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The Rosicrucian Order
This monograph always remains the property of the Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R. C. It is not purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member.
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R E G IS T E R E D IN U .S . P » T £ M T O F F I C E Twr *41*110 m j . i . a .
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The matter contained herein is officially issued through the Su preme Council of the A. M. O. R . C. under the emblem above, which officially sertations. scientific: postulations, philosophical discourses, academic and----------. charts", as authorized by studies, diagram s. illustrations, 1---------------------, - the . Im perator of A. M. O. R. C. (The above emblem and name of the Oraer are also registered in countries throughout the world.) All matters herein contained are strictly confidential to the member receiving, and are imparted only as an incident to membership. The ownership of. the legal title, and the right of possession to this monograph is and snail remain in the Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R . C. and It shall be returned to it upon its request. The contents herein are loaned to be used for the sole and exclusive information of the receiving member and not otherwise. Any other use or attempted use does, ipso facto, terminate all rights of the member, and is a violation of the Statutes of this Order. A. M. O. R. C. is the only organization authorized to use the R eg istered name and symbols, and the Imperator has sole right to grant the use of them to other allied organizations or movements.
This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion V V V <|The seventeenth century writer, John Amos Komensky, was a native of Bohemia, leader of a group of mystically inclined individuals, and a wellknown educator. He was the author of a book which, in spite of its being condemned as heretical, circu lated widely and in secret for many years. In his book Labyrinth of the World and The Paradise of the Heart in the passage quoted below, he speaks of inspiration and intuition as the work of angels. It has been made clear that the Masters spoken of in current monographs cannot be called angels; yet who can deny that the manner of their assistance is of the same character as that ascribed to the angels by Komensky? I saw also (and it is not beseeming to conceal this) another advantage of this holy, invisible companionship—to wit, that the angels were not only as guards, but also as teachers to the chosen. They often give them secret knowledge of divers things, and teach them the deep secret mysteries of God. For as they ever behold the countenance of the omniscient God, nothing that a godly man can wish to know can be secret to them, and with God’s permission they reveal that which they know, and which it is necessary that the chosen should know. Therefore the heart of the godly often feels that which has befallen elsewhere, mourns with the mournful, and rejoices with the joyful. Therefore, also, can they, by means of dreams and other visions, or of secret inspirations, imagine in their minds that which has befallen, or befalls, or will befall. Thence comes also other increase of the gifts of God within us, deep, valuable meditations, divers wondrous discoveries, by means of which man often surpasses himself, though he knows not how he has that power. Oh, blessed school of the sons of God! It is this which often causes the astonishment of all worldly-wise men, when they see how some plain little fellow speaks wondrous mysteries; prophesies the future changes in the world and in the Church as if he saw them before his eyes; mentions the names of yet unborn kings and heads of states; proclaims and announces other things that could not be conceived either by any study of the stars or by any endeavour of human wit. -JO H N AMOS KOMENSKY (JAN AMOS COMENIUS), 1592-1670
Temple Section
The Rosicrucian Order
Beloved Members, Greetings! A great many questions which should be answered immediately have been asked relative to one or two points, and I feel that I must answer them before proceeding further. First, we must learn that the Master never advises anything wrong or inimical to our best interests. We may do what he sug gests and do it wrongly, and then think afterwards that he did not give us the best advice, but the error is ours in such a case, and not the Master's. Nevertheless, the Masters do not expect us to follow their suggestions blindly without examining them suffi ciently to realize that they have come from a higher source and should be given due consideration. They do not expect us to jump from one thing to another with every impulse, because some impulses are not to be acted upon, but are solely for instructing our minds on both sides of a subject to make us see a thing in its proper light. Even impulses about what we should or should not eat, or drink, or where we should go, or what we should say, are important. I have learned, when being asked various questions by different members of a group, to wait for an impulse to tell me not to say what I had contemplated saying. Often a Master of the Cosmic will reveal that what I was about to say would be hurtful to someone, or would reveal principles the person should not have at that moment. Very often in making contact, the Masters will first reveal the contact through the odor of incense. It is not always a sweet, flowerlike odor like modern incense. In my own physical contacts with some of the mystical temples in Egypt, and in parts of Syria and Palestine, I found that the most generally used incense, and the most admired, is not a sweet-smelling flowery form, but one that is unique. It is not unpleasant nor especially pleasant in any sense, but it is certainly powerful in its vibrations, and immediately gives one the impression of an old temple with strange and mystical conditions. Some forms of incense are rather gummy, are burned on hot charcoal, and have a very high rate of vibration. The first impression is of a mild disinfectant, not unpleasant but wholesome smelling. If you have ever smelled freshly-cut pine wood, you will know that it is wholesome smelling and creates the impression of something clean and healthy; yet you cannot say the odor is either pleasant or unpleasant. The use of myrrh is very popular in the Orient in connection with incense in the temples and cathedrals. When a very pleasant and suggestive odor is desired, the so-called India Moss Rose incense is used, and this is the type that we have been offering to our members through our Supply Bureau. So you may at any time, either in meditation, concen tration, or in a relaxed condition, suddenly sense a strange odor, unmistakably some form of incense. After breathing the odor for a while, its effect upon the
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consciousness is quite definite. Such incense is so high in its vibrations that it instantly attunes with the Cosmic the person who inhales it. Very often, especially when least expected, this odor will be very faint and seems to surround the person in a very mild degree. Nevertheless, it is easily detected, although it may last for only a few seconds. Or it may grow stronger and stronger for a few minutes and then suddenly cease. Once it has come, there will be no further question about it, for you will recognize it instantly as being different from anything you have ever noticed before. And its effect upon you a few minutes after will be quite definite, for you will feel yourself becoming very peaceful, except possibly for a thrill that may come to you at first, as though some great spiritual being had put his finger on your brow or touched your shoulder and given you a very mild electrical, ethereal tonic of some kind. One thing that you may notice is that very loud and undesira ble noises seem to be greatly softened during this period of con tact. I have noticed, as have others, that even a radio in an adjoining room or the noise from streetcars outside, seems to be greatly muffled during the contact. The effect upon the conscious ness, and the tonic effect upon the whole body, seems to last many minutes, and sometimes a half-hour afterward. Of course, if you are thinking about something, or watching some experiment, you may not notice anything more than a strange odor, but if you stop what you are doing, relax and concentrate on the odor of incense, you will soon find that it is coming to you quite strongly and from some definite place in the room, or around you if you are outside. Any attempt to analyze the contact or to determine the kind of incense or where it comes from, will bring the whole contact to a sudden end. You should wait until twenty minutes or half an hour after the contact is over before doing any analytical thinking about it. The results of your analytical thinking will be abso lutely nil, even then, for you will be able to tell less about it after all of your thinking and reasoning than you would have been able to tell from intuition the moment the contact occurred. A second form of preliminary manifestation of the contact is that of soft music that seems to come to your consciousness from without in the same manner as the odor of incense. Whether you are indoors, or walking around outside, or riding along in an automo bile or streetcar, or sitting under a tree, if you are in relaxed meditation and spiritual thought you will be suddenly impressed that there is some soft music just above your head and seeming to fill the upper part of the space around you. Any attempt to deter mine where the music comes from or who may be producing it will simply cut off any further manifestation of it. But if you concentrate on the music, listening to each note and bar, and noticing the rhythm, you will find that the music is of a very definite nature, and sometimes a melody or theme that you may recognize. At other times it may seem
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to be just soft harmonic notes without any theme or melody; but you should not attempt any analysis other than to make sure that you are hearing the music. If those Masters who produce the harmonic musical effects want to impress you in this way, they will go just as far as they desire with it and no further. I have learned, however, from long experi ence with these matters, that in most cases the Masters are not deliberately trying to send the impression of incense or of music, but that it is accompanying the contact as something in the back ground. It is the same when a person who has been walking through a cold atmosphere suddenly steps into a warm, snug cottage: when he opens the door and steps in, he brings with him a breath of fresh, invigorating air. He does not consciously bring in such atmos pheric conditions, and is not even thinking of it when the contact is made, but nevertheless it is there and is a sort of background for any other impression being deliberately transmitted. In other words, if the Masters appear to be sitting in their Sanctums with incense burning or music being played, there seems to flow toward you a part of the vibrations of the incense or the music. They have learned this fact also, and realize that in meditating or reaching out toward the Cosmic, they carry these impressions with them. They often stop at that point so that the student may have the sense and realization of the contact without any identification of the Master who is making it. When one of the Masters does permit himself to be partly identified, a fleeting glimpse of his surroundings often precedes the vision of the Master himself. This may be of a hillside in a foreign country, or of some old temple or a monastery garden, a fountain, an old doorway, or perhaps a quaint old room. Or it may be an old mystical altar, or a Sanctum of some kind. You may see a group of people in strange costumes kneeling in prayer or going through some ceremony, or you may have a fleeting glimpse of an old window with a landscape very foreign in its appearance outside. Occasionally, the view may be one as seen from an airplane of a little valley or plain with strange-looking buildings, crooked streets, and other features that immediately identify it as Orien tal or strictly foreign. At such times this picture— that may last for only a portion of a second— may be instantly followed by others, or by a glimpse of some person in strange robes or strange costume. In such cases the face is seldom clear, or if it is seen at all, you are able to recognize only that it is a man or a woman, or that the face has a long beard or grey hair. You are never able to see the features clearly or to distinguish how old or how young the person may be. When only the costume is seen, it is often a robe much like a monk's except that it may be in bright colors or in black or brown. Sometimes the robe is white, or white with a violet haze around it. In such cases, it
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means that a highly advanced Master is making momentary contact. Yet if the robe is very dark or a bright color of some kind it does not mean that the Master appearing in such a robe is not highly advanced, for these Masters do not always wear white robes in their meditation work, and in making their contacts they often prefer dark, simple, robes because they are thus enabled to do their work much more unostentatiously. Sometimes only hands are seen holding a scroll, or as if writing something on a wall. Sometimes only the writing on the wall is revealed for a moment; it may be in strange characters, but never lasts long enough for you to copy it or to recall any one of the characters. At other times a symbol may be held in the hands, or held out toward you as if for you to take it, and then it quickly fades out of sight. Or there may be a word or two spoken at the same time that you see the robe or the face, or the words may be spoken without anything being visible to the eye. These contacts come in so many varied ways in the early stages that it is impossible to give a list of them, as much as I would like to do so in answer to the many questions that have been written to me. I am not trying to withhold any information from you, or to conceal any thing that you should know. Some facts I am not giving you at the present moment simply because they have their place in the future lessons, and I do not want to confuse your mind or confound your experiences by introduc ing at the wrong time certain points that will greatly attract your attention. I want you to proceed carefully and understandingly so that after each experience you will be able to make your own analy sis, instead of having to write to me and wait several weeks for an answer. I have already told you that certain signs and symbols may be revealed suddenly, although weakly or faintly, in the corner of your room or elsewhere— merely as an indication that you are momen tarily in Cosmic contact. Again, I say you should not try to ana lyze these things at the time you are looking at them, or sensing them, but should wait until the whole matter is over, and then make a note of it in your notebook along with the date and hour. Under neath this, write your analytical impressions of what you saw, heard, or sensed. Fraternally, YOUR CLASS MASTER
Summary of This Monograph V V V
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete monograph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing week to refresh your memory. 11 We must learn that the Masters never advise anything wrong or inimical to our best interests. 11 Very often in making contact, the Masters will first reveal the contact through the odor of incense. When meditating or when in a relaxed condi tion, one may sense a strange odor, unmistakably some form of incense. Any attempt to analyze the contact, will bring it to a sudden end. U A second form of preliminary contact is that of soft music that seems to come from without in the same manner as the odor of incense. 11 When one of the Masters does permit himself to be partly identified, a fleeting glimpse of his surroundings often precedes the vision of the Master himself. These contacts come in such varied ways in the early stages that it is impossible to give a list of them. 11 Proceed carefully and understandingly so that you will be able to know what contacting the Masters means, without having to ask about it and wait several weeks for an answer.
The Weekly Application Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the evening what the morning may aecomplish.—UNTO THEE I GRANT
The use of incense and music is another combination of elements that we once were urged to use in our study and meditations. They were intended to set a mood that would help you to relax and attune yourself with the Inner Self. Now those elements come into play again as signals of a Cosmic contact. You may already be thinking that your own use of these in your Sanctum may somehow be helpful in your present contacts. It is true that if you burn incense and play some sweet music, softly, you may heighten your preparation for attunement. You will be inviting like elements by attraction, or by sympathetic response. By setting a stage that is prepared just as the Masters themselves are presented, you are making yourself more ready, and making the attunement process more facile. A correspondence comes about, making a common ground for an important exchange of impressions.
"Con secrated to truth and dedicated to every Rosicrucian" This m o n o g ra p h is not s u b je c t to s o le or p u rc h a se b y a n y o n e . p u rc h a se
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s e lle r a n d
p u rc h a se r s u b je c t to
A s a le or lia b ility .
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The Rosicrucian Order
This monograph always refnains the property of the Supreme Grand Lodge/of A. M. O. R. C. It is not purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member. ■a
Degree 11
lotfarfiruri# R E G IS T E R E D IN U .S . P A T E N T O F H C E 'ALSO *£SI£T£ « 0 r«*OuGhOuT Tnt «rO«»uOi /■n»tf0 l« U.S.A.
The matter contained herein Is officially Issued through the Su preme Council of the A .M .O .R .C . under the emblem above, which was registered in the United States Patent Office for the purpose of protecting all the "printed, engraved, typewritten, and photographic copies of officially prescribed and copyrighted monographs, dis sertations. scientific postulations, philosophical discourses, academic studies, diagrams. Illustrations, and charts" as authorized by the Imperator of A. M. O. R . C. (The above emblem and name of the Order are also registered in countries throughout the world.) AH m atters herein contained are strictly confidential to the member receiving, and are Imparted only as an incident to membership. The ownership of. the legal title, and the right of possession to this monograph is and snail remain in the Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R . C. and it shall be returned to it upon its request. The contents herein are loaned to be used for the sole and exclusive information of the receiving member and not otherwise. Any other use or attempted use does, ipso facto, terminate all rights of the member, and is a violation of tne Statutes of this Order. A. M. O. R. C. is the only organization authorized to use the R eg istered name and symbols, and the Imperator has sole right to grant the use of them to other allied organizations or movements.
This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion V V V €[ Confirmation for the matter of this monograph may be drawn from many sources. It exists in every religion and in all genuine philosophy. The extent of it is indicated by the few quotations below which in a sense constitute universal judgment. If you say to a man who sees with his eyes, ‘H ave you seen/ and he answers, ‘I have,’ that is truth.—UPANISHADS Only as I know a thing myself, do I know it.—CHUANG TSU If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.—JESUS Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.—ST. PAUL Everything proves itself by itself as soon as we have acquired the interior experience of the truths revealed through faith, so soon as we are led by faith to vision, or in other words to full cognizance. -ECKARTSHAUSEN
Temple Section
The Rosicrucian Order
Beloved Members, Greetings 1 As was pointed out last week, many of the earliest forms of contact will be impressions while asleep or in meditation: They will appear to be intuitive impressions, arising in your own con sciousness or in your own subconscious mind. Even though you think they do not come in this way, it is immaterial to the Masters as long as you follow the instruction given you in this manner. The Masters are not anxious to have you credit them with every good thing that happens, for they are not seeking worship or glory, but are quite content in knowing that you follow the advice and benefit from it. For this reason, if your inner consciousness is receptive at the moment the Master contacts you, he may impress a thought that will instantly rise within you as an intuition. As long as it reaches your objective consciousness and is appreciated and acted upon, he is quite satisfied. On the other hand, if your inner receptivity is not so open and ready as it is at other times, the Master may utter words that you will hear in a peculiar way, or give you instructions or guidance through a vision or through some symbol or emblem. Again I remind you that the__most important and helpful _contacts are given when you need them, and not just when you happen tQ select a time for~~~Votir n 'Ifyou are___ fabout^to~sign some paper, or walk down a certain street, or' go into some store, or eat something, or do something ttiaj:_wou!d be__a__ f ^erious mistake, the Masters may suddenly’ your ihlnd~and plansT^and.~ftot"'dcPwhat you were about to do. When the sees that ~his impression on your consciousness has worked and that he has frustrated the''error-you'were about to make, he "is and"contafli^-wbfttheror not you ever have any realiza-~ €ion of how it was dnne_pr b y wH^in. ~ You" migfit sit all night in your Sanctum praying for' conta~ct~~With the Masters and receive nothing; then, tired and sleepy, and disappointed, you might decide before retiring to eat or drink something. The Master might instantly cause you to change your mind and abandon your plan, or to do something else instead. You might do as the Master sug gested, and still go to bed feeling that you had not had any con tact, and that your desire for a contact had remained unanswered. It is only aXter_jnonths of experience, looking back over your daily affairs and notinqhow many little pitfal 1 s_'^ou_Tvad_ avoided, “arid"' ^Row~ your health had aTfalrs Innrc> FnrfiinafPr or your decisions moreIcoxre£ET~that~voil“HegiifTio ~realTze~tfrat~'yp\i _ tiad some guidance other^tharTjyour own objective “mind and 'brain. r~ Gradually as the Masters learn that yoiLwill^ follow ^he^ intuitiv^- impressions, <5r "hunches" that come tojyou, they wi1 1 begirT to implant in your^ consciousness some _ will reveal ~to-~your consciousness, a~~time ,_qems~~of thought that will_solve some
This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion V V V <1 Confirmation for the matter of this monograph may be drawn from many sources. It exists in every religion and in all genuine philosophy. The extent of it is indicated by the few quotations below which in a sense constitute universal judgment. If you say to a man who sees with his eyes, ‘Have you seen,’ and he answers, 7 have/ that is truth.—UPANISHADS Only as I know a thing myself, do I know i t —CHUANG TSU If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.—JESUS Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.—ST. PAUL Everything proves itself by itself as soon as we have acquired the interior experience of the truths revealed through faith, so soon as we are led by faith to vision, or in other words to full cognizance. —ECKARTSHAUSEN
The Rosicrucian Order PAGE ONE
Beloved Members, Greetings! As was pointed out last week, many of the earliest forms of contact will be impressions while asleep or in meditation: They will appear to be intuitive impressions, arising in your own con sciousness or in your own subconscious mind. Even though you think they do not come in this way, it is immaterial to the Masters as long as you follow the instruction given you in this manner. The Masters are not anxious to have you credit them with every good thing that happens, for they are not seeking worship or glory, but are quite content in knowing that you follow the advice and benefit from it. For this reason, if your inner consciousness is receptive at the moment the Master contacts you, he may impress a thought that will instantly rise within you as an intuition. As long as it reaches your objective consciousness and is appreciated and acted upon, he is quite satisfied. On the other hand, if your inner receptivity is not so open and ready as it is at other times, the Master may utter words that you will hear in a peculiar way, or give you instructions or guidance through a vision or through some symbol or emblem. Again I remind you that the most important and helpful_contacts are given when you need them, and not just when you happen tQ select a time for'"~vuui (juiTripntrat^eft -or mad'isacrton^ If“you are___ rabout~to~Sign some paper, or walk down a certain street, "or"’go" into some store, or eat something, or do something that would be a serious mistake, the Masters may suddenly cause_you_to change your mlnd~and^ ^ansV^an3~nut“'do_wha~t_~you were about_ to do. When the rBasfg: sees that his" Tmpression on your consciousness has worked and that he has_trustrated the~~error"you were about to make-, he is ata trLsrt-1 p>H anJ~nontan. i-r—whal-hpr^nr not you_ever have any realiza-' €ion of how it was or by whom. ~ You might sit all night in '"‘your Sanctum praying for5'contact~~With the Masters and receive nothing; then, tired and sleepy, and disappointed, you might decide before retiring to eat or drink something. The Master might instantly cause you to change your mind and abandon your plan, or to do something else instead. You might do as the Master sug gested, and still go to bed feeling that you had not had any con tact, and that your desire for a contact had remained unanswered. It is only a.ftp.r._ioonths of experience, looking back over your daily affairs and notinghow many little pitfalls you~~nad avottted'; “and" 'liovTvour healliE had been" bet^EerT^oiir^afTairs^lnoife "fortunate, or your decisions more IrlorxpfTtr; that vou~Beairi to re all ze~tTrat7~ypu_ Have had some guidance other than~your_ own objective mind a n d __ brain. r Gradually as the Masters learn that yoi3Lwill follow the intuitive impressions,~or "hunches" that come tcLypu* £hey~~will begin to implant in your consciousness som e , s'eeds of wisdomV They will reveaX~Tfb~your consciousness, Jjrie^ gems of thought that will solve some
Temple Section
The Rosicrucian Order
of_the mysteries of life, and will answer some of the problems that are^facing your~6r~thHy_wiIl inspire ^ou'"with an idea as to what to 4$ the next 3ay“"6ir the n^Xt_week to improve your social, physical material r~~^trrancTal 7~br ^worldly ~af faTrg,. as welTHas your spiritual 3.ffaXrs. And Lu the degree that you respond to these things s^how~~Vgtlr willingness to be guided) they^will ^increase their interest in you.
A word of warning here in case what has been said might have been misunderstood. If one is not careful, the doctrine of a per sonal master may become one of fatalism. The student may believe that he should suppress his own initiative, his own reasoning power, his own ability to discern, and remain merely a passive animate being, waiting, and expecting to be motivated each hour by the intelligence of an Invisible Master. If one were to do that, he would become a mere puppet. He would be denying his divine heritage, his ability to reason, to exercise judgment, and to use his own mental faculties. We must not feel that because Cosmic Masters have an interest in us that we have no responsibility for our acts, or that we should not exercise our own initiative, our own reason, our own thinking and observation. To presume that we are going to be pro pelled and impelled through life by an intelligence which is look ing out for our welfare, without exercising our own divine powers, would be a desecration of our nature. Consequently, we must meet every-situation in life personally, resorting_tg_our jmbjective^and objective fanuTtiPs and~txvinq to master it T n o u r Qwn_w5yi "it is 0171 y whAn we hayesTncerely tried and havp. pyhanstpri nnr._ nwr| powers or have used them wrongly, though innocently, so as to probably Cause a serious~'Tffis~takg';— that-EHe Cosmic Master? will intprvpne^ If ^you have a situation_tQ meet, some problem to solve, some thing that-Heeds ~to~ Tbe done, proceed to act,upon it personally. DrasL.upofi~your faculties in the~manner in which you have been i^tructecT'Trrour teachings. Only in that way, will you invoke the Cosmic guidance of the Masters if it is needed. To sit back and expectT^such intelligencesTlIcT In'terced^_fox_.-you—is .the equivalent of making ~some~sgrt^of ma^f±rral genrir~oT~ the Masters. It is the equivale'nt~o? Xladdin* s~rubtrrng his ^aiflp^and expecting a power to appear and do his bidding. If the Cosmic Masters were to serve us without our first endeavoring to serve ourselves, personal mastership would not be necessary. In fact, there would be no reason for the study of our teachings, which aspire to develop the individual so that he may fully use all his faculties and inherent powers. Let us look at it this way: In our material world, we have specialists— those who are trained in various profes sions, such as physicians, attorneys, accountants, archi tects, and engineers. Each time we make a move, that
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The Rosicrucian Order
motion is governed by some law of physics known to the engineer. Everything we say or do, likewise, falls into some classification of man-made law that is known to the attorney. Each motion of our body also produces certain physiological causes and effects under stood by the physician. However, each time before we walk, speak, or act, in any manner, we do not consult an attorney, a physician, an accountant, or an engineer. If we did, we would be slaves to their decisions in our most commonplace affairs. Instead, we proceejj_to thg_best of our ability, and it is only when circumstances become too complex ~?or us, when we have exhausted our own e)cpigrrir§nce and training in meeting these experiences, that we consult one of the specialists. We certainly would not evar$£> morning7 ~before proceeding with the affairs of the day,jtelephone ea£h of the specialists and^ask him to map out a daITy"program for u9g-±iirewl'se'7 ~'we~'a6~~~nof~~~wait for~the Master to give us a daily agenda of activities, and make~every decisiorTlffii^ft— irt~i5 our right and duty to make~ ' We consujj: the Master only when it is necessary to do so._ Further, 'Tf we look upon the Master as a servant, we shall be dis appointed because, from the Cosmic point of view, wg can only develop and evolve_our soul personality by_ expressing and"exercis ing the powers which are ours, both spiritually and objectively. Those closely associated with me during recent years and watching me at work and play, have often remarked that the mystery of how I do so many things in every twenty-four hours is unques tionably due to some supreme guidance. I smile at this, for it is not a compliment to me but rather a compliment to the great Masters. Of course, I have had to prove that I am willing and ready to be guided, but it is also amusing to these close associ ates to watch how suddenly I change my mind and abandon a plan or give up doing something that I had planned to do, or had started to do. I will leave my office sometimes at five-thirty or five fortyfive and start home with the express intention of doing certain things, and I have told others that I would do these things; yet, before I reach home in the short five-minute walk, I have changed my plans because of some impression. When I reach home I do some thing entirely different from what I expected to do. Very often, when hunting for certain papers, documents, or things that have been filed and not being able to find them, I abandon the search and__go on with something else. Suddenly, in the jax3FtT~oIr dictation or writing, or "in the middle of-an interview^ I will ris^ from my chair and walk into my art room or into the __ library or to~~some corner- oT my Sanctum, and open a drawer and take •^rom it~without any"hesitation the very thing I have been. Tooking for ^r~wanted. It is because FTiave received a^j\ impression not to do the thing I planned- to do, or to do sT5metRincr~erse r or where~~to~Toolc for~t1, re~-ttl±ng that~* I
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The Rosicrucian Order
yanted, or where a thing_.is___located. If I have a magazine article to write" and't.Tie ecTItor of the Digest tells me that the article should be ready on Tuesday afternoon, and Tuesday afternoon comes and I have no impression, no idea of what I am to write, I let the matter go for a few hours or overnight— or for another whole day, if necessary— and wait, until suddenly, when least expected, in the midst of some other work, there is given to me inwardly the title of the subject, or the theme of the subject. I call my secretary and the subject flows freely and as rapidly as I can dictate with out notes or references of any kind except to pause between para graphs or at some critical part of the sentence and wait for the rest of the message to come to me. This saves a tremendous amount of time? so I move along hour by hour, in my daytime and nighttime activities, solely by Cosmic direction; and that enables me to do more things and to do them far better and in a more effective way than if I attempted to arrange my affairs through my own objective reasoning. This is the way your life will become if you are work ing under the guidance of the Masters. I do not mean to create the impression that you_jmLUSt develop varillatinq will. p do not mean to imply that we must make~a decision one moment, about something, and the very next moment reverse ourselves. The way to proceed when you have a problem is fee—think it over, analyze it, meditate upon it if necessa~ry, and"^~ gome to a final intimate pe/sonal decision. iT you feel it ^is ^the righii-tliirig to~~do, proceed, but by no means reverse that decision, unless 4~»h
Summary of This Monograph V V V Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete monograph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing week to refresh your memory.
We must meet every situation personally, resorting to our subjective and objective faculties and trying to master it in our own way. It is only when we have sincerely tried and have exhausted our own powers, that the Masters will intervene. If one were to suppress his own initiative, his own reasoning power, his own ability to dis cern, and remain passive, expecting to be motivated each hour by the intelligence of an Invisible Master, he would be denying his divine heritage, his ability to reason, to exercise judgment, and to use his own mental faculties. We should consult the Masters only when it is necessary to do so. If we look upon them as servants, we shall be disappointed, because, from the Cosmic point of view, we can only develop and evolve our soul personality by expressing and exercising the powers which are ours, both spiritually and objectively. % By moving along hour by hour, solely by Cosmic direction, one is enabled to do more things and to do them far better and in a more effective way than if he attempted to arrange his affairs through objective reasoning. If a Master directs you to reverse a decision, his instructions will be in a most con vincing form. There will be no hesitancy on your part. You will not doubt. There will be no confusion. Each should work throughout the week at analyzing impulses, impressions, urges, visions, dreams, tendencies, trying to segregate those which he feels come from his own worldly mind and brain, and those which may result from contact of a Master.
The Weekly Application Whatsoever thou resoluest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the evening what the morning may accomplish.—UNTO THEE I GRANT
It is important to realize that the Masters, of all people, will not do things for you. More than anyone else, they know that nothing that you do not do for yourself and by your own efforts and decisions will be of any use to you. You will not have learned how to do it by yourself, nor would you appreciate it. Thus, you should be expecting that the Masters will only guide you. They will supply information. They will be there to inspire you. But the choice, and the work, must be yours. If you receive a hunch or a flash of information, you must choose to act or not to act. Remember this in your next contact. It will be as though you are tuned into a radio from which you receive some instructions. You know that the radio will not do any work for you, nor choose for you. That part of the process is up to you.
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The Rosicrucian Order
This monograph always remains the p ro p e# ^o f the Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R ..^ It is not purchased by, but loaned to, the rp«€iving member.
Monograph 163
Monograph 163
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The matter contained herein Is officially issued through the Su preme Council of the A. M. O. R. C. under the emblem above, which was registered in the United States Patent Office for the purpose of protecting all the "printed, engraved, typewritten, and photographic copies o f officially prescribed and copyrighted monographs, dis sertations. scientific postulations, philosophical discourses, academic studies, diagram s, illustrations, and charts” as authorized by the Im perator of A. M. O. R . C. (The above emblem and name of the Order are also registered in countries throughout the world.) All m atters herein contained are strictly confidential to the member receiving, and are imparted only as an incident to membership. The ownership of, the legal title, and the right of possession to this monograph is and shall remain in the Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R . C. and it shall be returned to it upon its request. The contents herein are loaned to be used for the sole, and exclusive information of the receiving member and not otherwise. Any other use or attempted use does, ipso facto, terminate all rights of tne member, and is a violation of tne Statutes of this Order. A. M. O. R . C. is the only organization authorized to use the R eg istered name and symbols, and the Imperator has sole right to grant the use of them to other allied organizations or movements.
This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion V V V w. I]] Those puzzled somewhat by the term hierarchy, may gather something of its mystical significance m from the writings of that Gnostic usually known as Dionysius the Areopagite. The hierarchy to which 1 we advance in the Twelfth Degree, however, is not f priestly in character nor does it arrange itself in ranks. It does, nonetheless, recognize the godward progression of all who enter the mystic way and accept the responsibility of advanced viewpoints. The chain of being in the upper and invisible world, through which the Divine Power diffuses itself in successive gradations, is called the Celestial Hierarchy. The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy is a corresponding series in the visible world. The orders of Angelic natures and of priestly functionaries correspond to each other. The highest rank of the former receive illumination immediately from God. The lowest of the heavenly imparts divine light to the highest of the earthly hierarchy. Each order strives perpetually to approxi mate to that immediately above itself, from which it receives the transmitted influence; so that all... draw and are drawn, and tend in common towards the centre—God. —DIONYSIUS THE AREOPAGITE, 1st Century, A.D.
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Beloved Members, Greetings I It is important for you to begin to realize that you are now a part of the great Hierarchy or supreme body of the invisible Rosicrucian organization throughout the world. You have been gradually reaching toward this point ever since you began the lessons of the Tenth Degree. Having reached this point in the Eleventh Degree, you really constitute the genuine invisible brotherhood of Rosicrucians. Nothing can take from you the degree of development and unfoldment that has come if you have sincerely and honestly followed the procedure in the Tenth and Eleventh Degrees. If the lessons of these two Degrees have been merely skimmed for mysterious revelations or magnificent secrets, or from an analytical point of view to see whether they were mystical, or copied from books or other writings, no good could come, and such a student would neither unfold nor develop, nor attain any high degree of progress. Such a student would undoubtedly say that this Degree contained nothing surprising, interesting, beneficial, or helpful. Such a student could read all the monographs of the Tenth and Eleventh Degrees and still say that there was nothing of any value, merely idle words put together for the sake of composing a lesson of four or five pages. That person might easily join the enemies of the organization and say, "I am ready to bear testimony to the inadequacy of the AMORC lessons." He would be bearing false testimony, even if sincere in his statements; and he would be testifying wrongly simply because he was wrongly attuned and insincere in his study. But those who have followed the lessons, giving to each the spirit of integrity, faith, and confidence, will have attained something by this time that nothing can ever take out of their lives, not even transition; for they will carry into the next life and the next incarnation the benefits that have come through these lessons. Such persons, sincere, devoted, confident, have attained some degree— a different degree in each case— of development and unfoldment and constitute the high body of the invisible brother hood. These members will continue the work of the organization, its integrity, its ideals and blessings continuously in the future, regardless of what may happen to the physical or material body of the organization. In other words, the spirit of the Order will continue to live in them when all the buildings and material forms are destroyed by time and the elements. The spirit of wisdom in the Rosicrucian philosophy can never be destroyed by time or worldly conditions, and such a spirit will be resurrected and reborn from time to time and will mani fest itself in new forms and new bodies whenever such are needed. In carrying all of you through the lessons of the Tenth and Eleventh Degrees, I have been building up the
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The Rosicrucian Order
spirit of Rosicrucian philosophy and creating in the Western world a branch of the invisible Brotherhood, for the spiritual Rosicru cian is not visible; it is only his material outer form that is visible and this is mortal and will pass away, but the spiritual Master within will continue to live eternally. Perhaps one of the important final points of information in regard to the effect upon your lives of the contacts from the Masters is that in connection with the expression of your personal ity. Undoubtedly, from this time on there will be a marked change in your personal habits, especially in your thinking and emotional reactions. You were warned earlier, especially in the Postulant letters preceding the First Temple Degree monographs, that development as a Rosicrucian brings with it certain obligations and certain changes in the life of the individual. In later lessons, it was pointed out that, as you evolve and attain a degree of development and Cosmic Attunement, certain distinct effects will be produced in your life. From now on, these changes will continue to be gradual but more marked, as though the changes were reaching a degree of matu rity. Your close friends may accuse you of becoming eccentric and may think you have developed peculiar attitudes in regard to some things. Nevertheless, you will find joy and happiness in these changes and will be willing to risk comment on the part of anyone. First of all, in the element of friendship itself, you will find a great change, for many who have claimed to be friends and who have tried to associate with you will no longer appeal to you. They will try to push themselves through the veil that seems to be developing around you, but you will not allow them to become as intimate as in the past and you will no longer find pleasure in their companionship. You will begin to judge persons by entirely different standards than in the past and your new and changing ideas of what constitutes a pleasant evening or outing, or what constitutes recreation and good companionship, will show a change. Many who have helped you to spend pleasant hours in the past will no longer appeal in any way, and you will seek recreation and friendship among different people and in different pastimes. In the first place, mere idleness will impress you increas ingly as a waste of life. Reading stories, novels, or humorous matter for the sake of killing time will seem a great waste, and you will never find yourself wondering what to do with those idle moments that are the concern of many. You will find that you can sit down anywhere, at any time, and get more pleasure out of your own thoughts than out of the thoughts that most people waste their time expressing these days.
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The Rosicrucian Order
In the same manner, you will become more critical of the kind of theatrical productions, motion pictures, plays, or other forms of amusement which you witness. Unless there is something instruc tive or something appealing in them, you will not indulge in them, for you will be more inclined to improve yourself with your own thoughts or some carefully selected reading matter than to waste time in that way. The most important change will be in the way your own desire will vacillate from time to time so that you will become somewhat impulsive and change your mind suddenly about certain things. You will begin to look upon human beings as people upon a stage, each playing a part, and you will not judge them by what they have done in the past or what they may be capable of doing in the future, or what their ancestry may be or the family name they may bear; but you will judge them entirely by what they are doing or accomplish ing at the present moment, or the part that they are playing in the game of life. It will be just as though you were at a theater and looked upon a person playing the part of the Roman Emperor Caesar. Somebody might try to tell you that the man playing the part was not nearly as old as he looked on the stage, and that in real life he was not really a ruler but incompetent, and a slave to drink; in every way unworthy to be looked upon as a king— that he had a family and so many children, that he came of a family of clergymen and should not be on the stage, etc. All you would see in the man would be the part of Caesar that he was portraying. You would not be interested at all in his background, and you would judge him as Caesar and look upon him as representing what Caesar did in the course of his life. So you will judge everybody with whom you come in contact. You will realize that everybody has certain weaknesses and certain strong points in his character, that no one is perfect or infalli ble, and that no one is so good that he has a right to judge the goodness or badness of another. Therefore, the only thing in which you can be interested and by which you can come to any conclusions regarding a person is in regard to what he is accomplishing. If a person is accomplishing some good for humanity, is rendering some service or helping to teach someone something, or is doing his bit toward the unfoldment and development of civilization; then that person should be given consideration and recognition for what he is doing. You will call to mind that all human beings are channels for carrying out Cosmic desires and plans and~~that there are, nhainne Ls "of all kind^7~~aXjT of them instruments in the hands of thg Cosmic arid-TrT the icheme of God's great plan for the working~out^ ' of universal mysteries]. You will, for instance, judge Francis Bacon from an entirely different point of view than in the past. You
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The Rosicrucian Order
will not care now whether he was the legitimate or illegitimate child of some queen or king, or whether in his early days as attorney or barrister in the courts of England, he made errors and mistakes and submitted to practices of court that were not wholly ethical. All you will be concerned about is that tlje_Cosmic selected him for some reason or other to do certain things that would-contribute^ to the advancement of civilization. Even his“most bitter criticir~aTid""enemies must admit that his books on the advancement of learning and simiJ^_subj_ects t tfie^ col lege which foe parly pgf-ahlisKed for SCi^ntITTc~l:esearch, and his contributions to literature later are~€Tftngs which wTll^ia^t, in the history__of ' rlvnT 7.aj-.inrr fQr_many centuries to come and had an important^effect upon the unfoldmentT of literature. Kosicrucians say that, in additfon" to his work in~the~Tlterary~and scientific fields, ^he_was a splendid organizer and used his marvelous know 1 edge__t.o_ reorganize' the Rosicrucian fraternit^L__andr-reea.tahlAsh it in Europe on a firm f6 undation; and ijor~EKTs _jtlgiie__he ^should be. considered a great contributor to the advancement of humanity. If we were to take off his literary and Rosicrucian robes and let Francis Bacon stand before us merely as a man, none of us might admire him for his secret personal life. It may be that he was cruel to the servants in his home, although I have never heard that he was, or it may be that he was cruel and critical to the tailor who made his suits. It may be that he used his knife instead of his fork when he ate, or he was slovenly about his clothing and personal appearance. He may have been a liar or fabricator who liked to delight people with astonishing things that were not true. All of these personal things about him may have been true, and yet you and I will judge him from the Cosmic point o j view and recognijze_Jjimas having been_Jseleeted~by the Cosmic^o^dg~certaln tHingsT Tf lie did~jFFTenTwell andUaceemplisheH what constituted his_ mtissio]TL in life. then wg^ must -judge.-him well._ Such matters are wortliy^f diefr-TCongXjaftrart±on. I will have more~to S'ay'_6fr_this subject next wee IT. Fraternally, YOUR CLASS MASTER
Summary of This Monograph V
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete monograph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing week to refresh your memory.
Those members who have sincerely and honestly followed the procedure in the Tenth and Eleventh Degrees—devoted, confident—and who have now reached this point in the Eleventh Degree really constitute the genuine, invisible brotherhood of Rosicrucians. From this point on, changes in the expression of the personality will continue to be gradual, but marked by a degree of maturity. Through becoming more tolerant, a member will now realize that everyone has certain weaknesses as well as strong points in his character, that no one is perfect or infallible, and that no one is so good that he has a right to judge the goodness or badness of another. 5[ A person who is accomplishing some good for humanity, is rendering some service or helping to teach someone something, or is doing his bit toward the unfoldment of civilization, should be given consideration for what he is doing. Human beings are channels for carrying out Cosmic desires and plans; all of them are instruments in God’s great plan for the working out of universal mysteries. f Francis Bacon should be judged for his contribution to the advancement of civiliza tion, for his scientific research, and his effect upon the unfoldment of literature, rather than for his private life.
The Weekly Application Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the evening what the morning may accomplish.—^.JNTO THEE I GRANT
It is interesting to note that we tend to judge others by standards that are often far higher than the ones we use in our own life style. We will often condemn someone else for doing the same thing we do. Jealousy and envy cause us to turn attention from our own faults by placing them on others. We may chide someone for eating too much, and yet, what is too much? Do we not eat all that we like to eat? We may accuse someone of showing off by the kind of clothes he wears, but don’t we wear what pleases us? To give others credit for acting as they do because they simply prefer to act that way, just as we act as we do because that is the way we prefer, is one of the great lessons we must learn. During the week, notice th& v.arirmsj>ehavior patterns you might find fault with in others; then look aCyour own and tfee if they are really better, or just different. Could they be subject to critirism hy others as well? it*you played role reversal with someone close toyoii, you would soor^discover faults that others see in you. "
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i0/;/ 0 0 0 0 0 This monograph always remains the property of the 0 Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R. C. It is not 0 purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member. 0 0 0 0 0 0
This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion V V V •I The'more active one becomes in the affairs of his times, the more diverse the evaluation of his charac ter and accomplishments. This is nowhere better illustrated than in the case of Napoleon where the judgments of him, both as a man and a public figure, ran the full scale of praise and blame. The quotation offered is an excerpt from an American poet and educator’s attempt to understand the man and the results of his life. That he has done much evil there is little doubt; that he has been the origin of much good there is just as little. Through his means, intentional or not, Spain, Portugal, and France have arisen to the blessings of a free constitution; superstition has found her grave in the ruins of the Inquisition and the feudal system, with its whole train of tyrannic satellites, has fled forever. Kings may learn from him that their safest study, as well as their noblest, is the interest of the people; the people are taught by him that there is no despotism, so stupendous against which they have not a resource; and to those who could rise upon the ruins of both, he is a living lesson, that if ambition can raise them from the lowest station, it can also prostrate them from the highest. -CHARLES PHILLIPS, 1787(?)-1859
The Rosicrucian Order PAGE ONE
Beloved Members, Greetings! I have received many letters during past years from persons who have said that the Rosicrucian Order should not be proud that Napoleon was a member of it because Napoleon often manifested a cruel nature and a worldly ambition to conquer and rule, and that his personal desires were anything but truly Rosicrucian. It is not our place to criticize the personal desires and ambitions of Napoleon or anyone else; and the only thing I know is that, in addition to all of these unworthy things that Napoleon did, he accomplished a great many good things. As Grand Master of the Rosicrucians for a long time, and as a great believer in their principles, he helped to build up the organization in France, helped to spread its principles in other countries, gave property and buildings to the Order, and left it a large inheritance in many ways. At one time, Napoleon ordered a number of literary experts in his army to spend their months of winter retirement in copying ancient Rosicrucian manuscripts and preserving them in a new Rosi crucian library that he was having built in France. The manu scripts thus preserved and accumulated have given the Order an asset for all time to come, and this is evidently what the Cosmic intended he should do. It was his part on the stage of life and he played it well, regardless of his personal life between the acts. We _must look upon all persons in all walks of life as_reprjsur sentaCives of~~the Cosmic . The government of the United States, for instance: In order to carry out its high decrees and laws and to work out its scheme of control and direction of human affairs, it has Senators and Congressmen who are selected because of certain abilities or opportunities they have of doing certain things. The government is not in the least concerned with the personal ambi tions and habits of these men as long as they are not vulgar and downright immoral. It is concerned as to whether they can help in carrying out certain plans and ideals. If a man renders good serv ice to the government, the government is satisfied. If he violates some law that takes him out of the service of the government, then his work is done so far as the government is concerned and someone else will take his place. We have no way of knowing how the Cosmic works through bodies that have been divinely selected to be instru ments of the universal scheme. The man who works in the sewers underground is doing his bit toward the development of things necessary for us. During his idle hours he may be entirely dis qualified for social contact or any other work, and yet, offi cially, he is doing something constructive and beneficial to all. Thus, you will come to judge people by what they are actually contributing to the betterment of civilization. If they are doing something good, you will elaborate upon that and give it first consideration. Only secondarily will your consideration be of their private lives; and, if
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The Rosicrucian Order
they do not interest you, you will simply leave them alone. You will neither condemn nor punish them nor criticize them. You will be ready to give appreciation and homage where and for what it is due and that will be the end of it. In selecting your friends and acquaintances, you will pick those working along lines similar to your own and who are agreeable to your way of thinking and living, regardless of their position in life, whether it be humble or high. Your own likes and dislikes, your plans and desires, you will find changing, even from hour to hour. Each morning as you awake to consciousness, you will probably have new ideas and new ideals, higher and better than those of the day before. You may suddenly decide that a magazine read for a long time is no longer worthy of your consideration. You may decide that a church you have been attending is not deserving of your time although you may give to it youiT"financial support because of thePgood^work it is doing for othersT y o u may decide tTTat'the way you have the pictures in your room or the way you wear your clothing should be changed, and you will make the change and maybe change again in a few days. All of these changes will not be radical and noticed by others, but you will notice them and realize that your thinking and understanding is being changed. Even your liking for food, and your appreciation of flowers and music will be changed and modified. You will see in the writings of men of the past some impressive things overlooked in your previous reading of books or magazine articles. You will even view religions of society from a different point of view . Some years ago, at a Vanderbilt wedding in New York City, sev eral million dollars was spent for souvenirs, flowers, catering, and all kinds of things. The newspapers and others bitterly criti cized such expenditure as a terrific waste of money when there were so many poor in New York who could have used the money. l£-_£hese wealthy_persons. however, had not taken the several million dollars fTOTTT^the bank and spent it on a~~huge wedding7 the money would have remained idle and useless; whereas, spending it put it into circu~latipn amonq~~CcLterers, bankers, carpenters, silversmitKs, jewelers, engraversf printers .^chauffeurs, footmen, florists* and a long lTne
Temple Section
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You may gradually come to look upon your own life as being exalted. The danger therein is of allowing egotism to develop. To prevent this, keep in mind that the Inner Self is developing to a higiiei__and superstate of consciousness and not the outer sel_f alone, ancT'tEa't while you may be deveT^pinq_a_j\rperior understand ing. intelligence, and viewpoint of life and people, you must not allow it to manifest itsel f to such an,e3ctent that you openly express your opinions of people and conditions. But quietly analyze__these things and come to_gonclusions_which will _be helpful to you in understanding the problems of life. I have intimated to each of you for some time that you were approaching the end of the Eleventh Degree or more significantly that you are approaching entrance into the.Twelfth Degree. This means ^ a t you are approaching the first Degree of the psychic and esoteric section of the Order. What lies beyond I may not state other than to say that you will be very much interested. I have tried to make plain that passing through the Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Degrees meant preparation for your future status as a permanent founder and conservator of the Rosicrucian Order in the Western world. I have tried to show by every reason able, logical, honest, and frank method that you were gradually being drawn into the inner circle of the Rosicrucian brotherhood and that having passed through the Eleventh Degree you would become a member of the worldwide circle of founders, protectors, and con servators of the true brotherhood. I have tried to impress you with the fact that the true conservators of the brotherhood must earn that place and that position and evolve to it. I have done my utmost to lay before you every fact and every principle of the Rosicrucian organization, its teachings, ideals, and purposes, so that you would know everything that I know about it and everything that any real authority knows about it. During this coming week, notice how much change has taken place in your life recently and how your whole world has taken on a different shape, color, and degree of activity; notice, too, whether you have become more_to.lerant, kindly, and sympathetic. toward the weak, the suf fering, the ignorant, and those who are ^ allowing only one side of their lives to develop. Noticing these effects will”help you understand what you are going through at the present time and will go through from now on in a more intense degree, making life more enjoyable than it has ever been. Next week I shall tell you some more in this regard and shall make a very important announcement. Fraternally, YOUR CLASS MASTER
The Weekly Application W hatsoever thou resolveat to do. do it Quickly. D efer not till the evening what the m o rn in x m ay accom plish.—UNTO TH EE I GRANT
This is a time for change, as recent monographs have indicated; changes in your life style, your tastes, your avocations, your energy level, your attitude toward others. These changes should all he in_positive directions, that is. toward things that you feel happier in doing. What has been changing inside of you these past years may not be so much a real change in you as it is in the fearg^the barriers, and the indecisions with which you have surrounded yourself. Your nature may now be simply more able to express its true feelings and inclina tions. You~are more loving and tolerant toward your friends and relatives, more open and considerate of their needs and their desire to express themselves too. In these transition weeks make a special effort to be kind to those closest to you: to listen and share in their lives. See how this enlarges your life. By opening yourself to them, you are at the same time—letting yourself out of bondage.
Summary of This Monograph V V V
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete monograph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing week to refresh your memory. 11 We must look upon^aJLpersons in all walks of life as representative of the Cosmic and judge them by w hat they _are actually contributing to.the better ment of civilization. We w ill neither condemn, punish, nor criticize them, and we will be ready to give appreciation andjiomage where and for what it_ is^duCT
11 In selecting our friends and acquaintances, we will pick those working fllong lines similar ta.aur.Qwn andwho are agreeable to our way o f thinking anri living, regardless of their position in life. '
H Mystics look upon events and see the good that has come from them, for even out of mistakes and errbrsTgooH" can eome.
1) The danger of allowing egotism to develop at this point in our studies must be prevented, and w e must keep in mind that the Inner Self, not thp miter, self alone, is developing to^ a higher and superstate of consciousness. 11 Notice how changes have taken place recently and how the whole world has taken on a different shape, color, and degree o f activity; notice, too, whether you have become more tolerant, kindly, and sympathetic toward th e^ ea k , the sufferingTthe ignorant, and thoiTe~Wftirare aIIowing only one side o flh eir Ttvers to develop. " -------
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This monograph always remains the property of the Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R. C. It is not purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member.
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Monograph 165
O wai'cruris;
The matter contained herein ts officially issued through the Su preme Council of the A. M. O. R . C. under the emblem above, which was re g iste re d In the U nited States Patent Office lo r the pu rp o se ot protecting all the "printed, engraved, typewritten, and photographic
Im perator of A. M. O. R. C. (The above emblem and name of the Order are also registered in countries throughout the world.) All matters herein contained are strictly confidential to the member receiving, and are imparted only as an Incident to membership. The ownership of. the legal title, and the right of possession to this m onograph is and shall rem ain in the S uprem e Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R . C. and it shall be returned to it upon its request. The contents herein are loaned to be used for the sole and exclusive Information of the receiving member and not otherwise. Any other use or attempted use does, ipso facto, terminate all rights of the member, and 13 a violation of the Statutes of this Order. A. M. O. R. is the only organization authorized to use the R eg istered name and symbols, and the Imperator has sole right to grant the use of them to other allied organizations or movements.
This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion V V V
•Iln his book, In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom, Franz Hartmann sets forth sixteen secret signs by which a Rosicrucian may be known. Those who possess only a few of the signs, he says, are not members of a very high degree, for the true Rosicru cian possesses them all. The last of these sixteen secret signs serves as this week’s concurrence. The Rosicrucian will^ always remain a member of his society. Names are of little importance. The principle which presides over the Rosicrucian Society is the truth; and he who knows the truth, and follows it in practice, is a member of the society over which the truth practises. If all names were changed and all languages altered, the truth would remain the same; and he who lives in the truth will live even if all nations should pass away. -FRANZ HARTMANN, 1839-1912
The Rosicrucian Order PAGE ONE
Beloved Members, Greetings! It is not true that merely by joining AMORC, paying an initia tion or registration fee and receiving a membership card, a person becomes a real Rosicrucian, belonging to the true hierarchy of the Rosicrucian Order. Such members are only students and we call them Rosicrucians because they are Rosicrucian students. They are simply Rosicrucians in the making, the same as a boy is a man in the making. Furthermore, it is not a matter of paying dues or fees that constitutes progress or the attainment of knowledge or power in the Rosicrucian work. You have not been asked for any special fees at any time. You have not been asked to pay for your advance ment to the high Degrees, nor have you been asked for donations in order to reach them. All that^has been asked of you is that you be sincere, loyal, devout, and truly deserving. Each of these higher Degrees has been long and tedious. Every temptation has been put in your way to make you become dissatisfied with the work. ~wrqaiT±3Eaff.tnn r if you were insincere and were^not~Toyal. Your progress has purposely been made slow so that it might be careful and exact. Those of you who have been allowed to remain in the higher Degrees and to reach the present point have giv^_sufficient evidence to warrant our faith in you .and our belief in your integrity, sTncerityand loyalty. A Judas in every large circle of human elements is expected, for it is a fundamental law of human nature. That eventually the highest officer in charge of the work will be forced to suffer crucifixion at the hands of enemies is also inevitable and a fundamental law. I never expect to live long enough to see the fulfillment of the great work that those now ready to go into the Twelfth Degree will perform. I, too, must sooner or later pay the price of having been your leader and someday these very lessons, carefully prepared by me for members who enter the Eleventh Degree, will be reacTafter my voTce is slTehTT and my~activities ended. I have tried to make "a monument to my sincerity and my honest "and understanding. The only pleasure and happiness I have rerceived-throrrgtr-the preparation of these monographs has been th®__joY__of _watching members advance and benefit by them and in knowing that long after my transition other members following the same carefully prepared path will reach the same point that you have reached and go on with higher work and become members of the great inner'circTe of conservators. In the preparation of these lessons I have consulted and studied every ancient manuscript belonging to the organi zation, every coded and cipher instruction that has ever been issued and every manuscript that would throw any light upon the points dealt with. I have made every kind
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of mental, spiritual, or psychic contact that it is possible to make with masters here in the physical life and elsewhere and I have visited and interviewed eminent Rosicrucian authorities and have corresponded with them in the hope of adding new points and new bits of instruction that would improve the teachings and the methods of presenting them. I have tried to make the lessons issued by our organization in North America the most simple to understand and yet the most effective. I have tried to take out the unnecessary mystery by eliminating points and parts that have* heretofore been in cipher or secret codes. I have tried to take away the mysterious atmosphere surrounding some of the rules and laws of the teachings so that they would be more easily mastered. This atmosphere of mystery and secrecy was necessary in former times in order to perplex the insincere student and to discourage him and to keep the curiosity seeker from discovering things that he should not discover. In those countries where the organization has had to work secretly, it was very necessary that the teachings and symbolism, and everything pertaining to the real part of the organization, be veiled and covered with mystery so that outsiders or strangers would never learn anything about it. We have not had that to con tend with in recent times, and we can openly and frankly proclaim ourselves as students or Rosicrucians and hold our meetings and sessions without governmental interference. The organization has never participated in political matters or religious dissensions and has alwa~ys~been a strict upholder of government, law, and order and a respecter' of the constitution and flag of every country. In countries where so many secret societies are inimical to the government, the government has had to forbid and restrict all kinds of secret activities. The interesting point, however, is that now each of you has come to another threshold and to the very dawn of a great change in your Rosicrucian status. At the present I may not tell you more than a few details because I must have from you certain promises and a certain understanding before I can permit you to make the next move. Entering into the Twelfth,Degree must be the most serious as well as the most sublime event in your Rosicrucian life. In fact, iV w ill prove_to be ^tHe most important event_in your rife from every angled It-will be something that will be a continuous inheritance that you will transmit to others. Your descendants w i T T always be proud of the inheritance that will come to you through this"TweTf th Degree. It_reguires of you that same degree of sincerity, loyalty,_and sacred integrity that was expected of the Crusaders and the Knights of the Temple when they pledged their lives to the support of the Great
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White Brotherhood. Then, it meant an unending, unchangeable pledge that nothing^but transition could modify, and which was even carried over by the soul into the next incarnation. I am not urging you with any promises of great teachings or great powers or great blessings to come, for I can promise nothing at the present time except that it is a serious and important step. Onpe yon have_ taken it with all sincerity _and. without .jnenta1 reservation or modification in mind or in heart, you will always be Sappy: If there is the least degree of suspicion, doubt, hypocrisy, or double intention in your mind, or if you think that at some time in the future you can deceive the organization or anyone by using your membership to injure it or any of its members or any of its principles, you may as well realize right now that you will always regret having had such an idea or conclusion. I know that most of you will think it unnecessary for me to put these words into this lesson or to warn you in this manner; on the other hand, I feel that it is only fair to do so and that I am duty bound to be perfectly frank. Unless you are convinced from your own experience that in its teachings .~pFinciples,~ and'Way of carrying on its work', the A.M.O.R.C. represents the realT~Order and that you have been truly afid~~honestlv~pfepared"~to represent the true brotherhood, you should not go on into the Twelfth Degree. Unless you can honestly and conscientiously state your reli ance on the fact that the A.M.O.R.C. is sponsored, guided, and helped by the great Masters representing the true Rosicrucian brotherhood and that it constitutes the great secret school and work of the Rosicrucians, you should not go into the Twelfth Degree. There should be no doubt in your mind on these points. I do not want any letter this week answering the statements given in this lesson, and I do not want you to discuss these matters with anyone or come to any quick decision, for I want you to spend the whole of the coming week in making up your mind and in coming gradually to a realization of several great facts: First, that you have been truly and properly prepared under the guidance 5f the realRosicrucian brotherhood; second, that you have proof or evidence. or a conviction from your own experience, beyond any doubt that the A7M70.R.C. to which you'belong is aT'pari: of the real and genuine Rosicrucian brotherhood; tfiixd, that for some Cosmic reason or for some reason you do not know of"at the present time, you have been Cosmi-
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cally led into this work, Cosmically guided._and now stand ready to accept turtner Cosmic direction and assistance. It is not, a matter of how much psychic development you have; it is not a matter of how many masterful things you can or cannot do, but it is a matter of your sincerity and your belief regarding the Rosicrucian organization and its purposes. Thousands of persons have sacrificed their lives in support of their faith in religion; yet they may not have been complete masters of all its * principles. They had, however, learned enough of them to know and_bgjLieve with a firm conviction thaTT thellf~religion was the right thing for theiTL_ailiL^ortHy~~Df their support and their devotion. That is the way I warrt~^ou~tb'feel before you go into the Twelfth Degree. I want you to feel that even though you have not mastered every one of the laws, you have mastered enough of them and have found enough evidence in them to establish the firm conviction in your mind that you are a partTof the"true brotherhood and are now on the threshold of its highest Degree. If you will think over these things during the coming week, read this lesson at least several times, or review the thoughts of it in your mind throughout the week, so that you can approach next week's lesson with a clean heart and a clean mind as far as your beliefs and convictions are concerned, then you will be ready for additional statements. The following week I will inform you as to the kind of letter to write me, personally, setting forth your beliefs so that we may have them to preserve in the archives of the Order for all time to come. I again plead with you to look upon this matter with the utmost sincerity and sacredness. You must depend upon your medita tion and your concentration to reveal whether or not you are sincere and earnest in your desires and your convictions. Take these thoughts with you into your Sanctum and ask the God of your Heart to help"you come to a definite conclusion so that you may know that you are rights and are ready to stand by your decision to the last day of consciousness in your body. So mote it be. Fraternally, YOUR CLASS MASTER This monograph was written by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, first Imperator of this Jurisdiction of the Order in this cycle of its activity.
Summary of This Monograph V V V
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete monograph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing week to refresh your memory. 11 Persons who join AMORC, pay registration fees, and receive a membership card, become only Rosicrucian students, not necessarily members of the true hierarchy of the Rosicrucian brotherhood. H In those countries where the organization has had to work secretly because of gov ernment rules against secret societies, it was very necessary that the teachings and symbolism, and everything pertaining to the real part of the Organization, be veiled and covered with mystery so that outsiders or strangers would never learn anything about it. H Spend the coming week in coming to the realization of the following facts: First, that you have been truly and properly prepared under the guidance of the real Rosicrucian brotherhood; second, that you have proof or evidence, or a conviction froir your own experiences, satisfying you beyond any doubt that the A.M.O.R.C. to which you belong is a part of the real and genuine Rosicrucian Order; third, that for some Cosmic reason you have been led into this work, guided and prepared, and now stand ready to accept further direction and assistance. Be sure of this before going on.
The Weekly Application Whatsoever thou reaolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the evening what the morning may accomplish.—UNTO THEE I GRANT An expression of conviction and loyalty to a cause is sometimes difficult for people to make. We have a tendency to think in terms of permanency, that when we make a decision, or write something down, it binds us eternally. We then naturally fear making such commitments, mostly because few people are ever that sure of themselves. There is another way of looking at commitments, however, and that is that it is a pledge to yourself, and perhaps to others, that you have resolved to take on a duty or responsibility wholeheartedly, without any reservations, at this point in time. Such a commitment helps you to achieve and fulfill your desires, the ends you have in mincTwhen $ou makeThe commitment However, there should never be a feeling that a commitment is eternal. This would imply that your judgment is infallible, and that nothing withiiTor without you is ever goFng to change. Think of commitments you have made in the past, and commitments you have broken, and the resulting guilt you carried thereafter. This is not normal or natural. WJien you make a commitment, it relates only to how you feel now. The commitment will then help to carry you through on thatHesire until you feel fulfilled or are brought to a point where your Inner Self senses a need for new commitments.
"C o n sec rate d to truth and dedicated to every Rosicrucian" This m o n o g ra p h is n ot su b je c t to s a le or p u rc h a se b y a n y o n e . p u rc h a se
m ay
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th e
selle r a n d
p u rc h a se r su b je c t to c ivil
A s a le or lia b ility .
This monograph always remains the property of the Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R. C. It is not purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member.
P B G I S T E * E D m U .S . P A T E N T O F F I C E (ALSO •tC I STEW£0 THROUGHOUT THE WO*tOI • U ltk T C d IN U .S .A .
The matter contained herein Is officially issued through the Su preme Council of the A. M. O. R. C. under the emblem above, which was registered in the United States Patent Office for the p u rp o sejjf protecting the ‘ ‘printed, engraved, andJ photographic ting all ...................... ' typewritten, .......' monographs, disofficially officially prescribed . __ and_' 'copyrighted .. _ _ copies .............. sertations, scientific discourses, academic a< ific postulations, philosophical illustrations, and charts" as authorized by --------- ----------- — - the studies, diagram s, ------Iniperator of A. M. O. R. C. (The above emblem and name of the Order are also registered in countries throughout the world.) All matters herein contained are strictly confidential to the member receiving, and are imparted only as an incident to membership. Tne o w n ersh ip ot, the legal title, and the rig h t of possession to this monograph is and snail remain in the Supreme Grand Lodge or A. M. O. R . C. and it shall be returned to it upon its request. The contents herein are loaned to be used for the sole and exclusive information of the receiving member and not otherwise. Any otner use or attempted use does, ipso facto, terminate all rights ol the member, and is a violation of the Statutes of this Order. A. M. O. R. C. is the only organization authorized to use the Reg istered name and symbols, and the Imperator has sole right to grant the use of them to other allied organizations or movements.
This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion V
*1 We return once more to H artm ann’s, In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom for this week’s pertinent thought. It is the secret sign number thirteen by which the true Rosicrucian is known. The Rosicrucian believes that which he knows. He believes in the immutability of eternal law, and that every cause has a certain effect. He knows that the truth cannot lie, and that the promises made to him by the king will be fulfilled, if he does not himself hinder their fulfillment. He is, therefore, inaccessible to doubt or fear, and puts implicit confidence in the divine principle of truth, which has become alive and conscious within his heart. -FRANZ HARTMANN, 1839-1912
A M0 R C N U M B E R 166
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Beloved Members, Greetings! Continuing my talk of preparation, I wish to call your atten tion to a few points regarding the true secret nature of the Rosi crucian circle to which you are rapidly attuning yourself. Whether you ever intended it to be so or not, or whether you ever expected it would happen, the fact is that you are now approaching a connec tion and a position with the Rosicrucian Order that is highly important. Many beautiful philosophic and poetic writings tell us that no matter how we plan our lives, _there is a fate or power that shapes and guides~tHem. The idea intended is that we many__of our affairs, and through our jnethod of living, thinking,, actincT. and understanding, we~~earn£>urse_jji life, to . which we are led by the Cosmic. Each of you may think that only chance has led you to your present position and degree of unfoldment in the A.M.O.R.C. and that your present interest is not neces sarily a result of any preordained or predecreed law. But think for a moment about this. What was it that caused you to join _the Rosicrucian organization, to have afljLnt.erest ln^arcane, spiritual, and mysticaT~siAnects7~"What was ft that caused you to be respon sive to such teachinc^ and ideas? What was it that made certainincidents"of your life particularly impressive and led you to look upon~the mystical side of life and to think of the mysteries back ojf man's existence and his relation to the universe^ That which caused you to join the Rosicrucian organization was only one of a number of subsequent acts resulting from a spirit of investigation and desire for study created in you by the Cosmic, or by something in your nature carried over from a previous incarnation. A Soror said recently that she joined the Rosicrucian organi zation not because she had a great interest in these subjects, but because of her husband's intense study of our work and the benefits that he had derived from it. When she married him, she had no interest in studies such as these, and would never have thought of joining any secret or mystical organization; but analyzing the changes that had come into the life of her husband due to his study, her own interest was genuinely aroused. To her, this indi cated that the Cosmic had never created this desire in her inde pendent of her husband, and that if she had not married a man who had joined our organization, she probably never would have joined. She was just overlooking the Cosmic plan that brought her into close relationship with a person who was deeply interested. She admitted that she knew her husband had been a lifelong student of these subjects before she married him. The mere fact, then, that she was led into a uni_oa_with such a man and Wiat' through Him her interest in these matters was to be awakened and gradually developed, plainly indicates a law
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at work. Nothing of this kindJtiappORS-by chance. The Cosmic uses *many strange methods to~Bring about its desires and its intentions. You must realize that there are persons throughout the world who are newborn into an interest and study of these subjects. In all of their past incarnations, and in all of their past thinking and living in this life, they have had no inclination toward these subjects, or these studies. For such, there must be the "first contact." In some way or other, they must “be shown that tKere is a better way of living or their interest in such matters must be "su33enTy" quickened or awakenedV "The Cosmic uses various methods to bring: this about. In some cases, it is the transition of a loved one; or it is a strange experience had while in a state of coma or under an anesthetic. In some cases, accident, a sermon preached by some mystic or the reading of a book subtly and gradually unfolded the higher ideas without arousing natural antagonism. Or, the visions a child may tell its parents may awaken them to the reali zation that there is something great and mysterious in life that they do not understand. And in some cases the contact comes through marriage, as the case I have just been discussing. Once the contact has been made, interest aroused, and the person has "tasted_a_sample of higher living, the seed is sown and no matter what may occur in life to divert him. from the path or interrupt his stuclies, tHa't seed will sprout again at some unexpected time. It may not be until late in life or it may not be until another incar nation that- the seed will burst and grow; but even though its first planting is accomplished in strange ways, it is permanently .planted . — '“~" You may have trouble determining when the seed of this great work was first planted in your own consciousness. You may have to go back further than your present life. Like myself, you may dis cover that even in earliest childhood these subjects appealed to you and interested you in a peculiar way even though you did not understand what it was in your nature that hungered for~such ^tKouaht s and ide aa- i remember distinctly that certain topics which the minister discussed appealed to me strangely as a choir Boy of less than twelve while other passages of his sermons seemed commonplace or uninteresting. I remember that certain unusual incidents occurring in our family life in connection with dreams or intiiiiipns, or unexpected impressions that my parents passed over as being "very strange" would set me thinking long and deeply. I would go to school thinking about them and come home and during my hours of recreation would sit and meditate on them and try to ana lyze them. I did not know there were books that might be secured, and did not know where to get such books, and never even thought of making a regular study of it. But when the first such book did "accidentally" come into my hands, I was enthusiastically ready to accept every helpful thought
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contained in it. As many of you have written, it seemed to me that what I read and understood was a reawakening of something I had known before. I could easily tell what was logically true and what was merely the op-inion or tne author or'“S'peakefr. — And so here we are, all of us in this Degree— from North and South America, from Europe and Africa, and from other lands throughout the world; of various bloods, ranks, tongues, races, nationalities, and positions in life— -united in one strange bond. Few of us know each other intimately or have_sSeTT~sach other--truly a cross section of civilization in all matters other than mystical and spiritual. In everything else you represent the average wide awake, progressive person of civilization; yet from all corners of the globe you come together mentally, spiritually, and psychically into one group and are bound together more closely than by any ties of marriage or blood relationship. It is somewhat similar to the theme of that interesting novel, The Bridge of San Luis Rey, which tells how a small group of persons had been strangely brought to the same spot at the same time. The threads of their lives curi ously met and were forever mingled by their meeting on the bridge of San Luis Rey the day it collapsed. You are Fratres and Sorores in a more real, regal, noble and divine sense than any other group of men and women in the world. Y q u are bound together by an invisible, immutable Divine law that has broughj: you closer day by day ^and hour by hour. This relation ship shall continue into another life and into many, and not only shall you work~Tndependently for your individual advancement, but c5X1 ectivelyfor the advancement of each other and for others who follow you. In this sense, you are pioneers, pathfinders, creators and conservators of a great society, the greatness of which you may not realize until after the next Degree with its accompanying expe riences . I cannot help thinking as I prepare this talk for you that it is much like preparing a talk to a class of graduates at a great university who are about to receive~Trhe±r degrees as truly prepared warders "in belial'f of^cTvilization. It" is as though I were facing such a graduating class, some of whom were to go out and act as musicians, scientists, artists, businessmen, investigators, research workers, judges, attorneys, nurses, home builders and creators of the next generation and the next phase of civilization. Each of you has been prepared by the study of certain fundamental principles, tnit "through Cosmic law each has also been appointed to work~in~a'special field. Yoi^-wil-1—all .work together and yet work ~~ differently. Passing into, the next Degree is like leaving the-gractuation classroom and going out "into the world of life'to live and practice the things that you have been prepared ~to do. In the next Degree and beyond you will
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find your world of activity, your sphere of occupation, your path of attainment^'YPur specific field of accomplishment and contribu tion to civilization. My next talk will contain the final instructions of this Degree. This, therefore, is the last week in which to think of the responsibilities and the high Cosmic honors which you may accept or reject in accordance with the spirit of your understanding. You must—either^feel fronL.experience and conviction that what I have said to you lrPthe lessons"of ttnf'TenttT'andEleventh Degrees is true— not-invention..or fiction— or you must reject it on the basis of doubt. Faith should now be firm conviction. Unless in your heart~~you feel that you would" consider these lessons true and correct even if you had found them without any author” or organiza tion's name attached, your preparation^ is not complete. You must feeTT from your own experiences, yourown realizations, your own inner analysis and comprehension of things, that you are rightfully and definitely qualified as a^conservator and supporter of the inner circle of the Rosicrucian~Orde if. If you can thinly in terms of" 'the continued joy and satisfaction of remaining In active asso ciation _with the organization through which you~'haVe learned so much'of life and its purpose, that which will be offered in the_ next monograph will indicate a glorious future of service and growth. Fraternally, YOUR CLASS MASTER
Summary of This Monograph V
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete monograph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing week to refresh your memory.
11 That which seems to have caused a member to join the Rosicrucian Order and which brought about his interest in mystical subjects, is only one of a number of subsequent acts resulting from a spirit of investigation and a desire for study created in him by the Cosmic, or by something in his nature carried over from a previous incarnation. 11 Members of the Order are of various bloods, ranks, tongues, races, nationalities, and positions in life, though few know each other intimately or have seen each other. 11 From all corners of the globe, members come together mentally, spiritually, and psychically into one group and are bound together more closely than by any ties of marriage or blood relationship. U This relationship shall continue into another life, perhaps into many, and each shall work not only for his individual advancement, but collectively for the advancement of others and for those who follow. H Unless in your heart you feel beyond any possibility of doubt that you would consider these lessons true and correct even if you had found them without any author or organization’s name attached, your preparation is not complete.
The Weekly Application Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the evening what the morning may accomplish.—UNTO THEE I GRANT
Following through on a paragraph in the monographs, think back on your feelings and desires when you first joined the Order. What situation were you in at that time that prompted you to search for help. By recapturing that point in your life, you may be in a better position to analyze your present position, for in a sense, you are remaking that original step. With more than fourteen years of study and growth behind you, you are now evaluating your position in relation to that starting point. Thus, try to be as clear as possible in your recollection in an effort to compare these two points as accurately as possible. This will greatly facilitate your decision and statement of progress as requested next week.
"C o n sec rate d to truth and dedicated to every Rosicrucian" This m o n o g ra p h is n ot s u b je c t to s a le or p u rc h a se b y a n y o n e . p u rc h a se
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A s a le or lia b ility .
n o QOo
The Rosicrucian Order
This monograph always remains the property of the Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R. C. It is not purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member.
Degree 11 Monograph
Degree 11 Monograph
luflfarf>ruri£ 1076
The matter contained herein la officially Issued through the Su preme Council Of the A. M. O. R. C. under the emblem above, which was registered in the United States Patent Office for the purpose of protecting all the "printed, engraved, typewritten, and photographic copies of officially prescribed and copyrighted monographs, dis sertations. scientific postulations, philosophical discourses, academic studies, diagram s, illustrations, and charts" as authorized by the Im perator of A. M. O. R. C. (The above emblem and name of the Order are also registered in countries throughout the world.) All matters herein contained are strictly confidential to the member receiving, and are imparted only as an incident to membership. The ownership of. the legal title, and the right of possession to this monograph is and snail remain in the Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R . C. and It shall be returned to it upon its request. The contents herein are loaned to be used for the sole and exclusive Information of the receiving member and not otherwise. Any other use or attempted use does. Ipso facto, terminate all rights of the member, and is a violation of the Statutes of this Order. A. M. O. R . C. is the only organization authorized to use the R eg istered name and symbols, and the Imperator has sole right to grant the use of them to other allied organizations or movements.
This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion V
•I Once again the Journal of Amiel supplies a thought significant and encouraging. This Frenchman, living largely a life of introspection, has here set forth a truth which applies everywhere to man's progress in life. It is fitting that it be brought to our attention at the close of the work of this Degree. He who is silent is forgotten; he who abstains is ta\en at his word; he tuho does not advance, falls back; he tuho stops is overwhelmed, dis' tanced, crushed; he who ceases to grow greater becomes smaller; he who leaves off, gives up; the stationary condition is the beginning of the end. —AMIEL, 182M881
Temple Section
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Beloved Members, Greetings! This monograph will cover the final stage of your preparation for entrance into the Twelfth Degree. Representing, as it does, the highest esoteric work of the Order, it is fitting that each individually make known his readiness for advancement. In order that that may be done in telligently, one or two matters should be recalled from the work of the Tenth Degree. The letter accompanying the first plained the use of the initials F.R.C. one's signature and indicated how they refer to that letter if you are at all properly.
monograph of the Tenth Degree ex and the triangles (as a part of were to be placed. You should uncertain about how to use them
In the first monograph of the Tenth Degree, it is made plain that only those members considered absolutely loyal and dependable were to be allowed to receive the instruction. One thing in particular was to be remembered; that was that "at one time the Order and its chief ex ecutive had sufficient faith in you, sufficient trust in your loyalty, to extend and offer to you, free from any commercialism, free from any additional expense in the way of fees or dues, those lessons and that instruction, which were, and always will be, held sacredly secret for those who assured us of their loyalty and trust, and who were found worthy up to the time the instruction was given to them." (10:1, Page 2) It is so at the present time: the Order’s faith and trust in you is still sufficient to warrant its extending to you its highest eso teric teachings. In the final monograph of the Tenth Degree, an explanation was offered of the symbolic tomb of Christian Rosenkreuz and the part which all qualified Rosicrucians would play in its opening in the year 2125. Before proceeding further, you should refresh your understanding regarding the exact meaning of such matters. It is already known to many of you that a part of your work in the Twelfth Degree will be in your capacity as members of the Esoteric Hierarchy. Not too much can be said even at this point as to what the Esoteric Hierarchy is other than to assure you of its importance as a spiritual corps of workers within the body of the Rosicrucian Order. It confers upon all who become part of it certain powers, privileges, and rights not of a material or earthly nature and it constitutes a loyal group of Rosicrucians working directly with the Imperator in carrying out the operational progress of the Order and in planning for the next cycle of activity. To be a member of such a body is to enjoy in this incar nation the greatest earthly satisfaction, and to aspire to it, is in itself a work of the true Rosicrucian. No sense of unworthiness or unreadiness should cause one to hesitate. For
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the Rosicrucian, there is no way but forward, and one should have enough integrity to follow in the footsteps of thousands who have entered the Twelfth Degree. The Affirmations, which the tradition of the Order now requires of you, are such as your conscience alone should prompt you to make on the basis of your past knowledge of the Order's integrity and your own desire to fulfill your obligations to the Creator of the Universe, and your fellow men. Within a day or so of receiving this monograph, you are to copy the following exactly in your own handwriting, in ink on plain white stationary approximately 8 1/2" x 11". When you have done so, send the document in a sealed envelope to Mr. Ralph M. Lewis, F.R.C., Temple of Alden, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95191. Such will become a permanent part of the Order's archives and in future times a valuable historical document. *
NOTE: If you have some question in mind regarding your Affirmations or progress, we ask that you correspond solely with the Imperator— until such time as you have sent in your Affirmat ions. Kindly re member, however, that administrative matters, as dues, the regularity of mail, etc., should be directed as usual to the other departments.
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The following, except words in parentheses, is to be copied ex actly in your own handwriting and mailed at your earliest convenience as above instructed! My Affirmations Key No. Name __ Maiden name if woman and married Birthdate ___________ (day, hour if known) ___________ (month)_____ (year) Place ______________ ______________ ______________ __ ___________
(city or town) (county) (State or Province) (Country or Kingdom)
Being convinced that the true and authentic teachings of the world wide brotherhood of the Rosy Cross are to be found in the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, with which I have been associated for a number of years as a student; And having had competent instruction in the outer work of this age-old mystical body, being privileged to pass with the help of prop erly qualified teachers the preliminary and advanced sections of its work; And having made some progress in personal unfoldment toward the true goal of mystic perfection, and being fully convinced of the Or der’s integrity and high purpose; I now make known by these affirmations, my desire and readiness to enter into the highest phases of Rosicrucian work, leading to mem bership in the Esoteric Hierarchy, thereby becoming a visible member of the truly invisible brotherhood of the Great White Lodge. After sincere preparation and due consideration of the honor and responsibility to be mine, I find myself under obligation to the An cient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis— known throughout the world by the popular abbreviation AMORC— for the light it has shed on my life up to this present; therefore, I willingly declare my intention of respecting, defending, and cherishing the spirit and prin ciples of the Order as long as I shall live, even though future conditions, now unforeseen, may cause my withdrawal from the outward, physical Order known as AMORC.
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Realizing to a degree at least, the nature of the Esoteric Hier archy and its importance to the name and nature of Rosicrucian philoso phy, I shall consider its obligations sacred, and solemnly pledge my assistance to the extent of my ability in the great future work of opening the symbolic tomb of C.R-C and making its light available to succeeding ages. Being drawn to ____(name of place) by special ties of inter est, if choice were permitted me, I should spend the remainder of this incarnation there. In my next incarnation, if it is possible, I should choose to be born in (name of place cnr country) and follow the occupation or profession of (fill in according to your desire) If memory permits, I should like to recall this name, _________ as one of special meaning for me. (Any name may be chosen, either a combination of parts of your present name or one of particular signif icance to you, such as Mysticum, Idolas, Marem, Solas, etc. Do not use one of these names, however.) In all things, I declare my intention to work for the glory of God and the benefits of my fellow man as a true Rosicrucian should, both now and forever. In the sacred bonds of our Order, (Date)
(Signature and key number as they appear on your membership card. Affix after your signature the initials and triangles F.R.C.
This m o n o g ra p h it n ot su b je c t to s a le o r p u rc h a se b y a n y o n e . p u rc h a se
m ay
m ake
th e
selle r a n d
p u rc h a se r su b je c t to
A s a le or lia b ility .
Presented with the compliments of the Grand Lodge of AMORC o jtatidZfc i t
I 1
The matter contained herein Is officially issued through the Su preme Council of the A. M. O. R. C. under the emblem above, which was registered in the United States Patent Office for the purpose of protecting all the "printed, engraved, typewritten, and photographic copies o f officially prescribed and copyrighted monographs, dis sertations, scientific postulations, philosophical discourses, academic studies diagram s. Illustrations, and charts" as authorized by the Iniperator of A. M. O. R. C. (The above emblem and name of the Order are also registered in countries throughout the world.) All m atters herein contained are strictly confidential to the member receiving, and are imparted only as an Incident to membership. Tne ownership of. the legal title, and the right of possession to this monograph Is and snail remain in the Supreme Grand Lodge or A. M. O. R . C. and it shall be returned to it upon Its request. The contents herein are loaned to be used for the sole and exclusive information of the receiving member and not otherwise. Any other use or attempted use does, ipso facto, terminate all rights of the member, and is a violation of the Statutes of this Order. A. M. O. R. C. is the only organization authorized to use the R eg istered name and symbols, and the Imperator has sole right to grant the use of them to other allied organizations or movements.
TOPICAL OUTLINE OF THE ELEVENTH DEGREE This Topical Outline differs in form and purpose from the Eleventh Degree Indexes which have just been prepared. Neither the two-part Index nor this Outline is intended to supplant each other; they are intended to supplement each other. Each has a separate and valuable function; the Indexes provide a detailed and complete guide to every important principle, law, exercise, example and paragraph in the entire 167 monographs of this Degree; this Outline provides a quick synoptical guide to the general subject matter of each monograph, in sequence. If you will think of each monograph as a book upon a shelf, and of this Outline as a guide to the titles of those 167 books, you will see the difference clearly. A title does not presume to offer a complete list of contents; it is, rather, merely a key to the contents. So the purpose of this Outline is to provide the student with a list of titles from which he may easily select that ‘volume’ (monograph) he wishes to review. If, while reviewing one particular monograph, he comes across a specific subject which he wishes to review in its entirety, then he can look up that subject in the Indexes and find the numbers of all other monographs which treat of that subject. So, we repeat, the uses of the Indexes and of this Outline are complementary. Where one MAIN topic is pursued through a series of consecutive monographs, such a sequence will be indicated by the underlined word continued immediately following the capitalized main topic; thus you can easily place these extended treatments of a subject by looking for the word continued. For convenience and quick reference, all exercises are listed last in each sum mary of a monograph, regardless of their placement within that particular mono graph; they are further emphasized by capitalizing the word EXERCISE, and describing the exercise itself in underscored words. Thus, you can quickly spot all monographs containing exercises by scanning the last few words of each sum mary: any underscored words there will concern an exercise. If you make it a habit to glance through this Outline periodically and methodi cally, you will gradually bring the immense riches of the Eleventh Degree into a sharper and more useful focus.
The Rosicrucian Order PAGE ONE
MAIN TOPIC: Secondary Topics; References; Exercises, etc.
(In Numerical Sequence) 1.
THE BODY OF C. R-C: National Cycles of Rosicrucian Activi ties; The Great White Brotherhood and the Great White Lodge; Lecture of Guardian of Eleventh Degree; Visible and Invisible Orders.
MASTERSHIP: Error and Sin; Renunciation vs. Overcoming; The Necessity For a Gradual Approach to Great Truths.
SANCTUMS: Home Sanctums; Projections and Privacy; Cave of Kelpius; Early Morning Meditation. EXERCISE: Visualizing Stone Temple Cell.
THE PARABOLA: A Mystical Allegory; The Path - The College The Lion - The Wall - The Rosebush - The Mill - Bride and Bridegroom.
THE PARABOLA, continued: Forty Days - The Rainbow - The Queen and King - Mystical Water; Parabola concluded.
THE PARABOLA, continued: Imperator's Explanation of the Sym bolism and Veiled Laws of The Parabola - first half.
THE PARABOLA, continued: Imperator's Explanation of Second Half of The Parabola. Comment on Stone Temple Cell Exercise.
THE CHYMICAL MARRIAGE: The Christ Consciousness; Henry Khunrath and The Oversoul; Escaping Our Personal Prisons.
THE OBSCURE NIGHT: The Golden Dawn; The Invisible Brother hood; The Portal of the Sanctuary; Failures and Successes of XI.
THE INNER WORD: An Infallible Guide; The Tempter; Moses as a Symbolical Character; The Law of Will and Responsibility. EXERCISE: Meditation for Receiving Personal Inner Word.
THE TEMPTER: Subtle Attempts at Discouraging the Student; New Creative Will Power of The Golden Dawn; Imperator's Discov ery; Through Impersonal to Personal Projects.
FORTY DAYS AND NIGHTS: The Israelites; True Meaning of "Mountain" and "Wilderness"; Elijah, Moses and Jesus; Fasting and Sacrifice; The "Lamb". EXERCISE: Temporary Self-Denials.
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MAIN TOPIC: Secondary Topics; References; Exercises, etc.
MYSTERIES OF LIFE: Difference Between Mundane and Divine Mysteries; Illumination Only Means to Solving Divine Mys teries.
PERSONAL MYSTERIES: Choosing a Personal Mystery for Medita tion; Citizens of the World; The World In Us. DIRECTIVE: Reporting Your Personal Word to the Imperator.
LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Intellectual vs. Spiritual Develop ment; Jacob Boehme; Modern Education Lopsided; Necessary Attitude to Experience the Golden Dawn.
REGENERATION: Great Pyramid Ritual of Rebirth; Individual Cell Consciousness; Jesus and The Holy Ghost; The Baptism of Light; New Creative Powers of The Golden Dawn.
CREATION OF THE WORLD: Seven "Days"; The Garden of Eden; Adam and Eve; Bisexual Origin of Man; Goal of Evolution.
MYSTICAL DIET: Meat vs. Fruit and Vegetable Diets; List of Healthful Foods; Physical and Mental Hygiene.
CONFIDENCE VS. FAITH: Works vs. Words; Confidence The Key to Achievement; Our Goals in Time; Inward vs. Outward Prayer.
THE TWENTY-THIRD PSALM: Its Mystical Symbolism.
THE TEMPTER OF THE THRESHOLD: His Nature and Purpose; The Egyptian Tour Sunrise Ceremony; Personal Mission and Happi ness; Imperator's Mission.
THE TEMPTER, continued: Letter From Member - "Nine Years"; Professional Careers and Time; Special Aptitudes and Time.
THE TEMPTER, continued: Upset Conditions in Our Lives; Leav ing The Order; Changes Resulting From Development.
THE TEMPTER, continued: Extending the Mystical Diet; The Exercise of Patience in Awaiting the Golden Dawn.
PHYSICAL, MENTAL, PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT: A Triple Process; Experiments Not Sure Gauges of Spiritual Growth or Power. THREE MESSAGES FROM MASTERS: Transition and Ascen sion; Prayer and Attunement; Master's Methods of Contact.
The Rosicrucian Order PAGE TH REE
MAIN TOPIC: Secondary Topics; References; Exercises, etc.
THE INVISIBLE FRATERNITY: Inner and Outer Schools; AMORC a Preparatory School; Notice of Probation.
INNER AND OUTER SCHOOLS: Early Secret Activities of The Order; The Fama Fraternitatis; Modern Problems of AMORC.
THE OUTER CIRCLE: Origins of AMORC; Authenticity of Order; AMORC Supported By Invisible Fraternity; Necessity For Our Advertising Methods; Statistics on Propaganda. DETERMINING OUR NEXT LIVES: Corrective Principle of Reincar nation; Selecting a Preferred Position or Occupation.
THE CHRIST AND JESUS: Difference Between Them; The Virgin Birth; Avatars; Notice of Master's Contact.
HOLY GHOST vs. HOLY SPIRIT: Breath of God; The Disciples; The Israelites and The Exodus; Bible References to Holy Spirit; COUNCILS Of Nicaea and Trent; Religious Dogmas.
NEGATIVE SPIRIT: Obsession and Possession; Three States of Balance; Imperceptibility of Development; Changing Tastes. "I AM THE WAY": Jesus and His Interpreters; Understanding The Bible; The King and His Son; Earning Our Heritage in Exile.
THE MESSIAH: Ancient Jewish and Modern Misconceptions About Avatars, Akhnaton, Moses, and The Jews; Modern Messiahs.
EARLY CLASSES OF AMORC: Beginnings of the Tenth Degree; The Problems of Progress; Attunement Between Members of The 11th.
PSYCHICAL RESEARCH: Improper Approach and Methods of Material Scientists; Lodge and Loeb; Cosmic Law vs. Human Challenge; Story of The Doctor of XI and The Blind Girl He Cured.
V^8. 39.
JESUS AND HIS MIRACLES: Exceptions to God's Laws; The Divine Conception; Spiritual Powers and Emergencies. PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT: Growth of The Inner Consciousness; The Additional Nature of Growth; Centering of Inner Conscious ness 40.
PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT: The Checkerboard Analogy; Character and Personality Contrasted; The Basic Drives and Desires.
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The Rosicrucian Order PAGE FOUR
MAIN TOPIC: Secondary Topics; References; Exercises, etc.
CONTROL OF DESIRES: Good and Evil; Sex and Sin; Diet and Dietetics; Regulation vs. Suppression; Replacing Negative Habits.
EXERCISES VS. EXPERIMENTS: Ethics of Demonstrations; Imperator Demonstrates Transmutation; Mystical Ethics; Buddhist Ethics; Gambling and Adultery; Alchoholic Drinks; Stock Promotions.
THE SPIRAL EXERCISE: Influence of Moon Cycles; Missions. EXERCISE: Visualizing The Infinite Spiral.
VALUE OF HISTORY: Causation; Purpose of This Series of Mono graphs; Beginnings of Civilization; EXERCISE: Projection to an Early Period of History.
HISTORY OF EGYPT: Nile Valley; First Egyptians; Natural Forces Apotheosized; Incense Chant; Prayer; EXERCISE: Use of Incense and Ra.
HISTORY OF EGYPT: Knowledge and Individual Experience; Pyramid Texts; Survival of Self; EXERCISE: Concept of Deity and Prayer.
HISTORY OF EGYPT: Hymns in the Pyramid Texts; Afterlife; Purification; Suggestion; EXERCISE: Bowl of Water, Cross on Forehead, Unwanted Idea.
HISTORY OF EGYPT: Book of Ptah-Hotep; Character and Moral Impulses; EXERCISE: Cosmic Impulses and Daily Acts.
HISTORY OF EGYPT: Manetho and Menes; Egyptian Gods; Ptah and Memphite Theology; Influence on the Logos Doctrine and Kabala; EXERCISE: Creative Thoughts.
HISTORY OF EGYPT: Middle Kingdom; Coffin Texts; Amenemhet I; Heads of Estates; Magic; EXERCISE: Analysis of Natural Phenomena and God.
HISTORY OF EGYPT: Moses and Magic? Government and Life in the Middle Kingdom; Reason Versus Emotion; EXERCISE: Intuition and Plans for Tomorrow. 52.
HISTORY OF EGYPT: Pessimism and Confusion in the Middle Kingdom; Necessity of Reconstructing Values; Sensual Pleasures; Knowledge of Man's Limitations through Self-analysis; Counsels of King Intef; Counsel of Amenemhet; EXERCISE: Self-analysis.
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MAIN TOPIC: Secondary Topics; References; Exercises, etc.
HISTORY OF EGYPT: New Kingdom; Thutmose III/ His Conquests and Obelisks; Support of Religion and Mystery Schools; His Mystical Experience; Amenhotep II; Thutmose IV; Sphinx; EXERCISE: Meditation on Good.
HISTORY OF EGYPT: Religion of the Eighteenth Dynasty: Art and Religion; The Gods Re and Amon; The Soul or Ba; The Self or Ka; Myth of Osiris; EXERCISE: Meditation on Soul and Self.
HISTORY OF EGYPT: Osiris Mysteries; Hieroglyphic Writings Were Symbolic; Amenhotep III, the Builder; Amenhotep IV; The Sun God Aton; The New City; EXERCISE: Cosmic Attunement.
HISTORY OF EGYPT: The City of Akhetaton; Akhnaton's Hymns and Religion; Political Unrest; Art During His Reign; Akhnaton's Transition; EXERCISE: Meditation on Akhnaton's Life.
HISTORY OF BABYLONIA: Cyrus Defeated the Chaldeans; Babylo nian Cosmology; Effect of Astral Forces; Darius the Great; Alexander the Great; Ptolemy and Alexandrian Greek Culture; EXERCISE: Moon Cycles.
ALEXANDRIAN MUSEUM: Library and Schools; Main Points of Gnos ticism; Pistis Sophia; EXERCISE: Intuition, Illumination.
GNOSTICISM: Fall of Sophia; Nature of Aeons and Opposites; Redemption of Man; Reincarnation; Christianity and Gnosti cism; EXERCISE: Meditation on Gnostic and Rosicrucian Con cepts of Mystical Experience.
LETTERS TO THE IMPERATOR: Progress of the Student.
COSMIC ATTUNEMENT: The Lovers Analogy; Absent Healing; The Celestial Sanctum; Health As Harmony; Reserve Vitality In Emergencies.
COSMIC ATTUNEMENT: The Triangle With Point Downward; Being a Channel for the Cosmic.
UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS: Meditation and Contemplation; Public Opinion; Mind and Brain; Individual and Universal Conscious ness. 64.
THE OVER-ALL EXERCISE: Reverse Method; New Effects; Rejuvenation; Maier's Tripus Aureus.
The Rosicrucian Order PAGE SIX
MAIN TOPIC: Secondary Topics; References; Exercises, etc.
INNER PEACE: Contentment and Peace Based On Understanding; Contact With Masters According to Grade of Cosmic Conscious ness; Progress Is Made Here On Earth.
PLANES OF COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: Between Incarnations; SubPlanes; Unconscious Progress; Where We Are Today.
PLANES OF COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: Evolution, Physical and Psy chic; Poverty and Privation as Methods of Development; Evolu tion Is Individual.
PLANES OF COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: Gods of the Planes; Symbols of Planes and of Ascent; Symbols and Names of God.
PLANES OF COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: Meditation and Contemplation; Over-all Exercise; Serious Students and Those Who Drop Out; Plane of Individual Student; Outer and Inner Selves; "When the Student Is Ready"; Mission In Life.
PLANES OF COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: Chaldean Oracles; Prayer of Proclus; The Paternal Order and the Angelic Order; Mystical Analysis of Chaldean Religion.
PLANES OF COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Simplicity, Key to Insight; The Body and Sin; Suppression vs. Elimination.
PLANES OF COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Comprehension Of God; Superintellect; Raising Ourselves Through Effort.
PLANES OF COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, concluded: Regeneration; Reduction of Disease; The Twelfth Degree, Its Purpose.
\/ 74. /is.
THE COSMIC TESTS: The Third Eye; Psychic Vision Analyzed, EXERCISE: Concentration On Third Eye Center. THE COSMIC TESTS, continued: The Left Lobe of the Brain; Finger Radiations. EXERCISE: Left Fingers To Left Temple. THE COSMIC TESTS, continued: Psychic Sounds and Hearing. EXERCISE: Forefingers In Ears With Rhythmic Breathing.
\/7- THE COSMIC TESTS, continued: Concealing Higher Degrees. EXERCISE: Forefingers To Neck Areas - Throat Aid. THE COSMIC TESTS, continued: The Thyroid Gland and Regeneration; The Alchemists and Health; The Human Laboratory. EXERCISE: Forefingers To Thyroid With Concentration.
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MONO. ^79.
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MAIN TOPIC: Secondary Topics; References; Exercises, etc. THE COSMIC TESTS, continued: Alchemy And Celibacy? Temperance vs. Repression; Ritualistic Sex Practices. THE COSMIC TESTS, continued: Number of Cosmic Planes; signif icance of Violet Lights in Auras and Sanctums.
THE COSMIC TESTS, continued: Imperator's Experiences With The Violet Haze; Invisibility Photographically Proved. EXERCISE: Joined Fingertips And Aura Expansion.
lA 2 . THE COSMIC TESTS, continued: Practical Benefits of Mysticism; The Thyroid Gland and Cyclical Influences of It. EXERCISE: Fingertips To Thyroid With Deep Breathing. \4'-3.
THE COSMIC TESTS, continued: Mesmer and Odic Emanations; Ectoplasm; The Aura and Skin Conditions; Handkerchief Test.
THE COSMIC TESTS, continued: Ancient and Modern Supersti tions; The "Mountain'1; Broadening of Understanding.
THE COSMIC TESTS, continued: The Human Aura; Dr. Cruikshank's Chair; Jesus' Aura and His Healings.
THE COSMIC TESTS, concluded: Eastern vs. Western Development; Cycles of The Sun; Rates of Progress; Projection In Orient vs. Occident; Our Fast Living and Its Consequences.
EMINENT ROSICRUCIANS: Persecution of the unorthodox in the past; secrecy of the Order; four indications of membership; prominent individuals and the teachings.
MANTRAS: Sounds and psychic states; creative word in Baby lonia, Egypt, Greece, and the Bible; speech, language, and emotions; exercise on animal sounds.
MANTRAS, continued: Origin and development of speech; vocal cords; production and effect of vowels; Lost Word; effect of sound; exercise on effect of sounds.
MANTRAS, continued: Nature of mantras; their purpose and function; meaning and form; projection and assumption; the mantra is a means to an end; superstitious use of mantras; exercise on symbols of feelings. 91.
MANTRAS, continued: Semantics; Mantras as symbols; cultural and individual elements; objects, etc., used with them; form and meaning; experiment of subconscious design.
The Rosicrucian Order PAGE EIGHT
MAIN TOPIC: Secondary Topics; References; Exercises, etc.
MANTRAS, continued: Influence of mantra through attunement; mantra corresponds to the Cosmic; Amuletism; kinds of man tras; their use; exercise meditating on the ankh, life, and immortality.
MANTRAS, continued; Effects of mantras; impressions, symbols, and mantras; projection, visualization, and mantras; music and mantras; magic.
MANTRAS, continued: Lost Word, Logos, and its creative power.
MANTRAS, continued: Nature and function of ritual; elements and purposes; function of mantras in ritual; a ritual to be performed.
TEMPLE AND THE EAST: Natural phenomena and ceremonies; the Sun; the directions; orientation of the temple; mystical meaning of the East.
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: Da Vinci and Von Eckartshausen; Unity of Science and Religion; Wide Talents of Illuminated Persons.
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Cosmology; The Three Circles or Planes; Cosmic and Spiritual Planes Contrasted; Difficulty of Translating Cosmic Impressions Into Earthly Forms.
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Akhnaton and His Critics; Old Meaning of Insanity; Various Skills of The Illuminated.
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Problems caused by lack of Cosmic Attunement. Attunement by meditation solves them.
01. ^10 2. j 10 3.
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Cosmic Illumination and the Cathedral of the Soul. What Cosmic Consciousness is. COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Three forms of consciousness, simple, self, and Cosmic. Manifestation of Cosmic Consciousness. COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Cosmic embraces all. Cosmic Consciousness is Divine Intelligence and works through objective intelligence. vA04.
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Cosmic law is impersonal. Petition the Cosmic. Help yourself.
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MONO. 105. 6.
The Rosicrucian Order
MAIN TOPIC: Secondary Topics; References; Exercises, etc. COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Cosmic Consciousness a process of development acquired by each individual. COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Monition is intuitive ques tion and answer. What to do with it. Offer oneself to the Cosmic at night.
10 7.
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: The Sacred Casket. tion for Cosmic Consciousness. ’ X^PuUic&)
10 8.
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Cell Consciousness; The Threefold Functions of Perfected Cells; Origin of Fanatical Oriental Rites; Rosicrucian Screening of Outmoded Methods.
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: The Tonsils; The Racing Dogs Analogy; Collective Function of Cells; Heart, Lungs, Kidneys.
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Gradual Desire for Isola tion, Simplicity and Cleanliness; Change of Tastes and Interests.
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Yoga Systems of Breathing; Analysis of Nous; The Flaw in The Yoga Breathing Exercises; Reserve Vitality and Healing Powers.
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Subconscious Knowledge; Instinct; Knowledge vs. Wisdom; Universal Knowledge; Da Vinci; Past, Future, and The Universal Now; Prophecy and Prevision.
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, continued: Multiplicity of Cosmic Impressions; The Bone Darning Needle Example; Subjective Memories. EXERCISE: Isolating One Musical Instrument for Concentration.
CONCENTRATION: Involves Isolating One Sense; The Smoker's Example; Suspension of Self-Consciousness in Cosmic Con sciousness. EXERCISE: Projecting Self Into Landscape Paint ing.
ANALOGICAL INTERPRETATION: Symbols of Communication; Visual izing. EXERCISE: Memorizing Details Of A Building or Scene. 116.
THE DEVIL: The Tempter of The Threshold; The Double Battle of Mystics; Importance of Practice; Primitive Instincts; Future Race and Development of Members.
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The Rosicrucian Order PAGE TEN
MAIN TOPIC: Secondary Topics; References: Exercises, etc.
THE VEIL OF INVISIBILITY: Demonstrated by Jesus; A Polariza tion of Light; The Sunlight Example; Not Something, But "Nothing." EXERCISE: Creating The Veil of Invisibility.
THE VEIL OF INVISIBILITY, continued: Effect Upon Health; Effect of Colors; List of Colors To be Tested in Sequence. EXERCISE: Turning Veil Into Single-Colored Aura - Red.
THE VEIL OF INVISIBILITY, continued: Effect of Yellow; Individual Colors; Complementary Colors; Vitalizing Effect of Colors.
THE VEIL OF INVISIBILITY, continued: Color and Sight; Color and Sound; Color and Music; Personal Notes and Colors.
THE COLOR ORGAN: Built By Dr. H. Spencer Lewis; Demonstrated in 1933; Effect Upon Deaf Persons Proves Psychic Factor; Chopin and Debussy; Jacquet; First American Organ in Penn sylvania.
THE SPECTRUM: Vowel Sounds and Colors; The Aura; Ultra High Frequency Forces; Changes in Diet; Health Foods and Health.
12 3.
PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT: Invisible Skills; Emergencies and Demon strations; The Thyroid Gland; Functions of the Thyroid. EXERCISE: Fingers and Color to Stimulate The Thyroid.
SECRET FORMULAS: Mystical Shorthand; Origin of Rituals. EXERCISE: Formula P.-M.-R., East and West.
SCIENCE, EXOTERIC AND ESOTERIC: Relative Value of Material and Spiritual; Immutability of Esoteric Laws. EXERCISE: Cosmic Aspiration Following Formula P.-M.-R.
STRENGTH: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual; Woodrow Wilson and Mahatma Gandhi; Concentration as Exercise.
NIRVANA: Buddha - His Life of Service; True Meaning of Nirvana; Balancing The Physical and Spiritual Natures. EXERCISE: Release of Consciousness Into Space.
128. n/t he LOST WORD: Esoteric Unity of Judaism and Christianity. EXERCISE: The Four Elements On The Island, Plus Lost Word. 129.
"I AM THE WAY": Esoteric Analysis and Interpreta tion. EXERCISE: The Egg of Light.
The Rosicrucian Order
MAIN TOPIC: Secondary Topics; References; Exercises, etc.
JESUS - LEGEND AND FACT: Anticipated By Mystics of Many Schools; His Human Side Emphasized By The Church; His Previ ous Incarnations and Projections Minimized; Mystery of The Christ Consciousness; The True Second Coming. EXERCISE: The Egg Of Light And The Ascending Spiral.
JESUS, continued: A Human Being Up To His Baptism; The Dove, Symbol of: The Holy Ghost; The Duality of Jesus; The Woman of Samaria; Religion and Mysticism Contrasted.
JESUS, continued: "The Word Made Flesh" - Esoteric Interpre tation ;-The—cHFTst Principle; Unimportance of Race; The Ultimate Baptism and Regeneration of All Mystics.
JESUS, continued: Three Sources of Jesus’ Knowledge; His Audiences; The Disciples; Twelve and Twelve Times Twelve.
JESUS, continued: Grace - Esoteric Analysis; Bible Refer ences; A form of Cosmic Consciousness; Oriental Concepts of God; Pagan Notions of Grace; Origins of Moral Law.
NATURAL LAW: Human Law; Moses and The Ten Commandments; False Notions of God; Fruits of The Harmonized Life.
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: The First Commandment; False Gods; Money - Vanities - Appetites; Enslavement and Freedom.
THE NATURE OF SIN: Theological Absurdities; Laws of Self; Personal Paths to God; Sin a Violation of Personal Right.
ASSUMPTION: Invisible Nature of Spiritual Power. Assumption of Personality of Next Incarnation.
ASSUMPTION, continued: The Pioneers Analogy; Transition as a Golden Opportunity; The Lost Word Reversed. EXERCISE: Reversed Word Three Times Morning and Evening.
ASSUMPTION, continued: Monastic Life Selfish; Purpose of Reincarnation; Unfulfilled Desires and Unexpressed Talents; Choosing Our Field of Activity for Next Life.
THE ROSY CROSS: Symbolism of Cross and Rose; Properties of Dew; Ancient Chant of Ad Rosam Per Crucem. EXERCISE: Ad Rosam Per Crucem with Reversed Word. 142.
MAGIC AND MAGICIANS: Ethics of Professional Magi cians; Oriental Tricksters; A True Magical Formula. EXERCISE: Ambetta - Embatta Following Chant.
The Rosicrucian Order PAGE TWELVE
MAIN TOPIC: Secondary Topics; References; Exercises, etc.
MYSTERIES OF WATER: Chemical/ Electrical and Mystical Proper ties of Water; Review of Glass of Water Exercise; Evapora tion; Bowl of Water in Sanctums and Bedrooms. EXERCISE: Magnetizing Water and Using Sanctum Bowl.
MYSTERIES OF WATER, continued: Baptism and Lake Fayum; Sleep ing Directions; Magnetism of Cold Water; Rites of Purifica tion; Petitioning the Cosmic in Purity.
THE NEW RACE: Race Fallacies; Cosmic Cycles; Mystical Powers of New Race; Review of Experiments and Exercises.
THE THIRD EYE: The Atlanteans and The Third Eye; The Fall of Atlantis; Clairvoyance; Business Men and "Hunches."
KARMA: Criminals and Conscience; Riches and Poverty; Jesus and The Rich Man; The Mystical Doctrine of Moderation.
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COSMIC ATTUNEMENT: Musical Analogies; The Rosebush; Contact a Matter of Daily Living and Thinking.
THE ROSICRUCIAN LIFE: The Pietists of 1694; Charles Dana Dean; Obligations of Members; Development of the Aura. EXER CISE: Folded Arms To Intensify The Aura.
DREAMS AND PSYCHIC EXPERIENCES: Irrational Nature of Dreams; Sense of Dual Consciousness in Psychic State. EXERCISE: Folded Arms Going To Sleep.
THE AURA: Electrical Disturbances; Radio Analogies; Folded Arms Exercise; Folded Arms in Ritual and Ancient Art. EXER CISE: Left Palm to Left Temple in Morning.
PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT: Example of The Twelve Disciples; The Great Variety of Human Expression; Invisibility of Achieve ment.
THE PERSONAL WORD: Words and Meanings; Cosmic Missions; Con cepts vs. Analysis; Preparing for Next Life; Charity vs. Service. EXERCISE: Seeking Personal Word.
THE PERSONAL WORD, continued: Those Who Have No Word Yet; The Rockefellers' Public Works; Imperator's Mission. 155.
THE PERSONAL WORD, continued: Dual Nature of Karma; Examples of Karmic Adjustments; Karma of Omissions and Attitudes.
The Rosicrucian Order
MAIN TOPIC: Secondary Topics; References; Exercises, etc.
CONTACTING THE MASTERS: "When The Pupil Is Ready"; Music and Art Training Analogies; Limitations of Amateurism.
CONTACTING THE MASTERS, continued: Popular Misconceptions; Conditions for Contacts; Number of Masters; Personal Protec tion; Inspiration; Symbols of Identification; Incense; Effects of Meat, Alcohol, Tobacco and Emotional States.
CONTACTING THE MASTERS, continued: Difficulties of Translat ing Inner Impressions into Objective Terms.
CONTACTING THE MASTERS, continued: The Masters not Divine Beings; The Masters Not All In Tibet; Space and Time; Napoleon's Cross; Human Imperfection vs. R.C. Ideals.
CONTACTING THE MASTERS, continued: "Performing" Masters; Protective Guidance; Artistic Inspiration; Music as Aid.
CONTACTING THE MASTERS, continued: Oriental Incense; Master's Incense; Master's Music; Robes, Scrolls and Symbols.
CONTACTING THE MASTERS, continued: Invisible Guidance; Inde pendent Action; Imperator's Methods and Work.
16 3.
CONTACTING THE MASTERS, continued: The Eternal Order; Person ality Changes; Judging Others; Francis Bacon.
CONTACTING THE MASTERS, continued: Napoleon - His Inner and Outer Lives Contrasted; Character Changes; The Members of The Eleventh Degree and Future Rosicrucian Cycles.
PREPARATIONS FOR ENTERING THE TWELFTH DEGREE: Imperator's Mission; Warning to Doubters; Conditions for Advancement.
16 6.
PORTAL OF THE TWELFTH DEGREE: Karmic Causes Behind The Affiliation of Members; The Invisible Empire; Spiritual Pioneers; The New Society.
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