Universit Universit y of K arachi arachi LLB (PART-2) 2014 PAPER-1: CONSTITUTIONAL CONSTITUTIONAL LAW-II LA W-II (CONSTITUTIO (CONSTITUTION N OF PAK ISTAN 1973) Max. Marks: 100 Time Allowed: THREE Hours Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. 1. In today’s world a constitution of a nation nation plays a pivotal pivotal role in its development development and independence. Discuss the role of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 whereby the country could become more developed, independent and sovereign? 2. Can fundamental rights rights etc. be suspended suspended during emergency emergency period? Discuss Discuss its procedure procedure and drawback, if any, of suspension of fundamental rights under the constitution of 1973? 3. The Constitution of 1973 1973 had given given rights and protections protections to citizens to profess, practice and propagate his religion and also to t o establish, maintain and manage its religious institutions. Elaborate in view of current scenario and independence of minorities under the Articles of Constitution of 1973. 4. What are the functions of Islamic Council? Elaborate. Elaborate. 5. Write short notes on any three of the following: i) Auditor General of Pakistan ii) Advocate General of Pakistan iii) Corporation Tax iv) Safeguards against discrimination in services. 6. Discuss in detail “National Finance Finance Commission”? Commission”? LLB (PART-2) 2013 PAPER-1: CONSTITUTIONAL CONSTITUTIONAL LAW-II LA W-II (CONSTITUTIO (CONSTITUTION N OF PAK ISTAN 1973) Q-1. Compare and discuss the powers of the High Court’s under Article 199 with Supreme Court power under Article 184(3) of the Constitution. Q-2. What are the ingredients of Article 6 of the Constitution and who who can be prosecuted prosecuted under this Article with what punishment; Discuss. Q-3. Discuss and Elaborate the procedure of Impeachment / removal removal of president of Pakistan under the Constitution. Q-4. Under what circumstances, circumstances, the President can proclaim Emergency Emergency and what are its Consequences. Q-5. Pakistan is a Federal Republic Republic wherein power to legislate has been devolved upon Federation and Provinces; Discuss with reference to Articles of the Constitution. Q-6. State the qualifications and procedure procedure of appointment of Judges Judges in the Supreme Court and High Courts. Q-7. Write short notes on any two of the following: i) Chief Election Commissioner. ii) Federal Shariat Court. iii) Prime Minister. iv) Attorney General. LL.B. LL.B . (PART:" (PART:" II) " ANNUAL EXAMINATIO EXAMINATIONS NS - 2012" 2012" PAPER - I: "CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - II (Constitution of Pakistan 1973)" Max. Marks: 100 Time Allowed: THREE Hours Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks.
Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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Q-1.When a right is safeguarded by a constitutional guarantee, it is called fundamental right. The essential characteristics of fundamental rights is t hat they impose limitations, express or implied on public authorities, interfering with their exercise. Discuss. Q-2.The President is a symbol of unity of Pakistan, a binding force between Federation and the Federating units. Explain the procedure of election, functions and powers of the President of Pakistan. Q-3. Explain and state the qualifications and disqualifications of the membership of Majlis-e-Shura (Parliament). . Q-4.Describe the qualification and procedure for appointment of judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and the High Courts of Provinces under the Constitution. Q-5.The Supreme Court of Pakistan has original appellate and advisory Jurisdiction. Discuss in detail. Q-6.Describe the powers of the High Court under Article 199 of the Constitution. Q-7.Explain the constitution, appointment of judges, its functions and powers of Federal Shariat Court. L.L.B. L.L .B. (PART -II) ANNUAL EXAMINATI0NS -2011 PAPER -I: CONSTITUTIONAL CONSTITUTIONAL L AW -II (Const (Const itut ion of Pakist an 1973 1973)) Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q -1 Absolute and unrestricted individual rights do not exist in any modern state and there is no such thing as absolute and uncontrolled liberty. Discuss particularly i n relation to the fundamental rights enriched in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Q -2 Whether the Federal Shariat Court has Original, Appellate and Revisional Jurisdiction? Discuss in detail. Q-3 Describe the qualifications and the procedure for the election and removal of the President. Q -4 Enumerate and discuss the provisions of Article 199 relating to the jurisdiction of the High Court. Q-5 Discuss the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to deal with Human Rights and Public Interest Litigation matters. Q-6 State the qualifications and procedure for the appointment of judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts as well as describe the constitution and functions of the Judicial Commission and the Parliamentary committee. Q-7 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (i) Federal Shariat Court (ii) Attorney General of Pakistan (iii) Supreme Judicial Council Council (iv) Chief Election Commissioner L.L.B. L.L .B. (PART -II) ANNUAL EXAMINATI0NS -2010 PAPER-I: CONSTITUTIONAL CONSTITUTIONAL L AW -II (Const (Const itut ion of Pakist an 1973 1973)) Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions. Q-1 Define Constitution, sources of constitutional law and the difference between written and unwritten constitution. Q-2 Fundamental Rights are most superior and special in nature and cannot be interfered with without having strict recourse to the law. Explain Q-3 / Discuss the qualification, election and removal of the President of Pakistan under the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973. Q-4 Powers of the President to appoint the qualifications to appoint as judges of the Superior Judiciary, qualification to appoint as judge of the High Courts and Supreme Courts. Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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Q-5 What orders/directions, the High Court may issue while exercising jurisdiction under Article 199 of the Constitution? Q-6 Describe the composition pf Parliament and the procedure for introduction and passing of bills. Q-7 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (i) Federal Shariat Court (ii) Chief Election Commissioner (iii) Auditor General of Pakistan (iv) Attorney General of Pakistan LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 2009 PAPER -1 CONSTITUTION LAW -II INSTRUCTION: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. 1. To enjoy the protection of law and to be treated in accordance with law is an inalienable right of every citizen. Discuss. 2. What are the qualifications and disqualifications for membership of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament). 3. The consultation postulated by the Constitution for appointment of Supreme Court and High Court has to be effective, meaningful, consensus oriented and Purposive. Discuss with specific reference to the a principle enumerated by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of Al- Jehad Trust – PLD 1996 Supreme Court 324. 4. Discuss and describe power of High Court to issue Writs W rits of Quo-Warranto and Habeas Corpus. 5. Discuss the powers, jurisdictions, functions and procedure of the Federal Shariat Court. 6. The Constitution of Pakistan provides effective check and machinery against un-Islamic Provisions of Law and Conventions. Discuss. 7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: a) Prime Minister of Pakistan b) Functions of Armed Forces c) Administration of Tribal Area d) Imposition of Emergency LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2008 2008 PAPER I -CONSTITUTIO -CONSTITUTIONAL NAL L AW INSTRUCTION: Attempt any FOUR questions 1. Describe Fundamental Rights provided under the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973. 2. Absolute and unrestricted individual rights do not exist in any modern state there is no such thing as absolute and unconditional liberty. 3. Describe and explain the qualifications, election and powers of the President of Pakistan. Explain the procedure provided for removal and impeachment of the President of Pakistan. 4. State the qualifications and procedure for the appointment as well as removal of judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts. 5. State and enumerate the jurisdiction of the High Court under Article 199 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. . 6. The High Court shall not issue a writ / direction on an application made by or in relation to a person who is member of Armed Forces of Pakistan. Explain. 7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: i. Chief Election Commissioner. ii. Supreme Judicial Council. iii. Attorney General G eneral of Pakistan. iv. Auditor General of Pakistan. LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2007 2007 PAPER- I -CONSTITUTIO -CONSTITUTIONAL NAL LAW LA W -II INSTRUCTION: Attempt any FOUR questions 1. What fundamental rights have been guaranteed by the Constitution of 1973? Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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2. Describe the qualifications and the procedure for the election and removal of the President. 3. State the qualifications for appointment of Supreme Court and High Court Judges under the 1973 Constitution and procedure of removal 4. Enumerate and discuss the provisions of Article 199 relating to the jurisdiction of the High Court? 5. Discuss the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to deal with Human Rights and Public Interest Litigation matters. 6. Define Preventive Detention. What are the safeguards of citizens regarding Preventive Detention? 7. Write short notes on ay TWO of the following: f ollowing: i. Federal Shariat Court. ii. Attorney General of Pakistan iii. Supreme Judicial Council. iv. Chief Election Commissioner. LLB (PART-2) 2014 PAPER - II: " ADMINIS ADMINISTRATI TRATIVE VE LAW" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FIVE questions in all, select at least THREE questions from Section-A and TWO from Section-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION SECTION - A (ADMINISTRATIVE (ADMINISTRATIVE LAW) L AW) 1. Define the word "Administrative Action" and explain its from in detail? 2.State whether or not the t he ombudsman's Secretariat and appointment of ombudsman fails under Administrative laws or it is a Court like all other Court? 3. What is Constitutional Law? How does it differ from Administrative Law? 4 .Whether the High Court has the Jurisdiction to review the orders passed by the Administrative Action in its Constitutional Jurisdiction? 5. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (i) Illegality (ii) Locus standi (iii) Aggrieved person SECTION - B (LAWS OF CIVIL SERVICE) 6. Write down the composition and jurisdiction Tribunal Act 1973? 7. Define Misconduct. What are various penalties provided in relevant rule which could be imposed on a civil servant proved guilty of Misconduct? 8. Promotion in service is not a legal right of civil servant? Please comment. LLB (PART-2) 2013 PAPER-II: PAPER-II: " ADMINIST ADMINISTRATIV RATIVE E L AW" SECTION - A Q-1. Junaid is a street artist who has been been performing in the same street corner for ten years. His livelihood depends on these performances for which the amused public reward him with small change.no licence is required for street artist. Often the local mayor and Councillors greet him as they pass bye and drop change in his collection box. One day , however he hears that the council passed a resolution that street performers will no longer be tolerated and, within hours, the police came to evict him. What, if any remedy ,can Junaid hope for as part of Judicial Review preceedings to safeguard his professional interests? Q-2 Evaluate the manner in and and extent to which Article 199 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan of 1973 protects the individual individual from arbitrary administrative action. action. Q-3 Write brief notes on the following. (a) Ultra Vires and Intra Vires. (b) Principal of Proportionality. (c) Natural Justice. Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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Q-4 Critically outline the role and and power power of Ombudsman , having having particular regard to his Constitutional position. Q-5 Using the classification system outline and briefly describe the various aspects aspects of:(a) Illegality. (b) Irrationality. (c) Procedural Impropriety. Section-B Q-6 Is there a General right to be given the reasons for an adverse decision against a Civil Servant? Explain. Q-7 Writes Shorts Note on the following:(a) Deputation. (b) Maladministration. (c) Probation. Q-8 A tribunal is not always furnished with the trappings of a Court, nor will such trappings make its action Judicial. Discuss in detail. L.L.B. (PART - II) II) “ ANNUAL EXAMINATION EXAMINATIONS S - 2012" 2012" PAPER - II: " ADMINIS ADMINISTRATI TRATIVE VE LAW" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions:(1) Attempt FIVE questions in all. Select at least THREE questions from Section-A and TWO from Section-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. "SECTION - A" (ADMINSITRATIVE LAW) Q-1 Define Administrative Laws, also explain what factors had played role in evolution of Administrative Laws? Q-2 What Constitutional remedies are available to a civil servant under the Administrative Laws? Q-3 Discuss in detail what does the natural justice means? Q-4 Whether the High Court in its Constitutional Jurisdiction is empowered empowered to review Administrative action or not? Q-5 What is the role and importance of Federal Ombudsman in Administrative Laws. " SECTION SECTION - B" (LAWS OF CIVIL SERVICES) SERVICES) Q-6 Is there any distinction between promotion and out of turn promotion of a civil servant? Q-7 Define Misconduct and its various kinds also narrate remedies available to a civil servant if punished under Misconduct by its Competent Authority? Q-8 Describe the powers of a Tribunal and an Ordinary Civil Court and their Jurisdiction in Administrative matters. LL.B. LL .B. (PART -II) ANNUAL EXA MINATIONS -2011 -2011 PAPER -II : ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FIVE questions in all. Select at least THREE questions from Section-A and TWO from Section-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION SECTION -A (ADMINISTRATIVE (ADMINISTRATIVE LAW) L AW) Q-1 Define Administrative Laws, and also explain what elements were functional in development of Administrative Laws? Q-2 State whether or not the Ombudsman's Secretariat and appointment of Ombudsman falls under Administrative Laws or it is a Court like all other Courts? Q-3 What is a Constitutional Law? Whether a litigant can invoke the provision of Constitution in an administrative matter before the administrative Court? Q-4 Whether the High Court has the Jurisdiction to review the Orders passed by the Administrative Action in its Constitutional Jurisdiction? Jurisdiction? Secti Secti on B (Laws of Civil Servi Servi ce) Q -5 Discuss the powers and authority of Inquiry Officer In an Inquiry against a Civil Servant. Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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Q -6 What remedies are available to a Civil Servant if a case of Misconduct has been made out and inquiry has been initiated to probe into the matter? Q-7 Narrate the constitution of a Provincial Service Tribunal its jurisdiction, power to summons and appointment of Members under Service Tribunal Act of 1973? LL.B. LL .B. (PART -II) ANNUAL EXA MINATIONS -2010 -2010 PAPER -II -II : ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW & CIVIL SERVICES SERVICES LAW Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FIVE questions in all. Select at least THREE questions from Section-A and TWO from Section-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION SECTION –A (ADMINISTRATI ( ADMINISTRATIVE VE LAW) L AW) Q-1 Define word "'Administrative Actions" and explain its form in detail. Q-2 What are the constitutional remedies available under the principles of Administrative Law? Q-3 What is the jurisdiction of High Court to review an administrative action under the Constitution of Pakistan? Discuss with reference to the Relevant Provisions of the Constitution Q-4 What is the role and importance of Ombudsman at the federal level? Discuss. Q-5 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (i) Natural Justice (ii) Locus standi (iii) Aggrieved person person Secti Secti on B (Law of Civil Servic Servic es) Q-6 Discuss necessary contents of memorandum of an Appeal submitted before the tribunal? Q-7 What is difference between Promotion, and Out Turn Promotion of a Civil Servant? Q-8 Discuss Powers of an authorized officer and an authority in Inquiry against Civil Servant. LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 2009 PAPER -II ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW L AW INSTRUCTION: (1) Attempt any Five questions. THREE question form section "A" and TWO questions from section B (2) All questions carry equal marks SECT SECTION ION 'A' (Admin ist rative L aw) 1- Define Administrative Law? What factors f actors are m responsible for the Development and evolution of Administrative Law? 2. How does the theory of Separation of Power caused the development of Administrative Law? 3. Discuss in detail the Principle of Natural Justice? 4- What are the factors responsible for the emergence and Development of delegated Legislation? 5. What are the constitutional remedies available under the Principle of Administrative Law? Secti Secti on B (Law of Civil Servic Servic e) 6. Write down the composition and Jurisdiction of Tribunal under t he Service Tribunal Act 1973? 7. Define Misconduct. What are various penalties provided in relevant rule which whic h could be imposed on a Civil Servant proved guilty of Misconduct? 8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: i) Dismissal from Service ii) Aggrieved Party iii) Probation iv) Adhoc Appointment LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2008 2008 PAPER II -ADMINISTRATIVE -ADMINISTRATIVE LAW L AW INSTRUCTION: Attempt any FIVE question THREE question from Section "A" and TWO question from Section "B" Section Section " A" (Admini strative Law) Law) 1. Define the word "Administrative Action" and explain its: form in detail. 2. "No one should be a judge in his own cause", Please comment 3. What is Constitutional Law? How does it differ from Administrative Law? Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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4. What is the role and importance of ombudsman at federal level? Discuss 5. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: i. Natural Justice ii, Local Standi iii. Aggrieved person Secti Secti on B (Law of Civil Servic Servic e) 6, Discuss the evolution of Service Tribunals in Pakistan, Please explain the composition and jurisdiction of Tribunals under the Service Service Tribunal Act. 1973, 7. Promotion in service in not a legal right of civil servant? Please comment. 8. Discuss the powers of an authorized officer and an authority in inquiry against the civil servant. LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2007 2007 PAPER II -ADMINISTRATIVE -ADMINISTRATIVE LAW L AW INSTRUCTION: Attempt any THREE questions from Part I and TWO questions from Part II. 1. What do you understand by "Administrative Law" and the reason of its growth of this branch of Law? 2. How does the theory of separation of power caused the development of administrative law 3. What is the jurisdiction of High Court to review an administrative action under the Constitution of Pakistan? Discuss with reference to relevant provision of the Constitution? 4. What are the factors responsible for the emergence and development of delegated legislation? 5. Write short notes on any Two of the following: i. Rule of Evidence. ii. Double Action. iii. Plea of Bargaining PART "II" LAW OF CIVIL SERVICE 6. Discuss the necessary contents of memorandum of an appeal submitted before the tribunal? 7. Define Misconduct. What are the various penalties provided in relevant rule could be imposed on a civil servant proved guilty of misconduct? 8. Explain the differences between a Tribunal and an Ordinary Court in detail. LLB LL B (PART-2) 2014 PAPER - III: " COMPANY COMPANY LAW" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions from f rom SECTION-A and ONE question from SECTION-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION - A (COMPANIES ORDINANCE, 1984) 1.What are the different diff erent types of Companies under the Companies Ordinance, 1984? Explain in detail the concept of lifting the "Veil of Incorporation"? 2.Explain in detail the contents of Memorandum of Association and in what circumstances a Memorandum of Association can be amended? 3.What is the composition of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) and it s powers and functions in relation to t o companies formed and registered in Pakistan? 4. Explain the purpose and types t ypes of meetings as provided in the Companies Ordinance, 1984? 5. Discuss the powers and functions of directors of a company, their qualification/disqualification and the procedure for their election? 6.Discuss the different types of Winding W inding up provided in the Companies Ordinance, 1984? Enumerate and explain the grounds upon which a company can be wound up by the Court? 7.What is the remedial procedure provided in the Companies Ordinance, 1984, for the prevention of "Oppression and Mismanagement" by a director? 8.Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (i) Articles of Association. (ii) Company Courts. (iii) Prospectus. (iv) Declaration of Solvency. (v) Doctrine of Ultra Vires. SECTION -B.(PARTNERSHIP ACT, 1932) 9. Answer the following questions, giving reasons: "Anwer, Raza and Abid are equal partners in a registered partnership firm named 'ARA Engineering Works ', Raza and Abid introduce Imran (who is not a partner in ARA Engineering Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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Works) toFarrukh (a third party) as their partner and Imran keeps silence. On the faith of the representation made by Raza and A bid, Farrukh gives credit to ARA Engineering Works. Raza and Abid form another partnership (the (t he businesss of which is identical to the business of ARA Engineering Works) without informing Anwer and used the money received from Farrukh and made profits which were not disclosed in the accounts of ARA Engineering Works. Am-ver on the other hand sold the company property with express authorization of the other partners but makes some personal gain. Abid later becomes insolvent. " What remedies are available to Farrukh against the Firmand/or its partners? Can Farrukh make Imran liable? What would be the effect of Abid's insolvency on ARA Engineering Works? Advice Anwer as to how he he would be able to recover his losses losses from Raza and Abid? Would Raza be able to get the Partnership dissolved through the Court after settling all accounts of the partnership? (vi) How your answer to (iv) & (v) would differ if ARA Engineering works is unregistered? 10. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (i) Procedure for registration of a Partnership. (ii) Dissolution of Partnership. (iii) Rights, duties and liabilities of Partners. (iv) Retirement, Expulsion and Insolvency of a partner. (v) Consequences of non-registration of partnership.
LLB (PART-2) 2013 PAPER-III PAPER-III:: " COMPANY COMPANY LAW' " SECTION-A" SECTION-A" COMPANIES ORDINACE-19 ORDINACE-1984 84 If the affairs of the company company are being regulated in an unlawful unlawful manner or fraudulent fraudulent manner, what steps in the event of having not less than 20% shares by your ,you would advice your client?. Discuss briefly the historical background background of formation of companies, companies, under the Comapanies Comapanies Ordinance 1984 and explain how a Limited Company is formed? A Limited Company is a fictious person. person. Discuss in relation to the powers powers of its Directors? What are the grounds for winding-up of a limited company and who is the authority to order for winding up a private and public limited company? Wirte short notes on any Two of the following: " SECTION-B" SECTION-B" PARTNERSHIP PARTNERSHIP ACT,1932. iAppointment of Liquidator. iiChief Executive. iiiDebenture Certificate. ivHolding Company. What do you understand understand by mutual mutual rights and liabilities of funds? How the registration of a firm is effected with the Registrar?
L.L.B. (PART - II) II) “ ANNUAL EXAMINATION EXAMINATIONS S - 2012" 2012" PAPER - III: " COMPANY COMPANY LAW" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions from SECTION-A and ONE from SECTION-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. " SECTIO SECTION N - A" (Comp anies Ord inance. inan ce. 1984) 1984) Q-1.Discuss briefly the historical background of f ormation of Companies, under the Companies Ordinance, 1984? And explain how a Limited Company is formed. What is role, power and function of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan under the companies Ordinance, 1984 in relation to a public limited company? Q-2.What are the grounds of winding-up a limited company & who is the authority to pass order of winding-up a private and public limited company? Q-3.Write short notes on any FOUR of the following: Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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(i) Floating Charges (ii) Prospectus (iii) Allotment of Share (iv) Proxy (v) Official Liquidator (vi) Preferential Share Q-4.Define Article of Association and Memorandum of a Company and discuss procedure for appointment of Chief Executive its powers and duties? Q-5.Define Share Capital of a Company? Can a company reduce its share capital? If so how it can be done. Q-6.What is the remedial procedure provided in the Companies Ordinance 1984 for the prevention of "oppression" and "mismanagement" by the Director? " SECTIO SECTION N – B” (Partn (Partn ersh ip Ac t. 1930) 1930) Q-7.Define Partnership. What are the liabilities of an out going partner? Explain in detail. Q-8.Discuss the Dissolution of a Partnership at will? LL.B. LL.B . (PART -II) -II) " 'ANNUAL 'A NNUAL EXAMINATIONS EXAMINATIONS -2011" -2011" PAPER -III: -III: " COMPANY COMPANY LAW" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 1 00 Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions from SECTION-A and ONE from SECTION-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. " SECTIO SECTION N -A" (Com pani es Ordi nance. 1984) 1984) Q-1 Under what circumstances Company may be wound up? I n particular what do you understand if the Company is unable to pay its debts? Q-2 Discuss briefly the historical background of formation of Companies, under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and explain how a Limited Limit ed Company is formed. Q-3 Define "Prospectus" what are the matters to be specified and reports to be set out in a Prospectus. Q-4 What are the power conferred on Official Liquidator of a -Company under winding up? Q-5 What is Statutory Meeting and Annual General Meetings, discuss in detail. Q-6 Write notes on any FOUR of the following: (i) Chief Executive (ii) Article of Association (iii) Proxy (iv) Debenture Certificate (v) Preferential Share (vi) Holding Company "SECTION -B" (Partnership Act. 1930) Q-7 Discuss the dissolution of Partnership at will. Q-8 What is the fact of Partnership when a partner becomes insolvent? LL.B. LL.B . (PART -II) -II) " 'ANNUAL 'A NNUAL EXAMINATIONS EXAMINATIONS -2010" -2010" PAPER -III: -III: " COMPANY COMPANY LAW" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 1 00 Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions from SECTION-A and ONE from SECTION-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. " SECTIO SECTION N -A" (Com pani es Ordi nance. 1984) 1984) Q-1 Explain the role of a director in different types of Limited Companies? Q-2 What are the grounds for winding-up a limited company & who is the authority to order for winding-up a private and public limited company? Q-3 Define Share. Explain how a company can purchase it's own share? Q-4 Explain how a limited company is formed? Q-5 Explain the term resolution & its functions. Q-6 Write notes on the followings: (i) Articles of association (ii) Associated company Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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(iii) Prospectus (iv) Subsidiary & holding company company “ SECTION SECTION -B" (THE PATNERSHI PATNERSHIP P ACT 1932) Q-7 Define a Firm. What are the effects of non-registration of a firm? Q -8 Define Partnership. What are the liabilities of an out going partner? Explain in detail. LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 2009 PAPER -III COMPANY LAW INSTRUCTION: (1) Attempt FOUR questions form section "A" and ONE question from section "B” (2) All questions carry equal marks SECTIO SECTION N 'A' (Comp anies Ordi nance 1984) 1984) 1. What do you understand by "Subsidiary" and holding company"? Discuss. 2. How would you explain corporate law Authority its constitution and powers? 3. Define Article of Association and Memorandum and discuss registration procedure. 4. How can you convert a Public Company to a private company? 5. What are the liabilities of those t hose who carry on business with less than seven or, in the case of private company, two members? 6. What do you understand by statement in lieu of prospectus? SECTIO SECTION N 'B' (The Partn Partnersh ersh ip Act 1932) 1932) 7- What are the General duties of partners? 8- What is the effect of partnership, part nership, when a partner becomes insolvent? LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2008 2008 PAPER III .COMPANIES LAW INSTRUCTION: Attempt any FOUR question from Section "A” and ONE from Section Section "B" Secti Secti on " A" Companies Ordinance 1984 1984 1. Discuss briefly the historical background of formation of Companies upto the promulgation of Companies Ordinance 1984. 2. Define "Prospectus" what are the matters to be speed and s to be set out in a prospectus? 3. What powers are conferred on Official Liquidator of a company under winding up? 4. A Limited Company is a fictitious person. Discuss in relation to the powers of it s Director? 5. What are the contents of a Balance Sheet? Discuss briefly. 6. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: i. Preferential Shares ii. Powers of Auditors iii. Holding Company iv. Articles Art icles of Association Secti Secti on " 8" (The Partnershi Partnershi p Act 1932) 1932) 7. Discuss the dissolution of partnership at will. 8. How the registration of a firm is affected with the Registrar? LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2007 2007 Paper III COMPANY LAW INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt any four questions from Part 1 and one question from Part 2 1. Under what circumstances Company may be wind up? In particular what do you understand if the company is unable to pay its debts? 2. If the affairs of the Company are being regulated in an unlawful manner or fraudulent manner, what steps in case of having not less than 20% show up by your client, should you advise your client? 3. Can a Company reduce its share capital, if so, how it can be done? 4. Write short notes on: i. Memorandum of Company limited by shares. ii. Memorandum of Company limited by Guarantor. 5. Write short notes on TWO of the following: i. Power of Directors. Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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ii. Appointment of Chief Executive. iii. Appointment of Liquidator. iv. Meaning of Unregistered Company. 6. What are Statutory Meeting and Annual General Meeting? Discuss. PART"II" PARTNERSHIP ACT 7. What are the general duties of Partners? 8. What do you understand by mutual rights and liabilities of funds? LLB (PART-2) 2014 PAPER - IV: " LAW OF TRANSFER OF PROPERTY" PROPERTY" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions from SECTION-A SECTION-A and ONE from SECTION-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. "SECTION - A" (Transfer of Property Act, 1882) 1.Property of any kind can be transferred, discuss along with its exceptions. 2.Explain in detail the concept of redemption, foreclosure and sale of a mortgage property. 3.Discuss various kinds of leases and under what circumstances a lease comes to an end. 4.Explain the principle of lis pendens with its salient features and exceptions. 5.Give Reasons - Why. Morta Causa gift is void. Every mortgage is a charge but every charge is not a mortgage. Claim of arrears of rent is an actionable claim. Doctrine of part performance is a passive equity. 6.Write comprehensive notes on any TWO of the following: Fraudulent Transfer L Onerous Gift Transfer to an Unborn Person Bonafide Purchaser Mortgage by conditional sale "SECTION - B" (Registration Act, 1908) 7.Explain which documents require compulsory and optional registration. 8. Briefly discuss the time for presentation of document for registration and effect in case of non registration of the documents. • • • • •
LLB (PART-2) 2013 PAPER-IV: " LAW LA W OF TRANSFER TRANSFER OF PROPER PROPERTY" TY" "SECTION-A" (Transfer of Property Act,1882) Q-1 Discuss the doctrine of a bonafide purchaser for value without notice. Q-2 Explain ‘mortgagor’s ‘mortgagor’s right of redemption and the mortgagee’s mortgagee’s right of foreclosure or sale is co-extensive” and how it is exercised? exercised? Q-3 Enumerate the kinds of leases and what are the the grounds for determination of a lease. Q-4 Discuss various kinds of of gifts and under what circumstances circumstances the gift stands revoked suspended. Q-5 Give Reasons-why a) Once a mortgage always always a mortgage b) Doctrine of part part performance is a passive passive equity c) Object of Lispendens is to maintain maintain status status quo quo d) Agreement of of sale confers confers no title. Q-6 Write comprehensive note on any Three of the following: Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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a) b) c) d) e)
Charge Actimable Claim Transfer to unborn unborn person person Tenancy of sufferance sufferance Usufructuary mortgage " SECTION-B" SECTION-B" (REGISTRATION (REGISTRATION ACT,1908) ACT,1908) Q-7 What kinds of documents require require compulsory registration and its effect upon non registration Q-8 Specify the duties and powers of Registering Officers? LL.B. LL .B. (PART - II) “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2012” 2012” PAPER - IV: " LAW OF TRANSFER OF PR0PERTY" PR0PERTY" Time Allowed: HREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions from SECTION•A and ONE from SECTION-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. "SECTION - A" (The Transfer of Property Act, 1882) Q-1 a) What are the rights of Mortgagor to redeem? b) What are the liabilities of Mortgagee in possession? possession? Q-2 Explain the rule against Perpetuities with examples? Are there any exceptions to the rule? Q-3 What are the requirements for the transfer of an actionable claim? Q-4 Discuss the effects of a fraudulent transfer of an immovable property? Q-5 a) Define Transfer of Property and what may be transferred under the Transfer of Property Act? b) Can an immovable property be transferred into an unborn child's name? name ? Write notes on any TWO of the following: (i) Mortgage by conditional sale (ii) Foreclosure (iii) Charge (iv) Exchange "SECTION - B" (Registration Act, 1908) Q-7.Define procedure on admission and denial of execution of document respectively? Q-8.What are the effects of registration and non-registration of a document? LL.B. LL .B. PART -II ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS -2011 -2011 PAPER -IV: " LAW OF TRANSFER OF PROPERTY" PROPERTY" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions from SECTION-A and ONE from SECTION-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. "SECTION -A" (The Transfer of Property Act. 1882) Q-1 How a Mortgage property can be discharges and what are the kinds of Mortgage. Q-2 In what circumstances a Suit for Specific Performance of Contract is maintainable when an Oral Agreement to sell is not honor. Q-3 What are the ingredients of a Gift and how a Gif t can be suspended or revoke? Q-4 How a Bonafide purchaser is protected against fraudulent claims? Q-5 What are the rights and duties of a buyer and seller? explain with illustrations. Q-6 Define Lease and kinds of Lease. "SECTION -B" (Registration Act. 1908) Q-7 Define what documents are mandatory registrable and what are not needed to be registered? Q-8 Define the registrar's authority for registering or revoking a registered document? LL.B. LL .B. PART -II ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS -2010 -2010 PAPER -IV: " LAW OF TRANSFER OF PROPERTY" PROPERTY" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
[email protected] [email protected]))
Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions from SECTION-A and ONE from SECTION-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. "SECTION -A" (The Transfer of Property Act. 1882) Q-1 Discuss property of any kind can be transferred along with the t he exceptions. Q-2 Who is a bonafide purchaser and how he gets protected against f raudulent transfers. Q-3 Define mortgage and explain that right of redemption and foreclosure or sale is co-extensive Q-4 What are the grounds for determination of a lease explain with illustrations. Q-5 Define gift and under what circumstances a gift can be suspended or revoked. "SECTION -B" (REGISTRATION ACT) Q-6 Unregistered documents can be used for collateral purposes. Discuss. Q-7 What is the effect of non registration of documents which are required to be registered? LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 2009 PAPER -IV: " LAW OF TRANSFER OF PROPERTY" PROPERTY" INSTRUCTION :(1) Attempt FOUR questions form sectin "A" and ONE question from section "B" (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION 'A' (Transfer of Property Act, 1882) Q-1What are the effects of a Fraudulent Transfer of an Immovable Property? Q-2 Discuss Rights and Liabilities of a buyer and seller. Q-3 Illustrate kinds of Mortgages of Immovable Properties Q-4 What are the necessary ingredients of a Valid Gift? Q-5 Define Actionable Claims with examples. SECTIO SECTION N 'B' (Regis tratio tr atio n Act, Ac t, 1908) 1908) Q-6 What are the Powers and Duties of Registering Officers? Q-7 Define Registration Establishment under Registration Act, 1908. LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2008 2008 PAPER IV -TRANSFER OF PROPERTY LAW INSTRUCTION: INSTRUCTION: Attempt any FOUR questions from "A" and ONE from Section "B". 1. What are the requirements for the transfer of immovable property through gift deed? 2. Transfer of property in favour of an unborn person will be valid or not ? 3. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: i. Simple Mortgage ii. Lease iii. Exchange iv. Motice 4. Explain the meanings meanings and modes of transfer of property? property? 5. Discuss in detail in what circumstances a suit for specific performance is maintainable on the basis of oral agreement? 6. What are the rights and liabilities of the vendor and vendee? SECTION "B" (Registration Act, 1008) 7 What are registerable documents? Also state the effect on non registration. 8. Describe the offences punishable under the Registration Act, 1908. LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2007 2007 PAPER IV -LAW OF TRANSFER OF PROPERTY INSTRUCTION: Attempt any FOUR questions from Part I and ONE question f rom rom Part II. PART " I" TRANSFER OF PROPERT PROPERTY Y ACT 1882. 1. Discuss the kinds of Mortgage. 2. Define consequences of a fraudulent transfer of an immovable property. : 3. Write notes on any TWO of the following: i. Mortgage by Conditional Sale. ii. Charges iii. Redemption Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
[email protected] [email protected]))
iv. Foreclosure 4. What are the rights and liabilities of buyer and seller? 5. Define lease of an immovable property, its premium and rent? 6. What are the requirements for the transfer of an actionable claim? PART "II" REGISTRATION ACT 7. What are the effects of registration and non-registration of a document? 8 On what grounds a Registrar can refuse to register a document? LLB (PART-2) 2014 PAPER - V: " MUSLIM MUSLIM PERSON PERSONAL AL L AW" Time allowed: THREE HOURS Max. Marks.100 Instructions: (I)-Attempt any FOUR Questions. (ii)All Question carry equal marks. l. Marriage in Islam is not a sacrament but a contract which may be terminated. Discuss the various modes for termination of marriage and the process to be followed according to Hanfi and Shia Law. Elaborate how incompatibility leading to Talaq/ Khulla could ruin the marriage and the children being main sufferers. Illustrate with example. 2. Write a detailed essay on inheritance keeping in view the one, who had died intestate leaving behind a widow, two daughters and a son: The deceased has also left a Will for an educational institution. The institution is struggling to obtain a major portion from the deceased's property, advice them accordingly. 3: Discuss Hizanat in accordance with Guardian & W ard Act. 4. What is the criteria for the custody of a minor? Through which process a Muslim could create an institution for the benefit of his .family / children / descendents and charity. Discuss in details. 5- Write short notes on any TWO of the following: f ollowing: a) Dowry / Jehz b) Gift and Deathbed Gift Gift (c)- Maintenance (d)- Inheritance PAPER-V:" PAPER-V:" MUSLIM MUSLIM PERSONAL PERSONAL L AW" LLB (PART-2) 2013 Q-1 Marriage is a social as well as a Religious Religious Contract. Argue with Qur’anic Verses Verses and 1939 Act. Q-2 Write a note on the kinds of Dower and explain explain that could the Dower be paid through different different forms. Q-3 Critically analyze and explain explain the salient features of Law of Inheritance Inheritance in Islam. Q-4 Discuss the salient salient features of the Muslim Muslim Family Laws Laws Ordinance 1961. Q-5 Through which process a Muslim Muslim could create an Institution for the benefit benefit of his family and charity. Discuss in detail. Q-6 What are the salient features of Gift, Death Bed Gift and Will. Illustrate your answers answers with examples. Q-7 According to Muslim Personal Personal Law, enumerate the various kinds kinds of Guardians and discuss discuss the procedure regarding their appointment in the perspective of 25 of the Guardians and Wards Act. Q-8 Write short notes on any Two of the following: (i) Maintenance (ii) Polygamy (iii) Adoption (iv) Public and Private Waqf (v) Modes of the dissolution of a marriage LL.B. LL.B . (PART - II) II) “ ANNUAL EXAMINATION EXAMINATIONS S - 2012" 2012" PAPER - V: " MUSLIM MUSLIM PERSON PERSONAL AL L AW" Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
[email protected] [email protected]))
Time Allowed: Three Hours Instructions: (l)-Attempt any FOUR questions. (2)All questions carry equal marks. Max. Marks.100 (Q.1). Marriage in Islamic Law is not a sacrament but a contract which may be terminated. Discuss the process to be followed according to Hanafi and Shia Law with specific reference to Khula. (Q-2). Sohail was married to Lubna 8 years ago. They have two children, a boy and a girl. Owing to irreconcilable difference the couple decided to part away from each other. Sohail is a follower of Shia sect he wants to retain the custody of his said children, boy aged 6 and girl age 4. Lubna who belongs to Hanifi School of Law is anxious to keep the t he custody of her children. Discuss and advice as to which of the parent would be entitled to the custody of minor children. And in the event, the parties end up pursing the remedy in the court of law, enunciate the principle the court would be guided by? (Q-3).What are the salient features of Gift, Death Bed Gift and Will? Illustrate your answers with examples. (Q-4).Write a detailed essay on Inheritance and distinguish it from Waqf. (Q-5).Write short notes on any THREE of the following: a- Child Custody. b- Maintenance. c-Parentage & Legitimacy. Legitimacy. d-Natural Guardian Guardian and Legal Guardian. e-Dower. LL.B. LL .B. (PART- II) ANNUAL EXA MINATIONS -2011 -2011 PAPER -V: MUSLIM PERSONAL PERSONAL LAW" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks; 100 Instructions: 1) Attempt any FOUR questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. Q 1)" Ali was married to Sana 8 years ago. They lived happily and had two children, a boy aged 6 and a girl aged 4. Owing to irreconcilable differences the couple decided to part ways. Ali is a follower of Shia sect and he wants to retain custody of the children. Sana who belongs to Hanafi School of Islam is anxious to keep the custody of the children. Discuss and advise as to which parent would be entitled to keep the minor children. In the event if the parties end up pursuing the remedy in court of law, enunciate the principal the court would be guided by. Q2) According to Muslim Personal Law enumerate the various kinds of Guardians and discuss the procedure regarding their appointment in the perspective of Section 25 of the Guardians and Wards Act. Also state the criterion which persuades the courts regarding the determination of custody of a child. Q3) Marriage in Islamic Law is not a sacrament but a contract which may be t erminated. Discuss the various modes for termination of marriage and the process to be followed according to Hanafi and Shia Law. Elaborate how incompatibility leading to Talaq/Khulla could ruin the marriage and the children being main sufferers. Illustrate with examples-: Q4) Write a detailed essay on Inheritance keeping in view the one, who has died intestate leaving behind a widow, two daughters and a son. The deceased has also left a will for an educational institution. The institution is struggling to obtain a major portion from the deceased's property, advise them accordingly. Q5) Write short notes on any three of the following: a) Public & Private Waqf b) Parentage and legitimacy c) Probate d) Pre-emption e) Iddat LL.B. LL .B. (PART- II) ANNUAL EXA MINATIONS -2010 -2010 PAPER -V: MUSLIM PERSONAL LAW". Time allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks; 100 Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
[email protected] [email protected]))
Instructions: 1) Attempt any FOUR questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. Q.l- What are the salient features of Gift, Gift , Death bed Gift and Will? Illustrate your answers with examples. Q.2- Write a detailed essay on inheritance keeping in view the one, who has died intestate leaving behind a widow, two daughters and a son. The deceased has also left a will for an educational institution. The institution is struggling to obtain major chunk from the deceased's property, advise them accordingly. Q.3- (a) What are the main elements of Islamic marriage? And the importance of dower in the perspective of said marriage. b) Discuss under what circumstances a Wife and-Husband can ask f or Khula from each other? Q.4- How come Wakaf could be established for a charitable purpose and also for the benefit of settlers’ family, children and his children's children. Q.5- Sohail was married to Lubna 8 years ago. They have two children, a boy and a girl. Owing to irreconcilable difference the couple' decided to part away from each other. Sohail is a follower of Shia sect he wants to retain the custody of his said children, boy aged 6 and girl age 4. Lubna who belongs to Hanifi School of law is anxious to keep the custody of her children. Discuss and advise as to which of the parent would be entitled to the custody of minor children. And in the event, the parties end up pursuing the remedy in the court of law, enunciate the th e principle the court would be guided by? Q.6- Write short notes on any THREE of the following: a) Child Custody. b) Maintenance. c) Adoption. d) Natural guardian and legal guardian. LL.B. LL .B. PART -II ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 PAPER -V -V " MUSLIM MUSLIM PERSONS PERSONSAL AL L AW" INSTRUCTION: (1) Attempt any Five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q-1 Discuss Hizarat in accordance with Guardian & Ward Act. What is the criteria for the custody of the minor? Q-2 Explain Khula & Talaq in detail according to Muslim Family law Ordinance 1961 by giving examples. Q-3 Write Short notes on any TWO of the following: f ollowing: a) Dowry / Jehez. b) Gift and deathbed gift c) Maintenance d) Inheritance Q-4 Discuss and explain in detail the salient features and objects of a Wakf. How does Wakf differ from a Trust? Q-5 Explain parentage and legitimacy? Discuss the concept of adoption in Islam referring examples. Q-6 Write a comprehensive note on "Will" with illustrations. LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2008 2008 PAPER V MUSLIM PERSONAL PERSONAL LAW INSTRUCTION: Attempt any FOUR questions. Q-1 Marriage in Islamic Law is not a sacrament but a contract which may be t erminated. Discuss the process to be followed according to Hanafi and Shia Law. Q-2 Distinguish between and death bed gift. Illustrate your answer with examples in the perspective of their respective salient features. Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
[email protected] [email protected]))
Q-3 According to Muslim Personal Law enumerates the various kinds of guardians and discuss the procedure regarding their appointment in the perspective of section 25 of Guardian and Ward Act. Q-4 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: i. Wakf ii. Concept of will will in Islam iii. Iddat iv. Polygamy Polygamy Q-5 Write a detailed essay on Inheritance keeping in view the one who has died intestate leaving behind a widow, two daughters and a son. The deceased has also left a will for an educational institution. The institution is struggling to obtain major chunk from the 3 deceased's property, advise them accordingly. Q-6 Akbar was married to Sadia 8 years ago. They lived happily and have two children, a boy and a girl. Owing to irreconcilable difference the couple decided to part away from one another. Akbar is a followers of Shia sect he wants to retain the custody of his children by aged 6 and girl aged 4. Sadia who belongs to Hanifi School of law is anxious to keep the custody of her children. Discuss and advise as to which of the parent would be entitled to keep the minor children. And in the event if the parties end up pursuing the remedy in court g of law, enunciate the principle the court would be guided? Q-7 Discuss the salient features of the Muslim family Laws Ordinance 1961. 2007 LL.B. LL.B . PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIO EXAMINATIONS NS 2 007 PAPER V - MUSLIM PERSONAL PERSONAL L AW INSTRUCTION: Attempt any FOUR questions. Q-1What are the different modes of divorce in Islam? Illustrate your answers with with examples. Q-2 Critically analyse and explain the salient features of Law of Inheritance in Islam. Q-3 Through which process a Muslim could create an institution for the benefit of his family, children, descendents and charity. Discuss in detail. Q-4 Could the dower be paid through different modes, discuss in details in its forms, implication if any and the resolution thereof. 5, Write short notes any THREE a. Natural Guardian in the perspective of welfare of the child. b. Legal status of not haring child Muslim widow. c. Parentage and Legitimacy. d. Maintenance and Adoption. e. Sajjadanashin UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI LLB (PART-2) 2014 PAPER-VI:" PAPER-VI:" INTERN INTERNATION ATIONAL AL LAW' Time Allowed: THREE Hours Instructions: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Max. Marks: 100 1. What do you understand understand by veto veto and double veto veto in the perspective perspective of Security Council’s failure to accomplish its main responsibility? Discuss 2. Analyze the judicial application of the custom custom with reference to Paquetta Habana, Lotus and North Continental Sea Shelf Cases. 3. Discuss Stimson’s doctrine of non recognition recognition in the backdrop backdrop of continued continued occupation / presence of USA, in Iraq I raq and NATO forces in Afghanistan. 4. Certain countries indeed indeed in practice expressly expressly treat International Law Law as possessing possessing the same force as the ordinary law binding their citizen. Please discuss this preposition in the perspective of present day status of International Law. 5. Explain with examples examples as to how the International Court of of Justice exercises exercises its Jurisdiction Qua the contentious cases' and what steps a successful party has to take to give effect to the decision of the Court? Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
[email protected] [email protected]))
6. Owing to lack of of unanimity among permanent permanent members of of Security Council, the General General Assembly with a view to promote aims and and objects of the UN Charter has assumed assumed the role of Security Council, Qua maintenance of International peace and security. Discuss. LLB (PART-2) 2013 PAPER-VI:" PAPER-VI:" INTERN INTERNATION ATIONAL AL LAW' 1- Discuss the principles principles relating in dejuro and defacto recognition recognition of state? 2- To what extent does the successor successor state, i.e. the state to which sovereignty sovereignty has passed wholly or partially, becomes entitled to the various rights and obligations of the predecessor’s state which has ceased to exist. Please discuss in details. 3- Discuss Stimson’s doctrine doctrine of non recognition in the backdrop backdrop of continued occupation / presence of USA, in Iraq I raq and NATO forces in Afghanistan. 4- Discuss the doctrine doctrine of absolute and restrictive immunity with reference reference to Tates Letter of 1972, “ Philippine Admiral Case: and “Trend Tax Trading Co. v/s. Bank of Nigeria”. 5- Whether General Assembly Assembly can exercise exercise the exclusive exclusive power of Security Council to consider the issue of maintenance of peace and security if so, to what extent? Discuss with reference to an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice. 6- Write short notes on any Two of the following: iDouble Veto iiHot Pursuit iiiEnforcement Action ivPacific Settlement EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI LL.B. (PART - II) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - 2012 PAPER - VI: PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Instructions: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Max. Marks: 100 Q.1. A foreign power brings an action in our Courts not as a matter of right. Its power to do so is the creature of comity, until such state is recognized by the recognising state, no such comity exists? Q.2. Analytically discuss in details the role played by Vienna conventions of 1978 and 1983, regarding the state succession? Q.3. Discuss statutory and other development in f oreign immunity in the perspective of absolute doctrine of immunity and restrictive immunity? Q.4. Explain with examples as to how the International Court of Justice exercises its Jurisdiction Qua the contentious cases' and what steps a successful party has to take to give effect to the decision of the Court'? Q.5. Write exhaustive notes on any TWO of the following? a- Double Veto b- Hot Pursuit c- Enforcement Action d- Pacific Settlement LLB (PART –II) "ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - 2011 PAPERPAPER- VI: “ PUBLIC INTE INTERNAT RNATIONAL IONAL LA W” Time Allowed: THREE Hours. Max. Marks: Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Ql) Write an essay on the quasi legislative role of United Nations General Assembly. Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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Q2) What do you understand by veto and double veto in the perspective of Security Council of United Nations. Do you reckon that right of veto is the major cause qua the Security Council's failure to accomplish its main responsibility? Discuss. Q3) Analyse the judicial application of custom with reference to Paquete Habana, Lotus and North Sea Continent Shelf Cases. Q4) Discuss the doctrine of absolute and restrictive immunity with reference to Tates --i. Letter of 1972, “Philippine Admiral Case" and Trend Tax Trading Co. vs. Bank of Nigeria. Please also explain and discuss the rational of Doctrine of restrictive immunity, in the light of Obiter Dicta of Lord Denning in the matter of Trend Tax Co. case. Q5) Discuss Stimson's doctrine of non recognition in the back drop of continued occupation/ presence by USA in IRAQ and NATO Forces in Afghanistan. Q6) Discuss statutory and other development in f oreign immunity in the prescriptive of absolute doctrine of immunity and restrictive immunity. LLB (PART –II) "ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - 2010 PAPERPAPER- VI: “ PUBLIC INTE INTERNAT RNATIONAL IONAL LA W” Time Allowed: THREE Hours. Max. Marks: Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q.1-Discuss with reference to the authoritative authorities what role Custom and an d decisions of Judicial or Arbitral Tribunals T ribunals have played in the Development of International Law. Q.2- The duties and rights of states are only the duties and rights of the m en who compose them, Kelsen, discuss. Q.3- Discuss the status enjoyed .by International Law in this day and age and as to why it is called a weak law. Q.4- Discuss Stimson’s Doctrine of non-recognition with specific reference to covenants of Pact of Paris 1928, League of Nations resolution 1932 and the United Nation's Charter, 1945. Q.5- How does International Court of Justice exercise its jurisdiction in contentious cases and what do you understand from its incidental Jurisdiction. Q.6- Whether the Security Council has successful accomplished the mission assigned, of maintaining International peace and security. Discuss. LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 2009 PAPER -VI -VI " PUBLIC INTERNAT INTERNATIONAL IONAL L AW" INSTRUCTION :(1) Attempt FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q-1 What are the material sources of International Law and why are they called as material sources? Discuss with reference to case Law, the role and the said sources have played in the development of International Law. Q-2 What do you understand by state jurisdiction/ Discussion the perspective of statutory and other development in sovereign immunity. Q-3 Discuss Stimson's doctrine of non recognition in the back drop of continued occupation / presence of USA, to in IRAQ and NATO Forces in Afghanistan. Q-4 Write an elaborate essay on extradition and asylum. Q-5 Discuss the Institutional of International Court Justice. Q-6 Owing to lack of unanimity among permanent members of Security Council, the General Assembly with a view to promote aims and and objects of the UN Charter has assumed assumed the role of Security Council, Qua maintenance of International peace and security. Discuss. LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2008 2008 PAPER VI -PUBL -PUBLIC IC INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL L AW INSTRUCTION: Attempt any FOUR questions Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
[email protected] [email protected]))
Q-1 Discuss and explain the various material sources of International Law? Q-2 Discuss the principles relating to dejure and defacto recognition of state? Q-3 Discuss statutory and other development in f oreign immunity in the perspective of absolute doctrine of immunity and restrictive immunity. Q-4 To what extent does the successor state, i.e. the state to which sovereignty has passed wholly or partially; become entitled to the various rights and obligations of the Predecessor state which has ceased to exist. Please discuss in details. Q-5 Explain with examples as to how the International Court of justice exercises its jurisdiction Qua the contentious cases and what steps a successful party has to take to give effect to the decision of the court. Q-6 The United National's General assembly has the power to consider the general principles of co-operation in the maintenance of international peace and security {Art 11 (1}} and to discuss any question relating to the maintenance of international peace and security {Art 11 (2)}. In this lies t he basis of the Assembly's political power, albeit power in a deliberative sense and this power overlaps considerably with that of the Security Council. Discuss analytically. 7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: i. Extradition ii. Asylum iii. Peaceful settlement of International dispute. iv. Hot Pursuit LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2007 2007 PAPER VI -INTERNATIONAL LAW INSTRUCTION: Attempt any FOUR questions Q.1Whether General Assembly can exercise the exclusive power of Security Council, to consider the issue of maintenance of Peace and Security, if so to what extent? Discuss with reference to an advisary opinion of the International Court of Justice. Q.2 Analyse the judicial application of custom with reference to Paquete Habana. Lotusand North Sea Continental Shelf Cases. Q.3 Discuss the doctrine of absolute and restrictive immunity with reference to Tates Letter of 1972, "Philippine Admiral Case" and Trend Tax T rading Co. V/S Bank of Nigeria. Please also explain and discuss the rational of Doctrine of restrictive immunity, in the light of Obiter of Dicta of Lord Denning in the matter of Trend Tax Trading Co., case. Q.4 Certain countries indeed in practice expressly treat International Law as possessing the same force as the ordinary law binding their citizen. Please discuss this preposition in the perspective of present by status of I nternational Law 5. Whether the US Lead Military action against Iraq without UN Security Council's backing is legal? If so, advice as to what procedure should have been followed in the back drop of International peace and security? Q.6 Write exhaustive notes on TWO of the following: a. Double Veto. b. Hot Pursuit. c. Enforcement Action d. Pacific Settlement.
LLB (PART-2) 2014 PAPER - VII: " CONSTITUTIO CONSTITUTIONAL NAL HISTORY HISTORY OF PAKISTAN" PAKISTAN" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Instructions: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Max. Marks: 100 1.Discuss the Legal Frame Work Order of 1970, holding of elections there under and impediments in constitution making. 2.Discuss any TWO of the following: (i) The case of Ms. Benazir Bhutto Vs President of Pakistan [PLD 1998 SC 388] & (ii) Molvi Tamizuddin Case [PLD 1955 FC 240] (iii) Dosso Case [PLD 1958 SC 533] 3.Write short notes on any TWO of the following: Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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(i) Government of India Act of 1935 (ii) Indian Independence Act, 1947 (iii) Objective Resolution of 1949 (iv) The legal frame work order 2002 4.What were the salient features f eatures of the 1962 constitution viz-a-vlz of 1973 constitution? 5.How many amendments have been made in the constitution of 1973? Give brief details of any three amendments. 6.Discuss the facts and elaborate the principles laid down by the Supreme Court in the Syed Zafar Ali Shah's case [PLD 2000 Sc 869]. 869]. 7.Critically discuss and compare the constitutions of 1956, 1962 and 1973 with respect to the fundamental rights of citizens. LLB (PART-2) 2013 PAPER-VII:" PAPER-VII:" CONSTITUTI CONSTITUTIONAL ONAL HISTORY OF PAKISTAN" PART-A Q-1 Discuss Salient features of the Indian Independence act 1947. Q-2 Explain report of the Basic Principles Committee Draft Constitution of 1954. or How many amendments have been made in the Constitution of 1973? give brief details of any five amendments. Q-3 Discuss the legal frame work order of 1970 or Write short note any two of the following: i) Objective resolution ii) Failures of constitution of 1956 iii) Historical background 1962’s constitution iv) 19th amendment of 1973’s constitution Q-4 What are the features of the constitution of 1962 and reasons for its failure? Q-5 Compare the PCO of 1981 and RCO of 1985? Q-6 What form of government was established established under the constitution of 1956? 1956? Give the causes of of its failure. Q-7 Critically examine the LFO of 2002 and 17 th Amendment, 2003 or What principles have been embodied in the preamble of 1973’s Constitution and what purposes are served by it? Q-8 Compare the constitution of 1956 with the constitution of 1962. Part-B Q-9 Discuss reference made by the Governor General published in the PLD 1955 FC 435. or Discuss the case of Ms. Benazir Bhutto Bhutt o vs. President of Pakistan, PLD 1998 SC 388. Q-10 Discuss Molvi Tamizuddin Case or Dosso case. EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI LL.B. (PART - II) "ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - 2012" PAPER - VII: VII: “ CONSTITUTIO CONSTITUTIONAL NAL HISTORY OF PAKISTAN" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry. equal marks. Max. Marks: 100 Q-1 Explain the Objective Resolution in detail and its importance in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973? Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
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Q-2 What were the implications of the 5th Amendment in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 on judiciary? Please discuss. Q-3 Discuss the distribution of power of President under the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 and compare it with the Constitutions of 1956 and 1962? Q-4 Explain the main features of the Cripps Report and the Cabinet Mission Plan in detail? Q-5 What were the main causes of failure of the Constitutions of 1956 and 1962 and how far have these been dealt with in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973? Q-6 Write short notes on any two of the following: f ollowing: (i)Government of India Act of 1935, (ii)Indian Independence Act 1947 . (iii)Legal Framework Order, 2002. (iv)17th Amendment of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973. Q-7 (a)What is meant by the word "Consultation" as mentioned in Article 177 and 193 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, in light of the findings in AI-Jehad Trust vs. Federation of Pakistan (PLD 1997 SC 84)7 OR (b)Elaborate in detail the principles laid down by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in Syed Zafar All Shah's Case reported in PLD 2000 SC 869. LL.B. LL.B . PART -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATION EXAMINATIONS S -2011" -2011" PAPER -VII: -VII: “ CONSTITUT CONSTITUTIONAL IONAL HISTORY OF PAKISTAN" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q-1 Explain Mr. Jinnah's fourteen points as the minimum Muslim Demands for any political settlement in 1929. Q-2 State the main features of Government of India Act 1935. Q-3 Describe the main provisions of the Indian Independence Act of 1947. Q-4 Describe the importance of the objectives Resolution of 1949 in the making of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Q-5 Explain the main features of the late Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1956. Q-6 Define the salient features/characteristics of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1962. Q-7 Explain the principle enunciated in Doso's case decided by the Supreme Court of Pakistan. (PLD 1958 -S.C. -533) OR On what grounds was the political suspension of Constitution and take-over by military justified in the case titled as "Begum Bhutto V. Chief of the Army Staff? (PLD 1977 S.C.-657). LL.B. LL.B . PART -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATION EXAMINATIONS S -2010" -2010" PAPER -VII: -VII: “ CONSTITUT CONSTITUTIONAL IONAL HISTORY OF PAKISTAN" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q-1 State the salient features of Act of 1935 as well as the Historical backgr ound ound of various committees, Roundtable Conferences. Q-2 Describe the main features of Cripps Report and the Cabinet Mission Plan for solving the constitutional problems of the Sub-continent. Q-3 The British Parliament passed Indian Independence Act, 1947. Describe and explain in detail the provisions of the Act. Q-4 Explain the salient features and the objectives Resolution passed by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan. Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
[email protected] [email protected]))
Q-5 Explain the salient features of Constitution of Pakistan, 1956. Q-6 Describe the difference between 1956 and 1962 Constitution of Pakistan. ~ Q-7 Explain the reasons for dissolution of Constituent Assembly and the findings of t he Federal Court in Moulvi Tamizuddin Khan Vs. Governor General of Pakistan case (PLD 1955 -FC -240) OR b) Consultation mentioned in Article 177 and 193 of the Constitution imply that the consultation should be effective, meaningful purposive, consensus oriented leaving no room for complaint or arbitrariness of unfair play. Explain the said finding with reference to AI-Jehad Trust", Vs. Federation of Pakistan. (PLD 1997 -SC -84). LL.B. PART -II “ ANNUAL ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS EXAMINATIONS 2009” 2009” PAPER -VII “ CONSTITUTI CONSTITUTIONAL ONAL HISTORY OF OF PAKISTAN" INSTRUCTION: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. 1- What do you know about the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan? Discuss the work done by it in the making, of Constitution and the reasons why it was dissolved, 2- Discuss the main features of the Interim Constitution of 1972? 3- What is federalism? Discuss distribution of power under 1956 and 1973 Constitutions. 4- What is sixth schedule of the constitution of 1973? Discuss effects of the amendments made to it by L.F.O 2002 and 17th amendment. 5. Describe the salient features of 1962 Constitution with particular reference to legislature, electional system and powers of the President. 6-Discuss the Fifth Amendment in the Constitution of 1973 relating to the Judicature. 7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: i) Seventh Schedule inserted by Eight Amendment ii) Revised report of Basic Principles Committee, iii) Salient features of legal Framework Order 1970, iv) Federal Shariat Court,
LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2008 2008 PAPER -VII" CONSTITUTI CONSTITUTIONAL ONAL HISTORY HISTORY OF PAK ISTAN" ISTAN" INSTRUCTION (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. 1- Explain the main features of a federally administered state with comparative analysis of the legislative powers under the Government of India Act 1935 and 1973constitution. 2- Describe the basic features of Indian Indepandence Act 1947 3- Explain the causes for failure of both 1956 and 1962 Constitution. 4- Explain the basic features of 1973 Constitution and the provisions of 8 th Constitutional Amendment effecting the sovereignty sovereignty of Parliament 5- Elaborate the facts and principles laid down by the I Supreme Court of Pakistan in Syed Zafar Ali Shah’s case reported in PLD-2000 PLD-2000 Se-869. 6- Describe the 17th Constitution Amendment with us background and its effect on future Constitutional development in Pakistan. 7- Write short notes on any TWO of the following: f ollowing: (i) Objective Resolution of 1949. (ii) Principles of Policy. (iii) Provincial Autonomy. (iv) Presidential and Parliamentary form of Government. LL.B. LL .B. PART -II -II “ ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2007 2007 Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
[email protected] [email protected]))
PAPER VII -CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF PAKISTAN INSTRUCTION: Attempt any FOUR questions Q-1 Under what constitutional arrangements Pakistan was created, discuss the ideals of Quaid-e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah on future constitution making in the light of his speech speech delivered on 11th August 1947 in the first f irst Constituent Assembly? Q-2 Describe the major impediments in framing of the constitution during the year 1947 to 1956, also elaborate the main causes for the failure of 1956 Constitution. Q-3 Discuss the electoral system under the 1962 Constitution, the powers of President thereunder and causes of its failure. Q-4 Describe the main features of Legal Framework Order. 1970, the holding of general elections thereunder and impediments in constitution making. Q-5 What are the main features of 8th Amendment in 1973 Constitution and its impact on future constitutional and socio-political development in Pakistan? Please discuss. Q-6 Describe the Legal Framework Order, 2002 Order, 2002 with its background and its effect on the Independence of Judiciary.
Law Students Council, S M Law College (For College (For queries
[email protected] [email protected]))