 18:45:31
Sag P.Shad.
Ke 18:45:31
Gem Ardra
Ur 08:39:06
Ne 23:28:56
Leo P.Phalg.
Pl 03:11:51
Can Punarvasu Hee
/writingabout Nativehaslivedmostof herlifein foreignlandsandmadea careerout of researching goldmines in the desertplainsof Sahara,Egyptand Ehtiopa.Her 10b lord Saturnis conjunct12s vastuninhabitable represents Thefact that Shatabhisha lordMarsin the nakhatraof shatabishak. clearfromthis chart. terrainand hiddenobjectsbecomes
Qurztahfra^drapafa Chart25 | 13 March1964,1lam, Delhi,India Ju
As z
Su in l-' SaMoMaMe
Su SaMo
Me Mc
Ke As 21:40:43
Tau Rohini
Su 29:19:12
Aqu P.Bhadra. Dah
Mo 18:11:46
Aqu Satabhi.
Ma 23:55:52
Aqu P.Bhadra. Soh
Me 29:13:24
Aqu P.Bhadra. Dah
lu 29:37:46
Ve 13:05:31
Sa 05:25:57
Aqu Dhanish. Gay
Ra 14:10:59
Gem Ardra
Ke 14:10:59
Sag P.Shad.
Ur L4:02:21
Leo P.Phalg.
Ne 24:19:55
Pl 79:t9:37
Leo P.Phalg.
Voo See
Vishakha Too Tah
Thisnativehas5 maleficsplacedin the lOh house,3 of themin the signof Purvabadrapada namely planetMercurykarakafor the bodySunandenergyplanetMars. He hiscreativeandcoordination hasspenta greatdealof time teachingand masteringhis own martialarts style,wheretraining includespunchingtreesin orderto increaseone'scapacityfor painand toughness.Histraining methodsinvolveself-torture in form of hittingtree trunkswith barehandsand feet whichis very muchin keepingin withthe natureof Purvabhadrapada. Hehasleft hishomeandfamilyto become a wanderingSadhu.The toughasceticlifestylewithoutany realspiritualgoalhe haschosenonce againpointsto energies of Puruabhadarpada. Beforethisasceticturn, he hadalsobceninvolvedin drugs,prostitution and all otherkindsof darkdistortions that plaguehumanityin Kaliyuga.
lJttmahfrairapatra Chart26 : 13 lune 1952, 1.34am,Gorha,India
As MeUr 3
Ju VeSu MeUr PI
Ke Ma SaNe
U. Bhadra. Doh
As tt:57:24
Su 28:33:50
Tau Mrigashi
Mo 02:04:00
Aqu Dhanish
Ma 08:01:05
Me 03:11:16
Gem Mrigashi
Ju 17:00:22
Ve 25:15:17
Tau Mrigashi
Sa 15:00:04
Ra 01:35:08
Aqu Dhanish.
Ke 01:35:08
Leo Magha
Ur 19:36:46
Gem Ardra
Ne 25:49:00
Pl 26:18:51
Can Ashlesha Day
Swati Bharani Hasta
Kah Loo
The abovenative(female)has had a steadyprogressin spiritualdisciplinein her Saturnmajor lord.The period.Saturnin thiscasereleases spiritualpotentialasthe nakshatra Uttarabhadrapada's fact that it is alsothe 12h lord and aspectsthe ascendantgivesit morestrengthto act. The native ran throughthe wholeJupitermajor periodwithout seriouslyenteringthe spiritual/occultrealm. Thisexemplifiesthe fact that the nakshatralord has morepowerto unleashthe nakshatraenergy than the sign lord in whichthe nakshatrais posited.
fuaati Chart2T: 21 May L975,l2.3Lam,Bidar,India
SuKe \/o Me Sa
11 8
As 00:20:52
Aqu Dhanish. Goo
Su 05:37:34
Tau Krittika
Mo 07:02:41
U. Phalg.
Ma 06:04:09
U. Bhadra. Doo
Me 27:00:00
Tau Mrigashi
Ju 21:00:55
Ve 18:42:01
Gem Ardra
Sa 22:14:40
Gem Punarvasu Kay
Ra 07:40:20
Sco Anuradha Nee
Ke 07:40:20
Tau Krittika
Ur 05:44:29
Ne 17:13:20
Sco Jyeshtha
Pl 13:09:49
Chitra Hasta
ThenativehasbeenrunningJupiterperiodfor the last4 years.In thattime,he hasalreadyauthored 3 comprehensive treatiseson differentaspectsof the cosmicscienceof Astrology.Jupiter'spresence in Revatiin the 2d house(houseof accumulated knowledge) allowshim to gainan oceanicand completeperspective of any issuea hand,Obviously the 1s79frhouseconjunction helpsbut the stregnthof Mercuryis the keywhenjudgingRevati's functioning. Mercuryis involvedin an exchange herewhileestablishing connections with the highlyspirualizingSun-Ketuconjunction.
, Aftarutn[ It has been the authorb endeavorto write the majority of thb book in harmonywith nature's everchanging & time-bound functionings. Eachnakshatrawas dealt with only when Moonwas passingthroughthat pafticularnakshatra. Thesameis the casewith the visualization and drawing of the nakshatra images.Thiswasdoneto minimize the manyimperfections whichtendto creepin despiteutmostcare. Eachnakshatrahasa specialpowerto assertits own energyduringthe Umeperiodin whichMoonis passingthroughthem and who betterto guidewhat is writtenaboutthem than they themselves. The impoftanceof learning& connectingto the energiesof the nakshatras throughthe images includedin this work cannotbe re-iteratedenough.It is our hope that the readerswill see the uniqueness of theseimagesin relationto the othervedicliteraturepublishedin modemtimesand will comeup with their own visualizations & techniquesto enrichthe learningprocess. The studyof nakshatrashasa vast scopebeyondnatalastrology.The esotericsectionsin this work are nothing morethan rneresignboardspointingtowardsthe hisrerto unknowngalacticlevel functioningswhichnakshatras encodeand the ancientsageswere privyb.
tsi,6frofiapfi.y Sage Parashara,BrihatParasharaHora Sastra:VolumeI. Translationby G. C. Sharma' ').
NewDelhi,India. SagarPubfications,
Hora Sastra:VolumeIL Translationby G. C. Sharma, BrihatParashara SageParashara, NewDelhi,India. SagarPublications, by P.S. Shastri' SageJaimini,JaiminiSutram,Translation
jw {ti i;.,,
NewDelhi,India. SagarPublications, by Usha-Shashi, BrihatJataka,Translation Varahamihira, 1992,NewDelhi, Translation by S. S. Sareen,SagarPublications, Phaladeepika, Mantreswara, India. by GirishChandSharma,SagarPublications, Translation Chintamani, RamaDaivagylq.Muhurta NewDelhi,India.
pt. DhundhirajrJa6$A,rylfrgtrg,T,tEgp-tion 1998, by GitishChandSharma,SagarPublications New Delhi,India.
Mishra. & cpmmentaryby Bhatbabhaskara Taittriyasamhita,Translation prashnaMarga,Vol.I & II, Translated Delhi, Publishers, by B. V. Raman,MotilalBanarsidass 1985.
Se?gntConpatihitity'Iahto f
(, o
tr o ct (,
o ()
o 4
3 o (J
G 3 E
o o
o o I
o o o o
: tr o =
c o =
.9 J
Mongoose 2
E 6
sharingthe samesexualanimalare the most Onecan seefrom this tablethat nakshatras one can compatible.Apartfrom comparingthe Moonsof each paftnerfor sexualcompatibility, suchas 12h lord, 5n lord, in the horoscopes alsocomparethe planetsrelatingto lovemaking/sex 'i J Venusetc.
ftv{mriag e Conpqtihifrty'Ia6te I
Bride groom's Str Bdde's Star
gEgfuE iEE EET sEgE€E tEi fuiE#FEsr EEg
Asrlnl Bharani Krittika
L7 2322 233t27 33 28 2:t lt 25 la 262328 18 10 t5
a 3 A
25 16 1t t7 25?5 19 19 lC
!r:i € !! E ( , o' s >
22rO 27 2 0 2 . L ' 252520 19 14 15 L 2 3 2 6 9 1 0 1 2 222'22 18 24 13 12l.23 m 2 2 2 4 L9L7 A 1 9 1 8 3 13 2a 21 18 17 19 L9L7 E 27 zato 9 19 2.3 2 2 4 E 212622 15 10 20 15 14 14 27 t4 L9 16 19 25 25 19 11 t a t ? ? s 2 t ) 1 1 A 1 ' 1 ^ 1 n
Kdttika Rohinl l.lrioashaE
t9 19 19 28 18 25 r 7 t t 7 21 23 19 L9 2122 20 18 23 2 2 9 1 4 2t2rl,o 22L5 7 L2tO 21 29 30 23 m 2 2 L 3 zr 2:l 11 2l,243{| 2623 22 26 27 L2 LO21 27 25 25 1a 1 7 1 5 8 tl2l)2j3 13 19 11 16 18 19 24 24 29 2627 L9 z t L 1 8 27 35?' 18 2:t 22 26 19 21 19 t5 2a 23 25 11 1 0 9 1 7 23 2121 L 1 0 1 6 2L26L2 L7 26 2E 25L827
ilrigash Ardra
a L r 2 t 19 26 19 2a 33 31 1t 11 13 22r82' 31 :t4 20 L327 t9 13 t3 ta 23L9 23 19 2/t 10 L22122 211 26 la 25 2l 19 2a 25 '42a'5 1 2 m 1 2 2t27 m '42127 m27 20 1 3 1 9 5 L52a27 2t 2217 t9 t2t7 18 26 26 la zt 21 t9 222t 3L24,l !l 21 15 21 25 19 2i2126 t9 27 2l 1 4 2 0 6 ta27 27 2122L6 lE 13 16 r7 2626
Punanas Pushya
21?821 29 m26 tB
7202') 16 20 1a 16 17 19 t9 26 20 19 25 lO 2L?425 17 10 13 a g a 23 25 18 10 18 2( 34 2a 29 18 14 2:t 15 2tt 11 11 25 20 t9 t7 20 L7 1220 tt il ic 15 15 17 19 19 24 2a 1t 16 la 19 25 22L5 7 11 11 13 2 7 n n 20 20 1C t5 la 15 2a 30 26 18 26 2! 22 16 10 30 28 3a 27 t9 L7 lrt 23 18 2634?l
L6 27 2l 1 2 5 9 413t, 26 27 It 13 13 25 17 18 1t
It 25 24 25 18 26 t7 20 L2
t 1 t 7 232117 17 18 12 t4 t1 L9 zt 10 15 2124t2 2 4 1 9 8 9 1 8 2 3 23 L521 9 2 4 1 7 23 2224 20 t7 24 1 9 1 8 5 2420 5 16 15 12 16 25 16 22 30 16 9 2 5 2 5 20 20 11 17 t0 15 15 26 2a
magha Puruaphal lrttrnoh.l
t9 19 15 1 6 9 1 7 E I ' L 9 2023L5 15 25 20 2L2624
lrttaraph.l Hasta chitra
11 2t 16 20252a 31 21 23 t 7 2 0 m L5 23 17 2827 24 15 25 16 ra 2a 12 14 29 29 24 21 L' 11 18 16 2lJ2321 32 tt zl 18 26 2l 15 20 15 25 2a 2a 29 25 18 20 26 13 1527 23 2:t 2/t 1t tt it tE 1 2 4 1 4 zt 18 10 Itu221 21 11 2!t 2 0 6 1 3 2427 28
1 6 9 1 4 t7 2826 19 10 13 L5 26 21 16 2!a16 19 10 19
Chitra Swati
2i2 Ll2A 23 la 10 12 20 lt 262621 20 21 16 lL1124 2L2:r2lJ 1 5 9 1 7 18 20 2(
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Vish.ldt. Anuradha ,ydra
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