This turfing work method statement reflects the nature of the contract as specified to the project Cadangan Merekabentuk, Membina, Melengkap, Menyiapkan, Mentauliah an Menyelenggarakan !erja"kerja #nfrastruktur $tama an !erja"kerja Satelit $ntuk Tambahan !ampus $ni%ersiti Teknologi M&'& i (ot )T *+- )T *+/, Mukim 0eram, aerah !uala Selangor, Selangor arul 1hsan, in order to maintain a standard of 2uality while allowing e3peditious construction of the works to conform to the fast track re2uirements. 2.0
The scope of this method statement comprises the followings 4" " Closed Turfin rfing g Work " 5ydroseed eeding Work 3.0
6.* Turfing shall be carried out as soon as practicable on all earth slopes and and other areas as shown on the construction drawing. 6.7 Sample of turfing to be submitted for appro%al 7 weeks prior commencing the the work. 6.6 Turfing material indicated on the drawings or other alternati%e type as appro%ed appro%ed by S.8 and shall be free of lalang and essentially fr ee of weeds. 6.9 The surface of the turf shall be laid accurate to le%els and falls with joints closely butted together. 6.+ Turf shall be obtained in unbroken sods sods with a substantial amount of topsoil and shall be appro3imately 7+:mm 3 7+:mm si;e and *::mm thick from an appro%e source and shall be placed in position as soon as practicable after cutting. 6. Turf shall be stacked and watered, cannot be laid immediately after cutting. 6.- The surface to turf shall be trimmed and thoroughly wetted. wetted. Turf shall be carefully laid from a complete and uniform co%er as shown on the drawings. 6./ Turf laid on slopes steeper steeper than * <%ertical= and 6 &ppro%ed fertili;er shall be applied on turfing after placing on turfing at suitable times. Type of fertili;er to be submit for appro%al prior commencing the work. 6.*: &ll turf turf shall be be regularly regularly watered watered and and fertili;ed fertili;ed to the the satisfacti satisfaction on of the the S.8 until the %egetation is satisfactorily established.
Method Statement For Turfing Works .
&fter 6 weeks, ead turf shall be replaced with new turf at sub"contractor own e3penses
5ydroseeding works shall be carried out as soon as practicable on slopes and other areas as shown on the drawings.
9.7 The slope must be properly trimmed and ready to accept hydro seeding works. 9.6 ?efore start work contractor need to submit the type of grass and stairs of seed to be used for hydro seeding work for appro%al. 9.9 Contractor to propose type of fertili;er to be used at the time seeding and its rate of application, type of amount of binding agent to apply. 9.+ The slope embankment to be hydraulic mulch grass seeding shall be first laid with an appro%ed fibro mat prior to hydro seeding. 9. 5ydroseeding shall be sown by the use of seed chills, rotary hand seeders or power sprayers. Then, the mulch material shall be spread uniformly o%er the seeded areas. 9.- &ll hydro seeded area will be regularly watered until the %egetation is satisfactory established. 9./ &ny dead grass shall be replaced or hydroseeded.
'e2uest For #nspection.
)rior to work commencing all plant and e2uipment to be used will be inspected and confirmed for used by Suncon@s Safety 'epresentati%e. Toolbo3 meetings shall be undertaken with the earthworks teams on a minimum weekly basis.