A teaching by Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal RinpocheFull description
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.Full description
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Topology and Shape Optimization with Abaqus
Date : 17.2.2004 Activity : 1.6 Area of regular and irregular shape. Aim : to estimate the area of regular and irregular shapes. Apparatus: ruler, graph paper and fresh leaf Diagram:
rocedure: 1. !egu !egula larr shap shapee such such sha shape pes, s, rrec ecta tang ngle le,, triangle and circle "ere dra"n on a piece of graph paper. % 2. #ach #ach ss$u $uar aree "hi "hich ch had had an an are areaa of of 1 cm "as mar&ed "ith A.
%. #ach #ach ss$u $uar aree " "hi hich ch had had an an area area of more more 2 than or e$ual to ' cm and less than 1cm2 "as mar&ed "ith (. 4 . )he num*er of As and (s for each shape "as counted. )hen the estimated are for each shape "as calculated. +. )he )he lea leaff "as "as place placed d on the the grap graph h pap paper er.. t "as pressed flat and its outline "as traced. 6. step stepss 2 and and 4 "er "eree repe repeate ated d to es esti tima mate te the area of the leaf.
!esult: -hape
um*er of um*er of Area s$uares s$uares / 3 mar&ed mar&ed cm2 / /
-$uare !ectangle )riangle ircle 5eaf Discussion: 1. hat is a unit of measurement for area 2 )he unit is cm . 2
2. 8o" many mm are there in 1cm )her )heree ar aree 100 100 mm 2 in 1 cm2 %. hy hy is is the the area area o*t o*tai aine ned d usi using ng this this method not accurate
e are rounding up the area of each s$uare mar&ed . -o the estimated area "ould *e greater than the actual area. 4. 8o" can can you you est estim imat atee the the area area of of the the lea leaf f more accurately 9se smaller s$uares. or e;ample, count the num*er of s$uares "ith an area of 4 2 mm . onclusion: