Insecticides are used to kill insects. Nowadays, insecticides are not only expensive but also contain chemicals that may be harmful for the skin. These are very in demand for the prevention of mosquito-related diseases. Diseases like denue, malaria, and yellow fever are one of common diseases. !ut now with the innovation of technoloy, technoloy, new versions of repellents are comin out. Durian, Durio Durian, Durio zibethinus, is a tropical fruit popular amon "outheast #sian countries like $alays $alaysia, ia, Thailand, Thailand, Indonesia Indonesia and %hili %hilippi ppines nes.. It is referr referred ed to as the King of Fruits and is known for its lare si&e, stron odor and formidable thorn-covered husk. Its husk is known for its spiky outer shell and is usually thrown away a fter eatin durian. Instead of discardin the husk and addin it into the pile of arbaes, the researchers will use the durian husks as an alternative alternative insecticide insecticide for mosquitoes. mosquitoes. It will benefit the people and will even lessen the arbaes, the environment has riht now. The researchers will investiate if it would be effective by ettin the extract o f the durian husk and testin it to mosquitoes. The study entitled 'Durian (usk )xtract as Insecticide for $osquitoes' aims to know if Durian husk can be used as an alternative insecticide for mosquitoes.
Statement of te Pro!"em
This study study aims to determine determine if durian husk can be a repellent repellent for mosquitoes mosquitoes.. It seeks to examine the possibilities of usin ob*ects that are rearded as leftovers and transformin it to
somethin useful. This study will specifically focus on how to find an answers in the followin questions. +. Is Durian (usk a ood repellent for mosquitoes . hat is the level of effectiveness of durian husk as a repellent /. hat are the advantaes of usin durian husk as a repellent
Si#nificance of te Stud$ Using insectces are no ha safe o use due o he chemicals ha i consis. Tha is why he researchers will use durian husks as an alernatve insectcide for mosquioes. This sudy has many advanages such as:
1. PEP!E. " is safer o use naural insectcides #ecause i do no conain chemicals ha migh #e harmful o $eo$le unlike some which are sold in markes. " is also chea$er han #uying commercially sold insectcides.
2. %&'TE. (urian husks are regarded as rash since i is usually hrown away a)er eatng durian. Using durian husks as an alernatve insectcide will minimi*e he gar#age in our environmen.
+. ,E&!T, P-!E/'. 'ince insectcides are used o kill insecs0 i will minimi*e he mosquioes in our environmen and $reven he wides$read of mosquiorelaed diseases.
. 3UTU-E -E'E&-4,E-'. This sudy will give furher knowledge fuure researchers ha using durian husks0 which are regarded as rash0 as an alernatve insectcide is $ossi#le.
(o+0 Durian husk extract is safe and effective as an alternative insecticide. (o0 It works as or almost the same effect with the commercially sold in markets. (o/0 There is no sinificant relationship between the durian husk and insecticide. Null (ypothesis0 Durian husk extract is not an effective insecticide.
The main ob*ective of this research is to prevent the wide spread of mosquitoes that cause diseases like Denue, $alaria, and many more. Durian husk extract will be used to kill mosquitoes. Determine if it is effective, and make an alternative insecticide instead of usin insecticide that have chemicals that may be harmful to the skin.
Sco%e and Limitation
The research will focus on creatin an alternative of an insect repellent made out of durian husks. The scope and limitation of this study is the problems of many citi&ens reardin with the mosquito-borne diseases. It focuses on usin the extract of the husk as repellent for
mosquitoes and the benefits the people will et by usin it. It excludes the use and effect of different repellent sold in markets.
Definition of Term&
The followin are defined to assist you in understandin more the frequently used and important terms in the study. Durian also called as Durio zibethinus is a tropical fruit popular in "outheast #sian countries. In
this study, the husk of the durian will be removed and will be used in the eneral procedure. Hu&) is the dry outer coverin of some fruits or seeds. In this study, the husk will be used as an
alternative insecticide Insecticide is used to kill insects. In this study, it will be used to kill mosquitoes and it will be made from the extract of durian husk. Mo&*uito a slender lon-leed fly with aquatic larvae. In this study, the insecticide will be used
to the mosquitoes. Cemica"& are a distinct compound or substance, especially one which has been artificially
prepared or purified. In this study, it is rearded as the substances present in an insecticide.