Command Name !/l acc[e]/lacc[e] acc[e]/lacc[e] acl/lacl acl/lacl alias/unalias bl[s]/lbl[s] bl[s]/lbl[s] bo[ar]/ba[swdpmu]/br[wdm] col conf[bld][+-] cr[e] cr[e] ctrl-z ctrl-z d2ip/h2ip dbc[s][a] dbd deb/ldeb deb/ldeb del[b]/ldel[b] del[b]/ldel[b] edit eget/leget eget/leget emom eset[c][1]/leset[c][1] eset[c][1]/leset[c][1] facc/lfacc facc/lfacc fclean[f||a|d|e] fdel/lfdel fdel/lfdel fget/lfget fget/lfget t/tc t/tc fro[m]/lfro[m] fro[m]/lfro[m] fte ftget[c]/ftput[c]/ftdel ftree[f] get/lget get/lget getmom getmom gob[ib]
gs[+-]/gsg[+-] h2b/b2h h2d/d2h hget[c][m]/lhget[c][m] hget[c][m]/lhget[c][m] hi hpdi[m]/lhpdi[m] hpget[c][m]/lhpget[c][m] htget ip2d get/lget get/lget mom[d] l+[m][m][s][o]/l-/l" lc[1-#]/lcc lc[1-#]/lcc ld ld lf[c] lh[z] l/ll l/ll lo/llo lo/llo lmid[c]/upid[om] lt/clt/ltc[1-#] lt/clt/ltc[1-#] lu/llu lu/llu ma/lma ma/lma mom[abcdoprtu] mom[abcdoprtu] mon/monu/mond/monf/mon"/m mp mp mr/lmr mr/lmr ose/coli command p/w/pw/b parsemom parsemom pbl pcr[cfpda]/lpcr[cfpda] pdeb pdel[p] pdi/lpdi pget/lpget
pgets[n][m][r] pgu[c][f][r] pme[fd][cgur] pmom[acdpo]/lmom[c] pmr[agfwop%] pm[hfdnscwlb%] pol[c][d][h][][m][s][u][ pol[c][d][h][][m][s][u][ pr[s][m]/lpr[s][m] pr[s][m]/lpr[s][m] print procload prod prod proglist/progill pro[+-] pset[d] pst p& '/b(/eit/'uit rdel/lrdel rdel/lrdel re[i] re[i] return rset/lrset rset/lrset run[] run[] s+/s++/s-/s" s+/s++/s-/s" safe+/safe-/safe" safe+/safe-/safe" set[m][c][1]/lset[m][c][1 set[m][c][1]/lset[m][c][1 sget/lsget sget/lsget smd[slcr] spget/lspget s'l+/s'l-/s'l" st/lst st/lst time[t] trun[is1cr] trun[is1cr] u+[s]/u-/u"/u! u+[s]/u-/u"/u! ul
u& wait
Purpose )ecute a uni command on the */worstation, )ecute an . action, )ecute an . action, ists a&ailable . actions, ists a&ailable . actions, *rint or de0ne command aliases, oc or soft-loc .s, oc or soft-loc .s, /be[3-43]/bp anage board groups that can be used for running .5 commands on multiple boar 6oggle displa( of colors, 6oggle con0rmation on &arious . commands, reate an ., reate an ., 7bort an . command or a 8for8 loop, 6(pe 8touch /tmp/9stop0le:;fg8 to resume the moshell ses 7bort an . command or a 8for8 loop, 6(pe 8touch /tmp/9stop0le:;fg8 to resume the moshell ses on&ert a decimal or headecimal number to an 5* address,
ead attributes that are not listed in the . e?8)tended8, >ead attributes that are not listed in the . e?8)tended8, emo&al of obsolete loadmodules .> recursi&e remo&al of a director( on the node, ead attributes that are not listed in the . f?8Corce8, >ead attributes that are not listed in the . f?8Corce8, oad pro(s for an . t(pe that is not de0ned in the ., 8Corce8 lt/ltc, oad pro(s for an . t(pe that is not de0ned in the ., 8Corce8 lt/ltc, >ead . persistent data from node database &ia @D, >ead . persistent data from node database &ia @D, Ciltered trace and error command, 6ransfer 0les or directories to/from the nodeB using ftp or sftp, >ecursi&e listing of a director( on the 0le s(stem of the node or the worstation, >ead /C attributes from .s, >ead /C attributes from .s, hec the . &ersion currentl( stored on the node or download a . from utran31 ser&er, hec the . &ersion currentl( stored on the node or download a . from utran31 ser&er, >un EF commands as ad&anced user EF/@EF
6oggle displa( of old/new attribute &alue in set/bl/deb commands, on&ert a binar( to headecimal or &ice&ersa, on&ert an integer to headecimal or &ice&ersa, >ead /C attributes from .sB print horizontall( one line per . instead of one line per att >ead /C attributes from .sB print horizontall( one line per . instead of one line per att *rint histor( of moshell commands entered during the current session, *rint incrementation of * attributesB horizontall( one line per . instead of one line per attribut >ead * attributes from .sB print horizontall( one line per . instead of one line per attribu 6ransfer 0les from the node using http, on&ert an 5* address to a decimal number, un .5 commands on all boards of a board group or . group, Iiew all .As lined to an .B and their states adm@tate and op@tate, Iiew all .As lined to an .B and their states adm@tate and op@tate, .bsolete commandB use l/ll instead, .bsolete commandB use l/ll instead, *rint translation of loadmodule/upgradepacage product number or 6J) error codes, oad . tree full or partial and build pro( table, oad . tree full or partial and build pro( table, =nload .s from . tree, =nload .s from . tree, 7dd .s to an . group, 7dd .s to an . group, *rint description of . classesB /C attributesB actionsB enums and structs, *rint description of . classesB /C attributesB actionsB enums and structs, on- @tart/stop/chec target monitor session in 6* modeB =<* modeB or dis mode, *rint all de0ned . groups, *rint all de0ned . groups, >emo&e an . group or remo&e .s from an . group .s will K.6 be deletedB onl( the group >emo&e an . group or remo&e .s from an . group .s will K.6 be deletedB onl( the group @end .5 commands to the ** nodeAs .@) shell, 6(pe 8h ose8 for s(nta help and 8"8 to &iew a& hange moshell prompt and/or window title, *arse an ml . 0le, *arse an ml . 0le, @uspend a scanner, reate a statistics scanner, >esume a scanner, ead * attributes from .s,
*rint scanner contents, *rogram =pgrade, Cor lab use onl(B egB to load blac s, Cetch/decode e&ent >.* 0les >K/>F@ onl(, *rint description of * counters pmom or log attributes lmomB <7 onl(, *roduce * G*5 reportsB based on counter &alues in statistics >.* 0les and formulas in *5 docum .* 0les, r] *oll the node until the . ser&ice is up or until an operation has completed, r] *oll the node until the . ser&ice is up or until an operation has completed, *rint . K/>F@/6) onl(, ist all * scanners and their state, *rint scripting &ariables, )it moshell, un a command 0le in moshell format, >un a command 0le in moshell format, @ort . list in alphabetical order instead of pro( order, @ort . list in alphabetical order instead of pro( order, 7ppl( strict . matching rules on . L>56) commands 7ppl( strict . matching rules on . L>56) commands ] @et an attribute &alue on one or se&eral .As, ] @et an attribute &alue on one or se&eral .As, >ead /C attributes from .sB one b( one 8@low8 get, >ead /C attributes from .sB one b( one 8@low8 get, @er&er aintenance - dis usage >ead * attributes one b( one 8slow pget8, @tart/stop/chec the @D client on the node E1%24M3N, *rint state of .s operational@tate and administrati&e@tate when applicable, *rint state of .s operational@tate and administrati&e@tate when applicable, easure time taen b( an moshell command or b( each command in a moshell command 0le, >un a command 0le in )7@/o6ester format, >un a command 0le in )7@/o6ester format, Oandling of undo mode for cr/del/rdel/set/bl/deb/acc commands, an be used for generation of Oandling of undo mode for cr/del/rdel/set/bl/deb/acc commands, an be used for generation of 6oggle displa( of userlabel in st/lst and pget/lpget printout,
*rint or change moshell con0guration settings also called 8user &ariables8, @pecif( a dela( in hrsB minsB secsB ropsB or until speci0c time, @imilar to the uni 8sleep8 command
TYPE o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@
o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ p P * .7K<@
p P * .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ p P * .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ m P F7@5 .7K . .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@
o P .6O)> .7K<@ o P .6O)> .7K<@