9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
L.L.B. (PART - I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - 2014" PAPER - I: JURISPRUDENCE" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Max. Marks: 100 Q.1. Define Jurisprudence. Explain kinds of Theoretical Jurisprudence. Q.2 What are the persons? Whether animal’s dead human beings and unborn persons are also persons in legal language. langua ge. Q.3 Define Sources of Law and explain the "Formal" and "Material" sources of law. Q.4 What is "Title"? Explain facts which "Invest" and "Divest" Title. Q.5 Define nature of law and explain the classification nature of law. Q.6 What are precedents? Explain the kinds of precedents. Q.7 Write notes on any TWO of the followings: (i) Difference between Custom and Law (ii) Animus Possidendi (iii) Causes which make agreement invalid (iv) Perfect and imperfect rights EXAMINATION EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI L.L.B (PART 1) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS EXAMINATIONS -2013 PAPER 1:”JURISPRUDENC 1:”JURISPRUDENCE” E”
TIME ALLOWED 3 HOURS INSTRUCTION :1 Attempt any four question :2 All question carry equal marks Max.Marks:100 Q-1. Define jurisprudence and discuss about the schools of thoughts of jurisprudence. Q-2. What is legislation? Explain the kinds of Legislation. Q-3. What is the necessity of Administration of Justice. Q-4. What are the legal Rights? Explain Explain the kinds of legal rights. Q-5 Define the property. Explain the modes of acquisition of property. Q-6 Explain ownership. Explain the kinds of ownership. Q-7 Write notes on any Two of Following: (i) Codification (ii) void and voidable agreement (iii) The doctrine of stare Decisis (iv) Purposes of criminal Justice EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI LL.B. (PART - I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - 2012" PAPER - I : "JURISPRUDENCE" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Max. Marks: 100
Q-1 Define Jurisprudence and discuss about the Schools of thought of Jurisprudence. Q-2 What is Legislation? Explain the Kinds of Legislation. Q-3 What is the necessity of Administration of Justice? How would you distinguished between Civil and Criminal Justice. Jus tice. Q-4 What are Precedents? Explain the kinds of Precedents. Q-5 Define the customs and explain the difference between custom and law. Q-6 Define the Possession. Explain the modes of acquiring of Possession. For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Q-7 Write notes on any TWO of the following: (i) Imperative law and Civil law. (ii) Void and Voidable Agreement (iii) Difference between Corporation and Firm (iv) Purposes of Criminal Justice LL.B (PART –I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS EXAMINATIONS -2011 PAPER -I JURISPRUDENCE Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q -1 Explain in detail the nature and value of Jurisprudence. Q -2 Discuss the legal theory "Law as the Command of the Sovereign". Q -3 Enumerate and explain the different theories of punishment in Criminal Law. Q -4 Explain in detail the important sources of Law. Q -5 What is a legal right and its characteristics? Discuss the different kinds of legal rights. Q -6 Define the term Ownership. What are the various kinds of Ownership? Q -7 Write notes on any TWO of the following: (i) Natural Person and Legal Person (ii) International Law (iii) Titles (iv) Interpretation of Statutes ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2010 L.L.B (part I) PAPER -I "Jurisprudence" "Jurisprudence" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions carry equal marks
Q-l What do you understand by the term 'jurisprudence"? Briefly explain historical and Ethical Theories of Jurisprudence. Q-2 What are the functions of civil Administration? Discuss with special reference to Pakistani Law. Q-3 Discuss the importance of Precedent as a Source of Law. What are the various theories of Precedent? Q-4 What do you understand by Legal Fiction and Obiter Dicta? Illustrate. Q-5 Write in detail about the Legislations, its nature, meaning and its kinds. Q-6 What is the distinction between "intention" "i ntention" and "Motive"? Is motive a necessary element to constitute a Crime? Q-7 Write notes on any THREE of the following: a. Corporeal and Uncorporeal Ownership b. Voide and voidable agreement agreement c. Mens Rea d. Customary Law e. Perfect and Imperfect Rights ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 L.L.B (part I) PAPER -I "JURISPRUDENCE" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions carry equal marks
Q-1 Define jurisprudence and discuss its relation with Psychology, Economics and Politics. For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Q-2 Define State and discuss its salient salie nt features. Q-3 Distinguish between General Law and Special Law with the help of example. Q-4 Define "Legal Rights" and state what are the different kind of Legal rights. Q-5 Discuss what the essentials of a legal l egal person are and explain the legal status of dead man and unborn child. Q-6 a) Define Obligation. b ) Distinguish between Contractual Contractual Obligation and Dialectal Obligation. Q- 7 Write Short notes on any TWO of the following: a. Men's Rea b. Motive c. Mistake of Law d. Vicarious ANNUAL ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2008 L.L.B (part I) PAPER -I "JURISPRUDENCE" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions carry equal marks
Q-l Write short notes on any TWO of the t he following: a. Customary b. Natural or Moral Law c. International Law Q-2 Write in details about the Legislation! its nature, meaning and its i ts kinds. Q-3 What do you understand by source of Law? Discuss. Q-4 Discuss Administration of justice with reference to Civil & Criminal Jurisprudence. Q-5 Discuss Precedents and its kinds. Q-6 Define Ownership in details. Q- 7 What are the kinds of Obligations? Give practical examples. EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2007 PAPER -I "JURISPRUDENCE" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions carry equal marks
Q-l Define the term "Adjective Law" and "Substantive Law" / and give a few instances of each from Pakistani Law. Q-2 Analyze carefully the term, "Right" and "Duty" / in what sense can a state have rights and duties. Q-3 What do you understand by Fictions and Obiter dicta? Illustrate. Q-4 What is Possession? Give some of the theories that have been held about it at various times. Q-5 Explain the theory of sovereignty as propounded by Hobbes OR Austin. Q-6 Distinguish between any two of the following. a. Legal and historical sources of law b. Supreme and Subordinate Subordinate Legislation Q- 7 Define ownership, what are various kinds of Ownership recognized by Law. EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2006 PAPER- I "JURISPRUDENCE" "JURISPRUDENCE" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
(2) All Questions carry equal marks Q-1 Differentiate between "General Law" and "Special Law". Q-2 What are the functions of Civil Administration? Discuss with special references of Pakistan. Q-3 Discuss the circumstances that destroy the binding force of precedents. Q-4 What is the purpose of Criminal Justice? Also discuss various theories of punishment. Q-5 What do understand by "Interpretation"? State the c ircumstances when a statue should be strictly interpreted. Q-6 Write a note on important characteristic of legal Right. Q-7 Write notes on any TWO of the following: foll owing: a. Vicarious Liability b. Negligence . c. Mens Rea d. Dead men
LL.B. (PART - I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - 2014" PAPER - II: ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Instructions: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Max. Marks: 100 Q - 1 Write a comprehensive note on the early development of Islamic Jurisprudence. Q - 2 Explain the Sunnah as a fundamental source of Islamic Law. Q - 3 Who is the founder of Juristic "Doctrine of Public good"? Explain this doctrine with examples. Q - 4 In perspective of present scenario, explain the dire need of "IJTEHAD" and also describe the basic qualifications of "MUJTAHID Q - 5 Write a detailed essay on Muslim International Law and its importance for human being. Q - 6 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (i) Any Two Schools of Islamic Law (ii) Consensus of Opinion (iii) Rights and Obligations (iv) Ownership and Possession EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI L.L.B (PART 1) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS EXAMINATIONS -2013 PAPER II:”ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE”
TIME ALLOWED 3 HOURS INSTRUCTION: 1. Attempt any four question 2. All question carry equal marks Max.Marks:100 Q-1.Write a note on the history of the growth of the Muslim legal system. Q-2.With reference to Islamic jurisprudence, describe the various schools of thoughts. Q-3.The Qur’an is the fundamental source of Islamic law, Explain. Q-4.Define juristic equity and doctrine of public good with with examples . Q-5.In perspective of the qualification of Mujtahid, Expalin the importance of IJTIHD in Islamic Law. Q-6.Write short notes on any two of the following: (I) Hadith (ii) Torts and Crimes (iii) Analogy (iv) Rights and Obligations (v) Consensus of opinion EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI LL.B. (PART - I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - 2012" For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
PAPER - II: ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE Time Allowed: THREE Hours Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Max. Marks: 100 Q-1, What is the general concept of Jurisprudence (Fiqh). Discuss its importance and role in Islam. Q-2, Who is the founder of Juristic "Doctrine of Public good" Q-3, Explain this doctrine with the help of examples. Q-4, Define and highlight the difference between torts and crimes. Q-5, What is meant by legal capacity in Islam? Discuss at least four factors which may cause defect to it with consequences. Q-6, Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (i) Analogy (ii) Mujtahid (iii) Taqleed iv) Qiayas Q-7, What is the significance of Ijtehad in Islamic Law? Explain the basic qualifications for a Mujtahid. LL.B. (PART -I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS EXAMINATIONS -2011 PAPER –II ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE" JURISPRUDENCE" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q-1. Give a brief account of the history and the development of Islamic Jurisprudence. Q-2. What are the sources of Islamic Jurisprudence? Discuss briefly. Q-3. Write short notes on any THREE of the followings: a) Qiy'as or analogy b) Istehsan or juristic equity equ ity c) Istidlal d) Ijtehad or juristic exposition e) Taqlid or following Q-4. What do you understand by obligation per se as distinguished from obligation to perform certain acts? Q-5What is the difference between tort and crime? Under what circumstances punishment of "Tazir" can be inflicted. Q-6 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: a) Gift b) Ownership c) Contract d) Possession Q-7 What is meant by legal capacity in Islam? What factors cause defects in it and what are their consequences. EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2010 PAPER -I "Islamic JURISPRUDENCE" JURISPRUDENCE" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions carry equal marks For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Q-l How the Muslim jurists have defined "Isalamic Jurisprudence (FIQH)". Give a brief account of the history and development of Islamic jurisprudence after the departure of the Holy Prophet (S.A. W) till the foundation of different schools of jurisprudence. . Q-2 What is meant by legal capacity in Islam? Discuss at least four factors which may cause defect to it with consequences. Q-3 What is the effect of Taqlid and Ijtehad in the formulation and development of islamic jurisprudence? Discuss in details. details. Q-4 How are "Acts" classified by the Muslim Jurists? Discuss each class briefly. Q-5 What is 'meant by the term "Hadith"? " Hadith"? Differentiate between continuous tradition (Hadith-eMutawatir) and Isolated Tradition (Khabr-e-wahid). ; Q-6 "The head of Islamic State is the trustee of public property and not its owner". Discuss in details. Q- 7 Write notes on any a ny TWO of the following: a. Darul-Salam and Darul-Harb b. Istehsan c. Puberty d. Mushaa ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 L.L.B (part I) PAPER -I "Islamic JURISPRUDENCE" JURISPRUDENCE" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions carry equal marks
Q-l What is meant by "Islamic Jurisprudence"? Discuss its importance. Q-2 What are the sources of Islamic Jurisprudence? Discuss any two of them. Q-3 Write a detailed note on the concept of "Ownership" in Islam. Q-4 What is meant by Legal Right? Also describe the classification of Legal Rights. Q-5 Define and highlight the difference between tort and crimes. Q-6 Describe the social autonomy of Non-Muslim in an Islamic state. Q- 7 It is alleged that during current period of taqlid (imitation) further juristic expositions and development of Islamic Law is inconsistent with the principle of the system. Do you agree? Please give reason. ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2008 L.L.B (part I) PAPER -I "Islamic JURISPRUDENCE" JURISPRUDENCE" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions carry equal marks Q-l Give a brief account of development of Islamic Jurisprudence during the period of Sahaba (The companions of the Messenger of Allah) and Tabieen Q-2 The Holy Quran is the main source of Islamic Law. Discuss it in detail. Q-3 Who was the founder of juristic? "Doctrine of public good" Explain this doctrine with the help of examples. Q-4 What is meant by legal le gal capacity (Dhimma) in Islam? What factors cause defects i n it and what are their consequences. Q-5 Explain the basic difference between Taleed and ijtehad with reference to their influence in the development of Islamic Jurisprudence. Q-6 How Hadd can be distinguish from Qisas ( ) when punishment in both of them is fixed. What remedies are available to the t he aggrieved persons in the cases of Qisas. Q- 7 Write short notes on any two of the following: a. Darul-Salam and Darul-Harb b. Rights and Duties of Non-Muslim Non-Muslim in an Islamic Islamic state c. Puberty (Baloogh) in Islam For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
d. Tazzkyat'ush-shahood EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2007 PAPER -II "Islamic JURISPRUDENCE" JURISPRUDENCE" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions cart)' equal marks
Q-1 What is general concept of "Jurisprudence"/ Fiqah? Discuss its importance is Islam. Q-2 What is meant by the term Hadith? Differentiate between continuous Tradition (Hadith-eMutawtir) and Isolated Tradition (Khabre- Wahid) Q-3 Explain the basic difference between Ijma and Ijtehad with the help of examples. Q-4 Classify the natural Acts and Juristic Acts in Islam with the help of examples. Q-5 What is the difference between possession and Ownership? What are the basic characteristics of ownership in Islam? Q-6 Differentiate between tort and crime. Under what ci rcumstances punishment of Taazir can be inflicted in Islam Q- 7 Write short notes on any two t wo of the following: a. Difference between Istehsan and Istadlal b. Difference between Maqallid Maqallid and Mujtahid c. Difference between Gift and sale d. Difference between Rights and Obligations EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2006 PAPER -II "Islamic JURISPRUDENCE" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions carry equal marks
Q-1 What is meant by "Islamic Jurisprudence"? Describe its development during the period of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) ( P.B.U.H) Q-2 Write a detailed note in the Holy Quran with reference to its teachings regarding their effects on the individual and collective collecti ve life of the Muslims. Q-3 a) What is meant by Taqleed? b). whether Taqleed of Imams Imams / Jurists is the need in the present age? Discuss briefly. briefly. Q-4 Compare any two of the juristic j uristic doctrines with examples: a. Juristic Equity b. Doctrine of public good c. Reasoning (Istedlal) Q-5 What do you understand by Haqooq-ul-Ibad and Haqooq-ul- Allah? Discuss Q-6 a). What is the concept of Ownership? b ) How ownership ownership is acquired in Islam? Q- 7 Write short notes on any two of the following: a. Analogy b. Qualification of Mujtahid c. Difference between Valid and Irregular act d. Difference between Wakf and Will
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
L.L.B (PART 1 ) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS -2014 PAPER III :”CONSTITUTIONAL LAW-1” TIME ALLOWED 3 HOURS INSTRUCTION: 1 Attempt any four question select at least Two Question from each section.:2 All question carry equal marks SECTION-.A (The British Constitution) 1. Discuss in detail the main sources of English Constitutional Law. 2.Discuss the election and powers of the Speaker of the House of Commons. 3. Distinguish between the King and the Crown. Discuss the prerogatives of the crown. 4. Write note on any three of the following: i) Private Bill ii) Prime Minister ill) House of Lords iv) Parliamentary form of Government Section B (Constitution of USA) 5. Give a brief historical background of the passing of American Constitution. 6. American President is one of the most powerful person under the constitution, yet his powers are clipped by a system syst em of checks and balances, balances , Discuss. 7. Discuss composition, organization and power of the Supreme Court of U.S.A. 8. Write short note on any two of the following: i) Masbury V. Madison 1 (cranch) 137 (1803) ii)Vice President iii)Senate iv)Due Process of Law
TIME ALLOWED 3 HOURS INSTRUCTION: 1 Attempt any four question select at least Two Question from each section. :2 All question carry equal marks Max.Marks:100 SECTION –A (THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION ) Q-1 What is cabinet? Discuss the salient features on which the British cabinet of Government functions. Q-2 Explain the stages of law making in the lower house of British parliament with with reference to public bills Q-3 What do understand by the phrase “Conventions of the constitution”? give some examples of conventions in the British constitution ,Why are they Obeyed? Q-4 Write short notes on any three of the following: (i) Lord Chancellor (ii) Bill of Rights, 1689 (iii) Committee of the whole house (iv) Judicial Powers of House (v) Delegated Legislation SECTION –B ( THE CONSTITUTION OF U.S.A) Q-5 Describe the method of electing the American president. What are his judicial Powers? Q-6 Compare the office of the speaker of the House of Representatives with with that of the speaker of the House of Commons. Q-7 Discuss the position of American Supreme Court as guardian of the constitution and its role in the development of the constitution. Q-8 Write short notes on any three of the following: (i) Legislative powers of the president (ii) Senatorial courtesy For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Judicial Veto (iv) Check and Balances (V) presidential cabinet
EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI LL.B. (PART - I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - 2012" PAPER - III: "CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - I" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. Select at least TWO questions from each Section. (2) All questions carry equal marks. "SECTION - A" (THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION) Q-1, Discuss Composition, Powers and functions of the House of Lords. What is its utility in the British Legal System? Q-2, Discuss the position and powers of the British Prime Minister. Q-3, Examine the relation between Parliamentary Sovereignty and rule of Law. Q-4, Write short notes on any three (3) of the following: i) House of Commons ii) Parliament Act 1911 iii) Magna Carta iv) Droit Administratif v) Royal Prerogatives. "SECTION-B" (THE CONSTITUTION OF U.S.A) Q-1. The Supreme Court of U.S.A. has acted as balancing institution between the Legislature and the Executive. Discuss. Q-2. What is meant by Judicial Review? Briefly discuss Marbury V. Madison 1 Cranch 137 (1803) Q-3. Briefly discus the powers of American President and compare them with that of British Prime Minister. Q-4. Write short notes on any two of the following: i) House of Representative ii) Senate iii) Vice President iv) Due Process L.L.B. (PART -I) ""ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS -2011 PAPER -III "CONSTITUTIONAL LAW -I" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. Select at least TWO questions from each Section. (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION -A (THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION) Q -1 What is meant by Constitutional Law? Discuss in detail the sources of British Constitutional Law? Q-2 Discuss Parliamentary Sovereignty in England with reference to constituent and Legislative r ole of Parliament. Q -3 Write a short note on Crown's Prerogative. Q -4 Write notes on any THREE of the following: (i) Separation of Power (ii) Magna Carta (iii) BILL of Rights 1689 (iv) Prime Minister (v) Public Bill SECTION -B (THE CONSTITUTION CONSTITUTION of U.S.A) Q -5 Describe the mode of election el ection of American President. Under what circumstances the President can use veto powers. Q-6 Describe the composition, powers and effectiveness of House of Representatives as a legislative body. For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Q -7 Discuss the procedure of the amendment of the U.S Constitution. Q -8 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (i) Judicial Review (ii) U.S. Senate (iii) Supreme Court (iv) Due Process of Law L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS EXAMINATIONS 2010 PAPER -III "CONSTITUTION LAW- I" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any TWO Questions from each section. (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (The British Constitution) Q-l Discuss briefly the composition, powers and functions of the House of Commons. Q-2 How is the cabinet formed in England? Discuss its salient features. Q-3 What is meant by conventions of the constitution? How do they differ from laws? Q-4 Answer the following in "yes" or "No":a. Whetber standing committees in the House of Common may substitute a new bi ll? b. Whether the British Speaker Speaker is a statutory office? c. Whether there can be judicial review of administrative actions in Britain? d. Whether the Act of Settlement 1701 is a part of common Law? e. Whether Bill of Rights 1689 was issued by king Charles-1? SECTION -B (The U.S.A Constitution) Q-5 Discuss the salient features of the American Constitution. Q-6 Compare the powers and position of the American President with those of the British Prime Minister. Q- 7 Describe the functions of Supreme Court and its i ts role in the evolution of the American Constitution. Q-8 Answer the following in "Yes" or "No":a. Whether the U.S Congress is a Sovereign body? b. Whether the U.S Constitution Constitution is a conventions free constitution? constitution? c. Whether there are Government Government bills in U.S.A as they are in Britain? d. Whether U.S Cabinet is unanswerable to upper house of c ongress? e. Whether U.S Constitution is Unitary? ANNUAL ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 L.L.B (part I) PAPER -III "CONSTITUTION LAW- I" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (I) Attempt any TWO Questions from each section. (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (The British Constitution) Q-I Describe and explain the Magna Carta Bill of Rights 1689 and Act of settlement. Q-2 Explain the Doctrine of the separation of Powers. Q-3 Explain the principles of Parliamentary Supremacy. Q-4 Explain the meaning of ministerial collective responsibilities. SECTION -B (The U.S.A Constitution) Q-5 Compare and contrast the compositions / powers and functions of t he Senate with that of the House of Lords. Q-6 What is theory of Due Process of Law under the V.S constitution? How it was included i ncluded in the constitution. Q- 7 Write short notes on any two of the following: a. Separation of powers b. Procedure of amendment amendment For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
c. Sources of President's powers d. Judicial review Q-8 Answer the following in yes or no: a. Whether the American comities are more powerful than the comities in England? b. Whether the Congress of Confederation was a two chambered Legislature? c. Whether the American President is Responsible to Congress? d. Whether 25th amendment authorizes the President to nominate a vice Presidency becomes vacant? e. Whether Congress is a sovereign Legislature? ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS EXAMINATIONS 2008 L.L.B (part I) PAPER-III "CONSTITUTION LAW- I" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any TWO Questions from each section. (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (The British Constitution) Q-l Discuss Reform Act 1832 and Representation of the people Act 1867. What were their immediate effects on the political system of the country? Q-2 What do you know about the Office of the British Prime Minister? Discuss his/her role in the parliamentary democracy? Q-3 Write short notes on any three of the following: a. Magna Carta b. Legated legislation c. Committee stage in the Law making d. Rules of law e. Parliamentary form of Government Government Q-4 Answer the following in "Yes" or "No" a. Whether there is constitutional division of power between central and regional governments in British? b. Whether membership membership of House of Lords Lords is granted by the sovereign sovereign on the advice of Lord Chancellor? c. Whether a public bill can be introduced by the private member in the House of Commons? d. Whether the speaker presides over all meetings of the House of Commons without exception? e. Whether the Quarter Sessions Court are the lowest British Criminal Courts? SECTION -B (The U.S.A Constitution) Q-5 What is meant by Judicial Review? What is its scope in the U.S judicial System? Q-6 Discuss the procedure of the amendments of the constitution. Also discuss the 19th and 26th amendments. Q- 7 Compare and contrast the powers and functions of the American President with those of the British Prime Minister. Q-8 Answer the following in "yes" or "No": a. Whether most of the amendments .made in the U.S constitution were proposed by states? b. Whether the convention of senatorial senatorial courtesy has extended the powers powers of senate? c. Whether the U.S Senators are indirectly i ndirectly elected members of upper Chamber? d. Whether legislative procedure in Congress is the same as it is in British lower house of parliament? e. Whether American president is bound by the t he advice of his cabinet members? ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS EXAMINATIONS 2007 L.L.B (part I) PAPER-III "CONSTITUTION LAW- I"
Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any TWO Questions from each section. (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (The British Constitution) Q-I How is the cabinet formed in Great Britain? Discuss its functions and importance. For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Q-2 What is a public bill? How legislative business takes place at Committee stage in the lower house of British Parliament? Q-3 Write a short note on any three of the following: foll owing: a. Independence of judiciary b. Parliamentary form of Government c. Bill of right 1689 d. Unitary constitution e. Lord Chancellor Q-4 Answer the following in "Yes" or "No" a. Whether any type of bill can be referred to the committee of the whole house? b. Whether the lords have power power to pass a censure against against the cabinet? c. Whether the decision of British Briti sh Speaker is final? d. Whether the common Law is the law made by the 15th century British parliament? e. Whether the British Prime Minister is empowered to advise the king to dissolve the House of common? SECTION -B (The U.S.A Constitution) Q-5 Discuss the salient features of the constitution of the United States of America? Q-6 Compare and contrast the companion power and functions of the Senate with that of the t he House of Lords. Q- 7 Describe the organization and function of the American Supreme Court? Q-8 Answer the following in "Yes" or "No" a. Whether the conventions have played a magnificent role in the development of the constitution of United States? b. Whether the U.S.A is a Federation since Independent? Independent? c. Whether the powers of Federal Government have widely i ncreased due to judicial interpretation / amendments, Laws of the congress etc? ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS EXAMINATIONS 2006 L.L.B (part I) PAPER -Ill "CONSTITUTION LAW -I" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any TWO Questions from each section. (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (The British Constitution) Q-l Trace the origin of the t he Office of Prime Minister in Britain. Britai n. Discuss his position in the parliament st and role in the 21 century British Cabinet? Q-2 What do you understand by the term constitutional Law? Discuss various sources of British Constitutional Law? Q-3 What committee works in the House of Commons? Commons? Discuss their functions in the law l aw making in Britain? Q-4 Answer in the following in "Yes" or "No" a. Whether Kangaroo closure of debates in House of Commons Commons take place at Second Reading of the ill? b. Whether Courts in Britain Britain can declare executive acts as un- constitutional? constitutional? c. Whether it was King James I.I who established the practice of choosing the members of the Cabinet form one part only? d. Whether the system of traveling justice in British was introduced by the king John? e. Whether the members of the Upper House of Parliament can take part in General elections of Parliament in Britain? SECTION -B (The U.S.A Constitution) Q-5 What do you know about the U.S Presidency as the greatest office in the world? How does the President Influence legislation despite being not a legislature? Q-6 Compare and contrast the power and functions of the Speaker of the House of Representative with those of the Speaker of the British Parliament? Q- 7 What is the theory of Due process of Law under the U.S constitution? For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Q-8 Answer the following in "Yes" or "No" a. Whether U.S committees in the senate are more powerful than the committee in Parliament in England? b. Whether the candidate for election to the House House of Representative must must be at least 30 years of age? c. Whether Vice President is a member of senate? d. Whether conventions usages have increased the powers of the president? e. Whether 23rd amendment reduced the voting age at 18?
LL.B. (PART - I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - 2014" PAPER - IV : "LAW OF CONTRACT" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FIVE questions in all. Select FOUR questions from Section-A and ONE from Section-B (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION - A (Contract Act, 1872) 1 Explain in a comprehensive manner the essentials of a valid contract with illustrations. 2 What is an offer, discuss the principle of its communication, acceptance and revocation. 3 Discuss void agreements and its various kinds. 4 What is a contract of indemnity and guarantee, also explain salient differences. 5 Define Bailment, its various kinds and also rights and liabilities of bailor and bailee. 6 Write comprehensive notes on any TWO: a) Liquidated Damages b) Quantum Meruit c) Pledge d) Agency coupled with interest SECTION - B (The Sale of Goods Act, 1930) 7 Define Sale and Agreement to Sell and differentiate salient features. 8 Distinguish between condition and warranty and explain different conditions and warranties applicable in a contract of sale. EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI L.L.B (PART 1 ) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS -2013 PAPER IV :”LAW OF CONTRACT ”
TIME ALLOWED 3 HOURS INSTRUCTION :1 Attempt any five question IN ALL .SELECT FOUR QUESTIONS QUESTIONS FROM section –A and One from section “B” 2. All question carry equal marks Max.Marks:100 SECTION __A (CONTRACT ACT 1872) Q-1 what are voidable and void contracts and discuss various kinds of void contracts specified under the contract act with illustration. Q-2 Explain the various modes by which a contract may be discharged. Q-3 what is meant by breach of contract and and specify different remedies available to an aggrieved party as a result of such a breach. breach. Q4 Explain contract of indemnity and guarantee. How does a contract of indemnity differ from a contract of guarantee? Q5 discuss the scope of agency coupled with interest and under what circumstances the agency is created and terminated. Q6 Write comprehensive notes on any three : A) Bailment (B) frustration of contract (c) wagering contract (d) Qusntum meriut (e) Rights and liabilities of finder of goods (f) Quasi contract SECTION –B( THE SALES OF GOODS ACT 1930) Q-7 WHAT is the principal of “CAVEAT EMPTOR”, EMPTOR”, what are the exceptions to it? Q-8 Write comprehensive notes on any two: For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
(a) Warranty (b) specified goods (c) price (d) sale by auction EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI LL.B. (PART - I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - 2012" PAPER - IV: "LAW OF CONTRACT" CONTRACT" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FIVE questions in all. Select FOUR questions from Section-A and ONE from Section-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION - A (Contract Act. 1872) Q-1 Define Bailment and Bailee I State when Bailee is not liable for the loses? Q-2 How and under what circumstances a principal can ca n revoke the authority of his agent? a gent? Q-3 How a contingent contract can be enforced for an event not happening? Q-4 Can a surety be discharge? If yes, under what circumstance? Explain with illustrations. Q-5 What are the joint liabilities in a contract? In case of joint j oint promissors who would perform contractual obligations? Q-6 What are agreement and contract? And when a contingent contract becomes voidable? SECTION - B (The Sale of Goods Act, 1930) Q-7 Whether an unpaid seller can stop the t he goods in transit? If yes! Narrate the effect of stoppage of the goods. Q-8 What remedies are available for breach of Warranty to a buyer? Q-9 Explain a Title Deed in simple and own words. EXAMINATIONS -2011 LL.B. (PART-1) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS PAPER -IV: "LAW OF CONTRACT" CONTRACT"
Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FIVE questions in all. Select THREE questions from Section-A and TWO from Secti on-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION -A (Contract Act. 1872) Q-1 Define the following in your own words with illustrations. Promise, Acceptance and Revocation of Proposal. Q-2 What is Indemnity and Guarantee? Is there any distinction between the two? Q-3 Can a Continuing Guarantee be revoked? re voked? And what is its method? Q-4 Define Bailment and Bailee, explain when Bailee is not liable for the loss of Bailment, with illustrations. Q -5 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (i) Principal and Agent (ii) Discharge of Surety (iii) Contingent Contract (iv) Agreement Void-Ib-Initio SECTION -B (The Sale of Goods Act. 1930) Q-6 A imported 5000 metric ton eatable Palm oil @ Rs.50,000/- per metric ton from B, with a condition that the Oil should reached to A's Oil Terminal on an specific day at Karachi Port. A also paid the total cost of the consignment consignment goods to B and also paid all other taxes and levis in accordance with law to the Concerned authorities. The consignment as stated above came nine days l ate from the date of arrival, and the consignment instead of Eatable Palm oil contains Palmolive kind of palm oil for making of detergent A refused to accept the defective Palm oil/Palmolive. Discuss. Q -7 How a sale by auction is made? Q -8 What are the rights of the unpaid seller? L.L.B (part I) For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2010 PAPER -IV "Law of Contract" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any four Questions from section A and one from section B (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (CONTRACT ACT 1872) Q-I How Communication Acceptance and Revocation of the proposal is completed? Q-2 Define sound mind for the time of entering contract. Q-3 If both the parties at the time of entering contract has committed mistake as to fact what would be the fate of that agreement? Q-4 What are the contingent contracts? Define with the illustration how a Contingent contract is enforced? Q-5 When promise is not bound to perform a reciprocal re ciprocal contract, discuss with illustrations and examples. Q-6 Define? a. Time is essence of the contract b. Coercion III. Under Under Influence c. Indemnity & Guarantee. SECTION -B (The Sale of Goods Act 1930) Q- 7 Define insolvent and mercantile agent. Q-8 What are the essential requiste re quiste of Scale? Under 'sales of goods act Q-9 Define rights and liabilities of an unpaid seller. EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 PAPER -IV "Law of Contract" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any four Questions from section A and one from section B (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (CONTRACT ACT 1872) Q-l What agreements and considerations are lawful? And what c onsideration and agreements are unlawful? Q-2 How a contingent contract can be enforced for an event not happening? Q-3 What are joint liabilities liabilit ies in a contract? In case of joint Promisors who would perform contractual obligations? Q-4 If in a contrast stipulation as to time and place is given and not fulfilled in accordance with contract! What would be the effect e ffect of non performance of a contract? Q-5 Define agent and principle, who may appoint agent and who may be appointed as a s agent? SECTION -B (The Sale of Goods Act 1930) Q-6 What are the duties of seller and buyer towards goods and payment for purchase of goods? Q- 7 What remedies are available for Breach of warranty? EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2008 PAPER -IV "Law of Contract" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any four Questions from section A and one from section B (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (CONTRACT ACT 1872) For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Q-I Define Bailment and Bailee? State when Bailee is not liable li able for losses? Discuss with illustration. Q-2 What do you understand by the terms Communication / Acceptance and Revocation of the proposal? Q-3 Under what circumstances a surety is discharged? Explain with illustrations. Q-4 How and under what circumstances principal can revoke the authority of his agent? Q-5 Differentiate between Guarantee and Indemnity. State how a continuing guarantee can be revoked? SECTION -B (The Sale of Goods Act 1930) Q-6 How an unpaid seller can stop his goods in transit? Q- 7 Write short note on any TWO of the following: a. Sale by description b. Delivery to Carrier c. Buyer not bound to return damaged goods d. Damages for specific performance EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2007 PAPER -IV "Law of Contract" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any four Questions from section A and one from section B (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (CONTRACT ACT 1872) Q-l What are three ingredients for formation of a contract? Explain with illustrations. Q-2 If an uncertain Agreement is entered into i nto what would be its legal position? Explain with illustrations? Q-3 How a continuing Guarantee can be revoked? Q-4 How an agency can be terminated t erminated where in the agent has interest in subject matter? Q-5 Define contract if indemnity. With examples Q-6 What are remedies for breach of contract? Discuss. SECTION -B (The Sale of Goods Act 1930) Q- 7 Define Rights and Liens of Unpaid seller? Q-8 Whether an unpaid seller can stop the goods in transit? If yes narrate the effect of stoppage in transit. L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2006 PAPER -IV "Law of Contract" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any four Questions from section A and one from section B (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (CONTRACT ACT 1872) Q-1 What do you understand y the terms promise, acceptance and revocation of proposal? Q-2 What are the consequences of breach of contract? Discuss in details and its remedy. Q-3 How do you differentiate between indemnity and guarantee? Discuss in details with illustrations Q-4 What agreements are contract and when contingent contract become void able? Q-5 Write short notes on any Two of the t he following: ( a) Bailment (b) Liability of surety (c) Void agreement (d) Termination of agency SECTION -B (The Sale of Goods Act 1930)
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Q-6 "A" imported 5000 shirts @ $ 19 per shirt form "B", U.S.A and entered into a contract for supply of said shirts wit in 30 days at Karachi port. "A" paid total cost of consignment / goods to "B" after receiving consignment at Karachi Port which was found of defective "B" refused to accept the liability of defective consignment, what shall be the remedy available to "A" under the contract? Q- 7 Write short notes on any Two of the following: (a) Title Deeds (b) Sale by Auction (c) Rights of unpaid seller (d) warranty
LL.B. (PART - I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - 2014" PAPER - V: "LAW OF TORT Time Allowed: Three Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions.{i)- Attempt any FOUR questions. (2)- All questions carry equal marks. 1- Define and distinguish Tort viz-a-viz Contract and Crime. (b) What to you understand/mean by the following terms:(i)- Economic loss and pure economic loss. (ii)- Liquidated and Unliquidated damages. 2- What do you understand by the trespass, assault, battery, false imprisonment and actionable per-se? 3- What elements constitute defamation, innuendo, and as to when 'Slander' becomes actionable per-se? 4-What is nervous shock, distinguish between primary and secondary victim. Please explain as to why in the matter of Bourhill V / s. Young (1943), despite her abortion, Bourhill's claim did not succeed? 5- Discuss the various constituents / elements of nuisance with reference to decided authorities. What role malice could play in the commission of nuisance? EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI L.L.B (PART 1) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS -2013 PAPER V:”LAW OF TORT”
TIME ALLOWED 3 HOURS INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION :1 Attempt Attempt any Four question 2. All question carry equal marks marks Max.Marks:100 Q-1.Distinguish between tort and crime and breaches of contract with illustration. Q-2.Define defamation. Illustrate its ingredients with examples. What defences are available available to a defendant and what are remedies in an a n action for defamation? Q-3.Discuss with reference to case law contributory Negligence, and its effect on award of damages. Q-4.What claimant in deceit in deceit has to prove and how damages for deceit are calculated? Q-5.Discuss the grant of compensation for personal injury. How damages are calculated? Q-6.Write short notes on any two of the following: 1) Remoteness of damages 2) Nuisance 3) Nervous shock 4) Malicious Prosecution EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI LL.B. (PART - I) “ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - 2012" PAPER - V : "LAW OF TORTS"
Time Allowed: THREE Hours Instructions: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. questi ons. (2) All questions carry equal marks Max. Marks: 100
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Q-1.What do you understand by Negligence and what are its main elements. Discuss in the perspective of principle enunciated by Lord Lord Atkin in Donoghue Donoghue Vs. Stevenson (1932). (1932). Q-2. What is nervous shock and who are the Primary and Secondary victims. Discuss with reference to important decided cases. Q-3.What do you understand of trespass? Explain with the help of case law, Battery, Assault and False' imprisonment and name the two most important defences for the aforesaid tort. Q-4. What must be occupied, to constitute the occupiers liability and who is a visitor in legal connotation of occupiers liability. Discuss this tort with reference to independent contractor and the children. Q-5. What do you understand of Nuisance? What are its kinds and salient ingredients, discuss with references to case law. Q-6. Do the employers owe any liability to their employees? Discuss with reference to Wilsons and Clyde Cord Limited V /s England. Are there any defences available to an employer against the said liability? LL.B. (PART- I) II ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS -2011 PAPER -V "LAW OF TORTS" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any FOUR questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q -1 What are the main elements which constitute negligence? Discuss in the light of "Neighbour Principle" as laid down by Lord Atkin in i n Donogue vs. Stevenson. Q -2 Zakia a retired teacher of Grammar School conducts English tuition classes at her residence. Sana a Spinster, Zakia's next door neighbour, does not like l ike the presence of children in i n her neighbourhood. The moment Zakia starts her lecture, Sana spitefully starts banging on the wall or ringing brass bells causing severe disturbance to the class. Zakia is very much perturbed. She is seeking your advice. Advise her accordingly, with regard to the remedies available to her and the chances of her success. Q-3 Explain what do you understand by "res ipsa loquitur" in the back drop of decided authorities. In the event the claim in respect of "res ipsa loquitur" fails, will it be rejected altogether? Or there is some remedy available to the Claimant? Discuss. Q-4 Discuss various ingredients of Defamation, Libel and Slander with the help of decided authorities. Could Slander be actionable per se, if so, in what circumstances? Q-5 Write short notes on any THREE of the following: (i) Tort and Contract (ii) Vicarious Liability (iii) Occupiers Liability (iv) Employers Liability L.L.B (Part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2010 PAPER -V "LAW OF TORT" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 1 00 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions carry equal marks Q-l What do you understand by Negligence and what are its main elements. Discuss in the perspective of principle enunciated by Lords Atkin in Donoghue Vs Stevenson. (1932) Q-2 What do you understand by a reasonable person and reasonable reseed ability, discuss in details with reference to Bourhill V/S Young (1943), the fish wife case. Q-3 What is nervous shock and who are the Primary victims and Secondary victims. Discuss with reference to important authorities, the decided cases. Q-4 Explain with the help of case law, battery, Assault and False imprisonment i mprisonment and name the two most important defenses for the aforesaid torts. Q-5 Name and discuss the tort for which you could be held legally responsible to a third party for the said tort, having been committed by some one else. For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Q-6 Write a short notes any two t wo of the following: a. Contributory Negligence. b. Volenti non fit injuria. c. Distinguish between Negligence and private nuisance. L.L.B (Part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 PAPER -V "LAW OF TORT" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 1 00 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions carry equal marks
Q-l What do you understand by Tort? Explain with examples. Distinguish between tort & crime and tort &contract. Q-2 Discuss negligence in tort / economics loss and pure economic loss with reference to certain authoritative decided authorities. Q-3 What elements have to be proved to constitute the tort of private nuisances, discuss in the back drop of relevant case law. Q-4 What do you understand by defamation? Explain its ingredients and state which statement would amount to innuendo. Discuss Q-5 Discuss employer's personal duty in the light of principal enunciated in Wilson and Clyde Coal Co. Ltd. Vs England [1938] Q-6 Critically examine the tort created in the case of Rayland's Vs Fletcher [1868] L.L.B (Part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2008 PAPER -V "LAW OF TORT" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 1 00 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions carry equal marks
Q-l The branch of law that we know as negligence has its origins in one case Donoghue Vs Stevenson (1932), Discuss in details with reference to the t he neighbor principle, Q-2 What do you understand by public and private nuisance? On which elements of tort you would rely to prove private nuisance? Discuss Q-3 Define and discuss Battery, Assault and False Imprisonment. Q-4 Distinguish between libel and "Slander" in the t he perspective of various ingredient of defamation, could slander be actionable 'per se'? Q-5 Define Tort and discuss its essential and exceptions, Q-6 Write detailed note on any a ny Two of the following: a, Crime and contract b, Vicarious liability c, Occupier’s liability d, Employer's liability EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT L.L.B (Part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2007 PAPER -V "LAW OF TORT" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions carry equal marks
Q-l Define and discuss tort and distinguish it from crime and contract preferable with reference to to examples. Q-2 What is nervous shock, primary and secondary victim? Explain in the light of some decided authorities. Why Bourhill, the young fishwife could not succeed i n her claim for damages. For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Q-3 What are the three main elements/ which constitute negligence? Discuss in the l ight of neighbour Principle laid down in 'Donotghue Vs Stevenson' by Lord Atkin. Q-4 What do you understand by contributory negligence? Its effect in the award of damages, critically discuss with references to certain leading decided cases in this regard. Q-5 Explain with reference to decided cases, the t he main elements of defamation, would it be actionable per see in certain circumstances? Discuss Discuss by citing example. example. Q-6 Zehra a retired teacher of Grammar School conducts English tuition classes at her residence. Nasira, a spinster/ Zehra's Zehra's next door neighbour does not like presence of chi.tdren in her neighborhood. The moment Zehra starts her lecture/ Nasira spitefully starts Banging on the tin trays or ringing brass bells causing acute disturbance to the class. Zehra is very much perturbed. She is seeking your advice. Advice her accordingly, with regard to the remedies available to her and me chances of her success. EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT L.L.B (Part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2006 PAPER -V "-LAW OF TORT" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 1 00 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Four Questions (2) All Questions carry equal marks
Q-I What are the elements of Tort explain in details? Q-2 What is "negligence" in Tort and what are its main ingredients, a plaintiff has to prove in suit for damages on account of "negligence" of the Defendant. Q-3 Discuss in details he principles of various liability in the Law of Tort and also the liability arising out of special relationship. Q-4 "A" publishes a letter about B's charter. B is ridiculed. B wants to bring action. Advice what action "B" can institute against "A"? Q-5 KMC staff burnt garbage causing your client suffocation due to smoke. Can you bring an action acti on against KMC? Q-6 Discus whether damages are essential mark of Tort.
Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Attempt FOUR questions. Select THREE questions from Section-A and ONE from SectionB. (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION - A (Pakistan Penal Code, 1860) 1.Under what circumstances an offence committed outside Pakistan may be tried as an offence committed in Pakistan? Discuss with reference to the term "extradition" and conditions for its grant.../ 2. What is the difference between Theft, Robbery and Dacoity? Discuss in detail with punishment. 3.Discuss the object and kinds of punishment with reference to the principles followed under Pakistan Penal Code. 4. It is settled principle of law that there is no legal concept of "Judicial Custody" by way of voluntary surrender before the court, unless and until the accused is under actual restrain or custody by the police or other law enforcement authorities I agencies. He cannot be construed to be in "Custody", as laid down by Hon'ble Sindh High Court in the State Vs Muhammad Ayoub PLD 2008 Karachi 492. Discuss 5. It is settled principle of law that where upon the material on record, a safe assessment can be made that the accused cannot can not be convicted any an y further delay in the proceeding proce eding would be
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
nothing but an abuse of process of the court, liable to be quashed as per principle laid down in Gul Hassan's case PLD 2008 Karachi 567. Discuss. 6.Write short notes on any THREE of the following" (i) Qatal SHIBH-i-AMD and its Punishment (ii) GHYR - JAIFAH and its punishment (iii) WRONGFUL RESTRAINT and its punishment (iv) CRIMINAL FORCE and ASSAULT (v) KIDNAPPING or ABDUCTING FOR EXTORTING PROPERTY, VALUABLE SECURITY, etc. 7. What is Zina liable to Hadd? Discuss in detail with its punishment provided in the offence' of Zina (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance 1979 (VII of 1979) SECTION - B (HUDOOD LAWS 1979) 8 What is the definition of Harrabah? Discuss the proof of Harrabah with its punishment provided in the Offence Against Again st Property (Enforcement of Hadd) Hadd ) Order 1979 (vi of 1979) 9 Discuss the powers of "Prohibition Officer" with regard to lodging of FIR and investigation of cases registered under the Prohibition(Enforcement of Hadd) Order, 1979. 10 Write a note on the protection of women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act, 2006. EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI L.L.B (PART 1) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS -2013 PAPER VI: CRIMINAL LAW
TIME ALLOWED 3 HOURS INSTRUCTION: INSTRUCTION: 1 Attempt any four question in all .select at least THREE Question from section “A” AND One from section “B”:2 All question carry c arry equal marks Max.Marks:100 SECTION “A” (PAKISTAN PANEL CODE) Q-1 What is different between common intention and common object? Discuss in detail with its punishment? Q-2 Discuss Abatement, Abettor and Criminal conspiracy with its punishment? Q-3 Discuss House Breaking and describe six ways mentioned in section 445 PPC with its punishment/ Q-4 It is settled settled principle principle of law that there is no legal legal concept concept of “judicial custody” custody” by way of voluntary surrender before the court unless and until the accused is under actual restrain or custody by police or other law enforcement authorities/agencies .He can not to be in “custody “, as laid down by Hon’ble Sindh High Court in the state Vs Muhammad Ayoub PLD 2008 Karachi 492.Discuss Q-5 It is settled principle of law that whereupon whereupon the material on record, a safe assessment can be made that the accused cannot be convicted, any further delay in the proceedings would be nothing but an abuse of process of the court, liable to be quashed as per principle laid down in Gul Hassan’s case PLD 2008 KARACHI 567 .discuss Q-6 Write short Note on any three of the following (i) Qatal-e-Amad (ii) Extortion and its punishment (iii) Cheating (iv) Isqat-e-janin (v) Defamation SECTION “B”(HUDOOD LAWS 1979) Q-7 What is Qazaf Qazaf ?Explain with reference to the verses from Holy Quran and discuss the circumstances that are necessary for proof of Qazaf liable l iable to Had. Q-8 What is DEFINATION DEFINATION OF HARRABAH? HARRABAH? Discuss the Proof of Harrabah with its punishment provided in the Offences against against Property (ENFORCENEN (ENFORCENENT T OF HADD) HADD) Order 1979 (VI of 1070) Q-9 Define and discuss the difference between Article 3 and 4 of the Prohibition Prohibition (Enforcement of Hadd) Order 1979 (4 of 1979) Q-10 Define the the cases in which which neither neither “Hadd “Hadd “shall be imposed nor enforced.
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
LL.B. (PART - I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS-2012" PAPER -VI: “CRIMINAL LAW" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks:100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions. Select THREE questions from Section-A an ONE from Section-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION-A (Pakistan Panel Code) Code) Q-1 What is difference between common intention and common object? Discuss in detail with its punishment. Q-2 Differentiate between' Dacoity' 'Extortion' and' Theft' Q-3 Discuss the Object and kind of punishments with reference to the Principle followed under Pakistan Panel Code. Q-4 Distinguish between criminal misappropriation of property and criminal breach of trust. Q-5 It is settled principle of law that there is no legal concept of Judicial custody by way of a voluntary surrender before the court, unless and until the accused is under actual restraint or custody by the police or other law enforcement enforcement authorities/ agencies. He can not be construed construed to be in Custody, as laid down by Hon’ble Sindh High Court in i n the State V/S Muhammad Ayoub PLD 2008 KarachiA92, .. Discuss., Q-6 It is settled principle of law that whereupon the material on record, a safe assessment can be made that the accused can not be convicted, any further delay in the proceedings would be nothing but an abuse of process of the court, liable lia ble to be quashed as per principle laid down in Gul Hassan's case PLD 2008 Karachi 567. Discuss. Q-7 Write Short Note on any THREE of the following. (i) Qatal-e-Amad (ii) Fraud and its punishments. (iii) Shajjah (iv) Jaifah (v) Defamation SECTION -B (HUDOOD LAWS. 1979) Q-8 What is Zina liable to t o Budd? Discuss in detail with its punishment provided in the offence of Zina ( Enforcement ofHudood) Ordinance 1979 (vii of 1979) Q- 9 What is the definition of Harrabah ? Discuss the proof of Harrabah with its punishment provided in the Offence Against Property (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance 1979 (vi of 1970) Q- 10 Define and discuss the difference between Article 3 and 4 of the Prohibition ( Enforcement of Hadd) Order 1979 (4of 1979) Q:" 11 Define the cases in which neither "Hadd" shall be imposed nor enforced. LL.B. {PART -I} "ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS -2011" PAPER -VI: "CRIMINAL "CRIMINAL LAW" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FOUR questions. Select THREE questions from Section-A and ONE from Section-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION -A (Pakistan Panel Code. 1860) Q -1 What is an unlawful assembly? What is its relationship with intention and c ommon object? Q -2 What is the difference between abatement and criminal conspiracy? Discuss in detail with its punishment. Q -3 Explain Qatl-i-Amd and Qatl-i-Khata and define its punishment provided in Ppc. Q -4 What is the difference between theft, robbery and dacoity? Discuss in detail with punishment. Q -5 Under what circumstances an offence committed outside Pakistan may be tried as an offence committed in Pakistan. Q -6 Write short notes on any FOUR of the following:
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
(i) Cheating (ii) Defamation (iii) Isqat-i-Janin (iv) Qisas and Diyat (v) Shajjah (vi) Criminal misappropriation of property (vii) Counterfeit (viii) Wrongful restraint and wrongful confinement SECTION -8 (Hudood Laws 1979) Q-7 What is "QAZAF"? Explain with reference to the verses from Holy Quran and discuss the circumstances that are necessary for proof of Qazaf liable l iable to Hadd. Q -8 What is the definition of HARABAH? Discuss the proof of Harabah with its punishment provided in offences against the property property (Enforcement (Enforcement of Hudood Ordinance 1979) 1979) Q -9 Write a note on the protection of women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Amendment) Act, 2006. L.L.B (Part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2010 PAPER-VI "Criminal Law" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any THREE Questions from section "A" and ONE from Section "B" (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (PAKISTAN PENAL CODE 1860) Q-1 What do you mean by Unlawful Assembly? What is the punishment of a number of Unlawful Assembly? Write in details. Q-2 What is the offence constituted under Section 123-A PPC? Explain its nature and its punishment. Q-3 What do you understand by QTL-E-AMD, what is the reference to the relevant section of Pakistan Penal Code 1860. Q-4 What do you mean by SHAJJAH? What are the kinds of SHAJJAH? SHAJJAH? Explain with reference to Section 337 of Pakistan Penal Code 1860. Q-5 Write short notes on any THREE of the followings: a. Fabricating False Evidence b. Public Nuisance c. Diyat d. Tazir e. Judge SECTION -B (Hudood Laws 1979) Q-6 What is the proof of theft t heft liable to HADD? Explain with reference to t o section- 7 of the offences against property. Q- 7 Explain those cases in which HADD shall not be enforced in the offence of ZINA EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 PAPER -VI "Criminal Law" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (I) Attempt any THREE Questions from section "A" and ONE from Section "B" (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (PAKISTAN PENAL CODE 1860) Q-I Write short notes any three of the following: a. Forgery and its punishment b. Qatl-e-amad c. Fraud and its punishment d. Shaijah e. Criminal liability f. Defamation Q-2 Discuss Abatement, Abettor and Criminal conspiracy with its punishment. Q-3 What is the difference between common intension and common object? Discuss in details with its punishment.
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Q-4 Who is public Servant? Discuss its description and explain differences between Public Servant and Govt. Servant. Q-5 Difference between "Dacoity" Extortion and Theft. Give illustrations SECTION -B (Hudood Laws 1979) Q-6 Define and discuss the differences between Article 3 and 4 of prohibition (Enforcement of Hadd) Ordinance 1979 with its punishment. Q- 7 Define the cases in which neither "Hadd" shall be imposed nor enforced. L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2008 PAPER -VI "Criminal Law" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any THREE Questions from section "A" and ONE from Section "B" (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (PAKISTAN PENAL CODE 1860) Q-1 Write short notes on any Three of the following a. Wrongful restraint and wrongful confinement b. Qisas and Diyat c. Counterfeit d. Unlawful Assembly e. What is criminal liability? f. Criminal force Q-2 What is the difference between Theft, Robbery and Dacoity? Discuss in details with punishments. Q-3 Discuss the object and kinds of punishments reference to the principles followed under Pakistan Penal Code? Q-4 Define and discuss the difference between “Offence and Crime" and as well as their nature and brief history of the causes of of crime. Q-5 Under what circumstances an offence committed out side Pakistan may be t ried as an offence committed in Pakistan? Discuss with reference to "extradition" and conditions for its grant. SECTION – B Hudood Laws 1979) Q-6 What is "Qazaf'? Explain with reference to the Verses from Holy Quran and discuss the circumstances which are necessary for proof of Qazaf liable to Hadd. Q- 7 Discuss the powers of "Prohibition Officer" with regard t o lodging of FIR and investigations of cases registered under the Prohibition (Enforcement of hadd) Order 1979. L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2007 PAPER -VI "Criminal Law" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any FOUR Questions from section "A" and ONE from Section "B" (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION-A PAKISTAN PENAL CODE 1860 Q-1 Write short notes on any Four of the following a. Abettor b. Cheating c. Defamation d. Isqat-i-Janin e, Qisas and Diyat f. Qatl-Amad g. Sha.ijah Q-2 Define common Intention and common Object. How does conspiracy differ from these terms? Illustrate the answer. Q-3 The famous maxim “He who consents suffers no injury". Explain. Is there any limitation to this rule? Discuss in details. For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
Q-4 What do you understand by the term "Wrongful Restraint". Illustrate t he answer by referring the relevant provisions of law. Q-5 How far “Extortion” is different from theft? Distinguish Extortion from robbery and Dacoity. SECTION -B (Hudood Laws 1979) Q-6 What are necessary ingredients of theft to t o Hadd? Discuss in details with its proof and punishment provided in offences against Property Property Ordinance 1979, Q- 7 What are categories of penalties under Hadood Laws? Discuss in details. L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2006 PAPER -VI "Criminal Law" Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any THREE Questions from section "A" and ONE from Section "B" (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A PAKISTAN PENAL CODE Q-l What is Un-Lawful Assembly? What is its relationship with intention and common object? Discuss' detail. Q-2 Discuss House breading and describe six ways mentioned in Section 445 P.P.C. what punishment has been provided for House breaking in P.P.C. Q-3 What is difference between abetment and criminal conspiracy? c onspiracy? Discuss in detail with punishment. Q-4 Expalin Qatl-i-Amad and Qatal-i-Khata and define its punishment provided in P.P.C Q-5 Write short notes on any Three of the following: a. Public nuisance and private nuisance b. Fraud and its punishment punishment c. Criminal force d. Criminal misappropriation e. Malice in criminal cases SECTION-B (Hudood Laws 1979) Q-6 What is Zina liable to Hadd and Zina-bil-Jabr liable to Hadd? Discuss in details with its punishment provided in zina Ordinance Ordinance 1979. Q- 7 What is the definition of Hara bah with its punishment provided in offence against Property Ordinance 1979?
L.L.B (PART 1) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS EXAMINATIONS -2014 PAPER -VII: “LAW OF EQUITY & SPECIFIC RELIEF" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FIVE questions in all. Select TWO questions from Section-A and THREE questions from Section-B (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION - A (MAXIMS OF EQUITY) 1. Discuss - principles of equity yields to the statutory provisions of law. 2. Explain the concept of equity in light of legal precedents. 3.Write notes on any TWO: (i) Equity helps the vigilant (ii) Equity acts in personam (iii) Equity follows the law SECTION - B THE SPECIFIC RELIEF ACT: 1871 4.Discuss the scope of a suit for recovery of specific immovable property under section 8 and 9 of the Specific Relief Act. 5.Enumerate the circumstances with illustrations when contracts cannot be specifically enforced. 6. Explain in a comprehensive manner the concept of a declaratory suit. 7. What is temporary and permanent injunction, discuss their salient features. ~ For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
8. Give Reasons - Why (i) Specific Relief is a discretionary relief (ii) Upon appointment of a receiver the property vests into custodia legis. (iii) Rectification of instrument aims at bringing the instrument to its original position. (iv) Permanent injunction is always granted by final judgement and decree. EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI L.L.B (PART 1) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS -2013 PAPER -VII: “LAW OF EQUITY & SPECIFIC RELIEF
TIME ALLOWED 3 HOURS INSTRUCTION: INSTRUCTION: 1 Attempt any FIVE Question IN ALL. Select two question from section A and Three from section “B’.: 2 All question carry equal marks Max.Marks:100 SECTION –A (MAXIMS OF EQUITY ) Q-1 Define & explain Equity and discuss its origin and development of equity. Q-2 Describe and explain the difference between legal and equitable estates . Q-3 Explain any two: (i)Equity follows the law (ii)Equality is equity (iii) Laches SECTION- B (THE SPECIFIC RELIEF ACT ,1877) Q-4 what do you understand by relief under Specific Relief act which relief can be given. Q-5 Which parties cannot be compelled for the specific performance of a contract? Also describe the effects of dismissal of suit for specific performance. Q-6 What is suit for declaration and what is meaning of injunctions? Q-7 what do you understand by declaration and what is meaning of injunctions? Q-8 write short notes on any three of the following: (i)Receiver (ii) Rescission for Mistake (iii) Balance of convenience EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI LL.B. (PART - I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS-2012" PAPER -VII: “LAW OF EQUITY & SPECIFIC RELIEF" RELIEF" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt FIVE questions in all. Select TWO questions from Section-A and THREE questions from Section-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION - A (MAXIMS OF EQUITY) Q - 1 Discuss the background bac kground of the Law of Equity. Q - 2 What role equity play in dispensation of justice in Pakistan. Q - 3 Explain any TWO: a) Delay defeats equity b) Equity acts in personam c) Equity looks to the intent rather than to the form. SECTION - B (THE SPECIFIC RELIEF ACT. 1877) 187 7) Q - 4 What are the rights of the purchaser against vendor with imperfect title? Q - 5 Discuss the scope and salient features of a summary suit for possession and regular suit for recovery of an immovable property. Q - 6 What contracts cannot c annot be specifically enforced. Discuss with illustrations. Q - 7 Explain temporary and permanent injunctions and when injunction cannot be granted. Q - 8 Write notes on any THREE: a) Cancellation on Instruments b) Mandatory Injunction c) Custodia Legis d) Consequential Relief. For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
e) Obligation LL.B. PART -I "ANNUAL "ANNUAL EXAMINATI0NS -2011" PAPER -VII: "LAW OF EQUITY & SPECIFIC RELIEF" Time Allowed: THREE Hours Max. Marks: 1 00 instructions: (1) Attempt FIVE questions in all. Select TWO questions from Section-A and THREE questions from Section-B. (2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION -A (MAXIMS OF EQUITY) Q-1 Discuss equity and fairplay always yield to the provisions of law. Q-2 Elaborate Principles of equity reduce the brittleness and rigidity of law. Q-3 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: a} Equity under the Roman Legal System b) Equity follows the law c) Bias SECTION -B (THE SPECIFIC RELIEF ACT. 1877) Q-4 Explain the salient features of a suit for recovery of possession of an immovable property on the basis of title. Q-5 Discuss -the remedy of rectification of an instrument exists to correct, but not to t o improve an instrument. Q-6 Under what circumstances court may refuse specific performance of the contract. Q-7 Who is a Receiver; discuss his mode of appointment, powers, rights, duties and liabilities under the law. Q -8 Explain temporary injunction and the principles for the grant of same with illustrations. i llustrations. L.L.B (Part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2010 PAPER-VII "LAW OF EQUITY & SPECIFI RELIEF” Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Two Questions from section,"A" and Three from Section "B" (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (Maxim of Equity) Q-l Explain "equity cannot over ride statutory enactments". Q-2 Discuss "equity takes place where law fails". f ails". Q-3 Write short notes on any Two of the following: a. Laches b. Delay defeats equity c. Vigilance SECTION -B (the Specific Relief Act) Q-4 Discretionary reliefs are based on equity, justice and good conscience. Discuss Q-5 Elucidate the scope of suite for recovery of possession of an immovable property on the basis of title. Q-6 Explain when contracts can not be specifically enforced. Q- 7 Discuss the salient features of a declaratory suit and decree. Q-8 Write short notes on any Two of the t he following: a. Receiver b. Mandatory injunction c. Earnest Money L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 PAPER-VII "LA W OF EQUITY & SPECIFI RELIEF” Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (I) Attempt any Two Questions from section "A" and Three from Section "B" For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
(2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (Maxim of Equity) Q-I Explain the maxim "There is no wrong without a remedy. Q-2 Discuss with illustrations: "Equity regards that as done which ought to have been done" Q-3 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: a. Equity follows the Law b. Delay defeats equity c. He who seeks must do equity SECTION -B (the Specific Relief Act) Q-4 Discuss with illustrations the law relating to t o recovery of possession of moveable properties by and on behalf of the owner. Q-5 Discuss with example what instruments are liable to be canceled under Specific Relief Act. Q-6 Explain the circumstances under which a court c ourt can refuse to grant injunctions. i njunctions. Q- 7 Answer in "YES" or "NO" a. For an injunction prima facie of case is Must. b. A receiver can fix his duties and liabilities. liabilities. c. Party can claim damages in a suit for specific performance. d. Any defect can be rectified by the parties them selves in their documents. e. Court is bound to decree every suit U/S 12 of the Specific Relief Act. Q-8 Write short notes on any TWO of the t he following: a. Temporary injunctions b. Balance of convenience c. Contract L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2008 PAPER-VII "LAW OF EQUITY & SPECIFI RELIEF” Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Two Questions from section "A" and Three from Section "B" (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (Maxims of Equity) Q-I Explain the maxim with illustration "where the Equities are equal, the first in i n time shall prevail. Q-2 Discuss the doctrine of ‘Laches" Q-3 Write short notes on TWO of the following a. Origin of Equity b. Equity follows the Law c. Equity acts in personam SECTION -B (The Specific Relief Act) Q-4 Discuss the scope of suit for possession of an immovable property on the basis of title Q-5 When specific performance of a Contract in i n enforceable. Discuss any two circumstances? Also state what type of contracts cannot be specifically enforced? Give illustrations. ill ustrations. Q-6 What are the essential ingredients for a declaratory suit? Q-7 Briefly discuss the principle for the grant of temporary injunctions and how does it differ from a permanent injunctions. Q-8 Write short notes on any TWO of the following; a. Mandatory injunction b. Perpetual injunction c. Cancellation of Instrument L.L.B (part I) ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2007 PAPER-VII "LAW OF EQUITY & SPECIFI RELIEF” Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Two Questions from section "A" and Three from Section "B" For queries email at
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9 years unsolved papers LLB-Part 1 (2014-2006) Law Students Council, S M Law College, Karachi
(2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (Maxims of Equity) Q-l Discuss the origin and growth of equity. Q-2 Explain any three maxims of equity with illustrations. Q-3 Discuss whether the delay defeats the equity. e quity. Illustrate it. SECTION -B (The Specific Relief Act) Q-4 What do you know by the term t erm "Specific Relief' also discuss the different modes for granting such relief. Q-5 In which cases specific performance of contract is i s not enforceable. Q-6 What do you mean by Receiver and how is he appointed? Q-7 What are the essentials of a suit under Specific Relief Act? Explain in Details. Q-8 Discuss the circumstances in which an injunction cannot be granted? Give illustrations ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS 2006 PAPER -VII L.L.B (part I) “LAW OF EQUITY & SPECIFI RELIEF” Time allowed: THREE Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions: (1) Attempt any Three Questions from section "A" and Two from Section "B" (2) All Questions carry equal marks SECTION -A (The Specific Relief Act) Q-l Explain what do you mean by a declaratory suit? In what circumstances a declaratory suit is not maintainable? Q-2 Discuss the law relating to the recovery of possession of immovable Q-3 Property. Q-4 Write short note on any Two of the following: a. Rectification of instrument b. Due course of law c. Balance of convince. d. Contract Q-5 What is the difference between perpetual injunction and temporary injunction. Q-6 Answer any five in YES or NO a. A tenant is entitled to file suit against his illegal dispossession with in three years. b. Court can refuse to grant an injunction injunction to stay proceeding in any criminal matter. c. An injunction is the right of the party d. A declaratory suit is maintainable without of consequential relief. e. There is no appeal against a decree passed under section 9 of Specific relief Act f. A suit for cancellation ca ncellation of instrument in maintainable by a person to whom it causes injury SECTION -B {Maxims of Equity) Q- 7 Discuss in detail with illustrations "Equity follows the Law" Q-8 Write short notes on any two of maxims of the following: a. He who seeks equity must do equity b. Equity imputes an intention intention to fulfill an obligation. c. Where the equity is equal the first in time prevail the prior in right. d. Explain "There is no wrong with out a remedy"
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