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AASHTO 180Descripción completa
St andar d Meth od o f Test
LossonH He eat i ngofOi land Asphal t i cComp mpounds AASHTO DESI GNATI ON:T4783( 1990) ( ASTM DESI GNATI ON:D 680)
1. SCO PE 1.1 This method covers the determination of the loss in mass (exclusive of water) of oil and asphaltic compounds when heated as hereinafter prescribed.
2.REFERE RENCED DOC OCUME MENTS2. 1 ASTM Standards. E1 Specification for ASTM Thermometers E 1! Specification for "ravit#$onvection and %orced&entilation &entilation 'vens
3.SUM MM MARY OF M ME ETHOD .1 %ift# rams of material* material* spread out in a dish !! mm in diameter* is heated in movin air for ! h at 1+ $ (,! %) and the percent loss of mass determined determined alon with a comparison* before and after* of an# other desired characteristics. This method provides onl# a relative measurement of the volatilit# of a material under test conditions. conditions.
4. APPARATUS 4.1 'ven-The oven shall be electr electrical icall# l# heated and shall conform to the performance reuirements of Specification E 1! T#pe 1* "rade * for operatin operatin temperatures temperatures up to 1/0 $ (+!2%). 3urin the tests for compliance to Specification E1! reuirements* the oven shelf* properl# placed shall be in place and rotatin. 4n addition* it shall also compl# with the followin reuirements5 ns t r u c t i o n(6ote 4)-The oven 4.1.1 Co shall shall be rectanular wit h minimum interior dimensions of 0 mm (1 in.) in
each direction. The oven shall have in front a tihtl# fittin hined door* which shall provide a clear open in substantiall# the same as the interior heiht and width of the oven. The door ma# contain a window with dimensions dimensions of at least 100 b# 100 mm ( b# in.)* end with two sheets of lass separated b# an air space* throuh which a vertical thermometer located as specified in Section 7* ma# be read without openin the door8 or the oven ma# be provided with an inner lass door* throuh which the thermometer thermometer ma# be observed on openin the outer door momentaril#. momentaril#. The oven shall be adeuatel# ventilated b# convection currents of air and for this pur pose shall be provided with openins for the entrance of air and for the exit of heated air and vapors. 'penins ma# be of an# si9e and arraneme nt provided the reuirements of Specification E1!* T#pe T#pe 4* "rade * are met. .1., Ro t a t i ngShe l f Theoven shall be provided with a circular metal shelf ha vin a minimum diameter of ,!0 mm (:./ in.). (A recommended form of aluminum shelf is shown in %iure 1.) The shelf shall be suspended b# a vertical shaft and centered with respect to the hori9ontal interior dimensions. The shelf shall be provided with a mechanical means of rotatin it at the rate of ! to + rpm. The shelf shall be verticall# located as close to the center of the oven as permitted b# compliance with with the reuirements of Section 7., reardin thermometer placement. 6'TE 1--$ontinued 1--$ontinued use of existin existin small ovens compl#in with the reuirements of this test shall be permitted for an indefinite period to provide for normal normal amorti amorti9at 9ation ion of presen presentt euipm euipment. ent. ;owever* all new ovens purchased should compl# with the minimum dimensions and reuirem reuirements ents of this test method. 4. 2Ther mome met er AnASTM
;eat Thermometer raduated in $elsium derees* havin a rane from 1!! to 170 $ and conformin to the reuirements for Thermometer 1$ as prescribed in the Specification E 1. ai ner Thecontainer in which the . Cont sample is to be tested shall be of metal or lass* c#lindrical in shape* and shall have a flat bottom. 4ts inside dimensions shall be substantiall# substantiall# as follows. diameter* !! mm (,.17 in.)* in.)* depth* ! mm (1./ in.). 6'TE 6'TE ,-$on ,-$ontai tainer nerss =nown =nown in the the dru dru trad tradee as as seamless seamless 2ointment 2ointment boxes2 boxes2 ma# be obtaine obtained d in dimensions conformin to the above reuirements.
5.PRECAUTI ONS !.1 >nder ordinar# circumstances a number of samples havin about the same deree of volatilit# ma# be tested at the same time. Samples var#in reatl# in volatilit# should should be tested separatel#. ?hen extr eme accurac# is reuired not more than one material should be tested at one time and duplicate samples of it should be placed simultaneousl# in the oven. Such duplicates shall chec= within the limits of accurac# iven in Section /. @esults obtained on samples showin evidences of foamin durin the test shall be reected.
6.PREPARATI ONOF OFSAMP MPLE +. 1 ;eat the sample sample with care* stirrin stirrin as necessar#* to prevent local overheatin until it has become sufficientl# fluid to pour. 4n no case should the temperature be raised to more than 100 $ or 1/0% above the expected softenin point. +., %irst test the material material under examination for water and* if water is present*
remove it b# suitable methods of deh#dration before subectin the material to the loss on heatin test8 or* obtain another sample that is free of water.
circumference of the circular shelf* in one of the recesses if the recommended shelf is used. $lose the oven and rotate the shelf durin the entire test at a rate of ! to + rpm. Maintain the temperature at 1+ C 1 $ (,! C 1./ %) for ! h after the sample has been introduced and the oven has aain reached that temperature. The !-h period shall start when the temperature reaches 1+, $ (, %)* and in no case shall the total time that a sample is in the oven be more than ! h and 1! min. At the conclusion of the heatin period* remove the sample from the oven* cool to room temperature* weih to the nearest 0.01 * and calculate the loss due to heatin. 7. , 3etermine temperatures b# means of the specified thermometer* which shall
7. P R O C E D U R E 7.1 Blace !0.0 C 0.! of the sample of the water-free material to be tested in a tared container conformin to the reuirements of .* and weih to the nearest 0.01 . 4f the material has been heated to facilitate transfer* cool the sample to room temperature before ma=in this initial weihin. rin the oven to a temperature of 1+ $ (,! %)* and place the container with the weihed sample on and near the
be supported fr om the shaft of the ci rcular shelf in a vertical position approximatel# 1: mm (0.7! in.) inside the peripher# of the shelf* and with the bottom of the ther mometer bulb + mm (0.,! in.) above the shelf. 6'TE -4f additional periods of heatin are desired* it is recommended that the# be made in successive increments of ! h each. 6'TE -?hen it is reuired that the penetration or other characteristics of the sample after heatin be determined* the residue should be melted in the container at the lowest possible temperature and thorouhl# mixed b# stirrin* ta=in care to avoid incorporatin air bubbles in the material. %or the penetration test* the wellmixed residue shall be brouht to standard temperature and tested as prescribed in the Test for Benetration of ituminous Materials (AAS;T' T :). %or other tests* the well-mixed residue should be tested accordin to standard conditions as reuired b# the test procedure involved.
8. REPRODUCIBILITY OF RESULTS 8.1 >p to !D loss in mass* the results obtained ma# be considered as correct within 0.!. Above !D loss in mass* the numerical limit of error increases 0.01 for ever# 0.!D increase in loss b# volatili9ation as shown in Table 1.